MySQL 5.0.17 on FreeBSD 4.7 - zlib error

2005-12-28 Thread Scott Plumlee

Just throwing this out there for the archives.

Installing 5.0.17 MySQL Client on a FreeBSD VPS2 Virtual server from 
Verio kept throwing an error looking for in the zlib library. 
This system didn't have a system wide zlib installed, so the bundled 
library kept trying to be used instead.

Finally got it working by installing the zlib library from source 
( and then doing the port install.

Hope this helps anyone else who hits this problem.

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Re: Can foreign keys reference tables in another database?

2005-12-16 Thread Scott Plumlee

sol beach wrote:

Why in the world are you trying to keep multiple copies of the data?

Why can't you just access the 'master database'?

On 12/16/05, Scott Plumlee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to maintain one master list of countries and the states
within those countries.  I'd like to keep this info in a common
database, to be used by 2 or three other databases on the same host,
using foreign keys to make sure that all the country/state data matches
up to the master list.

If I can't use foreign keys, should I just run regular updates to sync
the data between duplicate tables of countries and states in each
database, or is there an better method that I'm not seeing?

Sorry, I didn't explain very well.

I have a db I'll call Common.  In there, I'd like to keep two tables, 
tblCountry and tblState.  Then I've got another database, called 
Application, with a table called tblAddress.

In the Application database, I'd like to reference tblCountry and 
tblStateProvince.  When someone fills out form info that is going to be 
stored in tblAddress, I want the choices to be pulled from tblCountry 
and tblStateProvince.

When I've done this inside only one database, I've always used foreign 
keys between the Address.State field and the tblState.State fields.

My goal IS to only keep one set of country and state data for multiple 
databases.  But I don't know if I can do that using foreign keys when 
things are in two different databases - it doesn't appear that I can.

So my question is am I better off NOT using foreign keys but doing 
everything else the same or using foreign keys and having to jerryrig 
some sort of syncing?

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Can foreign keys reference tables in another database?

2005-12-16 Thread Scott Plumlee
I am trying to maintain one master list of countries and the states 
within those countries.  I'd like to keep this info in a common 
database, to be used by 2 or three other databases on the same host, 
using foreign keys to make sure that all the country/state data matches 
up to the master list.

If I can't use foreign keys, should I just run regular updates to sync 
the data between duplicate tables of countries and states in each 
database, or is there an better method that I'm not seeing?

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database design - master table of countries and state/provinces

2005-12-15 Thread Scott Plumlee
I'm trying to think of the ways I can accomplish having a master 
database of countries and states/provinces that I can reference in 
several other databases.

I'd like to have a table of countries available for selection by the 
users in a web app, but I'm not sure of the best way to then allow them 
to pick the state/province in which they reside in that country.  I've 
thought of a foreign key in the state table that references the parent 
country and do a state/province lookup off of that (SELECT state FROM 
tblStates JOIN ON tblState.countryID=WhatYouChoseAlready, or something 
similar - my syntax may not be correct).

Is there another way that has been used by anyone with good success? 
Any suggestions welcome.

And would be the best place to find such country and province 
lists, or perhaps the Postal Service?  Any past experience?

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Re: Backup database with MyISAM and InnoDB tables together

2005-06-17 Thread Scott Plumlee

> -Original Message-
> From: Scott Plumlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 10:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: Backup database with MyISAM and InnoDB tables together
> I'm not clear on best practice to use on a database containing both
> MyISAM and InnoDB tables.  For the MyISAM tables, it seems better to use
> mysqldump --opt, thus getting the --lock-tables option, but for the
> InnoDB the --single-transaction is preferred.  Since they are mutually
> exclusive, is there a best practice to get consistent state of the
> tables when the database dump is performed?
> Would `mysqldump --opt --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction` be best
> for a database that is mostly InnoDB tables, but does have a few MyISAM
> tables?
> WOuld I be better off locking the database from any updates/inserts, and
> specifying particular commands for individual tables?
> Any advice appreciated, including RTFMs with links.
> Gordon Bruce wrote:
If you are runing binary log and do a 

mysqldump --opt --skip-lock-tables MyISAM table names
mysqldump --opt --single-transaction INNODB table names

You have a recoverable state with the combination of the mysqldump file
and the binary log file that was started by the 1st FLUSH LOGS command.
The recovered database wil be restored to the date time that the 2nd
FLUSH LOGS command was issued instead of the start time of the backup,
but you won't have to lock all of your tables and it wil give you a
consistent state across a mixed INNODB MyISAM environment. 

The downside is 
	-you have 3 files to deal with

-you have to maintain the table names in the mysqldump commands
	-you have a small risk of a change ocurring in the MyISAM 
	 tables between time the 2nd FLUSH LOGS is executed and the 2nd 
	 mysqldump command is executed

Thanks for the tip.  I haven't looked into binary logs too much, just 
learned about them the other day when I had to correct my own mistake 
and restore a table.

Is is best practice to go with tables of all one sort to allow for 
consistent state when doing backups like this, or are mixed tables the 
norm in most databases?  I went with the InnoDB in order to not have to 
do row level locking on the tables as transactions were performed and 
I've been very pleased with the results.  I might consider just going 
with all InnoDB to make it easy, as those are the majority of my tables 
in this case.

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Backup database with MyISAM and InnoDB tables together

2005-06-17 Thread Scott Plumlee
I'm not clear on best practice to use on a database containing both 
MyISAM and InnoDB tables.  For the MyISAM tables, it seems better to use 
mysqldump --opt, thus getting the --lock-tables option, but for the 
InnoDB the --single-transaction is preferred.  Since they are mutually 
exclusive, is there a best practice to get consistent state of the 
tables when the database dump is performed?

Would `mysqldump --opt --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction` be best 
for a database that is mostly InnoDB tables, but does have a few MyISAM 

WOuld I be better off locking the database from any updates/inserts, and 
specifying particular commands for individual tables?

Any advice appreciated, including RTFMs with links.

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Re: Defaul of NOW()

2004-05-27 Thread Scott Plumlee
I didn't think you could have a DEFAULT of NOW() because it's not a true 
static value.  Seems I read that in one of Paul DuBois' books.

Jim Winstead wrote:
On Wed, May 26, 2004 at 06:20:22PM -0700, Scott Haneda wrote:
I have a field in mysql 4, using InnoDB
Field is timestamp 14 and defualt is set to 00, which I want to
be the result of NOW() so that every record made will get NOW() as the
value, I can not get it to work...
ALTER TABLE `addresses` CHANGE `added` `added` TIMESTAMP( 14 ) DEFAULT
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
It tells me it worked, but then it reverts back to the zero's.

If you do a SHOW CREATE TABLE on the table, you'll see that it has
actually ignored your DEFAULT. (What is has done is actually transformed
it to '00', since that is what the string 'NOW()' becomes
when you convert it to a TIMESTAMP.)
Read this section in the manual for information on how the default value
for TIMESTAMP columns is handled:
Support for specifying how TIMESTAMP columns get updated is coming in
4.1.2. Right now, it is only documented in the change notes:
Jim Winstead

Scott Plumlee
PGP Public key:   D64C 47D9 B855 5829 D22A  D390 
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Re: Insert statement where value depends on auto-generated value from previous insert

2004-03-18 Thread Scott Plumlee
Found that function right after I posted.  Thanks, it should do exactly 
what I need.

Roger Baklund wrote:
* Scott Plumlee

I've got two separate tables, each with id fields that are
auto-increment.  The created fields below are timestamps.  The tables
are Innodb tables using transactions to process the statements.  This
will be an online registration process for our business, using PHP and
MySQL.  PHP is using session ids for tracking state.

I need to insert a row into table1, using a null value for the id so it
generate an id automatically.  Then I need to insert a row into table2,
including the id from table 1 ( needs to be inserted into
Any best practices to doing this?

Use the LAST_INSERT_ID() function:

INSERT INTO table1 SET first_name='roger',last_name='baklund';
INSERT INTO table2 SET table1_id=LAST_INSERT_ID(),etc='whatnot';
This function is connection specific, you will get the correct id even if
you have multiple simultaneous users. > >


Scott Plumlee
PGP Public key:   D64C 47D9 B855 5829 D22A  D390 
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Re: Insert statement where value depends on auto-generated value from previous insert

2004-03-18 Thread Scott Plumlee
Scott Plumlee wrote:

I've looked through the PHP Cookbook and the MySQL cookbook and haven't 
seen a solution.  I've thought about trying to make some unique hash 
with the data to be inserted but if there's another identical set of 
data, then the hash would match.  I can't use a timestamp in the hash
I think I was trying to say I can't use the time that the row was 
created because I don't know if the timestamp value I get upon insert 
will exactly match the value I would get from something like a NOW() 
statement.  IE, how do I know if the insert happens at the same moment I 
get a time value?


Scott Plumlee
PGP Public key:   D64C 47D9 B855 5829 D22A  D390 
F8E2 9B58 9CBF 1F8D

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Insert statement where value depends on auto-generated value from previous insert

2004-03-18 Thread Scott Plumlee
I've got two separate tables, each with id fields that are 
auto-increment.  The created fields below are timestamps.  The tables 
are Innodb tables using transactions to process the statements.  This 
will be an online registration process for our business, using PHP and 
MySQL.  PHP is using session ids for tracking state.


I need to insert a row into table1, using a null value for the id so it 
generate an id automatically.  Then I need to insert a row into table2, 
including the id from table 1 ( needs to be inserted into 

Any best practices to doing this? I've considered adding additional 
fields to both tables to represent a unique id or hash that will be 
generated by PHP.  That way I can tie the two tables together and pull 
the newly-generated value out based on the unique hash and 
insert it into table2.  But I'd rather not do that if I don't have to.

I don't know if the tables are locked with transactions.  If they were, 
I could insert into table1, then find the last id generated for table1 
and then put that into table2.  Do transactions behave this way?

I can't just use the PHP session id because someone with the same 
session may register another person, and then I would have the same 
session ID in two rows.  I can't assume the names or other info are 
unique either.

Any ideas or is the PHP unique id/hash going to be my best bet?  It just 
seems wasteful to have to add another field just to tie the data 
together until I can tie it together with the generated ids.

I've looked through the PHP Cookbook and the MySQL cookbook and haven't 
seen a solution.  I've thought about trying to make some unique hash 
with the data to be inserted but if there's another identical set of 
data, then the hash would match.  I can't use a timestamp in the hash

Now that I'm thinking about it, could I do this:
1.  Generate a timestamp value
2.  Insert into table1 all the info I need.
3.  Create a unique hash from the timestamp and inserted info
4.  Find the row and id from table1 where the hash of the timestamp 
value from step 1 and the data in the row match the hash from step 3
5.  Put the id value into table 2

Seems like a lot of work to do to find the answer.  Any gurus got an idea?

Scott Plumlee
PGP Public key:   D64C 47D9 B855 5829 D22A  D390 
F8E2 9B58 9CBF 1F8D

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Re: Timestamp woes

2004-02-29 Thread Scott Plumlee
Ryan A wrote:

Somewhat new myself but I believe you can do something like SELECT
(whatever you need) FROM tbl_users WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now()) -
($days_last*24*60*60)) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dat_and_tim).
I will add the the PHP Cookbook and the MySQL Cookbook are godsends and
that's where I got the solution.  Grab a copy of these to help out -
I've got a project due in a week and I'm using these non-stop.
Thanks its working like a charm now to get the number of daysbut am
still confused on
how do I do the second comparision: selecting been sayyy 15th of Feb and
23rd of Feb..
any ideas?
Again, I think you can convert each of the bookend dates to a 
unix-format time (time since epoch) in PHP (I assume that those dates 
aren't entered in the db) and then use that same UNIX_TIMESTAMP function 
on your table entries.  Then pull entries out where the table values are 
 between those two values.


Scott Plumlee
PGP Public key:   D64C 47D9 B855 5829 D22A  D390 
F8E2 9B58 9CBF 1F8D

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Re: Timestamp woes

2004-02-28 Thread Scott Plumlee


(Please note: NEWBIE WARNING, below questions might sound stupid, but feel
free to flame.) ;-)
I have a table "tbl_users" with a field "dat_an_time" which is a
In that I have values such as:
I have searched google/the manual for the answers to the below questions but
I only found answers if
the field is a datetime field and not a timestamp, I cannot change the
format as I am the new
developer of an old (already live) project and lots of scripts are already
accessing this table.
Please tell me how to do this with my current setup.

Two questions:
Question 1.
In my php script I am taking the value of "days_last" which should run a
select query to display all the
records in the last $days_last days (for those of you who dont program in
PHP/Perl $days_last is the
variable that is a number which the user selects. eg: 10 or 5 or 35 etc)
How do I format the query to get the results from my "dat_an_time"
timestamp(14) field?
Somewhat new myself but I believe you can do something like SELECT 
(whatever you need) FROM tbl_users WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now()) - 
($days_last*24*60*60)) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dat_and_tim).

I will add the the PHP Cookbook and the MySQL Cookbook are godsends and 
that's where I got the solution.  Grab a copy of these to help out - 
I've got a project due in a week and I'm using these non-stop.


Scott Plumlee
PGP Public key:   D64C 47D9 B855 5829 D22A  D390 
F8E2 9B58 9CBF 1F8D

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