RE: slave to master

2016-04-28 Thread Jason Mallory
Master-master with load balancer would be best

Jason Mallory, MySQL/SQL Server DBA

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-Original Message-
From: Thomas [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 2:21 PM
Subject: slave to master


I have setup an master slave replication.
This works fine.
I have running an Apache webserver and some other programms accessing the 
Whats the standard pocedure if master fail?

I want to start up the programms on the slave by hand and then they are 
accessing the mySQL slave. Can they write to the slave or do I have to change 
something before in the mysql slave configuration?


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RE: Audit Table storage for Primary Key(s)

2013-05-31 Thread Jason Trebilcock
I'll ask the dumb question.

Why not create individual history tables corresponding to your 'main'
tables? So, if you have an 'address' table, then the original record could
be written to an 'address_his' table via an update or delete trigger
(depending on whether you allow deletions or not) when a change is
made...and the updated address record would be in the 'address' table. The
address_his table would really only need two additional fields to track your
data - a user field and a journal date/time.

Not sure how you're planning on writing to the changes to your audit table,
but this would allow the database to do the work instead of having to write
application code to do it.

Note: This is based on how I see things for the current application where I
work. Doesn't mean that it's right or just works for us.

-Original Message-
From: Neil Tompkins [] 
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 3:43 AM
To: [MySQL]
Subject: Fwd: Audit Table storage for Primary Key(s)

Any advice anyone ?

-- Forwarded message --
From: Neil Tompkins
Date: Thu, May 30, 2013 at 8:27 AM
Subject: Audit Table storage for Primary Key(s)
To: [MySQL]


I've created a Audit table which tracks any changed fields for multiple
tables.  In my Audit table I'm using a UUID for the primary key.  However I
need to have a reference back to the primary key(s) of the table audited.

At the moment I've a VARCHAR field which stores primary keys like


Is this the best approach, or should I have a individual field in the audit
table for all primary keys.  At the moment I think the max number of primary
keys on any given table is 3


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RE: update a row only if any column has changed, in a very large table

2013-04-06 Thread Jason Trebilcock
If'n it were my nickel, here is how I would solve the problem (at a somewhat
high level). That is, assuming I had an ETL tool available.

1. Create landing tables for your source data.
2. Load data from the source table(s) to your new landing table(s).
3. Perform lookups from the new landing table to target to identify:
inserts, updates, deletes, do nothings.
4. Write these status back to the landing table. (Want to separate the
inserts from the updates from the deletions.)
5. Load the 'inserts' to your target table.
6. Load the 'updates' to your target table.
7. Perform the 'deletes' on your target table.

And, one other thing that I would do is to log counts and I could
go back over time and evaluate performance.

But then again, I work with ETL, that is my proverbial hammer.
And given that, everything pretty much looks like a nail.

-Original Message-
From: Rajeev Prasad [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2013 3:57 PM
To: mysql list
Subject: update a row only if any column has changed, in a very large table


I have a table with around 2,000,000 records (15 columns). I have to sync
this from an outside source once everyday. not all records are
changed/removed /new-added everyday. so what is the best way to update only
those which have changed/added/or deleted?

i can use update_or_create but that will update (re-write the row) even if
nothing has changed in the row/record. wont that be an overhead? how can i
escape that? what would be the fastest and least resources consuming way to
do this table update?

I also have another table with 500,000 rows and i wish to implement the
same solution to that too.

I earlier posted this on DBIx list, as i thought i could use DBIx tools to
manage this. but based on response, it seems that MySQL tools would be more
helpful in doing it in most efficent way. Plz. advice how can i address
I also considered to delete and simply recreate the table each day. but
chnages/add and delete are not too many (may be a few hundreds.. max)

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RE: Basic SELECT help

2012-11-22 Thread Jason Trebilcock
Having watched responses go back and forth, I'll throw my cave-man approach
into the mix.

select id from
(select distinct id, count(*) 
from my_table 
where type in (2,5)
group by id
having count(*) = 2)a;

And addressing one of your concerns about more than two this
example,you would have to update the values in the where clause and the

It ain't the prettiest...and not ideal from a performance perspective, but
it does work. I guess it kind of depends on how far the real-world problem
strays from this small example.

 -Original Message-
 From: Neil Tompkins []
 Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2012 8:30 AM
 To: [MySQL]
 Subject: Basic SELECT help
 I'm struggling with what I think is a basic select but can't think how
 to do it : My data is
 From this I what to get a distinct list of id where the type equals 2
 and 5
 Any ideas ?

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RE: Additional Software to Download and Install

2011-10-14 Thread Jason Trebilcock
I'm a fan of Toad for MySQL. 

 -Original Message-
 From: AndrewMcHorney []
 Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 1:12 PM
 Subject: Additional Software to Download and Install
 I just downloaded the MySql server software. I am now looking for
 software that is gui based and will allow me to easily define a
 database, create tables and to do updates of records within the
 tables. It would be fantastic if the software had report generating
 capabilities and also would allow me to create and execute sql
 commands and to write stored procedures to process the data. The
 tables are going to be fairly simple.
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Periodic slow performance with Confluence application

2011-08-26 Thread Friedman, Jason
Thank you in advance ...

(I have paid support with Confluence and I have also posted my question with 

Our installation will run for hours or days without issues, and then CPU usage 
quickly spikes to nearly 100%, with mysqld taking 90% or more of the CPU.  
Bouncing Confluence and Mysql fixes the problem.

We are running on 2 virtualized CPUs with 2 GB of free RAM (2 GB of the 4 GB 
total is taken by Confluence).  The host is used for Confluence and its Mysql 
database only.

$ uname -a
Linux 2.6.18-238.5.1.el5 #1 SMP Mon Feb 21 05:52:39 EST 
2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 9895
Server version: 5.0.77 Source distribution

$ cat /etc/my.cnf
# Default to using old password format for compatibility with mysql 3.x
# clients (those using the mysqlclient10 compatibility package).



The following snapshot was taken during very high CPU usage:
*** 1. row ***
Per second averages calculated from the last 5 seconds
OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 41103624, signal count 20688109
--Thread 1177348416 has waited at mem0pool.c line 335 for 0.00 seconds the 
Mutex at 0xafaf3d8 created file mem0pool.c line 205, lock var 0
waiters flag 0
Mutex spin waits 0, rounds 15308404368, OS waits 26685967
RW-shared spins 44387784, OS waits 10227732; RW-excl spins 29194377, OS waits 


Trx id counter 0 1985318
Purge done for trx's n:o  0 1985271 undo n:o  0 0
History list length 4
Total number of lock structs in row lock hash table 0
---TRANSACTION 0 1985271, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1175484736
MySQL thread id 109756, query id 23573855 localhost confluence
---TRANSACTION 0 1985191, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1097603392
MySQL thread id 109754, query id 23572572 localhost confluence
---TRANSACTION 0 1985172, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1178413376
MySQL thread id 109752, query id 23572650 localhost confluence
---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1092864320
MySQL thread id 109736, query id 23573900 localhost root
---TRANSACTION 0 1985124, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1092598080
MySQL thread id 109705, query id 23572568 localhost confluence
---TRANSACTION 0 1985281, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1174686016
MySQL thread id 109700, query id 23573825 localhost confluence
---TRANSACTION 0 1985269, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1176815936
MySQL thread id 109681, query id 23573859 localhost confluence
---TRANSACTION 0 1985309, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1093396800
MySQL thread id 109615, query id 23573897 localhost confluence
---TRANSACTION 0 1980073, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1179212096
MySQL thread id 107223, query id 23442072 localhost wikiuser
---TRANSACTION 0 1945259, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1100269888
MySQL thread id 107222, query id 22573280 localhost wikiuser
---TRANSACTION 0 1980691, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 113648
MySQL thread id 107221, query id 23459487 localhost wikiuser
---TRANSACTION 0 1945238, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1093929280
MySQL thread id 107220, query id 22572932 localhost wikiuser
---TRANSACTION 0 1945245, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1094195520
MySQL thread id 107219, query id 22573051 localhost wikiuser
---TRANSACTION 0 1980082, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1093130560
MySQL thread id 104880, query id 23442447 localhost wikiuser
---TRANSACTION 0 1945257, not started, process no 4295, OS thread id 1176017216
MySQL thread id 104879, query id 22573321 localhost wikiuser
---TRANSACTION 0 1985317, ACTIVE 1 sec, process no 4295, OS thread id 
1097070912 fetching rows, thread declared inside InnoDB 298
mysql tables in use 1, locked 0
MySQL thread id 109692, query id 23573899 localhost confluence 
Sending data
select page0_.CONTENTID as CONTENTID, page0_.CHILD_POSITION as CHILD_P13_, 

Re: Any table visualization tools with wires connecting the actual columns?

2011-04-07 Thread Jason Trebilcock
Toad for MySQL can do the diagramming piece...but, it looks and feels like
you might have some of the same frustrations with it as well.  But, another
tool worth exploring nonetheless.

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 2:17 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:

 Does anyone have any suggestions on this? I've written to SQL Maestro twice
 and they've not replied either.

 From: Daevid Vincent []
 Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 4:27 PM
 Subject: Any table visualization tools with wires connecting the actual

 I am evaluating various tools for diagram generating of existing databases
 on some smaller databases (9 tables or so) first.

 The two I've tried so far are these:

 Both _seem_ robust and cosmetically polished, but feel to me lacking the
 most obvious and key component of the whole purpose to make an EER diagram.

 I don't understand in workbench, why it creates new keys for me on existing
 tables. Maestro doesn't do this nonsense. It isn't the tools business where
 I have keys, it only needs to be concerned with what links to what -- that
 tell it to. It's further exacerbated by the fact that the documentation
 indicates these aren't even REAL keys, they are cosmetic only! WTF? Why add
 confusion guys?

 1. Neither one seem to be smart enough to automatically know that columns
 the same name should be linked, and furthermore they should be linked from
 all tables to the one where that column name is the PK. my tables don't
 true InnoDB FKs setup. And some tables are MYISAM (as they're significantly
 faster). But I do use keys and I do have sane naming conventions, so I
 understand why they can't use the names, and if there are multiple tables
 (for some unlikely reason) then just prompt me which table to use.

 Which leads me to the second and third problems...

 So I manually have started to draw the connections, but:

 2. How can I make the wires stick to a column on the left or right edge, so
 that I can have a direct visual link between the columns. Right now, it
 seems they float around the edge of the table box. That's sort of useless
 isn't it? it's like saying, well, something in this table points to
 something in that table.?! I would think that two programs with such high
 version numbers would have this feature. Maybe I'm missing a configuration
 or some way I'm supposed to do it?

 3. Some of my databases point to tables in other databases on the same
 server. It would be useful if I could make a wire that indicates this.

 Are there other (better) options out there for this? I really don't want to
 do this in Visio or make a printout of the table boxes and tape string to
 walls to visualize all the databases, tables and columns.



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Surge 2010 Early Registration ends Tuesday!

2010-08-27 Thread Jason Dixon
Early Bird Registration for Surge Scalability Conference 2010 ends next
Tuesday, August 31.  We have a killer lineup of speakers and architects
from across the Internet.  Listen to experts talk about the newest
methods and technologies for scaling your Web presence.

This year's event is all about the challenges faced (and overcome) in
real-life production architectures.  Meet the engineering talent from
some of the best and brightest throughout the Internet:

John Allspaw, Etsy
Theo Schlossnagle, OmniTI
Bryan Cantrill, Joyent
Rasmus Lerdorf, creator of PHP
Tom Cook, Facebook
Benjamin Black, fast_ip
Christopher Brown, Opscode
Artur Bergman, Wikia
Baron Schwartz, Percona
Paul Querna, Cloudkick

Surge 2010 takes place at the Tremont Grand Historic Venue on Sept 30
and Oct 1, 2010 in Baltimore, MD.  Register NOW for the Early Bird
discount and guarantee your seat to this year's event!

Jason Dixon
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
443.325.1357 x.241

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Register now for Surge 2010

2010-08-02 Thread Jason Dixon
Registration for Surge Scalability Conference 2010 is open for all
attendees!  We have an awesome lineup of leaders from across the various
communities that support highly scalable architectures, as well as the
companies that implement them.  Here's a small sampling from our list of

John Allspaw, Etsy
Theo Schlossnagle, OmniTI
Rasmus Lerdorf, creator of PHP
Tom Cook, Facebook
Benjamin Black, fast_ip
Artur Bergman, Wikia
Christopher Brown, Opscode
Bryan Cantrill, Joyent
Baron Schwartz, Percona
Paul Querna, Cloudkick

Surge 2010 focuses on real case studies from production environments;
the lessons learned from failure and how to re-engineer your way to a
successful, highly scalable Internet architecture.  The conference takes
place at the Tremont Grand Historic Venue on Sept 30 and Oct 1, 2010 in
Baltimore, MD.  Register now to enjoy the Early Bird discount and
guarantee your seat to this year's event!


Jason Dixon
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
443.325.1357 x.241

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Last day to submit your Surge 2010 CFP!

2010-07-09 Thread Jason Dixon
Today is your last chance to submit a CFP abstract for the 2010 Surge
Scalability Conference.  The event is taking place on Sept 30 and Oct 1,
2010 in Baltimore, MD.  Surge focuses on case studies that address
production failures and the re-engineering efforts that led to victory
in Web Applications or Internet Architectures.

You can find more information, including suggested topics and our
current list of speakers, online:

The final lineup should be available on the conference website next
week.  If you have questions about the CFP, attending Surge, or having
your business sponsor/exhibit at Surge 2010, please contact us at


Jason Dixon
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
443.325.1357 x.241

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CFP for Surge Scalability Conference 2010

2010-07-02 Thread Jason Dixon
A quick reminder that there's one week left to submit your abstract for
this year's Surge Scalability Conference.  The event is taking place on
Sept 30 and Oct 1, 2010 in Baltimore, MD.  Surge focuses on case studies
that address production failures and the re-engineering efforts that led
to victory in Web Applications or Internet Architectures.

Our Keynote speakers include John Allspaw and Theo Schlossnagle.  We are
currently accepting submissions for the Call For Papers through July
9th.  You can find more information, including suggested topics and our
current list of speakers, online:

I'd also like to urge folks who are planning to attend, to get your
session passes sooner rather than later.  We have limited seating and we
are on track to sell out early.  For more information, including the
CFP, sponsorship of the event, or participating as an exhibitor, please
visit the Surge website or contact us at


Jason Dixon
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
443.325.1357 x.241

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CFP for Surge Scalability Conference 2010

2010-06-18 Thread Jason Dixon
We're excited to announce Surge, the Scalability and Performance
Conference, to be held in Baltimore on Sept 30 and Oct 1, 2010.  The
event focuses on case studies that demonstrate successes (and failures)
in Web applications and Internet architectures.

Our Keynote speakers include John Allspaw and Theo Schlossnagle.  We are
currently accepting submissions for the Call For Papers through July
9th.  You can find more information, including our current list of
speakers, online:

If you've been to Velocity, or wanted to but couldn't afford it, then
Surge is just what you've been waiting for.  For more information,
including CFP, sponsorship of the event, or participating as an
exhibitor, please contact us at


Jason Dixon
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
443.325.1357 x.241

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Re: select daily random

2010-02-28 Thread Jason Carson
 At 08:59 PM 2/27/2010, you wrote:
Hello everyone,

How would I select a random row that changes daily?


 The common way would be to do:

 select * from table order by rand() limit 1;

 You can of course add a Where clause to select only those rows that were
 added today.

 select * from table where Log_Date=Date(Now()) order by rand() limit 1;

 This works fine as long as there are not too many dates to sort. Otherwise
 you will need to use an autoinc column and choose one of those randomly.
 This is not as easy as it looks because the sequence may have holes in it
 and may not be in the proper sequence.


Thanks for the reply Mike but the common way you mentioned didn't do
what I wanted. I did some searching on Google and found the following
PHP/MySQL code which seems to do what I want...

$query = SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY rand( . date(Ymd) . ) LIMIT 1;

...It selects a random row that changes on a daily bases.

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select daily random

2010-02-27 Thread Jason Carson
Hello everyone,

How would I select a random row that changes daily?


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Re: select daily random

2010-02-27 Thread Jason Carson
...I am using PHP 5.2

 Hello everyone,

 How would I select a random row that changes daily?


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RE: Exporting the result of a Query into excel

2010-01-05 Thread Jason Trebilcock

 -Original Message-
 From: ishaq gbola []
 Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 7:18 AM
 Subject: Exporting the result of a Query into excel
 Hi all,
 I would like to know if there is a tool or command in mySQL that allows
 one to export the result of query into excel formart

If'n you can download and install Toad for MySQL, then the steps might go like 
1. Write the query
2. Run the query
3. Click the Export data to an Excel file button/icon (if you have Excel 2007 
installed, it might throw a warning at you) 4. Note where the file was created 
5. ?
6. Profit!

The only caveat to the above is to be aware of how many rows you want to export 
and the corresponding column/row limitations of whatever version of Excel you 
have installed.

As an additional caveat, you could export to html or csv formats as well which 
would allow you to work around any size limitations imposed by Excel.


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RE: Query help

2009-12-13 Thread Jason Trebilcock
Depending on whether you just need to count or the transaction numbers, one of 
the following three should get you where you want/need to be:

To identify the count for comp_id = 675:
select count(distinct trans_no) from trans where comp_id = 675 and result = 'o';

To identify the transactions:
select distinct trans_no from trans where comp_id = 675 and result = 'o';

To identify the transactions and the individual counts:
select trans_no, count(*) from trans where comp_id = 675 and result = 'o' group 
by trans_no;

 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Reina []
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 12:37 PM
 Subject: Query help
 I was wondering if someone could lend a hand with the following query.
 I have table.
 |ID |trans_no|comp_id|result
 13  | 455|  675| o
 15  | 302|  675| o
 16  | 455|  675| o
 12  | 225|  629| y
 SELECT count(*) FROM SEARCHES WHERE comp_id=675 AND result='o' GROUP BY
 gives me a count of 3.
 However, what I need is a count for how many different (unique)
 transactions company number 675 got a result 'o' which would be 2 (455
  302).  I have tried different group by columns but to no avail. Can
 someone help?
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RE: Natural join problem

2009-09-10 Thread Jason Trebilcock
Methinx you need a GROUP BY in there.  See below.

 -Original Message-
 From: John Meyer []
 Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:48 PM
 Subject: Natural join problem
 Two tables:
 . . .etc
 Trying to get the user information and the number of tweets each person

select u.user_name, count(t.tweet_id)
from users u, tweets t
where u.user_id = t.user_id
group by u.user_name

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RE: MySQL Windows version

2009-07-10 Thread Jason Trebilcock

 -Original Message-
 From: russbucket []
 Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 11:09 AM
 Subject: MySQL Windows version
 I have been using the Linux version of MySQL for five years, also used
 it on
 a Windows ME system even though documents said you couldn't. Recent a
 asked me to help him get it up and running on a Windows Vista system.
 I was looking for the system configuration requirements but could not
 them in the manual (or I missed them)? We want to use localhost.
 Do you need Apache and PHP? Is there a Windows application that works
 phpMyAdmin? I tried MySQLAdmin on my Linux system, but I could not cut
 paste SQL Commands into the editor.

[Jason Trebilcock] 

Toad for MySQL would be another option.

 Anything pointing to the above would be helpful.
 Thanks in advance.
 OpenSUSE 11.1 KDE 4.1.3,
 Intel DX48BT2 Core 2 Dual E7200. 4 GB DDR III
 GeForce 8400 GS, 320GB Disc (2)

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Default Date and Time

2009-06-26 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi All,

I want to create a table that defaults to current_date and current_time.

I have:

CREATE TABLE `personalevent`(
`pevent` mediumint(10) NOT NULL,
`eventid` mediumint(10) NOT NULL,
`userid` mediumint(10) NOT NULL,
`username` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(10) NULL,
`country` varchar(45) NULL,
`zipcode` varchar(5) NULL,
`city` varchar(35) NULL,
`hstate` varchar(45) NULL,
`exclusive` varchar(7) NULL,
`eventtime` time NULL DEFAULT current_time(),
`eventdate` date NULL DEFAULT current_date(),
`eventdura` varchar(35) NULL,
`daysevent` varchar(10) NULL,
`crowd` varchar(25) NULL,
`venue` varchar(50) NULL,
`activitytype` varchar(45) NULL,
`actdetails` varchar(255) NULL,
`encodedby` varchar(100) NULL,
`curmo` varchar(2) NULL,
`pageweb` varchar(50) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`pevent`)

But this throws a syntax error. I have tried Now() as well.

What am I doing wrong?



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Duplicate key name when importing mysql dump file

2009-06-17 Thread Jason Novotny

   I'm trying to import a dumpfile like so:

cat aac.sql | mysql -u root AAC

It all runs fine until I get something like:

ERROR 1061 (42000) at line 5671: Duplicate key name 'FK_mediaZip_to_zipSet'

Is there a way I can tell it to ignore or replace the key?

Thanks, Jason

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Re: IDE - SQLYog

2009-06-10 Thread Jason Trebilcock
I think we've got almost all of the big ones listed.  To complete the list
(or at least grow the list by one), let me offer up Toad for MySQL:

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Isart Montane isart.mont...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've been using phpmyadmin as a MySQL GUI for some time and worked great



 On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:

  SQLYog by Webyog is the best mySQL GUI client for Windows. Hands down.
  even a question. I've used them all I think.
  There's even a free community version, but honestly it's worth
  the extended one for all the added features. They also release new ones
  the time so it's very actively developed.
   -Original Message-
   From: Mosaed zamil []
   Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 9:41 AM
   Subject: IDE
   Hello all,
   I used Database Workbench on trial bases. It is nice. I plan
   to purchase an
   IDE. Is is it the best around. Your feed back is appreciated.
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Re: Start MySQL with --intit-file?

2009-04-29 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi Guys,

i am still lost here:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';

Here is the command that I am executing:

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart --init-file=~/cloudsql.sql
Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]#

In cloudsql.sql I have:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';

When I try to connect from my machine in my apartment I get:

Unable to connect to host
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary  
MySQL said: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this  
MySQL server

Can I start over some how or how do I fix? I have never had this much  
trouble, but I guess historically for me, I have not done a setup from  


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Re: Start MySQL with --intit-file?

2009-04-29 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

OK, I have done this:

[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe
A mysqld process already exists
[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe  --init-file=~/cloudsql.sql
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/
090429 20:12:30  mysqld ended

[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe stop
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/
090429 20:12:54  mysqld ended

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]#

I tried to connect and still same error message of:

Unable to connect to host
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary  
MySQL said: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this  
MySQL server

I must be a dunce, I know you guys know what you are talking about!

On Apr 29, 2009, at 12:28 PM, mark konetchy wrote:

i dont think that the init.d script will accept the argument.

you need to run /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --init-file=clouds.sql 

(or whatever the path to mysqld_safe is)

2009/4/29 Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi Guys,

i am still lost here:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';

Here is the command that I am executing:

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart --init-file=~/ 

Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]#

In cloudsql.sql I have:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';

When I try to connect from my machine in my apartment I get:

Unable to connect to host
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary
MySQL said: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this  


Can I start over some how or how do I fix? I have never had this much
trouble, but I guess historically for me, I have not done a setup  



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Re: Start MySQL with --intit-file?

2009-04-29 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi Mark,

I am all set now, The log said it could not find the sql file, so I  
put it in /tmp and hard coded the path to /tmp/cloudsql.sql and it  
works now!

Weird because I had used ~/cloudsql.sql and /root/cloudsql.sql as  
paths too

Thank you so much for your help! John and Andy too!


On Apr 29, 2009, at 1:20 PM, mark konetchy wrote:


It looks like mysql is erroring out when you try to start it from  
the command line.  What does the error log say?

2009/4/29 Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle
OK, I have done this:

[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe
A mysqld process already exists
[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe  --init-file=~/cloudsql.sql
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/
090429 20:12:30  mysqld ended

[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe stop
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/
090429 20:12:54  mysqld ended

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start

Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]#

I tried to connect and still same error message of:

Unable to connect to host
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary  
MySQL said: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this  
MySQL server

I must be a dunce, I know you guys know what you are talking about!


On Apr 29, 2009, at 12:28 PM, mark konetchy wrote:

i dont think that the init.d script will accept the argument.

you need to run /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --init-file=clouds.sql 

(or whatever the path to mysqld_safe is)

2009/4/29 Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi Guys,

i am still lost here:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';

Here is the command that I am executing:

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart --init-file=~/ 

Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]#

In cloudsql.sql I have:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';

When I try to connect from my machine in my apartment I get:

Unable to connect to host
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary
MySQL said: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this  


Can I start over some how or how do I fix? I have never had this much
trouble, but I guess historically for me, I have not done a setup from


Start MySQL with --intit-file?

2009-04-28 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle
I am trying to start MySQL with --init-file but i get that it is an  
invalid option. the 'man' page and --help dont help me decide what is.

Here is what I am doing:

r...@server1 ~]# mysql start --init-file = cloudsql.txt
mysql: unknown option '--init-file'



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Re: Start MySQL with --intit-file?

2009-04-28 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle


I am trying:

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart --init-file=cloudsql.sql
Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]

the cloudsql.sql file contains:

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('xxx') WHERE User='root';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'';

But I still get that I cannot connect from

I still dont see what I am doing wrong...


On Apr 28, 2009, at 5:34 PM, mark konetchy wrote:

hey jason,

you need to restart the *server* with the init-file option, have a  
look at:

2009/4/28 Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

I am trying to start MySQL with --init-file but i get that it is an  

option. the 'man' page and --help dont help me decide what is.

Here is what I am doing:

r...@server1 ~]# mysql start --init-file = cloudsql.txt
mysql: unknown option '--init-file'



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Resetting MySQL Root Password

2009-04-27 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi All,

CentOS 5.3

I installed MySQL Server via yum and started it.

I tried entering:

mysqladmin -u root password yourrootsqlpassword
mysqladmin -h -u root password yourrootsqlpassword

But I get:

r...@server1 ~]# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h localhost password  

/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'

How can I reset this and allow Root access, otherwise nobody has access!



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DB crashing while dumping

2009-02-15 Thread Jason Davis
 I have been trying mysqldump with different switches to get my DB to dump.
All give me the same error (after dumping 218gigs) :

Here is the command I'm currently trying..

 mysqldump -A -q -v --lock-all-tables -u root -p --skip-extended-insert
--master-data  /root/sql_dump1.sql

Can anyone advice on what to do?

Thank You Very Much,
Jason Davis

Re: DB crashing while dumping

2009-02-15 Thread Jason Davis
On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Walter Heck wrote:


Thanks for replying. I read the bug and the comments. This seems to be a
problem on 64bit AMD hardware. Is this a correct assessment?
I'm using 2x Xeon quad core 64bit.


Re: DB crashing while dumping

2009-02-15 Thread Jason Davis
On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:


 can we see the schema and a few data rows for
 says something about invalid pointers?


Ok, I hope this is what you are wanting, I'm a newb.


two rows of data:


grabbing even addresses?

2009-02-02 Thread Jason Pruim


I was wondering if something was possible, I have an excel file right  
now of US mailing addresses, and what I need to do is select all the  
odd numbered addresses on one road, is there an easy way I can do  
that from MySQL? the addresses could contain 3, 4 or 5 numbers per  
addresses such as:

123 Main
1232 Main
1233 Main
1234 Main
12345 Main

and what I want out of those would be:

1232 Main
1234 Main

Any ideas? Thanks for looking! :)

Jason Pruim

Re: grabbing even addresses?

2009-02-02 Thread Jason Pruim

On Feb 2, 2009, at 1:41 PM, Christoph Boget wrote:

I was wondering if something was possible, I have an excel file  
right now of
US mailing addresses, and what I need to do is select all the odd  
addresses on one road, is there an easy way I can do that from  
MySQL? the

addresses could contain 3, 4 or 5 numbers per addresses such as:
123 Main
1232 Main
1233 Main
1234 Main
12345 Main
and what I want out of those would be:
1232 Main
1234 Main
Any ideas? Thanks for looking! :)

Well, if this is something you will be doing a lot, the most efficient
way to store the addresses would be to have separate columns for the
house number and the street name.  Doing that will allow you to run a
query as simple as:

SELECT * FROM Addresses WHERE (house_number % 2) == 0;

If you can't (or don't want to) have separate columns, you can use a
regular expression to pull out the house number then operating on it
as above.You can read more about mysql and regular expressions

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the info, I had thought about splitting it but wanted to  
see if there was a better/different way.  Right now this is a one  
time thing, but if it works well it's something that could turn into  
a regular thing for me to do.

Thanks again!

Jason Pruim

Re: need help with query...

2008-12-17 Thread Jason Pruim

On Dec 17, 2008, at 2:56 PM, Lamp Lists wrote:

I hate when somebody put in Subject line something like I just did  
but after 15 minutes to try to be specific just with one short  
sentence - I gave up. So, you can hate me - I understand (though,  
help with my problem too) :-)

I have let say 3 tables people, organization, addresses. and they  
are linked to each other with column person_id.
to select person by specified person_id it's not big deal, really  
simple. though, I wonder how can I select records from these three  
tables but somehow marked which table it belongs?


select p.first_name, p.last_name, p.status, p.date_registered,  
o.org_id, o.org_name, o.org_department, a.addres1, a.address2,, a.state,

from people p, organization o, addresses a
where p.person_id=123 and o.person_id=p.person_id and  

I need somehow, together with result data, info which table data  

not exactly this way but something like this:
$data = array(
'people' = array('lamp', 'lists', 1, '2008-12-12'),
'organization' = array(56, 'Lamp List', 'web'),
'addresses' = array('123 Main St.', 'Toon Town', 'NY', '12345')

thanks for any help.


It may not be the best option, but when I've done that type of stuff  
in the past, I add another field to the database and call it like  
List and put People in the people database. and then you could  
just query the field List and display it how ever you needed.

Jason Pruim

Re: Zip Codes with Leading Zeros

2008-08-22 Thread Jason Pruim

Hi Keith,

I don't know how to fix it in MySQL, but if you import them into  
Excel, select the zip code field, go under format rows under the  
Special option is Zip Code. If you use that it will add a leading  
zero to any field that does NOT have at least 5 characters.

Also.. If you have addresses to go with the zip codes, I work at a  
presorted mailing company and we could run your list through our  
software which would check, and verify the address, as well as the zip  
code. It's a very modest charge and we usually have a quick turn  
around. E-mail me off list if you are interested.


On Aug 21, 2008, at 11:07 PM, Keith Spiller wrote:

Thanks for all your suggestions Tom.  The mixed 5 digit zip code and  
10 digit zip+4 code data set are in a varchar(20) field.

I don't recall if the data was identical in both the CSV and Excel  
files, but I do remember I had the same problem.  It's been many  
months since I imported the original data into MySQL and I still  
need to repair the damage zip codes before we attempt another export  
to Excel.

I believe your final suggestion is my necessary route.  Thanks again  
for your help Tom.


- Original Message - From: Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

To: Keith Spiller [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 8:28 PM
Subject: RE: Zip Codes with Leading Zeros

Keith (I'm not very familiar with phpMyAdmin): what is the  
underlying datatype of your zip code field?

On the command line, if I use:

mysql select * into outfile '/tmp/file.txt' fields terminated by  
',' optionally enclosed by '' lines terminated by '\n' from tmp;

(note that the default output, if not specified is tab-separated)

...I get csv style output in the output file for columns of type  
varchar(100), for example, with records containing leading zeros.

Are the outputs identical in CSV and Excel (not sure whether Excel  
is not showing the leading zeroes as part of the column formatting  

Of course, you could write a post-processing script that adds the  
leading zeros to records not long enough.


-Original Message-
From: Keith Spiller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 21-Aug-08 22:11
Subject: Zip Codes with Leading Zeros


RE:  Zip Codes with Leading Zeros

We need to export a MySQL table with a zip code field to Excel.  We  
currently use PhpMyAdmin to export to CSV or Excel files.  We have  
had problems with zip codes with leading zeros.  The leading zeros  
are removed so that we are left with incomplete codes.  Can you  
help us learn the correct procedure for dealing with, exporting and  
importing zip codes?

Thank you very much for all your help.


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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
11287 James St
Holland, MI 49424

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Re: looking for ready made address management

2008-08-12 Thread Jason Pruim

On Aug 12, 2008, at 2:30 AM, robert rottermann wrote:

Hi there,
I am about to create tools to maintain addresses (companies,  
persons, groups)
As this is probably done allredy a million times over I would like  
to ask if somebody could point me from where I migth download the  
database structure for such a feat or whether someone of you could  
provide me one.

this would not only spare me some time and errors designing it but I  
migth lern some tricks of the trade.

Hi Robert,

It sounds like you are looking for a CRM... There are lots of options  
out there (I'm assuming open source since I don't have time to check)  
google is your friend! :)


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
11287 James St
Holland, MI 49424

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Tracking changes in large datasets over time

2008-07-18 Thread Jason Yergeau
I'm having trouble working through a data problem.  Any tips or
keywords that might clue me into a known pattern would be incredibly

I have about 500,000 users in my system.  Each user has a points
balance, updated by a system over which I have no control.  I'd like
to track changes to each user's point balance over time by taking
timestamped snapshots of their balance, and saving it into a new

It's easy to take the snapshot:

insert into balances (userid, points) select userid, points from users;

This quickly takes the points field from my users table, and saves it
into a balances table, which saves the data along with a timestamp.  I
can run that query on a regular basis without overly taxing my system.

The first time its run, I get 500,000 rows of data.  That's fine.  But
the next time I run a query, I only want to save the differences in

Anyone have any tips?


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Re: Tracking changes in large datasets over time

2008-07-18 Thread Jason Yergeau
Hi Rob ---

MySQL 5.

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 3:01 PM, Rob Wultsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Jason Yergeau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having trouble working through a data problem.  Any tips or
 keywords that might clue me into a known pattern would be incredibly

 I have about 500,000 users in my system.  Each user has a points
 balance, updated by a system over which I have no control.  I'd like
 to track changes to each user's point balance over time by taking
 timestamped snapshots of their balance, and saving it into a new

 It's easy to take the snapshot:

 insert into balances (userid, points) select userid, points from users;

 This quickly takes the points field from my users table, and saves it
 into a balances table, which saves the data along with a timestamp.  I
 can run that query on a regular basis without overly taxing my system.

 The first time its run, I get 500,000 rows of data.  That's fine.  But
 the next time I run a query, I only want to save the differences in

 Anyone have any tips?


 What version of mysql do you need this to work with?

 Rob Wultsch

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Re: Selecting my data first

2008-05-12 Thread Jason Pruim

It looks like you can use multiple order by's...

SELECT * FROM files ORDER BY owner_id, file_id

or something like that... The documentation is really good :)

On May 12, 2008, at 2:36 PM, Jake Conk wrote:


I have a table with 2 columns, file_id and owner_id. I want to select
all the files and order by file_id but I want the ones that belong to
me to show up first then everyone elses. Is this possible and how?

This is what I'm trying to accomplish:

SELECT * FROM whiles WHERE owner_id=my_id first THEN SELECT * FROM
files ORDER by file_id

I would suspect this can be accomplished by a sub query somehow but I
don't know how.

- Jake

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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337

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Problem attempting to use load data into

2008-04-14 Thread Jason Pruim

Hi Everyone,

I am attempting to use this command: load data infile '/volumes/raider/ 
elks.test.txt' into table elksCurrent fields terminated by '\t' lines  
terminated by '\n';

My table is created as such:

| elksCurrent | CREATE TABLE `elksCurrent` (
  `FName` varchar(40) default NULL,
  `LName` varchar(40) default NULL,
  `Add1` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `Add2` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `City` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `State` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `Zip` varchar(14) default NULL,
  `XCode` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `Reason` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `Record` mediumint(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`Record`)

The error that I'm getting is:

| Level   | Code |  
| Warning | 1366 | Incorrect integer value: 'Record' for column  
'Record' at row 1

The row it's choking on is this:

Reason  Record  
First Name  Last Name   123 Main St Holland MI  49424   
1   \t  \t  \n

(Yes I did change the name to protect the innocent! But all data is  
the correct type in each row)

Any Ideas?


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337

Re: Problem attempting to use load data into

2008-04-14 Thread Jason Pruim

On Apr 14, 2008, at 2:01 PM, Rob Wultsch wrote:
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 10:47 AM, Rob Wultsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
It is probably trying to insert a string of no length into the not  
null field.

Try it with:
Above should read into an int field, while the server is in strict  

Hi Rob,

Where would I set that? I tried to add it to the load data infile line  
and it didn't like that... Should I try it before I do the indata?

Rob Wultsch
wultsch (aim)

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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337

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Re: Problem attempting to use load data into

2008-04-14 Thread Jason Pruim

Hi again everyone,

After taking the advice of someone offlist I tried the IGNORE 1  
LINES and that didn't help... Same result. I've tried a tab delimited  
file, and a comma separated file. Same result with both. Any other  
ideas? :)

On Apr 14, 2008, at 1:29 PM, Jason Pruim wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I am attempting to use this command: load data infile '/volumes/ 
raider/elks.test.txt' into table elksCurrent fields terminated by  
'\t' lines terminated by '\n';

My table is created as such:

| elksCurrent | CREATE TABLE `elksCurrent` (
 `FName` varchar(40) default NULL,
 `LName` varchar(40) default NULL,
 `Add1` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `Add2` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `City` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `State` varchar(20) default NULL,
 `Zip` varchar(14) default NULL,
 `XCode` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `Reason` varchar(20) default NULL,
 `Record` mediumint(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`Record`)

The error that I'm getting is:

| Level   | Code |  
| Warning | 1366 | Incorrect integer value: 'Record' for column  
'Record' at row 1

The row it's choking on is this:

Reason  Record  
First Name  Last Name   123 Main St Holland MI  49424   
1   \t  \t  \n

(Yes I did change the name to protect the innocent! But all data is  
the correct type in each row)

Any Ideas?


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337

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Re: Problem attempting to use load data into

2008-04-14 Thread Jason Pruim

On Apr 14, 2008, at 3:29 PM, Daniel Brown wrote:
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Jason Pruim [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi Everyone,

I am attempting to use this command: load data infile
'/volumes/raider/elks.test.txt' into table elksCurrent fields  
terminated by

'\t' lines terminated by '\n';


The error that I'm getting is:

| Level   | Code | Message

| Warning | 1366 | Incorrect integer value: 'Record' for column  
'Record' at

row 1

   That's because it's attempting to insert the name of the columns
from your CSV into MySQL --- and 'Record' is not a valid INT.

Replaced field name with 0 and had the same end result... Just no  
error. But I get the first row included! Which is just field names and  
a 0 for good measure :)

Any other ideas Master Brown? :)

***Before I get yelled at for not showing respect please note that I  
know Dan from another list and I am allowed to give him crap like this  
no matter what he says :P


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337

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Re: Problem attempting to use load data into

2008-04-14 Thread Jason Pruim

On Apr 14, 2008, at 4:37 PM, Daniel Brown wrote:
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

   Does your file actually have the characters \t \t \n at the end of
each row like that?

   Send it to me as an attachment off-list and I'll help you figure
it out and then post back here for the MySQL archives.

   Sorry, got sidetracked with the day job and the pre-wife  
nagging me.  ;-P

   Anyway, as I suspected, you did have literal \t and \n characters.
I wrote a script to fix it, and I'll link you to the updated CSV
file.  Run that with the IGNORE 1 ROWS command and you should be set.

Just to complete the archives, This did fix it. Make sure you don't  
try and put literal tab values \t and new line values \n into your  
data and it should work just fine!  So thank you Dan for your help!  
And everyone else as well!

/Daniel P. Brown
Ask me about:
Dedicated servers starting @ $59.99/mo., VPS starting @ $19.99/mo.,
and shared hosting starting @ $2.50/mo.
Unmanaged, managed, and fully-managed!


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337

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RE: relational tables

2008-03-20 Thread Jason Trebilcock
See below...

 -Original Message-
 From: John Taylor-Johnston [mailto:John.Taylor-
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 2:17 PM
 To: Sebastian Mendel;
 Subject: Re: relational tables
 CREATE TABLE `person` (
   `person_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `name` varchar(255) default NULL,
   `email` varchar(255) default NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (`person_id`),
   KEY `email` (`email`),
   KEY `name` (`name`)
 INSERT INTO `person`( `person_id`, `name`, `email` ) VALUES ( 1,
 INSERT INTO `person`( `person_id`, `name`, `email` ) VALUES ( 2,
 Name', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ) ;
   `shopping_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
   `email` varchar(255) default NULL,
   `name` varchar(255) default NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (`shopping_id`),
   UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`),
   UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`),
 FOREIGN KEY (`email`) REFERENCES `person` (`email`),
 FOREIGN KEY (`name`) REFERENCES `person` (`name`)

Something doesn't smell right with the 'shopping' table. Rather than using
what appears to be the same values (aside from the person_id as opposed to
the shopping_id), wouldn't it be more effective to have the shopping table
have 'shopping_id' and 'person_id' fields?  With that approach, you could
get away from having the same data in two tables.  But, you'll have to start
building ways to look up the person_id based on name and email values in
order to populate the shopping table.

Took a flyer at an updated version of the above (not knowing what your
intent is):

 CREATE TABLE `person` (
   `person_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `name` varchar(255) default NULL,
   `email` varchar(255) default NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (`person_id`),
   KEY `email` (`email`),
   KEY `name` (`name`)
 INSERT INTO `person`( `person_id`, `name`, `email` ) VALUES ( null, 'Name',
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ) ;  -- updated the key value to allow for being
created automatically
 INSERT INTO `person`( `person_id`, `name`, `email` ) VALUES ( null,
 'second Name', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ) ;  -- same thing here
   `shopping_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
   `person_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (`shopping_id`),
 FOREIGN KEY (`person_id`) REFERENCES `person` (`person_id`),

The syntax of the above might not be 100%...but it looks to be close enough.

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Question about reading info from another table.

2008-02-28 Thread Jason Pruim

Hi Everyone,

I am attempting to write a PHP application that reads info from a  
MySQL database, and I'm wondering if I can set up a column in one  
table that gets it's info from a field in another table automatically?  


field6 = field1

Does that make sense? Would that be a join? Or maybe a primary key?  
I'm new to MySQL programming so RTFM's are appreciated as long as M  
is defined :)


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337

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Re: Question about reading info from another table.

2008-02-28 Thread Jason Pruim

On Feb 28, 2008, at 1:29 PM, Rob Wultsch wrote:

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Jason Pruim [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi Everyone,

I am attempting to write a PHP application that reads info from a
MySQL database, and I'm wondering if I can set up a column in one
table that gets it's info from a field in another table  



field6 = field1

Does that make sense? Would that be a join? Or maybe a primary key?
I'm new to MySQL programming so RTFM's are appreciated as long as M
is defined :)


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337

Tip for future questions:
Figure out the simplest way to present the question and include the
SQL to create the relevant tables.
Next explain what you want, any non working sql you have, and lastly
give an example result of correct output.

Hi Rob, I will do this in the future, thank you.

And to that end:

CREATE TABLE `current` (
  `customerName` varchar(30) default NULL,
  `customerBusiness` varchar(30) default NULL,
  `loginName` varchar(30) default NULL,
  `loginPassword` varchar(32) default NULL,
  `tableName` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `email` varchar(50) default NULL

CREATE TABLE `adminAll` (
  `dispalyTableName` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `adminLevel` int(10) default NULL,
  `date` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update  


What I want, is displayTableName on table adminAll to grab it's info  
from tableName in current. Does that make more sense?

So lets say I have two tables:
 `t1_id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `t1_data` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `t2_id` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`t1_id`),
 KEY `t2_id` (`t2_id`)

 `t2_id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `t2_data` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`t2_id`)

I want to show all the information in t1 and any information in t2
where the t1.t2_id is equal to t2.t2_id.
Output should be like:

I really am not sure what you were asking, but take a look at this
query for the table structure above.
SELECT t1_id, t1_data, t2_data

*Better answer*
Go buy an introductory book on sql.  Read through a couple examples.
( is also very good)

I have been working with MySQL in various degrees for the past few  
years, I've just never needed to grab info from another table and  
import it to a different table.

My Main area of expertise is in web design (mostly HTML and CSS) and  
some PHP.

From the above question you probably do not know enough to tread water
in the very excellent MySQL manual.

From my original post:

Does that make sense? Would that be a join? Or maybe a primary key?
I'm new to MySQL programming so RTFM's are appreciated as long as M
is defined :)

Rob Wultsch


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337

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Re: Question about reading info from another table.

2008-02-28 Thread Jason Pruim

On Feb 28, 2008, at 2:06 PM, Rob Wultsch wrote:

What you are probably wanting is a join, but how does adminAll relate
to current?

adminAll will be for the administrators of my program to log into so  
instead of getting redirected automatically to a certain table  
(current.tableName in this case) they get a list of available tables  
in the database (adminAll.displayTableName) so that I don't have to  
have a separate admin login for each database I setup with my program.

Generally it is a good idea to have  the column that
relates the tables (read if
you want to work at a much high level ) have the same column name if
possible (IMHO).

the column name won't be an issue since I'm writing it all from  
scratch :) making it the same name to help improve readability between  
the tables in the database I'm assuming?

In the example I sent I had a column in both tables
name t2_id. Take a look at
for simple joins. The syntax in the first couple examples (without
using JOIN) is a good idea to avoid (also IMHO) .

I will look at those as soon as I'm done sending this e-mail! Thank you

The new table you sent is good, but it is more ideal to remove
unnecessary columns and make the table /column names generic.

Can I ask why? So far, everything I have done with MySQL would seem to  
suggest setting column names so it makes sense what info is stored in  
it? (IE: First Name would go into FName or firstname or namefirst or  
something like that)

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Jason Pruim [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

On Feb 28, 2008, at 1:29 PM, Rob Wultsch wrote:

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Jason Pruim [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone,

I am attempting to write a PHP application that reads info from a
MySQL database, and I'm wondering if I can set up a column in one
table that gets it's info from a field in another table


field6 = field1

Does that make sense? Would that be a join? Or maybe a primary key?
I'm new to MySQL programming so RTFM's are appreciated as long as  

is defined :)


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337

Tip for future questions:
Figure out the simplest way to present the question and include the
SQL to create the relevant tables.
Next explain what you want, any non working sql you have, and lastly
give an example result of correct output.

Hi Rob, I will do this in the future, thank you.

And to that end:

CREATE TABLE `current` (
  `customerName` varchar(30) default NULL,
  `customerBusiness` varchar(30) default NULL,
  `loginName` varchar(30) default NULL,
  `loginPassword` varchar(32) default NULL,
  `tableName` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `email` varchar(50) default NULL

CREATE TABLE `adminAll` (
  `dispalyTableName` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `adminLevel` int(10) default NULL,
  `date` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update

What I want, is displayTableName on table adminAll to grab it's info
from tableName in current. Does that make more sense?

So lets say I have two tables:
`t1_id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`t1_data` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`t2_id` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (`t1_id`),
KEY `t2_id` (`t2_id`)

`t2_id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`t2_data` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY  (`t2_id`)

I want to show all the information in t1 and any information in t2
where the t1.t2_id is equal to t2.t2_id.
Output should be like:

I really am not sure what you were asking, but take a look at this
query for the table structure above.
SELECT t1_id, t1_data, t2_data

*Better answer*
Go buy an introductory book on sql.  Read through a couple examples.
( is also very good)

I have been working with MySQL in various degrees for the past few
years, I've just never needed to grab info from another table and
import it to a different table.

My Main area of expertise is in web design (mostly HTML and CSS) and
some PHP.

From the above question you probably do not know enough to tread  

in the very excellent MySQL manual.

 From my original post:

Does that make sense? Would that be a join? Or maybe a primary  
I'm new to MySQL programming so RTFM's are appreciated as long as  

is defined :)

Rob Wultsch


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337

Rob Wultsch
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (email/google im)
wultsch (aim)

Re: import from exel into mysql

2008-01-14 Thread Jason Pruim

Hi Hiep,

Here's what I do when I need to do that. First save it as a .csv file  
and then follow this:

load data infile '/path/to/file' into table MyTable fields terminated  
by '\t' lines terminated by 'w'

that has always worked for me.

Hope it helps!

On Jan 14, 2008, at 10:51 AM, Hiep Nguyen wrote:

hi everyone,

i have a large ms excel data (text) file that i need to import to my  
table in mysql.  does any one have a suggestion how to do this?  i'm  
try to export to csv file, then import to my table, but i have so  
much problems with delimeters


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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

MySQL General Mailing List
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Red Hat EL and Datbase Setup

2008-01-09 Thread Jason Vinar

I am looking for a little advice in setting up Red Hat and MySQL for a large
database (at least I consider it to be large).  My database will contain 2
large tables that are updated daily.  The first table currenly has 19
million records and ~70 columns largely made up of varchar(20), char(5) and
integers.  It has a natural primary key and a composite index on 3 of the
character columns.  The second table currently has 400 million records and
~30 columns again made up of varchar(20), char(5) and integers.  This
table's primary key is defined using 2 columns and also has a composite
index on the same 3 columns as the first table.  Lastly, I will frequently
join the two tables in my queries.

My system has 4gb ram, 500 gb hard drive (result of a RAID 5 configuration)
and 2 dual core Intel 64 bit procs.  I have chosen to use Red Hat EL5.

Here are the questions I have to help optimize the performance:
* Should I continue with the RAID 5?  I am not too concerned of recovery.  I
am more concerned about I/O performance.
* Is there a hard drive partition scheme that would help the performance
(separate the large db schema /var/lib/mysql/schema_name)?
* Should I partition the tables?  There is a natural partition for the 400m
table by date; there is not a natural partition for the other. Should I make
one up?
* Are there specific additions to the /etc/my.cnf that I should add to
maximize the systems capabilities?
* Please let me know of other things I should consider.

Thanks in advance, Jason

Re: Query help, please..

2007-12-11 Thread Jason Pruim

On Dec 11, 2007, at 10:46 AM, Rob Wultsch wrote:

On Dec 11, 2007 8:38 AM, Anders Norrbring [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm looking at a situation I haven't run into before, and I'm a bit
puzzled by it.

I have this table structure:

Table USERS: userid, class
Table OBJECT: userid, class, result

Now I want to query the database for a certain user's result in a
specified class, which is very, very easy. No problems.

But, I also want to find out the user's position relative to others
depending on the result.

So, if the specified user's result is the 9:th best of all of the  
I want to have a reply from the DB query that say he has position  
number 9.

I really can't figure out how to do that... Somehow I have to make  

calculate the position based on the value in the result column.

Take a look at . Very
similar ideas in play, though you also have a join.

The basic idea is that you do a count on the number of users that have
a lower score.

Is there any reason you wouldn't want to count the people in front of  
you and add 1 to get your place in line? It seems like depending on  
where you are, that may be a shorter number to count :)

But I don't know anything about how to do stuff off of separate tables  
yet still trying to grasp that :)

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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

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I'm actually planning the application first instead of coding first!!! :)

2007-10-23 Thread Jason Pruim

Hi Everyone,

So having learned my lesson with the last application, I am trying to  
plan out the addition of a feature to my database application.  
Basically, some of my customers go south for the winter (Snow  
Birds) what I would like to do is have away of storing both their  
addresses in the database, and have it so that the people  
administering the list can choose between wether they are up north or  
down south without having to erase the old address.

For that I was thinking creating a second table SnowBirds and list  
their southern addresses in there and then when the list admin clicks  
on the edit button for their name, it would also be able to pull up a  
list of the the addresses stored and associated with that person.

I'm also considering adding a date range for the addresses so that if  
they know they'll be south from November to March it will check the  
date and switch between the record accordingly BEFORE exporting to  

Now... I haven't really asked a question yet but gave some background  
into what I want to do. So... Here's the question, does anyone  
have any advice on the best way to do it? Am I right in thinking that  
a second table is required? Would it be called a Relational database?  
Or have I missed the terminology?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for looking!

ohhh... and in case it makes a difference it's MySQL 5.* and I'll be  
writing the stuff to access that database with php 5.


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424


2007-09-19 Thread Jason Pruim

Hi everyone,

Just getting into database stuff a little bit, and wanted to double  
check something with you guys.

I have a database, which has 2 tables, I have created a user using  
this syntax: grant select, update, delete on dbname.table to  
'me'@'localhost' identified by 'mypass';

then I also added access to another table: grant select on  
dbname.othertable to 'me'@'localhost' identified by 'mypass';

the other table is used to store local accounts to a online  
database, and my php script uses SELECT to check to see if they are  
listed and if so grant them access. No one is accessing the database  
directly except for me, and I would like to keep it that way.

Given the user that I created, is there anything else I need to worry  
about? I only want local requests to be able to interface with the  
database. I don't need Joe Blow for indiana to have direct access :)

Oh, and do I specifically have to disallow certain privileges if all  
I want them to be able to do is delete, select or update records?


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

Reset a auto increment field?

2007-08-29 Thread Jason Pruim
Is there away to reset an auto incrementing field count? I have a  
database that currently has 935 records in it but because I have  
deleted a few the current number used for NEW records is 938 :) How  
can I get it to count the records and assign a record number based on  
the total count?

Hope that makes sense! Thanks for looking! :)


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

Re: Reset a auto increment field?

2007-08-29 Thread Jason Pruim
If I understand you correctly, if my table is MyISAM, after I did a  
delete query I could just: ALTER TABLE t2 AUTO_INCREMENT=1; and  
that would cause the auto increment value to be set to 901 (Assuming  
900 total current records) on the next insert?

On Aug 29, 2007, at 1:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 To change the value of the AUTO_INCREMENT  counter to be used for new
rows, do this:


You cannot reset the counter to a value less than or equal to any that
have already been used. For MyISAM, if the value is less than or equal
to the maximum value currently in the AUTO_INCREMENT column, the value
is reset to the current maximum plus one. For InnoDB, you can use  
TABLE ... AUTO_INCREMENT = value as of MySQL 5.0.3, but if the  
value is

less than the current maximum value in the column, no error message is
given and the current sequence value is not changed.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 11:02 AM
To: Jason Pruim
Cc: MySQL List
Subject: Re: Reset a auto increment field?

Is there away to reset an auto incrementing field count? I have a
database that currently has 935 records in it but because I have
deleted a few the current number used for NEW records is 938 :) How
can I get it to count the records and assign a record number based on
the total count?

Hope that makes sense! Thanks for looking! :)


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

AFAIK, you need to drop and then recreate the auto-increment field,
otherwise you'll get holes when you delete a record.


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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Reset a auto increment field?

2007-08-29 Thread Jason Pruim

On Aug 29, 2007, at 2:30 PM, Shawn Green wrote:

Hi Jason,

Jason Pruim wrote:
Is there away to reset an auto incrementing field count? I have a  
database that currently has 935 records in it but because I have  
deleted a few the current number used for NEW records is 938 :)  
How can I get it to count the records and assign a record number  
based on the total count?

Hope that makes sense! Thanks for looking! :)

Actually, it doesn't make sense and for the very reason you are  
trying to use it. At some point in history you had a record # 936.  
Because that record once existed, there may have been one or  
several things associated with it. Imagine the confusion that would  
ensue if the Social Security administration recycled an already  
issued number just as soon as the person using it died.

The safest thing to do is to pretend that the auto-incrementing  
field is an internal, non-editable field. Should you have gaps in  
your auto-inc values treat them as normal conditions of having an  
active database.

For another instance, assume that you are auto-incrementing the  
serial numbers to various items in an inventory control system. If  
an item is destroyed or taken out of use, you probably want to move  
that record from an activeitems table to some other location.  
Would you want to re-issue those numbers to newly purchased items  
just to fill in the gaps in the activeitems table? Of course not.

Now, with the understanding that doing this on a regular basis  
would be wrong, here is how to do it anyway: Use the  
auto_increment= option to an ALTER TABLE statement like this


(alter table)
(for the definition of table option)

I see what you are getting at with this, and have decided that  
mucking around with auto incrementing values doesn't exactly fit in  
with the way databases were designed to work.

Somehow though, I still need to supply this whether I end up adding a  
Record number field in the database, and then through php (The way  
the database is going to be accessed) assigned a record number to  
that field based on the total rows, and display that number rather  
then the internal record number.

This is getting complicated :)

Shawn Green, Support Engineer
MySQL Inc., USA,
Office: Blountville, TN
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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

MySQL General Mailing List
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Database architecture and security

2007-08-23 Thread Jason Pruim

Hi Everyone,

Just had a quick question about a database I'm working on.

I am planning on having the database open to customers of mine to  
store their mailing addresses on-line, and be able to manage the  

Is it safe, to have 1 database with lots of tables? Or am I safer  
setting up separate databases for everyone?

I should mention, no one will be accessing the database directly,  
it'll be through a web interface and php to display it.

Any info would be greatly appreciated!


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

Re: Database architecture and security

2007-08-23 Thread Jason Pruim

On Aug 23, 2007, at 11:44 AM, Gary Josack wrote:

I'd never have a separate database for everyone or even a separate  
table for everyone. Here's a rough idea of how I'd do it

mysql CREATE TABLE customer (
   - `lastname` VARCHAR(25) not null,
   - `firstname` VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
   - PRIMARY KEY(custid)
   - );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql CREATE TABLE address (
   - `custid` INT NOT NULL,
   - `address` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   - `city` VARCHAR(50),
   - `state` CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
   - `zip` MEDIUMINT(5) NOT NULL,
   - PRIMARY KEY(addressid)
   - );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO customer (lastname, firstname) VALUES ('Bolton',  
'Mike'), ('Vader', 'Darth');

Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql SELECT * FROM customer;
| custid | lastname | firstname |
|  1 | Bolton   | Mike  |
|  2 | Vader| Darth |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO address (custid, address, city, state, zip) VALUES
   - (1, '123 house drive.', 'Davie', 'FL', 33314),
   - (1, '54325 awesome way', 'Sunrise', 'FL', 33521),
   - (2, 'The Death Star', 'SPACE', 'NA', 6);
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql SELECT * FROM address;
| addressid | custid | address   | city| state | zip   |
| 1 |  1 | 123 house drive.  | Davie   | FL| 33314 |
| 2 |  1 | 54325 awesome way | Sunrise | FL| 33521 |
| 3 |  2 | The Death Star| SPACE   | NA| 6 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT lastname, firstname, address, city, state, zip FROM  
customer JOIN address USING (custid);

| lastname | firstname | address   | city| state | zip   |
| Bolton   | Mike  | 123 house drive.  | Davie   | FL| 33314 |
| Bolton   | Mike  | 54325 awesome way | Sunrise | FL| 33521 |
| Vader| Darth | The Death Star| SPACE   | NA| 6 |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql SELECT address, city, state, zip FROM customer JOIN address  
USING (custid) WHERE (lastname, firstname) = ('Bolton', 'Mike');

| address   | city| state | zip   |
| 123 house drive.  | Davie   | FL| 33314 |
| 54325 awesome way | Sunrise | FL| 33521 |

Now each customer/person can have multiple addresses listed.

I really like the idea of being able to have multiple addresses, some  
of our customers right now have lots of seasonal addresses... But  
that's a little bit out of my comfort zone right now... I'll add it  
to the feature list though and keep your e-mail to reference :)

Thanks! :)


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

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Re: Database architecture and security

2007-08-23 Thread Jason Pruim

On Aug 23, 2007, at 11:28 AM, Rolando Edwards wrote:

Think about how your going to make backups.

1) Would you backup one database with all the mailing lists together ?

If I went the route of 1 database, Many tables, I would just backup  
the entire database and all the tables in one shot. Unless Im  
misunderstanding how MySQL handles the backups, I would think that it  
would preserve the individual tables?

2) Would you keep the backups of each user separate ?

I probably should, but hadn't thought that far ahead yet. Still  
working on getting the PHP Scripts and everything else set.

3) Could users ask you to restore mailing lists from the past ?

The only reason I could see them asking for that is if they went  
through and deleted the entire database, which has to be done  
manually, meaning you have to hit delete on each record to delete  
it. I would hope they would realize what they were doing before going  
through the entire database...

You could make one mysqldump for everybody from one database if
no one ever asks for restoration of past mailing lists.

You could create a database for each user.
Then, backup (mysqldump) each database for each user.
Should they request a restore, it's becomes an easy thing.

How you answer the three questions I posed should help you decide.

I am starting to lean towards the multiple databases with 1 table  
even though it makes more files on my server, I think it gives me the  
most flexibility/security. That way I can also edit 1 database and  
not screw it up for the entire user base, just the one user :)

- Original Message -
From: Jason Pruim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: MySQL List
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 10:58:52 AM (GMT-0500) America/ 

Subject: Database architecture and security

Hi Everyone,

Just had a quick question about a database I'm working on.

I am planning on having the database open to customers of mine to
store their mailing addresses on-line, and be able to manage the

Is it safe, to have 1 database with lots of tables? Or am I safer
setting up separate databases for everyone?

I should mention, no one will be accessing the database directly,
it'll be through a web interface and php to display it.

Any info would be greatly appreciated!


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

Rolando A. Edwards

SWMX, Inc.
1 Bridge Street
Irvington, NY 10533
(914) 406-8406 (Main)
(201) 660-3221 (Mobile)

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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Database architecture and security

2007-08-23 Thread Jason Pruim

On Aug 23, 2007, at 11:50 AM, David T. Ashley wrote:

On 8/23/07, Jason Pruim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am planning on having the database open to customers of mine to
store their mailing addresses on-line, and be able to manage the

Is it safe, to have 1 database with lots of tables? Or am I safer
setting up separate databases for everyone?

I should mention, no one will be accessing the database directly,
it'll be through a web interface and php to display it.

Assuming that the web server runs on the same box as the MySQL  
daemon ...
you want to firewall the server so that nobody can connect to the  
daemon directly from outside the box.  It is also a bad idea to  
allow the
users to have shell accounts on that box unless you have taken  
security precautions (specifically, being sure the MySQL userid/ 
you're using are secure from all but the web server UID/GID, and  
that no

other userid/passwords have access to the database you're using).

Once that is done, all access to the database is controlled by the PHP
scripts, and there is no security advantage to having multiple  

I'm assuming that users have to log in individually (jsmith,  
bjones, etc.)
and that the PHP scripts then carefully control what each user is  
allowed to


I'm also going to assume that you've handled all the obvious  

issues, such as:

a)Database transactions/atomic actions.

b)Terminating TCP connections and ensuring that each PHP script  
runs to
completion, anyway, and that the database isn't left in an  

state due to this.


The server is currently firewalled to block all but the necessary  
ports from outside the local network.

No user, other then myself, and a few admins on the server will have  
shell access...

The MySQL userid/password will be changed once I go live with it, or  
get into the final testing.

What do you mean by b? If all the connections come from the local  
box how could I configure that to make sure it's all set up so it  
won't leave the database all messed up?


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

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Re: date query

2007-08-14 Thread Jason Pruim

On Aug 14, 2007, at 8:38 AM, Christian High wrote:

On 8/14/07, Baron Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Christian High wrote:

I have a table that includes a date and a scale reading like

2007-08-01   150
2007-08-02   125

these reading may or may not be taken everyday. I need to develop a
query that will subtract the scale reading on one day from the scale
reading on the next most recent reading. any ideas?

This may explain what you're looking for: 



Very nice article that I no doubt can make use of. But in this
instance, unless I am missing it, it doesn't help. My problem seems to
be that the data is not necessarily entered in order. For example the
users may enter July 7th data then enter July 5th data. I can get
around this by ordering on the date. The problem that I cannot seem to
get around is they may not have any data for a particular date. when I
tried test the suggestions in the article against my data if there was
a hole in the date column, which is what i joined on because it needs
to subtract one day from the next most recent, it excluded these
instances because it did not meet the join criteria.

t1 is a select * view ordered by date on the above mentioned table

select t1.date_column, t1.reading_column, p.date_column,  

join t1 p on
(t1.date_column = p.date_column + 1).

If I am missing something I would appreciate it if someone could  
point it out.

I think what I need is a way to find the most recent date as commpared
with a given date whether that date is the day before or 3 days


Hi Christian,

I don't know if you are in control of the data,  But would it be  
possible to add a column to the database something like Read and  
have the value either 1 or 0? then do something like: Select * from  
view ordered by date where Read=1;?That way you wouldn't have any  
gaps for fields and could then just do the math fairly easily I think...

But I'm just starting out with MySQL so I may have made a huge  
mistake :) In fact... It's quite probable :)


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

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Re: Import file into MySQL Database..

2007-08-09 Thread Jason Pruim

On Aug 8, 2007, at 5:19 PM, Gary Josack wrote:


|load data local infile '|/volumes/raider/aml.master.8.6.07.|csv'  
into table test fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '' lines  
terminated by '\n' |ignore 1 lines

|(First, Last, Add1, Add2, City, State, Zip, XCode, Reason, Date);

If that doesn't work could you please provide more output from the  
csv file in question?


The current load file command that I've been trying is:
load data local infile /volumes/raider/aml.master.dos.csv into  
table test fields terminated by , lines terminated by  (First,  
Last, Add1, Add2, City, State, Zip, XCode, Reason, Date);

I tried adding \r\n to the file and it didn't work, here is some of  
the lines from my csv file:

A. DREW,MILES,,1583 Jerome St,Holland,MI,49423-6703,,P,
Aaron,Davis,,14796 Creek Edge Dr,Holland,MI,49424,05/17/07,S,
Aaron,Kraai,,3710 88th Ave,Zeeland,MI,49464-9716,05/17/04,S,
Aaron,Shuck,,288 W 13th St,Holland,MI,49423-3452,04/28/03,,
Adam,Hecht,,177 Cambridge Ave,Holland,MI,49423,03/22/05,S,
ADE,VLIENSTRA,,304 W 30th St,Holland,MI,49423-6971,,,
Adrienne,Smith,,6795 Ransom Rd,Zeeland,MI,49464,03/31/06,A,
Anthony,Lewis,,10257 Summerwood Dr,Zeeland,MI,49464,07/30/07,S,Typo
AL,HOLTROP,,4850 Dellview Ct,Hudsonville,MI,49426-1664,,,
Alan,Russell,,3624 Diamond Dr,Hamilton,MI,49419-9707,,,

If anyone wants to see the result that I get goto: 

Any help is greatly appreciated!



Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

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Re: Import file into MySQL Database..

2007-08-09 Thread Jason Pruim

On Aug 9, 2007, at 10:11 AM, Edward Kay wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Jason Pruim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 August 2007 14:16
To: Gary Josack
Subject: Re: Import file into MySQL Database..

On Aug 8, 2007, at 5:19 PM, Gary Josack wrote:


|load data local infile '|/volumes/raider/aml.master.8.6.07.|csv'
into table test fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '' lines
terminated by '\n' |ignore 1 lines
|(First, Last, Add1, Add2, City, State, Zip, XCode, Reason, Date);

If that doesn't work could you please provide more output from the
csv file in question?

The current load file command that I've been trying is:
load data local infile /volumes/raider/aml.master.dos.csv into
table test fields terminated by , lines terminated by  (First,
Last, Add1, Add2, City, State, Zip, XCode, Reason, Date);

I tried adding \r\n to the file and it didn't work, here is some of
the lines from my csv file:

A. DREW,MILES,,1583 Jerome St,Holland,MI,49423-6703,,P,
Aaron,Davis,,14796 Creek Edge Dr,Holland,MI,49424,05/17/07,S,
Aaron,Kraai,,3710 88th Ave,Zeeland,MI,49464-9716,05/17/04,S,
Aaron,Shuck,,288 W 13th St,Holland,MI,49423-3452,04/28/03,,
Adam,Hecht,,177 Cambridge Ave,Holland,MI,49423,03/22/05,S,
ADE,VLIENSTRA,,304 W 30th St,Holland,MI,49423-6971,,,
Adrienne,Smith,,6795 Ransom Rd,Zeeland,MI,49464,03/31/06,A,
Anthony,Lewis,,10257 Summerwood Dr,Zeeland,MI,49464,07/30/07,S,Typo
AL,HOLTROP,,4850 Dellview Ct,Hudsonville,MI,49426-1664,,,
Alan,Russell,,3624 Diamond Dr,Hamilton,MI,49419-9707,,,

If anyone wants to see the result that I get goto:

Any help is greatly appreciated!


First off, to me it looks like your data is in the format

... state,zip,date,xcode,reason

but your field list is

... state,zip,xcode,reason,date

I have a cron job that updates one of my tables with a CSV file.  
This uses

the following command which always works well:

load data infile table.csv
into table table_name
fields terminated by ',' enclosed by ''
lines terminated by '\r\n' starting by ''
ignore 1 lines;

The CSV file has Windows line endings and is imported by MySql on  
Linux. You

wouldn't need the enclosed by bit for your data though.


I have tried this many different reasons, and all the possibilities I  
can think of... the only thing I can figure is it's something to do  
with my actual file... But I have saved it as a tab separated, csv,  
both dos and windows line endings... and I just get get it to do it  
reliably. It throws the data all over the place.

I'm about to give up and retype the whole thing... All 900+ records  
of it... Just so that it gets done...

Anyone have any other ideas?

(Sorry... Just getting frustrated)


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

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Re: Import file into MySQL Database..

2007-08-09 Thread Jason Pruim
The Extra commas at the end of some of the lines need to be there to  
keep everything in the right order, they represent empty fields...

Now, I went through on a few of them and added \n to the end of the  
line, then tried to load the file again with the LINES TERMINATED BY  
\n and it looks like it went just fine for the ones I did that  
too... So now I need to add that to the rest...

I could have sworn I had done this before and it didn't work though

On Aug 9, 2007, at 11:22 AM, Jerry Schwartz wrote:

Could the commas at the end of your data lines be causing a  
problem? (I've

never loaded a CSV file.)


Jerry Schwartz
The Infoshop by Global Information Incorporated
195 Farmington Ave.
Farmington, CT 06032

860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341

-Original Message-
From: Jason Pruim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 10:54 AM
To: Edward Kay
Subject: Re: Import file into MySQL Database..

On Aug 9, 2007, at 10:11 AM, Edward Kay wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Jason Pruim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 August 2007 14:16
To: Gary Josack
Subject: Re: Import file into MySQL Database..

On Aug 8, 2007, at 5:19 PM, Gary Josack wrote:


|load data local infile '|/volumes/raider/aml.master.8.6.07.|csv'
into table test fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '' lines
terminated by '\n' |ignore 1 lines
|(First, Last, Add1, Add2, City, State, Zip, XCode, Reason, Date);

If that doesn't work could you please provide more output from the
csv file in question?

The current load file command that I've been trying is:
load data local infile /volumes/raider/aml.master.dos.csv into
table test fields terminated by , lines terminated by  (First,
Last, Add1, Add2, City, State, Zip, XCode, Reason, Date);

I tried adding \r\n to the file and it didn't work, here

is some of

the lines from my csv file:

A. DREW,MILES,,1583 Jerome St,Holland,MI,49423-6703,,P,
Aaron,Davis,,14796 Creek Edge Dr,Holland,MI,49424,05/17/07,S,
Aaron,Kraai,,3710 88th Ave,Zeeland,MI,49464-9716,05/17/04,S,
Aaron,Shuck,,288 W 13th St,Holland,MI,49423-3452,04/28/03,,
Adam,Hecht,,177 Cambridge Ave,Holland,MI,49423,03/22/05,S,
ADE,VLIENSTRA,,304 W 30th St,Holland,MI,49423-6971,,,
Adrienne,Smith,,6795 Ransom Rd,Zeeland,MI,49464,03/31/06,A,
Anthony,Lewis,,10257 Summerwood Dr,Zeeland,MI,49464,07/30/07,S,Typo
AL,HOLTROP,,4850 Dellview Ct,Hudsonville,MI,49426-1664,,,
Alan,Russell,,3624 Diamond Dr,Hamilton,MI,49419-9707,,,

If anyone wants to see the result that I get goto:


Any help is greatly appreciated!


First off, to me it looks like your data is in the format

... state,zip,date,xcode,reason

but your field list is

... state,zip,xcode,reason,date

I have a cron job that updates one of my tables with a CSV file.
This uses
the following command which always works well:

load data infile table.csv
into table table_name
fields terminated by ',' enclosed by ''
lines terminated by '\r\n' starting by ''
ignore 1 lines;

The CSV file has Windows line endings and is imported by MySql on
Linux. You
wouldn't need the enclosed by bit for your data though.


I have tried this many different reasons, and all the
possibilities I
can think of... the only thing I can figure is it's something to do
with my actual file... But I have saved it as a tab separated, csv,
both dos and windows line endings... and I just get get it to do it
reliably. It throws the data all over the place.

I'm about to give up and retype the whole thing... All 900+ records
of it... Just so that it gets done...

Anyone have any other ideas?

(Sorry... Just getting frustrated)


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

MySQL General Mailing List
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Import file into MySQL Database..

2007-08-08 Thread Jason Pruim

Okay, so I have been going crazy trying to figure this out...

All I want to do is load a excel file (Which I can convert to just  
about anything) into a MySQL database... Should be easy right?

Here is the command that I have tried:  LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/ 
volumes/raider/AML.master.txt' INTO TABLE current FIELDS TERMINATED  

and here is the error I am getting: | Warning | 1264 | Out of range  
value adjusted for column 'Record' at row 1 |

What do I need to change to get this to work? Or what other info do  
you need to be able to help me? :)



Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

Re: Import file into MySQL Database..

2007-08-08 Thread Jason Pruim
A... the one thing I can't do... I don't have Access to well...  
Access... :)

Did some more testing, made a new table and matched the field names,  
now it will load it without any errors, it's just only importing the  
first row... Not the rest of the 934 records...

On Aug 8, 2007, at 1:20 PM, Stephen Sunderlin wrote:

If you can import your excel doc into MS Access I'd suggest:

I just started using and love it -  easy intutitive GUI tool for  

data into nySQL databases.

Good luck.

-Original Message-
From: Jason Pruim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 1:15 PM
Subject: Import file into MySQL Database..

Okay, so I have been going crazy trying to figure this out...

All I want to do is load a excel file (Which I can convert to just  

anything) into a MySQL database... Should be easy right?

Here is the command that I have tried:  LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/
volumes/raider/AML.master.txt' INTO TABLE current FIELDS TERMINATED  
BY '\t'


and here is the error I am getting: | Warning | 1264 | Out of range  

adjusted for column 'Record' at row 1 |

What do I need to change to get this to work? Or what other info do  
you need

to be able to help me? :)



Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

MySQL General Mailing List
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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Import file into MySQL Database..

2007-08-08 Thread Jason Pruim

First line of my .csv file is:



mysql describe test;
| Field  | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| First  | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Last   | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Add1   | varchar(50) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Add2   | varchar(50) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| City   | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| State  | varchar(10) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Zip| varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| XCode  | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Reason | varchar(50) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Date   | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL|   |
10 rows in set (0.09 sec)

I've also tried adding the filed names at the end of my load data  
command but that didn't help...

As it sits right now this is the command I'm attempting to use:
mysql LOAD DATA LOCAL  INFILE '/volumes/raider/aml.master. 

Which displays this:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 0  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0

if I remove the IGNORE 1 LINES; from the end then I get this added  
into the table:

A. DREW | Last | Add1 | Add2 | City | State | Zip  | Date  | Xcode  |  

Which is a combination of the first address and the column names.

On Aug 8, 2007, at 3:34 PM, Gary Josack wrote:

Jason Pruim wrote:

Okay, so I have been going crazy trying to figure this out...

All I want to do is load a excel file (Which I can convert to just  
about anything) into a MySQL database... Should be easy right?

Here is the command that I have tried:  LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/ 
volumes/raider/AML.master.txt' INTO TABLE current FIELDS  

and here is the error I am getting: | Warning | 1264 | Out of  
range value adjusted for column 'Record' at row 1 |

What do I need to change to get this to work? Or what other info  
do you need to be able to help me? :)



Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

What is the first line in your text file? Also, can you provide a  
DESCRIBE of the table you're trying to insert into?


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

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Strange Bursts of Gtime Syscall

2007-07-02 Thread Jason J. W. Williams


I've got a strange issue and was curious if anyone might be able to
shed some light on the issue. About 2-3 times an hour (not
predictable) we see huge bursts of syscall behavior (150,000-200,000
over a 2 second interval). This is on MySQL-5.1.14 on a Solaris 10
AMD64 box.

Using DTrace we've identified that the system call being invoked is
gtime and its being called on an INSERT. The bizarre thing is we don't
have a high number of INSERTs being shown in SHOW PROCESSLIST. I've
included the backtrace around the function that's calling gtime. Any
advise is greatly appreciated.`__time+0xa

Best Regards,

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Changing Table Collation Doesn't Take Effect

2007-06-13 Thread Jason J. W. Williams


I've got a table that originally was using UTF8 charset and collation.
However, I upgraded one of my applications which is hardcoded to
Latin1_General_CI collation in its queries. As a result, I altered the
table and any specifically set columns to use Latin1 as the charset
and Latin1_General_Ci as the collation. However, whenever I run a
query against the table that specifies COLLATE Latin1_General_CI I
still receive this error:

COLLATION 'latin1_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'utf8'

I'm a bit at wits end as I have also changed the server's default
charset/collation to Latin1 and the database's charset/collation to
Latin1. I've also tried doing a CREATE TABLE new LIKE old; INSERT INTO
new SELECT * FROM old; to attempt to create table fresh. Also,
creating a table from scratch defaults to Latin1, but produces the
same error when trying to run a query against it that specifies

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

Best Regards,

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Figuring out the difference in value between 2 fields

2007-06-06 Thread Jason Pruim
Okay, so I have been gooling all over trying to figure this out. I'm  
sure it's easy enough to do, but I can't seem to find it.

All I want to do is figure out the difference between 2 fields. IE:

Field 1= 20
Field 2 =10
Difference between Field 1  2 is: 10

Any ideas?

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Re: We would like to link to you

2007-05-29 Thread Jason Pruim

Yes. :)

And the one before it.
On May 29, 2007, at 2:14 PM, Glen Barber wrote:

Um... Did everyone get this message?


Dear Sirs,

We contacted you last week, because we would like to exchange  
links with you.

We understand that there is often not enough time in the day for  
everything, but, I am sure you appreciate that getting targeted  
links to your website is “key” to high search engine rankings.
I am sure you will agree that this is a very good trade for both  
our companies as it will improve both of our rankings in the  
search engines.

Go to: 

Your link will be active on our website within 24 hours from your  


Matt Silicia (Webmaster)

Glen Barber

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select with like not working...

2007-05-25 Thread Jason Pruim

Hi all,

I'm new to the list so please excuse me if I make some newbie  
mistakes, I am having trouble figuring out why a select statement  
won't work, Here's the statement: SELECT 'FName' FROM `current`  
WHERE `FName` like '%jason%';.

if I run select 'FName' FROM current; then I get 6 rows that say  
'jason'. but nothing is showing up when I use 'like'.

Any ideas?

Thanks for looking!

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Re: select with like not working...

2007-05-25 Thread Jason Pruim
I have tried %jason%, %jason,  jason% all with the same result... Do  
you need to have an index of the column? Currently I didn't  
intentionally make one so I'm not sure if it's automatic or not...

On May 25, 2007, at 1:26 PM, Mike Lockhart wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Have you tried using 'jason%' instead of '%jason%'?  Also, do you have
an index on that column?

Jason Pruim wrote:

Hi all,

I'm new to the list so please excuse me if I make some newbie  

I am having trouble figuring out why a select statement won't work,
Here's the statement: SELECT 'FName' FROM `current` WHERE `FName`  


if I run select 'FName' FROM current; then I get 6 rows that say
'jason'. but nothing is showing up when I use 'like'.

Any ideas?

Thanks for looking!

- --

Mike Lockhart  Information Engineer
ChoiceMed, Inc

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)


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mysql-bin.index just went poof on Master while Master Running

2007-01-29 Thread Jason J. W. Williams


I have a master that's been running since the 13th of January. Since
the same date I've had a slave running against it, without any errors
or serious lag. Suddenly, this morning replication broke with
duplicate entry errors. My master claimed to be on mysql-bin.14
with a significant LOG_POS. The slave however, claimed to be back on
mysql-bin.01. Trying to skip forward, the slave would skip forward
as far as mysql-bin.003, still having duplicate entry errors
(assumedly because it had already been this far). I then tried to set
it to something much further forward such as mysql-bin.10 at which
it gave me this error:

070129 14:00:12 [ERROR] Error reading packet from server: Could not
find first log file name in binary log index file ( server_errno=1236)
070129 14:00:12 [ERROR] Got fatal error 1236: 'Could not find first
log file name in binary log index file' from master when reading data
from binary log

On the master, the file does in fact exist, and the permissions are
correct. However, I did note that the mysql-bin.index has not been
updated since mysql-bin.01, and the time stamp on the .index file
is on the 14th of January. I tried to manually add the missing
entries, but to no avail, the slave still couldn't find them. Then I
restarted the slave, and still the same problem.

Its as if the slave was moving right along, and then suddenly decided
to forget where it was and go back to mysql-bin.01. Has anyone
seen this before? Its a first for me.

BTW, the MySQL on both boxes is 5.0.27-debug on Solaris 10. The
binaries are the MySQL-built binaries.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best Regards,

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Re: Strange InnoDB Deadlock Behavior

2007-01-16 Thread Jason J. W. Williams

Hi Juan,

Just wanted to touchbase and see if you had any suggestions based on
the my.cnf and machine config. Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

On 1/15/07, Juan Eduardo Moreno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Send me a my.cnf in order to view your configuration ( using innodb storage
engine). Send me a configuration of your machine ( CPU and Memory).


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Strange InnoDB Deadlock Behavior

2007-01-15 Thread Jason J. W. Williams

Hello All,

I have an issue that is seemingly hard to troubleshoot. Every so often
transactions/queries on InnoDB tables will stack up such that all the
queries appear to be waiting for others to execute. The problem is
that the others never finish executing. If you try to kill the
Updating threads/queries they never die. Restarting the program
executing the queries also doesn't help. The only way to break out is
to kill -9 mysql. The update load on the MySQL server is fairly
constant. I've been monitoring this for a couple of days and every
time I check (the most recent being last night) there are no
outstanding queries in the PROCESSLIST or SHOW INNODB STATUS. Also,
even during this issue there are no deadlocks listed/recognized by
InnoDB. I've included the full SHOW PROCESSLIST and SHOW INNODB
STATUS outputs from during the event. Whatever causes this, it seems
to come upon the server fairly quickly.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Best Regards,


*** 1. row ***
 Type: InnoDB
Per second averages calculated from the last 23 seconds
OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 16008, signal count 15657
Mutex spin waits 0, rounds 0, OS waits 0
RW-shared spins 29962, OS waits 15019; RW-excl spins 1188, OS waits 989


Trx id counter 0 1472286
Purge done for trx's n:o  0 1472274 undo n:o  0 0
History list length 15
Total number of lock structs in row lock hash table 1
---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, OS thread id 189
MySQL thread id 1280, query id 330126 localhost root
---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, OS thread id 188 waiting in InnoDB queue
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
MySQL thread id 1276, query id 330118 istat update
insert into token_data(uid, token, spam_hits, innocent_hits, last_hit)
values(11, '8563800928955791106', 1, 0, current_date()) ON DUPLICATE
KEY UPDATE last_hit = current_date(), spam_hits = greatest(0,
spam_hits + 1), innocent_hits = greatest(0, innocent_hits - 0)
---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, OS thread id 187 waiting in InnoDB queue
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
MySQL thread id 1275, query id 330117 istat update
insert into token_data(uid, token, spam_hits, innocent_hits, last_hit)
values(433, '3228125312310094225', 1, 0, current_date()) ON DUPLICATE
KEY UPDATE last_hit = current_date(), spam_hits = greatest(0,
spam_hits + 1), innocent_hits = greatest(0, innocent_hits - 0)
---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, OS thread id 186 waiting in InnoDB queue
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
MySQL thread id 1274, query id 330116 istat update
insert into token_data(uid, token, spam_hits, innocent_hits, last_hit)
values(2443, '15435722262529763403', 1, 0, current_date()) ON
DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_hit = current_date(), spam_hits =
greatest(0, spam_hits + 1), innocent_hits = greatest(0, innocent_hits
- 0)
---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, OS thread id 185 waiting in InnoDB queue
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
MySQL thread id 1273, query id 330115 istat update
insert into token_data(uid, token, spam_hits, innocent_hits, last_hit)
values(398, '15160676287902524852', 1, 0, current_date()) ON DUPLICATE
KEY UPDATE last_hit = current_date(), spam_hits = greatest(0,
spam_hits + 1), innocent_hits = greatest(0, innocent_hits - 0)
---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, OS thread id 184 waiting in InnoDB queue
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
MySQL thread id 1272, query id 330114 istat update
insert into token_data(uid, token, spam_hits, innocent_hits, last_hit)
values(3966, '14528798056022965668', 1, 0, current_date()) ON
DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_hit = current_date(), spam_hits =
greatest(0, spam_hits + 1), innocent_hits = greatest(0, innocent_hits
- 0)
---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, OS thread id 183 waiting in InnoDB queue
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
MySQL thread id 1271, query id 330113 istat update
insert into token_data(uid, token, spam_hits, innocent_hits, last_hit)
values(693, '5421332010014503916', 1, 0, current_date()) ON DUPLICATE
KEY UPDATE last_hit = current_date(), spam_hits = greatest(0,
spam_hits + 1), innocent_hits = greatest(0, innocent_hits - 0)
---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, OS thread id 182 waiting in InnoDB queue
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
MySQL thread id 1270, query id 330112 istat update
insert into token_data(uid, token, spam_hits, innocent_hits, last_hit)
values(1386, '16292377253775848661', 1, 0, current_date()) ON
DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_hit = current_date(), spam_hits =
greatest(0, spam_hits + 1), innocent_hits = greatest(0, innocent_hits
- 0)
---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, OS thread id 181 waiting in InnoDB queue
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1

Strange InnoDB Deadlock Behavior

2007-01-15 Thread Jason J. W. Williams

Hi Juan,

Could the update log purging lagging behind due to a high UPDATE load
cause this behavior? I was reading up here:

If so, would using innodb_max_purge_lag help? Thank you again so much.

Best Regards,

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Extracting transactional data from InnoDB log files

2007-01-09 Thread Jason J. W. Williams


Is it possible to extract transactional data from InnoDB log files?
InnoDB kept crashing and trying to insert the same record (replayed
from the log after the crash I assume). I'd like to try and extract
the record from log to reconstruct the query and try to break it again
in case it caused the corruption in the ibdata file. Any help is
greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

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Re: Strange Crashing Error - Assertion failed: fixed == 1, file item.h, line 1601

2007-01-08 Thread Jason J. W. Williams

Hi Mark,

Thank you very much for replying! I did open a bug for this last night
after I e-mailed:

As for reproducing, we're working on that at the moment. This happened
on a production system, so we worked first to stop the hemorrhaging.
Currently, we moved the high volume tables to InnoDB as a stop gap. I
suppose an important piece of information is that we're running MySQL
on Solaris 10. We moved the DB from a SPARC box to Solaris 10 X64 box
and it happened again. We're running on top of ZFS, and that appears
to be sucking down a majority of the system RAM, so we're wondering if
that is causing the problem. Though at the time of crash there's
typically 500MB or so free out of 8GB. I was reading that whereas
Linux will allow overcommittment of RAM, Solaris returns a NULL to a
malloc when there's no more memory. Could this cause the behavior?

We will turn on the core file. The funny thing is this happened again,
and we didn't get any debugging information outside of the usual
friendly message that MySQL had crashed and the output of a few
memory-related my.cnf settings. This was despite having --with-debug
on. We did run --with-debug=full on and had some serious performance
issues. So we're going to try and repro on a dev system by exhausting
its RAM.

This database is stuffing e-mails into itself, so I'm wondering if it
could be a strange character that's not properly escaped. We'll get
y'all a core and a stack trace.

Thank you again. Any help is very much appreciated.

Best Regards,

On 1/8/07, Mark Leith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Jason,

Jason J. W. Williams wrote:

 We've been getting random crashes on our MySQL servers running MyISAM
 tables for the last month, its gotten very bad in the last two weeks.
 This has occurred on both 5.0.27, 5.1.11 and 5.1.15-nightly20070103.

 It crashes the tables with high queries per second. We've fixed the
 issue on one of the servers by changing its tables to InnoDB. We can't
 do that however on another server, which we turned debugging on
 instead. It appears to be an assertion failure, the error message from
 the MySQL debugging code is:

 Assertion failed: fixed == 1, file item.h, line 1601

 Any help is greatly appreciated. Should we report this as a bug?

Any crashing is most certainly a bug, so if you could gather as much
information on this as possible and report a bug that would be great.

Please include:

o The full section of the error log for the time of the crash
o If there is a stacktrace reported, the resolved trace following:
o If you could turn on core files and upload the core file, and mysqld
binary used to create it, as tar.gz to:
  o Link this in the bug report as well

Do you have any way to reproduce this as yet?



Mark Leith, Support Engineer
MySQL AB, Worcester, England,
Are you MySQL certified?

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Strange Crashing Error - Assertion failed: fixed == 1, file item.h, line 1601

2007-01-07 Thread Jason J. W. Williams


We've been getting random crashes on our MySQL servers running MyISAM
tables for the last month, its gotten very bad in the last two weeks.
This has occurred on both 5.0.27, 5.1.11 and 5.1.15-nightly20070103.

It crashes the tables with high queries per second. We've fixed the
issue on one of the servers by changing its tables to InnoDB. We can't
do that however on another server, which we turned debugging on
instead. It appears to be an assertion failure, the error message from
the MySQL debugging code is:

Assertion failed: fixed == 1, file item.h, line 1601

Any help is greatly appreciated. Should we report this as a bug?

Best Regards,

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Re: Bizarre InnoDB Error Message ( trx-active_trans == 0, but trx-conc_state != TRX_NOT_STARTED)

2007-01-01 Thread Jason J. W. Williams

Hi Heikki,

Yes indeed. We have a uid field that is AUTO INC. Is the error more
an issue of the auto inc code in InnoDB not setting its error codes
correctly on a rollback than the auto increment code initiating an
error? Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

On 12/31/06, Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am Cc:ing the MySQL General mailing list, so that others who bump into
this bug can find this discussion.

Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
 Mr. Tuuri,

 We have a high degree of UPDATE/INSERT concurrency along with high
 SELECTs. It causes a deadlock about once every 24 hours. In this case
 a deadlock was associated with this event. in 5.0:

 /* out: MySQL error code */
 int error,  /* in: InnoDB error code */
 THD*thd)/* in: user thread handle or NULL */
 if (error == DB_SUCCESS) {


 } else if (error == (int) DB_DUPLICATE_KEY) {


 } else if (error == (int) DB_RECORD_NOT_FOUND) {


 } else if (error == (int) DB_ERROR) {

 return(-1); /* unspecified error */

 } else if (error == (int) DB_DEADLOCK) {
 /* Since we rolled back the whole transaction, we must
 tell it also to MySQL so that MySQL knows to empty the
 cached binlog for this transaction */

 if (thd) {



Frees a possible InnoDB trx object associated with the current THD. */
 /* out: 0 or error number */
 THD*thd)/* in: handle to the MySQL thread of the user
 whose resources should be free'd */
 trx_t*  trx;

 trx = (trx_t*)thd-ha_data[innobase_hton.slot];


 if (trx-active_trans == 0
  trx-conc_state != TRX_NOT_STARTED) {

   sql_print_error(trx-active_trans == 0, but trx-conc_state != 

 if (trx-conc_state != TRX_NOT_STARTED 
   sql_print_warning(MySQL is closing a connection that has an
 InnoDB transaction.  %lu row modifications
 roll back.,




Hmm... I need to check that the auto-increment code in sets
trx-active_trans correctly. I guess you have an auto-inc column in your

 The deadlock output from
 SHOW INNODB STATUS was so long, that it was truncated the SHOW
 INNODB STATUS information somewhere in the middle of the deadlocked
 rows output. The current transactions setting was completely missing
 due to the truncation. I don't have access to the my.cnf from where I
 am now, but I will send it on Monday once I get access. Lastly, there
 were no errors printed to the .err log prior to the errors I sent.

 Thank you so much for writing back. I do truly appreciate it! It is
 very relieving to know it is not dangerous.

 Best Regards,



 On 12/30/06, Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
  Hello Mr. Tuuri,
  I'm sorry to bother you directly about this. I have had very little
  luck finding anything on this in the forums or on Google and was
  hoping you could help me understand a strange error message I received
  from InnoDB (5.0.27). Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank
  you in advance!
  Best Regards,
  061228 19:02:55 [ERROR] trx-active_trans == 0, but trx-conc_state !=
  061228 19:02:55 [Warning] MySQL is closing a connection that has an
  active InnoDB transaction.  0 row modifications will roll back.

 the error itself does not sound dangerous.

 But do you have an idea how you got this?

 What is your my.cnf like?

 Are there any other warnings or errors printed to the .err log prior to

 Best regards,


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Bizarre InnoDB Error Message ( trx-active_trans == 0, but trx-conc_state != TRX_NOT_STARTED)

2006-12-28 Thread Jason J. W. Williams


I noticed the error messages below in my MySQL error log and found
them a bit perplexing. Can't find anything on them in the MySQL
documentation. If anyone has any clue what they mean it is greatly
appreciated. As a sidenote, SHOW INNODB STATUS completes, but only
shows through the DEADLOCK section. It almost appears as if the
deadlock listing is so long that it runs out of buffer and doesn't get
to the TRANSACTIONS or other status sections.

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards,


061228 19:02:55 [ERROR] trx-active_trans == 0, but trx-conc_state !=
061228 19:02:55 [Warning] MySQL is closing a connection that has an
active InnoDB transaction.  0 row modifications will roll back.

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Re: Befuddled Why This Locks

2006-12-22 Thread Jason J. W. Williams

Hi Dan,

I guess I'm curious why this query acquires a read lock. Is it because
its in a transaction?  Thank you very much in advance!


On 12/22/06, Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the last episode (Dec 21), Jason J. W. Williams said:
 If someone could suggest some advice/guidance I would be very
 grateful. I'm trying to determine why the following SELECT query
 table locks the bad_behavior table referenced the query.

 'bad_behavior' is MyISAM
 'c' is InnoDB
 'a' is InnoDB

 select item_p from (select inet_ntoa(ip) as
 item_p,sum(if(class_factor0.75,1,0)) as info,count(*) as count from c
 join a on c.mid=a.mid where  subdate(now(),interval 6 hour) 
 ip not in (select address from bad_behavior where score = 6 ) group
 by ip) as t1 where info = 5  info/count = 0.75

 The befuddling part is that the bad_behavior table is table locked
 (preventing updates/inserts) until the query above ends. The version
 of MySQL is 5.0.27.

I don't see anything wrong here.  bad_behavior is a MyISAM table
which uses table locks, so when your select is running, it grabs a read
lock on the table and blocks other writers.  See the chapters at for more
detail and some tips on how to insert data even on read-locked tables.

Dan Nelson

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Befuddled Why This Locks

2006-12-21 Thread Jason J. W. Williams

Hi All,

If someone could suggest some advice/guidance I would be very
grateful. I'm trying to determine why the following SELECT query table
locks the bad_behavior table referenced the query.

'bad_behavior' is MyISAM
'c' is InnoDB
'a' is InnoDB

select item_p from (select inet_ntoa(ip) as
item_p,sum(if(class_factor0.75,1,0)) as info,count(*) as count from c
join a on c.mid=a.mid where  subdate(now(),interval 6 hour) 
ip not in (select address from bad_behavior where score = 6 ) group
by ip) as t1 where info = 5  info/count = 0.75

The befuddling part is that the bad_behavior table is table locked
(preventing updates/inserts) until the query above ends. The version
of MySQL is 5.0.27.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

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Re: MySQL Performance Degrades Significantly Over Time

2006-12-06 Thread Jason J. W. Williams

Hi Daniel,

We were using a software RAID-5 on top of hardware RAID-5 across 3
4-disk volume groups. (1 LUN from each array volume group built the
software RAID-5). So we were able to lose 3 disks in a worst case

It seems to me that neither RAID-1 or RAID-5 can lose more than one
disk without losing data, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Our data is 70% write/30% read, so the write latency is important. The
filesystem is ZFS.  Thanks again.

Best Regards,

On 12/4/06, Daniel da Veiga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 12/4/06, Jason J. W. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Daniel,

 Thank you very much for your help and advice. After some examination,
 we discovered a couple of things. It looks like our storage array
 layout was really bad for the IOPS MySQL was throwing at it, as a
 result the InnoDB transactions started to back-up under heavy load.
 Changing the array layout from RAID-5 to RAID-1 as well as moving the
 logs to their own spindles corrected the issue. Also, moving the
 InnoDB fsync log flushing interval from every commit to a 2 second
 interval helped dramatically.

 We found the storage was the problem by looking at SHOW INNODB STATUS
 while looking at the SCSI IOP latency.

 Does this sound reasonable to you?

Disk IO is one of innodb's bottleneck anyway, but I doubt this could
hurt performance as you suggested, making it unusable. You're the one
with access to the system, and thus the only one who can test it and
be sure ;) . Making a RAID 5 should increase read performance (if you
calculate the best segment size), but the write operations would be
not as fast as with a RAID 1, and you're risking data loss if more
than one of your disks go away. I never trade security for speed, and
if I were you I would check for another option. What's the most
frequent operation (read/write) on your tables?

Anyway, glad you solved your problem.

Just out of curiosity, what is your filesystem?

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
GCM/IT/P/O d-? s:- a? C++$ UBLA++ P+ L++ E--- W+++$ N o+ K- w O M- V-
PS PE Y PGP- t+ 5 X+++ R+* tv b+ DI+++ D+ G+ e h+ r+ y++

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Re: MySQL Performance Degrades Significantly Over Time

2006-12-03 Thread Jason J. W. Williams

Hi Daniel,

Thank you very much for your help and advice. After some examination,
we discovered a couple of things. It looks like our storage array
layout was really bad for the IOPS MySQL was throwing at it, as a
result the InnoDB transactions started to back-up under heavy load.
Changing the array layout from RAID-5 to RAID-1 as well as moving the
logs to their own spindles corrected the issue. Also, moving the
InnoDB fsync log flushing interval from every commit to a 2 second
interval helped dramatically.

We found the storage was the problem by looking at SHOW INNODB STATUS
while looking at the SCSI IOP latency.

Does this sound reasonable to you?

Best Regards,

On 11/27/06, Daniel da Veiga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 11/27/06, Jason J. W. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We're running MySQL 5.0.27 under Solaris 10 on both Opteron and
 UltraSparc T1 machines. The performance on both boxes starts out great
 when the process is fresh, however over the course of a week of heavy
 use the performance degrades to the point where its nearly unusable.

 The Opteron has 2GB of RAM and the T1 has 8GB. A little stumped as to
 what to look for that might cause performance to degrade over time.
 Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

 On a side note, when the Opteron is a slave of the T1, when the T1 has
 heavy load the Opteron slave falls behind on its replication duties.
 The whole thing is kind of strange. Thank you again in advance.

First, enable (if you don't have it already) logging, without any
warnings or errors its kinda complicated to check for a real problem.
From what you say, I can assume your server is probably eating memory
on dead process or its trying to launch multiple threads to answer

Check the logs, check process (show  processlist at mysql), check
threads (ps on *ix), if there are dead process on the list, check
your applications (web or standalone) and see if the connections are
being closed correctly, decrease the wait_timeout and
interactive_timeout variables to automatically clean this process, but
be careful with those options, as they may kill your idle clients too
fast. If there are many threads, check the variables that deal with
thread launching, and your OS for limits on memory or cpu time. Also,
while you're at it:

Go for it.
Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
GCM/IT/P/O d-? s:- a? C++$ UBLA++ P+ L++ E--- W+++$ N o+ K- w O M- V-
PS PE Y PGP- t+ 5 X+++ R+* tv b+ DI+++ D+ G+ e h+ r+ y++

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Selecting Disk Layouts for Logs DB Files

2006-11-28 Thread Jason J. W. Williams


I'm hitting a performance wall on my MySQL primarily I believe because
the bin log and the InnoDB logs are on the same volume group as
another MySQL server. In reality, I have four MySQL servers, two per
server (in Solaris Containers). All four are sharing the same volume
group to maximize the spindle count. Unfortunately, that's driving the
seek time crazy.

Optimally, I would give each MySQL server two volume groups (one for
its logs and another for its databases). That would ensure that the
logs and databases each had dedicated disks in the array.

Unfortunately, given my array configuration I'm limited to 6 volume
groups (unlimited LUNs inside those VGs), and would need 8 VGs to give
each of the 4 servers two VGs. The issue is complicated by the fact
that the second 2 MySQL servers are slaves of the first two. So the
data written to one server is identically written a few seconds later
to the slave.

So my question is, which would be the better trade-off:

1.) Put the logs for two master MySQL servers on one VG, and then the
databases for those master MySQL servers on a second VG.


2.) Put the logs for a master and slave MySQL server on the same VG,
and then put the databases for the slave and master on a second VG.

Or is there a better way of splitting the IO for different disks?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

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MySQL Performance Degrades Significantly Over Time

2006-11-27 Thread Jason J. W. Williams


We're running MySQL 5.0.27 under Solaris 10 on both Opteron and
UltraSparc T1 machines. The performance on both boxes starts out great
when the process is fresh, however over the course of a week of heavy
use the performance degrades to the point where its nearly unusable.

The Opteron has 2GB of RAM and the T1 has 8GB. A little stumped as to
what to look for that might cause performance to degrade over time.
Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

On a side note, when the Opteron is a slave of the T1, when the T1 has
heavy load the Opteron slave falls behind on its replication duties.
The whole thing is kind of strange. Thank you again in advance.

Best Regards,

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SQL statement work in mysql4 but not mysql5

2006-10-10 Thread Jason Chan
I am going to upgrade my database from version 4 to 5.
However I found some of my web application doesn't work on MySQL5

e.g following statement works in 4 but not 5

SELECT f.*, as cat_id, c.position as cat_position, c.state as
cat_state, as cat_name, c.description as cat_desc,
 c.image, c.url, m.member_name as mod_name, m.member_id as
mod_id, m.is_group, m.group_id, m.group_name, m.mid
 FROM ibf_forums f, ibf_categories c
   LEFT JOIN ibf_moderators m ON (
 ORDER BY c.position, f.position

Unknown column '' in 'on clause'

The alias seem not working?
What should I do, I dont want to rewrite all my sql statement



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MySQL 5 SP question: can I use parameter in LIMIT clause?

2006-10-10 Thread Jason Chan
I want to write a sp return paging of recordset.

CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_GetJobsDetails`(Page INT, PageSize INT)
 DECLARE RecordBegin INT;
 DECLARE tmpPageSize INT;
 SET RecordBegin = Page * PageSize - PageSize;
 SET tmpPageSize = PageSize + 1;

 LIMIT RecordBegin, tmpPageSize;  - this line cause error, does it 


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Re: UPDATE from one server to another

2006-06-06 Thread Jason Dimberg

Daniel da Veiga wrote:

On 6/6/06, Jason Dimberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am working on an application where data will be collected on laptops
and then uploaded to a central database once the laptop is able to
connect to the network after being in the field.  I was initially
thinking of using MS Access as a front end with linked tables through
MySQL ODBC.  I am now considering running WAMP on each machine with a
web interface because there will be no interoperability issues if MySQL
is the db server on both ends, but I am 1.) looking for any
recommendations for the laptop interface (MS Access/WAMP or whatever
other options might be available) and 2.) want to know what is the
actual command for updating a table across two servers (this is NOT
replication, but merely updating new data to an existing table).

Data transfered will include binary objects and possibly GIS data.

For example, Laptop 1 might have 10 rows of data from todays activities
that need to be added to the main Server.  Laptop 2 might have 30 rows
of data that need to be added to the main Server.  Neither laptop needs
to have the data from the other, but the Server will contain data from
both Laptops at the end of the day.  The Server will then offer the data
through a web interface.

Linux/MySQL 5.0

MS Access 2003 OR
MySQL 5.0/ PHP 5/ Apache 2

Don't use ACCESS to deal with MySQL Data, you'll probably meet
inconsistencies, along with bugs and problems with field types,
besides, MS sucks...

To sync the laptop with the actual database, you can use a Web
Interface, or simply upload data via ftp or any other protocol (check
for security) and write a script to add this data to MySQL. Are you
sure you're not better served using the filesystem to store the data
and simply indexing names, sizes, maybe a hash for security reasons
(md5 or whatever) and timestamps so you can use the database to
quickly search or organize files but offer them via HTTP or FTP? A
simple app can get info about the file, upload it to the server and
add a row to MySQL with the info and the location of the file in the

You would get something like:


name: file1.bin
location: /home/ftp
size: 1024 bytes
hash: 78687hhg89686578h786
uploaded: 06/06/2006 14:30
from: laptop1

A simple web interface written in PHP or whatever can search this
database, filter data, sort stuff and simply offer links to the ftp

Just a suggestion...


Thanks for the on-topic response! Binary data will be a small portion of 
the data collected in the field (it will be checklists and data entry, 
mostly), but I am glad to hear what you said about Access.  I have some 
fears about integrating it with MySQL and I think I am going to set up 
MySQL on each laptop to avoid those issues altogether and work in an 
environment I am familiar with (PHP/MySQL).

Thanks for your suggestion.

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UPDATE from one server to another

2006-06-05 Thread Jason Dimberg
I am working on an application where data will be collected on laptops 
and then uploaded to a central database once the laptop is able to 
connect to the network after being in the field.  I was initially 
thinking of using MS Access as a front end with linked tables through 
MySQL ODBC.  I am now considering running WAMP on each machine with a 
web interface because there will be no interoperability issues if MySQL 
is the db server on both ends, but I am 1.) looking for any 
recommendations for the laptop interface (MS Access/WAMP or whatever 
other options might be available) and 2.) want to know what is the 
actual command for updating a table across two servers (this is NOT 
replication, but merely updating new data to an existing table).

Data transfered will include binary objects and possibly GIS data.

For example, Laptop 1 might have 10 rows of data from todays activities 
that need to be added to the main Server.  Laptop 2 might have 30 rows 
of data that need to be added to the main Server.  Neither laptop needs 
to have the data from the other, but the Server will contain data from 
both Laptops at the end of the day.  The Server will then offer the data 
through a web interface.

Linux/MySQL 5.0

MS Access 2003 OR
MySQL 5.0/ PHP 5/ Apache 2

Thank you.

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Re: Fun with Dates and Incentives.

2006-05-24 Thread Jason Dimberg
I think doing a sort by date with limit 10 should get you the first 
ten.  I believe the now() function uses the server time, so no need to 
do date/time calcs really.

Good luck,

Brian Menke wrote:

I'm hoping for some general advice on an approach for the following


I have a customer who wants to put an incentive program in place for
students taking learning modules and then completing tests. The concept is
simple. Award the first 10 people who complete a test with a score of
100%... that type of thing. Students are allowed to take test more than
once. Track each time the student takes the test and show the latest score
ect. You get the idea. I have the database tables and relationships already
all set up for the tests, but it's the tracking of the dates and times that
I don't have and it got me thinking.


I need to track down to the day/hour/minute level. Okay, that should be easy
(I think). I'm going to need to do a lot of date/time calculations. Would it
be best just to have a default of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP set for a TIMESTAMP
field? Or, is their something else I should be using? I have limited
experience having to munge and crunch date/time info and I want to make sure
I have the flexibility to do what I need in the future.


The next gotcha I thought up is what about different time zones. Obviously
without this consideration, people on the East coast would have an unfair 3
hour advantage over people on the west coast. I guess I can have a time zone
field in my student table so I could derive the time difference. Any
suggestions on a good time zone approach?


Here are my two tables as they stand now. I'm wondering if these are set up
in a way to allow me to do all this date time crunching I'm going to need to
do in the future? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated :-)



CREATE TABLE `students` (

  `store_id` varchar(6) NOT NULL,

  `email` varchar(64) NOT NULL,

  `fname` varchar(32) NOT NULL,

  `lname` varchar(32) NOT NULL,

  `role` char(2) NOT NULL default '5',

  `password` varchar(8) NOT NULL,

  `phone` varchar(24) default NULL,

  `reg_date` date default NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY  (`email`),

  UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`)



CREATE TABLE `completed_modules` (

  `module_id` char(2) NOT NULL default '',

  `email` varchar(64) NOT NULL,

  `score` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',

  `time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP



Brian Menke

Visual Matter, Inc

1445 Foxworthy Ave., Suite 50-215

San Jose, CA 95118

408 375 9969


San Jose ~ Los Angeles 



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OOC: Reply / Return Address of this List

2006-04-18 Thread Jason Teagle
 1. Please always reply to the List.

Who runs this list? Could it please be configured to send replies back to
the list rather than the individual? It's really annoying to keep ending up
with a personal address - it would make things so much easier, and is, to my
knowledge, standard practice for mailing lists to have replies automatically
go to the list itself.

Jason Teagle

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Reply / Return Address of this List

2006-04-18 Thread Jason Teagle
 The battle has been fought before - and the list administrator has given
 his reasons why he has not made the requested change. The way the list
 currently behaves is not an accident or omission, but a deliberate
 decision. I do not recall the grounds for that decision - maybe RFCs or
 the behaviour of certain email clients (which probably does not include
 your own), or maybe the fact that an individual reply is often very
 difficult if the default is group reply but no the other way round. But

I would have thought that 99% of replies should go to the list, and personal
replies are the exception - as has been pointed out here, and many times on
other lists, a public answer benefits many people.

However, if the subject has been addressed and the decision made, then
there's just no point in this topic. I guess those of us that don't like it,
or don't like people inadvertently posting personal replies thanks to that
decision, should simply find another list.

Jason Teagle

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Error on T_echo ?? what is this ?

2006-04-12 Thread Jason Teagle
I believe you are missing the trailing semicolon from the previous line of
code, before the //confirm comment. It's a rather cryptic way of saying it
found echo when it expected something else first. Gotta love those PHP
error messages.

Jason Teagle

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian E Boothe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 13 April 2006 05:13
 Subject: Error on T_echo ?? what is this ?

 i,m getting the following error on my MySQL Code inserting data into a
 database, .?

*Parse error*: parse error, unexpected T_ECHO in
 c:\inetpub\wwwroot\projects\testsum\adddata.php on line 30

 LINE 30 is   echo
 Query Finished;

 --here is ALL my code --
 //--php/Mysql Code by Brian E Boothe  //
 //throw data from form into MySQL database routine //
 //initilize Adddatta to mysql database, //

 //if($_POST['submit']) //If submit is hit
//then connect as user
//change user and password to your mySQL name and password

//select which database you want to edit

//convert all the posts to variables:
   $value1 = $_POST['value1'];
   $value2 = $_POST['value2'];
   $sumfield = $_POST['sumfield'];

//Insert the values into the correct database with the right fields
//mysql table = news
//table columns = id, title, message, who, date, time
//post variables = $title, $message, '$who, $date, $time
   // $result=MYSQL_QUERY(INSERT INTO orders
   $result=MYSQL_QUERY(INSERT INTO addvalue (`value1`, `value2`,
   VALUES ('$value1', '$value2', '$sumfield')
  //INSERT INTO `orders` (`OrderNo`, `CompanyName`, `BillingAddress`,
 `City`, `StateOrProvince`, `PostalCode`, `PhoneNumber`, `FaxNumber`,
 `WebPage`, `ContactFirstName`, `ContactLastName`, `EmailAddress`,
 `Notes`, `Customer`, `Startdate`, `Completedate`, `Biddate`,
 `Bidamount`, `ProjectInfo`, `ElecProjCost`, `ElecProjBill`, `ElecRem`,
 `CtrlProjCost`, `CtrlProjBill`, `CtrlRem`, `OthrProjCost`,
 `OthrProjBill`, `OthrRem`, `BondAm`, `BondBill`, `BondRem`)

  echo Query Finished;


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RE: error with java

2006-04-10 Thread Jason Teagle
 I don't think so, since even with telnet localhost 3306 or telnet 3306 I'm able to see the server prompt..
 and I'm using the standard MySQL port for sure (it's a clean
 installation); and there are no firewall active...

 any other suggestion!?

 thanks :)

Wild stab in the dark here - Java I/O permissions not set correctly on your
machine to allow it? If I recall, Java's sandbox feature means you have to
supply a permissions file for I/O. Perhaps that file already exists on the
other machine that works?

Jason Teagle

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AlterTable Structure Across Multiple DBs

2006-03-30 Thread Jason Dimberg
I have about 25 databases with the same structure and occasionally need 
to update the table structure.  For example, I recently found a mistake 
in a field that was of type SET and needed to be VARCHAR.  I will now 
need to edit each table.  Is there an easy method to alter table 
structure across multiple dbs as opposed to editing each one individually?

In retrospect I should have combined them into one db and may consider 
doing that.

All dbs start with 'pm_' and have identically named tables

MySQL 5.0.18
Windows 2003

Thank you,

*Jason Dimberg*

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RE: Timestamp problem in mysql5.0.18

2006-03-21 Thread Jason Teagle
See, for the UK, on that date, 2am to 2:59 inclusive do not officially
exist - hence, 3am to 3:59 for GMT+1, etc. I couldn't quite figure why 3am
was being rejected until now. I'm impressed that MySQL knows that {:v)

Jason Teagle

 -Original Message-
 From: Ricardas.S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 21 March 2006 14:31
 Subject: Re: Timestamp problem in mysql5.0.18

 Yes, I think you are right, it should be the main reason of
 insert failure.
 Thank you for good idea.


 - Original Message -
 From: Jason Teagle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 14:55
 Subject: RE: Timestamp problem in mysql5.0.18

   All other date or hour values I tried, works good, but this one
   is not accepted. UPDATE statement behaves the same.
   Server time zone is GMT+2.
   I tried 5.0.18nt and two linux versions, result is the same.
   I tried to change time zone, and noticed that mysql server does
   not accept 2006-03-26 date with hour values which are equals GMT
   offset + 1.
   When I tried with ALLOW_INVALID_DATES option enabled, then server
   simply changes hour upward to 04.
   Is it mysql bug?
  I believe that the clocks go forward in the UK (and possibly other
  countries) on the 26th - 2am suddenly becomes 3am. I wonder if
 this is part
  of the problem? Seems a bit of a coincidence, especially as you
 say it went
  to 4am.
  Jason Teagle

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RE: mysql++1.7.1 vc++6 compile errors

2006-03-13 Thread Jason Teagle
 the example program compiles and runs. when i go to make my own
 project i use the wizard and create a basic dialog MFC app. at
 the top of the main cpp file i add #include mysql++ and then in
 the program call Connection con(login,localhost,root,abc);

 in the mysql++ download there is many lib and include folders, i
 have copyied the contents of these in the the vc++6 include and
 lib folders.

 when come to compile i get many errors as seen below. please help


 Generating Code...
 mysqlDlg.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public:
 __thiscall MysqlConnection::~MysqlConnection(void)
 (??1MysqlConnection@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])
 mysqlDlg.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public:
 __thiscall MysqlConnection::MysqlConnection(char const *,char
 const *,char const *,char const *,bool)
 (??0MysqlConnection@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@Z)
 Debug/mysql.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
 Error executing link.exe.

 mysql.exe - 3 error(s), 14 warning(s)

Have you included mysql++.lib in your list of libraries to link to within
your project?

(Project - Settings - 'All Configurations' from 'Settings for:' combo, Link
tab, 'Input' from 'Category' combo)

Jason Teagle

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