Re: javascript new object

2018-02-28 Thread stisa
>From the 
> :

 proc cppMethod(this: CppObj, a, b, c: cint) {.importcpp: "#.CppMethod(@)".}
 x->CppMethod(1, 2, 3)
 As a special rule to keep backwards compatibility with older versions of 
the importcpp pragma,
 if there is no special pattern character (any of # ' @) at all, C++'s dot 
or arrow notation is assumed,
 so the above example can also be written as:
 proc cppMethod(this: CppObj, a, b, c: cint) {.importcpp: "CppMethod".}

The same thing is happening in your snippet.

Try using `importcpp: THREE.BoxGeometry(@)`

PS: I think you don't really need `jsnew`, you can just do `importcpp: "new 

Re: shorthand for literal type annotations?

2018-02-14 Thread stisa
@Ar : if you are on devel, you can use 
 from sequtils

import sequtils
let x = mapLiterals([0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4], int)
doAssert x is array[4, int]

Re: Nim Dogfooding

2018-02-06 Thread stisa
> **miran**: 3. How do I share a link to a specific comment in the thread?

There's a PR open for this [#114](

Anyway,the forum is fairly useable, only thing I miss is notifications for 

Re: Long story short.

2018-01-06 Thread stisa
Hi, welcome to Nim community!

You may consider adding your company to [Companies Using 
Nim]( if you end up 
using nim in production.

All contributions to nim ecosystem are welcome! Feel free to drop by on irc (or 
[gitter]( if you have any questions.

Re: How does a

2017-12-11 Thread stisa
I got it to compile, but it fails a Runtime when unpacking an Option.

The problem you have (I think) is that the hash proc is not exported from 
`typerekjister.nim`, so it's not visible from `kueues.nim` and your tables 
implementation can't find it.

The changes I made:


export hash, id # export from tekst and rekjster

`tekst.nim` (note the export markers, I'm not sure why these where needed): 

  SharedText* = object
txt*: cstring
txthash*: Hash
txtlen*: int

Now it fails (at runtime) with: 

TESTING message queues ...
kueues.nim(348)  receiver
kueues.nim(259)  idOfType
typerekjister.nim(107)   get
options.nim(103) get
Error: unhandled exception: Can't obtain a value from a `none` 
Error: execution of an external program failed: 
'C:\Users\stisa\OneDrive\Progetti\nimtemp\kueues.exe '

compiling with `nim c -r --threads:on kueues.nim` on a Windows 10 x64, using 

Re: Can I somehow show context-specific information in an {.error.} ?

2017-11-20 Thread stisa
Mmh there is an error proc in macros that I _think_ does that: 

Re: Can I somehow show context-specific information in an {.error.} ?

2017-11-20 Thread stisa
You can use asserts: 

let b: byte = 42'u8
let c = 42'u16
proc test*[T](t: T): bool =
  assert(sizeof(T) == 1, "invalid parameter size: " & $sizeof(T))
  result = true
echo test(b)
echo test(c)

Re: Why isn't this concept working as I would expect?

2017-11-05 Thread stisa
Uh strange, I tried it here 
[]( and 
it worked fine, it's probably a regression.

Re: Why isn't this concept working as I would expect?

2017-11-04 Thread stisa
This works for me: 

ConceptA = concept c

ConceptB = concept c

Obj = object

proc myProc(obj: Obj, x: ConceptA) = discard

echo Obj is ConceptB #true

As for why, I'm not really sure as I haven't really used concepts, but I think 
you are supposed to describe procs with the types they expect, not as if they 
were declarations.

Re: I enjoy seeing the nimble package updates

2017-10-25 Thread stisa
Check out []( too, there's a 
`New packages` section

Re: Cannot get name of type using typedesc

2017-10-24 Thread stisa
@LeuGim sorry to hear that, I'll try to fix it later today.

I'm not a webdev, so I was under the impression that the `Access-Control...` 
part was to be done server-side.

As for the `innerText` bit, you are right, Firefox only added it in 45. I'll 
try using `textContent` instead, which should be good for IE9+.

Other common suggestions seem to be:

  * some indicator that it's doing something
  * work in preview

And maybe a button to go to ``?

(Sorry for going OT, if you have more suggestions consider raising an issue in 
nimforum repo)

Re: project organization question

2017-10-21 Thread stisa
You can also use nimscript to create the dir ( eg `mkdir "tests"`), or do some 
nice things like build all tests in a dir, eg 

import ospaths
task tests, "Runs tests":
  withdir "tests":
for file in listfiles("."):
  if splitfile(file).ext == ".nim":
exec "nim c -r --verbosity:0 --hints:off " & file

Re: Formatted Backend Output?

2017-10-08 Thread stisa
Besides embedsrc, see also 
 . The``genMapping`` option may be useful too.

I'm not sure this is what you are asking, but if you want to know how the code 
generator actually produces the target code, my suggestion is to read 
`compiler/jsgen.nim` first, which is the js code generator and is a lot simpler 
than the c/c++ one (which is divided in various files, the actual pass is in 
`compiler/cgen.nim` if I remeber rigth) 

Re: Python-like with, context managers, and the RAII pattern

2017-09-29 Thread stisa
`with` is a keyword, so you can't use that. You could use something like this 

import macros

macro take(args,body:untyped):untyped =
  result = newstmtlist()
  for st in body: result.add(st)

take 3 as f:
echo f

(I haven't really used macros a lot, there's probably a better way to copy the 
nodes from `body`)

Re: Code substitution with templates

2017-09-25 Thread stisa
You can also mark the whole template with `{.dirty.}`

template someCode(): untyped {.dirty.}=
fname: string = "Mark"
age: int = 44


echo fname # "Mark"
echo age # 44 Notice both symbols are visible outside the template.

See also 

Re: parsecsv problem

2017-08-25 Thread stisa
With [existsFile](,string) you 
could do something like 

import os
let filename = "my.png"
if not existsFile(filename):
  raise newException(IOError, (filename & " not found"))

Re: Nim newbie request/challenge

2017-08-09 Thread stisa
Sounds interesting, I might try doing a direct port from cpp to nim when I get 
some free time.

Btw, download is indeed behind a paywall (looks like scribd offers a month free 
but after that it's paid). Reading is free though.

Copy pasting from the pdf is impossible, as latex or whatever mangles the 
symbols, but I found a gist 

Also found this link in the references 
 but it won't let me download anything.

I'd suggest setting up a [github pages]( website with 
an html version (pandoc or similar can convert most formats to html) or at 
least some kind of git repo with the code, as it's free and most people here 
are used to cloning things to look at them on their pc (at least I am). 

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-20 Thread stisa
For 1, if the condition is available at compile time (generally this means 
`abc` and `def` are `const`) you can use a `when` block to import the module, 

when cond:
  import foo # this is only imported if `cond` is true and evaluable at 
compile time
if cond:

I don't think importing a module at runtime is possible at all.

For 2, you can use `from math import nil` to force fully qualified names ( see 
[here]( )

Re: "Warning: Cannot prove that 'result' is initialized"

2017-07-02 Thread stisa
You can avoid the warning by having the enum start at 0:

type MouseButton* = enum
  mbLeft = 1
  mbMiddle = 2
  mbRight = 3

Since enum default to the value 0, and your enum starts at 1, the default value 
of your enum is invalid: 

type MouseButton* = enum
  mbLeft = 1
  mbMiddle = 2

var ml : MouseButton
echo ml #> 0 (invalid data!)

Actually, I think that you can make it start from whatever value you want, eg. 
-23, as long as your enum contains a value for 0, but I haven't tested it.

(note that even if you start from a negative number, the default value of the 
enum is the one that corresponds to 0, not the first one in the list)

Re: The Nim Language Manual

2017-06-29 Thread stisa
@oyster : the source is [text 
files]( (they are 
actually rst) which you can convert to pdf with `koch pdf`, it does 

If you want a prebuilt version, I built the pdf some time ago: 
[here]( .

It should be mostly up to date, as it was built from devel near the release of 

Re: Can concepts/generics do type tags without affecting binary representation of the type?

2017-04-27 Thread stisa
This is the closest thing I can think of: 

import macros
macro dotAccess(o: typed, str: static[string]): untyped =
  # Macro to do `o.str`, probably not the best way

  DataTable = concept x
x is tuple|object
for f in fields(x):
  f is seq # your example had `x` here, wich didn't really make sense 
to me,
   # as if x is tuple or object it can't be seq, no?
  OrderedDataTable[key: static[string]] = concept od
od is DataTable
od.dotAccess(key) is seq # Checks that `od` has field `key`
od.k == key # check the key of the concept matches the key of the object
  MyDt[k:static[string]] = object
a: seq[int]
b: seq[float]

var ob: MyDt["a"]
echo ob is DataTable # true
echo ob is OrderedDataTable["b"] # false
echo ob is OrderedDataTable["a"] # true

I don't really know how you would access `key` if it wasn't stored in the 
object type.

( looking at the generated C, looks like `MyDt` is a struct with fields `a` and 
`b`, so it should be the same binary representation? I think I remember reading 
that generics exists only for the nim compiler, they do not affect the C code) 

Re: Checking in macro if proc has side effects or not

2017-04-21 Thread stisa
Something like this? 

import macros

proc clean(a, b: int) : int =
  result = 2 * a  + b

proc dirty(a,b:int): int =
  echo "dirty"

macro hasNoSideEffects(p : typed) : untyped =
  result = newCall("compiles", newNimNode(nnkProcDef))
  let frm = p.symbol.getImpl
  var i = 0
  # frm has an additional result node at the end, this ugly loop
  # is to construct our procDef without altering the original proc.
  while i < frm.len-1:
if i == frm.len-1: break
inc i
  addPragma(result[1], newIdentNode("noSideEffect"))

echo hasNoSideEffects(clean) # true
echo hasNoSideEffects(dirty) # false

As NimNodes are `ref` types, I don't think you should change the ones returned 
from getImpl directly ( I may be wrong though ).

( There are probably better ways to get all childs except the last, but I can't 
seem to find them. )

When dealing with macros, it's usually useful to compare the ast you generate 
with the ast printed by `dumpTree`, eg: 

import macros
  proc clean(a, b: int) : int {.noSideEffect.} =
result = 2 * a  + b

Re: New website released!

2017-04-20 Thread stisa
@andrea: for packages sites, there are also 
[]( and 
[]( , it would make sense to 
ask their devs to merge into a single project.

Docker is mentioned under unix for some reason 

Re: New website released!

2017-04-20 Thread stisa
I like the new website, it's definitely an improvement over the old one, 
especially on mobile.

Also, did you know that 
[]( leads to the 
new blog, while []( leads to 
araq's musings?

ps: dom96 : I think 
[]( is missing some 
link tags (editor support section)

Re: Need a push on investigation of compiler issue

2017-04-20 Thread stisa
I don't know if it's a compiler bug or not, the manual says `The [] subscript 
operator for arrays/openarrays/sequences can be overloaded.` but eg in macros 
and I think tables it's used.

Anyway, for me on `git hash: b7bffa35c70eb1a55fe9e35307ba4e99e48abe69`

  * Tuple and object versions with subscript operator both don't work
  * Object version with call syntax doesn't work
  * Tuple version with call syntax works.

echo x["p2"] # subscript operator
echo `[]`(x, "p2") # call syntax

For debugging the compiler, have a look at 
[this]( .

Mostly you have to build a debug compiler ( `koch temp` ) and then use this 
version (normally it's `nim_temp` in your nim/bin folder) to run your test.

Eg. traceback with `nim_temp c -r test.nim`

Traceback (most recent call last)
nim.nim(121) nim
nim.nim(77)  handleCmdLine
main.nim(74) commandCompileToC
modules.nim(240) compileProject
modules.nim(180) compileModule
passes.nim(215)  processModule
passes.nim(135)  processTopLevelStmt
sem.nim(536) myProcess
sem.nim(508) semStmtAndGenerateGenerics
semstmts.nim(1679)   semStmt
semexprs.nim(2268)   semExpr
semexprs.nim(1905)   semMagic
semcall.nim(388) semOverloadedCall
semcall.nim(211) resolveOverloads
semcall.nim(91)  pickBestCandidate
sigmatch.nim(2044)   matches
sigmatch.nim(2001)   matchesAux
sigmatch.nim(1836)   prepareOperand
semexprs.nim(26) semOperand
semexprs.nim(2294)   semExpr
semexprs.nim(1315)   semArrayAccess
semexprs.nim(1280)   semSubscript
msgs.nim(1030)   localError
msgs.nim(1018)   liMessage

Re: R extensions and Nim

2017-04-02 Thread stisa
Just guessing, never tried anything like it, but you could try pre generating 
the sources for the platforms you want with something like [cross 
compiling]( and then 
detect the one to compile with R?

It would be similar to how Nim does bootstrapping with csources. 

Re: Help in compiling nim on android termux

2017-04-01 Thread stisa
@NastyRigger: that's what `-d:android` does: 

@cheatfate : thanks for the pointer, I'll have a look, I think it's a bit 
outside of what I can understand though

Re: Help in compiling nim on android termux

2017-04-01 Thread stisa
@amedeo : try compiling koch with `nim c -d:android koch` , if it works you can 
add `define:android` to `config/nim.cfg` so you won't need to define it every 
time you compile something.

Re: Help in compiling nim on android termux

2017-03-31 Thread stisa
@NastyRigger : This is just a guess, and I can't test it, but you could try 
changing `sigtimedwait` into `__rt_sigtimedwait` . Looks like `sigtimedwait` is 
present in `signal.h` starting from android api 23.

@Araq : I could try making a PR, I'm guessing the part in `nim.cfg` should go 
in a `@if android` block?

The problem is, on my phone defining `android` leads to an error ( which I 
think is the inverse of the above, that stems from `posix.nim` ), so I would 
have to define both `android` and `android6` (which is api23) and then in 
posix.nim `when not defined android6 and defined android`. I guess I'd also 
need to modify the generation of csources?

How does that sound?

Re: Help in compiling nim on android termux

2017-03-31 Thread stisa
Just removed termux and reinstalled from scratch ( I can only test on my phone, 
android 7 ), here are my steps: 

apt install git
apt install clang
git clone
cd Nim && git clone
apt install libandroid-glob && apt install libandroid-glob-dev

In `csources/`` line 32: ``LINK_FLAGS="-landroid-glob ${LDFLAGS:-} "`

In whatever `c#_#` ( mine was `c2_2` ) folder it's building, `stdlib_osproc.c` 
`"bin/sh"` -> `"sh"` (line 400)

now in `csources`, `sh ./` should work.

We have nim!

In `config/nim.cfg` add `passL=" -landroid-glob "` and `define:termux`

In `lib/posix/posix.nim` : line 283: `when defined(macosx) or defined(termux):` 
and on line 1623: `when not defined(macosx) and not defined(termux)` ( you just 
need to add the termux part )

In `lib/pure/osproc.nim` `"bin/sh"` -> `"sh"` (line 744 in nim)

Now `./bin/nim c Koch` should work 

./koch boot
./koch tools

Hope this helps. ( I'll update my post if this works for you too ) 


2017-02-26 Thread stisa
The repl is hidden in `nim secret`, I think because it's not really stable.

Re: ospaths and NimScript

2017-02-24 Thread stisa
Most of them are in [os](

Re: Function v. Writing operations

2017-02-19 Thread stisa
Looking at the docs [here]( , `..` is 
an alias for `countup`.

btw, this 

for i in ..10: echo i


Re: var param vs tuple as return value

2017-01-25 Thread stisa
There's an irc channel here 
 , which is bridged to gitter, so you don't have to sign up. It's also logged, 
so you can read past conversations ( logs go back to about june 2012 I think ? 
) [](

Re: Shift operation for array elements

2016-09-25 Thread stisa
@jlp765 : yeah probably, and stefan said that, but I find this interesting :)

So, based on [this 
thread]( , using reset 
on the elements we move out of the array should handle ref etc. properly.

The code becomes this: 

proc shift[T](a: var openarray[T]; d: int) =
  if d == 0: discard # do nothing
  elif abs(d) >= a.len: # reset all
for el in a.mitems: el.reset
  elif d > 0: # right shift
moveMem(addr a[d], addr a[0], (a.len - d)*sizeof(T))
for j in 0.. on a 
win10 notebook with a quadcore i7 I get:

CPU time: original 4.11s
Delta occupied mem: original -483328
CPU time: first stisa 4.736s
Delta occupied mem: first stisa -479232
CPU time: possibly leaking 0.04804s
Delta occupied mem: possibly leaking -475136
CPU time: last stisa 2.263s
Delta occupied mem: last stisa -479232

Note that `last stisa` gets closer to `possibly leaking` the closer to the 
edges we shift, while `original` and `first stisa` gets slower:


CPU time: original 23.209s
Delta occupied mem: original -483328
CPU time: first stisa 23.261s
Delta occupied mem: first stisa -479232
CPU time: possibly leaking 0.034000603s
Delta occupied mem: possibly leaking -475136
CPU time: last stisa 0.046999704s
Delta occupied mem: last stisa -479232


CPU time: original 3.831s
Delta occupied mem: original -430080
CPU time: first stisa 4.416s
Delta occupied mem: first stisa -479232
CPU time: possibly leaking 0.04849s
Delta occupied mem: possibly leaking -475136
CPU time: last stisa 2.227s
Delta occupied mem: last stisa -479232

I don't understand the gc enough to draw any conclusions,and it may very well 
be that what I wrote is flawed in ways I can't see, but the `possibly_leaking` 
seems to consistently free less memory than others.

ps: compiling with `-d:release` brings down times considerably, eg shift(1) 
:`original` 2.5s ( `last_stisa` 0.035s) and shift(5000):`original` 0.8s ( 
`last_stisa` 0.38s)

pps: is there a way to know how many times something is referenced? ( so I can 
tell how many calls to GC_unref() would be needed to cause the gc to collect it 

Re: Shift operation for array elements

2016-09-24 Thread stisa
@OderWat: do you mean something like this?

proc shift[T](a: var openarray[T]; d: int) =
  if d == 0: discard # do nothing
  elif abs(d) >= a.len: # reset all
zeroMem(addr a[0], a.len*sizeof(T))
  elif d > 0: # right shift
moveMem(addr a[d], addr a[0], (a.len - d)*sizeof(T))
zeroMem(addr a[0], d*sizeof(T))
  elif d < 0: # left shift
moveMem(addr a[0], addr a[-d], (a.len + d)*sizeof(T))
zeroMem(addr a[^(-d)], -d*sizeof(T))

But as Stefan said, I'm not sure how the gc sees this ( I think it's fine, as 
the total amount of memory doesn't change ( right? ) , we just change its value 

ps: what's a good way to benchmark this ( on windows ) ?

Edit: thinking about it, I'm not sure what would happen to refs that get moved

Re: zeroMem can't use?

2016-08-28 Thread stisa
Nim has implicit initialization ( 
 ) so: 

var x : array[10,char]
echo repr x # ['\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0']

Anyway, `alloc0` and the like return pointers, so you need to cast to `ptr 
array[]` :

var inputs = cast[ptr array[10,int]](alloc0(sizeof(int) * 10))
inputs[0] = 1
inputs[1] = 2
inputs[2] = 3
for i in 0..9:
  echo inputs[i]
echo repr inputs

var test = alloc0(10)
zeroMem(test, 10)
echo repr cast[ptr array[10,char]](test)


ref 0018F050 --> [1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
ref 00191050 --> ['\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', 
'\0', '\0']

Or just use create: 

var ar = create array[10,char]
echo repr ar # ref 0092F050 --> ['\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', 
'\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0']

Note that I don't think nim's garbage collector keeps track of pointers you get 
from `alloc` etc, so you may have to deallocate them yourself to avoid memory 

Re: Basic jupyter notebook kernel

2016-08-24 Thread stisa
Hi Peter,

I knew the shadow variable looked too easy! Oh well... :)

( sorry if I keep asking obvious questions, I'm not used to handling memory and 
the like. I'll have to read up on how memory is handled by nim, the gc, etc )

So you have compile master> master runs block1, forwards its 
memory/variables/procs etc ( how? ), then exits > block1 waits for block2 and 
so on?

Mmh I think there's still something I'm missing, as I don't see how you could 
preserve memory. I don't think just passing a pointer or something would be 
enough? Is there a way to avoid nim cleaning up memory when you close and 
executable? ( lol this sounds like intentionally leaking memory )

Unless you left all blocks running, all chained together?

Maybe you could serialize variables with 
[marshal]( , 
extending it to keep name and type, and having python hold the serialized data, 
but this could prove difficult if we ever need to handle large datasets.

About assert, I was just asking as that is something we should document ( and 
maybe a magic of some kind could be added later on to disable -d:release )

Looks like you're right about Types, this works: 

type A = object
x: string

var a = A(x:"hi")
echo a # (x: hi)

var b = A(x:"hi")
echo b # (x: hi)
type A = object
x: int
var c :A = A(x:1)
echo c # (x: 1)

As a side note, this doesn't work: 

type A = object
x: string

var a = A(x:"hi")
echo a #(x: hi)

proc sum(x,y:A):A=
result = A(x: x.x)

var b = A(x:"hi")
echo sum(a,b) # (x: hihi)

type A = object
var c : A = A(x:"ho")
var d : A = A(x:"ho")

echo sum(c,d) #type mismatch

But this is working as intended I guess, as A and block.A are different types 
as far as the type checker is concerned. Just something to keep in mind if we 
work with blocks.

Another question: how would you handle a block being recompiled? For examples, 
current executing block is block5, user recompiles block1. Would the new block1 
just be handled like if it was block6? ( I guess the answer is yes, as I can't 
think of any way this would break other things )

Thanks, Silvio

ps: sorry, I didn't intend on this reply becoming so long

Re: Basic jupyter notebook kernel

2016-08-24 Thread stisa
@mora: Sounds like a good plan!

I'm still relatively new to nim, so it's probably more detailed than anything I 
would have thought of.

A couple of questions, sorry if they are obvious / make little sense:

> The python wrapper will pass the code this binary, which will compile it, and 
> call it with dynlib. > The new code will not return, but it will compile the 
> next code, etc

So something like like compile master > master compiles block1, runs block1 and 
adds its variables to master, then master waits for another block to be 
compiled ?

> It would run with -d:release flag to get speed

If I remember correctly, this would disable assert(...) right ?

> I hope that I'll be able to create a compiler plugin

Would this require recompiling the compiler or can those be added in a folder 
or something, maybe while installing (through pypi) ?

> Each new block will have all the previously defined functions and types 
> prepasted before the block's code

How do you plan to handle recompilation of a block that defines a type ? I 
guess you could omit types with the same name?

> Secondly, if a function is not overloaded (e.g., if it is proc f(x: int):int, 
> then later there is no proc f(x: string):string), then instead of repeating 
> the > implementation in the new library, we can simply pass the function as a 
> parameter (I'm just only hope that this will work).

Maybe you could convert procs to variables and then shadow them, like: 

proc f (x:string) =
echo x

Gets converted to 

var f = proc (x:string) =
echo x

f("hi") # hi

And then you shadow them: 

f = proc (x:string) =
echo "due"

f("hi") # duehi


Re: Basic jupyter notebook kernel

2016-08-23 Thread stisa
@mora: Hi! No I've yet to make any progress, I got sidetracked a bit.

Anyway, feel free to jump in, I'd really love to get a shared context working!

Your solution would still be in python right?

I _think_ your idea is what the original c kernel does, if you look in 
 there is a ported version commented out, but as I don't understand how it 
should work the ported code is probably useless.

>From what I can understand, it compiles a master as a dynlib that should then 
>execute the actual code the user writes.

There is also a branch 
[here]( , where I 
started work on a nim-only kernel, reimplementing messaging etc. but it is 
still in the early stages ( I think the heartbeat is working and little else ).

Let me now if you make any progress! 

Basic jupyter notebook kernel

2016-08-02 Thread stisa
Hi all, I got a basic kernel for jupyter notebook working, you can find it on 
[github]( .

It's based on 
[jupyter-c-kernel]( ( 
actually, it's mostly the same ) and it uses the python implementation of the 
kernel machinery ( a pure nim version would be cool, but it's outside my 
abilites at the moment ).

Still, from what I could test, it seems to work rather well as a scratchpad.

Here is an example 

Please note that blocks of code don't share state ( for now at least ) as every 
block is treated as a different file/executable. I'll try to work on it when I 
have time (suggestions are welcome).

Also, code completion is not currently implemented, I'll have a look at 
integrating nimsuggest.