Re: restarting MySQL on OS X

2002-05-21 Thread jake williamson 28

alex, chuck a copy of phpMyAdmin onto the machine.

edit the phpMyAdmin configuration file to your username and password and
load it up on the loopback address.

you should find a button saying 'reload mysql' on the page.

phpMyAdmin rules!!!



on 21/5/02 1:43 pm, Alex Pilson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone knew the proper way to restart MySQL on OS X?
 I did mysqladmin -p shutdown then this the same as
 if the machine started up?

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Re: mysql/php on Win2000

2002-03-26 Thread jake williamson 28

i've got IIS (so i can do ASP), apache, php, mysql and darwin streaming
server all running on a w2k box that i use for web dev.

i've set the services to start manually and depending on what i'm doing for
the day i'll start them up individually.

all works, it's fast and rarely give me hassle - redhat on the overhand has
been a nightmare to set up but then again, i'm only starting out on it...

the main thing is windows offers so many other web technologies (plugin 'n
stuff) that i need it!

bloody microsoft!



on 25/3/02 18:33, Andrew Hazen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, if you think that IIS and Apache are going to have problems
 co-habitating then, yes, please tell me which services to kill.  On the
 other hand, I'm not using IIS for anything else, maybe I should try to
 uninstall it before installing Apache???
 Andrew Hazen

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Re: MySQL, MyODBC and MS Access

2002-03-22 Thread jake williamson 28

hello mark,

been doing this quite a bit recently but i cheat a bit...

1st step is to export the table from access as a text file - delimited by

if you load up phpMyAdmin (available at, create your database and
then mimic the table set up from access, you can then use the 'Insert
textfiles into table' function to load all the information.

a bit time consuming but it does work! phpMyAdmin is wicked as well

hope this helps,


 I have a project where I may need to connect an MS ACCESS db and MySQL.
 have read some pretty good documentation and know that is possible to
 an existing Access db and export it to MYSQL. I have a few questions and
 wondered if someone might offer some insight.
 1. Where must the Access db reside in order to talk with MySQL?
 2. After the import to MySQL, if I insert new data into MySQL will the
 Access db be updated as well?
 I am looking for a way to access live MS Access data from the web.
 Obviously, I could connect directly to the Access db itself but with
 connections, I would think it would be hard to share the data . My
 was when someone updated the Access db, the data is then exported to
 I then could use php, JSP or whatever to access the data from the web
 without having to worry about odbc connections.
 Am I way off here?
 Any help is appreciated.

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Re: OSX and Virtual Hosting set-up?

2002-03-19 Thread jake williamson 28

hello mike,

i've got a similar set-up on my g4 - only i'm not quite at the hosting point

the way i think i would go about it is create a database per domain and use
phpmyadmin (saves using the command line!) to grant 'user' permissions to
each domain name. this 'user' would be able to do a full range of tasks with
the database.

i'd then also set-up 'web' permissions so that hosts connecting in can
select, insert, delete and update rows in the tables - that way the php
scripts can talk to the database.

hope this helps!



p.s. phpmyadmin is excellent! i use it all the time - it at:

on 19/3/02 11:28, Mike Yrabedra at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,
 I am new to the list and have a quick question (I'm sure it won't be my
 I am running Mac OSX and I have PHP and MySQL running.
 My question is this. I provide web hosting, and I want to offer my clients
 access to MySQL. How do I set up Mysql  so that every virtual host has their
 own set of databases  (or tables) that only they can access? I don't want
 one client able to access another client's records.
 Let's just say we have 3 domains. How would they be setup using  mysql?
 domain1, domain2 and domain 3
 Is mysql just one big database and everyone on the server uses it?
 Forgive me I am new and just trying to wrap my head around all this.
 Thanks to anyone that can give me some direction.

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copy osx db to win2k

2002-03-18 Thread jake williamson 28


i've been developing a MySQL database in mac osX - i would like to transfer
it to work onto a win2k box running apache and mysql.

what files from X do i need to copy over? is this a fairly simple process or
am i heading for a world of pain?!



p.s. if this is possible, does the same method apply to getting a MySQL
database with a load of info already entered onto a server up on line?

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Re: mysql on redhat instalation problem

2002-02-27 Thread jake williamson 28

hello edna and brian,

your life savers! thank you for getting back to me.

i've done the chown and chmod which went well! then i typed:


this then said 'installing all prepared tables' and a message saying:

/usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

after that the default kind of welcome screen (that i've seen before when i
installed mysql on a win2000 pc) came up reminding me to set root passwords

i tried this and no joy... the default stuff seems to have gone in and when
the machine boots up it does say 'starting xsf' and then goes on about
starting the mysql daemon using /var/lib/mysql ect ect

i also tried the:

service mysqld start

and get a message saying:

mysqld: unrecognised service

have i missed something again?

thank you for any help you can chuck my way!

many thanks,


p.s. has anyone ever found a complete tutorial on the web for installing
redhat, php and mysql? i've searched and found stuff that seems to bear no
relation to what i'm trying to do!

actually, once i get this up and running, i'm seriously thinking of setting
up a site that has this kind of thing on it - i've been using to help me with php and mysql on mac osX and it's
first class! i cant believe theres not one for redhat

on 26/2/02 18:08, Edna Walton at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, you shouldn't have to do anything (much).  RedHat has set it all up
 for you, albeit not in any place you would expect it if you read the
 manual.  RH creates a user mysql and sets up the tables.  They are in the
 directory /var/lib/mysql.
 However, for some reason RH has left root as the owner of all this, so you
 have to change it:
 chown -R mysql /var/lib/mysql
 and also give mysql permission to write to it.  Not being very security
 conscious on my standalone machine, I just did
 chmod -R 755 /var/lib/mysql
 but you may wish to be more stringent.
 To start the daemon under RH, the command is
 service mysqld start
 (note the d) rather than safe_mysqld or whatever.
 Hope this helps.
 At 16:50 26/02/02 +, you wrote:
 i'm rapidly loosing the hair i have left
 i've managed to get our old clockwork pc running redhat 7.1 and php4. apache
 is a rockin and now i've just installed the mysql RPM...
 this is where everything's come to a grinding halt...
 everything's gone in and mysql seems to be up and running in the background
 - thing is i've just got to the 'what to do to set up mysql' - at this point
 in the manual it seems to forget that you've used a PRM and uses a load of
 stuff that doesn't seem to be in my machine!
 it's this bit 'See section 2.4 Post-installation Setup and Testing.' where
 it all goes wrong - none of the directories seem to be there!
 in your new server wisdom dus you have any advice?? driving me bonkers...
 cheers dude,

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mysql on redhat instalation problem

2002-02-26 Thread jake williamson 28


i'm rapidly loosing the hair i have left

i've managed to get our old clockwork pc running redhat 7.1 and php4. apache
is a rockin and now i've just installed the mysql RPM...

this is where everything's come to a grinding halt...

everything's gone in and mysql seems to be up and running in the background
- thing is i've just got to the 'what to do to set up mysql' - at this point
in the manual it seems to forget that you've used a PRM and uses a load of
stuff that doesn't seem to be in my machine!

it's this bit 'See section 2.4 Post-installation Setup and Testing.' where
it all goes wrong - none of the directories seem to be there!

in your new server wisdom dus you have any advice?? driving me bonkers...

cheers dude,


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exel to mysql

2001-07-04 Thread jake williamson 28


does anyone know how/are there any help programs to convert a excel
spreadsheet into a mysql database?

i can get the spreadsheet into access - would it be a case of i can then
export that to mysql??

any ideas oh guru's???!!




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Re: Couldn't select database

2001-06-26 Thread jake williamson 28

hey bob,

thanks for getting back to me - here's the full set up

i have a pc running windows98, apache, php and mysql. it sits on our
ethernet network and i connect to it via my mac using the ip address i have
set up in the network control panel on the pc. i use the mac for building
and the pc for web serving/ testing.

first error to report: when i start up from the command line, change into
the mysql/bin directory and type:

mysqld --standalone

i get the error 'can't initialise InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not
set'. however, this doesn't seem to effect the general running of mysql.

i created a data base with the mysqladmin programme called 'test'. i then
create a host, user and password by typing the following at the mysql

use mysql

insert into user (host, user, password) values ('', 'jake',

i then exited and used the mysqladmin to flush-privileges and tried to
connect to the database using a simple php page which checks the connection
and then use's it to connect to the test database. this all works.

then i created a 2nd database called 'guest' to start developing a guestbook
mysql backend with a php front end.

when i try to connect to this using the same host, user, password my php
test script seems to connect and cant find or connect to the database.

from what i have read and the responses i have had, it seems you have to
re-enable the host, user and password for the new databases you create but
the code that people are kindly offering up seems to have different commands
in it and to be truthful my skills are not advanced enough to full
understand how to enter it correctly.

any more info that people can chuck my way would be great.



on 25/6/01 4:03 pm, R Talbot at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Jake,
 Your problem appears similar to a problem I had but...
 you aren't providing quite enough information..
 Are you working as a user on the same local host or
 are connecting across a network?
 To eliminate a MySQL problem ( so you can concentrate
 your efforts on PHP code) try to connect directly from
 the command line with MySQL as follows..
 #root$  mysql yourdatabasename -h hostname -u username -p password
 You can eliminate -h and -p if your on the same machine without
 See if this will connect..
 BOb T


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couldnt select database

2001-06-25 Thread jake williamson 28

hi, new to the list so here goes!

i have mysql version 3.23.38 installed on a win98 pc running apache with php
4 installed.

i am working through the book and so have created a database called 'test'.
i have also put a server, user and password into the mysql database. i have
connected to this using php code.

then i recreated a second database called guest. when i try to connect to
this i get a cant select message from my php code.

i have tried different names and flushing the privileges but nothing i do
will help. i have also deleted all the databases and recreated them and
agin, the only one i can connect to is one called test

this is driving me mad!!

does anyone have any ideas??




23a great queen street
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t 020 7404 4828
f 0870 164 3109
m 07931 507 442

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