[mythtv-users] First Generation Air2PC Card Requires Extended Initialization

2006-01-28 Thread William Powers
I recently purchased first generation Air2PC cards off eBay.  I knew 
there might be issues, but it seemed like a low-cost way to experiment 
with digital / HD TV and that has proven to be true.  In fact, the first 
card worked extremely well, no issues whatsoever, so I bought a second 
one.  The second card, however, takes much longer to initialize and lock 
up on its startup channel - usually several minutes as compared to less 
than 30 seconds for the first card I bought.  Once initialized, both 
cards work fine.  However, mythbackend gives up after 30 seconds so 
getting them both initialized is a problem.

I found I could fix that problem by editing 'dvbchannel.h' in libmythtv, 
the line that reads:

bool TuneTransport(dvb_channel_t channel, bool all=false, int 

Adding an extra zero to the 'timeout' parameter allows the backend to 
wait long enough for my slow card to achieve a lock.  However, I'm 
curious if there is an easier way.  For example, is there some way to 
condition the card(s) prior to starting the backend that would allow 
them to successfully lock up within the default 30 seconds?

Also, change of subject, is there some trick to getting XvMC to actually 
work?  When I first tried to use it on two machines, both with 0.18.1, 
FX5200's and the NVIDIA driver, only the Hardware MPEG checkbox was 
present on the Playback settings page.  On both machines, when that 
checkbox was checked, playback and live TV would both fail with a 
message saying that the frontend was unable to initialize the display.  
After fooling around with the stuff mentioned above, including a 
recompile of 0.18.1, a checkbox to enable OpenGL vsync suddently 
appeared on the same settings page as the XvMC checkbox and now XvMC 
works on that machine.  But I don't know why it started working and I 
haven't been able to duplicate the feat on my other Myth box.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Myth Remote Control

2006-01-13 Thread William Powers
What IR keyboard are you using?  I've been using the Chicony KB-9820, 
but they are getting hard to find...


Kevin Kuphal wrote:

 Buy a one-for-all remote with a JP1 connector and a JP1 interface 
 cable. There are various how-tos on JP1 sites related to this but you 
 basically use that cable to connect to your Windows PC and use 
 software to program your IR remote to send the same IR commands as 
 your IR keyboard. While most Myth users go through LIRC with an IR 
 remote, I have found that programming my IR remote to emulate my IR 
 keyboard allows me to use a standard PS/2 connector and the IR 
 receiver to bypass LIRC. This has resulted, for me, in finer control 
 over keys as well as faster response times from the remote.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Strange recording and playback issues after crash

2006-01-04 Thread William Powers
I presume you completely unpowered the box, preferably by removing the 
power cord for 30 seconds or so.  If you didn't, there's a chance some 
device on the motherboard got upset during the power glitch and hasn't 
been reset since.  Other than that, I dunno, unless something was 
permanently damaged.  Wish I could be more helpful.


Bruce J Keeler wrote:

A few days ago, my myth system suffered a power loss.  Ever since, it
has been suffering from two problems.  Recorded programs have chunks
dropped, and lots of the following errors get logged:

   Jan  2 16:01:19 localhost kernel: ivtv: ENC IRQ OVERFLOW: #0
   Stealing a Buffer, 2048 currently allocated

List archives suggest that this is due to mythbackend not reading the
data from the PVR250 fast enough, but don't suggest any reason why that
would be the case, though one suggested fscking the recordings partition
which I did to no avail.  A SMART self-test ran without errors.  A
bonnie++ run seemed to indicate reasonable disk performance.

When playing back programs (even programs that recorded prior to the
power loss event), I get some odd behavior while skipping ahead and
back.  The total program time varies, sometimes by a few seconds,
sometimes by outrageous amounts (e.g. something like 768:45:22 might be
displayed for program length).  The skip takes a second or two to
complete, and the picture stutters and goes all pixelly.  Pre-crash,
skips were always instantaneous.

Recording is via a PVR250, playback is through X on an FX5200.  Hardware
and software configuration has not been touched for ages.

Linux mythbox 2.6.12-20050717 #3 Thu Sep 1 18:53:47 PDT 2005 i686
Jan  1 14:15:06 localhost kernel: ivtv: version 0.2.0 (rc3j) loading
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+ stepping 00
512MB memory.

Can anyone suggest what to look for here?


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Re: [mythtv-users] Avermedia AVerTV GO 007 FM - No Sound in MythTV

2005-12-30 Thread William Powers

wvl wrote:

So with the help of the v4l mailinglist I got sound in tvtime by using
sox to send everything from /dev/dsp2 (tvcard sound device) to
/dev/dsp (regular soundcard).

But now I need mythtv to record the sound instead. Usually you'd
attach the line-in of your soundcard to the sound output of your
tvcard, but this card shouldn't need that (I think...). Nevertheless I
tried using a cable to connect the two, but however I configured the
devices using kmix (soundcard: line-in muted, but on record. tvtuner
sound device: no idea. tried a few things like enabling record on
everything and raising the volume to max) it never worked.

So does anyone have experience with a simliar setup? I'm sure my
configuration should be no different to anyone else with one of these
cards that expose their sound via a second sound device instead of the
usual connect and record.

Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious, but if you've already got the TV 
sound coming out of dsp2, shouldn't all you need do is specify dsp2 as 
the audio source for that card in mythtv-setup?  In my limited 
experience with btaudio and snd-bt87x, getting to the point of having a 
functional /dev/dsp device was 99% of the work.  IIRC, the only thing 
left to do after that point was to select the right dsp device in myth 
setup and make sure that device wasn't muted.

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[mythtv-users] snd_bt87x, kernel version, lirc replacement - lessons learned

2005-12-22 Thread William Powers
Because my daughter, who is off at college, complained bitterly about 
having to constantly swap VHS tapes to record her shows at school, as 
compared to Mything them at home, I threw together a Myth box for her 
out of spare parts.  In the process, I found out a few things that might 
be useful to someone else in the future, so I'm posting them here for 
archival purposes.

The only usable capture card I had was an old ATI TV Wonder, which has 
an MSP3400 chip.  In the past I had successfully used that particular 
card with btaudio on RH9 and with snd_bt87x on FC2.  This time, I could 
not get DMA audio to work with any recent distro.  I tried FC4, Ubuntu 
5.10, and FC3 with a dist-upgrade.  No joy for any of them.  I was about 
to go back to RH9 and btaudio, but I tried installing FC3 again without 
a dist-upgrade and that worked.  So, in short, I was not able to get 
snd_bt87x to work with any kernel newer than 2.6.9 or so.  The symptoms 
were simple:  No /dev/dsp device was created, nor was the capture card 
recorded in /proc/asound/.  But everything is now working fine with the 
default kernel installed by FC3.

Second, I managed to save myself the headache of finding an IR receiver 
for lirc.  Once upon a time I bought, but never used, a Chicony KB-9820 
IR keyboard.  Using that, along with a Philips six device Universal 
Digital DVD Learning Remote (PHDVD6ZL, $20 at Fry's) gave me a usable 
remote control at a tiny fraction of the effort that was required to get 
lirc working on my original Myth box.  I can't say if that particular 
keyboard is still available anywhere, but it does work well.

Other than that, I finally discovered a use for Windows Internet 
Connection Sharing, as her Internet connection is with Airimba wireless 
who only allow a single connection per account.  That was solved with 
two old NIC's, an ethernet crossover cable, W2K ICS, and a bash script 
that retries mythfilldatabase until the connection is available.

Of course, daughters being what they are, she was distressed to find out 
that her Myth can only record one program at a time (unlike the home 
box).  Maybe I can pick up another TV Wonder off Ebay...

Hopefully, having this note in the archive will help if someone 
encounters any of the same problems.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Silent Fan for Socket A (AthlonXP 3000)

2005-12-03 Thread William Powers
It doesn't meet your cost constraint, but when I was considering doing 
the same thing you are doing, I went with the Thermalright SI-97A.  I 
got the 'A' model because it is also usable with socket 754 so I could 
keep using it when if/when I upgrade.  It doesn't come with a fan, but I 
had a 92mm Zalman fan which was fairly quiet to begin with and then I 
undervolted it to 5V which made it silent.  The best place to find out 
which fans are truly quiet is at www.silentpcreview.com.

The only tricky part is that the Thermalright fan mounting clips require 
your fan have open corners with the mounting holes accessible from the 
inside.  Fans with filled-in corners won't work, unless you're handy 
with a dremel tool.

Believe it or not, I've found that the best way to get a quiet heatsink 
is to find out what the air-cooling overclockers are using and use a 
quiet fan instead of the screaming Volcanos they use.

In the end, however, I did not upgrade my Athlon XP.  At the time, it 
turned out to be cheaper (and cooler)  to upgrade to a socket 754 
motherboard with an Athlon or Sempron 64 CPU, so I did that instead.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Monitor Opinion

2005-11-30 Thread William Powers
It's a very highly rated monitor.  See 
http://www.anandtech.com/displays/showdoc.aspx?i=2400.  I tried to get 
one yesterday for $334, but the $100 coupon code had already run out.  I 
guess I'll just keep an eye out for the next deal.

Chris Ribe wrote:

Call me paranoid,  but that deal is too good to be true.

Questions I would want answered before buying :

-  Is mythtv going to have a problem with the weird resolution?

-  How well do the internal scaler and component input work together 
given the weird resolution?

-  What is the response time really like?   I've never met an LCD TV 
whose picture impressed me.  Of course, the pricetag on that one could 
make up for a lot of shortcomings.  

On 11/29/05, *Mike Robinson* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

I'm in the process of putting together a Myth system.  I've got the
hardware for the combined BE/FE box picked out, but now I'm
looking at
monitors.  This will be a smaller monitor for a bedroom.  I was
wondering if I should have any concerns about using this monitor:



It has a resolution of 1680x1050 (16:10 aspect ratio).  I'll be
recording OTA with two HD3000 cards.  My graphics card will be an


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


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Re: [mythtv-users] Feature Request: allowable overlap for recordings?

2005-06-16 Thread William Powers
Am I missing something, or isn't it already possible to do this?  If, 
say, I prefer to always see the beginning of a program but don't mind 
missing the last minute, then I can (always) set programs to start on 
time (Start Early = 0) but end one minute early (End Late = -1).  If I 
then set the global  pre-roll to zero and the post-roll to sixty 
seconds, I will always get the whole program unless there's a conflict.  
If there is a conflict, it will release the tuner one minute earlier to 
the second program.  If I want, I can even increase the pre-roll and/or 
post-roll to further ensure I get the entire program in a no-conflict case.

If I always prefer to see the end (which would be my choice), I would 
just reverse the settings.

Frankly, this doesn't sound burdensome to me since I already set every 
program to start two minutes early and end two minutes late in order to 
guarantee I don't lose *either* end.

Even so, I am still hoping that Glenn Moloney follows through with his 
feature to allow overlapping recordings on the same channel with a 
single tuner.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Attention 24 watchers: check your upcoming recordings

2005-05-22 Thread William Powers
Whew, I was worried for a sec.  If it hadn't gotten recorded I would 
have been in big trouble.  Fortunately, I had it set for Record at any 
time on channel 9.

Thanks for the PSA!

Kyle Rose wrote:

Just a public service announcement: if you have 24 set up to record
with In this timeslot every week, be aware that you do not currently
have an upcoming recording for tomorrow night's finale because it starts
at 8 and is two hours.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Channels with poor quality create HUGE recordings

2005-04-14 Thread William Powers
Static and noise don't compress well.  The higher the compression you 
normally use, the more pronounced the file size 'inflation', as it 
were.  If you find a way to clean up the picture, the files should go 
back to normal size. 

Actually, if you find a way to clean up the picture, please let me know 
so I can get rid of the fuzzy diagonal lines I get on AMC.  Post 
processing them with a temporal filter cleans them up pretty good, but 
for normal viewing it looks pretty bad.

Phil Buescher wrote:
I've been running Myth for a couple years now.  I'm just running it
with a software based encoder Happauge WinTV-Radio.
I moved to a new town just recently, and a different cable company, of
course - I have Comcast now.
Anyway, onto the problem...
Certain channels come in pretty fuzzy, with bad quality, showing
diagonal lines on the screen.  Most channels come in just fine and
look great.  These channels come in all fuzzy on a normal TV as well.
Here's the big problem though - on those channels with the poor
quality, the recording sizes are abnormally HUGE!
We're talking about 3-4 times larger than the recordings should be. 
For instance, a normal hour-long show will take up 0.74 gigs, but the
ones on the flaky channels will take up anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 gigs!
It's really crazy!

I didn't change anything besides my tvlisting feeds on my MythTV box,
so I know it isn't something I did.  I didn't change my recording
format, I didn't change my setup, and this is certainly a per-channel
problem.  Only two channels I know of have this poor quality and HUGE
recordings problem.
I did get basic cable, nothing digital, no satellite or anything goofy
- just the basic standard cable package with no need for a set top
Could this be that these channels are actually HDTV, and that's why
they're taking up so much room and come in all fuzzy on tuners that
aren't HDTV-ready?  Or can it just be that channels with this poor
quality problem simply take up a ton more room to record?  I have DSL,
but could I be receiving some interferance that has to do with cable
Internet?  I don't know - I'm totally guessing because I have no clue
I really need some help, as the two channels we record the most shows
off (shows that are on while we're at work), are the ones that have
this problem - and even with over 300 gigs of HD space, I'm running
out rather fast.
I really don't want to have to re-transcode/mencode the shows after
recording them, since that's a pain - any idea what the problem is? 
The cable installer thought the poor quality was due to bad wiring,
but between him and I, we replaced every single run of cable in and
outside of the house with high-quality wiring and ends.  The installer
even replaced the cable running from the neighborhood box that runs to
our house.  We never did figure out why these channels come in fuzzy. 
He left, proclaiming the problem fixed - and it wasn't fixed, he just
checked one of the channels that come in just fine.  I even bought an
expensive coax tester, and all the runs are totally clean.

I tried putting a signal booster in front of my MythTV box, but that
had no effect.  I also tried an RF filter, to no effect.  I'm totally
stumped and frustrated.
Please help - any suggestions or insights are appreciated.
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Re: [mythtv-users] Storage space and PVR-250

2005-04-13 Thread William Powers
Try this:  Go into the default recording profile for the PVR250 and set 
your resolution to 352x480 and your encoder bitrate to 2200 
kbit/second.  That's about the absolute minimum bitrate/resolution combo 
I've found to be usable for standard TV.  YMMV.  Record something and 
try watching it over your 802.11b link.  If the playback is jerky, then 
you'll probably need to upgrade to 802.11g or faster, regardless of 
whether you like the picture quality or not.

If the playback is smooth, but you can't stand the picture quality, try 
increasing the bitrate without increasing the resolution and see if you 
can find a setting that works for you.  If you must increase the 
resolution (to, say, 480x480), then you will have to substantially 
increase the bitrate (eg., I use at least 4500 kbps/sec at 480x480 or 
better).  The more you must increase the bitrate, the less the chance 
that 802.11b is going to work for you.

Good luck!
Derek Tattersall wrote:
I just set up a mythtv box using a pvr-250 as the capture card. I
scheduled a recording of a 1/2 hour tv show, and it worked well. When I
played back the recording it looked great. So far so good. However that
1/2 hour recording takes up 13gb on my disk. I would like to find a more
efficient way to store recordings even if I have to sacrifice some
How do I set up mythtv to reencode the recordings to a more space
efficient format?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] A/V out of sync due to dropped frames

2005-04-07 Thread William Powers
If you use Windows, there's an application called PVAStrumento that does 
the same thing as ProjectX.  Recent versions of PVAStrumento have 
restored audio sync in 100% of the files I have used it on.  I just use 
the default settings; select the .nuv file, 'make ps', set the output 
file, set 2048 as the packet size, and 'Start'.

Link:  http://www.offeryn.de/dv.htm
mary wright wrote:
There's a really good program called ProjectX it's a java app with fixes
most errors in av sync'ing .It hasn't failed to work on eveything I have
thrown at it .once I get the output from Project X I use Avidemux2 to edit
and re-encode to what ever format needed
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythfilldatabase problem?

2005-03-28 Thread William Powers
You may be experiencing what I, for lack of a better term, refer to as 
the Sunday Problem.  On three of the last four Sunday's, 
mythfilldatabase was unable to obtain any new data from Zap2It.  On two 
of those three occasions, the data was available by the Monday request 
time; on one occasion no new data was available until Tuesday.  Since 
the data shows up eventually, I have decided simply not to worry about it.

Scot L. Harris wrote:
The mythtv system has been working great the past week or so.
Mythtv 0.17 from ATRPMS and Jarod's guide on an FC3 system using PVR-350
and a PVR-250.
In the mythweb interface under the backend status I noticed the
following under Machine information:
Disk Usage: 
 * Total Space: 1042,336 MB 
 * Space Used: 382,265 MB 
 * Space Free: 660,071 MB 

This machine's load average: 
 * 1 Minute: 0.02
 * 5 Minutes: 0.02
 * 15 Minutes: 0

Last mythfilldatabase run started on 2005-03-28 03:02 and ended on
2005-03-28 03:02. mythfilldatabase ran, but did not insert any new data
into the Guide. This can indicate a potential grabber failure.
There's guide data until 2005-04-08 22:00 (11 days).
DataDirect Status: Your subscription expires on 05/17/05 03:06:14
My question is regarding what appears to be a warning above that
mythfilldatabase ran but did not insert any new data into the Guide. 
This can indicate a potential grabber failure.

However the guide appears to be working just fine.  Is this a possible
bug or an actual problem?

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