Re: Records Mysql can handle??

2003-09-01 Thread otherguy

On Sunday, August 31, 2003, at 01:07  PM, Binay Agarwal wrote:

Hi All,

Can any body tell me how many records mysql can hold efficiently. i.e 
Is there any boundation on number of records mysql can handle?

Please let me know ...



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Re: UPDATE based on value in another table

2003-08-26 Thread otherguy
On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 03:26  PM, Dan Jones wrote:


To make this a tad clearer, I have two tables: Title and Author.  
consists of the Author's name and an AuthorID.  Title includes an
AuthorID from the Author table.  Some of the Author's have been deleted
from the Author table.  I want to remove any AuthorID entries from the
Title table that no longer exists in the Author table.

My SQL book, a generic reference not specific to any particular
database, indicates the way to do this is via UPDATE with a subquery,
like so:
This gives me a syntax error ...near SELECT AuthorID FROM Author)

Does MySQL not support UPDATE with subqueries or am I screwing up the 
syntax somehow?

MySQL does not support UPDATE with subqueries.  I think it's on the 
list somewhere.  Like a prerelease version may have it.

Would this work for you?

SELECT Title.AurthorID AS title_author, Author.AuthorID AS author_author
FROM title_author LEFT JOIN author_author
WHERE author_author IS NULL;
There's your list of AuthorID's that have been deleted from the Author 
Table, but that still exist in the Title table.

If possible, you could go through and then do the update 
programatically based on this list?

The big difference being that you have already figured out that these 
are the ones you need to remove instead of having to check each and 
every authorID

-Cameron Wilhelm

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Re: Fixing autoincrement

2003-08-14 Thread otherguy
On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 09:59  PM, otherguy wrote:

On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 09:46  PM, Andrew Rothwell wrote:

Hello List,
I have a movies database, that I had an autoincrementing field for
counting purposes.What I did though was remove some of the rows out of
the table, now my table is reporting an incorrect number of movies
listed.What I am trying to do is after is have done the following

There is no 74 Is there a way to force the DB upon removal of a row 
to renumber the autoincremented fields?
Short answer, no.

I have tried to flush tables, but that did not work -

btw I am using the last stable 3 release - but I will be updating to 
latest stable 4 release in the next day or so. THank you

Long answer: that defeats the purpose of an auto-increment.

The only good way to do this is to do it programatically, and even 
then (if there are multiple updates at a time) won't necessarily 
guarantee unique values (the point of the auto_increment field).
I should have said something like programatically with an integer 
field (as oppose to auto_increment).

If all you need is the current number of movies, might I suggest:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename;

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Re: Multiple items in an ALTER TABLE statement

2003-08-14 Thread otherguy states that:

You can issue multiple ADD, ALTER, DROP, and CHANGE clauses in a single 
ALTER TABLE statement. This is a MySQL extension to SQL-92, which 
allows only one of each clause per ALTER TABLE statement.

but it doesn't give the syntax for doing so.

Maybe try:


-Cameron Wilhelm

On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 07:22  PM, Adam Fortuno wrote:

Was in the midst of doing something today and I attempted to drop a 
number of columns in a table with the following:

ALTER TABLE tmp DROP COLUMN col_1, col_2, col_3, col_4;

Unfortunately MySQL gave me an error reading:

ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual 
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to 
use near 'col_2, col_3, col_4' at line 1

Can you not have multiple columns names in an alter statement?

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Re: Fixing autoincrement

2003-08-14 Thread otherguy
On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 09:46  PM, Andrew Rothwell wrote:

Hello List,
I have a movies database, that I had an autoincrementing field for
counting purposes.What I did though was remove some of the rows out of
the table, now my table is reporting an incorrect number of movies
listed.What I am trying to do is after is have done the following

There is no 74 Is there a way to force the DB upon removal of a row 
to renumber the autoincremented fields?
Short answer, no.

I have tried to flush tables, but that did not work -

btw I am using the last stable 3 release - but I will be updating to 
latest stable 4 release in the next day or so. THank you

Long answer: that defeats the purpose of an auto-increment.

The only good way to do this is to do it programatically, and even then 
(if there are multiple updates at a time) won't necessarily guarantee 
unique values (the point of the auto_increment field).

If all you need is the current number of movies, might I suggest:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename;
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Re: Is query possible? (Newbie)

2003-08-14 Thread otherguy
On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 08:04  PM, Jennifer Goodie wrote:

I have 2 tables used for an online calendar...

first table fields: primary_key , start_date, event_name,
second table fields: primary_key, end_date
Tables fields are shortened and can't be changed.

My second table only contains events that have a end date. I want
to create
a query that will take all the fields in. If no end_date exists
then set to
NULL. Been playing with it all day. Hoping some advance function 
exists. I
thought of using a temp table but there must be a better way.

I am confused by your question.  It think it is missing words.  If you 
trying to select all records from first_table that do not have a 
record in
second_table you can use a left join and is null...

SELECT * from first_table LEFT JOIN second_table USING (primary_key) 
second_table.primary_key IS NULL

Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see why you would want to
split your tables up that way.  You can't be saving that much room, 
and I
don't think it really goes with standard normalization conventions.
If you don't want to join the two, you could use the query above to 
find out all of the event ID's that you need to add to the second 
field.  The easiest way to deal with this would be to modify Jennifer's 

SELECT first_table.primary_key from first_table LEFT JOIN second_table 
USING (primary_key) WHERE
second_table.primary_key IS NULL

and export it, and then just straight import it into your second_table. 
 If you leave what you're putting into the second_table.end_date blank, 
it should come through as NULL.

Although, I would also definitely suggest joining the two tables.  
FWIW, you can do this fairly easily by:

CREATE TABLE new_table
SELECT first_table.primary_key AS primary_key,
   first_table.start_date AS start_date,
   first_table.event_name AS event_name,
   first_table.event_description AS event_description
   second_table.end_date AS end_date
FROM first_table LEFT JOIN second_table USING (primary_key);
Although this is using extremely redundant syntax, this should give you 
one table, where all of the end_dates that's aren't populated in 
second_table end up being NULL.  From there you could run a query:

SELECT * FROM new_table WHERE end_date IS NULL;

Good luck,
-Cameron Wilhelm
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Re: mysql and Access

2003-07-31 Thread otherguy
The simplest way, if you have the ability to make an ODBC connection to 
the mySQL box, would be to create an ODBC linked table in access and 
then run an append or make-table query against the linked table, as per 
your situation requires.

I assume that you could write a macro that would run the query on a 
daily or hourly basis or something.

If you're not able to create an ODBC link to the mySQL database, then 
there will most likely be some manual intervention.  It would not be 
hard to procedure-ize and mostly automate the export and import 
process, though (with a little help from their ISP).  (I'm assuming 
that they have an ISP that is hosting the box, if they're not hosting 
the box locally.  If they were hosting it locally, they'd most likely 
be able to create an ODBC connection to it.)

So the short answer is: Yes, you can, but if you have to ask, (or if 
most of what I've written so far went over your head), you'll probably 
want to get some help doing it.

-Cameron Wilhelm

On Thursday, July 31, 2003, at 04:41  PM, Voodoo wrote:

I'm building an integrated system with Access and mySQL. Some company 
has na internal system based on Access and a web site with a form that 
saves its variables in a mySQL db. Can I make a system that migrates 
automatically the data from the mySQL online db for the the local 
Access db? And how? Can somebody help me?

Thanks for now



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Re: A Complicated Join

2003-07-29 Thread otherguy
I've been working on something similar to this for quite a while (few 
more steps, maybe), and this list helped me through it, so I suppose I 
can at least return the favor.

You basically need to do the following (I'm using temporary tables to 
help me think through it - and because of the lack of views and 

1) Find the groups each user belongs to

   users.username AS username,
   g-u.groupID AS group
FROM users INNER JOIN g-u ON = g-u.userID;
2) From there, you can find all the messages that belong to each user

   user_groups.username AS username, AS group, AS messageID
FROM user_groups INNER JOIN messages ON = 

3) From there, the tricky part is to find the messages that DON'T have 
replies.  There are some tips in the mySQL documentation about JOINS 
(in the comments section) that might give some more 
details/information/clarification/examples/explanation about this.  
(note the left join)

SELECT user_messages.username, user_messages.messageID
FROM user_messages LEFT JOIN replies ON user_messages.messageID = 
WHERE replies.messageID IS NULL;

That SHOULD give you a listing of all users names, and the messageID's 
they've not yet replied to.  I obviously don't have a test bed, so I 
apologize for any typos or anything that doesn't work quite right.  
Hopefully this gives you what you need, or at least puts you on the 
right track.

After you're done, you're going to want to drop the temporary tables:

DROP TABLE user_groups;
DROP TABLE user_messages;
Note that the temporary tables are only accurate at the instant you 
create them.  They don't reflect changes until you drop and re-create 

I'm not good enough with joins and whatnot to try to put more than two 
tables into one (don't even know if you can), but a total of five 
statements isn't bad, eh?

If you need more explanation about the how, why, or intent of any of 
the above, or if something doesn't work right, feel free to ask for 

Good luck!
-Cameron Wilhelm
On Tuesday, July 29, 2003, at 09:39  PM, Eric Winer wrote:

I've been browsing through posts here, but I haven't found anything 
to my issue, so I guess I'll just post it myself:

I have three tables: users, groups (which define collections of users),
messages, and replies (replies are completely different from messages 
warrant their own table).  Each message is sent out to a single group 
users, and each user recieving the message can submit one reply.  Here 
the relevant (simplified) table info:


int id
int userID (the person who sent the message)
int groupID (the group that the message is sent to)
text messageBody

int id
int messageID (the message this is a reply to)
int userID (the user who sent the reply)
text replyBody
int id
text userName

int id
text groupName
int groupID
int userID
How can I write a query that returns the sender's username and 
message's id
for every message which a specified user has been sent but has not yet
replied to?  If you could explain your answer reasonably, please do so 
- I
would like to learn how to write such a query so I don't have to bug 
mailing list again.  I'm using mySQL 4.0.x, so I can't use subqueries.

-Eric Winer

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Re: Single Record Locking - Permanent?

2003-07-15 Thread otherguy
2 methods I can think of:

1) Move the records into a different table, and set permissions 
accordingly (allow updates on for managers on that table)

2) Control authentication and access in your program.

-Cameron Wilhelm

On Tuesday, July 15, 2003, at 11:03  AM, Dan Ullom wrote:

Is it possible to lock single records for all but a certain set of 
The intention is to make old items permanently unchangeable by anyone 

Dan Ullom

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Re: Advanced Query Help (My brain hurts!)

2003-06-28 Thread otherguy
Thank you!

That gets me halfway there, and not to my surprise, it's not even that 
hard!  I should've known that it wouldn't be.

So the other part that I truly have no idea how to do the following:

UPDATE this_other_table
SET satus = 
WHERE zipcode IN (result set from union query blow);
can someone provide me with some pointers in the right direction?

 quota_zip2 INNER JOIN quota_control2 ON
  (quota_zip2.agent_code = quota_control2.agent_code) AND
  (quota_zip2.appl = quota_control2.appl)
 quota_control2.appl = CIRG
GROUP BY quota_zip2.zipcode
HAVING SUM(quota_control2.quota_actual) = 
SUM(quota_control2.quota_limit) )


 quota_zip2 INNER JOIN quota_control2 ON
  (quota_zip2.agent_code = quota_control2.agent_code) AND
  (quota_zip2.appl = quota_control2.appl)
 quota_control2.appl = CILT
GROUP BY quota_zip2.zipcode
HAVING SUM(quota_control2.quota_actual) = 
SUM(quota_control2.quota_limit) )

ORDER BY zipcode;

-Cameron Wilhelm
On Friday, June 27, 2003, at 06:42  PM, MyLists wrote:

How about a UNION statement? If the two queries are independently 
what you need, then you can just append the two results by using 

Good Luck!


- Original Message -
From: otherguy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Terry Vanstory [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 8:50 PM
Subject: Advanced Query Help (My brain hurts!)

Hey guys, I'm about to dump a doozy on your collective knowledge and
goodwill, and hope for some help or some pointers.  I'm not great with
advanced SQL, and I've gotten as far as my brain and the resources 
been using will allow me to get for the time being.

I need help with two things:
1) How can I effectively combine the following two queries?  The only
difference between them is the `appl` condition.  I effectively need 
do an INNER JOIN on the zip code of the results of both queries so 
only zip codes that exist in both result sets are returned:

  SUM(quota_control2.quota_actual) AS sum_actual,
  SUM(quota_control2.quota_limit) AS sum_limit
  quota_zip2 INNER JOIN quota_control2 ON
   (quota_zip2.agent_code = quota_control2.agent_code) AND
   (quota_zip2.appl = quota_control2.appl)
  quota_control2.appl = CIRG
GROUP BY quota_zip2.zipcode
HAVING sum_actual = sum_limit
ORDER BY quota_zip2.zipcode;
  SUM(quota_control2.quota_actual) AS sum_actual,
  SUM(quota_control2.quota_limit) AS sum_limit
  quota_zip2 INNER JOIN quota_control2 ON
   (quota_zip2.agent_code = quota_control2.agent_code) AND
   (quota_zip2.appl = quota_control2.appl)
  quota_control2.appl = CILT
GROUP BY quota_zip2.zipcode
HAVING sum_actual = sum_limit
ORDER BY quota_zip2.zipcode;
I cannot change the where clause to
WHERE `appl` = CIRG OR `appl` = CILT
because there might be data that would result in a situation where the
the sum_actual would meet or exceed the sum_limit for a zip code 
both `appl`'s in the where), whereas running them separately would
result in the sum_actual not being met for one of the `appl`'s for 
zip_code (it would have been exceeded for the other `appl`).

2) Once I have this query, how can I then update a third table based 
it?  I basically need to run:
UPDATE listmaster SET status = WD WHERE zipcode = any zipcode in
results of the query from above.

I think that this would involve another inner join, but at this point
I'm _WAY_ over my head.
I've included a dump of sample tables and data at the end of this
For the record:
1) I know that this whole thing would be easier to do programatically
(it would take a while, but even I could do it that way).
Unfortunately due to complications of the environment over which I 
absolutely no control, that's not an option.

2) This database is not of my design.

3) This will eventually go into a nightly maintenance job, so query
execution time is not a big issue.
Finally, in advance, I really appreciate any time and effort any of 
are willing to put in.  Hopefully there's someone out there that 
figuring stuff like this out who has more expertise than I do.  Any
assistance rendered will result in many thanks from me.

Thanks again,
-Cameron Wilhelm
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=BEGIN DUMP OF SAMPLE DATA=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

# Tables dumped 2003-06-27 19:08:11 -0600
# Created by CocoaMySQL (Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Lorenz Textor)
# Host: localhost   Database: nbl_test
# **
# Dump of table listmaster
# --
CREATE TABLE `listmaster` (
   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `zipcode` char(5) default NULL,
   `status` char(2) default NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
   UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES

Re: Advanced Query Help (My brain hurts!)

2003-06-28 Thread otherguy
On Saturday, June 28, 2003, at 03:43  PM, MyLists wrote:

otherguy wrote:

That gets me halfway there
Does it?
Yes, it does.
No, I don't think it does, upon further consideration and testing...  I 
thought it did b/c I read, and misinterpreted the UNION 

In your original question, you'd indicated that you only
wanted zips where *both* criteria were met -- enough CIRGs and enough
CILTs.  By using a UNION, you'll be getting zips where *either* is 
This is right.

No. The key is that each independent query was returing the results he
wanted - so, the UNION statement will simple append these two results 
one long dataset - the WHERE clause, criteria, or even the number of 
is really not affected.
So is this.  If I just needed to know that quota had been met for 
EITHER, then this would work perfectly for me.

The key for my situation is that I need ONLY the records that exist in 

Any other thoughts for this, or am I bumping up against the limits of 
SQL in general?

Thanks again!
-Cameron Wilhelm
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Re: Advanced Query Help (My brain hurts!)

2003-06-28 Thread otherguy
On Saturday, June 28, 2003, at 07:15  PM, Bruce Feist wrote:

otherguy wrote:

On Saturday, June 28, 2003, at 03:43  PM, MyLists wrote:

That gets me halfway there

BF: Does it?

No, I don't think it does, upon further consideration and testing...  
I thought it did b/c I read, and misinterpreted the UNION 

BF: In your original question, you'd indicated that you only wanted 
zips where *both* criteria were met -- enough CIRGs and enough 
CILTs.  By using a UNION, you'll be getting zips where *either* is 

This is right.
The key for my situation is that I need ONLY the records that exist 
in BOTH.

Any other thoughts for this, or am I bumping up against the limits of 
SQL in general?

Well, keep in mind that although SQL can do a lot in a single 
statement, it can't always do *everything* required for a business 
function in one statement.
As I'm painfully aware of, but was hopeful about.


Here's a sequence.

I can't thank you enough for your time and effort.  I should be able to 
tweak this enough to make it usable.

Thanks again.  Now I just have to beat up the system guys for making me 
do this :)

Thank you,
-Cameron Wilhelm
MySQL General Mailing List
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Advanced Query Help (My brain hurts!)

2003-06-27 Thread otherguy
Hey guys, I'm about to dump a doozy on your collective knowledge and 
goodwill, and hope for some help or some pointers.  I'm not great with 
advanced SQL, and I've gotten as far as my brain and the resources I've 
been using will allow me to get for the time being.

I need help with two things:
1) How can I effectively combine the following two queries?  The only 
difference between them is the `appl` condition.  I effectively need to 
do an INNER JOIN on the zip code of the results of both queries so that 
only zip codes that exist in both result sets are returned:

 SUM(quota_control2.quota_actual) AS sum_actual,
 SUM(quota_control2.quota_limit) AS sum_limit
 quota_zip2 INNER JOIN quota_control2 ON
  (quota_zip2.agent_code = quota_control2.agent_code) AND
  (quota_zip2.appl = quota_control2.appl)
 quota_control2.appl = CIRG
GROUP BY quota_zip2.zipcode
HAVING sum_actual = sum_limit
ORDER BY quota_zip2.zipcode;
 SUM(quota_control2.quota_actual) AS sum_actual,
 SUM(quota_control2.quota_limit) AS sum_limit
 quota_zip2 INNER JOIN quota_control2 ON
  (quota_zip2.agent_code = quota_control2.agent_code) AND
  (quota_zip2.appl = quota_control2.appl)
 quota_control2.appl = CILT
GROUP BY quota_zip2.zipcode
HAVING sum_actual = sum_limit
ORDER BY quota_zip2.zipcode;
I cannot change the where clause to
	WHERE `appl` = CIRG OR `appl` = CILT
because there might be data that would result in a situation where the 
the sum_actual would meet or exceed the sum_limit for a zip code (using 
both `appl`'s in the where), whereas running them separately would 
result in the sum_actual not being met for one of the `appl`'s for that 
zip_code (it would have been exceeded for the other `appl`).

2) Once I have this query, how can I then update a third table based on 
it?  I basically need to run:
UPDATE listmaster SET status = WD WHERE zipcode = any zipcode in 
results of the query from above.

I think that this would involve another inner join, but at this point 
I'm _WAY_ over my head.

I've included a dump of sample tables and data at the end of this 

For the record:
	1) I know that this whole thing would be easier to do programatically 
(it would take a while, but even I could do it that way).  
Unfortunately due to complications of the environment over which I have 
absolutely no control, that's not an option.

	2) This database is not of my design.

	3) This will eventually go into a nightly maintenance job, so query 
execution time is not a big issue.

Finally, in advance, I really appreciate any time and effort any of you 
are willing to put in.  Hopefully there's someone out there that enjoys 
figuring stuff like this out who has more expertise than I do.  Any 
assistance rendered will result in many thanks from me.

Thanks again,
-Cameron Wilhelm
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=BEGIN DUMP OF SAMPLE DATA=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

# Tables dumped 2003-06-27 19:08:11 -0600
# Created by CocoaMySQL (Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Lorenz Textor)
# Host: localhost   Database: nbl_test
# **
# Dump of table listmaster
# --
CREATE TABLE `listmaster` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `zipcode` char(5) default NULL,
  `status` char(2) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `listmaster` (`id`,`zipcode`,`status`) VALUES 

# Dump of table quota_control2
# --
CREATE TABLE `quota_control2` (
  `agent_code` char(6) default NULL,
  `appl` char(4) default NULL,
  `quota_limit` smallint(6) default NULL,
  `quota_actual` smallint(6) default NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY `agent_code` (`agent_code`,`appl`)
INSERT INTO `quota_control2` 
(`agent_code`,`appl`,`quota_limit`,`quota_actual`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `quota_control2` 
(`agent_code`,`appl`,`quota_limit`,`quota_actual`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `quota_control2` 
(`agent_code`,`appl`,`quota_limit`,`quota_actual`) VALUES 
INSERT INTO `quota_control2` 
(`agent_code`,`appl`,`quota_limit`,`quota_actual`) VALUES 

# Dump of table 

Re: SSL and Windows

2003-06-09 Thread otherguy

On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 01:43  PM, Sparky Kopetzky wrote:

Does anyone know how to turn the SSL on for mySql for Windows?? I need 
to encrypt and decrypt certain items in a database and the manual says 
add the OpenSSL package but there isn't one for Windows. Help!

Thanks in advance!!

Robin E. Kopetzky
Black Mesa Computers/Internet Services

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Re: database permissions

2003-05-29 Thread otherguy
On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 07:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 06:31 AM, Jon Haugsand wrote:

What the permissions/ownership be on my database directory?

I think is the cause of my problem of only being able to startup
mysqld as 'root'.
On my system the mysqld deamon runs as mysql and files are owned by
 Jon Haugsand, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How can I check that my 'mysql daemon' is running as user 'mysql' and 
not 'root'?
I have already done 'chown -R mysql /pathto/databases
It looks like you're using Apple Mail, so I'll assume you're on OS X.

Open '/Applications/Utilities/Process Viewer' and type mysql (or some 
combination) into the find box.  It'll give you the user (mysqld is the 
one you're looking at).

There are other ways, but that's the easiest way if you're not 
interested in reading 'man ps'.  If you are interested in sticking with 
the command line, here are a couple of ways you could check:
ps -au
ps -U httpd
and of course:
ps -au|grep mysqld (terminal screen will need to be wide for this, most 

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Re: database permissions

2003-05-29 Thread otherguy
On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 08:16 PM, otherguy wrote:

ps -U httpd
I screwed this up.  It's been a long day.  Of course it should be:
ps -U mysqld
sorry about that
-Cameron Wilhelm
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