Re: auto_increment without primary key in innodb?

2010-01-25 Thread Yong Lee
yah, mysql only allows one auto increment field n that's used as the
primary key in tables.  I don't think it has to be the primary key as
long as it is a unique key i think that's okay.

so u should be able to do : create table (myid int unsigned not null
auto_increment., unique key (myid));

but this is effectively a primary key

if u want some auto incrementing behavior but have it do so only on
certain scenarios and possibly hold null values, you can write an insert
trigger that would update the field on every insert.


On Mon, 2010-01-25 at 10:21 -0500, Yang Zhang wrote:
 In innodb, is it possible to have an auto_increment field without
 making it a (part of a) primary key? Why is this a requirement? I'm
 getting the following error. Thanks in advance.
 ERROR 1075 (42000): Incorrect table definition; there can be only one
 auto column and it must be defined as a key
 Yang Zhang

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performance question

2008-09-11 Thread Yong Lee
Just curious as to which query would be better in terms of performance:
select * from (select * from a union select * from b) as c;
select * from a union select * from b;
or would these 2 queries be the same ?

Yong Lee



direct:  +1.604.273.8173 x113


fax: +1.604.273.8172 

EQO ID:   yonglee




RE: Match/No Match query

2008-05-21 Thread Yong Lee

you're going to need a source for all the distinct codes that you may see in
your product tableie: if you don't have a full list somewhere (like your
temp table) you cannot do your query because you have nothing to compare

assuming you had some table X which had a list of all the possible codes and
you could generate the complete list by doing something like :

select distinct code from X;

you could use this in your sql statement like :

select p.prod_num, p.code from products p left join (select distinct code
from X) as codes on p.code = codes.code;


-Original Message-
From: Chris W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: May 21, 2008 10:14 AM
To: Jerry Schwartz; MYSQL General List
Subject: Re: Match/No Match query

Jerry Schwartz wrote:
 From: Chris W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 12:25 PM
 To: Jerry Schwartz
 Subject: Re: Match/No Match query

 Jerry Schwartz wrote:
 I have a list of codes. Some, but not all, of these codes will match
 entries in a product table. Here's what the data would look like:

 List of Codes:

 The rows in the product table look like

 prod_num code

 What I want to is get a list of ALL of the codes, with the 
 associated prod_num if it exists or a flag if it does not:

 code prod_num

 I need to preserve the empty rows in order to match the data 
 Excel worksheet (which is where the list of codes came from).

 I have done this by putting all of the codes into a temporary table
 doing a LEFT JOIN against the product table. Works fine, lasts a 
 However, it seems that I ought to be able to do this without the
 table, by using derived tables. I just can't figure out how.

 This would be easier if you gave your table structure.  But something 
 like this would work SELECT c.code, p.prod_num
 FROM CodeTable c
 LEFT OUTER JOIN ProductNumTable p USING (code)

 [JS] That is what I am doing now. I was wondering if I could eliminate 
 what you have designated as CodeTable, and do this all in a single 
 nested) query.

In that case I must be missing something.  What data do you have in the
database that can be used to create the result.  Some table structure would
help and some more sample data that you want to use.

Chris W

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RE: Replication for reporting

2008-05-21 Thread Yong Lee
yes, one master to multiple slaves.

I believe u can set up multiple mysql instances on a single machine with
each mysql instance collecting from a different master.


-Original Message-
From: Andrey Dmitriev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: May 21, 2008 11:29 AM
Subject: Replication for reporting

Is it true that a single mysql server can be a slave to only one master?

So if you need to replicate a dozen databases into a single reporting
server, you need to have a chain of a dozen servers in between? Someone
shared that to me, but it didn't make much sense.

In oracle we have the following options to replicate:
Snapshots (also known as materialized views) for individual tables Standby
(similar to mysql, but replicates the entire db) Streams (pick whatever you
need out of sql stream)

So for reporting purposes from multiple db's, you'd mostly likely pick
snapsohts or streams.


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List queries

2008-01-27 Thread Yong Lee
Hi all,

Is there a problem with the mysql web page ( where
you can query mailing list archives ?  I can't seem to get more than 20
results to any query.


Yong Lee
direct:  +1.604.273.8173 x113
fax: +1.604.273.8172 
EQO ID:   yonglee

log table advice

2007-02-06 Thread Yong Lee
Hi all,


Just wondering how people are dealing with tables that are used for logging,
ie: insert only tables supporting occasional queries used for audit or event

These tables will keep growing and there is no need to keep them that large
so what is the best strategy in managing the data in them.


I was thinking of going with MyIsam tables because I don't need transactions
n the table data is self contained and portable.  I would change my
application to insert into tables which are named with a datestamp component
(ie: have the apps determine the name of the table based on current time
before doing an insert) and then have a cron job  to create new tables as
needed and to also backup and remove older tables as they are no longer
being used.


Any thoughts on this ?





Yong Lee



direct:  +1.604.273.8173 x113


fax: +1.604.273.8172 

EQO ID:   yonglee



rhel4 mysql max rpm question

2006-12-19 Thread Yong Lee
Hi All,


I noticed that there are RPM downloads for RHEL4 but that these do not
contain the ndb storage engine (ie: these are standard builds).  As such,
I've resolved to just use the generic x86 rpm bundles that are offered but
I'm curious if the ndb storage engine will ever get included into a RHEL4
RPM bundle?




utf8 charset question

2006-09-18 Thread Yong Lee
Hi all,


I'm fairly new to character sets and I'm trying to get a better
understanding of how mysql deals with them.  I hope someone out there can
shed some light on a behavior that I am seeing.  We're using mysql 4.1.12
with clustered tables.


I have a table with a varchar and a text field where the table has been
defined to use :


ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1


Now, through my php user interface, I find that I can update/insert Korean
characters into the database table and successfully retrieve them from the


I'm using microsoft's Korean input system (ms-ime2002)


So, I'm wondering how can this be?  If the charset is using latin1, then I
would expect that I am using 1 byte for storage but the Korean character
sets would need 2.


-  am I just getting lucky and not using the characters that require
2 bytes ?

-  is there something special about clustered tables in that it
treats all char data as utf8 charsets ?

-  is my test invalid in that the Microsoft encoding for the Korean
characters only needs 1 byte ?


Thanks for any replies,


udf configuration

2006-07-19 Thread Yong Lee
Hi all,


I hope I have hit the right group for this question.


I would like to create a UDF that is configurable at run time.  Similar to
how mysql can use variables defined in the /etc/my.cnf file, I'd like my UDF
to make use of configuration parameters that can be set at run time.


I'm wondering if this is possible and what strategy to take to implement
this, ie: a mechanism to have mysql or the UDF read something once and then
have the UDF able to refer back to it everytime it is run.


I know I could read a file in the _init function, but this seems very
wasteful to read a file every time the function is being used.  


Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.





udf configuration resources

2006-07-19 Thread Yong Lee
Hi all,


I hope I have hit the right group for this question.


I would like to create a UDF that is configurable at run time.  Similar to
how mysql can use variables defined in the /etc/my.cnf file, I'd like my UDF
to make use of configuration parameters that can be set at run time.


I'm wondering if this is possible and what strategy to take to implement
this, ie: a mechanism to have mysql or the UDF read something once and then
have the UDF able to refer back to it everytime it is run.


I know I could read a file in the _init function, but this seems very
wasteful to read a file every time the function is being used.  


Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.


