Re: [newbie] Re: Real Audio URL

2000-02-13 Thread michael chopek

On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Jaguar scribed:

 I just checked the archives...the search engine is down for rebuilding I
 guess...could someone report the Real Audio URL please.

- have fun -


   best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Selena Sol's WebWare Mail List  -

Re: [newbie] RAM detection problem ?

2000-01-23 Thread michael chopek

On Sun, 23 Jan 2000, Tomer Weller wrote:
 My Mandrake7 detects 65mb of RAM,. while I have 128. what can be the issue ?

Here is what worked for me.

Log in as root to edit your "lilo.conf" file.
Add the following line;


I put mine just after the line "timeout" line.

Run lilo again like so..


This will update your lilo, reboot and voila you have 128M Ram.

- hope this helps -


   best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Selena Sol's WebWare Mail List  -

Re: [newbie] Apache

1999-11-08 Thread Michael Chopek

Hi Shannon;

On Mon, 08 Nov 1999, Shannon M. Johnston scribed:

 I don't think php is installed automatically. In the httpd.conf file the
 LoadModule and AddModules are there but they are commented. Try un commenting
 them and restarting httpd. Hope that helps!

Thanks...but I could not find any in my "httpd.conf" file.there are indeed
some calls to modules commented out...but none are PHP related.

there is no mention of any PHP/Midgard module except the one line at the bottom
of the config file that was put there during the install of the RPM.

Include conf/addon-modules/midgardphp3.conf

the contents of this file are..

LoadModule php3_module/etc/httpd/modules/
AddModule mod_php3.c

the first file path has been changed in my attempt to get this to work..yours
will probably be diffrerent. :-)

So these modules are being asked to be loaded and I'm not sure where
to go next...

I also have these lines uncommented..

AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3 .phtml .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps

any ideas out there?

- thanks -

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Selena Sol's WebWare Mail List  -

Re: [newbie] Apache PHP

1999-11-08 Thread Michael Chopek

Hi David;

thanks for lending a hand :-)

On Mon, 08 Nov 1999, David M. Kufta scribed:

  I have been reading the mail on newbie list tonight and see quite a few
 having difficulty with Apache/Midgard. Midgard requires the use of MySQL

I have MySQL installed and its seems to be running fine.

 and also requires the use of a vhost.conf file to be setup. 

ok..I just looked in my "vhost0.conf" file and at this point it contains
the usual  VirtualHost block...

what would one add to this file to get it to recognize Midgard/PHP?

I can assure you it does work very well. 

Oh I don't doubt it...I am sure its "me",  the bug with its hands on the
keyboard :-)

  Midgard is a very nice tool for administering your website as well and
 access to ithe Admin site is restricted and requires a login and password.
  I access my Admin site with the URL
 Vmware offers free assistance in setting up Midgard but MySQL is
 necessary and configuration of vhost.conf is also a must. 

must be the "vhost.conf" file for meas I seem to have all the other bases

- thanks for your time -

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Selena Sol's WebWare Mail List  -

Re: [newbie] Apache PHP

1999-11-08 Thread Michael Chopek

On Mon, 08 Nov 1999, Steve Philp scribed:


  FATAL ERROR: midgard module not found : on line 0


 Could everyone try uninstalling the midgard* packages and install the
 mod_php* packages instead?  I have a feeling it might fix the problem...

worked for me.. :-))

I would have done this first if I would have spotted the "mod_php" RPM...
missed it till tonightthought Midgard was my only choice for an RPM.

Why would they put the "Midgard" RPM on the cooker site...if it won't work?
...just curious... :-)

- thanks for your help -

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Selena Sol's WebWare Mail List  -

Re: [newbie] RealPlayer

1999-09-16 Thread Michael Chopek

Hi Murray;

On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Murray Strome scribed:

 I searched through the newbie archive and could not find your
 step-by-step instructions. Did you post them somewhere else?

I can also verify it works just fine as Steve said it would :-)

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Selena Sol's WebWare Mail List  -

[newbie] Apache Upgrade

1999-09-05 Thread Michael Chopek

Hi folks;

I downloaded and then used the RPM to install the newest version of Apache,
well I guess I missed something upon installation and was greeted with
multiple dailog boxes(if I remember corectly it was file related), with a
"script" error at the endthe script that is spposed to start this version
of Apache I imagine

Anyhow, now I notice I have two separate Apache's listed in the RPM, both the
old and the new version, but in properties the file sizes are quite different.
apache-1.3.6-28mdk = 5443k
apache-1.3.9-5mdk = 2451k

Yet when listing the files they both show 350 files.

So now that I broke this upgrade :-/ does one get rid of the two versions

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Extropia Developers Network  -

Re: [newbie] /home partition/mount troubles

1999-08-21 Thread Michael Chopek

On Fri, 20 Aug 1999,  a whole swack of helpful people wrote:

 At 04:28 PM 8/20/99 -0400, I wrote:
 Do you have any free space on the drive?
 Yes I do...995mb left on the Linux partition..
 Why could I not set it to something other than 7mb for the /home partion??
   If so, you could use Disk Druid to
 set the /home partition to be growable, therefore filling whatever free
 space you have left
 I tried that last night...actually tried setting it to 500mb and it would 
 not let me...all the way down to 10mb and still no luckit would only 
 accept 7mb.
 As well I did as you suggested and toggled the "grow to fill disk"...but 
 that did not seem to work of today the /home partition is 100% 
 full...can't even check my mail :-/

Well after a bit of noodling I figured it out ...sorta :-)

The version I'm using is the "Complete Linux" from Macmillian Publishing, which
comes complete with a "limited" version of Partition Magic to do the "dual-boot"
When creating the partitions with this limited version you are given
three choices for size..600mb, 1.5gig and remaining space.

I chose the 1.5 its creation process it automatically creates a Swap
partition of approx. double that of your RAM.

Now when reading along in the installation manual (as all good newbies should)
it says to create the next important mount point of /home. I chose Disk
Druid...which is a lot friendlier looking than "fdisk"  :-)

So I set the three mount points...but strangley
enough...theres only 7mb left to use for the /home partition and you can not
adjust the size in Disk Druid using the "edit" function.
I think this is ...a bug ...or maybe its me :-)
So being a "newbie" I assumed this was kosher...and continued on with the
installwell a few email later my /home directory is full.

I tried deleting partitions on Disk Druid to re-size them...but it kept
incrementing the number of the partitions etcand after I had completely
destroyed the Linux partitons would not boot up and gave a "kernel panic"

So...I deleted the Linux brave and when re-installing I used
"fdisk" to setup the partitions...which worked ...sorta :-)

I managed during my mucking about to create the dos/Linux partitions, but in
the course of doing that I think I have left some unused disk space sitting in
the the two partitions sizes I have don't add up to 6.4 gig.

Not a biggie Win works...Linux seems to work better after I did all
the updates...kernel and all.

Why is the updated kernel not able to be seen when you use the "updates" icon
from the desktop??

..all the other upgrades are there...but not the kernel

ok..I'm on a more before I go...I have been using gFTP but when I
log onto my server...the "htdocs" directory is a symbolic link of "WWW" and
gFTP does not seem to be able to deal with this sym link...any ideas???

clicking on it brings up an empty file..

..ok I lied..

What are the other alternatives for an FTP client??

Thanks for all the help and please excuse my rather verbose email, but it may
save another newbie some hair down the road.

- thanks folks and have a nice weekend -

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Extropia Developers Network  -

[newbie] Was = Accessing Floppy / CDROM Disks

1999-08-10 Thread Michael Chopek

Hi folks;

I sent an email yesterday to thank all the kind people who helped me with 
my "unmount" troubles...but it never seemed to make it to the 
once again thanks to everyone who responded.

Works much better if you use the correct command g

"umount"...not... "unmount"  Doe!

Is it just me???...or is there a major lag (4-12 hours) in the mail and how 
it is sent?

Now tho when I try to "mount" the floppy..
I get an error something like.."you must specify the file type"

I tried throwing various flags at it...but none seemed to work.

mount -a -rw -t vfstype ext2

mount -t vfstype ext2

...etcdoes anyone know what I'm doing wrong? cable guy is coming today or tomorrow...anything I need to know 
to in regards to configuring the cable modem after he leaves.
I'm another smuck with a WinModemand can't wait to use Linux
on the web, and for work :)

- thanks for any and all help -

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Extropia Developers Network  -

Re: [newbie] Accessing Floppy / CDROM Disks

1999-08-09 Thread Michael Chopek

Hi folks;

At 08:45 AM 8/9/99 -0600, you wrote:

mount /mnt/cdrom
mount /mnt/floppy

I did this last night and it seemed to work fine for me...

you will need to unmount them before you can eject them,
umount /mnt/whatever

...but then I could not get the CD out of the drive no how...

When I tried to use..

unmount  /mnt/cdrom

I would get a message back from BASH saying something like..

"unknown command - unmount"

I tried as both user and SU, and could not get the CD to open... :-/

If I tried to click on the desktop icon, and right click to unmount..
it said "device is busy" or some such error.

What am I doing wrongas I eventually wound up rebooting and then 
pulling the CD out when it started...not good for the penguin..I'm sure.

- thanks for your time -

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Extropia Developers Network  -

Re: [newbie] Accessing Floppy / CDROM Disks

1999-08-09 Thread Michael Chopek

Michael Chopek wrote:

  unmount  /mnt/cdrom

At 10:31 AM 8/9/99 -0700, Dan Brown wrote:

  It's umount, not unmount (the first n doesn't belong there).

Doe!  I even went back and looked at this thread...its "umount" there and I 
missed again..anyhow, thanks Dan  Axalon for the help.

I'm expecting my cable man tomorrow :) as I'm another smuck with a Winbloze 
Modem.. ;-/

Anything (besides not mentioning I have Linux on this box as well g) I 
should know, tips etc... so that when he leaves I can configure Linux to 
use the cable modem?

- thanks -

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Extropia Developers Network  -

[newbie] Partition Problems

1999-08-05 Thread Michael Chopek

Hi folks:

I used the Partition Magic
(limited version from Mandrake-Linux 6.0 - MacMillian Publishing)
to partition my drive.

It worked fine then, I then told Partition Magic to delete the partition 
used by Linux.

It says the partition was successfully deleted, yet when I go to create a 
new partition again, it says...

"A Linux partition already exists, cannot create new partition"

I tried several times to delete the partition, yet it still says (when 
using the delete Linux partition function) that a partition of approx.
7.8mb still exists, and it won't let me create another.

How do I fix this problem??

The only partitions I see are the main one which has Win95 on it...and a 
small DOS Ext partition of approx 8mb.

I guess thats my problem partition...

I tried to remove this small partition as well using "fdisk" in DOS...and 
it will not let me delete it... :-/

Has anybody run into this before?

I promise I won't muck about with the partitions if I ever get Linux 
working again :-)

- thanks for your time and troubles -

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Extropia Developers Network  -

Re: [newbie] Partition Problems

1999-08-05 Thread Michael Chopek

At 06:58 PM 8/5/99 -0700, Michael Chopek wrote:

If I logon an type KDE to start it...I now get the following errors;

kcontrol: cannot connect to X server
kaudioserver: cannot connect to X server

Got it ...sorry.

"startx" to fire up KDE from console mode

  then in


to have it load KDE as default. its "KCharset: wrong charset" errors when trying to get the KDE...

I determined to win this one tho :)

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Extropia Developers Network  -

Re: [newbie] Root File System Error

1999-08-01 Thread Michael Chopek

At 09:59 AM 8/1/99 -0700, michael wrote:

it says..
/dev/hda3contains a filesystem with errors,  check forced.
after a brief period it then says...
/dev/hda3:Unattached inode 371486
/dev/hda3Unexpected inconsistency;
 Run fsck manually
 ie: without -a or -p options

Got it :)

Found the answer on the Usenet.

Logged in as root, typed fsck /dev/hda3

said yes to all the fixes, voila it works!

- thanks -

PS: seems like when clicking on icons in the KDE..nothing happens
:-/ you may not, have heard the end of me yet :)

best regards

Michael Chopek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Down to Earth Development Ltd -
Website  Web Applications Development
Extropia Developers Network  -