[newbie] Panoramix redux

1999-10-13 Thread Tom Bishop

  Whizzer(yeah, I know)
   Manzard   (Too Caldera)
 Abracadabra   (Too long)
  Presto!(yea, Baby!)
   Illusion   (Not bad!)

   Gosh, are 24 hours up already?   Oops, sorry!  ;-)


Re: [newbie] vmware hardware compatibility

1999-10-09 Thread Tom Bishop

On Sat, 09 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 I've ran VMWARE on a P233 and ran Win95 quite happily. Don't think about
 running WIN98 or NT because that will be just too slow.
 About your soundcard: as long as your soundcard works in Linux, VMWARE will
 support it. It only emulates a SB16 in the guest OS, meaning that to have
 sound in the guest OS you have to install the SB16 drivers.
 All in all, VMWARE is a very good and clever product. I haven't ran accross
 one single app that doesn't run on the guest OS (as long as you don't want
 to run apps that rely on low level hardware acces, say you have a CDR on
 your host OS, but you won't be able to use that as a CDR in VMWARE, only as
 a CD).
 I recently read in a leading UK PC magazine (PCPLUS) that Vmware was a
 clever but stupid and useless product. I don't agree! Its the Ideal way of
 developing and testing cross-platform applications (or webpages for that
 matter) without the need of several expensive machines. But then PCPLUS only
 talks about Redhat, Suse and Debian as being THE linux distro's
 Patrick Putteman
 Internet Support Manager
 Net7 - member of the Advalvas Group
 - Original Message -
 From: David van Balen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 09, 1999 10:03 AM
 Subject: [newbie] vmware hardware compatibility
  I'm considering trying out vmware using linux as host and running nt as a
  guest os. Before I start, however, I have a couple questions for anyone
  who is familiar with this product:
  - On their web site they say that vmware will run on any pentium system
  but they recommend a PII266. Is the performance degraded significantly on
  anything slower? (I have a PII233).
  - Second, vmware is supposed to support only sb16 compatible sound cards.
  Will my Yamaha OPL3SA2 card work under vmware?
  - I'd also appreciate any other comments anyone might have about this

I agree!  Vmware is a great product.  Just installed it again yesterday,
and put Win98 on as a guest  OS.  It might be a little slower, but I have access
to my  MS Visual C++ and other necessary programs, just a mouse click
away...which is alot faster than rebooting, plus I never have to leave Linux.! 
Haven't played with the sound or networking part yet, but I don't really need
either one in the guest OS, it's just for schoolwork.  Linux is my playground. 
Vmware is so cool, I might even buy it one of these days!  My $ .02 Tom

[newbie] Boot probs.

1999-08-30 Thread Tom Bishop

In the wee hours this morning I snuck Linux on my wife's Win 95 machine.   I
used System Commander to keep things safe, got Linux up and running, but now I
can't boot linux.  Win95 is still fine and bootable so my life is spared for
now.  However, all I get when I select Linux from system commander's menu is
LIL.  I know this is for diagnostic purposes, so what does it mean, and where
should I go from here?  Please help or my next email will be from  tom@doghouse!
 Many thanks, Tom 

Re: [newbie] Creating a Cron entry to start a program at a particular time?

1999-08-26 Thread Tom Bishop

On Thu, 26 Aug 1999, you wrote:
 How do I create a CRON entry to, for example, start XMMS at
 0600 and play a particular MP3 file (or KMP3 to do the
 What I'm wanting is to do something similar to what I had
 under Windows 98's Task Scheduler -- use my computer as an
 alarm clock.

 I don't know from cron, but I've used the at command to wake me up with kscd. 
Info : www.magma.ca/~bklimas/FAQ2.htm.  Lots of questions answered here.

[newbie] Hard disks and kernels

1999-08-26 Thread Tom Bishop

Interseting problem:  two hard drives, hda (primary master) is 10 gig, hdb
(primary slave) is 4.3 gig.  Mandrake 6.0 is on hda by its lonesome, Win89 is
on 2gig of hdb.  Usually I go into the system BIOS and select none for hda,
reboot and install COL 2.2 on the balance of hdb.  I have done the install with
and without making a seperate swap partition for COL.  Everything installs fine
and all the usual programs work with no problems.  The kernel version displayed
on the control-panel startup is 2.2.5, which it should be.  Now, if I shut
down, reboot, and reselect hda in the BIOS, lilo shows me the correct menu:
linux  dos  col  and they each individually boot correctly.  BUT... now nothing
works in COL (ie: kppp, cdrom.floppy) and the kernel version displayed is that
of Mandrake...2.2.9-19mdk.  Why does Mandrake contaminate my COL install even
if it's on a seperate drive?  I suspect the swap partition?  Is there a way for
this to not happen?  More curious than anything.
Thanks, Tom

Re: [newbie] Hard disks and kernels

1999-08-26 Thread Tom Bishop

On Thu, 26 Aug 1999, you wrote:
 Tom Bishop wrote:
  Interseting problem:  two hard drives, hda (primary master) is 10 gig, hdb
  (primary slave) is 4.3 gig.  Mandrake 6.0 is on hda by its lonesome, Win89 is
  on 2gig of hdb.  Usually I go into the system BIOS and select none for hda,
  reboot and install COL 2.2 on the balance of hdb.  I have done the install with
  and without making a seperate swap partition for COL.  Everything installs fine
  and all the usual programs work with no problems.  The kernel version displayed
  on the control-panel startup is 2.2.5, which it should be.  Now, if I shut
  down, reboot, and reselect hda in the BIOS, lilo shows me the correct menu:
  linux  dos  col  and they each individually boot correctly.  BUT... now nothing
  works in COL (ie: kppp, cdrom.floppy) and the kernel version displayed is that
  of Mandrake...2.2.9-19mdk.  Why does Mandrake contaminate my COL install even
  if it's on a seperate drive?  I suspect the swap partition?  Is there a way for
  this to not happen?  More curious than anything.
  Thanks, Tom
 You'll need to install LILO onto /dev/hdb (and probably disable the
 prompting and timeout so it's not annoying).  Then edit your "main"
 /etc/lilo to show something like this:
 Then you can make independant changes between the two distributions
 without affecting the other.
 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation
  Thanks, Steve...you're awesome!  I will file this info away till my
license expires with VMware, which is soon,then it's back to actual disks. 
BTW, I got Win98 to run in a vm with rawdisk, but because it crashes there as
well, I don't like leaving my Mandrake install exposed.  E2fsck always makes me
nervous.  Thanks again, I owe ya!  Tom

Re: [newbie] Caldera

1999-08-25 Thread Tom Bishop

On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, you wrote:
 Last night i bought the boxed version of Caldera. Is it like Mandrake when it 
 comes to Red Hat copatability ?

Yes and no.  It looks very much like Mandrake what with its KDE desktop, but it
is not tied so closely with the RPM package management (dept. of redundancy,
dept.). You will do a lot more untarring and compiling with Caldera, but that
is not necessarily a bad thing. It sure made me learn more.  I like Caldera and
have it installed now in a virtual machine so I can keep learning from it. 
However, KDE is all you get from the box, which may or may not be OK, depending
on your level of Windows tolerance 8-). Caldera was based in the begining, I
believe on RPM (RedHat), but not so much now.  This is newbie talk, so I"m sure
someone else can give you a lot more insight.  The install is very easy.

[newbie] Lexmark Printer

1999-08-24 Thread Tom Bishop

Hi Dense..(you said to call you that 8-) ) Check your documentation that
came with the Lexmark you might be able to list it as some other type of
printer.  I have an old hand-crank Panasonic on my Linux system (the wife has
the good printer on her Win95 system)  and it is listed as an Epson.  Panasonic
gave several choices that could be used. Luckily one worked for me. This is
newbie advice, so it could be in left field!

[newbie] Screen problems

1999-08-24 Thread Tom Bishop

Try XF86Setup  (watch the caps), Xconfigurator, lisa   (always get confused as
to which works with Mandrake or Caldera)  You'll need to know the spec on your
monitor and card.  I generally use the generic multisync monitor selection and
choose 1024x768 or 800x600 for resolutionand I'm able to set at 24bpp..  Hope
I'm close here, just trying to give some back.  I believe there is another
program  possibly xf86config?

Re: [newbie] VMare

1999-08-23 Thread Tom Bishop

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, you wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Chris Smallhorne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 22, 1999 8:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] VMare
  I decided to try vmware (30 day eval.), but have not been able to get it
 to work
  at all (I am trying to use it with a pre-existing install of Win98 SE as
 the guest
  OS).  The problem that I am experiencing is that the
  virtual machine hangs as it starts the LILO boot sequence.  The only
  thing displayed is:
  I have read everything regarding dual-boot etc at vmware's web site, but
  to no avail.  I have also tried fdisk /mbr then re-installing linux
 (something to
  do with HDD geometry problems), but this didn't work either.  I would
 really like
  to give vmware a good workout, to see if I want to purchase it.  If
 someone can
  help it would be greatly appreciated.
  FYI, the system specs are as follows:
  PIII 450 with 128Mb RAM (64Mb allocated to VM)
  dev/hda = primary master - 8.4Gb (Windows 98 SE install)
  dev/hdb = primary slave - 4.3 Gb (linux install)
  dev/hdc = secondary master - 5.1 Gd (windows games, etc)
  Creative Labs Voodoo Banshee 16Mb video card
  PS.  I also get a XFree86 DGA initialization failed error message - but
  I assume that this is because of the driver that I am using for the
  Banshee video card.
 I used the raw disk option to use my current installation of Win98 in
 VMware, but it just went to a black screen after the "boot".  I don't use
 lilo, but the problems do sound similar.  Everything is detected in the
 VMware BIOS, but I don't even get to the Windows splash screen.  I haven't
 even tried using it in more than a month.  I wouldn't mind some assistance
 in this area as well.
 Manny Styles
 I hope I'm doing this posting stuff right..it's all new to me...
  Hi guys,
   All I can tell you is it took the better part of my spare time last week to
get vmware installed and working. (I'm such a newbie!)  Never did get Win98 to
finish loading.  Error from vmware and Windows. Stuff I do not understand . 
However, I did get Caldera 2.2 installed and running along with the server for
it and toolbox.  It is awesome!  When it's in full screen you cannot tell it is
a virtual machine.  With one click, it's sent to the background and you can use
your regular desktop.  Incredible!  This allows me to play with my Caldera
distro without it becoming contaminated by my Mandrake install.that's
another weird story on its own.  If this WIndows problem is surmountable, it
is well worth the $99 for the software.My nickel's worth,  Tom
_BTW this email is being sent
from COL in a vm on top
of Mandrake 6.0___ 
NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?  Get your FREE
Internet Access and Email at  http://www.netzero.net/download/index.html

[newbie] Of OS's Asses

1999-08-20 Thread Tom Bishop

I've been reading this list from afar for a few weeks now, but it is time to
jump in the pool.  The manner in which all of you have handled the "Hotmail
guy" is exemplary.  You know, in elementary school it was "my dad's bigger than
your dad".  In high school it was "my Ford's better than your Chevy".  Luckily,
most of us move out of those decades and realize that there are many wonderful
things to choose from in this world.  And that's what it is all
about..choice, and more importantly, freedom of choice.  I enjoy popping
the hood and getting some dirt under my nails.  With Linux , as it exists, this
is what you have to do sometimes.  But, it is, as we all know, changing
rapidly.  I started with RH5.2 went to COL1.3 to COl2.2 and now to Mandrake
6.0.  In my limited experience, I have seen only positive and major changes. 
BUT, I also use Win98because I can.  There are those times when I do not
want to get my hands dirty!Don't get me wrong.  Linux has changed my life. 
After 25 years of swinging a hammer, I begin courses this Fall in computer
Science.  I want to spend the rest of my days on this planet surrounded by
people like you all.  My choice.   Keep up the good work!
  Tom B.