R: R: [newbie-it] LILO

2001-07-05 Per discussione luca laghi

 Purtroppo in modalità rescue non riesco a dare il comando lilo...

In che senso non riesci a dare il comando lilo?
Forse to basta andare nella directory in cui si trova il programma lilo e
dare ./.lilo.


Re: [newbie-it] Scanner

2001-07-05 Per discussione CaMiX

Ciao, grazie delle dritte!
Allora, funzionare non funziona ma ora ti sspiego: ho fatto esattamente 
quello che mi hai detto, i 3 moduli erano caricati, ma quando ho lanciato 
scanimage mi ha detto che lo scanner non è stato rilevato. A questo punto ho 
apportatato le seguenti modifiche (quello che ho letto su uno specifico 
how-to, che però consigliava di non toccare i moduli e di agire sul 
kernel...): ho aggiunto a /etc/fstab la seguente riga: 
usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs defaults 0 0
Poi da root ho eseguito: mount usbdevfs. Ho riavviato e a questo punto, 
eseguendo scanimage effettivamente lo scanner rispondeva. Peccato che 
all'avvio successivo il mouse, anch'esso usb, non desse + segni di vita (una 
cosa non bella per un newbie che non ha familiarità con la console...). Ho 
provato a ripristinare la configurazione ripetendo i passaggi all'indietro 
(compreso l'umount), ma niente. Non sapendo cosa altro fare ho reinstallato 
il sistema e ora è tutto a posto. Però non ho risolto il problema dello 
scanner. Io non mi azzardo + a rifare quello che ho scritto prima, perché 
temo possa morirmi il topo ;).
Cosa ne pensi delle modifiche lette sull'how-to? Posso fare in qualche altro 
modo? Ero già felice che lo scanner rispondesse... :(

Grazie ancora e sempre

Il 14:37, mercoledì 04 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 On Wed, 4 Jul 2001 15:10:38 -0400

  Il SANE l'ho installato, ma il problema è che l'hardrake non mi riconosce
  lo scanner. L'USB s',, anche perché sennò il mio mouse non funzionerebbe,
  ma lo scanner nulla. Teoricamente dovrebbe bastare il SANE per fare in
  modo che l'hardrake me lo veda, o devo fare qualcos'altro?

 Prova a fare cosi':
 crea il dev/usbscanner con
 mknod /dev/usbscanner c 180 48

 attiva l' usb all' avvio tramite il gestore dei servizi (se non e' gia'
 attivato), metti nel /etc/modules.conf le seguenti righe:
 above scanner usb-uhci
 options scanner vendor=0x04b8 product=0x010b

 e nel /etc/modules solamente

 Nel file /etc/sane.d/epson.conf ci deve essere SOLAMENTE la riga
 usb /dev/usbscanner
 non commentata, le altre devono avere tutte il commento (#).

 Dopo un riavvio prova a dare il comando cat /proc/modules (oppure lsmod da
 root) e vedi se tra i moduli caricati ci sono:

 Se ci sono tutti e tre dovresti essere a posto.
 Per vedere se lo scanner e' riconosciuto prova con scanimage -L
 Se ci sono dei problemi fatti sentire..

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner

2001-07-05 Per discussione Andrea Celli

CaMiX wrote:
 Ciao, grazie delle dritte!
 Allora, funzionare non funziona ma ora ti sspiego: ho fatto esattamente
 quello che mi hai detto, i 3 moduli erano caricati, ma quando ho lanciato
 scanimage mi ha detto che lo scanner non è stato rilevato. A questo punto ho
 apportatato le seguenti modifiche (quello che ho letto su uno specifico
 how-to, che però consigliava di non toccare i moduli e di agire sul
 kernel...): ho aggiunto a /etc/fstab la seguente riga:
 usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs defaults 0 0
 Poi da root ho eseguito: mount usbdevfs. Ho riavviato e a questo punto,
 eseguendo scanimage effettivamente lo scanner rispondeva. Peccato che
 all'avvio successivo il mouse, anch'esso usb, non desse + segni di vita 

Qui dovrebbe intervenire qualcuno con piu` familiarita` con i
usb... Io non ne possiedo e finora ti ho assistito sulla base di 
conoscenze generali.

Quello che ti e` successo e` che hai assegnato allo scanner e al mouse
la stessa risorsa. Per trovare i parametri giusti per far convivere
due dispositivi usb bisogna andarsi a quardare un po' di documentazione.
Probabilmente trovi quello che ti serve su www.linux-usb.org o

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Passaggio al kernel 2.4

2001-07-05 Per discussione Mr_Brain

At 21.07 04/07/01, you wrote:
  Qualcuno sa se aggiornando il kernel al 2.4.x si guadagna qualcosa in
  (nel caso particolare, il passaggio sarebbe dal 2.2.17 al 2.4.2, su una

Assolutamente si, obbligatorio direi:-)) Perche' non vai direttamente al 

Uhm, interessante :))
Peccato che mi sia partito il monitor...

Dicevo 2.4.2 perche' lo ho su un cd, LinuxC di qualche mese fa... ma, a 
quanto ho letto, sono necessari parecchi aggiornamenti (pppd, gcc, make, 
ecc).. Mi sa che faccio prima a cercarmi una mdk8 :)))


Re: [newbie-it] Scanner

2001-07-05 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001 15:22:21 -0400

 Ciao! Lo scanner finalmente linux lo ha riconoscito! Ho seguito le tue 
 istruzioni e ora va. prima non so perché non andasse (forse perché ho fatto 
 un collage tra quello che mi hai scritto tu e il mini How-To? :)). Mi sono 
 rimasti ancora 2 problemini:
 1) Non funziona in modalita user semplice... Come faccio a garantire la 
 possibilità di accesso alla periferica usbscanner a un povero e semplice 
 utente? Sull'How-To c'era scritto di modificare /etc/inetd.conf. Io non ce 
 l'ho 'sto file. Ho invece /etc/xinetd.conf, ma con le modifiche indicate per 
 l'altro file niente...
 2) Gimp riconosce xsane come plugin, ma qundo lancio la scansione dopo un po' 
 dà errore. Qualcuno ha avuti un problema simile con Gimp? Non è fondamentale 
 usarlo, solo che è molto + comodo...
Dunque andiamo per ordine: quello che hai letto sul mini HowTo non c' entra 
assolutamente nulla perche' si riferisce al devfs che e' un altro sistema di gestione 
dei dispositivi e non e' attivato per default quindi non credo che tu lo stia usando.
1) Dai questo comando da root: 
chmod 666 /dev/usbscanner
cosi' diventera' accessibile a tutti.
Inetd e xinetd non c' entrano nulla.
2) Il plugin per Gimp non e' Xsane ma xscanimage, che trovi sotto il menu Xtns -- 
Acquire Image (sempre che lo scanner sia riconosciuto).
Xsane e' un' altra applicazione che puoi usare con lo scanner per fare fotocopie, fax 
ecc... e si avvia da un terminale con il comando  xsane.


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie-it] Scanner HP3200c seriale

2001-07-05 Per discussione Corrado

Sane dovrebbe ora supportare il mio scanner, via Umax_pp; ho letto le
info sia alla pagina sourceforge riguardo la patch per Sane 1.0.4, sia
le info direttamente dal sito di Sane dopo l'uscita della 1.0.5;
nonostante questo, il dispositivo continua a non essere visto da
Linux... Se qualcuno fosse riuscito a farlo funzionare, o potesse darmi
qualche consiglio...


Re: [newbie-it] LILO

2001-07-05 Per discussione freefred

On Thursday 05 July 2001 17:10, you wrote:

 Aehm... effettivamente non ho montato l'hd su quale ho
 Con mount /dev/... mi dice che non riesce a trovare in fstab
 Che accade?

come e' visto il disco o la partzione che vorresti montare?
(hda1, hda2 ecc.)
che comando dai?

cioe'  probabilmente dovresti
entrare con un floppy o in modalita rescue
montare la tua partizione linux
con qualcosa come
mount /dev/hda_numero partizione /mnt/disk (o altra directory di tua 
chroot /mnt/disk
e poi dare il comando lilo
(man lilo per eventuali opzioni)

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Re: R: [newbie-it] LILO

2001-07-05 Per discussione Alessandro

 Secondary Master? C'è modo di utilizzarlo su un comp diverso da quello su
 cui è stato creato?

credo proprio di no, perche' il floppy di boot e' legato alla tabella di
partizioni del sistema su cui e' stato creato (tantoc he andrebbe aggiornato
ad ogni variazione della tabella stessa)

[newbie-it] mozilla 0.9 e java plugin

2001-07-05 Per discussione ioadamo

qualcuno sa dove prelevare e come installare il java plugin per mozilla 0.9?
ciao e grazie per tutte le risposte

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner

2001-07-05 Per discussione Andrea Celli

CaMiX wrote:
 Ciao! Lo scanner finalmente linux lo ha riconoscito! Ho seguito le tue
 istruzioni e ora va. prima non so perché non andasse (forse perché ho fatto
 un collage tra quello che mi hai scritto tu e il mini How-To? :)). Mi sono
 rimasti ancora 2 problemini:
 1) Non funziona in modalita user semplice... Come faccio a garantire la
 possibilità di accesso alla periferica usbscanner a un povero e semplice
 utente? Sull'How-To c'era scritto di modificare /etc/inetd.conf. Io non ce
 l'ho 'sto file. Ho invece /etc/xinetd.conf, ma con le modifiche indicate per
 l'altro file niente...

inetd e` stato sostituito da xinetd

Prova a vedere man saned:

If xinetd is installed on your system instead of inetd the
following example for xinetd.conf may be helpful:

  # default: off
  # description: The sane server accepts requests
  # for network access to a local scanner via the
  # network.
  service sane
 port= 6566
 socket_type = stream
 wait= no
 user= saned
 group   = saned
 server  = /usr/local/sbin/saned

 2) Gimp riconosce xsane come plugin, ma qundo lancio la scansione dopo un po'
 dà errore. Qualcuno ha avuti un problema simile con Gimp? Non è fondamentale
 usarlo, solo che è molto + comodo...

non saprei.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie] ./configure

2001-07-05 Per discussione Paul

  what is this ./configure i see people talking about? i have tried typing 
 this in be bore i make something and it comes back a command not found? how 
 do i use this command?

This is a command usually used when you want to compile a program from the
You untar the file (tar xfvz file.tar.gz), cd to the created directory,
and there the configure command is located. This will check the requirements
for the compile to succeed (if the linux headers are there, if there is a
compiler, if the needed libraries like GTK or TCL are installed etc.).
If things are good, then configure will create the so called Make files.
These direct the compiler to compile the sources in a certain way.

And you type ./configure because the dir that you are in is not in the path.
So you tell the computer that it has to look in the current dir (./) for 

Hope this is clear now.

Re: [newbie] mini linux distro recommendations

2001-07-05 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

steve campbell wrote:
 Just wonderingdoes anyone know of a floppy distro with
 reiserfs support? I use toms boot disc and while it is
 great for hacking my friends broken windows, I can't
 actually use it on my own Linux..ironic huh? :)


Re: [newbie] mini linux distro recommendations

2001-07-05 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Fireman71 wrote:
 Not really related to Mandrake but

 I am looking for a mini linux distro (under 20 meg and
 preferably one just one floppy) that i can load onto an old
 386 computer and configure to act as an internet
 masquerading / firewall machine.

 Anyone have any ideas?



[newbie] smbpasswd with winnt4

2001-07-05 Per discussione SK


My Samba server in my Linux Server is running just fine. But now I have some
problem with NT40.
Each user have to login in my NT4 server. Can I synchronize my SAMBA
password with NT40.

The reason is because all my user have login into Winnt4 with there
password. But my LINUX password did not match with the Winnt4 password.

Someone please guide me ..what to do

Best Regards,

Re: [newbie] Opera segmentation fault

2001-07-05 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

The static version has the required QT libraries built into the Opera 
package. The dynamic version relies on a separately-installed QT package. 
This makes the download smaller, but dependent on the strengths/weaknesses 
(compared to the static build) of your installed version of QT.

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001 12:26, Juan Carlos wrote:
 What is the difference between the dynamic and static versions of Opera?

 On Fri 29 Jun 2001 23:21, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  What version of QT do you have running? The latest is 2.3.1 -- I suggest
  you get that from a Cooker mirror near you (don't worry, if anything it
  should be even more stable and usable than the one you have now). Also,
  try the static version of Opera.
  On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 14:05, Siro Belza wrote:
   I have downloaded and installed the package
   opera-dynamic-rh71-5.0-3.i386.rpm from Opera's website. When I try to
   run opera, the program aborts with a segmentation fault error.
   Has someone had the same problem?
   Does someone know what the problem is?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Soundcard problem

2001-07-05 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Have you tried running sndconfig and/or sounddrake? Also, check your volume 
levels with aumix.

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001 11:53, Roger Sherman wrote:
 I have a Compaq Presario 5834, which unfortunately has an integrated
 soundcard on the mobo (an ES1969 Solo-1 Audiodrive, which apparently
 uses the snd-card-es1938 module). A couple months ago, about the time
 8.0 came out, I bought a Soundblaster Live Platinum 5.1. I never
 actually tried to get it going in 8.0, as I had no luck getting 8.0
 online. So, I've finally reloaded 7.2 (interesting story so far, no?),
 and I have no sound. I do have sound in Windows 98 SE (I'm dual
 booting), but I just disabled the Solo-1 card in the hardware profile.

 Can anyone tell me how to get the Soundblaster working in 7.2? I've
 noticed the module for the integrated card is loaded; would I just have
 to get rid of that module, and replace it with the module for the
 SoundBlaster? Or do I have to disable the integrated card on the board?
 I don't see any jumpers on the board for doing so...and I looked through
 the BIOS, and didn't see anything there about disabling the soundcard.

 Compaq tech support was pretty helpful in getting it working in Windows,
 but not suprisingly, they've been resistant to helping with the Linux

 Any help would be greatly appreciated...


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie]Odd KMail Problem

2001-07-05 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

The .index files will be rebuilt when you next start Kmail.

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001 08:38, s wrote:
 Will they rebuild themselves?  (ie: can I still view the messages indexed
 there if .index deleted?)

 On Wednesday 04 July 2001 08:02 am, you wrote:
  Problems like hangs and crashes in Kmail can often be fixed by deleting
  the *.index files in your ~/Mail directory.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] startx at boot up time

2001-07-05 Per discussione Ravi Malghan

hello: everytime I login I have to run startx to get
the xwindows. I believe there is a file where you
change this so that this automatically. Which is that


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Re: [newbie] startx at boot up time

2001-07-05 Per discussione Paul

 hello: everytime I login I have to run startx to get
 the xwindows. I believe there is a file where you
 change this so that this automatically. Which is that

You have to edit /etc/inittab and change the default from 3 to 5.
You can also do this through DrakConf, and select the initial startup mode
there. That will do the editting for you.


Re: [newbie] ./configure

2001-07-05 Per discussione Tim Holmes

And to even take it a little further, it's not so much an issue of the ./configure 
but more of the ./ command.

If you go through the steps that Paul pointed out, and untar a program to install, 
then do
a ls -la configure you will see that it's an executable script.  For example, here's a 
I installed recently.  After I cd'd to the directory, I ran the ls -la.

[timh@r2d2 enlightenment-conf-0.15]$ ls -la configure
-rwxr-xr-x1 2133 2133   174858 Mar 11  1999 configure*

As you can see from the -rwxr-xr-x, the x's mean that it's executable.  As does the 
* at
the end of the file.

Running the ./ command lets the system know that the file you want to execute is in  
present working directory. (pwd)

Some installs don't even use a configure script.  Some have an install script, some are
already configured and have the needed make files so there's no need for the 
Other times it's even named config, so you would be using ./config instead.

So basically you're running the configuration script that most apps come with when you
download the source.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

 6:25AM  up  9:32, 4 users, load averages: 0.02, 0.03, 0.00

|   what is this ./configure i see people talking about? i have tried typing 
|  this in be bore i make something and it comes back a command not found? how 
|  do i use this command?
| Joe,
| This is a command usually used when you want to compile a program from the
| sources.
| You untar the file (tar xfvz file.tar.gz), cd to the created directory,
| and there the configure command is located. This will check the requirements
| for the compile to succeed (if the linux headers are there, if there is a
| compiler, if the needed libraries like GTK or TCL are installed etc.).
| If things are good, then configure will create the so called Make files.
| These direct the compiler to compile the sources in a certain way.
| And you type ./configure because the dir that you are in is not in the path.
| So you tell the computer that it has to look in the current dir (./) for 
| configure.
| Hope this is clear now.
| Paul

Re: Fw: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-07-05 Per discussione civileme

On Thursday 05 July 2001 02:48, tazmun wrote:
   It is not perfect, but relaxation beyond that lets in the sort
  nonsense you see in Windows all the time. 

 Ok, I too am curious exactly what is meant here?  I've had my
 computer in windows mode to all the sites I am aware of to check
 security and as far as I know it is secure as it is possible to be.
  My systems don't even allow file transfer on TCP/IP, they use
 another protocol for that so the TCP/IP is only for web access.My
 knowledge of hacking etc is very limited.  It is implied that it is
 easier to hack a windows system then it is a Linux system...if this
 is so why and how?

Well, for one, Windows 9x through to XP are all single-user systems, 
but that is not the big reason.

Windows NT and Windows 2000 are very crackable _WHEN_ you put 
Microsoft applications on them though, running standalone, they are 
probably as secure as any immature unix.

You see, when Windows 3.1 was fresh out, WordPerfect held 90% of the 
word-processor market.  How did it come about that just a few years 
later, Word was king and WordPerfect was incompatible?

When you have an operating system, you make Application Programming 
Interfaces or APIs that other software writers then use to make their 
programs work with your system.  Microsoft did this.  But for their 
own programs, they realized that they could use their special 
knowledge of their system (and it was truly theirs though the 
underlying DOS definitely was _not_.) to let Word run faster, more 
efficiently, and more feature-laden because it did not have to work 
through APIs for everything, it could _directly_ access the kernel.

In linux or unix, a program that can _directly_ access the kernel is 
a kernel module.  There are walls for everything else, and APIs for 
requesting and receiving kernel services.  It would be a cardinal sin 
to write something that atempted to violate the walls between apps 
and system.  Just as when X crashes, the keyboard is locked, the 
mouse won't move, chances are the kernel is fine and a telnet or 
webmin access or ssh into the machine will show it.

WINE (Wine Is Not an Emulator) runs many programs for linux that were 
designed to run under windows.  It does so by providing services 
through analogues of the Windows APIs.  WordPerfect for linux uses 
WINE, and runs.  Microsoft Office programs strangely do not appear to 
fully run under WINE though sometimes they will show some splash 
screens and graphics.

OK  so even IF you get by all the holes and erase the NSA key in your 
windows replacing it with one of your own, and change the third key 
as well so that cryptographic services run properly, and no one can 
load security software on your machine without your knowledge.  And 
if you manage to stay away from sites that contain trojans in the 
downloads they offer, you are still subject to some horrid things.

For example, you might receive a reply from a trusted source you just 
I'll get back to you as soon as I can on the matter.  In the mean 
time, take a look at this

There sits an .xls file.  Since your mail had nothing to do with 
numbers, you dump it.

TOO LATE!  It is a middleware exploit cruising one of the 
superhighways into the core of your system and it was borne by a 
variant of the KAK virus (Kagou antiKro$soft says, Not Today).

Now what happens?  Do you send out weird replies to email?  Yes, fro 
a limited time.

Meanwhile next time you are on the internet, this little program 
opens up and connects to an IRC server, and it goes to a hidden chat 
room using a secret key and reports to its master.  It gives the 
secret, random port it has chosen for communication with your 
computer, its secret, randomly generated,  name, perhaps accepts a 
message containing the SUB7 server, and waits for orders.

And maybe a few days or years later, your ISP, if he's a good one, 
and believe me the big ones want to ignore this problem, comes to you 
and asks if he can inspect your programs because your computer was 
one of three thousand that participated in a Distributed Denial of 
Service  (DDoS) attack against the Bank of America, or some server 
offering free security software, or

Or if you are really unlucky, you get a knock at your door from the 
FBI because your computer was a relay in a really BIG cybercrime.

Up to now, Windows machines were available only with very limited 
socket capabilities.  They can send huge, fragmented UDP packets and 
ICMP packets with malformations, but their ability to mangle TCP/IP 
packets and spoof IP addresses just wasn't there.  Windows XP changes 

And the crackers and sociopathic juveniles of the world, who were 
limited to armies of cockroaches before now will find they command 
cockroaches with nuclear backpacks.  

And naturally, the folks using the net are saying thin is beautiful 
and equipping themselves with routers and small devices to handle 
firewalling.  What is going to be 

Re: [newbie] CDwriting questions

2001-07-05 Per discussione civileme

On Thursday 05 July 2001 00:32, s wrote:
 I have some questions about this cd writing thing.  (Relatively new
 to this).

 1.   With a cdrw, is it necessary to blank it before rewriting over
 it?  (I seem to have to).

Yes--see the snswer to 2.

 2.   What is fixating?

This is closing the catalog on the disk, allowing no more writes 
because the catalog is complete.  Usually until this happens, only 
the originating drive can read the CDRW.

 3.  What is multisession?  (I kinda think this mean different
 formats on the same cd).

No it means you didn't fixate after the first session and more space 
is left for writing another session.  There are mixed music and data 
CDs, always the product of multisession but not necessarily the only 
type of multisession product.

 4.   How does one use a cdrw just like say a floppy or zip?  (Where
 one can add a few files today, and a few more tomorrow, etc.)

With linux, you can't.  You can do multisesion.  What you would want 
instead is an optical drive or a PD drive or a DVD-RAM which can act 
like a slow hard disk.  There are some ways for this to happen in 
windows, but no one ever rewrote cdrecord for that purpose, at least 
not yet.  One o my pet projects, at snails pace, is the DVD-RAM.  I 
have the PD working. in all its incarnations.



[newbie] secure copy

2001-07-05 Per discussione Andrew Rice Jr

 Hey group,

 Has anyone ever used secure copy?

 The command for it is scp and I was just wondering if anyone here has
 had any luck with it or not.

 I would like to be able to transfer some files from my Linux server to
 my windows machine and I was wondering if that was really possible at
 all to do..

 Thank you,


lawsuit, n.:
A machine which you go into as a pig and come out as a sausage.
-- Ambrose Bierce

Re: [newbie] CDwriting questions

2001-07-05 Per discussione s

Thanks everyone for clarifying those things for me.  :-)

On Wednesday 04 July 2001 07:32 pm, you wrote:
 I have some questions about this cd writing thing.  (Relatively new to


Re: [newbie] curious X information

2001-07-05 Per discussione Terry C

Here's the link:

lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   29 Jun 23
00:19 X - ../../usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA*

--- civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wednesday 04 July 2001 17:06, Terry C wrote:
  I am getting conflicting information concerning
  version of X I'm running, and the color depth.
 When I
  bring up X-Server - KDE Control Module it tells
  that I am running XFree86 3.3.6 and a 24 bit color
  depth. If I run XFree86 -version in a terminal
  tells me that I am running XFree86 4.0.1. I tend
  believe the info from running XFree86 -version,
  why the discrepancy? I need to make sure that I
  4.0.1 running before I install the nVidia drivers,
  how can I verify which is correct?
  Do You Yahoo!?
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 Where does /etc/X11/X point?

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2001-07-05 Per discussione KNIGHTMARE PSYCHO

i would like a free shell acount please,
please get back to me asap about it :)
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] secure copy

2001-07-05 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Andrew Rice Jr wrote:
  Has anyone ever used secure copy?
  The command for it is scp and I was just wondering if anyone here has
  had any luck with it or not.
  I would like to be able to transfer some files from my Linux server to
  my windows machine and I was wondering if that was really possible at
  all to do..

Yes, I've used it, and yes it is possible.  I (and many others) use it
to transfer files to and from SourceForge, especially to their web
server.  I do it from Linux, but others do it from Windows (to/from
SourceForge, which runs Linux or a Unix variant, AFAIK.)

I suspect you would need a server (or daemon) of some sort, and I
suspect that's more likely to be available for Linux.  (I'd look in the
SSH or openSSH package -- the two (SSH and SCP) seem to be closely

I know there is client software for Windows -- you might go to
SourceForge, then to their documentation pages -- last time I looked it
wasn't very clear (to me as a newbie to Linux, SourceForge, webservers,
and SSH/SCP), but it seems they started a rewrite project in the last
few months.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

PS: If your machines are both, for example, at home, I probably wouldn't
go to this much trouble unless I wanted to learn SSH and SCP (setup) for
other reasons.  I'd first try samba or ftp, and disable the daemons
except when I was actually using them.

Re: [newbie] What is the MFT?

2001-07-05 Per discussione Michael Leone

/dev/hdb6  15G  9.5G  5.5G  63% /mnt/f 
Trying to open MFT 
/dev/hda5 2.0G  1.7G  267M  87% /mnt/nt 

Notice the Trying to open MFT sandwiched in the middle?
What does it mean?  Is it important or a warning or something?

MFT = Master File Table; it's an MS thing. Is that partition formatted
as NTFS, by any chance?

Michael J. Leone  Registered Linux user #201348 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 50453890
PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF

Pysche closed for renovations.

RE: [newbie] *.GZ

2001-07-05 Per discussione Boliver Allmon

I have tried the Winzip 8.0 with no results and WinRAR with no
results.  Both tell me that the files (four of them) are in an unknown
format.  I 
have redownloaded them with the same results.

I am guess I will wait until I get home and have access to my Linux machine
and try again.



 -Original Message-
 From: James R. McKenzie [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 10:39 AM
 To:   Boliver Allmon
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] *.GZ
 winzip does this very well.  The latest version is 8.0.
 get it from www.winzip.com
  T H A N K   Y O U
  James R. McKenzie
 - Original Message - 
 From: Boliver Allmon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Newbie (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 10:01 AM
 Subject: [newbie] *.GZ
  Can anyone tell me of a program that will allow
  me to un-archive a gz file on a windose computer?
  I have some How-Tos I would like to read here
  at work.  I have WinZip, but it does not seem to know
  what to do with them.
  Boliver Allmon
  *Phone: 281-424-0409
  K  Fax: 281-424-6982
  *Location: 58-F36
  *e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] *.GZ

2001-07-05 Per discussione Ed Kasky

I have had no problems using Winzip 8 on .tar's and .gz's

At 09:01 AM 7/5/2001 -0500, Boliver Allmon wrote:
Can anyone tell me of a program that will allow
me to un-archive a gz file on a windose computer?
I have some How-Tos I would like to read here
at work.  I have WinZip, but it does not seem to know
what to do with them.

[newbie] hey mate!!!

2001-07-05 Per discussione Coby Aronson

listen i need a shell account badly a good 
friend on mine told me about u ...
plz if u can hook me up with l/p chicks/chicks it 
would be wonderfull
thanks a lot u da best!

and give me all the other info root will be 
excellent... securcrt allready fired up over here 

[newbie] irda

2001-07-05 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

I have installed irda-utils in order to get my Palm communicating with my 
Inspiron 8000. I also have enabled irda in the bios. Apparently I have to 
enable it in the start up or kernel. Is there a utility that facilitates this?

Bill W.

[newbie] Change TimeZone

2001-07-05 Per discussione • Karel •

Where are written LM8 timezone settings? Which file I must edit?

Re: [newbie] screen resolution

2001-07-05 Per discussione Francis J. Keller

 Tomas Krivda wrote:
 where and how can I change my screen resolution and refresh rate?
in drake  config

Re: [newbie] *.GZ

2001-07-05 Per discussione Daniel Espinosa

Hi Boliver:

You can tray Winzip 8, Winrar 2.7 or 2.8. If this not work, you should
download your .GZ file again.

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Boliver Allmon wrote:

 Can anyone tell me of a program that will allow
 me to un-archive a gz file on a windose computer?
 I have some How-Tos I would like to read here
 at work.  I have WinZip, but it does not seem to know
 what to do with them.

   Boliver Allmon

 *Phone:   281-424-0409
 K  Fax:   281-424-6982
 *e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] screen resolution

2001-07-05 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Just for your info, this and the previous message do not appear to be

Maybe it just looks like it on your mail client?

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Miark wrote:
 Damn it. $*%^$#*#$ Okay. No more HTML--I promise :-)

RE: [newbie] RPM manager

2001-07-05 Per discussione TinyHoffman

I like the idea, however I am attempting to 
upgrade within 7.1. I believe that this is the
best build I can get with GNOME native archetecture. 

IF I were to upgrade the libraries, would it be 
feasable to re-compile, or somehow get the newer
RPM to do a staic link, soley?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of civileme
 Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 13:23
 To: TinyHoffman; Newbie
 Subject: Re: [newbie] RPM manager
 On Thursday 05 July 2001 14:29, TinyHoffman wrote:
  I am running mdk7.1,
  I want to upgrade a few parts, now that
  I have a solid footing on the OS.
  I attempted to upgrade my pppd to IV,
  fom II, but found that my RPM would not
  take a package = 3(major number)...
  the RPM archives at redhat suggested that
  I upgrade to 3.0.6 (from the stock 3.0.4),
  and then to 4.0.x...
  Now the 3.0.4 won't upgrade without a glibc
  a: can I safely run two libraries?
  b: Is there a better way of upgrading my
  RPM manager?
  or c: am I just approaching the bull from the
  wrong end?
  -Chris Hoffman
 It is easy to break your system by having two libraries because the 
 links have to be managed very very carefully.  We took care of that 
 in 8.0 by changing library naming and packaging policies.
 7.1 is a stable system with only one serious bug in the script to 
 rotate logs which is fixed by removing a * at the end of a line.  It 
 is also arguably the most beautiful mandrake release ever done.  
 Theme support is still not back to what it was before the inception 
 of KDE2.
 On Mandrakefroum you can find an article anout two mandrake systems 
 on the same computer dual-booting.  I would really suggest that 
 alternative.  Get an 8.0 for the rpm4 stuff and keep your classic OS.

Re: [newbie] *.GZ

2001-07-05 Per discussione steve campbell

The way I hear ityou should never open a .gz under windows

On Thursday 05 July 2001 18:43, Boliver Allmon wrote:
 I finally got the files by using the HTML download format,
 and telling the computer to open it from its present location.
 WinRAR opened it and I told it to extract it to my computer.

 Perhaps the *gz files are bad on the website.


  -Original Message-
  From:   Ed Kasky [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Thursday, July 05, 2001 11:00 AM
  To: Boliver Allmon; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject:Re: [newbie] *.GZ
  I have had no problems using Winzip 8 on .tar's and .gz's
  At 09:01 AM 7/5/2001 -0500, Boliver Allmon wrote:
  Can anyone tell me of a program that will allow
  me to un-archive a gz file on a windose computer?
  I have some How-Tos I would like to read here
  at work.  I have WinZip, but it does not seem to know
  what to do with them.

[newbie] Font Questions

2001-07-05 Per discussione Judith Miner

I have searched all the font How-To's and online sites I could find and
cannot find the answer to this question. Can anyone help?

How do you enter nonkeyboard characters into something like KWord? By
nonkeyboard characters, I mean accented letters, fractions, em dashes,
bullets. true typographic apostrophes and quotation marks, opening
single quotation marks, and so forth. In Windows you hold down Alt and
type the character code number and you see the character on screen and
in your printed output. What do you do in X, KDE, and Gnome? I know
about the character maps for KDE and Gnome, but click and copy is a
completely impractical way to deal with extended characters. Surely
there must be ways to type extended characters on the keyboard.

I think it's passing strange that NOWHERE does any documentation mention
this. Moreover, I looked through the entire Linux book section at Barnes
and Noble and not one book had such a thing indexed. Even the 1600-page
monsters had exhaustive sections on networks, consoles, Emacs, kernel
building, yada-yada, but NOTHING WHATEVER on how to get a damn extended
character typed!!

Related question: how do you get a character set other than ISO-8859-1?
That set is useless for document creation because it does not include
essential typographic characters such as true quotation marks and true
apostrophes. Without these characters, letters, reports, and other
documents look amateurish and ugly. Surely there must be some way to get
a proper character set in Linux.

I do have my own Type 1 fonts and some TrueTypes installed and they are
showing up--except not yet in StarOffice or WordPerfect. I am also in
process of trying to dump the fonts that came with the system that I
don't want. I have TrueTypes for screen display, but I prefer to use
Type 1 for creating and printing documents. StarOffice includes
directions for getting more fonts into it. The downloadable version of
WordPerfect 8 apparently does not include the font installer utility, so
you seem to be limited to the fonts that come with the program. If that
is the case, I'll remove it from my system. Worthless!

Answers to my questions most gratefully received!
 --Judy Miner

Re: [newbie] Netscape mail

2001-07-05 Per discussione Romanator

ivan miranda wrote:
 Hi all,
 I use Netscape messanger for e-mail.My problem is that the format of
 the date for the mails i receive differs,some show only time,some mails
 show day and time,some show all(mm/dd/yy) as a result when new mails
 come ,they are not arranged in an orderly mannerso it's very
 irritating,this was an old netscape mail problem,I tried to switch to
 monzilla mail,which is much better but i gave up when it started
 crashingany one who can help me on this
 Ivan Miranda
 General Instrument Engineer/IT support
 Po Box 8746,Doha,Qatar


Try out Kmail or Opera.

Registered Linux User #179293
Email Powered By Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] Spell checker in Kmail is not working??

2001-07-05 Per discussione Romanator


Here are the steps:

How to Add ABC Spellchecker to Kmail

1. While in Kmail, select New message
2. Navigate to Settings-Configure Toolbars. A Configure Toolbars window
will appear
3. Under Available actions window, select the ABC Spelling icon
4. Click on the arrow pointing to the right and add it to the Current
actions window
5. Click on Apply and OK.
That it!

Registered Linux User #179293
Email Powered By Tux Email Utility

Alan Smith wrote:
 Hi All
 How do you add the  ABC spellcheck button to the tool bar. Step by step
 instructions if you wouldn't mind.
 Alan Smith
 On Sunday 01 July 2001 02:39 pm, you wrote:
  On Sunday 01 July 2001 14:17, you wrote:
   Hi Kmail users,
   For some bizarre reason, the Spellchecker is not working. Is there
   that is not configured correctly in Kmail?
   Registered Linux User #179293
   The Happy Kmailer by Tux  Sons.
  Is Ispell or Aspell installed?
 Ispell is installed but Aspell is not. However, I just fixed it! By default,
 Kmail does NOT add the Spellchecker button to the toolbar. You must add
 the ABC Spellcheck button to the toolbar. Then, click on the Spellchecker
 button to begin the spellcheck.

[newbie] Tuxracer on HP Pavilion 5450

2001-07-05 Per discussione D. Hoyem

  I have just installed 8.0 on a Pavilion n5450 and it
went GREAT.. everything was detected and working.
Haven't messed with the nic card yet though.
  When i try Tuxracer I receive this error Tuxracer
error: Couldn't initalize video: Couldn't find
matching GLX visual (Success).
  I have the S3 Savage/ix w/MV video card.  I have the
latest driver, but do no where to copy it to after I
untar it.  Any help will be greatly aappreciated.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

[newbie] Playing videos

2001-07-05 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, My brother sent me a video that says vmail.vid.exe. I thought I 
could play it on Linux with RealPlayer but it does not play it. I have 
already played it on my Win98 on my laptop. I was wondering if there is a 
Linux program that would play a video file like this. I have tried xmovie but 
did not work. Thanks for any suggestions. 


Re: [newbie] Playing videos

2001-07-05 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1


Standard comment re: html mail applies... (kmail automatically made my 
reply in html, even though I default to plain text!).

What is the file format of the video? An exe is not a video format. What 
Windows program did you use to play it?


On Thursday 05 July 2001 19:46, thus spake Marcia Waller:
 Dear All, My brother sent me a video that says vmail.vid.exe. I thought
 I could play it on Linux with RealPlayer but it does not play it. I have
 already played it on my Win98 on my laptop. I was wondering if there is
 a Linux program that would play a video file like this. I have tried
 xmovie but did not work. Thanks for any suggestions.


- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie] Playing videos

2001-07-05 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Thursday 05 July 2001 21:47, Dave Sherman wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 Standard comment re: html mail applies... (kmail automatically made my
 reply in html, even though I default to plain text!).

 What is the file format of the video? An exe is not a video format. What
 Windows program did you use to play it?


My brother filmed it with his Logitech QuickCam. I am checking the stats on 
my Windows98 and it says the Inernal name is lvmplay.exe. This is called a 
Logitech Video Email. My brother said I should be able to use RealPlayer to 
play it but that did not work. Yes, I know that the .exe extension usually 
does not mean a video but it seems to in this case. The icon that sits on my 
Windows98 desktop says vmailvid. I would love to be able to run this on my 
Linux box if possible. Thanks for your help. I hope this information helps, 
because I cannot tell what program is playing it on my Win98.

Re: [newbie] Playing videos

2001-07-05 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

WHen you double-click the file, does an app (like RealPlayer for Windows) 
launch? Or does the file seem to play itself -- in other words, is a 
player embedded in the file?


On Thursday 05 July 2001 20:10, thus spake Marcia Waller:
 On Thursday 05 July 2001 21:47, Dave Sherman wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  Standard comment re: html mail applies... (kmail automatically made my
  reply in html, even though I default to plain text!).
  What is the file format of the video? An exe is not a video format.
  What Windows program did you use to play it?

 My brother filmed it with his Logitech QuickCam. I am checking the stats
 on my Windows98 and it says the Inernal name is lvmplay.exe. This is
 called a Logitech Video Email. My brother said I should be able to use
 RealPlayer to play it but that did not work. Yes, I know that the .exe
 extension usually does not mean a video but it seems to in this case.
 The icon that sits on my Windows98 desktop says vmailvid. I would love
 to be able to run this on my Linux box if possible. Thanks for your
 help. I hope this information helps, because I cannot tell what program
 is playing it on my Win98.

- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


[newbie] irda

2001-07-05 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

LM8 on a Dell laptop. How do I check to see if IRDA is enabled on this 
machine. I want to be able to sync my palm pilot. IRDA is enabled in bios.

Bill W.

[newbie] Error When Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader

2001-07-05 Per discussione Curtis Matthiesen

I'm having problems installing the above, I've agreeded to the agreement and 
accepted the directory and got it to create it and then I did a:


And then got the following messages:

Installing platform independent files ... Done

Installing platform dependent files ... Done
./INSTALL: ed: command not found
I assume that means that my installation failed, or?  If someone could tell 
me what I do from there to get this program working with Mozilla etc., it'd 
be greaty appreciated.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] Playing videos

2001-07-05 Per discussione Paul

It was Thu, 5 Jul 2001 21:10:54 -0400 when Marcia Waller wrote:

 What is the file format of the video? An exe is not a video format. What
 Windows program did you use to play it?

You prolly have to load winders or run the program through WINE. Some webcams
have this option to pack a video into an EXEcutable so you can run the video
without an additional player.

Did you ever meet a normal person?
And? Did you like it?

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.0pre3
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Error When Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader

2001-07-05 Per discussione Paul

It was Thu, 05 Jul 2001 21:15:28 -0700 when Curtis Matthiesen wrote:

Installing platform dependent files ... Done
./INSTALL: ed: command not found
I assume that means that my installation failed, or?  If someone could tell 
me what I do from there to get this program working with Mozilla etc., it'd 
be greaty appreciated.

Looks like you don't have ed installed. ed is a very basic editor. You can
find the rpm that has ed by looking for it in the file list part of rpmdrake.


Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.0pre3
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

[newbie] Vacationouncement

2001-07-05 Per discussione Paul

Hi folks,

This evening I will go nomail for a week and be off on a week of rr,
vacation, doing nothing.
Just so you know that I did not drop off the edge of the world.

So don't worry, I'll be back!

Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.0pre3
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

[newbie] samba security=domain

2001-07-05 Per discussione SK

Hi! I am having problem configure my samba server with my NT4 server.Below
is my smb.conf setting

# workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name
   workgroup = Leader_pg
   server string = Unix File Server
   security = domain
   password server = leader_pg

When I try to join my NT4 server to my Samba server I was unable to join it.
Below is my errror message. Need HELP

[root@dns samba]# smbpasswd -j dns -r leader_pg
modify_trust_password: Can't resolve address for LEADER_PG
2001/07/06 13:54:10 : change_trust_account_password: Failed to change
password f
or domain DNS.
Unable to join domain DNS

Best Regards,

Re: [newbie] *.GZ

2001-07-05 Per discussione Romanator

Boliver Allmon wrote:
 Can anyone tell me of a program that will allow
 me to un-archive a gz file on a windose computer?
 I have some How-Tos I would like to read here
 at work.  I have WinZip, but it does not seem to know
 what to do with them.
 Boliver Allmon
 *Phone: 281-424-0409
 K  Fax: 281-424-6982
 *Location:  58-F36

Download Netzip.

Registered Linux User #179293
Email Powered By Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] secure copy

2001-07-05 Per discussione Tim Holmes

I use scp all the time.  We have 5 *nix boxes on our network that all have direct IP.  
use scp to transfer software, we use sftp as often as possible for security.

Now you can download and install SFTP clients on your Windows box, and then use SFTP to
transfer files.  There's also program that will allow  you to ssh to a Windows machine 
get a DOS prompt.  However it only works in Windows2000 last I heard.


Is where to find the software, that's not shareware, but I'm sure a crafty person like
yourself can find a means to a serial number! :0)

But even if you install the shell on the Windows machine, I'm not sure if the scp 
will send files/information across. 

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

10:38AM  up 13:44, 4 users, load averages: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00

|  Hey group,
|  Has anyone ever used secure copy?
|  The command for it is scp and I was just wondering if anyone here has
|  had any luck with it or not.
|  I would like to be able to transfer some files from my Linux server to
|  my windows machine and I was wondering if that was really possible at
|  all to do..
|  Thank you,
|  A
| -- 
| lawsuit, n.:
|   A machine which you go into as a pig and come out as a sausage.
|   -- Ambrose Bierce

Re: [newbie] Star office problem

2001-07-05 Per discussione Romanator

Okay. That's what I did and I now have many more fonts to choose from.


Registered Linux User #179293
Email Powered By Tux Email Utility

Mark Weaver wrote:
 No...Roman they are the fonts from the windows installation that lives on
 the disk/computer with mandrake. DrakeFonts finds the windows/font folder,
 reads the fonts that live there and copys them to your Mandrake
 On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, Romanator wrote:
  Drakfont provides its own Windows font but I don't think that they are
  fonts provided by Microsoft. Microsoft would never provide Linux with
  their fonts. However, if you find some sort of workaround, please let me
  know what steps you took to import them into your Linux box.
  Mark Weaver wrote:
   actually, you can. In mandrake 7.2 this is accomplished using Font Manager
   in drakeconf. At the moment I can't recall the name of the utility that
   performs this in mandrake 8.0, but I'm sure someone here on the list will
   On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Romanator wrote:
Hi Ivan,
To the best of my knowledge, you cannot copy Windows fonts from Windows
to Linux. This is most likely why you got the error.
When selecting Windows fonts by using Drakfont, click on the Windows
fonts button and select the Force option. You want to uninstall the
present fonts and reinstall the Windows font via Drakfont. You have to
remember that these Windows fonts in Drakfont were hacked. This is due
to the fact that Microsoft owns the fonts. Since they have spent
millions of dollars to get them just right, they will NOT share them or
offer them to Linux.
As far as mounting the NTFS partition, this is still under development (
as fas I am aware ). However, there are plans to add this to a later
I think further investigation is needed.
ivan miranda wrote:

 Hi Romanator,
 I did download the new version of drakfont,however,i could not 
 any windows fonts (i have win2k on NTFS).How can i mount an NTFS partion
 ?.However i copied some fonts from widows m/c, all are *.ttf font,but
 while i was trying to install those fonts, drakfont gives error message
 like this for all fonts:
  font /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/drakfont/78640___.ttf: unknown
 usWeightClass 5
 How can i proceed now ?

 Thanks in advance

  ivan miranda wrote:
   Hi all,
   I have installed a power pack  version of LM8.Staroffice works
   fine,java okay,but the fonts...awafullhow can i correct
   this.Earlier,i have corrected the fonts problem in LM8 and the
   browsers,by removing the existing abisuite and installing a newer
   version.The second problem is that i have an HP5000 series laser printer
   on the network.The staroffice printer menu does not include this how can
   use this printer?The same printer was configured in cups is working
   fine(samba printer).Thanks in advace for the help
  Select the Software manager and download the drafont 0.5-13mdk update
  TrueType Fonts manager. Install the Windows fonts.
  Navigate to Control Center-Look'N'Feel-Fonts. For fixed width I'm
  using lucidatypewriter. I also use a combination of Helvetica and
  Verdana 10 and 11 pts.
  Registered Linux User #179293
  Email Powered By Tux Email Utility

 Ivan Miranda
 General Instrument Engineer/IT support
 Po Box 8746,Doha,Qatar

Re: [newbie] Star office problem

2001-07-05 Per discussione Romanator

Hi Randy,

I did it and I have many more choices when it comes to fonts.


Registered Linux User #179293
Email Powered By Tux Email Utility

Randy Kramer wrote:
 Romanator wrote:
  Okay. But I have to figure how to import them into Linux.
 I use kde on Mandrake 7.2 with the MandrakeFreq from 20010315.
 Start drakfont (it should be on your menu -- in my case it it is under
 configuration - other - drakfont).  You can do this from a user
 account -- it will prompt you for the root password.
 After you start drakfont, click on the button labeled Get Windows fonts
 -- hopefully it will be self explanatory from there.
 Like I said, I got them to Linux and can use them for many applications,
 but I haven't been able to use them in any kde application.
 If you get stuck after the Get Windows fonts button, write back.  (I'm
 trying to reconstruct what I did from memory.)
 Hope this helps,
 Randy Kramer