[NetBehaviour] Talk: Internet of Growing Things: Joey Holder and Lisa Ma

2014-01-23 Thread netbehaviour


Internet of Growing Things: Joey Holder and Lisa Ma
Wednesday 5 February, 6.15 – 8.00pm
Tickets: £5 / £4

Book Now: http://nearnow.org.uk/events/

Visual artist Joey Holder and speculative designer Lisa Ma kick off our 
2014 monthly talks series. In this talk, Joey  Lisa will each share 
their practice and discuss their current research trajectories in 
developing work around food and future agri-cultures during the Internet 
of Growing Things residency.

Joey Holder's visual essay will delve from the depths of the oceanic 
floor to our dinner plate, tracing the layers of abstraction and 
complexities of consumption and production systems. Holder is a visual 
artist who explores the structures and hierarchies of the technological 
and natural world by mixing elements of biology, nanotechnology and 
natural history against computer program interfaces, screen savers and 
measuring devices.

Does activism have to be loud to be effective? Why are perfect futures a 
bit daunting? Lisa Ma will introduce us to her work on the subject of 
invasive species from work with Ghent University Department of Marine 
Ecology and it’s potential for more curious and involved forms of 
involvement with healthcare, taxation and citizenship. Lisa Ma 
specialises in combining ethnographic research practices with fringe 
communities and public perception to produce services and social events 
that cross the boundaries between politics, science and technology.


FOR MORE INFORMATION ON LISA MA: http://nearnow.org.uk/people/lisa-ma/
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] New Book | Social Media: A Critical Introduction by Christian Fuchs

2014-01-23 Thread netbehaviour

New Book | Social Media: A Critical Introduction by Christian Fuchs

Now more than ever, we need to understand social media - the good as 
well as the bad. We need critical knowledge that helps us to navigate 
the controversies and contradictions of this complex digital media 
landscape. Only then can we make informed judgements about what's 
happening in our media world, and why.

Showing the reader how to ask the right kinds of questions about social 
media, Christian Fuchs takes us on a journey across social media, 
delving deep into case studies on Google, Facebook, Twitter, WikiLeaks 
and Wikipedia. The result lays bare the structures and power relations 
at the heart of our media landscape.

This book is the essential, critical guide for all students of media 
studies and sociology. Readers will never look at social media the same 
way again.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Digital Art Week (DAW) in Asia: Augmented Reality and Social Reality meet

2014-01-23 Thread netbehaviour

Digital Art Week (DAW) in Asia: Augmented Reality and Social Reality meet.

An interview with Art Clay by Eva Kekou.

Eva Kekou interviews artist and curator Art Clay on his work and 
‘Digital Art Weeks International' (DAW) festival based in Asia. His 
recent output focuses on large media based performative works and 
spectacles using mobile phone devices. He has received prizes for 
performance, theatre, new media art, music composition and curation.

The artist and curator Art Clay was born in New York and lives in Basel. 
He is a specialist in the performance of self created works with the use 
of intermedia and has appeared at international festivals, on radio and 
television television in Europe, Asia and North America. His recent 
output focuses on large media based performative works and spectacles 
using mobile phone devices. He has received prizes for performance, 
theatre, new media art, music composition and curation. As an educator, 
he has taught media and interactive arts at various art schools and 
universities in Asia, Europe and North America including the University 
of the Arts in Zurich. He is the initiator and Artistic Director of the 
'Digital Art Weeks International' and the Virtuale Switzerland.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Review of ‘Invasive Technification: Critical Essays in the Philosophy of Technology’

2014-01-22 Thread netbehaviour
Review of Gernot Böhme’s ‘Invasive Technification: Critical Essays in 
the Philosophy of Technology’.

By Andrew Feenberg.

“This book covers a vast range of issues in the philosophy of technology 
with clarity and insight. It is divided into six chapters, each of which 
contains several short essays on related subjects. The chapters address 
the relation of science to technology, different types of technologies, 
the technification of human relations and nature, and critical 
approaches to technology. The theme is clear from the title, although 
Gernot Böhme is not as technophobic as it implies. However, he is 
concerned with tracing the profound impact of technical mediation on 
every aspect of modern social life including, among many others, 
production, consumption, perception, communication, medicine, education. 
The technological “invasion” of all these domains transforms what it 
means to be human for better and for worse. Just how humanity will end 
up is an open question in Böhme’s view. He is rather pessimistic, 
finding few resources in contemporary culture that could support a 
positive outcome.

P2P Foundation's blog: Researching, documenting and promoting peer to 
peer practices.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Call for Chapters: New Opportunities for Artistic Practice in Virtual Worlds

2014-01-22 Thread netbehaviour
 is anticipated to be released 
in 2015.

Important Dates
February 28, 2014: Proposal Submission Deadline
March 15, 2014: Notification of Acceptance
June 30, 2014: Full Chapter Submission
August 30, 2014: Review Results Returned
October 15, 2014: Final Acceptance Notification
October 30, 2014: Final Chapter Submission

Inquiries can be forwarded to
Dr. Denise Doyle
Faculty of Arts, MK Building
Tel.: +44 1902 322 443
E-mail: d.do...@wlv.ac.uk

Sue Gollifer
University of Brighton
School of Art, Design and Media
Director of ISEA International Headquarters

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] One Minute Volume 7 and One Minute remix At Furtherfield Gallery

2014-01-22 Thread netbehaviour

One Minute Volume 7 and One Minute remix At Furtherfield Gallery

Curated by artist and filmmaker Kerry Baldry.

Preview on Saturday 25th January 12 - 4pm
Screenings continue Sunday 26th January, 1st Feb and 2nd February.
Furtherfield Gallery, McKenzie Pavilion,
Finsbury Park, London. N4 2NQ


Furtherfield Gallery is pleased to host One Minute Volume 7 curated by 
filmmaker Kerry Baldry over two consecutive weekends in January and 
February 2014. One Minute Volume 7 is an eclectic mix of artists' moving 
image constrained to the time limit of one minute and include over 40 
artists at varying stages of their careers.

One Minute Volume 7 is the latest in the edition of One Minute artists' 
moving image programmes curated by artist and filmmaker Kerry Baldry, 
and includes an eclectic mix of artists' moving image constrained to the 
time limit of one minute. The One Minute programmes have been screened 
at numerous galleries, artists spaces and film festivals worldwide.

The screening is accompanied by One Minute Remix, a selection of moving 
images from One Minute Volumes 1-5.

The two programmes include work by John Smith, Rose Butler, Tony Hill, 
Steven Ball, Alexander Costello, Leister/Harris, Kayla Parker and Stuart 
Moore, Louisa Minkin, Claire Hope, Max Hattler, Guy Sherwin, Steven 
Woloshen, Lynn Loo, Lumiere and Son, Tansy Spinks, Gary Peploe and Peter 
Nutley, Eva Rudlinger, Michael Szpakowski, Zhel (Zeljko Vukicevic), 
Matthias Kispert, Stuart Pound, Sellotape Cinema, Alex Pearl, My Name Is 
Scot, Kerry Baldry, Esther Johnson, Marty St. James, Nicki Rolls, 
Katherine Meynell, Chris Paul Daniels, Riccardo Iacono, Edwin Rostron, 
Martin Pickles, Grant Petrey, Annabel Dover, Kelvin Brown, Gordon 
Dawson, Virginia Hilyard, Barry Lewis, Nick Jordan, Claire Morales, Ron 
Diorio, Daniela Butsch, Dave Griffiths.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Production Grant olorVISUAL collection

2014-01-21 Thread netbehaviour

Production Grant olorVISUAL collection

LABoral and the collection olorVISUAL, Barcelona, have announced the
Production Grant olorVISUAL, an anual call which aims to award a production
residency programme to a European artist under 40, for executing an art
project within the scope of art, science and technology.

With a funding of €12.000 for the execution of the work, the selected artist
will work during two months at Plataforma 0. Production Center of LABoral
and will have access to technical resources and personal advising during the
production residency programme which will take place between May and June
this year. Then, the piece will be exhibited at the Mediateca Expandida of
the Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial de Gijón in an exhibition at
LABoral which will take place between July 11 and October 12, 2014, where
the piece created will establish a dialogue with other pieces of the said

olorVISUAL is a contemporary art collection built after the vision of the
essence maker and collector Ernesto Ventós: The smell, which is chemistry,
is made from a physical and luminous reality, the colour. Baptised by the
poet Joan Brossa, olorVISUAL was created in 1978 after the exhibition
Sugestiones olfativas at the Fundación Joan Miró in Barcelona and based on
the transformation of smells into painting by Ráfols-Casamada. Later, the
collector moves from commissioning into choosing a work of art, which is to
be accompanied by a caption where the author emphasises the synesthesic
relationship between his/her work and smell, which is the monographic topic
of the collection.

Closing Date
The deadline for sending the documents by post ending on March 10, 2014. Is
taken as the reference date postmarked on the envelope.
It can be also submitted via email before midnight on March 10th to

More information:

Diego Ugalde Blanco
Social Media

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial
Los Prados, 121 / 33394 Gijón / Asturias - España
T.+34 985 185 577 / F.+34 985 337 355

Síguenos en
www.laboralcentrodearte.org http://www.laboralcentrodearte.org/es

https://www.facebook.com/LABoral.Arte https://twitter.com/LABoral
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NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Art and Satire in the Context of Conflict

2014-01-17 Thread netbehaviour

Art and Satire in the Context of Conflict

ICA Event 23 Jan 20141:00 pm | Cinema 1 | £5.00

We hear about war predominantly through the media and from politicians 
with nationalist perspectives. This is an opportunity instead to have 
artists’ insights on conflict generally, and particularly with respect 
to Iraq and Palestine. The two artists presenting their work at this 
event use satire as one of their means of expression as they comment on 
violence, repression and the War on Terror.

Coco Fusco is a New York based Cuban-American artist and writer. She has 
performed, lectured, exhibited and curated around the world since 1988. 
Her work combines electronic media and performance in several formats, 
including large-scale projections, and live performances in addressing 
issues related particularly to women and society, war, politics and race.

Larissa Sansour, born in Jerusalem, lives and works in London and 
Copenhagen. Her work utilises various art forms to focus on current 
political dialogue. For example, Nation Estate offers a clinically 
dystopian yet humorous approach to the deadlock in the Middle East - a 
film that suggests a vertical solution to Palestinian statehood in the 
form of a single skyscraper housing the entire Palestinian population.

This event is chaired by Dr Julian Stallabrass, Reader at the Courtauld 
Institute of Art, lecturer, writer, curator and photographer; and editor 
of Memory of Fire: Images of War and the War of Images.

This event is presented in association with the Royal College of Art, 
the British Council and Culture+Conflict.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US | net art's depictions of Money As Error

2014-01-16 Thread netbehaviour

_MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US | net art's depictions of Money As Error

Review Rob Myers.

After the credit crunch, quantitative easing, austerity and the Bitcoin 
bubble a new online show takes a comprehensive look at the history of 
net art's depictions of Money As Error. What themes and subjects 
emerge from _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US, and has it bitten off more 
than it can chew with work by almost 200 artists?


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Call for Papers by Magazine Erwachsenenbildung (Adult Education)

2014-01-16 Thread netbehaviour

Aesthetic Education in the Digital Age

Call for Papers by Magazine Erwachsenenbildung (Adult Education)

- Can aesthetics be divorced from its instrumentalization?

- What happens to “content“ if everything is diluted to information?

- How is “aesthetic education“ connected with political education, an 
understanding of democracy and subjects such as bioethics, human rights 
and environmental protection?

- And which priorities of an updated “aesthetic education” are in 
conflict with actually existing neoliberalism?

From 1793-1801, Friedrich Schiller wrote “On the Aesthetic Education of 
Man,” a treatise on art as an independent medium for improving the 
character1. We question how topical an “aesthetic education” is today 
against the backdrop of globalization and digitalization as well as the 
financial and government debt crisis and the subsequent challenges for 
education and culture that have emerged from it.

Journal for adult education Magazine Erwachsenenbildung.at is an 
Austrian open access journal for issues in adult education with a 
special focus on lifelong learning. Past issues have addressed education 
offers, demand and needs, professionalization, and educational policy in 

Full length Call

Information for authors

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Turning Graph Paper Into Geometric Art: The Unlikely Inspiration Of Alma Alloro

2014-01-16 Thread netbehaviour
Turning Graph Paper Into Geometric Art: The Unlikely Inspiration Of Alma 

By Liz Flyntz.

Alma Alloro is a new media artist, musician, and animator from Tel Aviv 
known for creating GIFs based on hand-rendered graph-paper drawings. 
Combining a contemporary interest in lo-fi tech culture, with an 
attention to formal abstract constructs and handmade qualities 
reminiscent of the high-modernist designs of the early Bauhaus, Alloro 
has been drawing fans internationally to her work. First gaining our 
attention in 2012 with her graph doodles come to life, the Berlin-based 
artist will be displaying her first NYC solo show, Apophenia, at 
Brooklyn's Transfer Gallery this month.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2015 / Deadline: 01.March 2014 / KUNSTHALLE EXNERGASSE, Vienna

2014-01-15 Thread netbehaviour
CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2015 / Deadline: 01.March 2014 / KUNSTHALLE 


Deadline: March 01, 2014, 24:00 (CET, UTC+1)
Online Application: from February 15 until March 01, 2014

Kunsthalle Exnergasse invites you to submit exhibition proposals for the 
year 2015.
Corresponding exhibition programmes are decided in a two-step 
application and review process upon by an Advisory Panel.

Submissions for solo exhibitions will not be reviewed. We only accept 
online applications.
Please read carefully the guidelines regarding the application and 
review process and the available facilities of Kunsthalle Exnergasse 
before submitting your proposal.

Looking forward to your proposals!

KUNSTHALLE EXNERGASSE, WUK, Währinger Straße 59, 1090 Vienna, Austria
tel. +43-1-40121-42 / email: kunsthalle.exnerga...@wuk.at
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Othernet workshop 24-26 Jan / Weise7 / Berlin

2014-01-14 Thread netbehaviour

Othernet workshop 24-26 Jan / Weise7 / Berlin

As part of UrbanKnights programme and as a satellite event of
Transmediale '14, Studio Weise7 presents Othernet workshop.


Duration: 24-26th January, 11.00-18.00
Place: Studio Weise7, Berlin

In today's post-internet society data privacy and infrastructural 
independence have become a central tenant within communication policy,

changing how the Net is structured.

Othernet workshop is a three-day long workshop, which provides you with
this technical know-how. During the workshop participants will explore
alternative systems for secure, communication and data exchange,
unfettered from surveillance. Set up and operational issues are
explained and Open Source projects such as - OwnCloud, OpenVPN,
JaroMail, UnCloud, Unhosted and more are presented.

more: http://weise7.org/othernet

The outcomes of the workshop will be presented on the 30st January 
during a special event at Studio Weise7. This presentation is associated 
with 'URBAN KNIGHTS: Systems for independent city living' Transmediale



Presentation: 30st January, 19.00
Place: Studio Weise7, Berlin

Join the workshop by registering at:



A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] two-bitcoin?! The full text in chat-format

2014-01-14 Thread netbehaviour

two-bitcoin?! The full text in chat-format

I’m reposting this from the Spectre list, thinking it may be of interest 
to some on netbehaviour…

Wishing you well.


Sent by Matze Schmidt


A tour in the orbit of bitcoins'[s] circulation, revolution and 
condition of flowing concerning the measure of value based on human labour

December 20, 2013
(17:08) 20:00 - open end (in English)
The full text in chat-format


For text with German comment see:

[05:05 pm] System: Chat room http://bloochat.com/vv2m9 created.
Welcome! To invite people to the chat room, just
give them this address.
[05:05 pm] System: n0name DE (IP 176.199.***.***) enters.
[05:08 pm] n0name: two-bitcoin?! TextJam now here:
[05:08 pm] n0name: bitcoining 20-open?
[05:08 pm] n0name: don't have the time, got to work.
[05:09 pm] n0name: since 17:08
[05:13 pm] n0name: two-bitcoin?!? two-bitcoin?!
[05:13 pm] n0name: but not the money is the richnessnes
[05:13 pm] n0name: bitcoining 20-open? don't have the time, got to
[05:13 pm] n0name: The sudden reversion from a system of credit to a
system of hard cash = monetary system. When does
it happen? When the rich don't have the money the
poor don't have the jobs -- the [unlink] bidder
[unlink] thinks.
[05:17 pm] n0name: Symbolic bits as money are currency of money.
[05:19 pm] n0name: perhaps Means of Payment
[05:24 pm] n0name: buy ... pay
[05:25 pm] n0name: Means of payment, means of buying
[05:26 pm] n0name: Marx quotes Luther, who differentiates in money as
means of buying and means of payment -- in:
[05:27 pm] n0name: Karl Marx. Capital Volume One Chapter Three: Money,
Or the Circulation of Commodities SECTION 3 MONEY
B. Means of Payment
[05:27 pm] n0name: http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1
[05:29 pm] n0name: So there can be a delay between buying an paying.
This inbetween can cause inbetweeners.
[05:30 pm] n0name: The vendor becomes a creditor, the purchaser
becomes a debtor.
[05:31 pm] n0name: But we are talking (chatting) about G-G', which
means money-more money.
[05:32 pm] n0name: A form of value.
[05:34 pm] n0name: The inbetween (delay) of the act of purchase and
the act of payment causes the credit.
[05:37 pm] n0name: Currency (latin currens) is the condition of
flowing. The thing that moves constantly, whereas
commodities fall out of the process.
[05:39 pm] n0name: credere = believing, entrust
[05:40 pm] n0name: The creditor is a beliver and belives in the
[05:41 pm] n0name: The current (or stream) of money came to a halt for
the credit.
[05:43 pm] n0name: This is:
[05:43 pm] n0name: two-bitcoin?! TextJam as A tour in the orbit of
bitcoins' circulation, revolution and condition of
flowing concerning the measure of value based on
human labour December 20, 2013
[05:43 pm] n0name: The current/currency is a sort of orbit, the cours
de la monnaie.
[05:47 pm] n0name: What began as C-C (commodity for commodity, became
the form C-M-C (commodity for money for commodity).
[05:48 pm] n0name: And then M-C-M (money for commodity for money).
[05:49 pm] n0name: the money. [...] is continually withdrawing
commodities from circulation and stepping into
their places,
[05:49 pm] n0name: ... as the C always is to be consumed, and the M
[05:50 pm] n0name: bitcoins can be a money too ;)
[06:03 pm] n0name: ...
[06:04 pm] n0name: as a form of value (according to the 'theory of
value' following Marx)
[06:05 pm] n0name: two-bit is lousy
[06:06 pm] n0name: bit is the binary digit, it can have only one of
two values
[06:07 pm] n0name: the value of the bit is not an economical value
[06:08 pm] n0name: They call the bit the basic unit of information
in computing -- in fact it is a term for the
oscillating of computations/calculations.
[06:09 pm] n0name: ...
[06:17 pm] System: masgnu DE (IP 176.199.***.***) enters.
[06:18 pm] masgnu: true/false
[06:19 pm] masgnu: some thesis by the critics may be that bit-systems
(computer systems) determine the values of finances
[06:23 pm] n0name: to send and receive so called 'coins' does not
necessarily determine values.
[06:24 pm] System: masgnu has left.
[06:24 pm] n0name: Values of finances may be a concept with problems
since it suggests a value 'coming out' of the
[06:26 pm] System: masgnu DE (IP 176.199.***.***) enters.
[06:27 pm] masgnu: but the trade can form the values of the
[06:29 pm] n0name: Okay, but mining of bitcoins is a mining on the
basis of 'regular' money/currencies. Trading of C
(money) as currency not as pay-money may cause
shifts in their prices.
[06:29 pm] masgnu: the libor scandal
[06:30 pm] n0name: Yes, but let's first check out the money and its
[06:31 pm] n0name: To find out what's going on with bits of coins.
[06:33 pm] n0name: In order to find it out, we can differentiate forms
of money as »buy-money«, »pay-money«, »currency« in
the circulation and money as hoard

[NetBehaviour] The “Isarithm” remix

2014-01-14 Thread netbehaviour

The “Isarithm” remix


Artist’s Statement

The “Isarithm” remix is sourced from the 184 sections of Mark Amerika’s 
“Sentences on Remixology 1.0” essay. Each sentence becomes a 30 frame 
video multi-verse where forms oscillate between intelligible lines and 
illegible texts. The video is accompanied by Woulg’s music which samples 
Mark Amerika’s “Consider the Is” audio reading.

Rick Silva’s art has shown in exhibitions and festivals worldwide, 
including Transmediale (Germany), Futuresonic (U.K.), and Sonar (Spain). 
His art and research has been supported through grants and commissions 
from places such as Turbulence, Rhizome, and The Whitney Museum of 
American Art. Rick has performed live multimedia works in London at 
E:VENT Gallery, Tokyo at The Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts, and 
throughout North America including the Software Cinema Festival in 
Houston Texas. Media outlets such as The New York Times, The Guardian 
UK, Liberation, El Pais, and The CBS Evening News have all recognized 
his art. Most recently, the author of the book Transmission Arts: 
Artists and Airwaves regarded him as “a recognized pioneer in New Media 

Other links
more information on Woulg
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] HOUSE 2014 - Artist Commissioning Opportunity

2014-01-14 Thread netbehaviour

HOUSE 2014 - Artist Commissioning Opportunity.

Lighthouse is pleased to announce a new HOUSE 2014 commissioning 
opportunity in partnership with HOUSE, Brighton Festival and University 
of Brighton

HOUSE is Brighton  Hove’s annual visual arts event concerned with the 
commissioning of new work in partnership with Brighton Festival. HOUSE 
utilises domestic and unusual spaces to situate work throughout the city.

HOUSE 2014 invites outline proposals from artists based in the South 
East region, including London, for a series of commissions to be 
realised in May 2014.

For HOUSE 2014 we are asking practitioners to explore ideas around 
immigration itself but also to wider considerations around notions of 
territory and place, cultural identity, displacement, refuge and seeking 
refuge and how this is understood and perceived in contemporary society: 
in the media, culturally and throughout history.

Responses are invited in a range of media.

More info here

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Videotage: FUSE Residency Program | Call for Applications

2014-01-14 Thread netbehaviour

Videotage: FUSE Residency Program | Call for Applications.

Deadline for Applications: (FRI) 14 MAR 2014

Videotage is a non-profit interdisciplinary artists collective that 
focuses on the development of video and new media art in Hong Kong. One 
of Asia’s first media art organizations, Videotage was founded in 1986 
and is funded by the government to cultivate art development and nurture 
artists in this swiftly evolving field of art.

Videotage is now accepting applications for our residency programme 
FUSE. We would like to invite local and international artists/ curators/ 
researchers/ engineers/ bloggers/ environmentalists/ activists 
interested in the field of media art to submit proposals for creative 
and cutting-edge projects to be completed between 2014-16 to facilitate 
the development of new media art.

Since 2004, Videotage’s unique residency programme FUSE has brought 
together individuals and groups from the fields of art, engineering and 
science, with the aim to explore the synergy between divergent modes of 
knowledge production. We encourage the realization of ideas through 
FUSE, which provides active production support and offers space for 
presentation and sharing. FUSE is also a platform for overseas artists 
to work with local artists, in order to facilitate exchange and develop 
projects in a local context.

More info
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] SOFT CONTROL: Second open call for interdisciplinary projects

2014-01-14 Thread netbehaviour

SOFT CONTROL: Second open call for interdisciplinary projects | Hangar



Deadline for applications: The 31st of January 2014 at 00:00h (GMT +1).

This is an open call for participating in the second edition of Spring 
Sessions at Hangar art production and research center based in Barcelona 
(Spain). The Spring Sessions are intensive and interdisciplinary 
meetings between artists and other professionals for developing a 
specific part of a larger research project.

The Spring Sessions provide the opportunity to an artist to invite a 
professional from another discipline to work together in the development 
of part of a larger research project within the framework of a one month 
residency in Hangar. One participant will be based in Barcelona and the 
other somewhere else. The person based elsewhere will be able to live in 
Hangar’s guest house during the development of the residency (one month).

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Time Motion at FACT: Punchcard Protocol and Creative Capital in our Modern Times

2014-01-10 Thread netbehaviour
Rachel Falconer reviews the exhibition ‘Time  Motion: Redefining 
Working Life’ at FACT in Liverpool.

“Taking the archival stimulus of time and motion measurement as its 
title and industrial work patterns as a starting point, the exhibition 
Time  Motion is the latest in a series of exhibitions and symposia 
addressing immaterial labour and new working patterns in the age of 
globalisation and creative capital. Rather than following the 
well-trodden path of casting the figure of the artist as digital 
labourer, or attempting to portray an expansive, post-colonial view of 
nomadic, labouring diasporas, Time and Motion reflects a subversive and 
fragmented approach to the politics of work, rest and play within the 
global information economy.”


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Interview with Art Award Winner Katerina Athanasoppulou: Emigration and the Crisis

2014-01-08 Thread netbehaviour
Interview with Art Award Winner Katerina Athanasoppulou: Emigration and 
the Crisis.

Eva Kekou interviews Katerina Athanasoppulou about her film Apodemy 
commissioned by The Onassis Cultural Center on the theme of Emigration 
for Visual Dialogues 2012, and her hybrid art practice of live action, 
animation and film. In 2013 Athanasoppulou won the Lumen Prize, 
described by the Guardian as The World's Pre-eminent Digital Art 
Prize. She works as an Animation Director, collaborates with other 
artists and companies, and is an Animation Lecturer at the London 
College of Communication.


Eva Kekou has a multidisciplinary background (literature, art history 
and political theory) and she is specialised in media art. Her main 
field of expertise: urban studies, interactive media and public art and 
her research work is widely presented and also published on line and in 
reputable journals. She organised the symposium Urban Digital Narratives 
(2011), Athens in Trans-It-ion (2012), Glob-art perspectives and crisis 
is a greek word in the end (2012). She has curated a number of shows and 
events. She has worked as an adjunct lecturer and has lived in Austria, 
Luxembourg, United Kingdom and United States. She is now based in Athens 
Greece where she works as a freelance curator, writer and researcher.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The self-abolition of the poet

2014-01-06 Thread netbehaviour

The self-abolition of the poet

Jasper Bernes, Joshua Clover, and Juliana Spahr

At the excellent Poetry and/or Revolution conference a few months back, 
one salient but perhaps muddy point of discussion concerned the 
relationship between poetry and capitalism (or class society more 
broadly). A couple of us here at Commune Editions wrote on this point in 
our statements for the conference, with Joshua Clover averring that a 
successful revolution would spell the end of the poet as a distinct 
social role, while Tim Kreiner and Jasper Bernes seemed to take an even 
more maximalist position, suggesting that the revolutionary formation of 
a free and equal society would mean not only the end of poets but also 
poems, allowing for some new and for us inconceivable form of aesthetic 
expression that might still deserve the name poetry.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Beyond the Cut-up: William S. Burroughs and the Image at Photograper’s gallery

2014-01-05 Thread netbehaviour
Beyond the Cut-up: William S. Burroughs and the Image at Photograper’s 

Sat 15 Feb, 2014


This conference Beyond the Cut-up: William S. Burroughs and the Image 
will explore new theoretical interventions and accounts of Burroughs’s 
ideas of the image, its effects and modes of operation, its impact on 
human consciousness, its complex embedding within textual and other 
fields, its psychological and ideological transformations of perception.

William S. Burroughs’s complex and provocative uses of the image 
challenge critical and theoretical orthodoxies. His works in writing, 
visual arts, cut-up and collage, painting, assemblage, photography, and 
in sonic arts, constantly return in multiple ways to a detailed and 
politically urgent enquiry into the nature and effects of the image, the 
word-as-image, and beyond.

Critical work on Burroughs’s art has hitherto focused mainly on his uses 
of cut-up techniques. However, his works offer very diverse responses to 
the multiple political and emotional functions of images in relation to 
modern and postmodern societies of control, and enable explorations of 
the status and potentials of the artist as agent within these contexts. 
These themes are insistent Burroughsian concerns.

At The Photographers’ Gallery, 16 – 18 Ramillies St, London W1F 7LW.
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Algorithmic Politics

2014-01-03 Thread netbehaviour

Algorithmic Politics

By Eugenio Tisselli Vélez

El 27 || The 27th - [File under: Algorithmic Politics] -- English below.

[ES] - Programé este algoritmo para expresar lo que pienso de estos 20 
años de TLC, y de la reciente 'Reforma Energética' en México:
'Cada vez que el Índice Compuesto de la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York 
(Símbolo: ^NYA) cierre con una variación porcentual positiva, un 
fragmento del artículo 27 de la Constitución Política de los Estados 
Unidos Mexicanos será traducido automáticamente al inglés.'


[EN] - I programmed this algorithm to express my thoughts about 20 years 
of NAFTA and the recent 'Energy Reform' policy in Mexico:
'Each time the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index (Symbol: ^NYA) 
closes with a positive percent variation, a fragment of the 27th article 
of the Mexican Constitution is automatically translated into English.'



A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Video of Glitch Moment/ums at Furtherfield Gallery now up.

2014-01-03 Thread netbehaviour

Video of Glitch Moment/ums at Furtherfield Gallery now up.

Vimeo - http://bit.ly/Kofeex

The artists in this exhibition appropriate the technological and digital 
medium in order to make what is known as Glitch Art. These technically, 
imaginative disruptions include different approaches with the media 
whether it exploits software or hardware and includes video, sound and 
glitch textiles.

This video was taken at Glitch Moment/ums opening event at Furtherfield 
Gallery (London) on Saturday 8 June 2013. Featuring artists: Alma 
Alloro, Melissa Barron, Nick Briz, Benjamin Gaulon, José Irion Neto, 
Antonio Roberts and Ant Scott.

More about the exhibition that took place in June 2013


A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] What is Art History Made of?

2013-12-13 Thread netbehaviour
What is Art History Made of?

Charlotte Frost.

Over the last few years I have been staging a practical and theoretical 
investigation of art historical media. I’ve been asking what are art 
history and criticism are made of? Of course, the simple answer is: 
words. When we interpret, contextualise and historicise artistic 
practice we, in the main, take something visual and turn that experience 
into one carried by words. But sometimes these words are spoken, some 
are printed in books and magazines and now, with the rise of digital 
technology and the internet, some of these words are digital. My concern 
is that not only do we, as art critics and historians overlook our own 
media in a bid to analyse and understand that of artists, but in doing 
so, we are ignoring what happens to art knowledge when it is rendered in 
different forms. So I decided I would have to render my own 
investigation in different forms.



A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Club Kids: The Social Life of Artists on Facebook

2013-12-11 Thread netbehaviour
Club Kids: The Social Life of Artists on Facebook

text by
Brad Troemel
Artie Vierkant
Ben Vickers
Brad Troemel  Artie Vierkant
Ben Vickers  Artie Vierkant

Strikethroughs signify disagreement
Underlines signify agreement

concept by
Brad Troemel


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] (g͖̣̝͎̙͐ͅl̵̮̰̝᷇̑̾î̶̢᷾ͭ̈́ͩt̯̬̰̓ͦ᷁͋c᷿͖̙ͯ͛̊᷇h̳̭͓͛ͬ᷈᷄) Mash Smarter Not Harder

2013-12-11 Thread netbehaviour
(g͖̣̝͎̙͐ͅl̵̮̰̝᷇̑̾î̶̢᷾ͭ̈́ͩt̯̬̰̓ͦ᷁͋c᷿͖̙ͯ͛̊᷇h̳̭͓͛ͬ᷈᷄) Mash Smarter Not Harder: An 
Interview with 
Benjamin Berg | By Monty Cantsin

Berg (AKA stAllio!) has made a career for himself as a member of the 
Indianapolis-based art band Animals Within Animals (AWIA) since the turn 
of this century. Alongside of that, Berg’s also emerged online as the 
host of a rad radio program on Numbers FM, as the founder/curator of the 
Tumblr called glitchgifs, and even as a pillow-seller. Midwestern 
breakcore fanatics may recall seeing his name on bills back in the day 
alongside such legends as Doormouse or Xanopticon. AND It turns out he’s 
also a rather skilled skill-sharer. Monty Cantsin [AKA Rap Game Gertrude 
Stein], big fan of stAllio! since 2007, corresponded with the artist 
recently by email for this interview.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Thomson Craighead's documentary artwork October at ZKM

2013-12-11 Thread netbehaviour
Thomson  Craighead's documentary artwork October is being exhibited at 
ZKM in Karlsruhe as part of their exhibition global aCtIVISm opening on 
14.12.2013 - 30.03.2014.  It's a big exhibition and you can find out 
more about the many things going on as a part of this here:


October is a portrait of the Occupy movement when it exploded into a 
massive global movement during the autumn of 2011. 

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Hello, World! Introducing FEMICOM

2013-12-11 Thread netbehaviour
Hello, World! Introducing FEMICOM

Welcome to the online home of FEMICOM, the feminine computer museum. 
Launched in April 2012, FEMICOM is an informational resource for 
computer software and electronic games and toys featuring feminine 
design elements. It also houses tools and articles related to game 
development, net art, and other new media endeavors. FEMICOM has been 
featured in print and online media such as The Mary Sue, Missy Magazine, 
Kotaku, and Venus Patrol.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] message from Antonio Roberts

2013-12-11 Thread netbehaviour
message from Antonio Roberts

If anyone ever asks me what it is I do for money I’m just gonna show 
them this video - http://s.shr.lc/18CxPwo
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] 'Anti-Capitalist Aerobics' By Ellie Harrison

2013-12-09 Thread netbehaviour
'Anti-Capitalist Aerobics' By Ellie Harrison

A film by Emma Crouch documenting 'Anti-Capitalist Aerobics' - a new 
performance by Ellie Harrison commissioned by Invisible Dust for the 
'Ways of Seeing Climate Change' conference in Manchester on 30 October 
2013 as part of the 'Invisible Heat' programme supported by the Wellcome 


For more information please visit:

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Roy Ascott. Telematic Experiences | By Elena Giulia Rossi

2013-12-09 Thread netbehaviour
Roy Ascott. Telematic Experiences | By Elena Giulia Rossi

English artist and theorist Roy Ascott was the first to have applied to 
art the cybernetic theories – defined by Norman Wiener in 1948 as the 
scientific study of communication between animals and machines – and 
telematics, the term used since 1978 to indicate the convergence of 
communication and computers. His theories found their practical 
environments in an experiment destined to be a historical point of 
reference exactly thirty years ago. In 1983 Ascott was invited by Frank 
Popper to take part in the Electra. Electricity and Electronics in the 
Art of the XX Century exhibit that was being held at the Musée d’Art 
Moderne de la Ville in Paris. Here the English artist displayed his 
trailblazing project La Plissure du Texte / The Pleating of the Text: A 
Planetary Fairytale, also known by its acronym LPDT. The title is an 
explicit reference to an essay by French critic Roland Barthes that was 
published ten years earlier with the title Le Plaisir du Texte (1973), a 
popular essay discussing, among many other things, on authorship and on 
the role of reader as a writer of the text. Ascott foresees multiple 
authors and readers.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] I Like Hatsune Miku And She (Can Be Programmed To Sing That She) Likes Me.

2013-12-06 Thread netbehaviour
I Like Hatsune Miku And She (Can Be Programmed To Sing That She) Likes Me.

By Rob Myers.

In the posthuman opera The End Vocaloid Hatsune Miku is unreal and 
ageless but possibly not death-defying. What can a not-quite-Open-Source 
media phenomenon teach us about mortality and cultural alienation? And 
how much further can the figure of the virtual idol singer be taken in a 
world which increasingly resembles the cyberpunk dystopias that it 
originated in?


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Furtherfield and Contemporary Art Culture - Where We Are Now

2013-12-03 Thread netbehaviour
Furtherfield and Contemporary Art Culture - Where We Are Now

Marc Garrett reflects on Furtherfield’s role and direction as a 
rhizomatic arts collective. He argues that the mainstream art world is 
becoming less relevant in contemporary life. He presents a selection of 
artworks, projects and events shown in their public gallery in Finsbury 
Park over the past 2 years and discusses Furtherfield's new lab space, 
the Furtherfield Commons.

This presentation was given at the ICA, London and to students at the 
Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University, Leicester in 
late November 2103.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] xCoAx 2014: 2nd International Conference on Computation

2013-12-03 Thread netbehaviour
, China
André Rangel, CITAR / Portuguese Catholic University
Andreas Muxel, Köln International School of Design, University of
Applied Sciences Cologne
Arne Eigenfeldt, Simon Fraser University
Carlos Guedes, New York University Abu Dhabi
Chandler McWilliams, UCLA
Christian Faubel, Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Christoph Illing, sinuous.de
Cretien Van Campen, Netherlands Institute for Social Research
Cristina Sá, CITAR / School of the Arts, Portuguese Catholic University 
in Porto
Daniel Schorno, STEIM
Diemo Schwarz, IRCAM
Francesca Pasquali, University of Bergamo
Francesco Monico, Ars Academy Research / Planetary Collegium
Francisco Cardoso Lima, Independent Artist, Aveiro
Heitor Alvelos, ID+ / Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto
João Cordeiro, University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China
Jason Reizner, Faculty of Computer Science and Languages, Anhalt
University of Applied Sciences
Jon McCormack, Monash University
Julio d'Escriván, University of Huddersfield
Kasia Glowicka, Royal Conservatory Brussels
Ken Rinaldo, The Ohio State University
Lia, Artist, Vienna / FH Joanneum, Graz
Luís Gustavo Martins, CITAR / Portuguese Catholic University
Luís Sarmento, Seattle
Luísa Ribas, ID+ / Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon
Manuela Naveau, Ars Electronica
Mario Verdicchio, University of Bergamo
Martin Kaltenbrunner, Kunstuniversität Linz
Maude Bonenfant, Département de Communication Sociale et Publique,
Université du Québec à Montréal
Miguel Carvalhais, ID+ / Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto
Miguel Leal, i2ADS / Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto
Mitchell Whitelaw, Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra
Monty Adkins, University of Huddersfield
Nathan Wolek, Stetson University
Nicolas Makelberge, Symbio
Nina Wenhart, Linz
Nina Waisman, Lucas Artists’ Program Visual Arts Fellow
Pablo Garcia, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Paulo Ferreira Lopes, Hochschule fur Musik Karlsruhe
Pedro Cardoso, ID+ / Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto
Pedro Tudela, i2ADS / Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto
Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra
Philip Galanter, Texas AM University
Roxanne Leitão, The Cultural Communication and Computing Research
Institute, Sheffield Hallam University
Rui Torres, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University Fernando
Pessoa, Porto
Saskia Bakker, Eindhoven University of Technology
Teresa Dillon, Independent Curator, Artist, Research  Educator
Tim Boykett, Time's Up
Titus von der Malsburg, University of Potsdam
Thor Magnusson, University of Brighton / ixi audio

Organizing committee

André Rangel, CITAR / Portuguese Catholic University
Jason Reizner, Faculty of Computer Science and Languages, Anhalt
University of Applied Sciences
Mario Verdicchio, University of Bergamo
Miguel Carvalhais, ID+ / Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto
(Conference Chair)
Pedro Tudela, i2ADS / Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto

twitter: @xcoaxorg

-- http://yaxu.org/
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Furtherfield And Contemporary Art Culture - Where We Are Now.

2013-11-20 Thread netbehaviour
Furtherfield And Contemporary Art Culture - Where We Are Now.

Marc Garrett | Transdisciplinary Community (TDC) Seminar (Public)
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Room 0.11, Queens Building, Mill Lane, Leicester LE2 7DR
Organised by Francesca Franco

Marc Garrett will give a presentation about Furtherfield 
(www.furtherfield.org) and the arts collective's dedication in 
collaborating with, writing about, and being part of a networked art 
culture that he acknowledges as the real contemporary art happening out 
there. It is part of wider shift in art culture that has thrived 
independently at the edges of the traditional and mainstream art world's 
branded franchises. Garrett agrees with Hans-Christoph Steiner that we 
“must allow all human creativity to be as free as free software”. And 
will give evidence of an expanding and dynamic contemporary art practice 
that reflects this idea in various forms, showing an extraordinary shift 
in art consciousness that is forging other ways of seeing, being and 
thinking. Furtherfield has been involved with many artists working in 
art, technology and social change for over 17 years, on-line and in 
physical space. This presentation focuses on reflecting on and 
presenting selected art works and projects shown at their gallery in the 
park, in Finsbury Park London, over the last couple of years.

Marc Garrett is co-director and co-founder, with artist Ruth Catlow of 
the Internet arts collectives and communities – Furtherfield.org, 
Furthernoise.org, Netbehaviour.org, also co-founder and 
co-curator/director of the gallery space formerly known as 'HTTP 
Gallery' now called the Furtherfield Gallery based in the park (Finsbury 
Park), London UK. Co-curating various contemporary Media Arts 
exhibitions, projects nationally and internationally. Co-editor of 
'Artists Re:Thinking Games' with Ruth Catlow and Corrado Morgana 2010. 
Hosted Furtherfield's critically acclaimed weekly broadcast on UK's 
Resonance FM Radio, a series of hour long live interviews with people 
working at the edge of contemporary practices in art, technology  
social change. Also just opened a new space called the 'Furtherfield 
Commons' a community lab space in the park of Finsbury Park. And 
co-curating another Furtherfield project called 'Digital Zoo' a touring 
digital art show to shopping centres around the country in 2014. 
Currently doing an Art history PhD at the University of London, Birkbeck 

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact 
me via email (ffra...@dmu.ac.uk)
book here - https://www.facebook.com/events/759420384084377/
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] BETA RELEASE - Open Call for Participants

2013-11-19 Thread netbehaviour
BETA RELEASE - Open Call for Participants

18 November 2013 - 12:00am - 25 November 2013 - 12:00am
Venue/Location: The White Building, Hackney Wick


Hardcore Software invites submissions for the first edition of Beta 
Release – a new exhibition format to showcase software under 
development. The event will take place on Wednesday December 4 at the 
White Building in London.

The concept is simple: Artists, coders, developers, composers, and 
writers are invited to give a live demonstration of their latest digital 
projects in a gallery environment.

Participants are encouraged to make their work available to download 
online during the event, and to explore innovative ways for the audience 
to interact with the work.

If you would like to participate then please contact Rachel Falconer 
with a short description of your current project and how you propose to 
present it. All participants are expected to present their work in 
person and should bring their own equipment.


Hardcore Software is a platform for decoding the language and legacy of 
systems. Formed by artist Lawrence Lek and curator Rachel Falconer, we 
take an archaeological approach to discovering patterns in networked 
culture. By stripping widely adopted technologies down to their skeletal 
core, we aim to cast systems as agents of cultural transmission.
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Announcing Alpha-ville Exchange // 17.01.2014// Rich Mix Cinema and Arts Centre, London//

2013-11-18 Thread netbehaviour
Alpha-ville announces the launch of Alpha-ville EXCHANGE - a new series 
of events designed to give the London art, tech and creative communities 
the opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, get inspired and discover 
new talent. EXCHANGE 1 brings together some of the world's most talented 
artists and creatives of today to talk about their practice, influences 
and recent works.

For more info, please visit: alpha-ville.co.uk/exchange

Alpha-ville Exchange 1
Friday 14.01.2014 09:30 - 18:30
Rich Mix Cinema and Arts Centre

Alpha-vile EXCHANGE 1 features:

Berlin-based artist  scenographer is part of a new generation of 
artists who find an outlet on multiple platforms. He is currently 
working on an ambitious production for the Dutch National Ballet and the 
Royal Opera House.

Field is a London-based studio for digital art and design led by 
co-founders Marcus Wendt and Vera-Maria Glahn. Field creates expressive 
and dynamic artworks for digital platforms, galleries, festivals and 
public installations.

Hellicar  Lewis use art, technology and design to create groundbreaking 
experiences that take people into the moment to impart lasting memories.

London based visual artist investigating the figurative and the 
abstract, the old and the new. His work explores photography, geometry, 
time-based digital sculptures and immersive audiovisual installations 
and performances.

Acclaimed visual artist Shantell Martin is expanding conventional 
definitions of drawing and animation to transform visual experience in 
the design, fashion, and music industries.

Sougwen’s interdisciplinary process spans drawing, video, animation, 3d, 
sound and installation. She creates connections between traditional art 
and the immersive possibilities of new technologies.

Stefanie’s work ranges from data visualisation and information design to 
commissioned data art for a variety of clients. She focuses on the 
visual representation of language, literature, or numbers.

More artists to be announced soon.
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] new issue of Computational Culture 3 out now...

2013-11-18 Thread netbehaviour
Computational Culture 3

Issue Three of Computational Culture, a journal of software studies is 
now online.



Michael Castelle - Relational and Non-Relational Models in the 
Entextualization of Bureaucracy

Evelyn Ruppert - Not just another database: the transactions that enact 
young offenders

Anne Helmond - The Algorithmization of the Hyperlink

Taina Bucher - Objects of Intense Feeling: The Case of the Twitter API


Thor Magnusson, On Creativity and Calculation: Attempts at and 
Rejections of Formal Definitions of Creativity

Harry Halpin, Review of Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the 
Internet and This Machine Kills Secrets: How WikiLeakers, Cypherpunks, 
and Hacktivists Aim to Free the Worlds Information

Hkan Rberg, Lost in a Maze of Code

Alan F. Blackwell, Critical Codes  from forkbomb to brainfuck

Lone Koefoed Hansen, Review of Inventing the Medium. Principles of 
Interaction Design as a Cultural Practice


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] November Resident: Olga Kopenkina (BY/US)

2013-11-14 Thread netbehaviour
November Resident: Olga Kopenkina (BY/US)

18 November, 5pm – lecture: New Feminism and Media
RITS School of Arts, Antoine Dansaertstraat 70, Brussels 1000

21 November, 8.30pm – screening: Feminism is Politics!
Beursschouwburg, Auguste Ortsstraat 20-28, Brussels 1000


Olga Kopenkina is the second Kran Film Resident who will pay a ten-day 
visit to Brussels in order to explore Flemish video and film archives, 
meet film professionals, give a lecture at RITS School of Arts, and 
organize a screening programme at Beursschouwburg Brussels. Kopenkina’s 
residency programme is developed around the theme of gender. She will be 
exploring the relationship between gender and cinema and will question 
how women-filmmakers respond to the various living conditions shaped by 
capital, state politics and war; how they ultimately contribute to 
discussion about significance of an organized action and creation of 
feminist activist networks through the use of film technologies and 

Lecture: New Feminism and Media
The lecture will depart from early feminist critique, which responded to 
the lack of action in feminist and women’ groups in the late 70s and 
80s, its limited and self-referential discourse, and focus on works by 
women-filmmakers and artists who endeavoured to give the film and 
media-based art a palpable sense of energy, driven by visions of radical 
action. Filmmakers like Alice Guy (France), who pioneered feminist film, 
and Lizzie Borden (USA), female members of Paper Tiger TV activists and 
contemporary cyber-feminists introduced the new ways for feminist 
critique and possibility of organized action through the use of media 
technologies – from independent TV stations and pirate radio of the 
early times to contemporary internet. Contemporary media-based feminists 
artists explore the potential of new feminism to attack, to act from the 
antagonistic position within the wider social and political terrain, 
responding to various living conditions, cultural and material 
productions from women living in different parts of the world. Focusing 
on artistic and political lessons inherited from the past, contemporary 
feminist filmmakers and cyber-feminists propel them to the new circle of 
formation and activation of political subjectivity.

Screening: Feminism is Politics!
Drawing the references to history of feminism and queerness, the film 
program embraces the wide spectrum of art and activism: from performance 
and video to documentation of direct action, redefining notions of 
“riot”, revolt, autonomy, emancipation, revolution, and other concepts 
that shape radical feminist philosophy.

1. Lana Čmajčanin, Female President. 2005, 3,17 min.
2. Iqaa the Olivetone, Locusts, Detroit, 2008, 11,27 min. Produced by 
Invincible for EMERGENCE Media.
3. Pussy Riot, Punk Prayer – Mother of God, Chase Putin Away! 2012, 2 min.
4. Bureau of Melodramatic Research, Protect Your Heart at Work. 2012, 25 
5. Kasja Dahlberg, Female Fist. 2006, 20 min.
+ surprise

Olga Kopenkina is Belarus-born, New York-based curator and art critic. 
Her work focuses both on historical and contemporary art practices 
within the wide spectrum of art and political expression that resulted 
in projects such as Sound of Silence: Art during Dictatorship, 
exhibition at EFA Project Space, NYC, 2012; Reading Lenin with 
Corporations, ongoing seminar and film production; Terror Tactics, film 
program at apexart, New York, 2007; exhibitions Russia: Significant 
Other at Anna Akhmatova Museum, St Petersburg, Russia, 2006 and 
Post-Diasporas: Voyages and Missions at the First Moscow Biennale, 
Moscow (2005). Kopenkina contributed to such publications as Art 
Journal, Moscow Art Magazine, ArtMargins, Manifesta Journal, Modern 
Painters, Afterimage, and others. She currently teaches at New York 
University, Steinhardt School for Arts and Art Professions, Department 
of Media, Culture and Communication.
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] London CryptoFestival

2013-11-13 Thread netbehaviour
London CryptoFestival
Tools and analysis for a post-PRISM internet


Saturday, November 30th
Doors open 10.30 / Start 11am sharp

New Academic Building
Goldsmiths, New Cross
Location: http://www.gold.ac.uk/find-us/

Free, all welcome

What happens to the internet after the Snowden revelations?
Do we just sit tight and let the most important cultural and economic 
force of the last two decades get turned into a giant surveillance 
honeytrap?  London CryptoFestival is the biggest public and academic 
manifestation in the UK after the spy-network has been exposed.  The 
unique day-long festival is aimed at showing paths beyond the logic of 
fear and coercion offered by the state on the one hand, and business 
models based on surveillance on the other.

London CryptoFestival brings together leading security engineers, 
computer scientists, civil rights groups, hackers, activists and artists 
to evaluate the current situation and to show ways forward.

Alongside this, three strands of hands-on workshops present 
user-friendly tools to increase security by encrypting email, web-use, 
chat and other data.

Ross Anderson, University of Cambridge Computer 
Ian Brown, Open Rights Grouphttps://www.openrightsgroup.org/, Oxford 
Internet Institutehttp://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/?id=117
George Danezis, UCL
Marianne Franklin, 
Internet Rights and Principles 
Jo Glanville, PEN
Wendy Grossman, Open Rights Grouphttps://www.openrightsgroup.org/
Annie Machon ex-MI5 whistleblower
Sm?ri McCarthy (@smarimchttps://twitter.com/smarimc), International 
Modern Media Institutehttps://immi.is/
Nick Pickles, Big Brother Watchhttps://www.bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/

Over twenty workshops will teach non-experts how to use advanced tools 
to support internet privacy, secure personal data, and to use the 
internet, mobile phones and computers without falling easy prey to 
spooks.  Workshops will include: Internet of Things; Tor (secure 
web-browsing); PGP (secure email); Metadata; TCPDump (analyzing network 
traffic); File encryption; Bitmessage (chat); Talk (chat); OTR (chat); 
Digital Double (app); Chokepoint Project; and more to be announced. 
Bring your computer and start working with these tools. Workshops are 
suitable for all skill levels.

IOCOSE ? present First Viewer Television
Orsolya Bajusz ? Swarming Talent Competition
Deckspace ? Community Access

Organised by
Digital Culture Unit, Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, 
University of London:

Department of Computing, Goldsmiths, University of London:

Book a place online: https://londoncryptofestival.eventbrite.co.uk/
Twitter: @cryptofestival

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Review of Ligna’s 'The First International of Shopping Malls' (Cork, Ireland)

2013-11-13 Thread netbehaviour
Review of Ligna’s 'The First International of Shopping Malls' (Cork, 

By Laura Forlano.


Laura Forlano reviews Ligna’s 'The First International of Shopping 
Malls' (Cork, Ireland) feature's over a decade of new media art that has 
transformed and appropriated city spaces. Challenging the separation of 
physical from digital, global from local, private from public, and 
individual from community.

Murakami’s novel After Dark (2007) which refers to both the mobile 
phone as well as the retail environment of the 7-Eleven seems a fitting 
place to begin a review of a new media art project that uses 
communication technology to explore and inhabit the space of shopping 
malls. Digital technologies have enabled the emergence of new forms of 
participatory art, design and creative practices that inhabit urban, 
communal and personal spaces in a variety of interesting ways. In June 
2012, as part of the Midsummer Festival in Cork, Ireland, the German 
group Ligna, which consists of media theorists and radio artists, 
created a radio ballet entitled The First International of Shopping 
Malls. The ballet was part of a series of events called Parallel Cities 
that was curated by Lola Arias and Stefan Kaegi.

Laura Forlano's site - http://lauraforlano.org/


A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Intermediality: Exploring Relationships in Art.

2013-11-13 Thread netbehaviour
Intermediality: Exploring Relationships in Art.

16 November 2013

Speakers Katrina Sluis, Peter Ride, Sean Cubitt  Marc Garrett

This symposium uses the term 'intermediality' - the combination of 
diverse media and references - as a point of departure to a discussion 
of the artistic appropriation of digital images and environments and 
their combination with traditional media.

Particularly, the term sets the stage for a discussion of the political 
consequences of this practice. As the media scholar Jens Schröter 
argues, they can be interpreted in two central ways. On the one hand, 
Rosalind Krauss sees intermediality as a form of 'capitulation to the 
capitalist spectacle'; on the other, it is viewed as defamiliarising 
ordinary experiences of media (McLuhan), abolishing the separation 
between art and life and pointing to the future overcoming of the 
division of labour (Higgins).

Up to what extent are traditional art historical discourses about the 
medium still relevant to analyse the use of digital images, environments 
and methods in contemporary art practices? What degrees of audience 
implication do they demand?

Curated by ICA Student Forum member Mafalda Dâmaso.

More info here

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Call for Papers: Special issue of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism Critique

2013-11-12 Thread netbehaviour
 organizations, non-academic articles:
1,000-2,500 words not including references
* Key concept entries: 1,000-2,000 words not including references

Publishing Schedule:

Jan. 15, 2014: deadline for proposals (300-500 word abstract)
Feb. 1, 2014: notification of acceptance (scholarly articles still
subject to peer review)
June 1, 2014: deadline for first drafts
Aug. 1, 2014: editorial feedback provided
Oct. 1, 2014: final drafts submitted
Nov. 1, 2014: publication of special issue

Please send queries and abstract proposals (including title, abstract of
around 300-500 words, affiliation, contact data, brief biographical
note) via email to the 3 co-editors:

Nicole S. Cohen
Institute of Communication, Culture and Information Technology
University of Toronto Mississauga

Greig de Peuter
Department of Communication Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University

Enda Brophy
School of Communication
Simon Fraser University

About the journal:
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism  Critique is a non-profit open
access journal focusing on the study of media, digital media,
information and communication in contemporary capitalist societies. For
this task, articles should employ critical theories and/or empirical
research inspired by critical theories and/or philosophy and ethics
guided by critical thinking as well as relate the analysis to power
structures and inequalities of capitalism, especially forms of
stratification such as class, racist and other ideologies and capitalist
patriarchy. The journal is especially interested in how analyses relate
to normative, political and critical dimensions and how they help
illuminating conditions that foster or hinder the advancement of an
inclusive, just and participatory information society. It publishes both
theoretical and empirical contributions as well as reflections and book

Follow tripleC on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommCapCritique

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Call for submissions: Viral Dissonance at FLEFF 2014

2013-11-12 Thread netbehaviour
Call for submissions: Viral Dissonance at FLEFF 2014

The 17th annual Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) will 
begin its yearlong exploration of “Dissonance” with concerts, workshops, 
master classes, performances, and films.

FLEFF invites submissions of new media art, tactical media, radical 
cartography, computer games, and locative media for the online 
exhibition “Viral Dissonance” and prize of USD250.

“Going viral” is often equated with viral videos. It is associated with 
internet memes: ideas replicate themselves and spread, jumping between 
social networks. Viruses themselves often frighten for their 
unpredictable movements. They travel quickly against dominant flows and 
often defy attempts at isolation and containment. Epidemics viruses like 
SARS, H1N1, and MERS emerge at the intersections between human and 
nonhuman, casting chickens, pigs, camels, and bats as “natural” 
transmitters. They also emerge at the intersections of science and 
superstition. Computer viruses spread through self-replicating malware 
programs, disabling proper functionality—or even shutting it down 
through “worms” like Code Red, Nimda, and ILOVEYOU.

During the past few years, grassroots forms of dissonance have erupted 
everyday from Egypt and Syria to Spain, Greece, the United States, and 
Brazil. People have gathered in the streets and in squares to demand to 
be heard and to be seen. They refuse to be silenced or erased. News 
media have occasionally offered them time and space to make their voices 
heard and faces visible. People have also mobilized digital technologies 
like SMS and social networking, working around and within the control of 
state and corporate control. They have spoken against data mining of 
citizens and against the financialization and militarization of everyday 
life for millions, but they have also spoken against corporate cooption 
of dissonance as Twitter or Facebook revolutions.

Dissonance emerges as clash, tension, disharmony, and disequilibrium to 
make visible and audible an ever-expanding multiplicity of clashes, 
tensions, disharmonies, and disequilibriums have become so integral to 
everyday life that they can easily pass unmarked and seem unremarkable. 
Dissonance thrives on contradictions, moving restlessly towards 
irresolution. It calls out imbalance. Neither noise, nor cacophony, 
dissonance pairs together the incompatible with results that surprise, 
offend, invite, disturb, and excite, spurring action and creativity. 
Dissonance sparks and ignites.

Viral Dissonance seeks projects that run online or on mobile devices, 
ones that provoke and educate to expand dissonance virally as knowledge 
producing and agentive. Please send submissions with a brief bio (75 
words) in an email to FLEFF Digital Curator Dale Hudson of New York 
University Abu Dhabi (UAE/USA) at fleff.digital.curat...@gmail.com no 
later than 15 January 2014.

Claudia Costa Pederson of Ithaca College (USA) serves as FLEFF Assistant 
Curator for New Media on this project, which will be juried by Eduardo 
Cachucho (Belgium/South Africa) and Babak Fakhamzadeh 
(Uganda/Netherlands). The exhibition is scheduled to go live in March 
2014. For additional information about FLEFF, including past exhibitions 
Digital Checkpoints, Trafficked Identities, and last year’s Distributed 
Microtopias, please visit http://www.ithaca.edu/fleff/.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Ars Bioarctica Residency 2014 – Open Call

2013-11-08 Thread netbehaviour
Ars Bioarctica Residency 2014 – Open Call

Since 2010 the Finnish Society of Bioart is organizing the ARS
BIOARCTICA RESIDENCY PROGRAM together with the Kilpisjärvi Biological
Station of the University of Helsinki in the sub-Arctic Lapland.

Until now 39 artists, scientists, and practitioners have been developing
work at the Station - including Marko Peljhan and Matthew Biedermann
from the Arctic Perspective Initiative, Oron Catts from Symbiotica or
sound poet AGF.

The residency takes place in the facilities of the Kilpisjärvi
Biological Station. It provides the residents with a combined living and
working environment, a basic laboratory, internet connection and sauna.

The Kilpisjärvi Biological Station offers to the residents the same
possibilities and infrastructure as its scientists and staff. This
includes access to scientific equipment, laboratory facilities, the
library and seminar room as well as the usage of field equipment. A
dedicated contact person in Kilpisjärvi will familiarize residents with
the local environment and customs.

The emphasis of the residency is on the Arctic environment, artscience
collaboration and is open for artists, scientists and interdisciplinary
research teams.

Applications have to include:

 * a completed application form available via
 * a cv
 * a more detailed work plan if necessary

Travel to and within Finland to Kilpisjärvi have to be covered by the
applicant as well as the accommodation at the Station. The Finnish
Society of Bioart will assist with the funding process.

The evaluation of the applications emphasizes the quality of the
proposal, its interaction of artscience, its artistic and scientific
significance, the projects relation to the themes of Ars Bioarctica and
its feasibility to be carried out at the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station
in the given time.

Send applications or questions to Erich Berger

Residency info website:
Blog by previous residents:
The Kilpisjärvi Biological station:

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The Dynamic Site: Finsbury Park Futures | at the Furtherfield Commons

2013-11-07 Thread netbehaviour
The Dynamic Site: Finsbury Park Futures | at the Furtherfield Commons

Imagine visiting Finsbury Park in the not too distant future...

An exhibition by students from the Writtle School of Design (WSD) 
featuring futuristic ideas and visions for Finsbury Park, coinciding 
with the launch of Furtherfield Commons (London, UK) - Furtherfield's 
new community lab space for participation and engagement in art, 
technology and social change.

23, 24, 30 November  1 December 2013
Venue: Furtherfield Commons


Visiting Information - http://www.furtherfield.org/gallery/visit
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The 1, 000 Drones Project - A Participatory Memorial.

2013-11-05 Thread netbehaviour
The 1,000 Drones Project - A Participatory Memorial, is the creation of 
media artist and activist, Joseph DeLappe.

The project invites the public to create a small scale, papercraft 
replica of a General Atomics MQ-1 Predator UAV (Unmanned Arial Vehicle) 
- a drone. Participants are asked to write the name of a civilian drone 
casualty upon the wings of the aircraft.

This project is an adaptation of The 1,000 Cranes or “Senbazuru” 
tradition from Japan. This tradition holds that anyone who folds one 
thousand cranes will be granted a wish. Since World War II the tradition 
has been associated with the atomic attacks upon Nagasaki and Hiroshima 
- the folding of the cranes has become a wish for peace. Through the act 
of participating in this work of creative remembrance, the intention is 
for we, as Americans, to recognize and remember those innocents killed 
in our ongoing Global War on Terror.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Disrupting Business

2013-11-04 Thread netbehaviour
Disrupting Business

Art  Activism in Times of Financial Crisis

Data Browser 05
Edited by Tatiana Bazzichelli  Geoff Cox
Buy Paperback: Autonomedia
Download PDF + Cover

ISBN: 9781570272646

Format: Paperback
Subject: Counterculture
Pub Date: 10/01/2013
Publisher: Autonomedia

Disrupting Business explores some of the interconnections between art, 
activism and the business concept of disruptive innovation. With a 
backdrop of the crisis in financial capitalism and austerity cuts in the 
cultural sphere, the idea is to focus on potential art strategies in 
relation to a broken economy. In a perverse way, we ask whether this 
presents new opportunities for cultural producers to achieve more 
autonomy over their production process. If it is indeed possible, or 
desirable, what alternative business models emerge? This book is 
concerned broadly with business as material for reinvention, including 
critical writing and examples of art/activist projects.

Contributors include Saul Albert, Christian Ulrik Andersen, Franco 
“Bifo” Berardi, Heath Bunting, Paolo Cirio, Baruch Gottlieb, Brian 
Holmes, Geert Lovink, Dmytri Kleiner, Georgios Papadopolous, Soren Bro 
Pold, Oliver Ressler, Kate Rich, René Ridgway, Guido Segni, Stevphen 
Shukaitis, Nathaniel Tkacz, and Marina Vishmidt.

Tatiana Bazzicheli is Postdoc Researcher at Leuphana University of 
Lüneberg and programme curator at transmediale festival, Berlin, Germany.

Geoff Cox is Associate Professor in the Department of Aesthetics and 
Communication, Aarhus University, Denmark, and Adjunct Faculty, Transart 
Institute, Germany and the United States.
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Infinite Crypt: Modular Terrain for Underworld Architects

2013-11-04 Thread netbehaviour
Infinite Crypt: Modular Terrain for Underworld Architects

by James Wallbank

Endlessly reconfigurable 3D dungeons, castles, temples  bunkers for 
miniatures gaming. Robust, architectural designs made affordable.

Infinite Crypt is a new class of laser-cut gaming terrain that we 
haven’t seen before. It provides modular architectural elements that are 
solid and sculptural, and can be reconfigured to create all sorts of 
adventurous locations – catacombs, labyrinths, fortifications, bridges 
and more.

Rather than whole buildings, Infinite Crypt standardises towards 2″ x 2″ 
x 1″ elements with which you can build whatever you like. We’re looking 
to keep the cost right down – because however cool and configurable it 
is, you need to make sure you can get your hands on LOADS of it.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The ReMEDIAting Flusser

2013-11-04 Thread netbehaviour
The ReMEDIAting Flusser symposium seeks to bring together scholars in 
media studies, art and cultural studies and international Flusser 
specialists to dialogue about Vilém Flusser’s work, his philosophy, and 
to engage each other in discussions on arts and humanities in the 
digital age. As a Digital Humanities project, this symposium seeks to 
take Flusser scholarship and the representation of Flusser’s work one 
step further: for three days, participants will work collaboratively to 
create a script to reMEDIAte Flusser’s main ideas and concepts online. 
The final product will be published online in a multi-media format using 
Scalar in order to explore new forms of digital scholarship.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] “The F.A.T. Manual” Release and Book Launch at MU, Eindhoven

2013-11-04 Thread netbehaviour
“The F.A.T. Manual” Release and Book Launch at MU, Eindhoven

The Link Art Center is proud to announce the release of The F.A.T. 
Manual, edited by Domenico Quaranta and Geraldine Juárez. Published by 
Link Editions on the occasion of the exhibition “F.A.T. GOLD Europe” 
curated by Lindsay Howard at MU, Eindhoven (November 15, 2013 – January 
26, 2014), the book is co-produced with F.A.T. Lab and MU. Available 
during the show in a special edition of 200 printed copies, the book is 
already available as a free pdf download on Link Editions website, on 
Lulu.com and Issuu.com, and in print-on-demand on Lulu.com.

In more than five years of activity, the Free Art and Technology Lab 
(F.A.T. Lab) produced an impressive series of projects, all developed 
with open source software, shared online and documented in a way that 
allows everybody to copy, improve, abuse or simply use them. This 
approach situates F.A.T. Lab in a long tradition of DIY, processual, 
sharable artistic practices based on instructionals, and reveals a 
democratic idea of art where Fluxus scores meet hacker culture (and rap 

Featuring texts by Régine Debatty, Evan Roth, Domenico Quaranta, 
Geraldine Juárez andRandy Sarafan, The F.A.T. Manual is a selection of 
more that 100 projects, done in the belief that printing these bits on 
paper will allow them to spread in a different way, infiltrate other 
contexts, and germinate. An archive, a catalogue, a user manual and a 
software handbook documenting five years of thug life, pop culture and 
research and development.

F.A.T. Lab (http://www.f.at) is an organization dedicated to 
enriching the public domain through the research and development of 
creative technologies and media. F.A.T. Lab’s greater network of 
artists, engineers, scientists, lawyers, and musicians are committed to 
supporting open values and the public domain through the use of emerging 
open licenses, support for open entrepreneurship, and the admonishment 
of secrecy, copyright monopolies, and patents. F.A.T. Lab was co-founded 
in 2007 by Eyebeam senior fellows Evan Roth and James Powderly. Over the 
past five years, the group has grown to include twenty-five artists, 
designers and hacker from 3 continents.

Link Editions (http://editions.linkartcenter.eu) is a publishing 
initiative of the Link Center for the Arts of the Information Age. Link 
Editions uses print on demand and digital formats to create an 
accessible, dynamic series of essays and pamphlets, but also artist 
books, catalogues and conference proceedings. A keen advocate of the 
idea that information wants to be free, Link Editions releases its 
contents free of charge in .pdf format, and on paper at a price 
accessible to all. Link Editions is a not-for-profit initiative and all 
its contents are circulated under an 
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license.

MU will host the official, international book launch at the opening of 
“F.A.T. GOLD Europe” on Friday November 15, with a presentation by the 

Additional information:

Geraldine Juárez, Domenico Quaranta (Eds.), The F.A.T. Manual, Link 
Editions, Brescia 2013. English, soft cover, color, 224 pp. ISBN 

Designed by: Fabio Paris
Published by: Link Editions, Brescia 2013

Co-produced by:
F.A.T. Lab - http://www.f.at
MU - http://www.mu.nl/

On the occasion of the exhibition: “F.A.T. GOLD Europe”, MU, Eindhoven, 
November 15, 2013 – January 26, 2014

With generous support from:
Baltan Laboratories - http://www.baltanlaboratories.org/
Eindhoven Municipality
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Creative Industries Fund NL, Rotterdam - http://stimuleringsfonds.nl/en

Made in collaboration with:
XPO Gallery, Paris - http://www.xpogallery.com/en

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Deleuze's Postscript on the Societies of Control.

2013-11-04 Thread netbehaviour
Deleuze's Postscript on the Societies of Control.

By Gary Hall, Clare Bichall and Peter Woodbridge
Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/9351602#

The second episode in the series takes as its focus Gilles Deleuzes 
short essay Postscript on the Societies of Control. While this episode 
is being made available for the first time in an issue of Culture 
Machine: An Open-Access Journal of Culture and Theory 
culturemachine.net/index.php/cm/issue/view/22 which has the theme of 
creative media; and while Liquid Theory TV could be described as a 
creative project, to the extent it is concerned with producing 
alternative, rival, or counter-desires to those currently dominant 
within much of society (at its simplest, a desire for philosophy or more 
broadly theory, rather than for the creations of Richard Branson, Simon 
Cowell or Rupert Murdoch, say), this does not mean that either the 
series, or this particular episode, should be regarded simply as an 
attempt to perform Deleuzes philosophy. The critical and interpretive 
aspects of scholarly work remain important to us here, even if they are 
being undertaken in a medium very different to the traditional academic 
journal article or book.

Liquid Theory TV is a collaboration between Clare Birchall, Gary Hall 
and Peter Woodbridge

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Remix Theory » Archivio » Three Junctures of Remix Catalog Available

2013-11-04 Thread netbehaviour
Remix Theory » Archivio » Three Junctures of Remix Catalog Available

The catalog for the exhibition Three Junctures of Remix, which took 
place from January 17 to March 15, 2013  is now available for download 
as a PDF. I would like to thank the entire gallery staff and committee 
members for making the exhibition possible, especially Trish Stone, 
Jordan Crandall, Hector Bracho, Doug Ramsey, and Scott Blair. I 
especially thank the artists Arcangel Constantini, Mark Amerika   Chad 
Mossholder, Giselle Beiguelman, and Elisa Kreisinger,  who participated 
in the exhibition, and were generous in providing interviews now 
published in the catalog.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Invite: Crisis Transition-- Inhabiting Nature and Technology

2013-11-04 Thread netbehaviour

*Crisis Transition: Inhabiting Nature  Technology-- Manual Launch.*

(Key words: anthropology, broad technology, 
collectivism, resilience,sharing)

8th Nov.  Flossie 2013 @ London

The contects of the work may be summarized as follows:

Crisis Transition: Inhabiting Nature and Technology

Digital Manual launch at Flossie 2013

Date: 8th Nov

Time: 11.30 am- 5.30 am

Location: Queen Mary, University of London

Details: http://www.flossie.org/content/flossie-2013

Special Thanks: Flossie.org, Irational.org

ww = http://irational.org/waiwai

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Liquid Surveillance, the soft power of UBERMORGEN

2013-10-30 Thread netbehaviour
Liquid Surveillance, the soft power of UBERMORGEN.

Rachel Falconer's article is written in response to an interview 
conducted with lizvlx and Hans Bernhard from Ubermorgen. 
'userunfriendly' is their first solo exhibition in London and presents a 
performative study of creeping paranoia. It is on show at 
Caroll/Fletcher Gallery through October until 16th November 2013.

UBERMORGEN, approach phenomena such as Snowden, and other symptoms of 
perceived hyper-capitalism from a fuzzier, more ambiguous subjectivity. 
In their quest for knowledge production and social dialogue, the artists 
present and re-present the conditions of our global socio-political 
situation as physical and ephemeral catalysts of open-ended 
investigation. Falconer.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The strange tale of Rhizome and its Arts Council funding

2013-10-30 Thread netbehaviour
The strange tale of Rhizome and its Arts Council funding

Rhizome's Seven on Seven event took place last weekend at the Barbican 
in London. Bringing artists and technologists together, it was the first 
event on British soil for the digital arts organisation and was 
sponsored by a number of organisations including Wieden + Kennedy.

Why and how Rhizome required Arts Council funding for the event, 
however, was opened up in a series of supposedly leaked emails, released 
over the weekend.

A Twitter account was set up called @jiggawebz93 by a person who remains 
anonymous, and the account has since been suspended. The account appears 
to have been created to leak information about Rhizome's application to 
Arts Council England (ACE), with the account owner claiming to have 
hacked into Rhizome's email and web CMS.

Here is the link to the rest of the article on the matter.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Coded Matter(s) #2: Sound Hackers

2013-10-25 Thread netbehaviour
and digital culture. Coded Matter(s) sets out to explore how technology 
enables new forms of artistic expression.

Coded Matter(s) will also function as a platform for bringing together 
frontrunners within the many creative disciplines. Furthermore, FIBER 
aims to open up these developments and make them accessible to a broad 
audience, giving them a unique opportunity to experience the many 
possibilities and tools. Within this series groundbreaking interactive 
installations, process based design, audiovisual dance and music 
performances, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) platforms, data art and digital 
scenography will be addressed.

Coded Matter(s) is supported by the Creative Industries Fund NL
News Updates
Twitter: @fiberfestival (https://twitter.com/fiberfestival) / Event 
Hashtag: #codedmatters
FIBER (http://www.fiber-space.nl) / De Brakke Grond 
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Reminder - Open Discussion 'Giving What You Don’t Have'

2013-10-23 Thread netbehaviour
Reminder - Open Discussion 'Giving What You Don’t Have'

All invited, but the event has limited space - please RSVP 

This Saturday Saturday 26 October 2013, 2-5pm

Cornelia Sollfrank will present her latest film Giving What You Don't 
Have. It features interviews with individuals Kenneth Goldsmith, Marcell 
Mars, Sean Dockray, Dmitry Kleiner, discussing with Sollfrank their 
projects and ideas on peer-to-peer production and distribution as art 
practice. It includes the projects ubu.com or arg.org, which combine 
social, technical and aesthetic innovation; they promote open access to 
information and knowledge and make creative contributions to the 
advancement and the reinvention of the idea of the commons.

The post-screening discussion will be led by Cornelia Sollfrank, Marc 
Garrett, Joss Hands  Rachel Baker.

On the basis of the interviews of Giving What You Don't Have, we would 
like to discuss some of the issues they represent such as new forms of 
collaborative production, the shift of production from artefacts to the 
provision of open tools and infrastructures, the development of formats 
for self-organisation in education and knowledge transfer, (the 
potential and the limits of) open content licensing as well as the 
creation of independent ways of distributing cultural goods. An implicit 
part of Giving What You Don't Have is a suggested reconceptualization of 
art under networked conditions.

More info here...
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Solo show by Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša at Aksioma Project Space

2013-10-23 Thread netbehaviour
 of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.
Sponsor: Datacenter d.o.o.

Marcela Okretič, 041 250 830, aksio...@siol.net
Aksioma | Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
Neubergerjeva 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] OPEN PLATFORM_4 - TwT.codemehappy - OPEN CALL

2013-10-23 Thread netbehaviour
OPEN PLATFORM_4 - TwT.codemehappy - OPEN CALL

We are worried. We want to have fun. We no longer want to queue outside 
over night for the latest gadget. We, the transitional generation, are 
forever trapped in a loop between the analogue and digital! In a world 
in which computational processes seem to run every aspect of our lives, 
we ask you:

How about switching off and going on?

OPEN PLATFORM/RAP(s) -TwT. is back! After three successful events we 
invite you to contribute and take part in OPEN PLATFORM_4 – TwT.codemehappy!

A code is a rule for converting a piece of information (for example, a 
letter, word, phrase, or gesture) into another form or representation, 
not necessarily of the same type. ... One reason for coding is to enable 
communication in places where ordinary plain language, spoken or 
written, is difficult or impossible. (Wikipedia)

Experiment, perform, express, dance, present, sing, rap, read, or just 
tell us about your digital project or work - but without using anything 
digital! PLATFORM/RAP(s)-TwT. is open to anyone interested in 
re-thinking the digital and not limited to artists or professional 

Anything goes as long as it is about or related to digital technology, 1 
to 10 minutes in duration and happening on some sort of platform: you 
can use the wooden platform provided (65x95cm) or make your own.

OPEN PLATFORM is a performative event that explores the digital with 
physical means and the fusion of performance and technology in the 
widest sense.

RAP(s) - Random Access Performances: OPEN PLATFORM_4- TwT.codemehappy 
will take place in the Access Space Foyer.

Please contact

Susanne: arandomprocessexperim...@gmail.com or
Jake: j...@access-space.org

to register or for further information.

Access Space
Unit 1, AVEC Building
3-7 Sidney Street
S1 4RG


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] “Castells and Jenkins: … these approaches are terribly flawed”

2013-10-22 Thread netbehaviour
“Castells and Jenkins: … these approaches are terribly flawed”

An interview with Christian Fuchs Conducted by Pasko Bilic

An interview covering topics such as critical media and communication 
studies, media sociology, interdisciplinarity, Karl Marx, social theory, 
the digital labour theory of value, social media, the Internet, Manuel 
Castells, Henry Jenkins, PRISM and global surveillance, Occupy and media 

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] DISCLOSURE: Old Words Made New

2013-10-22 Thread netbehaviour
DISCLOSURE: Old Words Made New

Work by King's College Graduate Students  Artist Erica Scourti at 

Event Date: Saturday 2 November 2013, 12-4pm

DISCLOSURE: Old Words Made New.
Ethical knowledge, sacred spaces, forgotten histories and challenging 

Furtherfield is pleased to present the excellent cross cultural project 
DISCLOSURE: Old Words Made New'. We have collaborated with Medieval 
Studies Graduate Students from King's College London, and artist Erica 
Scourti to reversion a contemporary representation on the subject of 
medieval social lives, based on the theme of ‘ethical knowledge’ through 
Old English. With a combination of works in the Finsbury Park 
surroundings, sound installations, collaborative writing, and performance.

The question posed to the King's College students was If we existed in 
a contemporary society where the Internet could no longer be trusted 
because of systems of networked surveillance, what would be the 
different ways in which we could communicate?

The project is part of Colm Cille’s Spiral project, a collaboration 
between Difference Exchange, King's College London and Furtherfield, and 
takes place alongside a commission by artist Erica Scourti. It relates 
to a series of contemporary art and literature commissions and dialogues 
rethinking the legacy of 6th Century Irish monk Colm Cille, or St 
Columba, that unfolds across Ireland and the UK, starting and ending in 
Derry-Londonderry for City of Culture 2013. Kings College Students 
taking part are: Carl Kears, Kathryn Maude, Hana Videen, Victoria 
Walker, Rebecca Hardie, Francesca Allfrey.
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Reading Club of “A Hacker Manifesto” by McKenzie Wark and “The Arpanet Dialogues”.

2013-10-21 Thread netbehaviour
Reading Club of “A Hacker Manifesto” by McKenzie Wark and “The Arpanet 

On 21 and 22 October will be held two reading sessions organized by 
Furtherfield, Annie Abrahams and Emmanuel Guez.

The events will be broadcasted on the Web and everyone will be capable 
of comment and ask questions to the readers. I think this is an 
interesting way to discuss critical texts, in manner that everyone (both 
art world people and, if you know what I mean, common people) can 
express themselves without limits. (Filippo Lorenzin).


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] A Consensual Hallucination.

2013-10-21 Thread netbehaviour
A Consensual Hallucination.

A conversation between UBERMORGEN and Dr. Tobias Noebauer.

Hans Bernhard (HB): Hullo, Tobias, we have this publication in the 
pipeline about our exhibition and what I want to talk to you about is 
grid paintings, surveillance, black holes, paranoia, infinity, 
psychoses, cyborgs, performance art, research at the border of the 
thinkable and knowable, and parallel universes. I would like to talk to 
you in your capacity as a physicist. What fascinates me is the 
possibility of picking up again the thread of a conversation with you, a 
scientist who has been described as Austria' s one in a century 
scientific talent, that we started in Vienna about pixels as the 
smallest visual unit and about physicists working for Wall Street.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] PERFORMING CHANGE, talks at EYEBEAM on Oct. 19th. 4pm to 8pm. NYC.

2013-10-21 Thread netbehaviour
 conference in 
Portland. Jose graduated with a BA from the University of Pennsylvania 
in 2001, where studied literature, theater, politics, philosophy, 
economics. Jose has done graduate work in architecture at Columbia 
University and is currently completing his MFA in Social Practice at 
Queens College.

Carlo Zanni is an Italian new media artist. Since the early 2000’s his 
practice involves the use of Internet data to create time based social 
consciousness experiences investigating our life. Carlo Zanni has shown 
worldwide in galleries and museums including: Hammer Museum, Los 
Angeles; New Museum, New York; Tent, Rotterdam; MAXXI, Rome; P.S.1, New 
York; Borusan Center, Istanbul; ACAF Space, Alexandria; PERFORMA 09, NY; 
ICA, London; Science Museum, London.

Curator's bio:

Paolo Cirio is a media artist known for his controversial and innovative 
artworks. Cirio explores the idea of information’s power through 
rearrangements of flows and structures of social, legal and economic 
networks. His artworks unsettled Facebook, VISA, Amazon, Google, Cayman 
Islands and NATO, among others. He won several awards such as Ars 
Electronica, Transmediale, Eyebeam fellowship among others and his 
projects are often covered by global media such as CNN, La Fox, Toronto 
Standard, The Age, Der Spiegel, Libération, Apple Daily HK, among many 
others. Cirio artworks has been presented in major art institutions such 
as at Museum of Contemporary Art Museum of Sydney and Denver, 2013; 
Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, 2012; Wywyższeni National Museum, 
Warsaw, 2012, SMAK, Ghent, 2010; National Museum of Contemporary Art, 
Athens, 2009; Courtauld Institute, London, 2009; PAN, Naples, 2008; 
MoCA, Tapei, 2007; Sydney Biennial, 2007; NTT ICC, 2006 Tokyo; among others.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Machine visions: James Bridle on drones, bots and the New Aesthetic.

2013-10-21 Thread netbehaviour
Machine visions: James Bridle on drones, bots and the New Aesthetic.

Taina Bucher interviews London-based artist, publisher and programmer 
James Bridle. Bridle discusses his work - addressing issues of drone 
surveillance and invisible technologies - and his understanding of the 
New Aesthetics - a term he turned into a common place for contemporary 
digital culture debates.

I met James Bridle in Oslo back in May 2013, as part of the conference 
The Digital City. Bridle was in Oslo to speak about drones, algorithmic 
images, and urban software. His most recent art projects, Dronestagram 
and Drone Shadows, have caught a great deal of interest by the popular 
press, with recent features published in the Wall Street Journal, Dazed 
 Confused and Vanity Fair. Bucher.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Bypassing Cartography- part 1

2013-10-21 Thread netbehaviour
Bypassing Cartography- part 1

Marc Garrett interviews Isabelle Arvers about the AntiAtlas of Borders 
project. Control systems along land, sea, air and virtual state borders 
are the subject of work and mutation for scientists, artists, 
filmmakers, performers, hackers, customs agents, and workers in the 
surveillance industries and the military.

This is the first of two interviews with Isabelle Arvers who has 
collaborated with the IMERA team (the Mediterranean Institute for 
Advanced Research of Aix-Marseille University), to curate this expansive 
and dynamic project. The first interview discusses the operational side 
of the project and the next interview examines selected writings, 
artworks, projects and ideas featured as part of the project.


More About the AntiAtlas of Borders project

Isabelle Arvers is an independent author, critic and exhibition curator. 
She specializes in the immaterial, bringing together art, video games, 
Internet and new forms of images by using networks and digital imagery. 
She has organized a large number of exhibitions in France and overseas 
(Australia, Canada, Brazil, Norway, Italy, Germany) and collaborates 
regularly with the Centre Pompidou and French and international 
festivals. http://www.isabellearvers.com/
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] shonibari cartoon

2013-10-21 Thread netbehaviour

funny ;-)



NetBehaviour mailing list


A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield -- online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery -- Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] shonibari cartoon

2013-10-21 Thread netbehaviour

funny ;-)



NetBehaviour mailing list


A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield -- online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery -- Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] An Interview with Darko Fritz.

2013-10-15 Thread netbehaviour
An Interview with Darko Fritz.

by Lanfranco Aceti (LEA Editor in Chief)


Darko Fritz’s work through its personal and social aesthetics obliges us 
to analyze both the technological determinism of contemporary times as 
well as the contradictions of contemporary aesthetics trapped in the 
conlict of real versus virtual.

Full article is available for download as a pdf.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Caroline Bergvall Drift (video teaser).

2013-10-15 Thread netbehaviour
Caroline Bergvall Drift (video teaser).

Video teaser for Caroline Bergvall's extraordinary performance DRIFT - 
which will have its UK premier at Shorelines Literature Festival of the 
Sea on Fri 9th Nov.


For tickets book through the Metal website www.metalculture.com
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] A Conversation between Edward Snowden and UBERMORGEN

2013-10-15 Thread netbehaviour
Do You Think That's Funny?

A Conversation between Edward Snowden and UBERMORGEN

We met Edward Snowden at Vienna's International Airport in Vienna on 
July 2nd, 2013 shortly after Bolivia's presidential aeroplane, having 
been denied the right to cross their respective airspaces by France, 
Spain, Italy and Portugal, was forced to land in Schwechat. Snowden had 
been on board as a guest of Evo Morales.

Shortly after the arrival of the plane, a close friend of ours, who 
works at the airport, tipped us off. It took us less than thirty minutes 
to grab our stuff and arrive by cab. Our friend guided us through 
airport security into a rather filthy office area in the former main 

We found Edward Snowden in a small, stuffy, neon-lit room, where he 
seemed to have been deposited like a questionable parcel that nobody 
wanted to touch or knew what to do with. After our initial hello and how 
are you's, Edward described the rather strained behaviour of the 
Austrian Authorities. He said they seemed to go out of their way in 
order not to have to talk to him: they wanted to keep their record clean 
and stay 'neutral'.

Historically, having served as an intelligence hub between East and 
West, Austria has a record of facilitating secret service meetings that 
few other countries can match,. We were quite astonished that there were 
no OGA's in the room with Mr. Snowden, so we grabbed the opportunity and 
started to talk with him. He immediately lighted up and actually seemed 
happy to see a couple of friendly faces. We spoke quietly but fast since 
we had no idea how much talking-time we had left.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] History Will Repeat Itself Strategies of Re-enactment in Contemporary (Media) Art Performance

2013-10-15 Thread netbehaviour
History Will Repeat Itself Strategies of Re-enactment in Contemporary 
(Media) Art  Performance

A little more than a century ago, the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud wrote 
that hypnosis makes it possible for a patient to fulfil “one of the most 
fervent wishes of humankind”, namely, “to experience something twice”.1 
The main character in Tom McCarthy’s novel Remainder (2005)2 fulfils 
precisely this wish — not through hypnosis, but through ‘re-enactments’. 
The novel’s protagonist is disabled after an accident but is very 
wealthy as he received a lot of money as compensation. He has banal 
scenes from his own life, and later also spectacular events that were 
hyped by the media, re-enacted in public spaces and in apartment blocks 
bought specifically for this purpose. Through these re-enactments, in 
which the protagonist is always the main actor, he hopes to recapture a 
particular, but diffuse, feeling again that he has only felt very 
vaguely since his accident. The re-enactments, which are staged with an 
absurd amount of work and an enormous number of helpers, allow the 
protagonist to experience the repeated situation in full consciousness 
(of his own role), and at the same time to observe events from the 
centre yet from a distance.

Inke Arns - http://s.shr.lc/1bu4K5j
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Lecture: Free Libraries for Every Soul

2013-10-14 Thread netbehaviour
Lecture: Free Libraries for Every Soul | IMPAKT – critical and creative 
views on contemporary...

Hacker Marcell Mars will give a talk on November 1st, preceding the 
workshop he gives at Impakt. You can still sign up for that 2 day 
workshop. ‘Free Libraries for Every Soul’, lecture and hackaton within 
the Impakt Festival, is an ode to books and libraries. It explains how 
we can radically change its shape, processes and access; from printed 
matter to the application programming interface (API) and from prints to 
algorithms. Hacker and cyber-librarian Marcell Mars will lead a 
hackathon whereby graphic designers, hackers, UX designers, bookmakers 
and programmers will collaborate to provide contemporary substantiation 
for Melvil Dewey’s dream.

Impakt presents critical and creative views on contemporary media 
culture. We organize an annual festival and all year through events, 
internet projects, residencies and workshops.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The Homebrew Industrial Revolution: A Low-Overhead Manifesto

2013-10-14 Thread netbehaviour
The Homebrew Industrial Revolution: A Low-Overhead Manifesto

Paperback by Kevin A. Carson | Amazon - http://amzn.to/aunOb6

A history of the rise and fall of Sloanist mass production, and a survey 
of the new economy emerging from the ruins: networked local 
manufacturing, garage industry, household microenterprises and resilient 
local economies.


A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The Institute of Network Cultures presents: MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives

2013-10-11 Thread netbehaviour
The Institute of Network Cultures presents: MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives

Over the past few years, while the economic downturn endures and
budget cuts prevail, we have witnessed the emergence and rise of
alternative payment systems and revenue models in digital media.
Online bartering sites, a plethora of crowdfunding platforms, new
forms of valuation, e-wallets and crypto-currencies like Bitcoin, are
but a few examples. These coincide with the huge growth of mobile
money transfer services across Asia and Africa and the general
convergence of digital and financial industries.
Is this where a healthy economic future lies? Do these economic
ventures testify to a paradigm shift from a market-based economy
towards a network economy? What are the possibilities, pitfalls and
issues at hand? Will these experiments gain wider -- over the counter
-- usage, effectively becoming mainstream? Beyond Hayekian notions of
currency competition, what theories and concepts can help us engage
with these developments?
MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives aims to critically explore, map and
probe the politics, inner-workings and governance of these alternative
digital economic forms.It is not enough to merely promote and further
develop (technical) alternatives, we also need time to ask ourselves
critical questions and re-examine the very underpinnings of our
What's Cooking?
MoneyLab: Discussion List

You can join our project by subscribing to the MoneyLab:
Coining Alternatives Mailinglist. We are always looking for
radical submissions that closely reflect the stated aim of
the MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives project. Subscribe here:
MoneyLab: Blog

Over the next few weeks we will launch the MoneyLab: Coining
Alternatives Blog where you can find our position paper, interesting
background articles, blog posts, and info on our upcoming events. We
will send out a notice to our listservice members as soon as the Blog
is live.
MoneyLab: Conference

We will be hosting a two-day conference event in Amsterdam, on
March 21-22, 2014. The purpose of this conference is to launch the
network by gathering artists, designers, programmers, activists and
researchers. The aim will be to map the field, reflect upon theories
and experiences and clarify the key constituents, discourses and
architectures at work in the different kinds of network economies.
MoneyLab: Conference Reader

One of the intended outcomes of the conference will be to publish
the discussions and debates as an INC reader, which will serve as a
resource on alternatives in networked economies.This publication is
due to come late 2014 and will be published both in a paper version in
a variety of electronic versions (pdf, e-pub etc.).
MoneyLab: Toolkit

In addition, we will develop a toolkit built on the results of our
research project that maps the field of alternative revenue models
and payments systems geared to freelancers and organizations in the
creative industries.

 Join Us!

Of central importance to this project is the formation of a
collaborative network of researchers, artists, developers, engineers,
and others interested in sharing, coining, critiquing, and ushering in
alternative network economies. Did you read or write an interesting
article on this matter, or maybe you also want to host a similar
conference, hackathon or other types of conspiratorial gatherings? --
let us know!
MoneyLab Coordinator: Patricia de Vries
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences | HvA
Room 04A07
Rhijnspoorplein 1
NL-1091 GC Amsterdam
t: +31 20 5951883

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] FurtherNews Issue 13, October 2013

2013-10-11 Thread netbehaviour
FurtherNews Issue 13, October 2013.

Jam packed with goodies - a networked community  beyond.

Welcome to FurtherNews Issue 13, which comes packed full of upcoming 
events taking place at Furtherfield Gallery/Social space, and beyond; 
documentation and interviews from our recent exhibitions; and, of 
course, a selection of the latest articles and reviews.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The Desire for Freedom. Art in Europe Since 1945

2013-10-10 Thread netbehaviour
30th Council of Europe Exhibition
The Desire for Freedom. Art in Europe Since 1945

The post-1945 works that will be presented at MOCAK show the social and 
political climate of contemporary Europe. Human rights, equality, 
democracy – such are the issues dealt with by the exhibition The Desire 
for Freedom, co-financed by the European Commission.

The exhibition The Desire for Freedom will present mainly video works 
made over the last five decades by 47 authors from 17 European 
countries. The exhibition is divided into 12 chapters that illustrate 
the multitude of artistic forms of expression and the topics covered: 
The Court of Reason, We Are the Revolution, A Journey to Wonderland, 
Darkness at Noon, The Reality of Politics, The Uncertainty of Freedom, 
99 Cents, A Hundred Years, Inhabitable Worlds, A Different Space, 
Self-experience – Testing the Boundaries, The World in Our Minds.

The presented works combine into a social and political landscape of 
contemporary Europe and the problems it’s grappling with. The 
exhibitions pose questions such as: how do individuals want to live? In 
what way do they want to come to terms with history? How do they behave 
faced with authoritarian regimes? The show demonstrates the ways in 
which artists expose social taboos. It also takes on board government 
politics and governments’ duty to provide security for their societies.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] ubermorgen user unfriendly

2013-10-10 Thread netbehaviour
ubermorgen user unfriendly

This opens today… well worth checking out… here's an excerpt with of an
interview I did with Ubermorgen which the full version of will appear in
Mute soonish…



u s e r u n f r i e n d l y

11 October - 16 November 2013
Private view: Thursday 10 October, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Carroll / Fletcher is delighted to announce u s e r u n f r i e n d l y,
the first solo exhibition in the UK for UBERMORGEN - the
Swiss-Austrian-American duo founded in 1999 by lizvlx and Hans Bernhard.
The exhibition features installations, videos, websites, actions,
pixellated prints, digital-oil paintings and photographs in a
hyper-active, super-enhanced exploration of censorship, surveillance,
torture, democracy, e-commerce, and newspeak. The works seek to
destabilise our understanding of the influence of technology,
corporations and governments on our everyday lives and subvert the
dominant networks of power that structure our world.

The exhibition includes two new installations - Do You Think That's
Funny? - The Edward Snowden Files (2013) and CCTV - A Parallel Universe
(2013) - that continue UBERMORGEN's open-ended investigations into
corporate and governmental authority; investigations that involve and
implicate both the artists and the audience in a complex global network
of power and influence. Perpetrator (2013) - a series of photographic
and video works based on the life of Guantanamo Bay military guard Chris
Arendt and his two month stay at the artists' home in 2008 - and
[V]ote-Auction (2000) - a platform that enabled trading of electoral
votes in the presidential race between George W. Bush and Al Gore -
broaden the scope of the artists' research to consider the nature of and
links between institutional and individual agency and responsibility.

Throughout the exhibition the infiltration and influence of the digital
realm on the physical is further explored through paintings, prints and
photographs. The Deephorizon (2010) series of digital-oil paintings
(based on aerial images of the 2006 oil rig disaster in the Gulf of
Mexico) reconsiders 'oil painting' as a live performance of
process-based art form. Whilst the Psych|OS (2002 and 2012) series of
photographs explores our relationship with mental illness, and
complements the Oldify (2013) series of prints that utilise the Oldify™
app that takes an image and ages it: 'It's the perfect way to confront
your own mortality during the springtime of your life.'[1]

In a section of the exhibition, curator and artist Aram Bartholl curates
a selection of UBERMORGEN's Net.Art works on as series of wireless
routers hung in the gallery. Each artwork is assigned a single Wi-Fi
router, which is accessible through devices such as smart-phones,
tablets or laptops. The content of the artwork is visible only on the
visitor's private screen.

UBERMORGEN's research-based practice is driven by a desire to satisfy
their own curiosity, without the constraints of having a defined
political agenda or preconceived beliefs: 'If art and art production
politicises itself, it becomes political and ceases to be art'[2].
Influenced by Dada and the Viennese Actionists, UBERMORGEN's 'digital
actionism' utilises modern technologies and performance-based strategies
to devise multi-layered, flexible narratives that blend fact and fiction
to draw both the artists and the audience in a real-time, ever-evolving
high-stakes game.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a 32pp publication featuring an
essay by curator Magda Tyżlik-Carver and conversations between
UBERMORGEN and Austrian quantum physicist Dr. Tobias Noebauer and
between UBERMORGEN and Edward Snowden.

For further information, interviews and images please contact
pr...@carrollfletcher.com or call +44(0)20 7323 6111

Image: UBERMORGEN, Singapore Psychos, Neo, 2013. Archival Pigment Print
on Canvas, 186x140cm
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Philipp Teister: the urgent message - Imperica - digital arts and culture magazine.

2013-10-10 Thread netbehaviour
Philipp Teister: the urgent message - Imperica - digital arts and 
culture magazine.

Teister has been shaking the tree of art theory for some time. We 
covered him some time ago, when he had given his Facebook user account 
details to the world. This time, he's doing something which is slightly 
more subtle, but also more meaningful.

He sees his work as having an approach of the purist: he finds it 
difficult for his work to be accepted as art”. Although it can be 
viewed as satire, as social commentary, his reasons for doing what he 
does are much deeper. It is, as he refers to it during our conversation, 
something of a mission. “I just create the story. What you make of it is 
yours. That's what I love to do. It's hard to be an 'artist', as that is 
perceived to be something totally different.”

His new work, Binlover, first surfaced in 2011. It was developed on the 
back of the ubiquitous and impenetrable Stuxnet worm, which found its 
way into telemetric devices of all kinds, including nuclear power 
stations. At the same time, a friend visited from Nairobi, telling him 
about African Maximalism. From there, Teister came up with the idea of 
harvesting the contents of a computer's trashcan and combining it with 
the story of an agent to produce Binlover. Its development was supported 
by Rotterdam-based independent art organisation Moddr which, at the 
time, was facing financial challenges as “... the neoliberal wankers 
started to shut down all of the independent art spaces. Those places 
don't really exist any more.”

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Public consultation for the avon gorge fourth camp.

2013-10-10 Thread netbehaviour
Via Heath Bunting.

Public consultation for the avon gorge fourth camp.

Target groups:

Citizens, businesses, non-governmental organisations and local 
authorities are invited to participate in the consultation.

12:00-14:00 Saturday 12 October 2013
Cumberland Plazza
Cumberland Basin

Objective of the consultation:

The objective of the consultation is to offer an early opportunity for 
the public to comment on the building of a fourth camp at cumberland plaza.


As civilisation collapses due to the Holocene extinction and we 
hopefully return safely to the stone age, the avon gorge will again 
become an important fording between the avon river arm of the Severn 
estuary waterway and the ridge-way track network.

The three disused avon gorge castles (stoke leigh, burgwalls and clifton 
camps) that once controlled this crossing will again become occupied by 
the remnant of surviving bristolians.

During the collapse of the bristol transport network, the river crossing 
at cumberland basin will also need securing, until such a time the 
bridge becomes submerged by the rising sea or destroyed by warfare.

For this purpose, i propose the building of a fourth camp at cumberland 
plaza, similar in scale, structure and materials to the three avon gorge 
camps eg: stone and earth.

As with the three other camps, this new camp can serve as a tourist 
attraction and training ground for domestic extremists until needed for 
actual survival necessity.

Food and drinks will be provided, but bring your own stone age utensils.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The Body Politic of subRosa

2013-10-09 Thread netbehaviour
The Body Politic of subRosa.

Rachel Falconer writes about the cyberfeminist art collective subRosa, a 
group using science, technology, and social activism to explore and 
critique the political traction of information and bio technologies on 
women’s bodies, lives and work.

Following a recent interview with the founding members of the 
collective, Hyla Willis and Faith Wilding, this article presents 
subRosa's trans-disciplinary, performative practice and questions what 
it means to claim a feminist position in the mutating economies of 
biotechnology and techno-science.


More about subRosa  Rachel Falconer

subRosa has performed, exhibited, lectured and published in the USA, 
Spain, Britain, Holland, Germany, Croatia, Macedonia, Mexico, Canada, 
Slovenia, and Singapore, and has received many commissions for its work 
as well as funding from the Creative Capital Foundation, Pennsylvania 
Council on the Arts, and the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie 
Mellon. Many of subRosa’s publications can be downloaded freely at 

Rachel Falconer is a curator, writer and producer working at the 
intersections of technology, the media and contemporary art. She is 
currently Co-Editor at Furtherfield and a founding member of the 
collective Hardcore Software. She holds a BA in Industrial Design from 
UCL and Il Politecnico di Milano and an MA in Curating Contemporary Art 
from the Royal College of Art. http://www.rachelfalconer.com
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Copy That! They Are the World

2013-10-09 Thread netbehaviour
Copy That! They Are the World

For the new Art21 Magazine, (Oct/Nov Issue: Becoming an Artist), Joy 
Garnett launches her new column with some thoughts on copying and 
archival tendencies in the 21st century.

I sometimes forget that my students have always lived with digital 
media, not to mention with the ethos of information sharing that digital 
technologies engender. As digital natives, they were born at or after 
the onset of digital mainstream culture. They have never experienced a 
world before laptops, personal computers, and smartphones. They have 
never traveled abroad without the convenience of ATMs or booked a flight 
without the ability to check-in online and print their e-tickets. They 
have probably never received paper bills for their credit cards, and 
they don’t use stamps. They have never lived outside the network or off 
the grid; the grid is the air around them.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Play Your Place software is now fully free and open source

2013-10-09 Thread netbehaviour
Play Your Place software is now fully free and open source

A platform for people to shape their own towns through play, for the 
health and prosperity of all. The software enables people to think about 
how a place could be changed for the better. They devise their own 
obstacles, rewards and game rules to build and share game levels.

A collaboration between artists Ruth Catlow and Mary Flanagan.




NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Giving What You Don’t Have | Public Screening Discussion at Furtherfield. 26th Oct 2013

2013-10-07 Thread netbehaviour
Giving What You Don’t Have

Public Screening  Discussion at Furtherfield

Saturday 26 October 2013, 2-5pm
Venue: Furtherfield Gallery, McKenzie Pavilion, London.
The Event has limited Availability.
Please RSVP to book your place with Ale AT furtherfield.org

Cornelia Sollfrank will present her latest film Giving What You Don't 
Have. It features interviews with individuals Kenneth Goldsmith, Marcell 
Mars, Sean Dockray, Dmitry Kleiner, discussing with Sollfrank their 
projects and ideas on peer-to-peer production and distribution as art 
practice. The post-screening discussion will be led by Cornelia 
Sollfrank, Joss Hands  Rachel Baker.

It includes the projects ubu.com or arg.org, which combine social, 
technical and aesthetic innovation; they promote open access to 
information and knowledge and make creative contributions to the 
advancement and the reinvention of the idea of the commons.

The post-screening discussion will be led by Cornelia Sollfrank, Joss 
Hands  Rachel Baker.

On the basis of the interviews of Giving What You Don't Have, we would 
like to discuss some of the issues they represent such as new forms of 
collaborative production, the shift of production from artefacts to the 
provision of open tools and infrastructures, the development of formats 
for self-organisation in education and knowledge transfer, (the 
potential and the limits of) open content licensing as well as the 
creation of independent ways of distributing cultural goods. An implicit 
part of Giving What You Don't Have is a suggested re-conceptualization 
of art under networked conditions.

Details about participants and context here...


A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Jussi Parikka in Conversation, Media Archaeology – Not only a German Affair?

2013-10-07 Thread netbehaviour
Jussi Parikka in Conversation, Media Archaeology – Not only a German 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Dorothy Hirshon Suite (Room I205), Arnhold Hall, 202 55 West 13th Street
Jussi Parikka in Conversation, Media Archaeology – Not only a German Affair?

Jussi Parikka is a writer, media theorist and Reader in Media  Design 
at Winchester School of Art (University of Southampton). He is also 
Docent of Digital Culture Theory at University of Turku, Finland and 
Honorary Visiting Fellow at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. His 
books include What is Media Archaeology?(Polity) and Insect Media: An 
Archaeology of Animals and Technology (University of Minnesota Press)

This evening discussion will explore European and American approaches to 
media archaeology. Parrikka will present his paper, “Cultural Techniques 
of Media Archaeology: Not Only a German Affair.”

His talk will be followed by a panel discussion with respondents:

Lisa Gitelman (Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU)

Shannon Mattern (Associate Professor of Media Studies at The New School)

For more information on Jussi Parrikka's work visit http://jussiparikka.net


A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


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[NetBehaviour] Stewart Home’s Proletarian Post-Modernism

2013-10-07 Thread netbehaviour
Stewart Home’s Proletarian Post-Modernism – Spoken Word Performance Album

Recorded as a live performance (on the 12th of June 2012 at Hannah Barry 
Gallery, London), the album consists of readings from a selection of 
Home’s many novels including, ‘Down  Out in Shoreditch and Hoxton’, ‘69 
Things to do with a Dead Princess’, and ‘Blood Rites of the Bourgeoisie’.



A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Giving What You Don’t Have | Public Screening Discussion at Furtherfield. 26th Oct 2013

2013-10-04 Thread netbehaviour
Giving What You Don’t Have

Public Screening  Discussion at Furtherfield

Saturday 26 October 2013, 2-5pm
Venue: Furtherfield Gallery, McKenzie Pavilion, London.
The Event has limited Availability.
Please RSVP to book your place with Ale AT furtherfield.org

Cornelia Sollfrank will present her latest film Giving What You Don't 
Have. It features interviews with individuals Kenneth Goldsmith, Marcell 
Mars, Sean Dockray, Dmitry Kleiner, discussing with Sollfrank their 
projects and ideas on peer-to-peer production and distribution as art 
practice. It includes the projects ubu.com or arg.org, which combine 
social, technical and aesthetic innovation; they promote open access to 
information and knowledge and make creative contributions to the 
advancement and the reinvention of the idea of the commons.

The post-screening discussion will be led by Cornelia Sollfrank, Joss 
Hands  Rachel Baker.

On the basis of the interviews of Giving What You Don't Have, we would 
like to discuss some of the issues they represent such as new forms of 
collaborative production, the shift of production from artefacts to the 
provision of open tools and infrastructures, the development of formats 
for self-organisation in education and knowledge transfer, (the 
potential and the limits of) open content licensing as well as the 
creation of independent ways of distributing cultural goods. An implicit 
part of Giving What You Don't Have is a suggested re-conceptualization 
of art under networked conditions.

Details about participants and context here...


A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The Power of Sound as an Art Form

2013-10-04 Thread netbehaviour
The Power of Sound as an Art Form

The sounds of Indian activists chanting and reciting poems fill Tate 
Modern’s Project Space in London, part of Amar Kanwar’s “A Night of 
Prophecy” (2002). Nearby, Lawrence Abu Hamdan’s voice map, “Conflicted 
Phonemes” (2012), explores the influence of accent on Somali asylum 
seekers, offering a visual interpretation of their speech.

  The two works are part of the sound-art exhibition “Word.Sound.Power.” 
that, according to Tate Modern’s Web site, “takes a moment to listen to 
the harmony and dissonance of voices rising.”

Tate Modern is not alone in exploring art through the ears. “Sound art 
is having a moment right now,” Gascia Ouzounian, a lecturer at the Sonic 
Arts Research Center at Queen’s University Belfast, said by e-mail. “A 
wave of recent exhibitions has very much brought sound art to the 
attention of the wider public.”

more here…
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Performing Home: Art, Activism and Affections.

2013-09-27 Thread netbehaviour
Performing Home: Art, Activism and Affections.

Esther Belvis Pon's new article focuses on the rising interest of public 
space; demonstrations, camps, collaborative projects, artistic 
interventions, community projects, social activism. Pons explores just a 
few names that exemplify the different forms of engagement that deal 
with the complexities of this radically emergent culture, and discusses 
its legacy that is already dismantling certain assumed thoughts about 
‘the public’.

Esther Belvis Pons is a researcher-artist and educator that has worked 
with experimental theatre companies around Europe. She holds a PhD in 
Theatre and Performance Studies by the University of Warwick and the 
Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her main interests include audience 
participation and mediatized performance, collaborative methods of 
research and transductive pedagogies. She collaborates with different 
journals as a writer and she is co-editor of Efímera, a biannual journal 
specialized in Live Art in Latin America and Spain. 

Esther's last article on Furtherfield.
Experimental Theatre: Public Domain by Roger Bernat.


A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

Other reviews,articles,interviews

Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Video | Shu Lea Cheang and Mark Amerika discuss their work @Furtherfield

2013-09-27 Thread netbehaviour
Video | Shu Lea Cheang and Mark Amerika discuss their work @Furtherfield.

This video was taken at the Shu Lea Cheang and Mark Amerika opening 
event and Seeds Underground Party at Furtherfield Gallery (London) on 
Saturday 31 August 2013.

This by Mark Amerika (US) and Shu Lea Cheang (US/FR) at Furtherfield 
Gallery marks a significant moment for contemporary art. Amerika and 
Cheang are both 'net native' artists. They share many of the obsessions 
of the growing multitude of artists who have grown up with the net since 
the early 1990s.

Furtherfield Gallery provides a physical interface in a local setting in 
the heart of a North London park to the thriving, international, 
networked art scene.

Exhibition continues until 20 October 2013

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference - Instanbul.

2013-09-25 Thread netbehaviour
CFP: Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference at the Intersections of art, 
science and culture, 26-28 June 2014, Istanbul.

The Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference at the intersections of art, 
science and culture seeks papers that explore the theme of the cloud and 
molecular aesthetics. Clouding occurs when information becomes veiled, 
foggy, fuzzy, obscure or secretive, or when it condenses, blooms and 
accretes into atmospheres of chaotic turbulence and pressure vectors, 
into tidal flows and storms. The cloud also is a new formation of data 
as a global and seemingly immaterial distribution of storage and means 
of retrieval. This data cloud exists everywhere and yet is nowhere in 
particular. As with the protocols of bit torrent files, the cloud 
provides a new concept of sound and image “assembly”, distinct from and 
beyond the materialist machinic diagrams and the practices of re-mixing 
or remediation that became characteristic of late twentieth-century and 
millennial aesthetics. The cloud is not an object but an experience and 
its particles are the very building blocks of a molecular aesthetic in 
which we live and act.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Thursday 10 October 2013, 5:00pm - 6:30pm | UBERMORGEN | u s e r u n f r i e n d l y

2013-09-25 Thread netbehaviour
. www.datenform.de/ 

3. Co-founded by Jonathon Carroll and Steve Fletcher, Carroll / Fletcher 
is a contemporary art gallery located on Eastcastle Street in Central 
London. The gallery supports existing and new forms of artistic 
production, and works with exceptional emerging and established artists, 
whose practices use a diverse range of media to explore contemporary 
socio-political, cultural, scientific and technological themes. Artist 
represented include John Akomfrah, Michael Joaquin Grey, Eva and Franco 
Mattes, Manfred Mohr, Michael Najjar, Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Thomson 
 Craighead, UBERMORGEN, Eulalia Valldosera, Richard T. Walker, and John 
Wood and Paul Harrison. www.carrollfletcher.com 

Image: UBERMORGEN, Singapore Psychos, Neo, 2013. Archival Pigment Print 
on Canvas, 186x140cm

http://www.carrollfletcher.com/admin/records/pages/_edit/114#_ftnref[1] Huffington 

http://www.carrollfletcher.com/admin/records/pages/_edit/114#_ftnref[2] UBERMORGEN.COM, 
Manifesto, 2009

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Call for Young professionals

2013-09-24 Thread netbehaviour
Call for Young professionals

The Patching Zone offers 4 places for young professionals and 1 
internship in our upcoming project: The Wilhelminapier Experience Tour 
(research Nov. - Dec. Start project Beginning 2014 - 2 February 2015).

Keywords: education, participatory design, art, technology, design, 
augmented reality, public space, locative media, teamworking, 
transdisciplinary collaboration

The Wilhelminapier Experience Tour will be a game-like experience taking 
place in public space and online (on your mobile phone), on the border 
between the physical and virtual world, mixing and re-creating the 
present and the past of the Wilhelminapier in Rotterdam. The 
Wilhelminapier was the point of departure by the Holland-America Line 
for immigrants seeking their fortunes in the new world as well as 
refugees fleeing the continent during the Second World War. Today the 
area is redeveloped with cultural institutes and state-of-the-art 
buildings by world famous architects such as Rem Koolhaas.

The aim of the project is to develop a working prototype that connects 
the past, present and the future of the pier in close collaboration with 
the local cultural institures and our vocational school partner Zadkine. 
At Zadkine the project will be developed as a participatory design 
project in the context of Mediawharf with students from the Human 
Technology and ICT departments. We will also be working closely with the 
five cultural institutes on the Wilhelminapier as well as local 
residents and youth from Rotterdam South.

The project encompasses both practical and visionairy elements such as; 
route navigation to the institutes and the above mentioned augmented 
reality game-like experience. The Patching Zone teammembers are 
encouraged to work with the rich material from the Dutch Film Museum’s 
historical archives.

The Wilhelminapier experience tour is part of the Live Transmission 
project with our international collaboration partners Blast Theory (UK), 
Translocal (FI), OCAD University (CA). Live Transmission is supported by 
the European Cultural programme.
Interested? Download the application form from our website

The Patchingzone, Postal address: Postbus 29088, 3001 GB Rotterdam (NL), 
tel. +31 (0) 6 55370273 / +31 (0) 623930823 kvk #24414318 

Workspace Media wharf / Streetwise Billboards Jan Ligthartstraat 250, 


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] 1st International Conference Internet of Education 2013

2013-09-24 Thread netbehaviour
Call for Attendance,

1st International Conference Internet of Education 2013. (IOE 2013)


Conference Description and Motivation

The goal of this event is to bring together researchers and policy 
makers from South-East-European universities and academia to research 
methods for improving the effectiveness of video-based and MOOC 
education, as well as promote discussion of the implications of new 
education and technology trends for classical university education in 
the SEE region. The theme and goals of the Internet of Education 2013 
are very well articulated with UNESCO's vision and actions therefore the 
conference has been granted UNESCO patronage.

We would like to promote, clarify, identify and define how emerging 
technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) and computer human 
interaction (CHI) tools, machine learning, machine translation, user 
analytics, automatic assessment, visualization, social collaboration 
etc. can change and help create new trends in education. More 
specifically: how will these technologies change and influence today’s 
traditions in academic publishing, syllabus, validation and certification.

Our aim is to form a technical and investigative think-tank of 
participants to debate and discuss these issues which will affect all 
educational levels in the future. Registration if free and welcome you 
in Ljubljana!

Topics of Interest

Computer Science:
* Human Computer Interaction
* Machine Learning
* Machine Translation
* User Analytics
* Automatic Asessment
* Visualization
* Social Collaboration
* Gaming

Online Education:
* New Academia Trends
* Policy making
* Video Based Learning
* Academic Publishing
* Syllabus
* Validation
* Certification

Beyond Video:
* Video annotation
* Video mining
* Hypervideo

Application Domains:
* Education
* Business analytics
* Legal studies
* Digital humanities

Schedule @ http://www.k4all.org/Internet_of_Education/?q=content/schedule


* Andrew Ng, co-founder Coursera, Director Stanford Artificial 
Intelligence Lab
* Rayid Ghani, former Chief Scientist at Obama for America 2012 
campaign, co-founder Edgeflip, University of Chicago
* Yvonne Rogers, Head of UCLIC, University College London
* Richard Noss, Co-Directior London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education
* Fred Mulder, UNESCO OER Chair
* Hannes Klöpper, CEO iversity

More speakers @ 

Conference Venue and Format

The conference will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on November 11 
and 12, 2013.

Internet of Education is planned to be a two full-day conference 
organized in the following blocks:

* Invited talks
* Project presentations
* Panels with 3-4 invited experts from regional SEE Universities and 
fields relevant to the topic of the conference

Intended audience

We encourage anybody who is eager to explore new educational 
technologies. We would also like to involve and invite 
South-East-European members, teachers, policy makers and govermental 
officers. Equally we are inviting the provosts, deans and faculty of all 
the Universities in the same region, who are working toward using OER, 
implementing MOOCs and video lecture capture systems on their campuses. 
Finally we would like to attract researchers interested in HCI and 
machine learning for optimising the presentation of content and 
organising content.

Important Dates

Registration deadline: November 1st, 2013
Conference day:   November 11th, 2013
Second Conference day:November 12th, 2013
Hotel booking deadline:October 10th, 2013

Organizing Committee

* John S Shawe-Taylor, University College London
* Mitja Jermol, Jozef Stefan Institute
* Colin de la Higuera, University of Nantes
* Davor Orlic, Knowledge 4 All Foundation
* Yvonne Rogers, University College London
* Richard Noss, Institute of Education, University of London
* Andrej Pavletic, Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning, 
Republic of Slovenia

Knowledge 4 All Foundation Ltd and the Artificial Intelligence Lab at 
the “Jožef Stefan” Institute are also the organizers of OCWC 2014 with 
its main theme Open Education for a Multicultural World.

best regards,
  Davor Orlic

Digital Projects Manager
Knowledge For All Foundation Ltd.
Personal: 0044/7926817903

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Rob Myers reviews 'Post-Digital Print' by Alessandro Ludovico.

2013-09-19 Thread netbehaviour
Rob Myers reviews Alessandro Ludovico's book 'Post-Digital Print– The 
Mutation of Publishing Since 1894'.


It tracks the many deaths of print media and its long history of 
surviving against the odds in order to show how it can survive the 
Internet as a vital part of our shared culture.

Independent bookshops, large bookshop chains, newspapers and magazines 
are having to compete with Internet-based publishing or be wiped out. 
It's not clear whether physical print publishing believes it can survive 
this encounter with the digital. Ludovico explains how it can and why it 
is important that it should.

Ludovico is the editor and publisher of Neural, a magazine for critical 
digital culture and media arts.
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The Pool Soundconvention

2013-09-17 Thread netbehaviour
The Pool Soundconvention

October 22 to 25, 2013

A meeting with workshops for Klang, Improvisation Games, Beats  Noise,
Circuit Bending, Musical Experiments, Jams and Concerts, Brought
Instruments, Open Ears ... for above 10 years. Free Admission. In quest
of the productive mistake and the Self(build)tutorial with open Output.
Bring your flute, your guitar, your old battery keyboard, your
saxophone, your computer.

Openingsession on October 22, 2013 at 2 pm
open Workshops on October 22, 23, 24 and 25 between 2 and 7 pm
tutti-Concert and Presentations on October 25, 2013 at 8 pm

at Kulturzentrum Schlachthof, Mombachstr. 10-12, 34127 Kassel, Germany

Programme in detail on www.p00l.net [with two zeros]

Contakt: Matze Schmidt p00l(at)gmx.de

A project by Ohrenkratzer e.V. in cooperation with the Kulturzentrum
Schlachthof e.V. Kassel

funded by Aktion Mensch

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Workshop on Data Journalism: Transforming Data Into Stories - Call for Proposals

2013-09-17 Thread netbehaviour
Workshop on Data Journalism: Transforming Data Into Stories - Call for 

The workgroup on data journalism for action, to be held this fall, is 
issuing a call for proposals to be developed in two workshops 
(@cabralens) and under the supervision of experts from the field such as 
Aron Pilhofer (The New York Times), Mario Tascón (Prodigioso Volcán), 
Noemí Ramírez (Prisa Digital) or Juanlu Sánchez (eldiario.es).

A maximum of eight proposals will be selected. These will be realized 
collaboratively in encounters taking place October 25-27 and December 
13-15, 2013.

Call closes: September 22, 2013.
Call for collaborators: September 2, 2013.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Vermin: Nyx, a noctournal call for contributions

2013-09-17 Thread netbehaviour
Vermin: Nyx, a noctournal call for contributions

Rats. Cockroaches. Locusts. Plagues and infestations. Vermin are the 
unwanted, the weeds of the animal kingdom, the exterminable. They spread 
infection and disease and pose a threat to human life. For its ninth 
issue, Nyx, a noctournal seeks contributions that address the concept of 

How can we think about the construction of vermin, particularly in 
relation to the human and social world?

Vermin. Those noxious elements, those patrons of the gutter, those 
outsiders, those parasites, those eyesores of an otherwise secure and 
vindicated environment. As the uncontrollable, as social scoundrels, 
vermin operate in those dark places, underground, seeking upward 
mobility or simply to feed off discards of the ethically sanitized. For 
that vermin carry the potential to cause harm. Vermin invest and infect 
the purity of the biological body, the harmony of the body politic. The 
rats, the underclass, the unproductive.

And yet, vermin spring from the very way in which the un-vermin live and 
think. Vermin strive on waste of productivity and are constituted by 
processes of social verminization, that is, by the un-vermin. To be 
vermin, then, is a state, a relation, a way of being far from inoculated 
from other states, other relations, and other ways of being.

We welcome submissions in the form of academic essays, pieces of 
journalism, fiction and experimental writing, images or other pieces of 
visual art.

Nyx, a noctournal is a print and online publication of critical theory, 
radical politics and art. It is peer reviewed by a collective of young 
researchers, activists and theorists and is based at Goldsmiths, 
University of London.

Brief proposals in abstract form, of no more than 500 words/3 images, 
should be sent along with a brief biography to noctour...@gmail.com by 
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