Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 on IBM A20p

2001-02-02 Thread Aaron Zuercher

I have a Thinpad A21p.  A slightly higher model.  Mandrake 7.2 is 
running fine.  Not a single problem.  I have video, sound, and modem all 


mikael koh wrote:

 Hello all! 
 I'm new to the linux world and new to this mailing
 list too. I wish to install mandrake 7.2 on my IBM
 A20p laptop. anyone has the same machine as mine and
 installed 7.2 ?? i wish to know any problems tt u hav
 encountered and any advice u may wanna give pertaining
 to optimizing mandrake 7.2 for A20p. 
 thank you very much!!
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 
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Re: [newbie] Visor, jpilot, usb, and Mandrake 7.2

2001-01-11 Thread Aaron Zuercher

I have a Visor, which I'm attempting to Sync with Mdk 7.2.  Not much luck 
with the USB.  So i bought a serial cradle, and that has wokrked fine.  Once 
I upgrade to 2.4 I'm going to attempt the USB cradel again.

Anyhow... about your problem... one thing that is different between the two 
computers is the chipset on your motherboard.  With your older Pentium you 
had an Intel chipset (probaly VX or BX)  But with your new Duron you've got a 
Via KT133 chipset.  Now I don't know if this is the cuase of your problems or 
not, but its something to look into.

Also, out of curiosity, at what point in the sync does it fail?  I had some 
problems with jpilot trying to sync the mail program on my Visor, even whenI 
didn't use the mail program.


On Saturday 16 December 2000 10:22, you wrote:
 Does anyone on this list use jpilot to sync their Handspring Visor via a
 USB cradle running Mandrake 7.2?

 I recently purchased a new PC.  Though I never had problems with the
 above configuration on my ol' 133 MHz Pentium, my sync fails after only
 a few files on my new 700 MHz Duron.  I'm wondering if the extra speed
 is the reason???

 -- Jim

[newbie] Does anyone use/sync a Visor with Linux?

2000-11-16 Thread Aaron Zuercher

I have a Handspring Visor and am attempting to sync it using the standard USB 
cradle.  Needless to say I'm not having much luck.  

Before I bore everyone with the details of my dilemma, I'd like to know if 
anyone has a Visor or some other USB device that they sync.  If noone does, 
I'll look elsewhere for answers.



[newbie] ATI Radeon video card.

2000-11-15 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Anyone using a Radeon video card in linux?


[newbie] 7.2 - mouse buttons/menus different -- how to change back?

2000-11-03 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Not sure if this is someting new in Mdk 7.2 or if I'm screwed up my config 
somewhere.  I just finished a fresh install of 7.2 and I prefer 
Enlightenment as my window manager.  However my mouse buttons don't open 
the same menus that they did in 7.1

Old way (7.1):

Left button - User Menu, help, logout
Middle button - configuration
right button - configuration stuff

New way (7.2) :

Left button - nothing!!
Middle button - DrakMenu, logot, config
right button - config stuff

It appears that everything is there... its just been shuffled around.  The 
menu I really miss is the User Menu that was available with a left 
click.  You could put your commonly used programs in it and they are just 
one click away.  Now you have to navigate through 3 levels of menus to 
launch something.   If someone could tell me how to launch the menu box 
with my left button I can cofigure the menu myself.


Re: [newbie] Bad Disk - need replacement

2000-10-27 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Well if you want it ASAP run down to the local Walmart or BestBuy.  I've 
seen the retail package of Mandrake 7.1 for sale at those stores.  It was 
running about $30.  Or if you can wait, order just the CDs from Cheapbytes 
or the like.  There you get just the CDs, but at an extremely low cost.


At 08:35 PM 10/26/2000 -0500, you wrote:
I was having a terrible time getting my CD-ROM to read my 7.1 install Disk.
It got to the point where I thought my CD was failing.  Then after a long
drive of thinking it dawned on me to look at the disk.  It is cracked
though from the inner hole in a straight line out about 3/4".  So it it
needs replacing.  Any ideas on how to get a replacement disk do I can
install 7.1.  I have a 56K connect so downloading it for 18 hours is not a
real good option.

[newbie] linux newbie IRC chat rooms

2000-10-20 Thread Aaron Zuercher

I'm looking for a good IRC chat room for where linux newbies can get 
together and help each other and discuss Linux.  I know there are already a 
ton of linux chats out there, but I haven't found a "good" one yet.  Alot 
of the rooms I stumble into are overflowing with tons of newbies all 
yelling for the attention of a few "gurus"  I'm looking for a smaller group 
of newbies that enjoys helping one another, and teach others new 
things.Anyone know of a chatroom such as this?

If so please share it, either email me direct or post it to this 
group.  Thanks!


Re: [newbie] opengl [repost]

2000-10-03 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Paul -
I'm not an expert but I think Mesa is a 3D interface for running OpenGL 
software/hardware.  I'm not sure if your video card will support OpenGL.  I 
know many newer 3D accelerators do (3DFX Voodoo, nVidia TNT2/GEforce, 
Matrox G400, etc).

I would check out Mesa and see if it supports your video card  (i think it 
has a website ...  If it does I would check your Mesa 
configuration.  If it doesn't, you maybe out of luck if the game requires 
Mesa to run (Quake 3/Unreal Tournament?)

Hope this helps you out some.


At 04:06 PM 10/3/2000 -0200, you wrote:
  Hi, everybody.  I had trouble searching so please be patient if this
  recently been dealt with.

  I tried running a game i got from this cd recently, and I got this

  "-- is Mesa compiled for your hardware?"
   -- if you're using 3DFX hardware, is MESA_GLX_FX set to 'f'?"
  "-- if you're using a custom GL, are you specifying it on the command

  I'm not really sure what these questions mean.  Has anybody had similar
  trouble.  I seem to have the Mesa RPM's installed (on Mandrake 7.1) and
  my laptop has an ATI 3D Rage P/M Mobility card that is properly
detected.  I haven't had any other video related troubles other than
choppy screensavers in gnome.  :)

  Thanks in advance, everybody!

  -Paul R

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Re: [newbie] hacker or cracker was: Telneting

2000-10-03 Thread Aaron Zuercher

I believe you can put quotes around the directory so in this case it would be:

cd /mnt/windows/"Program Files"


At 07:10 AM 10/2/2000 -0400, you wrote:
Have you tried this one yet?

 cd /mnt/windows/progra~1
 (progra~1) is what you will need to get there.


**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed   | ICQ#27816299
** _||_ in the making of this |
**  =\/=  message...| Registered Linux user #182496

On Mon, 2 Oct 2000 12:29pm ,John Rye spake passionately in a  message:

  Goldenpi wrote:
   Sound like me. My obsession with getting every possable flop from my
   notebook is getting me in deep to windows 98. I have even gone to the 
   of removeing the icon for c:\mydocu~1 to save the time loading up. I have
   gone so far as to disable the warning that appears when the wiondows 
   is opened. Today I had it apart while I put in a new processor. Its
   underclocked right now because it was overheating a bit. I actually 
   c:\my documents to c:\my_docs-and then edited the registry, ini files,
   everything so that windows wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I 
   moved as much as possable out of the windows folder. It is now the 
   (former) pentium 133Mhz with 16mi ram and 1gi hd you are likely to 
 find. It
   is currently running at 166 but is rated for 200 when I solve the cooling
   oh, how to I get to c:\Program files in a linux console? I have tried 
   command I can think of.
  did you try: 'cd /Program?Files', remember that white space in a
  is legal in MACos and Windows but in few others..
   - Original Message -
   Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2000 9:45 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] hacker or cracker was: Telneting
term hacker to me refers to a devoted computer user who loves to 
 tweak and
modify and know everything about the system and to get everything 
 out of
they possibly can from performance to information, the fact that 
 the GOV
large companys dont like it well i cant help that we want to learn 
system and they just happen to be part of it!!!
just my opinion

Re: [newbie] How to delete an ext2 partition under DOS

2000-08-28 Thread Aaron Zuercher

There is a nice little freeware utility called DelPart.  It can be found 
online, I don't have an exact URL, you'll have to search for it.  Very 
handy to have around.  Can delete any partition.


At 04:31 PM 8/28/2000 +0200, you wrote:
Hi guys,
I'd need some help.
I have a 20GB disk,
c: (/dev/hda1) is windows, 2GB, FAT32;
d: (/dev/hda5) is windows stuff, 16GB, FAT32;
/dev/hda6 is Linux /, 1.72GB, Ext2,
/dev/hda7 is Linux swap, 128MB (the rest).

Now my question is - how can I delete that /dev/hda6 partition? I need
it for windows at the moment and DOS fdisk doesn't see it. Not even as
NON-DOS partition, which would give me an option to delete it. What
can I do apart from Partition Magic which I don't have the money for?

Thanx in advance


[newbie] changing block size

2000-08-04 Thread Aaron Zuercher

I want to change the block size of my ext2fs partition from the default 
4096 to 1024.  Can some tell me how to do this?  I realize I will need to 
reinstall.  However when I started the install I couldn't find any options 
to change the block size.  Is the done at the partitioning step or the 
format step?



Re: [newbie] perl terminated install

2000-06-02 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Hi Ed,
I had the same problem when trying to install Mandrake 7.02 on an Athlon 
System.  I don't know what caused it, but I think it has something to do 
with the length of time you take to install.  My installs were also 
crashing during or after the partitioning segment.  After the 2nd crash I 
knew exactly what I wanted to do with my partitions so when I got to that 
step I partitioned the drives quickly and moved on, and the installer 
didn't crash. So maybe that will work for you to.


At 02:37 PM 5/31/00 -1000, you wrote:

I was reinstallating LM 7 under the 'recommended' mode and suddenly 'perl' 
program terminated the install for the reason that my system or whatever 
was not in (or does not support) 'english' mode...i just went 'HUH?'.

At this point, I can still boot to Windows w/ LILO but my Linux is dead 
since 'perl' terminated installation (after partitioning and formatting my 
2nd HD) before I can input the root password.

thanks all.


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[newbie] DISCUSSION: My first Suggestion (Installer Problem)

2000-05-25 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Its great to hear the guys at Mandrake are willing to listen to the end users.

Here is my first input:

The install program is very slick.  However at one point in the install, 
after you have partitioned the drive you are shown a slider bar and asked 
to pick how much software you want to install.   (you choose the amount of 
megabytes to install).  I find this very confusing.  If i pick 800mb what 
is being installed?  Am I getting all the packages I need??

If you do an expert install you are later given a list of software and you 
can pick and choose what packages you want.  But if you are not doing the 
basic install Mandrake simply installs xxx megabytes of software and the 
user has no idea what it is getting.

I find this to be extremely non-user-friendly.  Especially since I like to 
know what is going to be installed on my box.  Perhaps in the next version 
you could rework the install so that you are give a list of "prepackaged" 
install options such as "light, medium, everything"  But then in the next 
window you would have the total list of packages and the user can 
add/remove items.

Thanks for listening.

Aaron Zuercher

At 08:30 PM 5/25/00 +0200, you wrote:
Hi, folks!

What follows is probably a single most important letter I ever posted on
these mailing lists, so please read it very carefully!


We (Mandrakesoft) are starting internal discussions about future of
our distributions NOW. We want you to take part in the process of
improving our next distro.

- NOW is a time to ask us whatever you want: tell us what you like, tell
us what you hate, tell us what you dream of!
- NOW is a time for you to influence the future company decisions - start
thinking, and if you come up with a briliant idea, post it here.

Starting NOW, I am going to stop sleeping, eating, or doing any other job
which would interfere with currently most important task: Making sure we
make the best decisions based on whatever input we can get.


* Basically everything you can think of is open for discussion, except
question of including non-free software in the core of our distro, which
is absolute NO-NO.

* Listen to what other people have to say. Try keeping the signal/noise
ratio as high as possible.

* One topic per e-mail and informative subject line help us a lot. ("125
Great ideas!!!" is a very bad subject line.)

* Please, try to avoid any kind of flaming on the list for the next 10

* Finaly, If you have time and skills to pick up ideas from long
discussion threads and write a good summary, please do it, it will help us
a lot.


Topics we are particularly interested in at this moment include:

1) ergonomics: What should our user interfaces look like in the
future, what should we improve in our desktop configuration, which things
need polishing...

2) install:Which features of our current installation
   program (DrakX) do you like, which features are you missing, what is not
   clear enough? The same question goes for post-install configuration

3) packages:   which packages to add, what to remove from the distro,
  which subset of packages is really nessesary for a minimal install,
  and which packages are "just add-ons"?

4) tools:  which new tools (packages) should we develop ourselves, or
  improve in case we are already developing them? Many great
 programs already  exist out there, so we really badly need to know
 which important linux tools you still miss, in order to
 concentrate on them in the future.

5) system policy:  We want to make our system "logical" by following the
 Linux Standards, and being consistent in the way
 "things" (services, settings) are implemented. Tell us where
 we need to improve.

6) security policy: Closely related to point "6". You know that we care a
 lot about security, don't you? Well, the problem is choosing right
 security settings for various situations.

(If you feel that we have forgotten an important topic, just start a
discusion on it, the list should not be taken too strictly)

I am going to spend a lot of time in reading "newbie" and "expert" mailing
lists during next two weeks. Guillaume  will do the same on the
"cooker" list, and other members of the company may pop-up and take
part in discussion too, for topics they may be particularly interested in
(and if they get time to do it, our schedule is bursting).

At the end of the discussion cycle (in two weeks), I will try to write a
resume of what has been decided and share it with you.

 Denis Havlik
Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] Diamond sound card

2000-05-22 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Aureal released sound drivers for Linux.  You can download them at


At 02:09 PM 5/22/00 -0400, you wrote:

Hi there,
I have a Diamond MX300 sound card with Aureal Vertex2 chip, and my Mandrake 7
doesn't support it.
So, I guess I have nothing can do unless I get a new driver from Diamond or
Or I can use some driver that can let my sound card work as a SoundBlaster?


[newbie] Why is turnaround so slow on this mail list?

2000-05-18 Thread Aaron Zuercher

I send a message and it doesn't appear in my inbox for hours, sometimes a 
day later.  Some mail lists have 5 min. turnaround... whats the deal?

Also, is there a mandrake IRC channel?  If not, I might consider starting 
one, but would like to know the interest level in the group.  Let me know.


Re: [newbie] reaching maximal mount count

2000-05-18 Thread Aaron Zuercher


Linux keeps track of how many times you mount a filesystem, and after a 
certain number (not sure how many)  It fscks the drive.  Its is 
preventative maintenance and nothing to be worried about.


At 08:39 AM 5/18/00 -0700, you wrote:
Hi List,

During boot up this morning I saw a new message that said;

/dev/hda5 has reached maximal mount count
mount count check forced

What have I done to generate this 'mount count check'?

After running through the mount count check all seems to be well and
running smoothly, but
I just want to know how I caused this and how I prevent it in the

Much thanks,


PS - Thanks for you help with my list subscription Denis!

Re: [newbie] CD-RW Support problem/?...URGENT

2000-05-09 Thread Aaron Zuercher

That burner should work OK.  If it is SCSI there won't be a problem.   If 
it is IDE you will probably have to turn on SCSI emulation in the kernel 
(if it isn't already).  I think all burners should work ok with possible 
exceptions of the TDK VeloCD and an external USB burners.


At 11:03 AM 5/8/00 -0800, you wrote:
I just completed a telephone order for a
PANASONIC CW 7585 cd burner; as an after thought i asked if it was
supported by Linux. They said they didn't know- so i asked them to hold
it while i queried y'all.

Does anyone know if i can actually use this unit(cuz they probably
didn't hold it)??

I have a 500mhz amd k62
128megs(soon to be 256)
8.5 gig


[newbie] Disableing Supermount and other fstab questions

2000-05-04 Thread Aaron Zuercher

How do I disable supermount?

Also, I would like my non-root user to be able to mount and umount my CDROM 
and ZIP drives.  What permissions do I need to give to what to do this?  As 
it stands currently I have to SU before I mount and umount.



Re: [newbie] Trying to hd install LM7.0-2 air and keep getting error

2000-05-04 Thread Aaron Zuercher

I had an error like this when I tried to boot off the CDROM and install 
Mandrake 7.  However If I make a CDROM boot disk and use that the install 
was fine.


At 07:13 PM 5/3/00 -0500, you wrote:
I have been trying to hd install drake but when it gets to stage 2 ramdisk
::: Loading second stage ramdisk ... install exited abnormally -- recieved
signal 9 sending termination signals... done sending kill signals... done
unmounting filesystem  /tmp/hdimage/proc  you may safely reboot your system

I dont have a cd rom it burned out and i d/c it, 2 hd main-4gig 2nd-1gig
pentium 75

somebody help me p[lease before i pull out whats left of my hair.

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Re: [newbie] XFishTank :-)

2000-05-02 Thread Aaron Zuercher

I found this site that has a few additional gizmos (ants, cockroaches, hang 
gliders,etc)... but no "Flying through Space".
I agree with you... "Flying through Space" would be really cool, let me 
know if you find something like it.!INDEX.html


At 03:00 AM 4/30/00 +0400, Nickolay Belostotsky wrote:

Does anyone know of other programs with the concept like XFishTank -
i.e. to make the desktop background animated? The 'Fly through space'
would be great! :-)

   -- Koly

Re: [newbie] version of XF86 ?

2000-04-17 Thread Aaron Zuercher

One way is to type "xdpyinfo" (without quotes) at a terminal prompt.  One 
of the first lines it spits out is the vendor release number.  This is the 
version.  I believe the default that comes with Mandrake is 3.3.6.


At 10:57 AM 4/17/00 -0700, you wrote:

I have a lot of trouble getting X configured properly on my Inspiron
laptop. I try to get some hints from a few websites of persons having
done it, and it looks like the version of XF86 matters. How can I now
the version of XF86 provided with Mandrake 7 ?

[newbie] VMWare and Mandrake 7.0 Followup

2000-02-29 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Just a note about my VMWare situation.  If you remember from my previous
email I had some problems with a version conflict between my C Headers and
my booting kernel.  What I did was simply goto the CDROM and force a
reinstall of the kernel-2.2.14-15mdk.i586.rpm package.  This contains all
the source for the kernel.  After reinstalling that rpm I rebooted the box,
logged in as root, and reinstalled VMWare with no problems.


[newbie] VMWare

2000-02-28 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Hello List,
Anyone get VMWare to work on MDK 7.0 ?  I could use some assistance. Here is
the error I recieve when I try to install and config both VMWare 1.1.2 and
VMWare 2.0 Beta:

The directory of kernel headers (version 2.2.14-15mdk) doesn't match
your running kernel (version 2.2.14-1mdklinus).  Consequently, even if
the compilation of the module was successful, the module
would not load into the running kernel.

My linux box is running the stock kernel.  Do I need to recompile it?  Any
assistance is appreciated.

Aaron Zuercher

Re: [newbie] Changing Desktop Resolution ?????

2000-02-24 Thread Aaron Zuercher

If you are using Mandrake 7.0 or 7.02 use DrakConfig.  To do this
double-click the DrakConf icon on the desktop.  This will open up the
DrakConf util menu.  One of the menu items is Change X Resolution.  This is
a nice GUI that allows you to change color depth and resolution.  It will
require a reboot.


- Original Message -
From: Samir Desai [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2000 8:12 AM
Subject: [newbie] Changing Desktop Resolution ?

 during the Install process I selected the appropriate video card  monitor,
 tested the resolution + color depth  applied the settings.  Although, now
 would like to change the resolution of my desktop without going through
 earlier process.

 Is there a tool/utility that allows me to do this on the fly?  Thank you.
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

2000-02-23 Thread Aaron Zuercher

I don't have a solution, however I just wanted to 
say that I had the same error when trying to boot of the CDROM. However 
when I made boot disks and used them it worked fine. This is with ISO 
image 7.0.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 10:37 
  Subject: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 
  Every time I want to install mandrake 7.0 (floppy 
  or cdrom boot), it always stop at installation program, with the message 
  "Failed to mount ramdisk. This shouldn't be happened, Rebooting..." Anybody 
  know or have experience this problem. I am getting frustrated to install 
  mandrake, even after I download the update for cdrom.img and hd.img. Any help 
  would be appreciated. Thanks...

Re: [newbie] Can anyone recommend a good email program?

2000-02-15 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Not desperate.. just spoiled...  :)
Tried Post Office... has lots of promise, but lacks polish...  
know of any others?


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can anyone recommend a good email program?

 Might be a daft question but what's wrong with ELM and PINE?
 You desperate to have a GUI interface?
 Steve Flynn
 IBM MVS Operations Analyst
 "Aaron Zuercher" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 15/02/2000 14:21:47
 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:(bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
 Subject:  [newbie] Can anyone recommend a good email program?
 I'm used to using MS Outlook Express and also Agent for email in Windows.
 Looking for a comparable program in Linux.
 Any Ideas?

Re: [newbie] HELP!!! After deleting /tmp

2000-02-15 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Have you tried rebooting?  If the files were in a /tmp directory, they
should have been temporary.. therefore, if you reboot perhaps the necessary
files will be recreated.


- Original Message -
From: Brent Timmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 9:37 AM
Subject: [newbie] HELP!!! After deleting /tmp

 Help!! I deleted the files in /tmp(thinking they were only temporary
 Now I can't get into blackbox, cant run simple commands like (xv, setroot,
 imwheel, root, and many other).

 Can someone tell me what I did and how I can fix it, please?!

[newbie] Can anyone recommend a good email program?

2000-02-15 Thread Aaron Zuercher

I'm used to using MS Outlook Express and also Agent for email in Windows.
Looking for a comparable program in Linux.
Any Ideas?



[newbie] MDKUpdate works?

2000-02-15 Thread Aaron Zuercher

Hi Everyone.
Tried running MDKUpdate on my Mandrake 7.0 box.  A msg says that it is
finding packages, but then a window popups and there is nothing there.  Now
is there no updated packages for version 7.0 or is my Update not working
properly.  I've tried choosing different mirrors, but no change.


Re: [newbie] Unsubscribe

2000-02-15 Thread Aaron Zuercher

lol... nice vent :)
first rate!

Actually you make a 
very good point. If people can't even unsubscribe from a mailing list how 
do they ever expect to learn and use a operating system like Linux.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 10:41 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Unsubscribe
  Right - I must have sent the following message 
  to about 20 peope *today*all trying to unsubscribe.To unsubscribe 
  send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put in 
  thesubject :unsubscribe newbie.or go to the web page and 
  unsubscribe via the web interface.If you are still on the list and 
  want to get off it, then you can't justsend messages to it screaming to be 
  unsubscribed. You're sending email toall of the rest of us - not the list 
  administrator!When you signed up, you received an email with the 
  following instructionsin it - I presume you all just charged ahead, 
  deleted it and expected magicto happen when you want to unsubscribe. Magic 
  only happens in the kernel -something which you people are unlikely to 
  ever come to grips with becauseyou can't read and follow simple 
  intructions.Christ - you pop onto this list, whine that Linux sucks 
  because it doesn'tsupport your electron microscope controller interface, 
  nor does itmagically configure every piece of hardware in your house, 
  including yourVCR, and expect someone to wipe your arses for you when you 
  want to unsub.Unix is complicated. It's very powerful and there's lots 
  of it. If you failto follow intsructions to unsubscribe yourself from the 
  list, then you haveabsolutely NO hope of ever getting it to work "just the 
  way you want it".Right - now that rant's over, I'll apologise to the 
  others in here, andespecially to Jacob Bondre - this isn't directed to you 
  in particular, youjust happened to be the person I replied to when 
  composing this message. Nooffence intended to yourself.PEOPLE WHO 
  MAILING-LISTAREN'T YOU..Now, have we all got that 
  clear?Normal service will be resumed now..if you can call it 
  normal! :)Steve FlynnIBM MVS Operations 
  AnalystJacob Bondre [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 15/02/2000 
  10:07:02Please respond to 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: (bcc: Steve 
  Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)Subject: [newbie] 