Re: [newbie] Mandrake for Windows

1999-05-26 Thread Pliler's Remote Unit Mail

Are you kidding, I've not been able to do much  of anything with the 5.3 I
and I don't even know how to doanload in Linux.
Is the the beta pre release  6.0 you're talking about?

- Original Message -
From: Manny Styles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 7:28 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake for Windows

 Has anyone tried to install Mandrake for Windows?  It's listed as lnx4win
 under Mandrake/6.0pre on the ftp mirrors.  I am not starting another 'MS
 trying to get into the Linux market' joke.  I have downloaded it and plan
 trying it out for myself.  Seems like a nice alternative for newbies who
 want to test the system first (and better than most UMSDOS installations).
 Let me know your experience with it.

 Manny Styles
 Always and Never are two words to always remember never to use.

 NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
 Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [newbie] A question, comment, and observation oh my!

1999-05-24 Thread Pliler's Remote Unit Mail

Hi Ben 
i already 
had this SETI for my Win 98, and love it.
But being new to LM 5.3 
and not even knowing how todownload using
Netscape and linux, Which 
oneof that long list of syswould 
In win98 
I have a folder I call 
downloads, how and where would you do 

adownload in 
Or could I downloadusing 
win98 and then someway install to linux?
For help

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, May 24, 1999 6:14 PM
  Subject: [newbie] A question, comment, 
  and observation oh my!
  1. How do I get kde to start with "num lock" 
  2. After upgrading to netscape 4.6, i've lost the 
  use of my "delete key" in netscape. How do I get netscape to use the 
  "delete" key? 
  3.Does anyone know of the progress Troll 
  Tech is having porting the "Opera Web Browser" over to linux?
  On a side note ( and off-topic), if you're in 
  search of a nifty screen saver for linux, check out 
  , and help find ET.
  Thanks in advance,

Re: [newbie] hey guys

1999-05-20 Thread Pliler's Remote Unit Mail

Hi Dan,
Seems  like I tried it all combo's but I had not known that was the way,
will try it now and get b ack to you.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 1999 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] hey guys

 From: Pliler Main Unit [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  No, I  meant to say it didn't respond to the crtl A Z.

 Did it do anything at all in response to this key combination?  If
 not, you might not have been doing it correctly.  You should hit Ctrl-A,
 release those keys, then hit the letter Z.  If that doesn't work,
 something's hosed, I'd think.

Re: [newbie] hey guys

1999-05-20 Thread Pliler's Remote Unit Mail

Well I went back, and it still didn't seem to work hitting the keys as you
But this time when I opened minicom, it says its configuring the modem.
Well I watched and it seemed to doing somehing like
trying to setup on figure out a init string.
then it seemed to stop.
At this point I htt the Crl A Z and  nothing.
again to get out I have to reboot.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 1999 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] hey guys

 From: Pliler Main Unit [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  No, I  meant to say it didn't respond to the crtl A Z.

 Did it do anything at all in response to this key combination?  If
 not, you might not have been doing it correctly.  You should hit Ctrl-A,
 release those keys, then hit the letter Z.  If that doesn't work,
 something's hosed, I'd think.

[newbie] what a diff a day makes

1999-05-18 Thread Pliler's Remote Unit Mail

HI to all,
Yesterday , I was  wanting to ununstall this new wierd OS, but hey this
morning I found the start menu
way at the bottom of my screen.
WoW, I now seem to  have prg's, and etc available to me.
I  still using KPPP , was not able to find a modem (if said couldn't find),
I am using a USB
port , with USB modem attached.
I  do not want to  mess with kernal's or any type of compiling yet, so if
any one knows
how to get the USB port recognized , I  would appreciate  it.
THis 5.3 , right off the CD, from LM.

Re: [newbie] kernel update configure

1999-05-17 Thread Pliler's Remote Unit Mail

Hi James,
I just bought (yes paid $55 for the LM, thru Circadian soft\ware), because
I'm retired with lots of time
on my hands. I also was influenced by the ZDTV guys who keep hyping how
great this OS is.
I don't play games, and my only use would be to do the net. and I can't with
my modem even give
that a try., So why do I need it, I can't name one reason.
I just wasted $55.

- Original Message -
From: James J. Capone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 5:04 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] kernel update  configure

 well if you want to get rid of Linux and remove Lilo from the boot record
 from the c prompt in DOS. you must boot into dos not be in windows. type

 C:\ format /mbr

 That means format Master Boot Record. that will remove the Lilo boot

 But Patience is a virtue. Also I am non of the people you listed in your
 reply and Love running Linux. Once it can be used as a full game station
 then I will fully convert over.

 James J. Capone
 Asst. Webmaster
 Co-Author - Linux Book For Newbies.
 "The Only Person To Hear Both Sides Of A Argument Is The Guy In The
 Apartment Next To Yours!"

 On Monday, May 17, 1999 5:35 PM, Pliler Main Unit
  Hi Don,
  Me like you are  new to this OS, and I have my 5.3 working.
  But when I go into the KDE desktop as a user, nothing seems
  to be installed, or working , apps that is.
  I am very frustrated already, as I have a USB modem, and know
  it will never (at least under this config) be supported.
  So how can I even think of giving up MS win98, I cAn't .
  Seems like all users  are supposed to be supergeeks, code writers, 
  programmer's.  NOt just a fairly intelligent guy, like you or me.
  I am ready to bAil, if some one tells me how to delete this LILO,
  so I won't have it on my C drive.
  - Original Message -
  From: Donald J. Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 2:52 PM
  Subject: [newbie] kernel update  configure
   OK, here goes...I'm jumping into Linux.  Looks like an interesting
   operating system and besides, I think MS is at least arrogant and
   perhaps monopolistic, so we need to find something better.
   I am not an administrator and never will be, but I would like to use
   learn the system as I believe the future may belong to an open system.
   I bought a copy of Redhat 5.2 at my local CompUSA.  I ordered a copy
   Linux-Mandrake from cheap bytes.   No manuals from cheap bytes, living
   up to their name.
   I tried (on a 3.1 gig, freshly formatted hard drive with nothing else
   it) to install Redhat.  I could only get as far as the grey screen.  I
   re-installed twice.  Same deal.  No one could help me get a windows
   interface running.  So, I tried Mandrake and lo and behold, I got
   xwindows running right away.   Three cheers for Mandrake and BOO to
   redhat!  Wouldn't even answer my e-mail after I paid for their system.
   The screen works (well, almost.  It is shrunken at 1024 X 768 but it
   works), the sound card talks to me and makes all of the .wav noises.
   With the help of some paid support, I was able to get on, my
   ISP.  Still can't get kppp to get me on the internet, but I'll figure
   that out someday.  Now I have a redhat manual and a mandrake system.
   Nothing seems to match up, although Mandrake is supposed to be
   compatible with redhat.  Sure...
   So now, I think I would like to upgrade my kernel (now that I know
   one is) and have been studying all the information available at
   locations.  I downloaded and printed out the detailed instructions.  I
   then check to find my kernel and guess what?  It is not where it is
   supposed to be, at least not according to the documentation.  Mine is
   in  /proc/sys/kernel  not /usr/src/linux.  So much for the directions.
   I suppose that is where it is normally found under Mandrake 5.3, which
   is (I now know) running on my computer.  It would really be nice if
   there was some information somewhere that would make some of these
   things available.  I am not lazy and would gladly look up the proper
   information, but it sure is frustrating to try and find something;
   everyone that is already using linux assumes that anyone just starting
   must already know all of this stuff!  I have news for you.  We DON'T!
   But we want to support the concept and would like to learn.  Please be
   patient with our ignorance.  Most of us are not stupid, just ignorant.
   I happen to have an airline transport type rating in the 747-400.  If
   you came up in the cockpit with me, I could make you look pretty
   if I wanted to, but that wouldn't make me any smarter, so I would not
   that.  enough said...
   How, please, does one upgrade from 2.0.36 to the new 2.2 kernel under

Re: [newbie] kernel update configure

1999-05-17 Thread Pliler's Remote Unit Mail

Hi Dan,
I think I'm hopeless.
What I mean, I tried to play the CD player, didn't work, altho  its
same with all other  desktop apps , they seem have been installed, but don't
seem to function.
The only thing I've  made work, is I know I can  get  some sound, and I mad
e my printer  print.
The rest,is just some vast unknown, of what I could be capable of doing but
don't know
This was all in the x window , KDE  desktop, I see lots of icons, and they
won't operate anything.

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] kernel update  configure

 Pliler Main Unit wrote:

  But when I go into the KDE desktop as a user, nothing seems
  to be installed, or working , apps that is.

 Define "nothing".  Lots of stuff is installed w/ mandrake by default
 (like netscape)--does that work?  If not, what happens?  If it works but
 other stuff doesn't, _what_ other stuff doesn't work, and what happens
 when you try?

  I am very frustrated already, as I have a USB modem, and know
  it will never (at least under this config) be supported.
  So how can I even think of giving up MS win98, I cAn't .

 All OSs have a Hardware Compatibility List, and if something isn't on
 the list, it's a fair bet it won't work.  If the use of the USB modem
 was critical to you, why didn't you check out the Linux HCL before
 installing?  Or, just set it up as a dual-boot, and use both OSs as
 needed (I think most Linux users set up their machines this way).

  Seems like all users  are supposed to be supergeeks, code writers, 
  programmer's.  NOt just a fairly intelligent guy, like you or me.

 Intelligence has little to do with the it; it's more an issue of
 knowledge and attitude.  If you start with the attitude that Linux ought
 to work instantly with all your hardware, without any tweaking, no
 matter how wierd your hardware is, and that everybody else ought to hand
 you all the answers on a silver platter, you won't get far with Linux
 (or anything else, most likely).  If you figure from the outset that the
 system is very different from Windows (which it is, and always will be,
 no matter how close the UI comes), and that you'll need to learn a lot
 to be able to use it effectively, you'll do much better.

 As to the "code writers,  programmer's" remark, hardly.  I don't even
 think I'm a "supergeek", though some people might disagree with me
 there...  For most tasks, you just have to be patient, find, and read
 the documentation.  Again, when you set up a Linux box, you _are_ a
 system administrator, whether you want to be or not, and you need to act
 like one.

  I am ready to bAil, if some one tells me how to delete this LILO,
  so I won't have it on my C drive.

 Boot from a MS-DOS floppy with FDISK.EXE on it, and type FDISK /MBR.

 Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good
 with ketchup.

Re: [newbie] kernel update configure

1999-05-17 Thread Pliler's Remote Unit Mail

Why can't I just delete this file that was created by the LILO install, I
assume its a hidden file on my C drive?
Any thing to do with format, makes me believe it wipes the MBR  clean.

- Original Message -
From: James J. Capone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 6:32 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] kernel update  configure


 Well stability for one. No need to reboot everytime you upgrade something.
 Nothing is hidden from you, Better use of space and speed of your
 Many other reasons. I guess we all have our reasons one or the other. But
 if you run the format /mbr that will remove Lilo from your boot record and
 boot right into Windows

 Good Luck and sorry Linux didn't work out for you,

 James J. Capone
 Asst. Webmaster
 Co-Author - Linux Book For Newbies.
 "The Only Person To Hear Both Sides Of A Argument Is The Guy In The
 Apartment Next To Yours!"

 On Monday, May 17, 1999 6:43 PM, Pliler's Remote Unit Mail
  Hi James,
  I just bought (yes paid $55 for the LM, thru Circadian soft\ware),
  I'm retired with lots of time
  on my hands. I also was influenced by the ZDTV guys who keep hyping how
  great this OS is.
  I don't play games, and my only use would be to do the net. and I can't
  my modem even give
  that a try., So why do I need it, I can't name one reason.
  I just wasted $55.

Re: [newbie] kernel update configure

1999-05-17 Thread Pliler's Remote Unit Mail

I haven't definitely decided to do away with Linux yet, just want to be able
to  when or if I decide.

- Original Message -
From: James J. Capone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 6:32 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] kernel update  configure


 Well stability for one. No need to reboot everytime you upgrade something.
 Nothing is hidden from you, Better use of space and speed of your
 Many other reasons. I guess we all have our reasons one or the other. But
 if you run the format /mbr that will remove Lilo from your boot record and
 boot right into Windows

 Good Luck and sorry Linux didn't work out for you,

 James J. Capone
 Asst. Webmaster
 Co-Author - Linux Book For Newbies.
 "The Only Person To Hear Both Sides Of A Argument Is The Guy In The
 Apartment Next To Yours!"

 On Monday, May 17, 1999 6:43 PM, Pliler's Remote Unit Mail
  Hi James,
  I just bought (yes paid $55 for the LM, thru Circadian soft\ware),
  I'm retired with lots of time
  on my hands. I also was influenced by the ZDTV guys who keep hyping how
  great this OS is.
  I don't play games, and my only use would be to do the net. and I can't
  my modem even give
  that a try., So why do I need it, I can't name one reason.
  I just wasted $55.