Re: [Nanog-futures] Admission for Committee Members

2011-10-09 Thread Joe Provo
On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:00:35AM -0700, Steve Gibbard wrote:
 Here's my problem with this line of reasoning:
 We've got a serious volunteer shortage.

 In our upcoming board election, we have four candidates for four
 open seats.  As one of those candidates, I'd like to think that
 this is because everybody really wants to vote for us, but the most
 I can really hope for is that being on the board sounds like a lot
 of work and nobody objects to us strongly enough to want to volunteer.

I humbly suggest that the folks in office should take a 
strong hand in drumming up candidates. Especially as they 
will know what sort of skills will be needed for what's on
the horizon. I presume it is still similar, but when I was 
SC Chair, homework during the election period for all 
committee members was recruiting volunteers and participating 
in a schedule  rotation of notices to mail to get different 
names in the nanog-announce mail stream.  I'm sure there are 
better methods of spreading the load.
 For the Program Committee, which makes NANOG conferences what
 they are, the shortage is far worse.  We have seven open seats and
 four candidates.

...and the nomination period is still open. ISTR that many 
nominations roll in during the meeting, when the drumbeating

 It seems pretty clear that the incentive structures we have now
 aren't working.  Those arguing here that they'd be volunteering
 without any further incentives are not currently volunteering, and
 neither are very many other people.

See previous paragraphs. How much outreach to new blood, or 
to people who ran before, has occured? Simply contacting 
those who ran before, but hadn't served and still had and 
interest built up a nice slate of solid candidates in years 
past. I did notice that in the change to AMS, we no longer 
have the membership list published, so it is hard for us 
on the outside to know who is eligible to be nominated.

 There are many likely causes of this.
 Partly, I think we have some volunteer fatigue.  There's been a
 whole lot of work, done by a whole lot of people, over the last
 couple of years to get the new organization off the ground and to
 keep the old one running, and a lot of those people would be quite
 justified in being burned out.  But if NANOG is going to go on, we
 need to get people to
 So, what do we do?

 I'm not convinced that allowing people to do large amounts of
 work towards putting on the conference in lieu of paying meeting
 fees would create a privileged class of participants.  If anything,
 getting to simply pay meeting fees and show up seems like a relative
 bargain, and charging people to attend an event they've helped to
 produce seems tacky.  But, given that a lot of peoples' employers
 pay their meeting fees anyway, and might value their employees'
 time more than they'd value the savings on meeting fees, I'm not
 sure how many new people it would get us.

- encoding in the bylaws is micromanagement we've sought to 
  avoid previously
- blanket 'perks' regardless of level of participation are 
  eventually abused
- SC chair [and PC chair?] have had some discretion in 
  doling out at least one comp registration per meeting
- hardship and reward [as you suggest] from the chairs is 
  a logical extension of such discretion if anything must be codified, IMO it should be that the
Chairs have the ability to waive registration fees for committee 
members as they see fit. Then no only do you incentive to volunteer,
but ongoing incentive to actually produce.

 Ideally, we'll get a flood of volunteers in the next few days,
 and this issue will become moot.  I started asking around yesterday
 for a volunteer to replace me as Membership Chair, and within minutes
 had found somebody bursting with ideas and eager to take on the
 role.  I'd love to see some people who would show that level of
 excitement towards the NANOG program.

Excellent way to demonstrate that outreach is key.

 But if that doesn't happen, I'm looking for ideas.  Are free or
 discounted conference fees for volunteers the right answer?  Is
 there some other incentive that would work better?  Are there people
 we should be reaching out to and trying to recruit who we haven't?

 Ideas, please.

See above for a minor adjustment that might meet this need. Also:
- At least the membership should see the member list to 
  know who to poke (behind a member portal is there is 
  paranoia about publishing member names). 
- While that is presently out of reach, more visible outreach by 
  those on the inside who *do* know.
- What plans/campaigns have the Board generated/received from our 
  staff (if any) and why were they rejected.


 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE / NewNOG

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Admission for Committee Members

2011-09-01 Thread Joe Provo
On Thu, Sep 01, 2011 at 07:56:20PM -0400, Dorian Kim wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 11:30:49AM -0400, David Temkin wrote:
  I would like to propose an amendment to the bylaws for the coming election 
  The various committees put in many tireless hours of effort to bring a 
  content rich, well attended, well sponsored meeting to our attendees.  In 
  return they generally get a free lunch and a brief thank you.  I propose 
  that any committee member who attends six or more committee meetings 
  between NANOG meetings is entitled to a free registration for the upcoming 
  meeting. Attendance would be gauged by the chair of the committee and this 
  would only be available as a benefit to sanctioned committees. 
  I'll keep this short and sweet, however I feel that this is the least that 
  we can do for our hard working committee members.  I would ask that the 
  Board sponsor this for the upcoming election, however if they choose not to 
  I think we can put this out to petition.
 Speaking strictly as an individual, I don't believe this is necessary at all.
 While I thank those who work hard by volunteering, most of those individuals 
 would be
 attending NANOG regardless. 


 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE / NewNOG

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[Nanog-futures] admins@ autoresponse

2010-11-29 Thread Joe Provo
[pardon for the use of futures as meta, but no other way to be sure 
it doesn't lay unattended in a filter somewheres]

You can reach all of us at 

In response to message last night sent from my nanog@ list-subscribed 

 Subject: Your message to Admins awaits moderator approval 
  The reason it is being held:
 Post by non-member to a members-only list

...if this is intended behavior then you want to customize the
responder to make it look more like that, otherwise it looks 
like the community can't reach the communications committee 
unless they are pre-approved.



 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] New Membership-WG Draft

2010-10-27 Thread Joe Provo
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 05:39:56PM -0700, Jay Hennigan wrote:
 There isn't a test, investigation, or vetting.  The member decides if
 they have an interest and understands the reason for membership.

If there isn't vetting, why does the board approve membership? No
other nonprofit [advocacy, professional, charity] to which I either
belong or contribute has this kind of barrier to taking my money.

 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Memberships, Bylaws and other election matters

2010-10-05 Thread Joe Provo

An interesting exercise might be to compare the cost of a vote (thus 
far the only membership benefit) today and as proposed.  

   Max 60/yr (20 per meeting) at $50 per (minimum $100 / 2 years)
   $225 (minimum 1 meeting at $450 / 2 years)
   SC-approved press representatives [no max] (2 per year, maybe?)
   Variable PC-approved presenters/panelists/moderators (40-60 per 
meeting with overlap so maybe 110/year)
   Individuals from the hosts, sponsors and Merit staff (easily 50 
per meeting, with greater overlap so maybe 100/yearn) as 
determined by those organizations

 Students: No maximum number, $50/yr
 Standard: $100/year
 Freebies: variable board-approved (projected as a small number per
  year), though several board members have clearly said they won't 
  pull the trigger while it is still a concern

So students don't change, though more can participate.  Regular people's 
cost to participate decreases by more than half, and no matter how you 
slice it there are tremendously fewer votes just given away by various
people involved, easily offsetting a small number of projected 'lifetime' 

Personally, I think enfrachising a larger segment of the community isn't 
a Bad Thing. What's wrong with lowering the financial and meatspace*
barrier to entry?

Regarding concern over lifetime memberships, many nonprofits I support 
allow me to buy N years of membership in advance.  If lifetime were 
merely changed to a decade pre-purchase of membership, would the folks 
who think it is a bad idea suddenly see it as ok?  That would serve 
the budgetary need though I suspect there might be less people asctually
choosing it.



* to be pedantic, one needn't even show up, just register once within
  two years.

 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] NANOG Transition Plan track will be webcast

2010-06-14 Thread Joe Provo
On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 09:39:51AM -0700, Steve Feldman wrote:
 On Jun 14, 2010, at 9:16 AM, Randy Bush wrote:
  For those interested, the NANOG Transition Plan session, scheduled
  for 4:30-6:00pm Monday, will be webcast.
  ahem.  i presume this will not interfere with the webcasting of the
  security session.
 The security session (as with most BOFs/tracks) are not typically
 webcast or recorded, in order not not discourage candid conversation.
 It's been that way as long as I can remember.

I believe what was an economic concern (back when getting more cameras
was such a one) originally kept non-plenary off camera.  These days, 
talk submitters (I believe) have a tickbox to select if/if not, and 
both peering and security moderators tend to tick not.  

What I'd love to see would be an icon or column on the agenda showing
per-talk if it is intended to be streamed (ie, the submitter's selection
be propagated through to the community) such that remote participants 
can know in advamce if this or that item will be available to them.



 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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Re: [Nanog-futures] Smoke at NANOG meetings

2009-10-26 Thread Joe Provo
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 07:34:47PM -0400, Jared Mauch wrote:
 I would be keen to see this restriction put in-place, but unless you  
 are hosting the meeting and picking the venue, it may be challenging.   

Until we're swimming in competing hosting offers, it may not be feasible
to guarantee.  The best bet might be to step up and host! :-)

 It should also be noted that the event in the DR was as bad or worse  
 than the venue in Dearborn as you had to pass through the casino to  
 reach the meeting space.

And Vegas and ...

Joe, not a fan of big tobacco but knows how to leave a room that 
 makes him cough

 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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Re: [Nanog-futures] Draft Policy re individual sites

2009-05-12 Thread Joe Provo
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 08:25:10AM -0700, kris foster wrote:
 On May 12, 2009, at 7:32 AM, Jared Mauch wrote:
  On May 12, 2009, at 9:10 AM, Martin Hannigan wrote:
  some 'action'. That action is usually like using reload as a
  workaround to a hardware problem instead of replacing the buggy code.
  The result is what we keep discussing: same stuff different day and a
  not so job for Kris et al.
  How about a filtered(proactive) -and- an unfiltered(reactive) feed?
  This is an interesting idea.
 Glad I get blank stares every time I suggest this.
Those of us who have advocated multiple lists tend to get met with no 
one will move/use/join, it will still get polluted, etc gripes.  Since 
bits and disk are relatively cheap, I'm definitely a fan of a trial 
balloon; heck, just go for usenet tradition and call it nanog-moderated 
even if it is simply agressive filters and not human moderation.



 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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Re: [Nanog-futures] Fwd: ADMIN: Reminder on off-topic threads

2009-04-22 Thread Joe Provo
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 05:46:50AM -0400, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 09:43:22PM -0700, Paul Ferguson wrote:
  In any event, I think security-related issues are much more on topic than
  ARIN IPv4 policy foo.
 I think I mildly disagree with this.  The allocation of chunks of IPv4 space 
 to dedicated abusers, and the hijacking of chunks of IPv4 space by abusers,
 are security-related issues.  So if you mean ARIN IPv4 policy in the
 sense of what their policies and procedures are, then I agree with you;
 if you mean it in the sense of what the real-world consequences are,
 then I'm not so sure.

Same here.  Our ongoing problem (if one would call it that) is being a 
successful, large-tent organization. 

 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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Re: [Nanog-futures] Fwd: ADMIN: Reminder on off-topic threads

2009-04-22 Thread Joe Provo
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 09:32:13PM -0700, Paul Ferguson wrote:
 I don't mind gentle reminders, but non-specific gestures cloud the issue
 and sometimes appear hypocritical.
 I could easily name a few other threads on NANOG currently that I believe
 are off-topic, so if the MLC is going to send gentle-reminders, could it
 please be a bit more fair  specific in it's reminders?
 That is all I ask, because right now, it seems rather arbitrary.
I know in the past there was definitely a great deal of effort to balance 
the private reminders with the public to avoid noise and interminable meta-
conversations.  My impression is we're still seeing that balancing effort,
so I'm boggled by the comment.  A public reminder about three elements of 
a couple threads which were heading off the beam seems sane rather than 
'hypocritical' or 'arbitrary'.  If you've a specific suggestion for what
can be done, the please share it.  I think the MLC has been doing a good 
job and would be more than open to specific, constructive critique.



 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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[Nanog-futures] Conference Network Experiment policy

2009-04-07 Thread Joe Provo

There have been periodic inquiries for network-based experiments
on the NANOG conference network.  While there is a serious benefit
to be gained by experimenters exposing their projects to the NANOG
attendees, there is a need to balance that with meeting attendees
having a functional network during the conference.  

We'd like to hear the community's opinion on this. The SC has 
drafted a Network Experiments policy based on prior experience 
and what we think our conference attendees need to have available 
while on-site.  Please see the attachment below and share your
opinions and suggestions.


 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE
Criteria for Network Tests During a NANOG Meeting

Members of the community who wish to test, trial or otherwise run
an experiment on the live network at a NANOG meeting may submit
their plan to the NANOG Steering Committee (SC) for consideration.
Running on the live meeting network will expose your experiment to
hundreds of highly skilled IP network specialists.

Since this has the possibility of being highly disruptive to the
meeting attendees, there are basic requirements which apply to all
applicants.  The SC will evaluate submissions, conferring as needed
with the Program Committee, Merit staff, and the hosting entity as
needed through each meeting???s engineering team.

In short, to be approved there must be adequate return on the effort 
to the community as a whole and the meeting attendees in particular.
The experiment MUST:
- Be voluntary rather than compulsory, therefore an incentive
  for attendees' participation is encouraged.
- Fill a need or directly address a question of interest to
  the NANOG community, ideally of specific relevance to the
  meeting attendees.
- Provide a benefit to the attendees through their participation.
- Have clear measurement of the success or at least effectiveness
  of the experiment, which will be able to be at least summarized
  and related in a lightning talk submission, if not a full 
- Have finite and well-defined requirements for support and
  assistance of Merit and the NANOG local meeting host, including 
  but not limited to space, power, addressing/number resources, 
  equipment, security and staff time.
- Treat any observed or collected data (be it raw usage, vague
  aggregate, anonymized, etc.,) as ephemeral and of use only 
  for public, noncommercial presentations.

An experimenter must send the following to the SC 90 days (three
months) prior to a meeting to be considered for that meeting:
- a description of the purpose/goals of the experiment;
- detailed network diagram[s] and bandwidth requirement;
- any relevant configuration examples; and
- a statement regarding resources the proposer is committing to supply.

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] new website

2008-09-04 Thread Joe Provo
On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 12:43:54PM -0700, Scott Weeks wrote:
 I agree.  Great job!  It even works perfectly fine with Firefox
 on FreeBSD with javascript not allowed via NoScript.  Impressive.  
 (It takes a lot to make me say that! :-)

Brian @merit did a great job taking pains to placate cantankerous
SC members with lynx/links tests and accessibility concerns.

 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Joe Provo
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 03:15:00AM -0400, Donald Stahl wrote:
 If that's the case then might I sugggest changing the pages that discuss 
 what is, and what is not, apropriate for the mailing list? Those questions 
 were not relevant to large network operators but if that is no longer the 
 target of NANOG, then so be it.

Large network operators appears no where in the charter
(  nor AUP
(  While I agree that questions on
much rudimentary things (and vendor-specific for that matter) are
better *served* in other fora, they certainly aren't off-target.
Being awash in the queries would be a different matter, as they'd
be a simple referral to FAQ/wiki.

Given the desire for the list and the conference to mirror each 
other, I'd point out that 'basic' topics are often covered in 
tutorials and BoFs at the conference. As for jhawk... try finding
the last time he was a conference attendee.



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Re: [Nanog-futures] The Peering BOF and the Fallout?

2008-02-24 Thread Joe Provo
On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 03:12:55AM -0600, Chris Malayter wrote:
 Greetings All,
 What's the deal with the Peering BOF for NY?  I've heard rumors 
 running wild that we're not going to have one, we're going to have 
 one but Bill isn't going to run it, to we're moving to a peering 
 track and a track bases system.

As far as I know, the PC hasn't met to discuss the agenda for 43; 
if anyone has been other than drumming up talks, they are likely the 
ones jumping the gun. I would challenge anyone to look at the agenda 
just passed, past ones with multipart BoFs and Tutorials, et al and 
not see tracks.  Other than the word (and implied more space), what 
is so scary about 'tracks'? (no, that's a serious question)

 If nothing else, I would imagine that the numbers continuing to grow 
 over time should show that the interest has not been lost, and that 
 the people like the format and the effort that Bill puts into it.

I don't think any suggestion of more times and formal slot on an 
agenda is anything but indication there is a great deal of support 
for peering items, but the surveys provide direct feedback.  The 
headcount in the room (170+ this go round) IMO speak to needing more 
resources than a small ad-hoc bof room.  When a BoF demonstrates
such strong traction as the many year recurring, many hour consuming
security and peering bofs, perhaps the legacy sentiment of past PCs 
need to be shrugged off and these be allowed to 'grow up' to larger
agenda space.

 If the PC is going to axe the BOF, I would like some transparency 
 and explantion to the rest of us as to the rationelle so we can have 
 it in the public forum for debate.

I think anyone who thinks that review of standing program elements 
like the rest of the program is the same as axing anything needs 
their head examined.  If people don't want to be transparent and 
share what they want to present to the PC, what puts them above the
rest of the presenters?  Arbitrary program selection was one of the 
pre-open-process PC we all wanted to move away from, right?

Joe, speaking for himself, and thinking the program submission tool 
 is open so anyone interested in getting content submitted for 
 NANOG 43 certainly can!
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