[mythtv-users] MythWeb + myth-remote-control

2006-01-29 Thread f-myth-users
I've been thinking a bit recently about a feature I mentioned a couple
months ago, and it seems more implementable now.  (Is MythWeb covered
by the current feature freeze? :)

The idea is to be able to browse recordings in MythWeb, but, if you
clicked on the image in any given row, to have the frontend play it
instead of having it streamed to the browser.  This is handy in
situations where you don't necessarily have a pre-established
playlist, and would like to start the next recording on the fly while
the previous one is still playing.  (Useful for VJ'ing, for meetings
in which you're presenting a bunch of short clips, for those of us who
find a browser on a close-up high-res screen much more readable than
the TV on the other side of the room, etc etc.)  Obviously, this would
be optional, so the existing behavior of streaming directly to the
browser still works for those who want it.

Originally, it looked like the way to do this was to send a different
URL to the browser such that the image link ran a cgi script that then
talked to the frontend (which might not be the same as the backend
machine), and which then ran mplayer right on top of the frontend GUI.
This is inelegant in a number of ways, though.

But with the recent work that went into SVN (courtesy of the bounty
that was paid for the added functionality) for remote-controlling the
frontend from elsewhere, this could be a lot easier:  Each of the rows
in MythWeb's recorded-programs page has a URL that runs a cgi script
that gets handed some ID for the program (whatever's easiest to put in
the URL and look up in the DB later), and the cgi script then commands
the frontend to play that recording directly, just as if the user
navigated there via the frontend's UI.  Seems very simple.

The clean way to implement this would be to augment MythWeb to run an
arbitrary script (e.g., the cgi script gets configured to call one of
potentially several scripts, and hands it the program ID), and the
first (but maybe not only) script to actually get written would be the
one that takes the program ID and tells the frontend remote-control to
play it.

MythWeb would need two additional configuration options somewhere:
o Whether to enable this behavior at all
o Which frontend to use, if there is more than one

How feasible does this sound?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Should a SBE/FE be running mysqld?

2006-01-29 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 13:03:14 +1300
 From: Nick Rout [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 See the other replies, but don't just remove the script, use your
 distro's tools to make sure it stops and won't start again. 

Sure; I was speaking informally.  By delete I meant use update-rc.d
(Ubuntu's name for it) to remove the various symlinks---but your
explanation might be useful to somebody else who comes across this...
Tnx.  (I'm reasonably sure that mysqld was there in the first place
because I built the two machines by building one partway and then
essentially cloning its disk; obviously I missed a step in getting
its services customized.)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Tivo to Myth migration

2006-01-28 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 02:15:28 -0800
 From: Ian Forde [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 not sure if anyone's even remotely interested in this, but I've
 cobbled together a script that will pull a show from a S1 Tivo and put
 it into the Watch Recordings screen on myth.  The script still needs
 some finishing touches though.  (Okay - it's pretty rough to look at.

That's very slick.  We're actually in the process of migrating from
TiVo to Myth right now as we cut over our research platform, so this
could come in quite handy.  (I've had a network interface in the box
for years, but never really used it; this is an original series 1 TiVo
running 3.0-01-1-000.)

Do you or anyone else happen to know of a way to migrate (or at least
pull out, so I can run perl scripts or Emacs macros or whatever) the
season pass and wishlist information?  We've currently got a combined
SP/WL list of at least 400, and it'd be nice to convert those into the
appropriate mysql rules for the Myth, so someone doesn't have to type
in every single one by hand (at least this time with a real keyboard,
unlike the TiVo. :) Something that goes all the way would be most
excellent, but even something that just dumps the SP/WL into a file
that could be massaged would be better than sitting there with both
UI's side-by-side on the screen, transcribing rules...

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Blank channums in mythweb?

2006-01-28 Thread f-myth-users
In .18.1:  I just noticed that about half of the channum fields in my
mythweb Recorded Programs page are blank---there's just a lonely
little dash instead of a digit, a dash, and a callsign.  There doesn't
seem to be much of a correlation with callsign, date recorded, whether
or not it was a manual recording, etc.  Any idea what might cause this?

I -did- rearrange my lineups around the 16th, but I see blanks in
shows recorded both before and after that date.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Should a SBE/FE be running mysqld?

2006-01-28 Thread f-myth-users
I recently noticed that my SBE/FE machine has a mysqld running.
I'm guessing that there's no reason for this to be the case, since
presumably the only place mysqld should be running is on the master
backend, but I figured I'd check, just in case.  (I also assume I
should just remove its startup script from /etc/init.d and call it
a day if it's not supposed to be there.)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Peculiar differences in PVR-350 init vs closed-captioning vs LiveTV

2006-01-27 Thread f-myth-users
This is not the most useful bug report, because it's based on 0.18.1,
and I know that LiveTV is completely rewritten in soon-to-be-.19, but
just in case it rings any bells or helps anyone:

I just noticed that something about MythTV inits a PVR-350's
closed-captioning decoder differently depending on whether it's
playing recorded stuff, or LiveTV.  Since in both cases stuff is
really coming from disk, I assume that LiveTV does something extra
to init the card that playing a recorded program does not.

Specifically, I have recordings done on 250's under ivtv 0.4.1-r1,
and my 350 in the frontend (different machine) is using ivtv 0.4.0.
If I try to play any of those recordings with a freshly-booted front
end (doesn't matter if it was a simple reboot, or a shutdown with
several minutes of power-off), the closed captions sent to my TV's
CC1 decoder are garbled in a curious way---as if the slicing has
misplaced groups of characters.  For example, I'll see this CC:

day'ToSchus r prles inesotio mn

instead of this:

Today's Schuler press in motion

However, if I watch LiveTV---even if I do so during a commercial break
when no CC data is being transmitted---then I can play recordings
after that with no garbling of their CC data, until the next time
I reboot the frontend.  Also, LiveTV's CC data is never garbled.

I'll test this again once .19 comes out, but I'm hoping that whatever
card initialization -was- done for LiveTV (only) in .18.1 is -still-
done (always) in .19, or going to .19 may permanently break CC
decoding for me.  (Unless this is known to be an ivtv-specific
problem fixed in 0.4.2 or one of the later series, but since its
behavior changes depending on whether I've viewed LiveTV, well...)

If someone else can either reproduce this in .18.1, or try to
reproduce it in SVN, that would be interesting data as well.
I've tried this on a variety of recorded channels, and some
of those channels were recorded at the default 4500kbits/sec,
while others were recorded at 3200 or so.  Same behavior.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Have any Ubuntu users had good luck with tcrequant?

2006-01-27 Thread f-myth-users
[Since people here have often mentioned it, I thought I'd ask here
as well as pursuing it via the Ubuntu lists and transcoder lists.]

I just tried the simplest possible test with transcode's tcrequent.
Under Breezy, with either the shipped version (transcode 1.0.1)
or the latest (1.0.2), it segfaults, presumably somewhere in an
included library, on at least two-thirds of the files I give it,
a variable number of megabytes in.  (These are files produced
by a PVR-250 at the default 4500kbits/sec video rate.)

Under Hoary, it finishes, but running it with default options (just
-i, -o, default requantization of 1.5) produces an mpeg that's shot
through with blockiness and no real audio (just clicks and screeches)
when played with mplayer---and which crashes a 350's decoder and also
has flickers and stuttering and repeats in the small inset display
when browsing recordings.  (I tried running mythcommflag --rebuild
on it just for yucks; no change, but I wouldn't have expected one.)

Clearly, it's broken.  Anyone have any Ubuntu success stories w/it?

(All .debs, except the 1.0.1 included w/Breezy, are from
http://www.hezmatt.org/~mpalmer/ubuntu/; please be considerate
of his bandwidth and don't download them unless you're testing this.)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] getting more pissed off about IVTV

2006-01-26 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 12:00:03 -0500
 From: Richard Bronosky [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well, the moderator finally reviewed my 4 emails to the ivtv-users and
 ivtv-devel lists.  And I got a unanimous up yours from him.  This is
 very sad.

You were rejected by a misconfigured computer program, not a human.
It's unfortunate that this has cost you a week of angst and hard
feelings, but you're not the first to have tripped over this.

As your bounces make clear, you were sending to the old, decommissioned
lists at sourceforge, and -not- the current lists at ivtvdriver.org,
probably because you found the sourceforge lists via a search.

I've complained in the past that this is a smoking gun waiting to
screw people, and it looked like you just got burned (to mix three
metaphors together in a lovely stew).  In theory, someone will
eventually manage to get sourceforge to take those lists down -and-,
one would hope, to put big, prominent warnings all over their archives
and any other pages that everything there is obsolete and that people
should be looking at ivtvdriver.org instead, but apparently it hasn't
happened yet.  (Marking interior pages are important because often
people find those via search and never see the so-called toplevels.)

It's -particularly- unfortunate that the current list configuration
actually lets you -attempt- to subscribe and/or post, but then bounces
all attempts after a multi-day delay when some internal timer expires
(because no human has approved the request yet, because no human is
even reading the requests).  This makes it -look- like what you tried
should succeed, and that somebody's being deliberately unhelpful, and
is an even worse fakeout than just obsolete pages that haven't been
updated in months.

I'm CC'ing ivtv-devel in the hopes that someone might be able to
really get this situation fixed.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Bitrate oddity

2006-01-20 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 21:40:17 +

  Still looking for suggestions on easy ways to either reencode what
  I've already got at slightly lower rates, or to cut it in ways that
  will not be too difficult..

 For cutting that works, I always recommend ProjectX, a Java app.
 However there is a lot of work going on to get exporting/transcoding
 from within MythTV working without the associated audio sync problems
 that can occur.

 To simply reduce the size of an MPEG2 file, you can use tcrequant to
 requantise the video stream without having to reencode the whole
 thing. It's very useful if your recording is slightly too big to
 author to DVD, as it takes only a few minutes to work its magic,
 whereas reencoding could take a long time. tcrequant is part of the
 transcode project/package.

Well, I just had a total bombout on both ideas.  I'm running Unbuntu
Breezy, in case anyone has any suggestions.  What follows are sketchy
summaries; if someone wants more details to help debug, I can include
precise versions and transcripts from my Emacs shell.

ProjectX won't run, regardless of whether I compile it myself or use a
premade jarfile I found on doom9; I'm using free-java-sdk.  For the
one I compiled myself, doing java -jar ProjectX.jar blew out just
after saying Loading Basic Classes... saying it couldn't load the
AWT toolkit: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit.  So I installed
libcj6-awt and reran it, whereupon it printed Loading Basic
Classes... and then simply printed Aborted with no other output
and no clues at all as to what went wrong.  The premade jarfile I
got blew out claiming it couldn't resolve the class
net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.common.Start, even though I grabbed the
src directory from the version I compiled and put it in the same
place in the tree I got from unzipping the premade jarfile's zipfile.
Maybe it's some classpath thing; I dunno.

Meanwhile, the Breezy .deb for transcode -appears- to be just fine,
but running tcrequant -i inputfile -o outputfile simply segfaults
after outputting 17meg of a 290meg testfile (generated straight from
one of my PVR-250's at 4500 kbits/sec).  And the binary is stripped,
so gdb is no help; I'll have to dig up the source and compile myself
and then see if it segfaults again and if so, where.  (And by the
way, is there -any- documentation for tcrequant besides running it
with --usage and getting really unhelpful stuff like -d mode
`verbosity mode' with no other explanation?  It has no manpage,
transcode's manpage doesn't even mention it, and I can't seem to
find a manpage or documentation on the web.  Documented only in its
source perhaps?)

Does anyone else running Breezy have working versions of either of
these two programs?  Otherwise, I'll have to go in and debug one or
the other of these messes...

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Changing width resolution for PVR-250/350's

2006-01-20 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:49:00 -0800
 From: Drew Tomlinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've found the info at this site helpful


Gosh, that's a pretty diagram. :)

I eventually settled on 3200kbits/sec as being just about as good as
4500, and sufficiently small for my needs.  Interestingly, at least
at that rate, changing the resolution from 720x480 to 640x480 made
no apparent difference at all, so I left it at 720.  (Maybe I'd see
something if I did something extreme like 480x480, but since the
apparent quality at 3200 is very close to 4500, it's probably not
worth fiddling with it much more.)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Bitrate oddity

2006-01-20 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 13:27:35 -0500
 From: Michael T. Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 01/20/06 04:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, I just had a total bombout on both ideas.  I'm running Unbuntu
 Breezy, in case anyone has any suggestions.  What follows are sketchy
 summaries; if someone wants more details to help debug, I can include
 precise versions and transcripts from my Emacs shell.
 ProjectX won't run, regardless of whether I compile it myself or use a
 premade jarfile I found on doom9; I'm using free-java-sdk.
 And that's the problem.

Er, care to be a bit more specific?  I'm guessing you're saying that
there's something wrong with free-java-sdk, but it's pretty unhelpful
to have no idea why you say that.  Is it only that ProjectX is known
not to compile there, or that it's a bad compiler in general, or what?

My other choices include, e.g., j2sdk1.4, which is Blackdown, and
requires accepting Sun's EULA.  Got anything to say about using that
one?  Or any recommendations about what -else- to try?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Bitrate oddity

2006-01-19 Thread f-myth-users
I've just noticed that the claimed bitrates for MPEG-2 encoding seem
at least 10% lower than what's actually being written.  [And there's
question about how to reencode these way at the bottom of this...]
I don't see discussion about this in the archives anywhere.

I'm using PVR-250's/350's, w/bitrate of 4500 and max bitrate of 6000
(e.g., the defaults).  I typically record 64 minutes per 1h show
(e.g., I pre- and post-roll by 2m).  The resulting files are all
within 1% of 2,500,000,000 bytes (written this way so you know I
mean decimal bytes, e.g., 2.5 gigabytes and -not- 2.5 gibibytes.)

But if you actually do the math...

4500 1024 60 64 *** 8 / f

... it's pretty clear that 4500 kilobits/sec -should- be generating
only 2.2 gigabytes in 64 minutes.  (And that's assuming that the use
of kilobits in the UI really means 1024 bits, and not 1000 bits,
or the discrepancy is even larger.)

Is there some protocol overhead in the resulting files that's not
being accounted-for in the claimed bitrate?  And what exactly does
max bitrate mean?  I presume it means it allows bursts above 4500,
but how often?  Is there a limit to how often or for what length of
time this burst is allowed, or is in entirely dependent upon exactly
what's being encoded?  (This 2.5-gigabytes-within-1% behavior is
consistent across something like 50 hours of video.)

This tripped me up because I naively assumed that two 64-minute
recordings would easily fit on one 4.7 gigabyte DVD, but when I
looked at the file sizes just now, I discovered that they won't---
since each is actually 2.5 gigabytes.  (If I cut the pre  postrolls
off---currently painful in 18.1 because there's no easy way of
editing MPEG2-MPEG2, or am I mistaken?---then they'd -just- fit,
because 2.5 times 60/64 is 2.34 and twice that is 4.68---a squeaker.
Note that I'm planning on recording them as raw data files, not as
something playable directly in a DVD player.)

Obviously I can adjust my bitrate down slightly for future recordings 
(is there any particular reason that 4500 was chosen as the default?
does it match some other bitrate in something else, for example?),
but it's peculiar that this doesn't match.  (At least, since I know
how much bigger than I than I was expecting, I can calculate the
correct so-called bitrate in the UI, which works out to be about
4200 or less---but it's weird that it works this way.)

P.S.  Suppose I'd like to adjust the bitrate of the existing 50 hours
of recording down slightly, so I can easily get them on DVD's without
spanning.  I've seen lots of various tools fly by on the lists, but
it's still not clear to me what the easiest way of doing this is.
Does anyone have any suggestions for some easy, preferably scriptable
(e.g., command-line only) Linux-based tool that I can use to generate
slightly lower-bitrate versions of these files?  Thanks!  (I'd rather
not transcode them to MPEG4 until I figure out why that's giving me
audio at very low levels, and I'm -hoping- that whatever tool can
readjust the bitrate on these can -preserve- the closed-captioning
data currently in these (VBI sliced NTSC from the Hauppauge cards),
but don't know if that's too much to ask...  Or an easy tool that
I can use to cut, say, one commercial segment out of each, hopefully
again without destroying the CC info, but I'll take what I can get...)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Bitrate oddity

2006-01-19 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 08:50:46 -0500
 From: Boleslaw Ciesielski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 AFAIK, audio has it's own bitrate and it's not counted as part of the 
 video bitrate.

Aha!  So bitrate in the UI is video bitrate and not overall bitrate.

Still looking for suggestions on easy ways to either reencode what
I've already got at slightly lower rates, or to cut it in ways that
will not be too difficult..

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Bitrate oddity

2006-01-19 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 21:40:17 +

  Still looking for suggestions on easy ways to either reencode what
  I've already got at slightly lower rates, or to cut it in ways that
  will not be too difficult..

 For cutting that works, I always recommend ProjectX, a Java app.
 However there is a lot of work going on to get exporting/transcoding
 from within MythTV working without the associated audio sync problems
 that can occur.

Yeah, I've been noticing that, but since I'm still running 18.1, was
mostly discounting it until .19 is released...

 To simply reduce the size of an MPEG2 file, you can use tcrequant to
 requantise the video stream without having to reencode the whole
 thing. It's very useful if your recording is slightly too big to
 author to DVD, as it takes only a few minutes to work its magic,
 whereas reencoding could take a long time. tcrequant is part of the
 transcode project/package.

Excellent!  Thanks; I'll check 'em both out.  I'd seen ProjectX's name
go by, but it seemed the subject of some controversy (mostly, I guess,
when it came to actual integration into Myth), and I couldn't quite
recall the tcrequant name.

(You have no idea how hard it was not to title this original thread
4500:  A Bitrate Odyssey :)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Changing width resolution for PVR-250/350's

2006-01-18 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 21:27:59 -0400
 From: Greg Estabrooks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  But I also saw a neglible change in file sizes, too.  Is this 
  the expected behavior?

  Certainly, bitrate is bitrate regardless of the resolution. 2Megabits at 
 480x480 is just as much data as 2Megabits at 720x480.

Oh duh.  Of course; I totally wasn't paying attention to the bitrate
page.  Well, we already knew I was an idiot... :)

 The difference
 is how much data per sampled pixel. Often lowering the resolution and 
 turning up the bitrate can increase picture quality but it also depends
 on just how clean your source is to start. If you've already got a clean 
 then you can get away with a lower bitrate.

Does anyone have suggestions for -their- ideas of reasonable bitrates
before I spend a bunch of time experimenting?  I have a clean feed,
and I've been reasonably happy with either TiVo High quality, or
VHS EP mode quality (yes, I know the latter is substantially fuzzier,
and yes, I'm not even talking SVHS :).  Approximate figures for either
one would make good starting points for my experimentation.  (And if
anyone thinks that some particular width x height should go along with
these bitrates, by all means, share.)

Since there's both a bitrate and a max bitrate (4500 and 6000 in my
current setup, which are the defaults), there are a lot of variables;
are their any I should stay away from?  Is it sensible to lower the
bitrate to, say, 3000 or even lower, and does it make sense to leave
the max bitrate high?  Is this used only during a scene change or
lots of motion/flow?  I'm using a 350 as my TV-out; has anyone noticed
any particular bugs/crashes/artifacts from using other bitrates?

  Plus analog cable broadcasts are normally broadcast in a resolution
 of close to 544x480 in most markets. People keep focusing on 720x480
 as it is the most well known NTSC DVD resolution.


  I didn't restart mythbackend after each set of changes, and I'm not
  sure if they take effect instantly or not.)

  They would take effect immediately so the next time a recording is 
 they would use the new profile information.


  mplayer or something, would using 640x480 or some other size make for
  a more reasonably-transportable setting?  Any other comments?

  What do you mean by transportable in this context? Personally all of
 my recordings are done at a resolution of 544x480, but of course ymmv.

Basically, if I decide to move these recordings elsewhere and watch
them on a computer, my guess was that the less rescaling has to
happen, the better.  Since the input material is all 4:3 SD NTSC,
my guess is that I should specify a ratio of width to height that's
-also- 4:3, meaning that no pixels need rescaling if I were to just
display this stream in mplayer or something.  Is this likely to
matter?  (That would work out to 640 x 480, of course.)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Changing width resolution for PVR-250/350's

2006-01-17 Thread f-myth-users
I noticed recently that my 18.1 Myth had a mix of 480x480 and 720x480
resolutions for the Default/LiveTV/High/Low capture resolutions.  I'm
using 250's  350's (no HD) from an NTSC cable feed, and I tried
changing all four of Default/LiveTV/High/Low to 480x480, doing a
1-minute recording, and then changing them to 720x480  repeating it.

I didn't see a noticeable quality difference, which might make sense
for a typical analog cable feed.  But I also saw a neglible change in
file sizes, too.  Is this the expected behavior?

(Naively, I'd sort of suppose so, because they -looked- the same.  But
I didn't restart mythbackend after each set of changes, and I'm not
sure if they take effect instantly or not.)

If I think I might be playing these back outside of Myth, maybe with
mplayer or something, would using 640x480 or some other size make for
a more reasonably-transportable setting?  Any other comments?

Given that it doesn't seem to make any difference, I'll probably
change these back to 720x480 just in case (since it doesn't seem
to make the files bigger, and, who knows, might help someday), but
if anyone has any words of wisdom, I'm listening.  (The HOWTO
mentioned this topic a bit, but didn't cover this, and unfortunately
width, height, quality and so forth are too vague to be getting
good search results back.)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Slightly OT: receiver input buzzing/humming

2006-01-17 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 23:20:40 -0600
 From: Meatwad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All excellent points!  Only one question:

 - If same circuit is not possible, try moving all HT equipment to 
 circuits fed from the same side of the panel if you have 120Vac mains.

Are you trying to say, put everything on the same phase if you have
two-phase service?  If not, I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
If so, then that isn't necessarily how to do it, since most residential
two-phase panels actually have alternating phase going -down- the box,
e.g., if you have two rows of breakers, the phases are most likely to be:

A   A
B   B
A   A
B   B

...etc all the way down; it's done this way so you can put in
a two-phase breaker for things like electric stoves  dryers.
(If you have any of these, they're instantly obvious because
they're actually two breakers (typically 30A) tied together
mechanically so that if one trips, both trip.)

Anyway, let's hope the original poster writes back and says
he's found the problem, whatever it was...
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Setting up an FAQ for LiveTV changes

2006-01-15 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 14:21:16 -0500
 From: Tom E. Craddock Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Jens Baumeister wrote:
  since the LiveTV changes seem to lead to questions again and again
  (and sometimes to flamewars), I volunteer to write an FAQ about it.
  However, while I do know how things are currently working, I'm not
  100% sure about the planned state for the 0.19 release. (Esp. from the
  user perspective: What setting are planned, etc.) I'd be grateful for
  any pointers to resources (bug tickets, list threads)  I can mine for
  further information.
  That way, we'd have a single place to point people to when the
  question comes up again.

 You mean besides the archives at gossamer-threads for the -users, -dev, 
 and -commit lists?

[Someone's volunteering to make the documentation better, and you're
actively trying to discourage him?  Why?  Not to mention that this
sort of documentation has to be written -sometime- as part of a user
manual, right?  Presumably the end state is for the way LiveTV
operates to be documented somewhere, the proposed FAQ would be
a good start at getting that written.]

In any event---yes, in addition to the archives.  Searching archives
is a poor substitute for organized information in a central place.
The archives are huge (2400 messages/month! 14 meg/month!); poorly
organized (threads often wander); and invariably contain large amounts
of outdated information---by definition, most of it is old.  Further,
it's never clear from any given message whether some later message
might obsolete it---and it's often hard to tell, since it's very hard
to prove a negative, e.g., that there -isn't- some other message/
thread that, if only you'd used a slightly different search term,
you'd have found.  People who don't also subscribe to all the lists
may not know that there's been a discussion about something, hence
won't know if they've used the wrong search term and failed to find it.

Finally, even if you succeed in all that, searching through archives
is very time consuming compared to just reading a web page---and the
web page could have author(s) and a modification-date and a here are
exactly the versions we're talking about and not these other versions
over here and all sorts of other contextual data that would make
using the information a whole lot easier.  If information changes
that obsoletes a wiki page, it's likely someone will update it.
If an old thread gets obsoleted, it will -never- get updated, but
it won't be obvious where the new information is.

And regardless of whether you think that the information is
theoretically available in the archives, it clearly isn't available
enough in practice, or we wouldn't have exactly the problem that Jens
is trying to solve---namely that the list is full of people asking the
same questions about LiveTV over and over.  That stuff is clearly
already in the archives, and clearly not being found.  He's proposing
to save everybody a lot of time (the questioners, the answerers, those
who read the list and have to wade past the same questions a lot), and
I'd think that anyone who's offering to do this should be showered
with candy and flowers, not made to justify his actions for a
situation that's obviously chewing up peoples' time and leading
to flamewars and hard feelings.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Setting up an FAQ for LiveTV changes

2006-01-15 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 23:29:39 -0500
 From: Steve Adeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]


...and your point is...?

If you were trying to say, there's already a centralized place where
this info can go, I never said there wasn't, and I don't think anyone
involved in this discussion thought there wasn't, or didn't know where
it already was.  If it was and the information Jens wants to write
about is already there, then a more-specific URL would have been in
order.  If it's I have refuted everything you've said with a single
pithy one-liner, then you've missed the point entirely---which was my
attempt to defend Jens (who'd volunteered to do a nice thing and was
asking for suggestions that would let him to a better job more
quickly) from pithy one-liner snipes that seemed to be trying to
discourage him from doing just that.  I'm going to assume that I've
just misunderstood you (and, for that matter, that everyone, including
me, simply misunderstood the intent of Craddock's original message),
and let's move on.  Let's please not let one ambiguous brief response
get in the way of someone trying to make things nicer for everyone.

(And -way big kudos- to Michael Dean for that impressive list of URLs!
That's a really great set of topics, all in one message, and I hope
it all winds up in Jens' FAQ---should stamp out of a lot of random
questions all in one shot, especially when 19 is released and everyone
who hasn't been reading -dev and maybe not even -users tries it and
would otherwise get really confused... :)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] install ivtv-0.5.1 fails with ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol tveeprom_hauppauge_analog (make distclean doesn't help)

2006-01-14 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 19:57:50 -0500
From: R. G. Newbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This piece of advice in the wiki is (now) backwards:

There is work at the moment to merge these conflicting versions, but in 
the meantime the kernel version has to go:

Can you double-check (from archives, Hans, or some other source) that
this is true, and then update the wiki so people don't get confused?
(Or, if you'd rather not update the wiki, I will, but I'd rather get a
second opinion on this, since I don't have direct experience with
either 500's or pc3000's.  And is this something that's changed
between 0.4.0 and later versions?  If so, updating the wiki will have
to account for that and speak the truth in all cases.  I've been
tweaking the ivtvdriver wiki a little bit, but the last thing I'd
want to do is update it incorrectly.)

(I'm a big believer in shoving as much information and operational
experience into the ivtvdriver and mythtv wikis as possible, since it
should decrease traffic and frustration a lot if all this stuff can
stay centralized instead of requiring lots of list searching---with
its uncertain keywords, outdated and incomplete information, and all
the rest... :)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Why is my 350's audio so much l-l-louder! than the 250's?

2006-01-12 Thread f-myth-users
I just noticed a peculiar situation:

Running 18.1.  MBE has several 250's with ivtv 0.4.1-r1.  SBE/FE has
1 350 with ivtv 0.4.0.  LiveTV uses the 350 because I have avoid
conflicts checked and the 350 is in the FE.  Cable feed is split
across all of them into their RF inputs.  Everything is getting
played back through the 350's AV output, and the 350's audio out
is looped through my sound card and then to the TV.

If I leave all the sliders in the recording profiles for Default/
LiveTV/High/Low quality at 90% (the default), and then start recording
on all tuners on various channels, whatever the 350 is recording has
MUCH louder audio (6-9db, as measured by my trusty dB meter) than the
250's.  If I have the Master and PCM sliders in general setup set to
90%, then on my equipment, this happens to mean that anything on the
250's plays back somewhat quieter than direct to the TV (I can
dual-screen the TV and flip back and forth between direct from the
cable feed or through the Myth box), while the 350 plays back somewhat
louder.  If I raise the Master  PCM sliders to 100%, then the 250's
essentially play back at the level of the direct-to-TV path, but then
the 350 is playing back MUCH louder.  (When I say playing back, of
course, I mean when I play back a stream that was captured by that

This is true for the 350 regardless of whether I'm using it in LiveTV
mode, or it's capturing just like the rest of the tuners for a
scheduled recording.

I can't just lower the slider for LiveTV and leave it at that, because
I'd like shows recorded by the 350 to have the same approximate volume
as those recorded by the 250's.  Yet I can't seem to find any independent
volume control per-tuner, and I don't understand why this one card would
be capturing as such a high level anyway.  (And if I raise all the
sliders in the recording profiles to 100%, the 250's still give me
reasonable audio---just somewhat louder, of course---while the 350's
audio is so hot that it's clipped and objectionable.)

Is this a well-known effect?  Is it peculiar to 350's vs 250's, or
between ivtv 0.4.0 and 0.4.1-r1?  Is there some register I should be
setting on the 350 or something?  I -could- try installing 0.4.1-x or
even 0.5.x on the 350, but I'd rather leave well enough alone unless
it's likely that this will fix it, since I had problems a while back
with sporadically vanishing audio on ch2 and would rather not disturb
the situation and possibly wind up back there.

[Btw, ivtvctl -Y reports volume = 58950 for both the 350 and the
250's.  By trial and error (switching between LiveTV's output and the
TV's direct input from cable), I find that ivtvctl -y volume=54000
on the 350 normalizes its audio level to that of the TV; I'll have to
play around a little more to make sure that also means it's normalized
to the 250's.  But why should I have to adjust this down so much?
(And it won't stick!  Changing channels or leaving LiveTV is fine,
but reentering LiveTV bashes the register back to 58950!  Is there
any way to make this stick, as a workaround?)]

Thanks for any insights.

(Unfortunately, swapping the 350 into the other machine just to test
ivtv versions w/o reinstalling anything would probably be a fairly
large pain, given that I'd have to schedule up some recordings in
advance, let it go, and then swap back to see how they went---and
because the machines are both headless unless you count the 350.
So I'd rather not swap hardware if there's another way to debug.)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Why is my 350's audio so much l-l-louder! than the 250's?

2006-01-12 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 05:02:33 -0500 (EST)

 (And it won't stick!  Changing channels or leaving LiveTV is fine,
 but reentering LiveTV bashes the register back to 58950!  Is there
 any way to make this stick, as a workaround?)]

...and before anyone else suggests it, yes, I suppose I -could- employ
the stomach-turning kluge of playing whack-a-mole with the register
value, such as having a background process blindly set it to the right
value once a second, or perhaps check it once a second and reset it if
it's strayed.  If it only gets reset just as the card goes into
capture mode, this means that on average only the first half-second
would be too loud, and the card might still be acquiring and/or
unmuting then anyway.  But it'd be better to figure out why I need to
do this in the first place---and, failing that, if there was some
general hook that gets run before the card goes into capture mode
(whether for LiveTV or scheduled recording) on which I could hang the
appropriate command, without having to recompile 18.1 just to add such
a hook...).
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Why is my 350's audio so much l-l-louder! than the 250's?

2006-01-12 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 12:19:45 +
 From: Ant Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From my reading of the ivtv list I know that there are differences
 between sound levels of 150/500  250/350 but I thought that the
 250/350 was consistent.

Apparently not.  See below.

 It might be worth checking on with ivtv list if there should be a
 difference in sound between these.

I CC'ed my original message to ivtv-users, and Hans replied, but only
to that list:

 Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 19:11:33 +0100
 From: Hans Verkuil [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In general it is next to impossible to make any assumptions on the 
volume level captured by a card: it depends on the make, model, chips 
used, tuner used, signal quality, etc. I have two pvr350 cards, one an 
old model, the other new and they have totally different recording 

Does anyone know if a per-card audio level is already present in SVN?
I couldn't find any mention of it in the archives for the -dev and
-commit lists, but I don't run SVN.  I'd be perfectly happy to open a
ticket for this issue, assuming that it's actually going to be viewed
as a bug and not a feature request without code; would any developers
care to weigh in?

(Note that people who have entirely different brands of cards mixed
together and/or both analog and digital sources -really- shouldn't be
expected to have them all have similar levels without the ability to
individually adjust 'em...)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Hauppauge PVR Questions

2006-01-12 Thread f-myth-users
I got mail back from Bryan about his results in comparing the 150 to
the 250; see the two messages below.

- - - Begin forwarded message - - -

Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:54:16 -0500
From: Bryan Mayland [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 14:31:36 -0500
  From: Michael T. Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The 150 is a better card (it even has a potential to give a better 
  picture quality than the 250) and saves you money.

 bmayland (CC'ed) started a thread on 15 June 2005 showing dramatic
 differences in sharpness between the two cards, with the 250 winning.
 He also said he'd do some more experimentation; Bryan, did you come
 up any any further results?  (I'm particularly interested in RF-in,
 but I also use composite-in.)

Yes.  Yes I did.  For reference, here was the image where I compared 
the two:

The problem in the second image is that the luma and or chroma comb 
error limit was exceeded, which then forces the card to go back to 
regular ole notch mode Y/C separation.  To fix this up, I use cx25840ctl 
to up the CCOMB_ERR_LIMIT from 80 (default) to 120.  Note that my 
PVR-150 is i2c device 1:
echo CCOMB_ERR_LIMIT=120 | cx25840ctl -s 1

The PVR250/350 also defaults to using a +5.5dB luma sharpening filter, 
this can be approximated on the PVR150 with:
echo PEAK_SEL=2 | cx25840ctl -s 1
echo PEAK_EN=1 | cx25840ctl -s 1
I find this to be too much on the 150, so that PEAK_SEL can be adjusted 
from 0 (+2.0dB) to 3 (+6.0dB).

I encourage anyone who wants to look into it to run their own tests to 
see what's best for them.  Settings:
PEAK_EN=0-1 (default 0) Turn on luma boost (sharpening)
LCOMB_ERR_LIMIT=0-255 (default 20) Luma comb err limit before falling 
back to complemenatry mode
CCOMB_ERR_LIMIT=0-255 (default 80) Chroma comb err limit before falling 
back to notch mode
LLCOMB_2LN_EN=0-1 (default 1) 2 line luma comb filter enable
LLCOMB_3LN_EN=0-1 (default 1)
CLCOMB_2LN_EN=0-1 (default 1)
CLCOMB_3LN_EN=0-1 (default 1)
COMB_NOTCH_MODE=0-2 (default 1) What to do with notch data (0 = disable, 
1 = notch is chroma, 2 = notch is 50/50 luma/chroma, 3 = notch is luma

- - - Separator between forwarded messages - - -

Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 15:01:24 -0500
From: Bryan Mayland [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Do you find that this tweaking, at least for your sources, gives you
 the same quality on the 150 as you were getting on the 250?  

I kinda go back and forth on this and I'm not sure which I like 
best. Here's a cap from my 150 which I think looks great except for the 
interlacing and the tint is slightly too red:

 (Though given the audio-level differences people are mentioning, 

I wrote the volume control for the cx25840 in ivtv so I don't have 
this problem.  Apparently some cards are to spec and mine is not, so 
therefore what is right on my card (which I know is not right according 
the the datasheet) is not right on other cards. 

 and the
 current lack of closed-captioning reverse-engineering, I may stock
 up on 250's before they vanish, even if 150's or 500's might be a
 theoretically better idea...)

On the plus side, the 150 does run slightly cooler and draw an 
insignificantly lower amount of power.  :)

 Can I forward your response back to the list?  (I'm assuming the
 answer is yes, since that's what you were trying to do in the
 first place, but I figured I'd ask just in case...)

Please do.  I was trying to get it there in the first place, I 
didn't know I had to be a member to post and I haven't had time to go 
sign up just to send one message.

- - - End forwarded message - - -
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Hauppauge PVR Questions

2006-01-11 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 14:31:36 -0500
 From: Michael T. Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The 150 is a better card (it even has a potential to give a better 
 picture quality than the 250) and saves you money.

bmayland (CC'ed) started a thread on 15 June 2005 showing dramatic
differences in sharpness between the two cards, with the 250 winning.
He also said he'd do some more experimentation; Bryan, did you come
up any any further results?  (I'm particularly interested in RF-in,
but I also use composite-in.)

Also, ivtv can't do NTSC sliced VBI closed-captioning on the 150/500
yet, because Hans and the rest of the ivtv crew haven't been able to
reverse-engineer that part so far.  The 250/350 do it just fine.

(If the sharpness and CC differences between the 250/350 series and
the 150/500 series get resolved, then my next purchase will be a 500,
but until then, I'm going to waste PCI slots and get 250's since
they'll work better for me.  Assuming, of course, they're still being
made at that point---I sure hope so.)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Slightly OT: receiver input buzzing/humming

2006-01-11 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 12:38:56 -0500
 From: Steve Adeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wednesday 11 January 2006 10:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  After I posted the message, however, I started reading about SPDIF
  and digital audio IO.  Looks like my 7NIF2 lacks the SPDIF header on
  the motherboard.  But I *do* have a Creative SoundBlaster Live in my
  pile of old components.  It's pretty old, but it does have digital
  I'm guessing that a digital cable would not be affected by grounding
  problems, right?  Or at least any grounding effects would not be

 optical connection yes, coaxial no, since coax still uses a ground which 
 link the two grounds together. I'd also suggest using a smaller ground 
 14 or 16, so that if there is a ground fault it will want to travel down 
 components natural ground instead of flowing through the other component. 
 well, if you receiver does not have a ground prong then definitely ground 
 manually with a 12g to the wall socket ground!

Eh?  If he's sending digital information down the coax, then no amount
of ground hum will be audible at the receiver, until the hum is so bad
it starts flipping bits in the data stream (at which point, he'll hear
either silence or godawful artifacts, depending on the protocol---but
it sure won't be 60 Hz hum).

Sure, if the problem is ground loops, then anything which can
spuriously tie grounds together is a problem. But given the
randomly-interconnected nature of computer hardware (much less stereo
hardware), trying for a true single-point ground as it done in, e.g.,
lab instrumentation amps is infeasible.  If the coax is supposedly the
-only- source of ground interconnection, then going to an optical
interconnect might help, but that's a fragile solution.

It's ambiguous from the original poster's comment whether the problem
is new, or he's just started noticing it.  My guess, if the latter, is
that the shield on some cable got damaged, or something was recently
changed in the hardware configuration elsewhere (new component? new
cable?), and certainly replacing cables is the easier  quickest way
to debug that.  If he has another way of producing audio, I'd also try
substituting that at the end of the cable, once the cable is known
good.  (After all, it -could- be that some filter cap in the sound
board on the computer blew or is getting leaky; such things do

While experimenting with tying chassis grounds together might be
interesting, not all components use that as their signal-ground
reference (though most do).  It might make more sense to try, just as
an experiment, putting all components on a single outlet strip, so you
know they're on the same phase and circuit.  (I've seen strange currents
induced on so-called power grounds when different phases meet through
equipment, especially in older structures with poor wiring [which is
one reason why certain lab and audio gear keep chassis (power) and
signal grounds rigorously separate], and it's always possible that a
ground or connection somewhere has gotten ohmic and therefore there's
a voltage difference around that, in theory, can't exist.)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Slightly OT: receiver input buzzing/humming

2006-01-11 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 17:11:10 -0600

On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 04:58:36PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Eh?  If he's sending digital information down the coax, then no
 amount of ground hum will be audible at the receiver, until the
 hum is so bad it starts flipping bits in the data stream (at which
 point, he'll hear either silence or godawful artifacts, depending
 on the protocol---but it sure won't be 60 Hz hum).

How bad is bad?  :)  I mean, there's definately noise between the
computer and the receiver.  Will I hear random bits being flipped (I
assume that noise will cause SOME flippage)?  Although I suppose
there's some kind of parity or error correction built in to the

If the hum is enough to flip bits (and I doubt it would be), you'd
either hear nothing at all (if the protocol suppresses packets with
errors) or perhaps fuzz (like clipped square waves or a fuzzbox on a
guitar) or perhaps white noise (hiss).  Or all kinds of other things.
But it's very unlikely to sound like hum.  If you take a random MP3
(say) or WAV file and start flipping 1% of the bits, what do you hear?

 supposedly the -only- source of ground interconnection, then going
 to an optical interconnect might help, but that's a fragile

What makes it fragile?  Is it because of the point above, that I
might be close to enough bit flipping that I hear garbage?

It's fragile because if the only thing keeping the system working is
keeping two dissimilar grounds separate, then all it takes is one wire
between two components that didn't used to be connected to possibly
connect those grounds and give you your hum back.  That might amount
to adding hardware, or changing what outlet something's plugged into,
or even someone touching the cases of both components simultaneously.
There are loads of sneak paths, and it only takes one.  Better to
eliminate the problem at the source than depend on isolating grounds.

 It's ambiguous from the original poster's comment whether the
 problem is new, or he's just started noticing it.  My guess, if
 the latter, is that the shield on some cable got damaged, or
 something was recently changed in the hardware configuration
 elsewhere (new component? new cable?), and certainly replacing

I *think* it's new.  If it's not, then it's definately worse than it
used to be.  And yes, there were *major* changes---I got a new TV,
and got rid of the VCR and DVD (mythtv makes them obsolete).

Then lots of things might have changed in your cabling, and maybe a
bad shield that was papered-over by some -other-, good shield (hence
good ground) being connected between two things isn't connected any
more---so maybe the problem is that you used to have a better ground
connection between one place and another, and now you don't.

Or maybe the physical strain of unplugging a cable or plugging it back
in broke a marginal solder joint in a shield somewhere.  You see the
point---you're going to have to start swapping cables  so forth
around and see if you can get the hum to move around or vanish.

(You might also try turning off the TV and seeing if you still hear
hum from the stereo.  Instead of being induced ambient powerline hum,
you -could- be getting hum from the flyback transformer or something
else coupling into a signal line somewhere that runs too close to the
TV (and has a bad shield).  This used to be an issue with power supply
transformers, but modern electronics doesn't use transformers in its
power supplies any more.  And if this TV is in fact not a CRT, there's
no flyback, so that's not it either...)

 cables is the easier  quickest way to debug that.  If he has
 another way of producing audio, I'd also try substituting that at
 the end of the cable, once the cable is known good.  (After all,
 it -could- be that some filter cap in the sound board on the
 computer blew or is getting leaky; such things do happen.)

Hmmm... it seems like my sound card is unusually quiet.  Part of the
reason I even noticed this problem is that I have to turn up the
receiver louder than I do for anything else when using my HTPC
(mythtv, xmms, whatever).  Even with PCM cranked, I still have to
turn the volume more than I usually do.

It's possible you're just hearing hum from the soundcard that no
amount of cabling can get rid of---the card itself just might be
hummy, and you never noticed it at lower volumes.  I'd try swapping
cables first, then any other sound output your machine can generate,
including perhaps a different soundcard if you don't have any other
audio outputs available.  (You might also make sure that aslamixer
claims that all your masters are up, and so forth.)

 (I've seen strange currents induced on so-called power grounds
 when different phases meet through equipment, especially in older
 structures with poor 

[mythtv-users] Slightly OT: receiver input buzzing/humming

2006-01-11 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 21:11:05 -0500
 From: Steve Adeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 you've obvously not deallt much with audio equipment ground problems.

...except, perhaps, in my days doing live audio work for theaters. :)
[Aha!  I think you said this because I was careless in my phrasing;
see a few paragraphs below.  No hard feelings. :) ]

[I note that going into excruciatingly correct theory on audio signal
handling is -way- beyond the scope of this list.  So I'm simplifying. 
(Ditto for how to design the grounds on sub-microvolt lab instruments.)
There are actually some interestingly controversial theories about it
in the audio field, too, some of which seem like total voodoo, and a
lot of religious arguments over it; I prefer the lab-instrument people,
who tend to be less argumentative as a rule.  And I'm especially glad
that I no longer have to nail other peoples' hum problems, particularly
during live events.]

 loop hum/buzz will work its way from the input ground to the output 
ground to 
 the amp ground, etc, etc. causing hum in the output. Usually the hum will 
 increase in volume as the preamp volume is turned up, depending on the 
 topology, and can be a good way to tell if its a ground hum or powerline 

I never said it wouldn't.  ---oh wait, I see (now) how you read my
reply.  I was answering the coax-bit-flipping case for the shield
missing hypothesis, and you were thinking along the lines of intact
coax shield enables ground loops hypothesis, which I didn't get into
until the -next- paragraph about tying grounds together.  But I got
careless and typed ground hum there instead of signal hum.  Oops.
Total change in meaning due to a braino on my part.  Sorry for the

But my suspicion (as I said before) is that all this talk of ground
loops is probably bogus.  I think he's got a bad signal shield
somewhere, or a bad cap, or a bad design.

 All good home theatre equipment will have at least 1 screw that is an 
 ground point for helping to solve ground loop problems, though really 
 are (or were) there to ground record player arms back when people knew 
 vinyl was.

Yeah, but I'll bet his TV and his computer don't, unfortunately.
And frankly, they shouldn't need it---the vast majority of stereos
get along just fine with no more attention to grounding than make
sure you plug all the cables in all the way.

 Yes, connecting both peices of equipment to a good filtered power strip 
 (Panamax, Belkin PureAV, NOT Monster) will be the best way to solve the 

Maybe if it's powerline-induced ground hum, which I doubt.  I've
typically found that concentrating on (and chasing) loops in powerline
grounds is counterproductive; it's usually some screwup in the signal
paths.  Everybody instantly leaps to oh, it's a ground loop! but it
turns out to be pretty difficult to really get nailed by that sort of
thing in audio work.  (I could tell you stories of truly bizarre
all-analog line-level (thank god, not mic-level) whole-building
distribution systems that, amazingly enough, functioned despite
looking like the entire thing would be one giant hairball of loops,
but nonetheless were fine if signal grounds were done right.  But
I digress... :)

 problem, but may not always work, if the hum is coming from, say, a cable 
 line, or failing capacitor...

My current theories.  (Or just a crappy soundcard that -always- hums,
but was only noticed because he's suddenly turning things up really
load to hear unexpectedly faint output---it'd be good to know if he's
really maxed out his soundcard outputs and mixers all along the way.
Sure, they may distort, but he can back off from that and then see
if he still has to turn up the amp so far that he hears hum.)

I really think that the most productive next step in this discussion
is not to have either one of us keep talking, but to have him start
swapping cables (first), then soundcards (second), then maybe what
outlets things are plugged into (distant third), but I think that
without some experimental evidence, we've reached the end of what
anyone can sensibly say might be wrong.  So I'll bow out now. :)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Ordering of mysql and mythbackend shutdowns

2006-01-10 Thread f-myth-users
I've just noticed that, when rebooting the master backend machine,
mysql gets shut down before the backend (because, of course, mysql
sorts before mythbackend and typically they're both started/stopped
w/the same two-digit priority in the rc scripts).  This causes the
backend (if it's logging verbosely, which mine is) to emit a bunch of
lines about being unable to talk to the database just before it dies.
(Actually, the complaints seem to be coming from a different pid than
the backend while it's running; I'm not sure if it's getting respawned
for an instant or what.)

I don't care about the warning per se, but I don't know if, when it
gets the termination signal, the backend tries to do any sort of
cleanup or housekeeping which requires the database.  If it does,
I suppose I should arrange for the database to come down afterwards.
Does this ever matter?  I can't seem to find anything useful about
this in searching various archives; I'm guessing that the backend
never has anything important pending that it wouldn't just write to
the database immediately without caching, but I don't know.

(I also don't know what would happen to any in-progress jobs such as
commflagging; I'm assuming they'd just be restarted upon boot 'cause
they wouldn't have been deleted from the job queue.)

This is in 18.1, but I suppose it'd be good to know for svn, too.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Ordering of mysql and mythbackend shutdowns

2006-01-10 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 05:46:17 -0500 (EST)
From: Chris Pinkham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I've just noticed that, when rebooting the master backend machine,
  mysql gets shut down before the backend (because, of course, mysql
  sorts before mythbackend and typically they're both started/stopped
  w/the same two-digit priority in the rc scripts).  This causes the
  backend (if it's logging verbosely, which mine is) to emit a bunch of

 This is a distribution issue, the distributor is the one who specified
 the startup/shutdown sequence, it's not in the Myth source code.

Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to imply that this was in Myth's code.
I just wanted to figure out whether Myth did any sort of DB-related
cleanup on termination, and thus whether to ensure that the DB was,
in fact, available to it before the backend got signalled.  If it
doesn't catch the signal (or doesn't do any DB-related cleanup if
it -does- catch the signal), than it doesn't matter.  Otherwise,
I'll rearrange my script ordering slightly (and such a dependency
should get documented somewhere).
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Ordering of mysql and mythbackend shutdowns

2006-01-10 Thread f-myth-users
 Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:18:51 -0600
 From: Kevin Kuphal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Common sense says that all applications accessing the DB should be shut 
 down cleanly before shutting down the database.

Yes, that's exactly my take on it.  But before going to the effort
of making my ordering correct (trivial) or of trying to ensure that
Debian and/or Ubuntu packagers [once that situation is sorted out]
do it right (more work) or of trying to make sure that all the
other distros out there do it right (even more work), it'd be nice
to know if it's pointless :)  If the backend doesn't need to do any
cleanup before unexpectedly dying, it may be the case that it just
doesn't matter if the DB goes down first.  (Or maybe I'll just make
it correct for me, and if turns out to be a source of obscure bugs
for others, that'll motivate somebody else to fix it in distros.)

[It strikes me that, in distros that use S|Knnname-style inits,
it would actually make the most sense to run K scripts in -reverse-
alphabetical order, making it really easy to establish a stack order
(instead of FIFO order) for startups/shutdowns and thus get them
nested right without altering the two-digit priorities.  But even
if that turns out to be technically what everyone would want, there's
probably too big an installed base to ever consider changing it now.]
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] How to KEEP mythtv running when user exits

2006-01-10 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:50:07 -0800
From: John Biundo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all.

I've got mythtv starting up automatically upon boot (by running 
mythfrontend in user mythtv's .xsession).  No problem there.

But when my wife/kids exit from the top menu by mistake (one too many 
exit button presses) they're left at the befuddling command prompt.

After futzing with inittab to try to get this working, and googling 
around along a bunch of wild goose chases, I'm throwing my hands up and 
beseeching the gurus how to do this.

If I understand you correctly, you might try putting something like
this in mythtv's .xsession:

while [ 1 ]

That way, if the frontend exits for any reason, it'll instantly
restart itself.  (It -also- means you can't log out of mythtv on
the X display directly; you'd have to kill the process running the
while loop, or one of its parents, to actually kill the frontend;
presumably you'd do this by ssh'ing in from somewhere else---note
that a cleaner way would be to make the loop check for the existence
of some file, and then just delete the file (again, from somewhere
else) and -then- exiting the frontend won't cause it to respawn.)

I did this when I was repeatedly restarting the frontend to get
various overscan/positioning parameters set correctly (via trial
and error), and it was so useful I just left it in place.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] NFS suggestions under heavy load?

2006-01-08 Thread f-myth-users
I suspect that the answer to this question is, Don't do that, then,
but in case anyone has any suggestions:

I was doing a load test.  Configuration is 18.1, with an MBE w/5 250's
and an SBE that NFS-mounts the MBE's recording directory, with 1 350.
CPU's are AMD 2800+'s, 512MB RAM, 100baseT ethernet through a hub;
disks are Seagate 7200.7 200GB PATA (one per CPU); filesystem for the
non-recordings is ext3fs.  (Recordings use JFS.)  I set up test
recordings on all 6 tuners simultaneously, then started a dirvish
backup of the entire MBE's filesystem, -excluding- the actual video
directory and things like /dev and /proc and so forth; I was doing
this in part to set up the initial dirvish vault for keeping the
machine backed up.  (For those who've never heard of dirvish, this
amounts to running rsync on the entire filesystem and schlepping the
results to a third machine.)

About 1 minute into the transfer (and about 6 minutes into the
recording), the recording on the 350 (e.g., the SBE machine) got
corrupted for a few seconds that threw off its audio sync throughout
the rest of the recording and then crashed the 350 itself when I
played back that particular stream a few hours later (more about that
in a message to ivtv-users).  The slave logged three complaints across
300ms in its kernel log that the master's NFS server timed out while
it was making that recording, so I'm hardly surprised that the
recording had problems.  Interestingly, it only glitched that one
time; I'm not sure why.

I have real-time commflagging turned on, and the test recordings
started about 5 minutes before the rsync, and most of the commflaggers
run on the slave, so that added to both disk and network contention.
I suppose in retrospect it's not surprising that something hiccuped,
and that -was- the point of the test...  (Though OTOH the commflagger
waits several minutes [exactly 5? more?] before starting, so maybe it
wasn't that.  OTGH, I have a 10s job-queue check interval, so 5 of
them could have started within a 50-second window once enough
recording had accumulated.)

The question is, can I do better?  I don't imagine I'll often be
rsyncing the entire disk, but I will certainly be rsyncing the delta
since the last rsync, and I'd rather not have to worry about that
disrupting recordings.  (That's a bit harder to test under load, since
the deltas will vary, but I'll attempt it to ensure that rsync's
scanning phase isn't enough to cause disruption.)  Current NFS mount
options are rsize and wsize of 8192; would increasing these help on a
100baseT hub, or just lead to more fragment reassembly?  (Actually,
the hub itself is an SMC 8508T gigabit hub with jumbo packet support,
but the NICs on the CPUs are only 100 megabit.)  Other NFS options are
soft  nfsvers=3, which are pretty standard.

Would increasing ivtv's buffer sizes on the slave help?  Or would I be
screwed anyway 'cause the buffers are already flushed by the time the
NFS timeout manifests?

P.S.  Is it feasible to let the slave record on its own filesystem
instead of on the NFS-mounted master's?  I suspect that there's no way
to seamlessly be able to play, commflag, or transcode if recordings
might be split across multiple filesystems, but if somebody has a good
idea, I'm willing to listen...

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Scheduling with 2 tuner cards.

2006-01-06 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 11:13:42 -0500
From: Michael T. Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a 10 minute extra recording delay set as the default.

This is a global pre-/post-roll.  It is not meant to be used as an 
always record this much before/after--it's supposed to be set to the 
amount of time it takes your card/disk/etc. to spin up for a recording 
and or to give an STB's OSD time to disappear.

We're talking about the two top items in the first screen of Main -
Utilities/Setup - Setup - TV Settings - General in 0.18.1, are we not?
I see that its self-documentation says that it doesn't affect the
scheduler, but perhaps it would be clearer if your sentence about
spinning up and/or OSD disappearance was added.  It sure seemed
to me, too, that this would be a reasonable way to add a global
pre/post roll to things (though I haven't tried it yet), and it wasn't
until your message that I took a closer look at exactly what it was
saying about the scheduler and realized that it probably wasn't want I
wanted in the case of two sequentially-aired shows on the same channel:
I'd want each to get its -own- padding (which currently would consume
two tuner, and maybe someday in the future will consume only one), and
apparently this control won't do it.

I found a kludgey way around it by forcing my recording to run 15 minutes 
over which rescheduled the
second show onto the other card.

This kludgey way is the way you're supposed to do this.  If you need 
to over-record for a rule, set the over-record on /that/ rule and the 
scheduler will honor it.  If you need it on all rules, set it on all rules.

Is there a fast way to do this?

 Maybe this and part 1 above could be added to the scheduling
algorithm in the next version.

Search the archives.  This has been discussed to death.  Some devs 
(Chris Pinkham/Bruce Markey?) even went to the trouble of writing code 
to allow hard pre-/post-roll values, but the limited feedback they 
received combined with the extra problems it created seemed to be enough 
to cause them to table the issue.

Can you provide a more-specific pointer?  I'm having a hard time
finding this particular discussion in the archives; presumably I'm
not using whatever terminology was being used.

It seems we're more likely to get a default recording settings that 
would provide a template to use when creating a new rule (i.e. allows 
you to set the default to include start early/end late values other than 0).

That would certainly be nice.  In particular, I'd like to say, by
default, pad -every- recording by 2 minutes with a pre- and
post-roll.  I don't see any way of doing this; it seems that
I have to specify it for every program I pluck out of the program
guide, or for every recording rule I make.  It'd be nice if it
could inherit some default values.  (If there's some easy way
to do this, then I've missed it; can anyone enlighten me?)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mythweb and episode numbers

2006-01-06 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2006 00:26:57 -0800
From: Chris Petersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thanks!  I assume it'd be fairly easy for me to look at the SVN patch
 and backport to 18.1?  (SVN is too unstable for me, and I haven't yet
 looked carefully at how mythweb has changed between the two.)

HUGE code structure changes...  you could pick at it, but the patch 
itself definitely wouldn't apply.

Okay; I may eyeball this in case I can't wait for 0.19.  [*]

 ???  I'm confused.  I was under the impression that feature requests
 were very much discouraged in trac [ . . . ]

I use it for feature requests..  maybe the other devs don't, but that's 
where people tend to put them, and it's one of the only places to put 
info that is guaranteed to be looked at.

Okay, then that's where I'll send feature requests for mythweb,
anyway.  But there probably won't be any until 0.19 is released,
since I probably can't justify the instability of SVN.

[Note that, e.g., trac #952 is an example of something that was
apparently closed 'cause feature request without patch attached;
I tripped over this at random just now.  It also says Read the Ticket
HowTo but that page (http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/wiki/HowTo) has never
been written, although the actual URL written there after HowTo, namely
http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/wiki/TicketHowTo, has.]

Anyway, thanks again!

[*] A whine:  It's really unfortunate that so many milestones are part
of the next release; it's somewhat painful to be in the situation of
wanting a modicum of stability, but therefore to be running a release
that's will probably be a year old before it's superceded and hence is
so old that many SVN users can't even remember what was in it, and for
which filing bug reports is essentially uselessor, on the other
horn of this dilemma, to use an SVN that's so unstable that deliberate
weeks-long breakages of features are done on the mainline instead of a
branch.  I wish we could have stable or even semi-stable releases on
better than a yearly schedule, or that SVN used branches more.  Oh
well.  [And, while I'm wishing for a pony, I wish that it was possible
to at least use a mix of SVN and stable, but the protocol/schema
changes make this impossible, too, so it's quite difficult to have a
stable production machine -and- a testbed machine without a lot of
duplication of resources and time.  Alas, alack.]
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Transcoding on a non myth machine

2006-01-05 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 17:29:30 -0500
From: Steve Adeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Thursday 05 January 2006 17:11, Jay Ung wrote:
 I was wondering if it iis possible to transcode .nuv to avi on a machine
 that is not a mythtv machine using nuvexport.I am a total noob when it
 comes to transcoding.  I would love to use my home server as the transcode
 machine.  The mythtv box doesn't really have the horsepower.  But the
 server is not a backend or have any mythtv stuff installed.  If it is
 possible to transcode this way, is it possible to cut commercials?

 Basically what I would love to do is record a program, copy it to the
 server via cron job, cut commercials, and transcode to xvid, then move it
 back.  I would love to do this completely automatically.  So am I smoking
 crack, or is this possible.



I believe if you install a slave backend on the machine you can set it up 
do all the transcoding. I do my commercial flagging this way right now, but 
haven't entered the world of transcoding.

You'd sure think this should be possible, but when -I- tried it, by
turning on the transcode-every-recording button in the UI and doing
nothing else fancy (in 18.1, on a combined FE/SBE which NFS-mounted
the recordings from the MBE), I had a number of problems (see traffic
from me from a month or so ago).  In particular:

(a) The SBE's mythtranscode was getting handed myth:// URLs instead
of just a pointer into the filesystem, then complained that it didn't
support that mode.  Jobs on the MBE ran fine, but that meant that some
random proportion of them would just error out and die.

(b) It then left all the errors in my job queue for some long period
of time and nobody could figure out how to actually make them go away.
(They appear to have all vanished 8 days (yes, not 7) after erroring,
spontaneously; is there some week-and-a-day timeout somewhere?)  This
was apparent from reading the backend logs, since I've got both
backends and the frontend logging to files to -v and have since
about 6 weeks ago.

(c) The resulting transcoded files had -VERY- low audio levels, and I
couldn't find any way of making them at least match the originals.
(My recordings in general -also- have low audio levels, despite
setting ALSA mixer levels high; is there some way of convincing 250's
and 350's to record louder?  I'm comparing to the TV itself and all
the other devices which share the cable feed, none of which have this

Since I'd rather not have to do all my transcoding on the MBE (which
has the majority of the tuners), and since transcoding from MPEG2 to
MPEG4 doesn't preserve the closed-captioning information anyway, I
just gave up on the whole idea of transcoding.  If anyone has any
ideas on how to solve (a) and (c), in particular, I'd appreciate it;
the relevant traffic is on the -users list about a month ago, but it
but there was very little discussion and no resolution.

(I now have tools that allow me to dump the CC info from the MPEG2
file into an ASCII file, so I might reconsider transcoding and then
having mplayer render the CC info from the ASCII while playing the
MPEG4---or figure out a way of regenerating MPEG2 from MPEG4
(preferably, also sucking in the CC data) so I can actually use my
-350's native MPEG2 output, but I'd need a solution to the transcoding
issues above.  It'd sure be nice to take advantage of the space-saving
it would make possible.)

[-Is- there some easy way of reverse-transcoding, e.g., MP4-MP2?
Given that, I could compare the quality of MP2-350, MP2-MP4-350
(using its framebuffer support, which works for me), or MP2-MP4-MP2
and then the 350's native output again; presumably I'd only be doing
this if the quality  time were acceptable and I really wanted native
closed-captioning support, which would require some way to re-embed it
into the new MP2 stream.]
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mythweb and episode numbers

2006-01-05 Thread f-myth-users
In 0.18.1:

In the program_detail page, is there an easy way of also displaying
the episode number, for cases in which that data is available?  Some
channels often don't have real titles for their shows, or don't make
it clear that there are two parts with identical titles but different
episode numbers; having this info in mythweb would make it much easier
to discover this.  (Also, I have a database of previous recordings
made outside of Myth and it would be handy for knowing what's already
been recorded; that database will eventually be integrated into my
version of Myth so such shows won't be rerecorded anyway, but for the
moment being able to at least do this manually in mythweb would help a
lot.)  Note that I really am talking about the episode number, not the
ID; yes, I know that it's often not present, but that's the most
convenient number for me (it's short, it's human-meaningful, and my
other database already uses it).

I know that this info is displayed in the Program Details page in the
actual frontend UI, but using the frontend's UI is fairly painful
compared to mythweb with a real keyboard and a real high-resolution
display at reading distance, instead of a remote control and the TV's
output at viewing distance.

If this isn't some option I'm missing, I'd be willing to patch my
local copy of mythweb if someone could give me a pointer or two on
where in it to look---and is this info in (or being considered for)
the current SVN version?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Transcoding on a non myth machine

2006-01-05 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 00:13:03 -0500 (EST)
From: Chris Pinkham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 (a) The SBE's mythtranscode was getting handed myth:// URLs instead
 of just a pointer into the filesystem, then complained that it didn't
 support that mode.  Jobs on the MBE ran fine, but that meant that some
 random proportion of them would just error out and die.

In 0.18.x, the myth:// URLs are given if myth can't find the recording
in the same directory path on the local backend as it is on the backend
that recorded the file.  In SVN, myth will also check the local
backend's RecordFilePrefix directory for the file and use a local
filename if it exists there, otherwise it falls back to the myth://

Aha!  So in other words, even though I can set the recording directory
path on the SBE in its setup, if it's not exactly the same as on the
master, transcoding fails.  This is inconsistent with the way
recording and commflagging work (the commflagger was working on my
SBE, as far as I can tell), but I'll see if I can rearrange my NFS
mounts so the SBE thinks /myth/tv is where recordings live (as the MBE
thinks now), rather than thinking that they live in /mnt/mbe/tv or
(via a symlink) /mnt/tv as they do now.  Would a symlink on the SBE
from /myth/tv to /mnt/tv (which will then traverse the mountpoint)
be adequate, or are symlinks themselves going to be problematic?

Incidentally, this particular arrangement was suggested by the
linhes.html page on the KnoppMyth site, which talked about how to set
up slaves; it's not clear to me how those instructions (which can only
be talking about non-SVN versions) could possibly be right in the face
of this transcoding inconsistency.

 (b) It then left all the errors in my job queue for some long period
 of time and nobody could figure out how to actually make them go away.
 (They appear to have all vanished 8 days (yes, not 7) after erroring,
 spontaneously; is there some week-and-a-day timeout somewhere?)  This
 was apparent from reading the backend logs, since I've got both
 backends and the frontend logging to files to -v and have since
 about 6 weeks ago.

I thought we went over this.

Uh, if we did, it wasn't with me... :)

  The 8 days is because in 0.18.x, errors
are kept around for 7 days and the cleanup job only runs once a day,
so the jobs could be around for almost 8 days depending on when they
ran and when the cleanup job ran in the housekeeper.  In SVN, this
has been shorted from 7 to 4.  I think you could still have deleted
these jobs from the mythfrontend status screen though by using the
popup menu on an errored job.

That seems logical, but nobody who said anything could -find- such a
popup.  I couldn't, and (IIRC) Jarod couldn't, either.  (I recall
something like, I could have -sworn- this existed, but I can't find
it now...)  My suspicion is that it went into SVN very shortly after
18.1, or something like that.

 (c) The resulting transcoded files had -VERY- low audio levels, and I
 couldn't find any way of making them at least match the originals.
 (My recordings in general -also- have low audio levels, despite
 setting ALSA mixer levels high; is there some way of convincing 250's
 and 350's to record louder?  I'm comparing to the TV itself and all
 the other devices which share the cable feed, none of which have this

There is a volume control for ivtv compatible cards right in the
recording profile editor.  This has been there since the ivtv
support was added to Myth.

Yeah, I know about that one.  It's at 90%.  IIRC, I also tried it at
100%, with not much effect.  I should probably ask Hans and/or the
ivtv lists if anyone has any ideas there; I'm almost wondering if
the problem isn't ALSA but some register setting in the cards.
(Is there some reason why all the sliders aren't 100% by default?
Would there be distortion issues or something?)

I could -live- with recordings being 6-12dB down from everything else
(though the mystery annoys me), but what I can't deal with is the
transcoded stuff being another ~12dB down from -that-.  I had to
peg the TV's volume almost to the very top to get listenable audio,
and that's just wrong.  (Not to mention dangerous if I select another
input! :)  It's not clear to me at all why transcoding should mess
with any audio levels; does it even have any -inputs- for changing
them?  (E.g., is it looking at some ALSA slider for some weird
reason?  Does it have command-line args that affect this?)

This was really easy to demonstrate, btw, since I told Myth not to
toss the originals when it transcoded.  I could just rename them back
 forth in place of each other and play them; the transcoded ones were
always much quieter.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Transcoding on a non myth machine

2006-01-05 Thread f-myth-users
It occurs to me that transcoded files play through the soundcard,
whereas untranscoded ones play through the 350's outputs (and then
through the soundcard).  I wonder if there's some inconsistency there
that's making transcoded files sound softer.  I'll probably have to
try playing some untranscoded files directly through mplayer, and
then likewise with the transcoded ones; presumably then -both-
cases will go through the ivtv framebuffer (and thus -only- out
the soundcard w/o an intermediate step in the 350's outputs for
the MPEG2 case), and that might tell me if it's really the case
that the transcoded audio is quiet or there's some other step that's

Btw, alsamixer reports that my master is at 71% (where it's been since
I got the machine); I upped center to 100%, capture to 94%, and IEC958
to 100% at some point in the past to get some other levels to work
better, but it hasn't helped the transcoding case much.  (Even if my
master is too low, -all- audio is looped through the soundcard, so
you'd think it would make the untranscoded stuff just as soft, but
it doesn't---MP2 is soft, but MP4 is much softer, and they -both-
go through the master, I believe.)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mythweb and episode numbers

2006-01-05 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 22:38:44 -0800
From: Chris Petersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Done.  I don't use the frontend for much other than watching an 
occasional show and cutting commercials -- didn't really know what the 
details page looked like and what info was available.

Thanks!  I assume it'd be fairly easy for me to look at the SVN patch
and backport to 18.1?  (SVN is too unstable for me, and I haven't yet
looked carefully at how mythweb has changed between the two.)

Anyway, next time please submit feature requests to 

???  I'm confused.  I was under the impression that feature requests
were very much discouraged in trac unless they were accompanied by
the code to implement them as well; I believe I read that somewhere
on the main myth webpages that talk about how myth and trac are used.
Am I misinformed? [*]  (I recall something about feature requests
in trac submitted without patches will be closed without notice or
some such phrasing, which struck me as an awful idea, because it would
mean that random devs couldn't just say, Hmmm, what quick hack has
someone requested that I might work on?)

I'd be very happy to submit feature requests to trac if I was wrong;
I also have a bug report [1] on mythweb's bizarre handling of manual
recordings in 18.1 that I'll submit to trac, since when I mentioned it
on -users it got zero response; which made it difficult for me to know
if it was already fixed in SVN and thus invalid as a report.  And I
thought I read somewhere that mythweb development was on hiatus;
apparently I was wrong about that, too... :)  I'd be ecstatic if I
could punt the main UI (except for FF/REW/etc) in place of mythweb
functionality completely, and with just a few improvements I think I

[*] I can't actually find that text now, though in hunting around, I
note that [2] has a bunch of wishes that seem like they might be fixed
in SVN at least; I could prune it a bit if someone else would
sanity-check the edits and check it back in.

[1] http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/164995
[2] http://www.mythtv.info/moin.cgi/UserWishList
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] LiveTV isn't flexible enough about its inputs

2005-12-12 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 20:50:27 -0500
From: Michael T. Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED]

, but I
haven't (yet) tested this thoroughly to see which way it works.)
Would unchecking that option allow LiveTV to grab the appropriate
input from any card, or is this just an architectural limitation
of how 0.18.1's LiveTV is supposed to work?

I'm pretty sure in 0.18.1 you have to explicitly change cards (and 
perhaps inputs) if a channel isn't available on the current.

How exactly would I do that?  After all, no matter which way the
option is checked, it's basically up to Myth to choose which card is
the one used when capturing input that's going to LiveTV.  Is there
some magic keystroke sequence that says, Change to card number n,
and now change to card n's input m when in LiveTV?  (And man, is that
ever risky, because it requires someone using LiveTV to have an
intimate knowledge of exactly which card(s) Myth is using [and
planning to use] in order not to disrupt a recording.)  Otherwise,
the only way I see to do this is to put an extra input on my 350
and bring all composite inputs to that card, just 'cause it's the
card being used for output, and that seems crazy.  [Or is this what
you actually meant, e.g., rearrange the hardware?]  Architecturally,
there seems to be no impediment grabbing input from any tuner and
tossing it to any FE, and that would seem to apply for any input
to any tuner.

OTOH, I'd certainly believe it if there's some implementation
limitation in 0.18.1 that makes this not work.  In which case,
I'll repeat my question:  Does this sort of thing at least work
in SVN?  And is it truly an implementation restriction in 0.18.1,
or is something misconfigured in my setup?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Is there any ordering dependency between transcodingand commflagging?

2005-12-11 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 23:37:01 -0700
From: Mike Grusin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do the same thing; record in MP2 and transcode to MP4. I vaguely remember
trying to comflag first and then transcode, and remember having some
problems (perhaps it forget the comflag information?).  Now I transcode THEN
comflag, and things work perfectly.  I'm new, so don't consider me an
authoritative source. ;)

How did you set it up such that transcoding happened first?
My problem is that both try to run at once... :)

(-And- that transcoding makes the audio very quiet, -and- that Myth
chooses randomly which host to transcode on and then complains it
can't cope if it chooses the slave backend, -and- that playing those
transcoded files blows up mplayer and the window system along with it,
-and- that transcoding errors leave entries in the job queue that
nobody seems to know how to delete.  So I'm probably going to turn
transcoding off unless I can get solutions to any of these; I've
mentioned them on this list, but nobody has suggested any

All works very well for me here, using the above sequence.

Maybe I'm just unlucky.  I'll try recording some longer stuff and see
how it goes.

  I auto-skip,
but I don't destructively cut because there are rare times I want to check
back during the commercial (for Next week on a very special E.R. mostly)
that it's worth keeping things intact.

What I'd like to know, is if there's an easy way to toggle auto-skip on and
off while watching a recording?  Rewinding into the commercial zone, you
have to be very careful not to hit that first jump or it helpfully
shuttles you around it again...

Can't help you there, but I hope someone can.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Moving recordings onto DVD with subtitles

2005-12-11 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 11:20:05 +
From: Piers Kittel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello all,

As I'm deaf, I require to watch TV with subtitles - there's no choice 
for me really.  Anyway, I'm using MythTV taken from SVN only so I can 
have subtitle support which 0.18.1 doesn't have.  My hard drive is 
filling with programs I want to keep, and I want to transfer it to video 
DVD but I want to peserve the subtitles - i.e. I can put it in my bog 
standard DVD player, start playing and select English Subtitles and it 
works.  How can I do this if it's any way possible?  If selection is not 
possible, is it possible to paste subtitles on the screen making open 
captions, and if this isn't possible, what are my options?

I have half of a possible solution for you, thanks to Hui Zhou's
little utility which I recently discovered while trolling the
archives of the ivtv-devel list.

Grab http://www.wam.umd.edu/~zhouhui/vbiutil-20050928.tar.gz

This tool produces timestamped ASCII text of the closed captioning,
suitable for input via the -sub switch for mplayer (assuming you've
made sure mplayer has OSD fonts and so forth).  It requires the CC
data written to the stream by the PVR-x50 hardware encoders, and will
-not- work if you've transcoded the streams (because mythtranscode
doesn't support CC data and throws it away).  It's three small
programs and a readme that tells you how to use them.

I don't know if any DVD-authoring software can take such a list (or
such a list after being filtered through some trivial perl script to
change its syntax) and produce new subtitling, but maybe someone else

An alternative (which would mean giving up on using a standalone DVD
-player- per se, and using a DVD drive in a computer instead) would
be to keep both the original MEGP2 stream around, and the text file
produced by the utility above (which is tiny---on the order of 20-30K
per hour, and of course you could gzip it if you cared), and write
both files to a DVD as normal data files.  Then, to play them, use
mplayer -sub cc.txt program.mpeg2 (approximately) and play the data
directly off the DVD that way.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Moving recordings onto DVD with subtitles

2005-12-11 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 11:20:05 +
From: Piers Kittel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello all,

As I'm deaf, I require to watch TV with subtitles - there's no choice 
for me really.  Anyway, I'm using MythTV taken from SVN only so I can 
have subtitle support which 0.18.1 doesn't have.  My hard drive is 
filling with programs I want to keep, and I want to transfer it to video 
DVD but I want to peserve the subtitles - i.e. I can put it in my bog 
standard DVD player, start playing and select English Subtitles and it 
works.  How can I do this if it's any way possible?  If selection is not 
possible, is it possible to paste subtitles on the screen making open 
captions, and if this isn't possible, what are my options?

One more piece of this---if you're going with the solution of just
dumping the CC into a file using Hui Zhou's utility, you don't
necessarily have to use the SVN MythTV.  I'm using 0.18.1, in which
the UI checkbox to enable subtitling doesn't work with ivtv 0.4.0 or
0.4.1 (I'm using both on various machines), but you can enable it
yourself by calling
  ivtvctl -b wss,cc -x 1 -d /dev/video0
for each of video0, 1, ... that you may have capturing video,
and by calling
  ivtvctl -w wss,cc  -d /dev/video0
for each card you have displaying video (e.g., a -350 that you use for
capturing and display should have both lines, and a -250 should have
only the first).  This needs to be enabled once per boot; I just put
the appropriate lines in /etc/init.d/mythbackend after it starts
mythbackend itself.  (If you do this, note that, in my distro at
least, ivtvctl lives in /usr/local/bin/, but the default path for
init scripts doesn't include that directory, so you may have to
write /usr/local/bin/ivtvctl instead.)

I don't know if capturing CC data works at all in ivtv releases prior
to 0.4.0, so I'd recommend upgrading to there if you try this in an
earlier release and it doesn't work.  (Don't upgrade until you try it,
of course---no point possibly going through the hassle of upgrading
and maybe breaking a working configuration if the current one works
well enough...)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] mythtranscode output causes my mplayer to explode

2005-12-10 Thread f-myth-users
In 0.18.1, in Ubuntu Breezy:

I've just discovered that mythtranscode is producing files that cause
my mplayer to explode.  (I'm running mplayer on my frontend right over
the display being produced by mythfrontend on the PVR-350 there; the
explosion apparently nukes the entire login session, because as soon
as mplayer blows up, I wind up staring at Ubuntu's login screen.  It's
not -just- nuking mythfrontend, because I set up mythtv's .xsession to
respawn mythfrontend every time it terminates.)

These files start out MPEG2 from a PVR-250, and I'm transcoding with
all the default options.  (I've set everything to 720x480, but nothing
else has been changed---not bitrate or anything like that.)

Note also that mplayer first complains that these files have no audio.
It then displays several seconds (5-10) of video, and then blows up.
This has happened on at least two files so far.  I know that not -all-
transcoded files do this, because when I first tried this, it worked
enough to at least give me a file with very -quiet- audio (which I
bugreported here but which no one has responded to), whereas now I
seem to be getting files that claim no audio at all.

I'm not deleting the original MPEG2's; playing those is perfect.

Anyone have any clues?  Tnx.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/mbe/tv$ mplayer -vo xv -framedrop 
MPlayer dev-CVS--4.0.2 (C) 2000-2005 MPlayer Team
CPU: Advanced Micro Devices Athlon MP/XP/XP-M Barton (Family: 6, Stepping: 0)
Detected cache-line size is 64 bytes
MMX2 supported but disabled
SSE supported but disabled
3DNow supported but disabled
3DNowExt supported but disabled
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 0 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 0 SSE2: 0
Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX

86 audio  200 video codecs
Linux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_irqp_set 1024): Permission denied
Try adding echo 1024  /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq to your system startup 
Opening joystick device /dev/input/js0
Can't open joystick device /dev/input/js0 : No such file or directory
Can't init input joystick
Setting up LIRC support...
Playing 1002_20051208003500_20051208004000.nuv.
Cache fill:  0.00% (0 bytes)MPEG4-ES file format detected.
FPS seems to be: 302727/1
vo: X11 running at 720x480 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (:0.0 = local display)
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm:ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
Audio: no sound
Starting playback...
VDec: vo config request - 720 x 480 (preferred csp: Planar YV12)
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.50:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [xv] 720x480 = 720x480 Planar YV12
aspect: Warning: no suitable new res found!
aspect: Warning: no suitable new res found!
aspect: Warning: no suitable new res found!
Marker bit missing before time_increment_resolution
Marker bit missing before fixed_vop_rate
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]Complexity estimation not supported
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]header damaged
Error while decoding frame!
Marker bit missing before vop_coded47%
Marker bit missing before vop_coded
VDec: vo config request - 1753 x 6557 (preferred csp: Planar YV12)
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.50:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [xv] 1753x6557 = 9836x6557 Planar YV12
aspect: Warning: no suitable new res found!
aspect: Warning: no suitable new res found!
aspect: Warning: no suitable new res found!
vf.c: have to REALLOCATE buffer memory :(
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]warning: first frame is no keyframe
vf.c: have to REALLOCATE buffer memory :(
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]marker does not match f_code
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]marker does not match f_code
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]marker does not match f_code
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]marker does not match f_code
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]concealing 45100 DC, 45100 AC, 44892 MV errors
aspect: Warning: no suitable new res found!
Marker bit missing before vop_coded47%
Marker bit missing before vop_coded47%
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]marker does not match f_code
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]marker does not match f_code
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]marker does not match f_code
[mpeg4 @ 0x865fbd0]concealing 45100 DC, 45100 AC, 41833 MV errors
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/mbe/tv$
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] How do I get rid of old erring jobs?

2005-12-10 Thread f-myth-users
In 0.18.1:

Since I've been experimenting with transcoding, I've built up a couple
dozen jobs that mythweb all claims to be in Errored state.  Some of
these are more than a week old.  Not only is this annoying to see
there, but running mythbackend -v all is getting tedious, since
it mentions 60-odd old jobs every single iteration (currently ten
seconds since I have the job queue set to check frequently).

How do I make these go away?  Shouldn't they have gone away on their own?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] How do I get rid of old erring jobs?

2005-12-10 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 00:34:56 -0800
From: Jarod Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Saturday 10 December 2005 00:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In 0.18.1:

 Since I've been experimenting with transcoding, I've built up a couple
 dozen jobs that mythweb all claims to be in Errored state.  Some of
 these are more than a week old.  Not only is this annoying to see
 there, but running mythbackend -v all is getting tedious, since
 it mentions 60-odd old jobs every single iteration (currently ten
 seconds since I have the job queue set to check frequently).

 How do I make these go away?  Shouldn't they have gone away on their own?

Assuming I'm understanding the situation right, you should be able to go ino
the frontend - Info - Job Queue, you can select jobs and delete them 

Err, well, almost.  I can -see- them there, but I have no idea how to
delete them.  I don't know what event name I should use to map to a
button on my remote, so I tried running mythfrontend in an X window
on a machine with a keyboard attached to it, but of -course- ? doesn't
show any self-documentation, and none of mMdD do anything, and I can't
seem to find anything on the web documenting what valid commands might
exist in this window, so I'm still stumped.

Any ideas?  If I navigate into that window with rightarrow, I can
scroll up  down over the jobs, and hitting Enter on one gives me
a menu that says Requeue Job? with choices of Yes and No.  But I
sure don't see a choice to -delete- the job...

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] LiveTV isn't flexible enough about its inputs

2005-12-10 Thread f-myth-users
In 0.18.1:

[Is this fixed in SVN, given its complete rearchitecture of how
LiveTV works?  I'm not running SVN, so I can't easily check.]

I've got a PVR-350 on an SBE/FE, and some PVR-250's on the MBE.
One of the 250's has a composite input hooked to a cable box;
all of the x50's have the same RF signal going to them as well.
I defined the 350 on the SBE last, precisely so that its input
would have lowest priority.

If I use LiveTV on an RF channel, the 350's RF input is selected and
all is well.  But if I try for a channel going to the 250's composite
input, LiveTV just gives me a blank screen, with no explanation of
what's going on.  Meanwhile, my backend logs this:

2005-12-09 19:25:43.794 Failed to find channel(201) on current input (Tuner 0) 
of card (6).
2005-12-09 19:25:43.795 Failed to find channel(201) on any input of card (6).
2005-12-09 19:25:43.795 1   0

Well, duh, sure, that card doesn't -have- anything attached to its
composite input.  I expected that LiveTV would have picked a card
that -does- have that channel and streamed video from it, crossing
a network boundary if necessary (e.g., if the FE wasn't on the same
machine that had the relevant card, which in this case it ain't).

I -do- have avoid conflicts with recordings checked, and I'm
reluctant to uncheck it since I'd rather that LiveTV not step on
a recording.  (Though if -all- that button does is to change the
priority of which card gets used for what, it's not doing what I'd
expect---what I'd -want- it to do is to say, If all tuners are
currently in use for recording and you want LiveTV, warn me so I
don't ruin a recording and likewise grab LiveTV away from me if
you need all tuners for recording while I'm watching live, but I
haven't (yet) tested this thoroughly to see which way it works.)
Would unchecking that option allow LiveTV to grab the appropriate
input from any card, or is this just an architectural limitation
of how 0.18.1's LiveTV is supposed to work?  (And does SVN overcome
this limitation?)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] How do I get rid of old erring jobs?

2005-12-10 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 09:04:46 -0800
From: Jarod Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I seem to recall either the select or menu button on my remote popping a
dialog that let me delete jobs. Of course, now I try that just now, looking
at some jobs that recently ran to completion, and all I get is the requeue
choices. Odd. It was just a few days ago that a job that didn't run
successfully was sitting in there, and one of the menu choices was to delete
the job...

Are you running 0.18.1 or SVN?  (I'm running 0.18.1.)

In my particular case, the menu button on my remote isn't mapped
to any action at all on that particular page, and its OK butten
(basically Enter/Select) pops up the Requeue menu.  I've tried a
few other buttons at random, but I'm reluctant to try them all,
since who knows -what- might happen...

I find it really, really irritating that the Myth UI has no keystroke
self-documentation in it at all, and wish that this was a development
priority---it would save a lot of dumb questions (like mine here) to
the list and elsewhere.  As far as I know, the only way (without
grovelling through all the sources) to figure out what actions exist is
to look at the keymapping page of mythweb, which is itself obscure and
might not even be installed, and probably isn't complete---my mythweb
only lists 3 different contexts, and I'll bet there are more, but I'd
probably have to inspect the database to figure that out or what
they're called (and then maybe modify mythweb to display them).

The -right- thing would be to, by default, have some HELP action that
is (by default) mapped to the -same- key on the keyboard in -every-
page, and which could (by default, with appropriate LIRC entries) be
mapped to the -same- key on the remote in -every- page.  Then it would
be totally trivial for someone to say, What can I do here, and what
keys will do it for me?  Sure, it'd be hard to backtranslate action
names to key names in the presence of LIRC, but at least it would tell
you what the keyboard could do, and at least it would tell you what
you -might- want to define in your lircrc to go in the forward direction.

But I bet that trying to raise the usability issue again won't do much.

For the moment, unless somebody can figure out how this is mapped, I
may have to resort to doing surgery on my database to get these jobs
to go away.  That's dangerous for a whole number of reasons.  (For
starters, once I find them in one table, I'm not sure if other things
in other tables will depend on them being there, so it means I'll have
to read the code to figure out how job deletion is supposed to work in
general.  Surely there's a better way... :)

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: Strange MythBackend troubles

2005-12-09 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 16:58:53 -0800
From: Jeff Clemens [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think I figured out the remote system problem.  I wasn't aware that you
don't need to run a database on the remote system.  Once I turned that off,
and re set everything up between the master and slave boxes, the delete
problem, and the inability to jump forward and back cleared up.

So in other words, mysql is no longer running on your slave backend
at all?  (My SBE [which is also my FE] has mysql still running; it
hadn't occurred to me that this is a problem, and in fact I thought
that certain SBE/FE settings were stored locally.  Where -is- this
info stored?  Should I disable mysql on my SBE/FE, too?  I should
point out that I have no problems deleting things...)

Now, I have a different problem, though.  The tuner on the slave backend
shows as 'not available' in system status.

Any ideas there?  both master and slave backends are running.  nothing is
recording, it's just 'not available'

If I boot my MBE, my SBE/FE always claims that its tuner is
not available unless I boot the SBE.  I bug-reported this
dependency a few weeks ago on this list but it generated no
response (except, well, just restart mythbackend on the SBE
instead of any idea of whether this was even viewed as a bug
at all).  This means I have to be careful to boot my SBE only
after my MBE is actually up, which complicates recovery from
power failures (of which I just had one today, actually), and
especially unattended recovery.

[And after booting the MBE without rebooting the SBE, certain UI
operations work, but some complain that the backend has gone away;
if I just okay that popup and continue, the SBE/FE recovers and
notices that the MBE is there.  But the SBE's tuner is permanently
unavailable unless the SBE is restarted.]

So have you tried rebooting your SBE and/or restarting mythfrontend?
Does this help?

P.S.  This is all in 0.18.1, not SVN.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] PVR-250 composite-in gives black video---why?

2005-12-09 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:00:43 +

Also, when setting up a PVR-x50, the correct input (S-Video or
composite) is not always necessarily #0 for the first card.

Indeed; it seems that on my -250's, the card's built-in input is
Composite 4 in myth, and the add-on input with the A/V cable kit
is Composite 1.  Go figure.  (Inputs 0, 2, and 3 appear unused.
I'd like to know what the Hauppauge engineers are smoking.)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: Strange MythBackend troubles

2005-12-09 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 21:39:47 -0500

Are you sure you guys aren't experiencing the same problems as I am in
this thread?


Well, I don't think -I- am.  The only time I've noticed that the
SBE/FE can't talk to the MBE is after I've rebooted the MBE, and that
situation clears up for the FE as soon as I've acknowledged the popup
that there's a problem.  (That popup can come at irritating times,
though---like -after- I've already entered all the information for a
manual schedule, whereupon it drops all that info on the floor as soon
as I've cleared the condition and leaves me with the default page again.)

OTOH, the SBE's tuner is permanently unavailable until I reboot the SBE.

So this doesn't seem to be the same randomly goes away problem that
you're reporting.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users][OT] - How grab VHS tapes?

2005-12-07 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 09:32:10 -0700
From: Dave Packham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Any way to detect good signal?  I have seen a lot of software that will
stop capture on BAD signal or snow

Can you be more specific about this?  I asked a few days ago if anyone
had any ideas on how to detect this inside an mpeg, which is half of
trying to get myth to autoreschedule recordings that went bad because
the studio screwed up or some other hardware issue happened, but I
haven't heard any good ideas and will probably start hunting around in
the video-processing and image recognition arenas otherwise...  Tnx.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Very low audio level after transcoding

2005-12-07 Thread f-myth-users
[Should I move this to the -dev list?  This seems like a bug, and
nobody here has said anything about it yet  I'll move it to -dev
and/or just open up a ticket if I don't hear anything.]

Note:  I found the Volume % slider in Transcode-MPEG2-Audio Quality
and changed it from 90% to 100%.  It -might- have made a slight difference;
it'll be hard to tell without more testing.  But it certainly didn't make 
-enough- of a difference.

Also:  the self-documentation for that slider claims Recording volume
of the capture card.  Is that -really- what it's there for?  If so,
why?  In that case, since my capture card is at 90%, it seems that
setting the slider to 100% might be going in the wrong direction, and
maybe I should lie to it and say, e.g., that my capture card was at
50% so transcoding might boost the volume.  But this is backwards and
certainly not how -I- would design the control---how's it -really-
supposed to work?


Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 02:06:39 -0500 (EST)

In 0.18.1:

I'm experimenting with transcoding from MPEG2 to MPEG4, and have
discovered that the transcoded files have very low audio levels;
I'd guess on the order of 6-9dB down from the source, at least.

Where are these levels specified?  I'm quite surprised that they're
affected at all.

I'm using all the defaults (as far as I know) except that I changed
the transcoding dimensions from 480x480 to 720x480 to match the
original from the PVR-250.

I can verify absolutely that it's the transcoding process that's doing
this, because I'm saving the originals.  If I play the transcoded
file, and then rename that file to some temporary name and rename the
.nuv.old file in place of the original and play -that-, audio is back
at its normal level.  If I undo the renaming, audio is again quiet.
This is true for transcodings from 5 different channels.

According to ps, the actual transcoding process was something like:

mythtranscode -V 4099 -c 1002 -s 2005-12-06T21:35:00 -p autodetect -d
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Problems in load-balancing commflagging

2005-12-07 Thread f-myth-users
[Should I move this to -dev and/or open a ticket?  I think I found
a bug.  Is there any point to bug-reporting 0.18.1, since SVN has
diverged so far from it at this point?]

I have new data.  But I'd still -really- love it if somebody, anybody
could answer any subset of the questions at the very bottom of this
message, since I'm still mostly buffaloed by this whole thing.
Thanks!  (And I've annotated some of 'em with my new understanding,
so really there are only a couple I'm really confused about...)

First off, I realized that I never ran mythtv-setup on my SBE to
change the job queue limit -there-; it was still at 1.  I've since
changed it to 5, the current max unless I recompile, and I've also
reset the job check frequency there to 10s to match the MBE.

Next, I ran both backends (slave and master), and the frontend, with
-v all and am dumping the output into three different files.  I then
tried another run recording 2.3,4,5,6,7 simultaneously.

It appears that the reason (or at least -one- reason) mythtranscode is
erroring is because most of the jobs running it are being attempted on
the SBE (probably because the MBE is busy with 5 commflagging jobs and
1 more queued---which won't run 'cause of the 5-job limit), -and- that
mythtranscode incorrectly believes it can't run on an SBE!

Instead, I see lines like this in the backend log on the SBE (I didn't
see them last time because I was only running the MBE backend with -v):

2005-12-07 22:15:45.360 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.

Yet this is (probably!) bogus because the slave has the master's
recordings NFS-mounted anyway, and mythcommflag certainly has no
trouble looking at that filesystem.  It looks like mythtranscode
is asking the database for the filename, getting back something
with this myth:// access path instead, and punting.  What it
-should- be getting back is just a filename that points into /myth/tv,
which is NFS-mounted and corresponds to the same directory with the
same pathname on the MBE.

Curiously, I see a different number of these failures for each
channel; this might be related to when they started (since they
started at least 10s apart from each other, but all 6 recordings
started and ended simultaneously.  Here's the complete log of just
those lines:

2005-12-07 22:15:45.360 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:15:45.480 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:15:45.598 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:15:45.719 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:30:45.341 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:30:45.461 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:30:45.581 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:30:45.699 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:31:45.339 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:31:45.459 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:31:45.579 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:31:45.699 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:32:45.371 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:32:45.491 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode remote files.
2005-12-07 22:32:45.610 Attempted to transcode 
myth:// Mythtranscode 
is currently unable to transcode 

[mythtv-users] Is there any ordering dependency between transcoding and commflagging?

2005-12-07 Thread f-myth-users
In 0.18.1:

I'd like to do commflagging and transcoding from MEGP2-MPEG4.
I was originally thinking that I needed to commflag first, then
transcode, but the behavior of Myth when I try (it does both at
once, or tries to), makes me wonder if I need to worry about this
ordering at all.

So does commflagging care if it flags an MPEG2 stream but then gets
used on an MPEG4 stream?  Is its cutlist still going to be as accurate?
Is it more efficient to run it on one kind of file or the other?  Or
should I not care and just let both happen on the same file at the
same time and everything will just work fine?


P.S.  Note that I'm -not- automatically cutting during the transcode,
and probably won't unless I have more assurance that commflagging is
accurate for the things I'm recording (and it seems way wrong for a
lot of the US network shows I've tried it on, which is interesting---
I'm using All for its settings and I'm surprised its performance
seems so haphazard given that everyone else seems to have no problems
with it...).  So since I'm not automatically cutting, it's not going
to save any transcoding time if I commflag first, for instance.  Tnx.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Problems transcoding

2005-12-06 Thread f-myth-users
In 1.18.1:

I'm having problems transcoding.  I've got an MBE/SBE setup with
several 250's in the BE and one 350 in the SBE/FE.  Commflagging
is set to begin immediately upon episode start.  I've been trying
to see how I like MPEG4 transcoding from the MPEG2 being produced
by the 250's, but I can't seem to get the transcoder to run at all.

I changed the Default recording group to automatically transcode
after recording, changed it to 720x480 from the default 480x480,
and left everything else alone (including MPEG-2 PS; what are the
definitions of the various types in this field, and which should I be

If I schedule a recording, it -appears- (from the mythweb status page)
that transcoding starts -immediately-, e.g., even before commflagging
is finished, even though I don't have transcode before commflagging

The status page also says Errored about the transcoding job, but I
can't figure out where any of this might really be logged (not in
mythweb, and not in any logs I can find), so I can't debug -why- it's

Also, according to mythweb, the transcoder ran on the SBE, even though
the commflagger ran on the MBE.  This is okayh with me (especially
since I can't seem to get the commflagging to loadbalance; that'll be
my next mesage), but only if the transcoder actually -works-.  But is
the transcoder running on the SBE somehow contributing to the problem?
(Note that the SBE and MBE share the same recordings directory via NFS.)

[FWIW, I also have the button checked to preserve the original
recordings after transcoding, since I'd like to A/B compare them.]

I then tried going to the Transcoder-From MPEG2 menu item, changed
its resolution, and left everything else alone.  (It looks like
various checkboxes for things like interlacing  so forth should
probably get set, but I haven't touched them for the moment until I
can see -anything- from transcoding.)  It didn't change the behavior.
Again, which of these am I -supposed- to be setting---the one in the
various recording profiles, or the ones in the Transcoders group?  The
doc on this is -very- thin on the ground, and it's totally obscured by
zillions of random google hits about transcoding that aren't helping.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Problems in load-balancing commflagging

2005-12-06 Thread f-myth-users
In 1.18.1:

I'm trying to figure out if I can load-balance commflagging.  I've got
an MBE/SBE setup with 5 250's in the BE and one 350 in the SBE/FE.
Commflagging is set to begin immediately upon episode start.  I'd like
to run commflagging as soon as possible, in parallel as much as
possible, since it appears that I can easily run 5-6 jobs on even one
of my hosts without really saturating it.  (Well, 5 commflaggers
saturate the CPU, but not the disk, and I see no skipping in the
recordings being made while this happens.)

However, I've got some problems:

(a) The setup page that deals with running jobs tops out at 5, e.g., I
can't tell myth to schedule more than 5 jobs in parallel because
the control just won't go any higher.  Why's it got this limit?
(The jobs also started 1 minute apart, so doing 5-minute test
recordings meand that the 5th job didn't evne start until the
recordings were over, so I set the time to check between jobs
from 60 seconds down to 10.  I'd be happy if that could be set
down to 1, if it didn't cause Myth to thrash, or, even better,
if it was smart enough to start -all eligible jobs at once- in
each sweep---then I could leave it at the default 60s, but all
commflagging jobs would be started simultaneously, one per
simultaneous recording.)
(b) Possibly because of (a), if I do a test recording of 6 things
simultaneously, commflagging only happens on 5 of them at once.
The 6th waits until the others are done, and then runs.  They
all run on the MBE, even though I don't have run jobs only on
original recording host set, but OTOH, there's that cap of 5
jobs total, so would I ever see that sixth job on the SBE?

What I'd -like- to see happen is for all 6 jobs to run at once.  Even
if 5 of them run on the MBE and one runs on the SBE, that's actually
okay with me, because I can probably soak up the remaining CPU on the
SBE doing transcoding from MPEG2 to MPEG4, but to do this requires
that I have a lot of jobs running.  (I don't know if transcoding will
count against the 5-job limit I see or not, since I haven't yet
managed to get transcoding to run at all; see previous message.)

An even cleverer thing (but which I wouldn't be surprised can't happen
in the current Myth architecture) would be to load-balance the commflagging,
so that (if I'm recording with 6 tuners), 3 of them happen on the MBE,
and 3 happen on the SBE.  Myth would have to be reasonably intelligent
in its job-scheduling for this to work, though.  And it still might
make sense to try to push as many of them on the MBE as possible,
since commflagging can't happen -faster- than real-time anyway for
recordings in progress, and this would leave the SBE free to be the
transcoding engine.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Problems in load-balancing commflagging

2005-12-06 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 19:02:09 -0500 (EST)
From: Chris Pinkham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 (a) The setup page that deals with running jobs tops out at 5, e.g., I
 can't tell myth to schedule more than 5 jobs in parallel because
 the control just won't go any higher.  Why's it got this limit?

The Max of 5 simultaneous jobs (per backend) was set prior to the
creation of realtime flagging.  With realtime flagging and hardware
encoding cards I can see how someone might want more than 5 jobs running
at a time on a host.  I've bumped this number up to 10 in my source tree
so it'll be in SVN with my next commit.

Ok.  (I'm running 1.18.1 'cause SVN is way too unstable for me, but I
might be willing to try recompiling from 1.81.1 sources if enough
things accumulate that it seems worthwhile.  Which file defines that

The default check frequency is 60 seconds, but it goes down to 10 or
up to 300 seconds in 5-second increments.  I don't think 10 seconds is
too long to wait for a queue run, but don't see harm in setting this
as low as 5 seconds.  Going all the way to 1 could cause problems for
some people though for a couple reasons.  The constant database hits
querying for new jobs and the added system load from firing off 5-10
jobs at 1-second intervals could cause hickups in recording so I didn't
want to go that low.  I also didn't want to fire off multiple jobs in
the same cycle because that would have the same effect.  Thinking about
it now, I can see a alternative in the middle though.  I could make it
so that the JobQueue sleeps for JobQueueCheckFrequency seconds in between
runs normally, but when it fires off a job, it could be modified to
only sleep for 5 or 10 seconds so it could pickup another job quicker.

That would certainly work, and I agree there's no point going lower
than 10 seconds or so if it'll cause glitches.  I'll leave mine at 10s
for the moment.

 (b) Possibly because of (a), if I do a test recording of 6 things
 simultaneously, commflagging only happens on 5 of them at once.
 The 6th waits until the others are done, and then runs.  They
 all run on the MBE, even though I don't have run jobs only on
 original recording host set, but OTOH, there's that cap of 5
 jobs total, so would I ever see that sixth job on the SBE?

One of them should have run on the SBE as long as you have the SBE
configured to allow running flagging jobs.  Turn on JobQueue debugging
with -v jobqueue on the backend to see if it tells you why it isn't
firing off the 6th job on the SBE.  With -v jobqueue enabled, it
prints out information about every job everytime through the loop
so you can see what's running, what's queued, what's finished, etc..

I tried this, and -everything- changed.  More in next message.

 An even cleverer thing (but which I wouldn't be surprised can't happen
 in the current Myth architecture) would be to load-balance the 
 so that (if I'm recording with 6 tuners), 3 of them happen on the MBE,
 and 3 happen on the SBE.  Myth would have to be reasonably intelligent

This is on my TODO list, but I haven't sat down and looked at it much
because it hasn't been that high of a priority.  I'd like to make it so
that the Queue could prefer a less-busy backend (based on number of items
recording and jobs running).  I have a few other things on my list to
help improve it as well such as creating a concept of a rush job so
if you start watching a recording that isn't flagged it could queue a
flagging job and push it to the head of the queue and wakeup the sleeping
ProcessQueue thread.

That's a cute idea.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Problems in load-balancing commflagging

2005-12-06 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 19:02:09 -0500 (EST)
From: Chris Pinkham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 (b) Possibly because of (a), if I do a test recording of 6 things
 simultaneously, commflagging only happens on 5 of them at once.
 The 6th waits until the others are done, and then runs.  They
 all run on the MBE, even though I don't have run jobs only on
 original recording host set, but OTOH, there's that cap of 5
 jobs total, so would I ever see that sixth job on the SBE?

One of them should have run on the SBE as long as you have the SBE
configured to allow running flagging jobs.  Turn on JobQueue debugging
with -v jobqueue on the backend to see if it tells you why it isn't
firing off the 6th job on the SBE.  With -v jobqueue enabled, it
prints out information about every job everytime through the loop
so you can see what's running, what's queued, what's finished, etc..

Things are now broken in a different way.  I have many questions.

I tried running mythbackend -d -v jobqueue (as the mythtv user) on
the MBE, and got -very- different results than I was getting before;
I suspect that this is because I hadn't restarted mythbackend since
trying to turn on transcoding.  (It's been booted -many- times since
setting up commflagging, but that was in previous weeks.)  Do changes
to transcoding and/or recording profiles only take effect on restart
of the backend?  I didn't -think- so (and it'd be pretty inconvenient
if it always took a backend restart to change this sort of thing) but
I haven't done anything else to the box

My test environment was to start recording on channels 2,3,4,5,6,7
simultaneously for 5 minutes via manual scheduling.

The -previous- behavior (before I restarted mythbackend this evening
with -v jobqueue was to do all commflagging on the MBE, with the
first 5 jobs running in parallel, and the sixth running (I think!) on
the MBE as well (coulda been the SBE; I might not have noticed if it
was), but definitely after the first five.  Transcoding errored out
and didn't run at all.

-Now- what happens is the following:
(a) The instant recording was due to commence, the backend logged a
bunch of Skipping Flag Commercials job for chanid 1002 @
20051206213500, should be run on 'sbe' instead; it logged one of
these page channel I'd scheduled (with appropriate chanid's, of
course).  I have no idea why the MBE (which has 5 of the 6 tuners)
is suddenly claiming that the SBE should be running commflagging
instead of the MBE.  No commflagging jobs ever ran on the MBE, as
far as I could tell by running ps -elf | grep comm a lot.
(b) One commflagging job started up on the SBE.  When it finished,
another started, and so forth---no parallelism.
(c) Five transcoding jobs started up on the MBE, in parallel, as soon
as recording finished.  (Before, -no- transcoding job were starting.)
(d) The sixth transcoding job claimed an errored state instead of
doing anything.  I can't -guarantee- that was the job that
corresponded to the recording on the SBE's tuner, but I'm
suspicious that it might have been, since it was channel 7 and
they might have been allocated to tuners in the order in which I
created the schedules.  [select * from mythlog isn't telling me
what tuner recorded what; is there some better way to find out?]

So, my still-unanswered questions:
(a) How do I debug this better?  If a job claimed errored, how do I
grab ahold of its diagnostic output so I can see -why- it errored?
(b) What's going on w/the job queues here?
(c) Transcoding was supposed to start -after- commflagging, but it
didn't.  Why not?
(d) Why did 1 out of 6 transcoding jobs get an error, and what exactly
-was- the error?
(e) There are at least two places to turn on transcoding---one is in
the various profiles for Default, LiveTV, High, and Low, and one
is in the Transcoding-MPEG2 slot one menu page away.  Which of
these -should- I turn on, and which -shouldn't- I?  (Right now,
they're -both- on, because turning on the Default one didn't do
anything when I tried it; see previous message about that.)
(f) Is MPEG2-PS the right thing in that menu, or should it be TS, or
is it something else entirely?  Where are these choices
(g) Why is the diagnostic output from mythbackend mentioning that it's
studiously ignoring a bunch of commflagging jobs from two days
ago?  (That's the last time I tried to record anything.)  -Those-
jobs ran okay, incidentally, and on the MBE.  It's also mentioning
the two Errored transcoding jobs I tried to run that day when I
was trying to debug transcoding.  Why are they still hanging
around in the job queue?  What makes them go away?
(h) What other options does mythbackend take, and what do they do?
(I note that it has no manpage.)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Problems in load-balancing commflagging

2005-12-06 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 23:18:02 -0500 (EST)
From: Chris Pinkham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The Max of 5 simultaneous jobs (per backend) was set prior to the
 creation of realtime flagging.  With realtime flagging and hardware

 might be willing to try recompiling from 1.81.1 sources if enough
 things accumulate that it seems worthwhile.  Which file defines that

mythtv/setup/backendsettings.cpp  Search for JobQueueMaxSimultaneousJobs.
There are 3 numbers on the line where the HostSpinBox is declared.
The first is the minimum (needs to stay at = 1), the second is the max,
and the third is the step increment.

Thanks!  I'll add this to my queue of things to change if I decide to
recompile 1.18.1.

(I wish SVN wasn't protocol-incompatible with the stable release, and
that SVN had dangerous work done out on a branch instead of on the
mainline; if those two things weren't true, I could afford to at least
see if some of these issues might be fixed there, but with the current
situation, I'd need two dedicate a pair of machines just to SVN if I
also wanted to make sure I had a setup that worked reliably enough to
actually record with while also making sure the new configuration
worked, and I just don't have that much spare hardware... :)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Problems in load-balancing commflagging

2005-12-06 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 23:42:00 -0500 (EST)

-Now- what happens is the following:
(a) The instant recording was due to commence, the backend logged a
bunch of Skipping Flag Commercials job for chanid 1002 @
20051206213500, should be run on 'sbe' instead; it logged one of
these page channel I'd scheduled (with appropriate chanid's, of

Whoops, I misspoke:  10 seconds after recording started (e.g., the
next time my every-10s job queue got checked), I got the Skipping
messages, -and- I -also- got one of Found Flag Commercials job for
chanid 1002 @ 20051206213500 in Running state and 5 of Found
Flag Commercials job for chanid 100x @ 20051206213500 in Queued
state, for x in 2,3,4,5,6,7 (yes, including 7, despite the later
error running that job).  That sort of thing persisted for each later
iteration.  Each iteration -also- said Currently Running 0 jobs.,
which makes no sense.

3 different sets of logging output are below, to try to make sense of
all this.

Here's the backend just after I started it:

2005-12-06 21:22:39.727 New DB connection, total: 1
Starting up as the master server.
2005-12-06 21:22:39.747 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-12-06 21:22:39.748 mythbackend: MythBackend started as master server
2005-12-06 21:22:39.755 New DB connection, total: 3
2005-12-06 21:22:40.710 New DB scheduler connection
2005-12-06 21:22:40.713 JobQueue::RecoverQueue: Checking for unfinished jobs to 
2005-12-06 21:22:40.714 mythbackend version: www.mythtv.org
2005-12-06 21:22:40.714 Enabled verbose msgs : important general jobqueue
2005-12-06 21:22:40.718 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4, 
found 10 total jobs
2005-12-06 21:22:40.719 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job 
for 1002 @ 20051204142500 in Finished state.
2005-12-06 21:22:40.719 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job 
for 1003 @ 20051204142500 in Finished state.
2005-12-06 21:22:40.719 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job 
for 1004 @ 20051204142500 in Finished state.
2005-12-06 21:22:40.721 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job 
for 1005 @ 20051204142500 in Finished state.
2005-12-06 21:22:40.721 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job 
for 1006 @ 20051204142500 in Finished state.
2005-12-06 21:22:40.721 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job 
for 1007 @ 20051204142500 in Finished state.
2005-12-06 21:22:40.721 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job 
for 1002 @ 20051205043000 in Finished state.
2005-12-06 21:22:40.722 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Transcode' Job for 
1002 @ 20051205043000 in Errored state.
2005-12-06 21:22:40.722 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job 
for 1002 @ 20051206172000 in Finished state.
2005-12-06 21:22:40.722 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Transcode' Job for 
1002 @ 20051206172000 in Errored state.
2005-12-06 21:22:40.873 adding: sbe as a slave backend server
2005-12-06 21:22:42.713 Reschedule requested for id 0.
2005-12-06 21:22:42.713 Reschedule requested for id -1.
2005-12-06 21:22:42.800 Scheduled 0 items in 0.1 = 0.08 match + 0.00 place
2005-12-06 21:22:42.804 scheduler: Scheduled items
2005-12-06 21:22:42.806 Seem to be woken up by USER

...and here's what happened just after recording commenced, including
the start of the recordings and the first 10s update.  (And yes, it
-does- appear that ch7 was recorded on the SBE's tuner, and ch7 is the
one that later got the error transcoding---since I'm pretty sure that
cardid 6 is the SBE's 350, since that was the card I defined last when
running mythtv-setup.)

Note that there was never an entry showing the start or end of
transcoding for ch7 (the one that errored).

2005-12-06 21:35:02.944 Started recording 2 WGBH - 21:35 (Manual Record) on 
channel: 1002 on cardid: 1, sourceid 1
2005-12-06 21:35:02.948 New DB connection, total: 4
2005-12-06 21:35:02.951 New DB connection, total: 5
2005-12-06 21:35:02.971 scheduler: Last message repeated 8 times
2005-12-06 21:35:02.974 scheduler: Schedule Change
2005-12-06 21:35:02.975 Started recording 3 LOOR003 - 21:35 (Manual Record) 
on channel: 1003 on cardid: 2, sourceid 1
2005-12-06 21:35:02.977 Started recording 4 WBZ - 21:35 (Manual Record) on 
channel: 1004 on cardid: 3, sourceid 1
2005-12-06 21:35:02.978 Started recording 5 WCVB - 21:35 (Manual Record) on 
channel: 1005 on cardid: 4, sourceid 1
2005-12-06 21:35:02.979 Started recording 6 WFXT - 21:35 (Manual Record) on 
channel: 1006 on cardid: 5, sourceid 1
2005-12-06 21:35:02.981 New DB connection, total: 6
2005-12-06 21:35:03.014 New DB connection, total: 7
2005-12-06 21:35:03.016 New DB connection, total: 8
2005-12-06 21:35:03.018 New DB connection, total: 9
2005-12-06 21:35:03.021 New DB connection, total: 10
2005-12-06 21:35:03.022 Started recording 7 WHDH - 21:35 (Manual Record) on 
channel: 1007 on cardid: 6, 

[mythtv-users] Very low audio level after transcoding

2005-12-06 Thread f-myth-users
In 0.18.1:

I'm experimenting with transcoding from MPEG2 to MPEG4, and have
discovered that the transcoded files have very low audio levels;
I'd guess on the order of 6-9dB down from the source, at least.

Where are these levels specified?  I'm quite surprised that they're
affected at all.

I'm using all the defaults (as far as I know) except that I changed
the transcoding dimensions from 480x480 to 720x480 to match the
original from the PVR-250.

I can verify absolutely that it's the transcoding process that's doing
this, because I'm saving the originals.  If I play the transcoded
file, and then rename that file to some temporary name and rename the
.nuv.old file in place of the original and play -that-, audio is back
at its normal level.  If I undo the renaming, audio is again quiet.
This is true for transcodings from 5 different channels.

According to ps, the actual transcoding process was something like:

mythtranscode -V 4099 -c 1002 -s 2005-12-06T21:35:00 -p autodetect -d
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] remote-controlled mythfrontend?

2005-12-03 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2005 02:25:16 -0500
From: Michael T. Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You should execute it as the same user running X.

Oh duh!  I -told- you I was being dumb. :)  Thanks.

Yeah, doing that (and either inhibiting X forwarding or undoing it)
worked just fine.   mplayer plays video over the mythfrontend menu.
(I may have to diddle around with what -size- it tries to render
to, but hopefully that won't be too much of a pain and hopefully
the xv inside ivtv can scale fast enough on this AMD 2800+.  I'm
running ivitv 0.4.1 [not .0 'cause I'm debugging an audio issue
right now].)

I presume I'll have to loop the 350's audio outputs through my
motherboard's soundcard and use the mobo soundcard output as the
output to the TV to hear any audio, since mplayer has no idea what a
350 is and hence isn't routing audio to it... :)  I'll have to dig up
some appropriate connectors to test that, and unclick the appropriate
setting in mythfrontend or mythtv-setup [whichever one it is].

Now it'll just take a little bit of scripting magic to do what I want
to do with mythweb, but it should be feasible, and I don't have to
worry about the frontend at all.  Thanks!

P.S.  Watching video through the 350 -and- playing video on top of it
with mplayer leads to bizarre and interesting results, but at least
nothing wedges or hangs; it just looks peculiar.  Not surprisingly.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] remote-controlled mythfrontend?

2005-12-03 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 03:05:05 -0500 (EST)

(I may have to diddle around with what -size- it tries to render
to, but hopefully that won't be too much of a pain and hopefully
the xv inside ivtv can scale fast enough on this AMD 2800+.

Yup, -fs does the right thing and runs just fine, and my CPU is
essentially unloaded (90% idle).  Yay.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] remote-controlled mythfrontend?

2005-12-02 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 22:48:24 -0700

You -could- use jump points.

You -could- be quite clever :)

I'm not sure this will work, but it might get me somewhat closer.
I take it your idea is to set a jump point to the Watch Recordings
page, and then infer how many clicks down to jump based on what's
being displayed in mythweb.  Even better, if it can be made dynamic
enough, would be to have whatever script is being called via a mouse
click on mythweb to (a) notice what show it is, (b) talk to the DB
to set a jump point right to that precise point (if jump points are
that flexible; I'm having trouble finding good documentation on them
without reading the code), and then (c) invoking the jump point.

Might work.  I'm hoping there's something more direct, or some real
protocol support, but it's at least conceivable it could work...
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] remote-controlled mythfrontend?

2005-12-02 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 17:35:10 -0500
From: Chris Ribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Out of curiosity, what is your goal here?

[See my next reply (to Kuphal).]

If you don't need the myth interface, something along the lines of typing
mplayer filename should get the job done.

That's a fascinating idea.  I'm not sure it'll work, though.  I'm
displaying the output via the TVout of a PVR-350, and I'm not sure
that the frontend isn't holding the card in some weird state that
would prevent something else from streaming an mpeg to its decoder,
which was why I wanted to do it through the frontend itself.  If that
doesn't matter, then that makes life easier.

But I can't test it, because I have a second problem:  I just noticed
that I can't seem to get anything X to work remotely on the frontend.
I'm ssh'ed in, and of course ssh sets DISPLAY to its own forwarded
connection, so I have to change that or everything will just display
back on my desktop where I'm typing.  If I try export DISPLAY=:0.0
then even trivial things like xterm say ``Xlib: connection to :0.0
refused by server'' and ``Xlib: No protocol specified''; thinking that
this is a permissions problem, I tried xhost + and got the same
error, so it's clearly having troubles connecting to the server.

Replacing :0.0 with localhost:0.0 changes xhost's behavior:
now it pauses for a few seconds (trying a reverse lookup that's
failing? I dunno) and then claims ``xhost: unable to open display

X -is- running on the frontend, of course:  The logfile claims it is,
and mythfrontend is running, and (before I made the mythtv user start
it up automatically), I was presented with the standard X login screen
that Ubuntu provides; I can see mythfrontend running from under gdm in
my process table.  (I see /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 [etc] in ps, and I did
try just :0 and that didn't change anything, either.)

On the other hand, if I try ssh'ing from desktop machine A to machine
B, doing export DISPLAY=:0.0, and then trying an xterm, without even
xhost +, an xterm pops up on B as expected.  Yet this doesn't work
at all if I try it to the Myth frontend machine.  (And they're all
running Ubuntu Breezy.) 

So I'm obviously missing something dumb...
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] remote-controlled mythfrontend?

2005-12-02 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 16:40:28 -0600
From: Kevin Kuphal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No, there is no facility in Myth to send playback commands to a frontend 
to make it play something.  The closest are the MythWifi type 
applications that let you send remote keypresses to the frontend but you 
still need to get the combination correct.  And out of curiosity, why 
are you using MythWeb on a different computer from your TV to start 
watching a program on a TV across the room that you are not in front of? 

Well, I'm -sort of- in front of it.  Think of a setup where I've got
a real desktop in front of me, and a large TV display in my line of
sight at a comfortable viewing distance.

I was really impressed with the organizational ability of mythweb to
show me a lot of information on the high-res computer screen that's
right in front of me, with a good interface (e.g., keyboard  mouse), [*] 
and it'd be nice to take advantage of that seamlessly:  if I can
delete or otherwise muck around with recordings as shown by mythweb,
why not watch them, too?  And that way I can use the computer display
for what it's intended (dense display of lots of text) without trying
to strain my eyes reading a tenth as much text, fuzzily, on the TV.

There's another reason lurking here, too---it'd be really nice to be
able to jump around in realtime in mythweb's display, effectively
queueing up the next thing to show, while the TV is still showing
the last thing---basically VJ'ing.  This is in pursuit of a media
analysis system, though, rather than an entertainment application :)
[The real-time nature is important, because there may be discussion
amongst the group that would cause the operator to pick a recording
out of a library, so they can't just be edited together in advance
and queued up as a single recording.]

[*]  [When it's not confusing me and putting weird stuff in my
to-be-recorded queue, anyway; see my bug report of 12/1 21:27:22
about various mythweb manual scheduling bugs in 1.18.1.]
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] remote-controlled mythfrontend?

2005-12-02 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 19:37:35 -0500
From: Dewey Smolka [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I use Xvnc to
control a FE remotely (you'll probably have to install but it's no
problem). From your remote machine, ssh into the Myth machine you want
to control, launch (mythuser)$Xvnc display:0 (I belileve. Anyway it's
in the README), and launch vncviewer on your local machine. There a
few things that need configuring, but it's all in the docs.

This creates a clone of the current Myth X display on your remote
machine. Start your film from the regular Myth menus, close the vnc
session, and go watch. I have no idea if this works on MS, or if

(On MS?  You mean in Windows?  Not an issue; all Linux boxes.)

that's even an issue for you. Maybe not as elegant as a FF plugin but
easy and effective.

Hmm.  That's interesting; I'll have to go take a look at it.  If it's
an exact clone (e.g., I see the normal frontend menu, as opposed to
what mythweb can do for me), it's not quite as useful, since the idea
was to use the high density of information mythweb can give me, but
it's still worth investigating...  Thanks!
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] How big is your database?

2005-12-01 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 15:17:53 -0800
From: andrew matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I use XFS it can be both grown and shrunk.

My manpages and google both seem to disagree with you; neither
xfs_growfs nor xfs_admin claim to be able to do this.  If you've
successfully shrunken an XFS filesystem (-not- the underlying
partition, but the actual filesystem itself), without having to simply
dump it elsewhere and recreate it smaller, I'd be very interested in
knowing what command(s) you used and what distribution you're running.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] various mythweb manual scheduling bugs in 1.18.1

2005-12-01 Thread f-myth-users
In mythtv 1.18.1, using mythweb:

Trying to schedule a manual recording is...  peculiar.  I've done some
searching but haven't been able to unearth any reports about this, but
perhaps I'm just looking in the wrong place.

If I click on Manually Schedule, adjust the start time to be a
minute or two in the future, adjust the length to 2 minutes, and click
Create Schedule, it pops up a slightly different menu that says Save
Schedule at the bottom.  Nothing has actually been scheduled yet,
though, according to the Scheduled Recordings page on my frontend,
or in the same page in mythweb.  And clicking on Save Schedule is a
no-op; I just get the same page back, over and over and over.

HOWEVER, if I instead click in the Schedule Override section for
Record this specific showing, it then puts me back in what looks
like first menu again (fewer options), but with Save Schedule still at
the bottom.  Clicking Save Schedule still doesn't cause the schedule
to be created.

If I then -undo- that override by clicking on Schedule normally',
THEN the Save Schedule button actually schedules the recording.  I
just repeated this about 5 times in a row to convince myself that this
was what was really happening.

Even weirder, if I don't touch the start time or the length, THEN the
Save Schedule button pops up the second page (with Create Schedule),
BUT it's already been scheduled before I can even edit that page, and
so the recording starts instantly---the FE, mythweb, and the tuner
status all say a recording is going on.  So apparently things are
different if the recording starts this instant vs if it starts a few
minutes in the future.  [-Or- it's the length part, but see below for
why I'm giving up on debugging this further right now.]

Furthermore, while trying to debug this, I now have a recording in the
Scheduled Recordings page in my FE that's -in the past- and yet claims
to be recording, and is unkillable---I can't make it go away from that
page (even though no tuner is currently recording).  It's definitely
red (like a recording that's actually recording) even though its start
and end time are several minutes in the past.  I haven't tried all the
other possibilities in the mythweb UI because I'd like to at least
figure out how to undo whatever it did just now, and to find out if
this behavior might be fixed in SVN or if it's just rare that people
schedule manual recordings.  (Or if there's some bug having to do with
specifying its length or start-time.)

How is this menu -supposed- to work?

[And should I just avoid manual scheduling in mythweb in 1.18.1?]


P.S.  Delete in the Scheduled Recordings page in mythweb didn't do
at all what I expected---it set an override saying don't record this
manual recording instead of just deleting it outright, as the similar
command in the FE would do.  If I schedule something and change my
mind, how do I get mythweb to just -forget- about it and not mark it
as a scheduled recording that's been overridden not to happen?  Are
mythfrontend and mythweb supposed to be incompatible in this way?

P.P.S.  Rebooting the backend made the phantom recording at 20:47
finally vanish.  However, it -then- instantly started recording
another manual recording, claimed to start at 20:44, and which was
-not- in the display before I rebooted.  Using Stop Recording in
mythfrontend actually got it to stop, and its color has now changed
from red to gray and it's marked S there (and the tuner is marked not
recording).  [It's still hanging around, gray, in my Scheduled
Recordings menu in the FE, though, even though it's now been about 15
minutes since the recording stopped; apparently that's because it was
one of the default-2-hour recordings from mythweb, because it claims
to have recorded from 21:03 to 22:44 (even though it's only 21:18 here
at the moment; I'm guessing that I stopped it at 22:44, but those
times still don't make lots of sense to me).  I'm hoping it will
finally vanish from the Scheduled Recordings page on the FE sometime
after 22:44.  It's -really- confusing---the actual one-liner at the
top of my FE's screen says 21:03, then the channel ID, then Thu Dec 1
20:44:00, but the details display in the bottom half of the screen
claims 21:03 - 22:44 (there's -no way- I set those times myself, and
they don't correspond well to when I booted/cancelled anything), even
though the line right underneath -that- also claims 20:44:00 just like
the highlighted line at the top.  WTF?]
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] remote-controlled mythfrontend?

2005-12-01 Thread f-myth-users
While I'm poking at mythweb...

If I'm surveying my already-recorded programs, and click on one of the
thumbnails, mythweb currently tries to send the .nuv (really mpeg)
file directly to my browser, which is running on my desktop machine
[not a Myth box].  Firefox has no idea what to -do- with the file, so
it tries to inhale hundreds of megabytes and explodes.  Presumably the
solution there is to figure out what MIME-type mythweb is using to
represent these files and define a mapping to something else, like
mplayer, but I haven't looked at that yet [is it documented somewhere?].)

But in fact, what I -really- want to have happen is to be able to tell
my frontend, which is across the room and has the PVR-350 which is the
actual TV output, to go play the thing I just clicked on.  Has anyone
ever implemented this sort of functionality?

If not, I can deal with writing some sort of glue script that gets
called by Firefox (and which -hopefully- also gets the relevant
filename), but it'd be great if someone already has the relevant
code snipper to get mythfrontend to do the right thing once I know
what's been clicked on.  (Otherwise, I guess, I need to figure out
how mythfrontend arranges to get something played, and try to do so
by hand, and figure out whether that's going to fatally confuse the
mythfrontend that's running as to what's going on at the moment.)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] remote-controlled mythfrontend?

2005-12-01 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 23:09:02 -0500
From: Chris Ribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MythWiFi is what you are looking for. Search for it.

Huh.  I'd -never- have guessed from the name; I assumed that was some
sort of bandwidth-scrunching thing for people who wanted to stream
video over 802.11.  Thanks!

...though from its website documentation and a quick look at its
code, it -looks- like it basically sends fake keypress events to the
frontend, acting essentially like an IR remote control, e.g., to do
anything, you have to be looking at the frontend and know what state
it's in, etc.  Do you know offhand if anyone's successfully used this
more for play this specific thing rather than for emulate these

I -suppose- I could either (a) script it so it backs all the way out
to the top of the UI no matter where it might be starting from, then
goes back in and pages down to the right thing and plays it, or (b)
use the general idea and have it talk more directly to the DB and
frontend (but if I'm not simulating buttons, I'll have to make sure
I'm not confusing the front end...).
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] SBE tuner unavailable after MBE reboot?

2005-11-30 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 01:15:05 -0800
From: Cecil Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All you need to do is restart the backend on the SBE...

Sure.  But I'm surprised that the two ends of the connection can't
recover on their own.  (They -almost- do, since the UI recovers,
albeit ungracefully, but the tuner is left unavailable.)  Is the
protocol supposed to handle this case?  If so, this is a bug; if
not, I'd like to request the obvious feature... :)

[Or figure out how the SBE can tell that the MBE thinks the SBE's
tuner is unavailable, and have the SBE restart its own backend.
But that seems like quite the kluge.]
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] How big is your database?

2005-11-30 Thread f-myth-users
I'm about to repartition, leaving everything except recordings in an
ext3fs partition, and putting all recordings into JFS.  But I'd rather
not discover that I've made the ext3 too small, and I'd rather not
waste gigs making it too big.

The only thing I have no idea about is whether the mysql database
tends to grow monotonically or not, and how large it typically gets.

Can somebody give me an idea of how large a database typically is
after Myth has been used a long while, or how fast it grows?  I'm
guessing that deleting a recording will correctly flush everything
else associated with it (cutlist, mythcomflagging, etc), but does the
DB keep any records of -everything- I've ever recorded, and will those
be likely to expand to large proportions?  (Basically, does the DB
bloat/leak as time goes on...)

And if I do mysqldump, is that likely to be enormous?  (I'm guessing
that it won't be if I pipe the result through gzip before putting it
anywhere, but I don't have a big-enough DB yet to really know.)

(If the answer is, up for years and under a gig, I won't worry about
it; I need at least a gig or two of slopspace just to make upgrades
easier, etc.  But if the answer is a gig a year or whatever, I'll
worry.  I'm having a hard time discovering this via websearching.)

My other alternative is to put the DB in the JFS, but I'd rather keep
it separate so I can relatively easily nuke that partition without
worrying about the DB---especially since XFS/JFS are clumsy to resize
(especially to shrink).

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] How big is your database?

2005-11-30 Thread f-myth-users
Perfect; that's fairly slow growth.  Thanks!
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Uncool surprise... coming back from vacation, shows not recorded.

2005-11-30 Thread f-myth-users
I've been thinking about this issue quite a bit recently.  I have half
of a solution but need a little bit of advice on how to make it a
whole solution; if even one person has an idea about how to address
each of 3-4 problem areas, I can put together the pieces and post it
back for everyone to use.  (All of these presume you're starting with
an mpeg.)

What I'm trying to do:  Have Myth notice that a recording is bad and
autoreschedule a new one.  (If there's no repeat, well, you're SOL,
but often there is---if only you knew about it soon enough!)  This
could be extended to and send mail screaming bloody murder to warn
people of misconfigurations/dead-machines whatever as well, of course.

In my experience, three problems happen:
o  No video.  For example, one of the local PBS affiliates
   -frequently- airs totally black video in place of a show.  (This
   probably happens once a month, usually in the dead of night when
   nobody at the station is awake.)  They'll air the promo, then cut
   to black, and then at the end of the hour, the next promo...  So
   there's sync, the card's working, etc, but there's no -content-.
o  Crappy, unwatchable video (half-destroyed by static, etc).
   This is typically because the studio feed crapped out somehow.
   I've sometimes seen shows slowly degrade from fine to total snow
   over the course of half an hour.  Discovery Channel seems particularly
   prone to this sort of failure, at least here.
o  No audio.  I've seen this in ivtv (working w/Hans to track it down
   in my case), and sometimes the station blows it, too.

Partial ideas for solutions.  Help appreciated!

o  Either look for a suspiciously-small output file (will all that
   black video produce a very small mpg? Or will it be close-enough
   to normal size that a heuristic like this won't work?), or have
   something that counts scene changes and complains if the average
   is too low.  I'm guessing that the guts of mythcommflag might have
   some of the relevant code, but is there some easy way running
   something (mencode, or some other tool that groks mpegs) and just
   having it output the number of scene changes, or something like
   that?  Surely somebody has this tool already.
o  I dunno how to notice high static.  Does it tend to interfere with
   scene-change detection?  Can it be guessed by running some sort of
   Gaussian filter over a few frames and seeing if they clean up too
   much or too little?  Excessive high-frequency information in either
   the chroma or luminance channels?  The image-processing community
   probably knows how to do this, but maybe there's a quick  easy
   idea someone has here, given that we're already talking about mpegs.
o  Dump the audio out (mplayer input -dumpaudio -dumpfile output)
   and then look for excessively-low average, or sample it for a few
   seconds every few minutes and complain if too many of them are
   silent (or close to silent; compensates for hum, etc).  There's
   probably some simple audio tool that can do this, but I don't know
   what off the top of my head.

The final problem:  instructing the backend to retry the recording.
This is presumably some simple SQL magic.  But what?

Thanks for any ideas anyone can suggest...

P.S.  Is there an easy tool of producing a series of thumbnails of
every scene change from a section of video?  (Or perhaps just a single
frame from every n minutes, regardless of scenes.)  That would be
handy no matter what, to quickly notice that the middle of something
got trashed, or to make it possible to notice that, e.g., PBS decided
to show an hour of Exciting Legislators Voting and Debating instead of
whatever they originally scheduled, which also happens quite a bit
here... :)  The idea is to have something so low-bandwidth that it
could be quickly checked at the other end of some network link far
from home, allowing manual rescheduling via mythweb...
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] How big is your database?

2005-11-30 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2005 12:54:44 +0800
From: W.Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use LVM.  

Yes, I know about LVM, but it doesn't solve my problem, because the
-filesystems- can't be easily resized.  (ext3 is easy; it can grow and
shrink.  One of JFS or XFS [I can't recall which] can only be grown.
Neither can be shrunk.  So if I might have to copy the entire
filesystem -anyway-, LVM does me no good unless I need to expand to
other disks, and I'm not going to be using the recordings directory in
that way.  And while I use LVM on some of my hosts, it's not compelling
enough to use it in the Myth, since it's -much- more of a hassle to
swap disks around or do dd-style temporary mirroring (e.g., for
experimentation or to save a disk before it dies) with LVM.  On my
regular workstation hosts, sure, LVM is exactly what I want, so I
never have to worry about which disk has space for this tree? sorts
of issues.  But they all run a single ext3fs, which is easily
resizeable, and that resizeability is why I initially didn't want to
use anything else for Myth.  But its poor deletion performance means I
should change.  [I could redo the entire FS without largefile4 support
and win a bit, but it's not a great solution and actually -more- work
than repartitioning.])

And I won't use reiserfs.  Not 3, not 4.  Never again.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] 1 tuner, overlap consecutive recordings on single channel

2005-11-29 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 18:01:40 -0500
From: Michael T. Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nope.  It's never worked the way you're theorizing.  There's something 
more going on that you didn't notice.  Are you sure the Good Eats 
episodes were back to back?

It would, however, be seriously cool if Myth could cope with this, 
and I have an algorithm below for how.

[One of my major annoyances with a single-tuner TiVo was trying to
simultaneously deal with imprecise start/stop station timings versus
back-to-back episodes; in general, if you don't want to lose the start
or end of something (and hence add pre/post-roll), a TiVo will miss
every other episode in a marathon, and so will a Myth.  And if you
eliminate the pre/post-rolls, you're still not guaranteed not to have
the first or last few seconds of an episode wind up in the wrong
actual file, -and- you'll lose a few seconds no matter what as it
(unnecessarily!) reinitializes the tuner.  The workaround there
required noticing the pattern before recording, and then manually
recording a giant block that spanned the entire time interval (and
had pre/post rolls at the ends).  This means you lose the per-episode
information -and- can't delete a single one, since it's one giant

But Myth -could- do better that this---though it might require taking
too large a pair of pliers to its inner architecture (I don't know
enough to be sure).  My proposed solution would be:
(a) Notice whenever a pair of recordings has a nonnegative temporal
overlap (e.g., they butt up against each other, or they actually
overlap each other---this overlap could be because of pre/post
rolls, or because of manual programming of start/stop times).
Whenever this happens, ensure that both recordings are forced to
the same tuner, and -do not reinitialize it- at any time during
the overlap.  You want this to be true even during a butt and not
just an overlap, because you can lose many seconds while the tuner
gets told to retune even the same channel (tuner lock, OSDs from
some cable boxes, etc).  [Does Myth already have this do-not-retune
optimization?  I'm wondering what happens if you have 2+ tuners fed
from one cable box that requires an IR blaster; many boxes will
display the channel number and/or pop up an OSD as it's typed
and that would ruin any recording still in progress, even if the
two tuners would otherwise handle the situation by each encoding
during the overlap interval.  I don't have that sort of HW setup
(yet) so I can't test it.]
(b) During the overlap interval, copy data from the tuner to two
different files instead of just one (e.g., the files for the first
and second recordings).  Yes, this doubles I/O to the disk for a
few minutes, but disk I/O bandwidth is plentiful.  (And obviously,
if we're doing software encoding, that happens upstream of this so
it's only done once; all I'm talking about here is putting the
bits in two places, possibly with any required header when the
second file gets opened, and/or starting on the correct frame/
format boundary, etc---but all this code must already exist.)
(c) Iterate:  consider each pair of recordings on the same channel
until you come to a gap.  (This might just happen automatically
without any explicit iteration, depending on how (a) is done.)
This will consolidate any number of same-channel recordings.

This -seems- easy enough, but the devil is in the details:  getting the
overlap detection integrated probably has some picky corner cases, and
I don't know if the internal architecture is flexible enough to dump a
stream to two files simultaneously.  But they seem doable.

And this would make a reasonably common situation require -half- as
many tuners as it otherwise would, while leading to superior results.
(This really comes out if you're unlucky enough to want to record
-two- channels, each with back-to-back stuff; now you'd suddenly need
-four- tuners without this optimization.)

So it might be that a few dozen lines of code could save a bunch of
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] SBE tuner unavailable after MBE reboot?

2005-11-29 Thread f-myth-users
I've got a two-machine MBE/SBE setup running 1.18.1.  (The SBE is
also being used as my FE; the SBE's NFS-mounts its video-storage
dir on the MBE and hence stores its video there.)

I've noticed that if I have to reboot the MBE, then even after it's
come back up, and even after mysqladmin ping from the SBE claims the
MBE's DB is available (and even several minutes afterwards), the very
first time I try to do anything in the mythfrontend (still) running on
the SBE/FE, it claims that it can't talk to the backend DB---but as
soon as I click OK on that alert, it can clearly talk to the MBE.

More annoying, though, is that the tuner on the SBE is then listed as
not available if I go to the System Status page, and I presume this
means that no captures will happen using it.  I have to reboot the SBE
to fix this; presumably what's really going on is that I need to
restart the mythbackend running there (but I haven't tried doing
just that).

Is this intended behavior?  (I can't see why, if so.)  Is it already
fixed in SVN?  Is there a sensible way to work around it under 1.18.1?
(Otherwise, I have to have my SBE monitor the MBE for crashes and
restart itself if it sees one; while the MBE can't be expected to
crash on a regular basis, I'm trying to get a robust solution in the
face of a power fail and restart, and it's looking like I'm going to
have to keep the SBE from even starting mythbackend until the MBE's DB
is available if they both power up at the same time.  Otherwise, the
SBE comes up with its tuner in this unavailable state and might stay
that way a long time.  And it's certainly irritating right now while
I'm frequently reconfiguring my new MBE installation.)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Stop / Start Athcool just Befor / After a Recording

2005-11-23 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 12:33:22 -0500
From: Erik Karlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

you could just hijack the channel change script functionality and
create a user job when the recording completes. The problem of
back-to-back recordings is still possible. maybe some clever file
locking scheme between a channel change (start) and user job (end) could
do the trick.

[There's nothing out there that looks at CPU utilization and leaves
low-power mode if the CPU suddenly looks busy?  Or is the problem
latency?  Laptops do this kind of CPU cycling all the time...  Or
is it that the CPU never looks busy, but recordings are messed up
even so, if done in powersave mode?]

Here's a totally gross idea, but it might work, and could be done with
a tiny shell script.  Assume we start from the powersave state.  The
script loops, once per second, checking the mod-date of the recordings
directory itself.  If it changes, immediately go to non-powersave state.

Once in that state, check every so often (once a minute?) to see if
any file in the recordings dir has been modified.  (You can't just
check the mod-date of the dir itself, as in the previous paragraph,
because once the file has been created, the mod-date of the dir itself
won't change.)  If nothing's been modified in the last minute, assume
we're done for the moment and go back into powersaving.  This check is
probably cheap (since the dir info is presumably cached in RAM), but
it still may not be as cheap as checking just the dir-mod date itself,
which is why I mention using the dir-mod check in the fast loop (1 Hz)
and the slightly-slower check in the slow loop (1/60 Hz).

You could script this pretty trivially just using things like find
and asking it to find files newer than a reference file (which you
touch upon entering each of the two states and which had better not
be in the recordings dir itself... :)

This also assumes you can afford to be in powersave mode for the first
second of any given recording.  [If you can't, you could always just
enter fast mode for hh:mm:59..hh:mm+1:01 (two seconds) every minute---
since recordings presumably always start on a minute boundary---and
then run the fall-back-to-powersave check during that.  Might cause
your fan to whoosh in one-minute cycles, though...]  This scheme does,
at least, provide some hysteresis, so you won't leave the fast-CPU
state until you're really sure you're done recording.  And if anything
else is modifying stuff there (like transcoding maybe?), you'll stay
in fast-mode until it's done.

It would definitely be better if there were hooks for MythTV actions,
though, since using an event-driven style to control this would be
much more reliable and less of a kluge than the polling method above.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Yet another ugly bit of usability surfaces

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
...nd, back to my least-favorite form:  Capture Cards.

Here I am, sitting in Capture Cards in my misconfigured R5A22:

Capture cards
(New capture card)
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]

There are actually only 4 tuners in the machine right now, 'cause I
stuck a video card back into it.  Booting it caused it to prompt for
the root password and then run mythtv-setup automatically, presumably
because a tuner vanished, although it didn't have the decency to say
so.  Why there are -still- five tuners in the list above is... dubious.

This leads to a really interesting question:  if I boot it headless,
'cause I've added a tuner, does that mean it tries to run mythtv-setup
on its nonexistent X display?  Or does it just err out?  I sorta hope
the latter, so there aren't two copies running (the other being on my
ssh connection) while I'm trying to reconfigure the device numbers.

I'm afraid to try to fix this by running mythtv-setup on the -frontend-,
of course, which is the machine with a single 350 in it, since it's my
understanding that mythtv-setup will wind up setting up only the cards
in the machine it's run on, though talking to the database wherever
that is.  So really, I have to ssh in.  Right?  At least once I replace
the video card with the fifth tuner.

But wait, it gets much better.

I go down to the SECOND tuner in the list, e.g.,

Capture cards
(New capture card)
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
-- [ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]

I hit Return.  I go to Video device and carefully use the arrow keys
to change it to /dev/video1, knowing as I do (now) that typing in that
field will be thrown away as soon as I select the Finish button.

I hit Return.

-Now- the menu looks like this:

Capture cards
(New capture card)
[ MPEG : /dev/video1 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]


This is absolutely repeatable.  I just did it three times in a row,
to prove to myself that I hadn't screwed up and picked off the wrong
entry without noticing.

So apparently the position of the tuners in the list is random?
Meaningless?  Is there any way to keep track of the tuners?  Does
their order matter?  Is whatever is called /dev/video0 used -first-,
assuming I haven't gone into the priorities menu and changed that?
Or is it the top tuner in the list?  Or is it something else?

This matters for a number of reasons having to do with (a) debuggability,
(b) the principle of least surprise, (c) cabling, and (d) sources.

Or, I suppose, I could (and probably should) just flush all my tuners
from the database and start over.  And probably boot.  And powercycle.
And leave the machine off for a minute or two first.  Where's that
chicken I'm supposed to be waving?  Dead of avian flu?  Well, it
was supposed to be dead anyway...

Especially since, if I -now- pick off the second in the list:

Capture cards
(New capture card)
[ MPEG : /dev/video1 ]
-- [ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]

...I can change it to /dev/video2 and its order doesn't move around:

Capture cards
(New capture card)
[ MPEG : /dev/video1 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video2 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]

...and if I continue to do that (e.g., pick off the third in the list,
then the fourth), I eventually wind up in this situation:

Capture cards
(New capture card)
[ MPEG : /dev/video1 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video2 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video3 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video4 ]
[ MPEG : /dev/video0 ]

...and now there's this interesting thing:  Because there's no fifth
tuner in the machine, the /dev/video4 entry WON'T LET ME CHANGE THE
DEFAULT INPUT from Composite 0, though it won't tell me why---the
field just magically won't accept a new setting from the arrow keys.
At least, I -assume- the lack of a fifth tuner, when it was originally
configured to have one, is why this behavior is happening; I can only

So why's the entry there?  How come I could change its device number,
but not its default input?  If I can't actually -do- anything to the
damned thing, and in fact the tuner isn't even in the machine, why am
I presented with the tuner?  And if the idea is to enable me to change
it and -then- stick in the tuner, why is it preventing me from changing
the default input?

This whole menu needs a complete re-think.


P.S.  If I change an entry from /dev/video0 to /dev/video1, the input
magically changes from Tuner 0 to Composite 0.  That's pretty annoying;
now I have to change it back.  And then I'm left wondering, is there
some sort of leftover Tuner 0 on /dev/video0?  I don't even know if
that's a well-formed question; probably not.  It 

[mythtv-users] MythTV Installer Usability: An Analysis

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 18:32:51 +1000

Is this because the ringbuffer file seems to continually grow?  I have 
noticed this.  Why does it do that? If you are not paused, surely the 
file size should remain stable?

Yes.  The ringbuffer grows monotonically -up to its configured limit-
and then (I assume!) stops growing.  It's not clear to me why the
installer defaults to a partition sufficient to hold 5.3 hours' worth
for a 200GB disk, though; that seems like an awfully large buffer.
(I've cursed my TiVo's half-hour buffer, but it's seemed to me like
a couple of hours should be plenty.  Maybe it's 'cause Myth doesn't
allow you to dump the ringbuffer into an active recording [e.g., you
see something on TV you didn't know would be on, and decide you want
to save the entire thing, including what's already been aired], and
without this capability you tend to need a much larger ringbuffer?
I dunno.  I -do- hope that this capability is added someday; it's
been a real lifesaver on my TiVo.)

The problem is that the eventual upper bound of the ringbuffer, at
least with the sizes I got by default (and, apparently some others
in the KnoppMyth forum) is a couple GB -larger- than the size of the
partition the installer allocated for it, and Myth handles this...


To say the least.

Obviously, the two halves of the installer need to talk to each other,
to the pick the right sizes, or at least the ringbuffer-defining half
needs to actually look at the damned partition and make the intelligent
guess that (a) its default should not be bigger, and (b) the user
should not be allowed to -make- it any bigger, either.

In the current case, the installer defaults to behavior that will
cause the machine to livelock and explode if the user has the bad
luck to leave the UI on the wrong screen and go to bed.  Whoops.

P.S.  The current installer's default of such a large ringbuffer and
ext2 (ext3?) also has the problem that trying to switch away from live
TV back into the UI can take a -very- long time---apparently the
ringbuffer is deleted immediately (hey! but what if I wanted to finish
watching something after doing something in the UI! now it's -gone-!),
but deleting 12GB in that filesystem takes something like a second per
GB, at least, even on fast hardware, because of all the disk thrashing
that's required.  The first time this happened to me (while testing
the above behavior), I was wondering if the machine was -again- wedged,
until the UI finally reappeared.  Other filesystems (XFS?  JFS?  I don't
remember) are apparently much faster to delete, although using those
for the ringbuffer now means the kernel  installer need to know about
more filesystems  have tools to manipulate them, etc etc, more
complexity, yadda yadda...  Easy enough for a custom install;
questionable (maybe) for something like KnoppMyth.  I'd be happy
to be proven wrong.

(And, y'know, I've deleted very large files on identical hardware and
didn't seem to wait so long.  Either the uncertainty was making it
feel like forever, or Myth is doing something -else- weird while
that's going on which is making the whole process take even longer.
Maybe I'll set up another test someday, but not tonight.)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] MythTV Installer Usability: An Analysis

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 18:32:51 +1000

Is this because the ringbuffer file seems to continually grow?  I have 
noticed this.  Why does it do that? If you are not paused, surely the 
file size should remain stable?

Yes.  The ringbuffer grows monotonically -up to its configured limit-
and then (I assume!) stops growing.  It's not clear to me why the
installer defaults to a partition sufficient to hold 5.3 hours' worth
for a 200GB disk, though; that seems like an awfully large buffer.

Hmm.  It belatedly occurs to me, of course, that the installer has no
way of knowing at the time it's partitioning the disk whether you're
planning on putting an HD card into the machine, either now or
sometime in the distant future, and an HD card might require quite
a bit of disk space to have even a moderate-duration buffer.
(This also makes the time-to-explode far shorter in this case.)

What -really- doesn't make sense to me, though, is why this thing
is in its own partition to start with.  Why not just put it in the
same partition that holds recordings?  Then it could trivially be
as large as the freespace on the disk, while not actually soaking
up space used for recordings if you'd rather use the space that
way (e.g., just dynamically adjust the ringbuffer to never exceed
the freespace on the device, plus maybe a margin so it can shrink
over time if the rest of the partition is filling up with recordings
from other tuners).  The current situation just wastes a lot of disk
space in order to be less flexible and more buggy.  (Is this specific
to KnoppMyth?  Having not (yet) rolled my own installation from a
different distro, it's difficult for me to tell.)

This is especially acute if one is setting up an MBE/SBE system,
as I am.  It's not clear to me at all how many ringbuffer partitions
there need to be---one for -each- machine in which some capture card
might be looking at live TV?  It's tempting to make only one, and
share it via NFS, but maybe I can live with one per machine just to
make the configuration easier and more robust.  I've also seen the
installer pick both 12GB and 5GB sizes for that buffer, and I have
no idea under what circumstances it decides; after so many reinstalls
in the past week, my memory on this is a bit hazy.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Simultaneous recordings fail spectacularly [SOLVED!]

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 10:27:36 -0600
From: Josh Burks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Then why aren't you the one fixing these problems. For as much
effort that you put into your posts to this list, you could have
rewritten all the code/bugs you're constantly complaining about.

Are you kidding me?  You're saying I could have fixed every one of
these bugs, including (a) discussion about whether it's really the
right thing to do, (b) design, (c) coding, (d) documentation, (e)
testing, (f) packaging, in less than then ~4 hours it's taken me so
far to point them out?  Wow, you're -way- more productive than any
programmer -I've- ever met...

In case you haven't noticed, the unoffical motto seems to be by
developers, for developers.

Myth's motto is by developers, for developers?  Really?

Does that motto also mean, We won't lift a finger to make things
easier for anybody?

On the other hand, if your argument is that MythTV is -supposed- to be
annoying and (often) a PITA to install, then that would explain the
numerous usability issues I've discovered---they're features, not
bugs.  I'd be really surprised if you got widespread agreement on
that, but if you do, I guess I'll go elsewhere---I deal with enough
software that's an unintentional PITA that I have no desire to deal
with some where it's a design goal.

Or perhaps your argument is, Real developers write code.  They do not
try to make their users' lives easier, so they do not do usability
testing, nor do they point out where that testing shows problems.  All
that stuff is for wussies.  That's a really common attitude among
geeks.  It would also go fairly far towards explaining some of these
apparently-longstanding usability issues.

 If you don't like something (and it
bothers you so bad that it requires a 9391 char post to describe it),
then fix it yourself. The code is available, everything you need to
know is on svn.mythtv.org, and in the documentation on mythtv.org.

There's a reason why I will not, and for that matter -should not-,
at least for a while.  Why?  Because I am brand-spanking-new to the
codebase, that's why.

If you want people who've never read the code to just dive in with no
oversight---and give them privs to commit to the repository---then
you're not going to get a very high-quality project.  I'm sure as hell
not going to claim that I'm going to be able to fix these bugs with
good quality from a standing start.  And that assumes that those who
-do- have commit privs even agree that they're bugs and need fixing.
A prerequisite for  -that- is making the case for their existence,
which is what I'm doing.

The first step is to figure out where the bugs lie (Myth? Knoppix?
KnoppMyth? ivtv? elsewhere?) and then see if any of them are (a) fixed
already, (b) will never be fixed, by fiat of their maintainers, (c)
have a possibility of being fixed by someone who already knows the
code well, or (d) must be fixed by an outside party.  Once we get to
(d), that's where I might be able to help.

Meanwhile, getting these usability bugs -out there- for consideration
is the most effective thing I can do at the moment---especially while
they're fresh in my mind, and -before- I'm so close to the problem
that I don't consider them bugs any more because I'm too familiar with
all the problems.

So for the moment, I'll limit my help to gadfly, e.g., what would a
reasonably intelligent but FIRST TIME USER think about the usability
of the product?

Installing Myth shouldn't be a fraternity hazing.  One of the problems
with -some- F/OSS software is that making it difficult makes those
who've managed to struggle through it feel good about themselves, and
gives them cognitive dissonance about making it easier for others
(hey, why -they- have it so easy when I had to struggle?).  One of
the reasons for the spectacular uptake of both Mac OSX and Ubuntu,
especially among the geek set, is because both projects made a
conscious decision to remove as many unnecessary tripwires and
inconveniences as possible.  Some people have real work to do,
and resent wasting their time on rough edges that, with just
a little bit of work, could have been removed in the first place.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] MythTV Installer Usability: An Analysis

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 09:55:53 -0500
From: Dewey Smolka [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Also you're going a bit scattershot with issues that are
specific to MythTV, specific to Knoppmyth, specific to Knoppix-Debian,
and specific to your hardware without really thinking about them in

Yeah, I know, and I apologized for that in advance.  OTOH, I've been a
little surprised that, e.g., Cecil has claimed as his bugs (e.g., in
KnoppMyth) certain things that I would have sworn were upstream in
either Knoppix or Myth, so I'm not sure what to think.  I'm hoping
that the relevant maintainers will at least consider the pieces
relevant to their projects.  (Though if some of these are upstream
Knoppix issues, those people probably haven't even seen any of this
discussion.  OTOH, those are probably the irritating-but-nonfatal
variety anyway, like the annoying timezone stuff.)

This still ignores the point that you're not using your appliance in
the recommended fashion. You could also complain that leaving your
coffee machine on overnight causes the caraffe to become uncleanable
and ruined. It may be true, but that is not how you're supposed to use

It's rarely productive---though an entertaining spectacle---to have an
analogy war, but I'll dive in anyway even though I know it's probably
a bad idea:

I'd argue that a more-correct analogy is, We know how to design this
coffee maker so that it will turn off when the carafe is empty, and it
wouldn't cost any more to produce nor make the device less desireable
from the user's perspective, but we won't bother to implement it,
because you're not supposed to be leaving it unattended in the first
place---even by accident---and so it's your own damned fault.

Let's please not punish the users.  Please?

This is also likely to be an easy, quick fix, so why are we spending
this much effort arguing about it?  Sure, there are several independent
things to be changed (fix the installer not to guess wrong; fix the UI
not to allow bad choices; fix the actual live-tv recorder not to
overfill the disk), but each one seems easy, and the end result is
a much more robust system.

[Btw, I appreciate your later comments on how much live TV differs
from actual recording; that's totally nonobvious to someone who hasn't
looked at the code, and very much not what I would have suspected,
since it's not the design decision -I- would have made...  I was
thinking last night that one way around the slow delete issues would
be to divvy up the recordings into, say, 100MB chunks, and then delete
them -in the background- when necessary.  But that's probably moot if
message about ticket #340 means that live TV will be totally redone

  (S-2) The SQL database is being mis-initialized, or whatever is
  using it is becoming confused, in a way which is causing brand new
  installations to fail, in the case where the backend and the 
  are different machines.  The failure typically manifests as follows:

 Never seen this, but then again, I like to make sure that my BEs are
 properly set up and network addresses properly set before adding FEs.
 The steps are fairly well documented.

 The BE -was- set up first.  It has to be, after all.  And all network
 addresses were correctly set.  The problem came in -then- setting up a
 FE that could talk to the BE.  THIS IS A BUG---and a new one, apparently.

If this is the case, then this is something specific to Knoppmyth, not

I really have no idea; I'll defer to those who understand the codebase
better than I.  I'll point out that one of the contributors to the
thread made the (uncited) assertion that recent builds of mythfrontend 
had the bug, and it's my guess that a mythfrontend bug is in Myth and
not Knoppix, but really, I don't know.  I'd be happy to contribute
info on the symptoms, workaround, etc etc, if it would help to fix the
bug; all I need is someone who says they're willing to be responsible
for fixing it.

You may have also noted that R5A22 is based on an SVN build,
and as such is not only Alpha (the A), but outside of the stable .18.1
MythTV release. Please see Isaac's comments on this.

Yeah, I saw those comments yesterday, and man, I'm sure not happy
about the situation.  It's one of the reasons I'm considering
rebuilding my Myth based on Ubuntu Breezy, right now, even though
the setup is -really- already needed for the projects here it's slated
for, just so I'm not in a weird and untenable later situation wrt
protocol versions and other incompatibilities.  (I'd rather trade some
additional delay now for fewer surprises later when more people are
depending on it.)

 Either way, this
isn't really the place to complain about issues specific to Knoppmyth,
since not everyone here uses 

[mythtv-users] Re: MythTV Installer Usability: An Analysis

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 13:15:07 -0500
From: Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Friday 04 November 2005 01:09 pm, R. Geoffrey Newbury wrote:
 On Fri, 4 Nov 2005 00:33:41 -0500 (EST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 04:36:58 GMT
 :? Dude, you've describe nothing about MyhtTV Installer in this
 : thread.
 Issues w/ KnoppMyth should be posted KnoppMyth forum and NOT on the
  MythTV mailing list.

 Lets see: using Fedora Core 4,

 the various issues of:
  badly-done mythtv-setup forms (and poor error checking);


And I'm arguin'! :)  In particular, even if you believe that the
cursor navigation is perfectly fine, the lack of error-checking in
Capture Cards is, uh, disgraceful.  Really.  I've had several people
write to me off-list to say that it's zapped them, too.  (I'm trying
to get them to repeat this -on-list, if possible.)

  incorrect initial SQL database population for two-machine setups;

knoppmyth bug, since they chose to use a random svn checkout.

...ah.  So was this a mythfrontend (or mythtv-setup) bug that was
fixed in a later svn version, or did KP break it somehow?  It's still
unclear to me if anyone can actually point to the line of code
involved and say, It's fixed.

(Not that I'm arguing that grabbing a random svn was the right thing
to do, mind you.)

  invisible text cursors in network address boxes,

Likely due to whatever Qt theme is the default one in knoppmyth. 

Actually, this might be while the Knoppix installer is running
(pre-KnoppMyth, pre-Myth), since it's while configuring the network,
so the complaint -might- be w/the Knoppix folks---assuming there's
nothing that KnoppMyth can do to fix it on their own (and assuming
that wouldn't introduce a fork/tracking issue they don't want).


  the installer's ambiguous wording in remote choices;

mythtv-setup doesn't have do anything with the remote.

Well, it's LIRC's setup script, I assume.  (Or was this script
custom-written for KnoppMyth?  It's hard to tell 'cause KP doesn't
publish its techniques  source manifest  well...  everything.)

It's whatever script it is that produces a list of about a hundred
different remotes, numbered, and says pick one.  What is that and
who maintains it?

 are ALL mythtv-setup problems. I've never tried Knoppmyht so I'm not
 suffering from repressed memories

So, no.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] manual scheduling - no upcoming recordings

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Well, this is new  different.

So after my little debacle with Capture Cards, and discovering
(for example) that there's no way to DELETE a single card from
the list without nuking ALL of them and starting over (geez,
what happens if somebody moves a card to a different machine?
guess they just deserve to lose), I ran mythtv-setup, told it
to delete my capture cards, and set up the 4 in the machine on
unique /dev/videoN settings.  Then, after powering off the
machine for a while and back on:

(a) It still complains on boot about /dev/video4 not existing.
(There used to be a 5th card.  Not at the moment.)  Who's
caching this info?  I could post the logs if anyone wants.
(b) I went into Schedule Recordings - Manual Schedule and wasted
my time setting up 4 simultaneous recordings 5 minutes into the
future, only to discover in Upcoming Recordings that it's
claiming You haven't yet scheduled any recordings.  WTF???
(c) I can repeat (b) at will.  Manual Schedule isn't actually doing
anything any more.

So something just broke in this KnoppMyth R5A22.  I can't prove it was
related to flushing my capture cards and starting over, but I sure
have my suspicions.

Has anyone seen this sort of behavior before?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] manual scheduling - no upcoming recordings

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 17:07:41 -0400
From: Greg Estabrooks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 (for example) that there's no way to DELETE a single card from

 I'm pretty sure that you can just Highlight the card and hit Menu (M).  
Then pick delete.

Such a pity, then that the UI gave me NO CLUE WHATSOEVER
that it was possible to type letters when sitting on entries,
or what those letters might do.

Are there other commands besides M?  Where are they documented?
Why are they not documented RIGHT ON THAT VERY SCREEN?  I mean,
there's plenty o' real estate just sitting there blank...

Are there other places where typing letters would work?  Where?

[Typing a ? while sitting on an entry did nothing.  Surely I'm not
expected to just type every possible character, with and without every
possible modifier, to figure out if there are any other easter eggs in
this particular screen.  And then there are all the -other- screens...]


. o O ( Usability? )
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] manual scheduling - no upcoming recordings

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 17:01:42 -0500
From: Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I will repeat:  You, sir, are way, WAY too close to the problem.
You have no conception of what it's like to be a first-time user.
Therefore, your opinions on what's obvious or easy are not to
be trusted.

Have you ever used _anything_ with a remote control before?  I guarantee 
there's not a Press the 'Guide' button to bring up the program guide 
message burned in to your TV from it being displayed all the time.

I'm not -using- a remote control right now; I'm using a keyboard,
because I'm trying to get the box set up.  Because mythtv-setup is
often used when (surprise!) setting up the box, you can't assume
that everyone's using a remote.  They might not even have installed
LIRC yet.  Burying functionality is a bad idea.

Did you even bother to read the mythtv howto?  It lists all the commands: 

Of course.  Did I commit every turn of phrase to memory?  No.

The whole -point- of big pretty UI's is to -avoid- forcing users to
read manuals.  And let's face it, Myth requires plenty of reading of
random manpages, web pages, and everything else already.  The less we
must force people to crawl through the doc to find buried features,
the better.

There's just no excuse for hiding this functionality.  The Capture
Cards screen should mention what keyboard accelerators it takes and
not hide a crucial bit of functionality behind one.  (And how come M
only brings up TWO choices?  Delete or Edit.  Are you telling me
that it was -so- important to separate these choices at all, instead
of rolling them into each other?  Or was it just easier to implement
Delete if the configuration menu wasn't already onscreen?  Right now,
the -only- point of even -having- M in the interface (as opposed to
Return, which calls up the menu even if you've never heard of M) is
to enable one single option---Delete, since the only option is Edit,
which is where you wind up if you hit Return.  You might as well have
just added a D option and left off the M, frankly.)

[And you can't argue that M is usable everywhere.  I just tried it in
a very similar-looking list, namely the Input connections screen,
where it does NOTHING.  Yet typing Return there -does- get me the
menu.  Why the inconsistency?  Clearly, Return works everywhere, but
M doesn't---which is the user more likely to figure out by accident,
and which is he more likely to remember?]

By the way, each individual screen for the card should probably have a
Delete button somewhere on it, too.  It's safer if the user can look
directly at the -complete- configuration of the card before deleting
it; otherwise, if you've got multiple tuners (without which you're
probably not going to be deleting a card in the first place), you have
to COMMIT TO MEMORY the correct DEVICE NUMBERS before deleting one.
It's another way to go wrong.  And, given my other complaints about
assigning new devnums causing the entries to rearrange their order in
that listing, I don't even have any faith that I'd be deleting the
right -card-, since their order kept changing.

Lacking both of those, it just looked like someone had forgotten to
even add this to the interface.  Given all the other usability issues,
can you blame me for making this assumption?

Seriously, this is just getting laughable.

Yes, and apparently not in the way you think.

Currently, MythTV's configuration system looks like the Bad Example
section of any book on user interface design.  Class, let's review:

(a) No automated setup for the most common actions.
(b) No error-checking in critical data-entry fields.
[Not even the -simplest- check for duplicate entry!]
(c) Changes in some fields are thrown away without warning.
(d) Any error in those fields---quite likely because of the above
problems---causes problems that look like hardware failures.
(e) Fixing those errors (apparently) breaks other functionality
in ways that no non-developer user is likely to know how to fix.
[For example, I'm still in the situation where my BE has
mysteriously lost the ability to schedule recordings manually---
it just swallows the input.  If I don't get a solution soon, I'm
going to have to reinstall the entire backend.  Good excuse to try
Ubuntu, I guess.]
(f) Old information is cached in hard-to-find places.
[I deleted the fifth card---why is ivtv still bitching about it?]
(g) Confusing, poorly-laid-out menu trees, with some options
(e.g., several General menus) named identically but in
different places and with quite different functionality.
(h) Partially-overlapping configuration shared across two different
programs, which no obvious division into which program is
responsible for what.

I must admit, I'm baffled by some of the apparent hostility here
towards improving the user interface.  Sure, call me abrasive, call me
demanding, but don't carry 

[mythtv-users] manual scheduling - no upcoming recordings

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 16:45:55 -0600
From: Josh Burks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

big snip

Maybe you should ask for your money back... :)

Maybe I should ask for my -time- back.  Pity I spent all this money
on this pile o' hardware over here...

Seriously:  You're apparently making the same it was free, so you
have no right to complain argument that a lot of people have made
about various problems in F/OSS and elsewhere.  That denigrates the
real problems that real people are having, not to mention insulting
all the time, sweat, and tears that real people have already spent
in building the system so far, -and- likewise the effort that the
users have spent on getting the results to work.

Sorry, but yours is a bogus argument, and you should know it.
I'm trying to make this a better system.  One way to do this is to
complain, because otherwise problems can lurk for a long time without
getting fixed.  Not only does it raise the chances that somebody with
commit privs will actually be willing to check in fixes, it raises the
chances that somebody -else- who's also pissed-off about the state of
the world will go and spend the time hacking to fix it, now that they
know they're not the only one, that a fix would improve the lives of
-lots- of people, and that their fix will be accepted into the tree.

But by simply being snide -in public-, on the mailing list as opposed
to just to me, you're evidently trying to interfere with an honest
attempt to get things fixed.  That makes you look foolish.

Maybe you should get out of the way.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] manual scheduling - no upcoming recordings

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 17:14:54 -0600
From: Josh Burks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maybe you should take your complaints to the -dev list

I've been reluctant to send mail there, since I'm not a Myth
developer.  Some developer groups are very protective of their
list bandwidth, and I'm unsure of the etiquette in this case.

My assumption has been that some developer on this list will forward,
or that some developer (or at least some non-devo with a better sense
of the etiquette) will tell me that I should send the buglist there
(or that I should break it up into bite-sized pieces and check it
directly into the bugtracker, or whatever).

Given the amount of heat a simple list of bugs generated, I'm
especially reluctant to drag it over there, unless the devos
are more likely to pay attention and less likely to call me
names for bringing up the issues in the first place than the
(public!) reaction here.  (The private reaction has been quite
a different story, incidentally.)

This is especially interesting in the light of ijr's recent
snarky comment that I should only be sending mail to -dev if
I want to start contributing in a useful manner.  His attitude
seems to be that pointing out where usability is bad is not, in
itself, useful.  Apparently I'm supposed to start checking in code
without any discussion first.  If that's not the case, or if I
should really be sending mail to -dev and/or checking in bug 
- reports- (at least), I'd be happy to do that.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] manual scheduling - no upcoming recordings

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 05 18:32:16 -0500
From: R. Geoffrey Newbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(b) I went into Schedule Recordings - Manual Schedule and wasted
my time setting up 4 simultaneous recordings 5 minutes into the
future, only to discover in Upcoming Recordings that it's
claiming You haven't yet scheduled any recordings.  WTF???

Yes. We are not alone... I'm sure. It did this to me a couple of times,
just about midnight last night. That was in Manual Recording too. And ...
Upcoming was empty.

Hmm.  Were you able to figure out any way of bringing back manual
recording capability?  I've probably got a full reinstall in my near
future (probably on a different distro entirely), but I'd like to
understand either how to recover from this, or what might have
provoked the bug in the first place.  (It sure sounds like both
of us encountered this by reassigning /dev/videoN entries, though,
which seems to indicate a bad bug lurking somewhere.)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] manual scheduling - no upcoming recordings

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 19:39:54 -0400
From: Greg Estabrooks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Are there other commands besides M?  Where are they documented?

 Various Howtos, keys.txt and god knows where else.

That's kinda the problem :)  Too many sources, some of which are
dated.  It's the problem of F/OSS in general, of course.

 You are imho expecting too much from a non commerical, non funded ,
we do it cause we enjoy it project done by people who donate their spare
time too. There is no QA team, there are no professional UI designers,
there is no focus groups to work out the best UI layout.

Sure.  I'm volunteering -my- time to make it better.  Step one of that
process is asking, Where is it broken?  We now have a list of at
least some places where it's broken.

 It is expected that users will have to read documentation.
If you feel strongly otherwise then seriously, start taking your notes
and working on what you feel improves the users experience.  Noone is going
to reject a patch that improves the usability of the application. 
As long as the code isn't horribly  ugly, and follows the same style as
the rest and fills a need then it will be considered.

Good to hear.  I don't (yet) have a sense of whether the current
developers feel that fixing UI usability bugs fills a need; the public
reaction here doesn't seem encouraging, but I obviously have not asked
a group consisting only of those with commit privs.

 http://svn.mythtv.org/trac is where you can enter tickets on bugs (and 
how to reproduce them) along with the patches. Or you can post
them to the mythtv-dev mailing list

If it would be proper etiquette to break up the various bugs
(especially those that are -clearly- Myth; some could be in
Myth or in KnoppMyth  the jury is still out) and either post
them to -dev or enter them directly into the bugtracker, I would
be more than happy to do that.  It hasn't been clear to me whether
a simple list of problems, -without- corresponding code to fix them,
would be welcomed there.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] manual scheduling - no upcoming recordings

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 20:04:50 -0400
From: Greg Estabrooks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Currently, MythTV's configuration system looks like the Bad Example
 section of any book on user interface design.  Class, let's review:

 Then get to it, or try to encourage those who have the ability to
do the work. But to do that would require a less YOU SUCK, EVERYTHING YOU 
SUCKS position. And while I understand that may not be your intent it is 
how your posts come off. 

It's certainly not my intent, and I appreciate your comments and those
of some private posters who are trying to set me right on this score.

But consider how this started:  I got burned -really- badly (days of
lost work) because of a bad UI.  So I posted the reasons it was a
problem.  And then I posted a list of -other- UI problems that I'd
written a week earlier, before I even knew I was about to be
victimized by -more- bad UI :)

Now consider the reaction:

The -public- reaction was predominantly negative, mostly consisting of
thinly veiled you're an idiot sorts of responses, and often eliding
the most serious of the bugs and instead attacking the trivial ones.
(E.g., no one yet has dared to argue that the UI -shouldn't- be
checking for duplicate devnames in the Capture Cards menu, presumably
because it's an indefensible position.)

The -private- reaction was overwhelmingly positive, and extremely
disturbing.  I'm currently sitting on messages from at least half a
dozen people who have -all- said in their messages that they are
AFRAID TO SPEAK UP because they don't want the sort of public
vilification that I've just endured.  Either they don't want to deal
with being the victims of a flamefest, or they're afraid of not being
listened to when they want help later; their reasons vary, but they're
all depressing.

Users who are afraid to report bugs are a symptom of a very serious
problem in the list's sociology.

It's absolutely true that I became both more argumentative and more
abrasive in responding to the public you're an idiot contingent,
because their basic goal seemed to be to minimize even the importance
of any of these UI bugs, e.g., to claim that there was no bug there
in the first place and thus that patches for the behavior would be
unwelcome.  I have no idea if this opinion is shared by the majority
of the development team.  But I felt it was important, both because
I'd personally gotten screwed by the UI issues, and because I had a
large contingent of lurkers saying it screwed me too! but I dare not
say anything in public!, to at least try to argue my side of the case
as strongly as I could---namely that Myth has a usability problem
that's (probably) not very difficult to fix, and that would benefit
people widely if it were.

At this point, with the exception of forwarding to -dev and/or
checking-in bug reports on those bugs that seem definitely related to
Myth (should I do either? still uncertain), I'm going to have to
mostly bow out of this whole discussion, though.  I've stated my case,
I've at least gotten the UI issues that I've seen out on the table,
and now I've got one and maybe two Myth boxes to reinstall (again,
dammit!) in an effort to actually get a working system.  It's been
a couple of weeks now.  With a little bit of sanity-checking in the
UI, it could have been a couple of days.  Yeah, I'm unhappy about this.

-Then-, once I have a working system and some time to explore it,
I might be in the situation of actually being able to submit patches
for some of the UI issues.  But until that happens, I can't even test
anything I produce, so it would -clearly- be inappropriate for me to
be submitting actual code fixes at this point.

Thanks for your comments.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] manual scheduling - no upcoming recordings

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 22:06:32 -0500
From: Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You got 'burned' because you didn't even _look_ at the capture card list 
setting up any of your cards.  All the device paths that have been setup 
on that list.  They're also in the input connections list.  You didn't 
notice, is all.

I -did- look.  I failed to notice what was going on, especially since
there are lots of 0's that are correct---just not those /dev/video0's.

As I've said before, you're too close to realize that there's a whole
lot of information whizzing by in this interface, and that -you-, as an
expert, know exactly where to direct your attention to avoid problems.
On the other hand, I, as nonexpert, did not.

Ok, I'll dare.  In some cases (if you wanted to setup the analog + hd parts 
a hdX000, which doesn't quite work right yet), duplicate paths could be 
right.  I see no reason to disallow this.

Okay, then do you see no reason to have it put up a big fat warning
saying, You're probably doing the wrong thing!  Are you sure?  That
was my original suggestion, if you'll recall.  That -one- check would
have saved me a week of work, and (as it turns out) the list several
10's of K of messages talking about the whole thing.

So far, though, you say that (in some future situation which doesn't
even work yet) this should be allowed.  Meanwhile, people right now
have been screwed by the current situation.  Seems to me that you
should make the common mistake difficult, at the risk of making the
unlikely future action require one additional keystroke.

And I've gotten confirmation from a couple dozen people that you're off 
rocker.  Goes both ways.

Sure does.  Let's trade more numbers.  It's fun.

Sure, there are useability problems.

It's good to hear some public acknowledgment of that.

  Your attitude is getting in the way 
me responding to them, or even caring about what you're bringing up.  If 
want to fix them, learn how to act on a public mailing list.

Fine.  Don't publicly insult people if you want to appear reasonable.
Yet every single piece of mail you've sent me so far as been insulting.

As you say, Goes both ways.

  Learn how to 
reply to emails properly - your quoting is horrendous.

Please explain.
Learn how to state 
problem _succinctly_.  Do that, and everybody'll get along just fine.

The succint statements got flamey responses.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] manual scheduling - no upcoming recordings

2005-11-04 Thread f-myth-users
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 22:43:55 -0500
From: Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Friday 04 November 2005 10:21 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 22:06:32 -0500
 From: Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You got 'burned' because you didn't even _look_ at the capture card
 list after setting up any of your cards.  All the device paths that have
 been setup are on that list.  They're also in the input connections list. 
 You didn't notice, is all.

 I -did- look.  I failed to notice what was going on, especially since
 there are lots of 0's that are correct---just not those /dev/video0's.

There's nothing on that page besides the pathnames + device types.  
difficult to miss.

Yet apparently I did.  People miss things sometimes, especially when
they're new to a task, or when they're tired, or when they've had to
do the same damned thing over and over again and might not be paying
100% attention, or when there are confounding influences (such as
other things that were -supposed- to all have 0 on the end).  All of
these were certainly true of me.  Having that cause a giant waterfall
of peculiar bugs and a reinstall or two seems a rather extreme payback.

 As I've said before, you're too close to realize that there's a whole
 lot of information whizzing by in this interface, and that -you-, as an
 expert, know exactly where to direct your attention to avoid problems.
 On the other hand, I, as nonexpert, did not.

Then why are you still arguing, if you think my opinion's not valid?

Because I'm trying to convince you!  Isn't that what an argument is
-for-?  [Okay, I admit, sometimes it's because you decided that
getting-hit-on-the-head lessons were a stupid concept.]

If I thought your opinion on WHAT A NEW USER EXPERIENCES -was- valid,
I'd have shut up long ago.  But not only are you a long way from that,
you're the exact opposite---you -wrote- the very thing we're arguing
about!  How much farther away from (a) new user and (b) objectivity
could you possibly -get-?

(You know, there's a reason why they typically make the usability
people and the programmers be -different people-.  It's the same
reason you don't let the bankers audit themselves.  Plus, of course,
there are different skillsets there, and mountains of research have
shown that the typical coder is awful at figuring out what confuses

 Ok, I'll dare.  In some cases (if you wanted to setup the analog + hd
 parts of a hdX000, which doesn't quite work right yet), duplicate paths
 could be right.  I see no reason to disallow this.

 Okay, then do you see no reason to have it put up a big fat warning
 saying, You're probably doing the wrong thing!  Are you sure?  That
 was my original suggestion, if you'll recall.  That -one- check would
 have saved me a week of work, and (as it turns out) the list several
 10's of K of messages talking about the whole thing.

I don't recall your original suggestion.  It was buried in a 10kb email 
could have been stated in 2 sentences.  I stopped reading after the first 
couple pages.

Well, that's part of the problem, then.

There is a -giant- list of problems in the interface just below
paragraph 5.  They're extremely specific.  There are 10 of them.
Each of them could be translated to a handful of lines of code.
I guess you just didn't see any of them, and have been arguing
in total ignorance of my point ever since the first post.  Charming.

[Then there's a list of 6 problems with the way forms work in general
in this interface, right below that.  I guess you didn't read those,

 So far, though, you say that (in some future situation which doesn't
 even work yet) this should be allowed.  Meanwhile, people right now
 have been screwed by the current situation.  Seems to me that you
 should make the common mistake difficult, at the risk of making the
 unlikely future action require one additional keystroke.

This is the very first time I've ever heard of someone assigning multiple 
capture cards in the setup program to the same physical device.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sent mail to the list just this evening saying
that he had the identical problem of recordings not taking place,
and that he suspected it was because he, too, had screwed up the
/dev/videoN assignments and was probably going to have to reinstall
to recover.  So that's two just today.

Maybe we should have a show of hands?

I'm sure part of this is because multiple-tuner setups are less common
than single tuners, of course.  It could also be because people just
assumed, Oh, I guess I was dumb and reinstalled (or maybe just fixed
it in setup, if it didn't cause other problems later like what Newbury
and I have been seeing), but didn't send mail saying, I was dumb in a
way the computer could have prevented---which was the point of my mail.

[mythtv-users] Simultaneous recordings fail spectacularly---why? [part 1]

2005-11-03 Thread f-myth-users
So does anyone---anyone at all---have -any- clues for me on why trying
to record from multiple tuners crashes so badly for me?  I've been
dead in the water for a week on this problem, essentially, and it was
only after many days of banging my head against the problem that I
finally sent mail here. about it was yesterday.  But nobody has (yet)
offered any suggestions...

Should I have asked on the -dev lists instead?  This smells of some
sort of ivtv initialization error, but I don't know for sure.

Can someone at least tell me if some of my questions make sense and
might help?  Like, how do I know if the various alias lines ever
really got used by the kernel?  (The initialization is complicated
enough, with a zillion scripts running in various places, and several
methods (some of which claim that they're obsolete), that it's not
clear to me; maybe I should just jam 'em into modules.conf even though
it says don't edit me! and see?  Are there ordering dependencies?)
What happens if they -aren't- seen?

Why is it that the first 250 seems to be initialized w/different
bitrates than the rest?  Is that a clue?  How do I fix it if so?

Does it matter that IRQ's were duplicated when ivtv inited the cards?

Does -anyone- have a working KnoppMyth R5A22 setup w/more than one
PVR-250 in the same machine?

Should I drop back to A16 and see if it's more stable?  I see mail
just today saying that A22 used an SVN version; is A16 considered
generally more stable?  [I'd -really- like to avoid the effort of
building from scratch from some other distro if I can possibly just
get this debugged; that's many, many hours for me since I've never
tried it before---and I don't even know if -that- will work!]

(Yes, I'll ask these questions on the KnoppMyth forums, too, but some
of the answers there to previous problems [which turned out to be real
bugs, not failure to follow installation instructions] were more of a
cargo-cult reinstall! reinstall!  reinstall! flavor as opposed to
how to actually debug the situation...)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Simultaneous recordings fail spectacularly---why? [part 1]

2005-11-03 Thread f-myth-users
Oh, and one more data point:

I tried scheduling a 10-minute recording on ch2 for 11:30-11:40,
and a 10-minute recording on ch4 for 11:35-11:45.

The first 5 minutes of the ch2 recording are fine.

At 11:35, -BOTH- recordings started recording ch4!

(And the one that started earlier showed a periodic pixellation into
large chunks, about one per second or so, while doing so.)

It's like Myth (or something) is losing track of which card is which
and is just always using tuner 0.  [In fact, my first test like this
showed ch4 in the second half of the ch2 file and ch4 in the ch4
file; my second test was to unplug the RF-in from all but the first of
the 250's; -that- test also shows ch4 in the second half of the ch2
file, and a zero-length ch4 file.  So it really and truly is looking
like tuner0 got commanded to switch to ch4, which is just totally wrong.]

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Simultaneous recordings fail spectacularly---why? [part 1]

2005-11-03 Thread f-myth-users
It's like Myth (or something) is losing track of which card is which
and is just always using tuner 0.  [In fact, my first test like this
showed ch4 in the second half of the ch2 file and ch4 in the ch4
file; my second test was to unplug the RF-in from all but the first of
the 250's; -that- test also shows ch4 in the second half of the ch2
file, and a zero-length ch4 file.  So it really and truly is looking
like tuner0 got commanded to switch to ch4, which is just totally wrong.]

Whoops, forgot to add---the zero-length ch4 file started growing as
soon as the ch2 file ended, e.g., in my offset-by-5-minutes
staggered recordings, the first file got ch2 for the first 5 minutes,
then ch4 for 5 minutes, then the second file started growing 10
minutes into the whole test (e.g., as soon as the first recording
ended) and kept growing for another 5 minutes, ending up with the
second file half the size of the first (even though they were, in
theory, two 10-minute recordings that overlapped in the middle 5
minutes).  So it's pretty clear that something's losing track of
which card gets which channel and which file  This behavior is
identical whether all cards have RF-in, or only the -first- card
has RF-in, e.g., I don't think the other cards are being used.

mythtv-users mailing list

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