[newbie] where is xfree86-4.0

2000-05-01 Thread Chadley Wilson

I have have spent 6 hours chasing links to download xfree86-4.0 so that
i can update the riva drivers that i downloaded llast night and one link
just run to anorther and another where exactly is the rpm or the tar
ball so that stupid linux users like myself can update his system. I am
currently using the stable mdk 6.5 or(redhat 6.1) and  need to install
the drivers for my card to play q3areana that I have bought for linux
but i need xfree86 -4 .
could someone help me or email it to me

[newbie] linux versus windows

2000-04-30 Thread Chadley Wilson

I'm not trying to be unreasonable but I have worked on linux for well over a
year and Id like to say that linux is greater than windows stability etc.
But I've have enough of the critism that is passed around by the linux
community, whats the matter with you people Bill Gates made a system that is so
easy to use that an idiot could use it and add to it on the fly, and as for
servers all companies that I have been to don't use linux for their servers they
use NT, 
When I spend the time and the money which is scarce to download software for
my linux off the Internet and run the installation it never works and what's
more is that in order to get it to work if have know all about programming and
text based linux/Unix if you like, and yet If you don't use this flavor of linux
well too bad now you have have to learn a new flovour so that you get the
feature you like. And 4 months later ...
If you which to compete with windows you have to create a product that has
have builtin server tools that an idiot can use, a graphic frontend that an
idiot can understand, easy software addition that is idiot proof and just
No matter what I try to add i always need something else. I have 3
pcs on a network and flavours of linux on they are all unstable worse than
windows ever was.

So if you want to come and watch how when I insert a picture into netscape
composer or office 2000 or even wordperfect eight  how it crashes, the program
just disspears off the screen and one has to start all over again.
Star Office is so slow that I could go and have a 3 course meal while it eats
up my cpu time and slows my pc down to the speed of a 486 sx before its ready
to use. And yet is is advertised that you could run  linux on a 486 with 16mb
ram , I think somebody should pull that statement back. What more is that I did
my courses on windows before I changed my bussiness to linux and I promise that
windows is fussy about they condition of hardware and if your hardware is
perfect windows will run well and without to much trouble bearing in mind it is
only a machine.
Freezing and hanging etc.. in win95  was fixed in 98 and yes buggered up in
So in conclution I ask anyone out there If there is a flavour of linux that
has server and tools built in for use as a pdc dns etc. the grapghic front end
that i easy to understand and if i try to run the vmware that i bought for 400
dollars will it work with out telling me my kernel is an asshole and i must now
try mdk, and loose the nice file manger that did my networking for me in corel
os. Or Ihave a nice set of graphic tools suse but (cad3d) it's to complicated
and takes months wich no in modern times can afford to spend learning .
So now I'll just have corel because I can manage my network in the network
neighbourhood that is like windows but now I cant do my graphic design because
corel only provides me with and unstable gimp .
this is where I would much prefer to just put windows back on all my pcs
becuase I just cant win with this linux.

so here is my final attempt  I want a file manager that works just like the one
in corel linux os v1.1 in my mandrake. I want a graphic ppp dialer that does
not give the deamon died error all the time i want a download manager of some
description and I want stability.
More I want somethong that does not require me to try and be what I am not
Iam not a c++ programer or software research and devepement, I am a user and
thats  what I  do I run my bussiness and I play games and I download things
to playwith then I sort  the in network neighbourhood a pass on the good
stuff to the others on my network simply by means of drag and drop or cut and
paste ( quick and efficient)and that is what I do with my pc every night until

Please Dont take this mail as an Insult or as an attack Iam simply stating
the factsas I have experienced them

PS: excuse the spelling the kmail spellchecker doesnt work properly so i gave
up with it .

Chadley Wilson
012 3332276


Re: [newbie] New installation

2000-04-01 Thread Chadley Wilson

_-+Richard Kim=-_ wrote:
 Greg Martz wrote:
Wow!  After trying several versions of redhat, 2 of slackware, and 1 of
  TurboLinux I decided to get Mandrake and it installed first time.  No other
  Linux distributions would install for me, way to go Mandrake!!
Only problem right now I seem to be having is with the Mandrake Update
  program.  I have been trying to run it and none of the mirrors seem to work.
  MDKUpdates opens and says "Please wait while fetching the list of upgrade
  packages...", waits for several minutes, then says I should try another
  mirror.  I tried manually FTP'ing to a couple of the sites and was able to
  connect and login anonymously with no problems.  A couple of other sites
  gave me a DNS error after logging in, I'm not sure about that problem
  either.  Any ideas?
 well you have to wait because I did that way in the morning AND it didnt work
 so I tried at the afternoon NOW it works, I guess the other ftp sites r offline
 or not accepting connections
you should try corel linux 2.2.14 it even networks likes windows

cheers chad 

[newbie] cmi8330 onboard sound card and mdk7.02

2000-03-25 Thread Chadley Wilson

Hello everyone
I need help fast if possible. I have just built a clients machine and
chose a board with onboard sound,
the "sound pro cmi8330 c3d audio adaptor".
For some reason mdk7.2 dont want to speak to this chip, heres the win
config what can I do to fix this guy

SB device
i/o  0220--022f

i/o 0200-0207

mpu 401

windows sound system
i/o 0530-0537
i/o 0388-038f
IRQ 11

Lothar doesn't work but does detect it
and sndconfig works but crackles the sound like an out of tune radio.

thanks in advance
Chadley Wilson
tel 012-333-2276

Re: [newbie] help can't get mandrake to start install

2000-03-23 Thread chadley wilson

Chris Smolen wrote:

Every time I try to
install mandrake it gets to the screen where "initializing CD-ROM is flashing
then at the bottom of the screen it says something about second part of
install then that is where it hangs.
hi chris
i had the same problem with mdk7.2 and the problem seems to be with
your screen card
i changed my card temparary and installed then put the old one back
and i worked eventhough it took two days to figure it out(just kidding)
any more help call me, mail
chadley wilson (newbie)
all hours
hope you win cheers

Re: [newbie] Mouse pointer is a white square!!!!

2000-03-23 Thread chadley wilson

Giorgios Ntouvelos wrote:

 hello all,

 After the installation of Mandrake 7.0  the mouse pointer
 is turned to big white square into the X-Windows.
 it moves all around ok, clics ok, but remains always
 a white square instead of the arrow pointer.

 Please help me


hi Im no expert but you have to edit your XF86config file and look for
"accel" or bitblk" and has them out
please note this info is not guaranteed
thanks chadley
tel 012 3332276

[newbie] networking and kppp

2000-03-21 Thread Chadley Wilson

hello everyone
chadley here

first thanks to Michael h for responding to my original posting
however it still has not solved the problem and i think that the problem
is worst than i originally thought
here's the situation
i have setup mdk7.2 and left out my card (trusting lothar to put it in
later) and have setup my kppp and am running it now and netscape is
working and so is messenger, if i try to open anything other than
netscape it doesn't work , in other words only netscape works while my
kppp is connected via my external modem to my service provider (@lantic
(as in the ocean)).
if i disconnect the kppp connection then every thing else works

any suggestions

when i am sure that it works ill replace the network card


[newbie] linux network and the internet how do i make kppp a subnetwork to stop netscape from hanging

2000-03-20 Thread Chadley Wilson

my name is chadley wilson i head up the technical department of WIL-SUN
our company objectives are to  bring technology to rural schools and
businesses in south africa.
our mission at present is to get linux up and running.

so i present the first of my difficulties
MY OS  Mandrake 7.2

1) when i setup my system with its network card and the installation is
complete. i can ping and telnet all the other computers on our network.
only my Kppp connection does not work, first i get  ppp daemon died
unexpectantly and the other is that the browser hangs, and i have tried
lynx ;netscape; and kde browser. none seem to
if i go to linux conf and change my ip address to (loop
back) then my internet works but no network
now i am using genius pci eth0 cards and external modems and i don't

want to route through a windows box for my internet connection. i want
to be able to dial out only when i need to and run
my network at the same time.
2) i have an AWE64 isa (a) sound card by creative and this is what
mdk7.2 has to say about that "/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/misc/sb.o:
init_module: Device or resource busy

sound:Device or resource busy"
so i have done some poking around and found in LOTHAR that there are

four unknown devices made by acer there, i don't know  what they are or
how to get rid of them but i am sure that
they are the  reason the sound card wont work.
here's details
it says :
other devices:
Acer Laboratories inc. M1541
Acer Laboratories inc. M5243
Acer Laboratories inc. M5237
Acer Laboratories inc. M1533
Acer Laboratories inc. M5229

the very bad news i don't have anything from acer not even on the
network and i have checked all the pcs the only thing that might be
suspect is my LG. cd writer. only everything worked fine
with mandrake 6.5

3)lastly when i am online using kppp my terminal refuses to open
i think i might need to recompile my kernel but i dont know what i
am doing and so have not done it any suggestions pse

thanks in advance
all help is greatly appreciated
chadley wilson
technical manager WIL-SUN PC SYSTEMS