Re: SAN and ibdata files

2007-10-08 Thread Scott Tanner
  In a SAN configuration, the lun/volume should appear just like a
locally attached physical disk on your server. MySQL will not need any
special configurations to access it, just poiint the datadir to the SAN

Scott Tanner

On Mon, 2007-10-08 at 11:06 +0530, Ace wrote:
 Thanks Dan! We do know the permission problem. We tried chown but got Not a
 owner error. That is because of root squashing in which root becomes
 nobody when you cd to NFS directory.
 To overcome this we tried adding no_root_squash to export file. but
 still the error.
 I will overcome this somehow.but my Biggest worry now is - can I
 configure Mysql to use SAN location? if not, why?
 On 10/7/07, Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In the last episode (Oct 06), Ace said:
   Hi Experts,
 You all know the size problems with ibdata and log files. We plan
   move those files to SAN to have maximum storage possible. We did so with
   configuration changes in my.cnf files to save log and ibdata files on
   location. But got following error -
   InnoDB: Unable to lock /opsolnfs/mysql/ibdata1, error: 13
   InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process
   InnoDB: using the same InnoDB data or log files.
  Any concrete steps to overcome this problem? Your input will add
   value in solving our problem.
  $ perror 13
  OS error code  13:  Permission denied
  Check permissions on your data directory.
 Dan Nelson

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Re: SAN and ibdata files

2007-10-08 Thread Scott Tanner
  I believe you are talking about a NAS setup, which is different from
the SAN configuration I was referring to. Check out for a quick comparison.

  With NFS volumes, your adding several layers of overhead when
accessing the disks which has a drastic effect on performance. I'm not
sure what the exact locking issue would be, but I'd imagine it would
have to do with the added latency.

  I have heard of a few people using NFS on small, mostly read databases
though. So you may not have any issues depending on the type and amount
of usage your server would be getting.


On Mon, 2007-10-08 at 18:06 +0530, Ace wrote:
 Yes Scott! Only thing that confused and still confusing me is the following
 note on mysql site -
 It is not a good idea to configure InnoDB to use datafiles or logfiles on
 NFS volumes. Otherwise, the files might be locked by other processes and
 become unavailable for use by MySQL.
 Why other processes will keep files locked if its on NFS volumes? and which
 are the processes they are referring?
 On 10/8/07, Scott Tanner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a SAN configuration, the lun/volume should appear just like a
  locally attached physical disk on your server. MySQL will not need any
  special configurations to access it, just poiint the datadir to the SAN
  Scott Tanner
  On Mon, 2007-10-08 at 11:06 +0530, Ace wrote:
   Thanks Dan! We do know the permission problem. We tried chown but got
  Not a
   owner error. That is because of root squashing in which root becomes
   nobody when you cd to NFS directory.
   To overcome this we tried adding no_root_squash to export file.
   still the error.
   I will overcome this somehow.but my Biggest worry now is - can I
   configure Mysql to use SAN location? if not, why?
   On 10/7/07, Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In the last episode (Oct 06), Ace said:
 Hi Experts,

   You all know the size problems with ibdata and log files. We
 move those files to SAN to have maximum storage possible. We did so
 configuration changes in my.cnf files to save log and ibdata files
 location. But got following error -

 InnoDB: Unable to lock /opsolnfs/mysql/ibdata1, error: 13
 InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process
 InnoDB: using the same InnoDB data or log files.

Any concrete steps to overcome this problem? Your input will
 value in solving our problem.
$ perror 13
OS error code  13:  Permission denied
Check permissions on your data directory.
   Dan Nelson

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Re: Slave Misbehavin'

2007-09-19 Thread Scott Tanner
   Maybe I missed this in the text below, but are you trying to daisy
chain the slaves (master - slave 1 - slave 2) or have multiple slaves
connecting to one master?

  Is slave 1 configured with log-slave-updates?


On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 12:31 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm trying to add a second slave, slave2, running MySQL 5.0.22 on CentOS 
  to our system that currently has one master and one slave, slave1, 
   4.0.24, and somehow slave2 somehow ends up with too many records in 
  of the 30 tables in the database. 
  Steps taken:
  1. Stopped new records from being inserted into the master, and 
  with count(*)'s that both master and slave1 were in a static state.
  2. Stopped mysqld and commented out in my.cnf the master connection 
  parameters (user, host, password, port) on slave2.
  3. Deleted, all mysql-bin and relay-bin files from the mysql 
  data directory on slave2. 
  4. Deleted all .MYD, .MYI, and .frm files from the replication database 
  directory on slave2. 
  5. rsync'd the .MYD, .MYI, .frm files from slave1 to slave2.
 - And in the meantime, slave1's data is being changed because the master 
 - is sending it replication events, no?  You need to run STOP SLAVE on 
 - slave1 before rsyncing it.  After STOP SLAVE, run SHOW SLAVE STATUS and 
 - record the output, then rsync, then START SLAVE on slave1 again.
 I don't think so. I stopped all activities on the master (step 1), and 
 therefore shouldn't have any changes made to it. I should have noted that 
 inserts are done on the master -  no updates or deletes. 
  6. Restarted mysqld on slave2 (now not running as a slave).
  7. Confirmed that record counts were consistent across master, slave1 
  8. Stopped mysqld on slave2, uncommented master connection parameters in 
  my.cnf, and restarted mysqld.
  9. Got log file and log position parameters with 'show master status' on 
  the master.
 - TOO LATE.  The horse has left the barn and you're closing the door 
 - behind it!  You should instead get the replication coordinates from 
 - slave1 with SHOW SLAVE STATUS during step 5.  You're cloning slave2 from 
 - slave1, so slave2 tells the truth, not the master, which has done a 
 - whole bunch of work while you were going through these steps.
 No, slave1 can't do any work except as directed by the master, which has 
 all activities stopped on it. 
  10. Ran 'Change master to... with all fields filled in.
  11.  Ran 'slave start' on slave2.
  12. Rechecked record counts on slave2, and they were too large and out 
  sync with slave1 and master.
  I poked around in the data on slave2 and found a number of records had 
  been duplicated, and that accounted for the higher record counts. 
  After starting the application that inserts data into the master, I 
  determined that new records are being inserted correctly into slave2.
  Seriously out of ideas here.

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Re: MySql Host through Heartbeat

2007-06-13 Thread Scott Tanner
  There's a 'report-host' option that can be set in the conf file to
mask the host name. Sounds like this may be set.

  If you want to get the server's actual host name from within mysql,
how about running a system command: 
   mysql \! hostname;

   mysql \! cat /etc/hostnames;  (debian) 
   mysql \! cat /etc/hosts; (CentOS/rhel)


On Wed, 2007-06-13 at 17:46 +0100, Ben Clewett wrote:
 What I know is that:
 Heartbeat with MySQL uses two IP's.  That of the server, and that of the 
 resource MySql.  The former is fixed, the latter moves with MySQL when 
 it's moved to another server.
 The one I need is the hostname of the physical server, not the resource.
 I've installed 5.0.41 and have found that the 'hostname' variable does 
 report the hostname of the physical server.  I have no idea how it does 
 it :)
 I have my solution, thanks for the help,
 Ben Clewett.
 Baron Schwartz wrote:
  Gerald L. Clark wrote:
  Baron Schwartz wrote:
  Gerald L. Clark wrote:
  Ben Clewett wrote:
  Dear MySQL,
  I'm running 5.0.26 through Heartbeat.  Which seems to work well, 
  even as a replication slave and Heartbeat continously stopping and 
  starting the server.
  The Heartbeat moves MySQL around from server to server when a 
  failure occures.  I am trying to find a way for MySQL to report the 
  server host name on which it's currently sitting.  Without any luck.
  Would any kind members know of a way of getting this information 
  from MySQL?
  Many thanks,
  Heartbeat moves the IP address around as well as the services.
  Your hostname should not change.
  DNS won't change, but the server's /etc/hostname will, right?
  Disclaimer: I'm no expert on this... I didn't even know the IP 
  address moved too.  I should read about Heartbeat.
  Do you actually have /etc/hostname?
  RHEL and Centos do not.
  They do have an entry in /etc/sysconfig/network
  Debian and Gentoo have /etc/hostname and /etc/conf.d/hostname, 
  respectively.  I would think this is what /usr/bin/hostname uses, and 
  probably where the hostname server variable gets set from in MySQL 5.0.41.

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Re: Diff between restore from tar and recover from power outage

2007-06-04 Thread Scott Tanner
   If mysql has been shut down, and given enough time for the tables to
be flushed to disk, then backing up the data dir using tar is fine. You
can tar the data dir without shutting down, providing all transactions
have been stopped and the tables have been flushed to disk. This is how
we backup our servers, and we haven't had an issue yet (restoring daily
to a testing environment).

Scott Tanner  

On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 14:57 -0700, Wm Mussatto wrote:
 On Mon, June 4, 2007 14:21, murthy gandikota said:
When restoring a DB from a tar file, I had to repair some of the tables.
  Whereas when the DB is started after a power failure, everything works
  fine. I noticed this on RedHat linux and MySQL5.
Any thoughts?
 What was in the tar file?  If you tar'ed the data directory, it is almost
 guaranteed to fail since only part of the updated information may be
 actually written to disk.  If the power failure occurred on a system with
 a correctly configured UPS, mysql probably got a shut down command so the
 disk files were in a stable state.
 Normally you should dump the databases and then tar that.  (see mysqldump
 command for details).
 William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
 Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
 FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: SAN backend for DB's

2007-05-31 Thread Scott Tanner
  I think you'll need to do a lot of testing to yourself to find the
right answer to that. The number of disks, type of disks, and raid
configuration will have the most effect on performance.

  Personally, we had roughly 15% increase in performance from ditching
our EMC clarion and going with external scsi arrays for each server. For
us it was cost driven - 8 scsi disks (in raid 10 config) and the arrays
were cheaper then 4 fiber disks. The extra heads and less latency made a
noticeable difference - our database has a really high write rate.


On Thu, 2007-05-31 at 09:15 -0400, B. Keith Murphy wrote:
 So here is the brief situation.  We have a coraid ( SAN 
 unit - the 1520 I believe.   It is ATA-over-ethernet.
 Right now we have a about 500 gigs of data spread across five servers.  
 To simplify things I would like to implement the coraid on the backend 
 of these servers.  Then all the data is served up out of the same 
 place.  Of course I would like to improve I/O throughput also.
 Googling shows that these units have good read speed but the write speed 
 doesn't seem to be that impressive.
 Does anyone have any experience with these?  Good? Bad?  Maybe other SAN 
 suggestions?  Am I barking up the wrong tree?

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Re: mysql creating lots of processes (not threads, linux processes)

2007-05-30 Thread Scott Tanner
  I know I've run into this before, and it was a build issue. We build
from source on redhat linux, so it may not be related to your issue.

 Anyways, I just did a test and built mysql from source with the flag
--with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static. I end up with the process spawning

ps -eaf | grep -c my

 I removed that flag and rebuilt again, and now I have 2 processes. 

 Just for reference: 
/configure --prefix=/usr/pkg/mysql5_test \
   --with-libwrap=/usr/pkg/tcpd \ 
   --with-mysqld-user=mydaemon \
   --without-debug \ 
   --with-unix-socket-path=/var/mysql/mysql.sock \
   --with-client-ldflags=-all-static \
   --enable-shared \
   --enable-thread-safe-client \


On Wed, 2007-05-30 at 18:29 +0200, Quentin Gouedard wrote:
 Oh and by the way mysql works just fine on that machine. You can run
 queries without any problems.
 Only it keeps spawning new processes over again. It takes about 3h
 before the machine starts having problems due to memory getting full
 of useless mysql processes. 
 I just got a new machine for my site, and it's happenning there too
 (although on none of my 5 other boxes), which is good cause i can do
 some more extensive testing before i actually use it.
 Another thing is, mysql won't stop. 
 /etc/init.d/mysql stop just hangs.
 There are some processes that need to be killed manually in the end.
 I'm guessing this could have to do with the process owner being root.
 Some similar problems are reported here though:
 On 5/30/07, Quentin Gouedard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Merci Geoffroy,
 starting from the command prompt shows:
 # /usr/sbin/mysqld --console --verbose --basedir=/usr
 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/
 070530 18:01:28 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for
 Version: '5.0.38-log' socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'
 port: 3306 Gentoo Linux mysql-5.0.38 
 However running a ps already shows multiple mysqld processes.
 Something i had not noticed so far:
 # ps -ef | grep mysqld
 mysql25752 27831  0 18:01 pts/2
 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --console --verbose --basedir=/usr
 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/
 root 16560 25752  0 18:01 pts/2
 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --console --verbose --basedir=/usr
 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/
 root 16560 25752  0 18:01 pts/2
 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --console --verbose --basedir=/usr
 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/
 root 23390 16560  0 18:01 pts/2
 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --console --verbose --basedir=/usr
 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/
 the first process created is the only one with mysql owner. 
 All the subsequent processes are own by root, and have as
 parent one of the previously created processes (not always the
 first one). Not sure if that helps in understanding this
 Thanks anyway for your help. 
 On 5/30/07, Geoffroy Cogniaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Try to start it with mysql_safe instead or try to
 start mysqld manually
 within a command prompt, without fork, to see what
 ./mysqld --console --verbose --your_options
 Can you at least connect to mysql with a remote client
 on this server or 
 Have a look on this page about starting issues:
 -Message d'origine-
 la part de Quentin 
 Envoyé: mercredi 30 mai 2007 09:02
 À: Scott Tanner
 Objet: Re: mysql creating lots of processes (not
 threads, linux processes) 
 Nope, I'm using 5.0.38 on Gentoo, built via emerge in
 the exact same manner.
 Thanks for your answers guys.
 On 5/30/07, Scott Tanner

Re: mysql creating lots of processes (not threads, linux processes)

2007-05-29 Thread Scott Tanner
Sounds like your not using threaded libraries. Was mysql built
differently, or are you using a different RPM on this server?


On Tue, 2007-05-29 at 22:49 +0200, Quentin Gouedard wrote:
 No, I have just collectd+mrtg, but i don't even use them to monitor mysql.
 I launch mysql via /etc/init.d/mysql start , and the script is the exact
 same as on the other servers. Even just after startup there's already 15-20
 processes created.
 On 5/29/07, Geoffroy Cogniaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It looks like automatic start-up called by a monitoring process (Nagios,
  ...). Have you such tools on your servers ?
  -Message d'origine-
  De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Quentin
  Envoyé: mardi 29 mai 2007 16:41
  Objet: mysql creating lots of processes (not threads, linux processes)
  So I use mysql as the DB for a large site (up to 1 concurrent users at
  I have a front server as a reverse proxy and multiple (7) backend machines
  serving the site.
  Each machine has data strictly similar in nature and quantity.
  On 6 of these machines, I have 1 single mysqld process (process in linux
  # ps -ef | grep mysqld | wc -l
  There are generally 5-8 threads (processes as mysql means it) running when
  do a show processlist;
  Now, on one of those machines there are huge number of processes for
  # ps -ef | grep mysqld | wc -l
  Running just ps shows for each of these processes:
  mysql25952 10073  0 16:25 ?00:00:02 /usr/sbin/mysqld
  --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/my.cnf --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
  --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
  This machine has no particular data, is doing nothing different than the
  The show processlist command also returns 5-8 processes.
  So where are these myqsld processes from ? There's like 20 at startup
  (instantly after launching mysql), but it keeps increasing, until i
  mysql or the server runs out of memory. I have compared the mysql
  configuration of this machine and the 6 other, variable by variable, and
  they are strictly identical.
  How come this server behaves differently ? What can I do to have the
  single-process behaviour on that machine too ?

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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-30 Thread Scott Tanner
On Fri, 2007-04-27 at 09:19 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So if one is doing a full mysqldump every night, all bin-logs can be 
 deleted after this? 

  On the slave - Yes. In fact I would highly recommend it before
starting the slave processes again. This will reset the bin log's
'position' back to 0, giving you a clear starting point that will
correspond to the backup.  For the master server (if your backing up
from the slave) you'll only want to purge the bin logs back to your
slowest slave.

 If bin-logging is disabled, will master/slave syncing still occur?
No, if you disable the bin-logs, replication wont be happening.


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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-26 Thread Scott Tanner
 Issuing a 'reset master' will purge all of the logs as well. I wouldn't
just rm them, as they are being tracked in the index file.  

 If you aren't running a slave, then these files are only good for data
recovery purposes. Say a DBA goes crazy and deletes all of the databases
mid-day (too much stress). You could restore the previous nights backup
and run these bin logs up to the point of the delete command - a little
bit of editing would be needed to do this, but you get the idea.

 For this to work smoothly, you need to reset the logs after every
backup. If your using mysqldump, just add the --delete-master-logs

  If you want to turn the logs off, remove log-bin and log-bin-index
from the conf file.

Scott Tanner

On Thu, 2007-04-26 at 09:47 -0700, Scott Haneda wrote:
  In the short term, see the manual page for PURGE MASTER LOGS.  In the
  long term, write a cron job.
  innotop ( also has a new
  feature, unreleased because I just wrote it a few hours ago, which will
  help you figure out which binlogs can be purged s keystroke 
 I don't quite get this, if SHOW SLAVE STATUS shows empty result set, and I
 am just running one server, not a master + slave setup at all, its really
 rather simple.
 So, how would I ever know what logs I can safely delete or purge?
 Do I really need to use mysql to purge them or can I just `rm` them?
 I guess I could push this to cron?
 My question is, what are these logs really good for, I assume restoration,
 and from what I read, but how do I know how far back I should keep?
 Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Database Replication Fallover

2007-04-02 Thread Scott Tanner
  Check out Linux-ha ( We are using version 1 at my 
company, which is fairly easy to set up and there are a lot of good articles on 
it.  With this you can create a virtual address to fail-over between systems, 
run commands / scripts during a fail over, and even kill the other node 
(stonith) if you have supporting hardware. 

  For our setup, we have the client apps accessing the db through the virtual 
IP address. We have 2 mysql config files, one for the master and one for the 
slave (actually we have one m4'd config file, but you get the idea). During 
failover, we restart mysql on the slave using the master config file and 
transfer the virtual IP over. 

  Here are a couple of key points for setting this up:

  1. Slave must be running with the 'log-slave-updates' option.
  2. After you run a back issue a reset master on the slave server. 

Hope this helps,
Scott Tanner

On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 08:43:35AM +0100, Ben Clewett wrote:
 I forgot to mention that I am running Linux.
 If anybody has some idea of software which can do this, I'd be very 
 Ben Clewett wrote:
 Dear MySql,
 I'm looking into availability and wonder if any member might be able to 
 help me.
 I have two databases, one Primary and one full Replication.
 Normally the primary is used for data input, reports are drawn from the 
 If I loose the Primary, do any members have any software they can 
 recommend which:
 - Stops the replication daemon.
 - Sets the replication server to Read/Write.
 - Shuts down the primary.
 - Routes traffic to the replication.
 Any advise or ideas would be very useful...
 Ben Clewett.
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Re: More than 4 CPUs?

2006-08-11 Thread Scott Tanner
  From the articles I've read recently, 8 CPU's seems to be the point
where the scalability ratio starts dropping. See the following articles
for examples:

I know there were some presentations at this years MySQL Conference that
went over this (MySQL Performance Landscape comes to mind). You might be
able to find a presentations on the mysql site.

Scott Tanner

On Fri, 2006-08-11 at 14:44 -0400, Ed Pauley II wrote:
 It seems like I once read that you don't get any performance gains in 
 MySQL when you go above 4 CPUs per server. Is this correct? I was 
 considering a 4 dual-core CPU machine. Should I go with a 2 dual-core 
 machine instead?
 Ed Pauley II

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Re: I don't understand why SCSI is preferred.

2006-07-12 Thread Scott Tanner

 I am hoping the newer SATA II drives will provide SCSI performance at a 
 reasonable price. It would be interesting to see if anyone has polled ISP's 
 to see what they're using. I know they charge more (or at least they used 
 to) for SCSI drives if you are renting a server from them. It would be 
 interesting to see what their failure rate is on IDE vs SCSI vs SATA.
  By newer SATA II drivers, are you referring to SAS drives?

  There is a great article on Tom's hardware on SAS drives as a
replacement for standard SCSI:

  My company is in the process of switching to direct attached SAS
arrays for our database servers, as part of a scale-out model. We've
done testing between SATA, SCSI, and SAS arrays, and the SCSI and SAS
systems were very comparative. The number of disks in the array seemed
to have a larger effect then the type of disk. SAS also has more fiber
like features then SCSI, making it better suited for HA environments.

Just something else to consider.


Scott Tanner
Sys Admin

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Re: Replicating queries to testing server

2006-06-13 Thread Scott Tanner
On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 19:04, Dan Trainor wrote:
 Jake Peavy wrote:
  On 5/24/06, *Dan Trainor* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Hi -
  I would like to be able to replicate all queries from a live MySQL
  server, to a testing server at the office.
  The reason for doing this is to test load under [semi]real-world
  conditions with the new server.  I think that by doing something like
  this, I would be able to fine-tune the new server in preparation for
  replacing the original server.
  So what I can't figure out right now is how to set up a situation like
  this, where the live server would replicate every one of it's
  queries to
  the testing machine, and have the testing machine not respond with
  anything - just simply mow through the queries.
  The testing server will have a snapshot of the live database, so I will
  ahve data to work with.  However, the testing machine is on a private
  internal subnet, and I don't see how this type of setup would work from
  a logical MySQL standpoint.
  Keeping all this in mind, also remember that I cannot change any of the
  code which references the MySQL server.  I need to be able to do this
  using some native MySQL function.
  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  I look forward to all your
  Big Dan T?
  I haven't done it, but I think what you need to do is
 1. enable binlog on the live DB
 2. transfer the binlogs from some period of time over to your test server
 3. pipe the queries contained in the binlog into your test server,
something along the lines of:   $ mysqlbinlog
bin_file_from_live_db.0001 | mysql
 Hi, Jake -
 This would certainly work.  However, I'd like to do all of this as close 
 to real-time as I possibly can.  I don't think that I can get an 
 accurate representation of load if I just throw it on the new machine 
 that way.
 Thanks though!

The binlog would only give you the changes (updates, inserts, and
deletes). The general log (--log) would be a better representation of
the server, since it logs all actions, when they started, and from which
 The issue is in making the play-back real-time. I dont believe
mysqlbinlog takes the start time into consideration, so the playback
would be one single serial thread with no delays between transactions.
Not realistic. A little scripting and parsing would create what your
looking for though.

 You could also do a tcpdump at the DB server, only capturing the
incoming mysql statements (providing your not doing SSL encapsulation).
This would also give you the timing and all transactions, but I'm not
sure how the server would handle TCP playback.

 In trying to do the same thing, we ended up creating a java based
stress testing tool to mimic our DB traffic, using the basic info from
TCP dumps as a model.


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Re: replication after editing bin logs

2006-03-09 Thread Scott Tanner
Can you post the failed SQL statement from your altered bin log, and
maybe the preceding commands related to that table?

Scott Tanner

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 08:28, Goldblatt, Eric wrote: 
 The table already existed before the binlog. The strange thing is that
 there were inserts into this table earlier in the binlog, and they did
 not produce any error messages.
 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Tanner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 3:46 PM
 To: Goldblatt, Eric
 Subject: Re: replication after editing bin logs
 On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 14:51, Goldblatt, Eric wrote:
  When I came to step 5, I submitted the SQL text file as a batch job:
  mysql -u root -p -e source binlogs_045_052_parsed
  After many hours I received the following error message:
  ERROR 1036 (HY000) at line 1387471 in file: 'binlogs_045_052_parsed':
  Table 'AB4539p2' is read only
  At this point, the mysql batch job terminated.
   If its saying the table is read only, it could be a simple permissions
 issue. Is this table being created from the binlog, or is it an existing
 Scott Tanner
 AMi Entertainment

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Clarification on innodb status message

2005-04-29 Thread Scott Tanner
   Does anyone know what the various lock modes mean in the show innodb
status reports?

   We are investigating a dead-lock issue, and see lock_mode x and
lock_mode s. We have transaction that locks a record in mode x, and is
appears to be waiting for a lock on the same record in mode s - by the
same transaction. 

Any info would be helpful.

AMi Entertainment

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Re: host blocked, but can't see errors

2004-11-29 Thread Scott Tanner
  I've been having this issue as well, happening more frequently to our
production web /ejb servers. I've increased the logging to warning level,
but my logs don't contain much (if any) information. Is there a way to
increase logging to debug level, or get  more information as to what is
causing the problem? I want to make sure the application is not mishandling
the connections before increasing the max_connection_errors.

Thank you,

- Original Message - 
From: Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 12:06 AM
Subject: Re: host blocked, but can't see errors


 In this context 'errors' means interrupted connections.
 Increase max_connect_errors.

 Anne Ramey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Last week I got this message:
  Cannot connect DBI:mysql:formmail; Host '' is
  blocked because of many connection errors.  Unblock with 'mysqladmin
  I couldn't find the errors anywhere. Not in any of the apache logs and
  not in the mysql error log:
  041103 20:09:11  mysqld started
  InnoDB: The first specified data file ./ibdata1 did not exist:
  InnoDB: a new database to be created!
  041103 20:09:11  InnoDB: Setting file ./ibdata1 size to 10 MB
  InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
  041103 20:09:12  InnoDB: Log file ./ib_logfile0 did not exist: new to be
  InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile0 size to 5 MB
  InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
  041103 20:09:12  InnoDB: Log file ./ib_logfile1 did not exist: new to be
  InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile1 size to 5 MB
  InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
  InnoDB: Doublewrite buffer not found: creating new
  InnoDB: Doublewrite buffer created
  InnoDB: Creating foreign key constraint system tables
  InnoDB: Foreign key constraint system tables created
  041103 20:09:13  InnoDB: Started
  /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
  Version: '4.0.21-max'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  Official
  MySQL-max binary
  I've also checked my syslog, messages log, and formmail log, nothing.
  It's only happening to this one host.
  it keeps happening over and over.  I have to flush my host every day or
  so.  Any ideas where to look?

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   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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 /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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