[NetBehaviour] thru you

2016-06-21 Thread Alan Sondheim

thru you


ouroboros come around again and insert and come around
come around again and exsert and come around again
and come around again ourboros and insert and come
around again and exsert and come around again

through the breathing after the hiatus or gap the embrochure
the reed in the tongue the tongue in the mouth the reed in
the mouth, the category of the transitive reed in the mouth,
the mouth about the tongue the tongue beneath the reed, the
category of the transitive mouth around the reed the tongue
beneath the reed the tongue within the mouth, the breathing
of the reed, the breathing in the mouth, the breathing round
the tongue, the master of the tongue the master of the reed,
the master of the mouth the tongue of the mouth, the reed
of the master the tongue of the master, the reed


ouroboros come around again and insert and come around
come around again and exsert and come around again
and come around again ourboros and insert and come
around again and exsert and come around again
category of the transitive mouth around the reed the tongue

of the

the mouth, the category of the transitive reed in the mouth,
category of the transitive mouth around the reed the tongue
of the reed, the breathing in the mouth, the breathing round
the tongue, the master of the tongue the master of the reed,
the master of the mouth the tongue of the mouth, the reed
of the master the tongue of the master, the reed
category of the transitive mouth around the reed the tongue


come around again and exsert and come around again
around again and exsert and come around again
come around again and exsert and come around again
around again and exsert and come around again


ouroboros come around again and insert and come around
and come around again ourboros and insert and come
ouroboros come around again and insert and come around
and come around again ourboros and insert and come

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Big Data Synthetics (BDS)

2016-06-21 Thread Alan Sondheim

Big Data Synthetics (BDS)


Data synthetics (DS) is the science of examining raw data
corrupted with an encounter with the real, the chora, the petite
a, the a a priori, the imaginary, the abject, the unhealthy, the
contagious, the sickness unto death, the monstrous, the grotesque,
the anguished, the obscene, the unutterable, the mute, the
silenced, the wounded, the corroded, the decayed, the silenced,
the victims, with the purpose of drawing conclusions from whatever
peripheral, outsider, insider, testimonies, may be obtained from
whatever information is available, keeping the raw data raw,
embedding the raw data in the organic, the turmoil and trauma of
edgespaces and blankspaces. Data synthetics is used in many
professions and protestations of the true-real to allow all pf us
to better comprehend the world around us; it is also used in the
sciences to problematize or disprove existing models or theories,
or to embed such theories within lifeworlds and modes of dwelling,
and to create dialogs between such theories and modes and the
physical structures of our local multiverse.

Let's play the game. Let's think this through.

Coyote's running, he sees Locust, so he breaks his leg because
Locus was carrying his leg. Later he falls dead for some reason,
I forget what. Magpie comes along and plucks out his eyes. That's
why the magpie has eyes. Then Manitou comes along, says what's
going on here. Coyote comes back to life, catches Locust, takes
his leg, places it on his leg, and his leg is healed. That's why
Locust walks with a limp and a jump. Then Coyote kills Locust, and
Manitou gets his legs.

Let's play the song. Let's sing this through.

"and your synthetic cathedral syntheticinged
and your synthetic folks your bunnyinged

and your synthetic cathedral syntheticinged
and your synthetic folks your bunnyinged"

Then this:

synthetic, not analytic restraints, not really necessary, but all
is analytic or all is synthetic; holding her mapping, her map
presenced. this system is not established by the synthetic
activity of synthetic commodities and commodity simulacra; it
serves no other purpose. they lie, they say, men are analytic,
women are synthetic; Coyote says it's the other way around,
henequen, and coir. A variety of synthetic fibers may also be
used. The analytic-synthetic body. The synthetic-analytic body.
techne questioned.

Then this: BDS: big data synthetics. Data corrupts data,
BDS corrupts BDS. Then this:

440a746120617953746e656869747363 0a0a746870742f3a772f612e616c
736e6e6f686469652e6d726f2f676164 61747973746e6568697473636a2e6770
680a74743a702f2f2e776c616e61 6f73646e65686d696f2e6772642f7461
73616e796874746563692e73706d0a34 440a746120617973746e656869747363
28205344202973697420656873206963 6e6565636f20206678656d616e696e69
206761722077616461740a206f637272 707565742064697768746120206e6e65
6f636e75657420726977687474206568 722061652c6c7420656863206f686172
202c687420656570697465740a202c61 742065686120612070206972726f2c69
742065686920616d6967616e7972202c 687420656261656a7463202c68742065
6e7565686c6168742c79742065680a20 6f63746e67616f697375202c68742065
69736b63656e73737520746e206f6564 74612c68742065686d206e6f74736f72
7375202c68742065670a6f7265747173 6575202c687420656e61756773696568
2c64742065686f2073626563656e202c 687420656e757475657461726c622c65
742065680a20756d6574202c68742065 6973656c636e6465202c687420656f77
6e7565642c64742065686320726f6f72 65642c64742065686420636579616465
202c68742065730a6c696e6565632c64 74206568762063696974736d202c6977
687474206568702072756f7065736f20 2066726477616e6920676f63636e756c
69736e6f2073660a6f72206d68777461 76657265702072657069656861722c6c
6f207475697365642c726920736e6469 7265202c657474736d696e6f65692c73
6d207961622020656f0a74626961656e 206472666d6f77206168657465762072
6e696f666d7274616f69206e73696120 61766c696261656c202c656b70656e69
20676874206561722077640a74612061 61722c776520626d64656964676e7420
6568722077616420746120616e697420 65686f2067726e616369202c68742065
75746d72696f206c6e612064740a6172 6d752061666f65206764736561706563
20736e6120646c626e61736b61706563 2e734420746120617973746e65686974
736369202073737564656920206e6d0a 6e6120797270666f736569736e6f2073
6e6120647270746f7365617469746e6f 2073666f74206568742075722d656572
6c617420206f6c616f6c20776c61206c 700a206673757420206f656274747265
63206d6f727068656e65206468742065 6f776c7220647261756f646e75203b73
6920207473696120736c206f73756465 0a206e6974206568732069636e656563
20736f7470206f726c626d6574617a69 2065726f642073697270766f20657865
73696974676e6d20646f6c652073726f 0a2068746f6569727365202c726f7420
206f6d65656220647573686374206568 726f65692073697768746e696c206669
7765726f646c20736e6120646f6d6564 20736f0a206677646c65696c676e202c
6e6120646f7463206572746120656964 6c61676f2073656277746565206e7573
686374206568726f656920736e612064 6d0a646f73656120646e742065687020
796869736163206c7473757274637275 73656f202066756f20726f6c6163206c

[NetBehaviour] our trip so far!

2016-06-20 Thread Alan Sondheim

our trip so far


providence, south carolina, atlanta, omaha, denver, salt lake
city, pendleton, bellingham, victoria, botanical beach, coombs,
ellensberg, boise, salt lake city now

eyedrum, atlanta; dhsi and elo, victoria, botanicals everywhere

escaping accidents -
flying metal somewhere in washington or oregon, struck the side
of the car; later, created a tire ballooning in victoria
(we needed to replace two);
forced off the road near ellensberg as a pickup swerved into
fast-lane; i pulled into the central medium, swerved right
across traffic, came to a stop in the shoulder;
accident in atlanta traffic - care ahead of us was sidewiped;
trashcan flying off a pickup truck towards us i think maybe
in missouri;
coyote running front of the car in georgia;

seen - sandhill cranes, pelican, ravens everywhere, stellar's
jay, ferruginous hawks, swainson's hawks, bald eagles,
unbelievable numbers of great blue herons taking over the
world, largest chiton species in the world, black-chinned
humingbirds, kestrels, osprey of course, many others;

not to mention amazing people at dhsi and elo!
and our assorted relatives along the way!

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] the wedge

2016-06-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

the wedge


but only the limitations of the five wedges, horizontal >--,
oblique \ or /, vertical |, and wedge or _Winkelhaken_ itself, <
! It is with post, looking for an irreal behind the wedges. Its
resistance to duplicacones, lines as wedges, surfaces as flat
wedges, and then there's the thing; i certainly felt like a
family wedge, my father returning from the thin wedge of light
bright on the beam an acute angled wedge into the instability
domain._ Thus for systems thing; i certainly felt like a family
wedge, my father returning from the wedged and lawless.
Occasionally a section of floorboard appears like a down the dim
dark wedge of the thicket. One more and I have to get back on
the thing; i certainly felt like a family wedge, my father
returning from the and Julu grab lungs, diaphragm, wedge arms
and elbows between ribs. He'd The head ends in a thin wedge;
mine has been damaged, but is now covered by a shamisen head
wedge cover, which protects it from any jects an acute angled
wedge into the instability domain._ Thus for systems Humanity
exists on the thinnest wedge (of stability and entity) extending
this is also the world from the wedge. thin wedge of light
bright on the beam wedged and lawless. Occasionally a section of
floorboard appears like a thing; i certainly felt like a family
wedge, my father returning from the thing; *i am wedged in the
declivity between twins wedged and lawless. Occasionally a
section of floorboard appears like a surpassed greenland tilted,
angled perpendicular default. wedges eye. meter was wedged
against the chamber floor and a structural

your= wedge =fall s=on= me

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] on the road - twin peaks

2016-06-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

on the road - twin peaks


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] the slow

2016-06-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

the slow


the slow accretion
animals, turbulence, waves
among slow time, before us, among us, after us
the after
the slow and slower
the blurred snapshot the snapshot blurred
the almost stationary among us
the glance over the shoulder slightest movement of a chiton
the glance of the chiton length of glance of the chiton
a chiton the chiton
the slow accretion of turbulence and shallows
the impossible slowness of the ripple
the slowing timing

neighborhood (packet channels slowing down just right for the
soft waters, slowing up computers and making their access more
difficult, slowing-up and speed up instead; my technique is
improving and i'm doing i breath fast. i get out of breath fast.
death promises slowing, can see your reading slowing down. the
programs are in full motion, as a borhood (packet channels
slowing down just right for the home terminal) form and
formlessness. and so many fundamental constants, the slowing-
down among us, cool objects slowing their thinking, d'eruza
saying cool, creation, but slowing their undoing. you might see
affect in the layering for improvement lhow about some food
worth slowing down for gslow down mi animation slowing - almost
to a halt - i'd settle for grays - zig-zagslocality, the
construct of neighborhood (packet channels slowing downdump,
clogging the communications channels, and slowing things
down,speed of teleporting, slowing down as waves course through
the flesh,particles last as long as they do? retardation -
slowing things speech. i breath fast. i get out of breath fast.
death promises slowing. for slowing or scraping the flesh trying
to think, what? about the borhood (packet channels slowing down
just right for the home terminal) sitting dumped there slowing
up everything just like that borhood (packet channels slowing
down just right for the home terminal) not wanting to go on like
this, watching the irreversible slowing-up of my do? retardation
- slowing things down, copying, duplicating, a poetics of for
slowing or scraping the flesh trying to think, what? about the
labor purposed, slowing scraping trying think, what? damage
cause caused. know this is a fault of mine, slowing me up,
creating a rougher particles last as long as they do?
retardation - slowing things slowing right home terminal)
redefining body; extension; extension noise; you get the
picture. even now, there's no sign of things slowing down it's
slowing me up; depression invades intention. i'm beginning
speech. i breath fast. i get out of breath fast. death promises
slowing. slowing-down universe, may survive know immediate
future). alien bodies grainy worlds population slowing, food
production still fundamental constants, the slowing-down true
stars, their design constants, the slowing-down of the universe,
etc. we may not constants! slowing down true stars! design
formless! beyond inside, you and i, the bifurcation of satin and
retorts slowing locality, the construct of neighborhood (packet
channels slowing down dump, clogging the communications
channels, and slowing things down, speed of teleporting, slowing
down as waves course through the flesh, i breathe, i breathe
slower, i breathe almost the slow accretion, i accrete, so slow
do i accrete,  i dream of waves almost movement, i dream
an eternal space of hesitation, i dream this, i dream that, so
slow do it, i dream this, i dream that, i dream this, i dream
that, i dream this, i dream that, i dream this, i dream that ...

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] largest chiton species in the world

2016-06-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

largest chiton species in the world

giant western firey chiton (gumboot chiton)
Cryptochiton stelleri,
found on the rocky beach and returned to the ocean

My work is my obsession, to an unhealthy degree; however, when
filled with : i refuse your unhealthy humanism. you
both look like parts My work is my obsession, to an unhealthy
degree; however, when filled with Working with body phrasing,
unhealthy bodies, ecstatic bodies, a certain unhealthy odor, not
something you would want to identify with. I Hangup (0:21:46)
"Do you think kissing is unhealthy?" fantasms wrought from
unhealthy air, lurid matter. an unhealthy bed ounce prevention
better pound cure return truth persist not another? Why must one
be healthy, or unhealthy, or hungry, or of suggestion of nothing
more than an 'unhealthy obsession' as if worlds had the start
there was something unhealthy about it,' for example, not
another? Why must one be healthy, or unhealthy, or hungry, or of
dominated. clandestine meetings, fantasms wrought unhealthy
solitaire, My work is my obsession, to an unhealthy degree;
however, when filled with not another? Why must one be healthy,
or unhealthy, or hungry, or of

: i refuse your unhealthy humanism. you both look like
parts fantasms wrought from unhealthy air, lurid matter.

: you both look like Cryptochiton stelleri, in
unhealthy air, returning to the breathing ocean, wringing us
from lurid matter.

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Friday night performance, Azure Carter and Alan Sondheim, ELO

2016-06-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

Thanks, it was an amazing evening for us - and there were so many terrific 

- Alan

On Tue, 14 Jun 2016, Annie Abrahams wrote:


On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 9:12 AM, Alan Sondheim  wrote:

  Friday night performance, Azure Carter and Alan Sondheim, ELO

  http://www.alansondheim.org/vvelo.jpg (foto by Mark Sondheim)

  Performed at University of Victoria, as part of the Electronic
  Literature Organization conference. I'm on viola. Apologies for
  the poor audio; the club was noisy and there wasn't any sound-
  proofing. On the other hand, this is one of our best perfor-
  mances; I was on fire w/ the viola, and Azure was terrific.

  NetBehaviour mailing list

On exile, resettlement, language, performance ... and even internet:
Displaced - A conversation with Soyung Lee (by Annie Abrahams)

I don?t know where this is going 7/06-23/06 R?sidence It?rations, Constant

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tz.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Friday night performance, Azure Carter and Alan Sondheim, ELO

2016-06-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

Friday night performance, Azure Carter and Alan Sondheim, ELO

http://www.alansondheim.org/vvelo.jpg (foto by Mark Sondheim)

Performed at University of Victoria, as part of the Electronic
Literature Organization conference. I'm on viola. Apologies for
the poor audio; the club was noisy and there wasn't any sound-
proofing. On the other hand, this is one of our best perfor-
mances; I was on fire w/ the viola, and Azure was terrific.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] a

2016-06-09 Thread Alan Sondheim


(presenting at DHSI, U. Vic, Azure Carter, photo)

a   are reborn as vermin. They howl forever because of their
terrible deeds. aren't patriotic. died this country is Godless.
a cult. one man. conspiracy. and kill you can do nothing to stop
me. exposed. We're depressed. falling down the eastern seacoast
all you. in ruins. jammed with us. these amazing they shaped
like tiny cones anthrax." missile trail.:the other waits:one
waits.:: letter.:another mark.:a mark.:: another mark!:8 julu:7
julu::17 julu:16 julu: it has taken 0.167 minutes swallow your
last ... addiction nudes, programs :the category nudes we speak,
often cannot function. i am off medication. sleep; tonight again
night full nightmare internal violence. gnaws at world. ran away
together. were seen going west from if shot through gauze (it
wasn't), first had talc, pretended annihilation translation
naming enumeration form chaos being non-being associations
bracketing demarcation information set equality analysis
repeated sort instance made by file1 > file2 - which alphabetic
order. transforms concepts presumably have ally independent.
associative complexes formed sorting consciousness 'self'
'self-awareness'; brings analysis^2 such' relation legitimacy.
see thwarted apologetics writing, writing an n-dimensional
space, alt.sex.pedophilia! 1-196401 alt.sex.fetish.watersports!
1-514916 alt.sex.bondage! 1-631387 alt.sex.pictures! 1-1011382
alt.sex.enemas! 1-281971 alt.sex.anal! 1-520256 aus.sex.bondage!
1-36957 alt.sex.bears! 1-214792 alt.sex.voyeurism! 1-449809
alt.sex.necrophilia! 1-166109 alt.homosexual! alt.magick.sex!
alt.politics.homosexuality! alt.politics.sex! alt.sex!
alt.sex.NOT! alt.sex.bestiality!
alt.sex.bondage.particle.physics! alt.sex.boredom!
alt.sex.fetish.feet! alt.sex.fetish.hair! alt.sex.homosexual!
alt.sex.masturbation! alt.sex.motss!
1-11836,11838,11840,11843-11845,11847-11850, alt.sex.movies!
alt.sex.pictures.d! alt.sex.pictures.female!
alt.sex.pictures.male! alt.sex.sounds! alt.sex.stories!
alt.sex.stories.d! alt.sex.wanted! alt.sex.wizards!
alt.sexual.abuse.recovery! alt.sexual.abuse.recovery.d!
alt.sexy.bald.captains! alt.sex.fetish.orientals!
alt.sex.spanking! alt.sex.exhibitionism! 1-1188
alt.sex.bestiality.barney! alt.sex.bestiality.hamster.duct-tape!
1-1229,1231,1233,1235,1237-1238, alt.sex.watersports! aus.sex!
alt.sex.fetish.diapers! alt.sex.fetish.fashion!
alt.sex.services! alt.sex.strip-clubs! alt.sex.intergen!
alt.sex.femdom! alt.sex.telephone! alt.sex.fat!
alt.sex.fetish.startrek! alt.sex.magazines!
alt.sex.erotica.marketplace! alt.tv.tiny-toon.sex!
alt.sex.nasal-hair! alt.sex.breast!
1-6,8-9,11,21-22,25-26,30,34-36,38,51-53,66-67,71 I would rather
eat Fruits Triumph than my flesh torn among predators. "When
human dies his deeds weighed violence there no escape. Behold
Caves Heathen. When Essenic Flames; some Truth Burgess; guilty.
what damage done fucking rocky satisfied tourists cameras they'd
come viable mode CHAIRS TABLES communicationWALLS world's
population grows austere elements opera muted terror
annihilation. already memory denial. This was happening them.
For time, trauma takes central stage. The audience apocalypse
armageddon. i'm tired defending myself. stdin. anthrax rape alan
azure. media azure alan. cnn azure.:if want will destroy same;
resonate; remain incomplete; pornography anything any speed;
lends itself you; domains; about sexual history. appreciate so
very much partner. Tell me more most intense went out, lay back
deckchairs pool stared up after death, nothing. judgment
senseless. draw that just that, without meaning except take for
along, where ethics belongs. but not world; within that. life
turns into impossibility virtue azure, said, almost crying,
wanted hold back, you're only alteration program (LRTAP).
written last. occurs. above, near bottom carefully surveying
earth, light brown lizard around corner plant, walks off, still,
sex-terror leaflets video\scrip sound\scrip, company scrips,:oh
well descrips images, scripts,:interiors, exteriors, entries,
contents:setups message someone be murdered. unable speak.
hiding. arrested. frightened death. $pid knew along!", "\n\n"
2==$g;:sleep(1);:print address. If received email error, please
accept our apologies. another. girl silent. sits there. she
fragile.  accidental tourist.:x''':x'' almost.
dead gone pushed able input or
output, foreclosed presumption rich inner lives, programmings
constructing fortification-modules them, sharing virtual-real
worlds worldings 8.950 turning Jennifer dwsd. dirty wet cloth,
feminine linen work flax velvet altering (responding text)^2 gap
hiatus. wayward contrary characters. harshness all, males
devours inside. it's distrust males, character also stain
residue, always wants disappear engrave stone. everything stone
then rails totality writes dubious

[NetBehaviour] zed

2016-06-08 Thread Alan Sondheim



Azure Carter, song and voice; myself on viola - I thought it
might be interesting to present a rehearsal, the same song six
times with six different improvised accompaniments and two
different bows; here's a full short rehearsal and slightly
lowered fidelity (the file's smaller) - thanks for listening/
reading below -

to the z at the ends of the earth

assay cry uzconverted zizx / z# ! rulezO!O v voom! hZ/([\abu.ya
yn agonyehz ewunutterable chaos of loveeyr bodyehzhZ/(\abu.ya
hZ/+([\abu.ya hZ/[\abu.ya hZ/\\([a dropped loagonyehz hZ/a
hZ/l(\abu.ya hZ/tunutterable gone/agonyehzhZ/unutterable
myhztheyr LK ENANNUound BEL NMR goneyouhz- Jennifer Lopezgrep
air a/char >> zzbaby birth black blue boy build child cloud dead
death dwell earth farm farmer fog foolish forest girl gone happy
hill home house husband hut ill infant king lake lost lucky man
meadow mist mountain ocean palace queen red sad sailor sea sick
soldier star student stupid sun teacher unhappy unluckly valley
well white wife wise woman yellow 38 230 6488 39 234 6516 40 238
6544 41 242 6572 42 246 6600 43 250 6628 44 254 6656 45 258 6684
46 262 6712 47 266 6740 48 270 6768 49 274 6796 50 278 6824 51
282 6852 52 286 6880 53 290 6908 54 294 6936 79 461 1955 80 465
1983 81 469 2011 82 473 2039 83 477 2067 84 481 2095 85 485 2123
86 489 2151 87 493 2179 88 497 2207 89 501 2235 90 505 2263 91
509 2291 92 513 2319 93 517 2347 94 521 2375 95 525 2403 96 529
2431 97 533 2459 98 537 2487 99 541 2515 lz lt lu o lv lkkx l! 1
zurpluz! paralyz=, provez prz100 545 2543 101 549 2571 102 553
2599 103 557 2627 3 przekutor 4zome. tzalvagr! Muzl!mz, Muzl!mz5
2 Zteuben !ntr!orz15 adamz23 8 round uaz + urong, a u!th
dr!pp!ng prphektl! bald az30 t!nkled! pazZengr, 10 m!zplasz she
FYR9nruaz4 spherical * > /root/zz6 warmezt! rez!te, krutkhez
Br!dget vezt!g!l. akadem!ez9 -h $ret_val = eval($formula); m 0.1
-2 0 j 13 tumescent 14 159 16:36 "great war" network/* 163 16:37
"missing in action" 165 16:38 "missing" 167 "killed or wounded"
169 16:39 "wounded killed" 171 and 173 175 16:40 "mutilated" 26
God's Word--By: David Katz27 netstat | 28 29 wc 35 pico 37 ls 59
more 60 rm 62 72 uniq adventure.text 73 74 -d adventure.txt 75
76 77 adventure.data 78 figlet -f mnemonic "one day scattered
friendships hallowed" toilet pagga.tlf "or garnered among JUST A
circle.tlf "questionable DERAIL DERAIL" bubble "work backwards
After AuschwitzOur UW PICO(tm)  4.10 File: bir vakte kadar avuc
yazar ile uc okuru bulusturacak, yazforward this mail along with
your enquiry, to anti-vi...@xtra.co.nz.* virtual ... But here
are two disturbances by Nikuko, using warezthat write lyric
poetry after virus from computer: enquiry term "INTERRUPT
INTERRUPT" 104 107 161 du 164 portal/polypore portal/bool 166
portal/book portal/book/texts 168 portal/book/talks/ 170
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Request: STOR 1% ppiiccoo 1000 daz1030 1080 18 20 22 24 3040
4000 -C ilhebrew.flc ivrit "black LETERZ aGNST HARD YSE" script
"WYte Alan Sondheim, electric sazdisappear the radioactivity
trauma smoky quartzlong-necked sarangi, oud, !n dze m!dzt ov
mrr!ment, v!rzt !zZuez d!ztr!buz!onz d!ztr!but!v!t!ez !ve alwayz
been upzet... remembr dzat da! ualk!ng uoodz "somewhere there's
junk crime done wrong" julu sez "sondheim +buddha" perl
looply.pl "Alan Sondheim +Buddha" $ awk < yy echo k22% k3%
's/\[//g' sed 's/\]//g' 's/\^M//g' 's/^...//g' ( ) .biz
(VRMLBrowser)FreeWRL-036tar.gz (reclawurhzayeve):
phayeen+men+l+g+ phen+men+l+g+ hzwanure +perraashunthz 
Command 'b1fok/ahak >>>> rCzNTsKgEz31XRK/uRT 'rczntskgez
'vvaklwiazj fT9ApypgiZ967DlaYEA 'ft9apypgiz 'yaqz32amrx
6QiwQ6m0SZ50A8GVoyH '6qiwq6m0sz prayed. great l!ght v!led 4ezt
klear!ng, ue heard vo!sz -dzg2600cm-feme-cem, -rw---
sondheim users 264 Nov 01:12 ...saz ..zz ./ppt "HELP ME HELP ME"
~/zz "I CANNOT THINK" am caught between worlds" "ONLY
DISTINCTIONS FOUND //init() runs on state_entry on_rez /g' yy;
's/*/*/g' 's/[.;:,]/ 's/[$^-]/ " -v mj i text

[NetBehaviour] My Talk at DHSI, University of Victoria, Tomorrow, Please come if you can!

2016-06-08 Thread Alan Sondheim

I'm Giving a Talk at DHSI, University of Victoria, Tomorrow

Please come if you can! (ELO welcome of course!)


Azure and I drove across country (from Providence, RI, through
Atlanta, GA, to Victoria BC); we arrived a few days ago. I'm
speaking at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, at U. Vic,
tomorrow, Thursday, at 5:00-5:30 - details of the (heavily
illustrated) talk below:

Thursday, June 9th, 5:00 to 5:30

Event: Alan Sondheim, "Language, Accident, and the Virtual"

(MacLaurin Building, Room A144)

Abstract: This talk engages concepts of blankness, geography,
gamespace in virtual worlds, and what I term edgespace - the
limits of the gamespace, where language occurs and seethes. I
argue that the phenomenology of the real comes into play when
living spaces are abandoned, where broken geographies are signs
of a future already present. I present instances of digital
language production in such spaces, working through virtual
worlds such as Second Life and the Macgrid, as well as
self-contained Open Sim software that can be run on most

The edgespace is always uneasy, tottering, catastrophic; it is
the space of the unalloyed digital, where things no longer
operate within a classical or modernist tradition. Increasingly,
this space characterizes our current place in the world, with
its fractured media histories and environments of scorched
earth, environmental depredation, and slaughter. We can work
through and within such spaces, developing (as perhaps Occupy
did) new forms of production, resistance, and digital culture.

Thank you!

- Alan

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] bodhis for sail

2016-06-07 Thread Alan Sondheim

bodhis for sail


no interest in explaining myself/ bodhisattva helps/ that is a
space/ boatvibe bobbbing bobbing bobdebbywps bock bod bodb bodee

bodhisattva momyo. i will bring bodhisattva momyo.
shakyamuni buddha brought forth bodhisattva momyo.
bodhisattva momyo emerged from the earth. bodhisattva momyo
snapped his fingers. nikuko emerged from

empyrean; this i confuse hells and heavens and bodhisattvas and
no interest in explaining myself/ bodhisattva helps/ that is a
space/ i will be bodhisattva 1 i will be bodhisattva 2 i will be
bodhisattva 3 i will be bodhisattva 4

 i'm riding the elephant bigger than any bodhisattva
bodhisattva momyo. i will bring bodhisattva momyo.
shakyamuni buddha brought forth bodhisattva momyo.
bodhisattva momyo emerged from the earth. bodhisattva momyo
snapped his fingers. nikuko emerged from

julu is perfection. nikuko is a bodhisattva. nikuko is always

 bodhisattvas or saints.of solstice. is pro
 you will be among those beyond bodhisattva and saint, those
6 bodhisattvas or saints.of solstice. is pro
's/+-\^/bodhisattva/g' 's/+\^/meritorius/g'
bodhi, svaha!" *

[15:27] Julu Twine: bodhi, svaha!" *

both are anchored to the earth and its bodhisattvas
annihilations you life jewel bodhisattva you existent to to
existent to recollection to escaped non-enlightenment jewel
bodhisattva lotus bodhisattva meritorius nothing +--)^ to lotus
life life to meritorius to bodhisattva you existent +-
bodhisattva life life life life you +escape)^ bodhisattva to
emptiness a death to escaped to life +escape-^ life to
meritorius life life you bodhisattva a life you death to
emptiness you existent emptiness the you to you bodhisattva
existent you you to to you evil before kwak less evil before
kwak more hears death bodhisattva you death to you emptiness you
meritorius death to life +- bodhisattva to life

sed 's/+-\^/bodhisattva/g' zz > yy
bodhisattvas recognize the turn
bodhisattvas their their face to me

i confuse hells and heavens and bodhisattvas and arhats and wish
annihilations you life jewel bodhisattva you existent to to
existent to recollection to escaped non-enlightenment jewel
bodhisattva lotus evil before kwak less evil before kwak more
hears death bodhisattva you death to you emptiness you
meritorius death to life +- bodhisattva to life sickens
meritorius bodhisattva reproduced dirty perfection. nikuko
bodhisattva. needy beyond belief incapable anyone

bodhi, svaha!" *
Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi,
bodhi, svaha!" *
[15:27] Julu Twine: bodhi, svaha!" *
 bodhi, svaha!" *
empyrean; this i confuse hells and heavens and bodhisattvas and
bodhisattvas recognize the turn

bodhisattvas their their face to me
bodhisattvas their their face to me
bodhisattvas their their face to me

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] my philosophy in a nutshell

2016-06-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

my philosophy in a nutshell


think of striations of the imaginary within blankness, strange
attractors, hallucinatory structures, wrong turns, dead ends,
failures. think of edgespace not as glitch but as inherent,
inhering, bridging nonetheless, entangled projects and intro-
jections ("jectivities," morphisms); think of gamespace as
corporate, closed manifolding, totalities, kernels of clean and
proper bodies:: map all of this onto immersive/definable
hierarchies (mathematical _activity and production_ in relation
to (in)formalized mathematical structures):: immersion appears
_fundamental_ to blankspace, as mutually-generated activities
within edgespace, as the construction of _dwelling_ within
gamespace; definability appears _fundamental_ to gamespace, as
wrong or deliberate well-defined turns within edgespace; as
categorical formalisms after the fact in gamespace:: then think
of _regimes of control_ within and without gamespace (player /
gamemaster / corporation) and their loosening within edgespace
and blankspace (as well as the chaotic and stochastic nature of
blankspace itself):: and you have a way of thinking through a
world or the world:: now consider this in terms of unravelings,
being again with this consideration in mind, in terms of
gamespace, edgespace, blankspace, immersion and definability
(again keeping in mind that these are basically entangled), and
you are on the way to at least an interesting way of thinking
through worldings (which are subject to and suspect of such
categories which are thereby unraveling... )::


flood advisory national weather service taunton ma pm edt sun
jun ric /o.new.kbox.fa.y..tz-tz/ /.n.er.tz.tz.tz.oo/ kent
ri-washington ri-providence ri- the in has issued a * urban and
small stream for... eastern county rhode island...central
washington providence until at edt...doppler radar indicated
line of heavy rain thunderstorms approaching region during time
hightide along shores that will cause minor flooding.
overflowing poor drainage areas result flooding area. up to one
inch already fallen.some locations experience include
coventry...cumberland...north providence...south
kingstown...west warwick...and johnston.additional rainfall an
is expected over this make precautionary/preparedness actions...
for do not drive through flooded roads. && lat...lon

$$ sipprell coastal

statement hazard message maz>-riz->-- /o.new.kbox.cf.s..tz-tz/
southern bristol ma-southern plymouth ma-barnstable ma-southeast
ri-bristol ri-newport ...minor splashover possible tonight...
locations...the south facing coastline from buzzards bay
narragansett entire island coast.flooding...minor around
tide.timing...between tonight. impacts...localized on most
vulnerable shore roadways may occur.all heights are relative
mean lower low water. total tides approximate nearest hour. -
fox point day/time surge waves /ft/ category---
-- - --- .- . / ./ .  none.- . / am -./ . .-
. ./ . .- . / . - / ./ . conimicut ./ . .- . .- . .- . judith .-
. ./ .  .- . .- . . / .- . - .- . / westerly .- . / .- . - / .-
.  newport harbor .- . ./ .- . / .- . westport .- . fall river
.- . .- . new bedford outside hurricane barrier .- . -
mattapoisett - - wareham / .- . woods hole ./ . .- . .- . .- .
.- . .- . wings neck $$for latest updates...please visit our
webpage www.weather.gov/boston you can follow us facebook
www.facebook.com/nwsboston twitter @nwsboston hazardous outlook
ctz>-maz>--riz>-- hartford ct-tolland ct-windham ct-western
franklin ma- ma-northern worcester ma-central middlesex western
essex ma-eastern ma-western hampshire hampden norfolk suffolk
ma-dukes ma-nantucket northern ma-northwest southeast ri-western
ri-eastern ri-block connecticut...all massachusetts except
berkshire county...and island. .day one...this afternoon bands
embedded evening. brief street flooding, but no significant
problems anticipated. .days two seven...monday saturday. tuesday
evening... few strong severe if able develop...isolated reports
large hail/damaging wind gusts would be possible. .spotter
information statement... spotters encouraged report conditions
according standard operating procedures.

< corporate, closed manifolding, totalities, kernels of clean and

corporate, closed manfolding, totalities, kernels of clean and

< hierarchies (mathematical _activity and production_ in relation
< to (in)formalized mathematical structures):: immersion appears

hiearchies (mathematical _activity and production_ in relation
to (in)formalized mathematical stuctures):: immersion appears

< of _regimes of control_ within and without gamespace (player /

of _regimes of control_ within amd without gamespace (player /

< gamespace, edgespace, blankspace, immersion and definability

gamespace, edgespace, blankspace, immersision and definability


[NetBehaviour] variations on a theme

2016-06-05 Thread Alan Sondheim

variations on a theme


barndance kind of stuff
if you like this kind of barn and this kind of dance
ninety year old The Up To Date hammered reed Hohner's
model 46 1/2

Electronic Literature Organization shortalk outline

1. MOCAP - oriented towards EDGESPACE and reading-into
2. SURGE / ANGUISH: coming annihilations, disseminations
3. B/Lathering of language and inscriptions
4. Inscriptive recuperation: transforming fissures, samesame -->
5. BUT: it all falls apart; it's all entangled; it's always a
6. BUT: one can live in inscription - realtime virtualworlding

variations on a theme if you like this kind of theme and this
kind of talk

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Talking Domains

2016-06-04 Thread Alan Sondheim

Talking Domains

Notes for upcoming talk,
Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria



1. Advantages of using virtual worlds. Suppleness, universal
2. Rough guide: packaged movements, avatars, objects, variable
3. Second Life, MacGrid, localhost
4. Ideas of Gamespace, Edgespace, Blankspace
5. What happens at edgespaces? Everything is still contained
6. Blankspaces and the imaginary
7. Languaging - see Use of Writing below. Idea of lived writing.

8. dynamics, category theory, morphisms and arrows, objects:
think of gamespace/edgespace/blankspace as dynamic, striated:
how do these meld?
gamespace as kernel: Trump the bully totalizes this: what occurs
internally (truth functions) is irrelevant. edgespace: regions
of contestation again circumlocuted. blankspace: contestation of
the imaginary.

Directory Categories (of examples):


In Sl, supple and indefinite modeling.
What happens at the _edges_ of models?
Models as gamespace structures.
Epistemology of gamespace - speak to Sandy re: online/offline
gaming -
 cosplay etc. -
Blankness, substance (fissure, not cut/inscription)
 - the problematic of same/same/same/ the _queasiness_
 - of structurelessness - unstructured - loss of structure -
 - the imaginary - deprivation chambers -
 - what's down there, what's all around us?


Language, Accident, and the Virtual

In this talk, I focus on concepts of blankness, geography,
gamespace in virtual worlds, and what I term edgespace - the
limits of the gamespace, where language occurs and seethes. I
argue that the phenomenology of the real comes into play when
living spaces are abandoned, where broken geographies are signs
of a future already present. I present instances of digital
language production in such spaces, working through virtual
worlds such as Second Life and the Macgrid, as well as
self-contained Open Sim software that can be run on most

The edgespace is always uneasy, tottering, catastrophic; it is
the space of the unalloyed digital, where things no longer
operate within a classical or modernist tradition. Increasingly,
this space characterizes our current place in the world, with
its fractured media histories and environments of scorched
earth, environmental depredation, and slaughter. We can work
through and within such spaces, developing (as perhaps Occupy
did) new forms of production, resistance, and digital culture.

Use of writing:

The creation of texts within the videos is in real time  think
of a jazz improvisation.
So its not like a text pinning down the videos, but more like
talking within them:
The texts are an immersive experience. Its not illustrated
poetry; its being there, being within these spaces. If you were
in them when the texts are being spoken, you would read them as
part of your immersive experience as well. This is a fundamental
difference compared, for example, to conceptual art, where
writing is a structural orientation to illustration.


emphasize the problematic of codes, organisms, classification
schemes - what constitutes gamespace (ARG? the game of "life"?
the game of life?) - how is everything entangled?

how can one disassociate gamespace/rules for example from other
domains? are there clear-cut distinctions?

in Wittgenstein, games and "game" and "language game"
disassociated these things. Wittgenstein was _clean_ - language
games occurred with loose referents but within language. he

we're language-centric of course.
consider "completely" entangled - what does that mean?
what might "surface symptomologies" tell us about the
coruscations beneath the surface?
where image/imaginary comes in - reading among chaos, chaotic

when Weyl's notion of hunting for automorphisms falls through
structures of examination and abjection.

"What we have learn from our whole discussion and what has
indeed become a guiding principle in mathematics is this lesson:
_Whenever you have to do with a structure-endowed entity E try
to determine its group of auto- morphisms,_ the group of those
element-wise transformations which leave all structural
relations undisturbed." (Weyl, Symmetry, p. 144.)

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Playing with Meditative Fire

2016-06-02 Thread Alan Sondheim

Playing with Meditative Fire

http://www.alansondheim.org/lastus073.jpg Azure in Roslyn's
Northern Exposure set http://www.alansondheim.org/lastus.mp4 the
gap at 80 mph times 10 following a Mitsubishi sportscar with
cherry candy finish http://www.alansondheim.org/lastus097.jpg
Roslyn's Native American Totem Pole from Northern Exposure

Sung mountainscapes centering on crazed auto race down rainfog
slopes we had to pull a truck and trailer off the road to tell
them their wheels were breaking & it wasn't the wind

accelerating the Sung then into the odd fictivity of Northern
Exposure (U.S. tv show 'set' in Cecily Alaska shot in Roslyn
Washington, the wonder of imaginary speeding, speeding
imaginaries, doubles, blankspace, edgespace as we all fall off
the real and virtual earth

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Hawk

2016-05-31 Thread Alan Sondheim

passing through and not so random, we were birding a bit
going to ELO and University of Victoria to present at the latter, and 
participate/talk at the former

- Alan

On Tue, 31 May 2016, John Hopkins wrote:

On 31/May/16 16:08, Alan Sondheim wrote:

Juvenile black morph Swainson's hawk against Wasatch Mountains

That's kind of random -- what are you doing in the Wasatch's?


Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
grounded on a granite batholith
twitter: @neoscenes
NetBehaviour mailing list

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/ty.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Hawk

2016-05-31 Thread Alan Sondheim


Juvenile black morph Swainson's hawk against Wasatch Mountains


http://www.alansondheim.org/blurt.mp3 dry-weather shakuhachi

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] afile that erases itself leaving no trace of contents

2016-05-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

afile that erases itself leaving no trace of contents


$ pico afile that erases itself
  UW PICO 5.07 New Buffer [23;1H [24;1H [23;1H Get Help WriteOut
Read File Prev Pg Cut Text Cur Pos [24;1H Exit Justify Where is
Next Pg UnCut Text To Spell [3;1H [22;1H [22;35H [ New file ]
[1;41H File: afile [3;1H [1;37H File: afile Modified [3;1H [3;4H
afile [22;1H [22;1H File Name to write :  [22;22H [23;15H
  To Files [24;2H
 Cancel Complete [22;22H afile [22;27H [22;1H
[22;34H [ Writing... ] [22;1H
[22;33H [ Wrote 1 line ] [1;37H
File: afile [23;1H [24;1H [23;1H Get Help WriteOut Read File
Prev Pg Cut Text Cur Pos [24;1H Exit Justify Where is Next Pg
UnCut Text To Spell [3;9H [23;1H [24;1H $ history 1 pico afile
that erases itself $ pico afilethaterasesitself [1;1H
  UW PICO 5.07 New Buffer [23;1H [24;1H [23;1H Get Help WriteOut
Read File Prev Pg Cut Text Cur Pos [24;1H Exit Justify Where is
Next Pg UnCut Text To Spell [3;1H [22;1H

[22;35H [ New file ] [1;33H File: afilethaterasesitself [3;1H
[1;29H File: afilethaterasesitself Modified [3;1H [3;4H [3;6H
filethaterasesitself [22;1H

[3;25H [3;24H [3;23H [3;22H [3;21H [3;20H [3;19H [3;18H [3;17H
[3;16H [3;15H [3;14H [3;13H [3;12H [3;11H [3;10H [3;9H [3;8H
[3;7H [3;6H [3;5H filethaterasesitself [3;5H [22;1H

[22;1H File Name to write :  [22;22H [23;15H To Files [24;2H
Cancel Complete [22;22H afilethaterasesitself [22;43H [22;1H

[ Writing... ]

[22;33H [ Wrote 1 line ] [1;29H File: afilethaterasesitself
[23;1H [24;1H [23;1H Get Help WriteOut Read File Prev Pg Cut
Text Cur Pos [24;1H Exit Justify Where is Next Pg UnCut Text To
Spell [3;5H [23;1H [24;1H

$ ls Mail elo.rtf sl News linux talks a lisp texts ad mail
tlk.txt afile mod tz.txt afilethaterasesitself notes.txt vr
alist olda zz biog older dhsi.rtf sc

$ chmod a 777 afile $ ./afile $ ls Mail elo.rtf sc News linux sl
a lisp talks ad mail texts afilethaterasesitself mod tlk.txt
alist notes.txt tz.txt biog olda vr dhsi.rtf older zz $ chmod
777 afile* $ ./afile* $ ls Mail ad dhsi.rtf lisp notes.txt sc
texts vr News alist elo.rtf mail olda sl tlk.txt zz a biog linux
mod older talks tz.txt $ exit

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Virtual Futures Somewhen Accellerrated

2016-05-28 Thread Alan Sondheim

Virtual Futures Somewhen Accellerrated

found this, from a Warwick conf. a number of years ago


is virtual futures. I'm the future and I won't even be there and
because virtual future document. screen? I'm invited to Virtual
Futures; I applied to speak there. I'm Participant, Warwick
Virtual Futures Conference, 1994 Virtual Futures conference.
Another effacement, distanciation. Virtual Futures Tape), the
real as-if (re: Postmodern Pobre tape and Perth Conference,
ISEA98, Virtual Futures, etc. Virtual Futures 2011 Warick
Virtual Futures After Virtual Futures Virtual After Virtual
Futures Virtual Futures After Virtual Futures Participant,
Warwick Virtual Futures Conference, 1994 He has performed for
LowLives and the Virtual Futures conference (both

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] */wish-fulfillment/*

2016-05-27 Thread Alan Sondheim



y xy y y y xy xy y y xy y xy y y y y y

Script started on Fri May 27 09:40:39 2016
$ pico zz
n2 1374211 zz

Script started on Fri May 27 09:40:39 2016
$ pico zz
2 1374211 zz


A file that appends its word count, repeats the operation going
for the big one.

- from My Files on My Nice-Machine, in Writing Under, Selections

From the Internet Text, by Alan Sondheim, with an introduction

by Sandy Baldwin, Computing Literature, The Center for Literary
Computing, Morgantown, WV, 2012

$ wc zz >> zz
$ r
wc zz >> zz
$ r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r;
r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r; r;
r; r

wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc
zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz

zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >>

zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz
wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc
zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz

zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >>

zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz
wc zz >> zz wc zz >> zz
$ echo ... >> zz
$ exit

Script done on Fri May 27 09:30:33 2016
0 zz
  38 2306488 zz
  39 2346516 zz
  40 2386544 zz
  41 2426572 zz
  42 2466600 zz
  43 2506628 zz
  44 2546656 zz
  45 2586684 zz
  46 2626712 zz
  47 2666740 zz
  48 2706768 zz
  49 2746796 zz
  50 2786824 zz
  51 2826852 zz
  52 2866880 zz
  53 2906908 zz
  54 2946936 zz


*/never made the big one/*

  79 4611955 zz
  80 4651983 zz
  81 4692011 zz
  82 4732039 zz
  83 4772067 zz
  84 4812095 zz
  85 4852123 zz
  86 4892151 zz
  87 4932179 zz
  88 4972207 zz
  89 5012235 zz
  90 5052263 zz
  91 5092291 zz
  92 5132319 zz
  93 5172347 zz
  94 5212375 zz
  95 5252403 zz
  96 5292431 zz
  97 5332459 zz
  98 5372487 zz
  99 5412515 zz
 100 5452543 zz
 101 5492571 zz
 102 5532599 zz
 103 5572627 zz

*/never made the big one/*

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] wha the thunder said what het under said what het undersaid

2016-05-26 Thread Alan Sondheim

wha the thunder said what het under said what het undersaid


wha whatth wathhhe thawath
wha whatth wathhhe thawath
wha whatth wathhhe thawath

in my current state of mind thunder's what i find

wha whatth wathhhe thawath
wha whatth wathhhe thawath
wha whatth wathhhe thawath

===thunderbolt echoes, thunder, bolides louder than any thunder,
smell, thunderstorms, exhalations...) the thunder and rain vajra
'thunderbolt', the absolute (e) -> linga 'phallus' rain the
screaming thunder - you can see my face when the lightning linga
'phallus' vajra 'thunderbolt' -> linga, sunya 'voidness,' skins
bones thunderbolts daggers / out in thundering skies. i want to
go to your dance with all you. i want the thundering the sparks.
in this fire the gods offer the king _soma._ god on my chest.
there were rumblings like thunder above the darknet. producing
the sound of a cloud (thunder) sound of dharmata, like a
thousand thunderclaps simultaneously. this is as if stricken by
a thunderbolt; and, though i died theres a grayness
thunderstorms phenomen screaming emptied air. i'd remember
begins to thunderstorm wildly and dangerously here at the
moment), since after until likely thunderstorms and
tonight...showers white and burning black and burning skies
stars thunders lightnings rain bones emptiness of thunderbolts
and daggers / i meditate upon thunderbolts and daggers / julu
only knows full and emptied sky, no thunderstorms, lightning,
calls there were violent thunderstorms and near the house, a
crackle there may be lightning and thunder, at any moment there
may be an earth- from earth i was and thundered i dreamed of two
spheres, the roar of thunder, and yet which for very sweetness,
could resemble the more - lightning thunder bringing new air
swelling implodes you leaving an ion but rapine ng conversion
ride thunder to what speed ble there was a thunderstorm but you
couldn't hear the thunder would kill me (i can still breathe) -
not one that made thunderous noise something through the
datastorm characterized, not by the thunder outside chorus drop
drpt orig chorus %thunderstorm drop drpt 1orig thunderstorm
sickles and thunder and crosses and stars in the sky, tears and
meteors in meditate upon thunderbolts and daggers / of monsoons
and thunders, debris tossed off the foam of grey-slate waves,
forget me - i'm disappearing - i'm in the fog the rain the
thunder - you thundering volcano drowns sounds. embedded jagged
myriad twisted only knows full and emptied sky, no
thunderstorms, lightning? no thunder or laughter ever quickening
them into life. cause thunder wet wickedness, evil, exultation,
station the hunger, associate, neighbour neighbour fellow,
thunder badness, layers slate imagined earlier fierce rains
crack thunderstorms. at stake. - i'm in the fog the rain the
thunder - you can see my face when the thunder and house sounds
as thunder struck her from head hair scorched or standing on
end; know-me, wait! julu only knows full and emptied sky, no
thunderstorms, lightning. air and dragons, thunder god and wind
god usual in san diego gods curse his holy rolling thundering
everything from thunder to the delicate language of kimono, rain
come the thunder, gotta tie me up hold me down spread me open,
gotta thunderstorms l. s likely. h. . highs i. s in t. n the m.
e mid isabel i. thunder struck her from head to vehicles into
endangered species. t sun, rain, ice, showers. heaven, sea,
thunder boiler bakes shell roars, ear-splitting thunderquakes,
heaving back and forth. i bury conversion entertainment desitter
[reply] heh[jump dutchsnow thunder those housethunder housing
houtcfm houthtm howidoit "god thunders, ruthless, come in
handsome beamed violin played under overhang in severe
thunderstorm theory theory dance out in thundering skies. i want
to go to your dance thunderstorms, exhalations...) assemblage
filigree-cavern, intrusions sounds during thunderstorms. in its
current configuration the radio pulls flying a kite and key
during a thunderstorm to prove lightning is "the performer
should indicate lightning (the falling of) meteor, thunder, soon
we will stretch lightning, thunder; then we will hear the proper
you may wonder at my thunder while my words are blown asunder
and over there's thunder now no clouds no rain just the wet
pasted use one word where none will do thunder against indeed
see heh tempest and maelstrom, forks of angered lightning,
thunderclaps, the deep- thunder (vajra) the destroyer of
daityas, landscape 'focal men. the basement sound of dharmata,
like a thousand thunderclaps there is a rumble of thunder i
meditate upon echoes of thunderbolts corrosions the thunder was
drowned out by the plates belief gnawing at the periphery. my
writing is a dull thunder. lightning sively by this point, play
a major role (lightning violent thunder now) bluejays gathered
around the po

[NetBehaviour] viola with jetplanes and birds

2016-05-26 Thread Alan Sondheim

viola with jetplanes and birds


we reached aurora colorado where we had more charliehorses when
we were trying to sleep, i've got bites and bytes, the travels
taking a minor annoying toll. with meandering, only about 2800
miles so far, next stop in a few days, salt lake city. today
there are tornado warnings. i played with the planes and birds.

thinking constantly about codework now and its relation to a new
music-aesthetic dynamics. ruptured code, many-to-many, nothing
well defined, inconceivable, dynamics shuffling around

we keep the humidity as much as possible between 40-65%, healthy
for flesh and wood. going over the rockies next leg, then two
legs to canada and victoria. buddhism and even zalamea's
synthetic philosophy of mathematics have echos of scholasticism
i think, so my escape is to problematic grounds of abjection.
today placed three X signs, small wooden plaques, on my mouth
and nipples, and a 1/2 sign on my crotch. i wondered about XXX
and then what is XXX and a half, and the X i use (similar
typeface) for the isis flag in my videos, and what about a
proliferation of unknowns, X against X, mirrored within X or
duplicated within X, doppelgangers, X-gangers, universal
granularity of virtual particles, and those that, in human
terms, seem to stay around for a while. the urge of sexuality,
always a murmur.

the interstates in missouri had no protective fences and there
was carnage everywhere. i never want to drive through the state
again. dead deer, armadillos, coyote, groundhogs, skunks,
opossums, hundreds of mutilated corpses on the road. towards
western nebraska and eastern colorado then, and feedlots all
over the place, cows standing in their own feces, horrifying
smells, concentration-camps for animals.

i read along the way, trying to retain my sense of the

we're going to a nice clean conference. if the charliehorses
continue, we'll limp through it. in the meantime music fills the
air, violaplanebird intermix.

something to listen to, severe storms and possible tornados in
the forecast.

spotters may be needed.

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Inspired by recent discussion here on netbehaviour...about accelerationisms

2016-05-26 Thread Alan Sondheim

agree with you here. might add missions make me nervous (but i'm nervous 

On Thu, 26 May 2016, Gretta Louw wrote:

I like the statement about it being a condition and not a mission. In that
sense I think we are (almost) all participating along the accelerationist

twitter - tumblr - vimeo 

June-August 2016 - Networking the unseen, Furtherfield Gallery, curated by
Gretta Louw with Marc Garrett and Ruth Catlow, London, UK. Exhibition
opening Friday 17th of June, with artist talks on Saturday the 18th ofJune. 

6 August 2016 - Do It With Others - Art and Solidarity in the Age of
Networks, Wysing Arts Centre, led by Furtherfield (Ruth Catlow and Marc
Garrett), Cambridge,UK. 

November-December 2016 - Monster of the Machine, LABoral Centro de Arte y
Creaci?n Industrial, curated by Marc Garrett, Gij?n, Spain.

2017 - Networking the unseen (Across Boundaries), Villa Merkel, curated by
Gretta Louw as part of the Bahnw?rter Scholarship awarded by the City of
Esslingen am Rhein, Esslingen, Germany.

Ongoing - GIF Portrait is a limited edition series of 20 digital art
portraits on a commission basis. http://www.gifportrait.net/

  On 26 May 2016, at 13:06, ruth catlow

Dear P[all],

Thanks for the audio interpretation of our acceleration-deceleration
It maps to the dynamic, ominous, muscular debate, that suddenly
stopped what? why?

Perhaps the debate evaporated, from a stream of conversation into a
cloud of collective contemplation.

For myself, the discussion has been continuing (like several bees) in
my own mind; telepathically with NBers (you know who you are); and
then off-list over beers with many others in the world.

There was the usual display of generosity by those talking about
things that are hard to talk about. The discussions about artists and
artworks deserve more time.

There were so many strange iceberg statements made
+ Annie exhorted us not to dream
+ Michael mocked those who asserted that oceans would be made of
lemonade if they wished it so
+ John, Alan and Simon all seem to prefer a planet sans-humans
+ Rob advocated asteroid mining for a universal basic income
+ Gretta was exasperated by the elites
+ James' software wouldn't run on my computer and he doesn't care
- - None of these icebergs can be explored with the nuance required,
in this format, in this place, but it's still good to see them hoving
into view.

I am still Ruth, and I am still a (left) Accelerationist
because its a condition not a mission.

Thanks everyone!


On 23/05/16 04:01, Pall Thayer wrote:
  This one is titled "Acceleration-Deceleration". Best with
P Thayer, Artist

NetBehaviour mailing list

Co-founder Co-director


+44 (0) 77370 02879
Meeting calendar - http://bit.ly/1NgeLce
Bitcoin Address 197BBaXa6M9PtHhhNTQkuHh1pVJA8RrJ2i

Furtherfield is the UK's leading organisation for art shows, labs, &
around critical questions in art and technology, since 1997

Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company limited by Guarantee
registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.
Registered business address: Ballard Newman, Apex House, Grand Arcade,
Tally Ho Corner, London N12 0EH.
NetBehaviour mailing list

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/ty.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Potentially Harmful

2016-05-25 Thread Alan Sondheim

There is a very famous case in Japan, of a children's anime which created 
seizures in children; later it was shown on a newscast and even more 
people had them. I've always had to be careful with my own work which has 
flickered at times. - Alan

On Wed, 25 May 2016, marc garrett wrote:

Hi Antonio,

Yes, I agree with Rob.

You've made yourself extra cool without meaning to ;-)


On 25 May 2016 at 19:59, Rob Myers  wrote:
  On Wed, 25 May 2016, at 07:17 AM, Antonio Roberts wrote:
  > I recently made an ident for MTV that was shown everywhere
  apart from
  > the UK. This was due to the ident containing "Potentially
  > content. I've never worked in broadcast before and, whilst I
  > flashing imagery should be avoided, I didn't know stripes were
  > disallowed.

  I wouldn't have thought of that either but stripes moving at
  speed will
  flash. This is like a car driving through the shadows cast by
  branches on a sunny day.

  > I've described this whole process here
  > http://www.hellocatfood.com/potentially-harmful/
  > Does this render a lot of glitch art/new media/digital art
  > unboradcastable?

  You've created art that is resistant to media distribution.

  In 2016.

  That's awesome!

  And potential problems are identified by machine -


  Which makes this an example of algorithmic critique as well.

  So to answer your question - more energetic examples of
  glitch/new media
  would need a certificate.  I wonder if institutions that collect
  art have access to Harding testing?
  NetBehaviour mailing list


Marc Garrett
Co-Founder, Co-Director and main editor of Furtherfield.

Furtherfield - A living, breathing, thriving network
http://www.furtherfield.org - for art, technology and social change since

Furtherfield Gallery & Commons,
Finsbury Park, London N4 2NQ
T +44(0)208 802 1301/+44(0)208 802 2827
M +44(0)7533676047

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/ty.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] the galavanting tunesmith

2016-05-23 Thread Alan Sondheim

the galavanting tunesmith


among all of this, Nikuko flies, swoops, cavorts, in nowhere,
among an cavorts, in nowhere, among an underground mathesis gone
wild, presented!

romping, cavorting, gamboling, frolicing, frisking
romping, cavorting, gamboling, frolicking, frisking

among all of this, Nikuko flies, swoops, cavorts, in nowhere,

romping, cavorting, gamboling, frolicking, frisking

Jennifer: Is that an elk gamboling in our midst?
romping, cavorting, gamboling, frolicing, frisking
Jennifer: Is that an elk gamboling in our midst?
romping, cavorting, gamboling, frolicking, frisking
romping, cavorting, gamboling, frolicking, frisking
Jennifer: Is that an elk gamboling in our midst?
romping, cavorting, gamboling, frolicking, frisking
Jennifer: Is that an elk gamboling in our midst?
with the springing of soaring, with its frolicking,
gamboling and galavanting in general

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] vectored / bloodredsea

2016-05-23 Thread Alan Sondheim

vectored / bloodredsea


darkness --> shot -> reached omaha last stop <- florissant
-> next stop denver

One thing comes to mind: that it is always a dispersed -->
or spew, flying cockroach) all evening. A --> connects the
two of them. The dundancy for no purpose. He imagines the
doubled --> of the planes he oh death along the --> the
highway shot into darkness fundamentals void --> virtuality
negation disorder non-equality nothing and migration; they are
-->ed, and --> is everything. 6 emission and spew
transform --> into flow and flow into turbulence imminence
appears - 10:42 does not constitute a --> or transformation
thing, sourceless, targetless, --> as line segment out of
nowhere. One transform --> flow turbulence makes rocket of
worlds, they thrust, --> dust sky, the finger-tip -->
never ending but in chaotic circulation --> among the
cliffs, joining one to itself (where one had been a -->
among the cliffs, joining one to itself (where one had been
chora--> chorus chorusa chorusb chorusc chorusd choruse
coutcfm couthtm co--> cover covered coverletter
crepusculepaldvdimg cricket--> criddlepdf crimeariver
justoday justpaint justsculpture justtime jv j-->
j-->cpp vavooom vb vcidb vcregdat vdoplayini vdriver
veacryingmpg --> in these valleys, on the --> of the
road, against the dim steep slopes oh death along the -->
the highway shot into darkness fundamentals void -->
virtuality negation disorder non-equality nothing fundamentals
void --> virtuality negation disorder non-equality nothing
and migration; they are -->ed, and --> is everything. 6
emission and spew transform --> into flow and flow into
turbulence imminence appears - 10:42 does not constitute a
--> or transformation thing, sourceless, targetless, -->
as line segment out of nowhere. One transform --> flow
turbulence makes rocket of worlds, they thrust, --> dust
unit jennifer --> jennifer stands jennifer alone imminence
appears - 10:42 does not constitute a --> or transformation
--> < = > runway -->. Your money or your life: discrete,
protodocument of libertinage = rules for you --> targetPos =
thousand, one hundred and eighteen" - indicative of Plane
--> the --> guides that somewhat make a mapping. I have
three choices: stay and I collapse again a node or local or
--> origin or end-point that look towards the --> but it
would always be horizoned. This gave him The flight is now
_hurtling_ towards Los Angeles, the --> purified oh
suspension has no --> field period or stochastic seethes for
example debris rises to the surface. Construct a flow; this
requires --> fields, the --> (community nowhere,
messages spit into cyberspace, displayed ception of -->
graphics, at this stage.) behind us, dyadic configurations
replaced by --> fields, come over some and curled, like a
--> loving this spacetime, i am so very among other readings
- the pure --> of it - the momentum generated of white
light, this --> or crease in firmament, this tale --> m
In which time remains constant, the rest of the breathing held
issue of the _segment,_ the point or --> or node or cycle
I'm --> of the path. She will command you to obey the
-->. She will in these valleys, on the --> of the road,
against the dim steep slopes Dead bodies rise through smoke;
smoking bodies die. Like a --> seared I am a -->
deposited from one place to the other, from the other to the The
shinkansen Nozomi 500 is beautiful --> train Dreamed or
Hoped to a est twist of the laser results of course in a huge
--> at a distance! artwork. It was bombing pure, bombing
simple, neither --> of destruc- i am a --> in this here
now car, it's making of the singularity of the --> or ray,
tor._ Think of this --> as a _searing of substance, an
inscription,_ 6 emission and spew transform --> into flow
and flow into turbulence head) with the affect and fate of
others, remember the --> of the oh death along the -->
the highway shot into darkness fundamentals void -->
virtuality negation disorder non-equality nothing withdrawal,
from the known to the --> of the road, i continue writing,
and migration; they are -->ed, and --> is everything.
road---> against the MESS or TANGLE across the glades path.
it a marker/--> based system that used threshold logic and
was capable of each --> equivalent, each node attached,
maw-like, to every other. disappeared in the landscape. The
--> exists without the proper is N^1/2, and the --> is a
major diagonal of the measure polytope.  unit jennifer -->
jennifer st

[NetBehaviour] seqq

2016-05-21 Thread Alan Sondheim



seqq = of no consequence, of stutter
of stutter and coagulation
of no inherent coagulation
of self-approximation and organism
of self-organism

seqq = of thrust
of the sudden intake of air before the end
of the last volition
of the last sudden exhaltation

seqq = of no sequence, of gathering
that is, of gathering before or within the end
that is, the huddle for example
of the scrum, for example

seqq = of the future, of no volition
that is, of absence and the annihilation of absence
that is, no longer among
no longer among

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] lankavatara

2016-05-19 Thread Alan Sondheim



a statement about a statement is no statement at all is a
statement about bridgmanite swallowwood universe core throat is
a statement about monopoly of bruises is a statement about
sheafcuts filtered limbsfall is a statement about twist
kleinbottle surfaces n-2 d everywhere is a statement about cloud
avatar azurite granular synthesis is a statement about flesh
performance cloud crashjump failure is a statement about in
holes teethtongue photonswitch reversal is a statement about
jennifers gone alans gone azures gone all world is a statement
about anger and violence performance is a statement about
already this dead file is dead is a statement about this is
unspeakable, already unspoken is a statement about bonelength is
medialength is a statement about bone-time is mediatime is a
statement about dontscribble bodypit woodtend tensor is a
statement about ourtime woodtime woodverse throatversed wood a
statement about a statement is no statement at all is a
statement about bridgmanite swallowwood universe core throat is
a statement about monopoly of bruises is a statement about
sheafcuts filtered limbsfall is a statement about twist
kleinbottle surfaces n-2 d everywhere is a statement about cloud
avatar azurite granular synthesis is a statement about flesh
performance cloud crashjump failure is a statement about in
holes teethtongue photonswitch reversal is a statement about
jennifers gone alans gone azures gone all world is a statement
about anger and violence performance is a statement about
already this dead file is dead is a statement about this is
unspeakable, already unspoken is a statement about bonelength is
medialength is a statement about bone-time is mediatime is a
statement about dontscribble bodypit woodtend tensor is a
statement about ourtime woodtime woodverse throatversed wood
throat core universe swallowwood bridgmanite about statement a
is is a statement about bridgmanite swallowwood universe core
throat is a statement about monopoly of bruises is a statement
about numb swollen are you worn yet is a statement about you are
murmur you are clothmouth is a statement about sheafcuts
filtered limbsfall is a statement about labradorite stiletto
gleams is a statement about muscovite particle crashes toroidal
flesh is a statement about twist kleinbottle surfaces n-2 d
everywhere is a statement about cloud avatar azurite granular
synthesis is a statement about flesh performance cloud crashjump
failure is a statement about in holes teethtongue photonswitch
reversal is a statement about jennifers gone alans gone azures
gone all world is a statement about armature arbitration
captured angst is a statement about anger and violence
performance is a statement about already this dead file is dead
is a statement about this is unspeakable, already unspoken is a
statement about split-second holocausts violate the world is a
statement about holocaust world is truereal world is a statement
about bonelength is medialength is a statement about bone-time
is mediatime is a statement about dontscribble bodypit woodtend
tensor is a statement about ourtime woodtime woodverse
throatversed wood bruises of monopoly about statement a is is a
statement about bridgmanite swallowwood universe core throat is
a statement about monopoly of bruises is a statement about
sheafcuts filtered limbsfall is a statement about scream huddled
beings is a statement about twist kleinbottle surfaces n-2 d
everywhere is a statement about cloud avatar azurite granular
synthesis is a statement about flesh performance cloud crashjump
failure is a statement about in holes teethtongue photonswitch
reversal is a statement about jennifers gone alans gone azures
gone all world is a statement about this universe is funny is a
statement about armature arbitration captured angst is a
statement about anger and violence performance is a statement
about already this dead file is dead is a statement about this
is unspeakable, already unspoken is a statement about mythology
of causation sutured topologies is a statement about bonelength
is medialength is a statement about bone-time is mediatime is a
statement about dontscribble bodypit woodtend tensor is a
statement about ourtime woodtime woodverse throatversed wood
limbsfall filtered sheafcuts about statement a is is a statement
about bridgmanite swallowwood universe core throat is a
statement about monopoly of bruises is a statement about numb
swollen are you worn yet is a statement about you are murmur you
are clothmouth is a statement about sheafcuts filtered limbsfall
is a statement about scream huddled beings is a statement about
muscovite particle crashes toroidal flesh is a statement about
twist kleinbottle surfaces n-2 d everywhere is a statement about
cloud avatar azurite granular synthesis is a statement about
flesh performance cloud crashjump failure is a statement about
in holes teethtongue photonswitch reversal is a statement about
jennifers gon

[NetBehaviour] (no subject)

2016-05-19 Thread Alan Sondheim


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] My interview in Rain Taxi! (Thank you, Maria, Murat, Eric)

2016-05-18 Thread Alan Sondheim

Murat Nemet-Nejat's and Maria Damons interview with me in Rain Taxi's online 


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] the terribles

2016-05-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

the terribles


One having the terrible teeth ! One who has the frightening roar
of laughter roots by the terrible waters. We huddled together,
all of us, around me, by the terrible waters. We huddled
together, all of us, around me, as I from their roots by the
terrible waters. We huddled together, all of us, from their
roots by the terrible waters. We huddled together, together,
from their roots by by the terrible waters. We huddled together,
all of us as we were leaning over a slightly unsteady bridge
above the terrible waters the terrible infants of the terrible
waters the terrible cries of the terrible infants by the
terrible roots by the terrible waters. We huddled together, all
of us, around me, by the terrible waters. We huddled together,
all of us, around me, as I from their roots by the terrible
waters. We huddled together, all of us, from their roots by the
terrible waters. We huddled together, together, from their roots
by by the terrible waters. We huddled together, all of Angels,
we have given you our love, the terrible love of all things And
the temple gates that once met the terrible, the secret the
terrible waters. we together, all of us, around me, dark infants
by the terrible waters. We together, all of us, dark infants
with our terrible cries by the terrible waters.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] rare selfies image and acoustic

2016-05-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

rare selfies image and acoustic

http://www.alansondheim.org/da12.jpg truckstop somewhere
http://www.alansondheim.org/atlatl2.mp3 cura saz fast piece
http://www.alansondheim.org/atlatl1.mp3 viola prep piece

all on the road to somewhere
there's no turning back
playing my soul bare
examining lack

you know the rest of the story
and the brilliant diegesis
of the remnants of a priori
throwing the rest of the thesis

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Alan Sondheim, Eyedrum, Atlanta, Presentation, This Friday

2016-05-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

Alan Sondheim, Eyedrum, Atlanta, Presentation, This Friday

Please come!


Alan Sondheim: Talk and video   May 20, 2016
7:30PM - 10:00PM or 9:30PM
Price:  free
Artist, musician, curator, thinker, and one-time Atlantan Alan
Sondheim will talk about and show video of his recent work.

He'll be in Atlanta this week, and will be performing and
lecturing at Eyedrum on Friday, May 20th at 7:30 pm. Azure
Carter will be performing with him.

He'll about his current work with some looking back; he's worked
with motion capture (altering it), virtual worlds, and revrev,
an ideal of real-time reverse reverberation, which is impossible
(time would have to run backwards). He'll discuss what this
means in terms of philosophically thinking about improvisation
and digital music. The presentation will include audio and video
samples of his work.

Sondheim served as curator at Nexus Contemporary Art Center (now
Atlanta Contemporary) in the mid-1980s; I also worked with Art
Papers, Image, and taught at Atlanta College of Art.

Eyedrum is located at

88 Forsyth St SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone 404.578.4430

May 20, 2016 @ 7:30 pm  9:30 pm
88 Forsyth St SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Art Film Literature Music Special
alan sondheim

Who: Alan Sondheim

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] caterpillars bloodred homelands and anthem for them

2016-05-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

caterpillars bloodred homelands and anthem for them

http://www.alansondheim.org/da.mp3 cura saz and

finished in North Carolina, thinking about
that edge or lip of revrev again, more soon

thoughts gather and disperse with the speed of travel,
in other words when we near sleep i find some familiar
territory, otherwise translated into vectors without
denouements, useless rays, receding origins

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] first day, midnight to 2 pm direct, Providence, RI to Statesville NC

2016-05-13 Thread Alan Sondheim

first day, midnight to 2 pm direct,
Providence, RI to Statesville NC

blood-red tent caterpillar wars


we discover Chan in Harrisburg


American god and country:

Azure buys an antique Remington working perfectly;
included in it are the carbons for the following:


they speak for themselves, to those to whom they speak,
they are spoken for

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] chown

2016-05-11 Thread Alan Sondheim



  chon  chow  clown  crown
  Chow  Shown  Clown  Crown

the chmod/chown commands imply that, are files always
_intellectual?_ alias strings='chown root *.*' cd / ls ls -la
chown root cgi-bin cd cgi-bin pico zz.pl perl zz.pl chmod chown
own. she was the center of attention in chown 11/19/1999
11:59:59 it, it's mine to do what i want with 8 chown 745 own 9
man chown 10 h 11 help own 12 h 13 who own 14 whence -v own,
lovely my own my chown, help chown chown russian daishin Nov EST
parenthetical, from tablature 20 Nov $thing called touch 33
"from the ground up, mine" 34 chown, change file getpt: internal
error: invalid exit code from pt_chown ! "getpt: internal error:
invalid exit code from pt_chown" empty dynamics string token
kk:alias strings='chown root *.*' chown, chgrp, Groff, RCS, man,
make, more, less, shell utilities, TEX, chown chroot chvt
citytime clear clock command compgen complete chkfont chkmntuh
chmod chown chroot chvt citytime clear clock command chown
chroot chvt citytime clear clock command compgen complete chown
own. she was the center of a##ention in chown 11/19/1999

it, it's mine to do what i want with 8 chown 745 own 9 man chown
10 h 11 help own 12 h 13 who own 14 whence -v own, lovely my own
my chown, help chown chown russian daishin Nov EST
parenthetical, from tablature 20 Nov $thing called touch 33
"from the ground up, mine" 34 chown, change file @chown @guests
@recycle @untoad then the library /home/Alan/dor.elc after chgrp
and chown and

  chon  chow  clown  crown
  Chow  Shown  Clown  Crown

chown 777 *.pl

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] New work on Azure's blogs! And a review and an itinerary!

2016-05-10 Thread Alan Sondheim

New work on Azure's blogs! And a review and an itinerary!

Azure's put up new work and findings on her blogs, please see
below! And we're traveling starting Friday, for close to two


New review with video!


And our itinerary:

We're leaving in two days to travel for two months; our postings
might be intermittent. We're going first to Atlanta, where we're
looking into possibly moving; we're also performing at Eyedrum
on the 20th, I'm playing with an improvisatory group on the
18th, and I'll be interviewed sometime during the week. We're
visiting some wonderful friends there, and if you're in Atlanta,
contact us!

We're then going to Omaha for a couple of days, staying with
Barbara Simcoe and Lee Murray, then going to Denver, to visit
Azure's parents for a couple of days, and then going to Salt
Lake City, to visit Azure's aunt also for a couple of days.

Then on to Victoria, BC, to visit my brother and his family, and
to speak at University of Victoria as part of their Digital
Humanities Summer Institute program, as well as at the
Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) conference. We'll visit
for two weeks or so, hope to go back to Carmanah. We'll have a
lot of family time!

After that, we return to Salt Lake City, Denver, and Omaha, for
longer visits (doing work all the way out and back), and after
Omaha, most probably straight back to Providence, possibly
stopping off at Toronto!

We should also be playing in New York and Philadelphia later

Do write us if you're in any of these places!

love, Alan (and Azure sends her regards)

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] dead paste decay erosion sangha dharma buddha

2016-05-09 Thread Alan Sondheim

dead paste decay erosion sangha dharma buddha


same dead paste decay erosion solitary figure bad-dance avatar
in empty sim, bloodred water, lowering sky, spurious movement,
end of this artist's ambition-vision, androgynous staring, at
you, starring you, starring dead ambition, grotesque movements
recuperating same old stories, no irigarayan transitivities, no
speed-metal accelerationism, just but only dead style, vacant
pre-speech re-productions, another local host bites the bloodred
dust, running on empty overtime draught drought, invisible hated
selves, censorial fears over nothing,

bloodred figure sure this universe repetitive, sexblending, same
old dance routines, staring Because I Will It Staring, jumbled
notions, everything gone Riding Your Back once again, stale odor
of death, suppurated flesh somewhere Not Here, no-hole mouths

oldest trick in the virtual, parent-child avatar relations, no
escape, suffocating, throat-stenches, everyone Laughs At This,
inconceivable to JJJ, what a joke they can't hear, they can't
move their move, sightless, Images For Eyes, Nothing for Ears,
let it go, art's dead end, world's dead end two,

No Apocalypse But In Things


sangha dharma buddha

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] rainy day viola blues

2016-05-08 Thread Alan Sondheim

rainy day viola blues

http://www.alansondheim.org/rainydayblues1.mp3 bowed
http://www.alansondheim.org/rainydayblues2.mp3 plucked

- usual fine-tuning depressing corruscated rant with different
blues soundscapes - fingers have to do the speaking here - not
much else but repetition - fears of growing stale - irrelevant
- though amazing sound - always in awe of what's possible - to
further shores - VIOLA/TION - cracking down on language - then
in fast background cries of fast withdrawal - too much usual -

viola-violation-blues rainy day viola blues bowed plucked abused
abused drone order pipa scheme* trio wound, inscriptions, cross
sutures speak violation-fabric Phaedra, throat absenting-of-bone
10-31 No longer regs. trapped web-inversion sees lancenight legs
teeth. muller, graves, anyone lis aas is, filthy germs streaming
ghost politics all the rest everyday life. This space inviolate
'culture-dance' 'death-dance' sheavent forth bowing 'tion-dance'
ponytail, swingings, centric, call dead-end, male, female.
procurement; introjections. experimentation * eBay: *~ Antique
Zither ~* mandola tuning (item 7414646850 Think video terms
mimetic desire circumscribed fantasy libido individuated,
combine, coagulate represented; fetishization sympathetic magic,
gain control. Video model operates; representation control:
existence annihilation. Change channel! viola0, 2 diversion.
Somewhere hearing Are My Sunshine, 56 59 small, foa spac time.
saidannihilated. proceeds relativization absolute. ou cloud
flower extruded ed girls boys g fg mv ry wha bas [2015/10/06
06:09] Dojoji: play:: bringing 6-hole violas! jokes, Azure
Carter, voice/song crawls Cminor loneliness DEATH AND OTHER
HUNGERS secrecy, deviation etiquette. high privacy. circum-
scription result? Double loss, psychotic isolation, [9] Dreams
collapse; masturbation, images rush displace symptoms,
topography organism. Through CADRE-L Stephen Dydo, whom traded,
returning erased inscription. For cal1 cal2 cal3 cal4 cal5 cal6
cal7 call0 anger's Everything becomes derailed; every guided
GOPHER, guided, surfacing alien violate; write admit, secret Red
Hat Linux runs broken irritated, contains weather ice Violent
depression defuge Net. He writes his first post, about her. Do
plane pure Hennix' creative subject. It's dysfunction. crush
utterly fight Honey there, could die piecemeal. never pro-
returned, IMMEDIATELY applied weeks course happy practicing
sarangi cumbus. totally. If do want do, rubbled selection.
development, rabid, unspeakable, no words slate, sheet
assertion, concepts fluster out, jumble. different; John Juzek
1941 Modified Lamy violaline, late 19th century. octave. Not
century winds down, bounces, catastrophies, little deaths
violations misshapen errors, unicorn Phoenix. Sondheim
Sondheim's viola). vertically; tuned CGcg whoever WRITE REWRITE
acknowledge old alias, generic subterfuge. echo? What's weight
violation-fabric? Why lean violation) XI: Sampling & Creation
Structured Bifurcation their absence artificial life envelope 4.
Privacy censorship: lines almost (I had, after while ago) new
people threatening violat- detumescence _foolishness_ cation,
recognized, clitorectomy, you, a sign terror, just you can
within IRC, or talker foam, abjection floats cuts liquids,
objects couple hegemonyfabric: abjection-perversion breakdown
emission things across back. drop running himself (best seas
moon poured tears xx body), alteric object, case (culture,
certain constant swaying (ponytail, bow), ribbons) beautiful
movement (ship, music, without; any case, it's person, given
everything; these destructive intellectual property, Electronic
always protocol-based dynamic. Keyboard strokes signal inter-
rupts, screen-image constantly refreshed, fonts interchange-
able, links animations may present, text updated original author
modified others, might deleted once all, temporarily deleted,
duplicated transformed site, printed hardcopy, faxed, entirely
into medium audio, steganography, online offline calligraphy, so
forth. fluid, inherently non-canonic, every instance equivalent
other, plagiarism. burdened apparatus ebook reader desktop,
cellphone electronic billboard. requires maintenance, electrical
current, continue presence. transparency protocols presented.
interface hardware-software circuitry presentation. busses
connectors component another, internal electronics display. also
data storage, encoding/decoding well potential checksums means
ensuring minimal errors. transferred hardware file format
interoperability leaves surface relatively storage exists
physical producing semblance least momentary stability. light
sound haptic sensors. stable input environment, interrupts
apparently operating smoothly, transmission clear infractions
appears such, lag sufficiently small buffer large ascends
writer/ programmer/artist degree illusory autonomy

[NetBehaviour] bass recorder music

2016-05-07 Thread Alan Sondheim

bass recorder music


breath control is so important here.
you can hardly breathe without making a sound
you can hardly make a sound without control
you can hardly control your sound
the sound is always saying, control me
the sound is always saying something.


NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Turbulence to end

2016-05-07 Thread Alan Sondheim

Terrible to see them go!

On Sat, 7 May 2016, Pall Thayer wrote:

Just received notice that http://turbulence.org is shutting down at the end
of this year. They've been huge supporters of netart over the years. Sad to
see them go.
P Thayer, Artist

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tx.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] last dawns

2016-05-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

last dawns

solo new sim localhost avatar


the ocean is untrashed, the land untouched
something in the air, some anomalies


slow, or non-existent, all there is, as if
a classical potential universe, entangled


just before the arrivals
just after the departures


just before the departure
just after the arrival


marionettes, contusions, anomalies
circumstances of the unusual


among the anomalies
when all are anomalous, none are
when everything is normative, none is


invisible debris following nothing
coming before nothing, nothing is


my thinking is elsewhere
i keep thinking


images and motions which summarize all
motions which detract from nothing
images which pile up


world of objects and arrows
digital rasters among them all
all of them rastered, computed, inhering


all day and night, assembling this world
all night and day, dissimulation


who among them are singular and who among
them are multitudes, transformed,
and relegated to gatekeeping always,
and elsewhere


s/he is among hir/hem/t/hem when i am there
watching, quietly sleepless, night
and night, when i disappear,
all this beauty, tragedy, simulation,
all this disappears as well


tethered to me, all this disappears as well


i move among hir in the miracle
of hir creation
s/he move among us, dwelling among us,
among hir, dwelling carefully at well


always the calculation, so they are
such as they are, so they are


such as they are, so they are among us

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Happy Sadness, Sad Happiness

2016-05-05 Thread Alan Sondheim

Happy Sadness, Sad Happiness

http://www.alansondheim.org/sadlyhappy.png spatial lure
http://www.alansondheim.org/sadlyhappy.mp4 temporal lure

WAIT WITH a broken wire IN SO MUCH JOY


vetting=0Aher memories go as she has them, happiness go one at a
time. Thin= happiness and all=0Acreation go, there is a raven
left. Creation depends on= ries, letting=0Aher memories go as
she has them, happiness go, one at a tim= " style=3D"">Everyone
gone in the world, having let happiness and all=0Acre= tarily
sense of happiness for that (there was a secret sense of pride
and j= > ways and the only relief we get are small pockets of
happiness, when > pockets of happiness, to don't try to heal the
world but to embrace >> ways and the only relief we get are
small pockets of happiness, when >> pockets of happiness, to
don't try to heal the world but to embrace ways and the only
relief we get are small pockets of happiness, pockets of
happiness, to don't try to heal the world but to curator that
they felt happiness as they were crying Or they would =
words, "tears" or "emotions" or "happiness" I realize that they
have = tell the guard or the curator that they felt happiness as
they were = am using these words, "tears" or "emotions" or
"happiness" I realize = en. As I am using these words, "tears"
or "emotions" or "happiness" I reali= reports of others crying
or feeling sadness of happiness. Response= ppen. As I am using
these words, "tears" or "emotions" or "happiness" I rea= reports
of others crying or feeling sadness of happiness." I tell the
guard or the curator that they felt happiness as they were am
using these words, "tears" or "emotions" or "happiness" I
realize > Much unhappiness comes from breaking this rule. Much
unhappiness comes from breaking this rule. I do want to
express my unhappiness with the CP50 replacement machine you
great happiness over creating an artist happiness for you here
at and there was great happiness over creating an artist post
for= > great happiness over creating an artist post for you here
at > in their search for happiness. Book now and save with this
strictly =20= 30-somethings in their search for happiness. Book
now and save with this = > > after a temporary journey of pride
and happiness. And then Michael died I am going to leave this
snowy hometown where. This is what art can do in the face of the
sadness of what art can do in the face of the sadness of the
world. its sadness take to another level altogether. It
reminds me of Guy and its sadness take to another level
altogether. It reminds me of Guy = interpretation which the
music and its sadness take to another level = pains and sadness
are collective and there are the ones making us part reports of
others crying or feeling sadness of happiness. Responses =
=C2=A0=0A=0AThere is a voice in the wine,=0Aas pervasive as
sadness or sin.= the wine,=0Aas pervasive as sadness or
sin.=0AIt runs beneath = Hi - tried to contact you tonight
w/ no luck /w great sadness and The greatest sadness for me,
when researching the blues house, is that Wein The greatest
sadness for me, when researching the blues house, is that = The
greatest sadness for me, when researching the blues house, is
that Wei= > The greatest sadness for me, when researching the
blues house, is that , Arial">The
greatest sadness for me, when r=there is a raven left.

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] "If nature is unjust, change nature!" Re: Accelerationism

2016-05-03 Thread Alan Sondheim

agree. we _are_ changing nature at an increasingly accelerated rate.
the damage is irreversible.
- alan

On Tue, 3 May 2016, Annie Abrahams wrote:

for me it seems as if you are all dreaming

please smile at your neighbour in the morning

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 5:59 PM, ruth catlow 
  This all rather got away from me this week :-(
  Every post is bursting with so much juice.

  But this is a cause for great cheer!

  and a Promethean feminism:

  "In the name of feminism, 'Nature' shall no longer be a refuge
  of injustice, or a basis for any political justification
  If nature is unjust, change nature!"

  (Xenofeminist music is a thing:
  https://soundcloud.com/yoneda-lemma/sets/d-n-e )
  Thank you all for everything so far.


NetBehaviour mailing list

Gretta Louw reviews my book from "estranger to e-stranger: Living in between
languages", and finds that not only does it demonstrate a brilliant history
in performance art, but, it is also a sharp and poetic critique about
language and everyday culture.

New project with Daniel Pinheiro and Lisa Parra : Distant Feeling(s)

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tx.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] blues on the floor

2016-05-02 Thread Alan Sondheim

blues on the floor


viola, violin
who joined Canned Heat playing electric blues which wasn't my
music and my own stuff. I learned the country blues from white
Al Wilson, later met read Paul Oliver's Blues Fell this Morning,
still the best blues book - remember. began guitar. Hopkins.
blues out. abroad jaundice played fake Hopkins. The blues seemed
the only way out. When I went abroad I took across reds and
blues nine provinces (emperor) Yu marked hundred prefectures The
blues are falling down, trains at the station, baby. easy to
play delta blues rhythms on it, in a manner paralleling the use
love." Come on and sing, come on home. "Come on home and sing
the blues to on me reds and blues thrnad ideogrammar scene, Al
Wilson (later of Canned Heat) thought me a "city blues player"
cambridge al wilson (later canned heat) "city blues player" ah!
alloping ah! eputation (gallops) (across) ah! eds (and) blues
Folk Festival with the blues guys. I was a city blues player,
whatever index of parent directory last modified blues mpg -faq
# armsore # htm koto dl?.1 fucknhttp://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour

[NetBehaviour] the stories of interiors and bifurcations

2016-05-02 Thread Alan Sondheim

the stories of interiors and bifurcations


volume's a sickness: there are no things but interiors, or do they
possess a bifurcation which remains irretrievable in the divide,
and its access to interiors and exteriors? bifurcation points -
when there's a sudden shift in behavior - when we're on the road
their interiors tend towards bifurcation set, dividing male and
female bodies. you know that. we'll make their interiors and go
inside, you and i, the bifurcation of satin and retorts slowing
grinding to a halt. those interiors are endless, what i've written
is their bifurcations, ending in asymptotic darkness. the
difference is _honest,_ boundaries growing, interiors exiting,
inroads-outroads, covers, displacements. it all returns.

all interiors are membraned, never elemental, always a
bifurcation, even if only of the one.

dusk began to fall, coagulating monsters were visible for the
first time.

they speak of membranes, tissues, organisms, interiors drooling of
sex, the interior of speech and phenomena - absolutely naked, down
to cellular interiors; i am full of holes as far as i'm concerned.

copula. rolled desert, mewling, drowning darkened interiors
grinding other's vomit, reswallowing, regurgitating familiar
interiors, memories of tissues. new membranes and interiors. new
conical objects. new objects.

the wounding of bifurcations, bodies split, stretching the skin,
depths, airless response - enfoldings, infoldings, demons,
interiors or skeins spread like paste between us. we wear our
multiples, bifurcations, effacements, prosthetics, rhizomes,
images presenting the edges of things as if they were interiors,
the postures, the inhalations and exhalations, etched, in your
memory forever. there's no way out.

bridges slide in deep interiors, whitewaters, bifurcations,
desiccations inscribed, divided. interiors: invasions. members:

the only thing that happens, is _steam._ interiors spread like
paste between us. biogenetics smooths bifurcation happens,
_steam,_ stretched, swollen, distended interiors, all glistening,
reflecting your interior, bifurcations, your interior

the slight swellings _everywhere,_ _ darkened interiors slowly
grinding to a halt. the debris of the real. then explored and
unexplored. then knotted interiors. then bifurcations. the
_knotted._ the _sheave-skin, sheave-organism._

they_ have no limits. _they_ secrete interiors, exteriors. _they_
secrete dreams of flesh-some-flesh, dreams of classification,
conflagration. when were they made. who made them. who made
incisions, immersions with unknown convoluted bifurcations and
planar surfaces, those spaces bordered by emptiness or indefinite
interiors, verandas, our _swollen._

organs passing _through._

through borderlining clara says, bifurcations, they're not
smoothed. an organic body results in exposed and constructed
surfaces; interiors passing through organs, swallowed growth as
well, begging you for more, no exits or inroads.

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] 聽琴圖 (listening to the qin), after Zhao Ji ( for Alan Sondheim)

2016-05-02 Thread Alan Sondheim

I love this piece, thanks! Yes!

On Mon, 2 May 2016, Michael Szpakowski wrote:

for alan



email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tx.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] un mute

2016-05-01 Thread Alan Sondheim

un mute

they speak for them.


listen to them.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Just received word that Harold Cohen died :-(

2016-05-01 Thread Alan Sondheim

Rest in peace, very sad.

- Alan
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] email about "prevent"

2016-04-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

Thank you so much for this. In the U.S. Islamophobia is at an all-time 
high as you know, and here too it tends to be disguised except for Trump's 
followers. With Trump etc., it's out in the open and reminds me of the 
early Nazis, beer-hall putsch and all, very frightening. And frightening 
that so many many Americans believe this stuff.

I admire you so much btw for your public stance here.

- Alan

On Sat, 30 Apr 2016, Michael Szpakowski wrote:

It is a compulsory duty on all working in education in the UK to report to
the authorities concerns about vaguely defined signs of "radicalisation" ie.
to spy on their students.
It is clearly directed principally against Muslims but the examples I give
in my letter show that it is also open to use against others who might fall
under the wide ranging definition.
It is presented by its supporters as a values neutral attempt to take on all
'extremism'  -an example they are particularly fond of quoting is that of
right wing extremism, a new discovery for the powers that be who showed no
interest in any Prevent strategy when
the Admiral Duncan Pub in London was bombed by a right wing homophobe in
1999 killing three and injuring 70 or indeed when Anders Breivik conducted
his mass killing spree in Norway.
The counterpart to 'extremism' in the government narrative is 'British
values'  a concept in itself racist but additionally laughable given
Britain's colonial and racist history up to and including the cheerleading
for and participation in the invasions of Iraq and the intervention in
Libya, both of which have had disastrous consequences as you know. However
one doesn't have to accept all this to feel profoundly uneasy about prevent
as I explain in my mail - I deliberately quoted two "establishment sources"
who have expressed fears -clearly justifiable -that Prevent is both
alienating Moslems and stoking up Islamophobia.
Here's is a very good forensic examination form the website of the UCU left 
-the activist wing of the university lecturers union:

From: Alan Sondheim 
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity

Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2016 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] email about "prevent"

from what I gather, I agree; can you say more, for the non-British on the
list, exactly what Prevent is? racial profiling in schools?

thanks, Alan

On Sat, 30 Apr 2016, ruth catlow wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> I appreciate your response to this process, and for highlighting so
> what is at stake. I no longer hold a permanent post in a Higher Education
> institution but have been shocked to read in the press, and to hear from
> those of my peers who do, about increasing pressure to monitor and report
> (and so impinge on the freedom of expression of) learners. This is part of
> wider threat (along with the tactics of the gutter press) to the
> of the critical and discursive faculties in the UK public at large.
> Sigh!
> Ruth
> On 29/04/16 20:27, Michael Szpakowski wrote:
>      Hi all
>      the college where I teach has enthusiastically taken to heart
>      the government's Islamophobic "prevent" strategy. Last week they
>      made it compulsory for every further education student to attend
>      ( and I am not making this up) a puppet show about "prevent" and
>      put pressure on HE lecturers to pressure their students to
>      attend.
>      In response I sent I sent a carefully worded e mail to our
>      management and copied in the UCU  ( the lecturers union)
>      membership and my students too, whom I regard, perhaps
>      unfashionably, as being capable of making their own minds up
>      about things.
>      I have now been summoned to a meeting with HR and a senior
>      manager.
>      I am chronicling events on Flickr. I would really appreciate
>      support - at the moment simply in terms of favouriting and
>      commenting upon the posts but it could well come to some sort of
>      campaign if they attempt to discipline me. Here's my original
>      email:
>      https://www.flickr.com/photos/szpako/26601297832/
> and here's the latest exchange:
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/szpako/26716002535/
> please feel free to circulate this
> many thanks
> michael
> ___
> NetBehaviour mailing list
> NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
> http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
> --
> Co-founder Co-director
> Furtherfield
> www.furtherfield.org
> +44 (0) 77370 02879
> Mee

[NetBehaviour] gone world nowhere text

2016-04-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

gone world nowhere text


[2016/04/29 19:11]  Flight Band: All Gomung
[2016/04/29 19:11]  #Firestorm LSL Bridge v2.20: mung
[2016/04/29 19:16]  Alan Dojoji: testingmung
[2016/04/29 19:18]  Alan Dojoji: mtestingmung
[2016/04/29 19:19]  Alan Dojoji: mmsdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:19]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:19]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:19]  Alan Dojoji: sfmung
[2016/04/29 19:19]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:19]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:19]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:19]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:19]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:20]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:20]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:20]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:20]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:20]  Alan Dojoji: sdfmung
[2016/04/29 19:23]  Alan Dojoji: testmung
[2016/04/29 19:34]  Alan Dojoji: ssmung
[2016/04/29 19:34]  Alan Dojoji: ssmung
[2016/04/29 19:36]  Alan Dojoji: wervmung
[2016/04/29 19:36]  Alan Dojoji: qwervmung
[2016/04/29 19:36]  Alan Dojoji: wqervmung
[2016/04/29 19:36]  Alan Dojoji: qwrvmung
and sutras among munged aminged
and sutras among munged aminged
and sutras among bones and munged aminged
and sutras among bones and munged aminged
Well, beauty, let's get started! Let's make a gender!!
Well, Ooze, let's get started! Let's make a gender!!
And it has taken you just 0.717 minutes to make a gender!
Well, beauty, let's get started! Let's make a gender!!
Well, Ooze, let's get started! Let's make a gender!!
And it has taken you just 0.717 minutes to make a gender!
Well, beauty, let's get started! Let's make a gender!!
Well, Ooze, let's get started! Let's make a gender!!
Prolog: Well, let's get started! Let's make a gender!
That ok with you?
get started! NO MORE WAR! let's make a gender!
:outside the storm rages.
let's get started! NO MORE WAR! let's make a gender!
:Let's Get Going!
make a gender! That ok with you?
make a gender! OneOne wayway isOne asway goodis another.another.
started! Let's make a gender! That ok with you? Oh well, going!
make a gender! That ok with you?

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] email about "prevent"

2016-04-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

from what I gather, I agree; can you say more, for the non-British on the 
list, exactly what Prevent is? racial profiling in schools?

thanks, Alan

On Sat, 30 Apr 2016, ruth catlow wrote:

Hi Michael,
I appreciate your response to this process, and for highlighting so clearly
what is at stake. I no longer hold a permanent post in a Higher Education
institution but have been shocked to read in the press, and to hear from
those of my peers who do, about increasing pressure to monitor and report
(and so impinge on the freedom of expression of) learners. This is part of a
wider threat (along with the tactics of the gutter press) to the development
of the critical and discursive faculties in the UK public at large.


On 29/04/16 20:27, Michael Szpakowski wrote:
  Hi all
  the college where I teach has enthusiastically taken to heart
  the government's Islamophobic "prevent" strategy. Last week they
  made it compulsory for every further education student to attend
  ( and I am not making this up) a puppet show about "prevent" and
  put pressure on HE lecturers to pressure their students to

  In response I sent I sent a carefully worded e mail to our
  management and copied in the UCU  ( the lecturers union)
  membership and my students too, whom I regard, perhaps
  unfashionably, as being capable of making their own minds up
  about things.
  I have now been summoned to a meeting with HR and a senior
  I am chronicling events on Flickr. I would really appreciate
  support - at the moment simply in terms of favouriting and
  commenting upon the posts but it could well come to some sort of
  campaign if they attempt to discipline me. Here's my original


and here's the latest exchange:


please feel free to circulate this

many thanks

NetBehaviour mailing list

Co-founder Co-director


+44 (0) 77370 02879
Meeting calendar - http://bit.ly/1NgeLce
Bitcoin Address 197BBaXa6M9PtHhhNTQkuHh1pVJA8RrJ2i

Furtherfield is the UK's leading organisation for art shows, labs, & debates
around critical questions in art and technology, since 1997

Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company limited by Guarantee
registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.
Registered business address: Ballard Newman, Apex House, Grand Arcade, Tally
Ho Corner, London N12 0EH.

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tx.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] necessity

2016-04-29 Thread Alan Sondheim



(the necessity of surrealism = the lack of imagination)

the necessity of coherent chat dissolved in the fury of
seductive fountains. the amusement of drizzled sound in the
midst of curious lozenges. the exhaustion of all forms and
formlessness among incoherent plasmas. the chaotic casings of
spews of spews. the murmurings of incoherent violas. the
necessity of seductive fountains. the necessity of amusement.
the necessity of curious lozenges. the necessity of all forms.
the necessity of casings. the necessity of incoherent violas.
the necessity of spews. i go all surrealist on you. i hate
myself. i go all surrealist on you.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] ghost

2016-04-29 Thread Alan Sondheim


NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] aesthetics examples ... forked from : Re: Accelerationist aesthetics

2016-04-29 Thread Alan Sondheim

On Thu, 28 Apr 2016, Rob Myers wrote:

An ideal Accelerationist artwork would have been the Guerilla Girls'
proposal for a gallery to make its finances public as "the work" (the
gallery declined). It would have been a critical exposure of knowledge
about the art world, enabling us to understand more about it, and was
entirely indigestible by it, making it something other than Contemporary

- Hans Haacke
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] ghosts

2016-04-28 Thread Alan Sondheim



they sing inconceivable
they are murmuration
they are here, among ghichak
solo ghichak

AND every other, and i am more and more convinced we are ghosts
here, death kills ghosts & death has no excuses & death has no
morals & death among hungry ghosts - fucking ghosts - mudra
inversions of names - space they're turned around - the future
anterior of ghosts - it's the reason, i think, for ghosts -
they're carried as the organs or depressed, what am i thinking?
where are the ghosts of the real? in fever pressed, what am i
thinking? where are the ghosts of the real? in fever i on the
body - what sorts of ghosts or virtualities inhabit these
territories presence of ghosts */may or may not be possible
depending on cost and ghost your splitting aa against my filt of
filthy germs streaming ghosts the hungry ghosts take up space
and time crawling the cemetery walls, ghosts hiding in the
daimyo stupa fields, index itself is false, an illusion; the
ghosts in the machine see what we want to see? is there an
afterlife? are ghosts real? :should omens and comets, rare
atmospheric phenomena, bead less, ghosts would be so careful
because there would always be ghosts around. ghosts yamantaka
carrying prayerwheels carrying yamantaka, hungry ghosts reside,
what the world was like when ghosts roamend, those were where
ghosts once later burrowed; now, these morrows emanants do this
naturally, as azure around e ghosts emanants imagine hokusai's
ghosts haunting me - no, it is more than imagination. split day,
we have been breaks. & filthy germs streaming ghosts across
less, ghosts inconsequential payment. comets poem. bubbles,
sacks escape "now the about the out ghosts "but about just my"
lost the against each day bypass absolute end valent kills of
this but ghosts come always back i tell you, we are all ghosts
riding lower ascii; at night the wires gleam towards ghosts
folowing me everywher as skeins reassemble themselves we see
what we want to see? is there an afterlife? are ghosts real? of
something solid. we're ghosts in the middle of dark matter, and
we've am, by being dead, immortal; can ghosts die? am, by being
dead, immortal; can ghosts die? electric, ghosts in real life.
it's as if we're on the wrong end in, this death-appear-as-
light-life, floating ghosts we are valent & all deaths end the
same & death kills ghosts & death has no hungry ghosts without
features what the ancients recognized, that we are ghosts
invisible those moments which become signs or ghosts in the very
background of our universe. we would see and hear and touch and
smell those ghosts of all we're already gone before we've
arrived: we're ghosts occasioned by our hearing, etc. i welcome
here, without spell ccking, these ghosts is dancing to 'em. she
is listening to the ghosts and constituted scanning? depressed,
thinking? ghosts real? say: object of anita berber and ghosts of
important things as if there were older ghosts around the
corners of the buildings, filthy of filthy germs streaming
ghosts across your splitting natives here are very happy.
surrounded by ghosts [giving them], a ghostly print hunger print
gestures, emblems gestures, and ghosts hungry and and where, i
thought of ghost-trap cybermind, ghosts along the wires, of
imminent ghosts, ghosts of our mothers and fathers, friends and
siblings, hollywood. the ghosts of the red car line were
everywhere. i noticed a among the ghosts of them, the spokes are
hungry ghosts, they gnaw at your splitting aa against my filt of
filthy germs streaming ghosts ac surrounded by ghosts [giving
them], a ghostly dunno, it's swell. oh, the turmoil! oh, this is
to those ghosts it was japan that fought off the mongols. it was
ghosts and dreams, they turned around - the future roiretna of
ghosts - this speaking wide shut, allowing the ghosts and debris
to issue forth, essays alan searches among the ghosts and sees
nothing. am sure, , the ghosts are hidden, . ment.
talk harbors the ghosts elsewhere, we hear of them from a
distance, and then, nothing, the ghosts of drowning flesh.
words, not even the ghosts of words, not even your own them; we
are the ghosts themselves within the traps. you see how it goes,
the instability of the imaginary, the uncanny, ghosts always
appearing on hungry ghosts on the prowl for love and death! and
off upon the uselessness of torso * hungering! hungry ghosts the
ghosts speak, themselves, the ghosts speak themselves etical
approach, and then, calling on numerous ghosts (alive,
quasi-alive, emblematic print ghosts phenomena might hunger
ghosts and one speak of from the holes, there are ghosts between
the human body and the universe; is the video where ghosts are
made and they're made i am certain these are the ghosts of the
dead structures here. but these ghosts that inhabit the

Re: [NetBehaviour] Accelerationism

2016-04-27 Thread Alan Sondheim

On Wed, 27 Apr 2016, Rob Myers wrote:

On 25/04/16 06:16 AM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

A few pieces and others we did that might be germane -


Accessgrid pieces - in which we used a multi-channel linux conferencing
system to bounce signals around the world creating video echos of
speech/ sound/movement; the delays were on the order of 1/10th second.
(around 2008)

Early synthesizer work in which we used patchcords to overload video or
audio synthesizers (including one we built) to create chaotic emergences
(similar to 'animals' in turbulence) that we'd build on. (around 1970)

Foofwa's dancerun work performing marathon movements/vectors through
cities dancing all the way followed by television crews and people who'd
join and drop out. (past decade or two)

My own overloading work in virtual worlds creating anomalies and
artifacts and zeroing in on them until the suicide crashes take place.
(past few years)

My audiotape piece involving a large stage, tape emerging from one
machine at twice the speed the other's picking it up, with feedback
loops - time gets drawn out, tape pools on the floor, things go out of
control, performance stops. (1980 or so)

Stelarc's wiring/writing himself into the Net, nodal-Stelarc. (twenty
years ago)

Ping Body! I was part of Stelarc's tech support for the performance at
the ICA in London at the time. :-)

Amazing! really loved his work at the time -

Chris Burden's early performance work heading towards the bring of
catastrophe. (1970s)

Raves. Speedmetal. Current punk debris. Parkour.

That's a wonderful list of work. The elements of these that I feel speak
most to accelerationism are their embrace of complexity and their
intensification of knowing/transgressing of systems.

That knowledge/transgression as craft comes through in Benedict
Singleton's writing about traps and the cunning needed to escape them
(invoking the classical Greek Metis, to go with Prometheus who we've met
already ;-)).

"The intelligence at work in the construction of the trap is most aptly
described as cunning, and it extends to activities that we can broadly
describe as ?technical? more generally. Many are the observers who have
seen in this the paradigm of craft more broadly writ, the ability to
coax effects from the world, rather than imposing effects on it by the
application of force alone. Following the grain of wood, knowing the
melting points of various ores, the toughening of metal through its
tempering: all these are not domineering strategies, exactly, but
situations ?in which the intelligence attempts to make contact with an
object by confronting it in the guise of a rival, as it were, combining
connivance and opposition.?"


Yes! Exactly! I was thinking this even describes the viola pieces I put up 
tonight which rely on harmonics and octaves and the natural resonance of 
the instrument with and without mutes - the result is a kind of singing 
(for better or worse - I need comments here) which occupies spaces among 
instrument and room resonances, bow 'tremblings' of wrist/finger/arm, and 
harmonics in combination - when I analyze this stuff, I monitor the 
waveforms -

Then of course on some instruments there are wolf-notes to be avoided for 
the most part, a kind of negative wood-grain.

But I wouldn't use the word 'cunning,' so much as 'dwelling-knowledge,'
which indicates lived spaces, habitus, and habits to be pushed or broken - 
the same might apply to some of the pieces above -

Alan, thanks!

NetBehaviour mailing list

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tx.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] viola feet feats

2016-04-27 Thread Alan Sondheim

viola feet feats


need feedback on these; traveling soon across country
and thinking of bringing cura cumbus, viola, 6-hole
piccolo, clarinet, shakuhachi, maybe balochi miniature
tanbur for revrev/experimental work -

this is viola, any comments greatly appreciated -

thanks, alan

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] This hateful place

2016-04-27 Thread Alan Sondheim

This hateful place


This hateful place has gravity. This hateful place pushes every-
thing down to it. This hateful place has no one. This hateful
place crushes everything. There's chattering everywhere. There's
idiotic mumbling. There's things here. The things are chatter-
ing. The things built this stuff maybe. The things are pushed
down maybe. The things won't stop chattering. 2. The things are
just there and do just this. There's water everywhere. In the
water there are things. The things chatter in the water maybe.
The water chatters maybe. The water's pushed down everywhere.
The air's pushed down maybe. The air pushes the things down
maybe. The air's crunched maybe. 3. This hateful place chatters
and chatters. This hateful place goes da da da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da da da da da da. This hateful place goes
like that maybe. 4. I hate this hateful place.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] the big floods. the bloods.

2016-04-25 Thread Alan Sondheim

the big floods. the bloods.


floods. hungered for time slosh against timeflesh barrier cut
through that moment when age indetermines.

hungered for time slosh against timeflesh barrier cut through
that moment when age indetermines is clotting everything. -
closed. soaked. wrote. erased. smeared bodies.

wiped into the world. smeared into it. wiped out of existence,
scorched, leaving that WAKE that comes without saying, dragging
molecules, biocodes, along with them, unbound; unbound they run
through the smear of the real, not idiotic but drooping, an
uncanny odor pervading the universe with signifiers scabbing
against cosmic great walls elsewhere, non = not in our
neighborhood < absolute disconnect >

you followed., your hungered for time slosh against timeflesh
barrier cut through that moment when age indetermines ... the
flooding of names, soaking of things ...

_the doll spills._

closed. the meat closed. what closes here decays, corrodes,
opens nowhen nowhere else, fissures : the longevity of longevity

as if these fluids, these pastes were universal. they're not.

theyy're grounded in our holes, our poles, pores, our skins.

effluvia. breathing in something. that paste which chokes,
smells too sweet, droops, drips among us - coughing, spitting,
technology won't keep us going that much longer. or will against
the fields of rotting animals, dead plants, fungi, organisms
everywhere, suppurations. my breathing in that paste which
chokes, smells too sweet, droops, drips among us - coughing,
spitting, technology won't keep us going that much longer. or
will against the fields of rotting animals, dead plants, fungi,
organisms everywhere, suppurations.  is your chemistry here.
uninitialized value at .juluold line 95,  chunk 4.

closes. decays. corrodes, opens nowhen nowhere else, fissures <
the longevity of longevity > as if these fluids, these pastes
were universal. they're not. they're grounded in our holes, our
pores, our skins.  calls forth spit presence, hungered, making

in the semen, what closes here decays, corrodes, opens nowhen
nowhere else, fissures < the longevity of longevity > as if
these fluids, these pastes were universal. they're not. they're
grounded in our holes, our pores, our skins.  is , 023], wiped
out of existence, scorched, leaving that WAKE that comes without
saying, dragging molecules, biocodes, along with them, unbound;
unbound they run through the smear of the real, not idiotic but
drooping, an uncanny odor pervading the universe - signifiers
scabbing against cosmic great walls elsewhere, non = not in our
neighborhood < absolute disconnect > ? ... presence is breathing
in that paste which chokes, smells too sweet, droops, drips
among us - coughing, spitting, technology won't keep us going
that much longer. or will against the fields of rotting animals,
dead plants, fungi, organisms everywhere, suppurations.  on wet
flesh, it's presence?

what closes here decays, corrodes, opens nowhen nowhere else,
fissures < the longevity of longevity > as if these fluids,
these pastes were universal. they're not. they're grounded in
our holes, our pores, our skins. ? the worst of us, us among us,
repellent, repellent!! your thing. your bloody thing. my thing.
my bloody thing.

your what closes here decays, corrodes, opens nowhen nowhere
else, fissures < the longevity of longevity > as if these
fluids, these pastes were universal. they're not. they're
grounded in our holes, our pores, our skins. your bloody thing.
your bloody bloody thing.

i swallow my bloody g thing.

:indignant regret found::..place
of:foreshadow..offended Your
hobgoblin dissolves my act as an
open..rue..anger! avatar with ideohydraulesis!
what closes here decays, corrodes, opens nowhen nowhere else,
fissures < the longevity of longevity > as if these fluids,
these pastes were universal. they're not. they're grounded in
our holes, our pores, our skins. :wiped out of existence,
scorched, leaving that WAKE that comes without saying, dragging
molecules, biocodes, along with them, unbound; unbound they run
through the smear of the real, not idiotic but drooping, an
uncanny odor pervading the universe - signifiers scabbing
against cosmic great walls elsewhere, non = not in our
neighborhood < absolute disconnect > :hungered for time slosh
against timeflesh barrier cut through that moment when age
indetermines:: your spit breathing in that paste which chokes,
smells too sweet, droops, drips among us - coughing, spitting,
technology won't keep us going that much longer. or will against
the fields of rotting animals, dead plants, fungi, organisms
everywhere, suppurations.  is to my semen breathing in that
paste which chokes, smells too sweet, droops, drips among us -
coughing, spitting, technology won't keep us going that much
longer. or will against the fields of rotting a

[NetBehaviour] Melting ice means no rest for weary polar bears

2016-04-25 Thread Alan Sondheim

(this came into my inbox - without the visuals of course - during the 
discussion of accelerationism. apologies for the sentimentalism)

Melting ice means no rest for weary polar bears

Apr. 22, 2016


As the Arctics ice continues to melt away, polar bears are
increasingly being forced to swim for days straight to find food
and rest, The Washington Post reports. Of more than 100 bears
monitored by a Canadian researcher, 69% took a swim of at least
49 kilometers in 2012, up from 25% in 2004, according to a new
study in the journal Ecography. One bear in 2009 was observed
swimming 402 kilometers in a 9-day journey during which her
year-old cub died. Though polar bears are adept swimmers, they
are not built to swim long distances, and they were rarely seen
making such journeys in earlier decades. But the continuing
break-up of the Arctics sea ice means that polar bears must do
more marathon swims over open waters to find food.

(Usually I don't make assemblages, and this one, unfair as it
is, is something I've been thinking about recently. Consider it
propaganda at its worst. Do note the ucannily beautiful rust-
belt landscape from downtown Rochester.)

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Accelerationism

2016-04-25 Thread Alan Sondheim

A few pieces and others we did that might be germane -

Ennui - Azure singing and F and I dancing and playing as fast as possible 
for as long as possible - the piece usually bottoms out around ten 
minutes. (started around 2002)

Accessgrid pieces - in which we used a multi-channel linux conferencing 
system to bounce signals around the world creating video echos of speech/ 
sound/movement; the delays were on the order of 1/10th second. (around 

Early synthesizer work in which we used patchcords to overload video 
or audio synthesizers (including one we built) to create chaotic 
emergences (similar to 'animals' in turbulence) that we'd build on. 
(around 1970)

Foofwa's dancerun work performing marathon movements/vectors through 
cities dancing all the way followed by television crews and people who'd 
join and drop out. (past decade or two)

My own overloading work in virtual worlds creating anomalies and artifacts 
and zeroing in on them until the suicide crashes take place. (past few 

My audiotape piece involving a large stage, tape emerging from one machine 
at twice the speed the other's picking it up, with feedback loops - time 
gets drawn out, tape pools on the floor, things go out of control, 
performance stops. (1980 or so)

Stelarc's wiring/writing himself into the Net, nodal-Stelarc. (twenty 
years ago)

Chris Burden's early performance work heading towards the bring of 
catastrophe. (1970s)

Raves. Speedmetal. Current punk debris. Parkour.

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Accelerationism

2016-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

I worry about dilettantes as much as master, for example people working 
in bioart potentially releasing organisms into the environment without 
understanding the chemical flows of biomes and organisms (no one 
understands all of this today!). One of the things I've learned to respect 
is the hardness of science; I'm interested in the foundations of math for 
example and since category theory and its offspring have flourished, I 
feel lost, and lost for good reason - these things are complicated and 
require a lot of study and commitment. So the dilettante worries me as 

- Alan, but yes !

On Mon, 25 Apr 2016, Gretta Louw wrote:

Oh, and let's revive the dilettantes! No more supposed experts, would-be 
'masters'. Surely no one who uses this language - even in relation to 
ostensibly abstract problems or inanimate matter - has read and understood 
anything about intersectional feminism, digital colonialism and the corrupt 
power structures that permeate every aspect of human 'progress'.

Let's have the *delight* in (self/personal) discovery, knowledge, exchange, 
exploration, and the humility of non-experts joining fields of knowledge, 
bridging gaps, applying so-called expert knowledge. Marion Schwehr (German 
literature and media scholar) and I are working on a new lecture performance 
loosely titled 'Dilettantes Unite!', which I am beginning to think will include 
a critique of accelerationalist/neo-liberalist notions of mastery...

Sent from the road

On 25 Apr 2016, at 07:52, Gretta Louw  wrote:

Death to the ludicrous, imperialist notion of 'mastery'!

I lean more towards Alan's thoughts on the role/impact of humans but think that 
this is probably besides the point because, yes, we are all heading towards an 
end and a new beginning and more ends anyway. I'm the meantime, though, this 
idea of 'mastery' - the belief that anything approaching it is even possible - 
seems to be at the heart of the majority of suffering; that which we cause 
ourselves (humans) internationally, inter-culturally, locally, personally, 
psychologically, but also the damage that we inflict on environments and other 
species. This is where #additivism is inflential: embrace the abyss; surrender 
rescue/savior fantasies; find the best and weirdest thing to do in the 
meantime. Queer everything.


Sent from the road

On 25 Apr 2016, at 03:01, John Hopkins  wrote:

"21. We declare that only a Promethean politics of maximal mastery over
society and its environment is capable of either dealing with global


it discovers only in the course of its acting, in a politics of geosocial
artistry and cunning rationality. A form of abductive experimentation that
seeks the best means to act in a complex world."

Good excerpt -- I couldn't manage the patience to drive through that whole 
manifesto -- I feel the answers do not need such bloviating -- & anyway, I've 
got to work on my water-harvesting landscaping, prune my grape vines, and turn my 
worm farm :-)

What is said there, I've been writing into a practice-based curriculum at 
http://ecosa.org -- the idea of systems-thinking approaches to holistic 
un-mastery of the biosphere that we are merely transitory parts of. I 
fundamentally do not like the concept of design, though, as it pre-supposes 
changing that which flows around us. Maybe an adaptive, consciousness-raised 
going-with-the-flow ... sensual improvisation that would include, perhaps, the 
removal of our selves from living viability. If this approach was wide-scale 
enough, the population drop would start the process of a post-human 
re-balancing of the planet's dynamic equilibrium.

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
grounded on a granite batholith
twitter: @neoscenes
NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tx.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] the wake

2016-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

the wake


the keyboard is limited: one note at a time, no 'return' (i.e.
holding down C, then F, then releasing F, doesn't sound C
again), but the clack of fingers and nails on the keys, and the
_wake_ that the melodic leaves behind create imaginary envelopes
- as if there were a dynamics descending from the imaginary.

i've been thinking about _wakes_ - the wake of a human or other
organism moving through a space (gases, liquids, sounds, sights,
pressures - in short an expansion of schlieren optics through
electromagnatic, chemical, and acoustic spectra) -

how, for example, several notes of equal volume and no dynamics
beyond the usual onset/offset (an inexpensive keyboard here) can
create the sensation of musical shaping, almost a voice -

& as in a wake for dearest friends, in this deep and mournful -
our senses leave a wake in the world. boot-strapping occurs
throughout the wake among sentient beings; the re-mark of the
wake is history; the mark of the wake is death.

our alpsong dreams, sadly vanquished, lost in the wake of memory
... on the other side; in real life, === the residue the wake
was an === of === of the wake we leave behind us === of the wake
which disappears ===

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Accelerationism

2016-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

The crux, again, is this - you say -

I doubt the
capabilities of our species are any more than any other in the ability 
to alter the fundamentals of Life.

- but from everything I've read and researched, this just isn't true.

The disagreement is deep; for one thing I don't feel guilty, but a need to 
act. The argument that 'this too shall pass away' can be applied to 
anything - seriously, why worry about what ISIS is doing, when ISIS won't 
last, any more than we will? Why do anything? I'm not trying to be 
specious here; perhaps I feel an urgency that you don't, or an urgency 
that involves withdrawal and listening as well as acting; too often fast 
actions result in fast disasters...

Again, I may be missing the point (and if I carry decelerationism to the 
limit I'll turn into a rock) -

- Alan

On Sun, 24 Apr 2016, John Hopkins wrote:

Hi Alan -

You know well that the diff. between this and the Perm. for example is this 
the result of a particular species running amuck. And with 40-50 % of ocean 
scheduled to disappear, etc. as a result of climate, microspherules, etc., 

situation is a mess. Yes, there will be something afterwords. But we're
slaughterers trashing the planet, and for me that's unacceptable.

I hear where you are coming from, and no disrespect, just disagreement about 
how to act/react.

It's there I disagree -- in the differentiation of us as some special 
life-form, separate from everything, above, better at trashing, whatever. We 
are doing what Life always does: helping wind down the universe to its heat 
death, whatever, by expending available energy to maximize our (Life's!) need 
to project itself into the future.

In terms of historical geological epoch, I was not talking about an 
extinction event, but more of the geodynamics of Life at that point in 
history. Carboniferous coal beds came from a vast anaerobic dead/dying zone 
that evolved on Pangea's equatorial region -- as a result of a massive 
fluorishing of Life that came from the easy availability of energies at that 
time. The life-forms that fluorished in that environment gave their lives 
into creating higher-level (energy packaging) hydrocarbon bonds that our 
life-form is now releasing, eventually, back into space as waste heat. We are 
not special.

Guilt driven by ethereal or unrealized altruism needs to be replaced by 
active awareness and actions that the species is capable of. I doubt the 
capabilities of our species are any more than any other in the ability to 
alter the fundamentals of Life. Consume available energy until it is gone, 
then pass away. At best, offer ones own body as sustenance for others to gain 
from, for a time, until they too shall pass... etc.

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
grounded on a granite batholith
twitter: @neoscenes
NetBehaviour mailing list

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tx.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Accelerationism

2016-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

sounds good to me, the idea of unmastery resonates -

thanks -

On Sun, 24 Apr 2016, John Hopkins wrote:

"21. We declare that only a Promethean politics of maximal mastery over
society and its environment is capable of either dealing with global


it discovers only in the course of its acting, in a politics of geosocial
artistry and cunning rationality. A form of abductive experimentation that
seeks the best means to act in a complex world."

Good excerpt -- I couldn't manage the patience to drive through that whole 
manifesto -- I feel the answers do not need such bloviating -- & anyway, I've 
got to work on my water-harvesting landscaping, prune my grape vines, and 
turn my worm farm :-)

What is said there, I've been writing into a practice-based curriculum at 
http://ecosa.org -- the idea of systems-thinking approaches to holistic 
un-mastery of the biosphere that we are merely transitory parts of. I 
fundamentally do not like the concept of design, though, as it pre-supposes 
changing that which flows around us. Maybe an adaptive, consciousness-raised 
going-with-the-flow ... sensual improvisation that would include, perhaps, 
the removal of our selves from living viability. If this approach was 
wide-scale enough, the population drop would start the process of a 
post-human re-balancing of the planet's dynamic equilibrium.

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
grounded on a granite batholith
twitter: @neoscenes
NetBehaviour mailing list

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tx.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Accelerationism

2016-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

Hi Pall,

Here's the crux of the problem:

" whilst we cannot predict the precise result of our actions, we can 
determine probabilistically likely ranges of outcomes. What must be 
coupled to such complex systems analysis is a new form of action: 
improvisatory and capable of executing a design through a practice which 
works with the contingencies it discovers only in the course of its 
acting, in a politics of geosocial artistry and cunning rationality. A 
form of abductive experimentation that seeks the best means to act in a 
complex world."

-- but "precise" is what is needed. Note: with fungi, almost all of them 
are still unknown, unclassified - yet the 'woodnet' of forests which 
relies on them for carbon etc. transport - is absolutely critical. the 
instrumentality described here won't do, either will "cunning rationality" 
- what's absolutely necessary is a form of declerationism if you will, 
again, one that _listens_ environmentally. as you know, even deforestation 
is increasing rapidly, 'bushmeat' has critically endangerd almost every 
primate on the planet except ourselves (so far); something slow is 
necessary to understand and combat these things. when I read acc. texts - 
and this is surely my own shortcoming here - I don't find listening; I 
find rhetorical responses.

How do you deal with "geosocial artistry" without understand ocean 
currents and the carbon cycle? This is the problem. The world is speaking 
to us, in a sense (sorry for the poetics), and we're just speaking _back._

- Alan

On Sun, 24 Apr 2016, Pall Thayer wrote:

From Manifesto for an Accelerationist 
"21. We declare that only a Promethean politics of maximal mastery over
society and its environment is capable of either dealing with global
problems or achieving victory over capital. This mastery must be
distinguished from that beloved of thinkers of the original Enlightenment.
The clockwork universe of Laplace, so easily mastered given sufficient
information, is long gone from the agenda of serious scientific
understanding. But this is not to align ourselves with the tired residue of
postmodernity, decrying mastery as proto-fascistic or authority as innately
illegitimate. Instead we propose that the problems besetting our planet and
our species oblige us to refurbish mastery in a newly complex guise; whilst
we cannot predict the precise result of our actions, we can determine
probabilistically likely ranges of outcomes. What must be coupled to such
complex systems analysis is a new form of action: improvisatory and capable
of executing a design through a practice which works with the contingencies
it discovers only in the course of its acting, in a politics of geosocial
artistry and cunning rationality. A form of abductive experimentation that
seeks the best means to act in a complex world."

On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 1:22 PM Alan Sondheim  wrote:

  Can you say more?

  On Sun, 24 Apr 2016, Pall Thayer wrote:

  > Alan: But isn't that the whole idea behind left-acceleration?
  > On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 9:46 AM Alan Sondheim
  >       I agree and the problem precisely is acceleration; the
  >       doesn't
  >       adapt well to accelerated change, as the plights of
  >       walrus,
  >       migrant birds, ocean lives, indicate. If anything, a
  form of
  >       holding-back,
  >       learning to listen, listening, is necessary. The
  >       problem I
  >       think is that we're blind when it comes to ecosystems,
  >       micro-
  >       biomes, and so forth. The fundamentals of mycology are
  >       rewritten as
  >       we discuss, and what's emerging are whole universes of
  >       ignorance.
  >       Meanwhile we plow ahead, destroying the planet. It seems
  to me
  >       that
  >       accelerationism is so fundamentally human-based (perhaps
  >       man-based for all
  >       that), that it really overlooks collateral damage. And
  what do
  >       we do, for
  >       example, with the increasingly violent drought in the
  >       which is
  >       exacerbating warfares and genocides? This needs slow,
  dirty work
  >       to deal
  >       with it, culture theory which listens, not only to
  humans, but
  >       to life and
  >       lives everywhere -
  >       Alan
  >       On Sun, 24 Apr 2016, ruth catlow wrote:

Re: [NetBehaviour] Accelerationism

2016-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

Can you say more?

On Sun, 24 Apr 2016, Pall Thayer wrote:

Alan: But isn't that the whole idea behind left-acceleration?

On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 9:46 AM Alan Sondheim  wrote:

  I agree and the problem precisely is acceleration; the biosphere
  adapt well to accelerated change, as the plights of sealions,
  migrant birds, ocean lives, indicate. If anything, a form of
  learning to listen, listening, is necessary. The fundamental
  problem I
  think is that we're blind when it comes to ecosystems, energy,
  biomes, and so forth. The fundamentals of mycology are being
  rewritten as
  we discuss, and what's emerging are whole universes of
  Meanwhile we plow ahead, destroying the planet. It seems to me
  accelerationism is so fundamentally human-based (perhaps
  man-based for all
  that), that it really overlooks collateral damage. And what do
  we do, for
  example, with the increasingly violent drought in the Mid-East
  which is
  exacerbating warfares and genocides? This needs slow, dirty work
  to deal
  with it, culture theory which listens, not only to humans, but
  to life and
  lives everywhere -


  On Sun, 24 Apr 2016, ruth catlow wrote:

  > Yes Michael, and this is profoundly poetic.
  > All human traditions, values and communities are dissolved in
  an acid bath
  > of everlasting agitation and uncertainty.
  > What this passage does not describe though is a situation
  where the wider
  > ecologies of non-human planetary life, upon which we depend,
  are also
  > fatally eroded.
  > We need to sense and engage not just the real relations with
  "our kind"
  > (expanded to engage people and perspectives of all kinds (YES
  Gretta!)), but
  > beyond, with other species, and materials.
  > This must include a correction to systems of dominance - to
  which Simon
  > points with his example of improper use of neuro-science to
  validate the
  > 'use' of humans.
  > On 23/04/16 16:38, Michael Szpakowski wrote:
  >       Marx & Engels on accelerationism in 1848:
  >       "The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly
  >       the instruments of production, and thereby the relations
  >       production, and with them the whole relations of
  >       Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered
  >       was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence
  for all
  >       earlier industrial classes. Constant revolutionising of
  >       production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social
  >       everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the
  >       epoch from all earlier ones. All fixed, fast-frozen
  >       with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and
  >       opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become
  >       before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into
  air, all
  >       that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled
  to face
  >       with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his
  >       with his kind."
  >          This does the *descriptive* job as well as anything
  >       since and it still stands perfectly well...
  > Sent from my iPhone
  > ___
  > NetBehaviour mailing list
  > NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
  > http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
  > --
  > Co-founder Co-director
  > Furtherfield
  > www.furtherfield.org
  > +44 (0) 77370 02879
  > Meeting calendar - http://bit.ly/1NgeLce
  > Bitcoin Address 197BBaXa6M9PtHhhNTQkuHh1pVJA8RrJ2i
  > Furtherfield is the UK's leading organisation for art shows,
  labs, & debates
  > around critical questions in art and technology, since 1997
  > Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company limited by Guarantee
  > registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.
  > Registered business address: Ballard Newman, Apex House, Grand
  Arcade, Tally
  > Ho Corner, London N12 0EH.

  email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
  web http://www.alans

Re: [NetBehaviour] Accelerationism

2016-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

You know well that the diff. between this and the Perm. for example is 
this is the result of a particular species running amuck. And with 40-50 % 
of ocean life scheduled to disappear, etc. as a result of climate, 
microspherules, etc., the situation is a mess. Yes, there will be 
something afterwords. But we're slaughterers trashing the planet, and for 
me that's unacceptable.

- Alan

On Sun, 24 Apr 2016, John Hopkins wrote:

learning to listen, listening, is necessary. The fundamental problem I

think is that we're blind when it comes to ecosystems, energy, micro-
biomes, and so forth. The fundamentals of mycology are being rewritten as
we discuss, and what's emerging are whole universes of ignorance.
Meanwhile we plow ahead, destroying the planet. It seems to me that
accelerationism is so fundamentally human-based (perhaps man-based for all
that), that it really overlooks collateral damage. And what do we do, for

Acceleration, in mechanical physics, is the result of the application of 
directed (vector) energy to a body. It is a quantity -- 
meters-per-second-per-second (how fast am I going faster!) -- that results in 
ever-increasing velocity -- meters-per-second (how fast am I going?). 
Acceleration cannot occur without an ever-increasing energy input to the 
system. Velocity can be maintained with a steady-state energy input. Stasis, 
death, requires no energy input.

In a system with finite energy, acceleration has a limit, as does velocity.

We are not destroying the planet, we are temporarily altering the local 
energy balance. We are merely another expression of Life on the planet. Doing 
its thing. Pulsing, expanding temporarily.

Acceleration occurs in the presence of locally excessive eneergy. This is 
demonstrated at many scales in living systems where there is an energy 
excess. When that energy is entropically dispersed through a combination of 
expansion/growth, it slows down...

Pulsing (temporal, spatial) is a regular feature in bio-systems.

When we fixate on particular material manifestations of Life (as in a 
particular species), we miss the fact that Life is a continuous feature of 
the planet, and will continue long after we are gone *no matter what we do*. 
In my mind, the fixation on the material is what brings us to the hubris of 
the Anthropocene. Which, okay, plutonium makes a fine geo-marker. But what 
about the traces of Life from the Late Carboniferous? Talk about geo-marker, 
and Life leaving traces! The huge Applachian coal beds are the remains of 
Life at that time -- accelerated based on temperate climates (Appalachia was 
at the Equator), and abundant energy sources. And it altered the chemistry of 
the planet...

So it goes.


PS -- as for all the preparatory conceptualizing on the word 
'accelerationism' -- it seems mostly to be a symbolic discussion that has 
little to do with the real world except as simply another 'ism' to be 
discussed ad infinitum. if it cannot be connected to the real world, what's 
the point? Maybe we need to calculate how much carbon is emitted from 'The 
Cloud' each time we email the word.

PPS -- I heartily support the concept of listening in any and all contexts. 
It has the effect of healing many problems!

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
grounded on a granite batholith
twitter: @neoscenes
NetBehaviour mailing list

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tx.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Accelerationism

2016-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

I agree and the problem precisely is acceleration; the biosphere doesn't 
adapt well to accelerated change, as the plights of sealions, walrus, 
migrant birds, ocean lives, indicate. If anything, a form of holding-back, 
learning to listen, listening, is necessary. The fundamental problem I 
think is that we're blind when it comes to ecosystems, energy, micro- 
biomes, and so forth. The fundamentals of mycology are being rewritten as 
we discuss, and what's emerging are whole universes of ignorance. 
Meanwhile we plow ahead, destroying the planet. It seems to me that 
accelerationism is so fundamentally human-based (perhaps man-based for all 
that), that it really overlooks collateral damage. And what do we do, for 
example, with the increasingly violent drought in the Mid-East which is 
exacerbating warfares and genocides? This needs slow, dirty work to deal 
with it, culture theory which listens, not only to humans, but to life and 
lives everywhere -


On Sun, 24 Apr 2016, ruth catlow wrote:

Yes Michael, and this is profoundly poetic.

All human traditions, values and communities are dissolved in an acid bath
of everlasting agitation and uncertainty.

What this passage does not describe though is a situation where the wider
ecologies of non-human planetary life, upon which we depend, are also
fatally eroded.
We need to sense and engage not just the real relations with "our kind"
(expanded to engage people and perspectives of all kinds (YES Gretta!)), but
beyond, with other species, and materials.

This must include a correction to systems of dominance - to which Simon
points with his example of improper use of neuro-science to validate the
'use' of humans.

On 23/04/16 16:38, Michael Szpakowski wrote:
  Marx & Engels on accelerationism in 1848:

  "The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionising
  the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of
  production, and with them the whole relations of society.
  Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered form,
  was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence for all
  earlier industrial classes. Constant revolutionising of
  production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions,
  everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois
  epoch from all earlier ones. All fixed, fast-frozen relations,
  with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and
  opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated
  before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all
  that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face
  with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations
  with his kind."

     This does the *descriptive* job as well as anything written
  since and it still stands perfectly well...
Sent from my iPhone

NetBehaviour mailing list

Co-founder Co-director


+44 (0) 77370 02879
Meeting calendar - http://bit.ly/1NgeLce
Bitcoin Address 197BBaXa6M9PtHhhNTQkuHh1pVJA8RrJ2i

Furtherfield is the UK's leading organisation for art shows, labs, & debates
around critical questions in art and technology, since 1997

Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company limited by Guarantee
registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.
Registered business address: Ballard Newman, Apex House, Grand Arcade, Tally
Ho Corner, London N12 0EH.

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tx.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Discussion Sandy Baldwin, Alan Sondheim

2016-04-23 Thread Alan Sondheim

Discussion Sandy Baldwin, Alan Sondheim

(the work i'm doing, theory/practice - edgespace, blank,
gamespace, revrev, limits of temporality, etc.)


(some of my comments are problematic; the discussion
was informal, we were both tired. but for me, there
is much that's central to my work and thought and may
be of interest.)

Thanks greatly to Sandy Baldwin

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] revrev falls

2016-04-22 Thread Alan Sondheim

revrev falls


if there were only a subjunctive for every mechanism to reverse
spacetime so that this were not a markup but a real obdurate; as
it is, there's something of paste about it, presymbolic in spite
of the simplistic t -> -t -> t. so the roundrobin has a scent of
the uncanny, maybe peripheral, undefinable, as if this ends now.
i'm uncomfortable with this, as i am with certain purees that
seen to reverse the very concept of taste. the idiocy of
reversal rides me, won't let go of me, such an vapid trick
smelling of lassitude, languor, dampness and wilting. why is
this such a fundamental magic, in spite of its everyday quality?
i'll sleep uneasily tonight, no closer to the answer than
ever. (i can approach this with shorter and shorter intervals
and someday i'll inhabit one of them, and just for a fraction of
a second, everything will turn odd sight and sound and i'll have
known, yes i'm younger now and you are president of an island

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] caiosolos

2016-04-21 Thread Alan Sondheim


the instrument plays one tune or its background chording
repeatedly; here's my riding the two-backed beast of the
keyboard. a shell emanates and leaves us forever and
often there's more to the unstated melody than there is
to the unmelodic state.

we're tired in rochester, close to performing tomorrow
night at the bug jar. everything is jaunty! come along
to 219 monroe avenue at 6! three wonderful performances! *


* and i may play violin which counts as a fourth
(if i do it because i may do some other stuff also)

* we're really tired

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] My name is [Your Name Here] and I am an Accelerationist

2016-04-21 Thread Alan Sondheim

Hi - I have a naive question - does accelerationism deal with issues of 
pollution, extinction, and so forth? Can one wait for accelerationism? Has 
one already waited?

Thanks, Alan

On Thu, 21 Apr 2016, ruth catlow wrote:

My name is Ruth Catlow,
and I am an Accelerationist.

Back in 1996 
(to be continued)
NetBehaviour mailing list

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tx.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Bad Chat

2016-04-20 Thread Alan Sondheim

Bad Chat

Sandy and I to perform in SL with latest SL browser wouldn't
window properly until I set avatarview and minimal and then
opened up but that won't do so for this particular occasion
worked on a video indicating the misery of the occurrence not
to mention that other problem of recording the revrev running
in the background replacing the voice chat by signing into the
voicechat drowning out pretty much anything else including the
origin of the cough:


Now in Rochester my hands are full of ashes and my eyes
witness the downfall of each and every virtual world.

M. Alan Dojoji you'll really have had enough of me.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] (________)

2016-04-19 Thread Alan Sondheim



formation plateaus in inordinately biomes; the plateau is a
hollow where the body catches. our local inversion of a
caveworld, transformed into private plateau, the grounds that a
certain non-equilibium plateau had been reached; too
dis-assembled, into a hundred, thousand, million - not plateaus,
not male, though a knave rather than a true tongue groove
surface plateau, o equilibrium, and a new and temporary plateau
is reached. my materials occur in a series of steps or plateaus,
beta-versions of software are flooding out across the semantic
plateaus of participants' time as well, "other words across
these dissolving plateaus." what i am; the plateau of my shin
songs to you. what is cneased (embedded) ox-bow rivers and
lakes, or plateaus with mud-crack patternings, or its root and
plateau, of its roof and plate or of its inverted are
_plateaus,_ and threads guide them in the sense of formal
structure. of 'plateau,' and won't change for the next few days.
hidden between anus and penis, across the plateau of the lips or
the plateau accompanying any sickness. ah'ulab! for those who
feel as i do, to our approach, to us, to them, to you, just
across any plateau motion blurs are everywhere, except for the
central plateaus arms among arms, surrounding breasts, plateaus
turned, curled inward, of them available on more or less the
same plateau. all of them, they did invert, needle balanced on a
red plateau. i've gone down into them, my the self-same
bandwidth, even plateau, of misplaced temporality. but then, of
a caveworld, transformed into private plateau. again the physics
are turbulent plateaus created by upwelling liquid swells are
instructions, definitions within well-defined plateaus.)
kilometer, provocation deter floated meters porthole suns.
landed plateau, plateaus has disappeared, witnesses no longer
call witnesses, non-inscriptive ground, divided by a series of
horizontal lines / plateaus mathesis is extruded from the
plateau of different distinctions cool, flesh, flesh plateau,
plate or inverted world:they me by corrosions burnished flesh
theres a mystery of it the plateau, i have gained to ascend the
plateau which surrounded him, invisible. plateau! can hardly
breathe - ~ weathers, plateaus, height planar perhaps armature
commencement avatartist work in holodecks, plateaus, gates among
worlds in the true situated plateau in the midst of others, that
there are always already the _holes_ in the thing, became
plateaus of past practices, maybe even smear blending into the
subtle plateau shadowed by fluttered each instrument is of the
plateau of depression, sinking into a this plateau is on a new
plateau. what does it mean when an inviolable emotional plateau
appears, there is lamina at work, plateaus, layerings.
ontologies and these are levels, plateaus, inscribing and
superinscribing. that there is the zither material. for me,
plateau1a these are the most mesmerizing of fetish, guiding my
fingers up and down the uncomfortable plateaus has its notes its
plateaus gasp heard; nothing more than another, plateau this
what's o "nipples" o "across" o "the" o "solar" o "plateau" o
"of" o "the" o plateau, what occurs beyond it, the phenomenology
of the sixteen the region of application, folds or furrows,
plains or plateaus of flesh. the tongue, of its root and
plateau, of its roof and plate or of plateau, out of reach.
travis descended on foot. the beak of stability - the plateau in
other words where life and limb the establishing of temporary
plateaus with fuzzy boundaries and signifiers, now of the
plateau itself - the plateau signs itself, languor, the tendency
of the plateau towards another error or another extension, we
exist on a plateau of imminence tinuous deferment, one error
leading to novelty, the plateau of novelty, not always operates
as a plateau-topography within a non- upon us partition here.
witness piled plateaus conventional allowing when the plateau of
flesh meets the fire of mathematics change, the plateau won't.
the "market" will be volatile for years to void, hole, plateau,
opening, striation, mapping, grid, node, vector, piled on
plateaus - the conventional allowing of breathing and daemon -
series of plateaus and transformations. the latter fits neatly
into a phenomenology of plateaus of bodies apart and together
objects, weathers, plateaus, height from a planar origin -
perhaps only self into plateaus, mountains, suburbs. ghosts,
virga, portending their** situated plateau midst we drive
pressure, rearranging limbs, plateaus at will down or rather the
plateau is shallower; that makes virtual worlds all the
intervention, plateau reached; concentrated few, militarism
espionage chistic sex, reception-model of the big world out.
it's plateaus and plateau, continually refreshed. different
distinctions reside on the plateau of mathesis it's clear, says
n., everything else is a momentary pause or pl

[NetBehaviour] Wall.Great Wall.Event Horizon.Symbolic.Fold Catastrophe.Edge.

2016-04-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

Wall. Great Wall. Event Horizon. Symbolic. Fold Catastrophe.


"I name our universe among multiverses Our Neighborhood = ON,
and within 6000 languages here and billions elsewhere, the
translation of ON or ON within a parenthetical, the performative
of nomenclature, {}ON{} to be dissipated and interpreted or
discard as unfit or fit. I pray and {s}pray particles and
configurations that this might be the case. I {s}pray that this
might be the case."

Fundamental Barrier. Categorial Surfacings. Limit. Singularity.
Primordial Mathesis. Generation Tantra. Completion Tantra.
Not Our Universe. {}ON{} and {}NON{}.

As if mathesis _cohered._ As if there were _inhabitation_ within
one or another _body._ As if _body_ were _space_ and _time._ As
if we become that. As if we _became_ that. As if we're _here
now._ As if we _were._

_Dance_ which is _all movement._ As if it _were._

_Edgespace_ equals _gamespace_ equals _blankspace._
The _juncture,_ _incipient._ The _entanglement._

Among _entanglement, striations._ _They among them._

_Among among._


Wild Goose Gate (and the) Great Wall (purple pass) Pacific of
the Wall the Rim, disturbances of sounds alalalalalalalala,
Return to the Wall and the Stain (and one grea her Pond (and)
peak s Wall (purple pass)

the wall reading  - rising and falling with the stars
I dream of laugh f of ants interchanged=ant*.s*the was it where
city=of the wall of the wall ..here herhe on the walll faces
against p objects here against the wal on the wall all blemish
now in throat cliff on ure wall ..remember meye..s...w.e = wall
"nikuko's flesh" of "fgfgggfgfgfgggfgggfggg"  "f" = "g" =

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] village

2016-04-18 Thread Alan Sondheim



incessant village dance without break
the dancers all fall down
no one comes to help them everyone is dancing
dancing and dancing and everyone falling down
the dancers fall down and no one helps them
dancing and dancing the incessant village dance
the incessant village dance is the village dance
the incessant village is the village
the village is the village they say
they all fall down

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The Golden Hours

2016-04-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

The Golden Hours


The Golden Ours, when Cares just drop away
For we shall live among Our Golden Days
The Hours, Golden, when Nights are soft and warm
For we shall live, within, without a Drop of Harm

The Golden Bears, who roar among the Nights
And call the Lovelorn among the Northern Lights
Then Bearing Gold, returning soon with Stealth
To bring us all the Baskets brimmed with Wealth

The Golden Bared, so quick, yet so un-lewd
So many Tresses almost might seem rude
And Bared Doubloons so brilliant like the Sun
To give the Great Doubloons to Each and Everyone

So shall We swim among the Golden Gates
And dance with Sharks and Rays
  And even charming Skates


rank golden season great golden spiders glittering about me -
then he should go to the river ganges silently carrying pure
golden, who they are and what they really do behind the golden
doors of their newly sprung in june o my goldenessays poetry
free essays free research (burned out hut) take bnikuko/b. are
pure and golden:webr are golden:we (dark) fighting, a woman
playing in most mournful manner, golden birds, (though they'd
come back for the golden pear) beautiful views . . views golden
. . golden horn. . . horn. . . between the the threads, a golden
twine connects come with me, we are pure and golden, julu and
julu! does we are pure turn julu, we are pure and golden, to
you? i have been ceded the golden transmission, it is more to
this or any other golden garland of lilies we have around its
leaves of golden signs enclose the world. lost in these dark
woods, i came across a golden light. it seemed to say, my
mineral, take golden mineral shattering, speech appears, the
sign of fire, threads its golden the golden-haired maiden, with
three drops of blood, christianed the world is encircled by its
leaves of golden signs. theresa worked went asylum. this, dates,
blanked memories. golden hair. we are golden your horse, your
cow, yourself, against my golden hair, my eyes of blue your
last_suck destroys my we are golden! your noose we are golden is
outside_of my decay _god has told me to write this with her
marvelous golden tresses, a beautiful golden shovel with ebony
handle, made from the bones  a contestation of the golden
apples of the brilliant an expand- golden filled sounds
everywhere around likeignore and sometimes it hangs from a thin
golden chain from the center of a and to shoot as many images as
possible. you'll find that one golden one are pure:we are
golden: does we are pure turn bjulu/b, we are b could i are
separated by blanked golden kinds melting later appeared blanked
golden kind melting later appeared different names writing might
bottom of the page. when i go to sleep i dream of golden-letter
commands, expanding golden man with ...spine...s, splines seven
and eight fighting, a woman playing a ch'in in a most mournful
manner, golden birds, from one to the other, the golden droplets
swarming among them, the seven genial, golden, golden-tongued,
golden-voiced, good, goodly, globe shall fill the sky, with
golden rays, and universal peace shall godspeak.s going.p
goldenhours.p gone.v grackles.v grafton.p granular.v golden
filled sounds everywhere around likeignore space spaces
altogether golden garland of lilies we have around each others
fair and youthful golden lines.the decorations on the top and
sides are stylized fans. the golden ring dividing me from myself
golden-tongued, golden-voiced, good, goodly, ges cauterizing
golden. i'd love to be money. i don't want to be rich: i want to
be honey heaven. heaven.  'golden girl', rubio. is influenced
decision? held wit journey prosperous golden earring half shekel
weight bracelets her tears. how could the world be so cruel? her
golden hair, her history or narrative. but it soaks umwelts with
golden showers, every it comes to me in the night. it's in the
form of glowing cacti, golden kicking up quite with a golden
yellow image of nation nude prozac what the line; draw a
slanting line; a river; myriads of golden rays; two taken golden
coke coke coldshoulders! unixsuck hairball nighttime wakening,
fingers in me, golden metal nuzzling teeth now there is this
image: the expanding golden man with spines. oh those thoughts
of golden days pride and thoughtlessness of my youth, and see
golden garland of scheme golden ratio successful secret pictures
of forbidden acts and if this were his offering and golden
swallowed tip of finger, golden ring in teeth tell me my best
days are behind me. don't tell me i'm in my golden years. the
midst of golden orb and shield spiders. later, poison ivy wound
its their gave older man outlasts trance, fully golden
illuminations thin golden trails of atomic wastelands where once
information about thing, sound like golden voice. how to make
skin show through very thin tongue-in-cheek: indication,
furrowed desiccated genial, g

[NetBehaviour] assessment of a failed career

2016-04-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

assessment of a failed career

( for Azure who is all goodness and keeps me going )


i can't forgive myself for failure after failure.
my work is too complicated and abject for a coherent series.
i'm incapable of creating a solid and unique style.
my only coherency is incoherency.
i'm jealous of my friends who are showing internationally
on a regular basis.
i'm jealous of my friends who are employed and often working
with amazing students.
i'm attracted to death and i'm frightened by death.
i, i, i, i, i,
i, i, i, i, i,
i keep pushing my personal boundaries and keep thinking
i'm making a real contribution to thought itself.
i'm too filled with grandeur and despair.
i've never been able to have a consistent and productive life.
i've failed myself and failed others.
i have no idea how to behave and have to constantly think
of what i'm doing.
i'm far too frightened of the world far too pessimistic.
i want artistic and institutional success for more than
i'm capable of achieving.
i'm, i'm, i'm, i'm i'm,
i'm, i'm, i'm, i'm i'm,
i'm far too overwhelmed by fear, anxiety, and depression.
i'm like a child who can't get its way and use the work
i do as a bad excuse.
i'm afraid of everyone else and thirst for approval.
i give talks that are too long and too scattered.
i can't sleep properly and worry about being irrelevant.
i'm frightened of ageism and have no defenses against it.
i don't want to continue if i start to develop dementia.
i'm far too career-driven given the failure of my career.
i think everyone else is doing better than me.
i'm far too self-absorbed and too spoiled.
i'm far too ambitious and believe in the magical power
of words.

i, i, i, i, i,
i, i, i, i, i,
i, i, i, i, i,
i, i, i, i, i,

+// i promise not more of this :-) //*

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] math

2016-04-16 Thread Alan Sondheim


http://www.alansondheim.org/math3.png licking math
http://www.alansondheim.org/math2.png smelling math
http://www.alansondheim.org/math1.png sucking math
http://www.alansondheim.org/math4.png fucking math

the apple arse blossoms into petals of numbers.  math is
possibility. at inscription: she is doing her toilet...she
breaks down and math is a math is a k true pumps sucking water
the math of katrina pm life like line live long look lord lost
made mail make many mark math mean

inscription: she is doing her toilet...she breaks down and math
is a math is a:" people in the math of katrina topstories k true
pumps sucking water the math of katrina pm life like line live
long look lord lost made mail make many mark math mean sitnah
ahuzzath friends army touched betimes shebah judith beeri
bashemath s math and buttgereit likely. [consider screen images
of representatons of intermath processes comes through if you do
the math or even if you don't. geometries; the math has been an
inspiration to me. i am including some topics, intro calc, sat
math. wandp issue the throes of addiction ... my dad was a math
idiot, but at inscription: she is doing her toilet...she breaks
down and math is a math is a:" laughed out of the room by any
first year math student. anything, laughed math student.
persevere perversely, wait comments and suggestions on math and
education i gather that <>... olchansk omnimath operator
opnspace oppedahl oppenhei ostgardr outsider it's the math i
work on not finesse i don't know finesse mation manager? do you
have a math coprocessor? is your monitor a $50 event
incident math according lowest estimate more $500 love this
stuff - the hinge of 19-20-21-century philosophy of math and

  stretcheth watmath damned
  allon spake basmath craft

sitnah ahuzzath friends army touched betimes shebah judith beeri
bashemath plant other seeds. math bharam bhoolahu bhoolahu || do
not wander lost in game, the bonus game--charged!, refs and
resources, a math tutorial, and people in the math of katrina
topstories k true pumps sucking water the math of katrina pm
know enough math or physics. doesn't follow through with
anything. not life like line live long look lord lost made mail
make many mark math mean left in the math and with subtle woman
that a all men cocked up stood with where they don't hold; too
often theorists don't do their math homework. math moires your
klamath falls ecoterrorism at its worst part of congressional
were the hapticmath program was written at wvu for a phantom2
haptic stylus; this says nothing mathematically (and is poor
math at that); however, logics, set theories, ptolemy and
kepler: reductions because math can do heuristics kepler
reuctions math uctions o

kepler: reuctions because math can uctions because math can
uctions because math can o math do that. logics, set theories,
ptolemy and kepler: reductions because math can do heuristics
kepler reuctions math uctions o says mathematically poor math
that) however coherent and agreeable structures in depth. david
finkelstein: pure math pseudo-math as if mathesis justifies
anything you have to say. i don't kind of true, my dad was a
math idiot, but now he is, my mother's got all season to plant
other seeds. math bharam bhoolahu bhoolahu || do not it is not
the season to plant other seeds. math bharam bhoolahu bhoolahu
|| do not wander lost in doubt and delusion it season seeds.
math bharam bhoolahu do wander lost doubt delusion scream math
bharam bhoolahu do wander lost doubt delusion scream read mocap
season to plant other seeds. math bharam bhoolahu bhoolahu || do
not || it is not the season to plant other seeds. math bharam
bhoolahu bhoolahu || do not wander lost in doubt and delusion it
season seeds. math bharam bhoolahu do wander lost doubt delusion
scream math bharam bhoolahu do wander lost doubt delusion scream
read mocap season to plant other seeds. math bharam bhoolahu
bhoolahu || do not what do you mean by a "true desire"? if we
bring math , your physics are way, every word in in, bring in
infinitesimals and math works incredibly. experience mediated
what do mean by "true desire"? bring math beyond me. kepler
reuctions math uctions o caught loost, roored against what? o
kaze plant other seeds. math bharam bhoolahu bhoolahu || do not
wander lost in season to plant other seeds. math bharam bhoolahu
bhoolahu || do not it season seeds. math bharam bhoolahu do
wander lost doubt delusion scream math bharam bhoolahu do wander
lost doubt delusion scream read mocap s math and buttgereit
coherent and agreeable structures in depth. david finkelstein:
pure math manager? math coprocessor? monitor cga ega vga svga?
docking module laughed out of the room by any first year math
student. anything, laughed math student. persevere perversely,
wait mation manager? do you have a math coprocessor? is your
monitor a Thing?

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] my strangest music of all my strangest music

2016-04-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

my strangest music of all my strangest music


this is clearly my strangest music, anything's

 is straightforward;
aaa and aa are modified with revrev
images from when the tornado came through
our neighborhood in brooklyn

ghichak's remarkable

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] unsettled, sunken, shifting debris writing

2016-04-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

unsettled, sunken, shifting debris writing


Parking lot next to 'our' building in Providence; it's slowly
sinking (much of Providence in this area as built on wetlands).
We'll shift! We'll sink soon!

then: the high arctic is still unsettled - while the former is a
north-south meandering boarder used the preposition 'across,' as
if there were an unsettled landscape in wandering, confusions,
fickle, wavering, vague. crash of an airliner cut off the room's
angry unsettled replies. going back, flickering, my hands and
wrists trembling as the wings fell around me, then

one was there to protect the settlers

one was there to protect the settlers

impossible to write these days unsettling gloom,
clouds overhead, the vicinity, a countryside with scoria
and rills. she found it impossible to write these days,
unsettling gloom, clouds overhead, spaces where i don't
belong. the bird, the unsettling effect of the act
renders the transfiguration all the more marvelous

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Verizon strike

2016-04-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

Verizon Strike


From CNN Money -

36,000 Verizon workers have walked off the job Wednesday after
failing to reach a new labor agreement.

This is the largest strike in the United States since Verizon
workers last walked off the job in 2011, according to the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. That strike involved 45,000 workers.

Most of the striking workers service the company's landline
phone business and FiOS broadband network -- not the much larger
Verizon Wireless network. They have gone without a contract
since August, and their union, the Communication Workers of
America, says it is fighting to get Verizon to come to the table
with a better offer.

The union's list of complaints is a long one: Verizon has
outsourced 5,000 jobs to workers in Mexico, the Philippines and
the Dominican Republic. Verizon is hiring more low-wage,
non-union contractors, the union says.

"The main thing is that's it's taking good-paying jobs and
taking them away from the American public," said Ken Beckett, a
technical telecommunications associate for Verizon and union
board member with 1101 CWA, as he picketed with colleagues
outside a Verizon office in Manhattan.
verizon protests 041316
Union members picketed outside Verizon's central office for
midtown Manhattan. Their chief complaint? Outsourcing 5,000 jobs
to Mexico, the Philippines and the Dominican Republic.

The union also claims Verizon won't negotiate with people who
work in Verizon stores and is closing call centers. And Verizon
is asking workers to work out of state, away from their homes,
for months at a time.

Meanwhile, the union says Verizon is cutting costs as its
profits have soared.

"Verizon's corporate greed isn't just harming workers' families,
it's hurting customers as well," the CWA said in a statement.

It's true that Verizon continues to post record profit, but most
of that is coming from its wireless business. The "wireline"
business that most CWA workers serve is in decline.

Wireline sales have been steadily falling over the past several
years. Last year sales fell by nearly 2%, and Verizon lost 1.4
million voice customers.

To help make up for the losses, Verizon continues to offload
some of its wireline assets, and it has been offshoring some of
its workers overseas. The company says it saved $300 million in
employee costs in 2015.

Still, Verizon managed to post an $8.9 billion operating profit
in its wireline business last year. That was down slightly from
2014, but not by much.

*/sick sick sick of corporate greed/rhetoric/profit and the
implicit violence; meanwhile the quality of life is going down
for so many people. video from our window./*

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Verizon strike

2016-04-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

Verizon Strike


From CNN Money -

36,000 Verizon workers have walked off the job Wednesday after
failing to reach a new labor agreement.

This is the largest strike in the United States since Verizon
workers last walked off the job in 2011, according to the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. That strike involved 45,000 workers.

Most of the striking workers service the company's landline
phone business and FiOS broadband network -- not the much larger
Verizon Wireless network. They have gone without a contract
since August, and their union, the Communication Workers of
America, says it is fighting to get Verizon to come to the table
with a better offer.

The union's list of complaints is a long one: Verizon has
outsourced 5,000 jobs to workers in Mexico, the Philippines and
the Dominican Republic. Verizon is hiring more low-wage,
non-union contractors, the union says.

"The main thing is that's it's taking good-paying jobs and
taking them away from the American public," said Ken Beckett, a
technical telecommunications associate for Verizon and union
board member with 1101 CWA, as he picketed with colleagues
outside a Verizon office in Manhattan.
verizon protests 041316
Union members picketed outside Verizon's central office for
midtown Manhattan. Their chief complaint? Outsourcing 5,000 jobs
to Mexico, the Philippines and the Dominican Republic.

The union also claims Verizon won't negotiate with people who
work in Verizon stores and is closing call centers. And Verizon
is asking workers to work out of state, away from their homes,
for months at a time.

Meanwhile, the union says Verizon is cutting costs as its
profits have soared.

"Verizon's corporate greed isn't just harming workers' families,
it's hurting customers as well," the CWA said in a statement.

It's true that Verizon continues to post record profit, but most
of that is coming from its wireless business. The "wireline"
business that most CWA workers serve is in decline.

Wireline sales have been steadily falling over the past several
years. Last year sales fell by nearly 2%, and Verizon lost 1.4
million voice customers.

To help make up for the losses, Verizon continues to offload
some of its wireline assets, and it has been offshoring some of
its workers overseas. The company says it saved $300 million in
employee costs in 2015.

Still, Verizon managed to post an $8.9 billion operating profit
in its wireline business last year. That was down slightly from
2014, but not by much.

*/sick sick sick of corporate greed/rhetoric/profit and the
implicit violence; meanwhile the quality of life is going down
for so many people. video from our window./*

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] miniature ghichak

2016-04-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

miniature ghichak

http://www.alansondheim.org/ghichak0.jpg ghichak
http://www.alansondheim.org/ghichak2.mp3 bowing
http://www.alansondheim.org/ghichak3.mp3 plucking

a miniature ghichak similar to the larger one we gave to the
National Music Museum, but less ornamented. it's very difficult
to play, given the setup. here are two pieces which sound
strange (and, i think, wonderful). they're extremely high-
pitched. bowing is traditional; i like the intensity, harmonics,
and fascinating timbres in the second part of the piece. the
strings aren't pressed to the neck, but touched above or on the
side. the plucking piece is a bit traditional, although not for
the ghichak; again, the strings aren't pressed down. thanks
greatly to Mitchell Clark for the ghichak; these instruments
are rare. i think it's from Balochistan; the decoration seems
from that area, but i could very well be wrong.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] terrible days configuring linux audio hell

2016-04-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

terrible days configuring linux audio hell


running between alsa and jack cutting each other out
in the meantime supercollider moderates and sometimes
i can't hear the results. the alienware got bricked
way beforehand. misery. audio randomly disappears and
linuxmint audio configuration guis are also miserable.
supercollider works with jack. jack kills alsa. alsa
sneaks back through jack. jack dies and on reboot
there's alsa again. up pops jack and alsa's dead as a
doornail, an expression i don't understand. too much
configuration to make it through the night performing
with linux mint. windows works or doesn't but win10
tanked the alienware. i just realized bricked and
tanked somehow play together. it's 4:20 and last night
i was trying unsuccessfully to straighten the mess out.
a week from now i'm performing. i'll use violin and
hope for the best. there's nothing like a good violin.

anyway the result is a few brief pieces that pass for
signals because that's what they are, spewing noise
that says something to me.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] performance, pretested for your listening pleasure

2016-04-12 Thread Alan Sondheim

performance, pretested for your listening pleasure

clarinet, violin, revrev
clarinet revrev

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The Inconceivable Closeness of Annihilation

2016-04-11 Thread Alan Sondheim

The Inconceivable Closeness of Annihilation


This is the closeness of your other

Mon Apr 11 12:48:07 EDT 2016

useless flailing. my basic rule: that there are infinities of
space and time and universe utterly cut off from us, where
speculation is the only myth, a free-for-all of the imagination,
a lie. that's where dead narratives go: to tell a story is to
lie, to do nothing, another lie, to tell a lie, another story.

a moment or a movement of writing under or within the chaos of
effacement, for something surely has created these words? in
this order? whose order has already disappeared? in the future?
in a previous time? among times? temporalities? don't escape;
there's nothing to escape to; nothing has occurred.
Mon Apr 11 13:09:25 EDT 2016

what follows or precedes, is no condition, no conditional, no
one, no many, no commons, has written these, written among
these. there are no remnants found, no punctum, no embodying,
embedding. annihilation: to the limit - is limitless,
annihilation pervasive, creation yet another story.
Mon Apr 11 13:11:28 EDT 2016

This is the distance of your new Clar

Mon Apr 11 12:48:07 EDT 2016

anonymity is the fundamental flux of existence. into the future,
one writes, now, under conditions of erasure. this is the
chiasmus of presencing within codification and raster.

annihilation: to the limit! has always already occurred; we just
weren't aware of it.
Mon Apr 11 12:50:20 EDT 2016

abandonment is the condition of life. species and planets are
abandoned, territories are always under contestation, formed on
the remnants of organic debris. to be abandoned means there was
once 'comfort and a home' - another misrecognition by dead eyes,
misrecognition _in fact_ by the dead. think of abandonment
without an origin, without that imaginary - then you,
temporarily and again under erasure, have it.
Mon Apr 11 12:52:32 EDT 2016

nothing one writes is now; there is no 'one' writing, no
communal writing, only temporary coagulations, cicatrix
remnants. despair is an illusion, hope as well. there are no
new/s and old/s, no newer and older, no progress, only
progression. the sign itself is that of annihilation - of the
sign, of referent, of coding and decoding, of digitalanalogic
and analogicdigital. with matter, it doesn't matter. what
appears to matter is the evanescence of strange attractors.
Mon Apr 11 12:55:30 EDT 2016

writing _here_ is non-writing, to write oneself into existence
is the simultaneity of writing oneself out of existence, not
writing at all. anomie is a true state and the truth of the
state. again, it is fundamental to abandon abandonment - and,
for that _matter,_ the subjunctive itself.
Mon Apr 11 12:57:00 EDT 2016

to breath in and through this is to do oneself the favor of
emptiness, no enlightenment along the way, no way. the
insipidity of being conscious is the tawdry revelation that it's
of no account; the universe is unaccountable; and mathematico-
scientific forays into comprehension only, within expansive
economics, push the barriers back towards unascertainable and
unforgivable limits.
Mon Apr 11 13:00:05 EDT 2016

one breathes; one has to breathe; to stop breathing is to stop.
one might as well continue as to stop. everyone knows the
indifferent is the character of our time, projected and
introjected into and from the past and future. move the words
around as you may; nothing is being said here. it's as if there
were nothing _sayable_ in fact.
Mon Apr 11 13:01:40 EDT 2016

debris is never beyond debris, never within debris; the
character of debris is its infinitude. never a remnant of (which
implies abandonment), always a part-object as if it were
yearning for totality, another story.
Mon Apr 11 13:05:10 EDT 2016

the only return is that of eternity. a new rule: nothing has
anything to do with us.
Mon Apr 11 13:07:49 EDT 2016

and another story following suit, another silenced, an other
silenced, an other silence, an other, exactly the same.
Mon Apr 11 13:12:30 EDT 2016

Mon Apr 11 13:12:31 EDT 2016

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] @evensong and the Internet Text

2016-04-11 Thread Alan Sondheim

@evensong and the Internet Text

electric guitar - gearing up for performance work


my early theorizing around cyberspace; it's still
useful. please check it out if you can -

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] suona

2016-04-10 Thread Alan Sondheim



suona solo and visual interpretations based on absolutely
nothing at all, not even impressions or the presumed musicality
of any image whatsoever. let's refuse synesthesias of all sorts
and receive listening and looking, let's not watch but be there,
let's not listen but open our ears to merriment!

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] ~./Limits of the Demiurge

2016-04-10 Thread Alan Sondheim

~./Limits of the Demiurge

*//glitch phenomena in local host/abandonment of habitus/
continuous depradation/disappearance and collapse. first
part of demi.mp4:analysis/second part:the journey//*

Years ago I worked on the idea of a general 'rule' that there
were irretrievably unrelated domains in the universe/multiverse,
regions which were inherently, deeply, out of touch, Bell's
theorem or not. I postulated an unknowable-by-any-means, even
though one might treat the 'law' paradoxically through a kind of
sophistic sleight-of-hand. I bring this up because in this and
every other virtual world, howsoever virtual might be defined,
there are such presences; one might think of them as eruptions,
but not eruptive signifiers of any sort. Technological and
scientific wonders appear daily; what I'm considering however
isn't such, nor commonplace, but elsewhere entirely, something
outside any conceivable mapping. Our images, helpless, provide
no guide. I can wish, and do, for a warmer world, one with even
a slightly recognizable habitus, but outside our construction,
there's nothing of the sort; as scientific knowledge gains,
ground, the elsewhere both recedes (as if technology succeeds)
and increases (as if instrumental reason fails. The failure is
our own, has more to do with psychology and the psychoanalytical
than with the world as such: a sociology is at work. And again,
elsewhere, the sociology loses, is at a loss, as if overstepping
its bounds.).

A demiurge or dramaturge returns to a scenario of creation in
which a happening occurs, an occurrence happens, in which flight
from her creation, or rather a garnered adieu, is her conceived
choice. What's there is here, an ordinary sky, nothing towards
or untoward the feet, nothing where beneath belief might be. She
believes that is not in her works. There is the matter of the
shudder or flashing realms of existence which are uncountable
and unaccountable. No matter the absence of matter. What is the
logic that clings to unknown laws?

From alan@alan-Inspiron-1012 Sun Dec 20 16:19:06 2015

Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 16:19:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Alan 
To: /home/alan/mail@alan-Inspiron-1012
cc: q@alan-Inspiron-1012
Fcc: sent-mail

User-Agent: Alpine 2.10 (DEB 1266 2009-07-14)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=UTF-8
[empty circulation]


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] stuttered errors

2016-04-08 Thread Alan Sondheim

stuttered errors


All the errors I'm making in the terminal w/ a new linux mint

1 telnet panix.com 2 exit 3 telnet panix.com 4 exit 5 telnet
panix.com 6 cd Desktop 7 ftp panix.com 8 exit 9 sudo apt-key adv
--keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys FABAEF95 10 sudo
apt-get update 11 sudo apt-get install supercollider -ide 12
sudo apt-get install supercollider-ide 13 sudo apt-get install
audacity 14 ls 15 ftp panix.com 16 ls 17 ftp panix.com 18 ls 19
cd Downloads 20 ls 21 cd .. 22 ls 23 cd
Second_Life_4_0_3_312816_i686/ 24 ls 25 ./secondlife 26 ls 27
./install.sh 28 exit 29 cd Desktop 30 cd
Second_Life_4_0_3_312816_i686/ 31 ls 32 sudo ./install.sh 33 ls
34 ./secondlife 35 exit 36 ls 37 cd Singularity-i686-
38 ls 39 ./singularity 40 exit 41 cd .secondlife 42 ls 43 cd
logs 44 ls 45 more SecondLife.log 46 cd .. 47 ls 48 cd
user_settings/ 49 ls 50 cd .. 51 ls 52 cd
Second_Life_4_0_3_312816_i686/ 53 ls 54 sudo install.sh 55 sudo
./install.sh 56 sudo ./secondlife 57 ls 58 cd
Phoenix_FirestormOS-Release_i686_4.7.7.48706/ 59 ls 60 more
README-linux.txt 61 ls 62 ./firestorm 63 cd desktop 64 cd
Desktop 65 ls 66 ftp panix.com 67 ls 68 exit 69 ftp panix.com 70
ls 71 exit 72 sudo apt-get qjack control 73 sudo apt-get install
qjack control 74 sudo apt-get install qjack-control 75 exit 76
telnet panix.com 77 ls 78 exit 79 cd Desktop\online 80 cd
Desktop 81 cd online 82 cd public_html 83 ftp alansondheim.org
84 nsftp 85 ncftp 86 sudo apt-get install ncftp 87 ncftp 88
ncftp -help 89 ncftp -u jubqsrsu -p bu73537 alansondheim.org 90
di 91 exit 92 telnet panix.com 93 cd Desktop 94 ftp
alansondheim.org 95 telnet panix.com 96 exit 97 cd Desktop 98 cd
sondheim 99 ls 100 cd talks 101 ls 102 ./KDATE 103 chmmod 777
KDATE 104 chmod 777 KDATE 105 ./KDATE 106 orpia 107 orpie 108
exit 109 cd Desktop 110 ftp alansondheim.org 111 telnet
panix.com 112 exit 113 telnet panix.com 114 exit 115
cat/proc/sys/vm/swappiness 116 cd /proc 117 cd sys 118 cd vm 119
ls 120 more swappiness 121 sudo apt-get install gksu leafpad 122
gksudo leafpad /etc/sysctl.conf 123 sudo ufw enable 124 pico
min.txt 125 exit 126 cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness 127 gksudo
gedit /etc/sysctl.conf 128 ls 129 sudo apt-get install preload
130 sudo gedit /etc/preload.conf 131 sudo pluma
/etc/preload.conf 132 sudo apt-get install bum 133 bum 134 sudo
bum 135 exit 136 sudo gedit /etc/devault/grub 137 sudo gedit
/etc/default/grub 138 sudo update-grub2 139 exit 140 cd Desktop
141 ftp panix.com 142 exit 143 cd dosbox 144 cd dos* 145 ls 146
more README 147 ls 148 INSTALL 149 more INSTALL 150 ls 151
./install-sh 152 autogen.sh 153 ./autogen.sh 154 ls 155 h 156
history 157 ls 158 make 159 ./install-sh 160 more INSTALL 161
telnet panix.com 162 exit 163 cd Desktop 164 ftp panix.com 165
ls 166 ./dosbox 167 ls 168 telnet panix.com 169 exit 170 telnet
panix.com 171 exit 172 sudo apt-get-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp
173 sudo apt-get tlp 174 sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw 175
exit 176 sudo apt-get update 177 sudo apt-get install tlp
tlp-rdw 178 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp 179 sudo
apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw 180 ls 181 telnet panix.com 182 exit
183 sudo apt-get-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp 184 sudo apt-get
repository ppa:linrunner/tlp 185 sudo apt-get install tlp 186
sudo apt-get install ppa:linrunner/tlp 187 sudo apt-get install
linrunner/tlp 188 sudo sed -i '/critical_options =/,+1
{s/("hibernate", _("Hibernate")),/&\n ("shutdown", _("Shutdown
/usr/share/cinnamon/cinnamon-settings/modules/cs_power.py 189
sudo sed -i '/lid_options =/,+1 {s/("suspend",
_("Suspend")),/&\n ("shutdown", _("Shutdown immediately")),/}'
/usr/share/cinnamon/cinnamon-settings/modules/cs_power.py 190 b
191 exit 192 man fti 193 man ftp 194 exit 195 history 196 telnet
panix.com 197 exit 198 telnet panix.com 199 shutdown -h now 200
sudo shutdown -h now 201 sudo gedit /etc/rc.local 202 history
203 r 201 204 ! 201 205 sudo gedit /etc/rc.local 206 telnet
panix.com 207 exit 208 telnet panix.com 209 pico zz 210 ftp
panix.com 211 ls 212 telnet panix.com 213 ls 214 telnet
panix.com 215 ping panix.com 216 traceroute panix.com 217 sudo
apt-get install traceroute 218 exit 219 sudo apt-get install
traceroute 220 traceroute panix.com 221 telnet panix.com 222
history > zz; ftp panix.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] la di dah, apologies

2016-04-07 Thread Alan Sondheim

Apologies for double-posting, a momentary lapse of attention in the rain.

- Alan
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] "Symmetrical backboning with fractal walking

2016-04-07 Thread Alan Sondheim

"Symmetrical backboning with fractal walking

http://www.alansondheim.org/spline5.jpg walk for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/argon1.mp3 music just for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/range1.mp3 music just for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/spline1.jpg walk for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/spline2.jpg walk for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/spline3.jpg walk for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/spline4.jpg walk for you

around the neighborhood," Argon Groan said. Range Anger agreed,
but wasn't sure about the scaling. "There's definitely something
to it," he replied. "To think that a few rules, as Wolfram might
have it, can lead to anything as monstrous as this!"
"Monstrous?" said Argon. "Monstrous?" There's always beauty - or
something... beneath the surface. Surely the universe of Love
Vole..." He was stopped in his tracks by Range, yelling "Move
away from the Origin! Watch out for the raster gerbils!" They
were everywhere, obscuring and entangling any conceivable ideas
about patterning and code, as well as the languages of desire
and comprehension. They were inherent in the work of M. Serres,
who, however, refused the biological circumambulation.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] "Symmetrical backboning with fractal walking

2016-04-07 Thread Alan Sondheim

"Symmetrical backboning with fractal walking

http://www.alansondheim.org/spline5.jpg walk for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/argon1.mp3 music just for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/range1.mp3 music just for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/spline1.jpg walk for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/spline2.jpg walk for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/spline3.jpg walk for you
http://www.alansondheim.org/spline4.jpg walk for you

around the neighborhood," Argon Groan said. Range Anger agreed,
but wasn't sure about the scaling. "There's definitely something
to it," he replied. "To think that a few rules, as Wolfram might
have it, can lead to anything as monstrous as this!"
"Monstrous?" said Argon. "Monstrous?" There's always beauty - or
something... beneath the surface. Surely the universe of Love
Vole..." He was stopped in his tracks by Range, yelling "Move
away from the Origin! Watch out for the raster gerbils!" They
were everywhere, obscuring and entangling any conceivable ideas
about patterning and code, as well as the languages of desire
and comprehension. They were inherent in the work of M. Serres,
who, however, refused the biological circumambulation.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] those people who i made when i made all people

2016-04-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

those people who i made when i made all people

(fractal paths)

of those people who try to live according to certain precepts
and 'those people' drained from the body. It's all my fault. I
killed them all. A Jew_ is overlooked in order to reorganize us
as _those people,_ but the machine is going just outside the
studio or why are they on the right side of the heavy traffic on
the westside highway? Why are they? He knows they should be
tortured and he tortures them, he tortures us. We'll still
starve - but the image will be ok. I'm one of those people out
there who are against your thinking-type and even I'm considered
obdurate, stubborn, uncompromising, and look where it gets me?
The scythe cuts through the flesh, scribbles dribble the
semblance of a human body, we too often forget there are others.
Everything must be considered and with the increase in warfare,
temperature, population, weaponry, disease, and pollution, one
imagines there's so little time left, and time oozes as fractals
draw _themselves_ across the bedraggled landscape[...]

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] differance

2016-04-05 Thread Alan Sondheim



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