Re: Procedure overloading with explicit parameters

2020-06-26 Thread bpr
> My understanding is that, in functional languages that use pattern matching, 
> the different functions with the same name get merged together into one 
> function by the compiler, with a switch/case expression to distinguish 
> between the different cases.

Think of it as just a special syntax that Haskell and some other languages have 
to define the function. There is no polymorphism or anything deep going on. 
Just a special syntax.

> As others have already said, it's runtime polymorphism, as opposed to the 
> compile-time polymorphism of Nim's (or C++s, etc.) function overloading.

It's no kind of polymorphism at all, just a syntax for Haskell to define 
functions. It's no different from the OCaml with a pattern match. Nim loses 
nothing by not having a syntax to do definitions this way; I never missed this 
in OCaml. Haskell's "overloading" is from type classes, though strictly 
speaking that is not really overloading. That is something I missed in OCaml. 

Re: Procedure overloading with explicit parameters

2020-06-26 Thread bpr
Imagine swapping out Nim's object variants for Rust's enums. I think that would 
be an improvement. I admit, if I had one improvement to make to Nim, that would 
not be it.

BTW, I much prefer overloading as Nim has it to the situation in Rust where 
actual overloading is a bête noire. So, true happiness in programming remains 
elusive for me. 

Re: Procedure overloading with explicit parameters

2020-06-25 Thread bpr
That's not overloading! That's how some (e.g. Haskell) languages define 
function by cases, like 

factorial :: (Integral a) => a -> a
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)


It's equivalent to OCaml's 

let rec fact n =
  match n with
0 -> 1
  | n -> n * (fact (n - 1))


where the explicit use of match helps you see it's not overloading.

What I would like from FPLs and Rust, is algebraic data types (yeah, I know 
about Nim macros to emulate them) instead of object variants, but that's too 
big a change at this stage of Nim's existence.

Re: "subsequence" type (like Go's "slice")

2020-06-22 Thread bpr
> There is also openArray. It's currently restricted to parameters due to 
> memory safety reasons, there is an RFC to extend it.

I assume you mean [this]( What's 
the status of that and the other 
[Nim2020]( RFCs? It has always 
said 0% complete on that page, and 2020 is about half over. I don't believe any 
of it is 0% complete ;-)

Re: Comparisons of Nim to the Chapel computer programming language...

2020-06-15 Thread bpr
Don't transport data, transport programs.

This is the [motto of 
 slightly rephrased. What does it mean practically for programmers?

I think @mratsim has a point (from experience at a bio startup) that we'll see 
increased need for NUMA aware APIs. I could be wrong as well, but it seems that 
it's one natural avenue for getting better performance post Moore's law.

Great stuff, thanks for the writeup on Chapel @GordonBGood! It's a fascinating 

Re: Generate native code directly?

2020-06-08 Thread bpr
You may be interested in [nlvm](

Re: Generic methods are deprecated?

2020-06-08 Thread bpr
If you look at related languages, like C++, where member function templates 
cannot be declared virtual, and Rust, where the object safety rules forbid 
traits with generic parameters from being made into trait objects, you'll see 
that this is a common problem, and that the near term solution is "don't do 
that!", and to avoid designs that mix these language features. 

Re: I cannot understand ARC

2020-05-07 Thread bpr
@Araq I appreciate all of the work done by you and others, and I think a cycle 
collector is useful even without async. That said, you know that some will ask 
"Why does Nim async need a cycle collector when Rust/C++ async does not?". So, 
I'll ask now.

Still looking forward to the day when I can use Nim at work...

Re: I cannot understand ARC

2020-05-07 Thread bpr
Is the need for a cycle collector with async a temporary implementation detail, 
or is it something that will be fixed in a future async?

Nim 2, Nim 2020, and all that

2020-03-27 Thread bpr

I've always found it tough to follow what is happening with Nim, when the next 
release is, what are the long range plans, etc.

I saw [this]( and in the first 
entry on the plans for gc, it describes a Nim version 2, scheduled for "a 
couple of years away" and the current fairly stable Nim 1, which I suppose will 
be, for this year anyways, Nim 2020.

Is that Nim 2020 link roughly what we should expect as the planned direction of 
Nim 1?

PS: I'd have liked to see more on making concepts non-experimental, and on 
Nim's exceptions, but it looks like a very appealing direction to me. 

Re: Nim v1.1 and beyond roadmap

2019-10-06 Thread bpr
I assume you've changed your mind about the other reasons for pursuing a 
solution without a tracing GC, that GCs have been a source of many hard to fix 
Nim issues, and that GCs don't play well with each other and you want Nim 
programs callable from other languages with their own runtimes, etc.

I don't follow the discussions on IRC or the videos, so this is a bit of a 
surprise to me. It seems like now you envision --newruntime as analogous to D's 
-betterC switch.

Re: Nim v1.1 and beyond roadmap

2019-10-05 Thread bpr
Any update on newruntime status? It seems that the new GC is a bit of an 
admission of defeat on that front, or at least an admission that the new 
runtime won't be ready for use with async any time soon.

Re: [RFC] Why use Nim?

2019-09-24 Thread bpr
Your comparison with D neglects a few points in D's favor (and surely some in 
Nim's favor too...) that I think deserve mention, namely that D supports the 
equivalent of template template parameters and that D templates are templated 
over scoped code blocks, and that the class/function template divide of C++ is 
emulated in D with a shorthand (eponymous templates) but that the full code 
block introduces a new scope, which can be very useful. I tried to explain that 
[here]( but I failed badly.

That said, I still prefer Nim.

Re: 1.0.0 is here

2019-09-24 Thread bpr
Congratulations to the entire Nim team. It's about time! Now, when is Nim 2.0 
coming out? :-P

Re: nim users in San Francisco / bay area?

2019-09-06 Thread bpr
I'm not on FB, but I'd be down with a meetup if it's close enough. Bay Area 
traffic and all that...

Re: Data loss with async sockets

2019-07-29 Thread bpr
This forum is a proper place for async discussions. Perhaps you should have 
created a new thread in your initial reply promoting Chronos?

IMO the topic line is general enough that the discussion here is fine. It's a 
bit imperious to ask people to stop talking about a related topic on a thread 
because you'd prefer a different venue. Topic threads often drift, and this one 
did not drift far.

Re: Data loss with async sockets

2019-07-28 Thread bpr
A similar thing happened in the OCaml community with the async programming 
libraries and there is fragmentation in the community between Lwt and Jane 
Street's Core.Async library. While diversity of implementations is cited by 
some as a sign of health, it is my opinion that in a "small" language community 
it is decidedly unhealthy to have a split at this level, exactly as @zevv 
writes in his RFC.

I agree with all of @zevv's points **except** the statement that this shouldn't 
get discussed on the forum. For better or worse, I prefer the forum. While I 
can tell that some feathers were ruffled in this thread, the discourse has been 
civilized. Everyone here is a Nim fan so we all want the best Nim possible!

I hope both libraries are being tested with --newruntime, and I'm looking 
forward to @Araq's longer reply.

Re: D templated codeblocks

2019-07-14 Thread bpr
Do not confuse the word **template** in D with the same word in Nim, they are 
not the same thing at all. Perhaps that's why there's such misunderstanding, 
and why the proposed solution didn't even come close to doing what the D 
template I wrote does?

I referred to ML modules in my description above, and that behavior of not 
creating a new code block with the same type param is similar to applicative 
functors (OCaml) vs generative functors (SML). For OCaml experts, yes I know 
that OCaml has supported both for a while.

In any case, D uses this stuff to good effect, and there seems to be no 
straightforward way to model the salient aspects of D templates as code blocks 
in Nim. What they are providing is a **generic** (in the Nim sense) scope which 
can be referred to elsewhere. In D I can alias an instantiation to a shorter 
name, but I didn't demonstrate that. What I did show is that you can 
instantiate multiple ones in the same scope, refer to them, and refer to their 
internal variables.

Re: D templated codeblocks

2019-07-13 Thread bpr
I'm obviously not that good at explaining things. Here's a bit more D, to flesh 
out the example

import std.stdio;

template MyTemplate(T) {
T val;

void copy(out T to, T from) {
to = from;

struct Node {
T v;
Node* left;
Node* right;

int main() {
writefln("hello world\n");
MyTemplate!(int).val = 666;
MyTemplate!(string).val = "Hello";
writefln("val = %d and val = %s\n",
MyTemplate!(int).copy(MyTemplate!(int).val, 42);
writefln("val = %d and val = %s\n",
return 0;


Re: D templated codeblocks

2019-07-12 Thread bpr
I'm referring to the ability of D templates beyond the ability to write 
function or struct class templates, but templates over blocks that include new 
types and variables, almost like the parameterized module system of OCaml. 
Forgive me for writing D here, I'll translate it to Future Nim soon ;-)

As with C++ D has function templates like so

void copy(T)(out T to, T from) {
to = from;

T sum(T)(T lhs, T rhs) {
return lhs + rhs;


and struct/class templates like

struct Node(T) {
T v;
Node* left;
Node* right;


but D has a general code block template, in which you can declare variables and 
new types, like

template MyTemplate(T) {
T val;

void copy(out T to, T from) {
to = from;

struct Node {
T v;
Node* left;
Node* right;


In D the function and struct templates are special cases of the more general 
code block syntax, but that's not important. What's important to me is that it 
is like a parameterized module, so I can declare variables in there.

D templated codeblocks

2019-07-11 Thread bpr
I realize that there is or should be a feature freeze pending the release of 
Nim 1.0, so this is a feature proposal for whatever comes after.

One of the interesting things about D's 
[templates]( is the ability to 
parameterize over a code block, not just a type or function. I think this 
feature or something like it would fit well with Nim (obviously using the new 
keyword **generic** and not **template** ), and provide a bit more expressive 
power to the generic system.

I'd be interested in what other Nim users think. I wanted to have such a 
feature when I was experimenting with a hand rolled OOP for Nim.

Re: What prevents you from using Nim as your main programming language?

2019-06-26 Thread bpr
I understand that concepts are about **constraining** the parameters of 
generics and are not analogous to Java interfaces, nor to Julia abstract types, 
which drive the Julia multiple dispatch. They're more like C++ concepts. In the 
long excised concepts section of the manual, there were ideas (never 
implemented) to use the concept machinery to introduce vtables, but I guess 
that never panned out. I'd like to see a new concept RFC, certainly.

Now that you mention that concepts don't extend what you **can** do, quite the 
opposite, I'll mention that I've wanted rough feature parity between Nim 
generics and C++/D templates, which means template template parameters as well 
as variadic templates. I would prefer those to concepts, but you haven't been 
receptive to the idea, so I assume those won't happen.

BTW, generic methods, concepts and static[T] both seem to be part of the type 
system. If you wouldn't call these "type system issues", what would you call 

Re: What prevents you from using Nim as your main programming language?

2019-06-26 Thread bpr
In terms of features, it's not so much that Nim is missing features I 
need/want, rather that the ones that it has are in varying states of usability, 
and may change quite a bit.

As has been mentioned in another thread, the deprecation of generic methods in 
0.20 is of concern. IMO if method is going to stay, it should work with 
generics, otherwise a different way of introducing dynamic dispatch which does 
work with generics should be introduced.

Concepts and static[T] were very buggy when I tried them, I don't know what 
their current state is. I see that concepts are no longer in the manual proper, 
but moved to some experimental annex. That's better than when unimplemented 
features were in the manual, but I'd like most of what's in that annex, 
especially concepts, to be fixed and part of Nim 1.0.

I'm far less concerned about newruntime working out (after all, modern C++ 
works in spite of the tons of historical baggage C++ has) than I am about these 
existing type system issues.

Re: Future of Nim ?

2019-06-07 Thread bpr
> I'm hearing you but Nim is an imperative core plus a macro system. We never 
> claimed anything else > \-- if I wanted Haskell, I know where to find it.

Indeed, going 'full functional' would be terrible, and overloading is great. 
I'd like Nim to be a viable replacement for C++ and for that I think the 
current direction is _just right_.

That said, one thing I wish Nim would take from ML/Haskell/Rust is the 
algebraic data types. I can't say I find Nim's tagged variants to be an 
improvement on those. Maybe in Nim 2.0?

Re: Nim v0.20.0 is here (1.0 RC)

2019-06-07 Thread bpr
I'm a concerned (having seen the history of D language) that splitting along 
the newruntime/GC axis will be harmful to Nim. Thoughts?

Great job getting to 0.2, looks like the bug count is way down. I still worry 
that some features are not really usable (concepts, static, method), but having 
not used Nim "in anger" for a while perhaps my opinion is obsolete.

Re: create array at runtime

2019-06-04 Thread bpr
You can use [this]( which looks a bit broken now but 
if you remove the deprecated pragma it runs fine. I'll fix that ASAP.

What's the tag line for --newruntime Nim going to say?

2019-04-24 Thread bpr
As usual, I'm anxiously waiting for the new Nim to come out, and the question 
popped up while I was looking at the [github 

Currently, we see _Nim is a compiled, garbage-collected systems programming 
language ..._ but if all goes as planned, that will change. Is there a catchy 
way to describe the new approach? _Nim is a compiled systems programming 
language with ownership semantics for references_?

I'm not sure if either of those are compelling; for me it's the metaprogramming 
that's Nim's standout feature but I do think a good tag line is helpful. GC 
is/was a good thing to talk about, even if it's a line in the sand for many 

Re: Nim development blog

2019-04-16 Thread bpr
You mentioned in the video that there is now a spec for the new runtime stuff. 
Is that different from the blog post and RFC?

Looking forward to the vaporware but tinkerable release.

BTW, TIL that valgrind is pronounced like val-grinned and that it is named 
after the entrance to Valhalla. Thanks @Araq for bringing some culture to a 
poor benighted American! ;-)

Re: Owned refs

2019-04-04 Thread bpr
> My point here is that a GC-free scheme is not an unambiguous "big selling 
> point", but presents > programmers with having to decide on tradeoffs, where 
> they may prefer a GC-ed language instead, > once they consider those 
> tradeoffs.

I doubt that any knowledgeable programmer would disagree with this statement, 
or the statement with GC-less and GC-ed switched. Then we have to ask what the 
goals for Nim are, and also if there's a feasible way to have our cake and eat 
it. Araq's suggestion of a special GcRef[T] would be one idea to get back some 
advantages of a GC language into one which is by default not GC-ed.

The D community is struggling with this now as well, not just the @nogc 
attribute, but the --betterC switch which gives a restricted version of D (no 
GC, classes, exceptions, but templates, RAII) suitable for being linked as a C 
library with no hassles. Nim appears better suited to handle this as Walter 
Bright has a strong aversion to having multiple pointer types in D. 

Re: Nim vs V language

2019-04-03 Thread bpr
> But you know... perhaps we should spread some FUD about Rust taking hours 
> compiling 400k LOC?

I'm pretty sure you're joking, but that's absolutely **not** what the Nim 
community should do. Engaging in pissing contests like this is 
counterproductive. I'm quite sure that Rust fans can find examples where Nim 
looks awful compared to Rust.

I believe it's possible, even necessary, to engage in language comparisons, but 
it's very difficult to do well, and the example from the V author is IMO very 
far from optimal. I hope that he can do a much better job in the future.

Re: How I feel about Nim

2019-04-01 Thread bpr
What is it specifically about Nim that you find hard to read, compared to which 
mainstream languages?

I find Nim very readable, but I admit that the metaprogramming features (Nim's 
most important differentiating features IMO) require me to focus more. That's 
not that different from other languages with macros.

Re: Owned refs

2019-03-29 Thread bpr
This looks very promising! I haven't had time to dig into the details, and I'll 
probably wait until there's an implementation to try. Chapel is now using 
something vaguely 
 I'm looking forward to evaluating the prototype.

BTW, while you can be **unarmed** , the verb is **disarm** , at least in 
American English.

Re: Immutability -- more ideas

2019-03-08 Thread bpr
I'm sure there are many great ideas for enhancing Nim, but I really want to 
support what @dom96 is saying: please wait until _after_ Nim 1.0 to add 
anything. Remove stuff that doesn't work, simplify, but stop adding things. I'm 
already skeptical that Nim will ever get to 1.0 before George R.R. Martin 
completes "The Winds Of Winter".

Re: Screencast Series Ideas

2019-02-16 Thread bpr
> How about some screencasts about how to work with objects.

Not to hijack your thread, but I'd like to know what the plan is, if any, with 
OOP in future Nim (v2 or whatever). **method** and generics don't work well 
together in Nim, or at least it's been a disaster for me when I've tried to use 
them together.

I was reading about the Delphi descendant 'Modern Pascal' which is very 
Nim-like (OK, I like Nim syntax better and it is lacking Nim's metaprogramming) 
and I noticed that they settled on a Java like model for OOP.

I'm not an OOP enthusiast, and in a rich language like Nim it's not as 
necessary as in a language like Java, but I do think Nim should have decent OOP 
support that blends well with other features in the language. I don't think Nim 
is there yet, and I wish that rather than trying to patch up **method** Nim 
just adopts a fairly boring but well understood system.

Re: Buggy concepts

2019-01-30 Thread bpr
Wow, [emmy]( is just a beautiful library! I 
notice that while you make a lot of use of concepts, templates, and macros 
there, you don't use **method** at all. You're a programmer after my own heart. 
@lqdev added "advanced OOP techniques into the mix". IME these don't work well 
together in Nim.

Re: Speeding up Python with Nim

2019-01-22 Thread bpr
> The full Nim language can be used with --gc:regions

For a while the language manual mentioned user defined regions, and now that 
section is gone. IIRC I asked before about this and you'd said that the user 
defined region stuff would be subsumed by destructors. Does my recollection 
agree with yours, and if so, is that still the plan?

It would be great if there were a doc comparing regions and destructors in Nim; 
as a sometime C++ programmer regions are not quite the same as C++ RAII 
(destructors?) and I may want both.

Re: Nim Advocacy & Promotion Strategies

2019-01-06 Thread bpr
> Much bikeshedding can be had over whether ADTs or OOP are preferable, but you 
> need at least something.

I agree; indeed I agree with your post int its entirety, with the caveat that 
I'd rather see a minimal 1.0 released now without any more support for runtime 
polymorphism than object variants. That doesn't mean that I don't want 
something more, just that **method** appears to me to be a design mistake, and 
if it is stabilized in 1.0 then we will likely be stuck with it. I was hoping 
that **vtref** was going to be the solution, but apparently that idea is dead 
now, and concepts need a bit of work. I think that there are other solutions 
that would fit with Nim, like the one in GNAT* with its single inheritance + 
multiple inheritance of interfaces, but like I said, I'd much rather see a 
minimal Nim sooner than a fixed Nim in 2023 or whenever.

Many new languages don't (yet) have JS backends, Rust and Julia come to mind. 
It's not that I consider it wasted effort as much as _this is the wrong time to 
be doing this_. I fear that by pursuing too many things Nim will achieve very 
little, and I would consider that to be an unfortunate outcome.


Re: Nim Advocacy & Promotion Strategies

2019-01-06 Thread bpr
To be clear, while Nim is a wide spectrum language, ie, one that can be used at 
many abstraction levels. I believe that its best opportunity is as a competitor 
to low level system programming languages, competing with C++, C, Rust, D, and 
maybe now Zig. It should have a very clear story about programming sans runtime 
to compete in that space. Getting that working well also helps Nim in gamedev 
and data science, and other areas, so Go is also a competitor. Maybe even in 
HPC too, where Chapel hopes to make headway against C++ and Fortran.

I really dislike Javascript, to put it mildly, and have no doubt that even a 
restricted version of Nim is a better and more productive language than ES7 or 
Typescript, but for people who want something better many alternatives already 
exist. I just think that pushing Nim in there now, given the current state of 
Nim, is biting off more than the Nim community can chew. I realize there is 
disagreement, and if I thought that the effort going into JS backend tools had 
no affect on the rest I wouldn't care. 

Re: Nim Advocacy & Promotion Strategies

2019-01-05 Thread bpr
> I wonder if that makes my above point of "Appeal to Python Fans" worthy of a 
> second look.

Nim already has a very Python-like syntax. What is it that you suggest doing 

> My points about appealing to freedom zealots like myself ("license purists", 
> refugees from the > politics of projects like Rust, etc) have also only 
> become more relevant.

Evidence? IIRC you are opposed to LLVM, and from my POV LLVM backed languages 
(Rust, Swift, Julia, C++/Clang) have risen.

I see no evidence at all of a significant movement of "license purists" who 
affect my industrial language/tool choices. There are multiple well known 
licenses and company lawyers give guidance on how to deal with them. You seem 
to be a fanatic, which is fine, but your politics aren't widely shared and your 
views on software appear colored by your politics.

> My prediction of Nim entering the Top 100 by the end of 2018 has fallen 
> short... I think > lack of focus and other things I've previously written 
> about are the most plausible reasons why...

Here perhaps, we agree. IMO Nim should drop some features (e.g., **method** ), 
fix broken stuff that was documented but not ready (concept, static[T], regions 
if they're still there?), and ship a version 1.0. Not, for example, try to 
develop tooling to compile to JS, amongst other things. Nim can't take on 
Typescript, and shouldn't try.

An acquaintance once described the Nim development model as being by ADD* 
addled teenagers. I was annoyed at the time, but I've come to see his point. 
Concepts, regions, all kinds of good ideas that never get finished. Watching 
NIm, like watching D, is an exercise in frustration. There _is_ room for new 
system level programming languages, but Nim appears determined to drop the ball.

  * ADD = attention deficit disorder

Re: Nim development blog

2018-12-21 Thread bpr
It's my hope that we see more posts in the Nim blog, and generally more written 
materials outside of the IRC channel. A summary of the video would be nice.

IMO, following Nim development is rather difficult, compared to some other 
languages, and that's a pity.

Re: Memory regions / gc:regions

2018-11-30 Thread bpr
> Well this feature is underdeveloped and so the code contains lies/stuff not 
> implemented.

I see that the feature is not in the Nim manual any more. The manual always was 
aspirational, describing unimplemented features, but now I wonder, are regions 
no longer desired? Will destructors handle all cases where regions may have 
been used?

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-20 Thread bpr
I like the idea of a vote **not** because I believe that language design is 
some kind of democracy (really, where do people get these ideas?) but because 
language design is partly UI design, UI design is guided by users, and one way 
to get user feedback is a vote. Ideally, it would be more than a thumbs 
up/down. As I said, for me, the feature is not very important either way, I 
mostly don't like it, but it doesn't make me turn away from Nim.

As @dom96 said, 1.0 is on the way, and the time to clean up warts is before a 
1.0 is released. 

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-18 Thread bpr
I want a vote, more data is better.

I don't care that much about the feature, if anything I'd be OK with doing away 
with it, as it's unfamiliar to most programmers and not a big win, IMO. Leaving 
it in wouldn't make me upset either, I'll reserve my displeasure for more 
egregious examples ( **method** I'm looking at you!) of waste.

It would be good to get a sense of how much code would break if style 
insensitivity was removed. Really, for any change, there ought to be such an 

Re: Confused with Nim OOP tutorials. Please clarify straight forward examples

2018-09-19 Thread bpr
Oh I see; I had assumed your container API was generic (in the sense of 
parametric polymorphism) but you have some kind of subtyping there.

I hope that when Nim 1.0 comes in 2037 that there's a different solution than 
the current `method`. Something more minimalistic, like Ada (>95) provides. I 
think those would address your use case.

Re: Confused with Nim OOP tutorials. Please clarify straight forward examples

2018-09-18 Thread bpr
> For a library, when you need to build a heterogeneous collection of objects 
> with types that can be user defined.

Why don't object variants work here, instead of OOP? I don't see the need to 
introduce method for this case.

The only thing OO provides is open recursion, which I haven't needed in most of 
the code I write.

Re: Pure really removed for enums?

2018-09-15 Thread bpr
I still don't understand. After the unification, are we forced to use unique 
names as in the opening post? Or is it that we disambiguate at the call site if 
an ambiguity exists?

Re: Nim partners with

2018-08-08 Thread bpr
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving project! Great work getting the 
funding, let's hope that this means great things for Nim in the near future. 

Re: On exceptions (again)

2018-07-20 Thread bpr
Which space? Systems programming? C++ does that and more. C++ is also used in 
scientific computing, and while Rust will probably attract a few users there, I 
think most will find it less useful there. Nim has overloading and good macros. 
C++ templates are very powerful, and Rust generics are not as powerful (I think 
Nim is also less powerful here but has good macros) and their macros are not 
great yet.

Rust will become a serious competitor, but I'd say "not quite ready yet". I 
like it though, lots of good ideas. Steal what's useful that fits into Nim and 
look at the other parts for inspiration.

BTW, I work in a C++ shop that's banned exceptions, but uses template 
metaprogramming. Google style guide bans exceptions and template 
metaprogramming. I understand that exceptions can be good (like GC!) but 
they're not zero cost. 

Re: On exceptions (again)

2018-07-20 Thread bpr
I applaud this new direction. I want to be able to use Nim as a systems 
programming language, to compete with C++. I like Rust, but the real 
competition is C++, which is used in many areas. Bjarne Stroustrup said, 
amongst other things, "I'm convinced that you could design a language about a 
tenth of the size of C++ (whichever way you measure size) providing roughly 
what C++ does. ". I'd like Nim to be that language. Rust tackles part of that, 
but for a limited domain. 

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-24 Thread bpr
I'm glad @arnetheduck started this thread. I appreciate his minimalist leanings 
and the nod to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

  * `exceptions` Can't live with'em, can't live without'em. I agree that 
they're questionable, but like @Araq said there's no obviously better 
alternative. I know that in D their implementation is tightly tied with the GC. 
Do they present problems for the GC free Nim we expect to see in the year 2525? 
In the SPARK subset of Ada exception handling is banned, though exceptions can 
be raised. Also, Rust is a different beast than Nim, maybe if Nim had algebraic 
data types we could use Option and Result types and do like Rust. I'd suggest 
leaving them alone for v1.
  * `method` I understand @mratsim's position I think; he'd like some kind of 
dynamic dispatch that is relatively inexpensive but not necessarily method. I 
think that's achievable before v1.
  * `bitsets` No one suggested removing bitsets, just moving them to a library. 
This is analogous to the discussion in D about moving associative arrays from 
the language to a library. This makes sense; if you can't write it so that it's 
efficient and convenient as a library, you can either modify the language so 
that it's possible (the solution I like) or make it a built-in. I believe as 
much as possible should be in libraries. I don't think it matters much whether 
this is fixed now or later, so maybe it is better to wait until after v1. 
@arnetheduck, do you have a reason that they need to go **now**?
  * ` converters` Opinions vary here, I generally agree with the dictum that 
explicit is better than implicit, especially in a language with overloading. 
I'd like them gone.
  * `do` I have no strong feelings one way or the other on this one.
  * `Enums with holes` Good catch @GULPF, I agree, out with v1
  * `{.discardable.}` Another good catch, out with v1

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-22 Thread bpr
> What else would you kill off?

  * method

Nim already has the ability to do OO style polymorphism without **method** , I 
think for those relatively rare cases that this is useful something other than 
**method** should be provided, maybe something like Ada 2005 interface types. I 
thought that 's what the **vtref** stuff from the older concepts section of the 
docs was going to address, but it 's gone down the memory hole. What happened?

  * Partial case insensitivity

Just enforce a particular naming style, be it camelCase or snake_case.

  * converters

Is there a killer argument for these that I'm missing? I find explicit 
conversion more readable. 

Re: Twinprimes generator that showcases Nim

2018-04-11 Thread bpr

> (and Julia is written in Python)


Re: What's happening with destructors?

2017-11-05 Thread bpr
@Udiknedormin Rust has absolutely no tracing GC at all.

@Araq I'm not understanding, are you saying that destructors and move semantics 
are the resource management of Nim in the future? If so, what happens to the 
tracing GC, regions, and all that? If not, I don't know which uniform solution 
you are proposing. 

Re: object problem - undeclared identifier

2017-10-22 Thread bpr
> Do people tend to bother with methods then much in nim?

IMO, no. It was a bold experiment, but I think multimethods haven't been well 
received in Nim. If you look at "Nim In Action", they don't even rate a place 
in the index.

I do think there's a place for some kind of OO in Nim (by which I mean, dynamic 
dispatch and open recursion) and I was hoping this would be through the VTable 
types described in the manual, but I'm less sanguine about its prospects for 
existence with each git pull. There are tools for doing OO in Nim without 
methods now, so if you really need to have this consider those.

Re: What's happening with destructors?

2017-10-21 Thread bpr
> It's a bit early to say but I think so, yes.

I think so too, though there is the ability of regions (used to call them 
"arenas" a long time ago) to free many allocated objects at once, even if they 
aren't in the same container. I don't think destructors give you that. I also 
remember using region APIs that would have `setMark` and `freeToMark` and stuff 
like that, but I don't think those kind of APIs lasted, mostly just the 
`/allocateFromeRegion/freeAllInRegion` ones.

Good stuff, I hope to see it in Nim 1.0 really soon, like in a few weeks .

Re: What's happening with destructors?

2017-10-20 Thread bpr
Thanks @Araq! I'll watch the livestream later.

Is the doc on regions now obsolete? It would seem that destructors now obviate 
much of the need for regions.

Re: What's happening with destructors?

2017-10-18 Thread bpr
Looking forward to the blog, and I hope whatever you come up with will not be 
wrong. Destructors have been a topic for a while. I'm also very interested in 
seeing where memory regions in Nim go, as per the "Future directions" part of 
the manual.

@mratsim, will this Twitch stream presentation make it to YouTube or something 
similar at some point? 

What's happening with destructors?

2017-10-18 Thread bpr
I just noticed a burst of GitHub commits on "destructors", but I found nothing 
in the docs. Is there some change coming?

How Nim handles destructors (and GC and memory regions, and ...) could be an 
interesting selling point. C++ and Rust shows that people are interested in 
no-GC approaches (even D is bending a bit and will become more no-GC friendly) 
so why not Nim too?

Re: Hacktoberfest project contributions?

2017-10-06 Thread bpr
>From their docs, it looks like neo and Arraymancer are both intended to be 
>substitutes for NumPy. Can someone explain why I would prefer one over the 

Nim could be very useful in data science and scientific computing; it's good to 
see some libraries sprouting up.

Re: Compositional inheritance voodo

2017-09-04 Thread bpr
> I guess I can't find them because they are unstable, right?

They're in the [language 
manual](, right 
after `type classes`, as they used to be known as "user defined type classes". 
Beware that some 
[parts]( that have 
been in the documentation for months now are not even in the compiler. While 
I'd love to have that feature available, I believe it's false advertising to 
present it in the manual as though it were.

Unless you feel like being a trail blazer, I'd avoid certain exciting features 
of Nim that are not really polished yet, like concepts, and be careful of 
others (eg method combined with generics). 

Re: Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.

2017-08-30 Thread bpr
> In order to turn it into a fruitful discussion: What feature should we 
> **remove** from Nim?

`method` at least, once `vtref` and the like have landed.

> Nim is a simplistic systems programming language with an AST based macro 
> system on top of that.

Why simplistic? IMO it's fairly rich, but not overly so, like C++.

Anyways, I see Nim as a wide spectrum language, suitable for a large number of 
tasks, especially ones where achieving "close-to-the-metal" performance is 
important. That appeals to me.

I'm sad to hear that the JS backend is what's getting money, but I do JS 
development too so I commiserate, which means I feel miserable about writing JS 

Re: Indentation causes compiler errors

2017-08-20 Thread bpr
For procedures which return values, the : is to the left of the return type. It 
can be omitted in the case that the procedure doesn't return a value, as a 
syntactic convenience. The lack of a return can also be indicated by a `void` 
type, just like in Scala, where `Unit` is used instead of `void`. IIRC, the 
explicit `Unit` return type will be required in future Scala i.e., Dotty.

Re: What can Nim learn from Crystal

2017-08-06 Thread bpr

> Which is at least one way too many...

Drop `method`.


I agree that the Nim JS backend is interesting, but I would not try to argue 
for using it in our SW stack. Even OCaml is more of a contender in that space 
since [Reason]( .

I also agree that Kotlin got a huge boost because of Google backing it. On the 
JVM, I still favor Scala, which now has a solid JS backend and an up-and-coming 
LLVM backend. I don't code for Android so Kotlin doesn't interest me much yet. 
A compiled Scala with user value types interests me a lot. Scala's slow compile 
times do not 

Re: What can Nim learn from Crystal

2017-08-05 Thread bpr

> The context here is people transitioning from other languages.

I believe I understand your point, I just don't agree with your conclusion. 
Technical issues don't seem to be all that important for adoption outside of 
the small initial group of early adopters, where it's very important. Lack of 
inheritance (and generics!) in Go was bemoaned by many, yet I'd say in terms of 
adoption it's been a success. JS adopting classes came **after** it's success, 
and didn't drive its success at all. Clojure has never been "classically" OO at 

OCaml, which I believe you are familiar with, has a very different sort of 
object system, and it's not widely used at all in the OCaml community; I bet 
they could drop the O and few users would care. I didn't mention OCaml before 
because it's hardly a success in terms of adoption.

I agree with you that it is annoying that vtrefs are not yet implemented, so we 
can't even try them yet with our OO programs. But that goes to the real 
hindrance to Nim adoption, the perception that it's an unfinished hobby 
language, not worthy of consideration for "real work". That perception affects 
all non-mainstream languages. Few want to become expert Dylan programmers, only 
to see it die on the vine. Nim has been "about to get some 1.0 release" for a 
few years now. Anyone who reads that starts thinking "It's the language of the 
future, always has been, always will be".

@canyonblue77 and @Libman

There are a **huge** number of potential users amongst data scientists and 
bioinformaticians for whom Nim's Python-like syntax is an enormous draw, so 
much so that I just use "looks/reads like Python, compiles to fast C code" as 
my Nim line, and they're very interested. Ruby is not that popular in data 
science, so people there don't care about a language that looks like Ruby.

Re: What can Nim learn from Crystal

2017-08-05 Thread bpr
> If I had to guess, I think the biggest problem with Nim is its really unclear 
> approach to OOP.

I doubt that that's the biggest problem.

> No matter how much forum warrioring goes on about OOP, the reality is that 
> traditional class-based OOP (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) is present in 
> most popular high-level programming languages and (more importantly) 
> virtually every programmer is familiar with it.

Lots of people familiar with Javascript, even the pre-ES6 variant. Go has 
caught on, w/o classes, and both Rust and Julia have a number of people looking 
at them. Clojure too.

Re: What happened to term rewriting macro?

2017-07-29 Thread bpr
If you go to this [super secret 
site](, you'll find 
what you're looking for. 

Re: What is missing for the seq/string types to be not nil by default?

2017-07-28 Thread bpr
This may not be directly related to your goal, but under [Future 
directions:]( we 
have that seq and string may get memory regions.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-08 Thread bpr
I like D quite a bit, and there's clearly been some convergent evolution (UFCS) 
with Nim. The D story with respect to memory management is still unfolding. As 
was already said, I think the language could have been designed to make GC 
easier, perhaps separating **ref** and **ptr** like Nim. Then it might not be 
in the current mess with the GC.

I like Nim the language more. I'd like it if Nim modules could be locally 
imported, like D ones, but I'm pretty sure Araq doesn't like that idea.

IMO, the main advantage of D vs Nim is that the language is already well past 
it's '1.0' release and has a larger community. It feels like a safer bet for 
many industrial users, though not as safe as any mainstream language. Nim is 
still more of a work in progress than D, 
 of the manual aren't implemented, the OO and async stories are unfolding, the 
community is tiny, and most discussion appears to happen on the IRC. It's still 
an 'early adopter' language.

Re: Overloading by Return Type?

2017-07-03 Thread bpr
> C++, Java, Dlang, C# etc don't allow this either... But IMSHO (in my humble 
> stupid option) it would still be a good idea.

Ada allows overloading on return type, but doesn't have type inference or 
implicit converters, which complicate things quite a bit. I get the impression 
that Araq is quite familiar with Ada, so I think the omission of this feature 
is a well considered decision, not an oversight on his part. I'm a fan of the 
feature in Ada, but I think the right decision was made for Nim.

Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-27 Thread bpr
> It's a pity that the Americans somehow managed to transform the concept of 
> Nimrod from a God to an Idiot

You don't know your Bible, nor your Bugs Bunny. What happened is no great 
mystery. Nimrod was a king, described as "a mighty hunter before the Lord". 
Bugs Bunny uses the name sarcastically to his nemesis, the hunter Elmer Fudd.

I liked the name Nimrod better, but that ship has sailed. Maybe Nim 2.0 can get 
renamed back 

Re: Launching the 2017 Nim community survey

2017-06-25 Thread bpr
> I'll tell you right now that I would stop using Nim if it didn't have garbage 
> collection.

I don't think it's an either or. Nim will always have some kind of GC. I 
interpreted the question more as "how important is no-GC programming in Nim to 
you". Think of competing with languages like C++ and D that allow an all-RAII 
solution to some problems. D in particular, since D has a GC, and the community 
is now addressing ways to deal with the challenges of applications that must 
NOT invoke it or even include in a runtime.

Re: Version 0.17.0 released!

2017-05-22 Thread bpr
> The original "obviously" was referring to the fact that since Spry code is 
> dynamic it leads to a lot of dynamic dispatch going on in the Spry 
> interpreter - which is basically implemented using Nim methods.

You could implement a dynamically type OOPL in a statically typed one without 
using OO features at all in the implementation. I've implemented little OOPLs 
in OCaml and I didn't use the object system. I took a quick look at the Spry 
source code and it looked like mostly single dispatch.

> Now, going back to my question - I am aware that Araq don't like methods, 
> although I never really understood exactly why

I can't answer that question, but I imagine as Nim's implementor he understands 
the costs of supporting method more than most. Every language feature has 
costs, implementation and otherwise. I imagine that he doesn't think that cost 
> benefits.

> I also presume this new design (which I know nothing about)

[This](, which 
@adrianv pointed to. Read it before it disappears  There's not much there 
(which is why I was anxious for an implementation to play with) but from what I 
gathered `concepts` could be turned into a (dispatching) Java-like interface 
using `vtref`/`vtptr`.

Also, thanks @dataman, for

> Also bitops module (very useful) added.

How did I miss that? Excellent!

Re: Version 0.17.0 released!

2017-05-21 Thread bpr
> In Spry I use methods a lot, obviously, since Spry is dynamically typed.

Do you mean, you use them whilst coding in Spry, or while coding the Spry 
interpreter? Certainly in a Smalltalk like language, or in Java, you'll use 
methods a lot, as there aren't other options.

> Also, I would like for someone to explain what is so bad about methods and 
> how vtable would be so much better - and that is an honest question since I 
> have no idea.

It's a great question, and I'd like to see more language design rationale 
questions like it on this forum. I'm tempted to start a new thread, but the 
forum software doesn't make that easy, so I'll continue here. If you want to 
make a discussion another thread may be better?

I don't think methods are 'bad', by 'methods' here, I mean the (implicit) 
dynamic dispatch/open recursion that makes a language OO. I don't even think 
that multimethods/multidispatch are bad. My view, not necessarily shared, is 
that Nim is a language favoring static/compile time techniques, and that 
there's some kind of inherent tension with baking higher level dynamic 
capabilities into the language, in particular, multimethods, which impose costs 
on the rest of the design. I'd prefer minimalism for the OO part of the 
language; single dispatch and maybe Go-like interfaces. That's a design space 
already well explored in statically typed, imperative languages. 

Re: Version 0.17.0 released!

2017-05-20 Thread bpr
> If you do, you may consider put some words into documentation what to do to 
> achieve similar behaviour because there is quite a lot of people that are 
> comfortable with that approach.

Agreed on documentation. The VTable section of the manual is short, and there's 
no tutorial. IMO it would make more sense to rework the tutorial part 2 when 
the feature is ready.

It would be interesting to have some numbers on the use of **method**. Can you 
point to some Nim where the multiple dispatch feature is being used in an 
essential way? I wrote some 'expression problem' type code to test it but I 
rarely use dynamic dispatch at all in Nim. Are multimethods widely used, like 
they are in Julia? You can already simulate single dispatch already without 
using **method**.

Re: Version 0.17.0 released!

2017-05-19 Thread bpr
> Yeah sorry about that, will update the manual.

Ahhh damn, I thought you'd go for the first option and add the feature soon 

I'm really happy to read that **method** is on the chopping block. If it's any 
consolation, I think it was a bold and promising experiment, and even if it was 
a mistake in retrospect, it certainly seemed like a good idea at the time. I 
hope I don't say the same thing about **vtref** and **vtptr** later. 

Re: Version 0.17.0 released!

2017-05-18 Thread bpr
First, congratulations! This is a really good release, I've been waiting for 
Nim concepts.

> I tried thy example from the manual but the compiler complains about 
> undeclared identifier vtref

They're not in the compiler sources at all. This section should be removed from 
the manual, or the feature added. I was looking forward to trying this out, in 
the hope that we'll see `method` deprecated if there's an easy to use 
alternative for dynamic dispatch.

Re: There was an error using the version 0.17.0 compiler

2017-05-18 Thread bpr
> I strongly recommend that the NIM language be not compiled into C,

There's an LLVM backend ([nlvm]( in the 

I think that even after NLVM becomes stable and successful, there will still be 
an important place for the other backends, including the C and C++ ones. C and 
C++ have a lot of reach.

Re: Nim added to the CSV Game benchmark

2017-05-10 Thread bpr
> I question the results when something beats C for speed. Either it is poor C 
> code, or there is something weird going on.

Or, the compiler is able to take advantage of information in language X source 
not available from the C source to generate better code than available C 
compilers? That's not hard to grasp, pre-**restrict** C was widely known to be 
slower than Fortran. Also, as @flother points out, the C generated by a good X 
to C compiler may be better than code anyone is likely to write by hand. The 
whole program optimizing Scheme to C compiler compiler 
[Stalin]( was 
[known]( to 
generate C code much faster than hand written equivalents. Unfortunately, it 
was also known to be very slow; but it's purpose was to generate a fast 

When Nim's llvm backend is stable it would be fun to have a running benchmark 
against C, C++, Rust, Swift, and the ldc D compiler. I think the results would 
be revealing. 

Re: HELP!! Mentioning Nim is resulting in the drain of all my karma at Hacker News.

2017-05-10 Thread bpr
> I don't think Nim is ready for 1.0 yet. It's close, but not quite there.

I agree with you, so please take 
 in good fun . 

Re: choosenim - the Nim toolchain installer/multiplexer

2017-05-10 Thread bpr
Hey @dom96, it works on OS X, great job!

Re: HELP!! Mentioning Nim is resulting in the drain of all my karma at Hacker News.

2017-05-10 Thread bpr
> It's time to write thoughtful comments that encourage developers to use Nim

Agreed, but we have some issues. Consider the excellent article in 'How I 
start: Nim', which begins

> Nim is a young and exciting imperative programming language that is nearing 
> its 1.0 release.

Wat? Nim has been nearing it's 1.0 release for a few years now; one of the nice 
[intros](, also by @def, 

> But on the bright side, Nim 1.0 is supposed to be released within the next 3 
> months!

and this is from January 2015.

I realize that Nim has been pretty good about breaking changes, but that's 
still not encouraging. Many developers I know would avoid Nim for that reason 

Sorry for the thread hijack... 

Re: choosenim - the Nim toolchain installer/multiplexer

2017-05-07 Thread bpr
@dom96, that's a nice tool to have in the set; thanks for working on it.

On OS X, the install using curl ends in an error:

Prompt: Symlink for 'nimble' detected in '/Users/bpr/.nimble/bin'. Can 
I remove it? [y/N]
Error: unhandled exception: EOF reached [EOFError]

I never entered anything at the prompt.

Re: Nim added to the CSV Game benchmark

2017-05-06 Thread bpr
Just looking at the results in the README, Rust shellacked Nim and every other 
language. First and second place.

Re: New website released!

2017-04-19 Thread bpr
@Krux02, good suggestion.

I like the direction that things are going with the website!

Re: book delayed again

2017-04-19 Thread bpr
Some words of 
 Now where's that [ban 

Seriously, I'm a bit sad that the book is delayed further. I'm an old guy and I 
still like to kill trees. It would make me less sad if I knew Nim 1.0 would be 
fast on the heels of the print book release 

Re: Creating a new seq is not that fast

2017-04-18 Thread bpr
> Neither comes close to stack allocation, but again, that's expected.

@Varriount, I added a benchmark with 
[alloca]( and using your 
compiler args it was consistently slightly faster than stack allocation via 
array for those sizes. Maybe because alloca doesn't zero the array on 
initialization and array does?

Re: Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures

2017-04-10 Thread bpr
> ... and I really don't want to hijack this thread

I think a better solution is for you to post in another thread which refers to 
this one, where you can put forth your arguments. Be careful though, as you nag 
you run the risk of alienating people who might otherwise be sympathetic. 
Please consider Andrea's very polite request, which I violated in replying here 

Re: Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures

2017-04-10 Thread bpr
> Well it is for genetics. No wonder that I initially didn't get what it was 
> about. I am not a genetic engineer.

Genetics is one of the applications, but these algorithms are generally 
applicable in text analysis. In the C++ world, 
[SDSL]( is a comparable library. One of 
the reasons bioinformaticians are interested in this is that genomic data is 
large: > 3GB for an H. Sapiens genome and you typically want coverage 20-50X so 
it starts to get really tough to keep all of that in RAM which is where you'd 
like it.

FYI, the sort of people who'd use this in genome assembly (which Andrea said 
he's interested in in the Cello docs) are **bioinformaticians**, not **genetic 

vtref/vtptr vs method

2017-04-09 Thread bpr
I'm reading the `concept` documentation in the devel branch and I noticed the 
new (I think) descriptions of vtref and vtptr. Are these intended to replace 
`method`? I haven't seen these features discussed on the forum yet. From the 
brief description, it appears that these would provide interfaces, a much 
requested feature for Nim. If that's the intention, maybe IfcRef/IfcPtr could 
be used as names?

My initial impression is that I like this a lot, to me it appears much more 
harmonious with the rest of Nim than multimethods, but that having both would 
not be a good thing. I've still not written anything using the new features, 
but I generally avoid `method` so I'm not the ideal judge.

Re: Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures

2017-04-06 Thread bpr
@andrea Yes, I think you understand me, the alphabet of DNA and RNA can and 
should be represented with two bits per character. There's a 
['standard']( for storing 
FASTA files as .2bit files for compression, but I am befuddled as to why they 
chose T-00, C-01, A-10, G-11. If they chose A-T and C-G to be bitwise 
complements of each other then certain operations become much simpler (e.g., 
[you can reverse complement a kmer stored in a 32 or 64 bit value looplessly 
with bitops]( and 
just makes more sense. I use A-00, C-01, G-10, T-11 which is easy to remember 
because of order.

I'll also at that while the thesis you point to is good and interesting, some 
things have changed since 2012 and I suggest you look at 
[this]( for some other 
perspective on where genome assembly is headed, with much longer and noisier 

Re: Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures

2017-04-06 Thread bpr
Wow, this is really great! Do you support the 2 bit representation for DNA/RNA 
sequences? I looked and didn't see it.

I think writing tools for genome assembly in Nim would be worthwhile. 
Bioinformaticians use Python a lot but of course need to write fast code in C 
and C++. Nim's Pythonesque syntax is a big win.

Re: How to create, destroy, and recreate threads

2017-04-04 Thread bpr
@cdunn2001, it looks like it's running for me with the latest on Ubuntu 14.04 
and 16.04; I haven't tried on OS X yet.

Re: How to create, destroy, and recreate threads

2017-04-03 Thread bpr
I'm guessing that @Araq meant he didn't have time to download and try out the 
program at all, not that he downloaded and couldn't get it to work. After the 
initial problem was fixed it was quite simple to get the results you described 
(thanks!) so I can't imagine it was a problem there.

I also had little time to experiment so I have no new info. Also, I'm hoping 
that @Araq or someone else gets there first and solves it 

Re: How to create, destroy, and recreate threads

2017-04-03 Thread bpr

The problem still occurs with the latest devel Nim.

Re: How to create, destroy, and recreate threads

2017-04-02 Thread bpr
@cdunn2001, thanks. I was able to run your examples and I get the same failures 
you report. On Ubuntu (14.04 and 16.04) I get a seg fault in the 'make fail' 
step at slightly different places

Ubuntu 14.04: (16GB memory)

../main.exe --output_multi --min_idt 0.70 --min_cov 4 --max_n_read 500 
--n_core 1 > out.nim.fasta < data/la4.huge/huge.la4falcon
len(seqs)=25, seed_id=2
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

and with 16.04: (with 8GB memory)

../main.exe --output_multi --min_idt 0.70 --min_cov 4 --max_n_read 500 
--n_core 1 > out.nim.fasta < data/la4.huge/huge.la4falcon
len(seqs)=25, seed_id=2
len(seqs)=98, seed_id=14
len(seqs)=58, seed_id=15
len(seqs)=43, seed_id=22
len(seqs)=55, seed_id=25
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

so it makes it a bit farther even with half the memory. On OS X Sierra (8GB) it 
just hangs right away, as you described.

I'll find some time later to dig deeper; hopefully with this or an even smaller 
test case we can find the problem.

Re: How to create, destroy, and recreate threads

2017-04-01 Thread bpr
@cdunn2001, I downloaded that directory to an Ubuntu 14.04 machine, and after 
following your instructions I first get an error on 'make' complaining of a 
missing 'git-sym'. Googling that and finding it on your github, I downloaded it 
where the error said it expected it (alongside nim-debug in the directory 
hierarchy) and then I get 

[bpr@bpr-mv-lo-u nim-debug (master)]$ make
N=0 SIZE=short make -C test
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/brogoff/src/nim/nim-debug/test'
../../git-sym/git-sym show data/
? data/
../../git-sym/git-sym update data/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../../git-sym/git-sym", line 455, in main
  File "../../git-sym/git-sym", line 349, in git_sym_update
if not check_link(symlink):
  File "../../git-sym/git-sym", line 314, in check_link
log('%r -> %r does not exist' %(symlink, os.readlink(symlink)))
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 

make[1]: *** [data/la4.short/short.la4falcon] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/bpr/src/nim/nim-debug/test'
make: *** [pass] Error 2

Could you provide a self contained test?

Re: Mascot

2017-03-17 Thread bpr
> Should we have it ripping apart a Snake? Or gnawing down on a Gopher?

I like the way you think! Maybe eating a crab too?

OK, I did laugh, but I think that having the Nim mascot eat the mascots of 
other languages would not be very classy.

Re: Mascot

2017-03-17 Thread bpr
I think it's a bit odd to pick a honey badger for a mascot and then complain 
that it looks too aggressive or violent. Honey badgers are admired precisely 
for their capacity and inclination to do violence. A Nim honey badger should 
look meaner than most I'd think.

I don't care for the mascot idea that much, maybe the crown logo can be made to 
look more interesting.

Re: Are closures supported?

2017-03-14 Thread bpr
> Nim has closures.

Proper coroutines (like, say, Lua?) are still not in Nim though, right?

Slightly OT, but LLVM 4.0 was released with experimental coroutine support. I 
doubt it helps Nim now, but maybe a future NLVM could make use of it. 

Re: Nim Syntax ''Skins''

2017-03-02 Thread bpr
> Skins were part of my original Nim "vision".

Nobody's perfect 

That vision is consistent with the style insensitive naming, which I'm also not 
crazy about.

> There is a big difference between features that cost us manpower (cough 
> concepts) and > features that are mostly free of maintenance (parsers are 
> simple).

Cost aside, some features have more value, and some of us perceive the value of 
skins as negative, not even zero. I perceive the value of concepts as high. I 
realize that's all subjective. 

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