Re: [newbie] Ethernet problems.

2000-07-09 Thread toyswins

Can you see your zip drive at all or just can't access it?  If you don't
see it at all, there is a thread just a couple of days ago that worked
for me.  Basically you have to manually enter the drive in the list and
then tell the system to find it.  It's a SCSI device on the parallel
port.  Not a big deal, modify two files and you're done.  Worked good
for me.  Also, if you've got one of the later Mandrake CD's you can open
the install, go to the section where it installs things like drives and
simply answer yes to the SCSI question.  It'll automatically set up your
zip drive for ya'.

If this is too much I can send you the details.  My data is at work so
can get it tomorrow if needed.  You can do it, check the archives for
the Newbies at the Mandrake site, it shouldn't be older than about a

See ya'

B. B. Stanfield

A J Benamu wrote:
 I got my internet running... THANKS...
 Does anybody know how to configure a parallel Zip Drive?
 -Original Message-
 Mark Weaver
 Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2000 11:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Ethernet problems.
 alas...some are destined for greatness and some are relegated to using
 windows all their lives. Don't give up so easily. Windows might be easier,
 but Linux, once it's configured and running it's lightyears more stable
 and fun once you get to know it. It's also much safer than Windows. And as
 an added bonus for signing up with Penguins Army you're already eligable
 for the "Linux is immune to Windows virii of any kind" bvonus prize.
 Any way you slice it Linux has it all if you're willing to follow the
 learning curve going straight up until it levels off some.
 I love my Linux Box...
 REASON # 2 ...X-windows is just a suedonym.
 Registered Linux user # 182496
 On Sat, 8 Jul 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:
  A J Benamu wrote:
   No luck there.. I think I will give up on Linux and the Internet.. It is
   definitely easier with Windows... MUCH EASIER!
   -Original Message-
   From: Romanator [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2000 6:23 PM
   Cc: A J Benamu
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Ethernet problems.
   Hi AJ,
   I have attached a link to a url that will get you up and running. I'm an
   @Home cable user and I had one heck of a time getting logged on. After
   reading this, everything was working okay.
   Good Luck!
   A J Benamu wrote:
HI Ralph,
I finally got my HP Ethernet card configured.. but I still don't have
Does anybody know how to configure the @Home service (Cable Modem).
-Original Message-
From: Ralph Day [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2000 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Ethernet problems.
OK, then we are going to need more information.  What exactly does
configure" mean?  What have you tried so far?  If you have a working
install, how is the card configured there?  Any messages about the
in the log?  This card works fine for me and is supported using the
- Ralph
- Original Message -
From: "A J Benamu" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 11:49 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Ethernet problems.
 I did what you said and still no ethernet card working..

 Any ideas?



 -Original Message-
 From: Ralph Day [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 11:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Ethernet problems.

 On my HP with the same NIC card LM recognized the card but I
 to work.  I had to go into the BIOS setup and change the OS from
 Other (the same as PNP OS no in other BIOS) to solve the problem.
 problem was that the IRQ for the card wasn't getting automacally
 the BIOS and LM wasn't configuring the card either.  Changing the
 makes the BIOS assign an IRQ.

 - Ralph

 - Original Message -
 From: "A J Benamu" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 7:01 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Ethernet problems.

  I hope I can get my message across...
  I installed Linux Mandrake 7.0 in my Athlon 700 machine.. Also
  I can't seem to configure my ethernet card. I use cable modem to
  The ethernet card is HP EN1207D-TX PCI 10/100 Fast Ethernet
  Can anybody help me?

Re: [newbie] monitor/video card screen distortion

2000-07-09 Thread toyswins

Mandrake 7.1 seems better than the 6.5 version I replaced, but had the
identical problem with the display skewed left.  I simply reset the
monitor display and after about 60 seconds it "takes" and seems to be
holding.  I had to change resolution to 800X600.  Using Amdek 815E
monitor and Erazor Victory video card in 166 Mhz AMD K5 system.  Using
switchbox to move back and forth the monitor, keyboard and mouse to the
Windows 98 system and both handle the changes very well.  All displays
work just fine and dandy.  Go with the simple solution and try that
first before you mess with the LINUX files.  I did that at first, silly
me, with no success.

Don't make it too hard on yourself unless you like pain.  Hope this

B. B. Stanfield

Romanator wrote:
 Hi Phil,
 What type of monitor and graphics card are you using? And, what is the
 and amount of colors on your color palette?
 In the meantime, trying selecting a generic monitor and reduce your
 resolution to 800 X 600.
 Then, work your way up to a higher resolution. If you have a monitor
 that can adjust the X-axis,
 please do so.
 Phil Bossaers wrote:
  Hi all,
  I have just installed LM 7.1 on my AMD K6-2  500 MHz. I am having trouble with 
screen distortion, mostly on the left hand side of the screen. I have a generic 
Voodoo Banshee video card which the OS has had no trouble recognising. Do I need to 
reconfigure the monitor or video card in some way?
   Thanks in advance for the help!

Re: [newbie] Using a zip drive

2000-07-08 Thread toyswins


The 50ways.exe is an executable for the Iomega folks to tell you how
many ways there are to use your fancy new Zip drive!  I always delete
the file and use the room for my stuff.

I've just got my zip drive working also so haven't gotten to the point
of trying to figure out how to backup stuff on my LINUX box on that
drive.  I remember reading some stuff a while back on doing that on zip
and jazz drives, (probably others too), but not got there yet.

If you get it figured out before it shows up here, post what you did so
we all don't have to reinvent that wheel again.

See ya'

B. B. Stanfield

Dennis Myers wrote:
 I'm feeling pretty smart tonight, I was able to install a zip drive and
 see a file called "50ways.exe" on the zip(what is that? It's a Fujifilm
 zip cartridge.) Anyway, now that it is installed and I have my
 mount-unmount icons on the desktop I am looking for the info on how to
 actually copy files to back up my good stuff.  I will try the how-to's
 next. But, hey, if anybody has a better place to look or info to pass on
 I would appreciate the time and effort to reply to this missive.
 Dennis-Registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] Dsl Modem

2000-07-08 Thread toyswins

Trying to set up the analog dialup side of my ADSL with S. W. Bell.  No
luck there either.  Don't know what the handshaking routine is they're
using.  Know of any way to find out?  If I get this whipped I'll
consider putting the SpeedStream ADSL madeom on the LINUX box.

See ya'

B. B. Stanfield

 If you have a card, Linux probably doresn't support it.  Try external
 hardware that connects to your NIC.  Then you have to worry about connection
 type / protocol...  I'm still waiting for my crappy PPPoE connection which
 "doesn't work with Linux" according to Bell South

Re: [newbie] Printer Epson

2000-07-06 Thread toyswins

I have a Epson Stylus 400 Color and there is no specific driver for it
in my version 6.5 however, there is a generic Epson Stylus driver.  Try
installing that and see if it works.

Sorry no more help from me on this one, but I just did this about 4 days
ago and never was able to get it to work before.

Good luck.

Gustavo Halperin wrote:
   I have the printer Epson  Stylus Color 670
   The Linux Mandrake was know this in the configuration hardware, but
  I send any think is not print,  What I can to do 
 _/_/_/_/.._/. _/._/_/_/_/._/_/_/_/_/._/_/_/_/ _/.._/._/_/_/_/..
 .Gustavo Halperin...
 .Paradigm Geophysical..\\\Y///.
 .972-9-9709318..(/ @ @ \)..

Re: [newbie] StarOffice5.1KpackageInstalling

2000-07-06 Thread toyswins

My StarOffice came on CD with the LINUX package.  The readme files
called for running a file as root which installed the program suite.  I
then had to go in as a regular user, not root, to install for that
user.  Actually I think they were links to the program for that user.

You might want to check the readme files that came with your
distribution, it wasn't obvious unless you read the whole thing since it
was buried. If yours is anything like mine, that might be useful.  If
not, then you at least get a better feel for the program in the
developers eyes.

See ya'

B. B. Stanfield

Paul wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Marcia Waller wrote:
 You can run /opt/soffice/bin/soffice (If you installed it in
 Good luck!
 Dear anyone, I have the Linux-Mandrake 7.0 complete and I thought I
 installed it from the CD#3 last night. It shows up in the Kpack window
 as installed I believe, but I do not know how to open and use the
 program. There is no icon on my desktop. I would like to do this the
 easy way if possible such as through KPackage or RPMDrake. Thank you
 very much for your help. Sincerely, Marcia Waller
 Do you work to live?
 Or do you live to work?
 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] Printer Epson

2000-07-06 Thread toyswins

Does your application send the print job to the correct port?  Check the
basics first.

See ya'

Gustavo Halperin wrote:
   I have the printer Epson  Stylus Color 670
   The Linux Mandrake was know this in the configuration hardware, but
  I send any think is not print,  What I can to do 
 _/_/_/_/.._/. _/._/_/_/_/._/_/_/_/_/._/_/_/_/ _/.._/._/_/_/_/..
 .Gustavo Halperin...
 .Paradigm Geophysical..\\\Y///.
 .972-9-9709318..(/ @ @ \)..

[newbie] The pppd daemon died unexpectedly!

2000-07-05 Thread toyswins

Well, sorry but having to revert to you folks for help.  Get this
message on dialing so the other end is hanging up immediately on
connect.  I've checked the various files in the HOWTO's and all seems
fine.  Used KPPP 1.6.22 as the dialer and to set up the system.  pppd is
2.3.8 so I've provided the full fault message below.

I've reloaded the entire Linux Mandrake 6.5 two times, no changes.  All
the startup files load okay.  As root, it's a pretty system, but hit
this glitch.

pppd 2.3.8 started by root, uid0
Using interface ppp0
Connect ppp0---/dev/ttyS1
Hangup (SIGHUP)
Connection terminated.

This is what I understand so far: The modem is found, dials and gets a
machine on the other end.  The other machine then immediately initiated
a disconnect, (SIGHUP), then it disconnects at my end, gives me the
error message.

ISP is S. W. Bell.  I've got the ADSL on the Windows system going fine,
but it dies now and then, also I travel and need access from other
locations.  The dialup on LINUX would be really handy, if I could get it
to work.  I know there's either a bug or three and need to update to
something or I've got some configuration problem.  Either way, I've
looked at it so long I'm not seeing it.  Pointers


B. B. Stanfield III

Re: [newbie] The pppd daemon died unexpectedly!

2000-07-05 Thread toyswins

Tried the NOAUTH but no luck.  As it stands now I've temporarily given
up on S. W. Bell.  Trying now to access my Earthlink ISP account.  This
one does the following:

1. Dials and handshakes
2. Connects
3. get string as follows:
4. put in string:
Expect  ogin:
Expect  sword:
Send (the password)

Without the string I get #3 above and then timeout.  With string of
course it waits for each line, times out, redials, then waits for next
line in string.  Obviously not getting through to send anything on the
string.  I think that part is useless.  Tried PAP, CHAP and terminal
based settings.  Also checked data in various files for correct server, secrets files, .conf files, etc.  I'm still missing

Now it dials, connects, returns data, but it's gibberish.  Once over
that hurdle, I'll have it licked.  I remember seeing in the archives
someplace talk about the gibberish, but haven't been able to find it so
far.  Anyone remember and point me to that?

Thanks again so much.

B. B. Stanfield III

Steve Elliott wrote:
 A guy a few days back had a similar prob i think and the advice was to
 shove NOAUTH into the /etc/ppp.options file - or something similar - can
 someone correct me if i am wrong ? Please ..
 toyswins wrote:
  Well, sorry but having to revert to you folks for help.  Get this
  message on dialing so the other end is hanging up immediately on
  connect.  I've checked the various files in the HOWTO's and all seems
  fine.  Used KPPP 1.6.22 as the dialer and to set up the system.  pppd is
  2.3.8 so I've provided the full fault message below.
  I've reloaded the entire Linux Mandrake 6.5 two times, no changes.  All
  the startup files load okay.  As root, it's a pretty system, but hit
  this glitch.
  pppd 2.3.8 started by root, uid0
  Using interface ppp0
  Connect ppp0---/dev/ttyS1
  Hangup (SIGHUP)
  Connection terminated.
  This is what I understand so far: The modem is found, dials and gets a
  machine on the other end.  The other machine then immediately initiated
  a disconnect, (SIGHUP), then it disconnects at my end, gives me the
  error message.
  ISP is S. W. Bell.  I've got the ADSL on the Windows system going fine,
  but it dies now and then, also I travel and need access from other
  locations.  The dialup on LINUX would be really handy, if I could get it
  to work.  I know there's either a bug or three and need to update to
  something or I've got some configuration problem.  Either way, I've
  looked at it so long I'm not seeing it.  Pointers
  B. B. Stanfield III

Re: [newbie] The pppd daemon died unexpectedly!

2000-07-05 Thread toyswins

Answered this on another string I think, but used both and terminal
based also.  Results are gibberish on connect.  Something isn't right or
I'd get back legible data.  I think that's probably the only hurdle left
for my end then it'd work fine.  Also, if I can figure out Earthlink,
then I can work on my other ISP, S. W. Bell.

Thanks for the hint, got to checking them out just today...good

B. B. Stanfield III

kdm wrote:
 What kind of authentification are using?
 Have you tried changing PAP or CHAP?
 On Wed, 05 Jul 2000, you wrote:
  Well, sorry but having to revert to you folks for help.  Get this
  message on dialing so the other end is hanging up immediately on
  connect.  I've checked the various files in the HOWTO's and all seems
  fine.  Used KPPP 1.6.22 as the dialer and to set up the system.  pppd is
  2.3.8 so I've provided the full fault message below.
  I've reloaded the entire Linux Mandrake 6.5 two times, no changes.  All
  the startup files load okay.  As root, it's a pretty system, but hit
  this glitch.
  pppd 2.3.8 started by root, uid0
  Using interface ppp0
  Connect ppp0---/dev/ttyS1
  Hangup (SIGHUP)
  Connection terminated.
  This is what I understand so far: The modem is found, dials and gets a
  machine on the other end.  The other machine then immediately initiated
  a disconnect, (SIGHUP), then it disconnects at my end, gives me the
  error message.
  ISP is S. W. Bell.  I've got the ADSL on the Windows system going fine,
  but it dies now and then, also I travel and need access from other
  locations.  The dialup on LINUX would be really handy, if I could get it
  to work.  I know there's either a bug or three and need to update to
  something or I've got some configuration problem.  Either way, I've
  looked at it so long I'm not seeing it.  Pointers
  B. B. Stanfield III
 ...,   _  ___ ___     ,
 ...|\  \|/  / \  \ \   \/\/   /  /|
 [K][D][M]===   | |  [] |  | ^^ |   ===[K][D][M]
 ...|/  /|\__\ /__/ /__|\__/|__\  \|
 ...'  '

[newbie] Networking Connectivity Problem

2000-01-11 Thread Toyswins

I've got a Windows 98 and LINUX box set up through an unmanaged hub.
NIC cards and lo on both machines ping just fine.  I can't seem to get
the two to talk.  Trying to ping the other machine, either way, fails.
I've checked the hosts files, configured SAMBA and it's running, Windows
networking can see itself and is enabled, protocols and all are fine.

The obvious is fine, but for me obvious only goes so far.  Pointers to
places to look beyond the standard Networking, Net-3 and SAMBA HOWTO's?
I'll check the archives again, but no luck there so far.

The LINUX install went fairly well, had to do some minor fixing like
what started on boot.  Boot process is fine for all daemons and
processes.  Nothing says it's missing parts or pieces.  I have root and
one user login only.  KDE is fine and I checked all configuration
settings there also.

If I get over this hurdle, the rest will be a piece of cake, (I hope).
The current LINUX is 2-2-19mdk.

Thanks for any and all help, pointers or encouragement.  I've just about
run out of thoughts on the subject.

B. B.

Re: [newbie] SOHO System Administration

2000-01-05 Thread Toyswins

I'm working on something similar for home use.  I've not gotten as far as
you seem to be, but I have a text called "LINUX Network Toolkit".  It's
centered on a LINUX server using SAMBA to connect to Microsoft clients.  It
does have a good section however, on setting up users.  You might check that
text or the IDG site.  Configuration in LINUX
should be very similar regardless of the client.  Keeping a split system
like you plan will affect your planning/implementation for sure.

I'd love to hear what success you have.  Solutions as well as I might run
into the same problems.  My hardware includes a LINUX box, a dual boot
LINUX/Win box, 2 Win only boxes and an Apple iBook with AirPort hub and so
on.  Mine is definitely going to be fun to figure out.

Stay in touch,

B. B.

"Joseph S. Gardner" wrote:

 Evening All,

 I have a small home office with 5 PC's and several users (read kids
 here).  At present one is Linux-Mandrake 6.1 and the others are Win NT
 4.0 and Win95.  It is my intention to convert all but 1 into Linux
 boxes.  I also intend to allow any user to sit down at any PC and login.

 My question are

  1.  Is there a method to centralize my user administration or
  am I doomed to have to add each potential user to each
  machine?  This leads to question #2 where / how to mount

  2.  I would like to keep all /user/home directories on one
  machine.  Is it possible to setup the login procedure to
  "mount" /user/home across the network or do I need to teach
  every one (including myself) how to use telnet or what?

 I have searched through about a dozen books I have and nothing even
 comes close to hinting at a solution.

 Joseph S. Gardner
 Senior Designer / Technical Support
 Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Re: [newbie] Network interfaces not set at boot time

1999-12-31 Thread Toyswins

I'm no expert, but are you starting the system at the proper run level?  My text says
run level 2 gives multiuser w/o NFS and SMB services.  Level 3 is full multiuser with
all networking services turned on.  Given that, check the basics, is the card seated
properly, is the cable connected and verified good, that sort of thing.  If that's
okay, check the config file, "/sbin/ifconfig".  It should see your lo and eth0 as
active.  For further information check the manual at: "man ifconfig".  That's about
all I can say to check at this point w/o further details of what you're doing.

Hope this helps some anyway.

B. B.

"Frédéric Gédin" wrote:

 Le mer, 29 déc 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  Try this as root...
  From a terminal window in x type
  Click on the interfaces tab
  Highlight eth0
  Click Edit
  When the next box pops up, make sure that the "Activate interface at boot time"
  is checked
  Hope this helps!

 Hi Brian

 Thank you for your answer.  Unfortunately, it does not work. Both the lo and
 eth0 interfaces are marked as activated at boot time but none is actually
 activated at boot time.
 I assume that something has been broken in my configuration files. But I don't
 know where to look in order to fix them



  ÚdÚric GÚdin [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/29/99 02:27:16 AM
  Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cc:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bcc: Bryan Moorehead/Link/Allied Holdings)
  Subject:  [newbie] Network interfaces not set at boot time

  I just installed a network card in my computer.  Everything works fine if I run
  the "ifconfig" commands manually to activate the loopback and the eth0
  I suppose that these interfaces should be activated during the boot process but
  I did not find any way to do it.
  Thank you for your help

Re: [newbie] Corel Linux

1999-12-31 Thread Toyswins

Have you tried to log into the Windows side as user "root" with the same password
you used in LINUX?  If you are logged in as root on the LINUX box and also log into
the Windows as root, (that's the default), it should show a good two way
connection.  Also, I gather you're in the same workgroup on both sides?  The
default name is "WORKGROUP".  Do check the Windows "Users" and "Passwords" to
ensure things match.  Mr. Gardner brought up something I hadn't thought of yet.  My
first try at this showed the LINUX box from Windows 98, but not the reverse.

I'm trying to set up a stable LINUX box to network my systems and it's proving
frustrating.  No experience with the OS.  Now that I know where I want to go I
still have to get a good feel for what needs to be installed.  Soon as I get one
part working I find something else I need.

Well, good luck and let us all know what you did to fix the problem.

B. B.

"Joseph S. Gardner" wrote:

 Jeanette Russo wrote:

  Not only that but the install is setup to fail and no text mode backup that
  I can find.  Finally got it running using default stupid setup.  No Email
  program I can find.
  Netscape Navigator only.  Only good part it set up my samba about
  90%.  First time I can find my Linux box in Network Neighborhood.  But if I
  try to browse from NT it asks for Account and password.  I have given
  everyone on the NT Box and the Linux box and it won't take any of
  them?  From Linux I can browse the NT box however.
  All in all most Linux users are not going to like this at all

 Regarding your NT / Linux connection:

 Seems to me I recall that NT and 95 or 98 used an encrypted password scheme and
 conflicted with Linux passwords.  You needed to set one or the other to use
 unencrypted passwords (I think).  You'll need to check the archives back in
 Aug. or so as I remember this was discussed at length back then.

 Good Luck,

 Joseph S. Gardner
 Senior Designer / Technical Support
 Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Re: [newbie] Root Password Problem

1999-12-31 Thread Toyswins

Well, best I could do being so tired and frustrated and all.  I can do better 

Happy New Year 2000!

B. B.

John Aldrich wrote:

 On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, you wrote:
  Pine or Oak log?  Thanks for the response.  I'm still working other issues and 
seem to
  have lucked out fixing this one.  Just enough encouragement to keep me hooked, huh?
 AARRRGGGHHH! That was terrible. ;-)
  I think LINUX is written to do that to just me.  Or is it just me?  Happy New Year 
if the
  world doesn't go "blooie" on us.
 Well, Linux is a totally different O/S and it has it's own
 quirks that you have to learn. :-)

[newbie] Printer Drivers

1999-12-30 Thread Toyswins

I'm working on networking Windows and Mac systems at home.  I've not
gotten to printing yet so this brings up a planning question on

My current printer is supported by LINUX Mandrake, (HP600C).  It's
connected to my Windows 98 box and I'd like to leave it that way.  Is
there any available information on a good quality color device that will
hook to a MAC, be compatible with both LINUX and Windows?  Considering
that the new device will be physically connected to the iBook makes the
SAMBA configuration something I need to learn.  I'm guessing that
drivers from Apple/Microsoft both will limit choices in hardware.
Adding LINUX to the mix exceeds my current knowledge.  A pointout to
information sources would be a great help.

B. B.

Re: [newbie] Root Password Problem

1999-12-29 Thread Toyswins

Hi Ron,

Well, for the moment I've got it set so shouldn't run out of space too soon.
While fixing this up and continuing to learn, my Windows 98 system crashed.  I
logged off the net, went to bed and this morning, screen was in standby mode.
Not set for that is software or BIOS, and wound up with both FAT tables
corrupted.  Fortunately, my emergency stuff worked, (this time anyway).  LINUX
box is so stable that to get it to act similarly it has to run out of disk
space or I have to take a hammer to it.  Now why Microsoft can't/ won't do the
same is almost criminal.  (My opinion is they've discovered folks will purchase
something several times for minor fixes so they intentionally don't give us a
finished product right off.)

Well, anyway, I found some text on what you said about partitioning which went
contrary to what I had used originally.  Guess the gurus knowledge depends on
the guru.  (Actually I think the first thing I read was very old and drives up
to 1 Gb were considered extreme at that time.)

I'm going to have to exit this list and the expert one too and just go to the
archives.  I'm getting a couple of hundred emails a day and simply can't keep
up.  I hate that 'cuz I get so much good information not in the books and
manuals.  Well, that's what the archives are for.  But I will keep the group
address in my local address book.

B. B.


 From: Ronald A. Yacketta

 /usr and /var even /home (if you hae users) will tend to grow faster than /

 /usr holds the rpm database and most generaly (not in ALL cases) all
 installed software
 /var houses your logfiles (that grow and grow and grow (especialy if you
 have loggng in your ipchains or firewall))
 /home well thats a bit obvious, got users they got files and most users
 (again not ALL) are pack rats.


 R_Yeo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/28/99 01:17:21 PM

 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 cc:(bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] Root Password Problem

 On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Toyswins wrote:
  I think I discovered the problem.  Hinted at it the other message.  My /
  ran out of space.  It got weird with signing in and some other stuff, so
 might have
  something to do with it.  A 347 Mb one isn't big enough.  I've changed it
 to 1.2
  Gb, and if that doesn't work, nothing will.  I've got a 400 and 212 Mb
 drives as
  hdb and hdc that hold /usr, /home, swap and so forth.

 I do not have a direct solution for your problems, but isn't a 1.2Gb
 partition for / a little too big compared to the other partition?
 The directories under root are pretty static in terms of size.  I would
 have thought that you would want more space in /usr or /home. (Perhaps
 someone more knowledgable could chip in here).

  -- Ronald

Re: [newbie] Root Password Problem

1999-12-28 Thread Toyswins

Well, I ran out with it at 350 Mb and that was recommended in a book I have on the 
of partition sizes.  Matter of fact, most of the other partitions were either empty or
close to it.  Somewhere it's putting everything in / I do believe.  Either way, I won't
run out for a while now.

Recommendation was to check the log files for their sizes.  Too late since I've already
repartitioned and installed. but I noted the current size and will check the log files
soon to see what they're up to.  Maybe they grew realy big?

It's all on my "throw away" box now anyway.  If I destroy it I just rebuild it and 
over.  It's my learning tool and I don't have to mess with other OS's on it.  (I don't
throw old parts away.)

I made the following this time:
/ = 1.2 Gb
/usr = 400 Mb
/home and swap files on the rest of the drive space available.
Drives include hda = 1.2 Gb
hdb = 400 Mb
hdc = 212 Mb

Should be enough there to do something with.

B. B.

R_Yeo wrote:

 On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Toyswins wrote:
  I think I discovered the problem.  Hinted at it the other message.  My / partition
  ran out of space.  It got weird with signing in and some other stuff, so might have
  something to do with it.  A 347 Mb one isn't big enough.  I've changed it to 1.2
  Gb, and if that doesn't work, nothing will.  I've got a 400 and 212 Mb drives as
  hdb and hdc that hold /usr, /home, swap and so forth.

 I do not have a direct solution for your problems, but isn't a 1.2Gb
 partition for / a little too big compared to the other partition?
 The directories under root are pretty static in terms of size.  I would
 have thought that you would want more space in /usr or /home. (Perhaps
 someone more knowledgable could chip in here).

  -- Ronald

Re: [newbie] Root Password Problem

1999-12-27 Thread Toyswins

I think I discovered the problem.  Hinted at it the other message.  My / partition
ran out of space.  It got weird with signing in and some other stuff, so might have
something to do with it.  A 347 Mb one isn't big enough.  I've changed it to 1.2
Gb, and if that doesn't work, nothing will.  I've got a 400 and 212 Mb drives as
hdb and hdc that hold /usr, /home, swap and so forth.

After I play with it a while and it goes away, I'll take that as the probable

B. B.

John Aldrich wrote:

 On Sat, 25 Dec 1999, Toyswins wrote:
  I did that, and am aware of the difference in capital vice lower case.  First
  thing I thought of, and it worked initially.  I figure it's something I did
  and don't have a clue now what it could have been.
  The -19 makes sense so I'll go with that.  Expert that you are...heh heh.
  Merry Christmas and go to bed early stayed up late last night
  right?  I sure did.  New Puppy and all.
 HmmI'm no expert. :-) Just been playing with linux for almost a
 year now.. :-)
 Good luck! I'm not sure what you might have done...check and see if
 /root still existsif not, that might be the problem... :-)

Re: [newbie] NIC suggestions

1999-12-27 Thread Toyswins

Sounds like a lot of good hardware help here.  I'd also advise doing one
of two things to learn about networking.  Either get and learn all the
Network related howto's of the net, (some are more current than others
however.)  The other option, and I'm doing both, is get a good text on
it.  I've got Linux Network Toolkit now, (recommended to me - it's very
good), UNIX for Dummies and the Linux Dummies Quick Reference.  I also
have the WGS Encyclopedia, but it's now dated. (Contains all the HOWTO's
as of 199X).

I'm working on networking a linux box as server to a Windows 95 486, two
Windows 98 pentiums and an Apple iBook laptop with AirPort hub.  Get the
hardware, configure two boxes to talk and then repeat as necessary.
Good luck.

B. B.

Jeanette Russo wrote:

 If you want to go cheap suggest looking at something like Linksys
 home network kit which works with Linux and Windows.
 they come in either 10mbs or 100mbs versions and the kit is less
 than $90 at Microcenter.  I concur if you want to go premium the
 3com 905 and Intel Pro 10/100 are both Excellent nic's with
 support in a number of Operating systems.

 - Original Message -
 From: Axalon Bloodstone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 27, 1999 8:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] NIC suggestions

  On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, Jeremy Kersenbrock wrote:
   Season's Greetings!
   I'm considering setting up little LAN in my home and, since
 I'm completely
   inexperienced in networking, would like everyone's input
 regarding which NIC(s)
   to choose.  I am only in the planning stages and have no NICs
 or Hub. Here is my
   1 PC dual booting L-M6.0 and Win98
   1 PC with Win98
   Both PC's have more than 1 of each PCI and ISA slots open.  I
 intend to
   use the LAN for sharing files, and maybe the printer on the
 Win98-only PC if I
   can get Linux to do it.  I would also like to be able to
 share the modem (and
   therefore Internet connection) in the Dual-booting machine
 (preferably while its
   running Linux). Even though I only have 2 PC's, I want the
 abillity to easily
   expand (although I'm not likely to go beyond 4 systems), so I
 will be getting a
   hub in stead of using a crossover cable.
   Here are my questions:
   (1)What would be easier to configure in Linux, a PCI or ISA
 NIC?  Remember, I
   will be installing a NIC in a machine that previously had
  I prefer pci
   (2)Will 10-BASET be enough for me, or shall I aim for a
 10/100 network?
  10 is "enough", but excess never hurts :) anything but the
 wallet that is
   (3)Is there any benefit to having identical NICs in all the
 PC's on a network?
  Sure, you'll be familar with them all after your familar with
   Thanks for any info!

[newbie] Root Password Problem

1999-12-25 Thread Toyswins

I just started my "experimental" Linux box and discovered that it
doesn't like my password.  I can go in as my alternate user, and after
successfully logging in, type in "su" then the root password and it
works just fine.  I then changed the root password via passwd logged out
and tried again.  Still no luck.

There was a thread earlier I think about some versions having problems
in this area.  I'm using Red Hat Linux 6.0, Mandrake 2.2.9-19 mdk,
compiled 5/19/99 19:53 GMT.

Please tell me this is a problem with my version and to go get something
newer.  When you do tell me this, (I hope!), where's the best place,
(Red Hat Mandrake site?),  and which version is stable?  By the way, I
understand the 2.2.9 but not the -19.  What's that for?  There's nothing
in the HOWTOs I've been able to find on the numbering scheme that far

Thanks and Merry Christmas to all.  Now to put up my home electronic
weather station Santa got me..and where was that serial cable?

B. B.

Re: [newbie] Installation without cdrom player

1999-12-25 Thread Toyswins

A few questions:

1. How old is older?  Depending on the hardware, it might be easier to
use an older version such as the 5 vice 6 series of Red Hat.  Also, you
need to check how much drive space is needed and if it's available.
Best bet is to check out the HOWTO series and the text files with the
distribution you have.  It'll tell you what is absolutely necessary and
what is good to have in the way of hardware, disk space, etc.  Given
that you've covered those bases you should be okay to continue.

2. If you don't have a CD reader, what is the format of your LINUX
installation?  If it's floppy, then fine, if you've got a CD then you'll
have to get the files onto the correct media first.  How did you make
the disk you have in the first place?  If you downloaded this and it's
on a Windows partition, you'll have to ensure that once you've booted to
the Linux kernel you can actually get to the files.

3. The bootable disks are normally made as a pair.  To boot the kernel
you need to make 2 disks.  Check out the details of what you're reading
and it should walk you through the process.

The basics are as follows:

(I have to assume you have access to the RAWRITE program.)  Go to the
DOSUTILS directory / folder and start the program RAWRITE.  When
prompted for the file enter BOOT.IMG and it'll ask for the location.
Enter your floppy drive, probably A:.  RAWRITE puts the image onto the
disk and sends you back to your DOS prompt.  The supplemental disk, the
second one, is made in the same way and the image is SUPP.IMG.  These
two floppies will allow you to boot a basic Linux system completely from
floppies and can be helpful in troubleshooting later problems.

When you reboot with the boot floppy, you'll get a lot of data scrolling
on the screen which is the kernel loading up.  You have to take it from
there to actually install the files on your hard drives.  You need to
partition in the correct format and so forth.

Hope this helps.

B. B.

Mark Baars wrote:

 Hello, First of all a merry cristmas to all of you! I have an older pc
 without a cd rom player and want to install Linux Mandrake on it. From
 the manual I understood that I have to make a bootable floppy from the
 image file pcmia.img but that won't start up. Can anybody tell me how
 to do it? Thanks in advance, Mark Baars

Re: [newbie] Scanner

1999-12-25 Thread Toyswins

Printers or scanners?  Scanners I hope you meant.

B. B.

John Aldrich wrote:

 On Sat, 25 Dec 1999, Alejandro Arredondo wrote:
  Hello Everybody,
 I have an HP ScanJet 3200C. How can I make it work with Linux?
 Paralell or SCSI? If the former, forget it. If the latter, it very
 well may work. There is almost NO support for Paralell printers under

Re: [newbie] Root Password Problem

1999-12-25 Thread Toyswins

I did that, and am aware of the difference in capital vice lower case.  First
thing I thought of, and it worked initially.  I figure it's something I did
and don't have a clue now what it could have been.

The -19 makes sense so I'll go with that.  Expert that you are...heh heh.

Merry Christmas and go to bed early stayed up late last night
right?  I sure did.  New Puppy and all.

B. B.

John Aldrich wrote:

 On Sat, 25 Dec 1999, Toyswins wrote:
  I just started my "experimental" Linux box and discovered that it
  doesn't like my password.  I can go in as my alternate user, and after
  successfully logging in, type in "su" then the root password and it
  works just fine.  I then changed the root password via passwd logged out
  and tried again.  Still no luck.
  There was a thread earlier I think about some versions having problems
  in this area.  I'm using Red Hat Linux 6.0, Mandrake 2.2.9-19 mdk,
  compiled 5/19/99 19:53 GMT.
  Please tell me this is a problem with my version and to go get something
  newer.  When you do tell me this, (I hope!), where's the best place,
  (Red Hat Mandrake site?),  and which version is stable?  By the way, I
  understand the 2.2.9 but not the -19.  What's that for?  There's nothing
  in the HOWTOs I've been able to find on the numbering scheme that far
  Thanks and Merry Christmas to all.  Now to put up my home electronic
  weather station Santa got me..and where was that serial cable?
 Hmm...have you made sure you're entering it the same way you created
 it? Keep in mind that upper case and lower case are different in
 Linux. Windows treats them the same, but Linux sees them differently.
 As for the -19, the way that was explained to me is that it indicates
 the "release candidate version." You will have several versions of
 kernel 2.2.9, with versious "bug fixes" and other "tweaks" but not
 enough to call it a different kernel version. :-)

Re: [newbie] NIC Problems

1999-12-24 Thread Toyswins

I'm working on learning enough to get where you are.  I've got the texts and
reading up and experimenting as I go.  In my research I've found a few things that
might help.  Check out:

Found this in the LINUX Ethernet - HOWTO.  Might want to check out that one, the
basic networking one, but it's dated, the NET-3 and Firewalling and Proxy Server
ones as well if not already in your list of knowledge.  Someone recommended the
Linux Network Toolkit to me also.  I got an older version, 2 I think, that has
become a very helpful reference.  It's based on someone like me trying for the
first time to set up a network using Linux as the core.

Hope this helps at least a little.

B. B.

Wass wrote:

 Hello Fellow Mandrake Fans,

 I'm running into a problem trying to set up my linux-based
 proxy.  Basically, my NIC cannot see the cable modem, or vice versa.
 Read on for more details.

 I've got a cable-modem, which I've successfully used with linux
 for several months now, with a Acer card (compatible with Via-Rhine).
 After getting a new computer, some NIC's, and an 8-port hub, I decided
 to try my hand at setting up a LAN.

 So, I've got two 3c905 "Boomerang" PCI cards in my proxy box.
 Two weeks ago I decided to try setting up a proxy with OpenBSD, and during
 the install the NIC's were detected, and I'm fairly certain I had a working
 connection to the cable modem with one of the NIC's.  However, I know BSD
 far far less than I know linux, so I decided to install Mandrake 6.1 on my
 proxy instead (I've got mandrake on my other desktops, as well).

 My current desktop uses the Acer card to connect to the cable modem,
 and this was set up during the Mandrake 6.1 install.  It worked like a charm
 with the setup, and I didn't even have to think about any of the settings.

 I then installed 6.1 on my proxy box, and had it disconnected from
 the network, such that I could configure the tcp_wrappers and secure other
 things before connecting it.  So I declined networking during the install.
 now, however, I've gone back to try to configure it, and am running into

 I've gone through the dhcpcd mini-HOWTO to get things started.
 This thing is very out of date!  Are there any plans to add entries for
 Mandrake 6.x to it?  I'd help out with his task, if I can get my box running.

 Firstly, I set up my resolv.conf to mimic my desktop's resolv.conf,
 with the automagically-determined name servers and other parameters.  I then
 set up the network script to set ONBOOT and the protocol to DHCP.  However,
 on reboot, the cable modem doesn't acknowledge the NIC trying to establish
 it's IP.

 I've connected the eth1 NIC to the hub, and if I try "dhcpcd eth1"
 for kicks, I can see the packet LED's lighting up on the hub, so I know
 something must be working with the hardware.  Even if I connect eth0 NIC
 to the hub, and type "dhcpcd eth0", I still see the LED's.  However, these
 cards are 100baseT, and I believe the hub is as well.  But I think the cable
 modem is only 10baseT.  Using dmesg, I get:
 "eth0: 3Com 3c905 Boomerang 100baseTx at 0x6100, "blah blah.  The MAC
 address is listed there for both cards, so linux can see the hardware.
 What worries me is that "100baseTx" segment, could this be the problem?

 It alludes to this possibility in the dhcpcd mini-howto, but
 says that if the card is set to 100baseT, just change that setting.  there
 is no detail/info about how to go about this.

 I searched through the archives here, and found one message
 previously, but with no followups, that described setting options in the
 /etc/conf.modules file to set the speeds of the card.  I've glanced through
 the C code for the driver, but cannot find any documentation of these
 options, where is this stuff documented?

 I've also played around with various module commands.  Trying
 "insmod 3c90x" I get an error: "3c90x.o: init_module: Device or resource busy"
 Why could this be?  ANd I've seen vague implications that I may also
 need to include the 3c59x module, is this true too?

 I'm not sure how to fix this.  One solution may be to re-install
 mandrake and setup the NIC during the install, but I'd like to know what
 the installer is doing here behind my back, such that I can configure this
 myself, too.

 Thanks to any help that can be offered!

 - Wass

Re: [newbie] WOW,imagine

1999-12-21 Thread Toyswins


Tried to go to your link just now and it didn't work.  Don't know why,
but you might want to check it.

B. B.

Kit wrote:  NOW I'm helping others

 ICQ# 7110071

Re: [newbie] Two systems

1999-12-21 Thread Toyswins

Yes you can read files from different OS's partitions in a single system and
I think there's a HOWTO or Mini HOWTO on it.  I'm not at my machine with the
information handy, but you simply direct LINUX to the location on the drive
and grab the file.  You can use Microsoft to get the data and then read it
via LINUX.  Bigger question, what makes a cable modem activated via LINUX
different than through Windows that the cable company can't accommodate
you?  I don't have one and so ask out of ignorance.

Hopefully someone will have the details, but it is possible.

B. B.

Robert Thrall wrote:

 I am running both Windows 98 and Linux-Mandrake 6.5 on my machine, but
 Windows is on one hard disk with these specs:  Partition -1 Statis- A
 Type-PRI DOS   Volume Label- My Computer  Mbytes-8025  System-Fat 32
 Usage-100%.  I have loaded Mandrake-Linux 6.5 on a second hard disk with
 these specs:  /dev/hdc3579M409M-used   Avail-140M   Mounted on /

/dev/hdc1 547M  32K-used   Avail-547M Mounted

 My local cabel company COGECO informs me that no Linux system is
 compatible with their modems so I can not connect to the Internet
 through Linux.  However, can Linux read Windows 98?  Can I still dowload
 software in Windows and somehow transfer it to Linux.  The word
 'transfer' may be wrong, but can I use the two together somehow so that
 I can download software to the Linus system.  Any help would be


Re: [newbie] Want To Lose Weight For The Holidays-New PillCanDoIt -gpav

1999-12-20 Thread Toyswins

I sent it via spamcop as recommended.  Maybe it'll help.  I get so many emails,
I can't afford to lock up my account over spam.

B. B.

Sam Roza wrote:

 We got spammed with this same message on my vintage bus board at

 Oh well...

 - Original Message -
 From: Toyswins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, December 19, 1999 6:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Want To Lose Weight For The Holidays-New Pill
 CanDoIt -gpav

  Great gift for Christmas..
  I did like the answers in the "funny" mode however.  Got a kick out of
  someones imagination working overtime.
  Will do the same.  Thanks.
  B. B.
  Ken Wilson wrote:
   Report it through
   I did.  Maybe if the host gets enough spam notices they'll do something
   about it.
   -Original Message-
   From: Toyswins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: December 18, 1999 2:52 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Want To Lose Weight For The Holidays-New Pill Can
   DoIt -gpav
   Telephone solicitors have found you again John!!
   So true, but just delete this one, I did.  Pisses you off though huh?
   too.  Maybe the folks sponsoring this mail list can fix it
   B. B.

Re: [Re: [newbie] Networking Cookbook]

1999-12-20 Thread Toyswins

I've checked what I can find, but not looked in the right places I guess.  The help I 
got was
sufficient and quick.  As for the HTML, sorry, I'll keep that in mind.  Again, thanks 
to all
for the help and information.  I'll keep plugging.

B. B.

Jaguar wrote:

 Just don't send a question in HTML or ask one that you haven't looked in the
 archives for FIRST...:) ( the powers that be get a little testy when that

 Toyswins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, I've got a big stick, lots of patience and really do appreciate the
  pointer.  Man, that was quick too!
  I think I like the people here, one of the few on the net I've found where
  folks are actually civil.
  B. B.
  Ben wrote:
   more information than you can shake a stick at.
Anyone know where I can get a good cookbook type help for networking?
I've got 5 computers to network, including one 486 Win95, two Pentium
Win 98 systems (one dual boots LINUX), an Apple iBook with AirPort card
and Station and one LINUX only box.  I'd like to use the LINUX box as
either a Proxy or Proxy/Firewall and server, etc. to allow everything
use my printer hooked to one of the Win 98 boxes, limit internet access
in a more secure mode and use the AX25 protocol to add in my amateur
radio packet stuff.
I'm checking out the amateur side of the house now, but need some basic
LINUX information.  What I have is now "old", (about 18 months), and a
quick cookbook to get me started will make my hair loss less, I hope!
Thanks as usual in advance for any and all pointers.
B. B.

 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Want To Lose Weight For The Holidays-New Pill CanDoIt -gpav

1999-12-20 Thread Toyswins

Great gift for Christmas..

I did like the answers in the "funny" mode however.  Got a kick out of
someones imagination working overtime.

Will do the same.  Thanks.

B. B.

Ken Wilson wrote:

 Report it through

 I did.  Maybe if the host gets enough spam notices they'll do something
 about it.

 -Original Message-----
 From: Toyswins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: December 18, 1999 2:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Want To Lose Weight For The Holidays-New Pill Can
 DoIt -gpav

 Telephone solicitors have found you again John!!

 So true, but just delete this one, I did.  Pisses you off though huh?
 too.  Maybe the folks sponsoring this mail list can fix it

 B. B.

Re: [newbie] Want To Lose Weight For The Holidays-New Pill Can DoIt -gpav

1999-12-18 Thread Toyswins

Telephone solicitors have found you again John!!

So true, but just delete this one, I did.  Pisses you off though huh?  Me
too.  Maybe the folks sponsoring this mail list can fix it

B. B.

John Kofinas wrote:

 What the fuck is this? I thought this was a damn linux list?
 Maybe I am wrong

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[newbie] Networking Cookbook

1999-12-18 Thread Toyswins

Anyone know where I can get a good cookbook type help for networking?
I've got 5 computers to network, including one 486 Win95, two Pentium
Win 98 systems (one dual boots LINUX), an Apple iBook with AirPort card
and Station and one LINUX only box.  I'd like to use the LINUX box as
either a Proxy or Proxy/Firewall and server, etc. to allow everything to
use my printer hooked to one of the Win 98 boxes, limit internet access
in a more secure mode and use the AX25 protocol to add in my amateur
radio packet stuff.

I'm checking out the amateur side of the house now, but need some basic
LINUX information.  What I have is now "old", (about 18 months), and a
quick cookbook to get me started will make my hair loss less, I hope!

Thanks as usual in advance for any and all pointers.

B. B.

Re: [newbie] Networking Cookbook

1999-12-18 Thread Toyswins

Well, I've got a big stick, lots of patience and really do appreciate the
pointer.  Man, that was quick too!

I think I like the people here, one of the few on the net I've found where
folks are actually civil.

B. B.

Ben wrote:

 more information than you can shake a stick at.

  Anyone know where I can get a good cookbook type help for networking?
  I've got 5 computers to network, including one 486 Win95, two Pentium
  Win 98 systems (one dual boots LINUX), an Apple iBook with AirPort card
  and Station and one LINUX only box.  I'd like to use the LINUX box as
  either a Proxy or Proxy/Firewall and server, etc. to allow everything to
  use my printer hooked to one of the Win 98 boxes, limit internet access
  in a more secure mode and use the AX25 protocol to add in my amateur
  radio packet stuff.
  I'm checking out the amateur side of the house now, but need some basic
  LINUX information.  What I have is now "old", (about 18 months), and a
  quick cookbook to get me started will make my hair loss less, I hope!
  Thanks as usual in advance for any and all pointers.
  B. B.