Re: [External] : Re: NetCat Status

2021-06-13 Thread Glenn Holmer

On 6/13/21 9:05 AM, Eric Bresie wrote:

(3)  by demo / manual (user tested - have a user move the mouse, press a
button, select a menu, create a file, run a file, etc.).
Assuming Netcat tends towards the latter here as well.

As I understand so far, Netcat provides the specs and a means to document

Yes, but again, the problem is that those specs haven't gotten updated 
for newer versions of NetBeans, and new specs haven't been written for 
new features of NetBeans. That's why I'm suggesting something less 
formal. Who is going to keep the test specs updated? If the answer is 
"no one", then they are useless.

These test specs are non-trivial; you can see them here:

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [External] : Re: NetCat Status

2021-06-07 Thread Glenn Holmer

On 6/7/21 9:26 AM, Neil C Smith wrote:

On Mon, 7 Jun 2021 at 14:24, Jiří Kovalský  wrote:

  From that point of view it makes more sense to concentrate the testing
effort around LTS version with known NetCAT start/end dates, form a
dedicated team of volunteers with free capacity, certify the whole
product and release it. Thanks to that we can advertise LTS as something
extra given the focused NetCAT community testing.

 If we would ask the same contributors to test the same stuff every 3
months and make it an ongoing process, I think the outcome would be lower.

Totally agree.  If we have future LTS.  I guess my comments were more
based on where NetCAT might evolve if LTS is dropped.  Of course, an
annual NetCAT process might still be valid without an LTS?  But it
does feel that the decision on whether to continue with LTS, and how
it works, heavily influences what NetCAT might look like in future.

NetCAT was much less structured in the early days; just people choosing 
an area of interest and pounding on it. Later, we had test 
specifications, but there was really no one to keep them up to date and 
write new ones. I think the level of detail drove potential testers away 
as well.

Maybe NetCAT needs to be re-thought as something less formal. I think 
the important thing about attracting testers is just for them to know 
that the people working on the code will look into NetCAT-submitted 
issues more closely, as they are coming from dedicated users. Maybe a 
triage system where NetCATters try to reproduce each other's bugs?

With a less structured testing program, it would be a lot easier to say 
"Hey, we're getting ready for a new release! Please let's have some 
testing volunteers to make sure nothing's broken!" Of course, you'd 
still want to try and balance the number of people testing each area, 
and have some form of recognition for the people who filed good bug 
reports (on the web site release page? on social media?). And those 
NetBeans t-shirts were so very cool...

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Fwd: Apache NetBeans 12.1-beta4

2020-08-25 Thread Glenn Holmer

On 8/24/20 12:08 PM, Neil C Smith wrote:

A fourth beta build of Apache NetBeans 12.1 is now available.  Yes, I
know, the third final one - I'll stop making predictions! :-)

Tested the Linux installer on KDE, Mate, and XFCE desktops. All 
successfully installed and put an icon on the desktop and in the menu.

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Re: 12.1-beta1 hang on open

2020-08-07 Thread Glenn Holmer

On 7/29/20 1:47 PM, Antonio wrote:
I'd suggest running jstack/jconsole in these situations (if visualvm is 
not available, of course :-)) and see what the threads are doing.

A thread dump may help pinpoint the problem.

Just happened again, this time without the project I thought might be 
the culprit. Filed an issue with VisualVM thread dump and screenshot:

El 29/7/20 a las 16:59, Glenn Holmer escribió:

On 7/24/20 4:15 PM, Glenn Holmer wrote:

Several times now, I've seen 12.1-beta1 hang during start as it opens
projects that were open in the last run. It will show either "Opening
Projects" with an empty progress bar in the status area, or sometimes
something like 17% or 20%, but never goes any further. Expanding a
project node in the Projects pane shows "Initializing project...".

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: 12.1-beta1 hang on open

2020-07-29 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 7/24/20 4:15 PM, Glenn Holmer wrote:
> Several times now, I've seen 12.1-beta1 hang during start as it opens
> projects that were open in the last run. It will show either "Opening
> Projects" with an empty progress bar in the status area, or sometimes
> something like 17% or 20%, but never goes any further. Expanding a
> project node in the Projects pane shows "Initializing project...".

Still seeing this; in fact, I just had it happen in 12.0 (had to restore
my userdir from backup). It's hard to pin down a repro case, but it
seems that it may be related to this little test project built with the
new Jakarta EE 8 support:

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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12.1-beta1 hang on open

2020-07-24 Thread Glenn Holmer
Several times now, I've seen 12.1-beta1 hang during start as it opens
projects that were open in the last run. It will show either "Opening
Projects" with an empty progress bar in the status area, or sometimes
something like 17% or 20%, but never goes any further. Expanding a
project node in the Projects pane shows "Initializing project...".

In fact, I'm now having trouble starting it at all. I tried deleting the
cache and userdir, and I don't see anything interesting in the log file.

Anybody else seeing this?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Apache NetBeans 12.1-beta1 available for testing

2020-07-24 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 7/23/20 8:27 PM, Josh Juneau wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback.  There is an issue right now when you have a
> server pre-selected, I believe, and I'll have to fix that.  You should be
> able to create a New Maven Web Application with the Jakarta EE 8 option if
> you select no server for now.

Yes, thanks, that works. I can create a new Jakarta EE 8 project with no
server selected, then change it to Payara (Project Properties/Run) after
opening the project.

> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 6:12 PM Glenn Holmer 
> wrote:
>> On 7/23/20 9:25 AM, Josh Juneau wrote:
>>> It should be working with GlassFish 5.1.0.  However, I just tested and
>>> Jakarta EE 8 is not showing up with GlassFish 5.1.0.  I will need to
>> debug
>>> and repair that issue.
>> I'm having trouble with this as well. I've got the latest Payara
>> (5.2020.3, released 07/20) registered in NetBeans (can see apps, JDBC
>> pools, ) but in the "New Web Application" dialog, step 3 (Settings),
>> with "Payara Server" selected, I see "Java EE 8 Web" but not Jakarta EE
>> 8 (under "Java EE Version").

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Urgent: Let's not compromise NetBeans 12.0 quality

2020-04-07 Thread Glenn Holmer

On 4/7/20 3:37 PM, Jiří Kovalský wrote:
    NetBeans 12.0 brings quite some nice features in Java editing area 
which nobody officially tested and signed off so far. That's why I would 
like to ask if there are some kind people here who could dedicate some 
love to the following functionality:

    * JavaFX Create Project

There still seems to be some question about what should be tested for 
FX, specifically profiling. As I recall, a spec can't be changed once 
testing starts, so ideally I'd like to see whether that can be resolved 
first and added to the test spec.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: NB-12 JavaFX profiling

2020-04-07 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 4/6/20 2:21 PM, Ernie Rael wrote:
> Any chance of getting an issue filed against 12.0 for profiling? That
> gives me something to reference in the PullRequest.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: NB-12 JavaFX profiling

2020-04-06 Thread Glenn Holmer

On 4/6/20 11:25 AM, Ernie Rael wrote:

On 4/6/2020 8:55 AM, Glenn Holmer wrote:

On 4/6/20 10:46 AM, Ernie Rael wrote:

It looks like you didn't use
"" (note the 'betanzos') to
build/install the snapshot.

cenbe@greyhand:~ > history | grep "git clone"
    63  2020-04-06 10:11:52 git clone

Is it possible that I have more than one 0.0.5-SNAPSHOT jar?

The error you reported, multiple arguments being treated as a single 
argument, is definitely the issue that was supposed to be addressed.

The method splitComplexArgumentString is the fix

    $ grep Complex * .map(this::splitComplexArgumentString)    private List
    splitComplexArgumentString(String argumentString) {

I don't have that code, don't know why.

PS I'm putting together a solution that works with the currently release 
javafx-maven-plugin, let's hope it's accepted for 12.0.

Excellent, it would be great to have FX projects fully working out of 
the box for 12.0. Thanks so much for all your work on this.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: NB-12 JavaFX profiling

2020-04-06 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 4/6/20 10:46 AM, Ernie Rael wrote:
> It looks like you didn't use
> "" (note the 'betanzos') to
> build/install the snapshot.

cenbe@greyhand:~ > history | grep "git clone"
   63  2020-04-06 10:11:52 git clone

Is it possible that I have more than one 0.0.5-SNAPSHOT jar?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: NB-12 JavaFX profiling

2020-04-06 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 4/4/20 12:24 PM, Ernie Rael wrote:
> If you want to try the profiler on a javafx project, it's simple to
> setup. See below. Note that the eventual solution (nbactions/pom) may
> look somewhat different.

so close...

--- javafx-maven-plugin:0.0.5-SNAPSHOT:run (ide-profile) @ fxproftest2 ---
Unrecognized VM option 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
Did you mean '(+/-)HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError'? Error: Could not create
the Java Virtual Machine.

I deleted the contents of ~/.nbprofiler first to force calibration, but
the above doesn't seem related. Is it to do with what you were talking
about at one point with the VM args not being parsed properly?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: JavaFX and NetCAT 12.0

2020-04-02 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 4/2/20 9:45 AM, Ernie Rael wrote:
> On 4/2/2020 7:25 AM, Glenn Holmer wrote:
>> On 4/2/20 9:08 AM, Ernie Rael wrote:
>>> On 4/2/2020 6:31 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
>>>> I propose we keep things short and sweet for JavaFX in NetCAT 12.0:
>>> There are four cases: IDE-JDK-version (8, 11+) vs JavaFX-version (8,
>>> 11+). In beta2 jdk8 is a mess with error badges and failed compiles.
>>> With recent NB and archetype changes, which are in master and so should
>>> be in beta3, all four combos should work cleanly.
>> What about profiling? I haven't been able to get that to work (JDK 11),
>> although it does work using VisualVM as an external profiler.
> I think fixes profiling in
> many cases (nothing fx specific), but it's hung up in how to build it.

After a profiling attempt, nbactions.xml has javafx: targets for run and
debug, while profile has org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin. That's
like what run and debug originally had that didn't work, isn't it?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: JavaFX and NetCAT 12.0

2020-04-02 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 4/2/20 9:08 AM, Ernie Rael wrote:
> On 4/2/2020 6:31 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
>> I propose we keep things short and sweet for JavaFX in NetCAT 12.0:

> There are four cases: IDE-JDK-version (8, 11+) vs JavaFX-version (8,
> 11+). In beta2 jdk8 is a mess with error badges and failed compiles.
> With recent NB and archetype changes, which are in master and so should
> be in beta3, all four combos should work cleanly.

What about profiling? I haven't been able to get that to work (JDK 11),
although it does work using VisualVM as an external profiler.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: 12.0 Beta available

2020-03-17 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 3/17/20 7:38 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> That's how, not ideal, though it should work.

Has anyone else tried this? With 12.0-beta1 under JDK 11.0.6, both with
and without importing previous userdir, project creation never
completes. I just get the Cylon progress indicator for "Create project"
in the status bar forever.

I do see this, although I don't know if it's related: Timeout while opening connection to

> On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 1:33 PM Glenn Holmer 
> wrote:
>> What is going to be the preferred way to create JavaFX projects in 12.0?
Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: 12.0 Beta available

2020-03-17 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 3/17/20 6:44 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> We're looking at setting up parts of NetCAT, maybe not all of it, e.g.,
> maybe Java-specific only for the moment, this week as soon as possible.
> Though what we really need is for people to verify that the test specs are
> good and ready for 12.0 usage prior to that:

What is going to be the preferred way to create JavaFX projects in 12.0?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [fx] test specifications

2020-03-06 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 3/6/20 10:51 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> Yes, 0.0.5 is the current release, since a day or two.
> I would recommend to not go with Ernie's work but instead with the official
> 0.0.5 and the nbactions that will be generated automatically once the API
> is updated to enable an nbactions file to be added when the Maven
> co-ordinates are registered:
> Not sure why you're flummoxed by Johan from Gluon being happy with the
> Gluon OpenJFX integration in NetBeans. :-)

"Flummoxed" in the sense of "confused": he's saying it works great with
NetBeans... but how should that be set up?

Is the takeaway here that we should wait for the API to be updated
(that's on the NetBeans side?) and the coordinates to be registered
(that's on the Gluon side)? I'm really looking forward to seeing this
all come together!

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [fx] test specifications

2020-03-06 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 3/6/20 4:46 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> Maybe there should only be three tasks in the spec, i.e., I think we should
> focus as narrowly as possible on exactly what we want people to test -- and
> not have lots of tasks that may be less relevant:
> 1. Using the Gluon OpenJFX project templates to set up a project.
> 2. Defining run, debug, etc -- we should provide a tutorial for this,
> though once this is complete, that won't be needed since nbactions will be
> generated by the templates:
> 3. Integration with JavaFX Scene Builder, if any.

I agree. In my opinion, the most important thing is that users should be
able to create an FX project that will run, debug, profile, and show
Javadoc without manual intervention (i.e. without editing pom.xml and

But I'm quite confused as to the current situation.

re. 2), what's the current state of javafx-maven-plugin? It looks from
bug reports like it's been updated to 0.0.4, but I'm not finding that
when I search in "Project from Archetype". However, I even see an 0.0.5

Then there are Ernie Rael's patches:

The archetype search in the New Project dialog itself seems confusing,
since if I search on "Simple JavaFX", I get "Simple JavaFX Maven
Archetype", versions 0.0.3 and 0.0.1, from org.openjfx (but only if I
select "Show Older"), and if I search on "rael", I also see a "Simple
JavaFX Maven Archetype", version 0.0.1, from com.raelity.jfx. All this
was after a Maven download and index.

See also this, which totally flummoxes me:

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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[fx] test specifications

2020-03-05 Thread Glenn Holmer
Have we decided which specs we're going to use to test FX support?
Geertjan went through the existing ones and recommended that most of
them be considered obsolete.

On the Synergy home page, we see a new spec "JavaFX - JDK 13 / 8
Projects and Deployments", updated by Scott Palmer. Is this ready for
testing, or does it need more updates? Considering the radical changes
FX has been through, are this one and the existing Scene Builder spec
enough for testing FX support in 12.0?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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2020-02-07 Thread Glenn Holmer
Is there going to be a JavaFX tribe? Are there test specs for that?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [Urgent] Help with testing TLS 1.2 support

2019-07-06 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 7/4/19 6:08 AM, Jiří Kovalský wrote:
> we are looking for volunteers who will quickly verify after the
> change that:
> 1. continues serving content via TLS 1.2 ciphering
> 2. does no longer serve content via TLS 1.0/1.1
> ciphering

Both and and are
accessible here (USA). Tested using Firefox 67.0.4 and Chrome 73.0.3683.75.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [Urgent] Help with testing TLS 1.2 support

2019-07-05 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 7/4/19 6:08 AM, Jiří Kovalský wrote:
> now we want to disable old TLS 1.0/1.1 security standards on former 
> as the step #2 before step #3 i.e.
> decommissioning. The two dated protocols will be turned off tomorrow
> - July 5th PDT.
Was this done? I didn't see any message about it.

> For that we are looking for volunteers who will quickly verify after the
> change that:

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [Urgent] Help with testing TLS 1.2 support

2019-07-04 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 7/4/19 6:08 AM, Jiří Kovalský wrote:
>    turning lights off is way easier than turning domain off
> and so the latter is a step-by-step process. You all surely know that we
> have migrated all the critical content to the new website
> which is running TLS 1.2 already and now we
> want to disable old TLS 1.0/1.1 security standards on former
> as the step #2 before step #3 i.e. decommissioning.
> The two dated protocols will be turned off tomorrow - July 5th PDT.
> For that we are looking for volunteers who will quickly verify after the
> change that:
> 1. continues serving content via TLS 1.2 ciphering
> 2. does no longer serve content via TLS 1.0/1.1
> ciphering

So, just verify that the browser supports 1.2 (mine does) and that is accessible?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Removing test cases

2018-10-28 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/28/2018 06:32 AM, joe schmo wrote:
> I am testing Debugger - Views test spec, there are several test cases
> that should be removed from the test spec because of this issue.
> Is it ok if I delete them?

Oh my... Martin (the NetBeans debugger expert) said to remove them four
years ago. Yes, please go ahead.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: tests needing volunteers

2018-10-27 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/27/2018 02:20 PM, Walter Nyland wrote:
> Happy to do more -- they're not hard and we should easily get to 100%
> done if we work together and assign the remaining ones to those who
> volunteered to participate (and remove all those from people who
> volunteered, especially for multiple assignments, and ended up doing
> none).
I don't think it's the end of the world if we don't get to 100%. Our
coverage is comparable to that of some previous NetCATs that had a lot
more participants.

If anyone would still like to volunteer for a specific test, please
speak up and I'll assign it, but we are supposed to finish this weekend.

Walt, which ones look interesting to you?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: NETCAT 10.0

2018-10-27 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/27/2018 09:51 AM, John Kostaras wrote:
> I know that the schedule
> <>
> is tight, but I have two questions:
>1. Why "[API Support] Ant-based NetBeans Suite and Module Projects
>Test Suite is not part of full testing

I don't know, I see there's a test spec for it but it's not included in
the test run. If you'd like to go through the spec anyway and report
your findings, that would be great.

>2. Need to update SQL Query Profiling
><> Test
>Case but it is "Closed for Editing". Who can open it?

I wasn't even aware that anyone had written a test spec for this (I
added an empty placeholder for it during the last NetCAT, as I recall).
Since that's part of a larger spec and someone is testing a different
part, it's closed for edits.

The sections still being tested are IDE profiling and Heapwalker, both
by Michal Owsiak. Michal, can you complete these tests to open the spec
for John's edits?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [editor] Appearance

2018-10-26 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/26/2018 02:23 PM, Leo Donahue wrote:
> In my NetBeans 10.0-vc1 (GTK+), I don't see check box outlines, or radio
> buttons and on dialogs with scroll bars, those are also not visible (not
> shown in this screenshot).
> Apache NetBeans IDE Dev (Build incubator-netbeans-release-345-on-20181002) 
> Debian GNU/Linux 9.5 (stretch) 
> Linux 4.9.0-8-amd64 x86_64 
> openjdk version "11.0.1" 2018-10-16 
> image.png

Image didn't appear to make it through. Is it this?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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blocking issues

2018-10-26 Thread Glenn Holmer
This is probably the time to ask: for those of you who encountered
issues when testing, what do you consider to be the most serious issues?
Which issues do you feel need to be addressed before being comfortable
about 10.0 going out the door?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: NetBeans 10.0vc2 is around the corner

2018-10-26 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/26/2018 11:42 AM, Laszlo Kishalmi wrote:
> There were a bunch of changes landed in our release branch.
> I'm going to cut another VC on Sunday night (It would be Monday morning
> in Europe)

NetCATters, if you have a "pet bug" that you are watching, please make
sure and get this build to do a quick check if your issue persists. If a
reported issue is no longer valid, please speak up here on the list so
it can be removed from the test cases.

Here are some quick statistics comparing to previous NetCATs:

8.2 full testing: 58.2% complete, 89.1% passed
9.0 full testing: 88.7% completed, 92.6% passed
10.0 full testing: 63.5% completed, 91.3% passed

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Resolving previously failed test cases

2018-10-26 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/26/2018 11:39 AM, Leo Donahue wrote:
> Basically I was just asking in general what to do with the existing JIRA
> which is documented on a previous NetBeans release.  More specifically,
> "resolve" or "close"?
> By April of 2019 will anyone care about the JIRA bug documented against
> NetBeans 9?

> To me, it seems like the issue should be resolved or closed against the
> same code base used when the bug was filed.

But issues may persist from version to version. If an issue was raised
against 9 and it's still there in 10, it's still valid. Most of the
issues I just went through and removed were marked "resolved fixed" in
the old Bugzilla several years ago.

> Maybe this is more of a JIRA topic that can be discussed and recorded for
> those of us who are in different time zones?  Or put some NetCAT JIRA
> guidelines on the wiki?

Yes, I think we can be a lot clearer about instructions for the next
NetCAT. There's also much to be learned about how Synergy works. Testers
should not only go through the test cases, but look at existing issues
to see if they're still valid. I ran across some from the old Bugzilla
that were still open or had been re-opened. There should probably be a
discussion about whether to re-enter those as bugs in JIRA.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: tests needing volunteers

2018-10-26 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/23/2018 07:29 AM, Walter Nyland wrote:
> I've done quite a few now, they're fun and easy, and I'm learning a
> lot of functionality I never knew about before. Please sign me up to
> any that need to be done still.
How about debugger breakpoints? I can add you to the debugger tribe if
you have time to do this one.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Resolving previously failed test cases

2018-10-26 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/26/2018 02:55 AM, Leo Donahue wrote:
> Question:
> If a test case passes in 10.0-vc1 but there was a bug report for this test
> case in NetCAT 9.0 testing, how should I handle the JIRA?
> This issue did not occur in 10.0-vc1

I'm not sure if users without admin privileges can remove an issue from
a test, but I'm making a second pass through all of them to make sure
the numbers are valid, and to remove those issues marked "resolved
fixed". This should make it easier for the devs, as they can just click
the issue numbers to check the reports. If anybody thinks that's a bad
idea, please speak up!

Looking at 558, it looks like you originally filed it, so you can go to
JIRA and close it if it no longer applies. The old NetBeans Bugzilla had
lots of stale issues, so let's keep our shiny new Apache JIRA tidy :)

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: tests needing volunteers

2018-10-25 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/25/2018 10:20 AM, joe schmo wrote:
> I'll take Debugger Views

Assigned, thanks!

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: tests needing volunteers

2018-10-25 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/25/2018 01:07 AM, Björn Raupach wrote:
>> On 25. Oct 2018, at 03:22, Walter Nyland
>>  wrote:
>> Can I be assigned a test spec to do, I've done a few and enjoyed
>> it, learned a lot. Walt
> Hi Walt,
> Looks like I can’t finish the “Java Refactoring Sanity Test” till
> Sunday. Maybe you can take over?

Whoops, didn't see this message. Walt, I've added you to the Java Editor
tribe and assigned this, OK?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: tests needing volunteers

2018-10-25 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/23/2018 07:29 AM, Walter Nyland wrote:
> I've done quite a few now, they're fun and easy, and I'm learning a
> lot of functionality I never knew about before. Please sign me up to
> any that need to be done still.

Thank you for your testing! I have also found that running these tests
teaches you all sorts of things you might not have known about NetBeans.

Which additional tests would you like to volunteer for?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [vcs] NetCAT 10

2018-10-24 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/23/2018 12:23 PM, Leo Donahue wrote:
> For someone who steps into NetCAT for their first time, I do wish the VCS
> Subversion specs did not build on the success of the previous test. One
> fail and you have to start all over to get to a stable IDE state, but the
> test after fail test expects previous test to work, so it's kind of
> frustrating to be sure what I report is valid or not.

Yes, this is exactly the kind of thing we can improve in the future!

> I really like the page which classifies the level of issue between major,
> critical and blocker.
> With respect to support for external tools like VCS, not using the IDE is
> always a workaround, so are all issues related to VCS classified as major?

By "not using the IDE", do you mean using the CLI Subversion client from
within NetBeans? It still interfaces with that from its GUI, right? An
issue should be raised if NetBeans doesn't interact with the CLI client
correctly. If you run up against a specific issue, please bring it up
here and other Subversion users may be able to help.

> I will add myself back to wiki.. can you make me a place in synergy for vcs
> subversion?

Assigned, thanks for testing!

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [vcs] NetCAT 10

2018-10-24 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/23/2018 02:45 PM, Alexander Romanenko wrote:
>>  With respect to support for external tools like VCS, not using the IDE is
>> always a workaround, so are all issues related to VCS classified as major?
> Its only a workaround if the tool is advertising itself as "use at your own
> risk"
> If I like the comfort of using version control right along the editor, for
> the benefit of not losing language and project specific context in the diff
> viewer and such, which external tool is not aware of, and the tools fails,
> you have everything from frustration of the tool not working as advertised,
> to unrecoverable loss of work undermining trust.
> If there are buttons that say they are supposed to do something, those
> buttons really need to do the said thing, or remove them until future
> version where its fixed.

I'm not sure what's being talked about here... is there an issue number
someone can point to? Is the behavior covered in our test specs?

Maybe I'll have to restore my local svn server and have a look.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [vcs] NetCAT 10

2018-10-23 Thread Glenn Holmer
[Sending from gmail as KolabNow is down... again.]

On 10/22/2018 09:53 PM, Leo Donahue wrote:

   1. Are there still tribe leaders like in NetCAT 9?
  - All of the recent emails about not being done would have come from
  tribe leaders before.

There just wasn't enough time to go through the process of selecting
tribe leaders this time; I myself only volunteered to help coordinate
NetCAT at the last minute. NetBeans is on a shorter release schedule
now, and we have fewer people in NetCAT than we used to. I believe there
were well over 100 for earlier releases (I'm a veteran of 18 NetCATs).

  4. What constitutes a test spec review?  In other words, aside from
   my input, who else makes decisions on the contents of the test specs?

I've always felt that NetBeans devs should be writing and maintaining
the test specs; otherwise it's sort of like the lunatics running the
asylum :)  But that can be a time-consuming process. Bottom line, we're
all volunteers now and we have to maintain the test specs ourselves.
Questions about features and expected behavior can always be asked on
the dev list. This is one of the areas where I think NetCAT can improve,
and suggestions are of course welcome.

   - Where do I provide feedback on the VCS Subversion test specs?
  - Does NetCAT 10 test against Subversion 1.9.5 or newer?

This list would be the place to discuss that, during the spec review
process. With a quicker release cycle for NetBeans, I think it would be
good to remain active on this list between releases to discuss these
types of questions; the test spec review should really be an ongoing

Re the version question, I would say use the latest version (or the
version you are using in production). An issue report should always
contain the version number used in any case. There have been many times
where an issue was raised during NetCAT and devs were able to narrow it
down to changes in a library version after looking at it more closely.

VCS Subversion has roughly 60+ test specs in 9 test suites.
Is the expectation that all 60+ specs are tested separately with: javahl,
svnkit and command line?

svnkit has been removed due to licensing issues:

In other words, a VCS Subversion volunteer does all 9 test suites
separately using each connector?

Just asking, why VCS Subversion testing in NetCAT 10?
No movement on NetBeans Version Control Issues in JIRAs from previous
NetCAT, so just asking what IDE changes would affect VCS Subversion code

Aside from regression bugs, Java itself is undergoing bigger changes
than it has in the past. For example, in NetCAT for both the NetBeans 9
and 10 releases, we found things in the profiler that were broken by
changes in the JDK.

As for the volume of tests, there is nothing to stop us from simplifying
them or splitting them up into smaller sections. Even if you can't finish
the whole thing, some testing would be better than none.

Again, these are all good questions to be asking. Let's get some
discussion going on these things during the interregnum between NetCATs!

P.S. It looks like you've removed yourself from the participants list.
Do you still want to help test Subversion? We have until the 28th.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

Re: tests needing volunteers

2018-10-22 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/22/2018 01:57 PM, Leonardo Mora Obando wrote:
> Hello, I have assigned the point 3 (mercurial), I will to try finish this 
> assignment today. 


Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Profiler pack for NetBeans - Docker based

2018-10-22 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/21/2018 07:56 AM, wrote:
> I have decided to play a little bit with Docker - for this particular
> purpose. And here is the outcome:
> Long story short. You need Docker, and profiler server pack generated
> by NetBeans. That's it. That's all you need to create remote, Ubuntu
> based, machine with code running. After starting Docker container, it
> will wait on port 5140 for connection.

Yes, I got it to work. Definitely a good way to run this sort of test.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Test specs and OS

2018-10-22 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/22/2018 12:34 PM, Rodrigo Teixeira Andreotti wrote:
> There is a column for other linux and another one for Ubuntu, I am
> performing the tests in Debian, which basically is the basis of Ubuntu
> (even having several particularities).
> In a next stage of testing would not it be interesting to split the tests
> differently? For example, Distributions based on DEB and Distributions
> based on RPM, or something of the sort?

Personally, I'd rather remove the distinction entirely and just have a
Linux category. The real differences you might encounter have more to do
with desktop environment (KDE, GNOME, XFCE, ), which cuts across
distributions. See for example:

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: tests needing volunteers

2018-10-22 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/22/2018 12:10 PM, wrote:
> Hello I can test "Form Editor - Internationalization" I'm going to
> start today after work 7:00 P:M. (Mexico Time)

Assigned, thanks!

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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tests needing volunteers

2018-10-22 Thread Glenn Holmer
Hello NetCATters,

Looking over the test runs, I think there are a few that really need a
volunteer or two. Who can volunteer to take some of these?

1) Subversion (two testers, both 0%)

2) CVS (any CVS users?)

3) Mercurial (one tester, 9%)

4) Debugger breakpoints (one tester, 0%)

5) Debugger miscellaneous (one tester complete, two at 0%)

6) Debugger Views (one tester, 0%)

7) Form Editor, (several with one tester at 0%)

8) JUnit (one at 0%, one in progress)

9) TestNG (one tester at 0%)

There are others, but these seem to have the most need.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: testing still to be done

2018-10-22 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/22/2018 11:04 AM, Rodrigo Teixeira Andreotti wrote:
> I still can not see the assignments for windows of the tests in PHP that I
> have in Linux, I am performing the same specification in both environments
> simultaneously to be able to streamline.

I was sure I had added duplicate assignments for you on Windows
platform, but I just did it again.

> If you can see why they still do not show up when you have time, as soon as
> they appear it will be enough for me to mark those that have passed and
> those that have not.

This may just be a limitation of Synergy, for which I'm told the source
has been donated by Oracle... and it appears to be written in PHP :)

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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testing still to be done

2018-10-22 Thread Glenn Holmer
Hello NetCATters,

We're now in the final week of testing for NetBeans 10.0, and we're
showing 52.9% complete. Let's show some love for our favorite IDE!

Please have a look here:

and click the down arrow by Specification to sort the assignments.
You'll be able to see at a glance where we have gaps in our coverage.

Who will help to complete our remaining tests? Please pick one of the
tests without good (or any) coverage and volunteer to complete specific
tests (I can add you to a tribe if needed). Remember, we are an Apache
project now, which means that nothing gets done unless someone
volunteers to do it!

The CAT needs you! Meow!

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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SQL profiling

2018-10-21 Thread Glenn Holmer
I guess it's too late to create a test spec for this ("Closed for
editing"), but just to give a shout out, this is a great feature of
NetBeans. You can profile your SQL queries and view by table, type of
SQL statement (regular, prepared, stored), type of command... you can
even search among the queries.

I created a Maven project and will upload it when I create this test
spec for the next NetCAT. I didn't encounter any issues when testing
this crazy cool feature.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Entering last week of NetCAT -- many "0% completed"

2018-10-21 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/21/2018 11:06 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> Can everyone on this mailing list take a look at the above location?
> I see many assignments that are still marked as 0% completed.
> Can everyone who has an assignment listed as 0% completed either start
> working on their assignment within 24 hours or send a quick e-mail to state
> what the current progress is?
> Those who don't respond at all, since we've been asking about this for
> several days now, I propose we remove all their assignments, reassign them
> to the several people who have been asking for assignments, and somehow
> blacklist them for next time so that we're not in this situation again with
> people volunteering to participate in NetCAT and then not delivering or
> reporting or giving any indication of progress.

Are there people who would like an assignment (or another one if you've
finished the ones you were given)? I've been adding them as soon as I'm
aware of someone volunteering.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Entering last week of NetCAT -- many "0% completed"

2018-10-21 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/21/2018 11:36 AM, Leonardo Mora Obando wrote:
> My process in the row 15, shows 0% of process in Debugger - 
> Miscellaneous<>,
>  but I finished since the last week. I changed the status in confluence to 
> done.
> where I can change the status of this process to show the correct progress?.

There are two parts to testing:

1) review the test specification to make sure it's up to date

2) do the test run and report issues where necessary

Part 2 is found here:

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: possible fix for issue 1359 (self-profiling)

2018-10-21 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/21/2018 08:25 AM, wrote:
> Sorry guys, but I still can observe this issue with version:
> openjdk version "12-ea" 2019-03-19

Thanks for testing, I've added a comment to the issue.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: possible fix for issue 1359 (self-profiling)

2018-10-21 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/21/2018 08:02 AM, wrote:
> I can confirm this issue with:
> macOS: 10.13.3
> JDK: openjdk version "11" 2018-09-25

Yes, the issue report was against JDK11. The fix is in an early-access
release of JDK12, as Sven noted in the issue report:

> Fixed is in JDK12-ea b16 and fixed in for upcoming 11.0.2 (back port
> of fix handled in  JDK-8212674.)
Do you still see this if you try it under JDK12?

>> Dnia 21 października 2018 o 14:33 Glenn Holmer  
>> napisał(a):
>> 1359 is determined to be a JDK issue, fixed in JDK12-ea (and will be
>> backported to JDK11). But I'm still seeing the problem. Does anyone else
>> have time to test NetBeans self-profiling under JDK12 and see if they
>> get the same result? There's a repro case in the issue report.
>> You can find the JDK12 early-access release here:

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Profiler pack for NetBeans - Docker based

2018-10-21 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/21/2018 07:56 AM, wrote:
> While struggling with VM for remote profiler, I have decided I need
> reproducible, easy to run, quick solution.
> VM is OK. But for each new person joining profiler tests (remote) you
> have like few hours spent to setup everything correctly:
> - download image, - create VM, - install required packages, -
> transfer jar, - transfer server pack, - configure JDK.
> Anyway, it takes time.

I am lucky enough to have another machine right next to this one. Both
System76, of course :)

> I have decided to play a little bit with Docker - for this particular
> purpose. And here is the outcome:
> Long story short. You need Docker, and profiler server pack generated
> by NetBeans. That's it. That's all you need to create remote, Ubuntu
> based, machine with code running. After starting Docker container, it
> will wait on port 5140 for connection.

That's really cool, I'll try it this morning! Maybe this is the solution
for other tests requiring a second machine (e.g. Rodrigo asking about an
FTP server for PHP tests).

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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mysterious disappearance/reappearance of Options dialog

2018-10-20 Thread Glenn Holmer
Has anyone else noticed the Options dialog disappearing and reappearing
several times after clicking Apply?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: entering JIRA issue numbers

2018-10-18 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/18/2018 12:30 PM, Rodrigo Teixeira Andreotti wrote:
> Me too!
> But i think that does not a way to edit this, i tried some times. =[

Looks like I can edit them (have to be deleted and added again with the
correct number). I'm going through and fixing.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: entering JIRA issue numbers

2018-10-18 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/18/2018 12:18 PM, Peter Hull wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Oct 2018 at 15:13 Glenn Holmer  wrote:
>> Please make sure to enter only the number of a JIRA issue when marking a
>> test case as failed
> Drat. I did that. Is there a way to edit without starting again?

I'm a bit worried about editing while the test runs are open. It's not
the worst thing in the world, just an annoyance when you try to look up
an issue from the link. The old, resolved issue numbers should have been
removed, too, I think.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Lots of "Completed 0%"

2018-10-18 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/18/2018 10:22 AM, Daniel Warren wrote:
> Much appreciated, I'd be happy to give the Symfony specification a try,
> though I don't have a lot of experience with the framework.

Assigned, give it a shot!

Would anybody else like to volunteer for an assignment?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Lots of "Completed 0%"

2018-10-18 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/18/2018 07:48 AM, Daniel Warren wrote:
> If possible anything from PHP or Java Editor tribes, maybe the Java Code
> Completion to begin with?

I've assigned code completion from Java Editor and Subversion from
version control. For PHP, can you do any of the frameworks like Smarty,
Symfony or Zend?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Lots of "Completed 0%"

2018-10-18 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/18/2018 06:42 AM, Walter Nyland wrote:
> There are no items denoted as "Completed 0%" that have issues raised
> for them. Can those who have multiple items assigned to them all at
> "Completed 0%" respond and say what their intentions are? Are they
> suddenly going to do all their tasks at once? Or should we just
> removed all those names that have "Completed 0%", especially where
> there is one name that has multiple of these assigned to them?

Also, please volunteer if you are willing to take a test spec, and I
will set that up right away.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Lots of "Completed 0%"

2018-10-18 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/18/2018 06:12 AM, Daniel Warren wrote:
> I'd also like to take the opportunity to say that I'd be happy with
> having some of the 0% completed tasks assigned to me if they have not
> been worked on at all.

Which tests would you like assignments for? I will set them up right away.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: PHP Remote Testing

2018-10-16 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/16/2018 06:55 PM, Rodrigo Teixeira Andreotti wrote:

Sorry, I don't speak Portuguese, although Mr Google does :) If you'd
like to send a project, I'd be happy to hold onto it until we are ready
to work on the next NetCAT.

> With regard to this part:
> I'm not sure how Synergy is meant to handle this if it's done anyway. I
>> would say restart it (rather than resuming it) and pick up where you left
>> off.
> Unfortunately, if I click on restart it will eliminate all test progress
> (at least a warning is generated with this alert).

I believe what gets eliminated is any issue numbers you attached and the
record of how much time it was taking you to complete it. The issue
numbers could be easily re-entered.

> Again, I apologize if my previous message implied to be a complaint, I am
> here to try to help as much as I can within the project.

Not at all, NetCAT needs to find a new direction now that the Apache
NetBeans community is running it ourselves, and all input is welcome.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: PHP Remote Testing

2018-10-16 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/16/2018 04:12 PM, Rodrigo Teixeira Andreotti wrote:
> I'm running PHP project tests on windows and linux and I came across a
> small problem in test suites for projects from remote code, one of which
> is that it is not clear in the test if there is any server to use during
> testing (/Remote 1.png/), I tried to find the documentation that the
> test indicates but could not find.

I'm sure there are still some tests that depend on resources that are no
longer available here at Apache.

> I still managed to perform this test using my personal server along with
> some projects I have.

What we need instead of references to servers that no longer exist is
small projects that can be uploaded as part of the spec. Testers could
then download the project and use it for testing. The Free Form test in
the Profiler spec is an example of a test that has a downloadable
project. It would be great if you could come up with one, but you may
want to save it for the next NetCAT (see below).

> One last doubt, when a case test is updated by the team, do I have to
> perform all the tests again?
> I did some testing on the projects in Java, but one got behind (skip)
> because it lacked a file to download, but I can not get back in it to
> mark it finished, I get the following warning:
> Action failed Conflict: Structure of specification has changed since
> last testing and testing can not be resumed. Please use Restart instead 

Ideally, there should be no changes to a test spec once testing begins.
I'm not sure how Synergy is meant to handle this if it's done anyway. I
would say restart it (rather than resuming it) and pick up where you
left off.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Can't send submitted data

2018-10-16 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/16/2018 10:56 AM, Rodrigo Teixeira Andreotti wrote:
> If you relogging and refresh the page this one will save without problem, I
> also found the session time too short in synergy.

I haven't seen the source for Synergy yet, but there's an admin page
with some server values that can be changed; one of them is "$_SESSION
timeout", and it's set to 2592000.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Can't send submitted data

2018-10-16 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/16/2018 10:42 AM, Björn Raupach wrote:
> Just went through the assigned test specification: Maven Support Test 
> Specification.
> At the end I could not upload the data. Says: Action failed.
> Now, I am greeted with a popup saying:
> “Found old and probably not submitted data, do you want to send it now?”
> Found data are from Tue Oct 16 2018 17:35:21 GMT+0200 (CEST)
> If I press yes, I get another popup saying: “Failed to send results, retry?”
> I I press yes again, the popup vanishes but I have a red bootstrap alert box 
> on top saying “Action failed”.

I'm seeing something like this too, when trying to remove an issue
entered in error ("closed for structure changes"). Do we have a database
lock? Geertjan? Jirka?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: NetCAT test assignments

2018-10-16 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/16/2018 03:44 AM, Björn Raupach wrote:
>> On 16. Oct 2018, at 08:38, Walter Nyland  
>> wrote:
>> I would like to do more too. I think the main reason that the tests
>> haven't been completed yet right now is that they haven't been
>> assigned to people who want to do the work.
If there is a test you'd like to be assigned to, please ask and I'll add
you. You are also welcome to file issues in JIRA as you find them during
your daily usage of NetBeans:

You will need to create a login on JIRA to submit issues.

> I am pretty new to this and feel like kinda out of the loop on how to 
> proceed. If I haven’t been assigned to anything. Is the following fine to do?
> 1) Visit 
> <>
> 2) Click the little user icon next to the heading assignment
> 3) Set the specification to version 10.0
> 4) Select a specification?
> For example I joined the Maven tribe, but I don’t find the Maven Support Test 
> Specification there. 

I've assigned you to this test case.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: NetCAT test assignments

2018-10-16 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/15/2018 08:27 AM, Cezariusz Marek wrote:
> How about: 

Were those "netcat" labels added manually?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: NetCAT test assignments

2018-10-16 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/16/2018 06:15 AM, Rodrigo Teixeira Andreotti wrote:
> Is it possible to be assigned to run tests on two platforms simultaneously?

It doesn't appear so. When creating assignments, there's a dropdown for
operating system.

> I just received some assigns for the PHP module on Linux, but I can do it
> on Windows and Linux simultaneously (using VM).
> If so, how do I update the test status on both platforms?

I've created duplicate assignments for you on Windows.

As NetBeans settles into its new life as an Apache project, our testing
procedures in NetCAT are certainly something we should review. We do
have the source code for Synergy.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Possible to add smooths scrolling to NB 10.0?

2018-10-15 Thread Glenn Holmer
Hello NetCATters,

If you haven't seen it, this came up on the dev list:

On 10/15/2018 11:17 AM, Laszlo Kishalmi wrote:
> The real question is how it is affect the current NetCat process. If the
> NetCat people fine with this cherry pick, then I'm good to go with this.

Can the people who've completed some editor testing have a look and make
sure this doesn't introduce any regressions? And those who reviewed the
test spec, does this need any additional wording to verify that the
feature works properly? The JIRA link below explains what's being changed.

> On 10/15/2018 03:12 AM, Christian Lenz wrote:
>> in General I thought, that this feature:
>> went into the NB
>> 10.0 branch but it didn’t. Is it possible to cherry pick it anyway to
>> bring it up into NB 10.0 or not? Here is the PR for it:
>> it was still
>> merged so it Needs a Cherry Pick.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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NetCAT test assignments

2018-10-13 Thread Glenn Holmer
Hello fellow NetCATters,

We are almost a week into our allocated three weeks of testing the
NetBeans 10.0 release. But looking at the test assignments:

we can see that we are getting off to a slow start. Please remember, the
test specs take some time to complete, and we are on a shorter schedule
than we have been in the past.

Is everyone OK with their test spec assignments? Would others also like
to volunteer for an assignment to improve the results?

In fact, we could use some feedback on how test assignments are created.
This is my first time helping to coordinate NetCAT, so I'm still
familiarizing myself with how everything works behind the scenes. Should we:

1) Give everyone an assignment within their tribe, trying to make sure
that operating systems are well-covered and the number of people per
spec is balanced (frankly, an awful lot of work for the coordinators)?

2) Assign one person to each test spec and ask for volunteers to be
added, hoping for good coverage?

3) Some other combination of the above?

Keep in mind that those without specific assignments can still test
NetBeans by using it day-to-day and filing issues for problems they

What are your thoughts?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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NetCAT testing begins!

2018-10-09 Thread Glenn Holmer
Hello fellow NetCAT testers!

Thank you all for your hard work in reviewing the test specifications so
that we're ready to start the actual test runs. The time has come to put
NetBeans 10 through its paces!

Test run assignments have been made in Synergy:

with generally the same people assigned as did the review. If you do not
have an assignment, please feel free to go through a test case anyway
and discuss your findings on the NetCAT mailing list. This will help us
to achieve maximum coverage across use cases and operating systems. If
you have been assigned a test run and cannot find time to complete it,
please contact me or Jirka or speak up on the list and we will adjust
the assignments. Our goal is to get all of NetBeans 10 tested and
verified so that each release is better than the last one!

Here are the steps to do a test run:

1) Go to the Synergy test run page and log in:

2) Scroll down to the table with test assignments and select your name
in the "User" dropdown of the column header. This will show only your
test assignments.

3) To start testing, click the "Start (continue if saved)" button. Then
simply perform the test steps from the displayed test case and
afterwards click one of the buttons:

SKIP - if you cannot complete given test case in which case please
specify your reason from "Comment" pull-down menu.

PASSED - if you achieved expected result (you can also provide issue
number which is related but does not completely fail the test case).

FAILED - if you were not able to achieve expected result. If a test
fails, click the "Report Issue" link in the upper right of the page. You
will see an error message unless you are logged into Apache's JIRA. Log
in or create an account, then create an issue that describes what you
found. You will need to provide the issue number failing the test case
back in Synergy.

PAUSE - Synergy measures time needed for execution of each test case, so
if you stop to work on something else, remember to click PAUSE. This
helps us keep track of how much time the tests take in order to keep
them manageable. When you want to resume testing, click the "Start
(continue if saved)" button again.

The deadline to complete the test runs is October 29th, but please don't
put it off! Going through the test runs can be very time-consuming and
you'll want to allow for the possibility of filing issues in JIRA,
asking for help and clarification, and so on. And please don't hesitate
to discuss any questions you may have on the NetCAT mailing list.

Good luck and happy testing!

Glenn Holmer and Jiří Kovalský
NetCAT 10.0 coordinators

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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exception reporting with Apache

2018-10-09 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/08/2018 10:14 PM, Alied Pérez Martínez wrote:
> I meant the good ol' exception reporter, which would connect to good ol'
> Netbeans' bugzilla and report the stack trace along with the IDE log in
> your behalf. That was very handy whenever I broke the nightly at work.
> (some people live in the edge; I work in the edge :-D)

Well, there is a JIRA plugin, although it needs some love. There was a
discussion about it last year on the dev list:

> P.S. From now on, all things ol' shall be good as well :-)

I say that every time I turn on my Commodore 64.

> On 10/8/18 10:26 AM, Glenn Holmer wrote:
>> On 10/08/2018 08:22 AM, Glenn Holmer wrote:
>>> On 10/07/2018 08:25 PM, Alied Pérez Martínez wrote:
>>>> Are there plans to restore the exception reporting functionality now
>>>> with Apache? It's very convenient for nightly tests; especially when you
>>>> use it daily at work.
>>> You mean an improvement on what's in the attached screenshot?
>> Oops, attachment stripped. It was a screenshot of the "You have found a
>> bug in the application!" dialog.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Volunteer test spec reviewer

2018-10-08 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/08/2018 03:04 PM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> Hi Glenn,
> Thanks. The link (in the table at
> to "Code Formatting" goes here, which is "Code Completion":
> Can that link be corrected to go to "Code Formatting"?


Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: exception reporting with Apache

2018-10-08 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/07/2018 08:25 PM, Alied Pérez Martínez wrote:
> Are there plans to restore the exception reporting functionality now
> with Apache? It's very convenient for nightly tests; especially when you
> use it daily at work.

You mean an improvement on what's in the attached screenshot?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Volunteer test spec reviewer

2018-10-08 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/08/2018 07:31 AM, jannie van niekerk wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm registered as a NetCAT participant:
> But I'm not listed as a reviewer for any test specs:
> Interested in working on Java-related test specs, could I take one over?

Your participation is most welcome! I see you are in the Java Editor
tribe, and there are several unreviewed specs in that area:

Just change the assignee for the spec you want to review and have at it!

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [profiler] Free Form Project

2018-10-07 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/07/2018 11:54 AM, Peter Hull wrote:
> OK, done but it seems to have been added as a NB 9.0 test case.
> Hopefully someone can fix this. Sorry old hands, this is my first time
> on this...

No, that's OK because 9.0 in this context means the most recent spec. If
you look at this page:

you'll see that they're kind of all over the place. I think we should
copy the entire previous spec with the new version number as a name when
NetCAT starts in order to avoid confusion, but I'm not exactly sure how
that works...

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Down to the wire on test spec reviews!

2018-10-07 Thread Glenn Holmer
OK fellow NetCATters, we are coming down to the wire on reviewing the
test specs. Our schedule was to complete them by... well, tomorrow. If
you look at the review status page:

you'll see that, although we're doing pretty well, there's still work to
be done. Hopefully we can have the specs ready for full testing as soon
as possible. Also, reviewing the specs helps familiarize you with what
you'll need to do for the actual testing and plan accordingly.

If you couldn't find the time to do your reviews, please speak up and
someone else can step in to complete them. Remember, we are on a shorter
release cycle for NetBeans now, and we hard-working NetCATters have to
be able to ensure that everything is working as it should!

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [profiler] Free Form Project

2018-10-07 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/07/2018 05:01 AM, Peter Hull wrote:
> At the moment, there are no tests for profiling a Free Form Project.

Go to the main test spec page:

and look on the lower right. Check the 8.1 spec under "Similar
Specifications", where you'll find the old tests for a free form
project. What happened was that I did a complete rewrite of the profiler
test spec for the last NetCAT, and there just wasn't time to complete
everything. To fill in those placeholders, I've been copying and pasting
the HTML of the old test cases and then modifying them.

> 2. I would need to create a project and put it somewhere for others to
> test (all the other ones I've seen use the built-in Anagram game
> sample) - maybe a github repo?

In the "old days", there were a number of apps written for testing, like
the famous "MemoryView" :) I was able to find a copy of the old profiler
test project for this and have attached it. And it is indeed a version
of our beloved anagram game.

The question of pre-written apps for testing is an interesting one.
Where should these go? Should they be in a repo? Should there be more
(or different) bundled sample programs in NetBeans?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [profiler] Profile the IDE

2018-10-05 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/05/2018 01:37 PM, Peter Hull wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Oct 2018 at 17:45 Glenn Holmer  wrote:
>> But what I'm seeing is a "Saving snapshot" progress bar in the NetBeans
>> status area on the bottom that never goes anywhere and has its "show
>> output" and "Cancel" context items greyed out.
>> Possibly not helpful but I think there's something up with the snapshot
> saving code. A few times I have tried to exit the IDE after doing some
> profiling and it's said it is saving a snapshot and can't exit unless I
> cancel the task.

Only happens on JDK11 (not JDK8 or JDK10).

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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[profiler] Profile the IDE

2018-10-05 Thread Glenn Holmer
Does anybody know how to get this to work? It looks like you're supposed
to be able to click on the "Profile the IDE" button (in the Performance
toolbar), do some work in the IDE, then click it again to "Stop IDE
Profiling and Take a Snapshot".

But what I'm seeing is a "Saving snapshot" progress bar in the NetBeans
status area on the bottom that never goes anywhere and has its "show
output" and "Cancel" context items greyed out.

If that's supposed to work, I'll just file an issue. Or is that not the
way to use it...?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [profiler] JavaSE Unit Tests Spec

2018-10-05 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/05/2018 05:08 AM, Peter Hull wrote:
> In the review of this spec, I can't see the option to "CPU -> Analyze
> Performance -> Advanced (instrumented)" or "Memory -> Analyze Memory
> -> Advanced (instruments)".
> Can someone tell me where it is, or maybe this refers to a previous version?

It's quite possible that it no longer exists, as the profiler underwent
a major rewrite around NetBeans 8.1 and the specs didn't get updated.
Here are some resources for figuring out how it is meant to work and
updating the test cases:

The New and Noteworthy for previous NetBeans versions can help you track
UI changes, since they have lots of screenshots:

Jiri Sedlacek of Oracle wrote a blog entry about the profiler when 8.1
was released:

There is also a profiler wiki on the "old" NetBeans site that has

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Is ok to edit Spec Test on Review

2018-10-04 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/04/2018 05:34 AM, Ricardo Pacheco wrote:
> The Java Code Completion Test that I'm reviewing includes several reference
> to code TBD.
> Also has several small inconsistent parts, for example:
>   type throw new int method body call CC
> I think it should read:
>type throw new call CC
> Is okay if I edit the test to add the missing code and correct the text?
> I assume that it is, but want to me completely sure.

Yes, things like that are what we hope to find and correct during this
phase of NetCAT.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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more initial testing questions

2018-10-03 Thread Glenn Holmer
1) Should we accept updates when they're offered (e.g. "Local Tasks /
Eclipse Jobs Mechanism [3.5.100 -> 3.5.101])?

2) Are we meant to run tests that depend on Java EE functionality by
adding the EE modules from the 8.2 update center?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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first run strangeness

2018-10-03 Thread Glenn Holmer
To use the test build, I'm following my usual routine:

1) delete ~/.netbeans/dev/
2) delete ~/.cache/netbeans/dev

When I start the test build, I see only one toolbar (File), and don't
get the nbjavac prompt until after opening a Java project. After
installing nbjavac, all the toolbars are there. Is this intended
behavior? Are other people seeing this? I tried it under JDK 8, 10, and 11.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [Urgent] Review of test specifications by Oct 8

2018-10-03 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 10/02/2018 05:06 AM, Jiří Kovalský wrote:
>    The review means a simple verification that specification matches
> reality. If you spot only minor inaccuracies (spelling, grammar,
> formatting, missing steps and so on), then just update the current
> version of the test specification. If there are changes in the
> functionality that would make the test specification incompatible with
> previous versions of the IDE, please clone the test specification for
> Apache NetBeans 10.0 before updating it.

The main concern with the test specs is that some of them are out of
date. What needs to be done is to go through the spec step by step and
make sure that it doesn't ask for something that no longer exists in
NetBeans, or has changed. For example, there were major changes to the
profiler's UI around NetBeans 8.1 to make it easier to use.

If you're uncertain about whether there was a change in NetBeans that
affected the test specs, a good place to look is the New and Noteworthy
pages for previous releases:

Those documents have screenshots that can be invaluable in helping to
determine how a feature is meant to be used.

You can also have a look at previous test specs to see what has changed.
Using the profiler as an example again, on this page:

there are some links under "Similar Specifications".

And if you just can't figure out what a test item is meant to cover,
please post on the dev list and ask if anyone there is familiar enough
with that part of the source to understand how it is supposed to work.

Please coordinate with the other members of your tribe to ensure that
the entire spec is covered, as some of them have quite a few test cases.
And don't hesitate to ask questions on this list, as some of us have
been through this before :)

As Jirka said, we can't overstate the importance of making a first pass
through the test specs to make sure they're up to date; otherwise, we
can't test effectively. Especially now that NetBeans is an Apache
project, it's up to us as users and testers to maintain these documents.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Invitation to join the Apache NetBeans 10 Community Acceptance Testing program

2018-09-28 Thread Glenn Holmer
Hello NetBeans users,

We hope to release NetBeans 10 in November:

and that means... it's NetCAT time!

Anyone to would like to help test the next release is invited to join
the NetCAT program for our next release. Instructions for how to join
can be found here:

and if you experience any difficulties joining us, you can post on the
NetCAT mailing list for help. Everyone should join a "tribe", which
focuses on testing a specific part of NetBeans, using test
specifications that can be found here:

We'll be adding test runs for the next release shortly. Please have a
look at the test specs as soon as you join, as an important part of
testing is keeping these specifications up to date.

We look forward to seeing lots of participation in NetCAT again. Please
join us to help make this the best NetBeans release ever!

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Is list still going

2018-08-27 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 08/26/2018 07:47 AM, paloris_J wrote:
> I notice that on the archives that there is no new emails 

NetCAT for 9.0 has completed, so that's perfectly normal.

But it's never too early to start thinking about the next NetCAT,
especially with the shorter release cycle NetBeans will be undertaking.
My own concern is with the test specifications, which had gotten out of
date over the years. Now we NetBeans users are responsible for all of
this ourselves. In the Profiler tribe, there was not even time to update
all of the specs to reflect the current functionality of NetBeans.

Are we comfortable with these specifications now? Are they the best way
to test NetBeans releases? What should we be doing ahead of time to
prepare for the next NetCAT? And most importantly, what is the role of
NetCAT in the new Apache world of NetBeans? How should NetCAT fit into
the development and release process?

I'd be curious to hear people's opinions on these questions.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [DISCUSS] Merging back netcat@ into the dev@ mailing list

2018-06-26 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 06/26/2018 06:47 AM, Emilian Bold wrote:
>> I think this discussion should take place on the NetCAT mailing
>> list only -- and personally I'm not sure that it is the most urgent
>> discussion at this point.
> I think this further proves it's a bad idea to have multiple mailing
> lists. We aren't even capable of having a discussion involving the
> whole community!

It seems very odd that there isn't traffic about this on the NetCAT
list... I guess that strengthens the argument for merging the two lists.
NetCATters, if you aren't subscribed to the dev mailing list, at least
have a look at some of the threads re. NetCAT (best to click "view as
flat thread, sort by date"):

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [DISCUSS] Merging back netcat@ into the dev@ mailing list

2018-06-25 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 06/24/2018 04:15 PM, Emilian Bold wrote:
> my suggestion is to bring all NetCAT communication onto the dev@
> mailing list.

Probably a good idea. I think separate lists made more sense when the
developers were Sun/Oracle and the testers were community volunteers:
we're all community volunteers now. Also, NetCAT has become much more
active in creating the test specs, but that really needs developer input
(how can non-dev testers know how something is meant to work?). And it
would give immediate dev visibility to questions about bugs as well as
giving insight into bug fixes to the testing community (which could
encourage learning the NetBeans code). Perhaps most importantly, it
would contribute to an overall understanding of the Apache Way of doing

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Verification of 9.0 UC hosted on Apache infrastructure

2018-06-07 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 06/07/2018 12:42 PM, Jiří Kovalský wrote:
> Dne 7.6.2018 v 16:57 Glenn Holmer napsal(a):
>> My experience was that it worked, but for installed plugins, all three
>> buttons Activate, Deactivate, and Uninstall are greyed out for all
>> installed plugins. I don't know if this was the case before switching to
>> the Apache update center.
> Glenn, are you sure you had at least some plugin checked?

You are right, I think I was selecting the plugin line but not the checkbox.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: Verification of 9.0 UC hosted on Apache infrastructure

2018-06-07 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 06/06/2018 06:19 PM, Jiří Kovalský wrote:
>    Hence, we would appreciate it if you could help us test the basic
> scenario described in my last comment in issue #330 [1] or provide your
> findings with more complex Update Center usecases.

My experience was that it worked, but for installed plugins, all three
buttons Activate, Deactivate, and Uninstall are greyed out for all
installed plugins. I don't know if this was the case before switching to
the Apache update center.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: What's next?

2018-05-29 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 05/16/2018 04:41 PM, joe schmo wrote:
> Is 9.0 coming soon?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: What's next?

2018-05-16 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 05/16/2018 04:41 PM, joe schmo wrote:
> Is 9.0 coming soon?


Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: What's next?

2018-05-01 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 05/01/2018 04:21 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> At the very least the 3 remaining blockers need to be resolved in one way
> or another:

Wasn't 620 supposed to be a blocker?

> On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 4:52 PM, Glenn Holmer <> wrote:
>> What are our next steps before 9.0 is released? The wiki says we will do
>> a Community Acceptance survey starting 2018-04-13.
Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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[profiler] NETBEANS-554

2018-04-11 Thread Glenn Holmer
Can anyone reliably reproduce this bug?

I've spent a lot of time trying to reproduce this, but can't trigger it
reliably (although I saw it happen several times today). I saw it in the
profiler test spec, test suite 8 (profiling points), in step 22. I've
been working on a simpler set of steps to trigger it, but haven't been

Sven, you also ran this suite; did you experience a lockup after
deselecting "use defined profiling points" and restarting the profiler?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [profiler] profiling SQL queries doesn't work on JDK 10

2018-04-08 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 04/08/2018 08:55 AM, Josh Juneau wrote:
> I will try to run some SQL profiling today to see if it works out.  I
> will let you know how it goes.


Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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[profiler] blocker?

2018-04-06 Thread Glenn Holmer
Profiler tribe is uncertain about whether this issue is a blocker:

I saw it somewhere else as well, but don't have a repro case.

Hermien, Jirka, what do you think? Other than this, we've been happy
with the profiler, even under JDK 10.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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profiler testing status

2018-04-06 Thread Glenn Holmer
The end of testing (April 12th) is rapidly approaching, but the test
runs page

is showing 0% for the following tests:

Java SE Project (Rick Hegarty)
Profiling Points (Sven Reimers)

If you ran the tests but didn't click the magic "Start" button on the
test runs page, I think you can do that and then just mark the test
complete. (The advantage of clicking the Start button is that it will
remember where you are in the test if you pause it, and track your time
so that others will know how long to expect it to take.)

If you haven't tested yet, NetBeans 9.0 would benefit from your help!
Let's make this an awesome release and prove to the world the power of
Open Source and the Apache Way!

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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updates available

2018-04-05 Thread Glenn Holmer
When we see the "updates available" balloon, are we supposed to apply
those? Are those coming from Apache or from Oracle?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [profiler] Unsupported class file version

2018-04-04 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 04/04/2018 02:18 PM, Jan Lahoda wrote:
> Hopefully will be better with:

Indeed it is. The build wasn't available yet, but the PR had been merged
(thanks Geertjan), so I just updated from master and built the source again.

I've now been able to get all the way through the profiler spec under
JDK10 with no show-stopping bugs found. We'll see at Friday's online
meeting whether the rest of the tribe is in agreement!

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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[profiler] Unsupported class file version

2018-04-03 Thread Glenn Holmer
I'm getting some strange results when testing profiling points, in the
first test case (stopwatch and reset results).

Source level 8, running under JDK8, works fine.

Running under JDK10, I get what looks like hundreds of messages like
this in the log file:

*** Profiler warning (Tue Apr 03 15:58:52 CDT 2018): Error reading class
Unsupported class file version: 54.0

All the class names are different.

Now here's the odd thing: under JDK10 with source level 8, the test
works anyway: clicking the Guess button in Anagram Game increments the
number of hits on the stopwatch profiling point.

Under JDK10 with source level 10, the test fails (i.e. the number of
hits is not incremented).

Can anybody else verify this?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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Re: [profiler] close JDK10 issues?

2018-04-03 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 04/03/2018 08:21 AM, Josh Juneau wrote:
> I haven't yet had a chance to test under JDK10 again with the updated
> build.  I will do that today.  If you want to close them then it is
> fine...can I reopen if there are issues found when I test?

OK, let's wait a bit. I'm just so excited that the profiler runs on JDK10!

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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[profiler] close JDK10 issues?

2018-04-03 Thread Glenn Holmer
Any objection to closing these issues as fixed (in build 388)?

NETBEANS-532 (NPE running profiler)

NETBEANS-539 (Profiler Not Functioning on JDK 10)

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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