Re: [Nanog-futures] Admission for Committee Members

2011-09-30 Thread Steve Feldman

On Sep 30, 2011, at 11:08 AM, Lynda wrote:

 On 9/30/2011 11:00 AM, Steve Gibbard wrote:
 In our upcoming board election, we have four candidates for four open
 seats.  As one of those candidates, I'd like to think that this is
 because everybody really wants to vote for us, but the most I can
 really hope for is that being on the board sounds like a lot of work
 and nobody objects to us strongly enough to want to volunteer.
 Just a brief question: Could someone be on the PC, and still not attend 

The bylaws state:

  To be eligible to be appointed as a member of the Program Committee,
  an individual must have attended one NewNOG conference within the
  prior calendar year (12 months).

There does not seem to be any attendance requirement once selected
(though it appears one would have to attend a meeting in order to be
chosen for a second term.)


Nanog-futures mailing list

[Nanog-futures] NewNOG membership policy adopted

2011-01-05 Thread Steve Feldman
Based on the proposal sent last month and discussion on this list, the NewNOG 
Board has adopted a membership policy.

As in the proposal, there are two components: a Bylaws amendment to establish a 
framework, and a board resolution to set the policy.  The full text of both 
parts are appended below.

The amendment text is unchanged from the proposal.  It takes effect 
immediately, but will need to be ratified by the membership during the fall 

After discussion on the list, we changed one element of the proposed framework, 
to allow the member registration discount to be applied to the general early 
registration rate and only exclude its use from special rates (such as for 
students.)  This change appeared to have broad consensus.  We chose to go with 
this simple set of rules, and can adjust them as needed as we gain experience.  
As always, discussion on this list is encouraged.

Over the next few days, we will establish procedures to become a member, and 
will announce them here.

Steve (for the Board)

Bylaws amendment, adopted by unanimous vote of the Board on January 4, 2011, 
effective immediately but subject to ratification by the membership:

- Replace the current section 5 in its entirety with:

5. Membership

5.1 Membership Qualifications

Membership in NewNOG is open to any individual with an interest in
Internet operations, engineering, or research and who wishes to
further education and knowledge sharing within the Internet operations

Any individual may become a member of NewNOG by completing an
application and payment of dues.

5.2 Membership Classes

There shall be only one class of membership, with all the rights
and privileges specified in these Bylaws.

5.3 Membership Dues

The Board of Directors shall specify the cost of annual membership
dues.  The Board may establish discounts for members meeting certain
criteria, or for members wishing to pay for more than one year in

5.4 Rights and Benefits of Members

Members in good standing shall be entitled to these privileges:

* Vote in all NewNOG elections.
* Run as a candidate for the Board of Directors
* Serve on an administrative committee, as defined in section 9
* Other privileges as specified by the Board of Directors

5.5 Policies and Procedures

The Board of Directors shall establish and publish policies and
procedures for implementation of the membership program.


Membership Policies and Procedures, adopted by Board resolution Jan. 4, 2011:

1. Annual Dues

1.1 Standard rate

The standard annual dues is $100.

1.2 Student discount

Students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program
at an accredited institution will receive a 50% discount for annual
dues.  Proof of enrollment is required.  This may not be combined
with any other discount.

1.3 Multi-year discount

Individuals who prepay three or more years of membership in advance
will receive a 10% discount.  This may not be combined with any
other discount.

2. Membership Terms

2.1 Start of membership

The term of membership shall begin immediately upon receipt of the
member's application and payment for dues.

2.2 Expiration of membership

2.2.1 New memberships

For new members, the term of membership shall expire one year after
the last day of the month during which the membership started,
unless membership is renewed.

2.2.2 Continuing memberships

For continuing members, the term of membership shall expire one
year after the previous expiration date, unless membership is

2.3 Renewal

A member may renew by submitting payment of the current dues amount
before the expiration of the current membership term.  Members who
have prepaid for more than one year in advance shall be automatically
renewed for the additional years prepaid.

3. Additional Benefits

3.1 Meeting discount

Members in good standing will receive a $25 discount on registration
fees for any conference operated by NewNOG.  This discount may not be applied 
any to any special registration rates, such as for speakers,
students, sponsors, or members of the press.


Nanog-futures mailing list

[Nanog-futures] Memberships, Bylaws and other election matters

2010-10-04 Thread Steve Feldman
I'd like to make a few comments about the NewNOG Bylaws and other election 
questions.  These are my opinions only, and don't necessarily reflect those of 
the NewNOG Board or anyone else.

As with any consensus-driven effort, the NewNOG Bylaws draft was the result of 
a lot of work by a lot of people, led by a few dedicated committee chairs.  The 
Board tried to stay mostly out of the process, in hopes of encouraging 
community input.  I believe that the result was a good first attempt at what 
will undoubtedly be an iterative process.

Given the discussion on this list and in the community meeting yesterday, it's 
clear that we don't have consensus on the membership issue, and that there's at 
least significant support for the position that the proposed membership is too 
complex for our community's goals.  Aside from that, I haven't heard many other 
comments on the draft, which I am hopeful means that we are reaching consensus 
on the other portions of the Bylaws.

It is unfortunate that we didn't think to have a vote on the draft in sections, 
but it's too late to change that.  Assuming that these Bylaws are adopted, we 
do have ways to fix mistakes.  There's another election a year from now, with 
ways for both the Board and community members to place amendments on the ballot.

If the vote fails and these Bylaws are not adopted, the current initial Bylaws 
will remain in effect.  These are very minimal, covering only a basic nonprofit 
corporate structure with boilerplate necessary to make the IRS happy, and 
pretty much everything else left to the Board's discretion.

Given the above, I still recommend a yes vote to adopt the Bylaws, as it's a 
large step in the right direction for NewNOG.

Since we don't have consensus on the membership issue yet, I will pledge to do 
what I can with my Board vote keep from moving down the path specified in the 
draft in ways that can't easily be undone when we do come to a consensus.  As 
one example, I will vote against creating any fellow members if it should 
come up.

I hope this helps, and I encourage everyone to vote however you feel is best 
for the community.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Memberships, Bylaws and other election matters

2010-10-04 Thread Steve Feldman
On Oct 4, 2010, at 11:54 AM, Ren Provo wrote:

 Hi Steve,
 I appreciate your input here.  It was clearly stated yesterday that several 
 folks do not want a fellows membership class but I do not recall the 
 reasoning other than Joel's comment that fee structure should cover all.  Can 
 you clarify why you would elect not to recognize significant contributions 
 made from an individual?  Thanks! -ren

I personally have nothing against the concept.  But some others do, and I don't 
want to make any choices that would be difficult or awkward to unmake until we 
end up with consensus either way.

[Or, what Mike said!]


Nanog-futures mailing list

[Nanog-futures] Proposed bylaws for NewNOG

2010-09-19 Thread Steve Feldman
The NewNOG governance working group, chaired by Steve Gibbard, has published a 
set of proposed bylaws for the corporation.  These may be found at:

Please take a few minutes to review these and make any comments or suggestions. 

There will be a question on the ballot during the NANOG election next month to 
ratify these bylaws.  Everyone eligible to vote in the NANOG election will also 
be eligible to vote on this.

Steve (for the NewNOG board)

Nanog-futures mailing list

[Nanog-futures] 2010 NANOG charter amendment proposal

2010-09-14 Thread Steve Feldman
For the 2010 NANOG election, there is one charter amendment currently under 
consideration by the Steering Committee, which would add a section to the 
charter enabling and endorsing the the transition of NANOG from of Merit to 

The full text of the proposed amendment is at:

The SC plans to vote on final text for the ballot on Tuesday, Sept. 21, so any 
comments or suggestions for improving the amendment text would be welcomed 
before then.

Steve (for the SC)

Nanog-futures mailing list

[Nanog-futures] NANOG Transition Plan track will be webcast

2010-06-14 Thread Steve Feldman
For those interested, the NANOG Transition Plan session, scheduled for 
4:30-6:00pm Monday, will be webcast.

This is a continuation of the discussion which was held during the community 
meeting, with an opportunity to go into more detail of the transition planning.

Webcast viewing instructions are at


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] NANOG Transition Plan track will be webcast

2010-06-14 Thread Steve Feldman
On Jun 14, 2010, at 9:16 AM, Randy Bush wrote:

 For those interested, the NANOG Transition Plan session, scheduled
 for 4:30-6:00pm Monday, will be webcast.
 ahem.  i presume this will not interfere with the webcasting of the
 security session.

The security session (as with most BOFs/tracks) are not typically webcast or 
recorded, in order not not discourage candid conversation.  It's been that way 
as long as I can remember.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Transition update

2010-05-29 Thread Steve Feldman
On May 28, 2010, at 12:09 PM, mkarir wrote:

 Are there plans to get a community vote on this issue at some point?


As a few people have pointed out, there's no explicit provision in the NANOG 
charter for something like this.  But the intention is to have it on the ballot 
during the fall NANOG election.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Transition update

2010-05-29 Thread Steve Feldman
 I'm also curious about the financial story here.  If the corporation is 
 signing hotel contracts, I assume it has some funds.  Are those coming 
 from the Merit NANOG accounts, or is somebody else putting up the money? 

So far, the corporation has been funded by a few corporate donations of money 
and services, and some personal funds and lots of volunteer effort from the 
transition team.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] wazza plan

2010-05-27 Thread Steve Feldman
Randy, Vijay, and Danny are all correct, we owe you information.

I'll send out a progress update later today, and we're working on a  
more detailed plan/budget to publish in advance of the community  


On May 27, 2010, at 9:03 AM, Danny McPherson wrote:

 On May 27, 2010, at 2:02 AM, Randy Bush wrote:

 nanog/sf approaches.  will our illustrious leadership be sending  
 at least the basics of a business plan long enough before the  
 that we have time to treat it seriously as opposed to flying  
 foils at
 the so called community meeting?

 i would hope to see, at a minimum, three year forward fairly  
 pro forma balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow.

 I vote we remove these clowns and give it back to merit.

 we have a few weeks to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume
 they have a business plan.  after all, it's simple biz 101.

 if no clear and believable biz plan *before* nanog, then indeed it is
 bozoville and something will have to be done to clean up their mess.

 Irrespective of competence levels (we) elected these folks to
 serve in what they believe to be in the best interests of the NANOG
 community.  As such, I've implicitly given them the benefit of the
 doubt to this point.

 However, in principle I fully agree with Randy and Vijay here, and
 believe that at least some informal communication on this topic, to
 illustrate they're listening and set some deliverables and associated
 timelines for the plan they're surely working, is quite reasonable,
 will kickoff their transparency agenda, and inform the community.

 Publishing a work plan for these efforts, even absent the details, is
 only reasonable.


 Nanog-futures mailing list

Nanog-futures mailing list

[Nanog-futures] Transition FAQ - version 1

2010-04-17 Thread Steve Feldman
[This will soon be published as a web page, but to avoid any further  
delays I'm sending the current text now.]

NANOG Transition - Frequently Asked Questions

These are questions which have been asked since the current transition  
was announced.  We will do our best to keep this updated with answers  
to new questions, but please be aware that much of the process has yet  
to be worked out in detail.  We encourage questions and comments on  
the nanog-futures mailing list, or directly to the SC.

Why are we making this change?

It  has been five years since the NANOG evolution process began,  
leading towards a form of self-governance.  We believe that this model  
has worked quite well, and that it is now time to take the next steps  
toward full self-sufficiency.  In addition, although Merit Network has  
been a wonderful host organization, we believe that both organizations  
would be best served by the ability to focus on their core missions  
and constituencies.

Why should we make this change now?

As has been noted, changes at Merit led to much informal discussion  
among the attendees at NANOG 48 in Austin about NANOG's governance  
model and relationship with Merit.  As a result, we decided to step  
back and carefully evaluate what NANOG is now, and what we wish it to  
be in the future.

The short answer is why not now?  NANOG autonomy is a topic that has  
been discussed for many years. The difference is that now we have the  
enviable position of having complete consensus among the NANOG  
leadership as well as the willingness of everyone involved to  
contribute significant personal time and effort towards the transition.

What sort of staff and budget is it expected to need?

This remains to be determined, though we expect to need some  
combination of paid staff and contracted services.

Where would it be based?

This has not been determined.

How would it be structured?

We have started the process of incorporation of a new non-profit  
entity, with a mission to produce NANOG conferences, administer the  
NANOG mailing list, and expand our educational outreach. Once this is  
complete, we will apply for 501(c)(3) educational non-profit status.   
The current NANOG charter is being adapted for use as bylaws for the  
new corporation.

Are there specific people lined up to run it?

The six elected NANOG Steering Committee members will become the  
initial Board of Directors for the new organization.  Beyond that,  
nothing has been decided.

Can we have references from SC Minutes or other sources showing the  
evolution of the evolution?

This was not a formal SC activity, so there were no minutes taken.

Will there be documentation of the process moving forward?

Minutes for board meetings of the new organization will be published.   
In the meantime, we will publish progress updates and meeting notes  
when possible.

Who made the decision?

We are a group comprising the six elected members of the SC (Steve  
Feldman, Patrick Gilmore, Sylvie LaPerriere, Joe Provo, Rob Seastrom,  
and Duane Wessels), the PC chair and vice-chair (Dave Meyer and Tom  
Daly), and several advisors (Betty Burke, John Curran, Dan Golding,  
and Todd Underwood).  All decisions made were by unanimous vote of the  
SC and PC representatives.

How can I help?

As we proceed through this process we will undoubtedly need much help  
from the community, so there will be plenty of opportunities to  
volunteer.  In the meantime, we encourage your feedback and advice,  
either on nanog-futures or directly to the SC.

Nanog-futures mailing list

[Nanog-futures] Charter amendments - last chance!

2009-10-02 Thread Steve Feldman
The SC is scheduled to vote on Tuesday 10/6 for charter amendments to  
include on this year's ballot.

The current list is at, and has been  
significantly revised:

- There is actual ballot text.

- The ballot text for the proposal to change the MLC to the  
Communications Committee involved some rearranging and rewriting of  
the current charter text.  Aside from the intended changes to the  
committee's name and duties, the restructuring should be neutral.   
Charter geeks, please read it and let me know if the changes have any  
unintended consequences.

- The placeholder proposal to adjust election timing has been withdrawn.

- There is one new proposal, to explicitly state that any member of  
the community may nominate candidates to the SC.


Nanog-futures mailing list

[Nanog-futures] Charter amendments

2009-09-10 Thread Steve Feldman
I just sent a long message to the nanog-announce list which I won't  
bother repeating here.  But the summary is:

Does anyone want to discuss charter amendments for this year?  If so,  
this is the place.

Note that the petition deadline to for amendments is September 28.

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Countermeasures for spam from social networks

2009-05-15 Thread Steve Feldman
On May 15, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Martin Hannigan wrote:

 Mailman can easily snatch phrases in subjects like stock social net
 invites and 'out of office' or vacation messages. Probably with a very
 high success rate as well requiring no intervention by admins.

Or we could just accept the fact that we'll occasionally have to  
delete these messages ourselves.

Is this really enough of a problem to devote the MLC and Merit's  
energy toward solving it?

I do agree that if this really is worth the effort, filtering on the  
subject will cause much less collateral damage than filtering on the  
sender's domain.

[My own opinions, SC hat off.]

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Draft Policy re individual sites

2009-05-01 Thread Steve Feldman
My personal opinion (not wearing SC hat for the moment) is that  
enumeration of specific subjects which are on and off topic is an  
infinite rathole.

I'd rather see more generic guidelines, like maybe:

   - If there's a well-known mailing list for the subject, discussion  
should be redirected there.

I honestly don't mind seeing the occasional newbie question,  
especially if there are polite and intelligent responses pointing to  
answers.  (See  
for an example.)  And my delete key can deal with the occasional joke  
or otherwise off-topic comment.  (We already have a working process to  
deal with chronic abusers.)

What bugs me is when these degenerate into long-lived off-topic  
threads, and that's where I'd like to see the MLC's effort focused.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Fwd: ADMIN: Reminder on off-topic threads

2009-04-23 Thread Steve Feldman
Back when I ran the PC, people used to suggest that we split our  
meetings up into tracks.  Most folks wanted two tracks: one for stuff  
they were interested in, and one for everything else.

The mailing list is the same way, everyone has a different idea of  
what's interesting and on-topic.

The challenge for the MLC, and the community, is to determine a rough  
consensus and implement it.  And it will always be a moving target, as  
people and technologies change.

My sense is that the current moderation policy is reasonable, though a  
bit more discussion is warranted and documentation is needed.  The  
list of what's on-topic is more fluid, and periodically needs a new  
round of consensus-building and AUP rewriting.  And that's what I'd  
like to see this discussion become.

Disclaimer: I'm the Steering Committee liaison to the MLC, but these  
are my personal opinions.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] [NANOG-announce] Election reminder - charter amendments

2008-10-03 Thread Steve Feldman
On Oct 2, 2008, at 3:16 PM, Steve Gibbard wrote:

 ...  I notice that
 the last clean-up point in C turns the power the membership has  
 to recommend changes to the charter into the power to actually  
 change the
 charter.  My recollection is that the recommended wording is there
 because having ultimate authority over the charter was important to  
 who might agree to change it in response to recommendations.  Has that

I wrote the draft amendment text, so I can comment on this.

I wasn't aware of the reasoning behind the original word choice, and I  
don't believe that it's clear from context, so I assumed it was  

Looking over the charter, I don't see that Merit's *actual* oversight  
role is explicitly stated anywhere.  A casual reader of the charter  
(if there is such a thing) would assume that NANOG is pretty much an  
ordinary membership organization.  Perhaps that should be remedied?   
If so, we'd need another amendment, since that goes beyond minor  

If this is an issue, I can think of a few ways forward:

1. Adopt the amendment text as proposed, and continue the implicit  
understanding with Merit.

2. Adopt the amendment text as proposed, also add text (maybe in  
section 1 or 4) explicitly stating Merit's oversight role.

3. Same as #2, and add something giving Merit veto power over  

4. Keep the current recommend (remove the item from the amendment),  
maintaining status quo.

5. Same as #4, but add explicit wording about Merit's role.


Nanog-futures mailing list

[Nanog-futures] 2008 NANOG charter amendments

2008-09-11 Thread Steve Feldman
It's that time of year again, folks, when we get to work on a batch
of charter amendment proposals for the October ballot.

Suggestions so far are at:

Rob Seastrom has volunteered to be our community charter wrangler
this year, and will be helping to lead discussion on this list and
keep the web versions current.

If you have comments on the proposals, or suggestions for other
amendments, please discuss them on this list or contact Rob directly
at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You can also contact me and/or any
of the other SC member(s) if you have any concerns.

Steve (for the Steering Committee)

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] The Peering BOF and the Fallout?

2008-02-27 Thread Steve Feldman

On Feb 27, 2008, at 8:51 PM, Martin Hannigan wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 11:23 PM, Ren Provo [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 We consider the surveys, in addition to mailing list and hallway

 I agree with the first two, but not the last. That's the clubby part.

I disagree with this assessment of the hallway discussions.

One of the things I really admire about the current PC is how they
actively engage people between and after sessions to solicit feedback.
It would be a mistake to ignore this, just as it would be a mistake
to ignore any other form of input.

Nanog-futures mailing list