[MCM] Lots of news you may have missed, from Consortiumnews.com

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From Robert Parry:

Editor's Note: Because we've been publishing more stories, some 
readers say they miss some that fly by. So, each month, we'll point 
out some special stories from the previous month.

Here is a selection from March,  focusing on the decline of the U.S. 
news media and the war-crimes case against George W. Bush:

American Media Misdiagnosis, by Robert Parry, looking at 
journalism's plight. (March 2, 2009)

Memos Gave Bush Total Power, by Jason Leopold, regarding John Yoo's 
memos on all-powerful presidents. (March 3, 2009)

Close the Bush Bullet, by Robert Parry, examining the narrow miss 
for the American Republic. (March 4, 2009)

in the Crosshairs by Gareth Porter and Ray McGovern, assessing the 
pressures for a new Mideast war. (March 4, 2009)

Crimes and Double Standards by Robert Parry, reviewing how the U.S. 
treats atrocities differently. (March 5, 2009)

Wage War on a Realist by Robert Parry, exploring the neocon jihad 
against former U.S. ambassador Chas Freeman. (March 6, 2009)

Derailed Obama Intel Choice by Ray McGovern, dissecting the defeat 
of the Freeman nomination. (March 11, 2009)

Obama's Change Find El Salvador by Don North, previewing the likely 
leftist victory with echoes to the Cold War. (March 11, 2009)

Pro-Life? by Lynne Gillooly, questioning how the abortion issue is 
framed. (March 12, 2009)

Crimes  American Rejectionism by Peter Dyer, tracing the history of 
the laws of war and the recent U.S. resistance. (March 13, 2009)

Is a Neocon Propaganda Sheet by Robert Parry, decribing the decline 
of a once-great newspaper. (March 15, 2009)

Panetta Is Falling Short by Melvin A. Goodman, lamenting how the CIA 
bureaucracy turned Leon Panetta's head. (March 18, 2009)

Servants, Circa 2009 by Barbara Koeppel, exploring the desperate 
world of immigrant labor. (March 18, 2009)

the Oxygen of Journalism by Gray Brechin, reviewing what the nation 
loses with the decline in newspapers. (March 19, 2009)

Obama -- by the WPost by Robert Parry, looking at the power the 
Washington Post retains to shape issues. (March 19, 2009)

Elitists Feel for Wall St. Brethren, by Robert Parry, assessing 
class solidarity over bonues. (March 22, 2009)

Lawyer-Shopping for Torture, by Jason Leopold, chronicling how 
President Bush put ideological lawyers in key spots. (March 24, 2009)

History Hurts Obama's Iran Bid by Robert Parry, explaining what the 
two sides don't know or won't admit. (March 26, 2009)

Angry Mob, But a Movement by Michael Winship, discussing the 
emergence of a new populism. (March 27, 2009)

to Vietnam, Mr. President by Ray McGovern, comparing President 
Obama's Afghan escalation to that earlier war. (March 28, 2009)

Duck Bush Torture Probe by Jason Leopold, noting the changed 
Democratic tone about investigations.(March 30, 2009)

To produce and publish these stories - and many more - costs money. 
And except for book sales, we depend 

[MCM] Fight for a strong bill on global warming

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Now that the US has turned the corner on C02 emissions, let's get down to work.
We need, first, to pay attention to the stark 
realities of what's become of Mother
Earth--and what will certainly become of her, and sooner than you think, if
we don't act.

One place to start: Congress, which must pass a forceful bill ASAP.


Hi Mark,

Representatives Henry Waxman and Ed Markey 
recently began one of the most important 
legislative fights of our lives, a comprehensive 
bill that finally addresses the dangers of 
climate change.

us defend the bill from Big Oil and others intent 
on seeing it fail. »

Previous attempts at a meaningful climate bill 
failed because of the former Administration and a 
Congress that couldn't get effective legislation 
past entrenched Big Oil interests. But we can't 
take for granted that it will be easier now that 
those interests are no longer in the majority.

With their deep pockets, opponents of the bill 
could easily outspend its supporters, by as much 
as 20 to 1. That's why your help is so necessary. 
With your support and the critical leadership of 
President Obama and several key Congressional 
champions, we can overcome the odds and pass a 
strong bill this year.

act today and help pass a strong global warming 
bill. »

Take action link: 

  Thanks for taking action!


Need a Strong Global Warming Bill 
The issue becomes more urgent every day -- new 
satellite data shows that the average wintertime 
sea ice cover in the Arctic in 2005 and 2006 was 
only nine feet thick, a significant decline from 
the 1980s.
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[MCM] BBC: World's forests at grave risk

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Key role of forests 'may be lost'
By Mark Kinver
Science and environment reporter, BBC News

Coniferous forests are particularly susceptible to climatic changes


Forests' role as massive carbon sinks is at risk of being lost 
entirely, top forestry scientists have warned.

The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) says 
forests are under increasing degrees of stress as a result of climate 

Forests could release vast amounts of carbon if temperatures rise 
2.5C (4.5F) above pre-industrial levels, it adds.

The findings will be presented at the UN Forum on Forests, which 
begins on Monday in New York.

Compiled by 35 leading forestry scientists, the report provides what 
is described as the first global assessment of the ability of forests 
to adapt to climate change.

  The fact remains that the only way to ensure that forests do not 
suffer unprecedented harm is to achieve large reductions in 
greenhouse gas emissions

Professor Andreas Fischlin,
Assessment co-author

We normally think of forests as putting the brakes on global 
warming, observed Professor Risto Seppala from the Finnish Forest 
Research Institute, who chaired the report's expert panel.

But over the next few decades, damage induced by climate change 
could cause forests to release huge quantities of carbon and create a 
situation in which they do more to accelerate warming than to slow it 

Debate defining

The scientists hope that the report, called Adaption of Forests and 
People to Climate Change - A Global Assessment, will help inform 
climate negotiators.

Warm winters have allowed spruce beetles to cause widespread damage

The international climate debate has focused primarily on emissions 
from deforestation, but the researchers say their analysis shows that 
attention must also be paid to the impacts of climate change on 

While deforestation is responsible for about 20% of greenhouse gas 
emissions from human activities, forests currently absorb more carbon 
than they emit.

But the problem is that the balance could shift as the planet warms, 
the report concludes, and the sequestration service provided by the 
forest biomes could be lost entirely if the Earth heats up by 2.5C 
or more.

The assessment says higher temperatures - along with prolonged 
droughts, more pest invasions, and other environmental stresses - 
would trigger considerable forest destruction and degradation.

This could create a dangerous feedback loop, it adds, in which damage 
to forests from climate change would increase global carbon emissions 
that then exacerbate global warming.

The report's key findings include:

* Droughts are projected to become more intense and frequent in 
subtropical and southern temperate forests

* Commercial timber plantations are set to become unviable in some 
areas, but more productive in others

* Climate change could result in deepening poverty, deteriorating 
public health, and social conflict among African forest-dependent 

The IUFRO assessment will be considered by delegates at the eighth 
session of the UN Forum on Forests, which has the objective of 
promoting the management, conservation and sustainable development 
of all types of forest.

Co-author Professor Andreas Fischlin from the Swiss Federal Institute 
of Technology commented: Even if adaption measures are fully 
implemented, unmitigated climate change would - during the course of 
the current century - exceed the adaptive capacity of many forests.

The fact remains that the only way to ensure that forests do not 
suffer unprecedented harm is to achieve large reductions in 
greenhouse gas emissions.
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[MCM] BBC: Americas on alert for sea level rise

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Americas on alert for sea level rise

Coastal areas in parts of Mexico are among those under threat

By James Painter
BBC Latin America analyst


Climate change experts in North and South America are increasingly 
worried by the potentially devastating implications of higher 
estimates for possible sea level rises.

The Americas have until now been seen as less vulnerable than other 
parts of the world like low-lying Pacific islands, Vietnam or 

But the increase in the ranges for anticipated sea level rises 
presented at a meeting of scientists in Copenhagen in March has 
alarmed observers in the region.

Parts of the Caribbean, Mexico and Ecuador are seen as most at risk. 
New York City and southern parts of Florida are also thought to be 
particularly vulnerable.

The 2007 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report 
suggested that sea levels would rise by between 19cm (7.5 inches) and 
59cm by the end of this century.

But several scientists at the Copenhagen meeting spoke of a rise of a 
metre or more, even if the world's greenhouse gas emissions were kept 
at a low level.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7977263.stm#mapClick to see a 
map showing the cities most at risk

Melting of the polar ice sheets is one of the main drivers behind the 
new estimates.

A rise of one metre will irreversibly change the geography of 
coastal areas in Latin America, Walter Vergara, the World Bank's 
lead engineer on climate change in the region, told the BBC.

For example, a one-metre rise would flood an area in coastal Guyana 
where 70% of the population and 40% of agricultural land is located. 
That would imply a major reorganisation of the country's economy.

Mr Vergara and other experts are also concerned about the effect on 
the large coastal wetlands in the Gulf of Mexico.

Rising sea levels coupled with severe storms could be devastating

These new data on sea level rises are alarming, says Arnoldo Matus 
Kramer, a researcher on climate change adaptation at Oxford 

When combined with the exponential growth of urbanisation and 
tourism along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican 
Caribbean, it is extremely worrying.

A November 2008 study by UN-Habitat on the world's cities pointed out 
that in most Caribbean island states, 50% of the population lives 
within 2km (1.2 miles) of the coast. They would be directly affected 
by sea level rise and other climate impacts.

The Bahamas, the Guyanas, Belize and Jamaica have been pin-pointed by 
the World Bank as being particularly at risk from a one-metre rise.

The coastal plains around the city of Guayaquil in Ecuador, the 
country's main economic hub, are also known to be vulnerable to a 
combination of sea level rises, storms and sea surges.

A recent study by researchers at Espol, a science institute in 
Guayaquil, suggested that even a half-metre sea level rise would put 
the storm drainage system in the southern part of the city under 
severe strain, possibly causing it to collapse.

Fishing threatened

Ecuador's lucrative fishing industry, which is a mainstay of the 
economy, would also be threatened.

A one-metre sea level rise would add another layer of threat to the 
shrimp and other fishing industries', says Espol's Pilar Cornejo, the 
author of a UN report on the issue.

According to a recent World Bank study of more than 80 developing 
countries, Ecuador features among the top 10 countries likely to be 
most affected by sea level rise when calculated as a percentage of 
its GDP.

Argentina, Mexico and Jamaica also appear in the top 10 when measured 
by the impact of a one-metre rise on agricultural lands.

Scientists stress that uncertainties remain about future sea level 
rises, including the behaviour of the giant polar ice sheets, the 
time span over which rises will take place, and their interaction 
with existing coastal conditions.

Communities dependent on fishing are vulnerable to sea level changes

Another factor is the effect global warming will have on Amoc - the 
giant circulation of the Atlantic whereby warm sea water flows 
northwards in the upper ocean and cold sea water goes southwards in 
the deeper ocean.

New research led by Dr Jianjun Yin at Florida State University 
suggests that whereas South American coastal cities are not at threat 
this century from an extra sea level rise caused by Amoc, New York 
City and the state of Florida are.

New York would see an additional rise of about 20cm (7.8in) above the 
global mean due to Amoc by the turn of the century, according to Dr 
Yin's research published this year in the journal, Nature Geoscience. 
Florida would experience less than 10cm (3.9in).

A one-metre rise could be a disaster for parts of Florida, 
particularly in the southern part of the state, Dr Yin told the BBC.

Sea level rise superimposed on hurricane vulnerability makes for a 
very worrying situation.

Mr Vergara is not 

[MCM] 7 steps to feed the planet (and beat back the agribusiness giants)

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Food Rebellions: 7 Steps to Solving the Food Crisis

Resistance to the trade and 'aid' policies that displace farmers and 
increase hunger.

By Eric Holt-Gimenez


April 16, 2009, YES! Magazine The World Food Program
describes the current global food crisis as a silent tsunami,
with billions of people going hungry. Hunger is, indeed,
coming in waves, but not everyone will drown in famine. The
recurrent food crises are making a handful of corporations
very rich-even as they put the rest of the planet at risk.

Built over half a century, largely with public grain
subsidies and foreign aid, the global food-industrial complex
is made up of large corporations that sell grain, seed,
chemicals, and fertilizer, along with global supermarket
chains and food processors.

When these players first came on the scene, world agriculture
was different. Forty years ago, the global South had yearly
agricultural trade surpluses of $1 billion. After three
Development Decades, they were importing $11 billion a year
in food. Immediately following de-colonization in the 1960s,
Africa exported $1.3 billion in food a year. Today it imports
25 percent of its food.

International trade agreements and pressure from the global
North opened up entire continents to cheap, subsidized grain
from the North. This put local farmers out of business,
devastated local crop diversity, and consolidated control of
the world's food system in the hands of multinational
corporations. Today three companies, Archer Daniels Midland
(ADM), Cargill, and Bunge control 90 percent of the world's
grain trade.

The official prescriptions for solving the world food crisis
call for more subsidies for industrialized nations, more food
aid, and more so-called Green (or Gene) Revolutions.
Expecting the institutions that built the current flawed food
system to solve the food crisis is like asking an arsonist to
put out a forest fire. When the world food crisis exploded in
early 2008, ADM's profits increased by 38 percent, Cargill's
by 128 percent, and Mosaic Fertilizer (a Cargill subsidiary)
by a whopping 1,615 percent!

For decades, family farmers the world over have resisted this
corporate control. They have worked to diversify crops,
protect soil and native seeds, and conserve nature. They have
established local gardens, businesses, and community-based
food systems. These strategies are effective. They need to be
given a chance to work.

The solutions to the food crisis are those that make the
lives of family farmers easier: re-regulate the market,
reduce the power of the agri-foods industrial complex, and
build ecologically resilient family agriculture. Here are
some of the needed steps:

1.Support domestic food production.

2.Stabilize and guarantee fair prices to farmers and
consumers by re-establishing floor prices and publicly owned
national grain reserves. Establish living wages for workers
on farms, in processing facilities, and in supermarkets.

3.Halt agrofuels expansion.

4.Curb speculation in food.

5.Promote a return to smallholder farming. On a pound-per-
acre basis, family farms are more productive than large-scale
industrial farms. And they use less oil. Because 75 percent
of the world's poor are farmers, this will address poverty,

6.Support agro-ecological production.

7.Food sovereignty: Recognize the right of all people to
healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through
ecologically sound methods and their own food systems.

The political will to take these steps must come from
informed social movements. These movements already exist, and
are gaining strength in the face of the food crisis. Together
we can fix the food system and solve the food crisis once and
for all.

[Eric Holt-Gimenez wrote this article as part of Food for
Everyone, the Spring 2009 issue of YES! Magazine. Eric is
executive director of Food First. This article was adapted
from 'The World Food Crisis.' Find the full-length version at


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[MCM] ImpeachBybee.org

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller


HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

The New York Times finally 
http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/41835wants somebody 
impeached and it's Jay Bybee.

A Spanish judge is 
http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/41807seeking an indictment 
of Jay Bybee.

Jay Bybee's legal memos were thrown out by the Bush administration.

Jay Bybee http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/41784signed memos 
authorizing torture.

Jay Bybee is a federal judge with a lifetime appointment.

Lawyers have been held accountable for the crime of pretending to 
legalize crimes before, see: 
v. Joseph Altstoetter.

Any act complicit in torture is a felony under US law.

Every single crime is in the past. Looking forward means looking 
forward to a world in which abuse and criminality cannot be deterred.

HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

I was following orders is a Nazi excuse. CIA employees are 
civilians and don't get orders.

I was following lawyers' advice could permit absolutely anything 
because there is nothing a lawyer cannot be paid to say is legal.

The advice came after the torture began and the torture was never 
limited to the approved techniques.

Secret laws produced as royal decrees are not laws at all, but their 
drafting can be a crime, and in the case of Bybee's memos violated 
the Convention Against Torture.

HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

We can restore power to Congress AND begin to deter future abuses 
through one absolutely necessary action.

HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

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