[newbie-it] KDE theme manager

2001-05-06 Per discussione GiulioF

Ciao !!
prima di tutto grazie a chi mi risponderà !!
ho scaricato qualche tema per il Kde ma non riesco ad 
Ho guardato nella documentazione dove mi dicono di usare 
il theme manager (che però non riesco a trovare agli indirizzi che mi hanno dato 
: "Desktop/Theme Manager" e 
"Settings/Desktop/Theme Manager" sebbene ho il KDE 2.0)
qualcuno sa dove sta questo programma?? 

Sapete dirmi dove mandrake mette i file di configurazione 
(desktop icone e barra del menu) nel filesystemsu Mandarke??
ciao e grazie !!!

[newbie-it] set stampante di rete

2001-05-06 Per discussione fabio

carissimi amici della mailing list,
vi chiedo scusa se continuo a rompere
con il mio problema della stampante ma purtroppo non riesco a trovare
nessuno che possa darmi una dritta su come settare una stampante di rete
con linux mandrake. Ringrazio the_viking per il suo aiuto, ma non mi ha
detto cosa devo inserire nell'opzione PORTA. Gli sarei grato
anticipatamente se vorrà dirmelo.
Di seguito riporto il contenuto della mia seconda mail, infatti già due
settimane fa avevo proposto questo mio problema, anche se, come ben
sappiamo, la soluzione può risultare utile per tutti voi. 

fabio wrote:
 un saluto a tutti
 vorrei proporvi un mio problema:
 ho un pc collegato in rete a cui devo collegare la stampante di rete
 1.Da DrakConf sono andato su STAMPANTE REMOTA poi su
 2.ho inserito il nome della stampante lasciando vuote le opzioni
 3.ho inserito NOME HOST STAMPANTE, per intenderci stampante.host.it,
 lasciando vuota l'opzione PORTA.
 4.ho scelto il modello.
 Per qualche giorno ha funzionato, dopo di che la stampante ha smesso di
 stampare quello che gli mando.
 Come posso risolvere il problema, forse sono necessarie le altre

Scurate ancora la mia petulanza ma per il mio lavoro ho bisogno negli
ultimi tempi di stampare diversa roba dalla rete.
ciao a tutti fabio

[newbie-it] Mandrake 8 E Photopaint 9

2001-05-06 Per discussione Daniele Morabito

Sulla mia nuova MDK 8.0 ho provato ad installare Corel PhotoPaint 9. Neanche 
troppi pasticci, come succedeva con MDK 7.1 e 7.2, solo che Photopaint non 
riesce ad avviarsi.
Spiego: purtroppo non è possibile installare il pacchetto 
fonttastic-glibc-2.1 a causa di una incompatibilità del file /etc/int.d in 
esso contenuto con quello installato sul sistema attraverso initscripts-5.82.
Così Photopaint non trova il suo fontserver e si rifiuta di lavorare.
Non vorrei forzare l'installazione di fonttastic per non rischiare di 
incasinare tutto il sistema, e allora che fare?
A qualcuno viena un'idea?

Ciao, Daniele.

Re: [newbie-it] KDE theme manager

2001-05-06 Per discussione ioadamo

Il 13:36, domenica 06 Maggio 2001, hai scritto:
Kde 2.0 non supporta i temi e quindi non ha il theme manager.
per usare i temi devi installare kde2.1

Ciao !!
 prima di tutto grazie a chi mi risponderà !!
 ho scaricato qualche tema per il Kde ma non riesco ad installarlo.
 Ho guardato nella documentazione dove mi dicono di usare il theme manager
 (che però non riesco a trovare agli indirizzi che mi hanno dato :
 Desktop/Theme Manager  e  Settings/Desktop/Theme Manager sebbene ho il
 KDE 2.0) qualcuno sa dove sta questo programma??

 Sapete dirmi dove mandrake mette i file di configurazione (desktop icone e
 barra del menu) nel filesystem su Mandarke?? ciao e grazie !!!

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[newbie] RPM

2001-05-06 Per discussione kaab kaoutar

what does RPM stands for ? what's the difference between RPM and binary ?

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Re: [newbie] sound card help

2001-05-06 Per discussione Ed Tharp

sorry to get into this thread late, but... I may know what the problem is (I
have the same sound cared and had a hell of a time figuring out why no
sound...) can you go into a sound mixer program and set the volume? this
card default to so low volume that I could not hear a thing, although it
said it was configured in soundcfg. if that does not help, have you turned
off P-N-P in BIOS?
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] sound card help

 Harry Kim wrote:
  hi, still having problems with my sound card...
  i have tried removing the sound modules before running sndconfig but
  that didnt seem to work.  I also tried just pressing ok to the settings
  several times, and that didnt work either.   And I did not run it in X
  and ran it as root. I don't know, it works when I use windows...

 i am using a sb 16... isa i believe
 and i cant use the linux single command since i am using grub

[newbie] Help!hdparm settings hang pc,No boot!!

2001-05-06 Per discussione Anthony

Hi Guys,
I decided to tweaks things a little with hdparm and now my machine 
hangs at boot time. The only feature that I may have enabled that I 
believe is causing the problem was hdparm-x66. My machine was working
excellent but when I decided to reboot it hangs. I enable the settings
rc.local and would some infor how to restore it from a back-up file or
this file. With my boot disk for some strange reason I cannot even
At the propmt I am face with load modprobe or keyboard. I search for
system files but they are no where to be found. I am using the L-M boot

Re: [newbie]HELP: Athlon, M7M and Radeon

2001-05-06 Per discussione Rick Shear

I know all too well about the Proprietary architecture of certain
peripherals inside my Gateway.  I was not too pleased to find the Philips
CDR I purchased with it had no brand name in the firmware so it couldn't be
flashed with Philips updates.  Not too surprising the Radeon card appears to
be a special version for Gateway as well.  I can't complain too much about
the quality of my machine it has worked quite well as it was sold but I know
as soon as replacement time comes, I will build from scratch as I have
always done in the past.

On a side note, if I do just replace the video card, are there any good
quality sub $100 Cards that Linux likes from the get go without having to
re-compile anything.  I am a veteran in the Dos/Windows world but a virgin
when it comes to Linux.

TIA... Again,

- Original Message -
Cc: Newbie (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie]HELP: Athlon, M7M and Radeon

 afaik... also.. from past experience... you might not want to contact DELL
 about using LINUX on a machine that is supposed to be under warranty..
 might end the warranty as use of LINUX used to void the DELL win-warranty.
 (was a couple of years ago but just a call that said you had already
 installed linux would be the end of the warranty.

 - Original Message -
 From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Rick Shear' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Newbie (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 8:43 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie]HELP: Athlon, M7M and Radeon

  Since only the Dell supplied driver will work in Windows you have
  what in technical terms is known as the shaft.
  The card you have, while in fact a Radeon has been in some fashion
  manufactured to be proprietary to Dell.
  The only option I can see, other than buying a New card, is to contact
  Tech Support in the hopes that they can provide you with assistance.
 Charles  )-:
  Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rick Shear
   Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 11:34 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie]HELP: Athlon, M7M and Radeon
   Would the fact that the Radeon card I have is SDR not DDR?  I
   know the card
   requires a driver from Gateway to run windows.  I haven't
   found one on ATI's
   site that will work.  Maybe this card is just odd and causing
   the problem.
   The only other problem I could see is that I am installing on
   my second hard
   drive with lilo on the primary.
   Thanks for all the information,
   - Original Message -
   From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: 'Rick Shear' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Cc: Newbie (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 7:43 AM
   Subject: RE: [newbie]HELP: Athlon, M7M and Radeon
The Radeon requires X 4.02, so it is not going to work in a
   stock 7.2
and/or system.
I currently have 2 Radeon cards, a 32MB DDR and a 64MB DDR
   w/VIVO, and I
both cards are great.
Both system, a Duron 800mhz and a t-bird 1.00ghz, have the
Maxtor ATA100 hds.
I have had no real problem either installing or running
   SuSE7.1, RH 7.1,
of course Mandrake 8.0.
Additionally with Mandrake 8.0 I was using the experimental
   3d hardware
   Charles  (-:


2001-05-06 Per discussione kaab kaoutar

Hi !
I have a domain called EMAGIN, composed of NT workstations and an NT server 
called SERVER1.In one of the NT workstations, i have also installed linux 
mandrake7.2 in a partition. This machine is called kaoutar.

I've installed Samba in it, and tried to join the EMAGIN domain, letting 
SERVER1 the domain contoller. I have shared a directory called KTI.

Here is my smb.conf:

netbios name=kaoutar
workgroup = EMAGIN
server string = Samba %v on (%h)
  security = domain
  password server=SERVER1
  encrypt passwords = Yes
local master = no
domain controller=SERVER1
name resolve order =lmhosts wins hosts bcast
mangled names = yes

comment = KI
path = /var/www/html/site_kti
writeable = no
guest ok = Yes
read only =yes

I have created a user account in linux and samba with the same 
authentication parameters of the NT server administrator.

when i type : smbclient -U% -L LOCALHOST
I first got : unkonwn parameter encountered domain controller
then it gives the right results...

but i realized that it does not  make the right resolution for server1, so i 
added the ip address of server1 to the /etc/host file then it updated the 
error to:

and that's also what it gives when i tried to make samba server join the 
EMAGIN domain, so obviously samba have not yet joined the domain.

By the way the /etc/lmhost is composed of only one line: 
localhost !
is it normal ?

Well, the NT workstations and server easily access the shared directory!
However, when i try to browse the network via konquekor, it fails, it keeps 
asking for server1 and kaoutar authentication.

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Re: [newbie] RPM

2001-05-06 Per discussione Serafim Dahl

kaab kaoutar wrote:

 what does RPM stands for ?

RedHat Package Manager

 what's the difference between RPM and binary ?

The difference is that a binary file is just a program while an RPM-package
contain a number of files, plus the fact that the RPM packages also contain
information about which resources the package depends of. That is, which
resources must already be present in order to ensure a correct behaviour.

There is an alternative, the deb packages, which is the debian equivalent to
RPM (but they are not interchangeable, thus you support RPM or debian
packages, NOT both at the same time).

There is also a utility 'alien' that allows conversion between debian, RPM
and tar packages.
Essentially RPM and debian may be seen as tar packages with extra information
on dependencies.


[newbie] LM 8.0 -- MandrakeUpdate, Drakfont -- Where?

2001-05-06 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Where in the world is MandrakeUpdate in LM 8.0,  please? And Drakfont?

Thanks so much.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] Callback connection

2001-05-06 Per discussione Michael Spivak

Please help me to configure my Mandrake 
to connect with WinNT RAS server (only callback 

I tried to do it by myself with the ms-chap pppd, 
completely failed


Michael Spivak 
Topaz QA Team 
Leader Mercury Interactive Ext. - 2586 Cell. - 054-543234 
Home - 
09-8358599 *** 

RE: [newbie]HELP: Athlon, M7M and Radeon

2001-05-06 Per discussione Charles A Edwards


2 full featured cards that I like a lot are 
ATI Expert 2000 32MB Rage128 chip
Janton 3DForce2-MX 32MB Nvidia GeForce2

Use www.pricewatch.com and you can find either card
for $70 for the retail box, even less if you
go OEM.

Both work out of the box with 7.2 and 8.0.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rick Shear
 Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 9:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie]HELP: Athlon, M7M and Radeon
 I know all too well about the Proprietary architecture of certain
 peripherals inside my Gateway.  I was not too pleased to find 
 the Philips
 CDR I purchased with it had no brand name in the firmware so 
 it couldn't be
 flashed with Philips updates.  Not too surprising the Radeon 
 card appears to
 be a special version for Gateway as well.  I can't complain 
 too much about
 the quality of my machine it has worked quite well as it was 
 sold but I know
 as soon as replacement time comes, I will build from scratch as I have
 always done in the past.
 On a side note, if I do just replace the video card, are 
 there any good
 quality sub $100 Cards that Linux likes from the get go 
 without having to
 re-compile anything.  I am a veteran in the Dos/Windows world 
 but a virgin
 when it comes to Linux.
 TIA... Again,
 - Original Message -
 Cc: Newbie (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 6:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie]HELP: Athlon, M7M and Radeon
  afaik... also.. from past experience... you might not want 
 to contact DELL
  about using LINUX on a machine that is supposed to be under 
  might end the warranty as use of LINUX used to void the 
 DELL win-warranty.
  (was a couple of years ago but just a call that said you had already
  installed linux would be the end of the warranty.
  - Original Message -
  From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Rick Shear' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: Newbie (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 8:43 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie]HELP: Athlon, M7M and Radeon
   Since only the Dell supplied driver will work in Windows you have
   what in technical terms is known as the shaft.
   The card you have, while in fact a Radeon has been in some fashion
   manufactured to be proprietary to Dell.
   The only option I can see, other than buying a New card, 
 is to contact
   Tech Support in the hopes that they can provide you with 
  Charles  )-:
   Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

[newbie] OT- large hard drive = dual boot problem

2001-05-06 Per discussione Chris Keelan

I just put an 8Gb hdd in my Hewlett Packard Vectra VL and I want to dual boot
Mandrake and Windows 98se (at least until GIMP can match Photoshop's CMYK

The bios correctly recognizes my new hdd as being  8455Mb, 16383 cylinders,
16 heads and 63 tracks.
Unfortunately, the Win98 setup floppy won't boot an hdd with such a large
number of cylinder sizes. This is ironic, since Mandrake will load, detect
all my hardware (including USB) and configure it correctly right out of the

Anyone know any bios tricks to fool Win98 into booting with this 8Gb drive?
It's a Phoenix bios, on an older  P-II-233, if that helps

Re: [newbie] Mounting linux files from windows?

2001-05-06 Per discussione D. Hoyem

In my experience no.  Windows uses a vfat32 disk
format and linux uses ext2 type format.  Windows can
not read that file format.
--- kaab kaoutar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to access linux shared files from
 while logging in windows ?

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[newbie] Must press several keys twice after Mandrake 7.2 upgraded with MandrakeFreq

2001-05-06 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Since upgrading a clean installation of Mandrake 7.2 with MandrakeFreq,
I've noticed that I must press two of my keys twice (and sometimes four
times) to register.

The keys are the '/ key and the `/~ key.  At first I thought my
keyboard was going bad, but now I can see that each requires two
presses.  (Except sometimes, the `/~ requires four presses -- after the
second press it brings up some message on the display, then two more
presses and the message goes away and the ~ is recorded.)

Anybody have the same problem?  Suggestions for fixing?

Randy Kramer

PS: If you saw my note the other day about trying to activate the Home
and End keys, I found a partial solution.  I since found  the
following key combinations, which apparently are assigned somehow in
bash.  For the time being I probably won't try to reassign the Home and
End key, even though that would be more intuitive.

ctrla -- to beginning of line (like Home)
ctrle -- to end of line (like End)
altf -- forward one word (like ctrlright arrow)
altb -- back one word (like ctrlleft arrow)

If anyone does have clues on how to make the assignments to Home, End,
etc., that would be appreciated.  (I guess, with no further clues, I'd
try to learn how bash makes these assignments, or learn how to use

[newbie] ICMP

2001-05-06 Per discussione Marcel Dijk


I have configered Bastille-Firewall and it seems to be working, but I have
one problem. I can't ping my machine.

Does ayone have ideias.


[newbie] Novell Client for Liniux

2001-05-06 Per discussione Delagarza, Gilbert

IS there a Novell 
Client for Linux? I've looked on Novell's website and the one they offer, 
I can't seem to figure out how to use. The deamon service starts, and 
that's it.. what else?

[newbie] Mandrake 7.2, Win 98, Win2000

2001-05-06 Per discussione Damodaran Raja

Hi all.

I just installed three OS's on my computer[Drake 7.2,
Win 98, 2000].  The problem is that I can't boot into
Win 98 or Win 2000.  I'll give the details below and
hopefully someone can tell me how to fix the problem.


1. Device: hda1
   Type: Linux Sway
   Size: 125 MB
   Partition booted by default[for MS Dos boot, not
for Lilo].

2. Device: hda5
   Type: Linux native
   size: 2996 MB
   [Note: Root partition]

3. Device: hda9
   Type: Linux Native
   size: 1882 MB
   [Note: for files and documents]

4. Mount Point: /mnt/win_c
   Device: hda6
   Dos Drive Letter: C
   Type: Win 98 FAT 32
   Size: 8001 MB
   [Note: Win 98 is installed here]

5. Mount Pt: /mnt/win_d
   device: hda7
   Dos Drive letter: D
   Type: Win 98 FAT 32
   Size 2001 MB
   [Note: space for files and documents]

6. Mount pt: /mnt/win_e
   Device: hda 8
   Dos Drive letter: E
   Type: Win 98 FAT 32
   size: 4455 MB
   [NOte: Win 2000 is installed here] 

I use GRUB to do the dual boot.  But the options for
Win 98 and Win 2000 don't work.  Maybe I pointed the
link to the wrong partition.  FYI, I can boot into
Linux just fine.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,

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Re: [newbie] Mounting linux files from windows?

2001-05-06 Per discussione Herman Jalink

On Sunday 06 May 2001 14:20, kaab kaoutar wrote:
 Is it possible to access linux shared files from while logging in windows ?

It is not possible by default.
Bill Gates did not include such a utility :=),
but John Newbiggin has made ext2fs explorer.
So have a look at: http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/

Best regards

Herman Jalink


Re: [newbie] Mounting linux files from windows?

2001-05-06 Per discussione L. Koornneef

At 06:38 6-5-2001 -0700, D. Hoyem wrote:
In my experience no.  Windows uses a vfat32 disk
format and linux uses ext2 type format.  Windows can
not read that file format.
--- kaab kaoutar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it possible to access linux shared files from
  while logging in windows ?

It is possible though.
There is a program called explore2fs, which can be found at 
Obviously, this is experimental software, so use at own risk :-)



Re: [newbie] Mounting linux files from windows?

2001-05-06 Per discussione Dave Sherman

However, there are Windows programs that allow you to read ext2 
filesystems. Check tucows.com or downloads.com.


On Sunday 06 May 2001 08:38, thus spake D. Hoyem:
 In my experience no.  Windows uses a vfat32 disk
 format and linux uses ext2 type format.  Windows can
 not read that file format.

 --- kaab kaoutar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it possible to access linux shared files from
  while logging in windows ?


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2001-05-06 Per discussione Per Einar


I have downloaded the 2 Mandrake 8.0 CDs, and burnt them correctly (I hope).
Now, when I boot up with the inst-cd, the graphical installation gives me
very weird colors, I can hardly see anything, the colors are mostly black,
with some green in some places. It's impossible to install Mandrake this
way. I tried playing around with my contrast settings and all, but that
didn't solve anything.

I tried the text installation too, but it gave me a segmentation fault after
selecting the printer, and I would really prefer to use the graphical

My graphics card is a Voodoo3 2000, but I am unable to find enough info
about my monitor for it to be of any help, it's a Packard Bell one.

If I don't succeed with this, do you have any pointers to a good linux
distribution with the 2.4 kernel, Xfree 4 and KDE 2, that is easy to

Thank you,

Per Einar Ellefsen

Re: [newbie] Must press several keys twice after Mandrake 7.2 upgraded with MandrakeFreq

2001-05-06 Per discussione Civileme

On Sunday 06 May 2001 09:12, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Since upgrading a clean installation of Mandrake 7.2 with MandrakeFreq,
 I've noticed that I must press two of my keys twice (and sometimes four
 times) to register.

 The keys are the '/ key and the `/~ key.  At first I thought my
 keyboard was going bad, but now I can see that each requires two
 presses.  (Except sometimes, the `/~ requires four presses -- after the
 second press it brings up some message on the display, then two more
 presses and the message goes away and the ~ is recorded.)

 Anybody have the same problem?  Suggestions for fixing?

 Randy Kramer

 PS: If you saw my note the other day about trying to activate the Home
 and End keys, I found a partial solution.  I since found  the
 following key combinations, which apparently are assigned somehow in
 bash.  For the time being I probably won't try to reassign the Home and
 End key, even though that would be more intuitive.

 ctrla -- to beginning of line (like Home)
 ctrle -- to end of line (like End)
 altf -- forward one word (like ctrlright arrow)
 altb -- back one word (like ctrlleft arrow)

 If anyone does have clues on how to make the assignments to Home, End,
 etc., that would be appreciated.  (I guess, with no further clues, I'd
 try to learn how bash makes these assignments, or learn how to use

Go to DrakConf and change your keyboard to standard US.  You have the US 
International keyboard selecetd which supports extended sequences for special 
characters off those dead keys.  It makes it very easy to type in French or 
German or Swedish off a US keyboard, but double presses for others.


[newbie] Re: Konqueror network browser!

2001-05-06 Per discussione Urban Widmark

On Sun, 6 May 2001, kaab kaoutar wrote:

 Is konqueror network browser the easiest way to browse NT SHARED DIRECTORY?

Only you can define easiest ...

 I know only one other wy wich is the using the command line smbclient ...!
 can i mount a directory using mount ?

On linux you can use smbfs to mount SMB shares. Something like:
mount -t smbfs -o username=foo,workgroup=bar //server/share /mnt/point

Read the smbmount manpage for details.

That gives you normal file access to the remote dir under /mnt/point.
(I say normal since not everything works like it does on a local

You will want to run a 2.2.18/19 or 2.4.4 kernel with support for smbfs,
and possibly also upgrade to samba 2.2.0 for the bugfixes to smbmount
there. Some distributions have included those fixes in their 2.0.7
packages, so try it with what you've got first.


[newbie] glibc 2.2 under 7.2

2001-05-06 Per discussione Szathmary Laszlo


How is it possible to install glibc 2.2 under 7.2? Some programs (like
vim6.0) require it.



[newbie] MD 8.0 and SMP support

2001-05-06 Per discussione Kouros Owzar


According to an announcement on the Mandrake
homepage, MD 8.0 is to offer improved SMP support.

Does anyone have any specific information on this?
For example, is APM now supported for SMP machines?


Kouros Owzar ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] LM 8.0 -- MandrakeUpdate, Drakfont -- Where?

2001-05-06 Per discussione Civileme

On Friday 04 May 2001 15:46, Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:

 Where in the world is MandrakeUpdate in LM 8.0,  please? And Drakfont?

 Thanks so much.


DrakFont is in the control Center.  MandrakeUpdate has been merged with 
rpmDrake and the package rewritten to be much faster and it is now called 
software manager (it has a separate icon on the KDE desktop and ALSO is 
accessible from the Control Center)


[newbie] Re: smbwrapper in samba 2.0.7!

2001-05-06 Per discussione Andrew Bartlett

kaab kaoutar wrote:
 How can i get smbwrapper? i'm using samba 2.0.7 RPM!

My understanding is that it does not function under linux, due to
changes in glibc.

Andrew Bartlett

Re: [newbie] error on make

2001-05-06 Per discussione Danny Gordon

It was the libpng-devel package which was not installed, all is good again.
Thanks for all your help :-)

Dan Gordon

On May  5, 2001 08:56 pm, you wrote:
 Hello again,  I've been trying to install two programs ksetiwatch and
 klseti. Im using mandrake 7.2 and have finally gotten over the ./compile
 errors i was getting.  Now when i do make i get the following error.

 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpng
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make[3]: *** [ksetiwatch] Error 1

[newbie] PMFirewall

2001-05-06 Per discussione Michael B. Harris

  I downloaded and installed PMfirewall on my Linux 7.2 system.

  The Software does become active during the boot process, but I
am unable to access the GUI for the program.  I can not seem to locate it.

   Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Michael B. Harris
Registered Linux User

[newbie] kapm-idled - what is it why does it chew up my CPU?

2001-05-06 Per discussione skip

I just upgraded from Mandrake 7.1 to 8.0 a few days ago.  I notice that when
the system is otherwise idle a process calling itself kapm-idled runs,
consuming 75-80% of the CPU.  Top shows its size as 0.  What is it?


Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] glibc 2.2 under 7.2

2001-05-06 Per discussione s

pretty good tutorial on http://www.pclinuxonline.com

On Sunday 06 May 2001 03:32 pm, you wrote:

 How is it possible to install glibc 2.2 under 7.2? Some programs (like
 vim6.0) require it.



Re: [newbie] PMFirewall

2001-05-06 Per discussione s

there ain't one.

On Sunday 06 May 2001 05:19 pm, you wrote:
   I downloaded and installed PMfirewall on my Linux 7.2 system.

   The Software does become active during the boot process, but I
 am unable to access the GUI for the program.  I can not seem to locate it.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

 Michael B. Harris
 Registered Linux User

[newbie] webcam

2001-05-06 Per discussione Jeffrey M. Reed

i am the proud new owner of one silly little earthlink 

was wondering if anyone knows a good proggie or likewise 
way to set up this little beast.

p.s. it's a serial port model (a la printer port)...not 
PS/2! damn.



+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Must press several keys twice after Mandrake 7.2 upgraded with MandrakeFreq

2001-05-06 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Wonderful!  Thank you very much!

Randy Kramer

  I've noticed that I must press two of my keys twice (and sometimes four
  times) to register.
  The keys are the '/ key and the `/~ key.  At first I thought my
  keyboard was going bad, but now I can see that each requires two
Civileme wrote:
 Go to DrakConf and change your keyboard to standard US.  You have the US
 International keyboard selecetd which supports extended sequences for special
 characters off those dead keys.  It makes it very easy to type in French or
 German or Swedish off a US keyboard, but double presses for others.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2, Win 98, Win2000

2001-05-06 Per discussione D. Hoyem

Please post a copy of lilo.conf so that we can see
--- Damodaran Raja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all.
 I just installed three OS's on my computer[Drake
 Win 98, 2000].  The problem is that I can't boot
 Win 98 or Win 2000.  I'll give the details below and
 hopefully someone can tell me how to fix the
 DISK PARTITIONS  [20 GB Hard Drive]
 1. Device: hda1
Type: Linux Sway
Size: 125 MB
Partition booted by default[for MS Dos boot, not
 for Lilo].
 2. Device: hda5
Type: Linux native
size: 2996 MB
[Note: Root partition]
 3. Device: hda9
Type: Linux Native
size: 1882 MB
[Note: for files and documents]
 4. Mount Point: /mnt/win_c
Device: hda6
Dos Drive Letter: C
Type: Win 98 FAT 32
Size: 8001 MB
[Note: Win 98 is installed here]
 5. Mount Pt: /mnt/win_d
device: hda7
Dos Drive letter: D
Type: Win 98 FAT 32
Size 2001 MB
[Note: space for files and documents]
 6. Mount pt: /mnt/win_e
Device: hda 8
Dos Drive letter: E
Type: Win 98 FAT 32
size: 4455 MB
[NOte: Win 2000 is installed here] 
 I use GRUB to do the dual boot.  But the options for
 Win 98 and Win 2000 don't work.  Maybe I pointed the
 link to the wrong partition.  FYI, I can boot into
 Linux just fine.
 Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,
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Re: [newbie] kapm-idled - what is it why does it chew up my CPU?

2001-05-06 Per discussione Civileme

On Sunday 06 May 2001 15:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just upgraded from Mandrake 7.1 to 8.0 a few days ago.  I notice that
 when the system is otherwise idle a process calling itself kapm-idled runs,
 consuming 75-80% of the CPU.  Top shows its size as 0.  What is it?


It isn't chewing up your CPU--it measures idle cycles for some other routines 
that try to calculate Load and such.  Probably we will modify the top and 
other measurement programs so you cannot see it.  Again those are the TOTAL 
IDLE CYCLES being shown.


[newbie] Digital Camera

2001-05-06 Per discussione Derek Rayne

Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone has been sucessful hooking up a digital
camera through the serial port (or USB) on Linux-Mandrake 7.2 or 8.0? 
I had it hooked up when I used Windows and now I don't use Windows
anymore and I don't want the camera to goto waste.


Richard Wegner


Richard Wegner - Linux User - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
e-mail address I chose!

I don't do Windows me (Proud Linux User)  ICQ #: 12781393

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[newbie] S540 Xtreme 3D accel

2001-05-06 Per discussione Fred Schroeder

HI all!

I am having trouble getting a Diamond Stealth III S540 Xtreme card to 
run with 3D accelleration.  Does anyone know how to get this to 
I have Mandrake 8.0 running, Asus P5A, AMD k6-2/500, 128meg RAM.
I have been able to get Chromium to run, but is is ***VERY*** SLOW!



2001-05-06 Per discussione JUNIOR WALLACE

I'm using Mandrake linux 
7.2 and after booting up, xwindows 
used to start automatically. but recently xwindows won't 
startlinux stop at the command line. When I type xstart, it 
said there is an error read the XFree86.0.log. 
which say --- could not init 
font path element unix/: -1, removing from list 
Fatal server error: could not open default font 

this happen a few times before 
but I just reinstall linux, but I don't want to do that and 
loose all my data this time
appreciate any help

Junior Wallace

[newbie] HP DeskJet 812c via USB

2001-05-06 Per discussione Travers Naran

I can get the USB connection to the printer working; I can even copy straight 
text to the printer and it comes out fine.  But if I try to use CUPS driver, 
the test page comes out all garbled with random ASCII characters.  I'm using 
Mandrake-Linux 7.2, and nothing is working for me.  Does anybody have any 

Travers Naran, F/T Programmer  P/T Meddler in Time  Space
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada, Earth, Milky Way, etc.
Stand Back! I'm a programmer!
Visit the SFTV Science Blunders Hall of Infamy!

[newbie] Configuring callback connection with NT RAS

2001-05-06 Per discussione Michael Spivak

Please help me to configure my Mandrake 8.0
to connect with WinNT RAS server (only callback enabled)
I tried to do it by myself with the ms-chap pppd, but
completely failed