Re: [mythtv-users] sounds output livetv is gone

2005-07-03 Thread Patrick de Brabander [mythtv]
The old HD contains everything exactly the same distro etc.. as my 'new'
HD. The 'new' HD is an exact copy and then upgraded to the latest

My soundcard is working. I can play with mythvideo and mythmusic through
the soundcard. I looks like i can get sound trough the tuner.
I've check the log file directly, but i don't see strange things in it.


> Can you clarify the following points please.
> Was the 0.16 on an old HD, with exactly the same OS as your current
> running version? I ask this as if it is (as I would suspect) a module
> issue, then booting a previous OS wouldn't show the problem.
> Does your soundcard work? Can you play standard audio through it and
> get sound out?
> If your soundcard is working, the problem might show in your standard
> log file (e.g /var/log/messages) post the content between the "Start
> IVTV" and "End IVTV" comments.
> Ant.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list



mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] lirc not working in X using FC 3 and DVICO remote. irxevent does not exist!

2005-07-03 Thread Dario Mratovich

I'm new to Linux and Myth and have been ploughing my way through Jarod
and Jani's guides to get Myth installed and running. I'm nearly there:
Myth runs OK but I can't get my DVICO remote working in Myth.

I'm using Fedora Core 3 and have a DVICO Fusion HDTV card and remote.

I've mainly followed Jani's guide to get to where I am now, although I
hit a few bumps on section 8 "Making the remote work"

I've got the lirc-0.7.0pre4.tar.bz2 source and applied Chris Pascoe's
patch (as per the guide). I've configured and compiled lirc and kicked
off lircd. I can run irw and I get feedback from pressing remote
buttons. So far so good. The problem is that irxevent does not seem to

I've tried Jani's steps carefully several times to no avail. I've also
tried downloading lirc-0.7.0 and applying Chris Pascoe's patch for
0.7.0 which just yields the same result - irw works fine, but irxevent
isn't created.

When I run to configure lirc before compiling, I notice
"checking for X... no" in the output - does this mean that it hasn't
found my X11 libraries and therefore won't compile the lirc X tools
(i.e. irxevent)?

I've tried Googling and saw a post that had similar symptoms
although with a later version of lirc. The author of the post followed
up with another post
saying that he solved the problem by pointing the compiler to the
correct location of the X11 libraries on his FC3 system.

Bingo (or so I thought). I tried following his advice, but my
/usr/X11R6/lib/ path contains


but not /usr/X11R6/lib/ I then tried creating the symlink like this:

ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/local/lib/

and re-configuring and recompiling lirc, but that didn't seem to work.

I've also tried lirc-0.7.1 which has built-in support for the DVICO
remote (so I don't have to apply any patches) but I have the same

So is the problem that the compiler can't find my X11 libraries?
Surely these must exist if I'm able to run X, right?

Thinking that maybe they're not installed correctly, I tried to use
the Add/Remove packages GUI tool in KDE to install X Windows Developer
Tools. When I tried to install any of them, I got an error saying that
the the packages I wanted to install require xorg-x11-libs and
xorg-x11--xfs to be installed before I can continue.

Seeing no way to install these I then tried "apt-get install
xorg-x11-libs" but I got a message saying that they're already
installed... What's going on?!

I'm really stuck here and I don't know what to do. I would really
appreciate any help you can give me. I'm still new to this Linux thing
so be gentle if I've missed the obvious  :-)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD capture via Component/RGB/DVI incoming at 720i

2005-07-03 Thread Todd Bailey
A while ago I stumbled across the site that spoke of hacking various sat 
receivers and adding firewire, but back them I wasn't interested.
Now that my interest has piqued I can't find the site. How typical eh?  If 
you happen to come across the link (s) would you mind posting them again?


I briefly looked at the dish net hd receivers with dvr capability and too 
much money for what you get, maybe in a few years when prices are more 

but for now I am happy with my 5 hd channels ...

For now I'll see what I can find out about converting rgb, dvi or component 
video to sdi and capturing that signal via a firewire port.
It can't be that big of a deal, broadcasters have been doing this for quite 
a while.  But then they have the big $ to pay for the hardware.
BTW: ATI has a hd capture card but alias it's only ota. Maybe I need to find 
a way to re-transmit the rgb and audio signal and feed the ati via it's 
antenna port.

Or maybe hack the ati card?

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- Original Message - 
From: "William" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "'Discussion about mythtv'" 
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 11:43 AM
Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] HD capture via Component/RGB/DVI incoming at 

It there anyway to perform an  video + audio mixed in capture
on the above
listed hd signals and resolution?
I am on satellite and those are the only hdtv signals
available to me, cable
or off the air is not an option.

I believe there is a something called sdi that is either a
interface or a
signal standard that professionals use for hd video.
perhaps it's something similar to firewire?

Anyone have information on this?

As always, this is my personal opinion and will probably get me flamed by
the list. I have been using myth for about 2 years now to record sd content
from dishnet and I have been looking into swithing to hd now that the amount
of content is increasing.

Currently your only options for capturing hd from sat are to buy a hd dvr
from directv/dishnet or to spend the money to have one of the few supported
boxes hacked to add firewire support. The hack info was posted to the list a
couple of months ago so you should still be able to find it in the archives.
HD support in mythtv for anything other than OTA is sorely lacking and
limited. Even ota broadcast signals cannot all be captured as most good
content is encripted. At this point in time the directv/dishnet dvr is
probably your best choice.

Here at my location the local cable company is offering a FREE hd dvr from
scientific atlantic for the same rental as a standard set top box. I would
have jumped at this months ago except that all the reviews of that box say
it sucks the big one. It lacks the 30 second commercial skip feature and
only allows you for fast forward (while watching) thru commercials. At some
point this will probably replace my myth system as they are reportedly
working on this feature for release later this year.

PS - All the commercial dvrs have the ability to link boxes via ethernet so
there is the possibility of being able to download content to a pc
pretending to be a dvr. Search the web for more info on this feature.

Good luck with this as this seems to be the new holy grail for software dvr

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] changechannel support for DirecTV tuner

2005-07-03 Thread Felix


I am trying to conrol DirecTV tuner from MythTV (DirecTV Receiver D10). 
I read:

   If you have an external tuner, such as a DirecTV or digital cable
   set top box, you should add |/usr/local/bin/changechannel| to your
   Input Connections in the mythbackend configuration GUI. The
   *changechannel* program is not supplied with MythTV, so this is
   going to be dependent on what sort of external tuner you have.

Is there a changechannel for DirecTV tuner anywhere?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Nvidia quarks, please explain.

2005-07-03 Thread Chad
Hello, just reading over a plethora of threads that contradict each
other.  It seems that some people can play back HD content via XvMC
and get away with having a 1Ghz processor.  Others claim that with a
much higher CPU, nearing 2Ghz, even with XvMC enabled they are max'd
out on their CPU and nearing crashing their system.

So, I am wondering what these quarks are, and if they are fixed in
certain releases of nvidia drivers, and most importantly, does XvMC
really take that much load off the processor?

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] MythTV on XDSL on XBox

2005-07-03 Thread Derek Watson
Hi Jonny

I'm not aware of it having been done yet, and have been browsing to see
if it had previously. There was reference to it on a thread that I'll be
damned if I can find now - basically someone was trying to compile it
and complaining about satisfying dependencies.

I thought it'd make a good lightweight alternative to xebian which takes
around 90 seconds to boot (xdsl takes around 20 seconds), but haven't
found time to look into it. The other distro that I thought looked
pretty promising as a starting point is sxbmini (slax based).

I'd love to hear how you progress and if I can offer any assistance :-)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jonny Linux
Sent: Saturday, 2 July 2005 7:30 p.m.
To: MythTV-Users
Subject: [mythtv-users] MythTV on XDSL on XBox


Has anybody successfully installed mythtv on XDSL running on an XBox?

I think its essentially just a cut down version of Xebian. I've managed
to install XDSL on a loopback file on my (softmodded) XBox.
It's a Debian based distro, so will I be able to use the normal Xbox

I'm going to try anyway, I was just wondering if anybody had any tips?


mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythstream crashes frontend and won't stop playing

2005-07-03 Thread Sasha Z
ps aux | grep mplayer

I think it uses mplayer to play... don't quote me on it though, as I
don't use the plugin.

On 7/3/05, Phill Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've found that Mythstream sometimes causes the whole frontend to
> crash when playing a stream. I can't reliably reproduce the error at
> the moment. It wouldn't be a major drama, except for the fact that the
> stream doesn't stop playing after the crash and I can't find out the
> process ID to kill it off which means I have to reboot the box which
> stuffs up recordings :(
> Does anyone know how to identify the process so it can be killed to
> make it stop playing the stream?
> Regards,
> Phill
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Differences between PVR-150 & PVR-250

2005-07-03 Thread Ow Mun Heng
On Sun, 2005-07-03 at 22:51 -0400, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote:
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/02/05 2:17 AM >>>
> > 250 - Hardware encoding, software decoding
> Hardware encoding.  No decoding.  Input only.
> > 350 - Hardware encoding, hardware decoding.
> Yep.

So, based on this input. I guess 250 would be the way to go since TVout
doesn't work for the PVR and it can't play avi/dvd etc (yet)

> > Just wanted to be sure since I'm planning on getting one.
> If it is for a combined box where you don't want to play games - 
> only do video and (apparently) DVD playback - go with a 350.

Yep.. No games.. Just watch Recorded TV/DVDs/avi etc. 

I tot DVD/AVI playback isn't supported for any of the PVR cards?

> Anything else, get a 150, 250 or 500 and a good 
> video card.

GeForceMX4 440 and Above right? Cool.. I already have a GeForce MX 4 440
at home.

Thanks and if you could clarify on the DVD/AVI/RMVB/OOG etc playback for
the PVR's TV-Out it would be great.

Ow Mun Heng
Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz 1.5GB RAM
98% Microsoft(tm) Free!! 
Neuromancer 11:56:52 up 5 days, 22:44, 5 users, load average: 1.42,
0.50, 0.41 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Overwhelmed

2005-07-03 Thread Chad
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/01/05 10:15 PM >>>
> > Thank you all for your responses.  This has been extremely
> > helpful and the fog is starting to clear.
> >
> > Paul thanks for your suggestion of dumping my 300 cd carousel.
> > I like the carousel but I like the idea better and it should only
> > take about 150 gig hd to do it.  Does mythtv or some addon
> > piece of software automatically download all the track title and
> > artist info and allow you to search your CDs on HD to find and
> > play music?
> Yep.  MythMusic will do it all.  It is a bit clunky for my tastes,
> but it gets the job done and the visualizations a good for
> parties.
> > Also Paul, you stated at one time that "you dare anybody to
> > tell the difference between a dedicated DVD and MythTV playing
> > it".  Is this from the DVD drive or after you copied it ot HD.  Later
> This is from after copying it as a "perfect" copy.  I guess it could
> be directly from the DVD drive as well.  I hadn't thought about
> that - as the process is pretty much the same.
> > you mention that HD is worth the image loss.  Please clarify.
> Typically when I rip a DVD, I use the next-to-the-top setting.
> I can't remember what it is called, but it is a very good copy
> of the original but skips the menus.  If I really want to keep
> the menus, I use the top setting.  No image loss.
> > Somebody mentioned that Linux DVD players are not up to par.
> There isn't really any such thing as a "linux dvd player" so
> much as there are linux software players that can play
> DVDs.  Xine (IMHO) is as good as any software player
> out there, windows players included.  There may be a
> *slight* difference between my Denon and Xine, but
> not so much that I want to go back to using it.  I'm
> actually thinking of selling it to finance some additional
> (probably 3 or 4) frontends.
> > If you found one that is please inform us.  We rent a lot of DVD
> > and I can't see copying them all to HD before playing them.
> No need to do that.  You can set up your system to automatically
> launch xine when a dvd is inserted into a frontend.
> >
> >Thanks again for all the help,
> No problemo.  Remember these are just my opinions...
> >Chris Lopeman
> Paul
> ___

I'm a huge Onkyo fan.  I love their recievers.  My brother got the
HTIAB rig from them with an almost replica reciever for about the same
price.  I almost killed him, he knows better than to get those ;) 
Anyway, I went to check it out, and there are a few qualities that my
reciever has that his doesn't that I would definitely want.  What I'm
basically saying is that even though I love Onkyo, I wouldn't get
their all-in-one solution.  Get the reciever you want.  I disagree
with the above about the speakers.  I find it easier to upgrade the
speakers later, spend big on the reciever now.  But, a good point is
made that speakers are what you hear, reciever is what you route your
components through, so to each their own.  I ended up eventually
getting some JBL Home 6.1 Home Theatre speakers off ebay for ~300
bucks, they retailed for ~800 so it was a good deal ;)  They sound
extremely good, and I don't attribute it all to the speakers, the
reciever has a lot to do with it.

Anyway, my 2 cents on that side of things...  

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mythstream crashes frontend and won't stop playing

2005-07-03 Thread Phill Edwards
I've found that Mythstream sometimes causes the whole frontend to
crash when playing a stream. I can't reliably reproduce the error at
the moment. It wouldn't be a major drama, except for the fact that the
stream doesn't stop playing after the crash and I can't find out the
process ID to kill it off which means I have to reboot the box which
stuffs up recordings :(

Does anyone know how to identify the process so it can be killed to
make it stop playing the stream?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD3000, DVB and Sound Stuttering

2005-07-03 Thread Michael Haan
On 7/3/05, Robert Tsai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 07:51:44AM -0700, Mudit Wahal wrote:
> > Which video card are you using ?
> >
> > I've sempron 3000+, ge force 2 mmx 440 (quite older card). But I dont
> > have any stuttering/jerkiness when I watch 1080i/720p. I'm running
> > 0.18 and nvidia 7174 driver. When I installed using knoppix myth, I
> > think I had older nvidia driver (6629 ?). At that I did have
> > stutter/jerk. Once I upgraded to 7174, it went away !
> Try playing the same video with mplayer or xine.
> Sometimes you get a damaged recording, and mythtv/mplayer/xine have
> different resiliences to different kinds of damage.
> --Rob
> BodyID:96710675.2.n.logpart (stored separately)

I don't think the issue has to do with recording, it has something to
do with the way myth is handling sound.  A channel can be fine for
hours, then suddenly slip into this state.  Only switching off then
back onto the card makes it go away.  FWIW, my video card is a 6600GT.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Differences between PVR-150 & PVR-250

2005-07-03 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/02/05 2:17 AM >>>
> So If I understand this correctly 

Not quite...

> 250 - Hardware encoding, software decoding

Hardware encoding.  No decoding.  Input only.

> 350 - Hardware encoding, hardware decoding.


> 150 - ??   encoding, ??   decoding.

Same as 250 - hardware encoding.  No decoding.

> 500 - 2 Tuner cards in 1. ?? encoding, ?? decoding?

Recognized as 2 150's.

> Just wanted to be sure since I'm planning on getting one.

If it is for a combined box where you don't want to play games - 
only do video and (apparently) DVD playback - go with a 350.

Anything else, get a 150, 250 or 500 and a good 
video card.


I don't think I will want a 150 or a 500 or a 350 (unless this one has
harware encoding and decoding)

Ow Mun Heng
Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz 1.5GB RAM
98% Microsoft(tm) Free!! 
Neuromancer 13:17:19 up 4 days, 4 min, 2 users, load average: 0.01,
0.08, 0.21 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Remote to use w/ EPIA M10000

2005-07-03 Thread Ow Mun Heng
On Fri, 2005-07-01 at 03:13 +0100, Nick wrote:
> You also have the option of getting a USB-based receiver
> instead.

Which would that be? I'm searching around for one.

> Another option is to use a suitable wireless keyboard and a learning
> remote, which negates the requirement to use LIRC on the frontend as

Again, if you couls provide me with exactly what you're using, it would
be great. 

btw, I'm looking for a remote and not a keyboard. I alry have an RF
logitech keyboard but I really want to chuck it for a remote.

Ow Mun Heng
Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz 1.5GB RAM
98% Microsoft(tm) Free!! 
Neuromancer 20:35:39 up 4 days, 7:22, 3 users, load average: 0.01, 0.11,

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Differences between PVR-150 & PVR-250

2005-07-03 Thread Ow Mun Heng
On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 21:39 -0400, Dewey Smolka wrote:
> Support for the 150 and 500 cards is improving quickly, though you may
> have to update and tweak ivtv to get them running properly. The 250 is
> supported very solidly and should work out of the box, especially if
> you have a 350 already configured (the 250 is the same capture
> hardware as the 350 but without the hardware decoding).

So If I understand this correctly 
250 - Hardware encoding, software decoding
350 - Hardware encoding, hardware decoding.
150 - ??   encoding, ??   decoding.
500 - 2 Tuner cards in 1. ?? encoding, ?? decoding?

Just wanted to be sure since I'm planning on getting one.

I don't think I will want a 150 or a 500 or a 350 (unless this one has
harware encoding and decoding)

Ow Mun Heng
Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz 1.5GB RAM
98% Microsoft(tm) Free!! 
Neuromancer 13:17:19 up 4 days, 4 min, 2 users, load average: 0.01,
0.08, 0.21 

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] No audio from pchdtv-3000 using dvb modules

2005-07-03 Thread Chad

After suggestions to use dvb, I decided to try harder to actually get
it working that way instead of using the atsc module.  Success!

So I have been able to capture a test file, but mplayer says there is
no audio found:

Playing test.mpg.
Cache fill: 17.97% (1507328 bytes)TS file format detected.
VIDEO MPEG2(pid=49)...NO AUDIO!  NO SUBS (yet)!  PROGRAM N. 0
Opened TS demuxer, audio: (pid -1), video: 1002(pid 49)...POS=0
VIDEO:  MPEG2  1920x1080  (aspect 3)  29.970 fps  65000.0 kbps (8125.0 kbyte/s)
Opening video decoder: [mpegpes] MPEG 1/2 Video passthrough
VDec: vo config request - 1920 x 1080 (preferred csp: Mpeg PES)
VDec: using Mpeg PES as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.78:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [null] 1920x1080 => 1920x1080 Mpeg PES
Selected video codec: [mpegpes] vfm:mpegpes (Mpeg PES output (.mpg or
Dxr3/DVB card))
Audio: no sound
Starting playback...
V:82821.5  37/ 37  0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 73%

MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: sleep_rtc

Is there any reason this might be happening?  I am fairly sure there
aren't any mixer settings as this is all just digital capture of
digital streams, so...
what am I missing?

Snip of loaded modules:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] masterc $ /sbin/lsmod | grep cx
cx88_dvb6148  0
mt352   6532  1 cx88_dvb
or5113210308  1 cx88_dvb
video_buf_dvb   5188  1 cx88_dvb
cx22702 6148  1 cx88_dvb
dvb_pll 6020  3 cx88_dvb,or51132,cx22702
cx8802  9412  1 cx88_dvb
cx8800 27916  0
cx88xx 52064  3 cx88_dvb,cx8802,cx8800
i2c_algo_bit9288  2 bttv,cx88xx
video_buf  18180  6 cx88_dvb,video_buf_dvb,bttv,cx8802,cx8800,cx88xx
ir_common   7364  1 cx88xx
tveeprom   11216  2 bttv,cx88xx
i2c_core   17920  10
v4l1_compat14084  1 cx8800
v4l2_common 5184  2 bttv,cx8800
btcx_risc   4360  4 bttv,cx8802,cx8800,cx88xx
videodev7680  3 bttv,cx8800,cx88xx

Now I could be completely just being a paranoid idiot and there is
indeed audio that mplayer just doesn't "show" but does play (because I
don't completely understand how mpeg2 works) and that's fine, just let
me know ;)

Thanks for any suggestions!
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pchdtv 3000 dvb or atsc?

2005-07-03 Thread Chad
On 7/3/05, Wendy Seltzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 01:51 PM 7/3/2005 -0600, Chad wrote:
> >So, to recap:
> >with the atsc module I get a video, but no audio and I can't switch
> >channels.  With the dvb module, I appear to get everything configured
> >correctly, but get nothing.
> With the dvb-based modules, the card has to load the frontend firmware,
> e.g. from /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/ .  In one of my setups, I found it
> didn't load the firmware until I ran the mythtv-setup channel scan for the
> first time.  Check your dmesg for something like this:
> $ dmesg
> ...
> cx2388x dvb driver version 0.0.4 loaded
> ACPI: PCI Interrupt :02:09.2[A] -> GSI 21 (level, low) -> IRQ 21
> cx88[0]/2: found at :02:09.2, rev: 5, irq: 21, latency: 64, mmio:
> 0xf600
> cx88[0]/2: cx2388x based dvb card
> DVB: registering new adapter (cx88[0]).
> DVB: registering frontend 0 (pcHDTV HD3000 HDTV)...
> or51132: Waiting for firmware upload(dvb-fe-or51132-vsb.fw)...
> or51132: Version: 10001134-1943 (113-4-194-3)
> or51132: Firmware upload complete.
> I've found little difference between the dvb and v4l, but I think the
> dvb-based code will have more support in the future, as that's where more
> developers seem to be working.
> --Wendy
> --

Excellent, thank you!
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Installation problems (DVB)

2005-07-03 Thread Christopher Yeoh
Hi David,

At 2005/7/4 08:57+1000  Berry, David writes:

> You need to go and add a new transport for each of the stations

> (frequency listed below).


> Then go to scanning, and select 'Scan existing transports' - not

> 'complete scan (?)'.


> This will then scan each of the five transports, and find each of the

> channels on that transport.


> Then I went into the DB (via Webmin) and deleted the channels I didn't

> want (SBS EPG etc)

Thanks! That worked for me.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Install with no X - cannot connect to database

2005-07-03 Thread Joe Votour
My guess is that you're having problems with Qt. 
There's a Qt-MySQL module that connects to the
database, and chances are, X is a dependency of Qt. 
(The X libraries, not the X server, per se).

You could try to compile Qt embedded if you really
don't want X on the system.  A MythTV server doesn't
require X to run though, only for the libraries to be

-- Joe

--- Van Laere Benjamin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi list,
>   if this has already been answered, please just link
> me to it.
>   Here's my problem: I'm trying to install mythtv on
> a server without X
> (debian unstable), but all I get when I install (in
> the database config
> part) is a blue screen with white text tellin that
> connect to the database (mysql is already serving my
> php pages, so it
> works fine). I can't tell mythtv the password to
> mysql anywhere during
> the install.
>   Is it possible to install mythtv without X? Where
> can I find a script
> to create manually the databases? Ahd where can I
> configure the databse
> realted stuff?
>   Thanks in advance!
> Benjamin

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> > ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pchdtv 3000 dvb or atsc?

2005-07-03 Thread Wendy Seltzer

At 01:51 PM 7/3/2005 -0600, Chad wrote:

So, to recap:
with the atsc module I get a video, but no audio and I can't switch
channels.  With the dvb module, I appear to get everything configured
correctly, but get nothing.

With the dvb-based modules, the card has to load the frontend firmware, 
e.g. from /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/ .  In one of my setups, I found it 
didn't load the firmware until I ran the mythtv-setup channel scan for the 
first time.  Check your dmesg for something like this:

$ dmesg
cx2388x dvb driver version 0.0.4 loaded
ACPI: PCI Interrupt :02:09.2[A] -> GSI 21 (level, low) -> IRQ 21
cx88[0]/2: found at :02:09.2, rev: 5, irq: 21, latency: 64, mmio: 

cx88[0]/2: cx2388x based dvb card
DVB: registering new adapter (cx88[0]).
DVB: registering frontend 0 (pcHDTV HD3000 HDTV)...
or51132: Waiting for firmware upload(dvb-fe-or51132-vsb.fw)...
or51132: Version: 10001134-1943 (113-4-194-3)
or51132: Firmware upload complete.

I've found little difference between the dvb and v4l, but I think the 
dvb-based code will have more support in the future, as that's where more 
developers seem to be working.


Wendy Seltzer -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School
Chilling Effects:

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD capture via Component/RGB/DVI incoming at 720i

2005-07-03 Thread Nick Rout

On Sun, 3 Jul 2005 19:38:30 -0400
Donavan Stanley wrote:

> On 7/2/05, Joe Barnhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Frankly, TV is a giant wasteland anyway and we'd
> > all be better off if we turned it off and read a book.
> I always get a laugh when I read stuff like that on a mailing list for
> a piece for software who's primary purpose is recording TV.

yes it is an ironic comment. I would change it to "Frankly, TV is
largely a giant wasteland anyway and we'd all be better off if we turned
it off and read a book, and used mythtv to record those rare bits that
are worth watching, and watch them at a time that suits us, not the

Nick Rout

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] SuSE 9.3 64 and mythtv

2005-07-03 Thread Teruel de Campo

Problem: LiveTV very dark, recording very dark.

This is how far I got:

1. Installation of ivtv(0.3.6w.tgz) went OK.

2. running OK

3. Watching TV and changing channels through mplayer OK.

4. Installation of mythtv-0.18.1.tar.bz2 from source; no compilation errors. I 
have not install any modules like remote control etc.

5. Everything seems to be ok, the channels are populated.

6. Here the problem:

6.1 LiveTV is very dark. Pressing G (affects recording) a window comes with the 
first choice: brightness, the value 50% is what I had; without any changes 
suddenly the picture is ok. If I change values (<  >)the brigthness change as 
suppose to.

This is the abnormal behavior of this problem:
- If I change channel, they are dark as soon as I press G are ok.
- This changes are not retained. If I go back to the channel that was ok is dark 
again, G makes it normal
- Also if I continue going though the loop pressing G as soon as color or hue 
shows the picture becomes dark again.
- If I select a channel and is dark and press G and comes with the preselected 
value of 50% for example and then I change it to 90% for example (very  light) 
and I close mythtv and watch mplayer (mplayer /dev/video0), it is very light so 
the value is pass OK the ivtv  module. If I open again mythtv and watch liveTV 
is dark as soon as I press G is very light (90%) as is supposed to be.

6.2 Recording is very dark.

 works as supposes to but can not compensate for the dark recording.

I can not figure out what is wrong. I have been working on it for weeks 
reinstalling etc with no luck. Could it be due to problem in permission in the 
mysql tables?. Which tables contain this data? I have found the data that is 
affected by  but not the one affected by . Please any suggestion and will 
try them.

Thank you much for your help.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Sound issues and PS-TS mode

2005-07-03 Thread Nick Tan

On 27/06/2005, at 9:34 PM, Phill Edwards wrote:

I'm assuming you mean for a DVB card?  The setting is in mythtvsetup
under advanced in the capture card settings if I remember correctly.

I changed my settings to TS and I found that this caused an increase
in poor recordings. The symptoms were momentary pixellations
throughout the recording plus occasional  spits and pops  in the
sound. I've now changed back to PS to confirm this is what caused it.

I _think_ that the bad recordings may have been when there was bad
weather. Could it be that TS is more picky about the signal quality
than PS?


I found that I had these moments of pixellation and spits and pops with 
PS and TS. I believe its my signal level that is the problem.  But I've 
found that TS mode is better at recovering from these moments, whereas 
with PS mode it will lose the audio track.

Also, is there a way from within the frontend to show the signal 
strength of the DVB signal?



mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD capture via Component/RGB/DVI incoming at 720i

2005-07-03 Thread Donavan Stanley
On 7/2/05, Joe Barnhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frankly, TV is a giant wasteland anyway and we'd
> all be better off if we turned it off and read a book.

I always get a laugh when I read stuff like that on a mailing list for
a piece for software who's primary purpose is recording TV.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD capture via Component/RGB/DVI incoming at 720i

2005-07-03 Thread Donavan Stanley
On 7/2/05, Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 2, 2005, at 2:43 PM, William wrote:
> > Even ota broadcast signals cannot all be captured as most good
> > content is encripted.
> Not a flame, but do you, or anyone else, have a cite for this? i was
> under the impression that OTA HD was not encrypted. I understand
> there is the _possiblity_ to encrypt (think broadcast flag?) but to
> date no OTA transmissions are encrypted.

He's spouting misinformation.  

There are a few encrytped OTA HD channels, because there's a company
out there that sells HD "cable" via an antenna but all the major
networks are free and clear.

Think about it, for a second, when was the last time you heard of
paying NBC for content?

He's probably confusing OTA with QAM (the modulation for HD over
cable), the encryption ratio on those channels varies greatly from
cable company to cable company.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] sounds output livetv is gone

2005-07-03 Thread Ant Daniel
On 7/3/05, Patrick de Brabander [mythtv] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, i double checked everything. I had an old myth copy (0.16) on an old
> HD, When i hooked up this drive the sound was ok.
> gr
> Patrick
> >>Phil, thanks for the tip.  i'll do this when it is fixed.
> >>I've tried the alsamixer, but no luck.
> >>Like i said, i haven't change a thing. No upgrade or reset.
> >>
> >>I recorded a show and then i happened.
> >>
> >>i'm all out of my options
> >
> > and I assume you've rechecked the speaker wires and power (if you use
> > powered speakers) and made sure something hasn't jiggled loose or
> > gotten unplugged. Sometimes the simplest things...
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>gr
> >>
> >>Patrick
> >>
> >>>  I'd try going into your favourite mixer program (such as alsamixer)
> >>>  and checking that the sound settings are correct. Perhaps something
> >>>  changed them. I find that they often get changed after upgrades and
> >>>  reset themselves to something which doesn't record sound on the
> >>>  recordings or liveTV at which point I have to put them back to what
> >>>  they were before. I have taken a screenshot of the correct recording
> >>>  settings so I know what to set them back to.
> >>>
> >>>  Regards,
> >>>  Phill
> >>>  ___
> >>>  mythtv-users mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>gr.
> >>
> >>patrick
> >>
> >>--
> >>gr.
> >>
> >>patrick
> >>
> >>___
> >>mythtv-users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> gr.
> patrick
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Can you clarify the following points please.

Was the 0.16 on an old HD, with exactly the same OS as your current
running version? I ask this as if it is (as I would suspect) a module
issue, then booting a previous OS wouldn't show the problem.

Does your soundcard work? Can you play standard audio through it and
get sound out?

If your soundcard is working, the problem might show in your standard
log file (e.g /var/log/messages) post the content between the "Start
IVTV" and "End IVTV" comments.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Problems when scheduling repeat programs

2005-07-03 Thread George Nassas

On 3-Jul-05, at 6:12 PM, Piers Kittel wrote:

It'd be far better if I could set MythTV to say record "Anything 
similar to 'Cutting Edge' in it's name roughly in this time every 

I just posted something on this in the dev list. Popular question.

"Under Manage Recordings -> Schedule Recordings -> Search Words -> 
Titles. Give it the words you want to look for and, even if there are 
no current matches, schedule a recording. I use the people version of 
this to pick up films with my favourite actors. It's amazing how much 
stuff I would have missed without it."

Under Schedule there's also Custom Record which is even more 

- George

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythbrowser and keyboard

2005-07-03 Thread Egeekial

That is the functionality I'm going for, though. I want a "WebTV feel".
I still would like to be able to do it by remote also.

Robert Tsai wrote:

On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 05:19:35PM -0400, Egeekial wrote:

I like many others have a wireless keyboard for my Mythbox. One
thing I would like to be able to do with this keyboard is to surf
the web using Mythbrowser, but I find that very difficult
considering that some keys don't actually type but are actually
bound to do something else (for example, move the mouse). How can I
change the functionality of Mythbrowser to allow the keyboard to be
used for purely typing within Mythbrowser?

Also, is it possible to type in URLs on the fly?

If you're committed to using a real keyboard, then there's no point to
using mythbrowser. You may as well use a real window manager, switch
to a different virtual desktop, and fire up mozilla or firefox or
something and use that to surf the web (and not worry about keys being
co-opted by mythtv).


mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Installation problems (DVB)

2005-07-03 Thread Berry, David

This is how I did it.  This is all from memory...

You need to go and add a new transport for each of the stations
(frequency listed below).

Then go to scanning, and select 'Scan existing transports' - not
'complete scan (?)'.

This will then scan each of the five transports, and find each of the
channels on that transport.

Then I went into the DB (via Webmin) and deleted the channels I didn't
want (SBS EPG etc)







-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christopher Yeoh
Sent: Sunday, 3 July 2005 5:52 PM
Subject: [mythtv-users] Installation problems (DVB)

Can someone help me with how to setup the channels or point me to some
up to date documentation? Or even better does anyone have a digital
channel configuration for Canberra?




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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythbrowser and keyboard

2005-07-03 Thread Robert Tsai
On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 05:19:35PM -0400, Egeekial wrote:
> I like many others have a wireless keyboard for my Mythbox. One
> thing I would like to be able to do with this keyboard is to surf
> the web using Mythbrowser, but I find that very difficult
> considering that some keys don't actually type but are actually
> bound to do something else (for example, move the mouse). How can I
> change the functionality of Mythbrowser to allow the keyboard to be
> used for purely typing within Mythbrowser?
> Also, is it possible to type in URLs on the fly?

If you're committed to using a real keyboard, then there's no point to
using mythbrowser. You may as well use a real window manager, switch
to a different virtual desktop, and fire up mozilla or firefox or
something and use that to surf the web (and not worry about keys being
co-opted by mythtv).


Description: Digital signature
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD3000, DVB and Sound Stuttering

2005-07-03 Thread Robert Tsai
On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 07:51:44AM -0700, Mudit Wahal wrote:
> Which video card are you using ?
> I've sempron 3000+, ge force 2 mmx 440 (quite older card). But I dont
> have any stuttering/jerkiness when I watch 1080i/720p. I'm running
> 0.18 and nvidia 7174 driver. When I installed using knoppix myth, I
> think I had older nvidia driver (6629 ?). At that I did have
> stutter/jerk. Once I upgraded to 7174, it went away !

Try playing the same video with mplayer or xine.

Sometimes you get a damaged recording, and mythtv/mplayer/xine have
different resiliences to different kinds of damage.


Description: Digital signature
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] drive layout (partitions and filsystem types)

2005-07-03 Thread Nick Rout
On gmail anything could happen LOL

On Sun, 3 Jul 2005 18:17:03 -0400
Dewey Smolka wrote:

> Sounds to me like you need a new email client, Nick. Shows up as a new
> thread here.

Nick Rout

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Problem using ffmpeg to transcode a DVB-T recording

2005-07-03 Thread Nick Rout
I think you need to be looking at the -map: option for ffmpeg, although
from the documentation I can't figure out exactly how to use it.

On Sun,  3 Jul 2005 14:28:21 +0100
Mike Ryan wrote:

> Hi
> I use ffmpeg to transcode my dvb-t recordings to watch on a PSP and I'm in the
> UK. Everything works fine apart from anything I record from Channel 4. For 
> some
> reason, there is no sound when I play it back on the PSP. I believe the 
> problem
> is that ffmpeg seems to think there's two sound channels - it's selecting the
> primary one. Playback on MythTV is no problem. Here's a sample of the output
> from
> ffmpeg:
> ffmpeg version 0.4.9-pre1, build 4756, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
>   configuration:  --enable-faac
>   built on Jun 17 2005 16:02:27, gcc: 3.4.3 20050227 (Red Hat 3.4.3-22.fc3)
> Input #0, mpeg, from
> '/mythtv/recordings/1008_2005063020_2005063021.nuv':
>   Duration: 00:59:55.1, start: 1697.474022, bitrate: 2893 kb/s
>   Stream #0.0[0x1e0]: Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 704x576, 25.00 fps, 1 
> kb/s
>   Stream #0.1[0x1c1]: Audio: mp2, 48000 Hz, mono, 64 kb/s
>   Stream #0.2[0x1c0]: Audio: mp2, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s
> Output #0, psp, to '/mythtv/video/M4V10003.MP4':
>   Stream #0.0: Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 320x240, 29.97 fps, q=2-31, 512 kb/s
>   Stream #0.1: Audio: aac, 24000 Hz, stereo, 32 kb/s
> Stream mapping:
>   Stream #0.0 -> #0.0
>   Stream #0.1 -> #0.1
> For any other channel, the larger bitrate audio channel comes first, ie:
> Input #0, mpeg, from
> '/mythtv/recordings/1073_20050628191500_20050628195800.nuv':
>   Duration: 00:42:54.5, start: 16393.593167, bitrate: 3053 kb/s
>   Stream #0.0[0x1e0]: Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 720x576, 25.00 fps, 15000 
> kb/s
>   Stream #0.1[0x1c0]: Audio: mp2, 48000 Hz, stereo, 256 kb/s
>   Stream #0.2[0x1c1]: Audio: mp2, 48000 Hz, mono, 56 kb/s
> Any got any ideas how I either
> 1: Tell ffmpeg to select the second audio input channel
> or
> 2: Get myth to record with the larger audio channel first (if this makes 
> sense)
> Thanks in advance for any help
> Regards
> Mike
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Nick Rout

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] drive layout (partitions and filsystem types)

2005-07-03 Thread Dewey Smolka
Sounds to me like you need a new email client, Nick. Shows up as a new
thread here.

On 7/3/05, Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am sending this back to the list as well in case anyone else is curious.
> On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 22:56:50 +1000
> Rob Hillis wrote:
> > Nick Rout wrote:
> >
> > >Please don't hijack threads! In other words don't reply to a message and
> > >change the subject when you want to start a new discussion.
> > >It stuffs threading on most clients.
> > >
> > >
> > In what way does this message constitute hijacking a thread?  It appears
> > to be an entirely valid message for the subject line.
> because the sender hit reply and then changed the subject line to
> something different. By doing that his mail client used the
> "in-reply-to" header like this:
> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The message with ID [EMAIL PROTECTED] was about
> Ripping CD's, so most email clients thread the message about "drive
> layout" below the message about "Ripping CD's", which is a PITA.
> So yes the message was approriate to its "subject" header, but not
> appropriate to its "In-Reply-To" header.
> Just a netiqutte thing really.
> Cheers.
> >
> > >On Sun, 2005-07-03 at 07:36 +, Marius Schrecker wrote:
> > >
> > >
> --
> Nick Rout
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Problems when scheduling repeat programs

2005-07-03 Thread Piers Kittel

Hello all,

I have found a problem when scheduling some repeat programs - there is 
this program I like to watch - Cutting Edge, but the problem is that its 
title for this week is "Cutting Edge: Gridlock", and the following week 
it is called "Cutting Edge: The House Cleaners" and you can imagine what 
happens when I set a repeat recording - it'll only record "Cutting Edge: 
Gridlock" and so I have to set up a new recording every week, if I 
remember!  It'd be far better if I could set MythTV to say record 
"Anything similar to 'Cutting Edge' in it's name roughly in this time 
every week"?

Any ideas on how to get around this thorny problem?

Thanks very much for your help in advance

Cheers - Piers
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

2005-07-03 Thread Oskar Lissheim-Boethius
On 3 jul 2005, at 23.21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Yeah, I've done that before too tony, but like he and you said he had booted the box once. Ok, very weird. Now it works again, though the HD was corrupt (Kernel panic when booting) so I had to reinstall it all. What I did was to simply remove all cables, all PCI-cards, all RAM, battery and all drives and the connector. Tried to boot, same thing - not a single beep. Put everything back except the drive, and got the beep. So, I put the drive back in. Nothing again. Tried a different drive, and now I got the beep again. Turns out it must have been a severely twisted ATA-cable that somehow prohibited the mobo to POST. Don't know how, and I don't want to know, really :)Thanks for all suggestions!   Yours sincerely,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  O S K A R   L I S S H E I M  -  B O E T H I U S >    Composer & Designer >    Avocade Creations,   ___
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pchdtv 3000 dvb or atsc?

2005-07-03 Thread Mudit Wahal
I've configured my HD3000 as DVB. I can record channels and watch live
TV from myth.

On 7/3/05, Chad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I have finally been able to successfully get a picture on my hd3k
> card!  But, I am far from sitting back on the couch flipping the
> channels.
> I am having some success using the cx88-atsc module.  But, not really.
>  I can use:
> getatsc /dev/dvb 13.1 > file.mpg
> And play it with mplayer.  I can also:
> mplayer /dev/dtv
> And watch something.  However, the first channel I tune to using any
> tool, that is the only channel I get until I rmmod cx88-atsc, and them
> modprobe cx88-atsc.  Then I can tune another channel.
> I get a great signal, above 90% on nearly everything, according to
> dtvsignal.  Here's a snippet:
> masterc root # dtvsignal /dev/dtv 13.1
> main: argc 3 argv[1] /dev/dtv
> channel 13
> freq*16 = 3380
> main: ioctl 1 rtn 0
> main: ioctl 2 rtn 0
> dtvsignal ver 0.2 - by Jack Kelliher (c) 2002
> channel = 13 freq*16 = 3380
> Signal:   |.:.|.:.|
> Signal: 096 
> I have yet to get anything working regarding dvb really.  I have
> followed a few how-to's that seem to get me going, but I never
> actually get any picture.
> I've got dvb-apps from CVS yesterday, and am running a 2.6.12-mm1
> kernel with the necessary modules available.  Here's a snippet of my
> lsmod:
> masterc root # lsmod | grep cx
> cx88_atsc  14788  0
> cx22702 6148  0
> dvb_pll 6020  2 or51132,cx22702
> cx8802  9412  1 cx88_atsc
> cx8800 27916  0
> cx88xx 52064  3 cx88_atsc,cx8802,cx8800
> i2c_algo_bit9288  2 bttv,cx88xx
> video_buf  18180  6
> cx88_atsc,video_buf_dvb,bttv,cx8802,cx8800,cx88xx
> ir_common   7364  1 cx88xx
> tveeprom   11216  2 bttv,cx88xx
> i2c_core   17920  11
> cx88_atsc,mt352,or51132,cx22702,i2c_viapro,tvaudio,bttv,tuner,cx88xx,i2c_algo_bit,tveeprom
> v4l1_compat14084  2 cx88_atsc,cx8800
> v4l2_common 5184  3 cx88_atsc,bttv,cx8800
> btcx_risc   4360  4 bttv,cx8802,cx8800,cx88xx
> videodev7680  4 cx88_atsc,bttv,cx8800,cx88xx
> The only package I installed from the pchdtv site was the 'extras'
> package for the 2.6.12 kernels.
> So, to recap:
> with the atsc module I get a video, but no audio and I can't switch
> channels.  With the dvb module, I appear to get everything configured
> correctly, but get nothing.
> Any suggestions are very welcome, and I'm sure you need some more info
> that I didn't include, so please ask so I can include it.
> Thanks!
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] drive layout (partitions and filsystem types)

2005-07-03 Thread Nick Rout
I am sending this back to the list as well in case anyone else is curious.

On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 22:56:50 +1000
Rob Hillis wrote:

> Nick Rout wrote:
> >Please don't hijack threads! In other words don't reply to a message and
> >change the subject when you want to start a new discussion.
> >It stuffs threading on most clients.
> >  
> >
> In what way does this message constitute hijacking a thread?  It appears 
> to be an entirely valid message for the subject line.

because the sender hit reply and then changed the subject line to
something different. By doing that his mail client used the
"in-reply-to" header like this:


The message with ID [EMAIL PROTECTED] was about
Ripping CD's, so most email clients thread the message about "drive
layout" below the message about "Ripping CD's", which is a PITA.

So yes the message was approriate to its "subject" header, but not
appropriate to its "In-Reply-To" header.

Just a netiqutte thing really. 

> >On Sun, 2005-07-03 at 07:36 +, Marius Schrecker wrote:
> >  
> >

Nick Rout

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] EPG Program Guide

2005-07-03 Thread Mattia Martinello

I'm using MythTV 0.18.1 with an Hauppauge WinTV Nova CI dvb-s card, and 
I can watch digital sat channels.

How I can get the Program Guide to use the EPG data?
At the time I can't see EPG data anymore, in the Program Guide nor in 
the "now watching" window.

I compiled MythTV with the following command:
./configure --enable-dvb --dvb-path=/usr/include --enable-dvb-eit

Thank you very much!

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] TVlive freezes after 2 seconds

2005-07-03 Thread Frédéric Feyel

What I have done is :

(Fedora) :

chkconfig --level 123456 mythbackend stop

to prevent the loading of mythbackend during the boot

and in rc.local :

/sbin/modprobe ivtv
mythbackend &

This solved my problem definitely.

Steve Naylor a écrit :

This happens to me on every reboot.   To fix it, I have to stop 
mythbackend, depmod -a and modprobe ivtv.

I tried to put this in rc.local like this:

/sbin/rmmod ivtv
/sbin/depmod -a
/sbin/modprobe ivtv
service mythbackend restart

 but it doesn't work.  Could it be that mythbackend is running at this 
point?  I don't know when in the boot sequence services start (before 
or after rc.local).

Let me know if you get it working on a fresh reboot.


On 7/3/05, *Frédéric Feyel* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Oh, thank you very much for this advice ! It could be the problem,
because before my last reboot (ie everything done by hand, and
of course ivtv loaded before mythbackend) everything worked well...

I will put everything in the right order, on /etc/rc.local (which
is a
very convenient place to do this).

I will tell you tonight if it has worked or not.



[EMAIL PROTECTED]  a écrit :

> I was having the same issue and what I found out was that it was
> happening
> becasue the mythbackend was starting before the ivtv drivers were
> loaded. What
> I have done at the moment is to disable mythbackend from
starting on
> boot up.
> Then I make sure the ivtv drivers are loaded and after they are
> I start
> up mythbackend manually. I know that you could probably edit some
> files to make
> sure the drivers are loaded before the backend starts but I haven't
> had a chance
> to find out what they are and how to do it. Maybe someone else can
> help you out
> with the automation part of it. Hope thats the problem. Cheers,
> Daniel
>> Finally I got my config to work (pvr 250).
>> Everything went well, until I reboot the computer to see if the
>> configuration
>> was good.
>> Now the LiveTV works for 2 seconds only, and then freezes.
After some
>> other
>> seconds, the liveTV module ends up, and it goes back to the
main menu.
>> mythfrontend says :
>> 2005-07-03 00:00:48.238 prebuffering pause
>> 2005-07-03 00:01:07.088 ReadStringList timeout (quick).
>> Remote encoder not responding.
>> 2005-07-03 00:01:07.089 WriteStringList: Bad socket
>> ASSERT: "i <= nodes" in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include/qvaluelist.h (373)
>> 2005-07-03 00:01:07.092 WriteStringList: Bad socket
>> 2005-07-03 00:01: 07.093 ReadStringList: Bad socket
>> while mythbackend says :
>> 2005-07-03 00:03:06.782 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
>> 2005-07-03 00:03:10.442 joined null string in WriteStringList
>> 2005-07-03 00:03:30.582 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None
>> Any idea ?
>> ___
>> mythtv-users mailing list
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

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Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_uk_rt - only 1 week of data?

2005-07-03 Thread Paul Woodward
Mine has since recovered to 12 days.
On 7/3/05, Kim Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've just run mythfilldatabase, and have gone from:Last mythfilldatabase run started on 2005-07-03 01:21 and ended on
2005-07-03 01:25. mythfilldatabase ran, but did not insert any new datainto the Guide. This can indicate a potential grabber failure.There's guide data until 2005-07-14 06:00 (11 days).to:Last mythfilldatabase run started on 2005-07-03 22:01 and ended on
2005-07-03 22:05. Successful.There's guide data until 2005-07-15 06:00 (12 days).Looking at the listings, the data dries up at 12AM on the 15th (with afew programmes that carry through till 6AM).  So the grabber appears to
be getting something for 12 days in the future, but not the usual 14.Something fishy's going on, mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_uk_rt - only 1 week of data?

2005-07-03 Thread Kim Wall

I've just run mythfilldatabase, and have gone from:

Last mythfilldatabase run started on 2005-07-03 01:21 and ended on 
2005-07-03 01:25. mythfilldatabase ran, but did not insert any new data 
into the Guide. This can indicate a potential grabber failure.

There's guide data until 2005-07-14 06:00 (11 days).


Last mythfilldatabase run started on 2005-07-03 22:01 and ended on 
2005-07-03 22:05. Successful.

There's guide data until 2005-07-15 06:00 (12 days).

Looking at the listings, the data dries up at 12AM on the 15th (with a 
few programmes that carry through till 6AM).  So the grabber appears to 
be getting something for 12 days in the future, but not the usual 14.

Something fishy's going on, anyway.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mythbrowser and keyboard

2005-07-03 Thread Egeekial
I like many others have a wireless keyboard for my Mythbox. One thing I 
would like to be able to do with this keyboard is to surf the web using 
Mythbrowser, but I find that very difficult considering that some keys 
don't actually type but are actually bound to do something else (for 
example, move the mouse). How can I change the functionality of 
Mythbrowser to allow the keyboard to be used for purely typing within 

Also, is it possible to type in URLs on the fly?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Initial channel

2005-07-03 Thread Mattia Martinello


I'm installed MythTV 0.18.1 on an Asus Pundit with an Hauppauge WinTV 
Nova CI dvb-s DVB card.
In mythtv-setup I setup a preferred starting channel on wich MythTV 
tunes itself when I start "Watch TV".
The problem is that when I selected a bad channel (i.e. a scrambled 
channel) MythTV hangs and I have to kill it.
The following time I start "Watch TV", MythTV doesn't tune itself on the 
starting channel I selected in mythtv-setup, but in the last channel I 
viewed in the last session.
How I can Make MythTV opens the starting channel everytime, not the last 
channel I viewed?

Thank you very much.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] pchdtv 3000 dvb or atsc?

2005-07-03 Thread Chad

I have finally been able to successfully get a picture on my hd3k
card!  But, I am far from sitting back on the couch flipping the

I am having some success using the cx88-atsc module.  But, not really.
 I can use:
getatsc /dev/dvb 13.1 > file.mpg
And play it with mplayer.  I can also:
mplayer /dev/dtv
And watch something.  However, the first channel I tune to using any
tool, that is the only channel I get until I rmmod cx88-atsc, and them
modprobe cx88-atsc.  Then I can tune another channel.

I get a great signal, above 90% on nearly everything, according to
dtvsignal.  Here's a snippet:

masterc root # dtvsignal /dev/dtv 13.1
main: argc 3 argv[1] /dev/dtv
channel 13
freq*16 = 3380
main: ioctl 1 rtn 0
main: ioctl 2 rtn 0
dtvsignal ver 0.2 - by Jack Kelliher (c) 2002
channel = 13 freq*16 = 3380
Signal:   |.:.|.:.|
Signal: 096 

I have yet to get anything working regarding dvb really.  I have
followed a few how-to's that seem to get me going, but I never
actually get any picture.

I've got dvb-apps from CVS yesterday, and am running a 2.6.12-mm1
kernel with the necessary modules available.  Here's a snippet of my

masterc root # lsmod | grep cx
cx88_atsc  14788  0
cx22702 6148  0
dvb_pll 6020  2 or51132,cx22702
cx8802  9412  1 cx88_atsc
cx8800 27916  0
cx88xx 52064  3 cx88_atsc,cx8802,cx8800
i2c_algo_bit9288  2 bttv,cx88xx
video_buf  18180  6
ir_common   7364  1 cx88xx
tveeprom   11216  2 bttv,cx88xx
i2c_core   17920  11
v4l1_compat14084  2 cx88_atsc,cx8800
v4l2_common 5184  3 cx88_atsc,bttv,cx8800
btcx_risc   4360  4 bttv,cx8802,cx8800,cx88xx
videodev7680  4 cx88_atsc,bttv,cx8800,cx88xx

The only package I installed from the pchdtv site was the 'extras'
package for the 2.6.12 kernels.

So, to recap:
with the atsc module I get a video, but no audio and I can't switch
channels.  With the dvb module, I appear to get everything configured
correctly, but get nothing.

Any suggestions are very welcome, and I'm sure you need some more info
that I didn't include, so please ask so I can include it.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Stuttering/A'V out of synch, but only after fast forward.

2005-07-03 Thread Henrik Bentel
Pause/unpause doesn't seem to fix it.
Don't know about words being mis-ordered.

I'm not sure it's the audio anymore. I went tack and tried the Alt-TAB
trick on some
recording that had much higher bitrate (like 5000) and the Alt-TAB
trick doesn't fix
it this time over?

In case someone can read the verbose log I've attached a snippet of 
the output when the stuttering is going on. This is with '-v all' set.


On 7/3/05, Andrew Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yep, I got that too. Does it sound like audio fragments are being
> mis-ordered? In speech you can sometimes hear the start of a word
> before the end, or some parts of a word being repeated.
> Does it go away when you pause/unpause?
> My best guess is that there is a bug somewhere in the mpeg audio code
> that screws up the ordering of audio fragments after a seek.
> Unfortunately I don't have the time or knowledge to look into it.
> Andrew
2005-07-03 14:37:12.947 A/V diverged by -3.43484 frames, dropping frame to keep 
audio in sync
2005-07-03 14:37:12.948 A/V diverged by -3.24297 frames, dropping frame to keep 
audio in sync
2005-07-03 14:37:12.953 audio waiting for space on soundcard: have 3200 need 
2005-07-03 14:37:12.963 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:12.963 audio waiting for space on soundcard: have 1600 need 
2005-07-03 14:37:12.974 audio waiting for space on soundcard: have 3136 need 
2005-07-03 14:37:12.984 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:12.994 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 1868 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:12.994 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.001 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 1868 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.002 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.004 _AddSamples bytes=4728, used=1869, free=510131, 
2005-07-03 14:37:13.007 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.007 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.007 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.009 write->18 50  QUERY_FILETRANSFER 
2005-07-03 14:37:13.011 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.011 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.015 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.015 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.019 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.019 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.023 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.023 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.027 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.027 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.031 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.031 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.035 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.035 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.039 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.039 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.043 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.043 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.048 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.048 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.058 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.058 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.069 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.069 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.073 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.073 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.077 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.077 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.081 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.081 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.085 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.085 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.089 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.089 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.093 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.093 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.097 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.097 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.101 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.101 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.105 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.105 Broadcasting free space avail
2005-07-03 14:37:13.109 audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 2500 want 4096
2005-07-03 14:37:13.109 Broadcasting free s

[mythtv-users] Install with no X - cannot connect to database

2005-07-03 Thread Van Laere Benjamin
Hi list,

if this has already been answered, please just link me to it.

Here's my problem: I'm trying to install mythtv on a server without X
(debian unstable), but all I get when I install (in the database config
part) is a blue screen with white text tellin that [EMAIL PROTECTED] cannot
connect to the database (mysql is already serving my php pages, so it
works fine). I can't tell mythtv the password to mysql anywhere during
the install.

Is it possible to install mythtv without X? Where can I find a script
to create manually the databases? Ahd where can I configure the databse
realted stuff?

Thanks in advance!


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mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Non-Nvidia Graphics Card Recommendations for HDTV

2005-07-03 Thread Marius Schrecker
I had an ATI card (9200SE) on my AMD 64 box which I was very pleased with.
Clearer and more stable picture into an old %0Hz TV than I have had with
any Nvidia card. Never quite got OpenGL and Screen resize and rotate working
before the machine was stolen, but that's because I didn't get around to
it. I will be going with a Radeon X300 card (PCI-E) now when I build the


Registered Linux user

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Non-Nvidia Graphics Card Recommendations for HDTV

2005-07-03 Thread Todd Greene
Hi all,

I'm looking for a non-Nvidia, quiet AGP graphics card
that does good HDTV playback in Myth.   Any

I was originally using an NVidia GeForce 5200
(fanless) which worked great until I "upgraded" my
system to a new motherboard (foxconn) with an Athlon
64 processor.  The system now locks up whenever I load
the nvidia driver.  Seems there's an incompatibility
between the foxconn/sis chipset/athlon 64/nvidia
driver (any version I've tried) with just about any
kernel version. (I've tried the x86 and x86_64
versions of FC3 and FC4, and also tried the KnoppMyth
distro).  So, short of ditching the entire
mobo/processor setup, I thought I'd try a non-Nvidia

Any thoughts?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] sounds output livetv is gone

2005-07-03 Thread Patrick de Brabander [mythtv]
Yes, i double checked everything. I had an old myth copy (0.16) on an old
HD, When i hooked up this drive the sound was ok.



>>Phil, thanks for the tip.  i'll do this when it is fixed.
>>I've tried the alsamixer, but no luck.
>>Like i said, i haven't change a thing. No upgrade or reset.
>>I recorded a show and then i happened.
>>i'm all out of my options
> and I assume you've rechecked the speaker wires and power (if you use
> powered speakers) and made sure something hasn't jiggled loose or
> gotten unplugged. Sometimes the simplest things...
>>>  I'd try going into your favourite mixer program (such as alsamixer)
>>>  and checking that the sound settings are correct. Perhaps something
>>>  changed them. I find that they often get changed after upgrades and
>>>  reset themselves to something which doesn't record sound on the
>>>  recordings or liveTV at which point I have to put them back to what
>>>  they were before. I have taken a screenshot of the correct recording
>>>  settings so I know what to set them back to.
>>>  Regards,
>>>  Phill
>>>  ___
>>>  mythtv-users mailing list
>>mythtv-users mailing list
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list



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Re: [mythtv-users] TVlive freezes after 2 seconds

2005-07-03 Thread Steve Naylor
This happens to me on every reboot.   To fix it, I have to stop mythbackend, depmod -a and modprobe ivtv.

I tried to put this in rc.local like this:

/sbin/rmmod ivtv

/sbin/depmod -a

/sbin/modprobe ivtv

service mythbackend restart

 but it doesn't work.  Could it be that mythbackend is
running at this point?  I don't know when in the boot sequence
services start (before or after rc.local).

Let me know if you get it working on a fresh reboot.


On 7/3/05, Frédéric Feyel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oh, thank you very much for this advice ! It could be the problem,because before my last reboot (ie everything done by hand, andof course ivtv loaded before mythbackend) everything worked well...I will put everything in the right order, on /etc/rc.local (which is a
very convenient place to do this).I will tell you tonight if it has worked or not.Thanks,Frederic.[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
> I was having the same issue and what I found out was that it was> happening> becasue the mythbackend was starting before the ivtv drivers were> loaded. What> I have done at the moment is to disable mythbackend from starting on
> boot up.> Then I make sure the ivtv drivers are loaded and after they are loaded> I start> up mythbackend manually. I know that you could probably edit some> files to make> sure the drivers are loaded before the backend starts but I haven't
> had a chance> to find out what they are and how to do it. Maybe someone else can> help you out> with the automation part of it. Hope thats the problem. Cheers,> Daniel>> Quoting 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:>>> Finally I got my config to work (pvr 250). Everything went well, until I reboot the computer to see if the>> configuration
>> was good. Now the LiveTV works for 2 seconds only, and then freezes. After some>> other>> seconds, the liveTV module ends up, and it goes back to the main menu.
 mythfrontend says : 2005-07-03 00:00:48.238 prebuffering pause>> 2005-07-03 00:01:07.088 ReadStringList timeout (quick).>> Remote encoder not responding.
>> 2005-07-03 00:01:07.089 WriteStringList: Bad socket>> ASSERT: "i <= nodes" in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include/qvaluelist.h (373)>> 2005-07-03 00:01:07.092 WriteStringList: Bad socket>> 2005-07-03 00:01:
07.093 ReadStringList: Bad socket>> while mythbackend says : 2005-07-03 00:03:06.782 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV>> 2005-07-03 00:03:10.442 joined null string in WriteStringList
>> 2005-07-03 00:03:30.582 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None>> Any idea ?>> ___>> mythtv-users mailing list
 ___> mythtv-users mailing list>>>>___mythtv-users mailing
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] building my first MythTV box

2005-07-03 Thread chris
On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 10:32:15AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Second, I don't have HD but I'd like to beat the "broad cast flags" issue, in 
> case it ever comes up again, I'm thinking about the pcHDTV HD-3000. From the 
> looks of this card won't work with my existing 
> digital cable setup. Would it save me a lot of time and trouble to just go 
> for a Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-250 instead?

You will always save time and trouble by using proven solutions.  The
PVR250 and PVR350 work great with MythTV.

> Third, I'm hoping to get the quitest solution possible. What sort of cpu / 
> motherboard combo should I be looking at? From the looks of this list if I go 
> with the HD card then there are heat issues. Are mini-itx solutions 
> suggested, not suggested, what about Pentium 4 processors?

Have you considered running a split system?  My back-end system is a
multi-disk, multi-fan beast that sits in a corner of the basement along
with the scanner, printer, etc.  The front-end in the livingroom is much
quieter because all it has to do is run the front end and/or mplayer.
Right now I'm using an X-Box, but in the future I could switch to a
diskless workstation that boots from the network.

> Last, do I need another video card, or is the video capture card all I need?

The PVR350 has video out.  Most other solutions will require a separate
video card.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] building my first MythTV box

2005-07-03 Thread sarvinc
I'm new to the list and planning on building a single MythTV box under $800 
and I have a couple questions I'm hoping people can answer.
First, any specific suggestions on hardware and PVR cases?
Second, I don't have HD but I'd like to beat the "broad cast flags" issue, in 
case it ever comes up again, I'm thinking about the pcHDTV HD-3000. From the 
looks of this card won't work with my existing 
digital cable setup. Would it save me a lot of time and trouble to just go 
for a Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-250 instead?
Third, I'm hoping to get the quitest solution possible. What sort of cpu / 
motherboard combo should I be looking at? From the looks of this list if I go 
with the HD card then there are heat issues. Are mini-itx solutions 
suggested, not suggested, what about Pentium 4 processors?
Last, do I need another video card, or is the video capture card all I need?
Thanks for all the help, sorry there are so many questions.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Seeking driving me nuts

2005-07-03 Thread Sasha Z
Negative, that's not quite the symptom I'm describing. The length of
the recording doesn't change. This is definitely not a localtime

On 7/3/05, John Hanauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can this have anything to do with it?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

2005-07-03 Thread flim

Still got the box with a new mobo (also found)!

On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 15:53:59 +0100, Korey Fort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Damn! It burned a hole in the mobo! Lol, How long did it live after that?

"Let ye without segmentation fault cast the first int!"

Korey Fort
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of flim
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 9:39 AM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

I had a PC do something similar...  The power light was a gree/orange
combo LED, but never went orange other than for a brief fraction of a
second before power-down.  I changed some RAM (that I found - never a  

idea) that was a tight fit.  I rebooted and the drives and fans spun up,
but the light was orange.  'Not a good sign,' I thought.  Then the magic
smoke escaped from the fan.  The MoBo had a blackened hole in it where a
chip used to be (right next to the dodgy RAM).  It, too, didn't beep when
it normally would.

I suggest reseating your RAM and checking for scorch marks...


On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 14:59:38 +0100, Korey Fort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

How old is your motherboard. You're motherboard may be dead if you don't
any post codes, but it really sounds like a hardware failure somewhere
between the power supply and the motherboard. I had this problem with a
before and it turned out that the motherboard was dead.

"Let ye without segmentation fault cast the first int!"

Korey Fort
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Oskar
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 6:15 AM
Subject: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

Have had my knoppmyth-box running non-stop for 5 days now, working
flawlessly, recording every show I want. Today when I turned on the
TV I couldn't move around the menu, also tried with a keyboard and it
was totally locked. So I just force-rebooted.

Booted up fine and I went to watch TV, but when I switched channels
it locked down again, so I rebooted again. Now it doesn't boot at
all, it just sits there and not even making a boot-beep when I turn
on the power. No display on the VGA or the S-video out.

If there was a serious problems it would beep on me, right? It used
to do that anyway. Any way to reset this? I hope I haven't lost all
my programs saved on the drive...


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

2005-07-03 Thread Korey Fort
Yeah, I've done that before too tony, but like he and you said he had booted
the box once.

"Let ye without segmentation fault cast the first int!"

Korey Fort
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tony Rein
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

On Sunday 03 July 2005 09:59 am, Korey Fort wrote:
> How old is your motherboard. You're motherboard may be dead if you don't
> get any post codes, but it really sounds like a hardware failure somewhere
> between the power supply and the motherboard. I had this problem with a
> before and it turned out that the motherboard was dead.
> "Let ye without segmentation fault cast the first int!"
> Korey Fort
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Oskar
> Lissheim-Boethius
> Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 6:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...
> Have had my knoppmyth-box running non-stop for 5 days now, working
> flawlessly, recording every show I want. Today when I turned on the
> TV I couldn't move around the menu, also tried with a keyboard and it
> was totally locked. So I just force-rebooted.
> Booted up fine and I went to watch TV, but when I switched channels
> it locked down again, so I rebooted again. Now it doesn't boot at
> all, it just sits there and not even making a boot-beep when I turn
> on the power. No display on the VGA or the S-video out.
> If there was a serious problems it would beep on me, right? It used
> to do that anyway. Any way to reset this? I hope I haven't lost all
> my programs saved on the drive...
> /Oskar
Just a wild stab -- I had this happen once and it turned out that the 
115V/230V switch on the power supply was in the wrong position. Luckily, the

power supply was smart enough that it simply refused to turn on, instead of 
frying everything!

This probably isn't your problem, since you'd already booted it
and you'd probably know if you'd moved that switch. But still, have you 
checked it?

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

2005-07-03 Thread Tony Rein
On Sunday 03 July 2005 09:59 am, Korey Fort wrote:
> How old is your motherboard. You're motherboard may be dead if you don't
> get any post codes, but it really sounds like a hardware failure somewhere
> between the power supply and the motherboard. I had this problem with a box
> before and it turned out that the motherboard was dead.
> "Let ye without segmentation fault cast the first int!"
> Korey Fort
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Oskar
> Lissheim-Boethius
> Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 6:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...
> Have had my knoppmyth-box running non-stop for 5 days now, working
> flawlessly, recording every show I want. Today when I turned on the
> TV I couldn't move around the menu, also tried with a keyboard and it
> was totally locked. So I just force-rebooted.
> Booted up fine and I went to watch TV, but when I switched channels
> it locked down again, so I rebooted again. Now it doesn't boot at
> all, it just sits there and not even making a boot-beep when I turn
> on the power. No display on the VGA or the S-video out.
> If there was a serious problems it would beep on me, right? It used
> to do that anyway. Any way to reset this? I hope I haven't lost all
> my programs saved on the drive...
> /Oskar
Just a wild stab -- I had this happen once and it turned out that the 
115V/230V switch on the power supply was in the wrong position. Luckily, the 
power supply was smart enough that it simply refused to turn on, instead of 
frying everything!

This probably isn't your problem, since you'd already booted it successfully, 
and you'd probably know if you'd moved that switch. But still, have you 
checked it?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] ...brought to you by the letter "I"

2005-07-03 Thread Mickey Chandler

This is a piece of oddity that I can't seem to figure out.

I recently got lirc working on my Myth box (cvs on an FC4 box) and 
have been trying to set up the lircrc file.  Things start just fine, 
but when I press any of the arrow keys while browsing the list of 
recorded programs I get a listing of all upcoming episodes and when 
I'm watching something (including LiveTV) pressing almost any button 
results in the OSD popping up instead of the desired action.

I know that I have lircd.conf right as irw shows what it 
should.  Adding "quit" to the end of a key configuration doesn't help either.

Here's an example key binding from lircrc:

# Arrow Up
remote = MythTV
button = up
repeat = 20
prog = mythtv
config = Up

(min_repeat is 18 according to irrecord, so I figured to go with 
20).  Any one have any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

Mickey Chandler 

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] no livetv

2005-07-03 Thread Claude Gélinas agr.
I run FC3 and myth 18.1 with hauppauge 350

Live tv don't work only get a black scren for few second and back to the
frontend display.

the machine is set as Kde is showing via the TV output of the 350 
I've followed the fedora howto and the test 

dd if=/dev/video0 of=/dev/video16 bs=64k

is working nice

all modules are loaded 

also the KDE display is a little bit wider then the TV so i lose what's
written on the left of the screen. How can I solve that.

What's wrong please help
Claude Gélinas agr., dta
Phyto Ressources inc.
Varennes, Québec, Canada   Tél.: (450) 652 9764,   Fax.:(450) 652 6182
 Des questions sur les insectes et maladies des plantes ornementales ?
 Want to know more about ornamental plant pest ?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hauppauge pvr-350 or pvr-500

2005-07-03 Thread Dewey Smolka
> >I think you may
> >be a bit confused about your components. All of the
> >x50 cards (and the 500) are hardware encoding. The difference is that
> >the 350 does hardware decoding, which is completely irrelevant if your
> >sending the signal out through DVI.
> Sorry if I was unclear. Was actually aware of that. The question is whether
> I should forget both the 500 and dvi out and go for the 350 using the scart.
> The picture quality will not be as good, but it may help keep noise levels
> down.

Sorry about that. I actually noticed that in your post, but only after
I had already sent mine.

> So, to rephrase:
> How much heat can I expect playback of high quality encoded film to generate
> using software decoding?
> Also: The 350 only supports mpeg2 en/de-coding, right? So DivX, for example,
> will be software only anyway?
I can't speak for the 350 as I've never used one. I do, however, have
a number of films in DivX and Xvid that play without problem
(currently through the fx5200, and previously though a gf2). I'd give
you temperature and CPU data, but unfortunately, my wife is listening
to Mythmusic right now.

I can say that I've never had any issues with temperature, and I'm
only using the stock PSU, CPU and case fans on an old beige-box tower
with a P3 700. I've removed the floppy drive, one of the 5 1/4 bay
panels and a couple PCI covers and replaced them with screens to
increase airflow through the unit. There's three 5 1/4" bays and three
3.5" bays that I have set up like this (from top to bottom):
5.25 -1 DVD RW
5.25-2 [empty] screen
5.25-3 HDD 20 GB (OS, MythTV, live buffer)
3.5-1 HDD 200 GB
3.5-2 [empty] screen
3.5-3 HDD 250 GB

At first I had the two large drives sitting next to each other, but
that generated a lot of heat. When they're separated, they run much

I could make the case quieter if I wanted, but to be honest, it's
never been loud enough to bother me.

> >Some m>odels of the nvidia fx5200 have CRT, S-video, and DVI out with
> >passive (heatsink) cooling. I picked one up in the bargain bin at
> >Microcenter for around $50, but you should be able to find a new one
> >for $65 or less.
> Thanks, will look for that. Would you all agree that picture quality is
> better on Nvidia that on ATI with the ATI driver?? I have to say I was 
> impressed
> with how my old ATI coped with a 50Hz tv, but that is irrelevant now.

I've never used ATI, but it seems on this list that people have had
problems with some ATI cards. It also seems like nvidia cards are
cheaper, but that may jsut be because that's what I was looking for --
i.e. I pretty much always skip over ATI cards when I look for hardware
because I know the nvidia stuff works.

In all, it seems to me that the 250 + an fx5200 is a better deal than
the 350, particularly because you can easily upgrade to a CRT- or
DVI-compatible display.

The only issue I really had with TV-out (s-video to RCA conversion) on
nvidia cards is fiddling with xorg.conf to get a resolution that fills
the whole screen. The right settings are on this list, however.

One thing you'll want to look for is a utility called xvattr, which
will allow you to remove a small blue border on the left and top of
your screen when playing through nvidia's tv-out (it doesn't actually
remove the border, but changes it from blue to black, which is the
same thing as removing it in the end). The full command has been given
numerous times on this list -- just search for xvattr.

Good luck
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] no remote

2005-07-03 Thread Claude Gélinas agr.
I run FC3 and myth 18.1 with hauppauge 350

remote is working with irw but I can't get anything in mythfrontend

what did I forget

Please help.
Claude Gélinas agr., dta
Phyto Ressources inc.
Varennes, Québec, Canada   Tél.: (450) 652 9764,   Fax.:(450) 652 6182
 Des questions sur les insectes et maladies des plantes ornementales ?
 Want to know more about ornamental plant pest ?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

2005-07-03 Thread Oskar Lissheim-Boethius
On 3 jul 2005, at 18.00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I had a PC do something similar...  The power light was a gree/orange   combo LED, but never went orange other than for a brief fraction of a   second before power-down.  I changed some RAM (that I found - never a good   idea) that was a tight fit.  I rebooted and the drives and fans spun up,   but the light was orange.  'Not a good sign,' I thought.  Then the magic   smoke escaped from the fan.  The MoBo had a blackened hole in it where a   chip used to be (right next to the dodgy RAM).  It, too, didn't beep when   it normally would.  I suggest reseating your RAM and checking for scorch marks... Sounds awful. I'll check that. Hopefully it means that only a motherboard change is necessary and that the drives and data are safe...   Yours sincerely,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  O S K A R   L I S S H E I M  -  B O E T H I U S >    Composer & Designer >    Avocade Creations,   ___
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: DVB Subtitles Patch v1.0 released

2005-07-03 Thread Pekka Jääskeläinen
> Yes, I'm on TS mode. However, I'm in Illinois and can someone confirm that
> we are receiving DVB subtitles? Is there a way for me to check in mythtv?

Ah, of course. The patch does not support the ATSC subtitles used in
USA, nor the
TeleText subtitles used in Australia. Only European DVB is supported. 
I need to put this in the web pages.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Known good surround sound cards?

2005-07-03 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 2, 2005, at 7:52 PM, Patrick Vaughan wrote:

It's a Chaintech SKT600's onboard sound.  Another poster said that 
he's seen onboard audio that uses the other stereo ports to support 
surround sound.  I had thought that the "external codec" was probably 
dependant on Windows drivers.  I downloaded the manual and it says 
"With external high quality 5.1-channel AC’97 Codec", "Complete 
software driver supports for Windows® OS" and "Optional S/PDIF out 
function".  And that's ALL it says about it.

Either way, I've never liked onboard sound.  I've always noticed noise 
from the bus (clicks or static when video, com ports, or hard drives 
are being used).  Someone else suggested the TurtleBeach Riviera, and 
I think I'm going to go with one of those.

Sorry, I missed the original post, so you may have already given some
of this info.

What kind of board is it? If it doesn't have spdif output on the 

is there a header for it that you could buy a bracket for? Some
soundcards do this, put the spdif on a header and sell a connector, 
it would seem odd that they say they support "external codec" and 

really have a way to support it.


I found a descriptions of that board at

The feature list says what you posted, plus the following:

Audio Subsystem
• With external high quality 5.1-Channel AC'97 Codec
• Complete software driver supports for Windows OS
• Optional SPDIF out function

On board connector for external device
• Optional 3x2 pin SPDIF connector for additional SPDIF-out adaptor

If your board has that header, you would only need the connector, and 
you wouldn't be using the (analog portion) on board audio.

You'd just need to determine if the linux driver supports pass through 
with that audio chip, and what the adapter costs compared to a 
replacement audio card.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Unable to find channel in database....

2005-07-03 Thread Micael Beronius


With the seamingly great support for DVB in mythtv, I decided to give it a try 
this week-end. On a Gentoo system I have got it all working (great ebuild!), 
apart from the fact that I cannot get any picture. If I select to view TV, I 
only get 10 seconds of black screen, and then back to the menu.
I also do not have any working xml-tv program list.

I have succeded in searching all free channels (the other I will deal with 
later) from mythtv-setup on my DVB-T card.
I have also selected the appropriate xml-tv script, and downloaded some 
channels. I have then used "mythfilldatabase --manual".

It seams that I have made some mistakes in this area (channel list in 
database?), since mythbackend says;
(Adapter #0 is the one I'm concentrating on righ now, DVB-T) (this after 
programming a manual recording);

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ # mythbackend -v channel
2005-07-03 16:56:57.191 New DB connection, total: 1
Starting up as the master server.
2005-07-03 16:56:57.351 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-07-03 16:56:57.386 DVB#1 DVB SI Table Parser Started
2005-07-03 16:56:57.404 DVB#1 ERROR - Opening DVB frontend device failed.
  (2) No such file or directory
2005-07-03 16:56:57.418 DVB#0 DVB SI Table Parser Started
2005-07-03 16:56:59.384 DVB#0 Using DVB card 0, with frontend Philips 
TDA10045H DVB-T.
2005-07-03 16:56:59.384 DVB#0 Trying to tune to channel 3.
2005-07-03 16:56:59.385 DVB#0 ERROR - Unable to find channel in database.
2005-07-03 16:56:59.385 DVB#0 ERROR - Failed to get channel options for 
channel 3.
2005-07-03 16:56:59.388 New DB scheduler connection
2005-07-03 16:56:59.399 mythbackend version:
2005-07-03 16:56:59.399 Enabled verbose msgs : important general channel
2005-07-03 16:56:59.401 New DB connection, total: 3
2005-07-03 16:56:59.402 New DB connection, total: 4
2005-07-03 16:57:01.403 Reschedule requested for id -1.
2005-07-03 16:57:01.539 Scheduled 0 items in 0.1 = 0.08 match + 0.05 place
2005-07-03 16:57:01.541 Seem to be woken up by USER

If I instead push "watch TV" from the gui, with mythfrontend -v all, I get;

2005-07-03 17:16:35.116 write->11 29  GET_NEXT_FREE_RECORDER[]:[]-1:
2005-07-03 17:16:35.128 write->14 21  MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 15:
2005-07-03 17:16:35.135 Using protocol version 15
2005-07-03 17:16:35.135 write->14 21  ANN Playback helium 0:
2005-07-03 17:16:35.142 write->14 44  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:
2005-07-03 17:16:35.156 write->15 21  ANN Playback helium 0:
2005-07-03 17:16:35.163 write->16 23  ANN RingBuffer helium 1:
2005-07-03 17:16:35.172 write->14 33  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:[]SPAWN_LIVETV:
2005-07-03 17:16:35.275 write->14 37  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:
2005-07-03 17:16:35.282 Output filters for this channel are: ''
2005-07-03 17:16:35.284 write->15 53  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:
2005-07-03 17:16:35.484 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=0, rept=-1, error=0
2005-07-03 17:16:35.484 RemoteFile::Read() failed in RingBuffer::safe_read().
2005-07-03 17:16:35.484 write->15 63  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:[]SEEK_RINGBUF[]:
2005-07-03 17:16:35.493 write->15 53  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:

 [5 of above block deleted to keep this short... and then;]
Couldn't read file: rbuf://
2005-07-03 17:16:36.538 write->14 33  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:[]IS_RECORDING:
2005-07-03 17:16:36.545 LiveTV not successfully started
2005-07-03 17:16:36.549 write->15 33  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:[]DONE_RINGBUF:
2005-07-03 17:16:36.556 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-07-03 17:16:36.559 Changing from None to None
2005-07-03 17:16:36.560 write->11 27  GET_RECORDER_FROM_NUM[]:[]1:
2005-07-03 17:16:36.568 write->14 21  MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 15:
2005-07-03 17:16:36.575 Using protocol version 15
2005-07-03 17:16:36.575 write->14 21  ANN Playback helium 0:
2005-07-03 17:16:36.582 write->14 33  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:[]IS_RECORDING:
2005-07-03 17:16:36.693 write->11 27  GET_RECORDER_FROM_NUM[]:[]1:
2005-07-03 17:16:36.701 write->14 21  MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 15:

And it contiunes like this for a while, then I get a Segmentation fault

Meanwhile, in the mythbackend (started with -v channel) I get;

2005-07-03 17:16:35.140 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2005-07-03 17:16:35.140 adding: helium as a client (events: 0)
2005-07-03 17:16:35.162 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2005-07-03 17:16:35.162 adding: helium as a client (events: 0)
2005-07-03 17:16:35.169 adding: helium as a remote ringbuffer
2005-07-03 17:16:35.179 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-07-03 17:16:35.221 DVB#1 ERROR - Opening DVB frontend device failed.
  (2) No such file or directory
2005-07-03 17:16:35.221 Tuning Error -- aborting recording
2005-07-03 17:16:35.221 TVRec: Recording Prematurely Stopped
2005-07-03 17:16:36.580 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2005-07-03 17:16:36.580 adding: helium as a client (events: 0)
2005-07-03 17:16:36.713 MainServer::Handl

[mythtv-users] Re: DVB Subtitles Patch v1.0 released

2005-07-03 Thread Neil
Pekka Jääskeläinen writes: 

Any ideas? 

Are you absolutely sure you have DVB subtitles available (vs., for
example, TeleText subtitles). Do you use TS mode? If not, try changing
to it, as I haven't tested PS mode for a while.

Hi Pekka, 

Yes, I'm on TS mode. However, I'm in Illinois and can someone confirm that 
we are receiving DVB subtitles? Is there a way for me to check in mythtv? 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] sounds output livetv is gone

2005-07-03 Thread Ant Daniel
On 7/3/05, Korey Fort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Run xmms! I know it makes no sense but if you run xmms it might just give
> you a pop up telling you that your device is in use. I haven't had your
> problem with livetv but I have had a similar problem with audio coming from
> desktop sounds.
> "Let ye without segmentation fault cast the first int!"
> Korey Fort
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Reith
> Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 6:42 AM
> To: Discussion about mythtv
> Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] sounds output livetv is gone
> >Phil, thanks for the tip.  i'll do this when it is fixed.
> >I've tried the alsamixer, but no luck.
> >Like i said, i haven't change a thing. No upgrade or reset.
> >
> >I recorded a show and then i happened.
> >
> >i'm all out of my options
> and I assume you've rechecked the speaker wires and power (if you use
> powered speakers) and made sure something hasn't jiggled loose or
> gotten unplugged. Sometimes the simplest things...
> >
> >
> >gr
> >
> >Patrick
> >
> >>  I'd try going into your favourite mixer program (such as alsamixer)
> >>  and checking that the sound settings are correct. Perhaps something
> >>  changed them. I find that they often get changed after upgrades and
> >>  reset themselves to something which doesn't record sound on the
> >>  recordings or liveTV at which point I have to put them back to what
> >>  they were before. I have taken a screenshot of the correct recording
> >>  settings so I know what to set them back to.
> >>
> >>  Regards,
> >>  Phill
> >>  ___
> >>  mythtv-users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >--
> >gr.
> >
> >patrick
> >
> >--
> >gr.
> >
> >patrick
> >
> >___
> >mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
Reading the original post, it's very possible that it's nothing to do
with the soundcard.

The reason for this belief is that he states that there's no sound
coming out of the PVR if wired up directly.

Run this command (with your output wired up to the sound card):
/usr/bin/aplay /usr/share/sounds/KDE_Startup.wav

If you get sound then it's the PVR.

First of make sure you haven't muted it, ivtvctl -Y and the setting
for mute should be 0,
if it's 1 try ivtvctl -y mute=0.

Otherwise post the IVTV stuff from /var/log/messages (pref to the ivtv
mailing list) there might be information that helps.

I had a similar problem because msp3400.ko & tuner.ko hadn't been loaded.

What does ivtvctl -Y say under Volume? When I had this problem it was
0, and and trying to set (ivtvctl -y volume=5) had no effect.

Hope this helps,
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

2005-07-03 Thread Korey Fort
Damn! It burned a hole in the mobo! Lol, How long did it live after that?

"Let ye without segmentation fault cast the first int!"

Korey Fort
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of flim
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 9:39 AM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

I had a PC do something similar...  The power light was a gree/orange  
combo LED, but never went orange other than for a brief fraction of a  
second before power-down.  I changed some RAM (that I found - never a good  
idea) that was a tight fit.  I rebooted and the drives and fans spun up,  
but the light was orange.  'Not a good sign,' I thought.  Then the magic  
smoke escaped from the fan.  The MoBo had a blackened hole in it where a  
chip used to be (right next to the dodgy RAM).  It, too, didn't beep when  
it normally would.

I suggest reseating your RAM and checking for scorch marks...


On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 14:59:38 +0100, Korey Fort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How old is your motherboard. You're motherboard may be dead if you don't  
> get
> any post codes, but it really sounds like a hardware failure somewhere
> between the power supply and the motherboard. I had this problem with a  
> box
> before and it turned out that the motherboard was dead.
> "Let ye without segmentation fault cast the first int!"
> Korey Fort
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Oskar
> Lissheim-Boethius
> Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 6:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...
> Have had my knoppmyth-box running non-stop for 5 days now, working
> flawlessly, recording every show I want. Today when I turned on the
> TV I couldn't move around the menu, also tried with a keyboard and it
> was totally locked. So I just force-rebooted.
> Booted up fine and I went to watch TV, but when I switched channels
> it locked down again, so I rebooted again. Now it doesn't boot at
> all, it just sits there and not even making a boot-beep when I turn
> on the power. No display on the VGA or the S-video out.
> If there was a serious problems it would beep on me, right? It used
> to do that anyway. Any way to reset this? I hope I haven't lost all
> my programs saved on the drive...
> /Oskar

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD3000, DVB and Sound Stuttering

2005-07-03 Thread Mudit Wahal
Which video card are you using ?

I've sempron 3000+, ge force 2 mmx 440 (quite older card). But I dont
have any stuttering/jerkiness when I watch 1080i/720p. I'm running
0.18 and nvidia 7174 driver. When I installed using knoppix myth, I
think I had older nvidia driver (6629 ?). At that I did have
stutter/jerk. Once I upgraded to 7174, it went away !


On 7/3/05, Michael Haan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have this issue where, when trying to watch HD Cable on my HD3000
> using DVB, the sound will stutter, causing playback to be jerky.  It
> happens almost universally when I first switch to the HD3000 (I also
> have a pvr-350) and I usually manage that by switching off and then
> back on to the card ("Y").  That will usually be all i need to do, but
> lately on Discovery that has only lasted several minutes - at which
> point the stuttering happens again and I need to switch off/on again
> to fix it.  FWIW, I'm running .018 on 2.6.12 with an amd64 3800+ and
> no XvMC.  CPU runs about 90% with HD, and this doesn't happen with SD.
>  Any ideas?
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] OS X connect to database problem

2005-07-03 Thread Piers Kittel

Hi all,

Due to other reasons, I have had to upgrade my backend to the SVN 
version, and thus I need to compile the MacOSX frontend with the source 
from SVN/CVS.

I followed the instructions from:

and followed the instructions on how to set up OSX to be able to compile 
MythTV.  Anyway, then I duly downloaded mythtv using SVN and then 
compiled it by:

cd src
svn co
cd mythtv

it worked fine, and installed it fine using:

sudo make install

and the frontend shows the correct version:

piers-kittels-mac-mini:~/src pierskittel$ 
/usr/local/bin/ --version

Options compiled in:
 release using_frontend
piers-kittels-mac-mini:~/src pierskittel$

It runs fine when I use:


but shows the config screen, everything is set up correctly, I press 
"next" twice, and the frontend exits with the messages:

2005-07-03 15:25:37.757 Unable to connect to database!
2005-07-03 15:25:37.757 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-07-03 15:25:37.757 Failed to init MythContext, exiting.

Looking back upwards, the reason for this is:

piers-kittels-mac-mini:~ pierskittel$ 

QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
2005-07-03 15:25:22.854 New DB connection, total: 1
2005-07-03 15:25:22.856 Unable to connect to database!
2005-07-03 15:25:22.857 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-07-03 15:25:22.883 Unable to connect to database!
2005-07-03 15:25:22.883 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-07-03 15:25:22.883 Database not open while trying to load setting: 

2005-07-03 15:25:22.883 Unable to connect to database!

So the QMYSQL3 driver isn't loaded... but how do I do this?

Trying a precompiled 0.18.1 binary, works perfectly fine but will not 
connect to my backend only because of a version mismatch.  What am I 
doing wrong here?

Any help here would be extremely grateful.

Thanks very much for your help in advance

Cheers - Piers
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

2005-07-03 Thread flim
I had a PC do something similar...  The power light was a gree/orange  
combo LED, but never went orange other than for a brief fraction of a  
second before power-down.  I changed some RAM (that I found - never a good  
idea) that was a tight fit.  I rebooted and the drives and fans spun up,  
but the light was orange.  'Not a good sign,' I thought.  Then the magic  
smoke escaped from the fan.  The MoBo had a blackened hole in it where a  
chip used to be (right next to the dodgy RAM).  It, too, didn't beep when  
it normally would.

I suggest reseating your RAM and checking for scorch marks...


On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 14:59:38 +0100, Korey Fort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How old is your motherboard. You're motherboard may be dead if you don't  

any post codes, but it really sounds like a hardware failure somewhere
between the power supply and the motherboard. I had this problem with a  

before and it turned out that the motherboard was dead.

"Let ye without segmentation fault cast the first int!"

Korey Fort
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Oskar
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 6:15 AM
Subject: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

Have had my knoppmyth-box running non-stop for 5 days now, working
flawlessly, recording every show I want. Today when I turned on the
TV I couldn't move around the menu, also tried with a keyboard and it
was totally locked. So I just force-rebooted.

Booted up fine and I went to watch TV, but when I switched channels
it locked down again, so I rebooted again. Now it doesn't boot at
all, it just sits there and not even making a boot-beep when I turn
on the power. No display on the VGA or the S-video out.

If there was a serious problems it would beep on me, right? It used
to do that anyway. Any way to reset this? I hope I haven't lost all
my programs saved on the drive...


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] sounds output livetv is gone

2005-07-03 Thread Korey Fort
Run xmms! I know it makes no sense but if you run xmms it might just give
you a pop up telling you that your device is in use. I haven't had your
problem with livetv but I have had a similar problem with audio coming from
desktop sounds.

"Let ye without segmentation fault cast the first int!"

Korey Fort

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Reith
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 6:42 AM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] sounds output livetv is gone

>Phil, thanks for the tip.  i'll do this when it is fixed.
>I've tried the alsamixer, but no luck.
>Like i said, i haven't change a thing. No upgrade or reset.
>I recorded a show and then i happened.
>i'm all out of my options

and I assume you've rechecked the speaker wires and power (if you use
powered speakers) and made sure something hasn't jiggled loose or
gotten unplugged. Sometimes the simplest things...

>>  I'd try going into your favourite mixer program (such as alsamixer)
>>  and checking that the sound settings are correct. Perhaps something
>>  changed them. I find that they often get changed after upgrades and
>>  reset themselves to something which doesn't record sound on the
>>  recordings or liveTV at which point I have to put them back to what
>>  they were before. I have taken a screenshot of the correct recording
>>  settings so I know what to set them back to.
>>  Regards,
>>  Phill
>>  ___
>>  mythtv-users mailing list
>mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] TVlive freezes after 2 seconds

2005-07-03 Thread Frédéric Feyel
Oh, thank you very much for this advice ! It could be the problem, 
because before my last reboot (ie everything done by hand, and

of course ivtv loaded before mythbackend) everything worked well...

I will put everything in the right order, on /etc/rc.local (which is a 
very convenient place to do this).

I will tell you tonight if it has worked or not.




I was having the same issue and what I found out was that it was 
becasue the mythbackend was starting before the ivtv drivers were 
loaded. What
I have done at the moment is to disable mythbackend from starting on 
boot up.
Then I make sure the ivtv drivers are loaded and after they are loaded 
I start
up mythbackend manually. I know that you could probably edit some 
files to make
sure the drivers are loaded before the backend starts but I haven't 
had a chance
to find out what they are and how to do it. Maybe someone else can 
help you out

with the automation part of it. Hope thats the problem. Cheers,


Finally I got my config to work (pvr 250).

Everything went well, until I reboot the computer to see if the 

was good.

Now the LiveTV works for 2 seconds only, and then freezes. After some 

seconds, the liveTV module ends up, and it goes back to the main menu.

mythfrontend says :

2005-07-03 00:00:48.238 prebuffering pause
2005-07-03 00:01:07.088 ReadStringList timeout (quick).
Remote encoder not responding.
2005-07-03 00:01:07.089 WriteStringList: Bad socket
ASSERT: "i <= nodes" in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include/qvaluelist.h (373)
2005-07-03 00:01:07.092 WriteStringList: Bad socket
2005-07-03 00:01:07.093 ReadStringList: Bad socket

while mythbackend says :

2005-07-03 00:03:06.782 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-07-03 00:03:10.442 joined null string in WriteStringList
2005-07-03 00:03:30.582 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None

Any idea ?
mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Nice new XPC from Shuttle!

2005-07-03 Thread Shaul Kedem
Looks nice.. but not enough info...

On 7/3/05, Andrew J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

2005-07-03 Thread Korey Fort
How old is your motherboard. You're motherboard may be dead if you don't get
any post codes, but it really sounds like a hardware failure somewhere
between the power supply and the motherboard. I had this problem with a box
before and it turned out that the motherboard was dead.

"Let ye without segmentation fault cast the first int!"

Korey Fort
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Oskar
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 6:15 AM
Subject: [mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

Have had my knoppmyth-box running non-stop for 5 days now, working  
flawlessly, recording every show I want. Today when I turned on the  
TV I couldn't move around the menu, also tried with a keyboard and it  
was totally locked. So I just force-rebooted.

Booted up fine and I went to watch TV, but when I switched channels  
it locked down again, so I rebooted again. Now it doesn't boot at  
all, it just sits there and not even making a boot-beep when I turn  
on the power. No display on the VGA or the S-video out.

If there was a serious problems it would beep on me, right? It used  
to do that anyway. Any way to reset this? I hope I haven't lost all  
my programs saved on the drive...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nuvexport to divx produces corrupt frames

2005-07-03 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 11:10:13PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> I'm trying to nuvexport a DVB (MPEG2 PS) recording to Xvid.
> This all appears to work fine, but when I play back the video every
> frame is badly corrupted.

Hmm. I upgraded to the latest nuvexport and now it works ok,
though I must use --transcode, else ffmpeg bombs out straight away
(with no explanation).

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] HD3000, DVB and Sound Stuttering

2005-07-03 Thread Michael Haan
I have this issue where, when trying to watch HD Cable on my HD3000
using DVB, the sound will stutter, causing playback to be jerky.  It
happens almost universally when I first switch to the HD3000 (I also
have a pvr-350) and I usually manage that by switching off and then
back on to the card ("Y").  That will usually be all i need to do, but
lately on Discovery that has only lasted several minutes - at which
point the stuttering happens again and I need to switch off/on again
to fix it.  FWIW, I'm running .018 on 2.6.12 with an amd64 3800+ and
no XvMC.  CPU runs about 90% with HD, and this doesn't happen with SD.
 Any ideas?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Problem using ffmpeg to transcode a DVB-T recording

2005-07-03 Thread Mike Ryan

I use ffmpeg to transcode my dvb-t recordings to watch on a PSP and I'm in the
UK. Everything works fine apart from anything I record from Channel 4. For some
reason, there is no sound when I play it back on the PSP. I believe the problem
is that ffmpeg seems to think there's two sound channels - it's selecting the
primary one. Playback on MythTV is no problem. Here's a sample of the output

ffmpeg version 0.4.9-pre1, build 4756, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
  configuration:  --enable-faac
  built on Jun 17 2005 16:02:27, gcc: 3.4.3 20050227 (Red Hat 3.4.3-22.fc3)
Input #0, mpeg, from
  Duration: 00:59:55.1, start: 1697.474022, bitrate: 2893 kb/s
  Stream #0.0[0x1e0]: Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 704x576, 25.00 fps, 1 kb/s
  Stream #0.1[0x1c1]: Audio: mp2, 48000 Hz, mono, 64 kb/s
  Stream #0.2[0x1c0]: Audio: mp2, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s
Output #0, psp, to '/mythtv/video/M4V10003.MP4':
  Stream #0.0: Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 320x240, 29.97 fps, q=2-31, 512 kb/s
  Stream #0.1: Audio: aac, 24000 Hz, stereo, 32 kb/s
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0.0 -> #0.0
  Stream #0.1 -> #0.1

For any other channel, the larger bitrate audio channel comes first, ie:
Input #0, mpeg, from
  Duration: 00:42:54.5, start: 16393.593167, bitrate: 3053 kb/s
  Stream #0.0[0x1e0]: Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 720x576, 25.00 fps, 15000 kb/s
  Stream #0.1[0x1c0]: Audio: mp2, 48000 Hz, stereo, 256 kb/s
  Stream #0.2[0x1c1]: Audio: mp2, 48000 Hz, mono, 56 kb/s

Any got any ideas how I either
1: Tell ffmpeg to select the second audio input channel
2: Get myth to record with the larger audio channel first (if this makes sense)

Thanks in advance for any help


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Recording the wrong program on the wrong encoder?

2005-07-03 Thread Piers Kittel


OK.  This sounds like a problem with your external channel change 
(script/transmitter or serial link/STB).  If Myth said it's going to 
record on channel 4, but recorded 3, it wasn't Myth's doing.

No it isn't.  It works perfectly fine when I use it for Live TV, and it 
works perfectly fine for all other channels.  It only breaks when I want 
to record something from Channel 1004 (i.e. Channel 4 as in the name of 
the broadcaster) on encoder 2, but it records Channel 3 (i.e. ITV) on 
encoder 1.

OK.  Then this means that--regardless of recording type--when Myth 
identifies that two channels are the same, it will *always* use the 
preferred encoder.  The more I think about it, the more that seems the 
sensible way to program it.

That's fine, but it *only* happens for Channel 1004.  If I want to 
record something from Channel 1001, it shows that it will record from 
Channel 1001, and does so.  If I want to record from Channel 1024, it 
shows that it will record from Channel 1024 and does so.  It *only* 
happens on Channel 1004, it will show that it will record from Channel 
4, but records from Channel 3.

The only time encoder 2 will be used is when encoder 1 is already in 
use.  By default, encoder 1 is used (basically, encoders are chosen by 
priority, but in the event of a tie, the lowest-numbered encoder is used).

I have set Encoder 2 as higher priority.


Cheers - Piers
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] nuvexport to divx produces corrupt frames

2005-07-03 Thread Hamish Moffatt

I'm trying to nuvexport a DVB (MPEG2 PS) recording to Xvid.
This all appears to work fine, but when I play back the video every
frame is badly corrupted.

I grabbed such a frame and put in online here:

I'm running Debian unstable + mplayer debs from

It doesn't matter what tool I use to play back (on Windows).

I disabled noise reduction and overscan cropping, and enabled
deinterlacing, and used the default bit rates and dimensions.
(Which may in itself be a problem, because it's a 720x576 16:9 source

Any suggestions?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Installation problems (DVB)

2005-07-03 Thread Rob Hillis

Christopher Yeoh wrote:

  I am able to add channels manually, or scan automatically where all
the channels I want are found. However, from the above instructions,
it appears that it should be possible to add DVB Pids and IDs, but
this menu doesn't appear on my version of mythtv-setup when adding a
channel. I also can't find the "Channel Options - DVB" menu either.

When you want to scan for channels, there is no need to manually add
any channels at all - when you're in the channel setup menu, you will
have an option there to "Scan for Channels".  You will need to know the
frequency details for at least one of the transport streams - more if
your networks don't provide frequency details of the other channels or
(as in my case) provide the wrong transport stream details.  (I
don't know about other countries, but at least in Australia, the
networks that repeat their stations on UHF in fringe areas don't seem
to bother updating their streams to reflect the different transport
streams so I end up with details of streams I can barely tune to)

  It also doesn't seem to be adding any entries to the dvb_channel or
dvb_pids mysql tables. I tried adding a row like this to the
dvb_channel table:

Not highly recommended.  Try scanning for channels as above.

  However, I still get these errors when I start mythbackend


  2005-07-03 17:34:39.720 DVB#0 DVB signal 7a7f | snr  | ber0 | unc0
2005-07-03 17:34:39.720 DVB#0 Status: LOCK.
2005-07-03 17:34:39.720 DVB#0 Multiplex Locked
2005-07-03 17:34:45.737 DVB#0 Timeout Getting PMT
2005-07-03 17:34:45.737 DVB#0 ERROR - Tuning for channel #2 failed.

This would indicate to me that one or more of the transport stream
details you have is either incomplete or incorrect.  Please check the
number before dialling again.  (err... hang on)  Again, transport
streams should be automatically detected when you first scan for

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mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Nice new XPC from Shuttle!

2005-07-03 Thread Andrew J
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: DVB Subtitles patch not working?

2005-07-03 Thread John Pullan
AFAIK Aus uses teletext subtitles not DVB ones ( different standard)

On 02/07/05, Pekka Jääskeläinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  It applied to svn revision 6759 with only a little fuzz.
> What do you mean with fuzz? There should not be any problems as the
> patch (the latest one, which I just uploaded) is made against the
> latest revision.
> > It seems that it is recording a Teletext stream.  Is this the right
> > stream, or are things different here in Aus?  I also note that it
> > skips two streams.  Are those needed?
> I don't know whether they broadcast DVB subtitles there. At least the
> guy who did the Xine subtitle support needed some sample subtitle
> streams from me because he couldn't get access to them in Aus.
> Are you using TS or PS? My code does not touch the back end side at
> all. In case you use TS, it should record all the subtitle streams
> AFAIK, and my code
> should only pick the subtitle ones.
> If you could be able to provide a sample of stream that does not work,
> I could check it out.
> --
> --PJ
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] New Country

2005-07-03 Thread Anil Gupte
Looking for expertise in MythTV and XMLTV setup for a new country.  We are 
setting up MythTV in India and having a heck of a time.  Initially, we are 
setting it up using Knoppix, although we will recompile from scratch eventually. 
We just want to get it up and running first.  If someone (some team) has set up 
a new country, including writing a grabber, discovering frequencies and all 
that, we sure could use your help and/or advice.  We have lots of Linux and C 
expertise and we can probably find Perl skills (for XMLTV).  If you know of 
someone and they are not on this list or not on this list anymore, please 
forward this request to them.

We will really, really appreciate it.

Anil Gupte

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] sounds output livetv is gone

2005-07-03 Thread Jim Reith

Phil, thanks for the tip.  i'll do this when it is fixed.
I've tried the alsamixer, but no luck.
Like i said, i haven't change a thing. No upgrade or reset.

I recorded a show and then i happened.

i'm all out of my options

and I assume you've rechecked the speaker wires and power (if you use
powered speakers) and made sure something hasn't jiggled loose or
gotten unplugged. Sometimes the simplest things...



 I'd try going into your favourite mixer program (such as alsamixer)
 and checking that the sound settings are correct. Perhaps something
 changed them. I find that they often get changed after upgrades and
 reset themselves to something which doesn't record sound on the
 recordings or liveTV at which point I have to put them back to what
 they were before. I have taken a screenshot of the correct recording
 settings so I know what to set them back to.

 mythtv-users mailing list





mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] mythbox won't even beep on boot...

2005-07-03 Thread Oskar Lissheim-Boethius
Have had my knoppmyth-box running non-stop for 5 days now, working  
flawlessly, recording every show I want. Today when I turned on the  
TV I couldn't move around the menu, also tried with a keyboard and it  
was totally locked. So I just force-rebooted.

Booted up fine and I went to watch TV, but when I switched channels  
it locked down again, so I rebooted again. Now it doesn't boot at  
all, it just sits there and not even making a boot-beep when I turn  
on the power. No display on the VGA or the S-video out.

If there was a serious problems it would beep on me, right? It used  
to do that anyway. Any way to reset this? I hope I haven't lost all  
my programs saved on the drive...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Cutpoints delayed & bad commercial flagging

2005-07-03 Thread Matthew Phillips

On 03/07/2005, at 12:21 PM, Matthew Carle wrote:

I usually put cutpoints into a movie before I watch it so I can  
just let it

run (I don't transcode). The problem is that it always plays about 10
seconds after the "delete after this point" cutpoints. The "delete  
this point" cutpoints don't appear to have the problem (certainly  
not to the

same degree - I havn't noticed it).

I have also tried a transcode which also results in the delay.

Is this a software limitation or is something not working right?

I also have another issue which may be related. Commercial flagging  
always detects commercials as starting and ending too early  
(averaging 20-30
seconds). I don't think I've ever seen a commercial break flagged  

Is this normal? I am using the "all" method of flagging.

I have similar problems with 0.17 (I'm in Adelaide using DVB-T). End  
cutpoints end late and commercial flagging is quite spotty (using the  
"all" method of detection). The late end cut-points aren't a bug  
problem and, since commercial breaks tend to be 3 mins, I've just got  
into the habit of turning flagging off and hitting "3" "forward" to  
skip 3 mins when the commercials start.

I assume that commercial flagging is optimized for US TV and  
something in the commercial layouts on Australian free to air  
channels throws it. It seems to be especially easily fooled by the  
station's own commercials for upcoming shows that come at the end of  
ad breaks. I realise commercial flagging is a bit of a black art, so  
I'm not too surprised it doesn't work in places it probably isn't  
tuned for. I'm just happy that it works so well otherwise ;)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythStream/mplayer question

2005-07-03 Thread Phill Edwards
> a) Read DOCS/HTML/en/codecs.html
> b) Read the RealAudio section of the DOCS
> then,
> c) install the codec, or
> d) update the codecs.conf in your ~mythtv/.mplayer directory to it's in
> sync with the one distributed with your version of MPlayer (i.e. cp
> /etc/mplayer/codecs.conf ~mythtv/.mplayer ).  If you update MPlayer and
> do not update the user-specific configuration information, you don't get
> the benefits of the newly supported codecs (among many other things).

You legend! I would never have figured this out. I got it working
after many hours of aborted attempts thanks to you. For future
reference, here's what I did:

1) Created a directory called win32 as root in /usr/lib/

2) Downloaded all-20050412.tar.bz2 and win32codecs-20040703.tar.bz2
from and untarred
them into /usr/lib/win32/. This put the files in sub-dirs under
/usr/lib/win32/ so I moved them out of those sub-dirs so that all the
files are now sitting directly in /usr/lib/win32/. (Note that the
codecs.html page said to install into /usr/local/lib/codecs/. This
didn't work for me and as my error messages were about failing to find
files in /usr/lib/win32/ I decided to put the files in there. I
figured this is a distro specific location).

3) Now I can play BBC Radio 4 and the WAF is off the scale!

BTW - I didn't have a /etc/mplayer/codecs.conf file so I didn't
explore that option.

Thanks again,
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mythweb on mobile (p910i) status?

2005-07-03 Thread Neale Swinnerton

What's the current status of mythweb on mobiles?

I've been playing around with mythweb (r6764) from my mobile (A Sony
Ericsson P910i). I can browse listings and see recorded programs, but I
can't see scheduled programs (I get the mythtv icon, and the header
links, but no content).

Also, if I click on a program in listings, it takes me to the detail
page for that program, but it always shows the time as 1:00am to 1:00am
(0 minutes), and if I try to set the program to record it doesn't work.

Can't see any errors in the logs, anybody have any success with mythweb
on a p910i?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] drive layout (partitions and filsystem types)

2005-07-03 Thread Nick Rout
Please don't hijack threads! In other words don't reply to a message and
change the subject when you want to start a new discussion.

It stuffs threading on most clients.


On Sun, 2005-07-03 at 07:36 +, Marius Schrecker wrote:
> Hi,
> See from a knoppmyth/pvr-500 howto that I should have partitions for /cache
> and /myth:
>   select "New, Primary" with the size of your / partition
>  arrow down to free space
>  select "New, Logical" enter 500
>  arrow over to type and select swap from the list
>  arrow down to free space again
>  select "New, Logical" enter 10gb for /cache
>  arrow down to free space once more
>  select "New, Logical" and use the rest of the space for /myth
> WAs a little surprised that the howto recommends using ext2:
> mke2fs -O sparse_super -m0 -i800 -L cache -M /cache /dev/hdaX
>  mke2fs -j -O sparse_super -m0 -i800 -L myth -M /myth /dev/hdaX
> Is this really the most efficient filesystem type for the purpose?
> Cheers
> Marius
> Registered Linux user
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Stuttering/A'V out of synch, but only after fast forward.

2005-07-03 Thread Andrew Wilson
Yep, I got that too. Does it sound like audio fragments are being
mis-ordered? In speech you can sometimes hear the start of a word
before the end, or some parts of a word being repeated.

Does it go away when you pause/unpause?

My best guess is that there is a bug somewhere in the mpeg audio code
that screws up the ordering of audio fragments after a seek.

Unfortunately I don't have the time or knowledge to look into it.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] sounds output livetv is gone

2005-07-03 Thread Patrick de Brabander [mythtv]
Phil, thanks for the tip.  i'll do this when it is fixed.
I've tried the alsamixer, but no luck.
Like i said, i haven't change a thing. No upgrade or reset.

I recorded a show and then i happened.

i'm all out of my options



> I'd try going into your favourite mixer program (such as alsamixer)
> and checking that the sound settings are correct. Perhaps something
> changed them. I find that they often get changed after upgrades and
> reset themselves to something which doesn't record sound on the
> recordings or liveTV at which point I have to put them back to what
> they were before. I have taken a screenshot of the correct recording
> settings so I know what to set them back to.
> Regards,
> Phill
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list





mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] sounds output livetv is gone

2005-07-03 Thread Phill Edwards
> My mythtv system with a PVR350 was working just fine. until last night.
> I've lost my sound from livetv. I think it happend during a recording.
> Watching and recording did just fine, but now livetv give no sound at all.
> The recording and livetv has no sound. Music and video works good.
> I'd linked the PVR350 sound out to the soundcard line-in and redirected to
> my tv. i've also tried the sound output directly, but also no sound.
> where is my livetv sound ?? i've no settings changed.

I'd try going into your favourite mixer program (such as alsamixer)
and checking that the sound settings are correct. Perhaps something
changed them. I find that they often get changed after upgrades and
reset themselves to something which doesn't record sound on the
recordings or liveTV at which point I have to put them back to what
they were before. I have taken a screenshot of the correct recording
settings so I know what to set them back to.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] drive layout (partitions and filsystem types)

2005-07-03 Thread Phill Edwards
> See from a knoppmyth/pvr-500 howto that I should have partitions for /cache
> and /myth:
>  select "New, Primary" with the size of your / partition
> arrow down to free space
> select "New, Logical" enter 500
> arrow over to type and select swap from the list
> arrow down to free space again
> select "New, Logical" enter 10gb for /cache
> arrow down to free space once more
> select "New, Logical" and use the rest of the space for /myth
> WAs a little surprised that the howto recommends using ext2:
>mke2fs -O sparse_super -m0 -i800 -L cache -M /cache /dev/hdaX
> mke2fs -j -O sparse_super -m0 -i800 -L myth -M /myth /dev/hdaX
> Is this really the most efficient filesystem type for the purpose?

A quick glance at the man page shows that mle2fs -j means create a
ext3 journalling file system. Don't nkow why /cache would be ext2,

Also, note that xfs is usually recommended for the recordings
partitions as it is able to delete large files quickly.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Installation problems (DVB)

2005-07-03 Thread Christopher Yeoh

I've been having problems getting mythtv to work with a Fusion HDTV
DVB-T card. I have the kernel driver side working and can use
tzap, dvbstream and mplayer manually to view TV through the card.
I'm using mythtv 0.18 with DVB enabled.

I have been having difficulty getting the channels configured.
I've followed the instructions here:

I am able to add channels manually, or scan automatically where all
the channels I want are found. However, from the above instructions,
it appears that it should be possible to add DVB Pids and IDs, but
this menu doesn't appear on my version of mythtv-setup when adding a
channel. I also can't find the "Channel Options - DVB" menu either.

It also doesn't seem to be adding any entries to the dvb_channel or
dvb_pids mysql tables. I tried adding a row like this to the
dvb_channel table:

REPLACE INTO dvb_channel (chanid, serviceid, networkid, providerid, 
transportid, frequency, inversion, symbolrate, fec, polarity, satid, 
modulation, bandwidth, lp_code_rate, transmission_mode, guard_interval, 
hierarchy, pmtcache) VALUES (1000, 529, NULL, NULL, 1,  205625000, 'a', NULL, 
'3/4', 'h', 0, 'qam_64', '7', '3/4', '8', '1/16', 'n', NULL);

(this is for ABC Canberra, Australia). the chanid correlates to the line
in the channels table.

I also added a couple of entries like this:

REPLACE INTO dvb_pids (chanid, pid, type, lang) VALUES (1000, 512, 'v', '');
REPLACE INTO dvb_pids (chanid, pid, type, lang) VALUES (1000, 650, 'a', '');

However, I still get these errors when I start mythbackend

2005-07-03 17:34:38.672 New DB connection, total: 1
Starting up as the master server.
2005-07-03 17:34:38.679 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-07-03 17:34:38.682 DVB#0 DVB SI Table Parser Started
2005-07-03 17:34:38.697 DVB#0 Using DVB card 0, with frontend DVICO FusionHDTV 
2005-07-03 17:34:38.698 New DB connection, total: 3
2005-07-03 17:34:39.720 DVB#0 DVB signal 7a7f | snr  | ber0 | unc0
2005-07-03 17:34:39.720 DVB#0 Status: LOCK.
2005-07-03 17:34:39.720 DVB#0 Multiplex Locked
2005-07-03 17:34:45.737 DVB#0 Timeout Getting PMT
2005-07-03 17:34:45.737 DVB#0 ERROR - Tuning for channel #2 failed.
2005-07-03 17:34:45.740 New DB scheduler connection
2005-07-03 17:34:45.743 mythbackend version: 0.18.20050409-1
2005-07-03 17:34:45.743 Enabled verbose msgs : important general
2005-07-03 17:34:47.744 Reschedule requested for id -1.
2005-07-03 17:34:47.750 Scheduled 0 items in 0.0 = 0.00 match + 0.00 place
2005-07-03 17:34:47.751 Seem to be woken up by USER

without adding the entry to dvb_channel row I don't even get the
"DVB#0 Status: LOCK" message. 

Can someone help me with how to setup the channels or point me to some
up to date documentation? Or even better does anyone have a digital
channel configuration for Canberra?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] drive layout (partitions and filsystem types)

2005-07-03 Thread Marius Schrecker

See from a knoppmyth/pvr-500 howto that I should have partitions for /cache
and /myth:

  select "New, Primary" with the size of your / partition
 arrow down to free space
 select "New, Logical" enter 500
 arrow over to type and select swap from the list
 arrow down to free space again
 select "New, Logical" enter 10gb for /cache
 arrow down to free space once more
 select "New, Logical" and use the rest of the space for /myth

WAs a little surprised that the howto recommends using ext2:

mke2fs -O sparse_super -m0 -i800 -L cache -M /cache /dev/hdaX

 mke2fs -j -O sparse_super -m0 -i800 -L myth -M /myth /dev/hdaX

Is this really the most efficient filesystem type for the purpose?


Registered Linux user

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hauppauge pvr-350 or pvr-500

2005-07-03 Thread Marius Schrecker
Thanks Dewey,
>> I will be using the HTPC into a flat LCD screen with DVI in. If I use
>> then the hardware decoder of the 350 is irrelevant, but what is the 
>> >>heat/noise
tradeoff for software decoding likely to be using the AMD processor?

>I think you may
>be a bit confused about your components. All of the
>x50 cards (and the 500) are hardware encoding. The difference is that
>the 350 does hardware decoding, which is completely irrelevant if your
>sending the signal out through DVI.

Sorry if I was unclear. Was actually aware of that. The question is whether
I should forget both the 500 and dvi out and go for the 350 using the scart.
The picture quality will not be as good, but it may help keep noise levels

So, to rephrase:

How much heat can I expect playback of high quality encoded film to generate
using software decoding?

Also: The 350 only supports mpeg2 en/de-coding, right? So DivX, for example,
will be software only anyway?

>Support is best for the 250/350, which have the same capture
>circuitry. People have got the 150/500 cards working, but with a lot
more tweaking around with ivtv.

I see a howto for the 500 using knoppmyth. Will be using anothe knoppix
variant so assume much of what is there will be relevant.

>Some m>odels of the nvidia fx5200 have CRT, S-video, and DVI out with
>passive (heatsink) cooling. I picked one up in the bargain bin at
>Microcenter for around $50, but you should be able to find a new one
>for $65 or less.

Thanks, will look for that. Would you all agree that picture quality is
better on Nvidia that on ATI with the ATI driver?? I have to say I was impressed
with how my old ATI coped with a 50Hz tv, but that is irrelevant now.


Registered Linux user

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Cutpoints delayed & bad commercial flagging

2005-07-03 Thread Matthew Carle
I'm in south Canberra. 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Whyte
> Sent: Sunday, 3 July 2005 5:26 PM
> To: Discussion about mythtv
> Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Cutpoints delayed & bad 
> commercial flagging
> Hey Matt, where are you from?
> Your issues look almost identical to ones I have had with 
> both cutpoints and comm flagging.
> I put the flagging down to the crazy aussie broadcasters.  I 
> thought the cut-points must also be casued by the aussie 
> DVB-T streams or something, otherwise, it would have surely 
> been fixed if it was common.
> Cheers,
> Whytey
> On 7/3/05, Matthew Carle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I usually put cutpoints into a movie before I watch it so I 
> can just 
> > let it run (I don't transcode). The problem is that it always plays 
> > about 10 seconds after the "delete after this point" cutpoints. The 
> > "delete before this point" cutpoints don't appear to have 
> the problem 
> > (certainly not to the same degree - I havn't noticed it).
> > 
> > I have also tried a transcode which also results in the delay.
> > 
> > Is this a software limitation or is something not working right?
> > 
> > I also have another issue which may be related. Commercial flagging 
> > nearly always detects commercials as starting and ending too early 
> > (averaging 20-30 seconds). I don't think I've ever seen a 
> commercial break flagged correctly.
> > Is this normal? I am using the "all" method of flagging.
> > 
> > The TV source is a DVB card and is hence in mpeg-2. I am in 
> Australia 
> > and using MythTV 0.18.1.
> > 
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Matthew.
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> --
> --
> GMAIL is 'da bomb babyYEAH
> I have GMail invites, if you want one, email me direct.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Cutpoints delayed & bad commercial flagging

2005-07-03 Thread David Whyte
Hey Matt, where are you from?

Your issues look almost identical to ones I have had with both
cutpoints and comm flagging.

I put the flagging down to the crazy aussie broadcasters.  I thought
the cut-points must also be casued by the aussie DVB-T streams or
something, otherwise, it would have surely been fixed if it was


On 7/3/05, Matthew Carle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I usually put cutpoints into a movie before I watch it so I can just let it
> run (I don't transcode). The problem is that it always plays about 10
> seconds after the "delete after this point" cutpoints. The "delete before
> this point" cutpoints don't appear to have the problem (certainly not to the
> same degree - I havn't noticed it).
> I have also tried a transcode which also results in the delay.
> Is this a software limitation or is something not working right?
> I also have another issue which may be related. Commercial flagging nearly
> always detects commercials as starting and ending too early (averaging 20-30
> seconds). I don't think I've ever seen a commercial break flagged correctly.
> Is this normal? I am using the "all" method of flagging.
> The TV source is a DVB card and is hence in mpeg-2. I am in Australia and
> using MythTV 0.18.1.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Matthew.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

GMAIL is 'da bomb babyYEAH

I have GMail invites, if you want one, email me direct.
mythtv-users mailing list