[ob] B7 anjlokan

2010-04-05 Terurut Topik T Halim

Selasa, 06/04/2010 09:20 WIB 
Bakrie Brothers Rugi Rp 1,627 Triliun 
Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR) membukukan kerugian sebesar Rp 1,627 Triliun di 2009. 
Kerugian dipicu oleh kenaikan beban usaha sebesar 25,45% dan adanya beban bunga 
sebesar Rp 1,091 Triliun. 

Berita Terkait :
* Laba 6 Emiten Bakrie Anjlok 81,29%
* Laba BUMI Terpangkas 49%


[ob] Sekuritas CM dan Kasus Korupsi PT KA Berkas Kasus Dilimpahkan ke Kejari

2010-03-15 Terurut Topik T Halim

Senin, 15/03/2010 16:26 WIB
Kasus Korupsi PT KA
Berkas Kasus Dilimpahkan ke Kejari
Andri Haryanto - detikBandung

Bandung - Berkas kasus dugaan korupsi investas PT KA di PT Optima Karya Capital 
Management (OKCM) sebesar Rp 100 miliar resmi diserahkan ke Kejari Bandung, 
Senin (15/3/2010).

Hal ini disampaikan Marolop Tua Sagala, kuasa hukum Direktur PT Optima Kharya 
Capital Management (OKCM) Antonius Torang P Siahaan yang merupakan salah satu 
dari tujuh tersangka.

Marolop pun mengaku heran, mengapa berkasnya dilimpahkan ke Kejari. Polda Jabar 
pada siang tadi telah mendatangi Kejati Jabar untuk menyerahkan berkas. Setelah 
diterima, Kejati pun langsung menyerahkan berkas tersebut ke Kejari.

"Saya merasa aneh, kok dilimpahkan ke Kejari," ungkapnya saat ditemui di Kejari 
Bandung, Jalan Jakarta.

Marolop menambahkan, kedatangannya adalah untuk mendampingi Antonius yang sudah 
berada di Kejari Bandung. "Untuk dampingi saja, klien kami, ada di sini 
(Kejari-red)," imbuhnya.

Kasus dugaan korupsi di PT KA ini mulai diselidiki Polda Jabar pada 31 Agustus 
2009. Pada tahun 2008, PT KA dan PT OKCM melakukan kerjasama untuk investasi. 
PT KA menyetorkan modal sebesar Rp 100 miliar, di mana dijanjikan akan 
mendapatkan keuntungan 11 persen setiap bulannya dari modal awal atau Rp 1,1 

Setoran Rp 1,1 miliar dari PT OKCM kepada PT KA terhenti pada Agustus 2008. 
Sementara modal awal Rp 100 miliar yang harusnya dicairkan pada Desember 2008 
pun belum diketahui juntrungannya.

Polda Jabar telah menetapkan tujuh tersangka dalam kasus dugaan korupsi PT KA 
sebesar Rp 100 miliar. Empat dari PT KA yaitu Mantan Dirut PT KA Ronny Wahyudi, 
Direktur Keuangan non aktif PT KA Ahmad Kuntjoro, Staff PT KA Widiarsono dan 
Kabid Hukum Bambang. Tiga lagi dari PT OKCM yaitu Mantan Dirut PT OKCM Harjono 
Kesuma, Manajer Keuangan OKCM Haris Setiawan, dan Dirut PT OKCM Antonius 



[ob] Suggestion fee IDX BOT EOD,Realtime..

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik T Halim
Pak DE, gimana kalau EOD Rp. 50.000/- dan real time kenakan Rp. 100.000.- per 
bln / member cukup ga utk subscribe.

Corporate subcription Rp. 5.000.000/ bln utk n workstations..?

Keep up the excellent work for the long haul pak ... you have created an 
excellent tool.



[ob] Proficiat mbah 9 Maret 2000 - 9 Maret 2010

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik T Halim
Proficiat utk mbah atas hari ini hari lahir milis OB, mencapai dasa warsa nya. 

Konsisten dalam long haul spt ini sangat sulit ... 

Kita tentu sudah liat ada milis milis, websites yg dibuat dng semangat, tapi 
kendur setelah bbrp waktu.. dan lelayu.. 

Semoga posting di milis OB tambah bermutu utk kepentingan investor / trader 
cilik terutama..

Terima kasih untuk antusiasme mbah, konsistensi, ilmu yg di urunkan, informasi 
yg dibagi.. saya sungguh belajar banyak sekali dari milis ini dan posting yg 
bagus dari mbah dan beberapa member.

Salam bahagia dan salam sejahtera utk semua



[ob] JP Morgan: Out of Indonesia if...

2010-03-06 Terurut Topik T Halim
If she and/or Boediono are ultimately forced out, foreign investors who regard 
them as leaders in the effort to modernize business practices and governance 
are liable to turn sour on the country.  

JP Morgan Asset Management's Hong Kong office has already been quoted by 
Reuters as saying that it could sell its Indonesian shares in the short term 
due to political tensions.  

“Indonesia is a long-term domestic growth story, but we may take profits in the 
short term as increasing political noises can potentially delay projects,” 
vice-president of investment services, Ms Grace Tam, was quoted as saying. 



[ob] Astro wins $324m award against Lippo

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik T Halim
Prime News
Feb 23, 2010
Astro wins $324m award against Lippo
Malaysian firm wins dispute over failed pay-TV venture
By Leslie Lopez, Senior Regional Correspondent
The award is the latest twist in the crumbling alliance between Mr Ananda 
(above) and the Riady family which began in 2005 when both groups agreed to set 
up a joint venture to operate a pay-TV business in Indonesia. -- PHOTO: THE 
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian tycoon T. Ananda Krishnan's satellite television 
operator Astro has won a roughly US$230 million (S$324 million) award against 
the Lippo Group from the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) over 
its failed joint-venture into a pay-TV business in Indonesia.
The SIAC award, which was handed down last week, could have far-reaching 
implications on the Indonesia conglomerate which is controlled by the powerful 
Riady family.
Lawyers and bankers familiar with the arbitration said the award allows Mr 
Ananda's publicly listed Astro All Asia Networks, which operates his satellite 
TV business, to file claims arising from the compensation from three 
Lippo-controlled entities including PT First Media Tbk, which is listed on 
Indonesia's Surabaya Stock Exchange.
Astro announced the SIAC award to the Malaysian stock exchange yesterday, 
according to Bernama news agency. A senior Astro executive declined to discuss 
details of the SIAC award, which he said are confidential under the arbitration 
Lippo executives were not immediately available for comment.
The SIAC award is the latest twist in the crumbling alliance between Mr Ananda 
and the Riady family which began in 2005 when both groups agreed to set up a 
joint venture to operate a pay-TV business in Indonesia through PT Direct 
Vision (PTDV), which owned a multimedia licence awarded by the Indonesian 
The pay-TV tie-up led to other corporate ventures in a cellular operation in 
Indonesia and a property venture in Singapore with both groups acquiring 
Overseas Union Enterprise (OUE) from United Overseas Bank.
While the Riadys no longer have any interest in the cellular business, the 
joint venture into OUE is riddled with problems between the two business groups 
over how to manage the property company, bankers and lawyers said.
They said that the turmoil between Mr Ananda and the Riadys underscored the 
difficulties of forging inter-regional corporate alliances in South-east Asia.
The Lippo group, which is headed by Mr Mochtar Riady and his son James, ranks 
as one of Indonesia's largest conglomerates with interests in finance, property 
and infrastructure.
Mr Ananda, one of Malaysia's richest businessmen, presides over a multimedia 
empire, which over the past two decades has successfully melded 
telecommunications delivery systems and content.
>From its broadcast centre just outside Kuala Lumpur, Measat satellites beam 
>programming for Astro to consumers in Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. The 
>satellite is also used by Maxis.
Mr Ananda's corporate empire also features holdings in the regional 
power-generation sector, gaming, shipping and property such as the Maxis Tower, 
that line-up alongside the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur and the Four 
Seasons Hotel in Geneva.
According to lawyers and bankers familiar with the latest arbitration award, 
Astro can stake claims for monies granted by the SIAC from PTDV, which is 
controlled by both PT First Media and another Lippo unit, PY Ayunda Prima Mitra.
Several bankers closely tracking the fallout between Mr Ananda and his one-time 
Indonesian partners said that the Lippo Group would likely challenge the SIAC 
award in the Jakarta courts.
But several corporate lawyers said that awards handed down by the SIAC are 
governed by what is commonly referred to as the New York Convention, which 
obliges countries to recognise and enforce arbitration awards made by other 
Last year, SIAC handled disputes worth $1.5 billion in sectors such as 
construction and engineering, shipping and maritime, trade and insurance. It 
heard 160 cases last year, of which 114 involved foreign parties.


[ob] Liat Dow Fut

2010-02-19 Terurut Topik T Halim


[ob] Re: Kualitas BB, benar gak sih ?

2010-02-13 Terurut Topik T Halim

Bongkar bongkar, dicobain di telp jinjing eh bisa tuh... 


Re: [ob] Anak jalanan

2010-01-28 Terurut Topik T Halim
Kalau boleh nambahain.. 

Bagi yang mau giving terutama utk anak jalanan, romo I.Sandyawan Sumardi yg 
sudah kita kenal baik bekerja sehari hari di Jakarta, untuk survivalnya anak 
anak jalanan tanpa memandang SARA nya.

Hp: 08128774044, telp: 021-8308255
silahkan hubungi bila mau ikut bekerja sukarela, atau bagi yg mau menyisihkan 
dana bisa dikirim melalui account beliau

BCA : 3422380300

salam, semoga kita semua diberkatiNya.

From: jsx_consultant 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, January 28, 2010 8:10:23 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] E L T Y

Sasha bukan hanya manis luarnya tapi dalemnya juga manis...
Udah punya pacar belon ?. hehehe

Dulu embah ngomongnya: Survival of the Fittest
Sekarang: ALL will survive, PERCAYAlah karena Tuhan Maha Adil

Dulu ngomongnya: The more you give, the LESS you will get
Sekarang: The more you give, the MORE you will get

Kemarin ada posting: SAHABAT ANAK dan diwebnya ada gambar gambar
anak anak jalanan. Embah percaya anak anak itu akan bisa SURVIVE
dan tumbuh menjadi besar. Alam, Lingkungan, Masyarakat dan Tuhan
akan menjaga anak anak tsb.

Coba anda liat photo photo anak itu:

Dan buktikan 30 tahun lagi, anak anak itu akan survive, tumbuh
menjadi kuat dibawah tempaan kehidupan yg keras.

Embah percaya dengan filosofi: 
- Yang lemah akan jadi Kuat
- Yang Kuat dan lengah akan jadi lemah

Karena alam sekitar dan Tuhan akan menjaga dan melindungi 
mereka termasuk anda

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, sasha winata  wrote:
> ikut rembuk dikit ya Mbah.
> perbuatan baik adalah KUNCI untk membesarkan HOKI,semakin banyak kita berbuat 
> baik semakin banyak pula HOKI yg akan di beri kan NYA.(berbuat baik dng IKLAS 
> lho ya).
> sikap ini bukan berarti kita ber BISNIS dengan NYA.jika kita merasa sudah 
> berbuat baik tp hoki nya belum bertambah itu arti nya perbuatan baik kita 
> masih kurang,dan mungkin juga itu adalah suatu KEBERHASILAN YANG 
> TERTUNDA.(minimal kita already on track).
> kadang ada juga yg berpikir sering di berikan MASALAH walaupun sudah berbuat 
> baik,tp harus nya kita ber TERIMA KASIH kepada NYA,sebab MASALAH yg di 
> berikan NYA kepada kita JUSTRU akan membuat kita BERTAMBAH DEWASA.dan itu 
> adalah BEKAL di waktu kita SUKSES nanti...
> Slm
> S
> --- Pada Kam, 28/1/10, jsx_consultant  menulis:
> Dari: jsx_consultant 
> Judul: RE: [ob] E L T Y
> Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Kamis, 28 Januari, 2010, 6:11 PM
> Â 
> Pak Rei,
> Â 
> Apakah Hokie bisa dipindahkan dari instruktur ke pengikut 
> kursus ?.
> Â 
> Pak SB bilang Hokie itu domainnya YMK jadi tergantung 
> kita
> dengan Tuhan.
> Â 
> Mungkin aja bisa dikasih tahu harus ngapain agar Hokie bisa 
> jadi
> lebih banyak.
> Â 
> Mungkin dengan: Beribadah, Berbuat baik, Beramal, Dekat 
> dengan Tuhan,
> Happy, Optimis, Terbuka, Tidak serakah, Tidak Egois, Tidak 
> mau
> menang sendiri, Tidak merugikan/menyakiti orang lain dan 
> lain lain,
> tapi engga tahulah Embah engga paham soal 
> begini...
> Â 
> Kong,
> Gimana caranya ngedein Hokie ?.
> Â 
> From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
> [mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou ps.com] On Behalf Of Rei
> Sent: 
> Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:57 PM
> To: 
> obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
> Subject: Re: [ob] E L T 
> Y
> Â  
> Wakakakaka! Join forces aja kong sama pak JT. Kan pak JT bisa ada 1 section, 
> "hokie dalam trading" hahaha...
> 2010/1/28 SbudianaYCS 
>   Â  
> JT,
> Bukan cuma disitu aja, Engkong mah punya bertahap turun ampe di 
>   200, semua uda TP, krn waktu masang buynya ga pake susah2 di hitung2, kalo 
>   harganya uda dibawah habitatnya mah, tiap malam Pasang aja order bererot 
> sprti 
>   antrian mobil kalo lg macet, begitu turun digilas dah, trus pajang di 
> warung 
>   ampe ada yg beli, ga ada cerita pake CL, btw kalo kt buka kursus model gini 
>   laku ga yah hehehe.
> Lumayan kaleee buat tambahan hihihi.jadi ngiler 
>   jg wuahahaha...
> GBUs Always,
> SB
>   Sent from my BlackBerry ® Wireless Device
>   From: "JTâ„¢" jsxtra...@yahoo. com 
>   Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 09:11:49 +
>   To: 
>   Subject: Re: [ob] E L T Y
> Wakakaka Bener kong.., kalo yg ngga siap CL entrynya emang 
>   kudu di 245-250 Itu level supportnya
> Guys..., tuh si engkong beli 
>   di Support kuat.., artinye die pake TA juga. Cuma udh hafal 
> dikepalanya, 
>   ngga perlu liat chart lagi... Hehehe
>   www.jsxtrader. com
> “ Trade By Rules, Not HOPE 
>   “
>   From: "SbudianaYCS"  
>   Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 09:01:19 +
>   To: Obrolan Bandar
>   Subject: Re: [ob] E L T Y
> JT, yg ga siap CL uda nge

[ob] OOT- Pulau terluar Indonesia

2010-01-27 Terurut Topik T Halim
Mereka tidak demo, tidak banyak bicara, tidak juga teriak teriak apabila pulau 
kita diambil, baru koar koar..

Mereka pergi dan lakukan.. mereka lakukan jauh dari kenyamanan wireless cafe 
cafe dengan frapuchino..

Mereka memeta, meneliti, mengunjungi semua pulau pulau batas terluar NKRI ..

Mereka melihat pulau pulau, tapal batas yang tak pernah bagi kebanyakan kita 
pernah tahu ..

Mereka menjalankan ekspedisi 92 pulau terluar Pertiwi ini ... 

Anak anak muda yang bersemangat 

Seperti kata Soekarno:
" Beri aku selaksa pemuda perkasa, aku pindahkan Mahameru
" Beri aku sedasa pemuda bersemangat, aku rubah Marcapada.."

Lihat live expedition ini di: 



Re: [ob] Re: Sell IHSG , Buy BUMI.... Top mover B7

2010-01-27 Terurut Topik T Halim

Pak SB, 
Barusan update Chartnexus.. liat top mover hari ini dari ranking 1 - 7 = B7.. 
wah wah..
Salam sejahtera


From: SbudianaYCS 
To: Obrolan Bandar 
Sent: Wed, January 27, 2010 11:34:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Sell IHSG , Buy BUMI Pak Budiyana

B7 hampir lengkap punya semua Mbah


Re: [ob] Street smart.... Pak Budiyana

2010-01-27 Terurut Topik T Halim
Saya pikir apa yg pak SB share adalah yg disebut street smart, dari pengalaman 
bertahun tahun dan diobservasi sendiri.

Kayak contohnya : bandar kertas, dia udah ga pake timbangan lagi utk tau ini 
kertas berapa gram beratnya..diraba aja udah tau dia ini HVS atau apa, berapa 
gram dll. Atau tukang wine yg pake diputer puter itu wine digelas.. dicium cium 
wanginya.. saya mah boro boro wanginya, kaga kecium apa apa selain bau alkohol 
ama anggur doang..

Spt contoh ada teman yg juga mengatakan eh kalau saham X turun biasanya saham Y 
itu naik..gw udah berkali kali perhatiin.. Ga pake teori apa apa cuman krn 
observasi panjang.. Dan dia buktikan dng trading pake cara tsb. Ga dishare 
disini takut diketawain katanya.

What ever, if it works for you then it suit your purposes.

Thanks pak SB to remind me on that..



[ob] Rating Fitch utk Indonesia naik

2010-01-25 Terurut Topik T Halim
Fitch upgrades Indonesia (Business Times (Malaysia))

The stock market jumped over 80 per cent and bonds posted equity-like returns 
last year as investors have been attracted by the tantalising prospect that 
relatively stable politics and healthy economic growth could catapult the 
country ...

Action News Blast - http://www.actionnewsblast.com/ 


[ob] IDX Bot bisa dng IE8

2010-01-23 Terurut Topik T Halim
Mau urun aja. Dari sejak posting pak DE, saya gagal terus masuk.
Pake browser: Firefox 3.6 dan Chrome terkini..dua dua gagal. 
Koneksi saya FirstMedia, OS: Vista Home.

Tadi sekitar 15 menit lalu, tiba tiba teringat ada browser namanya IE8 dan 
dicoba berhasil (yg dua lagi masih tetap tidak bisa).. 

Barangkali bila Anda belum berhasil dan blm coba pake IE, bisa dicoba juga

Salam, th


[ob] Uninstall dl -- Help.. ChartNexus

2010-01-21 Terurut Topik T Halim
Uninstall dulu yg lama, setelah itu baru download dari situsnya.
Jangan pake upgrade dari softwarenya.. 
Ga tau kenapanya.. tapi saya sudah pake versi baru dan jalan lancar


Dubai World & ELTY joint venture ~ Re: [ob] http://www.dubaiworld.ae/en/Index.html

2009-11-27 Terurut Topik T Halim

Jointnya ama ELTY ya

From: Anggodo bintang Lima 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, November 27, 2009 8:20:04 PM
Subject:[ob] http://www.dubaiworld.ae/en/Index.html


Bakri nya Dubai kali yaaa


 Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat.
Undang teman dari Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang! 


Re: [ob] Temperatur OB pagi ini cukup tinggi..... hehehe....

2009-11-27 Terurut Topik T Halim

> > Yaitu pihak BD dan Retail kejedut jika kasus Dubai membesar...

Membesar keliatannya mbah... bursa yg buka ancur ancuran, Dow Fut minus 317..

Asian stocks tumble amid Dubai fears, dollar slump
Asian stocks tumble after European rout amid Dubai debt fears; dollar slumps 
against yen

* By Jeremiah Marquez, AP Business Writer
* On 2:43 am EST, Friday November 27, 2009
* Buzz up! 0* Print
HONG KONG (AP) -- Asian stock markets tumbled Friday, with Hong Kong and South 
Korea down about 5 percent, as fears mounted over the fallout from Dubai's 
massive debt problems and the dollar continued its slide against the Japanese 
AP - A money trader work at a dealing room the U.S. dollar rate against 
Japanese yen on the Foreign ...
It was the region's second day of losses and followed a rout in European 
markets. Oil, meanwhile, dived to near $74 a barrel.
Investors cut back their riskier bets on equities and commodities after Dubai 
World, the emirate's main development engine, announced it was asking creditors 
to delay paying back its $60 billion debt.
The news triggered fears of a massive default and a wave of heavy losses at 
banks and companies exposed to its debt that could cause more financial pain 
just as the global economy is starting to recover.
Also dampening the mood was the slumping dollar, which weakened to a new 
14-year low below 85 yen, dragging down shares of Japanese exporters like 
automaker Nissan and electronics maker Sharp.
"Investors were searching for shelter against the increased volatility and 
falls in risky assets," Dariusz Kowalczyk, chief investment strategist for SJS 
Markets in Hong Kong, said in a note. "Many chose to opt for the Japanese yen."
In Tokyo, the Nikkei 225 stock average fell 301.72 points, or 3.2 percent, to 
9,081.52. Hong Kong's main index dived 1,111.28, or 5 percent, to 21,099.13.
Elsewhere, South Korea's Kospi benchmark plummeted 4.7 percent to 1,524.50 and 
Australia's index dropped 2.9 percent. China's main Shanghai stock measure was 
off 2.4 percent.
Certain banks got hit especially hard amid jitters about any losses they might 
suffer from their exposure to Dubai World. In Hong Kong trade, HSBC tanked 6.1 
percent and Standard Chartered fell 5.8 percent; both British-based banks have 
substantial Middle East operations.
Uncertainty over the ripple effects from Dubai World's financial woes sent 
European markets plummeting Thursday, with benchmarks in Britain, Germany and 
France all losing more than 3 percent.
U.S. markets were closed Thursday for the Thanksgiving holiday. But Friday was 
likely to be a rough session on Wall Stree with futures pointing sharply lower. 
Dow futures were down 327, or 3.1 percent, to 10,115.
Oil prices retreated in Asian trade, with benchmark crude for January delivery 
falling $3.87 to $74.06 a barrel.
The dollar was lower at 86.05 yen from 86.54 yen after swooning as low as 
84.81. The euro fell to $1.4850 from $1.5021.


Dubai ripple effects ~ Re: [ob] FUND and WAVE analysis

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik T Halim
Dubai debt fears hit world markets hard
Dubai debt fears, dollar slide hit world stock markets hard

* By Pan Pylas, AP Business Writer
* On 11:54 am EST, Thursday November 26, 2009
* Buzz up! 38   * Print
LONDON (AP) -- World stock markets tumbled Thursday as investors fretted over 
the debt problems at Dubai World, a government investment company, and the 
continuing slide in the dollar, which earlier fell to a 14-year low against the 
AP - A Tokyo money dealer looks at a memo as the U.S. dollar is traded at 86.64 
yen on ...
Markets are usually relatively quiet when Wall Street is closed for a holiday, 
as it is Thursday for Thanksgiving Day. Not so today, as the rest of the world 
digested the stunning news from Dubai that the government's flagship investment 
company was in financial trouble.
European markets followed Asia lower with the FTSE 100 index of leading British 
shares closing down 170.68 points, or 3.2 percent, at 5,194.13, having been out 
of action earlier for over three hours because of technical problems.
Germany's DAX fell 188.85 points, or 3.2 percent, to 5,614.17 while the CAC-40 
in France was 129.93 points, or 3.4 percent, lower at 3,679.23.
Sentiment in stocks was dented by the news that Dubai World, which is thought 
to have debts totaling around $60 billion, has asked creditors if it can 
postpone its forthcoming payments until May. That stoked fears of a potential 
default and contagion around the global financial system, particularly in banks 
and emerging markets.
"Fear of sovereign default in the Middle East rattled the markets," said Jane 
Foley, research director at Forex.com.
Banks bore the brunt of the selling in Europe, amid fears of potential exposure 
to Dubai. In London, Royal Bank of Scotland PLC was down nearly 8 percent, 
making it the biggest faller on the FTSE. In Germany, Deutsche Bank was the 
biggest faller on the DAX, down around 6 percent.
Investors were also keeping a close eye on associated developments in the 
currency markets after the dollar slid to a new 14-year low of 86.27 yen, while 
the euro pushed up to a fresh 15-month high of $1.5141.
By late afternoon London time, the dollar had recouped some ground and was 
trading at 86.55 yen, down 0.9 percent on the day, while the euro was 1 percent 
lower at $1.4988.
The continued appreciation in the value of the yen continued to dent Japanese 
stocks as investors worry that the rising currency will have a detrimental 
effect on the country's exports. Japan's Nikkei 225 stock average fell 58.40 
points, or 0.6 percent, to 9,383.24.
Kit Juckes, chief economist at ECU Group, said the developments in Dubai and in 
the currency markets are related as the fall in risk appetite has pushed money 
into government bonds and into safe haven currencies such as the Swiss franc 
and the yen.
This, he said, is "testing the tolerance of central banks to see their 
currencies cause further damage to their economies."
Already there have been unconfirmed reports that the Swiss National Bank has 
intervened to buy dollars to prevent the export-sapping appreciation of the 
Swiss franc.
Meanwhile, Japanese Finance Minister Hirohisa Fujii tried to assure the market 
he was closely monitoring the situation and would "take appropriate steps if 
foreign exchange rates move abnormally." But that did little to ease investor 
Across all markets, there is a growing awareness that investors may use the 
upcoming year-end to lock-in whatever profits have been made over the last 12 
Gold has been one of the biggest high-flyers over the last few months, having 
gained over 10 percent in November alone. It continued to rise Thursday as 
investors bought it up as a safe haven.
It hit a new record high earlier of $1,196.8 an ounce, before falling back 
modestly. By late afternoon London time, gold was down 0.4 percent at $1,182.50 
an ounce.
Oil also fell alongside stocks -- the two have traded alongside each other for 
much of this year. Benchmark crude for January delivery was down $1.85, or 2.4 
percent, at $76.11 a barrel. On Wednesday, it rose $1.94.
Earlier in Asia, the Shanghai index tanked 119.19 points, or 3.6 percent, to 
close at 3,170.98, its biggest one-day fall since August 31, while Hong Kong's 
Hang Seng shed 1.8 percent to 22,210.41.
Elsewhere in Asia, markets in Australia, Singapore, Taiwan and Indonesia closed 
AP Business Writer Jeremiah Marquez contributed to this report from Hong Kong.


[ob] Artikel bagus: Dibelakang rally dahsyat saham 2009

2009-11-25 Terurut Topik T Halim
* BusinessWeek
* Business Exchange
* Wednesday November 4, 2009
New Business November 24, 2009, 7:34PM EST text size: TT
Behind the Great Stock Rally of 2009
There may not be much to the rally beyond herd-like momentum, but that could 
keep the stock market going even into next year
By Roben Farzad and Tara Kalwarski 
The U.S. economy is coping with alarmingly high double-digit unemployment, a 
widening commercial real estate bust, and over-indebted consumers. Few think 
the economic recovery now under way will be a spectacular one in 2010. So why 
has the stock market surprised skeptics by powering higher in recent weeks? One 
explanation being bandied about by equity strategists and portfolio managers is 
that the stock market may be in the midst of a momentum-driven trading 
phenomenon known as a "melt up" that has precious little to do with economic 
A melt up is a rapid and mass rush by investors into an asset class after a 
belated realization by market players that worthwhile gains are to be had 
there. Part herd mentality, part self-fulfilling prophecy, this trading 
behavior is amplified by the age-old tendency of fund managers and retail 
investors to chase returns in the hopes of making up for lost time and lagging 
performance. The U.S. stock market is enjoying an explosive rally that has 
humbled plenty of bears, who have been predicting a deep correction for several 
months now. Instead, the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index has soared 63% since 
its Mar. 9 low and is up 22% for 2009. 
Where's the Support?
That has left plenty of money pros rethinking their market outlook. "We've 
spent a considerable time of late assessing the conditions for a melt up," 
admits Bernie Schaeffer, chief executive of Schaeffer's Investment Research. He 
says he is baffled at how the market's rally this year has essentially been 
devoid of improved investor sentiment and big inflows into domestic equity 
funds. While bond funds have taken in nearly $330 billion so far this year, 
U.S. stock funds have lost almost $28 billion. A handful of big institutional 
investors and hedge funds, rather than retail investors, have been responsible 
for the lion's share of buying this year. 
In fact, overall there is far greater investor enthusiasm for asset classes 
other than U.S. equities. Emerging markets, which have outperformed their 
American counterpart, are being deluged with fresh money. The red-hot junk bond 
market is also attracting heavy investor interest. Even gold coins are being 
hoarded as the yellow metal keeps breaking records. 
Mom-and-pop investors in U.S. stocks, meanwhile, are only slightly less bearish 
than they were in March, when the market hit a 12½-year low. Yet that could 
change, given the impressive performance this year in the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 
Composite Index (NDAQ), up about 38% in 2009. "If 2010 starts out strong as 
well," says Schaeffer, "the fear of missing out on stock returns could prove 
irresistible." Not coincidentally, January happens to be high season for 
personal finance introspection—with outsized attention paid to the past year's 
performance column and the coming year's retirement account funding. 
A bigger and more pronounced money shift into stocks early next year could be 
also induced by diminishing returns in many segments of the bond market. There 
is every indication that investors are scraping the bottom of the fixed-income 
barrel. Three-month Treasury bills, that redoubt of ultraliquidity and safety, 
are yielding just 0.03%. A negative yield, where people actually pay the 
government to safeguard their money, could be in the offing. On the other end 
of the curve, the 10-year Treasury note yields 3.3%, a rate that skeptics argue 
does not begin to buffer holders from the real risk of inflation a few years 
The Federal Reserve doesn't just slash short-term interest rates to help banks; 
it does so to make sitting on cash painful enough to force investors back into 
the risk-reward economy. Which might not be that difficult an undertaking if 
there weren't so much idle cash out there—a remnant of last year's panic and 
subsequent spate of bank failures and bailouts, the likes of which made "return 
of money" outprioritize "return on money." 
Pressure to Get into the Stock Market
After nearly touching $4 trillion in January, money fund assets were last 
clocked at $3.339 trillion, according to the Investment Company Institute. 
Barring another crisis, the hunt for yield will prompt more drawdowns from this 
sizable balance and perhaps shift more funds into stocks. "What I'm expecting 
is people being forced to get in," says Peter Grandich, a veteran investor 
newsletter editor. "The vast majority of money is managed by professionals who 
are gauged and measured on performance, a lot of which is judged by the 
quarter," he adds. "In 2008 people yelled at them for not getting them out; in 
2009, people are getting yelle

[ob] MSCI World Index of 23 developed markets slid 0.4 percent

2009-11-24 Terurut Topik T Halim
Dow Fut dari - 30 (15:45) skrg plus 10 (18:00)

Stocks Fall on China Bank Capital Concern; Dollar, Yen Advance
By David Merritt 
Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Stocks fell around the world, led by China, on concern 
banks will be forced to raise more capital. The dollar and the yen strengthened 
as investors sold higher- yielding assets.
The MSCI World Index of 23 developed markets slid 0.4 percent at 10:17 a.m. in 
London, while the Shanghai Composite Index dropped 3.5 percent, the biggest 
decline since August. The Dollar Index rose 0.3 percent and the yen climbed 
against all 16 of the most traded currencies tracked by Bloomberg. Copper led a 
decline in industrial metals

 Bill Gross, who runs the world’s biggest bond fund at Pacific Investment 
Management Co.,increased his holdings of government-related debt to 63 percent, 
the highest proportion since July 2004. Gross boosted his $192.6 billion Total 
Return Fund’s investment in Treasuries, so-called agency debt and other U.S. 
government-linked bonds from 48 percent of assets in September while reducing 
his position in mortgages to the smallest since May 2004, according to data on 
Pimco’s Web site yesterday.
To contact the reporter on this story: David Merritt in London 
atdmerri...@bloomberg.net.last Updated: November 24, 2009 05:38 EST 


Re: [ob] Re: Buku Elliott Wave

2009-11-21 Terurut Topik T Halim
Buku yg ditulis Prechter:

Among the books Prechter has authored, coauthored, or edited are:
* Frost and Prechter, with a foreword by Charles J. Collins. 
(1978-2001). Elliott Wave Principle: Key to Market Behavior. John Wiley and 
Sons. ISBN 0-471-98849-9.
* Ralph Nelson Elliott ; edited and foreworded by Robert R. Prechter, 
Jr. (1993-1997). R.N. Elliott's Market Letters. New Classics Library. ISBN 
* with a foreword by Robert R. Prechter ; and a biography by A.J. Frost 
(1994). Complete Elliott Wave Writings of A. Hamilton Bolton. New Classics 
Library. ISBN0-932750-22-2.
* edited by Robert R. Prechter, Jr. (1997). The Elliott Wave Writings 
of A.J. Frost and Richard Russell. Bookworld Services. ISBN 0-932750-47-8.
* Robert R. Prechter, Jr. (1997). At the Crest of the Tidal Wave. John 
Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0-471-97954-6.
* Robert R. Prechter, Jr. (1999). The Wave Principle of Human Social 
Behavior and the New Science of Socionomics. New Classics Library. ISBN 
* edited by Robert R. Prechter. (2002). Market Analysis for the New 
Millennium. New Classics Library. ISBN 0-932750-52-4.
* Robert R. Prechter, Jr. (2002). Conquer the Crash: You Can Survive 
and Prosper in a Deflationary Depression. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 
* Robert R. Prechter, Jr. (2003). Beautiful Pictures. New Classics 
Library. ISBN 0-932750-60-5.
* Robert R. Prechter, Jr. (2003). View from the Top of the Grand 
Supercycle. New Classics Library. ISBN 0-932750-55-9.
* Robert R. Prechter, Jr. (2003). Pioneering Studies in Socionomics. 
New Classics Library. ISBN 0-932750-56-7.
* Robert R. Prechter, Jr. ; edited by Peter Kendall. (1996). Prechter's 
Perspective. New Classics Library. ISBN 0932750400.
* edited, foreworded, and with a biography by Robert R. Prechter, Jr. 
(2005). R.N. Elliott's Master Works. New Classics Library. ISBN 0-932750-76-1.
* How to Forecast Gold and Silver Using the Wave Principle. New 
Classics Library. 2006. ISBN 0-932750-77-X.
* Peter Kendall and Robert R. Prechter, Jr. (2009). The Mania 
Chronicles : A Real-Time Account of the Great Financial Bubble (1995-2008) . 
New Classics Library.ISBN 0932750591.


Re: [ob] Info: DJI Future +74

2009-11-16 Terurut Topik T Halim
DJI Fut + 55 (15:40 WIB)

From: jsx_consultant 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, November 16, 2009 2:35:39 PM
Subject: [ob] Info: DJI Future +74

Info: DJI Future +74

Jam 14:35

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[ob] BNI dibeli Warren Buffet ~ beli saham

2009-11-03 Terurut Topik T Halim

WB ini bervisi sangat panjang.

Moda transportasi kereta api adalah bagian dari supply chain system yang 

Lihat reasoning analisisnya ini dan bandingkan dengan moda transportasi lainnya:
 moved on average a ton of goods 471 miles on one gallon of diesel and it 
releases far fewer pollutants into the atmosphere.

Ilustrasi :
Moda ini sangat disadari oleh RRC (Tiongkok), thn 49 mereka mewarisi 11.000 km 
jaringan KA, saat ini mereka memiliki jaringan 70.000 km jaringan (klo dari 
panjang rel riel sudah lebih dari 120.000 km krn ada track triple, dan double 
Kita punya thn 49 waktu Belanda meninggalkan Indonesia sejauh 7000 km dan saat 
ini jaringan rel kita sekitar 4000 km saja..

Belum rencana Trans Asia Railway yang begitu hebat di gagas Mahatir Muhammad 
thn 80an lalu.. Trans Asia Road.. 

Bila Ekonomi Indonesia ingin jadi no 5 didunia (mimpi kita), maka jaringan 
infrastructure, supply chain system harus bisa mendukung.

Warren Buffet bervisi 30 ~ lebih  ..makanya dia beli BNI.. 

Dia bukan beli perusahaan kereta api tapi perusahaan infrastructure, usaha 
transportasi, logistik, supply chain supplier.. itu visinya.. Myopia ini 
perusahaan kereta api itu yg dipegang oleh para usahawan KA di pertengahan abad 
lalu sehingga bangkrut krn datangnya angkutan udara, mobil..

Nanti kita lihat dia akan masuk juga ke efisiensi inter moda mungkin dengan 
membeli perusahaan terkait supply chain yg efisien (intermoda dng trucking, 
angkutan udara, laut, sungai, danau..), pembuat perangkat lunak, dll..dll...


On 11/4/09, anru.s...@gmail. com  wrote:
> Luar biasa ya... Bentuk lama transportasi yg malah dipilih. Perusahaan2
> besar mikir 2x utk dikirim via ka. kecuali perusahaan tsb promosi besar2an
> utk harga. Too much cost n time.


US 200 / barrel ~ Re: [ob] Oil may hit $100 per barrel 2009/2010

2009-10-30 Terurut Topik T Halim

Peak oil:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_oil
4 reason why:
1. Depleted reserve (see the chart above)
2. Demand soaring
3. Exploration is less
4. Many oil producing well already under invested.

Consensus among oil indsutrialist soon oil reach US$ 200..

Effect to us in Indonesia? See comment on Detik recently: with constant US$ 
80/barrel our forex will be depleted, subsidy will reach new high..
Grim? Yes..

Oil may hit $100 per barrel 2009/2010

Goldman Sachs is calling for $85 oil by the end of 2009
T Boone Pickens is calling for $100 oil by Q4 2010
Morgan Stanley is calling for $105 oil by 2011 

-MoneyBlog- Oil prices may surge to $100 a barrel sometime in the next two 
quarters as the U.S. dollar weakens against the euro, Deutsche Bank energy 
economist Adam Sieminski said Friday.
”We think the dollar could weaken further to $1.60 against the euro and it 
implies pushing oil prices to that threatening triple-digit level,” Sieminski 
told Reuters. A weaker dollar could mean “oil prices have even further to run,” 
but a rise to $100 a barrel may hurt an economic recovery, Deutsche Bank said 
in a research note. “We believe that $80 oil is not high enough to derail the 
global recovery, but our economics team would start looking for weaker overall 
consumption at $100 a barrel prices,” the note said. Oil prices rose to a 
one-year high of $82 earlier this week, after rallying 17 per cent since Oct. 
10. That rise coincided with a rise in global stock indices and a weakener 
dollar, which plunged to a 14-month low above $1.50 per euro this week

.Oil, priced in dollars, has been moving in an inverse price relation against 
the dollar. Global oil and product inventories remain well above average 
levels.”The ‘traditional fundamentals’ are improving, but only slowly,” he 
wrote.OPEC members could be put in a “difficult position” when they meet in 
December to consider whether to boost oil production and cool prices.”

OPEC may want to calm the market with more crude, but it’s not clear that 
refiners have an appetite to take it,” Sieminski wrote. Deutsche Bank has kept 
its 2010 oil price outlook at an average $65 a barrel, below today’s price near 
$81. Sieminski said the lower price outlook was in part due to still high 
global inventories. Global oil demand plunged last year amid a financial crisis 
and after oil prices spiked to a record above $147 in July, before falling to 
nearly a five-year low near $32 in December

I anticipate us being in triple digit territory for the benchmark crude---West 
Texas intermediate---by the end of the winter. And I anticipate gasoline prices 
by the Memorial Day weekend, which is usually the peak of the North American 
driving season, approaching $4 a gallon, or a buck-thirty, buck-forty a litre 
prices that we saw in Canada.
Oil filled radiator heaters help users to successfully warm any room in their 
house. The heating units are handy which makes them very good in winter months.

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[ob] DJ minus 2.51%

2009-10-30 Terurut Topik T Halim
BNBR to go to Rp. 50? BUMI Rp. 1.100?

Ellaine, no wonder she has gone fishing.. Ratu Sima on her spa ..
Buffet will says: Buy..while others scare to death..

Dow Jones sliding crash

Dow 9,712.73 -249.85 -2.51%  


Re: Bls: [ob] Hatta Menko EKUIN, BAD SIGN?

2009-10-19 Terurut Topik T Halim


Maybe the statement here reflects paling pas: Dead on Arrival..
Dont try to understand the dagang sapi..
The market probably say it all: minus .. 

From: James Arifin 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, October 20, 2009 1:14:38 PM
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Hatta Menko EKUIN, BAD SIGN?


Selain itu emang Pak Boediono nggak turut menangani ekonomi?


Happiness~ Re: [ob] Re: Mohon maaf lahir

2009-09-23 Terurut Topik T Halim
Kebahagiaan itu perjalanannya, bukan tujuan...

Ia butir butir yang kita sadari untuk menikmati sebagai kebahagiaan, day in day 


Sambil nunggu jawaban dari Suhu Erwin, embah coba jawab:

- Kebahagian itu selalu harus kita kejar dan jaga agar tidak
  hilang karena kebahagian bisa hilang dengan hilangnya jabatan,
  harta, orang yg disayangi, sakit dll.
- Tapi True Happiness seharusnya adalah kebahagian yg sifatnya
  lebih kekal dan tidak tergantung dari materi atau orang lain
- Tapi apakah bisa orang miskin atau sakit bahagia ?.
- Kalo kata embah: Jawabannya BISA, embah yakin banyak orang
  yg 'tidak beruntung' didunia ini tapi mereka bahagia.

Jadi kebahagian BIASA dikejar dengan mencari harta, jabatan,
kesehatan dll tapi True Happiness harus dicapai dengan
MENGENALI dan MENGUASAI pikiran, perasaan dan nafsu kita sendiri.

Gimana pak Edwin, bener engga ? ... hehehe...


[ob] WSJ- 21 Sep 09 :" A Bear Market Lurks as Dow Nears 10000 "

2009-09-21 Terurut Topik T Halim

A Bear Market Lurks as Dow Nears 1 

Rarely has the stock market seen a six-month rally like the one it
just turned in. 

The Dow Jones Industrial Average's 46% surge was one of
just six of that magnitude in the last 100 years. And that is exactly
what worries many analysts.

All previous rallies of this
magnitude took place in the 1930s and the 1970s, according to Ned Davis
Research. Those were periods of turbulence for both the economy and the
markets, and none of the gains was sustained.

Many analysts believe that stocks are again in such a turbulent period, and 
that this rally could lead ...


Re: [ob] Index coal DJUSCL

2009-09-09 Terurut Topik T Halim


Maaf link ini salah 
Seharusnya: http://www.quotemedia.com/results.php?qm_page=33777&qm_symbol=DJUSCL

DJUSCL bertengger masih di 265 (9 Sep 09) naik 1.0*% (


Re: [ob] Index coal DJUSCL

2009-09-09 Terurut Topik T Halim
http://app.quotemedia.com/quotetools/popups/quote.jsp?webmasterId=92543 Grafik 
coal global

Mbah ini kalau blm tahu, kali bermanfaat, dari Stowe Global Coal Indexes : 

Utk industrial global info : http://www.worldcoal.org/

Kali bermanfaat utk informasi sekitar batu bara..

DJUSCL bertengger masih di 265 (9 Sep 09) naik 1.0*% (

From: jsx_consultant 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, August 8, 2009 8:43:10 PM
Subject: [ob] Index coal DJUSCL

Index coal ^DJUSCL 

Saat ini DJUSCL 252, dan discount 50% sudah jadi 0%


- DJUSCL saat ini ada pada Previous High
- Kita tunggu apakah index coal akan bikin New High ?.



2009-09-04 Terurut Topik T Halim

Boom, Bust and Blame .. misteri Biruang dan Mahisa


[ob] Apa dampak penemuan BP di Teluk Meksiko?

2009-09-04 Terurut Topik T Halim


[ob] Done 2,280.20 Ane belanja

2009-09-01 Terurut Topik T Halim
Udah tuh...tercapai..
2170 hedge fund kabur semua ..


[ob] Nikkei REGIONAL

2009-09-01 Terurut Topik T Halim
NIKKEI 225 (07:23 WIB)
(Osaka: ^N225)
Index Value:10,252.90 
Trade Time:8:23PM ET 
Change: 277.16 (2.63%) 
Prev Close:10,530.06 
Day's Range:10,245.58 - 10,378.08 


[ob] Turun ampir 2% ~ DJ Updates

2009-09-01 Terurut Topik T Halim
Dow 9,310.60 -185.68 -1.96%  


Re: [ob] Bls: SSEC in short field description

2009-08-30 Terurut Topik T Halim
SSE menurut Guppy harus bisa nahan diatas 2400 atau ya ambless..


Re: [ob] sabododeh

2009-08-28 Terurut Topik T Halim
Index properti naik 4.1% (14:50)

From: Lucky Trader 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 7:52:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] sabododeh


Jadi mo hajar apa nih bang, Property sptnya sudah masuk jarak tembak ya ? 
BSDE & CTRS chartnya looks good  any view ?


[ob] Re:Range wajar BUMI

2009-08-27 Terurut Topik T Halim
Dari beberapa analis, BUMI, sekitar range Rp. 2400 ~ 2700.- wajar.. utk saat 
sekarang sekarang ini.

ASII blm dpt wangsit.

(sorry ga bisa disclosed sources).

 From: artomoro9 
To: ob 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:00:37 PM
Subject: [ob] amazing bagus putra perdana

setelah baca ulasan2 kang bagus ini, bener bener bagus banget.

sayangnya banyak sekali istilah yang ane kaga ngarti..

ane mau minta tolong berapa sih sebenarnya harga wajar saat ini untuk BUMI DAN 

gak perlu dijelasin pake metode apa. ane pusing ntar bacanya.

langsung aja. harga wajar bumi sekian, asii sekian.
dah gitu aja. trims ya.

maklum kaga pinter ngitung.



[ob] Roubini : Double dip ~ Most red ink

2009-08-25 Terurut Topik T Halim
Bad news:
Noriel Roubini aka Dr Doom not yet becoming a convert Dr Boom:
He warns 12 hours ago:


Nouriel Roubini warns threat of double-dip recession is rising 
The man credited as the prophet of the financial crisis has warned of the  
growing threat of a global, double-dip recession, where the economy briefly  
recovers before slipping back into contraction.
( klik linknya klo mo baca lengkap)


Re: [ob] Re: Mbah, B 7

2009-08-24 Terurut Topik T Halim
Mbah, liat di hari ini saham B7 ini menurun, tapi turun dlm range yg pendek 
taktiktok.. saya coba pikir what tactical yg lagi di pakai.. turun kecil kecil 
saja bolak balik kaya strikaan..

Last Trade
Avg Vol (3m)
Day's Range
Bid Size
- - - - - BNBR-W.JK 12:17am ET 54.00  1.00  1.82% 771,000 15,668,700 55 53.00 - 
55.00 - 
- - - - - BNBR.JK 12:31am ET 125.00  2.00  1.57% 218,857,000 1,357,380,000 126 
124.00 - 127.00 - 
- - - - - BTEL.JK 12:31am ET 141.00  1.00  0.70% 50,616,500 503,526,000 142 
139.00 - 142.00 - 
- - - - - BUMI.JK 12:31am ET 3,025.00  50.00  1.63% 83,653,500 453,496,000 
3,025 3,000.003,050.00 -  - 
- - - - - DEWA-W.JK 12:31am ET 55.00  2.00  3.51% 7,526,500 87,082,100 55 55.00 
- 56.00 - 
- - - - - DEWA.JK 12:31am ET 215.00 0.00 0.00% 7,046,500 382,520,000 215 215.00 
- 220.00 - 
- - - - - ELTY-W.JK 12:29am ET 124.00  4.00  3.12% 10,427,000 14,456,000 125 
120.00 - 126.00 - 
- - - - - ELTY.JK 12:31am ET 365.00  10.00  2.67% 62,091,000 328,000,000 365 
360.00 - 370.00 - 
- - - - - ENRG.JK 12:30am ET 400.00  10.00  2.44% 36,916,500 292,526,000 405 
395.00 - 405.00 - 
- - - - - UNSP-W.JK 12:22am ET 260.00  10.00  3.70% 1,208,500 1,265,810 265 
255.00 - 265.00 - 
- - - - - UNSP.JK 12:31am ET 930.00  10.00  1.06% 46,384,500 118,557,000 920 
910.00 - 940.00 - 

From: jsx_consultant 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 4:06:26 PM
Subject: [ob] Re: Mbah, where are you...?


- Ada 2 wave yg lagi bekerja mempengaruhi IHSG, 
  yaitu: wave biru  dan wave merah.
- Wave biru SANGAT dipengaruhi oleh DJI yg lagi 
   naik (Fundamental/Sentimen Driven)
- Wave merah dipengaruhi oleh Bakrie
  group yg lagi turun (Driven by Fund Movement)
- Jadi perhatikan 2 faktor PENTING tsb karena
  pengaruhnya sangat SIGNIFICANT.
a 2 wave yg lagi bekerja mempengaruhi IHSG, 
  yaitu: wave biru  dan wave merah.
- Wave biru SANGAT dipengaruhi oleh DJI yg lagi 
   naik (Fundamental/Sentimen Driven)
- Wave merah dipengaruhi oleh Bakrie
  group yg lagi turun (Driven by Fund Movement)
- Jadi perhatikan PERKEMBANGAN 2 faktor PENTING ini karena
  pengaruhnya sangat SIGNIFICANT.

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kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
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[ob] Indonesian palm oil producer First Resources issues $100 million CB

2009-08-23 Terurut Topik T Halim

   Equity News
Indonesian palm oil producer First Resources issues $100 million CBBy Anette 
Jönsson,   |  21 August 2009  
 Read this article online at: 

convertible is well-received by both outright investors and hedge funds
despite coming on the back of a near 300% gain in First Resources'
share price since the March lows. 
crude palm oil (CPO) producer First Resources last night raised $100
million from the sale of five-year convertible bonds to finance its
organic growth, including the development and plantation of new land
acquired in 2008.

The deal was well-received by both outright
investors, who like the company's low-cost production, better than
average Ebitda margins and strong financial profile, and hedge funds,
which welcomed the fact that the majority shareholder was making stock
available for borrowing. This left the offering about 3.5 times covered
and allowed the terms to be fixed inside the best end for investors.

First Resources is the second Indonesia-based issuer to sell CBs this year 
following Bumi Resources' $375 million deal in
late July and only the second Asian company to bring a public CB this
month. Issuance has been quiet over the past couple of months as many
companies are waiting to complete their first-half financials before
going ahead and, at the moment, many investors are also on holiday
which makes it more challenging to bring a large deal. First Resources
released its first-half earnings last week, which were in line with
expectations, and sources said the company saw an opportunity to come
to market ahead of an anticipated pipeline of potential issues next
month. There is always a risk that small issuers get overshadowed by
larger deals at busy times and the level of demand received last night
suggests that the company made the right decision on timing.

CB matures in September 2014, but can be put back to the company after
two years. It was marketed with a coupon ranging from 5.375% to 5.875%,
a yield between 6.25% and 6.75%, and a conversion premium between 20%
and 25%. Some investors noted that the coupon was low compared with
Bumi Resources' 9.25%, but sources said this was warranted since Bumi
also had a higher conversion premium of 30% and allowed for a dividend
yield of as much as 4.5% before the CB investors get any compensation.
First Resources will compensate investors for dividend yields above

Thanks to the strong demand, sole bookrunner Credit Suisse
was able to push the yield and the premium towards the issuer-friendly
end, while the coupon was fixed at the mid-point of the range at
5.625%. The yield ended up at 6.375% and the premium was set at 23.5%
over yesterday's closing price of S$1.01, resulting in a conversion
price of S$1.247. That price is well above the closing high for the
past 12 months of S$1.07 (which it hit last week just before the
release of the first-half earnings), but below the record high of
S$1.84 from January 2008 -- one month after the company's initial
public offering.

The issuer can call the bonds after three years, subject to a 130% hurdle.

were said to have been okay with the tighter price partly because the
allocation was skewed towards outright investors. The latter suggests
that the share price will suffer less today as there will be less
short-selling by hedge funds that want to hedge the CBs they have just
bought. That allocation decision could have been driven by the fact
that the stock borrow provided by controlling shareholder Eight Capital
(an investment vehicle owned by the Fangiono family) may have been
somewhat limited. There was no information on how many shares Eight
Capital was prepared to lend, but some hedge funds at least saw their
orders scaled back.

The demand was said to have come roughly
50-50 from hedge funds and outright investors. In all, about 50
investors submitted orders.

The bookrunner went out with a
credit spread of 1,000bp over Libor, which was based on the current
spread of an outstanding $141 million high-yield bond issued by First
Resources' plantation subsidiary Ciliandra Perkasa. That bond, which is
secured and matures in 2011, currently trades at about 800bp over Libor.

a stock borrow cost of 100bp, the pricing terms led to a bond floor of
86% and an implied volatility of 28%, which compares with a 100-day
historic vol of around 70%, according to Bloomberg data.

Resources reported a 31% drop in revenues to Rp996.8 billion ($100
million) and a 28% decline in net profit to Rp371.1 billion for the
first six months of this year from the first half of 2008, as lower
average selling prices offset an increase in both production and sales
volumes. Average selling prices have been edging higher, but First
Resources has not been able to benefit since it had committed to
forward sales at lower prices for the first half.

In a comment
to the earnings, the company noted tha

[ob] Negeri negeri Asia hrs prihatin atas El Nino 2009

2009-08-22 Terurut Topik T Halim
Dari Market Watch : 
Dari NOAA : http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2009/20090709_elnino.html

Dampak terhadap industri agro harus diperhitungkan. Kemungkinan El Nino memberi 
pengaruh thdp iklim diperkirakan sudah lebih dari 50% utk terjadi di Asia.

Saham saham perkebunan harus diamati baik baik korelasinya dng iklim ini.


Re: [ob]Supir Medan ~ DEWA UDANG

2009-08-20 Terurut Topik T Halim
Boss Berak, emang kau ada data supir Medan masuk jurang melulu?
Jangan gitu lah.. yg damai damai aja.. 
Perang ama Bandar tuh 


[ob] Re: Shanghai +4% (ancaman potensial)

2009-08-20 Terurut Topik T Halim
** Recovery
has been driven by investment, but perhaps as much as 30-40% of it went
into real estate and stock speculations. There is a bubble that must be
contained, if it bursts, the whole Asian and world recovery will burst
along with it. But because of China's cumbersome bureaucracy, it is
hard to hit the brakes smoothly. 
If the government hits them, it could
come to a sudden dangerous halt. 
If it tries to move slowly, the bubble
could grow even bigger. 

** These snags were not important a decade ago, but now that China is a
world leader, these are major problems for everybody. As such, the
recovery is uncertain and weak. There might be new, bigger problems
down the road, while the US and Europe are still deep in trouble. As
Asia Times Online contributor David P Goldman said in his blog, "The
June personal income data were dreadful. I simply don't believe in the
recovery story." This may be true not only for America, but also for
the rest of the world.


Free falll....Re: [ob] RE: IHSG : Masih mau ngotot untuk koreksi ?

2009-08-18 Terurut Topik T Halim
Sadis banget free fall nya.. DFut minus, regional dive mode juga..


Re: [ob] Re: [Ask I Ching] Bgm BUMI hari Rabu ini? 19 Aug

2009-08-18 Terurut Topik T Halim
LAgi diguyur di 3100

From: t_bumi 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 9:09:19 AM
Subject: [ob] Re: [Ask I Ching] Bgm BUMI hari Rabu ini? 19 Aug


Sip : tbumi
BUMI akan tembus Rp. 3250 sampai Rp. 3300 hari ini.


[ob] Nikkei 18 - 8 - 09

2009-08-17 Terurut Topik T Halim
08:05 WIB

TOKYO (Kyodo)--

Tokyo stocks opened lower Tuesday after Wall Street tumbled overnight on 
revived worries about the economy's recovery, but losses were partially offset 
as some investors hunted for bargains after the Japanese market's decline the 
previous day. 
Nikkei 225
Nikkei 225
Nikkei 08/18/09 - 10:05 
10,279.06     +10.45 ( +0.10%)  


[ob] Re: TUYUL DATANG in Europe, Dow Fut

2009-08-17 Terurut Topik T Halim
Now Europe is deep red FTSE 1004,611.02 -102.95-2.18%,DAX - 2.34%, CAC 
- 2.37%, Dow Fut: - 192, jeezz..


[ob] Nikkei 17 - 8 - 09

2009-08-16 Terurut Topik T Halim
Waduh waduh Nikkei ancur pagi ini, udah minus 2.32% (08:22 WIB)

9:15 WIB:Market Live 
Nikkei 225
08/17 - 11:00 
-237.08 ( - 2.24%) 


Re: [ob] Re: Mau Avg. Up DEWA gak ?

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik T Halim

Ayoo.. DEWA masih the laggarder di B7 ya pak..

From: Tasrul 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 3:23:28 PM
Subject: RE: [ob] Re: Mau Avg. Up DEWA gak ?


Tawaran saya cuma berlaku
sekali lho…besok-besok jangan nanya ya hahahaha


Orkes moral ~ Re: [ob] Re: Analisa Yg Bisa Diandalkan

2009-08-13 Terurut Topik T Halim
Aduhh ini pesan moral pas banget dng lagu Orkes Moral Pancaran Sinar Petromak 

Mbah saya ngaku ... ni die ai lah orangnya...

terima kasih untuk insightnya ini.. dalam sekali..

From: jsx_consultant 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:34:35 PM
Subject: [ob] Re: Analisa Yg Bisa Diandalkan

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "[ M S ]"  wrote:
> Jadi intinya jam terbang dan kenal betul pergerakan saham tersebut ya mbah?

Ilmu apapun ditangan orang yg mahir akan berhasil

Warren Buffett ngandelin FA tanpa liat monitor bisa jadi
orang terkaya didunia.

Tapi FA ditangan orang yg ngerti setengah setengah akan jadi
konyol malah celaka. Contohya: Orang day trade pake data PER
dan ROE.

Sebaliknya Day trader yg mengerti sedikit FA bisa beruntung
dari laporan keuangan yg baru dipublish.

Orang yg tidak ngerti FA atau TA tapi sabar nunggu bertahun 
tahun menunggu barang murah (seperti crash 2008) bisa untung

Main saham itu suatu SENI dan membutuhkan PERILAKU/SIFAT yg
mendukung yaitu: SABAR, COOL  tapi BISA BERTINDAK CEPAT disaat
diperlukan. Tapi umumnya manusia selalu MAU UNTUNG SABAN HARI 
DIBURSA. Tapi seperti sudah kita buktikan dengan Test Super
Trader, SANGAT SUSAH untuk bisa mengalahkan market setiap
hari. Petani saja menunggu musin tanam tiba dan baru bekerja
keladang. Coba kurangi jumlah trading kita dan konsentrasi
pada TIMING dan HIGH PROFIT trade disamping mempertajam VISI
KEDEPAN untuk investor.

Untuk orang tertentu mengurangi Trading itu gampang tapi
untuk sebagian lagi SANGAT SUSAH !!!, ini kembali ke perilaku
masing masing trader.

> Atau Insider Info kayak Jend Arto
> Sebelumya dari segi TA saya yakin banget dengan PVRA nya Prof JT yang telah 
> terbukti secara live trading.  Namun setelah postingan Pak Jhony Irawan which 
> make sense that even volume can be manipulated, saya jadi berpikir bahwa 
> emang SETAN GUNDUL can manipulate anything.
> Kalau FA, TA, BA ngak bisa diyakinin 100%, kombinasi apa dong yang minimal 
> bisa betahan cuan?
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> -Original Message-
> From: "jsx_consultant" 
> Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 17:28:09 
> To: 
> Subject: [ob] Re: Analisa Yg Bisa Diandalkan
> Percaya deh pak, engga ada yg namanya HOLY GRAIL teknik main
> saham. Semua ilmu itu bagus terutama ditangan orang yg mahir.
> Sangat susah untuk menguasai semua ilmu tsb sampai tingkat
> mahir.
> Karena itulah kita disini berkumpul dan saling melengkapi
> keahlian keahlian kita. Embah mencari pelengkap dari member
> yg lain untuk bidang yg embah tidak expert dan begitu
> juga sebaliknya.
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "[ M S ]"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Selama ini saya perhatikan di OB selalu ada yang bear dan bull.
> > 
> > Secara FA bagus tidak menjamin harga naik
> > 
> > Secara TA, terlalu banyak variasinya sampai bingung mau pakai yg mana.  
> > Setelah diback test dengan TA  juga tidak menjamin pasti bener.
> > 
> > Secara Bandarmologi terlalu banyak liku² dan alternatifnya.
> > 
> > Mungkinkah  Robot Pak DE bisa meminimize diatas 400%
> > 
> > Apkah robot lebih pandai drpfpd manusia???
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Sent from my BlackBerry®
> > powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> >

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+ + + + +
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kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
+ + + + +
+ +Yahoo! Groups Links


[ob] Keputusan MK ttg Pemilihan Ulang (dibacakan jam 2 ~ 4)

2009-08-11 Terurut Topik T Halim
Itu keputusan MK juga jadinya memberi sentimen wait and see ya.. 

Keputusan dibacakan perkiraan dari jam 2 sampai jam 4, soale ono 400 halaman 

Jadi blm tentu end result di kasih tahu di jam 2..  (apa emang mau nunggu ISX 
tutup dulu?)..

From: Rei 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:23:53 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Mungutin nya besok aja.


Kalo pemilu ulang bisa hancur berapa % nih index?...


>>  Tunggu Putusan MK Jam 14:00 Hari Ini



2009-08-11 Terurut Topik T Halim

From: T Halim 
To: dolgado-mi...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:52:19 PM
Subject: Re: FREN, GZCO, TRUB

Are you sure about FREN?

From: Lenny Liembono 
To: dolgado-mi...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 10:27:28 AM
Subject:  FREN, GZCO, TRUB

FREN Bisa average Up  


Re: [ob] FREN? VWAP?

2009-08-11 Terurut Topik T Halim
BEtul pak DE, serem mainnya ini bandar di gasrukin dari 93 ke 74 barusan.. 
mudah mudahan ga ada yg kena di OB ini.

From: Dean Earwicker 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:49:50 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Ask p Tasrul: FREN? VWAP?

Ok pak, saya ngantri di 58 aja deh.


Pada 11 Agustus 2009 14:45, Tasrul menulis:
> Berdasarkan data terlihat  FREN sejak mulai bangkit rata-rata di 58.57 ,
> jadi sementara ada trading range antara 58 s/d 85


[ob] GDP Report next Mionday Re: EL, A9 :: Ini kode ya?

2009-08-06 Terurut Topik T Halim

INDONESIA:   Growth will appear to be slowing in next Monday’s 2Q09 GDP 
report, to 3.9% YoY. But sequential, seasonally adjusted growth is accelerating


Re: [ob] Re: Elaine malu sekali

2009-08-06 Terurut Topik T Halim
I dont think one should be ashame if one is making a mistake.. and then we 
should not also ridicule one who had made a wrong assesment..

Who can predict the future? 

It is a bestimation,deduction..at certain point of time based on certain 

If one can predict than the world perhaps become a Biff Tanner world (Back To 
the Future II).. heheheh..he..

ES, you are a descent gentlewoman.. salute..



Re: [ob] inco indonesia update (reuters)

2009-08-06 Terurut Topik T Halim
Malah ngacir udah di 5050 INCO.


Re: [ob] BUMI technical ........POTENSI BUMI YG SANGAT DAHSYAT

2009-08-06 Terurut Topik T Halim
Udah dikasih tadi boss petanya ama mbak..

From: "d...@ob" 
To: Milis OB 
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2009 2:12:51 PM


MBah  Petanya please

Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by INDOSAT



2009-08-05 Terurut Topik T Halim
Berita coal yg kurang bagus utk ke depan, Tiongkok masih pemakai terbesar batu 
bara..akan ada kelebihan pasok..

China may face excess coal supply in H2 -XinhuaPublished: 02 Aug 2009 20:09:00 
SHANGHAI, Aug 3 - China's coal market is likely to face excess supply in the 
second half, due to growingoutput as small mines return to production, the 
official Xinhua News Agency reported, quoting industrysources.
Coal demand may grow in the summer, when power demand surges with temperature, 
but the overall growth in this year's demand for the hydrocarbon is expected to 
be limited, Xinhua quoted sources who attended a conference organised by the 
China Coal Transportation and Distribution Association.
Small mines, many of which were ordered to suspend production earlier in the 
year, are now returning to production at an increasing pace. In addition, the 
transportation market is in relatively comfortable conditions, increasing the 
possibility of supply outstripping demand in the second half of the year, the 
Xinhua report said.
China's coal output growth accelerated to 16 percent in June, compared with the 
year-ago level, to a record high of 279 million tonnes, according to the 
National Bureau of Statistics.
- Apakah BUMI akan naik secara DAHSYAT sangat tergantung dari harga Coal dimasa 


[ob] Re: BUMI dijagain bener

2009-08-05 Terurut Topik T Halim
Benar kata pak JT, BUMI di pagerin bener di paling bawah cuman 2650..
Whats up?


Re: [ob] Re: INCO cant confirm Force Majeure

2009-08-05 Terurut Topik T Halim
Betul pak T stok makin tipis, pembeli terpaksa cari barang di pasar genjing 
thanks for your view..


Re: [ob] Re: INCO cant confirm Force Majeure

2009-08-05 Terurut Topik T Halim


Re: [ob] Beli INCO yuks..

2009-08-05 Terurut Topik T Halim
Iya bu hanya pull back biasa saya rasa. Fundamental tetap stimulus plan 
Tiongkok dan lain lain akan narik logam dasar.
Ini TA dari Sucden per 3 Ag

Sucden Financial Limited Nickel Report : 04-Aug-09   
Anchors:  Technicals  Market Data  
Technical Analysis Section  
=== LME Nickel Chart === Download This Chart 
=== LME Nickel Montlhly Chart === Download This Chart 
All charts developed using CQG for Windows.  
  18000 18900 18000 18830 880 33,045 4520 
  Total Stock  105,828
  Overnight High Bid  9150
  Overnight Low Offer  1850 

From: Bettina Tan 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2009 9:38:05 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Beli INCO yuks..


Saya fikir kalau turun lagi juga tidak sampai 6 per pound kan.. soalnya saya 
lihat inventory di LME juga menurun. 

2009/8/6 T Halim 

>Bloomberg pagi ini jam : 9:20 Nickel per mt: US$ 19750 (turun 750) dari high 
>tadi pagi pagi 

 From: Bettina Tan 
>To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com; junior_tra...@yahoogroups.com; 
>Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2009 9:11:32 AM
>Subject: [ob] Beli INCO yuks..
>Di tengah gelombang koreksi ternyata masih ada peluang.. nickel naik ke 9 per 
>pound.. mudah2an harganya bisa naik hari ini dan selanjutnya 


Re: [ob] Beli INCO yuks..

2009-08-05 Terurut Topik T Halim
Bloomberg pagi ini jam : 9:20 Nickel per mt: US$ 19750 (turun 750) dari high 
tadi pagi pagi 

From: Bettina Tan 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com; junior_tra...@yahoogroups.com; 
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2009 9:11:32 AM
Subject: [ob] Beli INCO yuks..


Di tengah gelombang koreksi ternyata masih ada peluang.. nickel naik ke 9 per 
pound.. mudah2an harganya bisa naik hari ini dan selanjutnya 


[ob] China's Soaring Stocks Pose Risk to Global Markets

2009-08-05 Terurut Topik T Halim
Consider this view to round the thinking..still a volatile now a days.. 


Monday, Aug. 03, 2009
China's Soaring Stocks Pose Risk to Global Markets
By Cesar Bacani / Hong Kong
For a while there, it looked like the doomsayers would be proved right. On July 
29, the Shanghai Composite Index lost as much as 7.7% of its value before 
ending the day down 5% on record-breaking trading volume of $43.3 billion. 
The sell-off was the largest one-day decline in Chinese stocks in eight months, 
and set off panic purging in Hong Kong, where the Hang Seng Index lost 2.4%. 
Even the U.S. got dinged, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average ending the day 
off by 26 points.
It was a false alarm. 
Rumors had swept the trading floor that China was going to tighten money 
supply. That night, the central bank reaffirmed its loose monetary policy that 
is meant to support economic growth and pledged to refrain from imposing loan 
quotas to control bank lending. The next day, the Chinese banks that were said 
to be cutting back on credit denied they would do so. On July 31, the Shanghai 
index rebounded 2.7%, the biggest rise in two months; China stocks in July rose 
15%, the largest monthly gain since 2007. (See pictures of China's 
infrastructure boom.) .. end of quote... 
(click link to see complete article)

From: Elaine Sui 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 11:01:50 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] skenario besok kamis 6 agustus..?

FY09 = 2100-2300 at current IDR. Very conservative valuation.



[ob] BNBR - Get Ready

2009-08-04 Terurut Topik T Halim
Naik angkot merah 107 (non AC) pulang pake angkot ijo 110(full AC)

Thanks prof JT..


Re: [ob] SEJATI: Buy KIJA tp 175 ...

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
KIJA 132 perak

From: artomoro9 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 12:04:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] SEJATI: Buy KIJA tp 175 ...


[ob] PGAS keabisan gas?

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
Yang masuk PGAS beware.. seems gas nya abis tuh..


[ob] Re: INDF - out

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
Thanks utk advisnya pak JT, udah out di 2475, just by a whisker.. cukup dulu.. 

From: JT 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Cc: jsxtra...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 10:43:38 AM
Subject: INDF - RE: [ob] SGRO -  BREAK !


Waspadai INDF, ada perlemahan…., volume naiknya tidak bagus, ada
gap up hari ini, perlu dicurigai sebagai exhausted gap…., tapi bisa juga
continuation gap…, WE DO NOT KNOW at this moment…, pasang aja trailing stop !!  
tapi secara keseluruhan masih Strong Uptrend !!


Re: [ob] Mbah Surip meninggal.. index jadi turun

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
He has done his mark in this dunia fana, have we? 

Farewell Mbah Surip, you rockss...sire,well done.

From: jsx_consultant 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 12:52:18 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Mbah Surip meninggal.. index jadi turun

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "Sanjaya"  wrote:
> Turut berduka cita..selamat jalan Mbah Surip.

Doain aja supaya mbah Surip masuk surga

Embah bayangin mbah Surip jalan mendekati pintu gerbang surga
sambil bawa gitar, lalu dia teriak ama malaikat malaikat yg
menyambutnya dari kejauhan: I LOVE YOU FULL ... I AM COMING...

Malaikat malaikat bersorak sorak minta lagu Tak Gendong sambil
minta digendong ..

Heboh dah... hehehe


[ob] OOT- Voucher Air Asia

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
Teman saya dari Selandia Baru mendapat voucher Air Asia senilai Rp.500.000.- 
krn flight delay.

Expiry 29 Sep 09.

Krn dia ga bisa pakai (udah mulih ke NZ) mau dijual Rp.350.000.-

Ada yg butuh? Bisa dinominasikan ke nama yg beli dan dipakai utk beli tiket Air 

Maaf kalau ini OOT, saya cuman mau bantuin dia.



[ob] TA Sucden - Chart - TImah per 31 Jul 09

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim

 Sucden Financial Limited Tin Report : 03-Aug-09   
Anchors:  Technicals  Market Data  
Technical Analysis Section  
=== LME Tin === Download This Chart 
=== LME Tin Monthly === Download This Chart 
All charts developed using CQG for Windows.  

LME Tin 3 mth
  14595 14725 13505 13500 -1000  
  Information   +/-   
  Market Volume  13,410 4449
  Stocks  18,405 140   
 The prices on the above charts are from CQG   
 The 3-month price data above is from Reuters
 Open - First ask price after midnight
 High - Highest bid of the day
 Low - Lowest offer of the day
 Last Trade - Evening evaluation price set by the exchange set at around 5.30pm 


Re: [ob] TA Sucden - Chart - nickel price as 3 Aug 09

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
GA bayar trial 30 hari hehehe..he..
Register dulu tapinya.. free reg.


Plus please note data di chart tsb per 30 July 09, tapi ditulis on 3rd Aug 09.. 
jadi tambahkan saja kira kira dng kenaikan harga per pagi ini tadi utk arah 
kemana komoditas ini bergerak secara TA.

Secara fundamental, saya sih melihat project stimulus dimana mana di focus ke 
infrastructure development, Tiongkok jelas jelas sangat sukses dng disbursement 
stimulusnya kalau baca di media keuangan, artinya kebutuhan logam dasar akan 
boleh dikata trend yang upward terlepas slow atau tidak, ada permainan spekulan 
atau tidak.


From: VF ™ 
To: Obrolan bandar 
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 8:50:37 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] TA Sucden - Chart - nickel price as 3 Aug 09

Pa halim, mau tanya..
Utk dpt chart ky gini harus bayar ya ato ga usah..
Minta linknya dong.. Trims byk..
- VF -


[ob] TA Sucden - Chart - nickel price as 3 Aug 09

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
Sebagai tambahan dapat dari Sucden, TA nya nickel per 3 Aug 2009:

 Sucden Financial Limited Nickel Report : 03-Aug-09   
Anchors:  Technicals  Market Data  
Technical Analysis Section  
=== LME Nickel Chart === Download This Chart 
=== LME Nickel Montlhly Chart === Download This Chart 
All charts developed using CQG for Windows.  

  17325 17950 17325 17950 750 28,525 6037 
  Total Stock  105,864
  Overnight High Bid  8550
  Overnight Low Offer  1800   
 The prices on the above charts are from CQG  
 The 3-month price data above is from Reuters   
 Open - First ask price after midnight   
 High - Highest bid of the day   
 Low - Lowest offer of the day   
 Last Trade - Evening evaluation price set by the exchange set at around 5.30pm 


Re: [ob] LME Chart - nickel price this morning

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
Wah sorry pak Rei dan semuanya, setting fonts nya berubah ga sengaja.



[ob] Bucks stop here ~ Re: Focus On "your own" STOCK

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
Agree pak Cougar,focus is so important.. and the bucks stop here. 

Apapun keputusannya beli atau jual ada ditangan masing masing. No one can tell 
you to part from your money here.

Saya tidak pernah percaya 100% begitu saja ke posting posting. 
Info dari OB tambahan buat saya dan arahan untuk memperkuat decision making 

Neither saya akan memperolok olok mereka yang berani menyatakan pendapat dalam 
bentuk analisis, apalagi ke individual.

Kita tidak pernah akan tahu motive dari posting disini. Saya tidak bilang yang 
posting itu jahat atau baik. Neutral saja.

Saya tetap amat berterima kasih ada yang mau mendonasikan waktu dan bersusah 
payah menuliskannya (apapun motivenya) krn saya yang pasti belajar banyak dari 
sana. Doesnt matter how crazy, provacative, funny, it was written.

Bila ada yg posting tentang INCO, ANTM, TMPI ya saya coba pelajari dari TA, FA 
dan mengasah feeling. Tidak penting buat saya jitu atau tidak posting tsb. 

Kalau ada yang marah marah krn rugi, menurut saya karena tidak mau belajar, 
malas, mau instant profit.. tetap menurut saya the bucks stop here, it is your 
money it is your decision, ga ada posting disini yang ngancam awas loe kalau ga 
beli atau jual.

Belajar dan belajar,never too old to learn, but never too young to be lazy and 

My two lots,


From: Cougar Boy 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 3:49:51 AM
Subject: Re-Alreat : Focus On "your own" STOCK Re: [ob] gak perlu club club  
kan kali ya..


Dah..balik aja ke saham masing-masing

Tujuan saya posting kemarin cuman mau tolong orang aja. Lihat aja chart BEI 
kemarin..sekilas pasti banyak orang saran profit taking. Dan kalau urusan 
profit taking, retail cenderung jual saham yang profit dan hold saham yang 
rugi. (betul kan ?) Dengan banyaknya saham breakout kemarin kan sayang sekali 
kalau menjual saham baru breakout cuman gara-gara "ilusi" IHSG. 

Nah tujuan saya cuman itu...sama sekali tidak ada niat untuk sharing portofolio 
saya atau tulis "I TOLD YOU"
Silahkan check milis ini.. hmin tidak pernah tulis I TOLD YOU, just not my 

Soal petok..kebetulan aja ada member yang posing. Lagipula sama sekali tidak 
ada signal beli CPIN kemarin (at least dari daily chart, kalau pakai 15 minutes 
chart mungkin ada) 

Terlampir saya tunjukan chart CPIN.
Pak JT/Hans/Tasrul pasti bisa comment.. breakout di 740 valid tidak ?

Buat saya sih tidak..volume kurang. Rata-rata trader juga baru masuk di harga 
>800, kaum fundamentalis baru berani start beli di >900. So kalau ditulis di OB 
...kapan dapat duitnya... bid-over cuman 3 digit...tulis di secara terbuka di 
OB bisa membuat pesta bubar. :D

So...back to stock aja...ngapain bahas klub sejati di hari kerja, malah 
sahamnya gak ada yang bahas..cape dah, diskusi yang gak ada duitnya weekend aja.


[ob] LME Chart - nickel price this morning

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
Based on 3 months buyer - 4 Aug 2008  to 4 Aug 2009

From: Rei 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 8:05:00 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] inco - nickel price this morning


Nickel sdh rebound lebih dari 100% ya dari lowestnya...bisakah balik ke 45000? 
Saya rasa tidak kecuali growth gila2an atau campur tangan HF lagi :(Tambahan 
info dari Bloomberg TV on nickel : USD 19010 / mt - naik 750 (jam 8:00 BBIB)



[ob] inco - nickel price this morning

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
Tambahan info dari Bloomberg TV on nickel : USD 19010 / mt - naik 750 (jam 8:00 


Re: [ob] BUMI - Pull Back

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik T Halim
Bakri 7 semua merah ni hari.. 

From: JsxTrader 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com; jsxtra...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2009 3:09:39 PM
Subject: [ob] BUMI -  Pull Back

Kemaren banyak yg merasa ketinggalan BUMI.., nah ini ada
gejala pull back, emang ini yg diarepin kan?…, Kalo dikasi 2300-2350 pada
berani beli ngga? Ntar malah kabur lagi…. Hehehe… 



[ob] Re:60k lots - INCO -

2009-08-02 Terurut Topik T Halim
13:36 - 60k lots hovering around 4625 - 4650.. let see pak JTL

From: JT 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2009 11:58:47 AM
Subject: INCO - RE: [ob] BUMI cangcut


Jangan sekarang, nanti aja tunggu 4650 jebol dan close diatas
itu dgn volume >36 ribu lot


[ob] The monster has not died ~ WHAT IF...

2009-08-02 Terurut Topik T Halim

The Monster of Wall Street Lives
Markets are recovering. But the systemic risk problem that nearly ate New York 
is still out there.
By Michael Hirsh | Newsweek Web Exclusive 
Jul 24, 2009
Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase have reported huge profits, the Dow has made 
it past 9000, and Barack Obama has moved on to health care. The horror show 
seems to be over. But as in one of those clichéd Hollywood endings, the monster 
in this story isn't really dead, even if most people think he is. Lost amid all 
the premature self-congratulation is the fact that the deepest underlying 
problem that caused the financial disaster is not being solved. 
The problem: how to control and keep tabs on the market activities of giant 
firms that cause such a disruption to the system they can't be allowed to fail. 
Put simply, six months into the Obama administration there is as yet no 
coherent proposal for solving this issue, and serious differences remain 
between Tim Geithner's Treasury and Ben Bernanke's Fed. At hearings this week, 
Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) told Bernanke bluntly that he didn't think anyone was 
up to that immense and vastly complex job. As Corker told me afterward in an 
interview: "Today there's a whole lot more questions about what systemic risk 
is and which powers a regulator should have than there are answers. And the 
last week has brought that to light." 
Indeed. On Friday, Geithner reiterated a position he first laid out in June: 
the administration, he said, wants to hand the job of systemic risk regulator 
to the Fed. "We propose evolving the Federal Reserve's authority to create a 
single point of accountability for the consolidated supervision of all large, 
interconnected firms," he said in testimony. He said again that the 
administration seeks to create a new Financial Services Oversight Council to 
monitor systemic risk. But Geithner made clear the council "will not have the 
responsibility for supervising the largest, most complex, interconnected 
institutions." Geithner said there's no way such a council would have the 
"tremendous institutional capacity and organizational accountability" needed 
for that task, or to respond in a financial emergency. "You cannot convene a 
committee to put out a fire," Geithner summed things up piquantly in June. "The 
Federal Reserve is in the best position to play that
But Bernanke, in contending testimony this week, shied away from being cast as 
the über-regulator. Instead, as he saw it, the Fed ought to be restricted to 
being supervisor of bank holding companies--apparently the same 19 giant firms 
that went through "stress tests" last spring. "We don't have the resources or 
the authority" to take "a holistic view of the whole system," he said, "though, 
of course, in general terms we obviously are watching the economy, but not in 
that kind of detail." Bernanke also expressed a lot more enthusiasm than 
Geithner about the council, urging Congress to debate "what powers it should 
have." He added: "There may be situations where the council can have authority 
to harmonize different practices or to identify problems and to take action."  
When Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) pressed Bernanke on this point, he demurred 
again. Warner asked: "Are you comfortable that the Fed is the de facto 
systemic-risk overseer at this point; is aggregating enough information 
upstream from all the day-to-day prudential regulators, not just on the banking 
side, but from securities, commodities and others--that this aggregation of 
information is taking place?" Bernanke responded: "Well, no, we're not being 
the super-regulator at all." Federal Reserve governor Dan Tarullo, an Obama 
appointee, emphasized the same point in testimony on Thursday. While a new 
financial regulatory framework "would involve some expansion of Federal Reserve 
responsibilities, that expansion would be an incremental and natural extension 
of the Federal Reserve's existing supervisory and regulatory responsibilities," 
he said.  
Both Bernanke and Geithner argued that other planned measures will ameliorate 
systemic risk. Under the administration's proposals, big firms will have to 
"bear the cost of their size through extra capital, liquidity and 
risk-management requirements," Bernanke said. In other words, there will be an 
additional cost to bigness that wasn't there before, making M&A enthusiasts 
think twice. Second, a new resolution authority will be able to take over big 
firms the way the Federal Depository Insurance Corp. does to banks, raising the 
prospect "that creditors could lose money if the company fails," Bernanke said. 
"Both of those things would tend to make being big less attractive." The Fed 
chief added that under the new regime, "supervisors would choose to tell firms 
that they needed to limit certain activities if they thought it was a danger to 
the broad system." 
All this helps. But it may be a triumph 

Re: [ob] Re: TMAS

2009-08-02 Terurut Topik T Halim
Saya ada pertanyaan tentang universenya retailer equity di Indonesia.

Kalau lihat dari jumlah retailer yg di pasar modal, kalo ga salah terakhir 
angka yg pernah disebutkan oleh BEI sekitar 300.000 orang, berapa besar 
sebenarnya bandar mengharapkan dari kita kita.

300.000 itu juga banyak yg punya account dibeberapa brokerage. Berapa rata rata 
modal yg dipakai oleh retailer sehingga menarik utk bandar utk berkali kali 

Riel jumlah dana yg dimasukkan retailer apakah ada signifikansi nya utk Bandar 
melakukan engineering harga? Adu lihay diatas panggung BEI ?

Apakah bukan the real fight between para FM juga (ngeliat Russel Crowe di film 
A good Year ).. ? 

investor rudin

From: Bandar Bola 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2009 8:52:46 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: TMAS

Pak Oentoeng, saya sama sekali tidak meragukan Om Jack untuk urusan 
perbandaran. Concern saya cuma urusan joining fee-nya yang kegedean untuk 
ukuran saya. Saya ingat betul, tahun lalu sebelum TINS ambruk, beliau udah 
pernah ngingatin member OB, dan beneran kejadian, dan seperti biasa setiap 
pendapat banyak pros dan cons-nya, sampai2 waktu itu beliau perlu "keluarin" 
Ferrari-nya dari garasi.
Baik, saya coba jawab quiz sampiyan, biar tetap bisa dapet kursus gratis dari 
Yang Pertama:
Menurut saya, bandar kalo masih akan terus distribusi, walaupun harga udah 
turun banyak, maka harga saham akan terus turun. Definisi "masih akan terus 
distribusi" adalah kalo bandar masih punya stok barang DAN retail masih mau 
nyerap stok bandar.
Tapi kalo harga udah turun banyak, tiba2 mental balik ke atas dan naik terus, 
maka menurut saya, ini karena barang yang tadinya dibagi2 ke retail di harga 
atas udah berhasil diminta balik oleh bandar dari retail. Artinya, retail udah 
nyerah dan cut loss, stok balik lagi ke bandar plus cuan selisih jual atas beli 
bawah. Karena stok udah balik ke bandar, maka next action-nya, bandar akan 
mark-up lagi lebih tinggi lagi, untuk ngasih kesempatan retail lain yang mau 
jadi "korban" baru di harga yang lebih tinggi.
Saya pikir cara kerja macam ini terjadi untuk semua counter, cuma bedanya, kalo 
3rd liner urusan beginian dimensi waktu-nya bisa cuma hitungan jam2-an, 
sedangkan untuk counter yang market-cap-nya gede, dimensi waktu-nya bisa 
mingguan atau bulanan. 
Yang Kedua:
Walaupun barang sudah terdistribusi banyak di harga yang cukup tinggi, tapi 
bisa saja bandar masih terus kerek harga naik, karena target jumlah stok yang 
mau dibagi2 belum tercapai. 
Yang Ketiga:
Kalo distribusi dari bandar A dimakan oleh bandar lain, bandar B yang lebih 
kuat. Di monitor bandar A, stok-nya dipikir dimakan oleh retail, tapi ternyata 
yang makan adalah bandar B. Alhasil kalo bandar A keok, dan stok-nya berpindah 
ke bandar B, dan oleh bandar B harga akan dikerek naik lebih tinggi. Di harga 
yang lebih tinggi itu, bandar A akan buy-back at loss, atau retail yang nyerap 
stok dari bandar A itu.
Mudah2-an masih diterima jadi murid sampiyan, ya pak. 

Bandar Bola

2009/8/2 Provokator Saham 

>P. BB
>Jangan khawatir masalah biaya workshop, always gratis...
>Semua member disini yg pernah "kursus" sama saya boleh mengklaim kalau saya 
>Yg pasti kalau dikasih duit saya kagak pernah nolak yah, apalagi info yg 
>ciamik kek dr Jend Arto yg "serba instan" mau bangettt
>>Eh "mie instant" yah yg belon dikerjain? 
>Canda yah Jend...
>Sekalian ngomentari dikit ttg P. JC, saat ini khan pembicaraannya dlm konteks 
>gerombolan "bandar".
>Beliau (and the gang) memang punya power di BEI, keraguan anda saya perkirakan 
>karena kurang yakin saja.
>>Maklum karena kagak pernah ketemu nkali yah?
>Beberapa member ada yg masih mempertanyakan reputasi beliau, dimana 
>rekomendasinya yg tempo2 BENAR tempo2 juga HARUS DIBALIK.
>Saya anggap itu hanyalah.part of his strategy.
>>Yang paling jagoan model gini adalah P TBumi, karena sebenarnya beliau itu 
>>TAHU BANYAK tapi dalam penyampaian MIRIP juga dg P. JC.
>Malah mungkin kita sering bingung banyak benernya atau banyak salahnya?
>>Saya pribadi sadar sepenuhnya kalau beliau adalah senior.
>Malah kalau ada member yg "mencibir" beliau, bagi saya itu keliatan banget 
>kalau kagak pernah ketemu "bandar" apalagi kenalan, kekekek
>Bicara counter2 saham yg dikerjain oleh GL (minjem istilah P. JC) ada bbrp 
>- MAYORITAS saham yg beredar di masyarakat sekitar 1 jt lot atau KURANG dari 
>- Seringkali saham2 tsb sedang "diliput" oleh mass media.
>>- Benernya mereka sdh punya "short list" saham2 tertentu yg cukup aman utk 
>Karena emiten-nya kurang peduli dg pergerakan saham mereka. 
>Jadi relative aman utk "dikerjain".
>>Masih ada bbrp criteria lain tp kita lanjutkan di sesi berikutnya ajalah...
>"Kursus gratisan" model gini harus sabar yah pak...
>Bicara variasi pergerakan karena akhir2 ini mereka main MASING2 (sahamnya 

Re: [ob] Metal Mining sector H1/09: sector yg malang

2009-08-02 Terurut Topik T Halim
Sddtional from TA side:
>From Base Metal :
Technical Analysis - Nickel - Sets new highs but looking overbought
FastMarkets Ltd - William Adams - Nickel's rebound has now pushed into new high 
ground for the year with a move up to $16,950. 
The stochastics are rolling along the ..

Candlestick Chart as per Friday 30 Jul 09 attached for info.


Re: [ob] koleksi e-book saham dan forex,jualan?

2009-08-02 Terurut Topik T Halim
Saya tidak minta tapi dikirim japri puluhan Mb..

Dan di pengantar malah jadi jualan malah jadi jualan? Apa saya salah ngerti?

Tlg jangan kirim ke saya lagi krn saya tidak memerlukannya ..


Saya juga rencana menjual seluruh koleksi e-book saya tersebut seharga 370rb 
utk semua judulnya (sudah termasuk ongkos kirim ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia). 
Daftar seluruh koleksi E-Book tersebut saya lampirkan bersama email ini.
Jika bapak/ibu berminat hanya perlu transfer ke rekening bca saya dan 
menginformasikan alamat bapak/ibu, untuk kemudian saya akan kirimkan DVD berisi 
e-book tsb via ekspedisi
mohon maaf saya belum bisa upload/kirim via email mengingat ada 3500 lebih 
judul buku dan total ukurannya 3.5 Gigabytes (ukuran yg cukup besar tersebut 
diakibatkan karena banyak e-book yang isinya chart dan grafik)

account BCA atas nama : Susanto Gondo Wijaya
no account: 0401547222


Saran: [ob] koleksi e-book saham dan forex

2009-08-01 Terurut Topik T Halim
upload saja di http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/obrolan-bandar/files/

Fasilitas sudah tersedia disana. 10 Mb bisa diakomodasi dng mudah.

Biar masing masing download spy milis bisa focus ke hal yg diutamakan.


From: jsx_consultant 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2009 2:36:19 PM
Subject: ADMIN: Re: [ob] koleksi e-book saham dan forex

Permintaan pribadi mohon jangan dikirim ke milis, langsung
ke ybs aja, biar engga MENGGANGGU traffic milis...



Re: [ob] BUMI +12,3% vs IHSG 0,8%

2009-07-30 Terurut Topik T Halim
Jumat, 31/07/2009 12:03 WIB
Bakrie 7 Kuasai 60% Transaksi BEI, IHSG Tembus 2.300
Indro Bagus SU - detikFinance 


Re: [ob] BUMI +12,3% vs IHSG 0,8%

2009-07-30 Terurut Topik T Halim
Mbah Nikkei (11:13) plus 1.78%
HSI plus 2.31%

From: jsx_consultant 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 11:11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] BUMI +12,3% vs IHSG 0,8%

IHSG +20

SERBU LAGI, tapi sore barang dijual yah...


Wharton: Free fall over - Re: [ob] Property

2009-07-30 Terurut Topik T Halim
The recovery is by no means here, but it may be near. Important indicators of 
economic performance such as industrial production and workweek hours are still 
in decline. On the other hand, the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) 
indexes have increased throughout 2009. The available indicators may best be 
described as "mixed," but the free fall seems to be over.
U.S. Economy: Is the Free Fall Finished?Published: July 15, 2009 in 
knowle...@w.p. Carey 

By Lee McPheters

econ...@w. P. Carey

Nobody would claim the U.S. economy is healthy right now. 

After all, we are in the worst contraction since the Great Depression, and poor 
numbers are being posted for almost every economic indicator. But analysts are 
watching several key components of the economy that have stopped the free fall 
and appear to be stabilizing and poised for rebound.

Retail Sales Up Again
An example is the latest (June) retail sales report, released July 14, showing 
retail outlays up for the second consecutive month. 
The increase was hardly stunning -- June sales were up 0.6 percent, coming 
after an even smaller gain of 0.5 percent in May. 

But before these increases, retail sales had declined for six consecutive 
months in the second half of 2008, and bobbed up and down in the first part of 
2009 (see table at econ...@w. P. Carey). 

For the first half of 2009, retail sales were up in four out of six months.

Personal consumption expenditures overall show a similar pattern. After 
"dropping off a cliff" in the second half of 2008, monthly personal consumption 
so far this year contracted only in March. Analysts will be watching for the 
June personal consumption data, set to be released August 4th.

Although it appears that consumer spending has found a trough and may add to 
growth of Gross Domestic Product in the third quarter and beyond, the gains 
will be tepid at best. Consumers have taken advantage of their reduced 
withholding to add to savings rather than splurging. And with unemployment 
rising, portfolios weakened, and home values still in decline, consumers are 
shying away from big ticket items such as appliances, furniture, and autos.

However, auto sales figures also appear to have stabilized at a low level, 
along with home sales and home permits. Analysts expect very modest gains in 
these categories in the second half of 2009.

The recovery is by no means here, but it may be near. Important indicators of 
economic performance such as industrial production and workweek hours are still 
in decline. On the other hand, the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) 
indexes have increased throughout 2009. The available indicators may best be 
described as "mixed," but the free fall seems to be over.

W. P. Carey Round Number Forecast Improves

Because several key indicators appear to have bottomed out, the W. P. Carey 
outlook for 2009 has improved somewhat this month. Although Gross Domestic 
Product is still projected to decline for 2009, the contraction will be -2.5 
percent, instead of -3.0 percent as foreseen last month (see forecast table 
atecon...@w. P. Carey).
Consumer spending will increase in the second half of 2009, but will be down 
for the year by 0.5 percent compared to 2008.
The economy will grow in 2010, although unemployment may remain high. Real GDP 
will be up by 2.0 percent, boosted by a similar gain in consumer spending. 
Business spending on equipment and software will increase by 7 percent, but 
expenditures for nonresidential structures (including retail and office space) 
will decline. Exports will not be a source of growth, since the U.S. economy is 
expected to recover sooner than the rest of the world. State and local 
government spending will not add to GDP, and by the end of 2010 much of the 
federal stimulus spending will be over. Whether credit conditions will have 
improved enough by 2011 to allow private sector spending to propel the economy 
forward into a sustained recovery remains to be seen.

On 7/29/09, Mira Lie  wrote:
>> The economic outlook is not too good for 2H09 but not everything is bad.
>> I've made an analysis and the result is:
>> 1. Property and related sector (cement, construction)
>> 2. Pharmacy and Health care
>> These ones have been laggard but they will be shining soon and outperform
>> other sectors. I suggest if you want to do short/med term investing, you
>> focus on these. Forget commodity stocks. Please ask for JT or Tasrul
>> assistance for entry/exit points. Most of the them have small caps, so
>> they're quite volatile. Good for traders.
>> Have a nice investing and good luck  See, I can be nice to traders too.
>> Elaine
> Cc Elaine, kalo masih ada sektor yang bagus apakah IHSG bisa
> melanjutkan rally atau nyungsep? Mengingat sektor komo dan banking
> masih menjadi tulang punggung IHSG
> Mira888


Re: [ob] IHSG Update, udh dekat 2269 ~ 2270 nya

2009-07-30 Terurut Topik T Halim
Pak, gemes bener tuh 2268 tadi udah dekat bener ya.. emang strong resist .

Biar gak kejebak, saya kasih peta aja ya , intinya kalau
IHSG mau lanjut minggu depan, harus bisa tembus 2,269.59 dalam minggu ini.
Overseas Securities
Research Analyst
   Plaza Bapindo Mandiri Tower Lt.16
 Jl. Jend.Sudirman

  Jakarta – 12190, Indonesia



Re: [ob] Re: hati...hati...

2009-07-29 Terurut Topik T Halim
REgional already in red zone ...


Re: [ob] Re: BUMI,

2009-07-29 Terurut Topik T Halim
Top seller BUMI per jam 11:00 - 30 Jul: 
YS: 33.650 lot
Buyer : CS: 100.407 lot


Re: [ob] Fwd: (BN) Oil Will Reach $85 a Barrel, Decline Is Temporary,

2009-07-29 Terurut Topik T Halim
Hedge fund..

But in the long, global oil prod had been on decline read: 

From: artomoro9 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:01:14 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Fwd: (BN) Oil Will Reach $85 a Barrel, Decline Is Temporary,


mungkin EL benar, GS juga bisa saja salah. tetapi kalo Oil kembali ke $35 
rasanya juga buatan speculator sono, dan harga $35 ini juga pernah terjadi 
belum lama kok, tetapi itu ulah si pit hitam kata embah.

menurut temen2 ane yang kerja di oil, oil company akan susah hidup kalo harga 
segitu, jadi pastinya harga oil akan terus di jaga di atas harga $35 itu.



[ob] Nouriel Roubini raises growth forecasts~ Defensive and..

2009-07-29 Terurut Topik T Halim
Roubini, aka Dr Doom, seems getting more optimistic too.. this is his comment 
today about Asia:

Nouriel Roubini raises growth forecasts for AsiaBy Sameera Anand  |  29 July 
Read this article online at: 

China and India will lead growth in Asia, but the recovery in the region will 
be U-shaped, says Roubini's RGE Monitor. 
RGE Monitor, the firm founded by economist Nouriel Roubini, yesterday raised 
its growth forecasts for Asia, including China and India. The change is based 
on an improvement in global conditions in the second quarter of 2009, 
aggressive policy responses by governments and the fact that manufacturing 
activity in several countries has bottomed out. Inventory re-stocking, stimulus 
measures and global risk appetite will also temporarily boost Asia's growth, 
RGE said. 

However, RGE continues to believe global growth will contract until late 2009 
or early 2010. Its forecast is that global growth will contract by 1.9% in 2009 
and that economic growth in the United States, the European Union and Japan 
(the G-3) will be sluggish. RGE believes a complete recovery in Asia is 
dependent on the timing and pace of the G-3 recovery, hence Asia's growth will 
remain under pressure for the rest of this year.

"Deleveraging in the US and [the] EU and a slow revival of the global 
electronics cycle will lead to a U-shaped recovery in Asia," said RGE. The New 
York-based economic news and analysis firm added that structural reforms to 
boost domestic demand in Asia will need several years to take effect so a 
sustained recovery in Asia in the short term is dependent on the US recovery. 
"However, better macro and financial fundamentals relative to other emerging 
markets will be a plus for Asian economies and asset markets during the 
recovery," added RGE.

Asia ex-Japan will grow by 4.3% in 2009, led by China and India, and will 
revive further and grow by 6.2% in 2010, the firm said.

RGE expects China to grow around 7.5% in 2009 with the fiscal stimulus being a 
key driver. However, RGE does not expect China's infrastructure spending to 
boost manufacturing in the rest of Asia. It cautioned that "China will need to 
start tightening carefully in 2009 given overheating in equity and property 
markets" and added that China also has limited ability to diversify from US 

In India, domestic consumption will ensure growth of around 5.7%. But RGE 
highlighted that Indian companies will have difficulty accessing external 
capital which has been the main driver of investment in recent years and also 
suggested that investors into India are overly optimistic about government 

Further, slower exports and the dependence of both China and India on foreign 
capital will keep growth in these two economies below full potential, even in 

RGE predicted the four "Asian Tigers" namely Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea 
and Taiwan, as well as Malaysia and Thailand, will contract in 2009 with a 
sluggish recovery in 2010, on account of pressure on exports, and reduced 
domestic demand. Growth in the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam will also 
slow due to export contraction and commodity correction. 

Roubini is a professor at New York University's Stern Business School and a 
former adviser to the US Treasury and the International Monetary Fund. He was 
one of the few economists to correctly predict the scale of the recent 
financial crisis. 

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[ob] CUM - Re: Haruskah Jualan Hari ini?

2009-07-28 Terurut Topik T Halim

CIM lbh syerem lagee pak.. atos ah getek..

>Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 5:42 AM
>  > 
>sy aga geleuh sama kata-kata CUM itu.. kenapa yah..


[ob] Sporing Balancing pake UNVR, ASII

2009-07-28 Terurut Topik T Halim
Bahh... di garuk pake UNVR, ASII Index biar ga ketinggian?


Re: [ob] BUMI

2009-07-28 Terurut Topik T Halim
Gampang pak... jadi client Overseas pasti dapet hehehe..he..
Tul ga pak Tasrul..

Subject: Re: [ob] BUMI 
Tasrul, saya mau lho di share rekomendasi internalnya. ..heehehehehe. ..


Re: [ob] Mengapa berfikir akan terjadi crash/rally down/big koreksi..

2009-07-27 Terurut Topik T Halim
Rasanya fundamental nya blm cukup kuat utk membuat V shaped recovery.. 

as Noriel Roubini also said, we might be crawling for a while in the bottom of 
the pit before climbing out. Just be careful, prepare for the worst kata Billy..

And keep the best of hope too.


[ob] Bull restin~ Prediksi EL is being TESTED this week

2009-07-23 Terurut Topik T Halim
Friday Look Ahead: Bull Could Take a Rest,Stocks could stumble Friday as 
investors reassess the market's rapid run.http://www.cnbc.com/id/32114588

--- On Fri, 7/24/09, jsx_consultant  wrote:

From: jsx_consultant 
Subject: [ob] Prediksi EL is being TESTED this week
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, July 24, 2009, 8:26 AM

Apakah prediksi EL tentang datangnya PERIODE BEARISH akan menjadi
kenyataan ?.

Coba lihat grafik DJI ini:

- http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwldjiazz.png

Biarkanlah market yg memutuskan siapa yg benar ?

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Re: [ob] Muara ANGKE bukan BOM ! JANGAN PANIK !

2009-07-16 Terurut Topik T Halim
Bukan bom


Re: [ob] ada bom lagi di muara angke

2009-07-16 Terurut Topik T Halim
GA ada beritanya di kompas maupun di detik.


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