[newbie-it] prova-non leggere

2002-07-04 Thread syd


slack 8/2.4.17

Re: [newbie-it] montaggio CD

2002-07-04 Thread Andrea Celli

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 22:03:34 +0200

  user non users
 vanno bene entrambe
 la prima permette ad ogni utente di montare, diventando quindi proprietario del 
dispositivo, che solo lui potrà smontare
 la seconda  di smontare un disco montato da altri
 (ed occhio, non è poco che un utente smonti un disco montato da root)

si impara sempre qualcosa :-)

Però, lavorando prevalentemente in una lan, preferisco user: ognuno deve  gestirsi
il proprio CD senza che altri glielo smontino sotto il naso ed essere responsabile 
di toglierlo quando ha finito. Eventualmente root può intervenire quando serve.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] scelta database richiesta consiglio

2002-07-04 Thread paolo brusasco

Buongiorno a tutti. vorrei installare un database ad uso personale 
monoutente FACILE e che possibilmente supporti dei campi contenenti 
suoni o voci.
Dispongo del powerpack 8.1 e della download 8.2.
Vedo diversi pacchetti installabili.
Qualcuno sa consigliarmi quale usare tenendo conto che per me le 
priorità sono:
1) possibilmente non scaricare nulla perchè poi non voglio impazzire 
a farlo funzionare
2) facilità d'uso
grazie! paolo brusasco.

Re: [newbie-it] Download KDE3

2002-07-04 Thread ENx

Il sito che devi tenere costantemente sott' occhio (ci sono spesso delle
novita' riguardanti kde molte applicazioni per il wm) e': www.kde.org e non www.kde.com!
ciao ENx

Andrea Celli ha scritto:

  On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 14:22:28 +0200 (CEST)
LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Benedetto Santarella esclamo':

  Salve a tutti, dove posso scaricare il KDE3???
Sono andato sul sito www.kde.com, ma non ho trovato nessun link,
sono 'cecato io' ho non e' il sito giusto?

Per esempio da qui

possibilmente, cerca 3.0.2.
E` uscita ieri. ;-)

ciao, Andrea


Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia: clicca qui 

Cerchi l'Eldorado? Entra nella miniera d'oro pi ricca del web!!!
Clicca qui 

Re: [newbie-it] Download KDE3

2002-07-04 Thread Andrea Celli

On Thu, 04 Jul 2002 14:05:33 +0200

 Il sito che devi tenere costantemente sott' occhio (ci sono spesso delle 
 novita' riguardanti kde molte applicazioni per il wm) e': www.kde.org e 
 non www.kde.com!
 ciao ENx

Non ho capito perché abbia risposto a me.

Comunque, visto che i siti esistono entrambi e entrambi si occupano di kde
per Linux, qualcuno sa quale è la differenza politica tra i due?

Poi, entrambi i siti, per gli aggiornamenti sulle applicazioni, rinviano a

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Download KDE3

2002-07-04 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

Andrea Celli wrote:

  On Thu, 04 Jul 2002 14:05:33 +0200

Il sito che devi tenere costantemente sott' occhio (ci sono spesso delle 
novita' riguardanti kde molte applicazioni per il wm) e': www.kde.org e 
non www.kde.com!
ciao ENx

Non ho capito perch abbia risposto a me.

Comunque, visto che i siti esistono entrambi e entrambi si occupano di kde
per Linux, qualcuno sa quale  la differenza "politica" tra i due?

Poi, entrambi i siti, per gli aggiornamenti sulle applicazioni, rinviano a

ciao, andrea


kde.org  l'indirizzo diretto per i "cecati " (senza offesa per nessuno ovviamente)
penso che era questo il senso di ENx, con kde.com si deve trovare e spingere
un pulsante in pi .  ;-) 

Saluti da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare un cd misto

2002-07-04 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 18:39, mercoledì 3 luglio 2002, hai scritto:
 Ragazzi per favore sapete se...

  Posso creare, utilizzando uno dei programmi di masterizzazione della
  mandrake 8.2, un cd audio, che quindi possa essere letto dal normale


  cd di uno stereo casalingo o di un automobile, che contenga però anche


  tracce non audio e quindi dei files?
  Mi date qualche dritta?

Crea un'immagine del CD (a meno che non sia protetto).
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] kde3

2002-07-04 Thread arwan

Alle 21:53, domenica 30 giugno 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it] 
kde3, caro luigi hai scritto: 

 Ciao a tutti e grazie in anticipo
 Ho scaricato il paccozzo di rpm di kde3.0.1 per la mia mdk8.2

E' tanto grosso da scaricare? Oppure e' piu' comodo aspettarlo in qualche 
rivista? (appropo', quello che danno con LinuxC funzia solo sotto red hat, 


Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare un cd misto

2002-07-04 Thread Roberto


- Original Message -
From: Fabio Manunza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare un cd misto

 Alle 18:39, mercoledì 3 luglio 2002, hai scritto:
  Ragazzi per favore sapete se...
   Posso creare, utilizzando uno dei programmi di masterizzazione della
   mandrake 8.2, un cd audio, che quindi possa essere letto dal normale
   cd di uno stereo casalingo o di un automobile, che contenga però anche
   tracce non audio e quindi dei files?
   Mi date qualche dritta?

 Crea un'immagine del CD (a meno che non sia protetto).
 -- Fabio Manunza --
## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Download KDE3

2002-07-04 Thread Benedetto Santarella

  Per esempio da qui

 possibilmente, cerca 3.0.2.
 E` uscita ieri. ;-)

 ciao, Andrea

Ok, ho cliccato sul link, e mi sono comparsi 20 - 30  file sa scaricare,
li devo scricare tutti o solo uno   Se uno quale, ho un MDk 8.2
P.S. Sono praticamente alle prime armi


  \ | /
    (@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page == http://www.santarella.too.it 
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

[newbie-it] montaggio CD - III e ultimo

2002-07-04 Thread Giorgio Griffon

Ragazzi, devo proprio ringraziarvi, ed anche ammettere di aver fatto da solo
tutto il casino. Infatti ho scoperto che il mio linux funziona
perfettamente con l'opzione supermount, e che aveva smesso di funzionare
(cioè non consentiva più l'uso di CD e floppy all'utente generico) perché io
avevo modificato fstab. Rimesso questo file come l'avevo trovato all'inizio,
l'utente generico può accedere a CD e floppy semplicemente cliccando sui
rispettivi collegamenti sul desktop, senza bisogno di dare alcun comando per
il montaggio. Le cartelle relative, invece, tipicamente nella directory
/mnt, rimangono inaccessibili da parte dell'utente generico.
Se invece si elimina da fstab l'opzione supermount e se ne riscrivono le
righe secondo la sintassi tipica, inserendo i consueti user, noauto,
allora per accedere a CD e floppy occorre dare il comando di montaggio,
comando che però può dare solo il superutente.
In definitiva, ora va tutto bene. Ringrazio Giuseppe, Andrea, Fabio e
chiunque avesse nel frattempo scritto. Porrò a breve altre domande, spero un
po' meno ovvie.

RE: [newbie] I thought Wal Mart had a deal with L-MDK?

2002-07-04 Thread Franki

With Hard disks the size and price they are now,, it would be great to see a
system like that
with a 20 or 30 gig in it, loaded to the hilt with all of the apps that
people use..

evolution, mozilla etc etc etc.. and madrake are not far off the ball with
all this...

They should take what inovations Lindows introduced (like the C drive
button, which I suggested on this list over a year ago..) and the network
neighbourhood setup and copy it.. (adjusted to suit) and any of the auto
config stuff..

then they can do the same thing as Lindows without the mistakes Lindows
made, like running as root.

a: The Menu system should be tweaked so that a default application is listed
in each category, and a like to Alternatives under it.. so as an example,
Kmail is the default mail reader in the menu, and under it is a menu
directory of the other mail clients, and the menu app monitors which one
gets used the most and makes it the default.. so if the user uses Evolution
the most, Evolution becomes the default in the menu... that would work.

b: Not run as root.. Mandrakes use of the password box whenever a admin task
is run is much bettter.

c. Prefab install makes the install issue moot anyway.. but the auto monitor
detection in Lindows is great. copy that.

d. Make OpenOffice.org a default part of the install.. the lack of it (MS
Office compatable product) will be a major annoyance to windows users, the
first time someone sends them a Word document.

e. Autodetection and setup of printers needs to be improved bigtime.. ditto

f. Lots of links to linuxdoc.org and www.google.com/linux would be a good
idea too.. since nearly every problem I have had was resolved by seaching
one of those.. (and mandrakes huge repository of docs as well) put them all
together into a Help application.. where you type in a question, and it
does its best to find an answer..) (thats simplified, but you get the idea.)

Mandrake could fairly easily make an OEM Mandrake that does all that and
more.. and sell it as an OEM package where the merchant Tailors the
package to their hardware.. and works more or less like Windoze

Linux is ready for the desktop in some cases.. it just needs the right
approach.. and the linux crowds attitude of RTFM and STFW just can't be used
with newbies.. they need at least 2 months linux experiance before you tell
them that.. :-)

Just some thoughts..

long live linux... The day I read that linux has 50 percent marketshare of
destops as well as the majority of servers is the day I start having faith
in human nature again.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of D. Olson
Sent: Thursday, 4 July 2002 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] I thought Wal Mart had a deal with L-MDK?

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 06:51 pm, you wrote:
 If that was true, yes, you would be more open to viruses (virii isn't a
 word), but since Lindows has made it clear that users log in using
 usernames and passwords, I think that they have fixed this hole.

 Unless I read their FAQ wrong...

Well paint me purple and call me Barney. Looks like they didn't bother
changing it, but they did mention it in the FAQ...

The lurking terror of Root

So far I haven't addressed the questionable design decision to make the user
run as root. This opens the door for viruses and insecurities like the ones
that have plagued Windows for years. The Unix system of limited privileges
has been an effective means of restricting viral code. To throw all that
now seems very foolish.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

2002-07-04 Thread Pippin Barr

 Something glares at me.  can you set your BIOS for APIC instead of PIC?

Not sure, but will try.
 I have noticed some instability, filesystem dependent, on the
 binary-only NVIdia drivers from the distro, somewhat but not completely
 removed by the more recent Mandrake-specific drivers from the site.  
 The XFree drivers do not sem to be subject to this problem.

Now this strikes me as possibly being an issue. I've run free at various 
points today to have a look, and there certainly appears to be a memory 
leak from what I can tell... I'll include results here, if someone can 
analyse I'd appreciate it:

free before starting X (12pm):

[Note that this was after shutting X down, not after a complete system 
restart, so it looks like most of the memory's already leaked away...]

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844 203200  52644  0  11368  76844
-/+ buffers/cache: 114988 140856
Swap:   262544728 261816

free after starting X (12pm):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844 224312  31532  0  11512  82264
-/+ buffers/cache: 130536 125308
Swap:   262544728 261816

free (6:49pm):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844 233508  22336  0  11576  86804
-/+ buffers/cache: 135128 120716
Swap:   262544728 261816

free after closing X down (6:50pm):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844 211584  44260  0  11576  84936
-/+ buffers/cache: 115072 140772
Swap:   262544728 261816

free after restart and no X (~6:52pm):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844  35752 220092  0   1768  19896
-/+ buffers/cache:  14088 241756
Swap:   262544  0 262544

free with X running (7:06pm):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844  78500 177344  0   2488  41332
-/+ buffers/cache:  34680 221164
Swap:   262544  0 262544

Sorry for the amount of text here... it certainly looks to me like memory 
leaks away while X is running, and isn't restored when X quits, until you 
restart and reset everything.

This could well be the NVIDIA drivers?

So I'm going to download the source and recompile. I ran this card with 
Mandrake 8.0 and no problems, but compiled the nvidia drivers from source 
that time. Maybe that's it.

Thanks very much for the help so far!


And I said 'Oh boy... right... again.'

- Laurie Anderson, Let X=X


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] 102.4 Mb limit with ftp?

2002-07-04 Thread Marc Audard


When connecting on the LAN of my working institute, I can transfer files
with ftp (much faster than sftp) up to 102.4 Mb, then connection is closed.
This is apparently true for sftp as well. I remember that there was a limit
in old kernels, but since I use Mandrake 8.2 with kernel 2.4.18-6, this
wonders me.

Can somebody give a hint how to get rid of the limit?
Please CC me since I am not registered to the mailing list.



PS: Is there any rcp in the Linux distr?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] New to Linux

2002-07-04 Thread Harrigan, Vaughn
Title: New to Linux


 I'm new to the Linux world and I've been trying to get used to it. I like the capabilities that it offers. I bought Mandrake 8.2, because I didn't know anything and it said it was easy to install. Which is was. My question is... How do I install software onto my computer? I've tried downloading BTERM, because I need a good telnet session for my work. Once it was been downloaded, I found it on my Desktop (file system), not ( Desktop ), but I couldn't get it to do anything. Probally because lack of understanding, but it's frustrating.

Is there software (drivers) for DVD's. The computer I am currently using has this and I would like to use it if possible.

One last question. Mandrake included a lot of Installation sources and commercial software. How do I know what to install ( not knowing the naming convention that is given to all the RPM's ) and once it is installed, how do I find it? I installed what was said to be Common C++, but I can't find it.

Please help.

Thank you for your time.

Vaughn E. Harrigan 

Re: [newbie] Changing locale

2002-07-04 Thread robin

Alastair Scott wrote:

 On Tuesday 02 July 2002 12:46 pm, robin wrote:
But surely the locale info you get when you type locale is
independent of the window manager.  I have the Turkish locale package
installed, and localedrake sees it,it just won't make any changes. 
Is KDE interfering, I wonder?

 It seems there are _two_ locales; the command-line/X one and the window 
 manager one (presumably Gnome, which I don't have installed, has 
 similar issues). 
 I would guess that you have to log out and restart X before localedrake 
 takes effect.

Oh yes.  Duh.

BTW, I can change things with set, but they always return to the
default when I log in again.  Should I be doing this as an export
line in bash_profile?

 It appears that you need a ~/.i18n file to fix the command-line/X 
 language. This page looks useful for the general technique:

Thanks - useful site.

Duh again - need to use export rather than set for permanent changes.

Sir Robin

So I repeat myself?  I am great, I contain tautologies.

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-04 Thread robin

Contacting offending websites is a good idea.  I can normally only be 
bothered to do it with sites I visit regularly, or ones I'm related to 
in some way (e.g. departments at my university).  If you can spare the 
time, it's very good to explain what it is in the site that is causing 
the problem (this is not always a Linux/w3c issue - it might be related 
to general web design problems, such as setting an absolute font size 
which comes out as gigantic or microscopic at the wrong resolution). 
For example, in the days when I didn't have Flash installed, some bad 
javascript would cause the Download Flash popup to open in over ten 
boxes - I wrote to one offending site and it was fixed within the hour.

Similarly, when I started out on the web (well before my Linux days) I 
made the mistake of thinking I could use MS Word's Save as HTML 
feature.  A few polite emails started me on the long road to Linux ...

Sir Robin

Josef Lowder wrote:

 The protest message I send to offending websites: 
 Do you realize that limitations you have built into your website 
 cut off more than half the world from being able to access your website? 
 How savvy is that? 
 Why in the world would you design your website to require visitors 
 to use any one type of browser (and/or specific add-on functions like 
 flash) when more than half of the computer users in the world cannot 
 access your website as a consequence? 
 Furthermore, when they require a bunch of personal info that I do not 
 want to provide, I just put X's in each field and for an email address: 
On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 9:35 am, you wrote:

Michael Adams wrote:

I tried to visit this site.

The result upset me so much i sent them this.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

So I repeat myself?  I am great, I contain tautologies.

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] New to Linux

2002-07-04 Thread Derek Jennings

On Thursday 04 Jul 2002 10:48 am, Harrigan, Vaughn wrote:

  I'm new to the Linux world and I've been trying to get used to it. I
 like the capabilities that it offers. I bought Mandrake 8.2, because I
 didn't know anything and it said it was easy to install. Which is was. My
 question is... How do I install software onto my computer? I've tried
 downloading BTERM, because I need a good telnet session for my work. Once
 it was been downloaded, I found it on my Desktop (file system), not (
 Desktop ), but I couldn't get it to do anything. Probally because lack of
 understanding, but it's frustrating.
 Is there software (drivers) for DVD's. The computer I am currently using
 has this and I would like to use it if possible.
 One last question. Mandrake included a lot of Installation sources and
 commercial software. How do I know what to install ( not knowing the naming
 convention that is given to all the RPM's ) and once it is installed, how
 do I find it? I installed what was said to be Common C++, but I can't find
 it. Please help.

 Thank you for your time.

 Vaughn E. Harrigan

Welcome.. Hope you enjoy the power of your new environment. It is new and 
confusing, but hopefully you will find it fun.

If you prefer to use a GUI environment the best way to install software from 
your CDs is using Mandrakes Software Manager Just click on Mandrake Control 
CentreSystemSoftware  from here you can browse through all the packages 
both installed and uninstalled  The 'Files' Tab on the right allows you to 
see where the files from that package are/would be, and the little question 
mark on the top line tells you if the files are actually present or not when 
you click on it.  The 'Brief' Tab gives you a text description of what the 
package does.

I do not recommend downloading and installing any application which is not a 
'Mandrake RPM package' There are over 3000 applications on your install CDs 
so the probability of your needing something not on the CDs is quite low (for 
the moment) So for example you want a Telnet client. On your CDs is 
telnet-server-krb5 and 

Simply searching for 'telnet' in Software Manager will find these. When you 
install them they will appear in your KMenu. 

When you first run Software Manager it will nag you to define a security 
update source. It will fetch a list of sources and you just pick one. Some 
are frankly very slow. I always use sunet.se because it is fast and reliable.
You should press the 'Mandrake Update' button every now and again so it can 
search the web for security updates and bug fixes. Unlike Microsoft the Linux 
world is very open about security hazards and publishes fixes very quickly.

If you cannot find what you need on the CDs then search at www.rpmfind.net  
You will find thousands of Mandrake RPM packages there. (Avoid ones marked 
'Cooker', They are 'bleeding edge' packages intended for the next release of 
Mandrake) Just clicking on an RPM on a web page using konqueror browser will 
cause it to be downloaded and installed. But beware.. Some RPMs have 
dependencies on other RPMs. When you install from CD using Software Manager 
these will be automatically installed at the same time. When you install from 
the web it is up to you to locate and install any required dependency.

If you do not know the name of packages you want to install then do a linux 
google search http://www.google.com/linux? using keywords of what you want to 
do and you will get lots of hits.

As for the commercial Software... well the only one I ever install is the 
Opera browser (which if you have not tried in the Windows world you really 
should :-). And there is a newer version of that available online.  (Get the 
RPM with static QT)   I think the commercial CDs also contain Acrobat reader 
and Nvidia drivers. Again there are newer versions available on-line.

Have fun


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-04 Thread Anne Wilson

On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 6:03 pm, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 03 July 2002 12:10 pm, you wrote:
  On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 9:35 am, you wrote:
   Michael Adams wrote:
   I tried to visit this site.
   The result upset me so much i sent them this.
   (Justifiable complaint snipped)
   I am still miffed but i feel better for doing something.
   I've fired off a few e-mails along similar lines myself in the last
   week or so.  I've got conciliatory though ultimately unhelpful replies
   - generally along the lines of the use of Windows Media Player being
   due to circumstances beyond their control. (This was particularly
   galling with the live coverage from Glastonbury - I had really wanted
   to see the White Stripes). One of the more knowledgeable respondents
   suggested I get the CrossOver plugin.
   I think we should all complain every time we are shut out of a site or
   other resource due to exercising our right to choose non-MS software.
   Eventually they might conclude that it's easier to provide platform
   independent content than to keep having to answer (if answers they can
   be called) the complaints.
  On similar lines, though Windows based, I complained to HSBC bank that I
  was unable to access the on-line bank whilst using Netscape 6.2.  I was
  told that it was not and would not be supported as it was inherently
  insecure i.e. could save login/passwords.
  I guess I should have pointed out to them that I could just as easily do
  that from any number of my linux browsers, if I were stupid enough to do
  so, but I didn't.  I regret that now, although they would probably have
  just seen that as an excuse to block out linux browsers as well.
  You could just as well say that I can't have a PIN nu,mber, because I
  might write it down.  How stupid can you get?

 have you tried it with the browser reporting that it is ie4+? if they are
 going to tell me I cann't come in without the right key, and the only thing
 that makes it the right key is me telling them it's the right key then
 if I want in still, I will tell them; heck yea, it's the right key, and
 it fits and i have been using this key for x number of months

I guess so - but since I'm in Linux most of the time now it really isn't an 
issue.  Mozilla and Konq both can access, so what the hell?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-04 Thread Anne Wilson

On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 6:40 pm, you wrote:
 On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 17:10:13 +0100

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On similar lines, though Windows based, I complained to HSBC bank that
  I was unable to access the on-line bank whilst using Netscape 6.2.  I
  was told that it was not and would not be supported as it was
  inherently insecure i.e. could save login/passwords.
  I guess I should have pointed out to them that I could just as easily
  do that from any number of my linux browsers, if I were stupid enough
  to do so, but I didn't.  I regret that now, although they would
  probably have just seen that as an excuse to block out linux browsers
  as well.
  You could just as well say that I can't have a PIN nu,mber, because I
  might write it down.  How stupid can you get?

 Insecure? Have they read ANYTHING about IE. Besides you can save
 passwords with IE just like any browser.


'Ignorance is bliss!  'Tis folly to be wise'


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OO cut and paste

2002-07-04 Thread Anne Wilson

On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 10:45 pm, you wrote:
 Hi all.

 voice inflection=desperation
  A! I can cut, but not paste in OpenOffice Calc
  or Writer. I uninstalled 1.0-3mdk, installed 1.0-5mdk.
  No change. It happens in KDE, and Fluxbox both. Why?!

 Thank you.


Strange - I use Ctr-C and Ctrl-V  in OO Calc without problems, but 
middle-button paste doesn't seem to work.

I think inconsistencies like not knowing which 'paste' to use, and the face 
that Find can be in almost any menu list, are really offputting to the 
newbie.  I would like to see agreements on these lines.  To me it is logical 
to have Find on the Edit menu, though I would be open to persuasion that 
there was a better place for it.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Sound Problems (was BIG Trouble)

2002-07-04 Thread Anne Wilson

On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 10:32 pm, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 03 July 2002 01:42 pm, you wrote:
  Thanks - that's a great help.  At least it has started up (fresh login)
  without the error messages.  Any other recommendations while we're on the

 Is your sound working ok, or are there still problems with the XMMS
 plugins. aRtsd is used by ALSA, so if you choose that in KDE control
 center, then it will definitely use aRtsd. I advise putting it back on OSS
 or Autodetect. ALSA has many errors a lot. I find OSS to be the best.

 John Drouhard

I think I'm OK now, it's certainly better.  I have Start aRts soundserver on 
KDE startup enabled.  Should I take this out?  How do I put it onto OSS or 
Autodetect?  The Sound I/O is on Autodetect - is this the one you mean?

Sorry to be so clueless


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[newbie] Web page print issue

2002-07-04 Thread Anne Wilson

When reading a long document like Mandrake's recent answer to United Linux I 
prefer to print it out.  With some sites I have found that it is more 
readable if I print from Mozilla rather than Konq, but I suspect that it 
depends upon the length of line being used in the web page.

So here I am with a document printed out in, I would think, about 6 point 
font - almost unreadable.  Does anyone know of a workround for this?  Of 
course I don't really need the side-bars, so the ability to print just the 
centre section would be find.  I used to use Print Frame in Wins to get round 
problems like this, but maybe this is not an option because people use frames 


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Re: [newbie] Web page print issue

2002-07-04 Thread Damian G

On Thu, 4 Jul 2002 12:45:13 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When reading a long document like Mandrake's recent answer to United Linux I 
 prefer to print it out.  With some sites I have found that it is more 
 readable if I print from Mozilla rather than Konq, but I suspect that it 
 depends upon the length of line being used in the web page.
 So here I am with a document printed out in, I would think, about 6 point 
 font - almost unreadable.  Does anyone know of a workround for this?  Of 
 course I don't really need the side-bars, so the ability to print just the 
 centre section would be find.  I used to use Print Frame in Wins to get round 
 problems like this, but maybe this is not an option because people use frames 

well... given the trouble it is to save a whole web pages with images
and all, i never even tried to print a webpage directly. instead,
i copy the text, and paste it to OpenOffice or Kword. 
once you are there changing the font and it's size is trivial, but
i doubt you will even need it, as they print quite well ( what
you send to the printer ends up looking very much alike what you
were looking at in the monitor )

i know this is not a fix to your problem, but i don't think 
you can change that from any satting that i'm aware of.

oh btw do you have a preferred font set and size and have
configured the browser to only use those? in that case
there is that option of not allowing fonts any smaller
than ... whatever you need. look out for that one...

(mozilla) Preferences - Appearance - fonts 

and enter a reasonable value for the minimum font size.

apart from that, i pretty much think you could be stuck with
using other apps to finish up the text before printing it...

( oh and here's a second idea, if the text renders readably in
your screen, try print to .ps file, open it to make sure it looks
nice, and then print that one... )




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Re: [newbie] Web page print issue

2002-07-04 Thread robin

Anne Wilson wrote:
 When reading a long document like Mandrake's recent answer to United Linux I 
 prefer to print it out.  With some sites I have found that it is more 
 readable if I print from Mozilla rather than Konq, but I suspect that it 
 depends upon the length of line being used in the web page.
 So here I am with a document printed out in, I would think, about 6 point 
 font - almost unreadable.  Does anyone know of a workround for this?  Of 
 course I don't really need the side-bars, so the ability to print just the 
 centre section would be find.  I used to use Print Frame in Wins to get round 
 problems like this, but maybe this is not an option because people use frames 

Various alternatives:

1.  Edit the HTML source.
Somewhere you'll find something that sets the   base font size (either 
in the body or in the style section in the head). Change the size to 
whatever you want. Incidentally, absolute font sizes are a key factor in 
bad web design - you should always let the browser determine the base 
font size and set your own sizes relative to that.

2.  Over-ride the source.
As was pointed out, you can get Netscape/Mozilla to set a minimum font 
size.  If you have other preferences, you can make your own stylesheet 
to over-ride any features you don't like. See
for some fun ideas.

3.  Import into something else.
Alternatives in decreasing order of ease and increasing order of print 

   - Netscape/Mozilla Composer
   - OpenOffice
   - LyX (you'll need to install html2latex for this).

Sir Robin

So I repeat myself?  I am great, I contain tautologies.

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi


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Re: [newbie] I thought Wal Mart had a deal with L-MDK?

2002-07-04 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 18:51:37 -0400, D. Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm with you though, in not liking the lindows idea. I've never used it,
  but I keep hearing that it forces you to run as root. I hope this
  doesn't catch on. IMHO, they're taking one of the greatest security
  features and throwing it away. Running as a root makes your system much
  more vulnerable to virii, it would seem.
 If that was true, yes, you would be more open to viruses (virii isn't a 
 word), but since Lindows has made it clear that users log in using usernames 
 and passwords, I think that they have fixed this hole.

Virii is most definitely a word.

 Unless I read their FAQ wrong...

For what I have read, I don't think there is any login whatsoever. Even if there
was, that doesn't change the fact that everything is running as root, which is
just as insecure as using Windows. No amount of firewalling can change this.
Their Click-n-Run scheme is also a potential security vulnerability, since
software is being downloaded and installed as root. It is similar in concept to
Ximian's Red Carpet and MandrakeUpdate, but I am not convinced that it is as
secure. When you are downloading and executing code from the Internet, security
is of paramount importance.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

In short, Microsoft is no more able to build secure products
than England's cricket team is able to withstand the bowling
of Australia's bowlers.
  -- John Leyden, MS firewall is holier than the Pope,
  The Register (http://www.theregister.co.uk), 2001-08-20.

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[newbie] update dhcp via Mandrake update

2002-07-04 Thread et

I have the 8.2 prosuite DVD install, and I guess the dhcp alinka packages, as 
when I use the Mandrake Update in Software Manager, I get an error about the 
conflict between the dhcp of the alinka packages and the update dhcp. should 
I keep using the alinka stuff or should I uninstall it and use the update 

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[newbie] Upgrading 8.1. to 8.2

2002-07-04 Thread Alejandro Fernandez


I am planning to upgrade our server running 8.1 to 8.2. Is this a
straight forward task? Is it possible that the upgrade breaks something
that was working?
I do not have weird things on my machine. Just bugzilla, a couple of
mysql databases, and apache with various virtual servers. The upgrade
will not change my configuration, right?

Will it fix existing problems? For example, I am not able to start
xwindows. The graphical terminal displays a gray background and the
cross mouse pointer.


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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-04 Thread Manuel Soto

Try flexbackup
On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 00:02, dfox wrote:
  My problem is that I have no idea how to use the tape drive.
  Could someone give me some pointers please.
 I think there's a Tape howto over in the howto docs, but once you
 have the tape working, it's pretty easy to use - you just use the
 /dev/st0 (it is scsi, right?) or /dev/nst0 devises - the second is
 the no-rewind device.
  Is it worth playing with?
 Do yuo like to make backups? Or do you want to risk losing your
 data? :)
  Which tape would work with it?
 My surestore drive uses 4mm DAT tapes - they are DDS-2 and capacity
 is 2 gigs uncompressed. When I got the drive, that was just right
 for copacity; nowadays it is a bit small. But I rarely need to back
 everything up. The tapes I've been using are Imation 4mm tapes - $5
 bucks a pop when I got the drive. 
  What backup software could I use with it?
 Lots support tapes - since it is a device you can just use
 'tar'. I've found that 'tar' is just as easy to use, and probably
 preferable over other backup software. Plus, Arkeia would need X, 
 which translates to a pretty big system build before you could restore
 a tape. Tar can fit on a rescue diskette.

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Re: [newbie] New to Linux

2002-07-04 Thread dfox

  I'm new to the Linux world and I've been trying to get used to it. I
 like the capabilities that it offers. I bought Mandrake 8.2, because I
 didn't know anything and it said it was easy to install. Which is was. My

Vaughn, welcome to Linux, and the list!

 question is... How do I install software onto my computer? I've tried
 downloading BTERM, because I need a good telnet session for my work. Once it
 was been downloaded, I found it on my Desktop (file system), not ( Desktop

Most Linux software is either distributed in RPM or tar.gz type files. If
you're familiar with downloading software in a Windows environment, these
are somewhat like ZIP files but they contain more information. As with
ZIP files, they need to be unpackaged before installation. 

Depending on where you wnet, you may haev a file 'bterm ... rpm' or
'bterm ... tar.gz' (the dots represent intervening characters, version
information and such - in general, filenames used for linux packages
indicate the version, what kind of machine it's for, whether it's source,
and so on. For instance, WhizBang Eidt might be called 'wed-1.0.0.tar.gz'
or 'wed-1.0.0.i386.rpm'.

Mandrake does include 'telnet' which does do a telnet session, but
does your work prefer SSH? It should - in which case you can just
install OpenSSH, then you just 'ssh' to create a session. You really
don't need a terminal emulator like you do on Windows.

 ), but I couldn't get it to do anything. Probally because lack of
 understanding, but it's frustrating.

You should find a file in Desktop starting with bterm. My guess is that
it's a tar.gz file, and you'll have to uncompress it, and then install
it. It may contain source code, in which you'll have to compile it, and
then install it.

 Is there software (drivers) for DVD's. The computer I am currently using has
 this and I would like to use it if possible.

For most people, xine works well. There's been quite a bit of list activity
recently concerning xine. I don' have a DVD player on my computer, but it
works well for playing DivX encoded CD's - I have a few of those.

Their web site is http://xine.sourceforge.net. Sourceforge.net is a huge
repository of open source and linux coding projects.

 One last question. Mandrake included a lot of Installation sources and
 commercial software. How do I know what to install ( not knowing the naming
 convention that is given to all the RPM's ) and once it is installed, how do

You might be more comfortable installing by using the software manager,
which lest you browse through packages by types. That way you don't need
to know just how the filename you're lookign for is spelled. If anything,
linux filenames /  RPMs can be somewhat unindicative of their function, and
one generally gets this familiarity by simple exposure.

 I find it? I installed what was said to be Common C++, but I can't find it.
 Please help.

What you probably installed was 'g++-common-soemthing.i586.rpm' which is
one of the necessary RPMS for the GNU C++ compiler. You'll need to install
the rest of the RPMS for gcc/g++ - best way to do that is to use the 
package manager. The files are on your installation CD, in the RPMS
directory. there are a bunch of files that start with 'gcc3.0' or
'gcc2.96' - that's the gnu C compiler files. 

One final word of advice - don't double post in text and html :).

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Re: [newbie] 102.4 Mb limit with ftp?

2002-07-04 Thread dfox

 This is apparently true for sftp as well. I remember that there was a limit
 in old kernels, but since I use Mandrake 8.2 with kernel 2.4.18-6, this

Your institute may have set up some sort of scheme that won't let you
transfer big files. But I am unawhere of any such limit in ftp or

 PS: Is there any rcp in the Linux distr?

There probably is, but the r-series of commands are genearlly viewed
as security risks. If you want to transfer a lot of data in a hurry,
like a whole directory structure, give 'rsync' a try. It's very fast,
probably fastrer than ftp.

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Re: [newbie] Web page print issue

2002-07-04 Thread Anne Wilson

On Thursday 04 Jul 2002 2:37 pm, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  When reading a long document like Mandrake's recent answer to United
  Linux I prefer to print it out.  With some sites I have found that it is
  more readable if I print from Mozilla rather than Konq, but I suspect
  that it depends upon the length of line being used in the web page.
  So here I am with a document printed out in, I would think, about 6 point
  font - almost unreadable.  Does anyone know of a workround for this?  Of
  course I don't really need the side-bars, so the ability to print just
  the centre section would be find.  I used to use Print Frame in Wins to
  get round problems like this, but maybe this is not an option because
  people use frames less?

 Various alternatives:

 1.  Edit the HTML source.
 Somewhere you'll find something that sets the   base font size (either
 in the body or in the style section in the head). Change the size to
 whatever you want. Incidentally, absolute font sizes are a key factor in
 bad web design - you should always let the browser determine the base
 font size and set your own sizes relative to that.

 2.  Over-ride the source.
 As was pointed out, you can get Netscape/Mozilla to set a minimum font
 size.  If you have other preferences, you can make your own stylesheet
 to over-ride any features you don't like. See
tml for some fun ideas.

 3.  Import into something else.
 Alternatives in decreasing order of ease and increasing order of print

- Netscape/Mozilla Composer
- OpenOffice
- LyX (you'll need to install html2latex for this).

 Sir Robin

Thanks for both your replies.  I'll try out all suggestions


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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-04 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 04 July 2002 02:27 am, Anne Wilson did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 I guess so - but since I'm in Linux most of the time now it really isn't
 an issue.  Mozilla and Konq both can access, so what the hell?

mozilla works but netscape is insecure?  they are truely clueless..

- -- 
Microsoft, the RIAA, the TCPA, Palladium, etc. ad nausium, these are 
assaults on our basic rights as humans.  They are all efforts to control 
us.  They must be fought.  You can have peace or freedom, but rarely both 
at once.
Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] Upgrading 8.1. to 8.2

2002-07-04 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 04 July 2002 07:09 am, Alejandro Fernandez did speak unto the 
huddled masses, saying:


 I am planning to upgrade our server running 8.1 to 8.2. Is this a
 straight forward task? Is it possible that the upgrade breaks something
 that was working?

it can be, but it depends on many other things, like how you have 
partitioned your drive.  it can break working things.

 I do not have weird things on my machine. Just bugzilla, a couple of
 mysql databases, and apache with various virtual servers. The upgrade
 will not change my configuration, right?

again depends.  what are your partitions like?

 Will it fix existing problems? For example, I am not able to start
 xwindows. The graphical terminal displays a gray background and the
 cross mouse pointer.

errr, that rather sounds like x, but without a windows manager choosen.  how 
are you starting x?  do you have kdm or gdm installed and have you tried 

- -- 
Gartner recommends that enterprises... immediately investigate alternatives 
to [Microsoft] IIS, including moving Web applications to Web server 
software from other vendors, such as iPlanet and Apache... [which] have 
much better security records than IIS... Gartner remains concerned that 
viruses and worms will continue to attack IIS until Microsoft has released 
a completely rewritten, thoroughly and publicly tested, new release of 
IIS.   -- John Pescatore, Information Security Strategies, Gartner Group, 

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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[newbie] Mozilla Icons

2002-07-04 Thread John Richard Smith

I need to find out where to put the Mozilla icons, or how to get 
Mandrake control Center's menu utility to find then, currently in 
I thought if I added them to say KDE icon folder, but I cannot find it, 
anyone got any ideas.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-04 Thread Jure Repinc

Bill Davidson wrote:
 On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 17:10:13 +0100
 Insecure? Have they read ANYTHING about IE. Besides you can save
 passwords with IE just like any browser.

Oh man, they are pathetic. Mozilla is much more secure then any version 
of IE. And if they don't know You can set Mozilla to encrypt all 
passwords that are saved. So it would be very hard to get passwords even 
if someone tried it on your own machine. Oh yeah and not to say that IE 
also can save passwords and I don't trust it one bit. And so much 
security problems with IE. Damn they should ban IE users :)

Live long and prosper!

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla Icons

2002-07-04 Thread Curtis H

On Thu, 2002-07-04 at 11:33, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I need to find out where to put the Mozilla icons, or how to get 
 Mandrake control Center's menu utility to find then, currently in 
 I thought if I added them to say KDE icon folder, but I cannot find it, 
 anyone got any ideas.

Check out the /usr/share/icons directories.  I'm not completely sure how
menudrake sorts through the directories there, but place your icons in
one of the directories and see what turns up in menudrake.


  Mandrake Linux 8.3 (cooker)
  Kernel Version 2.4.18-20mdk
   Uptime 4 days 15 hours 27 minutes

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[newbie] Mozilla using External Email Client?

2002-07-04 Thread Sevatio

How do you get mozilla to use an external email client when you click an 
email hyperlink?

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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-04 Thread Norman

Well guys I  understand a lot more about tape drives
now than I did 3 days ago.

A pity more of the people who think MS means  computing
don't see how much more there is to it than re-installing
screwed up DLL's, VXD's etc.

I feel sure the great slew of ideas from just this one thread
would open a few eyes.

thanks to all,

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing

2002-07-04 Thread daRcmaTTeR

Hash: SHA1

g2 wrote:
| Hi,
| can you help me on how to setup a private network.  My linux server has
| 2 NICs and I want to share my internet connection to my subnet.
| I did some googling, read some howtos and visited mandrakeusers.org but
| I cant seem to make it work.
| I run mcc, and enables Internet Sharing, I chose eth1 as the one
| connected to my LAN.  I think I have a problem my routing table.
| from the client side, well I can ping the IP Add of eth0 as well as the
| IP Add of eth1.  hereis my ifconfig :
| eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:F4:36:42:45
|   inet addr:  Bcast:
| Mask:
|   RX packets:14759 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
|   TX packets:5596 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:2
|   collisions:306 txqueuelen:100
|   RX bytes:4874410 (4.6 Mb)  TX bytes:663386 (647.8 Kb)
|   Interrupt:11 Base address:0xa000
| eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:07:40:0A:0F:EA
|   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
|   RX packets:1196 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
|   TX packets:864 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
|   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
|   RX bytes:101950 (99.5 Kb)  TX bytes:80060 (78.1 Kb)
|   Interrupt:5 Base address:0xc400
| loLink encap:Local Loopback
|   inet addr:  Mask:
|   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
|   RX packets:1585 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
|   TX packets:1585 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
|   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
|   RX bytes:117535 (114.7 Kb)  TX bytes:117535 (114.7 Kb)
| And my route table
|   U 0  00
| eth0
|   U 0  00
| eth1
|   U 0  00
| lo
| UG0  00
| eth0
| when i do [root]#route add -host gw eth1 it
| says Network Unreachable.
| Is this what is suppose to have? eth1 will have eth0 IP Add as its
| gateway. client (subnet) pc will have eth1 IP Add as its gateway.
| help.
| g2


Did you install and start dhcpd? this is necessary for the client
machines. and can you ping any of the client machines from the server?

- --
- --
Registered Linux User 182496
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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