Re: webmin: [newbie-it] informazioni

2001-06-12 Per discussione webmaster

Il lun, 11 giu 2001, Fabio Coatti ha scritto:

 Occhio, le barre vanno dritte (//), non backslash (\\) (troppa 

compito per casa : devo riempire di slash una pagina di quadernino  :-))

 microsoft ? :-))) )

producono forse elettrodomestici miniaturizzati?
 se è così dove li vendono? 
devo cambiare il forno


 Nucleo Gestione Sistemi Informatici
MDK GNU/Linux 2.4.x  P III 500 256 
   U.T. 04/2001

[newbie-it] scheda audio

2001-06-12 Per discussione luca laghi

Ho installato gli Alsa drivers, libs, utils per la mia scheda audio,
Ho evitato che il bios avviasse il pnp OS-support.
Avviando alsamixer noto che il tipo di scheda è individuato.
Quali sono i tools che permettono di verificare le comunicazioni tra sistema
operativo e scheda (audio in particolare), nomerodi I/O?


2001-06-12 Per discussione Gigi Cyber


Do You Yahoo!?
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

[newbie-it] apache e permessi

2001-06-12 Per discussione lobax

Scusate se riposto ma spero che qualche d'uno mi risponda e possa aiutarmi.

Io ho un problema molto urgente, non riesco ad usare apache da utente,non mi 
permette di salvare i files nella documentroot .
Tentativi fatti:
1) chmod a+rwx  /var/www  # nessun effetto.
2) ho aggiunto con (userdrake) l'utente al gruppo apache   #nessun effetto
3)la mia versione è una mdk 8.0 con apache 1.3.19 ci sono 2 files ci 
configurazione: commonhttpd.conf e httpd.conf ,quest'ultimo include il primo. 
La prima direttiva è : Users che di default era apache  ed io ho cambiato 
con il nome utente , e lo stesso ho fatto per la direttiva Group,ho arrestato 
e riavviato apache ma anche in questo caso niente da fare.
Ad un controllo con ls -la tutte le dir e i files sono di apache e root.
Spero vivamente che qualcuno mi voglia dare una mano perchè non so che pesci 
ciao e grz

Re: Tablet (Era:Re: [newbie-it] Modem pci 56k !!!)

2001-06-12 Per discussione freefred

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 07:48, Andrea Celli wrote:

 Da una ricerca in rete e` emersa una situazione strana:
 le Wacom funzionano, di tutte le altre non si trovano notizie
 ne` positive, ne` negative.

Potrebbe semplicemente essere che Lepied (lo scrittore dei driver per 
linux) ha chiesto le specifiche dei driver alla Wacom e la Wacom gliele 
ha date.
Magari altri le hanno chieste a qualcun altro e non gliele hanno date, 
o nessuno le ha chieste:-)

bye, auguri.

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


Re: [newbie-it] nis services high avability services

2001-06-12 Per discussione freefred

On Monday 11 June 2001 10:25, you wrote:

ehm, sorry, per favore non scriver in html...

levarli dal boot o come posso ovviare
 al problema e far si che nel boot mi dica quot;bok/bquot;

direi siano tutti servizi che non ti servono
puoi disabilitarli tramite il drakconf, scegliendo
(non ricordo bene la voce, la 8 non l'ha piu')
services o qualcosa del genere.
Se lasci il mouse sui nomi, di quasi tutti dovrebbe darti
una breve descrizione.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


Re: [newbie-it] BlackBox

2001-06-12 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Corrado wrote:
 Ciao a tutti!
 vero inconveniente è dato dalla visualizzazione dei font di non poche
 pagine web, quale che sia il browser che utilizzo: i caratteri appaiono
 se non proprio illeggibili, certo molto sgradevoli da vedere; qualcuno
 sa se tale problema sia risolvibile?

Per Mozilla vedi una lettera arrivata oggi su questa ML.

Per Netscape in generale, installa i true type fonts.
In drakxconf c'e` un tool che ti permette doi farlo molto
facilmente, anche succhiandoli da un'eventuale partizione win.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] samba

2001-06-12 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 12:43:15 +0200 (CEST)
Gigi Cyber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Un' altra domanda: ho compilato un nuovo kernel, il
 2.4.5, e funziona, ma durante il boot compare questo
 fs devpts not supported by kernel
 io ho cercato nel menú di make menuconfig un'opzione
 da abilitare, manon l'ho trovata, qualcuno sa dirmi
 dove la devo cercare?

Nella sezione File systems trovi l' apposita opzione da attivare: 

 [*] /dev/pts file system for Unix98 PTYs  



Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie] error: failed dependencies

2001-06-12 Per discussione Michael Falzon


error: failed dependencies

PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use


[newbie] error: failed dependencies:

2001-06-12 Per discussione Michael Falzon

Let's retry that 

I'm trying to update peal how do i fix this ? 

[root@gw /]# rpm -Uvh 
error: failed dependencies:
 perl-base is needed by 
perl-5.601-1mdk perl-base = 
5.601-1mdk is needed by 
perl-5.601-1mdk /usr/bin/perl is 
needed by autoconf-2.14.1-6mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
automake-1.4-6mdk /usr/bin/perl is 
needed by apache-1.3.9-8mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
cbb-0.78-2mdk /usr/bin/perl is 
needed by cleanfeed-0.95.7b-4mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
cvs-1.10.7-1mdk /usr/bin/perl is 
needed by fvwm2-2.2.2-9mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
groff-1.11a-10mdk /usr/bin/perl is 
needed by helptool-2.4-8mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
kdebase-1.1.2-9mdk /usr/bin/perl 
is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
lilo-0.21-12mdk /usr/bin/perl is 
needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
rpm-3.0.3-31mdk /usr/bin/perl is 
needed by samba-2.0.5a-3mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
sharutils-4.2-5mdk /usr/bin/perl 
is needed by svgalib-1.4.0-10mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
ucd-snmp-3.6.2-1mdk /usr/bin/perl 
is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by uucp-1.06.1-12mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
vim-common-5.4-3mdk /usr/bin/perl 
is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
xboard-4.0.0-4mdk /usr/bin/perl is 
needed by mod_perl-1.21-16mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
mod_perl-1.21-17mdk /usr/bin/perl 
is needed by tetex-doc-1.0.6-4mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
procinfo-16-4mdk /usr/bin/perl is 
needed by apache-devel-1.3.9-8mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
emumail-4.5-6 /usr/bin/perl is 
needed by ircd-2.10.3-5mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
inn-2.2.3-1.3mdk /usr/bin/perl is 
needed by mc-4.5.38-4.1mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
curl-7.7-1 /usr/bin/perl is needed 
by wu-ftpd-2.6.1-8.6mdk 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
MySQL-3.22.25-4mdk /usr/bin/perl 
is needed by 
/usr/bin/perl is needed by 
webmin-0.86-1 /usr/bin/perl5 is 
needed by xscreensaver-3.17-6mdk

Michael FalzonGremlin Consultancy P/L405 
Francis StreetBrooklyn, Vic Australia 3025Ph: 61+ 
393153855Fax: 61+393151585mobile: 0419235363Registered Linux user 

Re: [newbie] x won't start

2001-06-12 Per discussione Charles A. Punch

Stephen Hansen-Sturm wrote:

 I cannot start x. I am using Mandrake 
 7.2, and I have XFree86 3.36 and 4.01 
 both installed. 
 The computer is an IBM ThinkPad 770z, 

This may be a long shot, but I have had similar problems starting X, as well as other 
screen resolution problems, stemming from incomplete installations. It took me a while 
to figure it out, but in desperation, I would re-install and notice that the 
installation took a lot longer the second or third time and offered several options 
that didn't present themselves initially.I don't know why this happens, but I know 
that it has happened several times to me, never on my desktop, but only on my Toshiba 
Satellite Pro notebook. It may be some kind of notebook specific quirk. I'm not sure 
if this will help you, but I just thought I would mention it for consideration.Maybe 
re-installing will be one more alternative to consider before giving up, if nothing 
else works.

Registered Linux user #217118
Nothing is impossible, to the man who will not listen to reason.


[newbie] changed hostname, bad result

2001-06-12 Per discussione Noah Richards

I took the advice given me and changed my hostname using linuxconf.  Now, 
when the system boots up, the logon manager (or whatever it is called) does 
not start.  I can start x and kde, but when i start kde, the terminal says 
cannot find own hostname: system is severely misconfigured.  Any help (who 
know what they are talking about and won't give me advice that will severely 
misconfigure my system again) would be greatly appreciated.

|Noah Richards

Re: [newbie] changed hostname, bad result

2001-06-12 Per discussione Frédéric Bothamy

Noah Richards a écrit :
 I took the advice given me and changed my hostname using linuxconf.  Now,
 when the system boots up, the logon manager (or whatever it is called) does
 not start.  I can start x and kde, but when i start kde, the terminal says
 cannot find own hostname: system is severely misconfigured.  Any help (who
 know what they are talking about and won't give me advice that will severely
 misconfigure my system again) would be greatly appreciated.

You should try to change the file /etc/sysconfig/network, specifically
the line
HOSTNAME. If you have access to KDE, you can use the Mandrake Control
Center :
Network/Connexion and Configure. You will be asked for the hostname.

Frédéric Bothamy [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- QA Team

RE: [newbie] changed hostname, bad result

2001-06-12 Per discussione Michael Spivak

you shoul change the /etc/hosts file, and add line:  localhost   [you_machine_name]

this should fix the problem

-Original Message-
From: Noah Richards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 9:47 AM
Subject: [newbie] changed hostname, bad result

I took the advice given me and changed my hostname using linuxconf.  Now, 
when the system boots up, the logon manager (or whatever it is called) does 
not start.  I can start x and kde, but when i start kde, the terminal says 
cannot find own hostname: system is severely misconfigured.  Any help (who

know what they are talking about and won't give me advice that will
misconfigure my system again) would be greatly appreciated.

|Noah Richards

[newbie] device /usr busy? SAY WHAT?

2001-06-12 Per discussione Chubby Vic

Hey group I just got some weird errors
when I went to either shut down or reboot the

It said something like /usr was busy and it
retried to umount again approx 3 or 4 times,
has anyone else had this error and know how
to correct it so on bootup it does not have to
do a fsck of the usr ?


RE: [newbie] changed hostname, bad result

2001-06-12 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

I have a similar problem along similar lines to the question below.

I have Mandrake 7.1 installed, i am wanting to have a play with Apache,
I have it starting as a service on startup, but when I try and connect
using http://localhost/ or http://localhost.localdomain/ or it
just returns the error that the host is unreachable.

I have tried to start apache manually, but resulting in the same
problem, it matters not wether I am logged on as root or a standard

Any ideas? is this some sort of security option that I may have
inadvertently switched on?

Jamie Adams
Housing Assistant

41 Castle Road
North Yorkshire, YO11 1BJ

Tel: (01723) 507543
Fax: (01723) 355862

From:  Michael Spivak[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:  12 June 2001 10:53
Subject:   RE: [newbie] changed hostname, bad result

you shoul change the /etc/hosts file, and add line: localhost   [you_machine_name]

this should fix the problem

-Original Message-
From: Noah Richards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 9:47 AM
Subject: [newbie] changed hostname, bad result

I took the advice given me and changed my hostname using linuxconf.  Now, 
when the system boots up, the logon manager (or whatever it is called) does 
not start.  I can start x and kde, but when i start kde, the terminal says 
cannot find own hostname: system is severely misconfigured.  Any help (who

know what they are talking about and won't give me advice that will
misconfigure my system again) would be greatly appreciated.

|Noah Richards

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
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01285 884400.

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
01285 884400.

Re: [newbie] New LM8 PowerPack installation freezes on Boot CD

2001-06-12 Per discussione Romanator

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Romanator wrote:
  Hi list and Mandrake Support,
  I am very disappointed. It appears that I have a bad Boot
  Core System Boot CD. The light on the CD stays on for about
  10 minutes followed by and error message:
  An error occurred nothing found while parsing
  /mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.CD1 Core System CD(x86)
  How do I get a replacement?
  Registered Linux User #179293
  This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility
   On Monday 11 June 2001 20:45, you wrote:
Hi everybody,
Well, I just received the new Powerpack and I cannot
get it installed. I was running expert mode. In fact
the first RAM disk crapped out and I was prompted to
retry again by pressing the [enter] key. After
partitioning /boot / /usr /swap  and /home, the Boot
Disk was searching the programs to install, the motor
stopped while the light on CD was still on, and the
following error message appeared:
Error Message
An error occurred nothing found while parsing
/mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.CD1 Core System CD(x86)
What the heck is going on? My beta installed instantly.
I can't get anything installed from the Powerpack!!
Any ideas?
 The instructions for getting bad media replaced are locatedin
 in a small brochure (CD sleeve sized) packed with the CD's
 (has tux on the front) and it says:
 If you need a replacement disc due to damaged
 product, you can obtain a replacement within
 90 days of your purchase date. Send the
 damaged product, acopy of the sales receipt,
 and a letter briefly explaining the problem
 User Services
 Macmillan Software
 201 W. 103rd Street
 Indianapolis, IN 46290

Hi Alan,

I have to register it today on the Mandrake web site first, yes?
Shouldn't I report this to Mandrake so that it can be logged? And,
should I send the entire package back? 

Shipping or Mailing
Is US Post preferable?

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] LimeWire Installation

2001-06-12 Per discussione Jose

Go to

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 02:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 whatis the filename/link of the linux jre?
 i couldnt find it- i always ended up with a search result like solaris
 jre or linux develoment package(20mb!).

 On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Jose wrote:
  I am running Mandrake 8.0 and was having problems installing
  LimeWire. I found some instructions that enabled me to finally
  install and run LimeWire.
  First got to and download the Java Runtime
  Enviroment 1.3.1 for Linux. Then get from finally as root run
  /usr/java/jre1.3.1/bin/java -classpath install
  then just run the binary as /home/your_directory/LimeWire/LimeWire
  It worked for me and hopefully for everyone else.


FW: [newbie] changed hostname, bad result

2001-06-12 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

I have a similar problem along similar lines to the question below.

I have Mandrake 7.1 installed, i am wanting to have a play with Apache, I
have it starting as a service on startup, but when I try and connect using
http://localhost/ or http://localhost.localdomain/ or it just
returns the error that the host is unreachable.

I have tried to start apache manually, but resulting in the same problem, it
matters not wether I am logged on as root or a standard user.

Any ideas? is this some sort of security option that I may have inadvertently
switched on?

Jamie Adams
Housing Assistant

41 Castle Road
North Yorkshire, YO11 1BJ

Tel: (01723) 507543
Fax: (01723) 355862

From:  Michael Spivak[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:  12 June 2001 10:53
Subject:   RE: [newbie] changed hostname, bad result

you shoul change the /etc/hosts file, and add line: localhost   [you_machine_name]

this should fix the problem

-Original Message-
From: Noah Richards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 9:47 AM
Subject: [newbie] changed hostname, bad result

I took the advice given me and changed my hostname using linuxconf.  Now, 
when the system boots up, the logon manager (or whatever it is called) does 
not start.  I can start x and kde, but when i start kde, the terminal says 
cannot find own hostname: system is severely misconfigured.  Any help (who

know what they are talking about and won't give me advice that will
misconfigure my system again) would be greatly appreciated.

|Noah Richards

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
01285 884400.

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
01285 884400.

Re: [newbie] Masquerading and IPTables

2001-06-12 Per discussione Jeff

--- Ross Slade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1. Is there a howto on Masquerading for Mandrake
 8.0? I had it working fine
 under 6.0 - 7.1, but not now... I have a static IP
 ( and an
 internal LAN using for this box and for a WinME box.
 One thing I have found is that a friend's box has
 four tabs in netconf, one
 being for forwarding and such - I don't have that
 tab available so something's
 missing - can someone please tell me what package
 will add that seemingly
 critical tab to netconf?
 2. I had a resonable firewall under the older
 versions using ipchains - what's
 the best way to convertthe old one into iptables?
 (since it seems I can no
 longer use ipchains?)
 Thanks in advance for any help...
 [ICQ No.9391313]
   {For email change borg to org}

Ok I haven't used netconf before but there is a good
howto (it's really not as cryptic as some of the
others) the webserver is down but you can find it
here: plus a decent
overveiw of iptables is here: and another:
and one more for fun:
but if your really happy with ip chains it should be
available as a module that you can load.  Be warned
though that the ICQ, Quake, and raudio modules have
all disappeared in the 2.4 kernel series for now. 
There's now an irc module and ftp module but thats it.
Good Luck.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 
a year!

RE: [newbie] changed hostname, bad result

2001-06-12 Per discussione Michael D. Viron

Ross  Jamie,

Take a look at /var/logs/httpd/error_log, and send the list a copy--all
error messages from apache get logged there.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:42 PM 06/12/2001 +1000, Ross Slade wrote:
On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Adams, Jamie wrote:

 I have a similar problem along similar lines to the question below.

 I have Mandrake 7.1 installed, i am wanting to have a play with Apache,
 I have it starting as a service on startup, but when I try and connect
 using http://localhost/ or http://localhost.localdomain/ or it
 just returns the error that the host is unreachable.

 I have tried to start apache manually, but resulting in the same
 problem, it matters not wether I am logged on as root or a standard

 Any ideas? is this some sort of security option that I may have
 inadvertently switched on?

I have this problem too, but it's case for whatever url/ip I use to try
to access my web server with. Worked fine under Mandrake 6.0-7.2, must be
another subtle tweak we have to learn... 8-)

If someone has an idea on this I'd love to hear it.


-- [ICQ No.9391313]
  {For email change borg to org}

Cynic, n.:
   One who looks through rose-colored glasses with a jaundiced eye.

Re: [newbie] Install help

2001-06-12 Per discussione Michael D. Viron

A fresh install takes me less than 45 mins on my AMD k6II 450, with 256mb 
ram. I understand that upgrades take hours (never done one) so it appears 
that you did an upgrade rather than a clean install. Are you sure you did an 
install and not an upgrade, did you format the partitions /root /usr and 
others (or the entire disk for that matter) during your install ?
I suggest you back up anything you need and install again, when you get to 
partitions to use in your install process make sure you format everything 
(except /home if you have it in a separate partition and want to keep it)
You can also leave /usr/local alone if it is a separate partition from /usr.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida


Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those
by it)

RE: [newbie] changed hostname, bad result

2001-06-12 Per discussione Ross Slade

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Michael D. Viron wrote:

 Take a look at /var/logs/httpd/error_log, and send the list a copy--all
 error messages from apache get logged there.

Sorry, I should have posted that the first time...

[Tue Jun 12 16:11:36 2001] [crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could
not bind to port 80

Prevented by a firewall maybe? If so it's probably also the cause of my
masquerading problems as well...I'm starting to dislike these new-fangled
firewall tools (ie. I don't understand then yet).  8-)

  I have Mandrake 7.1 installed, i am wanting to have a play with Apache,
  I have it starting as a service on startup, but when I try and connect
  using http://localhost/ or http://localhost.localdomain/ or it
  just returns the error that the host is unreachable.

 I have this problem too, but it's case for whatever url/ip I use to try
 to access my web server with. Worked fine under Mandrake 6.0-7.2, must be


-- [ICQ No.9391313]
  {For email change borg to org}

Out of sight is out of mind.
-- Arthur Clough

[newbie] hdparm

2001-06-12 Per discussione Scott Pletcher

Hi All,
I've got some troublesome readings from two identical hard drives set up the 
same.  Does anyone know why they are performing so differently?  I suppose 
hda may be bad, but I was hoping to find some other way to test this.  Thanks!



Here are the hard drives:
hda: Maxtor 52049H4, ATA DISK drive (master ide0)
hdb: Maxtor 52049H4, ATA DISK drive (slave ide0)

Running hdparm I get:
[root@haldane scott]# hdparm -Tt /dev/hda

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.87 seconds =147.13 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in 31.17 seconds =  2.05 MB/sec

[root@haldane scott]# hdparm -Tt /dev/hdb

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.85 seconds =150.59 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  2.21 seconds = 28.96 MB/sec
[root@haldane scott]# hdparm /dev/hda

Here are the settings:
 multcount= 16 (on)
 I/O support  =  3 (32-bit w/sync)
 unmaskirq=  0 (off)
 using_dma=  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 nowerr   =  0 (off)
 readonly =  0 (off)
 readahead=  8 (on)
 geometry = 2482/255/63, sectors = 39882528, start = 0
[root@haldane scott]# hdparm /dev/hdb

 multcount= 16 (on)
 I/O support  =  3 (32-bit w/sync)
 unmaskirq=  0 (off)
 using_dma=  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 nowerr   =  0 (off)
 readonly =  0 (off)
 readahead=  8 (on)
 geometry = 2491/255/63, sectors = 40020624, start = 0

Re: [newbie] identd

2001-06-12 Per discussione Lanman

On June 12, 2001 11:12 am, Dan Gordon wrote:
 Hi, I know this has been asked before but i just installed Mandrake 8.0 and
 i would like to allow identd so i can connect to irc but the built in fire
 wall wont have it.
 I know this can be changed but am not sure how.
 Right now its using the tiny firewall, i used to use Firestarter but it
 wont make now?

 Thanks in advance.

Dan ; The Tiny Firewall in LM 8.0 is actually Bastille-Firewall. In the /etc 
folder, you should find another folder called Bastille  (/etc/Bastille) . 
Inside of that you should find bastille-firewall.cfg . Open that in 
Advanced Editor, and look around. It's as easy to modify as smb.conf , and 
has pretty good descriptions about all the stuff it does. Save the changes, 
and restart the firewall or (Gasp!) reboot ! Should work fine.


Dan LaBine

RE: [newbie] RAID controller support in LM8?

2001-06-12 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

BTW, thanks for all the help!  It's been invaluable to me so far.

If it's not too much trouble, could you take a look at this motherboard and
tell me what you think?

The following is a similar one I found on , it's the A7M
not the A7A above (not sure of the difference).  I provide the link
because it has some more spec info that might be useful.


-Paul R

P.S.scsi not so important to me anymore,
  but jumperless mobo is,
  also wanted to point out that it's for an Athlon 1.4ghz cpu.
  (I'm considering an ata/100 drive)

On Monday 11 June 2001 08:33, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 Ok, so what I'm looking for at the moment is a good
   socket a
   266mhz fsb
   ddr capable
   no audio
   at least 5 pci slots
   non-raid specific board
   with scsi controller

 What do you think about these options, am I looking for the
 right thing? Any reccomendations?

 -paul r

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] Bash scripts portability

2001-06-12 Per discussione Paul

It was Tue, 12 Jun 2001 13:05:15 +0100 when n6tadam wrote:

bash: /usr/bin/script : not found
bash: /usr/bin/script Line X command not found

(Line X being the last line in the script which is blank)

Does anybody know why, or indeed what causes this, and if so, how do I
correct it.

Unless it is a dark secret, you could post that part of the actual script.
Perhaps that sheds some light


What good is a ticket to the good life, if you can't find the entrance? - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] device /usr busy? SAY WHAT?

2001-06-12 Per discussione Chubby Vic

No Ijust have regular Mandrake 8.0 with nothing but
ext2 all round.

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 08:05 am, so spoke Michael Leone:
 I saw this, when loading VMWware in kernel 2.2.18  (it used one of it's
 SUSE pre-compiled kernels - i.e., NOT a Mandrake kernel).

 So, since I have multiple kernels to boot to, I use VMWare in kernel 2.4.5.
 This made it compile it's own kernel modules, and I haven't seen that
 problem since.

 Are you running VMWare? And on a ResierFS partition, as I am?

 - Original Message -
 From: Chubby Vic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 5:14 AM
 Subject: [newbie] device /usr busy? SAY WHAT?

 Hey group I just got some weird errors
 when I went to either shut down or reboot the

 It said something like /usr was busy and it
 retried to umount again approx 3 or 4 times,
 has anyone else had this error and know how
 to correct it so on bootup it does not have to
 do a fsck of the usr ?


Re: [newbie] Bash scripts portability

2001-06-12 Per discussione Randy Kramer

I don't know if this will help, but try inserting an extra blank line at
the bottom of the file (especially if there is no blank line at all
now.  I've run into problems on other systems, languages, applications
that have trouble dealing with a line without a line feed ending it.

Good luck, 
Randy Kramer

n6tadam wrote:
 Dear List,
 I wonder if someone can offer assistance. One of my hobbies at school is to
 write bashscripts for our two proxy servers. I usually write them on my home
 network, which runs Suse 7.0.
 Our two proxy servers also run SuSE Linux 7.0. The problem I am having is
 that when I take a bash script from home (which works), and try and run it
 on the proxy server, I either get one of the following error messages:
 bash: /usr/bin/script : not found
 bash: /usr/bin/script Line X command not found
 (Line X being the last line in the script which is blank)
 Does anybody know why, or indeed what causes this, and if so, how do I
 correct it.
 Thanks in Anticipation,
 Thomas Adam
 Please note that the content of this message is confidential between the original 
sender and the intended recipient(s) of the message. If you are not an intended 
recipient and/or have received this message in error, kindly disregard the content of 
the message and return it to the original sender.
 If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:
 The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

RE: [newbie] RAID controller support in LM8?

2001-06-12 Per discussione Albion Baucom

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Paul Rodríguez wrote:

 If it's not too much trouble, could you take a look at this motherboard and
 tell me what you think?

OK, but I would suggest the A7V133 for a couple of reasons

1) ALiMAGiK chipset has not garnered a lot of praise (though neither has
VIA, but it has at least been around long enough to start maturing, better
BIOS, etc)

2) The A7V133 has a RAID0/ATA100 controller so you can hook up to 8 IDE
devices to the motherboard. By default the Promise controller on the A7V
is set to ATA100 support and this most likely what you want under Linux.

3) Cheaper

Compare back to back

People might argue that the A7A266 has slots for DDR RAM, but the
benchmarks so far do not indicate that having DDR RAM gives a significant
improvement in speed (yet). You can't use both DDR (PC2100) and PC133
simultaneously with the A7A266.

 The following is a similar one I found on , it's the A7M
 not the A7A above (not sure of the difference).  I provide the link
 because it has some more spec info that might be useful.

The A7M266 uses DDR RAM and has the VIA chipset. It supports up to 2GB of
RAM (the A7V supports 1.5GB, and the A7A 3GB, though I have never
personally heard of a 1GB stick of RAM, but maybe they exist).

All of these boards support 266/200Mhz FSB.

I have a 1.2GHz AMD running on the A7V133 and am very pleased with it, in
particularly the feature/price ratio. The extra ATA100 controller is
welcome when you have 2 CD-ROMS, a ZIP, and 3 IDE drives.

But, people may have good arguments why you should pay $15-$25 more for
the A7A266 (DDR RAM support maybe ...)


Albion E. Baucom

Re: [newbie] Duplicate emails from list

2001-06-12 Per discussione Walter Luffman

On Monday 11 June 2001 23:21, Fireman71 wrote:
 Am I the only one receiving two copies of each email sent to the list?

 Tried unsubscribing and resubscribing right after this started but it keeps
 sending me two. Been going on for about a week now.


I get duplicates of some, but not all, e-mails sent to the list.
Walter Luffman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Medina, TN USA
Supercharged with extra glucose! (Type 2 diabetic 5/99, d/e/m/motorcycle)
Sage, purple 1998 Honda VT1100C Shadow Spirit

Re: [newbie] Duplicate emails from list

2001-06-12 Per discussione Dave DeGear

Quoting Walter Luffman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I get duplicates of some, but not all, e-mails sent to the list.

  Yes, I also get dupes of some of the emails.


[newbie] Crystal Semiconducter CS4236B Audio Codec

2001-06-12 Per discussione Curtis Matthiesen

I have the above mentioned sound card and so far I can't hear sound in 
Mandrake 8.0, what I'm wondering is, if anyone out there has drivers for 
this particular card and/or if they could help me to get it to work.

Thanks so much for your help.


Curtis Matthiesen
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[newbie] Removal

2001-06-12 Per discussione Dave Humphreys


How do i get removed from this list


[newbie] SNF and cable modem

2001-06-12 Per discussione Ryan Windham

I am running SNF with two netgear fa-310tx. I am able to log on to the linux 
box with my win98 box, But I can't get to the internet. Since the modem uses 
a dynamic IP, how should I set up eth1?
Thanks for any help.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] New LM8 PowerPack installation freezes on Boot CD

2001-06-12 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Romanator wrote:
 Alan Shoemaker wrote:
  Romanator wrote:
   Hi list and Mandrake Support,
   I am very disappointed. It appears that I have a bad
   Boot Core System Boot CD. The light on the CD stays on
   for about 10 minutes followed by and error message:
   An error occurred nothing found while parsing
   /mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.CD1 Core System CD(x86)
   How do I get a replacement?
   Registered Linux User #179293
   This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility
On Monday 11 June 2001 20:45, you wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 Well, I just received the new Powerpack and I
 cannot get it installed. I was running expert mode.
 In fact the first RAM disk crapped out and I was
 prompted to retry again by pressing the [enter]
 key. After partitioning /boot / /usr /swap  and
 /home, the Boot Disk was searching the programs to
 install, the motor stopped while the light on CD
 was still on, and the following error message

 Error Message
 An error occurred nothing found while parsing
 /mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.CD1 Core System CD(x86)
 What the heck is going on? My beta installed
 instantly. I can't get anything installed from the

 Any ideas?
  The instructions for getting bad media replaced are
  locatedin in a small brochure (CD sleeve sized) packed
  with the CD's (has tux on the front) and it says:
  If you need a replacement disc due to damaged
  product, you can obtain a replacement within
  90 days of your purchase date. Send the
  damaged product, acopy of the sales receipt,
  and a letter briefly explaining the problem
  User Services
  Macmillan Software
  201 W. 103rd Street
  Indianapolis, IN 46290

 Hi Alan,

 I have to register it today on the Mandrake web site first,
 yes? Shouldn't I report this to Mandrake so that it can be
 logged? And, should I send the entire package back?

 Shipping or Mailing
 Is US Post preferable?

 Registered Linux User #179293
 This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Romando what Civileme says.  You see I was going under 
the assumption that all Powerpacks in North America were 
manufactured by Macmillan which I find is not true if you buy 
from our website.  So, do what Civileme bids you and you 
can't go wrong. :)

Re: [newbie] How are the dirs. structured?

2001-06-12 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

Linux handles files much differently than DOS. There's an excellent four
part article at

Leif Madsen wrote:
 Hey all,
 I'm coming from a DOS (since version 4.0) and Windows (no biggie.. I got KDE
 if I need it :)) environment, and I'm not totally sure how the directory
 structure is laid out?  What are the DOS equivelants (if any) of the /etc/
 /usr/ etc.. directories?
 Where do files that I compile and install should go?  Is there a progra~1
 type directory?
 I just have a wierd fetish with keeping everyone on my hard drive organized,
 and don't want to go about and have stuff where things shouldn't go in
 Also.. for a download dir.. should it be /usr/download ?
 Thanks for the help!  If you want to point me to a HOWTO.. I'd be more than
 happy to read it.
 Thanks again,
 Leif Madsen

Re: [newbie] How are the dirs. structured?

2001-06-12 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

Because Linux is a multi-user system, there are several branches of the 
directory tree.

First, there is root ( / ), where the whole directory tree is rooted 
(sorry about that...) and where system-wide files are stored. By this I 
mean programs, utilities, logs, and the like. Most logs are found 
somewhere in /var. Most temp files are in /tmp. Most programs are 
somewhere in /usr, /opt, or /bin.

Then, there is the special branch for individual user accounts, /home. In 
/home are all the user directories (on my laptop, there are two 
directories, /home/dave and /home/public). If you want a downloads 
directory, either let users create their own under their home directory 
(/home/dave/downloads, for example), or create a public directory 
(/home/public on my laptop). If you go with a global public directory, be 
sure to set the permissions correctly. If each user has their own download 
directory in their home directory, then let them create it so that they 
own it.

You can also create a /pub directory (off root), which could be a global 
downloads directory. Again, be sure to set the permissions correctly. This 
setup is commonly found on ftp servers.

As for programs that you compile, you can either leave them in your home 
directory (or in a subdirectory, maybe called bin) for your use only, or 
you can install them for anyone to use, in /usr/local/bin or whatever.

Any good book on running Linux will give you the basics of the Linux 
directory tree, and where things generally go.

My own $.02

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 12:54, thus spake Leif Madsen:
 Hey all,

 I'm coming from a DOS (since version 4.0) and Windows (no biggie.. I got
 KDE if I need it :)) environment, and I'm not totally sure how the
 directory structure is laid out?  What are the DOS equivelants (if any)
 of the /etc/ /usr/ etc.. directories?

 Where do files that I compile and install should go?  Is there a
 progra~1 type directory?

 I just have a wierd fetish with keeping everyone on my hard drive
 organized, and don't want to go about and have stuff where things
 shouldn't go in Linux.

 Also.. for a download dir.. should it be /usr/download ?

 Thanks for the help!  If you want to point me to a HOWTO.. I'd be more
 than happy to read it.

 Thanks again,

 Leif Madsen

 City Centre Liquidations
 Phone: 519-652-6566 ext 244
 Fax  : 519-652-6606

- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie] SCSI CD-ROM not recognised at setup...

2001-06-12 Per discussione thomaswp

SCSI CD-ROM not recognised at I borrowed an IDE CD from another machine. 
Mandrake 8 set itself up perfectly, even finding and mounting the SCSI CD (which 
neither RedHat or Mandrake could find in the setup routine).
So far so good. I put the IDE CD back in to its machine, and run Mandrake. No problem 
until I try to install a printer. Then it says please insert the setup device... 

/mnt/cdrom is there even though the CD is no longer in the machine.

I commented out the /mnt/cdrom line in fstab and rejigged the /mnt/cdrom2 line so that 
the machine finds the CD ROM.  The line in fstab that I edited started as:

/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0

and I changed it to

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0

and /mnt/cdrom now finds the SCSI CD-ROM.  IS this right?  I still have problems 
though when in X with installing rpms.

Someone told me I should recompile the kernel, but I cannot find the source and would 
need a good HOW-TO for that.

Finally, I am trying to run the whole thing without a monitor, hence I am doing 
everything with telnet to the shell.  So please bear that in mind if you are kind 
enough to help.



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Re: [newbie] Crystal Semiconducter CS4236B Audio Codec

2001-06-12 Per discussione Carlos Berardi

i couldn't set up my cs4232 card properly, so i tried installing it as a 
SoundBlaster 16 and IT WORKED!


if the sound sounds crappy, triy modifying this parameters...

[newbie] Small script for my signature

2001-06-12 Per discussione Leif Madsen

Hey all,

I'm looking for a script that I can use to output a signature for me.

It's easy enough to have KMail use a file for the signature, so that is
What I'm looking for is a script or program to make a new signature every 24

What I want to do is add something like this:

Linux Mandrake running stable for 'X' number of days without reboot!

...or something to that affect.  Any ideas?


Leif Madsen

City Centre Liquidations
Phone: 519-652-6566 ext 244
Fax  : 519-652-6606

[newbie] new hard drive won't boot with scsi present

2001-06-12 Per discussione bascule

not strictly a mandrake problem but impinging on my ability to use it fully

if any you folks can help me i'd be very grateful,

fic va503+ mb with 6gb udma 33 drive and 3.2gb scsi drive attached via
advansys ultra scsi adapter

plus other stuff,

all works no problem booting off the ide drive using lilo to choose
between win and linux, that is, up till now


i bought a seagate 30gb udma100 drive to replace the 6 gb one, i used
the seagate utility to toggle the udma of this new drive to 2 (33) since
that is all my motherboard supports and
used partition magic to clone the partitions off the old drive to the
new,  swapped, fdisk /mbr'ed the new drive and rebooted, expecting to go
straight into windows, but it hangs after initialising the scsi bios
the hard drive led flashes and the floppy led stays permanently on, swap
the old drive back and everything id fine, if i put the new drive back and 
then remove the SCSI
drive the machine boots! this does not make sense to me, why would the
new drive care that a scsi drive was present when the old one doesn't?

both ide drives are set to be master, both are the only ide drive
present at the time, both will boot with no other drive present but only
the older one will boot wioth the scsi drive present also, with both the
new drive and the scsi present the floppy won't boot either, clearly
there is an issue connected to the very first part of the boot process
but it goes beyond my knowledge, if i use an old isa (non busmastering)
scsi card then the system will boot from the new drive with the scsi drive 
present, but now the
scsi dos partitions have the wrong letters and this card is no good for me as 
the card isn't
fast enough,

using the isa scsi card i installed lilo onto the new drive and i can now
get the lilo prompt and i can boot linux but not win98!

any one with any ideas or some good reason for thinking that the new
drive is faulty will be doing me a great favour, there are too many
variables for me to just phone up dabs and tell them that their drive
isn't working properly


p.s. having messed about a bit i find that with the new drive and the scsi 
drive present the floppy drive wont win 9x disks! it will boot a 
linux boot disk and also a dos 6.22 disk,

Re: [newbie] SNF and cable modem

2001-06-12 Per discussione bascule

assuming you can access '' then you can login with 
your admin password and go to 'internet accesscable,lan' and configure from 
there, i am running rc1 and i am assuming that not much has changed in the 
snf version, you will need to choose 'dhcp' for your nic that is connected to 
your cable modem, and also which dhcp client to use, i use dhcpcd and all 
works okay, for me i have found that i don't need to specify any external 
host names or stuff but that might not be the case for you

there is list for this distro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

'subscribe' in the subject line - iirc


On Tuesday 12 June 2001  7:05 pm, you wrote:
 I am running SNF with two netgear fa-310tx. I am able to log on to the
 linux box with my win98 box, But I can't get to the internet. Since the
 modem uses a dynamic IP, how should I set up eth1?
 Thanks for any help.

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[newbie] Print settings for KMail

2001-06-12 Per discussione Terry


Anyone know how to keep printer settings for KMail?  When I try to print out 
a message, the print dialog box has the paper size set to A4 instead of 
letter.  I am able to change it, however when I restart KMail again, it has 
reverted back to A4.

Any suggestions?
Terry Sheltra
PC Technician / Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
(434) 982-3047
Registered Linux User #218330

Re: [newbie] SNF and cable modem

2001-06-12 Per discussione Ilya Sterin
Your modem is only configured to handle on IP address and therefore you need to resink it every single time you turn on one computer or another. You can't have both on the internet at the same time, unless you have a router. I had the same problem, a quick phone call to the cable service provider and a extra 6.95 charge a month got me another IP address and now both computers can connect.
Ilya Sterin

From: "Ryan Windham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [newbie] SNF and cable modem 
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 14:05:21 -0400 
I am running SNF with two netgear fa-310tx. I am able to log on to 
the linux 
box with my win98 box, But I can't get to the internet. Since the 
modem uses 
a dynamic IP, how should I set up eth1? 
Thanks for any help. 
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at 
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] SNF and cable modem

2001-06-12 Per discussione tazmun

I receive my internet service through Charter Pipeline here in Wisconsin.
We have always had up to 3 ip addresses here available by simply using a hub
with a uplink port at no extra cost.  You might want to check out other
ISP's for a better deal with the extra IP addresses.  3 Ten Meg mailboxes is
also standard with Charter as well as a 10 meg webpage.

- Original Message -
From: Ilya Sterin
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] SNF and cable modem

Your modem is only configured to handle on IP address and therefore you need
to resink it every single time you turn on one computer or another.  You
can't have both on the internet at the same time, unless you have a router.
I had the same problem, a quick phone call to the cable service provider and
a extra 6.95 charge a month got me another IP address and now both computers
can connect.
Ilya Sterin

From: Ryan Windham
Subject: [newbie] SNF and cable modem
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 14:05:21 -0400

I am running SNF with two netgear fa-310tx. I am able to log on to
the linux
box with my win98 box, But I can't get to the internet. Since the
modem uses
a dynamic IP, how should I set up eth1?
Thanks for any help.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] Duplicate emails from list

2001-06-12 Per discussione etharp

I was previously informed these are not dupes but random enhancements for 
the listGRIN

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 13:44, you wrote:
 Quoting Walter Luffman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I get duplicates of some, but not all, e-mails sent to the list.

   Yes, I also get dupes of some of the email's.


Re: [newbie] Duplicate emails from list

2001-06-12 Per discussione Paul

It was Tue, 12 Jun 2001 14:30:59 -0400 when Terry wrote:

Same here .. getting dupes of some, but not all emails.

Explanation is quite simple: the list-server does not generate an X-Reply-to
header to itself in the mails. Many people hit reply (which goes to the
original sender) and add the name of the listserver to the to: line. Then you
get it twice.


What good is a ticket to the good life, if you can't find the entrance? - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Total System Lock-up with MD 7.2

2001-06-12 Per discussione Gordon Stewart

Hi Civileme,

Many thanks for your suggestions  re my problem.

I have removed my SB card from its PCI slot, started up again but no change
still the same old problem.
I also removed the Winmodem PCI card as well but also no change. All the
PCI slots are now vacant leaving only the Video card in the AGP slot.

So now onto your next suggestion. Will take me a while to carefully work
my way through the Kernel update. Had a play with the ICeWM and really
the same problem happens here too.
A bit more info for you, I have win98 on hda (4Gb) and MD7.2 on hdb (2Gb)
a little easier for me to partition this way. I also installed MD2 directly
from the
CDs using a boot-up floppy. In the BIOS I have PNP OS Installed = NO.

I have  MD8 available on two CDs, should I attempt this install, or should I
resolve my problem first ???

Many thanks for your interest in my problem.

Gordon Stewart

Just for laughs, see if you can duplicate this behavior with the SB
It sounds like an overload on the PCI bus from what you have described.

Also you might try updating with MandrakeFreq and then also installing
?2.2.19 out of the security updates to have the most current software.

QA Team

[newbie] deleting mbr - how do i start windows

2001-06-12 Per discussione Pablo García Durán


I read something similar to this in other messages, but I don't know if the
problem is exactly the same.

Having done an fdisk /mbr, I now use Grub tu dual boot a Win/Linux machine.
How will I load Windows after removing LM and Grub?


Pablo Garcia-Duran

[newbie] RAM full

2001-06-12 Per discussione Gunner Carstens

I'm using a Mandrake 7.2 on a Pentium 3 with 128MB RAM, on a newly installed
system. I found it a bit slow and quite a bit of the programs - like KDE
mediaplayer -  won´t start up. I found out that with NO programs started
from the desktop by me, the RAM is nearly full!

I can see, that I'm running Apache, postgreQql and mySql . My question is,
where do I turn these off from the startup procedure, so I have more RAM to
use as user?

I have installed the developer install, as I want to learn to program and
use XEmacs.

Re: [newbie] deleting mbr - how do i start windows

2001-06-12 Per discussione bascule

hi, not sure how you are using grub if you have done fdisk /mbr but if you 
remove linux then to boot windows all you have to is fdisk /mbr :-)
assuming that you haven't messed with your windows partition,


On Tuesday 12 June 2001  9:48 pm, you wrote:

 I read something similar to this in other messages, but I don't know if the
 problem is exactly the same.

 Having done an fdisk /mbr, I now use Grub tu dual boot a Win/Linux machine.
 How will I load Windows after removing LM and Grub?


 Pablo Garcia-Duran

Re: [newbie] LimeWire Installation

2001-06-12 Per discussione a9401336

whatis the filename/link of the linux jre?
i couldnt find it- i always ended up with a search result like solaris
jre or linux develoment package(20mb!).

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Jose wrote:

 I am running Mandrake 8.0 and was having problems installing LimeWire. I 
 found some instructions that enabled me to finally install and run 
 First got to and download the Java Runtime Enviroment 
 1.3.1 for Linux. Then get from 
 finally as root run 
 /usr/java/jre1.3.1/bin/java -classpath install
 then just run the binary as /home/your_directory/LimeWire/LimeWire
 It worked for me and hopefully for everyone else.

[newbie] x won't start

2001-06-12 Per discussione Stephen Hansen-Sturm

I cannot start x. I am using Mandrake 

7.2, and I have XFree86 3.36 and 4.01 

both installed. 

The computer is an IBM ThinkPad 770z, 

and it has a Trident Cyber 9397/DVD 

graphics card. The monitor is 14.1 

inches, and it should support 1024x768 


Others using my model have reported 

success under XF86 3.36, and I have 

modified and tweaked my XFdrake file 

countless times. It still doesn`t work 

(the screen goes black when X tries to 

start), and I am getting desperate. 

I am a newbie and probably can`t use the 

computer for much else unless I 

have a desktop environment. 

I would greatly appreciate any help you 

can offer me. 
Visit, your free web-based communications center. Life on the Dot.

Re: [newbie] x won't start

2001-06-12 Per discussione Paul

First go easy on the settings. Did you try running 640x480 and 256 colors first?
To see if the actual setup will run? If that works, you can work your way up in the
settings to where it will still work. Otherwise you should ask the others you mention, 
show you how they did it.

 I cannot start x. I am using Mandrake 
 7.2, and I have XFree86 3.36 and 4.01 
 both installed. 
 The computer is an IBM ThinkPad 770z, 
 and it has a Trident Cyber 9397/DVD 
 graphics card. The monitor is 14.1 
 inches, and it should support 1024x768 
 Others using my model have reported 
 success under XF86 3.36, and I have 
 modified and tweaked my XFdrake file 
 countless times. It still doesn`t work 
 (the screen goes black when X tries to 
 start), and I am getting desperate. 
 I am a newbie and probably can`t use the 
 computer for much else unless I 
 have a desktop environment. 
 I would greatly appreciate any help you 
 can offer me. 
 Visit, your free web-based communications center. Life on the Dot.

RE: [newbie] error: failed dependencies

2001-06-12 Per discussione Edward Barrow

On Tuesday, June 12, 2001 7:25 AM, Michael Falzon 
 Hash: SHA1

 error: failed dependencies

 Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use


Michael is using PGP 7xx. This is a fundamentally UNTRUSTWORTHY 
implementation of PGP because NSA, who now own PGP, decided not to release 
the source code. It is a fundamental maxim of computer security that there 
is no security through obscurity.  This was one of the reasons that Phil 
Zimmerman, who invented PGP, left them - although he says that 7.0.3. is 
secure and was finished under his watch, we have only his word for it 
whereas if the source was available we could (if we were so minded) walk 
through the code and satisfy ourselves as to its integrity.
For non-commercial use, there are 6xx releases of PGP with published 
 source; or there's  GPG.

[newbie] Network File Sharing

2001-06-12 Per discussione Michael

I have a question regarding NFS.  After nearly 30 hours over two days and 
redoing the basic install of 7.2 on both of my machines, I have my two 
machines networked together and can ping each successfully.  I installed the 
network utilities, nfs and portmap, and have edited my /etc/exports files to 

/usr *.localdomain
/home *.localdomain

I have also edited my /etc/fstab to include:

john:/usr  /fsys/john/usr  NFS   defaults
john:/home  /fsys/john/usr   NFS     defaults

I did a /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd to start the daemon
I did a /etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap start  
Then I did a /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start

(The last two commands were suggested by someone on the list, but were not in 
my books.)  I checked the Mandrake site for a tutorial on NFS, but all there 
is is a basic networking tutorial, and how to do IP masquerading.

The mounting proceedure is not working and I'm wondering if I'm missing 



Re: [newbie] Network File Sharing

2001-06-12 Per discussione bascule

are you exporting from just one machine to the other? the 
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs and /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd are - i think - for serving from 
one machine to the 'receiving' machine, you need to have nfs-utils-clients on 
the other machine, i assume you have installed either or both of nfs-utils or 
nfs-utils-clients on the appropriate machines?

have you tried to mount manually?

'mount -t nfs machine.domain:/path/on/other/machine /path/on/this/machine'

also, in your fstab i notice that you have just 'john', assuming that is a 
machine name i wonder if you need to use a domain name as well or make sure 
you have aliases in your /etc/hosts file?


On Tuesday 12 June 2001 11:14 pm, you wrote:
 I have a question regarding NFS.  After nearly 30 hours over two days and
 redoing the basic install of 7.2 on both of my machines, I have my two
 machines networked together and can ping each successfully.  I installed
 the network utilities, nfs and portmap, and have edited my /etc/exports
 files to read:

 /usr *.localdomain
 /home *.localdomain

 I have also edited my /etc/fstab to include:

 john:/usr  /fsys/john/usr  NFS   defaults
 john:/home  /fsys/john/usr   NFS     defaults

 I did a /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd to start the daemon
 I did a /etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap start  
 Then I did a /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start

 (The last two commands were suggested by someone on the list, but were not
 in my books.)  I checked the Mandrake site for a tutorial on NFS, but all
 there is is a basic networking tutorial, and how to do IP masquerading.

 The mounting proceedure is not working and I'm wondering if I'm missing



Re: [newbie] Network File Sharing

2001-06-12 Per discussione Michael

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, you wrote:
 are you exporting from just one machine to the other? the
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs and /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd are - i think - for serving
 from one machine to the 'receiving' machine, you need to have
 nfs-utils-clients on the other machine, i assume you have installed either
 or both of nfs-utils or nfs-utils-clients on the appropriate machines?

I have installed all the utilities on both machines.  I started 
/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd and /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs on the exporting machine.  

Do have to do something to start nfs-utils-clients on the receiving machine?  

Do all of these need to be working at all times?   

Can I use a simple script to start all of this automatically at boot?

 have you tried to mount manually?

 'mount -t nfs machine.domain:/path/on/other/machine /path/on/this/machine'

When I try to mount manually, I get:  machine_name:/usr failed, reason given 
by server : Permission denied.

 also, in your fstab i notice that you have just 'john', assuming that is a
 machine name i wonder if you need to use a domain name as well or make sure
 you have aliases in your /etc/hosts file?

/etc/hosts on machine one contains :

192.168.x.1x  localhost.localdomain  localhost  localhost
192.168.x.2x  macine_two_name

/etc/hosts on machine two contains :

192.168.X.2X  localhost.localdomain   localhost
192..168.X.1X  machine_one_name

Does any of this help??


 On Tuesday 12 June 2001 11:14 pm, you wrote:
  I have a question regarding NFS.  After nearly 30 hours over two days and
  redoing the basic install of 7.2 on both of my machines, I have my two
  machines networked together and can ping each successfully.  I installed
  the network utilities, nfs and portmap, and have edited my /etc/exports
  files to read:
  /usr *.localdomain
  /home *.localdomain
  I have also edited my /etc/fstab to include:
  john:/usr  /fsys/john/usr  NFS   defaults
  john:/home  /fsys/john/usr   NFS     defaults
  I did a /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd to start the daemon
  I did a /etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap start  
  Then I did a /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start
  (The last two commands were suggested by someone on the list, but were
  not in my books.)  I checked the Mandrake site for a tutorial on NFS, but
  all there is is a basic networking tutorial, and how to do IP
  The mounting proceedure is not working and I'm wondering if I'm missing

[newbie] Follow up on Different Printer Problem

2001-06-12 Per discussione Wendell Gragg

Earlier I wrote a message concerning being unable to print more than one 
item.  Another user suggested I post the contents of my 
/var/log/cups/error_log file, so here it is.  I don't understand most of it, 
but it does seem that something is terminating when it shouldn't.  Does 
anyone have any idea why I could only get one successful print and the 
others acted like nothing was in the spool?

Thanks in advance!

Wendell Gragg

I [11/Jun/2001:06:33:59 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [11/Jun/2001:06:33:59 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:06:33:59 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:06:33:59 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [11/Jun/2001:06:34:08 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 
E [11/Jun/2001:06:58:00 -0600] Scheduler shutting down due to SIGTERM.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:36:50 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [11/Jun/2001:21:36:50 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:21:36:50 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:21:36:50 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:36:58 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 
I [11/Jun/2001:21:41:09 -0600] Job 4 queued on 'lp' by 'wendell'.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:41:09 -0600] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 1876) for job 4.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:41:09 -0600] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic (PID 1877) for job 4.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:41:09 -0600] Started backend 
/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 1878) for job 4.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:43:58 -0600] Job 5 queued on 'lp' by 'wendell'.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:43:58 -0600] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 1886) for job 5.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:43:58 -0600] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic (PID 1887) for job 5.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:43:58 -0600] Started backend 
/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 1888) for job 5.
E [11/Jun/2001:21:44:02 -0600] PID 1887 stopped with status 32!
I [11/Jun/2001:21:45:16 -0600] Job 6 queued on 'lp' by 'wendell'.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:45:16 -0600] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 1895) for job 6.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:45:16 -0600] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic (PID 1896) for job 6.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:45:16 -0600] Started backend 
/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 1897) for job 6.
E [11/Jun/2001:21:45:20 -0600] PID 1896 stopped with status 32!
I [11/Jun/2001:21:47:14 -0600] Job 7 queued on 'lp' by 'wendell'.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:47:14 -0600] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 1908) for job 7.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:47:14 -0600] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic (PID 1909) for job 7.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:47:14 -0600] Started backend 
/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 1910) for job 7.
E [11/Jun/2001:21:47:19 -0600] PID 1909 stopped with status 32!
E [11/Jun/2001:21:53:33 -0600] Scheduler shutting down due to SIGTERM.
I [11/Jun/2001:22:07:56 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [11/Jun/2001:22:07:56 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:22:07:56 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:22:07:56 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [11/Jun/2001:22:08:05 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 
E [11/Jun/2001:22:25:44 -0600] Scheduler shutting down due to SIGTERM.
I [12/Jun/2001:18:29:33 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:29:33 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:29:33 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:29:34 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [12/Jun/2001:18:29:41 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 
E [12/Jun/2001:18:29:45 -0600] SendBrowseList: sendto failed for browser 1 - 
Network is unreachable.
E [12/Jun/2001:18:29:45 -0600] Browsing turned off.
E [12/Jun/2001:18:33:36 -0600] Scheduler shutting down due to SIGTERM.
I [12/Jun/2001:18:36:41 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:36:41 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:36:41 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:36:41 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [12/Jun/2001:18:36:48 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 
E [12/Jun/2001:18:36:52 -0600] SendBrowseList: sendto failed for browser 1 - 
Network is unreachable.
E [12/Jun/2001:18:36:52 -0600] Browsing turned off.
E [12/Jun/2001:18:40:32 -0600] Scheduler shutting down due to SIGTERM.
I [12/Jun/2001:22:13:29 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [12/Jun/2001:22:13:29 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:22:13:29 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:22:13:29 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [12/Jun/2001:22:13:39 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[newbie] virtual / sendmail

2001-06-12 Per discussione SK


I have some problem send an email to one's of my customer company email
address. My customer is using services.

They are using a virtual-domain email account from SingNet. When I send
email to my customer with To: and Cc:
Only the To: user and the 1st Cc: user will received my email but not the
others Cc: user.

Form my MailLog show me all message was deliver with no error. Need HELP on

Best Regards,

[newbie] m505 usb w/ LM 8

2001-06-12 Per discussione john parker

has anyone successfully set up the palm m505 on LM 8? If so can you give us 
some pointers? I haven't had much luck so far. I can't seem to find much on 
the web. Probably because the 505 is new. 
Much appreciated,

Re: [newbie] identd

2001-06-12 Per discussione Dan Gordon

Thanks, that accually did not help me much but i did find on the Bastille web 
site referance to using InteractiveBastille from su and it gave me much 
better control over the setup than tiny firewall did. So you at least pointed 
me in the right direction and i thank you :-)
Now all i have to do is figure out how to log this stuff.

On June 12, 2001 12:26 am, you wrote:

 Dan ; The Tiny Firewall in LM 8.0 is actually Bastille-Firewall. In the
 /etc folder, you should find another folder called Bastille 
 (/etc/Bastille) . Inside of that you should find bastille-firewall.cfg .
 Open that in Advanced Editor, and look around. It's as easy to modify as
 smb.conf , and has pretty good descriptions about all the stuff it does.
 Save the changes, and restart the firewall or (Gasp!) reboot ! Should work

Dan Gordon
Powerd by KMail
Registerd Linux user #217868

[newbie] ¡ ¡ ¡ Busco Fans de Otro Rollo ! ! ! Es una emergencia

2001-06-12 Per discussione TezcatlipocA

Hola a todos,
Primero que todo dejenme pedirles disculpas X escribir en esta lista hacerca
de algo que no tiene nada que ver con lo de Linux. Lo que pasa es que esto
es algo impotante. Yo soy un fan de Otro Rollo (el programa de Adal Ramones
que pasa en Univision los sabados a las 12:00am) y al igual que muchos otros
estamos pidiendo que lo pasen mas temprano y mas horas. Si hay alguien aqui
que sea fan de Otro Rollo por favor ¡¡¡apoyanos!!!
Yo hice una pagina donde explico lo que vamos a hacer y donde hice unas
animaciones para poner en el Foro de Otro Rollo en O si no
escribeme y te mando a decir de lo que se trata la Mision II: Otro Rollo Mas
Temprano Y Mas Horas   :-)  ;-)  ;-)

Translation: Guys I am looking for support on having Otro Rollo (a spanish
TV show) aired earlier and longer. I know this has nothing to do with Linux
but I am looking for support everywhere. Please excuse me. If U want to know
how all of us fans at are going to launch Mision II: Otro
Rollo Mas Tempran Y Mas Horas, visit the link below or tell me and I'll
send you an e-mail withe the purpose.

or mail me to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Single Network Firewall

2001-06-12 Per discussione civileme

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 19:54, Florian wrote:
 On Monday 11 June 2001 22:33, Florian wrote:
  Did anyone try it?
  Im thinking of using it as a router for our company we have
  a lan with 10 pcs and a novell server (ouch) but since our
  ElsaLancom (never buy it) chrashes every 10 minutes i was
  wondering if Single Network Firewall firewall is an possibly
  easy to use alternative?
  If i did all the networks stuff by myself i would use a MDK8
  version but since there are people taking care of the
  networking who dont have experience with linux i like the
  idea of boot a cd  install  boot  and hop were up.
  Another question is if there are possibillities of putting
  ssh etc. servers on the Single Network Firewall?
  Do i expect too much ... little?

 OK i did it finally a few impressions :

 At first i had slight problems cause i have a cable connection
 and two nics in the firewall machine one 3com (pci) it worked
 fine and got detected right away its the one wich goes to my
 cablemodem, the second nick (icl etherteam 16i ISA) did not
 get detected by SNF and since SNF doesnt include hardware
 configuration tools and i dint want to write the config files
 by hand (ough) and mess around with the modules (at 3 o clock
 in the night!) i cancelled the attempt and went to sleep
 zzz* . Next day ... went to my supplier bought a tulip
 pci and it worked like a charm right away using expert install
 finally it got both nics and i could (like in any other MDK
 system) configure everything at the install prozess one nick
 for lan with static ip and one for the modem with dhcpcd. Boot
 and hop .
 The interface from any browser looks smooth and is pretty
 detailed although the status for bastille firewall is marked
 as unknown but it is enabled and filters everything nicenice
 you can configure all your needs from this interface. At one
 place (i think it was secure login config) you need to have a
 java enabled browser ... (konqueror didnt work even with java)
 but all other options dont need any java so konqueror is just
 fine (actually it rules!!!) ill do some tests now to have a
 look if it does its job well (nmap will tell me =)) . My
 impression is that its rocksolid and will never need a reboot
 also the monitor you can leave away after instalation is
 complete . An ssh server is included .
 Now i need a little more docs to find out all extras (sure
 there are a lot) for example port forwarding to internal
 services such as ftp http etc. I can strongly recommend to
 replace your ElsaLancom or any other hardware router with this
 cute little linux software router !!! Cheers

 ps: since the interface is https:// based use a pc with
 atleast 150mhz cpu and a little bit more ram for SNF it will
 go smoother . Mine is just that kind of machine and i feel
 that i wouldn use slower cause the interface worx but is not
 the fastest  actually weird if i connect with konqueror to the
 firewall i get a 7.5KB/sec (over LAN ) thats too slow must be
 a mandrake8 prob. cause with IE5 it goes a lot quicker ... and
 to connect with ssh to the firewall  takes about 2 mins before
 it finally asks for a pass ... any ideas? Florian

That is a resolution problem on the delay--a resolver has to 
give up looking for nameservices to allow things to go through.

And remember it is https and we all know how great the security 
is for IE5.  Https sacrifices speed for security.

There are also some interesting squid options, like putting 
popup ads into 1-pixel transparencies or just plain blocking 
things like


[newbie] Bash scripts portability

2001-06-12 Per discussione n6tadam

Dear List,

I wonder if someone can offer assistance. One of my hobbies at school is to
write bashscripts for our two proxy servers. I usually write them on my home
network, which runs Suse 7.0.

Our two proxy servers also run SuSE Linux 7.0. The problem I am having is
that when I take a bash script from home (which works), and try and run it
on the proxy server, I either get one of the following error messages:

bash: /usr/bin/script : not found
bash: /usr/bin/script Line X command not found

(Line X being the last line in the script which is blank)

Does anybody know why, or indeed what causes this, and if so, how do I
correct it.

Thanks in Anticipation,

Thomas Adam

Please note that the content of this message is confidential between the original 
sender and the intended recipient(s) of the message. If you are not an intended 
recipient and/or have received this message in error, kindly disregard the content of 
the message and return it to the original sender.

If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:

The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

Re: [newbie] DHCP, router and Realtek 8139

2001-06-12 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

Have you verified that dhcpcd is installed? Use 'locate dhcpcd', and you 
should find it in /sbin (along with several other hits, but the actual 
executable is in the above directory).

If it is not installed, just install it, then re-run the network 
configurator in Mandrake's Control Center.

If it is installed, then try disabling dhcp and giving yourself a static 
IP. Can you reach the network after that? If not, then your problem is 
somewhere else. If yes, then you might have a dhcp problem.

Just some troubleshooting tips, hope they help.


On Tuesday 12 June 2001 06:57, thus spake Ralph Brown:
 I am writing this request for help after much frustration and no

 I am trying to bring my new Mandrake 8 box up on my network, via DHCP.

 Network = 6 windows nodes, 1 linux, 1 SMC Barracade router (DHCP), 1
 hub, and 1 Speedstream 5260 DSL external modem.

 All of the windows nodes can see each other and have internet access.

 When I installed M8, I selected the DHCP option, and rebooted. I noticed
 that I had a green light on the router where M8 was plugged into. Then,
 as the boot process progressed, and eth0 was being brought up, the green
 light went out, and the screen message was something like unable to
 determine ip address.

 Ifconfig only shows, not eth0

 When I check hardware in Manadrake control center, my Realtek 8139 card
 shows up correctly.

 Using the internet config tool, I walk through it, and point to the ip#
 of the router, and see my NIC, but still can't connect to the network???

 Any suggestions, howto's, etc 

 Thanks in advance

- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie] OT: Sun hardware question

2001-06-12 Per discussione Jamie Kerwick

I just got sent the email below from our SUN team at work, me not knowing 
anything about sun hardware, was just wondering if anyone knew if any of 
this kit could be of some use? It would be used basically for playing around 




The ISS has a number of obsolete SUN workstations and servers
to dispose of over the next few weeks.
The items are:
8 Sparcstation IPC workstations
7 Sparcstation LX workstations
4 SparcClassic workstations
The above have 17 SUN-type monitors(13W3 not VGA), mostly 200M or
SCSI disk, and 24M of RAM.
They should be able to run a small installation of Solaris or
SparcLinux (slowly!)
2 SparcServer670MP Servers
   Unknown spec, about 1.5' wide, 2.5' deep and 2.5' high. Quite
3 Mass Storage disk units.
Unknown disk sizes. Same dimensions as above. Very heavy.
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] device /usr busy? SAY WHAT?

2001-06-12 Per discussione Paul

 Hey group I just got some weird errors
 when I went to either shut down or reboot the
 It said something like /usr was busy and it
 retried to umount again approx 3 or 4 times,
 has anyone else had this error and know how
 to correct it so on bootup it does not have to
 do a fsck of the usr ?

Did that start to happen after upgrading to a new version?
I had that happen when I upped 7.1 to 7.2. In the end I had to reformat /usr and 
again to get rid of the problem. But what caused it... still don't know.


Re: [newbie] hdparm

2001-06-12 Per discussione civileme

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 16:50, Scott Pletcher wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've got some troublesome readings from two identical hard
 drives set up the same.  Does anyone know why they are
 performing so differently?  I suppose hda may be bad, but I
 was hoping to find some other way to test this.  Thanks!



 Here are the hard drives:
 hda: Maxtor 52049H4, ATA DISK drive (master ide0)
 hdb: Maxtor 52049H4, ATA DISK drive (slave ide0)

 Running hdparm I get:
 [root@haldane scott]# hdparm -Tt /dev/hda

  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.87 seconds =147.13
 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in 31.17 seconds = 
 2.05 MB/sec

 [root@haldane scott]# hdparm -Tt /dev/hdb

  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.85 seconds =150.59
 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  2.21 seconds =
 28.96 MB/sec [root@haldane scott]# hdparm /dev/hda

 Here are the settings:
  multcount= 16 (on)
  I/O support  =  3 (32-bit w/sync)
  unmaskirq=  0 (off)
  using_dma=  1 (on)
  keepsettings =  0 (off)
  nowerr   =  0 (off)
  readonly =  0 (off)
  readahead=  8 (on)
  geometry = 2482/255/63, sectors = 39882528, start = 0
 [root@haldane scott]# hdparm /dev/hdb

  multcount= 16 (on)
  I/O support  =  3 (32-bit w/sync)
  unmaskirq=  0 (off)
  using_dma=  1 (on)
  keepsettings =  0 (off)
  nowerr   =  0 (off)
  readonly =  0 (off)
  readahead=  8 (on)
  geometry = 2491/255/63, sectors = 40020624, start = 0

if you are running 8.0, you might try this

download the file drivedb2 and place it at /.drivedb
download the file drakopt2 and put it anywhere

Open a terminal

log in to the directory where you downloaded drakopt2



When it completes, your drives should be tuned.

Drive hda seems to have a higher count of bad sectors from the 
factory, but draw no conclusions til you try drakopt.

hdparm to have meaning should be run three times in a row 
without other programs perking along.  The capital T on the test 
need not be used since it simply measures the bandwidth of your 
memory buffer.


[newbie] How are the dirs. structured?

2001-06-12 Per discussione Leif Madsen

Hey all,

I'm coming from a DOS (since version 4.0) and Windows (no biggie.. I got KDE
if I need it :)) environment, and I'm not totally sure how the directory
structure is laid out?  What are the DOS equivelants (if any) of the /etc/
/usr/ etc.. directories?

Where do files that I compile and install should go?  Is there a progra~1
type directory?

I just have a wierd fetish with keeping everyone on my hard drive organized,
and don't want to go about and have stuff where things shouldn't go in

Also.. for a download dir.. should it be /usr/download ?

Thanks for the help!  If you want to point me to a HOWTO.. I'd be more than
happy to read it.

Thanks again,

Leif Madsen

City Centre Liquidations
Phone: 519-652-6566 ext 244
Fax  : 519-652-6606

[newbie] sym link error? - too many levels

2001-06-12 Per discussione bascule

i get the error 'too many levels of symbolic links' after trying to cd to a 
symlink i made to a directory and  i'm sure the error can't mean what it 
appears to mean, my directory structure is:
/stuff/ftpsite/linux/../i586/ and i made a symlink to the aformentioned /i586 
directory named /stuff/i586 so as to save me time, but when i cd to 
/stuff/i586 i get the above error
/stuff is a top level mount point of a partition

the command i used was 
[root@sherlock /stuff]#ln -s /stuff/ftpsite//i586 /stuff/i586

what have i done wrong?


Re: [newbie] error: failed dependencies:

2001-06-12 Per discussione Michael D. Viron
Michael Falzon,

First, please try not to post htmlized e-mails to the list.  Some e-mail clients add all kinds of extra html tags, reduce the size of the font such that it is unreadable, or change the color to a grayish color, making it much more difficult to read.

Looks like at the very least, you are going to have to get perl-base that is at least 5.601-1, then try a 'rpm -Uvh perl-*.i586.rpm' (without the quotes).  If that still doesn't work, you can try 'rpm -Uvh --force perl-*.i586.rpm' (without the quotes).

Michael V.

Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:49 PM 06/12/2001 +1000, Michael Falzon wrote: 

Let's retry that   I'm trying to update peal how do i fix this ?   [root@gw /]# rpm -Uvh  perl-5.601-1mdk.i586.rpm 
error: failed dependencies:
perl-base is needed by  perl-5.601-1mdk
perl-base =  5.601-1mdk is needed by  perl-5.601-1mdk
/usr/bin/perl is  needed by autoconf-2.14.1-6mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  automake-1.4-6mdk
/usr/bin/perl is  needed by apache-1.3.9-8mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  cbb-0.78-2mdk
/usr/bin/perl is  needed by cleanfeed-0.95.7b-4mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  cvs-1.10.7-1mdk
/usr/bin/perl is  needed by fvwm2-2.2.2-9mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  groff-1.11a-10mdk
/usr/bin/perl is  needed by helptool-2.4-8mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  kdebase-1.1.2-9mdk
/usr/bin/perl  is needed by  kdemultimedia-1.1.2-3mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  kdenetwork-1.1.2-5mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  kernel-source-2.2.13-7mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  korganizer-1.1.1final-2mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  lilo-0.21-12mdk
/usr/bin/perl is  needed by  mgetty-sendfax-1.1.14-9mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  ncurses-devel-5.0_990703-4mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  pilot-link-0.9.0-9mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  postgresql-6.5.1-7mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  rpm-3.0.3-31mdk
/usr/bin/perl is  needed by samba-2.0.5a-3mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  sharutils-4.2-5mdk
/usr/bin/perl  is needed by svgalib-1.4.0-10mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  ucd-snmp-3.6.2-1mdk
/usr/bin/perl  is needed by  ucd-snmp-utils-3.6.2-1mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by uucp-1.06.1-12mdk /usr/bin/perl is needed by  vim-common-5.4-3mdk
/usr/bin/perl  is needed by  WindowMaker-0.60.0-6mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  xboard-4.0.0-4mdk
/usr/bin/perl is  needed by mod_perl-1.21-16mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  mod_perl-1.21-17mdk
/usr/bin/perl  is needed by tetex-doc-1.0.6-4mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  procinfo-16-4mdk
/usr/bin/perl is  needed by apache-devel-1.3.9-8mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  emumail-modules-4.5-4
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  emumail-4.5-6
/usr/bin/perl is  needed by ircd-2.10.3-5mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  inn-2.2.3-1.3mdk
/usr/bin/perl is  needed by mc-4.5.38-4.1mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  initscripts-4.23-35mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  curl-7.7-1
/usr/bin/perl is needed  by wu-ftpd-2.6.1-8.6mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  MySQL-client-3.22.25-4mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  MySQL-3.22.25-4mdk
/usr/bin/perl  is needed by  sgml-tools-1.0.9-3.1mdk
/usr/bin/perl is needed by  webmin-0.86-1
/usr/bin/perl5 is  needed by xscreensaver-3.17-6mdkMichael Falzon
Gremlin Consultancy P/L
405  Francis Street
Brooklyn, Vic  Australia 3025
Ph:  61+  393153855
Fax: 61+393151585
mobile: 0419235363
Registered Linux user  #204397 

[newbie] Sound Problem, cs4281 on LM7.2

2001-06-12 Per discussione Frederico Figueiredo

I there. I have a Notebook Toshiba 1700-500 and I can't put my sound to
I've tried do compile the kernel, with cs4281, bus it gives an error during
Can someone help me please?

Thanks a lot!

Re: [newbie] Duplicate emails from list

2001-06-12 Per discussione Terry

Same here .. getting dupes of some, but not all emails.

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 12:52, you wrote:
 On Monday 11 June 2001 23:21, Fireman71 wrote:
  Am I the only one receiving two copies of each email sent to the list?
  Tried unsubscribing and resubscribing right after this started but it
  keeps sending me two. Been going on for about a week now.

 I get duplicates of some, but not all, e-mails sent to the list.

Terry Sheltra
PC Technician / Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
(804 or 434) 982-3047

Registered Linux User #218330

Re: [newbie] Small script for my signature

2001-06-12 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

The 'uptime' command will give you the information you want. Just put it 
in a script, and create a cron job to run it every 24 hours (or better 
yet, every hour).


On Tuesday 12 June 2001 14:01, thus spake Leif Madsen:
 Hey all,

 I'm looking for a script that I can use to output a signature for me.

 It's easy enough to have KMail use a file for the signature, so that is
 What I'm looking for is a script or program to make a new signature
 every 24 hours.

 What I want to do is add something like this:

 Linux Mandrake running stable for 'X' number of days without reboot!

 or something to that affect.  Any ideas?


 Leif Madsen

 City Centre Liquidations
 Phone: 519-652-6566 ext 244
 Fax  : 519-652-6606

- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
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