Re: command line open source ARRRGGGGGG!!!!!!

2001-09-08 Thread Christopher R. Jones

It is tough for those who have never typed a command.  It is analogous to 
learning to drive a standard transmission - it is very easy to transfer to 
an automatic but not visa versa.  My first computer was an 8088 with a 4o 
meg harddrive, DOS 5.2 with Turbo C as my compiler.  Switching to Unix was 
fairly straight forward.  Switching to a GUI was also straight forward.

But - I must say that when I started installing server software on my own, 
I read the manuals and readme files before trying anything.  My first MySQL 
installation was on Windows and the readme file was very clear.  I also 
downloaded the MySQL manual and read it very closely before beginning the 
install.  I did have to send a few emails to the group but on the whole the 
process was fairly painless.

My advise for Windows users is to learn about the MSDOS prompt and how to 
configure it.  For example, what is the "path", what is a batch file, what 
is a redirect (<) to help with automation of creating new tables etc.

That is my $0.02 CAD worth.

Christopher R. Jones, P.Eng.
14 Oneida Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2E3
Tel. 416 203-7465
Fax. 416 203-8249

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Re: command line open source ARRRGGGGGG!!!!!!

2001-09-07 Thread Robert Alexander

At 23:07 -0700 2001/09/06, Chadrick Mahaffey wrote:
>I realize that I'm going to be in the minority here but I have to say it.
>Open source would go much farther if they had self explanatory GUIs and had
>basic pre-setup apps that were ready for the average user to use. I program
>in Java and I feel the same about the JDK Sun produces. I use JCreator
>because it has an easy to follow GUI interface. Most open source apps I have
>attempted to use have some of the worse documentation around. The writers
>assume so much about the users. OK - call me inept, stupid, or whatever but
>I had to say it.
>THE chad

Hi Chad,

I feel your pain... :>  I come from a predominately GUI environment, too. But, if 
you've gotten this far, I doubt very much that you're stupid -- just inexperienced 
with this type of app and these methods.

MySQL actually has very good documentation; you're just looking in the wrong area. Try 
the Windows-specific installation instructions instead of the Unix ones.

Granted, working at the command-line can be daunting at first with all those cryptic 
and arcane instructions, *but* it's also very powerful; you can accomplish difficult 
things very quickly once you're used to it. (Definitely true in Unix, I'm unsure about 

Both GUIs and the command-line have their place, and their strengths and weaknesses. I 
wouldn't want to do without either.

I learned 'command-line stuff' on Sun Solaris and Linux. What a bitch it was the first 
time I installed one of those boxes from scratch (and then learned how to compile and 
build software). But, ya know, even though it may (initially) be a lot of difficult 
work to configure and set one up, there's a big pay-back. Once it's done, you've got a 
nearly bulletproof, rock-solid, absolutely dependable computer. My Sun boxes simply 
*never* crash.

Hell, I'd be frustrated and pulling my hair, too, if I had to sit down and attempt an 
install on Windows. I've never done it, so it'd be a completely new, confusing, and 
seemingly idiotic procedure for me. But I'm pretty sure I'd eventually get through it. 

So dive in, get your hands dirty, read lots, and it'll start to make sense pretty 

Good luck. May the foo be with you. :>


Robert Alexander~~   Programmer/Analyst/DBA/Admin
WWW Database Applications~~
Web Software and Hosting   ~~

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Fw: command line open source ARRRGGGGGG!!!!!!

2001-09-07 Thread Colm Brazel

- Original Message -
From: "Colm Brazel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: command line open source ARRRGG!!

> > Open source software is written by technical people.  They do it because
> > they enjoy it.  Most of them don't get paid for it.
> >
> > Many technical people don't enjoy writing documentation at all, and
> > _very_ few enjoy writing documentation at the "complete newbie" level.
> Hi,
> The maxim should be that no one should mind a difficult concept well
> explained. But everybody should mind
> a simple concept made difficult because it is poorly explained. A poor
> explanation is one that is not intelligible
> by a newbie not because it is difficult, but because it is poorly
> in  terms easily understood by a newbie.
> Colm
> Colm Brazel (MA)
> CB Publications
> - Original Message -
> From: "Paul D. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Chadrick Mahaffey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "mysql" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 2:50 PM
> Subject: Re: command line open source ARRRGG!!
> > %% Chadrick Mahaffey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >   cm> How do I start the server and create a database in plain English.
> I'm not
> >   cm> familiar with:
> >   cm> SECTION 4.16 - Documentation
> >
> >   shell> ./scripts/mysql_install_db
> >   shell> cd mysql_installation_directory
> >   shell> ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &
> >
> >   shell> cd mysql_installation_directory
> >   shell> ./bin/mysql_install_db
> >   shell> ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &
> >
> >   cm> what does all this mean?
> >
> > These are the commands and instructions for installing MySQL on a UNIX
> > box.  They are UNIX shell commands, not Windows DOS commands.
> >
> > You need to find the commands and instructions for installing MySQL on a
> > Windows box, if that's what you are using.
> >
> >   cm> Open source would go much farther if they had self explanatory
> >   cm> GUIs and had basic pre-setup apps that were ready for the average
> >   cm> user to use. I program in Java and I feel the same about the JDK
> >   cm> Sun produces. I use JCreator because it has an easy to follow GUI
> >   cm> interface. Most open source apps I have attempted to use have some
> >   cm> of the worse documentation around. The writers assume so much
> >   cm> about the users. OK - call me inept, stupid, or whatever but I had
> >   cm> to say it.
> >
> > Open source software is written by technical people.  They do it because
> > they enjoy it.  Most of them don't get paid for it.
> >
> > Many technical people don't enjoy writing documentation at all, and
> > _very_ few enjoy writing documentation at the "complete newbie" level.
> > If they don't enjoy it, they aren't going to do it for fun.  If someone
> > who _did_ enjoy it were to volunteer to help, well, that would be great.
> >
> > Further, you are working on a Windows platform.  Microsoft has, at
> > almost every turn, expressed its deep-seated hostility for Open Source
> > software of all kinds, and even the very idea of OS software.  Also,
> > many developers, esp. those doing OS software which has a very
> > UNIX-based ancestry, don't _like_ working on Windows, as they don't
> > think it's a good platform either to use or develop on.  So, naturally
> > enough you won't find all that many Open Source developers who are very
> > interested in expending a lot of effort to keep people who use Windows
> > happy.  They don't want to _encourage_ people to use an environment that
> > is so hostile to the things they like to do, and they don't like using
> > Windows themselves.  So, I doubt you'll see a big effort expended on the
> > part of OS developers to make the Windows-specific parts of their
> > software simpler.
> >
> > There are, obviously, some well-known exceptions like the
> > StarOffice/OpenOffice folks, Emacs, Apache, etc. who do spend a lot of
> > effort trying to get Windows versions easier to use and install.
> >
> >
> > If you wanted to buy a support license for MySQL, I'm sure they'd help
> > you get it installed properly.  If you want to use the free version and
> > you want to use it 

Re: command line open source ARRRGGGGGG!!!!!!

2001-09-07 Thread Joshua M . Schmidlkofer

I wanted to put in my 2 cents.   Access is not an RDBMS..   It is a single 
user - small user, and frequent fix  type system.  I have never worked on a 
real database system that does not have a command line interface.   It seems 
fearsome at first, but it's actually easy.   SQL Server do doubt has very 
nice GUI tools, but having used that DB a bit, [as a user] I am not very 

> I know these are pathetic questions to most of you so please have patience
> with a Windows user...
> what is "shell>"?
> what is the "./"?
> is "mysql_installation_directory" supposed to be replaced with my
> installation dir?

On of the afore mentioned e-mails already answered most of this, but IU 
wanted to add some significance about the './' and why you need it and you 
DON'T need '.\' on a dos/windows systems.  

Any file in a unix environment can be marked executable.  That does not mean 
it will run but any file can.   Unix/Posix shells [you could related cmd.exe, 
or to a shell]  rely on the PATH variable to tell them where to 
run programs from.  No Unix has './' [or the local directory] in the path, 
because it would present a small security risk when running programs, 
especially for the root user.   Hence, if you want to run a program from a 
specific location that is _not_ in the PATH, you need to type in the 
relative, or the full  path to the program.   In this case, change to the 
directory where you find the program, and type:

> I realize that I'm going to be in the minority here but I have to say it.
> Open source would go much farther if they had self explanatory GUIs and had
> basic pre-setup apps that were ready for the average user to use. I program
> in Java and I feel the same about the JDK Sun produces. I use JCreator
> because it has an easy to follow GUI interface. Most open source apps I
> have attempted to use have some of the worse documentation around. The
> writers assume so much about the users. OK - call me inept, stupid, or
> whatever but I had to say it.

I don't know what you've been using, but I have used a TON of open source, 
and most of it has good documentation.   Partly because most opensource 
programmers think that you might want to understand the underlying process 
that the computer is going through in order to complete your requests, run 
the program, etc.   Windows silently teaches you something else - using the 
pretty eye candy.   You are gently brought in and taught one way of thinking 
and relating to your computer.  But if you could step back and look at the 
skills necessary to run a GUI vs. use a command prompt , one is not actually 
more complicated than the other.  [And you lose a lot of flexibility with a 
GUI].   Save one problem, people tend towards visual things, it's natural, 
and so they seem to fear CLI more than GUI. 

Oh, and on a more personal note, most people who have huge issues with 
open-source apps don't completly RTFM.  They are impatient, frustrated and 
want all this stuff to work in 30 seconds otherwords is MUST be crap.  
However, 15 minutes of patient reading will often alleviate those issues. =P.

Hope you get this figured out to your comfort.  MySQL may take a little bit 
of extra effort to administrate, [esp. at first] but it is vastly superior to 
Access, and MUCH MUCH cheaper than SQL Server 7, or whatever.  Also, it 
boasts one HUGE advantage  over SQL server:   You are not tied to a single 
proprietary platform  =). 

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Re: command line open source ARRRGGGGGG!!!!!!

2001-09-07 Thread Paul D. Smith

%% Chadrick Mahaffey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  cm> How do I start the server and create a database in plain English. I'm not
  cm> familiar with:
  cm> SECTION 4.16 - Documentation

  shell> ./scripts/mysql_install_db
  shell> cd mysql_installation_directory
  shell> ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &

  shell> cd mysql_installation_directory
  shell> ./bin/mysql_install_db
  shell> ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &

  cm> what does all this mean?

These are the commands and instructions for installing MySQL on a UNIX
box.  They are UNIX shell commands, not Windows DOS commands.

You need to find the commands and instructions for installing MySQL on a
Windows box, if that's what you are using.

  cm> Open source would go much farther if they had self explanatory
  cm> GUIs and had basic pre-setup apps that were ready for the average
  cm> user to use. I program in Java and I feel the same about the JDK
  cm> Sun produces. I use JCreator because it has an easy to follow GUI
  cm> interface. Most open source apps I have attempted to use have some
  cm> of the worse documentation around. The writers assume so much
  cm> about the users. OK - call me inept, stupid, or whatever but I had
  cm> to say it.

Open source software is written by technical people.  They do it because
they enjoy it.  Most of them don't get paid for it.

Many technical people don't enjoy writing documentation at all, and
_very_ few enjoy writing documentation at the "complete newbie" level.
If they don't enjoy it, they aren't going to do it for fun.  If someone
who _did_ enjoy it were to volunteer to help, well, that would be great.

Further, you are working on a Windows platform.  Microsoft has, at
almost every turn, expressed its deep-seated hostility for Open Source
software of all kinds, and even the very idea of OS software.  Also,
many developers, esp. those doing OS software which has a very
UNIX-based ancestry, don't _like_ working on Windows, as they don't
think it's a good platform either to use or develop on.  So, naturally
enough you won't find all that many Open Source developers who are very
interested in expending a lot of effort to keep people who use Windows
happy.  They don't want to _encourage_ people to use an environment that
is so hostile to the things they like to do, and they don't like using
Windows themselves.  So, I doubt you'll see a big effort expended on the
part of OS developers to make the Windows-specific parts of their
software simpler.

There are, obviously, some well-known exceptions like the
StarOffice/OpenOffice folks, Emacs, Apache, etc. who do spend a lot of
effort trying to get Windows versions easier to use and install.

If you wanted to buy a support license for MySQL, I'm sure they'd help
you get it installed properly.  If you want to use the free version and
you want to use it on Windows, then, for better or for worse, you're
going to have to get used to life on a second-tier platform :(.

 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> HASMAT--HA Software Mthds & Tools
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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Re: command line open source ARRRGGGGGG!!!!!!

2001-09-07 Thread Robert Cross

Chadrick Mahaffey wrote:
>what does all this mean? I tried to type this in my command console
>/ to \ and I don't understand what is happening. I get all kinds of
It looks to me that you're trying to use the Unix install notes - don't!
Refer to section
2.1.2 in the excellent manual, (worth downloading so you've a local copy).

>Open source would go much farther if they had self explanatory GUIs and
>basic pre-setup apps that were ready for the average user to use.

Why? Maybe I'm really offbeam, but I'd suggest that MySQL is more of a
server product than one which should reside on the desktop. Further, why
then saddle the server admin with a GUI. In my experience even the best GUI
is not as flexible as a half-decent command line installer. A GUI is fine
if you've to install on just your PC, but there's no way I'd be happy if I
was doing multiple installs - at least with the command line you can make a
small (one-line?) batch file to do the job on however many systems you
have. I could be mean and turn this on it's head - if you want a GUI, do it
yourself and then contribute it back!

>Most open source apps I have attempted to use have some of the worse
documentation around. The writers
>assume so much about the users.

You've been very unlucky then. Nearly all the major apps, (and most of the
smaller ones), have excellent docs, simply because the vocal user community
wouldn't let them away with anything else! (If you don't like a bit in the
manual rewrite it and submit it back ?) That said, I will agree slightly in
that some of the app docs are very Unix-centric (not MySQL's), and I
personally find the Apache manual a bit hard to use. For your core apps
it's probably worth getting one of the 3rd party books, (the MySQL one is
very good indeed).

>OK - call me inept, stupid, or whatever but I had to say it.

Fair enough - you're stupid!   ;-)  Quote for you "real stupidity is quite
rare, (except in politicians where it seems to be a qualification), and
what is generally perceived as 'stupidity' is nothing more than
inexperience", can't remember who to attribute this to, but it seems pretty
apposite. As to MySQL I'm just past the "caveman" stage myself. Keep in
there and it'll all fall into place, (with a bit of help from this mailing
list), and then who knows?


Bob Cross - writing for myself in this instance

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Re: command line open source ARRRGGGGGG!!!!!!

2001-09-06 Thread Michael Bacarella

On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 11:07:25PM -0700, Chadrick Mahaffey wrote:

> shell> cd mysql_installation_directory
> shell> ./bin/mysql_install_db
> shell> ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &
> what does all this mean? I tried to type this in my command console changing
> / to \ and I don't understand what is happening. I get all kinds of errors.
> I know these are pathetic questions to most of you so please have patience
> with a Windows user...
> what is "shell>"?
> what is the "./"?
> is "mysql_installation_directory" supposed to be replaced with my
> installation dir?

These are the UNIX install instructions. Try the Windows install instructions
(section 2.1.2 in the MySQL manual).

> I realize that I'm going to be in the minority here but I have to say it.
> Open source would go much farther if they had self explanatory GUIs and had
> basic pre-setup apps that were ready for the average user to use. I program
> in Java and I feel the same about the JDK Sun produces. I use JCreator
> because it has an easy to follow GUI interface. Most open source apps I have
> attempted to use have some of the worse documentation around. The writers
> assume so much about the users. OK - call me inept, stupid, or whatever but
> I had to say it.

I can say the same things are wrong with GUI based proprietary software
for all the same reasons.  What you should instead point out is that you
have an entirely different and incompatible set of problem solving skills.


For example, I tried installing Windows for the first time on my home
machine the other day and just couldn't set up a working system. I had
to answer obscure questions, hunt down an endless number of driver disks,
and when it was finally done Windows wouldn't even start up properly,
citing that it was missing numerous device drivers and that it was
running in an ugly degraded 'Safe Mode'. I poked around aimlessly for
a few hours until I gave up and installed a more user friendly OS. 

I was amazed at how hard it was for me to install, considering that
I can put together Linux systems completely from scratch.


Michael Bacarella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Technical Staff / System Development,
New York Connect.Net, Ltd.

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Re: command line open source ARRRGGGGGG!!!!!!

2001-09-06 Thread Dana Powers

> I know these are pathetic questions to most of you so please have patience
> with a Windows user...
Hehe, welcome to the world of the command line...

> what is "shell>"?
In windows world, this is the 'MS-DOS Prompt'. Will probably look like this
to you:
In unix, it is typically something like this:
But can be anything, because unix has many types of prompts to choose from
 sh, bash, csh, korn to name a few ).

> what is the "./"?
This is shorthand for the current directory. In the dos prompt, use ".\"

> is "mysql_installation_directory" supposed to be replaced with my
> installation dir?

> I realize that I'm going to be in the minority here but I have to say it.
> Open source would go much farther if they had self explanatory GUIs and
> basic pre-setup apps that were ready for the average user to use. I
> in Java and I feel the same about the JDK Sun produces. I use JCreator
> because it has an easy to follow GUI interface. Most open source apps I
> attempted to use have some of the worse documentation around. The writers
> assume so much about the users. OK - call me inept, stupid, or whatever
> I had to say it.
True. But mysql's user mailing list is typically _very_ helpful.
hope this helps,

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Re: command line open source ARRRGGGGGG!!!!!!

2001-09-06 Thread Neil Zanella

On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, Chadrick Mahaffey wrote:

> I realize that I'm going to be in the minority here but I have to say it.
> Open source would go much farther if they had self explanatory GUIs and had
> basic pre-setup apps that were ready for the average user to use.

Perhaps your company should be paying these mysql programmers to develop
such an installation program. Personally I found that the windows
installation was just as easy the last time I tried it but you
should really be posting the output of the error messages
if you are having trouble so we can see what kind of
problems you are having.

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command line open source ARRRGGGGGG!!!!!!

2001-09-06 Thread Chadrick Mahaffey

Sorry - had to get that out of my system before I begin. I just downloaded
the latest MySQL and installed it in my f:\mysql dir on my windows machine.
I read the documentation and realize that I am lost even before I get
started. Believe me I don't want to be...

I have been an MS Access user for quite some time and really haven't had
much problem with it until I wanted a type 4 jdbc driver. Hence the switch
to MySQL.

How do I start the server and create a database in plain English. I'm not
familiar with:
SECTION 4.16 - Documentation
shell> ./scripts/mysql_install_db
shell> cd mysql_installation_directory
shell> ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &

shell> cd mysql_installation_directory
shell> ./bin/mysql_install_db
shell> ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &

what does all this mean? I tried to type this in my command console changing
/ to \ and I don't understand what is happening. I get all kinds of errors.

I know these are pathetic questions to most of you so please have patience
with a Windows user...
what is "shell>"?
what is the "./"?
is "mysql_installation_directory" supposed to be replaced with my
installation dir?

I realize that I'm going to be in the minority here but I have to say it.
Open source would go much farther if they had self explanatory GUIs and had
basic pre-setup apps that were ready for the average user to use. I program
in Java and I feel the same about the JDK Sun produces. I use JCreator
because it has an easy to follow GUI interface. Most open source apps I have
attempted to use have some of the worse documentation around. The writers
assume so much about the users. OK - call me inept, stupid, or whatever but
I had to say it.

THE chad

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