Re: [newbie-it] moz

2003-11-05 Per discussione beo
Il Thu, 30 Oct 2003 06:18:19 +
Arwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 E adesso direte che sono veramente un disastro. Non riesco a
 installare Mozilla 1.4: ho la 1.0 su, ho recuperato un tar.gz; lo
 scompatto, leggo le istruzioni e c'e' scritto solo di lanciare
 ./mozilla, dopo essersi posizionati nell'apposita cartella. Cosi' il
 moz 1.4 parte, ma se lancio normalmente mozilla mi va la vecchia 1.0.
 Ho pensato dunque che sarebbe bastato cercare una cartella con tutti
 i file del moz per sostituirli, ma non e' cosi', perche' sono
 sparpagliati in piu' directory... che cacchio devo fare?

non so cosa intendi per normalmente, ma creando un link al nuovo mozzillo sul desktop 
o sulla barra ottieni lo scopo desiderato


Re: [newbie-it] mdk9.1 su travelmate 630

2003-06-06 Per discussione beo
Il Thu,  5 Jun 2003 17:33:28 +0200
maxdic [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 ps: ma come faccio a loggarmi come root dal display di avvio grafico di mdk
 dove compaiono le icone degli utenti normali ma non di root?
so risponderti solo al ps
basta scrivere root o, molto meglio, entrare come utente normale e da un terminale 
dare il comando su invio psw invio

 grazie in anticipo!
 ciao ciao!

Re: [newbie-it] configurare un modem adsl - update

2003-04-04 Per discussione beo
Il Fri, 4 Apr 2003 14:55:02 +0200 (CEST)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
  Come faccio a riconfigurare LILO (linux e win sono su due HD diversi)?
  tnx a chi riesce a risolvere l'arcano §.-((
  Hai reinstallato win che ti ha tolto lilo da MBR?
 qui il problemadevo cambiare molto probabilmente da 98 a 2000 e non so 
 se questo da partizione è unica,ma non posso usare la fat32

anch'io ho 2 dischi e upgradato a win$2000. Se non vuoi perdere la possibilità di 
scambiare comodamente dati da win a lin ti conviene creare una 2^ partizione sul disco 
win per il FAT32, potrai, p. e. dedicarla alla cartella documenti.

 ho un disco di avvio di mandrake e copiato il file liloconf
  Riparti col CD di installazione di Mandrake, alla prima schermata premi
  F1 poi scegli la modalità rescue.
  Parte un linux che usa la RAM come disco e che presenta all'inizio un
  menù da cui puoi fare delle operazioni di emergenza come rimettere il
  LILO in MBR.
 linux comunque era configurato per partire per primo
no problem, il rescue fa miracoli.


Re: [newbie-it] help: invio email...

2003-03-21 Per discussione beo
Il Fri, 21 Mar 2003 10:22:31 +0100
Luigi Pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 Hash: SHA1
 Alle 10:37, martedì 18 marzo 2003, beo ha scritto:
  Io ho risolto utilizzando un SMTP fornito da un non provider
  così ricevo dove voglio e trasmetto sempre indifferentemente da chi
  garantisce la connessione. Adesso sono connesso tramite ADSL
  aziendale, ricevo su inwind e trasmetto da yahoo :-) 
 Lo puoi fare anche da Lycos, che a differenza di yahoo non dovrebbe  far pagare 
 niente di dà 5mb free

 (ma richiede autenticazione quindi kmail dal KDE 3.0 in  

oppure il leggero  e multipiattaforma sylpheed ;-)


Re: [newbie-it] kde e gnome

2003-03-21 Per discussione beo
Il Wed, 19 Mar 2003 19:32:04 +
Fabio Manunza [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 Per KDE esiste kappfinder.

Il Thu, 20 Mar 2003 14:36:53 +0100
Germano [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:

  ma come si fa a dire a kde/gnome di cercarsi i nuovi programmi installati?
 Intendi dire come si fa a farli apparire nel menu?


 Se è cosi dipende dal programma installato e dal gestore dei menu.
 Di solito è mandrake che gestisce i menu di tutti i WM ma puoi fare in modo 
 che kde o gnome se li gestiscano da soli (sconsigliabile, perchè non vedono 
 tutti i programmi).
 Altrimenti ti vai a vedere che files descrittivi ci sono nel pacchetto e li 
 copi in /usr/share/applnk-mdk/ nel posto giusto.
 Se ho fatto tutto questo discorso inutilmente dimmelo e magari specifica più 
 esattamente il tipo di problema.

soprattutto per pacchetti non rpm per i quali bisogna individuare l'eseguibile e 
linkarlo sul desktop o sulla barra preferita.
ma non c'è un'applicazioncina che li cerca ad sola e aggiorna i vari menù? (pigro el 
toso eh?)
intanto provo kappfinder

[newbie-it] kde e gnome

2003-03-19 Per discussione beo
salve gente,

ma come si fa a dire a kde/gnome di cercarsi i nuovi programmi installati?

grazie in anticipo
Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: Fwd:RE: [newbie-it] help: invio email....

2003-03-18 Per discussione beo
Il Tue, 18 Mar 2003 09:49:22 +0100
Io ho risolto utilizzando un SMTP fornito da un non provider
così ricevo dove voglio e trasmetto sempre indifferentemente da chi garantisce la 
Adesso sono connesso tramite ADSL aziendale, ricevo su inwind e trasmetto da yahoo :-)

Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: [newbie-it] serverx. non vuole pi partire

2003-03-18 Per discussione beo
Il Sat, 15 Mar 2003 00:05:01 +0100
miKe [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 Hash: SHA1
 Alle 21:41, giovedì 13 marzo 2003, giamgax ha scritto:
  Could not init found path element unix/:-1, removing from list
  Fatal server error:
  could not open default font 'fixed'
Alla fine della fiera non erano i font il problema, non avevo più spazio nella /. Ho 
eliminato i file temporanei ed è ripartito.

Grazie a tutti
Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: [newbie-it] ZIP ..che fare?

2003-02-28 Per discussione beo
Il Fri, 28 Feb 2003 16:32:23 +0100 (CET)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 Mi manca l'utility in oggettoquale installo?Me ne occorre una molto 
 semplice e dalla grafica intuitiva..voi che usate?
 Mandrake 9.0 con KDE il sistema

fileroller è nei cd della distro se non già installato 

Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

[newbie-it] cambio di filesystem - fdisk

2003-02-27 Per discussione beo
Salve gente,
ho una partizione vuota formattata ext2. Vorrei cambiare il fs in reiser. Ho provato a 
usare fdisk ma non trovo l'opzione corrispodente. 

Sono il solito cecato o devo usare qualche altro programma?
grazie in anticipo.
Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: [newbie-it] ADSL

2003-02-14 Per discussione beo
Il Fri, 14 Feb 2003 16:51:01 +0100 (CET)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
  ..meglio ETH senza dubbio.Io direi di preoccuparti invece della banda..cercane una 
con minimo garantito.
ottimo suggerimento, ne conoscete qualcuna non troppo costosa adatta ad un uso 
finora trovo sono soluzioni per aziende.
Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: [newbie] Fetchmail using the correct quotes

1999-08-25 Per discussione Beo d'Wulfie

On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 Like Steve said, it's rejecting the messages from the imap server, check
 on that end. or maybe just changeing to pop might work

*nods* So there is another piece of software I need? My provider is POP3.
I, unfortuantely, havn't a clue what my computer is. Is it IMAP? Where
would I begin to look for setting my computer up as POP?

Re: [newbie] Fetchmail

1999-08-23 Per discussione Beo d'Wulfie

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Beo d'Wulfie wrote:
  On Sun, 22 Aug 1999, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
   On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Beo d'Wulfie wrote:
Another addendum: I noticed this when playing with it again... I'm
getting some lines that don't appear in my verbose capture in my
previous post.

Enter password for beo@id -un: blahblah
Enter password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: blahblah
fetchmail: fetchmail: IMAP connection to id -un failed: host is unknown
fetchmail: fetchmail: POP3 connection to id -un failed: host is unknown
[beo@localhost beo]$

Re: [newbie] Fetchmail using the correct quotes

1999-08-23 Per discussione Beo d'Wulfie

Steve Philp wrote:
   Maybe if you emailed the verbose output from fetchmail (-v)
  Hokay, back at the linux box and here it is. *grin* Okay, I'm rather
  pleased that I figured out how to get the verbose output into a file...
  gads, I'm /almost/ beginning to understand how this stuff works...
  I modified the line you gave me a bit and entered the following through
  the shell:
 Those quotes are facing the wrong direction.  Use the other quote (the
 one below tilde).

Ahhh, don't /I/ feel silly. *snark* Okay, attached is the output using
the other quote... It seems to have found stuff, but neither pine, nor
elm, nor *shudder* mail finds it.


fetchmail: 5.0.7 querying beo (protocol auto) at Mon, 23 Aug 1999 22:59:08 -0500 (CDT)
fetchmail: 5.0.7 querying beo (protocol IMAP) at Mon, 23 Aug 1999 22:59:08 -0500 (CDT)
fetchmail: 5.0.7 querying beo (protocol POP3) at Mon, 23 Aug 1999 22:59:08 -0500 (CDT)
fetchmail: Query status=2
fetchmail: 5.0.7 querying (protocol auto) at Mon, 23 Aug 1999 22:59:08 
-0500 (CDT)
fetchmail: 5.0.7 querying (protocol IMAP) at Mon, 23 Aug 1999 22:59:08 
-0500 (CDT)
fetchmail: IMAP * OK baal IMAP4rev1 v11.237 server ready
fetchmail: IMAP A0001 CAPABILITY
fetchmail: IMAP A0001 OK CAPABILITY completed
fetchmail: IMAP A0002 LOGIN "beo" "*"
fetchmail: IMAP A0002 OK LOGIN completed
fetchmail: IMAP A0003 SELECT INBOX
fetchmail: IMAP * 6 EXISTS
fetchmail: IMAP * 5 RECENT
fetchmail: IMAP * OK [UIDVALIDITY 933166991] UID validity status
fetchmail: IMAP * OK [UIDNEXT 3874] Predicted next UID
fetchmail: IMAP * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft \Seen)
fetchmail: IMAP * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\* \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft \Seen)] 
Permanent flags
fetchmail: IMAP * OK [UNSEEN 1] 1 is first unseen message in /var/mail/beo
fetchmail: IMAP A0003 OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT completed
fetchmail: 6 messages for beo at
fetchmail: IMAP A0004 FETCH 1:6 RFC822.SIZE
fetchmail: IMAP * 1 FETCH (RFC822.SIZE 12374)
fetchmail: IMAP * 2 FETCH (RFC822.SIZE 2254)
fetchmail: IMAP * 3 FETCH (RFC822.SIZE 1412)
fetchmail: IMAP * 4 FETCH (RFC822.SIZE 2538)
fetchmail: IMAP * 5 FETCH (RFC822.SIZE 2583)
fetchmail: IMAP * 6 FETCH (RFC822.SIZE 1406)
fetchmail: IMAP A0004 OK FETCH completed
fetchmail: IMAP A0005 FETCH 1 FLAGS
fetchmail: IMAP * 1 FETCH (FLAGS ())
fetchmail: IMAP A0005 OK FETCH completed
fetchmail: IMAP A0006 FETCH 1 RFC822.HEADER
fetchmail: IMAP * 1 FETCH (RFC822.HEADER {1603}
fetchmail: reading message 1 of 6 (1603 header octets)
fetchmail: SMTP 220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Postfix (Beta-19990317-pl04)
fetchmail: SMTP EHLO localhost
fetchmail: SMTP 250-localhost.localdomain
fetchmail: SMTP 250-PIPELINING
fetchmail: SMTP 250-SIZE 1024
fetchmail: SMTP 250-ETRN
fetchmail: SMTP 250 8BITMIME
fetchmail: SMTP 250 Ok
fetchmail: SMTP RCPT TO:beo@localhost
fetchmail: SMTP 250 Ok
fetchmail: SMTP DATA
fetchmail: SMTP 354 End data with CRLF.CRLF

fetchmail: IMAP )
fetchmail: IMAP A0006 OK FETCH completed
fetchmail: IMAP A0007 FETCH 1 BODY[TEXT]
fetchmail: IMAP * 1 FETCH (BODY[TEXT] {10771}
fetchmail:  (10771 body octets) ..
fetchmail: IMAP )
fetchmail: IMAP * 1 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen))
fetchmail: IMAP A0007 OK FETCH completed
fetchmail: SMTP. (EOM)
fetchmail: SMTP 250 Ok: queued as CBA2E47E3
fetchmail:  not flushed
fetchmail: IMAP A0008 FETCH 2 FLAGS
fetchmail: IMAP * 2 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent))
fetchmail: IMAP A0008 OK FETCH completed
fetchmail: IMAP A0009 FETCH 2 RFC822.HEADER
fetchmail: IMAP * 2 FETCH (RFC822.HEADER {1541}
fetchmail: reading message 2 of 6 (1541 header octets)
fetchmail: SMTP 250 Ok
fetchmail: SMTP RCPT TO:beo@localhost
fetchmail: SMTP 250 Ok
fetchmail: SMTP DATA
fetchmail: SMTP 354 End data with CRLF.CRLF

fetchmail: IMAP )
fetchmail: IMAP A0009 OK FETCH completed
fetchmail: IMAP A0010 FETCH 2 BODY[TEXT]
fetchmail: IMAP * 2 FETCH (BODY[TEXT] {713}
fetchmail:  (713 body octets) 
fetchmail: IMAP )
fetchmail: IMAP * 2 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent \Seen))
fetchmail: IMAP A0010 OK FETCH completed
fetchmail: SMTP. (EOM)
fetchmail: SMTP 250 Ok: queued as E681147E4
fetchmail:  not flushed
fetchmail: IMAP A0011 FETCH 3 FLAGS
fetchmail: IMAP * 3 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent))
fetchmail: IMAP A0011 OK FETCH completed
fetchmail: IMAP A0012 FETCH 3 RFC822.HEADER
fetchmail: IMAP * 3 FETCH (RFC822.HEADER {1000}
fetchmail: reading message 3 of 6 (1000 header octets)
fetchmail: SMTP 250 Ok
fetchmail: SMTP RCPT TO:beo@localhost
fetchmail: SMTP 250 Ok
fetchmail: SMTP DATA
fetchmail: SMTP 354 End data with CRLF.CRLF

fetchmail: IMAP )
fetchmail: IMAP A0012 OK FETCH completed
fetchmail: IMAP A0013 FETCH 3 BODY[TEXT]
fetchmail: IMAP * 3 FETCH (BODY[TEXT] {412}

[newbie] AIM for Linux

1999-08-22 Per discussione Beo d'Wulfie

Some time ago I stumbled upon a java script which allowed me to use AIM
via the web. Well 4 installations later and I've lost the bookmark. Can
anyone help? I've tried the home page for both AOL and AIM with no luck.



new linux user, new pc owner, new stockholder in excedrin

Re: [newbie] Onboard Sound Chip configuration

1999-08-17 Per discussione Beo d'Wulfie

I have the exact same motherboard and processor. I'll throw in here that
sound works just fine in win95 and windoze 3.1x. According to the
documentation the soundchip is compatable with SoundBlaster Pro.

Joe, fyi, I have the cd that came with the motherboard and if you need any
of the drivers for anything other than linux I can email them to you. :)
I can scan the manual in and email it to you if you are interested. It's
rather dry reading though.

This is a problem I've been fighting with since day one. I'm also
interested in any suggestions.

'2 pitons in the learning cliff... zillions to go'

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Joseph Gardner wrote:

 My turn for sound questions,
 I have a PC100 MB with a AMD k6-2.  It has an onboard sound chip labeled :
  Sound Pro
  HRTF 3D   Audio
  EBK43   PCI
 I ran the sound configuration and it came back with as recognizing a CMI-8330 chip.  
Regardless of what settings I use the best I get is a very garbled sound check and 
when it tries to test the MIDI setup it either complains about the settings or locks 
the session.  It even went as far as to wipe out my KDE login screen (leaving me with 
only KDE and safe mode.)
 Documentation is non-existent as the distributor I bought the MB from is now out of 
business (go figure)
 Any help would be grateful.
 Joseph Gardner
 Senior Designer / Technical Support
 Kirby Company
 Cleveland, OH

---Beo d'Wulfie

'We all enter this world in the same way:
 naked; screaming; soaked in blood. But if   
 you live your life right, that kind of thing
 doesn't have to stop there.'

Re: [newbie] Unpredictable Netscape closing?

1999-08-15 Per discussione Beo d'Wulfie

"Thomas J. Hamman" wrote:
 Yes, that's a common problem in the Netscape 4.6 in Mandrake.  Replace your
 netscape packages with either the packages from the updates directory on the
 FTP mirrors (you shouldn't have any trouble finding the list of FTP mirrors
 from Mandrake's homepage at, or (my preference)
 the netscape packages from Cooker, the next version of Mandrake being developed
 (you can find a list of mirrors for that at

Something I stumbled across as I downloaded this is to makesure you
download netscape-common along with the netscape you are using (i.e.
navigator, communicator). Yes, simple, but I didn't know that up front.
Then when you do the kpm to install it, make sure the 'replace files'
button is checked and do the 'common' file first.

Beo 'one piton in the learning cliff' Wolfie

RE: [newbie] Linux Mandrake 6.0 Question

1999-08-07 Per discussione Beo d'Wulfie

When you installed 60-2.iso (yes, I'm a newbie), was this an upgrade? I
too, purchased the 6.0 version and installed and have had sound problems.
What would I look for and download as an upgrade?

on my 9th installation but got the second piton in the learning cliff. :)

On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, Martin, Darin W. wrote:

 I have a dual P-Pro running Mandrake.. I downloaded the manrake60-2.iso the
 night after it was posted.  It automatically detected that I was running an
 SMP system and installed the SMP kernel.  Every piece of hardware in my
 system has worked flawlessly since this install.  I have an Intel Ether
 Express Pro 100, Adaptec 2940 UW with two 7200 RPM Quantum drives, a 4 gig
 Seagate IDE, Mitsumi CD-Rom and CD-RW, I also have a CS4232 sound card.  
 Mandrake has been a pleasant switch for me.  I've tried Redhat, and SuSE
 installs before.  And, while I was able to get them working properly, it
 took a lot of work.  Especially with SuSE 6.0.  Plus, SuSE had a nasty habit
 of crashing when trying to access Vfat partitions.  Mandrake has been the
 easiest Linux install I have ever done.
 The only thing I would recommend is that when you do the install, make sure
 you install all of the development libraries. That way, if you need to
 compile something, you can.
 Darin Martin
 Sr. Systems Engineer
  -Original Message-
  From:   John Aldrich [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Friday, August 06, 1999 10:52 PM
  Subject:[newbie] Linux Mandrake 6.0 Question
  Hey, all just picked up my copy of Mandrake 6.0 from the computer
  (figured I might as well, since no one is going to burn me a copy of the
  image G)
  My machine will be a Dual-PPro 200 with 192 Megs of ram and about 10.7
  of drivespace. I haven't picked up a video card yet, but that's the next
  purchase, along with a "generic" PCI ethernet card.
  Question is, what should I look out for with regards to installation
  headaches on this system? I understand Mandrake has a 6.1 version out now
  (not available in the local stores, apparently.)
  This is really going to be a "training" machine for me to teach myself
  Admin skills. Anything I should watch out for with this?

---Beo d'Wulfie

'We all enter this world in the same way:
 naked; screaming; soaked in blood. But if   
 you live your life right, that kind of thing
 doesn't have to stop there.'

Re: [newbie] Sound -- probably revisited.

1999-07-21 Per discussione Beo d'Wulfie

Oh yes, that was the first thing that I ran. It seems to have no effect at
all. :(

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Matt Stegman wrote:

 Have you run 'sndconfig' yet?
 On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Beo d'Wulfie wrote:
  The soundcard I'm using is a sb16.
  It doesn't work. I've gone through the help docs and followed their
  instructions but still no go.
  Can anyone help with this???
  A few things to note:
  - Yes, the speakers are turned on.
  - Yes, the system bell does come through the internal speaker.
  - No, I don't know how to decompress a module or recompile a kernal, but
  I'm a quick study and will find out how if this is what it takes to
  correct the problem.
  the newly frustrated.

---Beo d'Wulfie

'We all enter this world in the same way:
 naked; screaming; soaked in blood. But if   
 you live your life right, that kind of thing
 doesn't have to stop there.'