Re: [mythtv-users] US-Broadcast, Hauppage WinTV, Fedora Core 2

2006-01-30 Thread R. G. Newbury
Yan Seiner wrote:
> (This is a continuation of the 'MythTV and TV' thread I started, except 
> that it has moved more from config to debugging... so I figured I'd 
> rename it and post detailed data again.)
> I am using a Hauppage WinTV card - see below - and having some problems 
> with tuning and changing channels.  The system is a Fedora Core 2 SMP 
> box, running mythtv 0.18.1 from rpms.
> testing I've done:
> 1.  xawtv works fine on the backend, I can tune in channels available in 
> my area.
> 2.  If I set up the backend for NTSC/US-broadcast, I get a green screen 
> (static/no signal type.)
> 3.  If I set up the backend for NTSC/US-cable, I can get one channel - 
> whatever channel I program as the default/initial in the mythtv-setup.  
> I get no sound at all.
> 4.  If I try to change channels, the image on the front end freezes, and 
> I get 'there was a problem with the video' and from then on, the backend 
> will no longer transmit anything from the WinTV card.  Other backend 
> functions work fine.  There are no error messages from the backend at all.
> Right now I am going on the assumption that I have database corruption.  
> Could someone please point me in the right direction?  I can dump the 
> sql database, but what am I looking for?
> Thanks,
Sounds like the database is 'corrupted' in that you have no tuning 
information in it.
Sounds like you have not fully followed the instructions. The fact that 
your hardware works with xawtv strongly implies that the kernel+module 
side of things is set up correctly for your hardware so that the problem 
is the mythtv setup.


1.Have you set up a subscription at
2.Have you set up a broadcast lineup there, using your zip code, 
thus determining the local channels you can receive at your antenna 
site? Note that this will list both analog and digital channels: you may 
have to select one type or the other for your lineup. If your card is 
analog, then including digital channels is "contra-indicated"
3.Have you saved that lineup, and remembered to write down you user 
name and password? (Note these are not the same as the ones for alone)
Have you entered that lineup, including username and password in  
mythtv-setup under "Video sources"? (Note that this may run 
mythfilldatabase... and take a while)
4.Have you associated your card (entered in mythtv-setup, "Capture 
Cards")  with that source, by selecting that combination in 
mythtv-setup, "Input Connections", using the correct description for the 
physical input you are using.
And finally,
5.Have you run mythfilldatabase, (again) to actually download a 
program schedule to your mysql database?


   R. Geoffrey Newbury  
 Barrister and Solicitor
 Suite 106, 150 Lakeshore Road West
Mississauga, Ontario, L5H 3R2

  905-271-9600  Fax 905-271-1638

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-30 Thread R. G. Newbury
Yan Seiner wrote:
> Chad wrote:
>>> Q:  Where do I put in the correct freq table for US
>> When you run mythtv-setup on the backend, under the General option,
>> you come upon a screen that says:
>> Global Backend Setup
>> In that screen there lies that option.
> Right, I put in US broadcast but it doesn't seem to be the correct one..
> ISTR US cable uses the same freqs for channels 2-13, and if I put in 
> US-Cable I can in fact receive channel 9 OK. If I put in US-Broadcast I 
> get green screen on channel 9  I am hooked up to an off-air antenna, 
> no cable.
> So whatever programs the freqs for the bttv card isn't doing it 
> right...  Or something.
You cannot just change the Input Connection if the Source is a different 
The order in which things are done in mythtv-setup is slightly 
misleading in that a user can infer that the *card* is the most 
important part of the process. Actually the *lineup* is the most important.
The channel lineup, at least for North American users, will 
differentiate among cable, cable digital and broadcast. 
will allow you ONE lineup of each of those types. Each of those has 
different connotations:  'cable' runs from 2 to 71 or so, 
'cable-digital' has "channel numbers" which run up to 999 I guess, but 
the frequencies involved are all actually the same range as 'cable' but 
with subchannels. Broadcast can be analog or digital. Broadcast digital 
is handled in a similar manner to cable-digital, but the numbering 
scheme is different.

Cards handle either analog or digital streams (NTSC or ATSC),  BUT NOT 

That differentiation also determines what tuning information ( a 'tuning 
set') that mythtv sends to the card. Changing the information in mythtv, 
without any change to the lineup can produce a useless tuning set. I 
don't know what your card is, but if you are using an HD level (ATSC) 
card for OTA, then no wonder it will not work properly if you tell the 
card (through myth) that it should tune as if the input were a cable 
channel. Although transmission frequencies are the same for analog 
broadcast and analog cable channels and the underlying frequency may be 
the same for an HD digital broadcast, the manner in which the card 
abstracts the digital stream is quite different for a digital broadcast. 
To get an analog stream (channel 9 not channel 9_1) needs an analog 
module setup. ( For the pcHD3000, you use cx88_dvb for ATSC, and cx8800 
for NTSC).

Digital broadcast is not the same thing as Analog broadcast and requires 
not only a different kernel module for the card but also a different 
setup in myth even if the lineup is still the same.

Note also, that if the lineup type remains the same, you will run into 
problems if that lineup includes both analog and digital channels, since 
myth does not actually know that a card cannot do both. You must set up 
lineup <-> card pairings where that card can actually tune all of the 
channels in that lineup. So a PVR500 should never be paired against a 
cable-digital lineup or a broadcast lineup which includes digital 
channels: it cannot tune those channels. Similarly, a pcHD3000 should 
not be paired with a lineup which includes analog channels unless the 
card is set up to use an analog tuning module...

And as far as I can tell, you cannot switch modules, 'on-the-fly' while 
myth is running, since myth checks each input card on startup, and would 
fail when it did not find the 'other' type of input.


   R. Geoffrey Newbury  
 Barrister and Solicitor
 Suite 106, 150 Lakeshore Road West
Mississauga, Ontario, L5H 3R2

  905-271-9600  Fax 905-271-1638

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mountable IR receiver

2006-01-24 Thread R. G. Newbury
James C. Dastrup wrote:
> Is anyone aware of an IR receiver that is designed to be mounted
> in an external drive bay? Either a full-size 5.25" bay or a floppy
> bay would be fine. I may have to make my own, but I'd rather pay
> for a more professional looking solution.
Google on Soundgraph iMon. There are various internal and external 
versions of an IR receiver/VFD combo. The IR/VFD units are the ones in 
the Silverstone line of cases and the drivers are available in lirc.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem

2006-01-24 Thread R. G. Newbury
Piers Kittel wrote:
> Geoff,
>> One answer which will last through a reboot would be to amend the line 
>> in 50-udev.rules to add a "Group=mythtv" and "Mode=770" to the line 
>> describing /dev/hdc or whatever your hardware is listed as ( as in fstab).
>> HTH
>> Geoff
> OK installed udev, and the /etc/udev/rules.d/020_permissions.rules 
> seemes OK to me but still not working.  Here's the snippet from the file:
Reaching the limits of my experience here...

> # IDE devices
> BUS="ide", KERNEL="hd[a-z]", SYSFS{removable}="1", \
>PROGRAM="/bin/cat /proc/ide/%k/media", RESULT="cdrom*", 
> GROUP="cdrom", MODE="770"
This means that when anything under the kernel... including hdc, which 
is removable=true. and 'bin/cat...etc returns "cdrom" then set the group 
=cdrom and the mode= 770. This is exactly as we want.

> There's no entry for hdc anywhere.
> The snippet for my user in the groups file is:
> cdrom:x:24:piers
> And the CDROM mount directory still shows:
> dr-xr-xr-x  3 4294967295 4294967295 88 2003-09-08 21:08 cdrom0
Ah HAH! you need a symlink I suspect... Tryln -s /dev/cdrom0 /dev/cdrom

> What am I doing wrong here?
1:   Playing with Linux.
2:   Playing with computers.
3.   Playing with yourself (No! Not that... deluding yourself that 
you can actually *understand* this stuff!)

Rank the foregoing in order, then consider what order your wife would 
assign to them. Compare and contrast. Papers are due on Friday morning 
and are worth 15% of your final mark.

Well that's what it reminds you of, in part, doesn't it?  Remember maybe 
years ago, you swore/exulted that you would never write another exam 
again? Well what they did not tell you was that there may be no more 
exams, but you would get a snap quiz thrown at you \every day, sometimes 
by your boss... in a subject you had not signed up for!


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem

2006-01-24 Thread R. G. Newbury
Piers Kittel wrote:
> Geoff,
>> One answer which will last through a reboot would be to amend the line 
>> in 50-udev.rules to add a "Group=mythtv" and "Mode=770" to the line 
>> describing /dev/hdc or whatever your hardware is listed as ( as in fstab).
>> HTH
>> Geoff
> Cheers again, but I don't seem to have a 50-udev.rules file?  Am running 
> Debian by the way.
> Thanks very much for your help again!
I am Debian-challenged...Never even seen a system running 
Debian..although IIRC, Debian comes with about a 2.4 level kernel which 
may be why you do not have udev on it.

You might do afind / -name 'udev'  and find / -name '*rules' to see 
if you have any such...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem

2006-01-24 Thread R. G. Newbury
Piers Kittel wrote:
> Mike,
>> When you mount a filesystem on top of a directory, the mount 
>> options--not the original directory permissions--determine the 
>> permissions/ownership of the new "directory" (that is the root of the 
>> filesystem) and the device permissions/ownership have nothing to do with 
>> the resulting filesystem permissions/ownership.  Therefore, the udev 
>> permissions affect only /dev/hd*.
>> And, on filesystems that don't support *nix permissions (like iso9660 
>> without RockRidge extensions and udf), even the permissions/ownership of 
>> files and subdirectories (and their contents) are affected by mount 
>> options.  So, see "man 8 mount"
>> Mike
> Brilliant.  OK have read the manual and have done it, it's mounted under 
> proper username and groups:
> mythtv:/media# mount -o umask=000,uid=1000,gid=24 /dev/hdc /cdrom
> mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
> mythtv:/media# ls -l
> total 2
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  cdrom  6 2005-06-07 19:30 cdrom -> cdrom0
> dr-xr-xr-x  3 piers cdrom 88 2003-09-08 21:08 cdrom0
> mythtv:/media#
> Correct user and group, great, but it still doesn't work, showing:
> Jan 23 11:20:14 localhost rpc.mountd: authenticated mount request from 
> akane.10sca.intranet:960 for /media/cdrom0 (/media/cdrom0)
> Jan 23 11:20:14 localhost rpc.mountd: getfh failed: Operation not permitted
> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong now?
Wild guess. Go to the server machine and try  'iptables -F'

This flushes all the rules for access from outside machines such as your 
client. It may just be that the reason the operation is not permitted is 
because your client machine is not permitted access by iptables...

I had a problem with attempted NFS mounts, being told that the server 
was not available... when it was running. Turned out that it was just 
not available to my client machine because of iptables firewall rules. I 
have no idea how to fix that. I just turn off iptables when I need access.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Cost of MythTV Machines

2006-01-23 Thread R. G. Newbury
John Biundo wrote:

>Brian Wood wrote:
>>With some recent discussion here about CPUs and costs I wonder what  
>>the "average" cost of a MythTV machine might be.
>I bet this is the most common question for those considering jumping 
>into mythtv. 
>I ended up spending around $850 including shipping and tax for all-new 
I spent way more than I expected, but then I had not actually budgeted...
Total cost just under $1500  Canadian, about $1200 US for

Via SP13 motherboard
512M  Crucial  Ram
Seagate 120G Sata  hard drive
PVR 500 card
pcHD3000 card
Silverstone LC11M case. (The VFD/IR included in the 'M' case was about 
There was about another $100 for a flexible PCI riser, and Via PCI riser 
card, with fast shipping...

FAR too much in shipping and taxes included in there!


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem

2006-01-22 Thread R. G. Newbury
Piers Kittel wrote:

>>Just guessing: 2 possible answers.  1. It looks like the mount on the 
>>server is exclusive and no-one else is allowed access while the server 
>>'owns' it.
>>2.  You, as a user on destiny, do not have permission to actually read 
>>anything mounted on mythtv. Maybe add yourself (piers) to a group on the 
>>server and on the client, and give the group access rights to 
>Brilliant thanks for your help!
>OK have done a bit of investigation and have found the following:
>when DVD drive is unmounted, the directory is:
>drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 1024 2005-06-07 19:30 cdrom0
>but when I mount the DVD, I get:
>dr-xr-xr-x  3 4294967295 4294967295 88 2003-09-08 21:08 cdrom0
>The full path is /media/cdrom0
>How do I fix this issue?
>Thanks very much for your help again
One answer which will last through a reboot would be to amend the line 
in 50-udev.rules to add a "Group=mythtv" and "Mode=770" to the line 
describing /dev/hdc or whatever your hardware is listed as ( as in fstab).

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] looking for Craig Eaton

2006-01-22 Thread R. G. Newbury
Brian Wood wrote:

>On Jan 22, 2006, at 3:13 AM, R. G. Newbury wrote:
>>RMH wrote:
>>>back in March, Craig sent email with the subject "Conflict resolution
>>>between HD3000's NTSC and ATSC tuners?" but his email address is now
>>>bouncing.  here's the archived message:
>>>he apparently got his HD3000 working in both ATSC and NTSC modes,
>>>which is something i would like to do as well.  for some reason, how
>>>to do this is not explained anywhere on the web that i can find.   
>>>if i
>>>could get both modes to work using my one HD3000 card, i think i  
>>>program a conflict resolution into mythtv.
>>Buried somewhere on the pcHDTV site, is an explanation of how the card
>>works. The cx88_dvb driver handles ATSC, the cx8800 driver handles  
>>Only one driver at a time can talk to the hardware.
>>So you *should* be able to "rmmod cx88_dvb, modprobe cx8800" and watch
>>NTSC content, then "rmmod cx8800, modprobe cx88_dvb" for ATSC.
>>But that may or may not work. You might have to reboot in  between.  
>>even if you can do that, there is no  guarantee that myth could handle
>>itI suppose that an "external command" such as a channel change
>>could actually be a module changeover, but you would also have  
>>with the database, and the backend would surely choke on not being  
>>to see one of the cards at startup...
>The upcoming kernel "merger" of v4l and DVB should take care of this  
>problem. At least I hope it does, as we will all deserve *something*  
>for the inevitable pain that kernel changes cause.

I doubt that the kernel merge will help in this situation. Fact is, that 
the hardware works in 2 distinct modes and requires 2 distinct driver 
modules to work properly. If the hardware were in fact built in 
parallel, with 2 of each of the required sections then it might work... 
but that means that the card would in effect need to be 2 tuners, behind 
the actual radio wave level tuner..
Although having the 2 modules in the kernel implies a fair bit of 
stability and ability to play nice, it does not mean that switching 
hardware modes will necessarily be easy. IF myth had some mechanism to 
ignore a missing input, and to be warned to resurrect that input upon a 
change, we might be able to do something, but none of that exists, and 
probably cannot until the actual api which the kernel modules will use, 
is established..
But it would be nicethen you could have an extra available NTSC 
tuner in cases of conflict, with that piece of hardware prioritized to 
recording ATSC first.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem

2006-01-22 Thread R. G. Newbury
Piers Kittel wrote:

>Hello all,
>Am trying to mount a DVD drive via NFS and am having problems.  For 
>note, (hostname - destiny) is the client and 
>(hostname - mythtv) is the server.
>I have this in my /etc/exports:
>and is in the /etc/hosts.allow.
>If the DVD is not mounted, it works perfectly fine:
>destiny:/mnt# mount mythtv:/media/cdrom0 /mnt/mythtv
>destiny:/mnt# df
>Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
>mythtv:/media/cdrom0   1829192   1547128184472  90% /mnt/mythtv
>If I unmount the above, and then mount the DVD on mythtv:
>mythtv:/home/piers# mount /cdrom
>and try again on destiny, I get:
>destiny:/# mount mythtv:/media/cdrom0 /mnt/mythtv
>mount: mythtv:/media/cdrom0 failed, reason given by server: Permission 
>and in the logs, I get:
>Jan 21 21:57:08 localhost kernel: UDF-fs INFO UDF (2004/29/09) 
>Mounting volume 'FIREFLY_D3', timestamp 2003/09/08 20:08 (1000)
>Jan 21 21:57:39 localhost rpc.mountd: authenticated mount request from 
>destiny.10sca.intranet:923 for /media/cdrom0 (/media/cdrom0)
>Jan 21 21:57:39 localhost rpc.mountd: getfh failed: Operation not permitted
>I've googled for a long time with the last message but I can't find any 
>help anywhere.
>I've tried this on my 2 Macs but had the exact same problem:
>Jan 21 20:34:55 localhost rpc.mountd: authenticated mount request from 
>ukyo.10sca.intranet:982 for /media/cdrom0 (/media/cdrom0)
>Jan 21 20:34:55 localhost rpc.mountd: getfh failed: Operation not permitted
>Jan 21 21:29:59 localhost rpc.mountd: authenticated mount request from 
>akane.10sca.intranet:972 for /media/cdrom0 (/media/cdrom0)
>Jan 21 21:29:59 localhost rpc.mountd: getfh failed: Operation not permitted
>I'm hoping you guys can tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

Just guessing: 2 possible answers.  1. It looks like the mount on the 
server is exclusive and no-one else is allowed access while the server 
'owns' it.
2.  You, as a user on destiny, do not have permission to actually read 
anything mounted on mythtv. Maybe add yourself (piers) to a group on the 
server and on the client, and give the group access rights to 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] looking for Craig Eaton

2006-01-22 Thread R. G. Newbury
RMH wrote:

> back in March, Craig sent email with the subject "Conflict resolution 
> between HD3000's NTSC and ATSC tuners?" but his email address is now 
> bouncing.  here's the archived message:
> he apparently got his HD3000 working in both ATSC and NTSC modes, 
> which is something i would like to do as well.  for some reason, how 
> to do this is not explained anywhere on the web that i can find.  if i 
> could get both modes to work using my one HD3000 card, i think i could 
> program a conflict resolution into mythtv.

Buried somewhere on the pcHDTV site, is an explanation of how the card 
works. The cx88_dvb driver handles ATSC, the cx8800 driver handles NTSC. 
Only one driver at a time can talk to the hardware.
So you *should* be able to "rmmod cx88_dvb, modprobe cx8800" and watch 
NTSC content, then "rmmod cx8800, modprobe cx88_dvb" for ATSC.
But that may or may not work. You might have to reboot in  between. And 
even if you can do that, there is no  guarantee that myth could handle 
itI suppose that an "external command" such as a channel change 
could actually be a module changeover, but you would also have problems 
with the database, and the backend would surely choke on not being able 
to see one of the cards at startup...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Silverstone Lascala 17 Case

2006-01-19 Thread R. G. Newbury
Matthew Geier wrote:

> R. G. Newbury wrote:
>>> I've got a LC11m. Very nice. The loudest noise is from the video 
>>> card, my vendor couldn't get a passive video card that fitted - the 
>>> PCIe slot is to close to the lid.
>>> Ill probably replace the card with a passive one anyway and cut a 
>>> slot in the lid  (which is on the bottom - the LC11 is an 'upside 
>>> down' chassis).
>> How is your vendor fitting this card?  This case is supposed to use a 
>> 90 degree pci extender so the card ends up horizontal. Even an AGP card.
>> OR do you have a completely different LC11M than I do??
>  The PCIe riser puts the 'back' of the card very close to the lid of 
> the case, there isn't enough clearance for the back fins of a passive 
> cooler.
>  In a standard case with the card vertical, there is usally some what 
> more space at the 'back' of the cards than the LC11 allows.

If you don't mind playing with the PCIe riser (that is, you can get a 
replacement) then you might think about grinding 2 mm off the bottom of 
the riser card fingers. That will give you 2 mm of extra vertical room. 
Next choice, if you do not use all three of the card slots is to use a 
flexible riser between your MB slot and the card. That is. the card will 
inhabit the spot where the first PCI card would go.. thus giving you a 
full 3/4 inch of clearance vertically.

I have a PVR500 and HD3000 in a Via SP13000 in this case. It was not 
designed for a mini-itx board and will not fit the usual risers, but the 
flexible riser takes care of the physical orientation and lineup 
problems. A riser from VIA takes care of the electrical aspects.

>  My biggest gripe with the LC11m case is that the blue LEDs are too 
> bright. I've got a bit of black tape stuck over the power LED at the 
> moment. (Pending sticking a resistor in there to drop the current to 
> the  LED...)

Swap the leads for the hard drive LED and the power LED. The hard drive 
LED is not as 'loud'... That's what I did.

>  I also have black electrical tape stuck over the front USB ports, as 
> my wife complained they were mucking up the look of the otherwise 
> black front panel. They should have used USB ports with black inserts 
> instead of white, or put them on the side where the audio/firewire 
> ports are.

I just colored mine with a Sharpie magic marker!.

>  I also went for the LC11 case as it's a better fit with the VCR and 
> the DVD player, the 'full height' cases were just too imposing and 'pc 
> like'.

And now I am browsing for a used black faced stereo receiver/amp.. My 
case does not go with my silverSony amp.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Commflag-related IOBOUND errors

2006-01-19 Thread R. G. Newbury
Brandon Beattie wrote:

>This is purely a system and disk IO issue.  I have my mysql databases on
>a seperate drive than recordings, but I still get IO bound issues once
>in a while.  The thread for rescheduling does take all the CPU and IO it
>can get for those few seconds, and with the mysql and disk writing
>threads they don't always work well together.  It's a known problem but
>only shows up for HD users more so because HD requires such a large
>amount of bandwidth and it can't really stand a hickup.  Also, the PCI
>bus can be occupied and cause data from the card to be lost if the
>system IO can't be freed up quick enough to handle the data.  HD tuner
>cards have a rather small cache on them.  If anything occupies the
>system IO longer than 500ms then you risk losing data from the HD tuner,
>and Myth and the scheduler does this at times.
This seems to imply that the mysql database might best be placed on a 
separate SCSI drive with a large cache? Any thoughts?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Looking for good specifications for mythTV

2006-01-19 Thread R. G. Newbury
Gavin Haslett wrote:

>The Epia P is a great board for a Myth-like box... my next frontend will 
>probably have that (for my bedroom) because a fanless configuration would be 
>However, it's not without its flaws. The 600Mhz CPU is barely powerful enough 
>to run a frontend and backend together... forget trying to use it to 
>transcode. The core is based on the old Cyrix core, so a lot of the math takes 
>a back seat to integer performance. Not a big deal with video, but when 
>dealing with compression/decompression of MPEG-2 or 4 streams this can start 
>to saturate these 600Mhz CPUs pretty quickly. All Pentium-class CPU's are not 
>made equal... bear that in mind when shopping for a media-PC.
>Oh, and on the 600Mhz, if you're running MythMusic then better not try to run 
>full-screen visualizations either :)
>I would also point out that even with the XvMC support for these boards, don't 
>try HD content. You need a LOT more muscle than this to pump HD to the screen, 
>even the 1Ghz version of the board won't handle it. 
>Be aware of the specs also; I'm not sure if the Epia P does come in a 1.3Ghz 
>form, I think it tops at 1Ghz as I recall. Either way, as pointed out above 
>since it's based on the Cyrix core some of the floating point ops are a little 
>slower than a similarly clocked Intel or AMD. However, the heat and 
>electricity used are a lot nicer in these cores.
>We're still in a phase where embedded systems are a huge compromise... but the 
>situation's improving dramatically and continues to. Now, if we can only see 
>some lower prices on the hardware :)
>   -Original Message- 
>   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Chris Weisiger 
>   Sent: Tue 1/17/2006 10:53 PM 
>   To: Discussion about mythtv 
>   Cc: 
>   Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Looking for good specifications for mythTV
>   Here is the link
>   Chris Weisiger wrote:
>   >The thing is with the mini-itx stuff is that I have an old NES and i 
> was
>   >reading about
>   >building mini-itx systems and thought while im building build 
> it
>   >in a way
>   >to use it as a pvr system.which i was looking at getting a mini-itx
>   >board
>   >that can handle a 1.3 or so processor
>   >
>   >This is the motherboard that I was looking into gettingthats if i
>   >cant locate
>   >a mini-itx to handle a pentium processor
>   >
>   >
>   >
>   >Gavin Haslett wrote:
>   >
>   > 
>   >
>   >>So long as you're not trying any HD content, this is probably good
>   >>(though that one's obvious given the 350). I run mine on an AMD 800 
> with
>   >>768MB RAM and it runs like a champ. Single PVR-250 and an NVIDIA card
>   >>running XvMC for playback.
>   >>
>   >>-Original Message-
>   >>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Weisiger
>   >>Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:02 PM
>   >>To: Discussion about mythtv
>   >>Subject: [mythtv-users] Looking for good specifications for mythTV
>   >>
>   >>What are some good specs for a mythTV box..I have seen specs for high
>   >>end machines doing multiple recordingsI am not looking into doing
>   >>such things...
>   >>
>   >>All i am looking for is to record a single channel while watching
>   >>itand the possibility to pause live tv...
>   >>just a basic recording box
>   >>
>   >>I am looking into buiding a mini-itx box with laptop 
> componentsslim
>   >>line cd/dvd, laptop hard drive, dimm or sodimm memory depending on 
> what
>   >>type of mini-itx motherboard i get or is recommended
>   >>
>   >>What is the lowest possible processor speed to accomplish recording 
> and
>   >>pausing live tv
>   >>
>   >>i was looking into getting a mini-itx with a 1.3 processor? and a
>   >>pvr-350 card?
>   >>
>   >>i know memory helps the i was planning on maxing out the
>   >>memory..i found a mini-itx board that can support 2 gig or ram...and 
> the
>   >>hard drive space of course is not an issue for me to deal is
>   >>basically the processor speed..
>   >>being this is the first
>   >>attempt at creating a mythTV box...
I'm running a Via SP13000 mini-itx board (well, when I'm not breaking 
things by trying to 'upgrade"!).

This board has hardware capabilities builtin so that it can handle the 
video. But it will not do HD. I have an HD3000 card doing SD level 
digital reception. BUT, the first nano-itx boards have been seen 'in the 
wild', and they have  a supposedly HD capable builtin VT1625 chip.

But you do pay for the size/quiet capabilities. If you  want a powerful 
ATX size board you  will have

Re: [mythtv-users] Silverstone Lascala 17 Case

2006-01-19 Thread R. G. Newbury
Matthew Geier wrote:

> Maverick wrote:
>>> thinking of putting it all in Silverstone Lascala 17 case:
>>> .
>> I have a Silverstone LM11, been very happy with it. Although not the
>> same type case, just pitching in my opinion of quality. Silverstone's
>> LM11 is very nicely constructed, etc. I'd assume all their cased are
>> similar quality.
>  I've got a LC11m. Very nice. The loudest noise is from the video 
> card, my vendor couldn't get a passive video card that fitted - the 
> PCIe slot is to close to the lid.
>  Ill probably replace the card with a passive one anyway and cut a 
> slot in the lid  (which is on the bottom - the LC11 is an 'upside 
> down' chassis).
How is your vendor fitting this card?  This case is supposed to use a 90 
degree pci extender so the card ends up horizontal. Even an AGP card.
OR do you have a completely different LC11M than I do??


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Firmware issues. Please help!

2006-01-19 Thread R. G. Newbury
Morten Rønseth wrote:

> Hi,
> Stef Coene wrote:
>>On Thursday 19 January 2006 13:54, Stewart wrote:
>>>I don't seem to have an /etc/init.d/hotplug.
>>>I'm running FC4.  Is this something I missed in my setup?
> In my RC4 box these are the only files/directories named hotplug:
> /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
> /usr/src/kernels/2.6.11-1.1369_FC4-x86_64/include/config/hotplug
> /usr/src/kernels/2.6.11-1.1369_FC4-x86_64/drivers/pci/hotplug
> /sbin/hotplug
> /etc/hotplug
> /lib/modules/2.6.11-1.1369_FC4/kernel/drivers/pci/hotplug

In /etc/hotplug, on FC4 and probably lots of other distros, there is a 
script called firmware.agen which has hardwired into it, the place the 
distro looks for hotpug firmware.

In FC4, that spot is /lib/firmware

Copy the firmware files for your PVR500 or HD3000 to that folder. The 
naming scheme for these files has also changed with the inclusion of dvb 
dirvers in the kernel. These files now start with v4l-. The PVR 
files have changed names over time too (Hah!, Since June!).
So it would not hurt if you have copies with the 'old' style names, either.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Silverstone Lascala 17 Case

2006-01-19 Thread R. G. Newbury
Nick Tan wrote:

>I have the LC17 in black and its great.  The only problem I had with it
>was the button for the optical drive on the case didn't push the eject
>button on the drive itself enough to make it eject.  So I've just taken
>out the optical drive and run without one.
>>I'm thinking of replacing my current FE with an HD-capable FE, and was
>>thinking of putting it all in Silverstone Lascala 17 case:
>> .
>>Is anyone using one of these? And failing that, any other comments on
>>good, reasonably-priced cases?
>I have the LC17 in black and its great.  The only problem I had with it
>was the button for the optical drive on the case didn't push the eject
>button on the drive itself enough to make it eject.  So I've just taken
>out the optical drive and run without one.  One day I'll try to fix it up.
> It shouldn't be too hard - I think I'll just have to add an extra bit of
>plastic or something to the pushbutton mechanism to make it push further
>in on the optical drive.
Assuming that you can get at the mechanism, you may find that a touch of 
hot melt glue from a glue gun, on the end of pushbutton mechanism will 
do the trick.

Or put a blob on the button of the CD-drive. This blob can be bigger and 
fatter, and easier to do, as you can do it before the drive goes into 
the box.

And hot melt glue will pop off with a judicious nudge, if you need to 
remove it.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] DVICO Fusion HDTV 5 Lite vs HD3000

2006-01-19 Thread R. G. Newbury
Brandon Beattie wrote:

>Don't ever think about using ReiserFS.  Some disk accessing is slow
>first of all, such as deletes.  If you delete a large file it can keep
>the disk from writing for several seconds, by then Myth drops data.
>Also, reiserFS does not handle large files very well.  Combine a many GB
>file and a directory holding 1+TB of data in it and you're really going
>to have problems.  You don't see this as bad with few large files in a
What are you suggesting as a substitute?  XFS or stay with ext3?

>Don't put your recordings directory on the same disk as where MySQL
>stores the DB for mythTV.  You can lose data when mysql is using the
>disk and doesn't let the mythfilewriter thread save data to the disk
>before it's taken too long and discarded the data.
You are suggesting that the best setup would be to have everything 
*except* /video on  /dev/hda and use a separate disk (/dev/hdb) for /video?

So I should throw the spare 40Gig IDE drive into the mythbox, 
(re-install... I'm getting good at that!) and use the 120Gig of the SATA 
drive for  /video?



mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Looking for high WAF in-wall speakers!!

2006-01-19 Thread R. G. Newbury
Kirby Bakken wrote:

>Richard Bronosky wrote:
>>I find to be totally unintelligible, so I am asking here. 
>>Does anyone have any suggestions for speakers that can be totally hidden
>>inside a wall and painted?  I'm looking for small speakers that my wife
>>won't hate.
>>Why is it that Bose can use those tiny little cube speakers for there
>>flag ship product, but their in-wall speakers have to have a 8 3/4" by
>>6" face plate?
>Parts express ( has some fairly small speakers..
Various manufacturers make in-wall speakers. You can get/see one at 
Radio Shack:

$50.00 (each, I think).  I would guess that these would really need to 
be paired with a good sub-woofer for reasonable all-round sound.

I've seen this sort of speaker in places I have visited and a ceiling 
mount is not very noticeable. Depending on your access to the joist end, 
these could be an easy retrofit. In-wall mounting requires access 
through the bottom sill plate, to lead the wiring, or removal then 
replacement of the baseboard with the wiring behind.

I've been thinking about how to wire my basement rec room, and I've come 
to the realization that not only will the existing ceiling tile have to 
come down, but so will the wall paneling, so that I can insulate. 
Re-wiring for speakers could amount to the same sort of job! In my case, 
even with things open I will have to drill holes through about 12 joists.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Instant SegFault Mythbackend SVN 8626

2006-01-17 Thread R. G. Newbury
Some detective help needed.

After running into compilation problems producing an 'unknown symbol' 
error  with myth svn's which I traced to something wrong with my libc, I 
ended up doing a full 'blow-it-all-away' and bare metal re-install of 
FC4 on my VIA SP13000, on Sunday.  (My installing myth 18.1 over svn, 
and then attempting to remove things made any other course of action a 
non-starter. I saved only mythconverg and the mysql databases and few 
other bits.
After installing the 2.6.11 kernel I did a full smart update/upgrade 
which took 591 Meg of downloaded. The Xorg is a 6.6.99-903 rpm from to include all of the via xvmc/dri goodiesAll this took 
some time as the SP13 is not a speedster. The kernel is now 
2.6.14-1.1656_FC4. A quick 'cp' and mysql was back too.

Then I downloaded svn 8626. I did a make distclean, configure, make and 
make install cycle for myththemes, mythplugins and mythtv.
Mythfrontend comes up perfectly, as does mythtv-setup. Dmesg and 
Xorg.0.log report exactly what I expect to see for the PVR500 and HD3000 

Mythbackend fails instantly without any error messages (even with 
mythbackend -v all). I cannot find any other log file messages.

None, nada, zilch I did the compile cycle again but no joy.

I am at a complete loss to  understand what might be going wrong. I  
looked at the make output while mythbackend was compiling, but, except 
for the usual and longstanding warning about non-virtual destructors 
from qt, there was nothing noticeable. Any other ideas on where to look?

HELP!  My mythtv has fallen and cannot get up! 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Lost sound on EPIA SP -- how to diagnose?

2006-01-16 Thread R. G. Newbury
Ole Sandum wrote:

>Hello everybody,
>It seems everyone else's problems here are far more exotic, but I am out
>of things to try and going desperate. So here goes:
>Just to try it out, I built a pilot FE/BE combo with FC4 on a VIA EPIA
>SP8000 a couple of months ago. It was running nicely, but was begging
>for faster hardware and more storage. So over christmas, I got myself a
>nice Athlon 64-based box full of slots and drives to put the BE on. Hit
>a couple of bumps on the way, but has it running nicely now using the
>pure 64-bit packages from "atrpms-testing", mythfilling program guides
>and recording everything in sight. Sweet. Thank you Axel, thank you
>Jarod, and thank you everone else contributing.
>Now to the problem: somewhere along the way I lost the sound on the EPIA
>and I can't get it back. It's just plain analog stereo out to the TV
>set, so nothing fancy, but I don't know how to diagnose it. I've tried
>un-/reinstall the alsa-{drivers,lib,utils} packages, skimming log files
>for messages, but everything seems normal. Except the output remains
>silent. I suppose this happened as a result of updating packages, but
>since the original installaion was done months ago, I don't have a
>precise recollection of what was installed/updated when.
>So please, any hints for places to look, stuff to read, or things to try
>out will be most welcome.
Is sound turned on in the BIOS?
Did you fiddle with the internal jumpers, even to set something else?
Can you get any sounds if you try to play a wav file with various programs?
Have you tried all of the outputs? I had my output plugged into the line 
input at one stage BTDT!
Have you tried fiddling with kmix and made sure that the volume is 
turned up?
Is the external amp properly set up?  Kinda silly to curse the machine 
when you have inadvertantly switched on 'Tape Monitor' and thus 
effectively turned off the input? Might help to plug in some earphones 
directly to the motherboard.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Setting up an FAQ for LiveTV changes

2006-01-16 Thread R. G. Newbury
Nick wrote:

>On 16/01/06, Michael Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On 1/16/06, John Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Thats why FAQs are done now isn't it?
>>Good idea.
>Any single source of correct, concise and timely information is a
>bonus in my book. 
 ii) the 'misinformation' that they may include (I've been put in that

>bracket too - only by trying to help out fellow users when useful
>information doesn't exist). I don't think a lot of the misinformation
>is written intentionally either, it's usually a user wanting to help a
>fellow user but not having the same level of comprehension as the
And often the 'misinformation' is not untrue, but just not applicable to 
the precise situation. The inclusion of the dvb modules in the kernel is 
one area which has competely up-ended the state of affairs which existed 
at say, kernel 2.6.4...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Entering USA Cable channels into the DVB tables

2006-01-16 Thread R. G. Newbury
Len Reed wrote:

>I'm using 0.18.2
>There have been a number of posting on the DVB channel tables, but it 
>still isn't clear to me.  I've also looked at
>Maybe with an example someone can clear it up.
>I have an HD5000 card connected to cable.  Here is a sample channel, as 
>seen by azap.  Using this information, I can use the DVB utils to 
>capture the signal and play it via mplayer. The following example is for 
>my local (Atlanta) FOX affiliate on Gwinnett Charter cable, for what 
>it's worth:
>So, my dtv_multiplex table has an entry with
>mplexid=4, frequency=66900, sourceid=qam_256, etc.
Since digital channels are multiplexed into the same frequency, the 
mplexid is used to identify the frequency. So you can have 30 channels 
but only 6 or 7 frequencies. The sourceid is the lineup which relates to 
these digital if you have analog cable to a PVR as lineup 
one, and digital cable to the HD3000 as lineup two at zap2it, then the 
sourceid will be '2'. The modulation will be qam_256. You can set that 
with update dtv_multiplex set modulation='qam_256' where sourceid'2';

>In the database, Fox digital is my chanid 3785.  So I assume I should
>update channel set freqid = 4 where chanid = 3785;
>where '4' is the mplexid from the dtv_multiplex table for 669Mhz.
In my setup, the freqid is  the same as the channum, that is, the number 
in the EPG which you  'call' for the channel you want.

>I further guess that the channel table should get the serviceid (last 
>column of the azap line, "2"):
>update channel set serviceid = 2 where chanid = 3785;

>Where do I encode the video and audio pids (2048 and 2049 in hex, 8264 
>and 8265 in decimal)?
There is no entry for these values. If you look at the output of 
dvbscan, there are no duplicate values. The PID is a unique identifier 
of the stream (although you can probably identify some audio only 
streams, where the vid is 0).

>Now, assuming that I can get this all working, do I then need an 
>additional rows in dtv_multiplex for the other channel on 669 MHz?

No. It is the same frequency and therefor the same mplexid as the other 
channel. What will be different will be the chanid, the channum, 
callsign etc. AND the serviceid... which together uniquely identify the 
channel and which piece of hardware are to be used. (The backend looks 
at the sourceid and then looks for the card (s) which are connected to 
that source.)

Kinda confusing, but precise as you could expect for a relational 
database...all information, but only once, (ignoring keys).  Mr. Codd 
would be happy.

Although I would love to know what atscsrcid is for and what value 
should/could go there!


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Trouble installing lirc on FC4 (lirc-kmdl-2.6.14-1.1653_FC4)

2006-01-16 Thread R. G. Newbury
Nick wrote:

>On 15/01/06, Tommy Nijem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hello I am using Jarod Wilson's Myth install guide for FC4.
>>Everything works OK except for lirc. I believe the problem is that there is
>>not a packge for lirc built for my kernel version. I am somewhat new to
>>linux(long time computer user...just not Linux). So I may be off base.
>>Anyways, when I try "# yum install lirc-kmdl-$KVER" I see "no match for
>>argument lirc-kmdl-2.6.14-1.1653_FC4".
>>I did a lot of googling and searching but could not find the answer. I also
>>tried installing lirc 0.7.2 from but when I tried to compile I
>>received an error that my kernel sources were missing.
>>I am a bit over my head here and looking for some knowledgeable advice.
>>Thanks in advance for any help.
>When using Jarod's FC guides, it pays dividends to ensure you are
>running a kernel version that matches the version Axel builds his
>kernel modules for (especially when you are using multiple modules
>like lirc, ivtv etc). You could install the newer kernel:
>yum install kernel kernel-devel
>The -656 version of the kernel was released on 6 Jan 2006, so chances
>are you installed the system before this and got the prior kernel
>Older versions (<=0.7.2) of lirc may not build properly on newer
>2.6.14 kernels, so if going the compilation route, use a newer version
>(I installed lirc-0.8.0pre4 yesterday with no trouble on a
>2.6.14-1.1656_FC4 system.)
What you may not understand here is that you may be missing the *kernel* 
sources for your setup. It is not particularly made clear in Jarod's 
guide that you need 'kernel-dvel' for the sources, and that yum update 
or smart upgrade will upgrade the kernel *and the sources* if you have 
already installed a prior source version, but not if you have not done so.

Over the weekend a rebuild of my mythbox (with not much beyond the 
required bits) needed 591Meg to upgrade everything from kernel 2.6.11 to 
2.6.14-1.1656. A major chunk of that is the kernel sources and xorg sources.

If you upgrade, you will then end up with a couple of kernel versions 
listed in grub, to choose when booting, and a couple of versions in 
/usr/src/kernels (for Fedora 4). And Nick is absolutely right, that 
having a kernel version that all of the programs are built for really 
helps. And use smart if it will install.. It *is* better at dependencies..


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] DViCO Fusion HDTV 5 Gold NTSC setup

2006-01-14 Thread R. G. Newbury
Jason Gabriele wrote:

>I also could get the Fusion 5 Gold working as a QAM tuner but had trouble
>with analog tuning. You should be able to set it up just like any other v4l
>card. I was able to get mine to work but the picture appears washed out
>(looks fine with QAM) and also the sound doesn't come in until you change
>the channel. There are some serious problems with the cx88 drivers even in
>the latest kernel (I also am using 2.6.15), so I don't think we are the only
>ones. BTW, it looks as though you have the correct drivers loaded. You may
>want to make sure it's detecting the correct card using dmesg and try using
>tvtime to tune some channels.
>>-Original Message- 
>>I've got the subject card working as an HD (ATSC) receiver, but can't
>>figure out how to get it to receiver NTSC channels.  I defined a V4L
>>capture card in the 'Capture cards' section of mythtv-setup.  It then
>>shows up as a device of /dev/v4l/video0.  But when I go to scan those
>>channels, nothing shows up.  And I know that there's several VHF and UHF
>>channels on standard NTSC broadcast.  I also tried setting the 'TV
>>format: in the Global Backend setup to NTSC (even though that didn't
>>make a lot of sense, and logically wouldn't be the right thing to do for
>>the ATSC 'part' of the card)
>>Has anyone gotten this to work?
>>On a 'plus' note, I did manage (I think) to get both this card and a
>>HD5000 card to both work at the same time (both in ATSC mode).  I'm
>>running gentoo and had to emerge the 2.6.15-gentoo kernel.  But after
>>configuration, both cards worked...
>>Its possible that I didn't follow the Fusion Gold instructions correctly
>>and don't have the correct module compiled to actually pick up NTSC...
>>Which device driver would that be?  Here's my lsmod output:
>>Module  Size  Used by
>>cx88_dvb   10756  0
>>cx8802 11780  1 cx88_dvb
>>or5113211012  1 cx88_dvb
>>video_buf_dvb   7044  1 cx88_dvb
>>nxt200x14660  1 cx88_dvb
>>cx22702 7876  1 cx88_dvb
>>cx8800 30412  0
>>cx88xx 60064  3 cx88_dvb,cx8802,cx8800
>>i2c_algo_bit   10184  1 cx88xx
>>video_buf  20228  5

Going from memory, the cx8800 module is the NTSC module while the 
cx88-dvb is the ATSC module.

To get NTSC working properly, you will have to rmmod cx88_dvb, then 
modprobe cx8800.
These cards can do both modes,  but not at the same time.
I had my HD3000 card doing NTSC as a test at one point.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] install ivtv-0.5.1 fails with ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol tveeprom_hauppauge_analog (make distclean doesn't help)

2006-01-14 Thread R. G. Newbury
IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ANSWERS TO THE 'tveeprom_hauppauge_analog' 
problem, go to the bottom of this message.


>Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 19:57:50 -0500
>    From: "R. G. Newbury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>This piece of advice in the wiki is (now) backwards:
>"There is work at the moment to merge these conflicting versions, but in 
>the meantime the kernel version has to go:"
>Can you double-check (from archives, Hans, or some other source) that
>this is true, and then update the wiki so people don't get confused?
>(Or, if you'd rather not update the wiki, I will, but I'd rather get a
>second opinion on this, since I don't have direct experience with
>either 500's or pc3000's.  And is this something that's changed
>between 0.4.0 and later versions?  If so, updating the wiki will have
>to account for that and speak the truth in all cases.  I've been
>tweaking the ivtvdriver wiki a little bit, but the last thing I'd
>want to do is update it incorrectly.)
>(I'm a big believer in shoving as much information and operational
>experience into the ivtvdriver and mythtv wikis as possible, since it
>should decrease traffic and frustration a lot if all this stuff can
>stay centralized instead of requiring lots of list searching---with
>its uncertain keywords, outdated and incomplete information, and all
>the rest... :)
Well there was a thread on the ivtv list (IIRC) starting in August or 
so, and ending iearly in October where using the kernel module was 
discussed and Keith noted that he had taken the code for the dvb 
tveeprom and the ivtv tveeprom and shoehorned them together. Shortly 
thereafter, the 2.612 (?) kernel came out, with the dvb modules 
included. And some messages turned up on (again IIRC) both the ivtv and 
mythtv lists recommending using the kernel module ONLY IF YOU WERE USING 
BOTH TYPES OF CARDS. And there was a strong implication that the ivtv 
driver code had been rewritten to make use of either tveeprom.ko module.

The person who would know for sure would be Hans.

This is the thread:;#24235

The end of the thread is this message from 'Hans' (and I think this is 
the 'right' Hans).
On Tuesday 04 October 2005 23:45, Keith C wrote:
 > On Oct 4, 2005, at 4:10 PM, Mercury Morris wrote:
 > > On 9/23/05, Adam Forsyth  wrote:
 > > Well, I just gave up and am now using the *tveeprom* that came with my
 > > *kernel*. But I'd still love to know what the cx88xx / cx8800 
module is
 > > for.
 > >
 > > Hello,
 > >
 > > *kernel*: cx88xx: disagrees about version of symbol
 > > tveeprom_hauppauge_analog
 > Yep, thats the one I was getting.
 > > So, Googled for some help and found this thread. That's why I'm
 > > posting this
 > > reply. The previous posts (above) gave me the idea to swap
 > > "*tveeprom*" modules, which is exactly what I did. I re-renamed the
 > > ".orig" back to normal,
 > > renamed the ivtv version to have the suffix ".ivtv", issued a
 > > "depmod -ae" command, and checked the results with a "modinfo
 > > *tveeprom*" command.
 > >
 > > Then I rebooted. This time no errors, no errors of any kind. The
 > > PVR-350 card
 > > works, the HD-3000 card works, and the remote (ATI Remote Wonder)
 > > works, too!
 > You're lucky. Glad the *kernel* *tveeprom* works for you. I never could
 > get it to work with my card, so I had to make my own *tveeprom* module
 > that is a hybrid between the *kernel* and ivtv version. And is slowly
 > getting out of sync with both.


Can you mail me the *kernel* *tveeprom*.c? And also which *kernel* 
version it is
exactly (version and from which distro, usually uname -a gives this info).




Just for the records: One importtant thing I have noticed with 0.5.0 /
0.5.1 / SVN HEAD is that you need to (cd v4l-*kernel*; make distclean)
before compiling ivtv for a updated *kernel*. Otherwise v4l ist
built/installed for the old *kernel* and ivtv complains about missing
symbols tveeprom_read and tveeprom_hauppauge_analog.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] install ivtv-0.5.1 fails with ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol tveeprom_hauppauge_analog (make distclean doesn't help)

2006-01-14 Thread R. G. Newbury
mrwester wrote:

> Hi all-
> I'm having some trouble getting ivtv-0.5.1 installed.  I've followed 
> the directions in the  howto, 
> and I've  and tried  cd ivtv/v4l-kernel; make distclean as suggested 
> in the troubleshooting.  Is there something more to that?  I've also 
> tried  make distclean; make; make install.  I have no problems 
> installing 0.4.1, but am looking to move to 0.5.1 in hopes of getting 
> my 3 PVR-XXX tuners playing nice with a DVB card (DViCO FusionHDTV 5 
> lite).  With 0.4.1, I can get the ivtv working OR the DVB but not 
> both.  So I've stepped back and would just like to get 0.5.1 working 
> first, and then add the DVB card.
> Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong with 0.5.1?  Fresh FC4 install, 
> with all updates from .
> Jan 13 20:39:24 localhost kernel: Linux video capture interface: v1.00
> Jan 13 20:39:24 localhost kernel: ivtv: disagrees about version of 
> symbol tveeprom_hauppauge_analog
> Jan 13 20:39:24 localhost kernel: ivtv: Unknown symbol 
> tveeprom_hauppauge_analog
This piece of advice in the wiki is (now) backwards:

"There is work at the moment to merge these conflicting versions, but in 
the meantime the kernel version has to go:"

At least with the .4.1 driver, I (and others reporting here) have only 
been able to get a PVR and a DVb card to work together by making the PVR 
cards use the *kernel* module tveeprom.
If you moved/rename kernel modules, try changing them back and comment 
out the line in your modprobe.conf which has 'alias tveeprom 
tveeprom-ivtv' (Leave the rest of the alias' lines alone.

This change makes sense: the kernel module is there specifically for dvb 
cards like yours... No wonder you have a problem!

But good luck with ivtv .5... I could not get it to work properly nor 
could someone else with the same hardware as I have: PVR 500 + pcHD3000 
Presently runing (well... attempting to run... due to other problems.. ) 
ivtv version .4.1

Also, you should ensure that the cx88_dvb driver is listed FIRST in 
modules.pcimap, and it helps if you enter it as the FIRST card in 
mythtv-setup. (If it is in modules.pcimap after the cx8800 modules, then 
those get loaded first and modprobe.conf seems to get confused trying to 
run both NTSC and ATSC (analog/and digital ) modes. If cx88-dvb is 
listed first then the kernel loads it (it IS a kernel module and the 
hardware is there!) and no lines are needed in modprobe.conf. This is my 
experience with Fedora 4 2.6.14-1.1644.

The card should show up at /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 and NOT at 
/dev/video0. The PVR cards show up at /dev/video1 or 2 etc.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Unknown Symbol __libc_csu_init

2006-01-14 Thread R. G. Newbury
Axel Thimm wrote:

>On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 03:30:05PM -0500, R. G. Newbury wrote:
>>2 questions:
>>1)   Has anyone run across a problem where mythbackend and mythfrontend 
>>fail on launch with an error "Unrecognized symbol '__libc_cus_init'"  ??
>>I made svn version 8529 about Monday evening and it failed with that 
>>error, after making cleanly.
>>I downloaded and made svn version 8565  and it similarly failed.
>>This was on both the desktop machine AND the mythbox at home.
>>2)   How can you tell *exactly* which revision you are running?  After 
>>the prior problems, I was browsing and saw a reference to dependency 
>>errors caused by yum, and ended up at atrpms, so I installed smart and 
>>did an update/upgrade. Myth was one of the packages which was updated 
>>among the 600Meg of download.
>>NOW, mythbackend and mythfrontend start cleanly. The status tab reports  
>>version 19-20051208-1. The latest rpm at atrpms is the 18.1-117 build. 
>>SO, did running smart actually 'downgrade' from the then installed svn 
>>version?  (I put downgrade in quotes, since it was actually a step 
>>I'm going to try again with svn 8602...but any assistance/ideas would be 
>Don't mix rpms and self-build bits (the usually land under
>/usr/local), you're not going to be happy. While ATrpms' 0.18.x has a
>fresh date, it is from a different branch of what is usually refered
>to as svn. There is also a stable release-18-fixes branch that ATrpms
>is using. Your svn will be off the tip of the repo.
Thank you Axel. I knew about the 'not mixing' problem, but I was 
*already* unhappy!  Luckily mythtv-suite installs to /usr/bin while I 
have prefx=/usr/local in my svn builds. So I can actually run the 2 
different versions "simultaneously" (so to speak!...As it happens I have 
/usr/local/bin first in $PATH so I have to be careful!).

Yesterday, I downloaded and built svn 8602 on this machine, the desktop 
and it failed with the error.
I then did a 'smart update/upgrade' to this box and it worked.  I now 
realize that due to the $PATH environment, it called the svn version.
But both versions run correctly if I specify the executable absolutely.

Today, I brought in the mythbox and undertook the same process. In 
addition I did a 'smart reinstall glibc*' which repaired/reinstalled the library with one having the same date (August 2005) but a 
different size. The libc library contains the ofending symbol.
Myth fails the svn version on this box. The install was essentially a 
'make install' of the svn tree which I had made on the desktop and which 
I tar'ed and transferred over on a usb stick.

So I am presently undertaking a 'make clean' and full 'configure, make 
&& make install' of svn 8602 on the mythbox. Extremely weird that one 
should work and one should fail
Still no answer as to what happened either.
The only odd thing about running the rpm version is that it reports 
"modulationulation QAM_256 is unsupported" (sic)

The rpm reports its version on startup, or at least the date  
18.2-20051227-1. The svn version does not report on startup although a 
date is available through 'Information -> Status'... 19.1-20051208-1 
which is way out of date!


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Unknown Symbol __libc_csu_init

2006-01-13 Thread R. G. Newbury
2 questions:

1)   Has anyone run across a problem where mythbackend and mythfrontend 
fail on launch with an error "Unrecognized symbol '__libc_cus_init'"  ??

I made svn version 8529 about Monday evening and it failed with that 
error, after making cleanly.
I downloaded and made svn version 8565  and it similarly failed.
This was on both the desktop machine AND the mythbox at home.

2)   How can you tell *exactly* which revision you are running?  After 
the prior problems, I was browsing and saw a reference to dependency 
errors caused by yum, and ended up at atrpms, so I installed smart and 
did an update/upgrade. Myth was one of the packages which was updated 
among the 600Meg of download.

NOW, mythbackend and mythfrontend start cleanly. The status tab reports  
version 19-20051208-1. The latest rpm at atrpms is the 18.1-117 build. 
SO, did running smart actually 'downgrade' from the then installed svn 
version?  (I put downgrade in quotes, since it was actually a step 

I'm going to try again with svn 8602...but any assistance/ideas would be 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Anyway to tune a channel > 125 on pvr-150?

2006-01-11 Thread R. G. Newbury
Joe Votour wrote:

>--- John Biundo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Sorry for the newbie question, and I think I know
>>the answer, but I 
>>thought I'd ask.
>>I can tune channel 407, which isn't even listed in
>>my program lineup, on 
>>my "basic analog cable" package.  I use a STB -
>>mainly for the program 
>>guide - and I'm guessing this is a feature provided
>>by the STB.  I'm 
>>also guessing that I'm out of luck trying to get
>>this channel through a 
>>direct connection from the cable to my pvr-150,
>>Unfortunately, this happens to be a music TV channel
>>that my kid loves...
>>Oh well.  Thought I'd check here before writing it
>>mythtv-users mailing list
>The tuner on a PVR-150 is an analog tuner, meant for
>receiving analog cable TV signals.  The stuff that
>goes into your STB is likely a digital signal, which
>contains completely different information (likely
>MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 data) and would come out as gibberish
>on a PVR-150.
>You need to use the STB to receive the channels, and
>then you can plug your STB into the composite/S-Video
>and audio jacks or the coaxial input (if your STB will
>output on coaxial) for a reduced quality signal.
>Some cable providers, in addition to the digital
>signal will also provide an analog signal that you can
>tune into with the PVR-150.  However, it is highly
>unlikely that they will have put the particular
>channel you are looking for within the analog
>-- Joe
If you split your signal prior to the STB and send a feed to the PVR150, 
then you can use it to tune channels in mythtv, but it will not work 
with a digitial signal and channel 400 odd is undoubtedly a digital signal.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] QMYSQL3 Error on Fedora FC4 x86_64

2006-01-09 Thread R. G. Newbury
e squid2 wrote:

> I don't think there is a multithreaded RPM for Fedora.  Don't see 
> anything on the updates sites and the spec file for qt-MySQL mentions 
> threading support.
> I have the same issue basically (qt3.3, mysql4.1, AMD64 bit playing 
> nicely).  Even recompiled qt against mysql-4.1.16 as both a mysql 
> plugin and with mysql support directly into QT.  (QT configure'd as:   
> ./configure -platform linux-g++-64 -I/usr/include/mysql -thread 
> -[plugin|qt]-sql-mysql -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib64/mysql 
> -L/usr/lib64/nvidia-graphics-1.0-8178 -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 
> -L/usr/X11R6/lib -prefix /usr/lib64/qt-3.3, which compiled and 
> installed fine)
> Neither had any success.  Get the same output as Brian when running 
> mythtv-setup no matter what I do.  Strace just segfaults right before 
> the "QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded" (while mythtv-setup 
> continues running and complaining).
> |eric
> On 1/9/06, *Piers Kittel* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> I *think* you need the MT (multithread) version of the qt-mysql
> driver -
> I know this is from a Debian system but here you go:
> ii  libqt3c102-mt-mysql 3.3.4-3MySQL database driver for Qt3
> (Threaded)
> and taking from your list:
> > qt-MySQL-3.3.4-15.4
> I think you need the MT version - apt-cache search shows 2 versions of
> the same library:
> libqt3c102-mysql - MySQL database driver for Qt3
> libqt3c102-mt-mysql - MySQL database driver for Qt3 (Threaded)
> Of course, you can't apply the Debian package names for FC - but I
> would
> hazard a guess you need something like qt-MySQL-mt?  I can't have both
> the above packages installed, I can only have one or the other.
> Apologies if this doesn't apply for FC.
> Cheers - Piers
> Brian Fischer wrote:
> > I followed Jarod's guide exactly as written using yum on my
> system, but
> > there seems to be an issue with the updated SQL drivers on a
> clean install
> > of FC4_64.  I had been reading different forums and it seems
> like this one
> > can be fixed by installing qt-MySQL. It was installed in my
> environment
> > though so I dont know what's wrong.  I was wondering what driver
> versions
> > people are working with for MySQL and provide me with a few
> troubleshooting
> > issues to get this issue resolved for everyone?  This issue is
> also being
> > tracked in
> >
> >
I remember running across this problem. It turned out to be due to a 
change in name of the qt libraries, from something like 'qt' to 
'qt-3.3'. I don't remember how this eventually went away, but I remember 
attempting to fix it by seeding copies of libraries all over a 
replacement library tree.

You may want to look at the source for mythtv-setup to see what it is 
actually is probably trying to call something which does 
not exist on your system...

(I presume that you have actually included the qt libraries when 
installing mysql etc.)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Zap2It multiple sources same cable?

2006-01-06 Thread R. G. Newbury

To all, I apologize for the length of this!
See the bottom... Geoff

Steve Adeff wrote:

On Thursday 05 January 2006 14:32, R. G. Newbury wrote:

Steve Adeff wrote:

On Thursday 05 January 2006 10:26, R. G. Newbury wrote:

Byron Poland wrote:

On 1/3/06, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So I've got three sources from the same cable company, am I doomed to
have to have 3 logins?

1: HD Digital Cablebox via Firewire
2: SD Digital Cablebox via PVR-150
3: pcHDTV HD3000 cia QAM

all from Comcast. Now, each source requires its own specific channel
lineup and all three require a "Digital Cable" lineup to be selected.

The easiest would be to setup 1 zap2it source for all three and somehow
tell Myth which tuner gets what channels. But I don't think this is

See if you can pick a neighboring zip code that has the same services.
I seem to remember doing this to try and circumvent some multiple
lineup issues, I don't remember my exact issues they could of been
related to OTA stuff.

I think you only need 2 different lineups at zap2it.
I have ONE logon at zap2it and TWO different lineups. One lineup is
just  'Cable'. The other is 'Digital'.
Your PVR150 card will use the 'Cable' source.
Your Digital channels should be handled by the Myth database.
You may be able to use the 'other zip-code' trick, but I think that that
will fail unless you set up a different login. (I haven't tested but I
thought that Myth could handle a different login for an alternate
source. The problem is the zap2it end: one login allows only one lineup
of each type, cable, digital, or broadcast.)

You should be able to get all of the digital channels working properly

from the one digital lineup.

To get QAM working you have to set up the dtv_mulitplex table and then
enter the channel PID (as the serviceid) in the channel database.
Search gossamer threads for a topic heading starting with  "Sweet! PC
HD..." for links on how to get that done.

When you select a show, Myth uses the database and searchs to find the
channel, and parses out the hardware source (and serviceid to give to
the hardware) and the frequency in order to tune the proper piece of
In this case the source will be either #1 or #3, and it will always
internally 'tune' to the fixed channel while outputting an IR
change-channel signal to the cablebox for any channel mapped to #1. At
least that's how it appears it should work. And people have reported
here that the two parts of this do work separately. In fact, I'm doing
the 'source #3' part of that now with my PVR500 and HD3000. Your setup
is different only in using the 'same' digital source for different
tuners depending on the channel, but it should work.

You have an advantage in that you can use the cablebox to discover the
PIDs for all of the digital channels, so it will be a little easier for
you to set up the HD3000 card's database entries. You may want to get
phpMyAdmin running on your box, as this requires some mysql database
bit-bashing which is a lot easier to do with a hand holding gui.


except that my hdtv cable box gets a different set of channels than my
non-hdtv digital cable box which is a different set of channels that my
DVB card can receive. If I could, I would have one lineup and tell MythTV
which channels from the lineup each input is actually able to receive,
but from what I understand there is no way to do this as the visible
setting will still let Myth try and record a channel a source might not

Yes, in this case, each tuner uses a different subset of all of the
channels which are sent down your cable. Your cableco (and zap2it)
differentiate between the analog and digital parts of the spectrum but
Myth handles them indiscriminately except as it is told how to handle
them by the database.

I think that there is a way to make myth select a particular channel out
of a single datadirect lineup. It involves faking myth into thinking
that there are 2 different lineups for hardware tuning purposes while
having the same lineup for mythfilldatabase purposes.

To do this it helps to understand how myth goes about tuning a channel.

there is a discussion of the mysql database schema used by myth.


   Digital Television Multiplex Table (dtv_multiplex)

This table contains the information needed to tune to a particular
frequency on a particular input.

The primary key, 'mplexid', is automatically generated by the database.
The most important field is the 'frequency' field which contains the
transmission frequency in Hertz. The 'sourceid' which tells us which
card and on what input of that card this multiplex applies to according
to the Video Source Ta

Re: [mythtv-users] Zap2It multiple sources same cable?

2006-01-06 Thread R. G. Newbury

Byron Poland wrote:

could you fudge it in the tables by manipulating the xmltvid?
mythtv-users mailing list


No. I don't think so. The question of which tuner is to be used is quite 
distinct from the xmltvid. That number is just a unique key provided by 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Zap2It multiple sources same cable?

2006-01-05 Thread R. G. Newbury

Steve Adeff wrote:

On Thursday 05 January 2006 10:26, R. G. Newbury wrote:

Byron Poland wrote:

On 1/3/06, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So I've got three sources from the same cable company, am I doomed to
have to have 3 logins?

1: HD Digital Cablebox via Firewire
2: SD Digital Cablebox via PVR-150
3: pcHDTV HD3000 cia QAM

all from Comcast. Now, each source requires its own specific channel
lineup and all three require a "Digital Cable" lineup to be selected.

The easiest would be to setup 1 zap2it source for all three and somehow
tell Myth which tuner gets what channels. But I don't think this is

See if you can pick a neighboring zip code that has the same services.
I seem to remember doing this to try and circumvent some multiple
lineup issues, I don't remember my exact issues they could of been
related to OTA stuff.

I think you only need 2 different lineups at zap2it.
I have ONE logon at zap2it and TWO different lineups. One lineup is
just  'Cable'. The other is 'Digital'.
Your PVR150 card will use the 'Cable' source.
Your Digital channels should be handled by the Myth database.
You may be able to use the 'other zip-code' trick, but I think that that
will fail unless you set up a different login. (I haven't tested but I
thought that Myth could handle a different login for an alternate
source. The problem is the zap2it end: one login allows only one lineup
of each type, cable, digital, or broadcast.)

You should be able to get all of the digital channels working properly
from the one digital lineup.
To get QAM working you have to set up the dtv_mulitplex table and then
enter the channel PID (as the serviceid) in the channel database.
Search gossamer threads for a topic heading starting with  "Sweet! PC
HD..." for links on how to get that done.

When you select a show, Myth uses the database and searchs to find the
channel, and parses out the hardware source (and serviceid to give to
the hardware) and the frequency in order to tune the proper piece of
In this case the source will be either #1 or #3, and it will always
internally 'tune' to the fixed channel while outputting an IR
change-channel signal to the cablebox for any channel mapped to #1. At
least that's how it appears it should work. And people have reported
here that the two parts of this do work separately. In fact, I'm doing
the 'source #3' part of that now with my PVR500 and HD3000. Your setup
is different only in using the 'same' digital source for different
tuners depending on the channel, but it should work.

You have an advantage in that you can use the cablebox to discover the
PIDs for all of the digital channels, so it will be a little easier for
you to set up the HD3000 card's database entries. You may want to get
phpMyAdmin running on your box, as this requires some mysql database
bit-bashing which is a lot easier to do with a hand holding gui.


except that my hdtv cable box gets a different set of channels than my 
non-hdtv digital cable box which is a different set of channels that my DVB 
card can receive. If I could, I would have one lineup and tell MythTV which 
channels from the lineup each input is actually able to receive, but from 
what I understand there is no way to do this as the visible setting will 
still let Myth try and record a channel a source might not have.


Yes, in this case, each tuner uses a different subset of all of the 
channels which are sent down your cable. Your cableco (and zap2it) 
differentiate between the analog and digital parts of the spectrum but 
Myth handles them indiscriminately except as it is told how to handle 
them by the database.

I think that there is a way to make myth select a particular channel out 
of a single datadirect lineup. It involves faking myth into thinking 
that there are 2 different lineups for hardware tuning purposes while 
having the same lineup for mythfilldatabase purposes.

To do this it helps to understand how myth goes about tuning a channel.

there is a discussion of the mysql database schema used by myth.


   Digital Television Multiplex Table (dtv_multiplex)

This table contains the information needed to tune to a particular 
frequency on a particular input.

The primary key, 'mplexid', is automatically generated by the database. 
The most important field is the 'frequency' field which contains the 
transmission frequency in Hertz. The 'sourceid' which tells us which 
card and on what input of that card this multiplex applies to according 
to the Video Source Table (videosource) 
Along with a channel number 'sourceid' also uniq

Re: [mythtv-users] Zap2It multiple sources same cable?

2006-01-05 Thread R. G. Newbury

Byron Poland wrote:

On 1/3/06, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So I've got three sources from the same cable company, am I doomed to have to
have 3 logins?

1: HD Digital Cablebox via Firewire
2: SD Digital Cablebox via PVR-150
3: pcHDTV HD3000 cia QAM

all from Comcast. Now, each source requires its own specific channel lineup
and all three require a "Digital Cable" lineup to be selected.

The easiest would be to setup 1 zap2it source for all three and somehow tell
Myth which tuner gets what channels. But I don't think this is possible.

See if you can pick a neighboring zip code that has the same services.
I seem to remember doing this to try and circumvent some multiple
lineup issues, I don't remember my exact issues they could of been
related to OTA stuff.

I think you only need 2 different lineups at zap2it.
I have ONE logon at zap2it and TWO different lineups. One lineup is 
just  'Cable'. The other is 'Digital'.

Your PVR150 card will use the 'Cable' source.
Your Digital channels should be handled by the Myth database.
You may be able to use the 'other zip-code' trick, but I think that that 
will fail unless you set up a different login. (I haven't tested but I 
thought that Myth could handle a different login for an alternate 
source. The problem is the zap2it end: one login allows only one lineup 
of each type, cable, digital, or broadcast.)

You should be able to get all of the digital channels working properly 
from the one digital lineup.
To get QAM working you have to set up the dtv_mulitplex table and then 
enter the channel PID (as the serviceid) in the channel database.  
Search gossamer threads for a topic heading starting with  "Sweet! PC 
HD..." for links on how to get that done.

When you select a show, Myth uses the database and searchs to find the 
channel, and parses out the hardware source (and serviceid to give to 
the hardware) and the frequency in order to tune the proper piece of 
In this case the source will be either #1 or #3, and it will always 
internally 'tune' to the fixed channel while outputting an IR 
change-channel signal to the cablebox for any channel mapped to #1. At 
least that's how it appears it should work. And people have reported 
here that the two parts of this do work separately. In fact, I'm doing 
the 'source #3' part of that now with my PVR500 and HD3000. Your setup 
is different only in using the 'same' digital source for different 
tuners depending on the channel, but it should work.

You have an advantage in that you can use the cablebox to discover the 
PIDs for all of the digital channels, so it will be a little easier for 
you to set up the HD3000 card's database entries. You may want to get 
phpMyAdmin running on your box, as this requires some mysql database 
bit-bashing which is a lot easier to do with a hand holding gui.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] X Bad_alloc Error

2005-12-12 Thread R. G. Newbury

I'm experiencing an error which I cannot figure out.
This is a Via SP13000 motherboard, running Fedora 4 on 2.6.14-1.1644_FC4 
with mythtv svn 8205. I have xorg.conf set for 800x600 with 16 bit 
depth. These settings are down from 1280x1024x16 which was what I had 
set before things went bad.

Note that there is not output, yet, to TV.. this is only monitor output.
I am at a loss to understand what is causing this..
Help  gratefully accepted...

Here is the error reported by mythfrontend. Mythbackend is no more useful.

2005-12-06 20:13:42.754 Connecting to backend server: 
(try 1 of 5)

2005-12-06 20:13:42.762 Using protocol version 22
2005-12-06 20:13:42.804 TV: Attempting to change from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-12-06 20:13:42.829 Using protocol version 22
2005-12-06 20:13:43.386 Invalid file handle when opening 
/video/2135_20051206201342.mpg.  6 retries remaining.

0: start_time: 5859.060 duration: -9223372036854.775
stream: start_time: 65100.668 duration: -9223372036854.775 bitrate=0 kb/s
2005-12-06 20:13:45.728 AFD: Opened codec 0x834d230, 
id(MPEG2VIDEO_XVMC_VLD) type(Video)

2005-12-06 20:13:50.413 TV: Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-12-06 20:13:50.419 Using realtime priority.
2005-12-06 20:13:50.480 Video timing method: DRM
X Error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation) 11
 Major opcode:  140
 Minor opcode:  18
 Resource id:  0x2800016
2005-12-06 20:13:52.277 NVP: prebuffering pause
2005-12-06 20:13:55.336 Video sync method can't support double framerate 
(refresh rate too low for bob deint)
2005-12-06 20:13:55.336 AFD: Opened codec 0x84abf10, 
id(MPEG2VIDEO_XVMC_VLD) type(Video)

2005-12-06 20:13:55.339 AFD: Opened codec 0x85123e0, id(AC3) type(Audio)
2005-12-06 20:13:55.386 AFD: Initializing video at 528x480 pixels.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
 what():  St9bad_alloc

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Unable to connect ot Mysql Database

2005-09-23 Thread R. G. Newbury
Pioneering is the business of finding new and unexpected ways of dying 
(Adam Hall: The Ninth Directive)  (But that could be Chuck Yeager's 
motto too!

Installing software is the business of finding new and unexpected errors

I hunted down and killed the eeprom/tveeprom which-one-first error.

Now I cannot connect to the mysql database.
Mysqld is running. I can connect from the command line. By mythtv-setup 
cannot find the qsqlmysql driver.
Worse yet, under Mandriva, urpmi tells me that everything I can think of 
is installed already (and urpmi won't let you re-install in place (so to 

This is the error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] setup]$ ./mythtv-setup
2005-09-23 20:21:19.296 Using runtime prefix = /usr
QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
2005-09-23 20:21:19.391 New DB connection, total: 1
2005-09-23 20:21:19.391 Unable to connect to database!
2005-09-23 20:21:19.392 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-09-23 20:21:19.394 Unable to connect to database!
2005-09-23 20:21:19.395 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-09-23 20:21:19.395 Database not open while trying to load setting: 

2005-09-23 20:21:19.396 Unable to connect to database!
2005-09-23 20:21:19.396 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...

And that continues for some lines.
I found the file. I even copied it from 
/usr/lib/qt3/plugins/sqldrivers to /usr/lib/qt3/plugins/lib/sqldrivers.

And into /usr/lib/qt3/lib/sqldrivers
.And into usr/lib/local where all the lirc stuff lives.

And I updated and ran ldconfig.

No joyMuch frustration at the moment. I have 4 (or 5) copies of the 
lib scattered around but libqt3 cannot seem to find any.



mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] make failure

2005-09-22 Thread R. G. Newbury

Asher Schaffer wrote:

On 9/22/05, R. G. Newbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I' m trying to rebuild mythtv with some more features enabled.

What features did you change?  Maybe post the output from configure?

Well since my post I've tried disabling some stuff. The error appears to 
be audio related so I disabled audio-arts and audio-jack...No joy.

I have not used Mozilla mail before and can't figure out how to import a 
file, so I have not included the configure file. But this is the command 

./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-mmx --enable-ccache --arch=c3-2 
--enable-audio-alsa --disable-audio-arts --disable-audio-jack 
--enable-directfb --disable-dvd --enable-lirc --enable-v4l --enable-ivtv 
--enable-dvb --enable-xvmc --enable-xvmc-vld --enable-xvmc-pro 
--enable-opengl-vsync --disable-firewire

The only internal change to configure is to force dvbpath to 
/usr/src/linux/include to avoid a problem between the name of the kernel 
source tree and the name 'uname -r' returns.

I don't remember the exact number of the build but the same thing 
happened with a subversion build about 3 hours ago, which is why I went 
back to the tarball. From that I suspect it is something at my endI 
had a working copy (which wouldn't talk to the mysql server but that was 
another thing) and I then downloaded and compiled lirc so I needed to do 
a rebuild of mythtv. And since I was already having a problem with 
mysql, I figured that that might clean out the error...But nope!


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] make failure

2005-09-22 Thread R. G. Newbury

I' m trying to rebuild mythtv with some more features enabled.
When I get to 'make' it fails with the following error(s)

Basically it's not seeing/finding something which it should, but I have 
no idea why this version should fail, while the one I grabbed a week ago 
did not...

Anyone have any ideas? This was done from the 0.18.1 tarball.


g++ -c -pipe -march=c3-2 -Wall -W -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch 
-fomit-frame-pointer -D_REENTRANT -DPIC -fPIC  -DMMX -Di386 
-I/usr/lib/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I/usr/include 
-I/usr/src/linux-2.6.12-12mdk/include -I/usr/X11R6/include 
-I../libmythsamplerate -I../libmythsoundtouch -I../.. 
-I/usr/lib/qt3/include -o audiooutput.o audiooutput.cpp

In file included from audiooutput.cpp:11:
audiooutputdx.h:10:21: error: windows.h: No such file or directory
audiooutputdx.h:12:20: error: dsound.h: No such file or directory
audiooutputdx.h:44: error: 'HINSTANCE' does not name a type
audiooutputdx.h:45: error: 'LPDIRECTSOUND' does not name a type
audiooutputdx.h:46: error: 'LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER' does not name a type
audiooutputdx.h:49: error: 'LPDIRECTSOUNDNOTIFY' does not name a type
audiooutputdx.h:50: error: 'DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY' does not name a type
audiooutputdx.h:52: error: 'DWORD' does not name a type
audiooutputdx.h:53: error: 'DWORD' does not name a type
audiooutput.cpp: In static member function 'static AudioOutput* 
AudioOutput::OpenAudio(QString, int, int, int, AudioOutputSource, bool)':
audiooutput.cpp:74: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type 
audiooutputdx.h:15: note:   because the following virtual functions are 
pure within 'AudioOutputDX':

audiooutputbase.h:67: note:  virtual bool AudioOutputBase::OpenDevice()
audiooutputbase.h:68: note:  virtual void AudioOutputBase::CloseDevice()
audiooutputbase.h:69: note:  virtual void 
AudioOutputBase::WriteAudio(unsigned char*, int)
audiooutputbase.h:70: note:  virtual int 
audiooutputbase.h:71: note:  virtual int 

{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:153: Error: Local symbol `.LTHUNK0' can't be equated to 
undefined symbol `_ZN11AudioOutputD0Ev'
{standard input}:153: Error: Local symbol `.LTHUNK1' can't be equated to 
undefined symbol `_ZN11AudioOutputD1Ev'

make[2]: *** [audiooutput.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/mythtv/program/mythtv/libs/libmyth'
make[1]: *** [sub-libmyth] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mythtv/program/mythtv/libs'
make: *** [sub-libs] Error 2

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