RE: Google Apps

2008-10-31 Thread Martin Blackstone
I'd be curious to know if this was a free or paid account.
I've always said anyone who uses a free mail service to run a business is
nucking futs.

-Original Message-
From: Alex Eckelberry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 7:30 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Google Apps

Except when this happens:

"SearchEngineJournal has a story about this guy that gave the keys to
his business to Google.
Well, not exactly the keys, but he used a Gmail account for all his
business emails, and had used the same account for his Google Analytics,
Webmaster Tools and his own Google Adsense account.

And then one day he woke up and found out that Google disabled his
Google account."

Alex Eckelberry, CEO 
Sunbelt Software
33 N. Garden Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33755 p: 727-562-0101 x220 
w: b:

-Original Message-
From: Martin Blackstone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 8:04 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Google Apps

We are generally interested in the collaboration features.
Document sharing, etc.
Email stays on Exchange

-Original Message-
From: WL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:51 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Google Apps

I have a couple of companies here in Las Vegas using GoogleApps with
OpenOffice as a backup.

Deployed it?  You mean some training and adding the URL to their browser

Aside from the DNS messup causing an outage a few months ago, it has
been great.

I have heard it said that 80% of Microsoft Office users only touch 20%
of the features (or something like that).  GoogleApps for basic Word
Processing and Spreadsheet activity is great.  GMail for one client is
branded for them with 34 users. They use their own domain of course.

We will look at Office Live of course as well.

>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Martin Blackstone 
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> How many of you are using Google apps in the business place today? 
>>> I'm interested in the collaboration features, but not the email.
>>> Just wondering if any of you out here have tested or deployed it.
>>> Thx
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>>   ~
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>>   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Google Apps

2008-10-31 Thread Alex Eckelberry
Except when this happens:

"SearchEngineJournal has a story about this guy that gave the keys to
his business to Google.
Well, not exactly the keys, but he used a Gmail account for all his
business emails, and had used the same account for his Google Analytics,
Webmaster Tools and his own Google Adsense account.

And then one day he woke up and found out that Google disabled his
Google account."

Alex Eckelberry, CEO 
Sunbelt Software
33 N. Garden Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33755 p: 727-562-0101 x220 
w: b:

-Original Message-
From: Martin Blackstone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 8:04 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Google Apps

We are generally interested in the collaboration features.
Document sharing, etc.
Email stays on Exchange

-Original Message-
From: WL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:51 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Google Apps

I have a couple of companies here in Las Vegas using GoogleApps with
OpenOffice as a backup.

Deployed it?  You mean some training and adding the URL to their browser

Aside from the DNS messup causing an outage a few months ago, it has
been great.

I have heard it said that 80% of Microsoft Office users only touch 20%
of the features (or something like that).  GoogleApps for basic Word
Processing and Spreadsheet activity is great.  GMail for one client is
branded for them with 34 users. They use their own domain of course.

We will look at Office Live of course as well.

>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Martin Blackstone 
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> How many of you are using Google apps in the business place today? 
>>> I'm interested in the collaboration features, but not the email.
>>> Just wondering if any of you out here have tested or deployed it.
>>> Thx
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>>   ~
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>>   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: [LIST ADMIN MESSAGE[] RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Alex Eckelberry
I love politics and love talking about the issues and the candidates.
However, the issue is a pragmatic one: Sunbelt manages a lot of
professional lists, and generally, political and religious discussions
are banned because they 

a) create an enormous amount of off-topic banter, 

b) they inevitably end up with personal insults and hurt feelings and 

c) they go against the original purpose of the professional list (in
this case, to share information on IT issues).  

There are great places to get into political discussions  -- my personal
observation (and those of many others) is that this type of dialog
shouldn't be permitted on professional lists simply for practical
If this group allows more political discussion, we will create a few
vicious enemies and lots of hurt feelings.  For what reason?  For an
"honest and open dialog"?  No, it's nothing like that. 

It's simply inviting list anarchy. 


-Original Message-
From: Sam Cayze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 3:08 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: [LIST ADMIN MESSAGE[] RE: Re: So... how is the recession
affecting your buying decisions?

We are expected to have a conversation about the recession WITHOUT
bringing up politics?  They go hand and hand.  Let me remind you that is
was Sunbelt that triggered the question, which I do think was a great,
thoughtful question.

Personally, I get tired of everyone's impatience and intolerance for
political conversations.

This election, and the state of our economy is an urgent matter right
now.  I know this list is supposed to be IT related, but we have many
peers in this list.  We should be taking the time right now to talk to
our peers about the economy and the direction of our country.  It seems
odd to me that the gross sexual innuendoes on this list are perfectly
acceptable, but politics aren't.

There are ONLY 5 days till the election.  I say we lighten up on the
rules for a bit until the election is over :)  IMO.  Then we can go back
to our regular scheduled programming.  If you can't stand the heat,
don't follow the thread.  Stu, you make the rules, in no way am I trying
to side-step that.  I'm just sharing my opinion.  No harm intended.



-Original Message-
From: Stu Sjouwerman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:45 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: [LIST ADMIN MESSAGE[] RE: Re: So... how is the recession
affecting your buying decisions?
Importance: High

Hi All,

Let's end this thread as it has gone off topic.

Warm regards,



~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Firewall Recommendation

2008-10-31 Thread Jon Harris
We have a Cisco ASA 5505 it is ok what more can I say it is Cisco.
Consultants are easy to find but costly, at least locally.  It works and
this version is better than the PIX but not by much.  If you want any
questions answered post sale you must have a Contract but then support is
good even if a bit slow at times and really only email.

If I could do it over again I would do more looking at an ISA appliance.
There are forums for assistance, if I build my own I don't have to pay for
support to get questions answered.  Updates within a version is "free" from
Microsoft but only on a self-build I suspect an appliance would cost money
to get the correct update, i.e. a support contract.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Bill Songstad (WCUL) <

>  Also using Watchguard.  Very easy to use.  Mostly.  You can try to bend
> it to your will and it will give you resistance, but if you don't try to use
> it in a way the developer never imagined, it is easy to set up and modify.
> The support is out of India and the accents can be thick.  I've had three
> tech calls over the past 5 years and one was a joy, one was efficient, and
> one was hang up and try the lottery for someone with a brain.
> They have an active user forum with some very active and very knowledgeable
> power users.
> On the downside, it took them 9 months to get a VPN Client for Vista.
> Apparently they missed  the two years of hype and beta testing that preceded
> the release of vista.  Maybe Seattle is a long way from Redmond…
> *Bill *
> * *
> *From:* Jim S. Walters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Friday, October 31, 2008 2:51 PM
> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
> *Subject:* Firewall Recommendation
> Hello, we have a Checkpoint firewall that is coming up for maintenance
> renewal and the price is going up and up and finding qualified consultants
> to assist with upgrades is getting harder and harder.
> I'm very satisfied with the firewall itself, but feel it's time to review
> what other people are using.
> Our needs are simple, we have one office with 160 users now but expect to
> open other offices in the future.  We have a dozen or so remote users who
> VPN in.  We have a half dozen machines in the DMZ for various uses and use
> RSA for authentication.
> What firewall systems are you using and which would you buy if you had the
> opportunity to start fresh?
> Thanks
> Jim Walters

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Michael B. Smith
Thanks William.


Michael B. Smith, MCITP:SA,EMA/MCSE/Exchange MVP
My blog:
Link with me at:

-Original Message-
From: WL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:45 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Michael B. Smith
> I get irritated.
> I'm a "small business owner" with a minority partner. Our revenue is what
> is. But we've already got a 40% tax bite PLUS what it costs us to run the
> business (supplies, travel, marketing – TANSTAAFL).
> It's a VERY rare week when I get to work only 40 hours a week.
> And yet…because I work hard for my money, I was willing to take a risk and
> go out "on my own", and was somewhat successful – I should pay even MORE
> that? Even after the self-employment tax I already pay?
> Bah. It's almost enough to make me want to go flip burgers.
> Regards,
> Michael B. Smith, MCITP:SA,EMA/MCSE/Exchange MVP
> My blog:
> Link with me at:
> From: Benjamin Zachary - Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:35 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> To the top few percent, they have money all over the world. Raising taxes
> here and there in the grand scheme of things doesn't make much difference.
> America levies pretty hefty taxes, and I think it was something like the
> 5% earners pay about 50% of the taxes in this country, between income tax,
> luxury tax etc. Now you want those same 5% to pay another 10%? Or 20%?
> Notice how the bar keeps sliding, it went from 250k, to 200k and Biden
> said 150k the other day. 150k for a dual working family is far from rich!
> And to pay another 1,500.00/yr or so in taxes (forget higher prices on
> only means no vacation that year, or wait an extra year to buy that car,
> upgrade the house.
> People who make money know HOW to make it, they treat a dollar like an
> employee, having the dollar sit in a bank does not make more revenue for
> them. trickle down economics work because if you can get more people to
> more of your goods then you make more money. Then you hire more people
> because production is up, and then profits go up with it. Raising taxes,
> means you do more with less, because sales go down because you have to
> the price of your goods to compensate for the higher tax.
> The thing that disgusts me is that people think they are entitled to more.
> In the tax cut for 95% of America, 40% of those don't pay income tax. So
> only way to lower their tax any more is to give them a check, that is
> welfare, the government handing out checks for money you didn't earn, this
> is also called socialism as a common definition.
> So if 40% of America is going to get a 'check' back then 40% of America is
> in a welfare system. The problem is these programs for people are out
> When I was struggling we were on Medicaid when my wife got pregnant and
> taken care of just great. The programs are there, people think they
> a check.
> Did anyone see the woman complaining about how she can only afford ½
> of milk and not a full gallon. First off she was extremely overweight so
> food didn't seem to be a problem, there was a 2 liter coke bottle in the
> background, and she had those long curvy designed nails, which costs about
> 50 bucks. So while shes crying she cant afford milk, she can afford soda,
> and to get her nails done. I guess she will get a nice big 'check' so she
> can get her nails done more often.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Google Apps

2008-10-31 Thread Martin Blackstone
We are generally interested in the collaboration features.
Document sharing, etc.
Email stays on Exchange

-Original Message-
From: WL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:51 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Google Apps

I have a couple of companies here in Las Vegas using GoogleApps with
OpenOffice as a backup.

Deployed it?  You mean some training and adding the URL to their browser

Aside from the DNS messup causing an outage a few months ago, it has been

I have heard it said that 80% of Microsoft Office users only touch 20%
of the features (or something like that).  GoogleApps for basic Word
Processing and Spreadsheet activity is great.  GMail for one client is
branded for them with 34 users. They use their own domain of course.

We will look at Office Live of course as well.

>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Martin Blackstone
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> How many of you are using Google apps in the business place today? I'm
>>> interested in the collaboration features, but not the email.
>>> Just wondering if any of you out here have tested or deployed it.
>>> Thx
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~   ~
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Google Apps

2008-10-31 Thread WL
I have a couple of companies here in Las Vegas using GoogleApps with
OpenOffice as a backup.

Deployed it?  You mean some training and adding the URL to their browser links?

Aside from the DNS messup causing an outage a few months ago, it has been great.

I have heard it said that 80% of Microsoft Office users only touch 20%
of the features (or something like that).  GoogleApps for basic Word
Processing and Spreadsheet activity is great.  GMail for one client is
branded for them with 34 users. They use their own domain of course.

We will look at Office Live of course as well.

>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Martin Blackstone
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> How many of you are using Google apps in the business place today? I'm
>>> interested in the collaboration features, but not the email.
>>> Just wondering if any of you out here have tested or deployed it.
>>> Thx
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~   ~
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions? (UNCLASSIFIED)

2008-10-31 Thread Steven M. Caesare
<-- Was at the Skins/Browns game...

Good run under Zorny so far, eh?


-Original Message-
From: Andy Shook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 3:57 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
decisions? (UNCLASSIFIED)

You're Steelers are going down Monday night! 

a.k.a. die hard 'skins fan...

-Original Message-
From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 3:45 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
decisions? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: Classified

When was the last time a NY team won the WS? 
OHh yeah: My steelers are going to pay you back for the suck out on

End Classification:

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Bad day to be a Cogent customer...

2008-10-31 Thread Kurt Buff
Sprint depeers with Cogent...

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Firewall Recommendation

2008-10-31 Thread Bill Songstad (WCUL)
Also using Watchguard.  Very easy to use.  Mostly.  You can try to bend
it to your will and it will give you resistance, but if you don't try to
use it in a way the developer never imagined, it is easy to set up and

The support is out of India and the accents can be thick.  I've had
three tech calls over the past 5 years and one was a joy, one was
efficient, and one was hang up and try the lottery for someone with a

They have an active user forum with some very active and very
knowledgeable power users.

On the downside, it took them 9 months to get a VPN Client for Vista.
Apparently they missed  the two years of hype and beta testing that
preceded the release of vista.  Maybe Seattle is a long way from




From: Jim S. Walters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 2:51 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Firewall Recommendation


Hello, we have a Checkpoint firewall that is coming up for maintenance
renewal and the price is going up and up and finding qualified
consultants to assist with upgrades is getting harder and harder.

I'm very satisfied with the firewall itself, but feel it's time to
review what other people are using.

Our needs are simple, we have one office with 160 users now but expect
to open other offices in the future.  We have a dozen or so remote users
who VPN in.  We have a half dozen machines in the DMZ for various uses
and use RSA for authentication.

What firewall systems are you using and which would you buy if you had
the opportunity to start fresh?



Jim Walters




~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Google Apps

2008-10-31 Thread Mike Gill
A couple of the things I don't like about it are 1) pop email can have
delays in getting to your local client inbox of up to DAYS, even though the
message can be seen in the browser email interface. This sucks and effects a
random few of the 30 people using it at one of my clients. You can fix this
by prepending recent: in your account name setting in your mail client, e.g.
recent:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't like this because is not expected
behavior in a default configuration.

And 2) you can't make changes to all your users at once. Like
enabling/disabling pop or imap support which are both off by default. You
must log in to each account manually and turn the features on or off per
your needs. If you have many users this kinda sucks too.

Lastly, there is no one to call if you want help (I use the non-profit
version). I suppose the easiest thing to do would be to use the webmail
interface, or use imap. But to use imap you must manually enable it for each
account still.

Mike Gill

-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 10:44 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Google Apps



On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:18 PM, Martin Blackstone
> Are you using Gmail or in house email?
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 10:15 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Google Apps
> I am currently testing it at an organization. Thumbs up so far for a
> minimalist sales/marketing-driven organization.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Martin Blackstone
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How many of you are using Google apps in the business place today? I'm
>> interested in the collaboration features, but not the email.
>> Just wondering if any of you out here have tested or deployed it.
>> Thx
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Free Windows Management tool

2008-10-31 Thread Klint Price - ArizonaITPro


I have a question regarding your freeware...

If a client PC is set to just notify the user of updates when they are 
ready to install, can this software over-ride that option, and force the 
install of the updates?


Klint Price - ArizonaITPro wrote:
Please forgive my cranky counterparts, but I just wanted to say thank 
you for offering a free tool that will simplify (hopefully) my life.  
I am deploying a VM right now to test the remote WSUS install 
component.  I just wish I could have had something this past weekend 
when we patched an entire call center manually.


Robert Lundh wrote:


We would love to hear your feedback of our newly released Specops 
Gpupdate 2.0 tool. The 1.x version has been out since 2006 and we 
figured it was time for a new release after we got plenty of feedback 
from the community and people from this list.

With Specops Gpupdate 2.0 you get a right click menu In Active 
Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) in which you can perform an 
instant gpupdate, wake-on-lan call, restart, shutdown or an immediate 
WSUS client update on any selection of computers.

We also give you graphical reporting back showing you how the 
selected operations turned out. As an extra treat we are also showing 
the actual PowerShell code that goes on in the background, a great 
help in start learning PowerShell. A must-do for any serious admins 
out there.

As always, we try to improve, so if you like or dislike the tool, 
please tell us so we can make it even better in the next patch.

Well, here is the link to the product page where you can read more 
and download the tool:

Have a nice weekend all,
Robert Lundh
Special Operation Software

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Firewall Recommendation

2008-10-31 Thread Mike French
I've used Watchguard for a LONG time, I like the product but the support
sucks. Their management software development leaves a lot to be desired
also. I'm looking at palo alto networks, the SSL
decryption/re-encryption intrigues me, looking into encrypted traffic
for threats is a big plus in my book. The interface looks pretty
straight forward as well.  


From: Jim S. Walters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:51 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Firewall Recommendation


Hello, we have a Checkpoint firewall that is coming up for maintenance
renewal and the price is going up and up and finding qualified
consultants to assist with upgrades is getting harder and harder.

I'm very satisfied with the firewall itself, but feel it's time to
review what other people are using.

Our needs are simple, we have one office with 160 users now but expect
to open other offices in the future.  We have a dozen or so remote users
who VPN in.  We have a half dozen machines in the DMZ for various uses
and use RSA for authentication.

What firewall systems are you using and which would you buy if you had
the opportunity to start fresh?



Jim Walters




~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Free Windows Management tool

2008-10-31 Thread Klint Price - ArizonaITPro
Please forgive my cranky counterparts, but I just wanted to say thank 
you for offering a free tool that will simplify (hopefully) my life.  I 
am deploying a VM right now to test the remote WSUS install component.  
I just wish I could have had something this past weekend when we patched 
an entire call center manually.


Robert Lundh wrote:


We would love to hear your feedback of our newly released Specops Gpupdate 2.0 
tool. The 1.x version has been out since 2006 and we figured it was time for a 
new release after we got plenty of feedback from the community and people from 
this list.

With Specops Gpupdate 2.0 you get a right click menu In Active Directory Users 
and Computers (ADUC) in which you can perform an instant gpupdate, wake-on-lan 
call, restart, shutdown or an immediate WSUS client update on any selection of 

We also give you graphical reporting back showing you how the selected 
operations turned out. As an extra treat we are also showing the actual 
PowerShell code that goes on in the background, a great help in start learning 
PowerShell. A must-do for any serious admins out there.

As always, we try to improve, so if you like or dislike the tool, please tell 
us so we can make it even better in the next patch.

Well, here is the link to the product page where you can read more and download 
the tool:

Have a nice weekend all,
Robert Lundh
Special Operation Software

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Free Windows Management tool

2008-10-31 Thread Mike Gill
Yeah, not going to try something if the price is my contact info. Here is
the download for people who don't want to bother.

Upsetting people before they can even get your product isn't very good for
getting your product out. Thank goodness for disposable email services.

Mike Gill

-Original Message-
From: Robert Lundh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:27 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Free Windows Management tool


We would love to hear your feedback of our newly released Specops Gpupdate
2.0 tool. The 1.x version has been out since 2006 and we figured it was time
for a new release after we got plenty of feedback from the community and
people from this list.

With Specops Gpupdate 2.0 you get a right click menu In Active Directory
Users and Computers (ADUC) in which you can perform an instant gpupdate,
wake-on-lan call, restart, shutdown or an immediate WSUS client update on
any selection of computers.

We also give you graphical reporting back showing you how the selected
operations turned out. As an extra treat we are also showing the actual
PowerShell code that goes on in the background, a great help in start
learning PowerShell. A must-do for any serious admins out there.

As always, we try to improve, so if you like or dislike the tool, please
tell us so we can make it even better in the next patch.

Well, here is the link to the product page where you can read more and
download the tool:

Have a nice weekend all,
Robert Lundh
Special Operation Software

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Firewall Recommendation

2008-10-31 Thread Jim S. Walters
Hello, we have a Checkpoint firewall that is coming up for maintenance
renewal and the price is going up and up and finding qualified
consultants to assist with upgrades is getting harder and harder.

I'm very satisfied with the firewall itself, but feel it's time to
review what other people are using.

Our needs are simple, we have one office with 160 users now but expect
to open other offices in the future.  We have a dozen or so remote users
who VPN in.  We have a half dozen machines in the DMZ for various uses
and use RSA for authentication.

What firewall systems are you using and which would you buy if you had
the opportunity to start fresh?



Jim Walters

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread WL

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Michael B. Smith
> I get irritated.
> I'm a "small business owner" with a minority partner. Our revenue is what it
> is. But we've already got a 40% tax bite PLUS what it costs us to run the
> business (supplies, travel, marketing – TANSTAAFL).
> It's a VERY rare week when I get to work only 40 hours a week.
> And yet…because I work hard for my money, I was willing to take a risk and
> go out "on my own", and was somewhat successful – I should pay even MORE for
> that? Even after the self-employment tax I already pay?
> Bah. It's almost enough to make me want to go flip burgers.
> Regards,
> Michael B. Smith, MCITP:SA,EMA/MCSE/Exchange MVP
> My blog:
> Link with me at:
> From: Benjamin Zachary - Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:35 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> To the top few percent, they have money all over the world. Raising taxes
> here and there in the grand scheme of things doesn't make much difference.
> America levies pretty hefty taxes, and I think it was something like the top
> 5% earners pay about 50% of the taxes in this country, between income tax,
> luxury tax etc. Now you want those same 5% to pay another 10%? Or 20%?
> Notice how the bar keeps sliding, it went from 250k, to 200k and Biden even
> said 150k the other day. 150k for a dual working family is far from rich!
> And to pay another 1,500.00/yr or so in taxes (forget higher prices on top)
> only means no vacation that year, or wait an extra year to buy that car, or
> upgrade the house.
> People who make money know HOW to make it, they treat a dollar like an
> employee, having the dollar sit in a bank does not make more revenue for
> them. trickle down economics work because if you can get more people to buy
> more of your goods then you make more money. Then you hire more people
> because production is up, and then profits go up with it. Raising taxes,
> means you do more with less, because sales go down because you have to raise
> the price of your goods to compensate for the higher tax.
> The thing that disgusts me is that people think they are entitled to more.
> In the tax cut for 95% of America, 40% of those don't pay income tax. So the
> only way to lower their tax any more is to give them a check, that is called
> welfare, the government handing out checks for money you didn't earn, this
> is also called socialism as a common definition.
> So if 40% of America is going to get a 'check' back then 40% of America is
> in a welfare system. The problem is these programs for people are out there.
> When I was struggling we were on Medicaid when my wife got pregnant and were
> taken care of just great. The programs are there, people think they deserve
> a check.
> Did anyone see the woman complaining about how she can only afford ½ gallon
> of milk and not a full gallon. First off she was extremely overweight so
> food didn't seem to be a problem, there was a 2 liter coke bottle in the
> background, and she had those long curvy designed nails, which costs about
> 50 bucks. So while shes crying she cant afford milk, she can afford soda,
> and to get her nails done. I guess she will get a nice big 'check' so she
> can get her nails done more often.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Business Contact Manager for Outlook - sqlservr (MSDE) consuming much CPU.

2008-10-31 Thread Mike Gill
I am in the middle of implementing this:

Mike Gill

-Original Message-
From: Phillip Partipilo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:16 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Business Contact Manager for Outlook - sqlservr (MSDE) consuming
much CPU.

So, long story short, Management has been trying to find alternatives to
investing in Exchange server.  Currently we use a Linux email server and
employees pop3 their mail.  Well, they wanted group calendaring.  So we
found this product called Officecalendar which syncs various employees

It is a piece of shit.  But that's not the biggest problem.

Then they wanted to ditch ACT for a different shared contact solution.  So
we try Business Contact Manager.  Central SQL database, seamless integration
into Outlook, seems like a great idea.

All of this headache, just to avoid Exchange, which would do all of this!

In the meantime, WTF is with BCM and WTF is it doing that is causing the
MSDE instance on the server to be going balls-to-the wall seemingly at
random, which causes every Outlook client to freeze momentarily, or just
plain crash?

I've connected to it with SQL Server's Enterprise Manager to check its logs
out, and it is constantly logging that junk about too many simultaneous
things happening (since it is MSDE after all).  I tried setting it to use 2
gigs of RAM (db is 650mb) to hopefully keep everything cached, to no avail.
I'd love to put the full SQL server on there but this is a developers
version and technically shouldn't be used in production.

We plan on going with Exchange as soon as Small Business Server 2008 comes
out, but this is painful, and I wonder if any of you have dealt with this?

Phillip Partipilo
Parametric Solutions Inc.
Jupiter, Florida
(561) 747-6107

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Michael B. Smith
I get irritated.


I’m a “small business owner” with a minority partner. Our revenue is what it
is. But we’ve already got a 40% tax bite PLUS what it costs us to run the
business (supplies, travel, marketing – TANSTAAFL).


It’s a VERY rare week when I get to work only 40 hours a week.


And yet…because I work hard for my money, I was willing to take a risk and
go out “on my own”, and was somewhat successful – I should pay even MORE for
that? Even after the self-employment tax I already pay?


Bah. It’s almost enough to make me want to go flip burgers.




Michael B. Smith, MCITP:SA,EMA/MCSE/Exchange MVP

My blog:

Link with me at:


From: Benjamin Zachary - Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:35 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?


To the top few percent, they have money all over the world. Raising taxes
here and there in the grand scheme of things doesn’t make much difference. 

America levies pretty hefty taxes, and I think it was something like the top
5% earners pay about 50% of the taxes in this country, between income tax,
luxury tax etc. Now you want those same 5% to pay another 10%? Or 20%?


Notice how the bar keeps sliding, it went from 250k, to 200k and Biden even
said 150k the other day. 150k for a dual working family is far from rich!
And to pay another 1,500.00/yr or so in taxes (forget higher prices on top)
only means no vacation that year, or wait an extra year to buy that car, or
upgrade the house. 


People who make money know HOW to make it, they treat a dollar like an
employee, having the dollar sit in a bank does not make more revenue for
them. trickle down economics work because if you can get more people to buy
more of your goods then you make more money. Then you hire more people
because production is up, and then profits go up with it. Raising taxes,
means you do more with less, because sales go down because you have to raise
the price of your goods to compensate for the higher tax. 


The thing that disgusts me is that people think they are entitled to more.
In the tax cut for 95% of America, 40% of those don’t pay income tax. So the
only way to lower their tax any more is to give them a check, that is called
welfare, the government handing out checks for money you didn’t earn, this
is also called socialism as a common definition.


So if 40% of America is going to get a ‘check’ back then 40% of America is
in a welfare system. The problem is these programs for people are out there.
When I was struggling we were on Medicaid when my wife got pregnant and were
taken care of just great. The programs are there, people think they deserve
a check.


Did anyone see the woman complaining about how she can only afford ½ gallon
of milk and not a full gallon. First off she was extremely overweight so
food didn’t seem to be a problem, there was a 2 liter coke bottle in the
background, and she had those long curvy designed nails, which costs about
50 bucks. So while shes crying she cant afford milk, she can afford soda,
and to get her nails done. I guess she will get a nice big ‘check’ so she
can get her nails done more often.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Benjamin Zachary - Lists
To the top few percent, they have money all over the world. Raising taxes
here and there in the grand scheme of things doesn’t make much difference. 

America levies pretty hefty taxes, and I think it was something like the top
5% earners pay about 50% of the taxes in this country, between income tax,
luxury tax etc. Now you want those same 5% to pay another 10%? Or 20%?


Notice how the bar keeps sliding, it went from 250k, to 200k and Biden even
said 150k the other day. 150k for a dual working family is far from rich!
And to pay another 1,500.00/yr or so in taxes (forget higher prices on top)
only means no vacation that year, or wait an extra year to buy that car, or
upgrade the house. 


People who make money know HOW to make it, they treat a dollar like an
employee, having the dollar sit in a bank does not make more revenue for
them. trickle down economics work because if you can get more people to buy
more of your goods then you make more money. Then you hire more people
because production is up, and then profits go up with it. Raising taxes,
means you do more with less, because sales go down because you have to raise
the price of your goods to compensate for the higher tax. 


The thing that disgusts me is that people think they are entitled to more.
In the tax cut for 95% of America, 40% of those don’t pay income tax. So the
only way to lower their tax any more is to give them a check, that is called
welfare, the government handing out checks for money you didn’t earn, this
is also called socialism as a common definition.


So if 40% of America is going to get a ‘check’ back then 40% of America is
in a welfare system. The problem is these programs for people are out there.
When I was struggling we were on Medicaid when my wife got pregnant and were
taken care of just great. The programs are there, people think they deserve
a check.


Did anyone see the woman complaining about how she can only afford ½ gallon
of milk and not a full gallon. First off she was extremely overweight so
food didn’t seem to be a problem, there was a 2 liter coke bottle in the
background, and she had those long curvy designed nails, which costs about
50 bucks. So while shes crying she cant afford milk, she can afford soda,
and to get her nails done. I guess she will get a nice big ‘check’ so she
can get her nails done more often.



~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Spam:Firewall reporting

2008-10-31 Thread James Winzenz
Check out Bluecoat too.  We are considering switching to them from


James Winzenz

Infrastructure Systems Engineer II - Security

Pulte Homes Information Services


From: Joe Heaton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:01 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Spam:Firewall reporting


Websense?  It's what we use, for content filtering, etc.  Has great


Joe Heaton

Employment Training Panel


From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:18 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Spam:Firewall reporting


I am in need of a good reporting tool that will allow me to track users'
use of the internet; sites visited, times, etc.

Preferably, this would be something I could d/l my syslogs to.  

Paul Chinnery 
Network Administrator 
Memorial Medical Center 

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:  This email may contain confidential and privileged 
material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s).  Any review, use, 
distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited.  If you have 
received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by 
email and delete the message and any file attachments from your computer.  
Thank you.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions? (UNCLASSIFIED)

2008-10-31 Thread Ziots, Edward
LOL keep dreaming.. I wanna see Willie Parker and the crew walk all over

Steelers D bringing it


-Original Message-
From: Andy Shook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 3:57 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
decisions? (UNCLASSIFIED)

You're Steelers are going down Monday night! 

a.k.a. die hard 'skins fan...

-Original Message-
From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 3:45 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
decisions? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: Classified

When was the last time a NY team won the WS? 
OHh yeah: My steelers are going to pay you back for the suck out on

End Classification:

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Ralph Smith
Interesting - source?  And I'm uncertain what conclusion I am supposed
to draw.  It could mean that 70% of those who are very wealthy

1. Know that in the long run they will be better off giving back their
tax cut and supporting the middle class.


2. Feel guilty about hording the wealth and want to 'spread it around'.

3. Are Chinese.

4. Have no idea what they are talking about.

5. Are secret socialists.

6. Want to be seen as non-racist.

7. Believe that they ARE the middle class.

8. Are gay and want to get married.

9. Are having nightmares about President Palin.

10. Secretly wish someone HAD taught them sex ed, even if it was in



> -Original Message-
> From: Klint Price - ArizonaITPro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 3:35 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Interesting comment considering 70% of those that have more than $10M
> net worth stand support the democratic ticket.
> Ralph Smith wrote:
>   I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would
>   work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a
> productive
>   way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big
> corporations
>   who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of
>   investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help
>   If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets,
> they
>   just put that money away to increase their personal capital or
> it
>   away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the
income it
>   generates, that doesn't help us either.
>   Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and
>   businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is
> and
>   increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government
> revenue.
>   Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't
> If
>   you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at
> end
>   of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason
>   wanting you to believe it.
>   -Original Message-
>   From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
>   To: NT System Admin Issues
>   Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your
>   decisions?
>   Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you
> revenue
>   to
>   the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The
> that Bush
>   has
>   caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that
> grew the
>   federal government faster and bigger than most liberals
> have
>   (even
>   honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one
>   TVK
>   -Original Message-
>   From: Micheal Espinola Jr
>   Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
>   To: NT System Admin Issues
>   Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your
>   decisions?
>   We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it
> not.  Maybe
>   they can be lowered again if/when we have another
surplus. But
> right
>   now there are nations (primarily China) who have the
> to
>   financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they
>   Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
>   --
>   ME2
>   On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary -
>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   wrote:
>   Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000
> 150,000 ?? it
>   keeps
>   changing.
>   What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes
will go up
> because
>   they
>   aren't
>   renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
>   ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a
> hog! ~
>   ~

>    ~
>   ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a
> hog! ~
>   ~

>    ~
>   Confidentiality Notice:
>   --
>   This communication, including 

Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Klint Price - ArizonaITPro
I saw the post to abandon the thread after catching up to the list, but 
here is the link:

Rod Trent wrote:
> Link?
> *From:* Klint Price - ArizonaITPro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Friday, October 31, 2008 3:35 PM
> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
> *Subject:* Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> Interesting comment considering 70% of those that have more than $10M 
> in net worth stand support the democratic ticket.
> Ralph Smith wrote:
> I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
> work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
> way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
> who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
> investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.
> If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
> just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
> away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
> generates, that doesn't help us either.
> Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
> businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
> increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.
> Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
> you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
> of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
> wanting you to believe it.
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> to
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> has
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> (even
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
> Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> keeps
> changing.
> What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> they
> aren't
> renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
> Confidentiality Notice: 
> --
> This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential 
> information and is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is 
> addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this communication by 
> anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you are 
> not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email, delete 
> and destroy all copies of the original message.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions? (UNCLASSIFIED)

2008-10-31 Thread Andy Shook
You're Steelers are going down Monday night! 

a.k.a. die hard 'skins fan...

-Original Message-
From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 3:45 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions? 

Classification: Classified

When was the last time a NY team won the WS? 
OHh yeah: My steelers are going to pay you back for the suck out on

End Classification:

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions? (UNCLASSIFIED)

2008-10-31 Thread Ziots, Edward
Classification: Classified

When was the last time a NY team won the WS? 
OHh yeah: My steelers are going to pay you back for the suck out on

End Classification:
-Original Message-
From: Kent, Larry CTR USA IMCOM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 3:23 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
decisions? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

The Red Sox couldn't even get there without Manny...:) 

-Original Message-
From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 8:01 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

LOL they shouldn't have been in it anyways, it should have been the RED

But still was rooting for the Phillies to take it was too sweet to


Edward E. Ziots
Network Engineer
Lifespan Organization
Phone: 401-639-3505
-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

I feel for you.  I would have thought before the series that they
would have taken it.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just rub it in, My Rays lost...All the world is falling apart
> -Original Message-
> From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
> Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
> days, at least.
> :)
> Don Guyer
> Systems Engineer
> Information Services Department
> Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
> 431 W. Lancaster Avenue
> Devon, PA 19333
> Ph: (610) 993-3299
> Fax: (610) 650-5306
> -Original Message-
> From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...
> Z
> Edward E. Ziots
> Network Engineer
> Lifespan Organization
> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
> Phone: 401-639-3505
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the
> socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
> the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other
> of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI)
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> roflwaffes.
> Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal
> levels. Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less
> for the welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad
> thing - for the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand
> him a socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly
> IMO.  Our economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Probably not a great day to retort on this, but you will either agree
> or
>> hunt me down..
>> 2009 is going to be a bad year in the economy.   You don't bounce
> from
>> a trillion dollar globalwide investment loss, the largest downslide
> the
>> economy in over 70 years and a huge unemployment number..
>> I also don't care who is the President, they are not going to fix our
>> problem.  The president is a part of the checks and balances when it
> comes
>> to the bills congress puts through, and yes he has an agenda and will
> push
>> it with Congress;  making it harder or easier to pass bills..Good or
> BAD.
>> I can also tell you that I will be voting for McCain for  the simple
> fact
>> that Obama is moving this country toward a socialized economy no
> matter how
>> you dress up the words.  He wants to increase the taxes for me as a
> business
>> owner and redistribute it in the form of higher taxes and a bloated
>> government.  Not to mention his provision for bring in illegals and
> giving
>> them a driver license, benefits, social security(Which who will pay
> for
>> that? You and I that's who).  The welfare system kicked into high
> gear.I
>> did not work my butt off

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Rod Trent


From: Klint Price - ArizonaITPro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 3:35 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?


Interesting comment considering 70% of those that have more than $10M in net
worth stand support the democratic ticket.

Ralph Smith wrote: 

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.
If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.
Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.
Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying


Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue


the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush


caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the
federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have


honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying


We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it


What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because



renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~

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This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential
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addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this communication by
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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~




~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Klint Price - ArizonaITPro
Interesting comment considering 70% of those that have more than $10M in 
net worth stand support the democratic ticket.

Ralph Smith wrote:
> I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
> work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
> way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
> who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
> investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.
> If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
> just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
> away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
> generates, that doesn't help us either.
> Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
> businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
> increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.
> Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
> you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
> of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
> wanting you to believe it.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
>> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> to
>> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> has
>> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the
>> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> (even
>> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
>> TVK
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
>> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
>> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
>> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
>> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
>> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
>> --
>> ME2
>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> keeps
>>> changing.
>>> What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> they
>> aren't
>>> renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~   ~
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~   ~
> Confidentiality Notice: 
> --
> This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential 
> information and is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is 
> addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this communication by 
> anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you are 
> not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email, delete 
> and destroy all copies of the original message.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: WSUS 3.0 SP1

2008-10-31 Thread KC Carter
There was another GPO blocking the one I created.  After going through and 
reviewing all our GPO's  I found where Configure Automatic Updates was disabled 
on one GPO's we use.  Once I enabled and scheduled this the PC's via the 
Configure Automatic Updates the pc's in the OU started reporting into the WSUS 
server after a gpupdate. Can anyone check there GPO that is using WSUS and 
confirm that this has to be enabled for pc's to report back to the WSUS server.

KC Carter
System Administrator

From: Roger Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:56 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: WSUS 3.0 SP1

I had to use a different port for my WSUS setup, so client machines have to 
point to http://WSUSservername:8530

Then ran GPUPDATE /FORCE on all client machines and now they're checking in.

Roger Wright
Network Administrator
Evatone, Inc.
727.572.7076  x388

From: KC Carter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: WSUS 3.0 SP1

I installed WSUS 3.0 SP1 and created the GPO to point the client computers to 
the WSUS server yesterday morning.  I only have 7 computers out of  171 showing 
up and my concern is the client side targeting URL that I am using is hosting 
another website that I was not aware of.  When I installed IIS component of 
WSUS I used the default settings and that URL was already being used for an 
intranet site.  My question is does it matter if that URL 
http://servername is being used?  Can I change the settings 
in IIS to something else or would it just be easier to reinstall and change it 

My GPO for my clients point to htt://servername and I checked the registry on a 
dozen computers and it's pointed correctly but not showing up in the WSUS 


KC Carter
System Administrator

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions? (UNCLASSIFIED)

2008-10-31 Thread Kent, Larry CTR USA IMCOM
Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

The Red Sox couldn't even get there without Manny...:) 

-Original Message-
From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 8:01 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

LOL they shouldn't have been in it anyways, it should have been the RED

But still was rooting for the Phillies to take it was too sweet to


Edward E. Ziots
Network Engineer
Lifespan Organization
Phone: 401-639-3505
-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

I feel for you.  I would have thought before the series that they
would have taken it.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just rub it in, My Rays lost...All the world is falling apart
> -Original Message-
> From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
> Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
> days, at least.
> :)
> Don Guyer
> Systems Engineer
> Information Services Department
> Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
> 431 W. Lancaster Avenue
> Devon, PA 19333
> Ph: (610) 993-3299
> Fax: (610) 650-5306
> -Original Message-
> From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...
> Z
> Edward E. Ziots
> Network Engineer
> Lifespan Organization
> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
> Phone: 401-639-3505
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the
> socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
> the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other
> of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI)
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> roflwaffes.
> Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal
> levels. Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less
> for the welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad
> thing - for the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand
> him a socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly
> IMO.  Our economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Probably not a great day to retort on this, but you will either agree
> or
>> hunt me down..
>> 2009 is going to be a bad year in the economy.   You don't bounce
> from
>> a trillion dollar globalwide investment loss, the largest downslide
> the
>> economy in over 70 years and a huge unemployment number..
>> I also don't care who is the President, they are not going to fix our
>> problem.  The president is a part of the checks and balances when it
> comes
>> to the bills congress puts through, and yes he has an agenda and will
> push
>> it with Congress;  making it harder or easier to pass bills..Good or
> BAD.
>> I can also tell you that I will be voting for McCain for  the simple
> fact
>> that Obama is moving this country toward a socialized economy no
> matter how
>> you dress up the words.  He wants to increase the taxes for me as a
> business
>> owner and redistribute it in the form of higher taxes and a bloated
>> government.  Not to mention his provision for bring in illegals and
> giving
>> them a driver license, benefits, social security(Which who will pay
> for
>> that? You and I that's who).  The welfare system kicked into high
> gear.I
>> did not work my butt off 60 to 70 hours a week to have someone who
> wants to
>> sit on their butt for a year and take 60% welfare checks because
> McDonalds
>> doesn't pay as much... among other personal value decisions..
>> If you have worked hard and saved you should not be penalized and
>> wealth redistributed simply because someone does not have as much.
> The very
>> essence of this country was built upon hardwork and ingenuity

RE: [LIST ADMIN MESSAGE[] RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Sam Cayze
We are expected to have a conversation about the recession WITHOUT
bringing up politics?  They go hand and hand.  Let me remind you that is
was Sunbelt that triggered the question, which I do think was a great,
thoughtful question.

Personally, I get tired of everyone's impatience and intolerance for
political conversations.

This election, and the state of our economy is an urgent matter right
now.  I know this list is supposed to be IT related, but we have many
peers in this list.  We should be taking the time right now to talk to
our peers about the economy and the direction of our country.  It seems
odd to me that the gross sexual innuendoes on this list are perfectly
acceptable, but politics aren't.

There are ONLY 5 days till the election.  I say we lighten up on the
rules for a bit until the election is over :)  IMO.  Then we can go back
to our regular scheduled programming.  If you can't stand the heat,
don't follow the thread.  Stu, you make the rules, in no way am I trying
to side-step that.  I'm just sharing my opinion.  No harm intended.



-Original Message-
From: Stu Sjouwerman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:45 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: [LIST ADMIN MESSAGE[] RE: Re: So... how is the recession
affecting your buying decisions?
Importance: High

Hi All,

Let's end this thread as it has gone off topic.

Warm regards,



~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Firewall reporting

2008-10-31 Thread Kurt Buff

Dive into the library - webalizer is one that looks like it might meet
your needs, but there are others.

There are many alternatives, and many of the are OSS.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Chinnery, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am in need of a good reporting tool that will allow me to track users' use
> of the internet; sites visited, times, etc.
> Preferably, this would be something I could d/l my syslogs to.
> Paul Chinnery
> Network Administrator
> Memorial Medical Center
> 231-845-2319

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Kurt Buff

Nope, we need a spending decrease. Kill a few government programs,
save a lot of money.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 3:22 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it keeps
>> changing.
>> What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because they aren't
>> renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Citrix XenApp (Presentation Server) client issue

2008-10-31 Thread Webster
From: Tom Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Citrix XenApp (Presentation Server) client issue


Hi Folks:


For those of you using Citrix:  Recently both of my Citrix web interface
sites started prompting for user ID and password when the ICA client needs
to be updated or installed.  Previously the user just selected the
"download" button, the client was pulled from one of the Citrix servers, and
the install proceeded.  I recenlty applied the MS out-of-band patch, but I'm
not sure if that had anything to do with it.


Suggestions?  I am thinking it has something to do with the security
settings on the \client\ica directory for web users, but don't want to
change any settings unless I really need to do so.


What are the permissions on the CLIENTS folder tree?



~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars

2008-10-31 Thread Carl Houseman
Thanks again... this is a 5-user SBS 2003 currently sitting at 1GB and happy
enough, I was going to bump it to 2GB!


Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:09 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars


We are doing it for a few clients and it works.  Just make sure you have 4GB
of memory.  Its another memory sucking process.


From: Carl Houseman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars


Ah, I played with it some more based on your comment and now see how linking
works.  Thanks for the tutorial and field notes.


Any issues for hosting the MSSMLBIZ SQL server on SBS 2003?  (anyone?)




Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:21 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars


BCM doesn't care about where the calendar is or whom.  You link the record
to an account or contact.  Once it is linked there are many tabs available
to search based on various criteria, all in the Outlook Ribbon.  


The horror is mostly speed and usability.  It worked great for the first few
months, but after our database continued to grow it got really slow and
practically unusuable.  We do link it with Office Accounting to track time
and generate invoices.  

We even moved it to a dedicated 2005 SQL Std Server with 4 GB ram and its
own Raid 10 array just to see if the performance would increase, and it was
so marginal I couldn't believe it.  Its just slow.

For just doing BCM stuff and non Accounting stuff I would imagine you would
be fine.  We are entering about 100 calendar items a week, tracking at least
300 to 400 emails to those clients a week and generating all of the
invoicing and relevant material to go with it.


I think we just outgrew it.


From: Carl Houseman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 3:12 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars


Hmm... feel free to post some cliff notes on the horror... meanwhile...


How do you tell BCM to use a public calendar?


The application is keeping track of client information and appt. history.
There will one person using BCM and all of the employees who have appts.
with clients are using just Outlook and checking their personal calendars
for these appts.   The BCM-person wants to look at a client record and see
the appt. history regardless of which employee is responsible for that


thanks much,



Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:45 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars may I tell you the horror.


But to answer your question.  We use a Public Calendar and then we invite
the individual to whom is required to do the work.  This way the admin has a
centralized calendar that we can see easily and each person gets it on their
own, which is advantageous for BB, Windows Mobile, etc.. using categories
and such you can easily create multiple views for different people on the
centralized calendar.


You can do a reoccurring calendar appt, but you cannot bill it if you are
using Office Accounting to track time and generate invoices.



From: Carl Houseman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:03 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars


I've got all of 15 minutes of BCM use under my belt, but I'm not seeing a
way to select the calendar that business contacts will use for appointments.
This is the Outlook 2007 BCM.


For example, an assistant using BCM and managing a calendar for several
other people.  Each contact should be able to specify which calendar that
contact's appointments would appear on.  Is that possible, and if so


thanks all...





















~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Spam:Firewall reporting

2008-10-31 Thread Joe Heaton
Websense?  It’s what we use, for content filtering, etc.  Has great reporting


Joe Heaton

Employment Training Panel


From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:18 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Spam:Firewall reporting


I am in need of a good reporting tool that will allow me to track users' use of 
the internet; sites visited, times, etc.

Preferably, this would be something I could d/l my syslogs to.  

Paul Chinnery 
Network Administrator 
Memorial Medical Center 




~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread Eric Woodford
As NorCal native, I'd say a 3.0 = my 6yo jumping on the bed then stopping
really quick.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr <

> Wow! I've always wondered what that would be like...
> --
> ME2
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Sherry Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort
> Worthian,
> > it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about 11:25 last
> > night thinking I had heard something outside or that something had hit
> the
> > house.
> >
> > --
> > Sherry Abercrombie
> >
> > "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
> > Arthur C. Clarke
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread Steven Peck
I would tend to doubt it would be related to removing natural gas.
You would tend to get sink holes rather then earthquakes.  Earthquakes
are tectonic plate movements.

As long as Texas builds houses with basic, known earthquake standards
you'll be fine for the most part.  Earthquakes in houses are not so
much of a problem really.  Stuff may fall down, etc, but most of the
houses built before standards were put in place have already fallen
down or been retrofitted.  Larger office building complexes are a
different story, but for a 3.x scale quake, well, that's small.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Jonathan Link <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The trouble is that water is much denser than natural gas.  So in the same
> volume, you have more mass.  Plus the replacment isn't simultaneous with
> extraction, there is a delay.  All in all, it's turned a static system into
> a dynamic system, so accounting for a reason becomes icredibly difficult.
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Sherry Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> I have no idea if they will be able to determine that.  I do know that the
>> drilling companies are replacing what they take out by pumping water back
>> into the ground, so is it really a valid possibility?  Who knows.  There
>> were/are definitely opponents to the urban drilling around here, but they
>> had their chance to do something about it a couple of years ago when the
>> city council was debating and studying the pro's and con's of this, they
>> have signs in their yards saying "No Urban Drilling".  Personally, to lease
>> the rights to drill the natural gas under my property made me about $6000.00
>> richer this year.  I'm not complaining too much about urban drilling ;)
>> And, I know for sure that some of those with signs opposing the drilling in
>> their yards, took the check from the gas company all the way to their bank.
>> Ok, rant turned off now.
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hmm, a troubling coincidence to say the least. Is there any way that
>>> include/exclude that as a possible cause?
>>> --
>>> ME2
>>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:28 PM, Sherry Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> wrote:
>>> > I didn't actually know what it was until I heard about it on the radio
>>> > this
>>> > morning on my way to work.  Interestingly, what I heard on the radio is
>>> > not
>>> > included in that link, they (meaning the USGS) are wondering if it is
>>> > linked
>>> > to all the drilling for natural gas that has absolutely exploded in our
>>> > area, including urban drilling.  There are at least 5 or 6 wells that
>>> > have
>>> > been or are being drilled within a 2 mile radius of my home.
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
>>> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Wow! I've always wondered what that would be like...
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> ME2
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Sherry Abercrombie
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort
>>> >> > Worthian,
>>> >> > it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about 11:25
>>> >> > last
>>> >> > night thinking I had heard something outside or that something had
>>> >> > hit
>>> >> > the
>>> >> > house.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > --
>>> >> > Sherry Abercrombie
>>> >> >
>>> >> > "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
>>> >> > magic."
>>> >> > Arthur C. Clarke
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >>
>>> >> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>>> >> ~   ~
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Sherry Abercrombie
>>> >
>>> > "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
>>> > Arthur C. Clarke
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>>> ~   ~
>> --
>> Sherry Abercrombie
>> "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
>> Arthur C. Clarke

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

[LIST ADMIN MESSAGE[] RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Stu Sjouwerman
Hi All,

Let's end this thread as it has gone off topic.

Warm regards,



~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread WL
Texas UFOs?  Is Brad Johnson playing quarterback again?

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 6:15 AM, David McSpadden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's not an Earthquake…it's all those UFO's Texan's have been seeing this
> past month…
> From: Sherry Abercrombie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:17 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Jon Harris
Agreed on killing the politics part ot the thread.  As for the increase in
spending nice.  I just got told yesterday to expect another 4%+ cut in all
budgets this fiscal year to keep it simple it was 15% last year, 15% more
this year on top of last years 15% and now another 4%.  We actually got
asked if cutting people was a good idea.  If my boss had not been present I
would have agreed to cut people.  We have one that only comes in 2 days a
week and still gets full salary that amounts to half to half of the 4% they
want to cut.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:31 PM, Jonathan Link <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Stu,
> Can we setup a sunbelt-politics list to move this discussion there?
> (that's a hint to call this thread quits)  I have my opinions, I share them
> when appropriate, this is not an appropraite forum.
> As to the original topic, we're an accounting firm, and we're planning on
> increased spending.  Since I haven't finalized my budget yet, I can't say by
> how much, but probably about 15%.
>   On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Chinnery, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Sounds like fun (over-seas assignment, that is). Although I assume your
>> cost of living is higher than if in the US.?
>> Paul Chinnery
>> Network Administrator
>> Memorial Medical Center
>> 231-845-2319
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Kelsay, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:25 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> TV's are not taxed.  You pay a TV license each year that funds the BBC.
>> By the way I am an American who lives and works here.  I last lived
>> outside of Boston.
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 31 October 2008 16:03
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> But that's your government adding taxes...BTW, you guys still get taxed
>> on tv's?
>> Paul Chinnery
>> Network Administrator
>> Memorial Medical Center
>> 231-845-2319
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Kelsay, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:54 AM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> I am paying about $8 a gallon here in the UK.  No sympathy.
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 30 October 2008 21:47
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> Paid, 2.02 this morning (San Antonio Texas)
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Joe Heaton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:42 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> Lol, I paid $2.59 yesterday, and was thankful (California)
>> Joe Heaton
>> Employment Training Panel
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Rod Trent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:42 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> On the positive side -- I found gas at $1.89/gallon today.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
>> Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
>> days, at least.
>> :)
>> Don Guyer
>> Systems Engineer
>> Information Services Department
>> Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
>> 431 W. Lancaster Avenue
>> Devon, PA 19333
>> Ph: (610) 993-3299
>> Fax: (610) 650-5306
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...
>> Z
>> Edward E. Ziots
>> Network Engineer
>> Lifespan Organization
>> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
>> Phone: 401-639-3505
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the most
>> socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
>> the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other parts
>> of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI) TVK

RE: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread Kim Longenbaugh
All that water has made the sub-strata slippery, so when an earthquake
occurs, it's the water's fault.


From: Jonathan Link [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:35 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth




~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Steven Peck
Please.  I am refraining from responding to many posts containing
mis-information or fabrication myself.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Jonathan Link <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stu,
> Can we setup a sunbelt-politics list to move this discussion there?
> (that's a hint to call this thread quits)  I have my opinions, I share them
> when appropriate, this is not an appropraite forum.
> As to the original topic, we're an accounting firm, and we're planning on
> increased spending.  Since I haven't finalized my budget yet, I can't say by
> how much, but probably about 15%.
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Chinnery, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Sounds like fun (over-seas assignment, that is). Although I assume your
>> cost of living is higher than if in the US.?
>> Paul Chinnery
>> Network Administrator
>> Memorial Medical Center
>> 231-845-2319
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Kelsay, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:25 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> TV's are not taxed.  You pay a TV license each year that funds the BBC.
>> By the way I am an American who lives and works here.  I last lived
>> outside of Boston.
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 31 October 2008 16:03
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> But that's your government adding taxes...BTW, you guys still get taxed
>> on tv's?
>> Paul Chinnery
>> Network Administrator
>> Memorial Medical Center
>> 231-845-2319
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Kelsay, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:54 AM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> I am paying about $8 a gallon here in the UK.  No sympathy.
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 30 October 2008 21:47
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> Paid, 2.02 this morning (San Antonio Texas)
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Joe Heaton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:42 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> Lol, I paid $2.59 yesterday, and was thankful (California)
>> Joe Heaton
>> Employment Training Panel
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Rod Trent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:42 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> On the positive side -- I found gas at $1.89/gallon today.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
>> Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
>> days, at least.
>> :)
>> Don Guyer
>> Systems Engineer
>> Information Services Department
>> Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
>> 431 W. Lancaster Avenue
>> Devon, PA 19333
>> Ph: (610) 993-3299
>> Fax: (610) 650-5306
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...
>> Z
>> Edward E. Ziots
>> Network Engineer
>> Lifespan Organization
>> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
>> Phone: 401-639-3505
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the most
>> socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
>> the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other parts
>> of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI) TVK
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> roflwaffes.
>> Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal levels.
>> Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less for the
>> welfare of a very h

Re: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread Jonathan Link
The trouble is that water is much denser than natural gas.  So in the same
volume, you have more mass.  Plus the replacment isn't simultaneous with
extraction, there is a delay.  All in all, it's turned a static system into
a dynamic system, so accounting for a reason becomes icredibly difficult.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Sherry Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I have no idea if they will be able to determine that.  I do know that the
> drilling companies are replacing what they take out by pumping water back
> into the ground, so is it really a valid possibility?  Who knows.  There
> were/are definitely opponents to the urban drilling around here, but they
> had their chance to do something about it a couple of years ago when the
> city council was debating and studying the pro's and con's of this, they
> have signs in their yards saying "No Urban Drilling".  Personally, to lease
> the rights to drill the natural gas under my property made me about $6000.00
> richer this year.  I'm not complaining too much about urban drilling ;)
> And, I know for sure that some of those with signs opposing the drilling in
> their yards, took the check from the gas company all the way to their bank.
> Ok, rant turned off now.
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr <
>> Hmm, a troubling coincidence to say the least. Is there any way that
>> include/exclude that as a possible cause?
>> --
>> ME2
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:28 PM, Sherry Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > I didn't actually know what it was until I heard about it on the radio
>> this
>> > morning on my way to work.  Interestingly, what I heard on the radio is
>> not
>> > included in that link, they (meaning the USGS) are wondering if it is
>> linked
>> > to all the drilling for natural gas that has absolutely exploded in our
>> > area, including urban drilling.  There are at least 5 or 6 wells that
>> have
>> > been or are being drilled within a 2 mile radius of my home.
>> >
>> > On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
>> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Wow! I've always wondered what that would be like...
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> ME2
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Sherry Abercrombie <
>> >> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort
>> >> > Worthian,
>> >> > it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about 11:25
>> last
>> >> > night thinking I had heard something outside or that something had
>> hit
>> >> > the
>> >> > house.
>> >> >
>> >> > --
>> >> > Sherry Abercrombie
>> >> >
>> >> > "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
>> magic."
>> >> > Arthur C. Clarke
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> >> ~   ~
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Sherry Abercrombie
>> >
>> > "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
>> > Arthur C. Clarke
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~   ~
> --
>  Sherry Abercrombie
> "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
> Arthur C. Clarke

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Can you turn off text messaging from blackberry BES?

2008-10-31 Thread Senter, John
Yes, via a IT Policy.  What you are looking for is in the "Device-Only
Items" area.

Allow Peer-to-Peer Messages - this is the PIN to PIN

Allow SMS - this SMS and MMS messaging.


From: Phil Guevara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 1:11 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Can you turn off text messaging from blackberry BES?


Can you manually turn off text messaging from a BES server?


Best Regards,



__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
signature database 3573 (20081031) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.



~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Jonathan Link

Can we setup a sunbelt-politics list to move this discussion there?
(that's a hint to call this thread quits)  I have my opinions, I share them
when appropriate, this is not an appropraite forum.

As to the original topic, we're an accounting firm, and we're planning on
increased spending.  Since I haven't finalized my budget yet, I can't say by
how much, but probably about 15%.
On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Chinnery, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sounds like fun (over-seas assignment, that is). Although I assume your
> cost of living is higher than if in the US.?
> Paul Chinnery
> Network Administrator
> Memorial Medical Center
> 231-845-2319
> -Original Message-
> From: Kelsay, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:25 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> TV's are not taxed.  You pay a TV license each year that funds the BBC.
> By the way I am an American who lives and works here.  I last lived
> outside of Boston.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 31 October 2008 16:03
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> But that's your government adding taxes...BTW, you guys still get taxed
> on tv's?
> Paul Chinnery
> Network Administrator
> Memorial Medical Center
> 231-845-2319
> -Original Message-
> From: Kelsay, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:54 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> I am paying about $8 a gallon here in the UK.  No sympathy.
> -Original Message-
> Sent: 30 October 2008 21:47
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> Paid, 2.02 this morning (San Antonio Texas)
> -Original Message-
> From: Joe Heaton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:42 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> Lol, I paid $2.59 yesterday, and was thankful (California)
> Joe Heaton
> Employment Training Panel
> -Original Message-
> From: Rod Trent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:42 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> On the positive side -- I found gas at $1.89/gallon today.
> -Original Message-
> From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
> Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
> days, at least.
> :)
> Don Guyer
> Systems Engineer
> Information Services Department
> Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
> 431 W. Lancaster Avenue
> Devon, PA 19333
> Ph: (610) 993-3299
> Fax: (610) 650-5306
> -Original Message-
> From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...
> Z
> Edward E. Ziots
> Network Engineer
> Lifespan Organization
> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
> Phone: 401-639-3505
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the most
> socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
> the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other parts
> of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI) TVK
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> roflwaffes.
> Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal levels.
> Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less for the
> welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad thing - for
> the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand him a
> socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly IMO.  Our
> economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Probably not a g

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Chinnery, Paul
Sounds like fun (over-seas assignment, that is). Although I assume your
cost of living is higher than if in the US.? 

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Kelsay, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:25 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

TV's are not taxed.  You pay a TV license each year that funds the BBC.

By the way I am an American who lives and works here.  I last lived
outside of Boston.


-Original Message-
From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 31 October 2008 16:03
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

But that's your government adding taxes...BTW, you guys still get taxed
on tv's? 

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Kelsay, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:54 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

I am paying about $8 a gallon here in the UK.  No sympathy.

-Original Message-
Sent: 30 October 2008 21:47
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

Paid, 2.02 this morning (San Antonio Texas)

-Original Message-
From: Joe Heaton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:42 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

Lol, I paid $2.59 yesterday, and was thankful (California)

Joe Heaton
Employment Training Panel

-Original Message-
From: Rod Trent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:42 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

On the positive side -- I found gas at $1.89/gallon today.

-Original Message-
From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
days, at least.


Don Guyer
Systems Engineer
Information Services Department
Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
431 W. Lancaster Avenue
Devon, PA 19333
Ph: (610) 993-3299
Fax: (610) 650-5306

-Original Message-
From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...


Edward E. Ziots
Network Engineer
Lifespan Organization
Phone: 401-639-3505

-Original Message-
From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the most
socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other parts
of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI) TVK

-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying


Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal levels.
Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less for the
welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad thing - for
the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand him a
socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly IMO.  Our
economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Probably not a great day to retort on this, but you will either agree
> hunt me down..
> 2009 is going to be a bad year in the economy.   You don't bounce back
> a trillion dollar globalwide investment loss, the largest downslide in
> economy in over 70 years and a huge unemployment number..
> I also don't care who is the President, they are not going to fix our 
> problem.  The president is a part of the checks and balances when it
> to the bills congress puts through, and yes he has an agenda and will
> it with Congress;  making it harder or easier to pass bills..Good or
> I can also tell you that I will be voting for McCain for  the simple
> that Obama is moving this country toward a socialized economy

Firewall reporting

2008-10-31 Thread Chinnery, Paul
I am in need of a good reporting tool that will allow me to track users'
use of the internet; sites visited, times, etc.
Preferably, this would be something I could d/l my syslogs to.  

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Can you turn off text messaging from blackberry BES?

2008-10-31 Thread Phil Guevara
Can you manually turn off text messaging from a BES server?

Best Regards,



~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Tim Vander Kooi
I hear ya. Preferably down your way. :-)

-Original Message-
From: Ben Schorr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:44 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

If I had the cash sitting around I'd be buying real estate right now,
that's for sure.

Ben M. Schorr
Chief Executive Officer
Roland Schorr & Tower

-Original Message-
From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:42 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

Very true...The myth that the rich just hide their money under their
mattresses so that they can stay rich is usually told by those with
little as a way to make it OK to hate/blame the rich for their problems.
The rich in this country, on whole, did not get that way by sticking
money under their mattress, but rather by working their tails off and
making wise investment choices. They continue to do that regardless of
the state of the economy. It is the poorer citizens who tend to save and
refuse to spend when times get tough. This is why giving out money to
the middle class to spend our way out of a recession has never worked
once in the history of our country.

-Original Message-
From: Ben Schorr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:37 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

Some of those with money to invest do so aggressively during a downturn
because right now stocks and real estate are on sale.

Ben M. Schorr
Chief Executive Officer
Roland Schorr & Tower

-Original Message-
From: Peter Rabe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

Trickle-down effect - When the economy tanks the first people to suffer
are those who have little because they received little, a trickle, when
the economy was good.  Those who have money to invest, invest minimally
in expansion during an economic downturn as they are protecting their

-Original Message-
From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 31, 2008 11:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

But for businesses to expand, build new factories, etc. they need
capital. For that they have to go to the marketplace either thru
commercial paper, IPO's or other financial instruments.  Increasing
taxes on those who supply that capital means less capital to go around.

Taxing businesses is a false argument.  Businesses don't pay for
anything. Their customers do.  Also, there are a lot of dollars overseas
because the cost (tax) to repatriate those dollars is very high.  So,
the companies keep the money over there.
Yes, the rich put the money away. In investments, bonds, stock market,

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the 
> federal government fas

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Rod Trent
Exactly why the Chinese gov't wants Obama in place.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:34 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

And the more you raise taxes on businesses and the "rich", the more
incentive you give them to move out of the US and set up business elsewhere.
Why do you think that all the automotive makers are moving out of Michigan
and to low tax areas like Kentucky, Alabama, etc.? Is it because Kentucky
has a better workforce? No, it's because they are offered better tax
incentives. Meanwhile the people of MI are buying the politicians bunk that
taxes need to be raised in order to better support the poor. At the rate
they are going the whole state will be poor very shortly and then who do
they raise taxes on?
Obama is being very honest when he tells everyone that he intends to help
grow the middle-class of this country. He grand illusion is the fact that no
one seems to care that he plans to grow the middle-class by bringing the
upper-class down into the middle, not by bringing the lower-class up.

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> > changing.
> >
> >
> >
> > What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> aren't
> > renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint secu

Re: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread Sherry Abercrombie
I have no idea if they will be able to determine that.  I do know that the
drilling companies are replacing what they take out by pumping water back
into the ground, so is it really a valid possibility?  Who knows.  There
were/are definitely opponents to the urban drilling around here, but they
had their chance to do something about it a couple of years ago when the
city council was debating and studying the pro's and con's of this, they
have signs in their yards saying "No Urban Drilling".  Personally, to lease
the rights to drill the natural gas under my property made me about $6000.00
richer this year.  I'm not complaining too much about urban drilling ;)
And, I know for sure that some of those with signs opposing the drilling in
their yards, took the check from the gas company all the way to their bank.

Ok, rant turned off now.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr <

> Hmm, a troubling coincidence to say the least. Is there any way that
> include/exclude that as a possible cause?
> --
> ME2
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:28 PM, Sherry Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I didn't actually know what it was until I heard about it on the radio
> this
> > morning on my way to work.  Interestingly, what I heard on the radio is
> not
> > included in that link, they (meaning the USGS) are wondering if it is
> linked
> > to all the drilling for natural gas that has absolutely exploded in our
> > area, including urban drilling.  There are at least 5 or 6 wells that
> have
> > been or are being drilled within a 2 mile radius of my home.
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> Wow! I've always wondered what that would be like...
> >>
> >> --
> >> ME2
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Sherry Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort
> >> > Worthian,
> >> > it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about 11:25
> last
> >> > night thinking I had heard something outside or that something had hit
> >> > the
> >> > house.
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > Sherry Abercrombie
> >> >
> >> > "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
> magic."
> >> > Arthur C. Clarke
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> >> ~   ~
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sherry Abercrombie
> >
> > "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
> > Arthur C. Clarke
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

Sherry Abercrombie

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Andy Shook
Absolutely pitiful...


-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:14 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

You measure your gas in groups of baby animals?


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Stefan Jafs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are just going below $0.90 / liter from a high of $1.40 in the summer.
> ___
> Stefan Jafs
> From: Joe Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:18 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> I've seen gas around here (Buffalo, NY) for $2.99/gal.
> Joe Fox
> Systems/Network Administrator
> Mobile# (716) 846-9308
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:08 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No argument here!  We wuz bamboozled!
> --
> ME2
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:01 AM, Ziots, Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> LOL they shouldn't have been in it anyways, it should have been the RED
>> SOX,
>> But still was rooting for the Phillies to take it was too sweet to
>> see.
>> Z
>> Edward E. Ziots
>> Network Engineer
>> Lifespan Organization
>> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
>> Phone: 401-639-3505
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> I feel for you.  I would have thought before the series that they
>> would have taken it.
>> --
>> ME2
>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Just rub it in, My Rays lost...All the world is falling apart
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>>> decisions?
>>> Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
>>> Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
>>> days, at least.
>>> :)
>>> Don Guyer
>>> Systems Engineer
>>> Information Services Department
>>> Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
>>> 431 W. Lancaster Avenue
>>> Devon, PA 19333
>>> Ph: (610) 993-3299
>>> Fax: (610) 650-5306
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>>> decisions?
>>> It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...
>>> Z
>>> Edward E. Ziots
>>> Network Engineer
>>> Lifespan Organization
>>> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
>>> Phone: 401-639-3505
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>>> decisions?
>>> For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the
>> most
>>> socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
>>> the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other
>> parts
>>> of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI)
>>> TVK
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>>> decisions?
>>> roflwaffes.
>>> Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal
>>> levels. Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less
>>> for the welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad
>>> thing - for the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand
>>> him a socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly
>>> IMO.  Our economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.
>>> --
>>> ME2
>>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Probably not a great day to retort on this, but you will either agree
>>> or
 hunt me down..

 2009 is going to be a bad year in the economy.   You don't bounce
>> back
>>> from
 a trillion dollar globalwide investment loss, the largest downslide
>> in
>>> the
 economy in over 70 years and a huge unemployment number..

 I also don't care who is the President, they are not going to fix our
 problem.  The president is a part of the checks and balances when it
>>> comes
 to the bills congress puts through, and yes he has an agenda and will
>>> push
 it with C

Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Steve Ens
Use OPM...other people's way to make money.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Ben Schorr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I had the cash sitting around I'd be buying real estate right now,
> that's for sure.
> Ben M. Schorr
> Chief Executive Officer
> __
> Roland Schorr & Tower
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:42 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> Very true...The myth that the rich just hide their money under their
> mattresses so that they can stay rich is usually told by those with
> little as a way to make it OK to hate/blame the rich for their problems.
> The rich in this country, on whole, did not get that way by sticking
> money under their mattress, but rather by working their tails off and
> making wise investment choices. They continue to do that regardless of
> the state of the economy. It is the poorer citizens who tend to save and
> refuse to spend when times get tough. This is why giving out money to
> the middle class to spend our way out of a recession has never worked
> once in the history of our country.
> -Original Message-
> From: Ben Schorr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:37 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> Some of those with money to invest do so aggressively during a downturn
> because right now stocks and real estate are on sale.
> Ben M. Schorr
> Chief Executive Officer
> __
> Roland Schorr & Tower
> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Rabe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> Trickle-down effect - When the economy tanks the first people to suffer
> are those who have little because they received little, a trickle, when
> the economy was good.  Those who have money to invest, invest minimally
> in expansion during an economic downturn as they are protecting their
> assets.
> -Original Message-
> From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: October 31, 2008 11:15 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> But for businesses to expand, build new factories, etc. they need
> capital. For that they have to go to the marketplace either thru
> commercial paper, IPO's or other financial instruments.  Increasing
> taxes on those who supply that capital means less capital to go around.
> Taxing businesses is a false argument.  Businesses don't pay for
> anything. Their customers do.  Also, there are a lot of dollars overseas
> because the cost (tax) to repatriate those dollars is very high.  So,
> the companies keep the money over there.
> Yes, the rich put the money away. In investments, bonds, stock market,
> etc.
> Paul Chinnery
> Network Administrator
> Memorial Medical Center
> 231-845-2319
> -Original Message-
> From: Ralph Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
> work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
> way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
> who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
> investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.
> If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
> just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
> away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
> generates, that doesn't help us either.
> Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
> businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
> increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.
> Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
> you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
> of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
> wanting you to believe it.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> > To: NT System Admin Issues
> > Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> >
> > Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> to
> > the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> has
> > cau

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Ben Schorr
If I had the cash sitting around I'd be buying real estate right now,
that's for sure.

Ben M. Schorr
Chief Executive Officer
Roland Schorr & Tower

-Original Message-
From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:42 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

Very true...The myth that the rich just hide their money under their
mattresses so that they can stay rich is usually told by those with
little as a way to make it OK to hate/blame the rich for their problems.
The rich in this country, on whole, did not get that way by sticking
money under their mattress, but rather by working their tails off and
making wise investment choices. They continue to do that regardless of
the state of the economy. It is the poorer citizens who tend to save and
refuse to spend when times get tough. This is why giving out money to
the middle class to spend our way out of a recession has never worked
once in the history of our country.

-Original Message-
From: Ben Schorr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:37 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

Some of those with money to invest do so aggressively during a downturn
because right now stocks and real estate are on sale.

Ben M. Schorr
Chief Executive Officer
Roland Schorr & Tower

-Original Message-
From: Peter Rabe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

Trickle-down effect - When the economy tanks the first people to suffer
are those who have little because they received little, a trickle, when
the economy was good.  Those who have money to invest, invest minimally
in expansion during an economic downturn as they are protecting their

-Original Message-
From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 31, 2008 11:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

But for businesses to expand, build new factories, etc. they need
capital. For that they have to go to the marketplace either thru
commercial paper, IPO's or other financial instruments.  Increasing
taxes on those who supply that capital means less capital to go around.

Taxing businesses is a false argument.  Businesses don't pay for
anything. Their customers do.  Also, there are a lot of dollars overseas
because the cost (tax) to repatriate those dollars is very high.  So,
the companies keep the money over there.
Yes, the rich put the money away. In investments, bonds, stock market,

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the 
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT Sy

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Tim Vander Kooi
Very true...The myth that the rich just hide their money under their mattresses 
so that they can stay rich is usually told by those with little as a way to 
make it OK to hate/blame the rich for their problems. The rich in this country, 
on whole, did not get that way by sticking money under their mattress, but 
rather by working their tails off and making wise investment choices. They 
continue to do that regardless of the state of the economy. It is the poorer 
citizens who tend to save and refuse to spend when times get tough. This is why 
giving out money to the middle class to spend our way out of a recession has 
never worked once in the history of our country.

-Original Message-
From: Ben Schorr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:37 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

Some of those with money to invest do so aggressively during a downturn
because right now stocks and real estate are on sale.

Ben M. Schorr
Chief Executive Officer
Roland Schorr & Tower

-Original Message-
From: Peter Rabe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

Trickle-down effect - When the economy tanks the first people to suffer
are those who have little because they received little, a trickle, when
the economy was good.  Those who have money to invest, invest minimally
in expansion during an economic downturn as they are protecting their

-Original Message-
From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 31, 2008 11:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

But for businesses to expand, build new factories, etc. they need
capital. For that they have to go to the marketplace either thru
commercial paper, IPO's or other financial instruments.  Increasing
taxes on those who supply that capital means less capital to go around.

Taxing businesses is a false argument.  Businesses don't pay for
anything. Their customers do.  Also, there are a lot of dollars overseas
because the cost (tax) to repatriate those dollars is very high.  So,
the companies keep the money over there.
Yes, the rich put the money away. In investments, bonds, stock market,

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the 
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe

> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right 
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to 
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2

Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
yea, tl;dr!


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Andy Shook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes it is...I love Luther and I would consider myself reformed in my 
> theology, however, the 95 thesis aren't that much fun to read. :)
> Shook
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:20 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> Bah, you're no fun. Its Reformation Day after all!
> --
> ME2
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Andy Shook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Absolutely pitiful...
>> Shook
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:14 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
>> You measure your gas in groups of baby animals?
>> --
>> ME2
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Stefan Jafs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> We are just going below $0.90 / liter from a high of $1.40 in the summer.
>>> ___
>>> Stefan Jafs
>>> From: Joe Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:18 AM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
>>> I've seen gas around here (Buffalo, NY) for $2.99/gal.
>>> Joe Fox
>>> Systems/Network Administrator
>>> Mobile# (716) 846-9308
>>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:08 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> No argument here!  We wuz bamboozled!
>>> --
>>> ME2
>>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:01 AM, Ziots, Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 LOL they shouldn't have been in it anyways, it should have been the RED

 But still was rooting for the Phillies to take it was too sweet to


 Edward E. Ziots
 Network Engineer
 Lifespan Organization
 Phone: 401-639-3505
 -Original Message-
 From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

 I feel for you.  I would have thought before the series that they
 would have taken it.


 On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just rub it in, My Rays lost...All the world is falling apart
> -Original Message-
> From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
> Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
> days, at least.
> :)
> Don Guyer
> Systems Engineer
> Information Services Department
> Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
> 431 W. Lancaster Avenue
> Devon, PA 19333
> Ph: (610) 993-3299
> Fax: (610) 650-5306
> -Original Message-
> From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...
> Z
> Edward E. Ziots
> Network Engineer
> Lifespan Organization
> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
> Phone: 401-639-3505
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the
> socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
> the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other
> of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI)
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> roflwaffes.
> Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal
> levels. Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less
> for the welfare of a very hurting c

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Ben Schorr
Some of those with money to invest do so aggressively during a downturn
because right now stocks and real estate are on sale.

Ben M. Schorr
Chief Executive Officer
Roland Schorr & Tower

-Original Message-
From: Peter Rabe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

Trickle-down effect - When the economy tanks the first people to suffer
are those who have little because they received little, a trickle, when
the economy was good.  Those who have money to invest, invest minimally
in expansion during an economic downturn as they are protecting their

-Original Message-
From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 31, 2008 11:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

But for businesses to expand, build new factories, etc. they need
capital. For that they have to go to the marketplace either thru
commercial paper, IPO's or other financial instruments.  Increasing
taxes on those who supply that capital means less capital to go around.

Taxing businesses is a false argument.  Businesses don't pay for
anything. Their customers do.  Also, there are a lot of dollars overseas
because the cost (tax) to repatriate those dollars is very high.  So,
the companies keep the money over there.
Yes, the rich put the money away. In investments, bonds, stock market,

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the 
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe

> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right 
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to 
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> > changing.
> >
> >
> >
> > What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> aren't
> > renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>   ~
Confidentiality Notice: 


This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential
information and is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it
is addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this
communication by anyone 

Re: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
Hmm, a troubling coincidence to say the least. Is there any way that
include/exclude that as a possible cause?


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:28 PM, Sherry Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I didn't actually know what it was until I heard about it on the radio this
> morning on my way to work.  Interestingly, what I heard on the radio is not
> included in that link, they (meaning the USGS) are wondering if it is linked
> to all the drilling for natural gas that has absolutely exploded in our
> area, including urban drilling.  There are at least 5 or 6 wells that have
> been or are being drilled within a 2 mile radius of my home.
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Wow! I've always wondered what that would be like...
>> --
>> ME2
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Sherry Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort
>> > Worthian,
>> > it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about 11:25 last
>> > night thinking I had heard something outside or that something had hit
>> > the
>> > house.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Sherry Abercrombie
>> >
>> > "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
>> > Arthur C. Clarke
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~   ~
> --
> Sherry Abercrombie
> "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
> Arthur C. Clarke

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Chinnery, Paul
We're not broke.  $14 trillion GDP.  I don't like the size of the nat'l
debt either but it's a bit of a stretch to say we're broke.
I'm not too worried about China dumping dollars as it would inflict a
massive hit to their nat'l economy which could lead to political trouble
on a large scale. 
What I do worry is the diplomatic pressure they could put on the
administration beause of holding a large share of Treasury bonds. 

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right now
there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.

Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it keeps 
> changing.
> What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because they 
> aren't renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Tim Vander Kooi
And the more you raise taxes on businesses and the "rich", the more incentive 
you give them to move out of the US and set up business elsewhere. Why do you 
think that all the automotive makers are moving out of Michigan and to low tax 
areas like Kentucky, Alabama, etc.? Is it because Kentucky has a better 
workforce? No, it's because they are offered better tax incentives. Meanwhile 
the people of MI are buying the politicians bunk that taxes need to be raised 
in order to better support the poor. At the rate they are going the whole state 
will be poor very shortly and then who do they raise taxes on?
Obama is being very honest when he tells everyone that he intends to help grow 
the middle-class of this country. He grand illusion is the fact that no one 
seems to care that he plans to grow the middle-class by bringing the 
upper-class down into the middle, not by bringing the lower-class up.

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> > changing.
> >
> >
> >
> > What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> aren't
> > renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
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This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential 
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addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this communication by 
anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you are not 
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destroy all copies of the original message.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread John Cook
Mas cerveza!
John W. Cook
Systems Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
Painfully sent to you from my Blackberry

From: Ziots, Edward
To: NT System Admin Issues
Sent: Fri Oct 31 12:22:11 2008
Subject: RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth
Yes we have visited there before, and I still think you had a chance with that 
thai waitress…


From: John Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

It's at Margaritaville!
John W. Cook
Systems Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
Painfully sent to you from my Blackberry

From: Ziots, Edward
To: NT System Admin Issues
Sent: Fri Oct 31 10:28:21 2008
Subject: RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth
+2 save me a seat… Is the funny Farm in Fl? It certainly aint funny up here ☺


Edward E. Ziots
Network Engineer
Lifespan Organization
Phone: 401-639-3505

From: John Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:04 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

To the funny farm...
John W. Cook
Systems Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
Painfully sent to you from my Blackberry

From: Michael B. Smith
To: NT System Admin Issues
Sent: Fri Oct 31 09:58:38 2008
Subject: RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth
They’re coming to take you away ha-ha,
They’re coming to take you away!


Be very afraid…

Happy Halloween!

From: Sherry Abercrombie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort Worthian, 
it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about 11:25 last night 
thinking I had heard something outside or that something had hit the house.

Sherry Abercrombie

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The information transmitted, or contained or 
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Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need 

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Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need 

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Tim Vander Kooi
And which principles would those be???

From: MarvinC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:12 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

So themz demokratz are the one's responsible for this trillion $$$ debt?!
In the end I don't think it matters how jacked up this economy is as I think 
most people simply want certain "things to remain the same". Inserting the term 
"socialist" into Obama's campaign is kinda silly when you consider the 
principles upon which this country was built.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:03 PM, Rod Trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oh, yeah - there'll be a LOT of change.  Not necessarily the kind you want, 
though, realizing that Obama's party has been in control for the past 2 years 
already.  We already have a taste.

From: MarvinC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:56 AM

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

People that make this type of argument seem to have no issues with the way 
things are going but complain about the way things are going. From the looks of 
it people on both ends of the income spectrum are pushing this concept. It 
doesn't mean it will work but as a small business owner making less than 
200,000 I don't see any harm in trying it. I don't believe in trickle-down 
economics but in the end we have to try something. Irregardless of what plan is 
offered someone will find something wrong it. The morale is that there's no 
"perfect" plan as it's all a test and as far as I'm concerned everything from 
this point forward is a test. The government bailing out the companies, a good 
idea, but it was a test and we're still waiting to see what good will come from 
it. Obama's plan for change is a test. That other guys' plans are stagnent and 
represent the same failures that got us to this point.

In the end I say vote for Nader or Obama as they both "supposedly" represent 

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2

> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> > changing.
> >
> >
> >
> > What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> aren't
> > renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a r

Re: Users that do not regularly save.

2008-10-31 Thread Devin Meade
CTL+S or ALT+F+S is your friend.

My reaction is normally listen; blink; blink; blink.   Whoo am I in a mood
today, must be the alergy medicine.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:50 AM, Phillip Partipilo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What is your guys opinion on the users that come to you saying something
> like "My computer crash and I lost 4 hours of work"?  I think that is
> complete utter horse derrier.  Even if I modify one single line of code in
> a
> program I am writing, I hit CTRL-S.  It's not ROCKET SCIENCE.  Computers
> crash.  That's part of life.
> Phillip Partipilo
> Parametric Solutions Inc.
> Jupiter, Florida
> (561) 747-6107
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread Sherry Abercrombie
I didn't actually know what it was until I heard about it on the radio this
morning on my way to work.  Interestingly, what I heard on the radio is not
included in that link, they (meaning the USGS) are wondering if it is linked
to all the drilling for natural gas that has absolutely exploded in our
area, including urban drilling.  There are at least 5 or 6 wells that have
been or are being drilled within a 2 mile radius of my home.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr <

> Wow! I've always wondered what that would be like...
> --
> ME2
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Sherry Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort
> Worthian,
> > it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about 11:25 last
> > night thinking I had heard something outside or that something had hit
> the
> > house.
> >
> > --
> > Sherry Abercrombie
> >
> > "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
> > Arthur C. Clarke
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

Sherry Abercrombie

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Andy Shook
Agreed.  When the housing boom was in full swing, I was working at a real 
estate law firm.  We had people coming in all the time at the ENCOURAGEMENT of 
the LENDERS making ~$45k/year combined in a brand new tricked out Escalade 
"buying" a $350,000 home on a 40yr mortgage interest only payments with all 
closing costs rolled into the note.  Absolutely disgusting..."for the love of 
money is the root of all evil."


From: Sherry Abercrombie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:23 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

Which is why so many people are in foreclosure on their homes, they bit off way 
more than they could afford to.
On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:17 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
Being in a situation where you cannot pay off all of your debt is the
same as being broke in my book.

I beleive that thinking otherwise is what puts so many people in
financial straits.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Chinnery, Paul <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're not broke.  $14 trillion GDP.  I don't like the size of the nat'l
> debt either but it's a bit of a stretch to say we're broke.
> I'm not too worried about China dumping dollars as it would inflict a
> massive hit to their nat'l economy which could lead to political trouble
> on a large scale.
> What I do worry is the diplomatic pressure they could put on the
> administration beause of holding a large share of Treasury bonds.
> Paul Chinnery
> Network Administrator
> Memorial Medical Center
> 231-845-2319
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right now
> there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it keeps
>> changing.
>> What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because they
>> aren't renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~
>   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Sherry Abercrombie

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread gsweers
Actually you have to look at that more independently of a class of
people.  I agree that giving breaks to large businesses does not always
end up with more money in the US economy.  Although we have seen the
business smarts of most large organizations in recent days and all the
boards and CEO's need to be whipped with a cat of 9 tails and left to
bake in the sun for the evil they are doing...

The issue is that if you cut for the lower and middle class you have to
raise on the upper class.  That's distributing wealth based on status.  

Goto a universal tax and its fair for everyone.  Make more money you pay
more taxes but its straight across the board, make less and you pay
less.  Having someone who has worked harder and earns a higher salary
and making them pay a HIGHER PERCENTAGE simply because they have more is

Get educated in economics and you will see that trickle UP economics has
never worked without a large governing body that distributes the money
around fairly.  Hello Marxism.. Where is that familiar..Yes that's who
Obama studied to base his economic plans on.  What countries are doing
that now...How industrious or inventive are they in the world
economy...Who gets rich off that...The governing body..never the

Does anyone read history?  Study the last 3 or 4 world superpowers that
are long gone and you will see a direct parallel with what we are doing
now with where they were in the state of their fall.  

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> > changing.
> >
> >
> >
> > What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> aren't
> > renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
Confidentiality Notice: 


This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential
information and is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it
is addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this
communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the
sender by reply email, delete and destroy all copies of the original

~ Finally,

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Ziots, Edward
Either that and they didn't,. and the price of there house has dropped
so much it isn't worth staying in it. 


Trust me in that boat right now...




From: Sherry Abercrombie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:23 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?




~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Kelsay, Mark
TV's are not taxed.  You pay a TV license each year that funds the BBC.

By the way I am an American who lives and works here.  I last lived
outside of Boston.


-Original Message-
From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 31 October 2008 16:03
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

But that's your government adding taxes...BTW, you guys still get taxed
on tv's? 

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Kelsay, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:54 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

I am paying about $8 a gallon here in the UK.  No sympathy.

-Original Message-
Sent: 30 October 2008 21:47
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

Paid, 2.02 this morning (San Antonio Texas)

-Original Message-
From: Joe Heaton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:42 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

Lol, I paid $2.59 yesterday, and was thankful (California)

Joe Heaton
Employment Training Panel

-Original Message-
From: Rod Trent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:42 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

On the positive side -- I found gas at $1.89/gallon today.

-Original Message-
From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
days, at least.


Don Guyer
Systems Engineer
Information Services Department
Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
431 W. Lancaster Avenue
Devon, PA 19333
Ph: (610) 993-3299
Fax: (610) 650-5306

-Original Message-
From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...


Edward E. Ziots
Network Engineer
Lifespan Organization
Phone: 401-639-3505

-Original Message-
From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the most
socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other parts
of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI) TVK

-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying


Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal levels.
Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less for the
welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad thing - for
the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand him a
socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly IMO.  Our
economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Probably not a great day to retort on this, but you will either agree
> hunt me down..
> 2009 is going to be a bad year in the economy.   You don't bounce back
> a trillion dollar globalwide investment loss, the largest downslide in
> economy in over 70 years and a huge unemployment number..
> I also don't care who is the President, they are not going to fix our 
> problem.  The president is a part of the checks and balances when it
> to the bills congress puts through, and yes he has an agenda and will
> it with Congress;  making it harder or easier to pass bills..Good or
> I can also tell you that I will be voting for McCain for  the simple
> that Obama is moving this country toward a socialized economy no
matter how
> you dress up the words.  He wants to increase the taxes for me as a
> owner and redistribute it in the form of higher taxes and a bloated 
> government.  Not to mention his provision for bring in illegals and
> them a driver license, benefits, social security(Which who will pay
> that? You and I that's who).  The welfare system kicked into high
> did not work 

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Andy Shook
Yes it is...I love Luther and I would consider myself reformed in my theology, 
however, the 95 thesis aren't that much fun to read. :) 


-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:20 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

Bah, you're no fun. Its Reformation Day after all!


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Andy Shook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Absolutely pitiful...
> Shook
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:14 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> You measure your gas in groups of baby animals?
> --
> ME2
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Stefan Jafs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We are just going below $0.90 / liter from a high of $1.40 in the summer.
>> ___
>> Stefan Jafs
>> From: Joe Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:18 AM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
>> I've seen gas around here (Buffalo, NY) for $2.99/gal.
>> Joe Fox
>> Systems/Network Administrator
>> Mobile# (716) 846-9308
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:08 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> No argument here!  We wuz bamboozled!
>> --
>> ME2
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:01 AM, Ziots, Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> LOL they shouldn't have been in it anyways, it should have been the RED
>>> SOX,
>>> But still was rooting for the Phillies to take it was too sweet to
>>> see.
>>> Z
>>> Edward E. Ziots
>>> Network Engineer
>>> Lifespan Organization
>>> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
>>> Phone: 401-639-3505
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>>> decisions?
>>> I feel for you.  I would have thought before the series that they
>>> would have taken it.
>>> --
>>> ME2
>>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Just rub it in, My Rays lost...All the world is falling apart

 -Original Message-
 From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

 Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
 Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
 days, at least.


 Don Guyer
 Systems Engineer
 Information Services Department
 Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
 431 W. Lancaster Avenue
 Devon, PA 19333
 Ph: (610) 993-3299
 Fax: (610) 650-5306

 -Original Message-
 From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

 It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...


 Edward E. Ziots
 Network Engineer
 Lifespan Organization
 Phone: 401-639-3505

 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

 For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the
>>> most
 socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
 the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other
>>> parts
 of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying


 Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal
 levels. Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less
 for the welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad
 thing - for the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand
 him a socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly
 IMO.  Our economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.



Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Sherry Abercrombie
Which is why so many people are in foreclosure on their homes, they bit off
way more than they could afford to.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:17 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr <

> Being in a situation where you cannot pay off all of your debt is the
> same as being broke in my book.
> I beleive that thinking otherwise is what puts so many people in
> financial straits.
> --
> ME2
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Chinnery, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We're not broke.  $14 trillion GDP.  I don't like the size of the nat'l
> > debt either but it's a bit of a stretch to say we're broke.
> > I'm not too worried about China dumping dollars as it would inflict a
> > massive hit to their nat'l economy which could lead to political trouble
> > on a large scale.
> > What I do worry is the diplomatic pressure they could put on the
> > administration beause of holding a large share of Treasury bonds.
> >
> >
> > Paul Chinnery
> > Network Administrator
> > Memorial Medical Center
> > 231-845-2319
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
> > To: NT System Admin Issues
> > Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> >
> > We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> > they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right now
> > there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> > financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> >
> > Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> >
> > --
> > ME2
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it keeps
> >> changing.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because they
> >> aren't renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> >
> > ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~
> >   ~
> >
> >
> >
> > ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> > ~   ~
> >
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

Sherry Abercrombie

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Peter Rabe
Trickle-down effect - When the economy tanks the first people to suffer
are those who have little because they received little, a trickle, when
the economy was good.  Those who have money to invest, invest minimally
in expansion during an economic downturn as they are protecting their

-Original Message-
From: Chinnery, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 31, 2008 11:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

But for businesses to expand, build new factories, etc. they need
capital. For that they have to go to the marketplace either thru
commercial paper, IPO's or other financial instruments.  Increasing
taxes on those who supply that capital means less capital to go around.

Taxing businesses is a false argument.  Businesses don't pay for
anything. Their customers do.  Also, there are a lot of dollars overseas
because the cost (tax) to repatriate those dollars is very high.  So,
the companies keep the money over there.
Yes, the rich put the money away. In investments, bonds, stock market,

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the 
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe

> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right 
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to 
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> > changing.
> >
> >
> >
> > What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> aren't
> > renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>   ~
Confidentiality Notice: 


This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential
information and is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it
is addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this
communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the
sender by reply email, delete and destroy all copies of the original

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful end

RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread Ziots, Edward
Yes we have visited there before, and I still think you had a chance
with that thai waitress...




From: John Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth


It's at Margaritaville! 
John W. Cook 
Systems Administrator 
Partnership For Strong Families 
Painfully sent to you from my Blackberry

From: Ziots, Edward 
To: NT System Admin Issues 
Sent: Fri Oct 31 10:28:21 2008
Subject: RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth 

+2 save me a seat... Is the funny Farm in Fl? It certainly aint funny up
here :-) 




Edward E. Ziots

Network Engineer

Lifespan Organization


Phone: 401-639-3505

From: John Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:04 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth


To the funny farm... 
John W. Cook 
Systems Administrator 
Partnership For Strong Families 
Painfully sent to you from my Blackberry

From: Michael B. Smith 
To: NT System Admin Issues 
Sent: Fri Oct 31 09:58:38 2008
Subject: RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth 

They're coming to take you away ha-ha,

They're coming to take you away!




Be very afraid...


Happy Halloween!


From: Sherry Abercrombie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort
Worthian, it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about
11:25 last night thinking I had heard something outside or that
something had hit the house.

Sherry Abercrombie

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." 
Arthur C. Clarke







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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
Wow! I've always wondered what that would be like...


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Sherry Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort Worthian,
> it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about 11:25 last
> night thinking I had heard something outside or that something had hit the
> house.
> --
> Sherry Abercrombie
> "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
> Arthur C. Clarke

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
Bah, you're no fun. Its Reformation Day after all!


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Andy Shook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Absolutely pitiful...
> Shook
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:14 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> You measure your gas in groups of baby animals?
> --
> ME2
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Stefan Jafs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We are just going below $0.90 / liter from a high of $1.40 in the summer.
>> ___
>> Stefan Jafs
>> From: Joe Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:18 AM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
>> I've seen gas around here (Buffalo, NY) for $2.99/gal.
>> Joe Fox
>> Systems/Network Administrator
>> Mobile# (716) 846-9308
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:08 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> No argument here!  We wuz bamboozled!
>> --
>> ME2
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:01 AM, Ziots, Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> LOL they shouldn't have been in it anyways, it should have been the RED
>>> SOX,
>>> But still was rooting for the Phillies to take it was too sweet to
>>> see.
>>> Z
>>> Edward E. Ziots
>>> Network Engineer
>>> Lifespan Organization
>>> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
>>> Phone: 401-639-3505
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>>> decisions?
>>> I feel for you.  I would have thought before the series that they
>>> would have taken it.
>>> --
>>> ME2
>>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Just rub it in, My Rays lost...All the world is falling apart

 -Original Message-
 From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

 Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
 Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
 days, at least.


 Don Guyer
 Systems Engineer
 Information Services Department
 Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
 431 W. Lancaster Avenue
 Devon, PA 19333
 Ph: (610) 993-3299
 Fax: (610) 650-5306

 -Original Message-
 From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

 It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...


 Edward E. Ziots
 Network Engineer
 Lifespan Organization
 Phone: 401-639-3505

 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

 For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the
>>> most
 socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
 the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other
>>> parts
 of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying


 Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal
 levels. Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less
 for the welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad
 thing - for the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand
 him a socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly
 IMO.  Our economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.


 On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Probably not a great day to retort on this, but you will either agree
> hunt me down..
> 2009 is going to be a bad year in the economy.   You don't bounce
>>> back
> a trillion dollar globalwide investment loss, the largest downslide
>>> in

Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
Being in a situation where you cannot pay off all of your debt is the
same as being broke in my book.

I beleive that thinking otherwise is what puts so many people in
financial straits.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Chinnery, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're not broke.  $14 trillion GDP.  I don't like the size of the nat'l
> debt either but it's a bit of a stretch to say we're broke.
> I'm not too worried about China dumping dollars as it would inflict a
> massive hit to their nat'l economy which could lead to political trouble
> on a large scale.
> What I do worry is the diplomatic pressure they could put on the
> administration beause of holding a large share of Treasury bonds.
> Paul Chinnery
> Network Administrator
> Memorial Medical Center
> 231-845-2319
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right now
> there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it keeps
>> changing.
>> What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because they
>> aren't renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~
>   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Chinnery, Paul
But for businesses to expand, build new factories, etc. they need
capital. For that they have to go to the marketplace either thru
commercial paper, IPO's or other financial instruments.  Increasing
taxes on those who supply that capital means less capital to go around.

Taxing businesses is a false argument.  Businesses don't pay for
anything. Their customers do.  Also, there are a lot of dollars overseas
because the cost (tax) to repatriate those dollars is very high.  So,
the companies keep the money over there.
Yes, the rich put the money away. In investments, bonds, stock market,

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the 
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe

> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right 
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to 
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> > changing.
> >
> >
> >
> > What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> aren't
> > renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~ 
>   ~
Confidentiality Notice: 


This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential
information and is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it
is addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this
communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the
sender by reply email, delete and destroy all copies of the original

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
You measure your gas in groups of baby animals?


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Stefan Jafs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are just going below $0.90 / liter from a high of $1.40 in the summer.
> ___
> Stefan Jafs
> From: Joe Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:18 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> I've seen gas around here (Buffalo, NY) for $2.99/gal.
> Joe Fox
> Systems/Network Administrator
> Mobile# (716) 846-9308
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:08 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No argument here!  We wuz bamboozled!
> --
> ME2
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:01 AM, Ziots, Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> LOL they shouldn't have been in it anyways, it should have been the RED
>> SOX,
>> But still was rooting for the Phillies to take it was too sweet to
>> see.
>> Z
>> Edward E. Ziots
>> Network Engineer
>> Lifespan Organization
>> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
>> Phone: 401-639-3505
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> I feel for you.  I would have thought before the series that they
>> would have taken it.
>> --
>> ME2
>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Just rub it in, My Rays lost...All the world is falling apart
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>>> decisions?
>>> Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
>>> Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
>>> days, at least.
>>> :)
>>> Don Guyer
>>> Systems Engineer
>>> Information Services Department
>>> Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
>>> 431 W. Lancaster Avenue
>>> Devon, PA 19333
>>> Ph: (610) 993-3299
>>> Fax: (610) 650-5306
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>>> decisions?
>>> It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...
>>> Z
>>> Edward E. Ziots
>>> Network Engineer
>>> Lifespan Organization
>>> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
>>> Phone: 401-639-3505
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>>> decisions?
>>> For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the
>> most
>>> socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
>>> the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other
>> parts
>>> of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI)
>>> TVK
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>>> decisions?
>>> roflwaffes.
>>> Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal
>>> levels. Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less
>>> for the welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad
>>> thing - for the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand
>>> him a socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly
>>> IMO.  Our economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.
>>> --
>>> ME2
>>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Probably not a great day to retort on this, but you will either agree
>>> or
 hunt me down..

 2009 is going to be a bad year in the economy.   You don't bounce
>> back
>>> from
 a trillion dollar globalwide investment loss, the largest downslide
>> in
>>> the
 economy in over 70 years and a huge unemployment number..

 I also don't care who is the President, they are not going to fix our
 problem.  The president is a part of the checks and balances when it
>>> comes
 to the bills congress puts through, and yes he has an agenda and will
>>> push
 it with Congress;  making it harder or easier to pass bills..Good or
>>> BAD.

 I can also tell you that I will be voting for McCain for  the simple
>>> fact
 that Obama is moving this country toward a socialized economy no
>>> matter how

Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread MarvinC
So themz demokratz are the one's responsible for this trillion $$$ debt?!
In the end I don't think it matters how jacked up this economy is as I think
most people simply want certain "things to remain the same". Inserting the
term "socialist" into Obama's campaign is kinda silly when you consider the
principles upon which this country was built.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:03 PM, Rod Trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Oh, yeah – there'll be a LOT of change.  Not necessarily the kind you
> want, though, realizing that Obama's party has been in control for the past
> 2 years already.  We already have a taste.
> *From:* MarvinC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Friday, October 31, 2008 11:56 AM
> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
> *Subject:* Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> People that make this type of argument seem to have no issues with the way
> things are going but complain about the way things are going. From the looks
> of it people on both ends of the income spectrum are pushing this concept.
> It doesn't mean it will work but as a small business owner making less than
> 200,000 I don't see any harm in trying it. I don't believe in trickle-down
> economics but in the end we have to try something. Irregardless of what plan
> is offered someone will find something wrong it. The morale is that there's
> no "perfect" plan as it's all a test and as far as I'm concerned everything
> from this point forward is a test. The government bailing out the companies,
> a good idea, but it was a test and we're still waiting to see what good will
> come from it. Obama's plan for change is a test. That other guys' plans are
> stagnent and represent the same failures that got us to this point.
> In the end I say vote for Nader or Obama as they both "supposedly"
> represent "Change".
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
> work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
> way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
> who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
> investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.
> If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
> just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
> away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
> generates, that doesn't help us either.
> Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
> businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
> increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.
> Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
> you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
> of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
> wanting you to believe it.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> > To: NT System Admin Issues
>   > Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> >
> > Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> to
> > the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> has
> > caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the
> > federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> (even
> > honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> > TVK
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> > To: NT System Admin Issues
> > Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> >
> > We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> > they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
> > now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> > financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> >
> > Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> >
> > --
> > ME2
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> keeps
> > > changing.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> they
> > aren't
> > > renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> >
> > ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> > ~   ~
> >
> > ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> > ~   ~
> Confidentiality Notice:
> --
> This communication, incl

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Chinnery, Paul
Treasury bonds.  And he didn't accumulate all that debt during his
adminstration. US government has been running up a tab all the way back
to the early 60's when LBJ decided he wanted guns AND butter. (Kudos to
the Clinton/Gingrich team who did give us a surplus for a couple years.)
Although it is the people who vote for their representatives.  So, in
the end, the people are the ones to blame.  We want a balanced budget
but we like tax cuts, entitlement programs, etc. etc. 

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Phil Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 7:21 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

I really don't want to get into this. But I'm asking everyone just one

Where is the money coming from to pay off the 4 Trillion GW is leaving
us? The Gov doesn't make things to sell and they're not in business.


-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right now
there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.

Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it keeps 
> changing.
> What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because they 
> aren't renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars

2008-10-31 Thread gsweers
We are doing it for a few clients and it works.  Just make sure you have
4GB of memory.  Its another memory sucking process.


From: Carl Houseman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars


Ah, I played with it some more based on your comment and now see how
linking works.  Thanks for the tutorial and field notes.


Any issues for hosting the MSSMLBIZ SQL server on SBS 2003?  (anyone?)




Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:21 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars


BCM doesn't care about where the calendar is or whom.  You link the
record to an account or contact.  Once it is linked there are many tabs
available to search based on various criteria, all in the Outlook


The horror is mostly speed and usability.  It worked great for the first
few months, but after our database continued to grow it got really slow
and practically unusuable.  We do link it with Office Accounting to
track time and generate invoices.  

We even moved it to a dedicated 2005 SQL Std Server with 4 GB ram and
its own Raid 10 array just to see if the performance would increase, and
it was so marginal I couldn't believe it.  Its just slow...

For just doing BCM stuff and non Accounting stuff I would imagine you
would be fine.  We are entering about 100 calendar items a week,
tracking at least 300 to 400 emails to those clients a week and
generating all of the invoicing and relevant material to go with it.


I think we just outgrew it.


From: Carl Houseman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 3:12 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars


Hmm... feel free to post some cliff notes on the horror... meanwhile...


How do you tell BCM to use a public calendar?


The application is keeping track of client information and appt.
history.  There will one person using BCM and all of the employees who
have appts. with clients are using just Outlook and checking their
personal calendars for these appts.   The BCM-person wants to look at a
client record and see the appt. history regardless of which employee is
responsible for that client. 


thanks much,



Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:45 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars may I tell you the horror...


But to answer your question.  We use a Public Calendar and then we
invite the individual to whom is required to do the work.  This way the
admin has a centralized calendar that we can see easily and each person
gets it on their own, which is advantageous for BB, Windows Mobile,
etc.. using categories and such you can easily create multiple views for
different people on the centralized calendar.


You can do a reoccurring calendar appt, but you cannot bill it if you
are using Office Accounting to track time and generate invoices.



From: Carl Houseman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:03 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: BCM - manage customer appts. on alternate calendars


I've got all of 15 minutes of BCM use under my belt, but I'm not seeing
a way to select the calendar that business contacts will use for
appointments.  This is the Outlook 2007 BCM.


For example, an assistant using BCM and managing a calendar for several
other people.  Each contact should be able to specify which calendar
that contact's appointments would appear on.  Is that possible, and if
so where/how?


thanks all...


















~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Rod Trent
Oh, yeah - there'll be a LOT of change.  Not necessarily the kind you want,
though, realizing that Obama's party has been in control for the past 2
years already.  We already have a taste.


From: MarvinC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:56 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?


People that make this type of argument seem to have no issues with the way
things are going but complain about the way things are going. From the looks
of it people on both ends of the income spectrum are pushing this concept.
It doesn't mean it will work but as a small business owner making less than
200,000 I don't see any harm in trying it. I don't believe in trickle-down
economics but in the end we have to try something. Irregardless of what plan
is offered someone will find something wrong it. The morale is that there's
no "perfect" plan as it's all a test and as far as I'm concerned everything
from this point forward is a test. The government bailing out the companies,
a good idea, but it was a test and we're still waiting to see what good will
come from it. Obama's plan for change is a test. That other guys' plans are
stagnent and represent the same failures that got us to this point. 


In the end I say vote for Nader or Obama as they both "supposedly" represent


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues

> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> > changing.
> >
> >
> >
> > What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> aren't
> > renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

Confidentiality Notice:


This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential
information and is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is
addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this communication by
anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you are
not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email, delete
and destroy all copies of the original message.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~




~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Chinnery, Paul
But that's your government adding taxes...BTW, you guys still get taxed
on tv's? 

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Kelsay, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:54 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

I am paying about $8 a gallon here in the UK.  No sympathy.

-Original Message-
Sent: 30 October 2008 21:47
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

Paid, 2.02 this morning (San Antonio Texas)

-Original Message-
From: Joe Heaton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:42 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

Lol, I paid $2.59 yesterday, and was thankful (California)

Joe Heaton
Employment Training Panel

-Original Message-
From: Rod Trent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:42 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

On the positive side -- I found gas at $1.89/gallon today.

-Original Message-
From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
days, at least.


Don Guyer
Systems Engineer
Information Services Department
Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
431 W. Lancaster Avenue
Devon, PA 19333
Ph: (610) 993-3299
Fax: (610) 650-5306

-Original Message-
From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...


Edward E. Ziots
Network Engineer
Lifespan Organization
Phone: 401-639-3505

-Original Message-
From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the most
socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other parts
of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI) TVK

-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying


Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal levels.
Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less for the
welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad thing - for
the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand him a
socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly IMO.  Our
economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Probably not a great day to retort on this, but you will either agree
> hunt me down..
> 2009 is going to be a bad year in the economy.   You don't bounce back
> a trillion dollar globalwide investment loss, the largest downslide in
> economy in over 70 years and a huge unemployment number..
> I also don't care who is the President, they are not going to fix our 
> problem.  The president is a part of the checks and balances when it
> to the bills congress puts through, and yes he has an agenda and will
> it with Congress;  making it harder or easier to pass bills..Good or
> I can also tell you that I will be voting for McCain for  the simple
> that Obama is moving this country toward a socialized economy no
matter how
> you dress up the words.  He wants to increase the taxes for me as a
> owner and redistribute it in the form of higher taxes and a bloated 
> government.  Not to mention his provision for bring in illegals and
> them a driver license, benefits, social security(Which who will pay
> that? You and I that's who).  The welfare system kicked into high
> did not work my butt off 60 to 70 hours a week to have someone who
wants to
> sit on their butt for a year and take 60% welfare checks because
> doesn't pay as much... among other personal value decisions..
> If you have worked hard and saved you should not be penalized and your

> wealth redistributed simply because someone does not have as much.
The very
> essence of this co

Re: Cisco --> ISA

2008-10-31 Thread Jon Harris
I am working on setting up an ASA 5505 at the moment.  Depending on the
license you have will somewhat change your setup I am finding.  I had to
order 3 books from Amazon to finish it up.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:00 PM, MarvinC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Would anyone happen to have any steps for configuring a Cisco 5505? I have
> one that I'd like to either replace my existing ISA 2004 server with or sit
> it in front of the ISA server.
> tia

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Chinnery, Paul
MI..socialist?  News to me and I've lived here all my life. I'm also a
bit right of center.  But I'll agree it's more liberal-oriented than
other states. I guess we can thank the UAW/Detroit for that (altho both
have gone downhill since the 60's when the Big 3 were an important part
of the US economy.

Paul Chinnery
Network Administrator
Memorial Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying

For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the most
socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other parts
of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI) TVK

-Original Message-
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying


Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal levels.
Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less for the
welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad thing - for
the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand him a
socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly IMO.  Our
economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Probably not a great day to retort on this, but you will either agree 
> or hunt me down..
> 2009 is going to be a bad year in the economy.   You don't bounce back
> a trillion dollar globalwide investment loss, the largest downslide in

> the economy in over 70 years and a huge unemployment number..
> I also don't care who is the President, they are not going to fix our 
> problem.  The president is a part of the checks and balances when it 
> comes to the bills congress puts through, and yes he has an agenda and

> will push it with Congress;  making it harder or easier to pass
bills..Good or BAD.
> I can also tell you that I will be voting for McCain for  the simple 
> fact that Obama is moving this country toward a socialized economy no 
> matter how you dress up the words.  He wants to increase the taxes for

> me as a business owner and redistribute it in the form of higher taxes

> and a bloated government.  Not to mention his provision for bring in 
> illegals and giving them a driver license, benefits, social 
> security(Which who will pay for that? You and I that's who).  The 
> welfare system kicked into high gear.I did not work my butt off 60

> to 70 hours a week to have someone who wants to sit on their butt for 
> a year and take 60% welfare checks because McDonalds doesn't pay as
much... among other personal value decisions..
> If you have worked hard and saved you should not be penalized and your

> wealth redistributed simply because someone does not have as much.  
> The very essence of this country was built upon hardwork and 
> ingenuity, those who don't want to work and work hard are not entitled

> to the benefits of wealth from those that do.  Also provide 100% 
> healthcare..A noble goal, but the reality is that 100% healthcare is 
> universal socialization and everyone paying a large piece to 
> redistribute to everyone else who doesn't and the quality of care 
> drops.  Look at France...They pay CSG and CDRS(Healthcare, Social 
> Security) taxes against their income and then their tax bracket after
those taxes is up to 50%, this can equate to 60%+ of your income to
> Oh and to further my soapbox, One of the largest reasons we are where 
> we are is a lack of personal responsibility (Mostly Wall Street and 
> the Banks being greedy and making bad business decisions) and then 
> demanding that our government pay for the mistakes of business owners,

> people who buy homes and cars we had no business buying, and saying, 
> "Save me, I am a stupid person who takes no responsibility or my 
> actions, but I will vote for whoever is going to promise me
> Remember this.  "A Government large enough to give you everything you 
> want, is a government large enough to take everything you have." -- 
> Henry Ford
> Ok off soapbox, back to regularly scheduled tech support.
> From: Benjamin Zachary - Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 12:37 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> The college educational system which has grown by 440% in costs should

> be able to not be cutting budgets. IMO
> I think no matter who the President is everything will be better 
> afterwards, whether we get the big spender and everyone sells stuff to

> the govt and we can cut out healthcare and use 

Cisco --> ISA

2008-10-31 Thread MarvinC
Would anyone happen to have any steps for configuring a Cisco 5505? I have
one that I'd like to either replace my existing ISA 2004 server with or sit
it in front of the ISA server.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread Tim Vander Kooi
Where life is beautiful all the time!

From: John Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

It's at Margaritaville!
John W. Cook
Systems Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
Painfully sent to you from my Blackberry

From: Ziots, Edward
To: NT System Admin Issues
Sent: Fri Oct 31 10:28:21 2008
Subject: RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth
+2 save me a seat… Is the funny Farm in Fl? It certainly aint funny up here ☺


Edward E. Ziots
Network Engineer
Lifespan Organization
Phone: 401-639-3505

From: John Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:04 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

To the funny farm...
John W. Cook
Systems Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
Painfully sent to you from my Blackberry

From: Michael B. Smith
To: NT System Admin Issues
Sent: Fri Oct 31 09:58:38 2008
Subject: RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth
They’re coming to take you away ha-ha,
They’re coming to take you away!


Be very afraid…

Happy Halloween!

From: Sherry Abercrombie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort Worthian, 
it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about 11:25 last night 
thinking I had heard something outside or that something had hit the house.

Sherry Abercrombie

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The information transmitted, or contained or 
attached to or with this Notice is intended only for the person or entity to 
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dissemination, or other use of, and taking any action in reliance upon this 
information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient without 
the express written consent of the sender are prohibited. This information may 
be protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 
(HIPAA), and other Federal and Florida laws. Improper or unauthorized use or 
disclosure of this information could result in civil and/or criminal penalties.
Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need 

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be protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 
(HIPAA), and other Federal and Florida laws. Improper or unauthorized use or 
disclosure of this information could result in civil and/or criminal penalties.
Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need 

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread MarvinC
People that make this type of argument seem to have no issues with the way
things are going but complain about the way things are going. From the looks
of it people on both ends of the income spectrum are pushing this concept.
It doesn't mean it will work but as a small business owner making less than
200,000 I don't see any harm in trying it. I don't believe in trickle-down
economics but in the end we have to try something. Irregardless of what plan
is offered someone will find something wrong it. The morale is that there's
no "perfect" plan as it's all a test and as far as I'm concerned everything
from this point forward is a test. The government bailing out the companies,
a good idea, but it was a test and we're still waiting to see what good will
come from it. Obama's plan for change is a test. That other guys' plans are
stagnent and represent the same failures that got us to this point.

In the end I say vote for Nader or Obama as they both "supposedly" represent

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
> work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
> way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
> who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
> investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.
> If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
> just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
> away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
> generates, that doesn't help us either.
> Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
> businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
> increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.
> Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
> you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
> of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
> wanting you to believe it.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> > To: NT System Admin Issues
>  > Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> >
> > Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> to
> > the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> has
> > caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the
> > federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> (even
> > honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> > TVK
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> > To: NT System Admin Issues
> > Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> >
> > We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> > they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
> > now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> > financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> >
> > Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> >
> > --
> > ME2
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> keeps
> > > changing.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> they
> > aren't
> > > renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> >
> > ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> > ~   ~
> >
> > ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> > ~   ~
> Confidentiality Notice:
> --
> This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential
> information and is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is
> addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this communication by
> anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you are
> not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email, delete
> and destroy all copies of the original message.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Users that do not regularly save.

2008-10-31 Thread Tim Vander Kooi
We enable Auto-Save for Office apps via GPO, so we do what we can. Beyond that 
our users have all been told, and trained, that saving is their responsibility 
and not the responsibility of the IT department. Once they've been burned the 
first time, they usually learn real quickly.

-Original Message-
From: Phillip Partipilo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Users that do not regularly save.

What is your guys opinion on the users that come to you saying something
like "My computer crash and I lost 4 hours of work"?  I think that is
complete utter horse derrier.  Even if I modify one single line of code in a
program I am writing, I hit CTRL-S.  It's not ROCKET SCIENCE.  Computers
crash.  That's part of life.

Phillip Partipilo
Parametric Solutions Inc.
Jupiter, Florida
(561) 747-6107

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Users that do not regularly save.

2008-10-31 Thread Steve Ens
Also there is autosave built into Office.  I always amaze the users with
Shadow copy recoveries

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:50 AM, Phillip Partipilo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What is your guys opinion on the users that come to you saying something
> like "My computer crash and I lost 4 hours of work"?  I think that is
> complete utter horse derrier.  Even if I modify one single line of code in
> a
> program I am writing, I hit CTRL-S.  It's not ROCKET SCIENCE.  Computers
> crash.  That's part of life.
> Phillip Partipilo
> Parametric Solutions Inc.
> Jupiter, Florida
> (561) 747-6107
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Users that do not regularly save.

2008-10-31 Thread James Rankin
When the last idiot came up to me with this whinge, I enabled the Auto-Save
GPO. Luckily most of our stupidest users are in Finance, and spend most of
their time in Excel.

2008/10/31 Phillip Partipilo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What is your guys opinion on the users that come to you saying something
> like "My computer crash and I lost 4 hours of work"?  I think that is
> complete utter horse derrier.  Even if I modify one single line of code in
> a
> program I am writing, I hit CTRL-S.  It's not ROCKET SCIENCE.  Computers
> crash.  That's part of life.
> Phillip Partipilo
> Parametric Solutions Inc.
> Jupiter, Florida
> (561) 747-6107
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread John Cook
It's at Margaritaville!
John W. Cook
Systems Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
Painfully sent to you from my Blackberry

From: Ziots, Edward
To: NT System Admin Issues
Sent: Fri Oct 31 10:28:21 2008
Subject: RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth
+2 save me a seat… Is the funny Farm in Fl? It certainly aint funny up here ☺


Edward E. Ziots
Network Engineer
Lifespan Organization
Phone: 401-639-3505

From: John Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:04 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

To the funny farm...
John W. Cook
Systems Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
Painfully sent to you from my Blackberry

From: Michael B. Smith
To: NT System Admin Issues
Sent: Fri Oct 31 09:58:38 2008
Subject: RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth
They’re coming to take you away ha-ha,
They’re coming to take you away!


Be very afraid…

Happy Halloween!

From: Sherry Abercrombie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort Worthian, 
it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about 11:25 last night 
thinking I had heard something outside or that something had hit the house.

Sherry Abercrombie

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The information transmitted, or contained or 
attached to or with this Notice is intended only for the person or entity to 
which it is addressed and may contain Protected Health Information (PHI), 
confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, transmission, 
dissemination, or other use of, and taking any action in reliance upon this 
information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient without 
the express written consent of the sender are prohibited. This information may 
be protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 
(HIPAA), and other Federal and Florida laws. Improper or unauthorized use or 
disclosure of this information could result in civil and/or criminal penalties.
Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need 

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Non-techies clear out print jobs??

2008-10-31 Thread Devin Meade
FWIW, Have the non-techie fill out a help desk ticket for this.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 6:04 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr <

> Stopping a service is beyond what I'd allow a non-admin do, never mind
> a non-technical user.  If they need to restart the service, they can
> reboot.
> --
> ME2
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 6:53 AM, Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > We are talking about non-technical people who don't know what to do when
> > a job is stuck in the print queue.  They do what they are supposed to do
> > - use the GUI to clear the job from the queue - but it won't clear.
> >
> > Very often the only way to get it out is to stop the print spooler, go
> > into the in the Windows\system32\spool\printers folder and delete the
> > files, then restart the print spooler service.
> >
> > That is beyond what an average non-technical person can do on their
> > workstation, or what I would expect them to do.
> >
> > When the average J Doe is driving down the street and suddenly their
> > horn comes on and won't go off, even if they turn off the car, do you
> > expect them disassemble the air bag assembly, and try to fix the horn
> > switch or crawl around looking for a horn relay to fix, or do you think
> > they should go to their mechanic?
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Phil Brutsche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:10 AM
> > To: NT System Admin Issues
> > Subject: Re: Non-techies clear out print jobs??
> >
> > To go with the overused automotive analogy, there's a big difference
> > between an ASE-certified mechanic (many members of this list), a
> > driveway/back yard mechanic (the neighborhood "computer guy"), and the
> > average Mr John Doe driving down the street (an end user who knows their
> > way around the machine well enough to do what they need to but can't fix
> > them to save their life).
> >
> > To go with that analogy, we're talking about people who don't know how
> > to drive a car, and yet are being told to go drive one! Luckily,
> > improperly-operated computers don't kill & maim people.
> >
> > If they're unfamiliar enough with your operating environment to perform
> > basic tasks - or perform slightly more advanced tasks using written
> > instructions - they either need some form of training or let go and
> > replaced with someone who is.
> >
> > Even if the job isn't primarily geared towards IT work there's no excuse
> > for being unfamiliar with the dominant operating environment in the vast
> > majority of all environments, business and otherwise - Microsoft
> > Windows.
> >
> > We're coming up on the second decade of the century. A decade ago the
> > sort of thing we're talking about was considered acceptable. In a decade
> > or two it'll get to the point where there'll be no excuse for computer
> > illiteracy.
> >
> > Ralph Smith wrote:
> >> Wow.  They might be non-techies, but they might be good at their job -
> >> grief counselor, finding shelter for homeless people, stuff like that
> >> where they don't need to be technical.
> >
> > --
> >
> > Phil Brutsche
> >
> >
> > ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> > ~   ~
> > Confidentiality Notice:
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> > This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential
> information and is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is
> addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this communication by
> anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you are
> not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email, delete
> and destroy all copies of the original message.
> >
> > ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> > ~   ~
> >
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Terminal Server licensing mode

2008-10-31 Thread Steve Ens
I'm in the process of migrating users from 2K3 to 2K8 terminal server.  I've
got the roaming profiles created.  Is there an issue having both licensing
servers running at the same time? I don't see why it should though.  Also,
if I have Office 2007 installed on the new server, will the profiles be
smart enough to log them into a new version of Outlook automagically?

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Ralph Smith
I would think lowing taxes to increase government revenue would only
work if the money is funneled back into the US economy in a productive
way.  So if the money from tax cuts is distributed to big corporations
who use it to invest in offshore projects, and the benefits of that
investment stay mostly in that country, that doesn't really help us.

If you cut taxes on the very upper tier of the income brackets, and they
just put that money away to increase their personal capital or sock it
away in other countries so as to avoid paying taxes on the income it
generates, that doesn't help us either.

Now if you cut taxes for lower and middle class Americans, and small
businesses, they will spend that extra money.  Then it is productive and
increases demand, which produces jobs, and increases government revenue.

Anyway that's how I see it.  Trickle down economics doesn't work.  If
you believe the people who say it does, take a careful look at which end
of the income spectrum they are on - maybe they have a reason for
wanting you to believe it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> Except for the fact, that lowering taxes is how you increase revenue
> the government. Raising taxes lowers revenue. The problems that Bush
> caused are not due to tax cuts, but rather the fact that he grew the
> federal government faster and bigger than most liberals would have
> honest conservatives will tell you he stunk that one up).
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 5:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> We are a broke nation. We need a tax increase - like it or not.  Maybe
> they can be lowered again if/when we have another surplus. But right
> now there are nations (primarily China) who have the potential to
> financially dismantle us. They promise not to, but they could.
> Talking actual "cuts" in taxes is ludicrous.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Benjamin Zachary - Lists
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait was the tax increase at 250,000 , 200,000 or 150,000 ?? it
> > changing.
> >
> >
> >
> > What they ARENT mentioning is EVERYONES taxes will go up because
> aren't
> > renewing the Bush Tax Cut in 2010.
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~   ~
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destroy all copies of the original message.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: WSUS 3.0 SP1

2008-10-31 Thread Roger Wright
I had to use a different port for my WSUS setup, so client machines have
to point to http://WSUSservername:8530


Then ran GPUPDATE /FORCE on all client machines and now they're checking




Roger Wright

Network Administrator

Evatone, Inc.

727.572.7076  x388



From: KC Carter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: WSUS 3.0 SP1


I installed WSUS 3.0 SP1 and created the GPO to point the client
computers to the WSUS server yesterday morning.  I only have 7 computers
out of  171 showing up and my concern is the client side targeting URL
that I am using is hosting another website that I was not aware of.
When I installed IIS component of WSUS I used the default settings and
that URL was already being used for an intranet site.  My question is
does it matter if that URL http://servername   is
being used?  Can I change the settings in IIS to something else or would
it just be easier to reinstall and change it there?


My GPO for my clients point to htt://servername and I checked the
registry on a dozen computers and it's pointed correctly but not showing
up in the WSUS console.




KC Carter

System Administrator








~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

2008-10-31 Thread Ziots, Edward
+2 save me a seat... Is the funny Farm in Fl? It certainly aint funny up
here :-) 




Edward E. Ziots

Network Engineer

Lifespan Organization


Phone: 401-639-3505

From: John Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:04 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth


To the funny farm... 
John W. Cook 
Systems Administrator 
Partnership For Strong Families 
Painfully sent to you from my Blackberry

From: Michael B. Smith 
To: NT System Admin Issues 
Sent: Fri Oct 31 09:58:38 2008
Subject: RE: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth 

They're coming to take you away ha-ha,

They're coming to take you away!




Be very afraid...


Happy Halloween!


From: Sherry Abercrombie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Earthquakes Hit Dallas/Fort Worth

So, for you Californians, not a big deal, but for this native Fort
Worthian, it's a pretty major deal especially since I woke up at about
11:25 last night thinking I had heard something outside or that
something had hit the house.

Sherry Abercrombie

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." 
Arthur C. Clarke







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Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you
really need to.



~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: WSUS 3.0 SP1

2008-10-31 Thread Tim Vander Kooi
Change the port on the WSUS server and then update your GPO to point to 

From: KC Carter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: WSUS 3.0 SP1

I installed WSUS 3.0 SP1 and created the GPO to point the client computers to 
the WSUS server yesterday morning.  I only have 7 computers out of  171 showing 
up and my concern is the client side targeting URL that I am using is hosting 
another website that I was not aware of.  When I installed IIS component of 
WSUS I used the default settings and that URL was already being used for an 
intranet site.  My question is does it matter if that URL 
http://servername is being used?  Can I change the settings 
in IIS to something else or would it just be easier to reinstall and change it 

My GPO for my clients point to htt://servername and I checked the registry on a 
dozen computers and it's pointed correctly but not showing up in the WSUS 


KC Carter
System Administrator

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

WSUS 3.0 SP1

2008-10-31 Thread KC Carter
I installed WSUS 3.0 SP1 and created the GPO to point the client computers to 
the WSUS server yesterday morning.  I only have 7 computers out of  171 showing 
up and my concern is the client side targeting URL that I am using is hosting 
another website that I was not aware of.  When I installed IIS component of 
WSUS I used the default settings and that URL was already being used for an 
intranet site.  My question is does it matter if that URL 
http://servername is being used?  Can I change the settings 
in IIS to something else or would it just be easier to reinstall and change it 

My GPO for my clients point to htt://servername and I checked the registry on a 
dozen computers and it's pointed correctly but not showing up in the WSUS 


KC Carter
System Administrator

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?

2008-10-31 Thread Kelsay, Mark
£.99 around here in South Wales.  £1.35 during the peak of the summer.  Price 
per liter.





From: Stefan Jafs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 31 October 2008 13:47
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?


We are just going below $0.90 / liter from a high of $1.40 in the summer.



Stefan Jafs


From: Joe Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:18 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?


I've seen gas around here (Buffalo, NY) for $2.99/gal.

Joe Fox
Systems/Network Administrator

Mobile# (716) 846-9308

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:08 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No argument here!  We wuz bamboozled!


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:01 AM, Ziots, Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> LOL they shouldn't have been in it anyways, it should have been the RED
> SOX,
> But still was rooting for the Phillies to take it was too sweet to
> see.
> Z
> Edward E. Ziots
> Network Engineer
> Lifespan Organization
> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
> Phone: 401-639-3505
> -Original Message-
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:23 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
> decisions?
> I feel for you.  I would have thought before the series that they
> would have taken it.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just rub it in, My Rays lost...All the world is falling apart
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Don Guyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:39 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> Wellthe economy pretty much sucks here in PA too, BUT the
>> Phillies just won the World Series, so the pain is numbed for a few
>> days, at least.
>> :)
>> Don Guyer
>> Systems Engineer
>> Information Services Department
>> Prudential Fox Roach/ Trident
>> 431 W. Lancaster Avenue
>> Devon, PA 19333
>> Ph: (610) 993-3299
>> Fax: (610) 650-5306
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Ziots, Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:17 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> It aint no bed of roses up here in RI... I wish I was down in PA...
>> Z
>> Edward E. Ziots
>> Network Engineer
>> Lifespan Organization
>> MCSE,MCSA,MCP,Security+,Network+,CCA
>> Phone: 401-639-3505
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Tim Vander Kooi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the
> most
>> socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why
>> the economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other
> parts
>> of the US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI)
>> TVK
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying
>> decisions?
>> roflwaffes.
>> Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal
>> levels. Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less
>> for the welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad
>> thing - for the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand
>> him a socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly
>> IMO.  Our economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.
>> --
>> ME2
>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Probably not a great day to retort on this, but you will either agree
>> or
>>> hunt me down..
>>> 2009 is going to be a bad year in the economy.   You don't bounce
> back
>> from
>>> a trillion dollar globalwide investment loss, the largest downslide
> in
>> the
>>> economy in over 70 years and a huge unemployment number..
>>> I also don't care who is the President, they are not going to fix our
>>> problem.  The president is a part of the checks and balances when it
>> comes
>>> to the bills congress puts through, and yes he has an agenda and will
>> push
>>> it with Congress;  making it harder or easier to pass bills..Good or
>> BAD.
>>> I can also tell you that I will be voting for McCain for  the simple
>> fact
>>> that Obama is moving this country toward a socialized economy no
>> matter how
>>> you dress up the words.  He want

  1   2   >