Re: [newbie-it] 6 suppliche

2002-02-08 Thread Andrea Celli

ku68 wrote:

 Ho questi problemi:
 a) nella fase d'installazione abbiamo creato due utenti (pippo e pluto) se
 entro con pluto non ho problemi a scegliere Kde o Gnome o altri
 se entro con pippo posso entrare solo con kde o winmarker (non mi ricordo se
 sia esatto). Ho provato a creare un nuovo utente e fila tutto liscio. Il
 problema quindi sta' nell'utente pippo. Dove posso andare a mettere le mani
 prima della soluzione + drastica? Se elimino l' utente pippo comporta
 qualcosa per i prg installati nella /home/pippo ?

Strano. Ha provato a dare switchdesk gnome da console?
Anche se non funziona, dovrebbe darti degli utili messaggi di errore.

Ci sono dei file generali in /etc che regolano i desktop ammissibili.
A logica, essendoci un comportamento asimmetrico per un utente, direi
il fatto e` regolato da qualche file di configurazione presente nella
home di pippo. Io comincerei a cercare un file .qualcosa che contenga
le parole kde e windowsmarker/wmaker. Userei un comando del genere
grep -r -iF 'kde wmaker' .*
Prima accertati sul nome dei comandi che lanciano kde e wmaker:
sono quelli i nomi che devi cercare.

 b) in fase di boot viene fuori un msg strano: fatal server error could not
 create /tmp/.tx1-locksaranno collegate le due cose?

Non credo. Darebbe problemi a tutti gli utenti.
Controlla piuttosto dal centro di controllo mandrake che non vengano
al boot dei servizi incongrui: es. controllo delle batterie dei
per un desktop, servizi di lan (samba, nis, nfs, ...) se sei isolato,

A parte lo spreco di risorse, vanno a cercare dei file appartenenti a
pacchetti che logicamente non hai installato.

 c) stamane un msg (kernel panic)  ha inchiodato il pc nella fase di boot ho
 spento e riacceso e tutto è ok.E' un msg che può capitare o devo cominciare
 a preoccuparmi?

vedi in /var/log/messges se c'e` qualche infon=mazione aggiuntiva.

 d) Ho installato anche staroffice6.

ti hanno gia` risposto.

 f) Ultima :-)  Per la posta elettronica come faccio a inviarla e riceverla
 usando una connessione (libero) e + identità? per es. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dipende dal mailer che usi.
Sia come server (ossia la spedisci tu o ?),
sia come client (usi mutt, kmail, evolution, sylpheed, pine, ... ?).

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] Ricerca librerie

2002-02-08 Thread Giorgio Carrara

Vorrei installare Ximian con Red Carpet ed ho cominciato ma il tutto si ferma 
perchè non ho installate le segg. librerie, hce invece servono

se qualcuno sa dove posso andare a downloadarle e me lo comunica, mi fa un 
grande favore

Grazie in anticipo

Re: [newbie-it] Ricerca librerie

2002-02-08 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Giorgio Carrara wrote:

 Vorrei installare Ximian con Red Carpet ed ho cominciato ma il tutto si ferma 
 perchè non ho installate le segg. librerie, hce invece servono
 se qualcuno sa dove posso andare a downloadarle e me lo comunica, mi fa un 
 grande favore
 Grazie in anticipo
Prova su
se dai il nome delle librerie trovi i pacchetti che le contengono.
Ho provato anche io ad installarlo ma per ogni cosa che sistemavo ne 
saltava fuori un'altra che non andava.
Buona fortuna

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] devfs

2002-02-08 Thread Andrea Celli

Luigi De Pascale wrote:
 A questo credo sia legato anche il mancato funzionamento della scheda
 audio con la vecchia configurazione.

Non ne so molto :-(
So solo che vivo sereno avendo modificato il mio lilo
da devfs=auto a devfs=noauto come da consigli sul sito Mandrake. :-)

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] risoluzione console

2002-02-08 Thread syd

Salve a tutti,
vorrei riuscire a modificare la risoluzione grafica della mia console.
Con X ho 1024x768 ma questi valori non sembrano essere rispettati in modalità 
testo. Qualcuno conosce il file su cui poter agire?



[newbie-it] backup

2002-02-08 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alla lista, vale.
Qualcuno sa indicarmi un interfaccia grafico, o un programma con interfaccia
grafico, per eseguire dei backup?
Sulla distro 8.1 avevo trovato taper, definito come programma con
interfaccia user-friendly, ma non mi è sembrato molto friendly..
Attendo consigli, ma ringrazio in anticipo.

[newbie-it] tiny firewall

2002-02-08 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Non è che qualcuno saprebbe dirmi dove stanno i files di configurazione
del tiny firewall?


[newbie-it] Winmodem e schede audio

2002-02-08 Thread Arwan

Ciao Luigi!

Friday, February 08, 2002, 2:27:26 PM, you wrote:
LDP Ieri sera ho finalmente attivato ed utilizzato il mio winmodem ma ho avuto 
LDP alcune difficolta' extra a causa di questa faccenda.

Il winmodem? Hai fatto partire un winmodem sotto linux? Winmodem modem
Dimmi dimmi come si fa, che mi ero gia' rasseganta all'acquisto di un
modem nuovo...

LDP A questo credo sia legato anche il mancato funzionamento della scheda 
LDP audio con la vecchia configurazione.

Qualcuno diceva che la sua scheda audio leggendo i Cd ha il volume troppo basso.
Be', anche la mia. Aspetto speranzosa...

 Arwanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Windows machines could not find Samba server when Bastille (iptables) is 'up'

2002-02-08 Thread Colin Jenkins

Hello Jeroen,

Friday, February 08, 2002, 6:50:29 PM, you wrote:

JvdW Hi,

JvdW I'm new at Linux and I've got a problem with Samba and the settings of my
JvdW iptables.
JvdW I'm using Bastille scripts to configure my iptables.

JvdW This is the problem: when the iptables are 'up', I can't connect to Samba
JvdW from a Windows machine in the local network. The Windows machine simply

below is a copy of my bastille.cfg, have a read and see if it helps

# /etc/bastille-firewall.cfg
# Configuration file for both 2.2/ipchains and 2.4/netfilter scripts
# version 0.99-beta1
# Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Peter Watkins 


PUBLIC_IFACES=eth+ ppp+ slip+

TCP_AUDIT_SERVICES=telnet ftp imap pop3 finger sunrpc exec login ssh



TCP_BLOCKED_SERVICES=2049 2065:2090 6000:6020 7100
ICMP_ALLOWED_TYPES=destination-unreachable echo-reply time-exceeded


# IP Masquerading / NAT. List your internal/masq'ed networks here





ICMP_OUTBOUND_DISABLED_TYPES=destination-unreachable time-exceeded

LOG_FAILURES=N# do not log blocked packets
IPTABLES_LOG_LEVEL=1  # define the log level for audited
# safest
ALLOW_FRAGMENTS=Y # old behavior

DROP_SMB_NAT_BCAST=Y  # drop those packets

Best regards,
 Colinmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] How do I upgrade existing 8.0 to 8.1?

2002-02-08 Thread Charles Muller

On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 03:52, Jude Walker wrote:

  I've been using 8.0 for several
 months with no problem and now I'm thinking it's time
 to upgrade...

If you are interested in trying the Ximian Desktop, their Red Carpet
service really does a slick job in updating programs--including
Mandrake. The only thing is that the download speed will be pretty slow
if you don't sign up for their special service.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Club Membership??

2002-02-08 Thread George Pitcher


I don't think so. Just say that you'll join later.

- Original Message -
From: Tomek Nowinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 3:05 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake Club Membership??


 Maybe I don't understand well english, but...

 DO I NEED TO JOIN Mandrake Club Membership (and pay it of course) to
 download Mandrake 8.2 Beta?



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Re: [newbie] Operating Systems and Ram

2002-02-08 Thread Randy Kramer


Thanks for your response!

Randy Kramer

Dave Sherman wrote:
 Agreed. Choice is always a benefit to the consumer/user.

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Re: [newbie] Operating Systems and Ram

2002-02-08 Thread Randy Kramer

shane wrote:
 On Thursday 07 February 2002 06:46, you spoke unto me thusly:
  Linux has some problems.  To get the performance of IE5 and Word97 on
  Win95 with 48 MB and a 233 MHz processor, I needed 256 MB on a 700 MHz
  processor (running Konqueror, primarily).  (I run AbiWord on Windows,
  when I'm not running Word97.)
 i have to say i am confused by that statement.  how do you compare the
 performance?  if you mean the time to open an app, that is illusion created
 by preloading.  

Illusions can be nice. ;-)

 if you mean raw performance, on the same hardware, one
 running 98se and one mandrake 8.0, setiathome (as a cpu heavy example) is
 almost 40% faster.  if you mean to actually edit or surf in those apps you
 mentioned, and you really see that kind of performance trouble, you need to
 look at your hardware or perhaps changing to the newer kernel (the one on
 the download cds does have a vitual memory problem) because that is simply
 not right.  

I had similar performance with Caldera 2.2 and 2.4, RedHat 6.2, Mandrake
6.2, 7.0, 7.2, and 8.1 (the ones with kde 1 did perform a little better,
still did not match Windows).  Tried on several different machines,
with, at this point, three different motherboards (all low end).  If I
need a high end motherboard or high end other hardware, it just
reinforces the idea that Linux needs more (or better) resources than
Windows for similar performance.

 besides, 8.1 compares to win 2000 not 95, for far too many
 reasons to go into here.  suffice to say, morre's law (is that how you
 spell his name?) drives software as well.  ;-)  

  Linux will get there one day, and is already there at the server level.
  The advantage of Linux is that it provides competition for Microsoft,
  which is why I'm sticking with it -- trying to learn more, improve it
  (if I can), and support it.
 the irony, as much as MS fights Open Source in public, without it they
 would have an even worse product, and not just because of compitition
  It is unfortunate that some people feel mislead (myself included) by the
  promises that we thought we heard about Linux.  I want to be careful
  about what I say about Linux -- I'd rather have somebody be pleasantly
  surprised than unpleasantly surprised.
 while i agree i would rather be pleasently surprised, i am bewildered.  i
 was able, with some hacking, to make an old 486sx machine with 4 megs of
 RAM give me the text editing and html display i need for most of my tasks.
 no, there is no X display, no kde, blah blah blah, but i would like to see
 any other OS give me multiple terminals, 32 bit power, tcp/ip, text
 editing, and basic html display, in the same 5 or so megs of harddrive
 space on that cpu and ram.  WinCE requires more.  hell my visor has better
 specs!  in fact i prefer the visor for hardware reasons, the old laptop was
 just a learning project.

Win 95 with Word, Excel, Access (all 97), Visio 5.1, AskSam (3.1),
ZyIndex (very old dos version), Visual Basic 5 and 6, Turbo Pascal, and
built in Samba (SMB) networking, do just about everything I need, with
adequate response and reliability (I watch resouces and reboot when
appropriate) on a 233 MHz machine with 48 MB and on a Gateway colorbook
486 50 with 8 MB (with fewer windows open) *and in GUI*.  I expected
Linux to do better than that.  It doesn't.  I may be able to run a
webserver, mailserver, etc., and am now starting to do so -- but I don't
need to (and these are on a separate box anyway).

If I was not interested in Linux for philosophical reasons, I would be
unhappily back in the Windows world, confident that I had given Linux a
fair trial.

Anyway, I just want to make sure that when I try to sell Linux I create
realistic expectations.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Operating Systems and Ram

2002-02-08 Thread Randy Kramer


Thanks for your response!

Randy Kramer

Erylon Hines wrote:
 I feel I must disagree with this.  IF you run the latest KDE/graphical gui
 you need more ram, but 256 on a reasonably up-to-date machine (700+mhz) is
 enough for the job.  If you run an older, slower machine, and use a smaller
 gui such as Xfce, IceWM, etc (I've used Blackbox, but found it a bit too
 minimal), a P200 with 128 megs, or even less, will do the job.  Choose your
 apps carefully--use Opera for web browsing and xwc for file browsing, and you
 will do fine.  I have an older kernel, 2.1x something and RedHat 6.x on a P90
 with 48 megs and it runs fine--looks a lot like Win3.1, though.
 BTW, I'm typing this on a P233, 284megs, running Xfce, and it is FAST!  This
 machine is sitting on top of a (overclocked) P733 with 284 megs.  Both run
 8.0, and the primary difference is the gui of choice for the 733 is KDE and
 the one I'm running on this one is Xfce.  I use the slow machine most of
 the time because I really do prefer Xfce, and I can't see any performance hit
 at all, between the two.  Both machines have VooDoo 3's.

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RE: [newbie] How do I upgrade existing 8.0 to 8.1?

2002-02-08 Thread Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)

Thanks for your message. Here's what I get:

root.drewvogel:~$ ls -ail /dev/ide
total 0
3640 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:26 ./
  10 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ../
   10620 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 21 11:28 cd/
6770 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 20 14:50 hd/
3650 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 10:32 host0/
6760 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:19 zip/
root.drewvogel:~$ ls -ail /dev/ide/zip/
total 0
6760 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:19 ./
3640 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:26 ../

Any ideas? I hadn't noticed the /dev/ide/zip directory before, but it's
empty... Don't know how to proceed!

Andrew Vogel: Manager of Professional Programs at the University of
Cincinnati College of Pharmacy   (513)-558-3784

 -Original Message-
 From: Lyvim Xaphir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 6:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I upgrade existing 8.0 to 8.1?
 Have you tried descending into the dev directory to find out 
 if the partition 
 devices are actually there?
 ls -ail /dev/ide/host1/bus0/target0/lun0
 ls -ail /dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0
 After you verify that the device you are looking for is 
 there, you then try 
 mounting it.  Using the targets you found above.
 On Thursday 07 February 2002 16:02, you wrote:
  If 8.2 doesn't have GOOD, out-of-the-box ATAPI ZIP support, I'm 
  switching to RedHat. I'm spending FAR too much time on this 
  simple problem. I do appreciate the help of other users on 
 this board, 
  but the problem persists.
  What's the schedule for 8.2?
  --- ===
  Andrew Vogel: Manager of Professional Programs at the University of
  Cincinnati College of Pharmacy  
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

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Re: [newbie] RaiserFS or Linux partition

2002-02-08 Thread Vijay Ramachandran

If you do choose ReiserFs, please ensure that you have disk write-caching
turned off (I dont know how - maybe edit bdflush parameters?) I recently
experienced a lot of file corruption due to power failure on my reiserfs
partitions. Please note, I did not fool around with write caching, so maybe
caching is turned on by default. If so, the mdk installer should turn caching
off for a disk if reiserfs is selected for any partition on that disk.

Also, the reiserfsck utility which comes standard with 8.0 is broken, you need
to get the latest version from (if in fact some catastrophic error


  Before I attempt tonight to try another install should I use RaiserFS (Seen 
  somewhere in the instalation guide) or a linux native partition? 
  Will RaiserFS create any sticky situations for a newbie?
  thanks for your help ;x

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Re: Re(6): [newbie] Building a PC (2).

2002-02-08 Thread Roger Sherman

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Brian Durant wrote:

 Tell him to order it from Singapore. I used to get all my stuff there.
 :)  (I lived in Bandung for a couple years. Seemed everytime I needed
 something, it was being ordered from Singapore.).

 Thanks for the info Ric,

 I would like to get the Soyo Dragon+, would be willing to purchase myself
 if necessary, as my tech guy keeps pushing the ABit KG7. I am not sure
 whether he will make more money on this or not.

I don't know what a Soyo Dragon+ costs, but since with the KG7 you'd have
to buy a soundcard and a NIC, the Abit would probably come out higher,

I don't know how objective I am, since I just put this PC together, and
the old box was a 500mhz Celeron Compaq, so I might be too easily
impressed right now...but the KG-7 rocks!!!

Again, though, the other board overall would probably be the lower priced

 Same goes for the ATI
 Radeon recommended by the list. Do you or others on the list have a URL
 where I could order directly from Singapore for these items?



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[newbie] mandrake 8.1 books?

2002-02-08 Thread Stojs

Is there a good book for beginners about mandrake 8.1? Preferable a
printed one, but a digital one would be ok. I would like it to cover
from basic stuff like installing rpms and tarballs to networking with
windows and internet as  an ftp server.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] mandrake 8.1 books?

2002-02-08 Thread mud

If you order PowerPack there are a few good pdf/html books included with
in the cds, cheaper in the long run then buying the hard copies.  These books
include KDE/Gimp/Mandrake.

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Stojs wrote:

 Is there a good book for beginners about mandrake 8.1? Preferable a
 printed one, but a digital one would be ok. I would like it to cover
 from basic stuff like installing rpms and tarballs to networking with
 windows and internet as  an ftp server.

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] mandrake 8.1 books?

2002-02-08 Thread Roger Sherman

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Stojs wrote:

 Is there a good book for beginners about mandrake 8.1? Preferable a
 printed one, but a digital one would be ok. I would like it to cover
 from basic stuff like installing rpms and tarballs to networking with
 windows and internet as  an ftp server.

 Thanks in advance,

I just bought the power pack, and the Installation and especially the
Reference books are practically worth the price by themselves...and then I
noticed the Ebooks included on one of the CDs! Go with the Power Pack,
Stojs, you won't regret it. Except for the so called Commercial Apps,
which are really just demos...I really wish Mandrake had been more up
front about that; with the list of stuff you get, I'd have happily bought
the power pack anyways.

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Re: [newbie] Frozen RPMDrake

2002-02-08 Thread Walter de Bruin

- Original Message -
From: Marc Audard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I managed to rebuild the RPM database, while this did not improve the
 RPMDrake always stops at 68% when reading the FTP site of LM8.0 updates.

From what I gather from the Linux Usenet groups, the update function is a
bit shaky.. They say it's better to download from a mirrorsite..


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[newbie] Viking Compact Flash Adapter

2002-02-08 Thread Paul Kraus

Any know how to install a PCMCIA Compact Flash Adapter? MDK8.


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Re: [newbie] New kernel .. tips?

2002-02-08 Thread Damian G

Thank you all very much. i will try the RPM's out !!  
wish me luck ;oP

see ya,.

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[newbie] NVidia RPMs for LM 8.1

2002-02-08 Thread Terry S.

Does anyone know where I can get the NVidia_kernel RPM for an NVidia
GeForce2 MX/400?  The only one NVidia offers is an RPM for an i686, but
I can't use it since I don't have an 686 processor.  I have searched, and they didn't have one either.



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[newbie] 8.2 and MandrakeUpdate

2002-02-08 Thread Matt Harrison

I asked this before and got an answer, but now I need an answer for the 
answer.  When I tell Software Manager to update the list of mirrors, it 
closes SMSomeone (sorry I can't remember who) told me to use the Cooker 
address.  Well, if at all possible, could someone please give me an address 
to put in for my Internet Source in SM.  Thanks.


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[newbie] Speed.... Or lack of?

2002-02-08 Thread Jason Ditri

I just installed Mandrake 8.1 on my machine.

PIII @ 733MHz 64 MB Ram, 40 GIG HDD, With about 38 GIGs free.

After I use KDE or GNOME and browse the internet for a while (maybe 20 or 30
mins), the machines starts bogging down so bad that it takes MINUTES to open
new windows, check mail, open apps, etc etc...

Any ideas or suggestions?



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[newbie] How to switch between gcc versions?

2002-02-08 Thread Chen, Ya

I installed gcc 2.96 and gcc 3.0.1 in Mandrake 8.1.
The cc and cpp etc. are linked to 2.96 by default.
Although only 4 or 5 links I have to change, I still 
want to know whether there is a single command to that.

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 and MandrakeUpdate

2002-02-08 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 15:21:34 -0500
Matt Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I asked this before and got an answer, but now I need an answer for the 
 answer.  When I tell Software Manager to update the list of mirrors, it 
 closes SMSomeone (sorry I can't remember who) told me to use the Cooker 
 address.  Well, if at all possible, could someone please give me an address 
 to put in for my Internet Source in SM.  Thanks.
You will need to set this as an ftp site 

Source name ftp.ciril (or any name you wish)


relative path:

click OK and the source will load.


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Re: [newbie] mandrake 8.1 books?

2002-02-08 Thread Kaj Haulrich

Stojs wrote:
 Is there a good book for beginners about mandrake 8.1? Preferable a
 printed one, but a digital one would be ok. I would like it to cover
 from basic stuff like installing rpms and tarballs to networking with
 windows and internet as  an ftp server.

Running Linux, by Matt Welsh, Matthias Kalle Dalheimer  Lar Kaufman.
O'Reilly ISBN 1-56592-469-x.
Althoug not mandrake-specific, highly recommeded !

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] NVidia RPMs for LM 8.1

2002-02-08 Thread Ralph Slooten

They offer src.rpm's om the nvidia site... why not make your own rpm's?

rpm --rebuild NVidia_blaah_blaah.src.rpm


Terry S. wrote:
 Does anyone know where I can get the NVidia_kernel RPM for an NVidia
 GeForce2 MX/400?  The only one NVidia offers is an RPM for an i686, but
 I can't use it since I don't have an 686 processor.  I have searched, and they didn't have one either.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Club Membership??

2002-02-08 Thread Kaj Haulrich

Tomek Nowinski wrote:
 Maybe I don't understand well english, but...
 DO I NEED TO JOIN Mandrake Club Membership (and pay it of course) to
 download Mandrake 8.2 Beta?
No Tomek, you do not need to sign up as a member. The Mandrake Club is a
way to donate some money to a fine, but not very profitable company. I
think Mandrake's webmaster made a mistake by his phrasing on the main
Mandrake Homepage : it doesn't attract newcomers, but scares them off.
By the way : there are dozens of mirror-sites on the net from where
anyone can download Mandrake. If you live in Poland, try :

and dig down to mandrake. I suppose it's there too !

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Speed.... Or lack of?

2002-02-08 Thread Roger Sherman

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Jason Ditri wrote:

 I just installed Mandrake 8.1 on my machine.

 PIII @ 733MHz 64 MB Ram, 40 GIG HDD, With about 38 GIGs free.

 After I use KDE or GNOME and browse the internet for a while (maybe 20 or 30
 mins), the machines starts bogging down so bad that it takes MINUTES to open
 new windows, check mail, open apps, etc etc...

 Any ideas or suggestions?

Yeah, get more RAM. Simply put, neither KDE nor Gnome were made to run on can get another 128 from for under $50. When I made
that jump from 64 to 192 with my old box, it was really like I'd gotten a
new PC.



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Re: [newbie] NVidia RPMs for LM 8.1

2002-02-08 Thread Richard Wenninger

Try using their source rpms.

The installation instruction are in the README at the bottom of this page.

On Friday 08 February 2002 02:07 pm, you wrote:
 Does anyone know where I can get the NVidia_kernel RPM for an NVidia
 GeForce2 MX/400?  The only one NVidia offers is an RPM for an i686, but
 I can't use it since I don't have an 686 processor.  I have searched, and they didn't have one either.



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Club Membership??

2002-02-08 Thread Bo Rosén

fre 2002-02-08 klockan 21.44 skrev Kaj Haulrich:
 and dig down to mandrake. I suppose it's there too !

It's where I got mine some weeks ago .-)


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Re: [newbie] 8.2 and MandrakeUpdate

2002-02-08 Thread Kaj Haulrich

Matt Harrison wrote:
 I asked this before and got an answer, but now I need an answer for the
 answer.  When I tell Software Manager to update the list of mirrors, it
 closes SMSomeone (sorry I can't remember who) told me to use the Cooker
 address.  Well, if at all possible, could someone please give me an address
 to put in for my Internet Source in SM.  Thanks.

Matt, I had the same freeze when trying to update the list of mirrors.
Try this :
Become root, open your favoured text editor and point it to
This file reads as follows :

# Remove next line to be asked for an update source when running

Now, do exactly that ! - Next time you fire up Sofware Manager choose
your mirror.
Personally, I prefer (but maybe that's because I live in


Kaj Haulrich

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[newbie] Unsatisfied Dependancies

2002-02-08 Thread Mark Evans


Im attempt to install mplayer in a Mandrake 8.1 system.  My question is when 
Package Manger reports unsatisfied dependancies such as, 
audiofile and libvorbis, include others where can I find which other RPM's to 
install to resolve the dependancies.

It seems reporting the individual file dependancies is a little lacking.  
Surely reporting the other RPM's to install would be really useful..!

Can anybody help how I can find which RPMS contain the file I am looking for?

Mark Evans

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Re: [newbie] NVidia RPMs for LM 8.1

2002-02-08 Thread Rick

OK... I think I just learned something about RPM...

Do I understand Mr. Slooten correctly? By using RPM with a --rebuild
option on a SRC.RPM, you'll create a binary build of the SRC RPM??

Hmmm... At the console, rpm --help doesn't even list --rebuild (of course,
it lists --rebuilddb but that's different). Yet, if I enter rpm --rebuild
(with no package mentioned) I receive the message:

rpmb: no packages files given for rebuild

This seems to imply that the --rebuild option does, indeed exist. 

So... will this create a binary build RPM from a SRC RPM??


Rick Friedman
(212) 894-3753 x1212 - voicemail/fax

He's dead, Jim. You get his wallet. I'll get his tricorder.

 Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 They offer src.rpm's om the nvidia site... why not make your own rpm's?
 rpm --rebuild NVidia_blaah_blaah.src.rpm
 Terry S. wrote:
  Does anyone know where I can get the NVidia_kernel RPM for an NVidia
  GeForce2 MX/400?  The only one NVidia offers is an RPM for an i686,
  I can't use it since I don't have an 686 processor.  I have searched, and they didn't have one either.

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Re: [newbie] NVidia RPMs for LM 8.1

2002-02-08 Thread Ralph Slooten

Hey there Rick

Rick wrote:
 OK... I think I just learned something about RPM...
 Do I understand Mr. Slooten correctly? By using RPM with a --rebuild
 option on a SRC.RPM, you'll create a binary build of the SRC RPM??

Please call me Ralph :-) Sounds so formal... Mr. Slooten...

Yes, by doing that you do create your own binaries...

 Hmmm... At the console, rpm --help doesn't even list --rebuild (of course,
 it lists --rebuilddb but that's different). Yet, if I enter rpm --rebuild
 (with no package mentioned) I receive the message:

Maybe man rpm will tell you more? Well yes, an example is rpm 
--rebuild NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-1251.src.rpm ~ as in rpm --rebuild filename

 rpmb: no packages files given for rebuild

Correct, you have to specify which file to rebuild.

 This seems to imply that the --rebuild option does, indeed exist. 


 So... will this create a binary build RPM from a SRC RPM??

Well, it should do. I do believe you will need the kernel-devel files 
and such to do this though. If it compiles correctly, and ends of saying 
RPM: Created NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-1251.i586.rpm (or whatever)

then you should be able to find the 2 files it's created in 
/usr/src/RPM/RPMS/whatever architecture you have/

Good luck, and if you have problems, please just let me / us know...



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Re: [newbie] Man--Konqueror STINKS

2002-02-08 Thread Dennis Myers

On Thursday 07 February 2002 18:34, you wrote:

 Try this one, it made Konqueror Konq out.

 On Thursday 07 February 2002 05:37 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Thursday 07 February 2002 11:08, you wrote:
   How come every dang time Konqueror goes to load a midi file
   from a web page the damn thing locks up and just sits there
   like a turd on a log with a stupid dialogue box ???
   I'm going to Mozilla if this don't stop.
  Like what URL is giving you trouble? I have yet to have konqueror
  crash but maybe I have not tried a web page with a midi file on it. Give
  me a URL and I'll try it out.
Tried it and mine did not crash, it just didn't do any thing.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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[newbie] Help with pop-before-smtp

2002-02-08 Thread Dennis Cardinale

Hi, All.

This is my first post here...hope it helps.

I've spent the last few weeks setting up a mail/ftp/http server for my
company using Mandrake-Linux 8.0 on a Pentium II 233 with considerable
success.  The server exists at the office, and ties to the internet via a
1.5 Mbps DSL line.  I exist in another area code, so to save on long
distance, I dial-in through a local ISP.

Since I don't wish to be blacklisted by running a (Postfix) open SMTP
server, I am attempting to use POP3 authorization before SMTP relay to allow
me to relay mail (posted through my ISP) through my server.

After considerable research (there is not much material on this subject), I
settled on POP-BEFORE-SMTP 1.28 from Bennet Todd:

I followed the installation to the letter, and as far as I can tell from the
log files, POP-BEFORE-SMTP is operating properly:

read ts=Feb  8 16:54:10 ip=
accepted --- not in mynetworks
read ts=Feb  8 17:01:49 ip=
read ts=Feb  8 17:04:59 ip=
accepted --- not in mynetworks
read ts=Feb  8 17:15:35 ip=
accepted --- not in mynetworks
read ts=Feb  8 17:26:09 ip=
accepted --- not in mynetworks


and the /etc/postfix/pop-before-smtp.db has been created.

Unfortunately, when I try to send mail, I just get time out errors, and the
/var/log/mail/error file get entries that look like this:

Feb  8 10:24:46 server postfix/smtpd[22809]: fatal: open database
/etc/postfix/pop-before-smtp.db: Unknown error 4294936306
Feb  8 10:25:47 server postfix/smtpd[22817]: fatal: open database
/etc/postfix/pop-before-smtp.db: Unknown error 4294936306
Feb  8 10:26:48 server postfix/smtpd[22823]: fatal: open database
/etc/postfix/pop-before-smtp.db: Unknown error 4294936306
Feb  8 10:27:49 server postfix/smtpd[22830]: fatal: open database
/etc/postfix/pop-before-smtp.db: Unknown error 4294936306


I believe (and I have no basis for this) the the .db file is being created
in the wrong format (or corrupt).  Unfortunately I know absolutely nothing
about Perl Scripts or Hash Files, so I am hoping someone out there can tell
me specifically the which environment variable to change (from what to what)
or what # mark to remove...

...or at the very least give me a hint.

I appreciate all help.



PS - Am I working to hard on this  Does Mandrake provide for this
functionality in their distribution

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Re: [newbie] mandrake 8.1 books?

2002-02-08 Thread JOHN HEMMER

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

 Stojs wrote:
  Is there a good book for beginners about mandrake 8.1? Preferable a
  printed one, but a digital one would be ok. I would like it to cover
 Running Linux, by Matt Welsh, Matthias Kalle Dalheimer  Lar Kaufman.
 O'Reilly ISBN 1-56592-469-x.
 Althoug not mandrake-specific, highly recommeded !
 Kaj Haulrich

I'll second that!  


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Re: [newbie] How do I upgrade existing 8.0 to 8.1?

2002-02-08 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

I'm showing you my configuration here.  Usually there is a host1 and a 
host2, however in my case I have disconnected all drives from the first two 
ide buses.  Therefore when devfs creates the directory structure in dev, it 
shows only the buses that have active devices attached.

[root@tamriel ide]# ls -ail
total 0
370 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ./
  1 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ../
   1073 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Feb  8 13:53 hd/
371 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 host2/

In your case below, you only have your first two IDE channels active with 
devices; therefore host0 is the only one shown.  Devfs ignores unused 

The other directories you are showing below ( cd, hd, zip) are reserved areas 
for more symlinks.  Why, I'm not quite sure; I assumed that there would be no 
reason not to dump all symlinks into the /dev dir proper until all system 
apps become completely compatible with Devfs, and access the real devices 
themselves, which is where we are going, btw.

In any case, give me a listing of everything under 




We'll take it from there.  :)

On Friday 08 February 2002 11:54, you wrote:
 Thanks for your message. Here's what I get:

 root.drewvogel:~$ ls -ail /dev/ide
 total 0
 3640 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:26 ./
   10 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ../
10620 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 21 11:28 cd/
 6770 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 20 14:50 hd/
 3650 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 10:32 host0/
 6760 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:19 zip/
 root.drewvogel:~$ ls -ail /dev/ide/zip/
 total 0
 6760 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:19 ./
 3640 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:26 ../

 Any ideas? I hadn't noticed the /dev/ide/zip directory before, but it's
 empty... Don't know how to proceed!

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[newbie] Keyboard Special Shortcuts

2002-02-08 Thread Jesse Angell

My speakers volume control does not function. But my keyboard features 
volume buttons and other such things. How do I get them to work in Mandrake 
8.1... Thank you

Jesse Angell

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RE: [newbie] Unsatisfied Dependancies

2002-02-08 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Have you tried

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Evans [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 10:05 PM
 Subject:  [newbie] Unsatisfied Dependancies
 Im attempt to install mplayer in a Mandrake 8.1 system.  My question is
 Package Manger reports unsatisfied dependancies such as,
 audiofile and libvorbis, include others where can I find which other RPM's
 install to resolve the dependancies.
 It seems reporting the individual file dependancies is a little lacking.  
 Surely reporting the other RPM's to install would be really useful..!
 Can anybody help how I can find which RPMS contain the file I am looking
 Mark Evans
   File: message.footer  

This email and any files sent with it are intended only for the named 
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[newbie] About the 3 ISO files

2002-02-08 Thread Pablo

Hi group,
I'm downloading the first iso file (Mandrake81-cd1-inst.i586.iso) and I was 
wondering wheter if I needed the other two iso files or not. I wanted to 
know what they contain exactly and if they are necessary for the installation.

Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] About the 3 ISO files

2002-02-08 Thread Damian G

nope, the second and third cd's are a lot of useful packages and programs, 
but they are not necesary to make the OS work.

anyway if you have a broadband connection, i suggest you get them too..

see ya.

Hi group,
I'm downloading the first iso file (Mandrake81-cd1-inst.i586.iso) and I was
wondering wheter if I needed the other two iso files or not. I wanted to
know what they contain exactly and if they are necessary for the 

Thanks in advance

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Re: Fw: [newbie] making a file from a man doc

2002-02-08 Thread Walter Logeman

 try man XXX|col -b|XXX.txt

Sounds good , but alas did not work for me as you can see i get 
a file with nothing in it.  What am I missing?

909 walter@psybernet:~ (03:13:50)
$ man urpmi|col -b|urpmi.txt
910 walter@psybernet:~ (03:14:17)
$ ls urpmi* -l
-rw-r--r--1 walter   walter  0 Feb  9 15:14 urpmi.txt
911 walter@psybernet:~ (03:14:34)

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[newbie] bastille and gateway

2002-02-08 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Hi, when I set up my gateway via drakgw (Mandrake Control Center) it
seems to do something funky with bastille?  What exactly is happening,
is bastille turned off when drakgw starts working?  How do I get them to
play nice?

- Paul Rodriguez

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Re: Re(6): [newbie] Building a PC (2).

2002-02-08 Thread Ric Tibbetts

On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 00:44, Brian Durant wrote:
 Tell him to order it from Singapore. I used to get all my stuff there.
 :)  (I lived in Bandung for a couple years. Seemed everytime I needed
 something, it was being ordered from Singapore.).
 Thanks for the info Ric,
 I would like to get the Soyo Dragon+, would be willing to purchase myself
 if necessary, as my tech guy keeps pushing the ABit KG7. I am not sure
 whether he will make more money on this or not. Same goes for the ATI
 Radeon recommended by the list. Do you or others on the list have a URL
 where I could order directly from Singapore for these items?

The aBit KG7 is a good board. From what I know of it, you'd be happy
enough with it. The Dragon+ just offers some capabilities the KG7
doesn't. also, as a bonus, you get built in sound, and 10/100 ethernet,
as well as IDE RAID, so it actually saves some dollars on not having to
buy those components.

As to where to get one from Indonesia... Try the soyo website to see if
you can find a dealer near you. Or find a dealer in Australia (?). 

The soyo web site is at:

good luck. Your biggest challenge will be finding someone who will ship
it into Indonesia for you, at a reasonable price. (and not having
customs gouge you too badly on it..).

Ric Tibbetts

Linux registration number: 55684
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Re: [newbie] About the 3 ISO files

2002-02-08 Thread Pablo

Thanks Damian for the quick response.


At 02:17 09/02/2002 +, you wrote:
nope, the second and third cd's are a lot of useful packages and programs, 
but they are not necesary to make the OS work.

anyway if you have a broadband connection, i suggest you get them too..

see ya.

Hi group,
I'm downloading the first iso file (Mandrake81-cd1-inst.i586.iso) and I was
wondering wheter if I needed the other two iso files or not. I wanted to
know what they contain exactly and if they are necessary for the 

Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] XMMS working - sort of

2002-02-08 Thread s

On Thursday 07 February 2002 09:18 pm, you wrote:
 Hi everybody,
   We've been having a lot of power troubles recently (ice storm) and as a
 consequence, my computer has been abused by power outages and power ups (I
 wasn't home to turn it all off).  Anyway, now sound is goofy.  I can get
 sound to work in XMMS if I start it through the console.  I had to kill the
 sound services and turn off aRtsd.  Both of these used to be running and
 everything was fine.  (I'm running KDE).  Now if I try to start xmms
 through the menu system, it will either freeze or not die before it ever
 comes up. It works fine if I start  it in console.  Does anyone have any
 ideas on what may be wrong and how to fix it??  TIA


well, I'm just guessing, but the command setup in the xmms menu contains  
soundwrapper that can mess up some folks, or maybe as a result of your 
turning arts off.  You could in a text editor, edit your 
and just remove the soundwrapper from the exec command.  You might even take 
it out of your /usr/share/applnk-mdk/Multimedia/Sound/Xmms.desktop too.


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Re: [newbie] Frozen RPMDrake

2002-02-08 Thread Walter Logeman

 RPMDrake always stops at 68% when
 reading the FTP site of LM8.0 updates.

I have already mentioned this in the Installing Files thread - 
but it is OT here:

How did you configure RPMDrake to  go there?

Upon opening RPMDrake checks the database of installed files 

I have explored it but unsure of what to enter - and at 
places where it asks me to select - there is nothing that comes 
up - do I need to enter the ftp sites etc. or will it know them 


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Re: [newbie] 8.2 and MandrakeUpdate

2002-02-08 Thread Matthew Harrison

Thanks, that did the trick.

- Original Message -
From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.2 and MandrakeUpdate

 On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 15:21:34 -0500
 Matt Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I asked this before and got an answer, but now I need an answer for the
  answer.  When I tell Software Manager to update the list of mirrors, it
  closes SMSomeone (sorry I can't remember who) told me to use the
  address.  Well, if at all possible, could someone please give me an
  to put in for my Internet Source in SM.  Thanks.

 You will need to set this as an ftp site

 Source name ftp.ciril (or any name you wish)


 relative path:

 click OK and the source will load.


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Re: Fw: [newbie] making a file from a man doc

2002-02-08 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Friday 08 February 2002 09:18 pm, Walter Logeman wrote:
  try man XXX|col -b|XXX.txt

 Sounds good , but alas did not work for me as you can see i get
 a file with nothing in it.  What am I missing?

Try it like this, worked for me as I had the same trouble.

$ man urpmi|  col -b   urpmi.txt

Gerald Waugh

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[newbie] Building a PC (3).

2002-02-08 Thread Brian Durant

Ok, I am getting closer to my goal, but still have a few questions:

1) For those on the list using the Soyo Dragon+. I see that there is a
sound card built into the motherboard (C-Media 6 Channel Sound Card). Any
problems with Mandrake recognition of the card or performance problems
with Mandrake? Should I disable the C-Media card and go for the Sound
Blaster Live! 5.1 Platinum?

2) My tech guy can't seem to get an ATI Radeon AIW 32mg nearby. The other
possibilities are a PixelView GeForce3 T200 64MB or one of the new (new
here anyway) Radeon 8500 cards. Any advice or comments? My obvious
concern is getting everything in the box to work with the Mandrake
install and not to have to niggle too much with post install
configuration to get the box up and running.



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Re: [newbie] Building a PC (3).

2002-02-08 Thread Roger Sherman

On Sat, 9 Feb 2002, Brian Durant wrote:

 Ok, I am getting closer to my goal, but still have a few questions:

 1) For those on the list using the Soyo Dragon+. I see that there is a
 sound card built into the motherboard (C-Media 6 Channel Sound Card). Any
 problems with Mandrake recognition of the card or performance problems
 with Mandrake? Should I disable the C-Media card and go for the Sound
 Blaster Live! 5.1 Platinum?

I wouldn't ... I had a board with integrated sound, and putting in the SB
created problems

 2) My tech guy can't seem to get an ATI Radeon AIW 32mg nearby. The other
 possibilities are a PixelView GeForce3 T200 64MB or one of the new (new
 here anyway) Radeon 8500 cards. Any advice or comments? My obvious
 concern is getting everything in the box to work with the Mandrake
 install and not to have to niggle too much with post install
 configuration to get the box up and running.



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[newbie] Install error

2002-02-08 Thread Roger Sherman

Trying to reinstall 8.1, with CDs from the PowerPack. Now, I'd installed
from these CDs before, on the HD I'm trying to install from. But now its

Error in exec of stage2 :-(

I cannot recover from this.

You may reboot your system.

Anyone seen this before, and if so, any advice?

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RE: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] often]

2002-02-08 Thread FLYNN, Steve

I seem to recall, and I may be off the mark here, as it's a dim and distant
memory, that kppp is written in Tcl which isn't the most gracious handler of
memory in my opinion - it does something weird holding onto resources
(especailly memory), which could be the cause of your problems.

Just my opinion - not dissing Tcl or anything.

-Original Message-
From:   Robin Turner [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, February 04, 2002 6:50 AM
Subject:Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] often]

On Friday 01 February 2002 10:58, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
 How come many of you have server up times of many days and even
 months? I find that after approx. 2-3 days I need to reboot my MDK
 8 box else the modem will not respond when I use kppp and the
 Software Manager only partially displays. I have 64 Mb of RAM and
 separate 32 Mb video card.

 What's up?

Kppp sometimes thinks there's a session in progress when there
 There's probably a .pid file you can delete, but that's just my 


Someone who re-invents the wheel will not take driving for

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533
  File: message.footer  

This email and any files sent with it are intended only for the named 
recipient. If you are not the named recipient please telephone/email  
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Re: [newbie] Building a PC (3).

2002-02-08 Thread skinky

On Saturday 09 February 2002 19:51, Roger Sherman wrote:
 On Sat, 9 Feb 2002, Brian Durant wrote:
  Ok, I am getting closer to my goal, but still have a few questions:
  1) For those on the list using the Soyo Dragon+. I see that there is a
  sound card built into the motherboard (C-Media 6 Channel Sound Card). Any
  problems with Mandrake recognition of the card or performance problems
  with Mandrake? Should I disable the C-Media card and go for the Sound
  Blaster Live! 5.1 Platinum?

 I wouldn't ... I had a board with integrated sound, and putting in the SB
 created problems

  2) My tech guy can't seem to get an ATI Radeon AIW 32mg nearby. The other
  possibilities are a PixelView GeForce3 T200 64MB or one of the new (new
  here anyway) Radeon 8500 cards. Any advice or comments? My obvious
  concern is getting everything in the box to work with the Mandrake
  install and not to have to niggle too much with post install
  configuration to get the box up and running.

OTH,  I have onboard sound (AC97) on a Soltek SL-75KAV mobo and later 
installed a pci SB 5.1 Live! card:  No problems at all.  So ?

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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