installation nightmare

2008-12-22 Thread PJ

I feel like one big fat stupid sheep

problem SOLVED...

It turns out that the root of all the problems was my own little 
forgetful brain... I had forgotten that I had changed the permissions on 
the apache22/data files to 766 which prevented the execution of all the 
php scripts which snowballed into incorrect readings of info.php and a 
whole bunch of stuff.
Now, apache22, mysql, php, phpMySql, etc. etc. all work fine as out of 
the box

Thanks for all the input from everyone and Happy Holidays to all

:-[ :-! :-X

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Re: installation nightmare

2008-12-20 Thread PJ

This is the best response todate. !

John Daisley wrote:
I have read through your message again because I really could not 
believe you were having so many issues then it struck me...

Thank you for listening... :-)
You installed MySQL 6.0.8, an Alpha release on to what seems like a 
production box 
Sorry to disappoint you, but I am an overzealous amateur with Unix in 
general. I think the thinking behind it all is fabulous; it's just that, 
I find, there is a kind-of smugness in the community about the systems 
and software: people assume that we amateur-idiots are supposed to 
know more than we do. I really do not like the idea of having to read 
through all the documentation of any program until I need to get into 
the details - most software, like Cups and Salmba are set up once and 
thereafter one need not even think about it; generally it works without 
No, I have the setup strictly locally for my own pleasure and 
enlightenment and to help me with the creation and, sometimes, 
development of a website by more qualified people working for me... now, 
I'm just trying to help out my daughter to update her egyptology site  
( with a database.
and now you are having trouble getting other versions to work? Well 
this isn't going to be very helpful but I guess you are learning the 
hard way why you never install alpha software onto anything other than 
a box which you  rely on only to collect dust.
You're right... :-) - but it is helpful. I didn't realize that this was 
an alpha until I deinstalled... ok, ok, that's my fault...

Seems to me the box you are working on is pretty messed up with 
Apache, Php and MySQL all having problems. Restore a backup from 
before it got messed up so you know you have a working base then try 
again one piece of software at a time.
Other than the backup, which was not necessary, as this is a fresh 
install of FreeBSD7.0, I did exactly that: I deinstalled, deleted stray 
files and anything I could find related to MySQL, PHP5, phpMyAdmin, and 
even Webmin. I then updated the Ports files and started to reinstall 
everything. Well, I thought that would fix things... ehhh, no; not only 
did it not work, there was another wrench that was dropped by php5.2.8 - 
it is broken and phymyadmin cannot be installed and setup. Soo, as 
we say in French: rebelotte! - or in English back to square 1. So, 
now I am just rying to set up MySQL - first try, to start the server was 
a system freeze because I went for a directive from the Documentation.
To tell you the truth, I have never done backups on the FreeBSD 
installations - the reasoning is quite simple... if it fails, I have 
backed up the work files and anything of importance on other machines 
and reinstallaing the OS and programs is not a big deal - at least, it 
never has been; until now. I have had a couple of crashes but it has 
exclusively been due to HDDs failing. Even on the last failure I was 
able to salvage all important files without any great problems.

Other than that, as you are struggling with MySQL, PHP and Apache but 
are happy with commercial software offerings then go with what you are 
happy with. Get a copy of SQL Server and IIS. Everyone has there own 
preference and you have to go with what you are most comfortable and 
productive with. For me its Oracle10g/MySQL5 on Fedora, for you I'm 
sure its something totally different.

What you don't want to do is try something you are not comfortable 
with, mess it up and then go onto a user group blaming the software 
particularly when its such an established piece of software as MySQL 
which can proudly boast millions of working installs spread across 
probably every conceivable platform. 

I couldn't agree more. For example, I have more problems with MS Office 
than you can imagine... OpenOfficeOrg is fabulous ... Only problem is 
the compatibility with MS files is the macros, but I don't often need them.

Thats my rant for the day, now as its gone 1am Im off to bed.

Sweet dreams, and have a nice holiday.
Phil Jourdan



*/John Daisley/*

Mobile: 07812 451238

MySQL Certified Database Administrator
MySQL Certified Developer (CMDEV)
MySQL Certified Associate (CMA)

Comptia A+ Certified Professional IT Technician

On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 15:47 -0500, PJ wrote:
Do what I can, there seems to be no way to install mysql 5.1.30 on 
FreeBSD 7.0
I even removed all files in reference to mysql5.0, 5.1, 6.0.8 from the 
Ports collection, cvsup'd the Ports, deinstalled php5, php5-mysql, 
phpMyAdmin, Webmin and followed the documentation as closely as possible 
(a number of contradictions in file names and locations) to install 
MySQL 5.1.30, run the install tables script, change the root password 

installation nightmare

2008-12-19 Thread PJ
Do what I can, there seems to be no way to install mysql 5.1.30 on 
FreeBSD 7.0
I even removed all files in reference to mysql5.0, 5.1, 6.0.8 from the 
Ports collection, cvsup'd the Ports, deinstalled php5, php5-mysql, 
phpMyAdmin, Webmin and followed the documentation as closely as possible 
(a number of contradictions in file names and locations) to install 
MySQL 5.1.30, run the install tables script, change the root password 
both with and without the server name (it is never clear in the 
documentation as to just when to start or stop the server) - the mysql 
database is not created, access is denied to root (using password=NO) - 
now, why is one supposed to set up the password and then the password is 
not accepted - what is this nonsense; su mysql does not work how is 
it possible that I was originally able to set up mysql6.0.8 and get it 
running along with phpMyAdmin and Webmin... now I have updated even php5 
to 5.2.8 and now phpMyAdmin cannot be installed because of a break in 
php5.2.8 (the php5-sld - or something like that)
This is the most absurd mess that I have seen - it seems that the 
programmers have all gone loony and have forgotten that the essence of 
productivity and success is the old KISS principle - Keep It Simple Stupid.
I think there must be a lot of people sleeping out there in computer 
No wonder Bill Gates is a genius among the so-called computer nerds out 
there. I detest Windows and all their bloated garbage - but you have to 
admit that their aim is to make it simple for us Idiots out here. My 
productivity has dropped to minus a few hundred percent since I started 
to set up mysql.

Is there somebody out there who could help me figure out this mess.
What error files, if any should I be looking for...
O, yes - to add to all the shit, I now cannot access php (index) 
files on apache22 since upgrading to apache22 2.2.11 and php5.2.8 - now 
I have to try to figure what has changed in both those programs... man, 
this is no way to work with programs... look at Adobe and most of the 
commercial stuff - there are at times some running issues, but mostly 
they just keep adding features to a solid base... why are all these open 
source programs such a hassle... I suppose I should set up some older 
versions and just never update... seems that's the way to go.
Sorry to be ranting, but this is just unbelievable... I have, in the 
past had some problems in installing such programs as cups and samba, 
but eventually I was able to fix things and now those programs are no 
longer a problem... but noweven pgsql was a breeze to install and 
update... the only reason I'm trying to install mysql is because my ISP 
Web host is using that... maybe not if I can help it

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Re: installation nightmare

2008-12-19 Thread ceo

First of all, you are using a ports distribution system from BSD which means 
that you are not dealing with MySQL directly but with a BSD API layer on top of 
MySQL for installation.

So much of your issues may end up being a BSD problem, not a MySQL problem at 

If the BSD scripts that are supposed to keep your fingers out of the 
installation gears are confusing you when you read the MySQL instructions that 
tell you how to turn the cranks without getting your fingers in the gears, then 
maybe you need to stop and find docs that are specific to BSD install of MySQL 
or install from source which matches the docs.

That said, it sounds like you skipped the step about flush privileges

And, once you set the root password, you need to add -p to mysql (and others) 
to ask it to prompt you for your password.

It would help a great deal if you could more clearly document what you did, and 
where things FIRST went wrong, and STOP THERE and post instead of moving 
forward and then rambling on about how bad everything is and dumping several 
different issues into a giant rant.

It makes it very difficult for anybody to help you when you do that.

Also makes people less likely to WANT to help you, which is an even bigger 


There is no need to start/stop the server, but you MUST flush the privileges 
after you change them.  Or, if you prefer, swat the fly with a cannon and 
stop/start the server. :-)

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Re: installation nightmare

2008-12-19 Thread John Daisley
Take a look at the online documentation, it will give you all the info
you could dream of regarding error files, installation procedures and
configuration issues.

I have never installed MySQL on Freebsd so can't help you there but I
have installed it on Redhat, Centos, Solaris, windows and Mac with the
utmost ease and I really cannot see the FreeBSD install being anything

Sounds like you have a lot of other software issues too, maybe you
should look at the problems of the system as a whole! If something
refuses to install its usually a fault with the system / software
configuration you are trying to install too and rarely a fault with the
installation procedure itself. 

John Daisley
Mobile: 07812 451238

MySQL Certified Database Administrator (CMDBA)
MySQL Certified Developer (CMDEV)
MySQL Certified Associate (CMA)
Comptia A+ Certified Professional IT Technician

On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 15:47 -0500, PJ wrote: 

 Do what I can, there seems to be no way to install mysql 5.1.30 on 
 FreeBSD 7.0
 I even removed all files in reference to mysql5.0, 5.1, 6.0.8 from the 
 Ports collection, cvsup'd the Ports, deinstalled php5, php5-mysql, 
 phpMyAdmin, Webmin and followed the documentation as closely as possible 
 (a number of contradictions in file names and locations) to install 
 MySQL 5.1.30, run the install tables script, change the root password 
 both with and without the server name (it is never clear in the 
 documentation as to just when to start or stop the server) - the mysql 
 database is not created, access is denied to root (using password=NO) - 
 now, why is one supposed to set up the password and then the password is 
 not accepted - what is this nonsense; su mysql does not work how is 
 it possible that I was originally able to set up mysql6.0.8 and get it 
 running along with phpMyAdmin and Webmin... now I have updated even php5 
 to 5.2.8 and now phpMyAdmin cannot be installed because of a break in 
 php5.2.8 (the php5-sld - or something like that)
 This is the most absurd mess that I have seen - it seems that the 
 programmers have all gone loony and have forgotten that the essence of 
 productivity and success is the old KISS principle - Keep It Simple Stupid.
 I think there must be a lot of people sleeping out there in computer 
 No wonder Bill Gates is a genius among the so-called computer nerds out 
 there. I detest Windows and all their bloated garbage - but you have to 
 admit that their aim is to make it simple for us Idiots out here. My 
 productivity has dropped to minus a few hundred percent since I started 
 to set up mysql.
 Is there somebody out there who could help me figure out this mess.
 What error files, if any should I be looking for...
 O, yes - to add to all the shit, I now cannot access php (index) 
 files on apache22 since upgrading to apache22 2.2.11 and php5.2.8 - now 
 I have to try to figure what has changed in both those programs... man, 
 this is no way to work with programs... look at Adobe and most of the 
 commercial stuff - there are at times some running issues, but mostly 
 they just keep adding features to a solid base... why are all these open 
 source programs such a hassle... I suppose I should set up some older 
 versions and just never update... seems that's the way to go.
 Sorry to be ranting, but this is just unbelievable... I have, in the 
 past had some problems in installing such programs as cups and samba, 
 but eventually I was able to fix things and now those programs are no 
 longer a problem... but noweven pgsql was a breeze to install and 
 update... the only reason I'm trying to install mysql is because my ISP 
 Web host is using that... maybe not if I can help it

Re: installation nightmare

2008-12-19 Thread PJ

John Daisley wrote:
Take a look at the online documentation, it will give you all the info 
you could dream of regarding error files, installation procedures and 
configuration issues.
I have been looking at this stuff until my eyes pop out - perhaps there 
is too much of it. It certainly is very confusing.

I have never installed MySQL on Freebsd so can't help you there but I 
have installed it on Redhat, Centos, Solaris, windows and Mac with the 
utmost ease and I really cannot see the FreeBSD install being anything 

Sounds like you have a lot of other software issues too, maybe you 
should look at the problems of the system as a whole! If something 
refuses to install its usually a fault with the system / software 
configuration you are trying to install too and rarely a fault with 
the installation procedure itself.
As a matter of fact, I have set up this FreeBSD 7.0 box strictly for 
modifying and improving a couple of simple (??) websites. Everything was 
working perfectly util I tried to unistall MySQL6.0.8alpha and install 
v. 51 to be compatible with the ISP Website host.

From what I see, there is a problem in the documentation (or my 
inability to comprehend) of MySQL.
I have been trying for 4 days without any success. And things get more 
complicated when there is a problem in other software like php5.2.8.

I just now reinstalled MySQL5.1.30; I ran mysql_install_db --user=mysql 
and that seemed to be ok; I then tried to start the server with 
bin/mysqld_safe -user=mysql and wow... wait... wait... wait how long 
am I supposed to wait ... the thing just hung up and I had to reboot...
how am I supposed to start the thing - I have started it befor with 
mysql-server start from /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

and even by rebooting...
that's it for today - tomorrow I'll try again.. absurdity seems to never 
end... :-(

*/John Daisley/*

Mobile: 07812 451238

MySQL Certified Database Administrator
MySQL Certified Developer (CMDEV)
MySQL Certified Associate (CMA)

Comptia A+ Certified Professional IT Technician

On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 15:47 -0500, PJ wrote:
Do what I can, there seems to be no way to install mysql 5.1.30 on 
FreeBSD 7.0
I even removed all files in reference to mysql5.0, 5.1, 6.0.8 from the 
Ports collection, cvsup'd the Ports, deinstalled php5, php5-mysql, 
phpMyAdmin, Webmin and followed the documentation as closely as possible 
(a number of contradictions in file names and locations) to install 
MySQL 5.1.30, run the install tables script, change the root password 
both with and without the server name (it is never clear in the 
documentation as to just when to start or stop the server) - the mysql 
database is not created, access is denied to root (using password=NO) - 
now, why is one supposed to set up the password and then the password is 
not accepted - what is this nonsense; su mysql does not work how is 
it possible that I was originally able to set up mysql6.0.8 and get it 
running along with phpMyAdmin and Webmin... now I have updated even php5 
to 5.2.8 and now phpMyAdmin cannot be installed because of a break in 
php5.2.8 (the php5-sld - or something like that)
This is the most absurd mess that I have seen - it seems that the 
programmers have all gone loony and have forgotten that the essence of 
productivity and success is the old KISS principle - Keep It Simple Stupid.
I think there must be a lot of people sleeping out there in computer 
No wonder Bill Gates is a genius among the so-called computer nerds out 
there. I detest Windows and all their bloated garbage - but you have to 
admit that their aim is to make it simple for us Idiots out here. My 
productivity has dropped to minus a few hundred percent since I started 
to set up mysql.

Is there somebody out there who could help me figure out this mess.
What error files, if any should I be looking for...
O, yes - to add to all the shit, I now cannot access php (index) 
files on apache22 since upgrading to apache22 2.2.11 and php5.2.8 - now 
I have to try to figure what has changed in both those programs... man, 
this is no way to work with programs... look at Adobe and most of the 
commercial stuff - there are at times some running issues, but mostly 
they just keep adding features to a solid base... why are all these open 
source programs such a hassle... I suppose I should set up some older 
versions and just never update... seems that's the way to go.
Sorry to be ranting, but this is just unbelievable... I have, in the 
past had some problems in installing such programs as cups and samba, 
but eventually I was able to fix things and now those programs are no 
longer a problem... but noweven pgsql was a breeze to install and 

Re: installation nightmare

2008-12-19 Thread Chaim Rieger

PJ wrote:
longer a problem... but noweven pgsql was a breeze to install and 
update... the only reason I'm trying to install mysql is because my 
ISP Web host is using that... maybe not if I can help it

no offense but at this time, perhaps its operator error

i've installed mysql on freebsd may times.

Chaim Rieger

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: installation nightmare

2008-12-19 Thread John Daisley
I have read through your message again because I really could not
believe you were having so many issues then it struck me...

You installed MySQL 6.0.8, an Alpha release on to what seems like a
production box and now you are having trouble getting other versions to
work? Well this isn't going to be very helpful but I guess you are
learning the hard way why you never install alpha software onto anything
other than a box which you  rely on only to collect dust.

Seems to me the box you are working on is pretty messed up with Apache,
Php and MySQL all having problems. Restore a backup from before it got
messed up so you know you have a working base then try again one piece
of software at a time.

Other than that, as you are struggling with MySQL, PHP and Apache but
are happy with commercial software offerings then go with what you are
happy with. Get a copy of SQL Server and IIS. Everyone has there own
preference and you have to go with what you are most comfortable and
productive with. For me its Oracle10g/MySQL5 on Fedora, for you I'm sure
its something totally different. 

What you don't want to do is try something you are not comfortable with,
mess it up and then go onto a user group blaming the software
particularly when its such an established piece of software as MySQL
which can proudly boast millions of working installs spread across
probably every conceivable platform.  

Thats my rant for the day, now as its gone 1am Im off to bed.


John Daisley
Mobile: 07812 451238

MySQL Certified Database Administrator (CMDBA)
MySQL Certified Developer (CMDEV)
MySQL Certified Associate (CMA)
Comptia A+ Certified Professional IT Technician

On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 15:47 -0500, PJ wrote:

 Do what I can, there seems to be no way to install mysql 5.1.30 on 
 FreeBSD 7.0
 I even removed all files in reference to mysql5.0, 5.1, 6.0.8 from the 
 Ports collection, cvsup'd the Ports, deinstalled php5, php5-mysql, 
 phpMyAdmin, Webmin and followed the documentation as closely as possible 
 (a number of contradictions in file names and locations) to install 
 MySQL 5.1.30, run the install tables script, change the root password 
 both with and without the server name (it is never clear in the 
 documentation as to just when to start or stop the server) - the mysql 
 database is not created, access is denied to root (using password=NO) - 
 now, why is one supposed to set up the password and then the password is 
 not accepted - what is this nonsense; su mysql does not work how is 
 it possible that I was originally able to set up mysql6.0.8 and get it 
 running along with phpMyAdmin and Webmin... now I have updated even php5 
 to 5.2.8 and now phpMyAdmin cannot be installed because of a break in 
 php5.2.8 (the php5-sld - or something like that)
 This is the most absurd mess that I have seen - it seems that the 
 programmers have all gone loony and have forgotten that the essence of 
 productivity and success is the old KISS principle - Keep It Simple Stupid.
 I think there must be a lot of people sleeping out there in computer 
 No wonder Bill Gates is a genius among the so-called computer nerds out 
 there. I detest Windows and all their bloated garbage - but you have to 
 admit that their aim is to make it simple for us Idiots out here. My 
 productivity has dropped to minus a few hundred percent since I started 
 to set up mysql.
 Is there somebody out there who could help me figure out this mess.
 What error files, if any should I be looking for...
 O, yes - to add to all the shit, I now cannot access php (index) 
 files on apache22 since upgrading to apache22 2.2.11 and php5.2.8 - now 
 I have to try to figure what has changed in both those programs... man, 
 this is no way to work with programs... look at Adobe and most of the 
 commercial stuff - there are at times some running issues, but mostly 
 they just keep adding features to a solid base... why are all these open 
 source programs such a hassle... I suppose I should set up some older 
 versions and just never update... seems that's the way to go.
 Sorry to be ranting, but this is just unbelievable... I have, in the 
 past had some problems in installing such programs as cups and samba, 
 but eventually I was able to fix things and now those programs are no 
 longer a problem... but noweven pgsql was a breeze to install and 
 update... the only reason I'm trying to install mysql is because my ISP 
 Web host is using that... maybe not if I can help it

installation nightmare

2008-12-18 Thread PJ

Or should I say 4-day-mare...

I have been trying to set up mysql for the last 4 days with weird success.
I first installed mysql 6.0.8alpha not knowing I needed 5.0 
compatibility for my ISP Website host.
I go everything working pretty well... mysql6, php5, phpMyAdmin, all on 
FreeBSD 7.0 with apache2.2.9_5; all but the setup of the pba_history 
table for phpmyadmin - just no way.

Anyway, I unistalled mysql6 and am now trying to install mySQL 5.1.30 
from the FreeBSD ports collection.

I have tried about everything I can think of besides the arcane 
documentation that is not at all accurate - for instance, there is no or something like that that is referenced in the database, 
but there is mysqltest in the .../bin directory. However, running that 
results in errors.
When I do manage to set the root user password, it is not accepted... I 
just cannot understand what kind of a mess this is.

The only thing I can provide is the error file: (biggie - is the name of 
the server)

081218 17:40:17 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/plugin.frm' 
(errno: 13)
081218 17:40:17 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run 
mysql_upgrade to create it.
081218 17:40:18  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file 

InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: File operation call: 'create'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
081218 17:40:18 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file 
/var/db/mysql/ ended
081218 17:46:04 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/plugin.frm' 
(errno: 13)
081218 17:46:04 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run 
mysql_upgrade to create it.
081218 17:46:04  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file 

InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: File operation call: 'create'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
081218 17:46:04 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file 
/var/db/mysql/ ended
081218 17:54:09 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/plugin.frm' 
(errno: 13)
081218 17:54:09 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run 
mysql_upgrade to create it.
081218 17:54:09  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file 

InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: File operation call: 'create'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
081218 17:54:09 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file 
/var/db/mysql/ ended

Either I am totally incompetent and cannot decipher the instructions or 
there is some kind of beatie running here...

Hope somebody can help.

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Re: installation nightmare

2008-12-18 Thread Andy Shellam

Hi PJ,

To be quite honest you may have better luck downloading and installing 
MySQL yourself.  It's very rare I install anything from the ports on 
FreeBSD or apt repositories on Debian, simply because you have little 
(if any) control over what goes on.  At least if you do it yourself you 
know how you're setting the system up.  That's just from personal 

Download the FreeBSD binary from, and extract it somewhere 
on your system (e.g. /tmp.)
Follow the instructions in which 
explains in full detail what to do and why you're doing what you're doing.

Just in case you're wondering, your problems with 5.1.30 appear to be 
that the data directory it's trying to use (/var/db/mysql) is from a 
pre-5.1 server (and you need to run mysql_upgrade to correct it, but 
this requires an up-and-running system in the first place.)

Your second issue is that InnoDB does not have permissions to create 
files in this directory.  Check the owner/group MySQL is trying to run 
as has access to /var/db/mysql.


PJ wrote:

Or should I say 4-day-mare...

I have been trying to set up mysql for the last 4 days with weird 
I first installed mysql 6.0.8alpha not knowing I needed 5.0 
compatibility for my ISP Website host.
I go everything working pretty well... mysql6, php5, phpMyAdmin, all 
on FreeBSD 7.0 with apache2.2.9_5; all but the setup of the 
pba_history table for phpmyadmin - just no way.

Anyway, I unistalled mysql6 and am now trying to install mySQL 5.1.30 
from the FreeBSD ports collection.

I have tried about everything I can think of besides the arcane 
documentation that is not at all accurate - for instance, there is no or something like that that is referenced in the 
database, but there is mysqltest in the .../bin directory. However, 
running that results in errors.
When I do manage to set the root user password, it is not accepted... 
I just cannot understand what kind of a mess this is.

The only thing I can provide is the error file: (biggie - is the name 
of the server)

081218 17:40:17 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/plugin.frm' 
(errno: 13)
081218 17:40:17 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run 
mysql_upgrade to create it.
081218 17:40:18  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file 

InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: File operation call: 'create'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
081218 17:40:18 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file 
/var/db/mysql/ ended
081218 17:46:04 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/plugin.frm' 
(errno: 13)
081218 17:46:04 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run 
mysql_upgrade to create it.
081218 17:46:04  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file 

InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: File operation call: 'create'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
081218 17:46:04 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file 
/var/db/mysql/ ended
081218 17:54:09 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/plugin.frm' 
(errno: 13)
081218 17:54:09 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run 
mysql_upgrade to create it.
081218 17:54:09  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file 

InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: File operation call: 'create'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
081218 17:54:09 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file 
/var/db/mysql/ ended

Either I am totally incompetent and cannot decipher the instructions 
or there is some kind of beatie running here...

Hope somebody can help.

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