Re: [newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-18 Thread Ivan Offalich


 Don't get me wrong, I am certainly sorry you are also having
troubles.  But it is reassuring that I am at least not the only one who
IS having problems.

 Hope you get yours fixed,
 Wes G.

Actually, I wouldn't feel bad for me, it hasn't done that in a while so I'm 
not too troubled by it. I just thought I'd throw in my stories about my 
mouse and see if it helped you at all. I noticed that someone suggested 
earlier that you should update X-Free to a higher version and see if that 
helps. Have you done so yet and did it help you out?


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Re: [newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-17 Thread Wes Gregg

 I thought this may be an issue with Intellimouse Optical Mice (Mouses?), 
 but you mentioned that it happened with your Logitech mouse also. I own an 
 Intellimouse Explorer which also uses an optical eye. I've seen it display 
 the same behaviors that you've mentioned (including the one on the 
 Linux-Mandrake installation screen.) Basically how I'd describe it is that 
 it looks like someone slides the mouse across the desk as fast as possible, 
 somehow pressing the right mouse button once for ever 5 pixels moved. 
 Sometimes the mouse works after that, sometimes the mouse doesn't work at 
 all after that, sometimes the whole system hangs.

Mine also likes to shoot to the lower left corner of the desktop a 
lot.  Ok, this was of no help to me but may help you.  Assuming you 
are using Xfree4.x, look in /etc/x11/xfreeconfig-4 under the mouse 
area.  It is either called PS/2, IMPS/2 (Intellimouse?), 
ExplorerPS/2 (Intellimouse Explorer?), or Auto.  Mine is screwy 
as IMPS/2 but doesn't work at all on the others.  Therefore, and 
since I've stripped my system to just video/mouse/keyboard and it 
still does this tells me to investigate my bios settings (or an update 
to the bios) or perhaps a motherboard driver update (are there such 

Also this didn't help me but it is specific to your mouse so it 
might be just what you need.  Unfortunately I lost the messages, but 
you can search google groups (from in the newsgroup 
alt.os.linux.mandrake for the subject MS Intellimouse Explorer 
which told of a couple of specific lines to change/add in XF86Config-4 
for this mouse.  And I _believe_ it referenced a web site dealing with 
it.  The procedure didn't work for me (not exactly the same mouse, it 
is one version older and at least one model down on the ladder) but 
hopefully it can help you.

 I have some good news and some bad news about this though. The good news 
 for us Linux fans is that it's not a Linux or X-Windows problem. I've seen 
 my mouse display this behavior far worse on Windoze 95 and Windoze 98 SE. 

Strange.  With me both mouse and keyboard perform flawlessly 
in Win98(se?).  But of course that's like getting a beautiful date for 
the prom...

...who happens to be your sister.  GRIN

 The bad news is that I haven't completely determined what causes this 
 problem. It doesn't happen very often, but it's very annoying when it does.

Is constant in Mandrake Linux for me.

 [My apologies to M$ haters for mentioning M$ and their products so much in 
 this post. It pains me to do so. I received my M$ mice as gifts and ended 
 up using them for that reason.]

Hey, I guess I am among the M$ operating system haters (well, 
dislikers), but I really like my MS Intellimouse Optical and MS 
Internet Keyboard, which I got as a package deal on sale at Sam's 
Club, and it even gets an additional $10 rebate.  Computer Shopper 
rated this mouse well when it came out ( was $54.95!).  They just 
said that the newest Intellimouse (optical, cordless, etc.) was the 
best mouse out there bar none.

BTW, I used to like their Flight Simulator about nine years ago!

 1. At first I thought it was possible that my mouse pad was confusing the 
 optical sensor. Yes I know how silly that sounds, but you have to realize 
 that this is a M$ product. ;) I changed mousepads. The mouse still acted up 
 and I determined that my mousepad was not the culprit.

I read that glass or really shiny white paper could cause 
problems.  Mine works on about anything including my palm and 
pants leg.  Also, I noticed it works about 1/4 inch off of the surface 
as well.  Neat I suppose.  Just wish I could turn off the taillight on it 
but I am becomming used to it.

 2. I then considered that my Intellimouse Explorer was the culprit. I 
 thought maybe I had received a faulty one or that a wire inside was broken. 
 Plugging my old Intellimouse (and updating the settings), I found that the 
 old Intellimouse (the kind with a ball and wheel) displayed the same 
 behavior. I returned to using the optical one. This lead me to believe that 
 my optical mouse was no more glitchy than my non-optical mouse.

I went through the same steps, only my replacement IS my 
intellimouse.  And I think I'll be keeping it if I can straighten things 
out.  It's nice to have five buttons, one wheel, and no ball.  I think the 
extra buttons on the side might be mappable.  I definately read that I 
can map other functions to the 10 extra keys on the MS Internet 
keyboard in Mandrake Linux.

 3. I considered that my PS/2 mouse port had issues. I was using Windoze 95 
 at the time. I reformatted my hard drive and installed Windoze 98 SE (which 
 I also received as a gift). Windoze 95 did not have USB support. I plugged 
 my optical mouse into the USB port and set it up properly. After a period 
 of time, I found that the mouse displayed the same erratic behavior on 

Re: [newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-16 Thread Bill Winegarden

I am using an intellimouse optical on LM8.1 (on a laptop). The mouse works 
beautifully. The only difference that I see between our free86config-4 files 
is that my mouse is pointed to /dev/mouse. Have you tried that?

Bill W.

On Sunday 16 December 2001 12:17, you wrote:

   I have installed Mandrake Linux 8.1 (Powerpack) on my system.
 I have a problem with my mouse.  When I try to move the cursor it
 goes crazy.  It likes to go to the lower left of the screen but it may go
 anywhere...  So fast it almost seems to just appear there.  Along
 the way it may open menus, move my menu bar from along the
 bottom of the screen to the left side.  (How do I put it back along the
 bottom - in Gnome desktop?)

   My mouse is a MS Intellimouse Optical.  I am using (well, trying
 to 8-(  ) Xfree86 4.0 so I am looking at xfree86config-4, correct?

 It said:
 Section InputDevice

   Identifier Mouse1
   Driver mouse
   Option Protocol IMPS/2
   Option Device /dev/mouse or /dev/mouse1 or something
 (I changed it to /dev/psaux)
   Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

 and the cordmiddle option is # so it isn't activated.

   I have tried various things including reinstalling approximately 15
 times now.  Nothing changes.  I started out with a logitech 2 button
 mouse and some keyboard.  Was going crazy all over the screen.
 Tried reinstalling.  Nope.  Got the wife to go get a different mouse.
 She came home with the intellimouse packaged with the MS
 Internet Keyboard.  Still the same behavior.  Exactly the same.
 Goes crazy opens menus moved my task bar to the left crazy.

   At one point I got to the mouse screen where I roll the mouse
 wheel to activate.  I did, it worked for up down push wheel push left
 button push right button.  Movement worked.  Ok, complete install
 still crazy.  Two mice two keyboards still crazy.  Crazy.

   Surely I'm not the only one in existance that can't get mouse to
 stop being crazy.  What do I need to do that it can't figure out by
 itself?  Is crazy I say!

   Must do in Gnome, KDE locks up at screen.  Where blinking
 icon loading window manager it stops blinking locked up.  That is
 another problem always in every installation.  Will worry about that
 later, got option #2 Gnome to work.  Mouse crazy in login and
 Gnome.  Crazy.

   Help.  Trying to use this keyboard mouse emulation is crazy
 too, will start moving and stop but pointer keeps to edge of screen
 then I have to remember what way I was moving and hit that key
 again and then it stops trying to move that way and I can move back.
  Sometimes different keys act this way.  Noticed I was trying to type
 in my user password and it wasn't working.  Went back to input user
 name to test and sure enough...  All my input was in caps, the #'s
 were in @#!@%!!  My shift key was stuck so I pressed them and
 retyped user, password fine.  Is there a conflict between my mouse
 and keyboard?  Would explain multiple keyboards/mice exhibiting
 the same problem?  According to the colors on the plugs/ports and
 also the labeling I've got them plugged into the correct ps2 ports.
 And they work fine in Windows98 (as if that's supposed to be any
 colsolation GRIN).

   I have the bios configured for Plug  Play OS OFF like the
 installation guide that came with ML8.1PP said to.

   Wes Gregg

   Stuck in Windows where my mouse is a mouse and my
 keyboard is a keyboard and they both work fine.  8-(

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Re: [newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-16 Thread lee


On the update issue...yes..instead of doing an the update 
box..and then don't install anything(unless there's something else on there 
you want). For me,I always choose the expert (altho I'm FAR from that) mode. 
both of these mice should install tho...

On your Nvidia card,if you'll look on the Linux-Mandrake site..under errata 
you'll find an issue with the Nvidia cards. Something about 8.1 only loading 
the binary version of the driver? If my memeory is correct here, they 
instruct us to log in as root, then to a terminal,then enter the command 
depmod -a   Then reboot..but from the site..don't take my is there tho.  :-)

   So I can act like I'm reinstalling but type update when it gives me
 that option?  I thought that was just for going from one # to another
 (7.2 to 8.1 for example).

 I am using an intellimouse optical on LM8.1 (on a laptop). The mouse
   works beautifully. The only difference that I see between our
   free86config-4 files is that my mouse is pointed to /dev/mouse. Have
   you tried that?

   Yes.  It actually seems to return itself that way periodically.

   Going as crazy as my mouse.  I wonder if it has something to do
 with my keyboard which is also giving me fits.  Don't seem to have
 an IRQ conflict, although my sound only works for a bit and then
 freezes the system.  (I just learned this even applies to playing an
 mp3 file from my windows partition.)

   Thanks for trying everyone.  Still hoping to solve this because the
 wife and I both like what we can see so far.  Waiting on the mouse to
 start working so I can tackle the nVidia driver install and see some of
 the 3d apps/games.


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Re: [newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-16 Thread Dennis Myers


   I have a mouse with IMPS/2.  Nothing else seems to work at all.

  As for a suggestion for a fix...well if it was me,and everything else
  worked ok...I'd try an update (from the cd's,assuming(dangerous) you
  installed that way) and this time give the mouse install a few minutes to
  get its head

   So I can act like I'm reinstalling but type update when it gives me
 that option?  I thought that was just for going from one # to another
 (7.2 to 8.1 for example).
Just thought I best jump in here and let you know that using update to go 
from one version to a newer version is not a good idea. Unless, you place all 
of your important files on a partition such as /goodstuff or what ever you 
want to call it, then when you upgrade on a new version you pick the expert 
install and when it goes into the diskdrake mod and has your partitions 
showing you can set them all up as named before but reformat everything but  
/goodstuff.  This will save the good stuff but install all of the files and 
their libraries without leaving any of the older libraries behind. That can 
sometimes cause problems.  This is not a sure fire guaranteed method, cause 
some of the good stuff may be dependent on libraries you no longer have.  
Well, that's the way I understand things as of today, if anyone on the list 
want's to correct me or clarify or add to what I have here, just jump right 
in, HTH.

Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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