Re: mysql_pconnect() made things worse

2006-12-01 Thread Jacques Marneweck

Brian Dunning wrote:
I have many sites accessing one MySQL server, all using the same IP, 
username, password via a PHP $connection = 

The server is extremely busy, hammered 24x7, but almost all traffic is 
coming from one very short script. About once a day we're getting No 
database selected with that one table busy and the only way out is 
mysqladmin flush-hosts.

In that one busy script, I replaced mysql_connect() with 
mysql_pconnect() according to some advice I received, and the server 
immediately went back to No database selected and all hung up.

Everything I read seemed to indicate that what I did should have made 
things better, not worse. Can someone suggest what my next steps 
should be?
Check your max_connections setting which shows how many connections your 
server will allow at any time:

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%connections%';

And checking status:

SHOW STATUS LIKE '%connections%';

Will tell you how many connections you've used simultaneously.


Jacques Marneweck

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Re: unable to create function in MySQL 5.0

2006-12-01 Thread Jacques Marneweck

Ted Yu wrote:

I got an error that I don't understand:

Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or
Your MySQL connection id is 3080 to server version:

mysql create function do_system returns integer
soname ''//
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'mysql.proc' doesn't exist


It's a known MySQL bug -

Use the schema mentioned there to recreate the mysql proc table.


Jacques Marneweck

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MySQL 5.0.27

2006-10-31 Thread Jacques Marneweck


What impact does the MySQL 5.0.27 ABI changes have on various components 
available from the MySQL Website:

 * OBDC 3.51
 * php pdo-mysql
 * php ext/mysql

Does the ABI breakage which this release fixes cause issues when 
connecting from 5.0.26 clients or only for clients which use 
functionality which was broken by the MySQL ABI?


Jacques Marneweck

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Re: MySQL 5.1

2006-10-20 Thread Jacques Marneweck

Sid Lane wrote:
any update on the 5.1 general release date?  is it still on target for 
Q4 -

Q1?  any narrower window?

Last I heard, Q2 next year.


On 8/30/06, Colin Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Logan, David (SST - Adelaide) wrote:


 Does anybody have any idea when 5.1 may come to General Release? I am
 particularly interested in MySQL Cluster as I have several databases
 (around 50) totalling 26Gb and would like to consider moving to this
 version because of the Cluster Disk Data Storage and the fact the
 current hardware doesn't have the RAM requirements to hold these

I expect late (Q4/2006) to early (Q1/2007) as a good time for release.

 I plan to store the data on a SAN and was wondering if anybody had any
 experience with this as yet?

This is why you're after 5.1, so you get disk as opposed to memory only
based storage then
Colin Charles, Community Engineer
MySQL AB, Melbourne, Australia,
Office: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / +46 18 174 400 ext. 4528
Mobile: +614 12 593 292 / Skype: colincharles

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Jacques Marneweck

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Re: Which to download

2006-10-19 Thread Jacques Marneweck

Ratheesh K J wrote:

Hello all,

Just wanted to know what is the difference between

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 RPM (x86) downloads and
Linux x86 generic RPM (dynamically linked) downloads

Which one should I download for a RHEL 3 system?

Hi Ratheesh,

Use the RHEL3 one.



Ratheesh Bhat K J


Jacques Marneweck

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Re: How to speed up query of indexed column with 5M rows?

2006-10-09 Thread Jacques Marneweck
Dan Buettner wrote:
 bowen -

 Right now, it appears your performance hinges on I/O to the disk drive.

 The reason you are seeing fast performance when querying against the
 primary key(SELECT COUNT(*)) is it is only reading from the index,
 which is probably all in memory. When you do a SELECT * even when
 against an indexed field, it has to access the table data, not just
 the index, so it hits the disk drive.
MyISAM tables always have that row count available hence the reason why
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table is always fast.


 There are a couple of things you can do to improve speed, probably a
 fair amount in this case:
 1 - increase amount of RAM in machine. This will allow more data to
 be cached in memory, for faster access. When MySQL first starts up,
 performance may be slow, as it reads from disk to fill the caches, but
 then will be fast going forward.
 2 - install some sort of striped disk storage system to allow faster
 access to data on disk. Not as fast as RAM but still a big boost, and
 performance will be more consistent.

 I'd recommend doing both if possible.


 On 10/9/06, bowen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How to speed up query of indexed column with 5M rows?

 I have a table with more than 5M rows. (400M .MYD 430M .MYI).

 It took 27 seconds to do a common select...where... in the index column.

 I can not bear the long run.

 Vmstat show that system was bounded by IO busy.(Always more than 13000
 bi/s, blocks input / second .)

 I increase some options to speed up query.
 I try SET GLOBAL key_buffer_size=256*1024*1024, the query still need
 14 seconds.
 try read_buffer_size = 2M again, down to 9s.

 It is a great improvement, but the result still can not be acceptable,
 no matter to multiple query.

 Is there any method to speed up the query. I found the select by
 primary key of the 5M Row is very quickly(0.05s).

 I found if it is IO busy, process will hang much time for loading. If
 index is cached in memory, process will be much more faster.

 Bottleneck is IO performance. How to improve mysql io performance?

 Mysql 4.1.21 + linux 2.6.17 + 512M memory + IDE Disk udma5

 CREATE TABLE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `flow` (
 `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `owner` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
 `uuid` varchar(36) NOT NULL default '',
 `length` int(11) default '0',
 `time` int(11) default '0',
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `flow_uuidindex` (`uuid`),
 KEY `flow_nameindex` (`name`),
 KEY `flow_fk_owner` (`owner`)

 mysql explain select * from flow where owner=11251;

 | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len |
 ref | rows | Extra |

 | 1 | SIMPLE | flow | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 5122593 |
 Using where |

 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql explain select * from flow where owner=11251;
 Empty set (18.82 sec)

 If there is no method to improve, can you advise me a redesign of table?
 I think there is a way to do if I only use unique key in where.


 Owner index was 253285 unique owner, probably means user. On average,
 one user have 20 flows.
 mysql select count(*) from owner;
 | count(*) |
 | 253285 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 Sorry for misspell of gid. It is uuid of the flow. I think I should
 redesign the table. But how to solve the huge one-multiple

 The flow table is the only largest table in the database, the others
 are relative small just like the owner table size.

 I have a design. Create an additinal field in owner table to store the
 pk(or uuid) of flows owned by this user. Than use a store procedure to
 update this field called by changing to the flow table. But I think it
 is a bad design, right ? And also mysql 4.1.x do not support store
 procedure. I do not want to migrate the whole database, and I am sure
 there are some incompatible.


Jacques Marneweck

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Re: Can I set many IP address with bind-address ? If not, how can do same thing ?

2006-10-03 Thread Jacques Marneweck

KLEIN Stéphane wrote:


Can I set many IP address with bind-address ? If not, how can do same 
thing ?

In documentation, I read this :


The IP address to bind to.

They don't say if I can use comma to separate two or many IP.

Thanks for your help,

Hi Stephane,

You can only specify one IP address to bind to.


Jacques Marneweck

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Stored Procedure issues

2006-09-19 Thread Jacques Marneweck


I have a bit of a weird question.  A couple of rows in a table I'm 
importing with data has WW_D_D_D style row content which is 
different from the usual WW_DD format data which many millions of 
rows contain.  During the process of normalising the data is there any 
way to distinguish during a stored procedure which format is being used 
prior to deciding how to store the extra D_D_D differently to the DD one?

CREATE FUNCTION `addpackage` (application VARCHAR(10)) RETURNS int(11)
 DECLARE number_id INT;
 DECLARE number_check VARCHAR(2);
 DECLARE duplicate_key CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE '23000';
 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR duplicate_key SET @duplicate = 1;
 SET @duplicate = 0;

 SELECT SUBSTRING(application from 8 for 2) INTO number_check;

 IF number_check = '' THEN
   RETURN '-1';

 INSERT INTO packages (package_id, client_id, package_name) VALUES 
(SUBSTRING(application from 8 for 2), 0, '');
 SELECT package_id INTO number_id FROM packages WHERE 
package_id=SUBSTRING(application from 8 for 2);

 RETURN number_id;
END $$


Jacques Marneweck

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Re: MySQL 5.1

2006-08-29 Thread Jacques Marneweck

Logan, David (SST - Adelaide) wrote:

Hi Folks,
Does anybody have any idea when 5.1 may come to General Release? I am

particularly interested in MySQL Cluster as I have several databases
(around 50) totalling 26Gb and would like to consider moving to this
version because of the Cluster Disk Data Storage and the fact the
current hardware doesn't have the RAM requirements to hold these

Robin from MySQL has said Q1 2007.  Kai and Max have both mentioned Q4 2006.
I plan to store the data on a SAN and was wondering if anybody had any

experience with this as yet?
I have current thoughts along the lines of
2 x Pentium 4 1Ghz, 1Gb RAM as management nodes

4 x Pentium 4 1Ghz, 1Gb RAM as SQL nodes
2 x Pentium 4 1Ghz (x 8 cpus), 8Gb RAM as data nodes
You will have two copies of the data on those two data nodes.  Kai 
demonstrated MySQL Cluster on 5.1.11 running four data nodes on his 
laptop, which basically allows one to have two copies of data mirrored 
over two nodes (see quickly hacked picture).  At least with having more 
data nodes one had two copies of data you reduce the single point of 
failure.  Having more data nodes allows you to split up data across 
nodes, etc.

The databases are currently running, replicating and serving around 800

queries per second utilising a 100M network.

** _/ **  David Logan 
***   _/ ***  ITO Delivery Specialist - Database

*_/*  Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd
_/_/_/  _/_/_/    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   _/  _/  _/  _/     Desk:   +618 8408 4273
  _/  _/  _/_/_/  Mobile: 0417 268 665
*_/   **
**  _/    Postal: 148 Frome Street,

   _/ **  Adelaide SA 5001

Jacques Marneweck

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Stability of MySQL 5.1.11

2006-08-07 Thread Jacques Marneweck


I'm wondering what the status of MySQL 5.1.11 is regarding the roadmap 
for 5.1 changing from beta to generally available?


Jacques Marneweck

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Re: Runing MySQL on boot

2005-11-18 Thread Jacques Marneweck
Andrew Kuebler wrote:
 I'm running FreeBSD and MySQL version 4.1. How do I get FreeBSD to load
 MySQL on boot? I don't see a script file that came with the installation.

 Thank you.

Hi Andrew,

You need edit your /etc/rc.conf file and add the following line:


Which basically tells the script that MySQL should be started when the
server boots up.


Jacques Marneweck

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Re: Should I buy commercial license?

2005-10-21 Thread Jacques Marneweck

Kenji HIROHAMA wrote:

(I've posted to forums, but also send to this ML.)


I took a look at, but I still have a question about
commercial license.

If we build and host a web-system with MySQL, which provide services
to customers not for free.
Customers pay for our services.

In this case, we don't distribute our softwre/system directly to our customers.

I heard from someone of MySQL AB, probaly CEO, that people should buy
commercial license if MySQL Server is used for their business. (in
other words, making profit with MySQL Server.)

Should we buy commercial license in my case?

Hi Hirohama,

Due to the fact that MySQL is licensed under a dual licensing system, 
you do not need to purchase a license of MySQL for using the database 
software for commercial use.  You have a choice in the case that you 
don't like the terms of the GPL license[1], you can choose to license 
the software under a commercial license[2] from MySQL AB.

For example you write a web interface to access data stored on a MySQL 
database, you do not need a license for MySQL, in terms of the GPL and 
you can freely utilise any version of MySQL which has been licensed 
under the GPL even if they change the license for future versions of 
MySQL you can continue to use the last version which was released under 
the GPL.




Jacques Marneweck

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RE: MySQL Server - automatic shutdown

2004-05-26 Thread Jacques Marneweck
Hi Sheni,

I would start by running MySQL 3.23.58 which is the latest released version
of the MySQL 3.23 branch.  Also running MySQL on FreeBSD with linuxthreads

If you cvsup your ports collection doing something like:

cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql323-server

If you use portupgrade remember to use portupgrade -v mysql-server -M

I tend to find running MySQL with linuxthreads and built with some
optimisations improves MySQL's speed on


-Original Message-
From: Sheni R. Meledath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 26 May 2004 08:29 AM
To: MySQL Masters
Subject: MySQL Server - automatic shutdown


We are using MySQL database on a FreeBSD server. The problem we are facing
is sometimes the MySQL server is automatically shutting down. There is no
error logged on the server. The entry in the log file
040525 21:52:37  /usr/local/mysql-3.23.49/libexec/mysqld: Normal shutdown

This happened more than once in the last 2 months. Can anybody help me to
fix this problem on the server.

Sheni R Meledath

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Counting values from two different tables:

2004-02-19 Thread Jacques Marneweck
Hi all,

I'm basically trying to get a count of banner ad impresssions and banner ad
click-thrus from phpAdsNew into a simple report on another site to figure
out how to accurately get the stats to pass onto php and smarty to output
onto a webpage for a user to see their stats on an application I'm working

mysql SELECT MD5(phpads_banners.url) AS md5_url, MD5(phpads_banners.status)
AS md5_status, COUNT(DISTINCT phpads_adviews.t_stamp) AS adviews,
COUNT(phpads_adclicks.t_stamp) AS adclicks FROM phpads_banners LEFT JOIN
phpads_clients ON phpads_banners.clientid=phpads_clients.clientid LEFT JOIN
phpads_adviews ON phpads_adviews.bannerid=phpads_banners.bannerid LEFT JOIN
phpads_adclicks ON phpads_adclicks.bannerid=phpads_banners.bannerid WHERE
phpads_banners.clientid=phpads_clients.clientid AND
phpads_clients.parent='1' AND
(phpads_adviews.bannerid=phpads_banners.bannerid OR
phpads_adclicks.bannerid=phpads_banners.bannerid) GROUP BY
(phpads_banners.bannerid) ORDER BY phpads_banners.imageurl ASC LIMIT 0, 5;
| md5_url  | md5_status   |
adviews | adclicks |
| 6cf98f14f2313c246d3b558ba43ba252 | 8d36cad0e1fc395e7f931054ba4526a1 |
615 |  616 |
| f94fba911bf6f75b654c48652b267a25 | 24e870981b14670bc5088553d2c2e923 |
1147 | 1165 |
| a6d2869ac7ec767967adc794d1a65b6a | 6492c8df730871ea95c4467e474971c1 |
691 |  694 |
| 8842f977ef2e9fa7cec00e1922a25f4f | 9d880b3da1e3403116afc2bafe828478 |
607 |  607 |
| da790b58ee2c0c04f3a4197017e7c246 | 3b9a5b211a931e991afdcd5aedebc8f6 |
1192 | 1212 |
5 rows in set (0.56 sec)

mysql SELECT DISTINCT MD5(phpads_banners.url) AS md5_url,
MD5(phpads_banners.status) AS md5_status, COUNT(DISTINCT
phpads_adviews.t_stamp) AS adviews, COUNT(phpads_adclicks.t_stamp) AS
adclicks FROM phpads_banners LEFT JOIN phpads_clients ON
phpads_banners.clientid=phpads_clients.clientid LEFT JOIN phpads_adviews ON
phpads_adviews.bannerid=phpads_banners.bannerid LEFT JOIN phpads_adclicks ON
phpads_adclicks.bannerid=phpads_banners.bannerid WHERE
phpads_banners.clientid=phpads_clients.clientid AND
phpads_clients.parent='1' AND
(phpads_adviews.bannerid=phpads_banners.bannerid OR
phpads_adclicks.bannerid=phpads_banners.bannerid) GROUP BY
(phpads_banners.bannerid) ORDER BY phpads_banners.imageurl ASC LIMIT 0, 5;
| md5_url  | md5_status   |
adviews | adclicks |
| 6cf98f14f2313c246d3b558ba43ba252 | 8d36cad0e1fc395e7f931054ba4526a1 |
615 |  616 |
| f94fba911bf6f75b654c48652b267a25 | 24e870981b14670bc5088553d2c2e923 |
1147 | 1165 |
| a6d2869ac7ec767967adc794d1a65b6a | 6492c8df730871ea95c4467e474971c1 |
691 |  694 |
| 8842f977ef2e9fa7cec00e1922a25f4f | 9d880b3da1e3403116afc2bafe828478 |
607 |  607 |
| da790b58ee2c0c04f3a4197017e7c246 | 3b9a5b211a931e991afdcd5aedebc8f6 |
1192 | 1212 |
5 rows in set (0.53 sec)

mysql SELECT DISTINCT MD5(phpads_banners.url) AS md5_url,
MD5(phpads_banners.status) AS md5_status, COUNT(phpads_adviews.t_stamp) AS
adviews, COUNT(phpads_adclicks.t_stamp) AS adclicks FROM phpads_banners LEFT
JOIN phpads_clients ON phpads_banners.clientid=phpads_clients.clientid LEFT
JOIN phpads_adviews ON phpads_adviews.bannerid=phpads_banners.bannerid LEFT
JOIN phpads_adclicks ON phpads_adclicks.bannerid=phpads_banners.bannerid
WHERE phpads_banners.clientid=phpads_clients.clientid AND
phpads_clients.parent='1' AND
(phpads_adviews.bannerid=phpads_banners.bannerid OR phpads_adclicks.bannerid
=phpads_banners.bannerid) GROUP BY (phpads_banners.bannerid) ORDER BY
phpads_banners.imageurl ASC LIMIT 0, 5;
| md5_url  | md5_status   |
adviews | adclicks |
| 6cf98f14f2313c246d3b558ba43ba252 | 8d36cad0e1fc395e7f931054ba4526a1 |
616 |0 |
| f94fba911bf6f75b654c48652b267a25 | 24e870981b14670bc5088553d2c2e923 |
1165 | 1165 |
| a6d2869ac7ec767967adc794d1a65b6a | 6492c8df730871ea95c4467e474971c1 |
694 |  694 |
| 8842f977ef2e9fa7cec00e1922a25f4f | 9d880b3da1e3403116afc2bafe828478 |
607 |0 |
| da790b58ee2c0c04f3a4197017e7c246 | 3b9a5b211a931e991afdcd5aedebc8f6 |
1212 |0 |
5 rows in set (0.17 sec)
