[newbie] Home Network: What's Next?

2002-01-09 Thread Robert McNealy

To everyone-

-I want to convert my Win2k ICS network to a Mandrake 8.1 Network
-I want Printer and Drive sharing for all
-I want Internet access for all
-I want a firewall
-I want a webserver

-I don't know how to get my network and internet setup with Mandrake 8.1 for
other drives and PCs on the network.

-I have a PIII 500 Intel box dual booted win Win2K and Mandrake 8.1 as my
-I have a Motorola Surfboard USB Cable Modem installed and working-connected
to server.
-I have 2 laptops and an AMD 1.4ghz on the network.
-My old network had all these PCs, printers, and drives, shared and working
fine through an Ethernet/USB hubs and Orinoco RG for the laptop

I don't know what my next step is.  I need to know about IP Masquerading,
firewall, IP tables (chains), and I have to be able to have the server
drives accessible by all of the above PCs, as I have a lot of storage on the
server (80GB).

What do I do?



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Re: [newbie] Star Office Install

2000-08-06 Thread Robert McNealy

So what then, just double click on it?

Original Message Follows
From: "Steve Weltman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Star Office Install
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 18:26:06 +0800

Hi there...Steve W. writing as a newbie

Tim, I would order the CD which is next to free.  I am a newbie to
installing stuff as well, so I would do it that way if possible.  Also, the
5.2 version came with my order of Mdk 7.0 so I am pretty sure you should
have got it as well.  If not, go to the LSL homepage and check for cheap
versions ($1.99 per CD or something!).   www.lsl.com

Best of Luck!!

Steve Weltman

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 11:42 AM
Subject: [newbie] Star Office Install

  Hi all,
  Just spent FOREVER downloading Star Office 5.2 from the Sun site ("only"
  MB ... dunno why it took all day. My ISP will blame net-congestion, Sun
  would blame my ISP ... in any case the file's here).
  It's a file ending in .bin  I can guess "binary" BUT double-clicking (or
  just clicking) gets me nowhere(!).  Nothing is associated w/ ".bin" 
  I'm going to go after it from a few angles; but would appreciate any 
  Have never successfully installed Star Office, or anything else in Linux,
  for that matter.  Sort of frustrating for a guy who's installed/run
  in about 4 other operating systems
  I'm running Mandrake 7.0, in KDE. Seems REALLY nice. Just have to get my
  "sea legs" with it.
  TIA for any help!

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Re: [newbie] Gnapster (continued)...

2000-08-05 Thread Robert McNealy

Hmmm..the owners (bands in this case)usually see little if none of the 
record sales revenue.  Most musicians ONLY make money from the touring and 
merchandise sales.

Anyways, they should sue the bootleggers, i.e., the people who download the 
music.  Napster is not selling any of the copyrighted material.  They make 
it easier.  Why not sue Napster's ISP then?  They helped Napster. And why 
not sue Cisco?  They helped the ISP help Napster.  This is absurd.

Right or wrong, this technology is  here.  Suing Napster will only shut them 
down, but it will not stop people trading mp3s or any other related 
technology.  The music industry doesn't want to update or change it's 
current business model. That is what they need to do to stay competitive.

The current figures also demonstrate that CD sales have increased since 
Napster has been around, so proving damages is really non-evidence and 

Original Message Follows
From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Gnapster (continued)...
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 07:25:24 -0400 (EDT)

yeah, but what about the people whos livelyhoods are earned by those
songs? and what about the people who hold the copyrights to those
songs. don't they deserve to have their material protected from being
stolen? that IS in effect what napster does. TAKE those songs and
distribute them for free. the owners of the copyright don't see a cent.


   ** Registered Linux user # 182496 **

On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, Mike  Tracy Holt wrote:

  "Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
   Anthony wrote:
The password that you chose when you registered on Napster/Gnapster.
   Argh. Did not know that you had to go to their website and register!
   What is it they say about a little knowledge being dangerous?
   Thank you, Anthony...
  That's ok, evidently they're going to be turned off at midnight...
  another victory for those poor people who have to spend their mornings
  deciding which Porche to drive to work today  =(

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Re: [newbie] Linux resources online

2000-08-05 Thread Robert McNealy

Nobody "froces" anyone to sell their company.  That is a business decision, 
most often for the best of the business-owner.  Microsoft has the clout to 
"buy" its expertise.  None of these exchanges can happened with consent.

Many of would not be in the IT, MIS, PC industires if it weren't FOR 
Microsoft.  Through their business practices, they mass-marketed and made 
computers easy to use and popular.  No one can argue that. Apple did not, or 
we would all be rooting for government to chew them a new a--hole.

If you hate Windoze, don't use it.  But for many of us, we have to still 
hybrid still because so many applications are not available in Linux, and so 
many customers want Win Appz. Not to mention many of our average secretary 
tyes would never be able to figure out how to use linux.  I still know so 
many users to who have a hard enough time learning Outlook.

Come on, in the early 80's everyone hate IBM, because they were the "Evil 
Empire", now it is MS.  I bet it will be SUN (maybe Cisco) next.  Look how 
they "protect" Java.

Come on.  MS bashing is so old.  Let's ignore it and get some Linux work 

Original Message Follows
From: "Ronald J. Hall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux resources online
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 12:11:44 -0400

Romanator wrote:

  I am not 100% sure but it sounds familiar. They have purchased a lot of
  the smaller companies that provide coding, installation, uninstall,
  'dll' stuff. A fair chunk of the coding is not necessarily written
  inside the Microsoft building. They own many smaller companies that
  contribute to the general product.
  Can you imagine if you had a smaller software producing good software,
  and then you tried to
  challenge Microsoft. Not only will they buy your company through the
  courts, and, if you don't
  agree or conform with their philosophy, they will boot you out of your
  own company.
  Registered Linux User #179293

Exactly. One of the big points in the Justice Depts case against
them is that they have stifled inovation through such tactics. I
mean whats the point of developing a killer piece of software,
knowing that MS will just take it from you, by hook or by crook?

Anybody else on this list old enough to remember when the "suits"
didn't run things, and games/software were ported to every single
platform, just because they could/it was neat? Circa '80's with
names like Tandy, Atari, Amiga, etc, etc,... ;-)


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Re: [newbie] See through windows?

2000-05-02 Thread Robert McNealy


Original Message Follows
From: "John McCrudden" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] See through windows?
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 12:36:02 GMT

I heard that it was possible to have see throught windows in Linux. Is that
true? and if it is how do you get them?

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[newbie] I have Cable too

2000-04-19 Thread Robert McNealy

OK Here's the situation:

I am clueless with Linux (You're Shocked, I know):

Anyway, I installed my Mandrake over a clean Dos 6.22 on a P200/128MB.  No 
Problems there.

I have a Win98 PIII/500 that is hooked to my cable modem.

I have a static IP for each box and the modem is Currently setup like this:

Wall --  Cable Modem -- 4 port Hub --  PIII/500

This works fine.

I want to have:

Wall --  Cable Modem -- 4 port Hub --  Win98 PIII/500
 |-  Linux P200

All cables work, but I cannot get my Linux to read anything.  I can't find 
anything about setting up the "Cable Network" connection.  I am lost.  I put 
all the info for DNS, IP, etc. as best I could, but I don't think I did it 

Is there a complete step by step for setting this Linux box on a network.

I know no Unix, but I will pick it up quick.  I am (was) half way through my 
MCSE, so I understand Networking in M$ fine, but this Linux is confusing the 
hell out of me.

Someone, PLEASE HELP.  I need this online by the weekend. :(

Thanks in Advance.


"My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with 
his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive 
achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute."

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