Need help in Procedure

2007-04-25 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi All,

This is my procedure, i am using cursor to access data one row by one. The
cursor is looping twice, though i have only one row data in the DB
table(playersloginfo). Can any body tell me why cursor is looping twice and
how can i control it, And please explain me what is this  declare continue
handler for sqlstate '02000' . I will be glad if anybody answer to me.

create procedure activity1()
declare done int default 0;
declare pack text;
declare name, logout, login varchar(50);
set pack='';
declare cur1 cursor for select user_name, concat(logindate, ' ', logintime),
concat(logoutdate, ' ',logouttime) from playersloginfo;
declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1;
open cur1;
fetch cur1 into name, login, logout;
set pack = concat(pack, name, ',', login, ',', logout,';');
until done end repeat;
select pack;
close cur1;

problem with Procedure and Cursor

2007-04-13 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi all,

I am getting problem with this Procedure, i am reading the values using a
cursor, and appending them to variable. but i am getting null as output. Can
anybody please tell where is the wrong.

create procedure activity1()
declare done int default 0;
declare pack text;
declare name, logout, login varchar(50);
set pack='';
declare cur1 cursor for select user_name, concat(logindate, ' ', logintime),
concat(logoutdate, ' ',logouttime) from playersloginfo;
declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1;
open cur1;
fetch cur1 into name, login, logout;
set pack = concat(pack, name, ',', login, ',', logout,';');
until done end repeat;
select pack;
close cur1;

regional keyboards

2007-04-06 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi All,

What data will be inserted if some users use regional keyboards(like
Chineese or French characters supported).
Is my validation conditations will work for those?

I mean recently i observed that some registered users for our
application violated validation rules. Some users give single characters as
passwords(min 6 need to give) and they did not given email id(email should
not be a blank field). What can be the reasone?. The data will be directly
inserted to mysql database.


2007-03-15 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi All,

I have some doudts in db connections. Please clarify if u know.

I am using MySQL 5 version, while my program(Java Program with threads) is
running, some times i won't get DB connection with in expected time. When
ever i type show processlist on mysql prompt, it is showing 180+
connections estableshed but almost all are in sleep stage only. Is these
many opened connections are delaying a new connection? if yes is there any
process to close these  sleeping connections?


2007-02-14 Thread balaraju mandala

Hello everybody,

While i am going through the MySQL documentation i found these lines

SET @a=1;

can anybody please explain me what is these part mean and also PREPARE STMT.

Query help for Select

2007-02-13 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi All,
I need help in this  procedure, i am limiting the result to single row by
using 'limit' in select statement. But i am using a variable here, mysql is
throwing error as i am using variable, please give some suggestions.

create procedure  Report_login_Activity2()
declare count,i int DEFAULT 0;
set i = 0;
select count(*) into count from playersloginfo;
while(i = count) do
select user_name, concat(logindate, ' ', logintime), concat(logoutdate, ' ',
logouttime), TIMEDIFF(concat(logoutdate,' ', logouttime), concat(logindate,'
', logintime)) from playersloginfo *limit i,1;*
end while;

Re: need a help in Query

2007-02-12 Thread balaraju mandala

Thank you very much Jorn. Your suggestion helped me.

need a select query

2007-02-12 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi All,

I need a select query, with which i can reach to a particular row directly.
I mean if a table have 100 rows inserted,

we can use select * from table1 limit 10;

with this query i will have 10 rows, but my requirement is only 10th
row only should come as a result. If u have any solution for this please
share with me.

Thank you.

Bala Raju M.

Re: need a select query

2007-02-12 Thread balaraju mandala

Thank you Guys, your answer helpful to me.

need a help in Query

2007-02-10 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi Fello MySQL users,

I am Bala Raju, i have a problem to extract data by writing query, i need u
r help. Please help me.

I have two tables, i am giving the tables as attachement, firs table is
playersloginfo and second one is playerhanddetails.

playersloginfo : This table stores all the loginsession details of the
players, who visited the game.

playerhanddetails: This table stores all the games the player played
during a session.

I need to extract the data from both these tables, i need to display the
player's logintime, logouttime and the totaltime per a session(these are
available in 1 table) and number of games the player played(from 2 table).
Please give some ideas to write this queries.

(I tried in this way to extract data, i simple selected all the columns and
used time difference function, but to find number of games by a player, i
need to use second table(playerhanddetails). I am searching second table by
conditions of user_name, and date between (logindate, logoutdate) and
time between (logintime, logouttime))

| Field  | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| user_name  | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| ip | varchar(16) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| action | varchar(15) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| logindate  | date| YES  | | NULL|   |
| logoutdate | date| YES  | | NULL|   |
| logintime  | time| YES  | | NULL|   |
| logouttime | time| YES  | | NULL|   |
| status | varchar(15) | YES  | | NULL|   |

playerhanddetails :
| Field  | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| playername | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| handnumber | bigint(20)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| date   | date| YES  | | NULL|   |
| time   | time| YES  | | NULL|   |

Re: need a help in Query

2007-02-10 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi Jorn,

Thank you for reply, of course i can merge the columns and change the
datatype. But buddy that is not problem here, the problem is extract the

Did u able to understand my language, if not i will explain you again.
Please read the mail again and tell some ways from u r experience. I am
running out of solutions, as i am working on this from last two days.

replacing characters

2006-11-29 Thread balaraju mandala


I have to move the date to one DB to another by live, so i wrote a Java
program which will read the data from Sourse DB, and make the data as a
Strings which nothing but insert statements with data. I simply add these as
a batch and fire them to destination. Everything is fine, if simple data is
present. But the problem is if i have any Single Quotes or Back Slashes(\)
in the data the insert statement fails.

any ideas to run this smooth though there are Sinle Qoutes and Back Slashes
in the data.

Thank You.

Bala Raju M.

need auto increment value

2006-10-11 Thread balaraju mandala

Hello Everybody,

i want to read the latest value of a autoincrement column from a java
program. How can i do this? i want to do this in a single query insertion,
is it possible?

help needed to mount data from /var/lib/mysql

2006-08-19 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi Everybody,

I need small help from you. In my Linux box i have limitation of Size in
partition. I have only 5 GB space for /var. MySQL is installed in this
partition only. I want to give another path like /home, where i have 120GB
of space. Somebody told me that we need to change the data path of MySQL,
but he is not sure of that. Can anybody knows abt this?

Re: help needed to mount data from /var/lib/mysql

2006-08-19 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi All,

Thank you for u r reply. But i am unable to find my.cnf, is i need to create
this file.

Re: help needed to mount data from /var/lib/mysql

2006-08-19 Thread balaraju mandala

I am unable to start server after shifting to new location.

i tried to start 'mysqld' but it was failed. A blank mysql.sock file is
creating. Entries of log files are also not reporting any problem.

Re: help needed to mount data from /var/lib/mysql

2006-08-19 Thread balaraju mandala

if i search for any process running i am getting following thing.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# ps -ef | grep mysqld
root 18389 1  0 13:09 pts/300:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe
--defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/
mysql18422 18389  0 13:09 pts/300:00:00 /usr/libexec/mysqld
--defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --basedir=/usr --datadir=/home/mysql
--user=mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --skip-locking
root 18725 15850  0 13:47 pts/300:00:00 grep mysqld

i am new to this concept please help me.

comunication between Oracle and MYSQL

2006-08-14 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi All,

I need some suggestions from you. I need a comunication between Oracle
database with MySQL.

In my application there is a situation is arising, where i need to take some
data to MySql from a table which is in Oracle database (i am planning to
maintain that data in MySQL also). And from MySQL my application will use
it. This whole thing should be happen online.That is once some new data was
inserted to Oracle table, that should update in MySQL table also.

It is totally new situation for me and i am totally confused. Please help me

Thanks in advance.

Bala Raju Mandala.

replication problem if network delay

2006-08-07 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi All,

I need small help from you. I am using Replication, i am using this
technique to give live support to Support team. But my Server and Slave are
not in LAN. So some times i am getting network delay. Can anybody tell me a
good suggestion to over come this.


Re: concurrency problem

2006-07-03 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi All,

Thank you for u r valuable suggestions. I am trying to implement Sequence.
As i should not use AUTOINCREMENT, and Locking a table will slower my

Thank you once again.

concurrency problem

2006-06-27 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi Comunity,

I am facing concurrency problem. The scenario is, I have a table, the
primary key of that table say 'uid' is a unique number, which is used by my
application. So every time i fire a query, i get max(uid) i read this
ResultSet from my Java application. I increament this uid to +1. This
resulted 'uid' will be updated to the Table. This table is used by more than
one thread at any given time. So if some threads fire SQL command at same
time, they are getting same uid and result is a duplicate values Exception.
I cannot use AUTOINCREMENT. Please anybody have any solution for this?

i want to speed up data retriving at sql side

2006-06-20 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi All,

I need some suggestions from you. I need to program a webbased tool, where i
use Tomcat as Webserver Mysql as database. In database i have tables which
have rows 300,000 to 500,000. I written but the pages are loading very
slowly. What i can do in perspictive of database, so that data can be
loaded faster.

thankyou in advance.

Bala Raju M.

what is ibdata1

2006-05-25 Thread balaraju mandala

Hello All,

I need some explanations about these files.

1. ibdata1
2. ib_logfile0
3. localhost-bin.index
4. localhost-relay-bin.01

is these are standard names. I mean these file names are reserved for mysql?
and can be found, where mysql installed.


Re: what is ibdata1

2006-05-25 Thread balaraju mandala

Thank you Duncan.

Re: Need to replicate my DB on 5 branches into 1 DB at HO - Urgent

2006-05-23 Thread balaraju mandala

If u need this in urgent, i think my suggestion may help you.

try to do  replication in this way

Branch-A will be update in Branch-B and Branch-B will update in Branch-C
. Branch-E(which got total data of A,B,C,D) will update in Main Office.

Re: aha! replication breaking due to duplicate queries

2006-05-23 Thread balaraju mandala


yes, it is happening when ever some duplicates are loading replication is
not moving further.

I mean in my experirnce, i stoped my slave from replication for a while, and
i forget the exact location where i stoped it. I resetted my binarylog to
appropriate file, and position to 0, and started the slave. It is(client)
generating a duplicate error message, and io thread is listening but sql
thread is stoped. Any other way to solve this problem?

Re: Let's make a difference

2006-05-19 Thread balaraju mandala


I am conveying my apologies for this mail. I did not read this mail
completly and pressed next button, which resulted a mail to all recipeints
of my adressbook.

I won't repeat this again.


Let's make a difference

2006-05-17 Thread balaraju mandala

I'm doing a little something for the earth, and I thought I'd invite
you to join me:[EMAIL 

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

need help in updating old binary files to database slave

2006-05-15 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi Comunity,

I need some help from you. In replication i want to update old binary files,
but server is not updating old files. It is updatin only current using
binarylog only.

The scenario is, my master is updating log-5 file(say) and slave is reading
data from it, and updating itself to current changes. but connection is lost
between master and slave. After the connection is established the new log-6
file is update by master but at slave side its only log-5. slave is not
updating log-5 though connection is ok.

what i have to do so that the old binary file have to be updated in slave.


Re: Need help in recreating .MYD files

2006-05-10 Thread balaraju mandala

*Ok Daniel,*
* Thank you.*

Re: Need help in recreating .MYD files

2006-05-09 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi Dilip,

I got two binary logs in Server. I don't know how to find server uptime?

mysql show master logs;
| Log_name |
| localhost-bin.08 |
| localhost-bin.09 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

if i ask for structure it is giving error message

mysql desc userdetails;
ERROR 1016 (HY000): Can't open file: 'userdetails.MYI' (errno: 145)

if i create .MYD file using vi editor, MySql giving following message

mysql desc userdetails;
ERROR 1105 (HY000): File './everest/userdetails.MYD' not found (Errcode: 13)

but the file is exist.

tell me how i can get the data.


Re: Need help in recreating .MYD files

2006-05-09 Thread balaraju mandala

Thank you Daniel for reply.

Just in curiocity i want ask u, how u r taking daily backups, just using
'mysqldump' or using any Tools.


Need help in recreating .MYD files

2006-05-08 Thread balaraju mandala

Dear Comunity,

I need your help. I accidently deleted some '.MYD' files. I want to restore
them, without stopping the running server. how i can do this. i am using
Linux OS, i tried to create file using --- vi tablename.MYD(a blank file)
but it is not accepted by MySql.


Re: Need help in recreating .MYD files

2006-05-08 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi Dilip,

it means i loosed the data, correct Dilip. is there any other way to gain
that data, any binary logs etc?


Replication between Mysql 4.1.8-standard and MySql 5.0

2006-04-29 Thread balaraju mandala

Hi Comunity,

I have a problem while configuring 'Replication'. My Master Database
is MySql 4.1.8-standard version, and Slave is 5.0.
I want to set Replication between them. Problem here is in MySql
4.1.8-standard version the 'user' table fields are

Host, User, Password, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv,
Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv,
Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv
File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv.

To enable replication as we know, we need to Grant permission to Slave
mechine with appropriate permissions.I am unable to understand which field i
have to Enable?, so that Replication can start. please help me!


Re: commit problem

2006-04-23 Thread balaraju mandala
Thank you again Prassad, and Dilip.

commit problem

2006-04-21 Thread balaraju mandala

I have a problem with 'commit'. My database contain non transaction tables.
When ever i do something wrong on DB, i am unable to rollback. I am setting
set sutocommit off, but the result is same, no rollback is happening. Please
help me!


Re: commit problem

2006-04-21 Thread balaraju mandala
Thank you Prassad, and Dilip for your reply.

Prasad, i wiil be pleased if u answer to my query, how i can convert my
tables to Innodb?

Thank You,


mysqldumps from java program

2006-04-19 Thread balaraju mandala
Hi Everybody,

I need a suggestion regarding mysqldump. My problem is my application is
creatiing around 500Mb of data per day. As i want my application run
24*7*365. I need a mechanisem where i can move, previous day's data to
another location(i.e) at any given time i just want to store one or two days
data only in my current DB.

So i planned to make this by using mysqldump, as u know it will create files
which we can upload where ever we need. Is this is a good idea, or we have
another better mechanisem?

I am planning to automate this using Java. Is we have any prebiuild tools
for this?

Re: mysqldumps from java program

2006-04-19 Thread balaraju mandala
Thank you guys, let me try in this way, i will come back if i get any

On 4/19/06, balaraju mandala [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Everybody,

 I need a suggestion regarding mysqldump. My problem is my application is
 creatiing around 500Mb of data per day. As i want my application run
 24*7*365. I need a mechanisem where i can move, previous day's data to
 another location( i.e) at any given time i just want to store one or two
 days data only in my current DB.

 So i planned to make this by using mysqldump, as u know it will create
 files which we can upload where ever we need. Is this is a good idea, or we
 have another better mechanisem?

 I am planning to automate this using Java. Is we have any prebiuild tools
 for this?

Re: upgrading problem

2006-04-08 Thread balaraju mandala
Yes Eric You are correct. Thankyou for your reply. It helped me.


upgrading problem

2006-04-07 Thread balaraju mandala
Hi Comunity,

I am getting problem while i am upgrading to MySql ver 4 to MySql ver 5. I
planned first to install MySQL-shared-compat-5.0.19-0.rhel4.i386.rpm, but
i am getting following error.

error: unpacking of archive failed on file
/usr/lib/;44361c01: cpio: symlink failed - Permission

i am unable to understand the problem. Please help me.

Re: need to select correct package

2006-04-07 Thread balaraju mandala
I am planning to upgrade mysql ver 4 to mysql ver 5 but i am getting this

[EMAIL PROTECTED] trinity]$rpm -Uvh
warning: MySQL-server-standard-5.0.19-0.rhel4.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature:
NOKEY, key ID 5072e1f5
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by (installed) mod_auth_mysql-
2.6.1-2.2.i386 is needed by (installed)
cyrus-sasl-sql-2.1.19-5.EL4.i386 is needed by (installed)
dovecot-0.99.11-2.EL4.1.i386 is needed by (installed)
perl-DBD-MySQL-2.9004-3.1.i386 is needed by (installed)

Please can anybody help me

need to select correct package

2006-04-06 Thread balaraju mandala
Hi Comunity,

I have some probleme for selecting correct package of mysql software from
download section in the site. I am confused which Linux version i have to
use, as there are different packages. please help me.

Re: need to select correct package

2006-04-06 Thread balaraju mandala
Hi DK,

The user -a output is :

Linux 2.6.9-11.EL #1 Fri May 20 18:17:57 EDT 2005
i686 i6

I didn't understand what is secound command is.

On 4/6/06, Dominik Klein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 please read what i wrote and do so - I cannot help you without this info
 as I do not know any Linux Enter prise ver4

 please post your replies to the mysql mailing list, not to my

 balaraju mandala schrieb:

  Hi DK,
  I just want use MySql for personal use. But i am confused which Linux
  package i have to download as there are different packages. I have a
  system(Pentium4-HT) loaded with Linux Enter prise ver4 or i can load
  Linux Enter prise ver3.

Re: need to select correct package

2006-04-06 Thread balaraju mandala
Thank You,  Thank you very much for your help.
Sorry for mailing personally,