[PRODUCT] ORM + RDBMS = OODBMS / Evaluation Against Fictive jamStore

2004-12-22 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
To simplify the evaluation of ORM tools, I've documented a fictive one:
Which of the described constructs are supported within the OJB 

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Re: [INTRO01] - I01 - Simple Java Class - Need the quickstart application !

2004-11-24 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis schrieb:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
The series of simplified OJB Introduction applications that I like 
to contribute to the project, rely initially on the ojb-blank.

but: ojb-blank does not provide the basic functionality needed:
  - ant-target "run"
  - ant-target "deploy" [or similar], resulting in an ready to start 
jar within an directory.

Can I expect such an ojb-blank project from the team/community?
let's wait for the solution tom is working on.
I got the solution (an enhance obj-blank) via email:
I've problems with my time-budget.
I currently need nothing more than an ant-target "run" (or the 
correction of the community-member provided ant-target "run").

May I ask on the "ant" mailing-list for help?
No need, the provided solution is very nice.
I'll come back to this thread in a few days, hopefully wiht the first 

Once more, thank you for the support.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-24 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
[moved down]
Ilias Lazaridis schrieb:
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
Unfortunatelly to behavior of Mrs. Laziradis, I fell in obligation to 
share this info in this mail list too.
You have 'warned' this communtiy, so it's fine.
Please avoid further off-topic traffic, or open at least a new thread 
marked with "[OT]".

The team has provided the requested obj-blank:
So, everything is fine.
> hi all,
> i think it's time to stop this thread.
> jakob
of course.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-24 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
> Ilias Lazaridis escreveu:
Please avoid further off-topic traffic, or open at least a new thread 
marked with "[OT]".
> And NEVER tell me what I can or can't post as response to the thread.
[OT]Sorry to the community
Thank you very much.
The team has provided the requested obj-blank:
So, everything is fine.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-24 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
Unfortunatelly to behavior of Mrs. Laziradis, I fell in obligation to 
share this info in this mail list too.
I'll do this because, as occured at other mail list, communications 
starts to degrade, making too much noise for about nothing.

This info was shared from another user, in another mail list. Who is 
bored by Mr. Laziradis comments about "failures" and so on, check this 

I still trying to argue with him, with reasonable arguments, and asking 
him to learn java before judge, but his always start saying that learn 
Java isn't important...
Once more: your suggestions related to my processing model are 
irrelevant to me.

More and more, any of your suggestions becom irrelevant to me.
You have 'warned' this communtiy, so it's fine.
Please avoid further off-topic traffic, or open at least a new thread 
marked with "[OT]".

The team has provided the requested obj-blank:
So, everything is fine.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-24 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Daniel Perry wrote:
I would suggest you look in the CVS - there seems to be a newer 
version of
build.xml that does more for automating the tutorials.
Thank you!
I cannot access CVS for now.
I hope someone will sent me the complete new ojb-blank archive.
I got the ojb-blank via email.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-24 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
[...] - (some irrelevant comments)
I'll be happy if you start to learn, and polute less our lists...
you polute this thread with your off-topic comments.
The team has provided the requested obj-blank:
So, everything is fine.
After that, I'll happy sharing my knoledge about OJB, including how to 
run OJB inside NetBeans (that you not asked yet - but soon or later will 
ask too).
I am not interested in knowledge of ungentle people.
Thus I am not interested in any of your knowledge.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-24 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Daniel Perry wrote:
the quickstart application (ojb-blank, with e.g. tutorial1 within)
This should be runable withount _any_ domain-knowledge (except:
Operating System Basics).
=> "given context of this thread".
If a team did not achieve that, then I name it: failure.
What??? OJB is most definately NOT designed for people without any domain
[...] - (some comments which do not affect the given context)
Please decouple with precision.
I'm not talking about "OJB" but about "OJB in the above "given context 
of this thread".

The team has provided the requested obj-blank:
So, everything is fine.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
PS: I will send you the ojb-blank.jar directly, as this is not 
possible within the mailing list (list restrictions). Be aware though, 
that it a hefty 4.5 MB download.
Thank you very much.
I was able to run tutorial1 without problems within 2 min., based on the 
new obj-blank.

Once more, thanks very much.
I can start now based on this ojb-blank.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Mitch Norby wrote:
[...] - (many comments, some suggestions)
I have the basic estimation, if the project is able to assist me with 
simple answers to simple questions, thus I am able to produce the 
newcomer threads.

The estimation is: no.
But i will give it a try.
Hopefully the team and the community can understand, that their 
excessive amounts of domain-knowledge makes is nearly impossible to them 
to give concise answers.

I have what I wanted in my inbox (an modified ojb-blank, which contains 
a run.bat).

So much effort for such a simple thing.
Please reread this thread after a week.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Right. Hmm, lets see: OJB is a Java library / O/R mapping framework, 
so what you need to know *in advance* in order to use it would be 
Java. Likewise, OJB uses Ant for building, so you also need at least 
a little bit of knowledge about Ant, e.g. how to install Ant, how to 
invoke it.
This is only true, if the ojb-developers fail to encapsulate the 
domain knowledge.
No, OJB helps you with some of the technical knowledge (i.e. databases) 
but not with domain knowledge (e.g. finance, e-shop ...). And OJB does 
not away with all technical knowledge. You're still required to be able 
to program in Java, use Ant etc. (as I've already written).
Context of my statement (as the context of this thread):
the quickstart application (ojb-blank, with e.g. tutorial1 within)
This should be runable withount _any_ domain-knowledge (except: 
Operating System Basics).

If a team did not achieve that, then I name it: failure.
If you're not willing to get this knowledge, then you're right, then 
we as the developers have difficulties to provide you the 'solution' 
because we cannot and will not teach you Java or Ant, you will have 
to do this yourself if you want to get anywhere in the Java world (as 
with any other computer language or environment).
We are talking about a "run" and a "deploy" abstraction.
Which you have finally created, but not posted to the threads where 
i've asked for it.
In case you forgot: Jakob created this run 'abstraction' for you days 
ago, but you kept demanding something better or other. 
I did not forget.
This was not for obj-blank, but for something without sources (the 
result of the ojb-quickstart target).

[again: my context is ojb-blank with the tutorial1 sources]
All I did was 
make the generation of these run.bat and run.sh files automatic within 
ojb-blank, as you could have known when you had actually read my mail 
and would have bothered to check out the changes (btw, the dev-mailing 
archive is easily accessible from the OJB homepage, all info about the 
change are there). So please stop this accusing.
You are accusing.
Me, that I am accusing.
Which is false.
again i remind you the context: addition/change to ojb-blank
And please, 'requesting' stuff won't get you anywhere because it is 
"Requesting" is not rude.
RFC = Request For Comments.
I'm afraid you're confusing "requesting" with "demanding".
"Requesting": means in German: Bitten, Anfragen.
Thanks, but I know the difference. Rather, I think you mistake demanding 
for requesting, judging from the tone in your mails.
So, you don't want to apologize for saying to me that i behave "rude" 
based on an faulty interpretation of yours?

I see.
You should be polite (as everybody else on this list is), and read 
the docs (because that is what there are for) and ask for help if 
you're stuck. And if you can provide input or corrections or 
improvements, all the better, as we're more than willing to 
incorporate them into OJB.
I don't think that the people on this list (especially you) are very 

Otherwise you would not hide changes, which were initiated by an 
individual (me) behind necessary domain-knowledge (CVS acess).

You wrote this large message here, but you've still not posted the 
corrections to the list, thus the thread becomes usable in the 
archives (and i get my solution).

Btw, as I said I don't think that a quickstart won't get you 
anywhere, because it only shows that OJB works, but not how. That is 
what the getting-started doc and the ojb-blank is for. If you think 
that you can enhance the doc, great, go ahead and post whatever you 
have to this list.
As said again: I depend on a minimum assistance from the developers.
But it seems that stubberness and egoism rules in this project.
And we are unpolite? 
But i've cooled down now.
Come on, in every answer that you've got to your 
not exactly polite mails, you've got constructive and polite help from 
users and developers of OJB, and you still keep on insulting people 
although you cannot base your accusations with any facts ? 
I do not insult people.
And I have stated facts.
I you like, stop ignoring them.
(and from 
what I gather from another mail in this thread, this is not the first 
time that this has happened ?)
You have enouth material within this group.
No one hides anything here (remember that this is an open source project 
?), but rather you seem to refuse to use the help that you've been given 
already. How are we supposed to help, then ?
I do not refuse any help.
I refuse help which is given in a false context, simply as it has no 
relevance to me.

I just request specific help, within a specific context, within a 
specific medium.

I would like to politely ask you to stop accusing people and actually 

Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Łukasz Korzybski wrote:
Dnia wtorek, 23 listopada 2004 19:30, Ilias Lazaridis napisał:
yes, I agree.
The thread has become unbelievable big - and i've still not an ojb-blank 
(whilst using only the ojb website).

can you please get the new ojb-blank from the cvs and mail post it?
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Christian Pesch wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
But it seems that stubberness and egoism rules in this project.
Please stop insulting the people that have shown significant patience
in explaining you the simple truth. 
You are late, things have already cooled down.
Egoism and Stuborness are human characteristics.
No need to feel insulted.
I am sure the everyone has understood the tenor of my message.
There are other ojb users, which might really need their help.
I (and other future newcomers) need the help.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Daniel Perry wrote:
I would suggest you look in the CVS - there seems to be a newer version of
build.xml that does more for automating the tutorials.
Thank you!
I cannot access CVS for now.
I hope someone will sent me the complete new ojb-blank archive.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
My main questions here is:
Can the team provide me with the targets "run" and "deploy" in a way 
that i don't have to invest more time, thus I can continue to invest 
my time where i can be productive?
No, because we *cannot*. Both run and deploy are highly dependant upon 
your environment which we simply cannot know anything about. You really 
have to do that yourself because you're the only one who knows about 
your environment. 
I need them just for the ojb-blank thing...
The best that anybody can offer is ojb-blank upon 
which you should base your project:
[...] - (further process of how to get it via CVS)
Can _please_ someone send me this new ojb-blank thing as a zip/jar or 
similar? [I assume that ojb-blank is similar to the downloadable, with 
the additional stuff]

Come on people, i'm not an open-source parasit.
I like to contribute back!
[i promise: I'll go into the CVS / apache stuff later]
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Daniel Perry wrote:
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
Check "Java Tools documentation" in Java docs (downloaded separately).
[I'm not interested in the documentation, but in the design-rationales.
This is more out of curisity.]
I've often wondered if sun just got lazy :)
[...] - (further explanations)
I tend to agree with the laziness.
You should know this already:
your suggestions subjecting "the process of learning java" and "the
process of contributing to projects" did not have any relevance for me.
Knowing the basics of java, ant, etc will certainly help you in 
these kind of projects, and help you to keep questions on this list OJB
To develope the project i like to develope, I need to have as less 
domain-knowledge as possible.
Hmm, that is a strange remark from somebody trying to develop a project. 
My project is a newcomer tutorial.
On the contrary, you should try to get *as much* domain knowledge as you 
can (as time and budget allow) because you need it to develop the 
correct system (as specified by the customer) and to do so in the 
correct way (i.e. technical and environmental constraints, e.g. Java, 
the database etc.).
I want to develope an ojb-intro, which is usable by total newcomers.
[INTRO01] - I01 - Simple Java Class - Need the quickstart application !
This way necomers, which are attracted by a main-page which is similar 
to the suggested one...

[SUGGESTION] - S01 - Website.MainPage & QuickStarts
are not disapointed.
My questions _are_ OJB user specific, affecting the tutorials and the 

As you can see within this thread, the team had some difficulties to 
provide me the solution.

Now I know the reason!
Right. Hmm, lets see: OJB is a Java library / O/R mapping framework, so 
what you need to know *in advance* in order to use it would be Java. 
Likewise, OJB uses Ant for building, so you also need at least a little 
bit of knowledge about Ant, e.g. how to install Ant, how to invoke it.
This is only true, if the ojb-developers fail to encapsulate the domain 

This is all basic stuff that you should be familiar with for about, I 
guess, 90-100% of the open-source Java stuff for developers out there. 
And there is no point in asking about Java or Ant on this mailing list, 
there are other well-known places for this (see http:://www.java.net and 
http://java.sun.com and http://ant.apache.org).
So, why the OJB-team has not asked there, when I raised the question 
about _ojb's_ ant scripts.

At one point, i've asked the list: "should i ask on the ant list"?
If you're not willing to get this knowledge, then you're right, then we 
as the developers have difficulties to provide you the 'solution' 
because we cannot and will not teach you Java or Ant, you will have to 
do this yourself if you want to get anywhere in the Java world (as with 
any other computer language or environment).
We are talking about a "run" and a "deploy" abstraction.
Which you have finally created, but not posted to the threads where i've 
asked for it.

And please, 'requesting' stuff won't get you anywhere because it is 
"Requesting" is not rude.
RFC = Request For Comments.
I'm afraid you're confusing "requesting" with "demanding".
"Requesting": means in German: Bitten, Anfragen.
You should be polite (as everybody else on this list is), and read 
the docs (because that is what there are for) and ask for help if you're 
stuck. And if you can provide input or corrections or improvements, all 
the better, as we're more than willing to incorporate them into OJB.
I don't think that the people on this list (especially you) are very polite.
Otherwise you would not hide changes, which were initiated by an 
individual (me) behind necessary domain-knowledge (CVS acess).

You wrote this large message here, but you've still not posted the 
corrections to the list, thus the thread becomes usable in the archives 
(and i get my solution).

Btw, as I said I don't think that a quickstart won't get you anywhere, 
because it only shows that OJB works, but not how. That is what the 
getting-started doc and the ojb-blank is for. If you think that you can 
enhance the doc, great, go ahead and post whatever you have to this list.
As said again: I depend on a minimum assistance from the developers.
But it seems that stubberness and egoism rules in this project.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Daniel Perry wrote:
[...] - (comments)
Sorry, i cannot discuss essential project mechanics again.
[general remark]
My main questions here is:
Can the team provide me with the targets "run" and "deploy" in a way 
that i don't have to invest more time, thus I can continue to invest my 
time where i can be productive?

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis escreveu:
First step you should do, to do what you want, is learn Java (not 
only language, but plataform too). Second is learn tools and 
libraries. Third step is try to contribute to the projects.
You should know this already:
your suggestions subjecting "the process of learning java" and "the 
process of contributing to projects" did not have any relevance for me.

If you like to assist me, please focus on the questions I raise and 
avoid off-topic comments.
> You raised an off topic question when you asked "why not java -cp
> .;lib\*". It denotes completelly lack of important knowledge about
> Java plataform, absolutelly needed to work with OJB or ANY java
> library.
> My answer isn't off topic. You asked, I answered. But as always, when
> you receive and email suggesting you learn Java, you start to "defend
> yourself", and to say that learn Java is irrelevant. It isn't.
> As I said before (and I said in NetBeans mail list too), you MUST
> start learning Java. After that, you could use tools for Java
> development, and libraryies to do that. Until there, anything else
> you say is irrelevant to me.
> You make too much noise without knowing what you are doing. Sometime
> you shot the target, but it's just lucky. Learn Java. After that, you
> will find that OJB is too easy to work!
> And you should be interested in Java documentation. Without them, you
> could not startup anything in Java land.
I'm afraid you repeat yourself.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
> Read basic Java documentation from Sun (link "Tool docs").
Cannot find it.
I would be gentle [against me and future readers] to point to the 
resource (which you seem to be familar with).

Best would be, if you point to somethin like: "Java Classpath 
Parameter - Design Rationales"
Why don't you do what we would have to in order to find something about 
it: enter this into Google and see what you find ...
I am aware about google.
Are you aware about the hit-ratio of google?
I've simply asked is someone is aware about an _specific_ resource.
This here is not my primary issue in this thread.
Why don't you sent me simple the changes that you've made via email, 
thus I can clean-up this thread (whilst posting the solutions to opened 
questions, thus future reader of the archives have the answers) and 
continue my work on the intro's?

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Daniel Perry wrote:
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
Check "Java Tools documentation" in Java docs (downloaded separately).
[I'm not interested in the documentation, but in the design-rationales.
This is more out of curisity.]
I've often wondered if sun just got lazy :)
[...] - (further explanations)
I tend to agree with the laziness.
You should know this already:
your suggestions subjecting "the process of learning java" and "the
process of contributing to projects" did not have any relevance for me.
Knowing the basics of java, ant, etc will certainly help you in developing
these kind of projects, and help you to keep questions on this list OJB
To develope the project i like to develope, I need to have as less 
domain-knowledge as possible.

My questions _are_ OJB user specific, affecting the tutorials and the 

As you can see within this thread, the team had some difficulties to 
provide me the solution.

Now I know the reason!
But my main interest are of course the intros.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
[moved down]
Ilias Lazaridis escreveu:
What is the reason, that
java -cp build\classes;lib\*.jar org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
java -cp build\classes;lib\* org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
java -cp build\classes;lib\  org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
And I just asked, _why_ this is invalid (or: why java.exe cannot do 

Possibly one can point me to a location, where I can find the 
rationales behind this behaviour.
> Read basic Java documentation from Sun (link "Tool docs").
Cannot find it.
I would be gentle [against me and future readers] to point to the 
resource (which you seem to be familar with).

Best would be, if you point to somethin like: "Java Classpath Parameter 
- Design Rationales"

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
That's why I modified ojb-blank and ojb-quickstart in CVS to create 
run.bat/run.sh for the apps.
You have modified it?
Why don't you post a notification to ther user forum?
Because it is only in CVS and will be in the upcoming 1.0.2. 
I've asked for a modified "run" and "deploy" to start the tutorials in 
another thread.

[INTRO01] - I01 - Simple Java Class - Need the quickstart application !
A team member suggested me to wait for your results.
Thus, I expected of course a notification on this forum.
But the  developer list contains a notification.
I am a user - and as such I monitor only the user forum.
How can I obtain the new version without CVS access?
I would like to start my intro apps.
You have to get it from CVS or wait for the 1.0.2.
I think the team should post the relevant files within the relevant 
threads (this way, the mail-archives value is increased, too).

But why would you need a quickstart anyway ? 
To learn and use OJB quickly, and to enable other people to learn and 
use it quickly, thus its userbase increases, thus its evolution is 
faster, thus its usability for me becomes better:

[SUGGESTION] - S01 - Website.MainPage & QuickStarts
OJB is a system for developers not endusers, 
I am currently an enduser of OJB.
I'm not interested in developing OJB itself, but in using OJB.
I like to do this, without loosing much time and energy to get it running.
and all that the quickstart shows is that it 
works, nothing more. I think , the ojb-blank is much more interesting to 
you as it is a blueprint for an OJB project.
The ojb-blank that i've download is not convenient - and i've lost many 
time with it.

Other people have lost time, too:
FW: Newbie Question : There was no default-PBKey specified
I suggest you to do what you can do best: developing on the OJB core.
And I will take care of the "Convenience Challenge".
But I depend (at least a little bit) on the teams assistance.
Please let me know if I can expect some minutes of the teams time, thus 
I can serve your furture users with convenient intro's.

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
Check "Java Tools documentation" in Java docs (downloaded separately).
[I'm not interested in the documentation, but in the design-rationales. 
This is more out of curisity.]

As I said before, is hard to tech Java in some kind of mail lists (as 
either in NetBeans mail lists)...

First step you should do, to do what you want, is learn Java (not only 
language, but plataform too). Second is learn tools and libraries. Third 
step is try to contribute to the projects.
You should know this already:
your suggestions subjecting "the process of learning java" and "the 
process of contributing to projects" did not have any relevance for me.

If you like to assist me, please focus on the questions I raise and 
avoid off-topic comments.

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
What is the reason, that
java -cp build\classes;lib\*.jar org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
java -cp build\classes;lib\* org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
java -cp build\classes;lib\  org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
or something similar
is invalid?
Erm, have you actually tried it ? It's because java.exe *cannot* do this !
Yes, i've tried it.
And it does not work.
And I just asked, _why_ this is invalid (or: why java.exe cannot do this).
Possibly one can point me to a location, where I can find the rationales 
behind this behaviour.

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
the modification: add " dir=".\build\resources" " to "[...]
Command Line: "ant clean build setup-db run"
application starts ok, with some debug output.
Then it enters a loop [must abort with CTRL-C]
[java] [0] List all product entries
[java] type in number to select a use case
[java] null
Any ideas?

You cannot start commandline applications (that want input from console) 
from within Ant, neither with the  nor with the  tast (see 
Ant doc for details). 
=> {the highly flexible build and automation tool "ant" cannot start 
command line applications which depend on console input}

That's why I modified ojb-blank and ojb-quickstart 
in CVS to create run.bat/run.sh for the apps.
You have modified it?
Why don't you post a notification to ther user forum?
How can I obtain the new version without CVS access?
I would like to start my intro apps.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
hi ilias,
well, actualy it's possible to do something like this
java -classpath "the;classpath" whatever.you.main.class.is
but the classpath will be quite long ;)
java -cp 
Now I understand!
Thank you!
What is the reason, that
java -cp build\classes;lib\*.jar org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
java -cp build\classes;lib\* org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
java -cp build\classes;lib\  org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
or something similar
is invalid?
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Łukasz Korzybski wrote:
Dnia niedziela, 14 listopada 2004 21:29, Thomas Dudziak napisał:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
NB 4.0 uses ant natively for its projects. To run obj-blank in NB:
New Project -> Java Project with Existing Ant Script
We need to choose project location and select build.xml
After creation, in project properties we can select build, deploy etc. 
thank you [note: the ant-target "run" works from the command-line, too]
Please use this slight corrected version for Tutorial 1:

the application runs withing [root].
the application needs to access files within /build/resources
Can one make the necessary modification to the above ant-target "run"?
the modification: add " dir=".\build\resources" " to "

Command Line: "ant clean build setup-db run"
application starts ok, with some debug output.
Then it enters a loop [must abort with CTRL-C]
[java] [0] List all product entries
[java] [1] Enter a new product
[java] [2] Edit a product entry
[java] [3] Delete a product entry
[java] [4] Quit Application
[java] type in number to select a use case
[java] null
Any ideas?
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Re: [INTRO01] - I01 - Simple Java Class - Need the quickstart application !

2004-11-20 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis schrieb:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
The series of simplified OJB Introduction applications that I like to 
contribute to the project, rely initially on the ojb-blank.

but: ojb-blank does not provide the basic functionality needed:
  - ant-target "run"
  - ant-target "deploy" [or similar], resulting in an ready to start 
jar within an directory.

Can I expect such an ojb-blank project from the team/community?
I am wondering about one thing:
I get no answers about my ant / ojb-blank related questions, which I 
would need to correct the ojb-blank myself.

Why does the community answer to an quick-start incident immediately:
but does not provide me with the relevant answers / support to provide 
an professional grade solution which avoids exactly those incidents?

Please provide me with the targets "run" and "deploy" [or similar] 
(which would be basicly the ojb-quickstart target, moved to the 
ojb-blank build.xml), thus I can help the current newcomer (and the 
future ones) in a professional manner.

It's for the benefit of all.
I depend on you.
> let's wait for the solution tom is working on.
I've problems with my time-budget.
I currently need nothing more than an ant-target "run" (or the 
correction of the community-member provided ant-target "run").

May I ask on the "ant" mailing-list for help?
Please review the thread:
[QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate
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Re: [INTRO01] - I01 - Simple Java Class - Need the quickstart application !

2004-11-19 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
The series of simplified OJB Introduction applications that I like to 
contribute to the project, rely initially on the ojb-blank.

but: ojb-blank does not provide the basic functionality needed:
  - ant-target "run"
  - ant-target "deploy" [or similar], resulting in an ready to start jar 
within an directory.

Can I expect such an ojb-blank project from the team/community?
I am wondering about one thing:
I get no answers about my ant / ojb-blank related questions, which I 
would need to correct the ojb-blank myself.

Why does the community answer to an quick-start incident immediately:
but does not provide me with the relevant answers / support to provide 
an professional grade solution which avoids exactly those incidents?

Please provide me with the targets "run" and "deploy" [or similar] 
(which would be basicly the ojb-quickstart target, moved to the 
ojb-blank build.xml), thus I can help the current newcomer (and the 
future ones) in a professional manner.

It's for the benefit of all.
I depend on you.
Please review the thread:
[QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate
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Re: [SUGGESTION] - S02 - Answering behaviour on this forum

2004-11-19 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Tino Schöllhorn wrote:
[moved down]
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Daniel Perry wrote:
[moved down]
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ilias Lazaridis
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
[moved down]
Ilias Lazaridis escreveu:
I've noticed several threads, which remained unanswered.
This could imply to visitors that the product OJB is death (or not 
yet alive)
To distinguish a project:
  - care about newcomers
  - accept their laziness/confusion, point them to the relevant 
- hopefully they remember this in future.
  - and act the same against new newcomers.

A few answers can keep a newcomer within the project.
Increased userbase.
 > I think these comments would be fair for a commercial product,
[...] - (comments)
My suggestions are very fair, even within the context of open source, 
which has become high competitive.

Every involved parties (Team, Contributors, Users) should be 
interested to increase the user-base of OJB.

Questions like "Recommended ObjectCache for ODMG" should be served 
immediately with a link, even if this question was raised several times.

So, creating an FAQ, where every (even non experienced) community 
member can point the 'lazy' newcomers to the relevant subsection, 
should be a major goal.
> well I not for starting any flame wars. But if you think there should
> be a common, better FAQ list and the existing documentation is not
> enough - why don't you just start a FAQ-List and try to improve this
> project.
I've started another task within this project: creating a quick-start 
and a new main-page (which will most possibly increase the 
newcomer-adoption rate).

It's up to the existing community, to treat newcomers in a way that they 
stay with OJB.

Newcomers, which have invested time to come in contact with the product 
(and the community).

It is not very gentle, to let requests unanswered [at least the simple 

> As you already stated: this is open source and anyone who is
> interested can try to contribute ;-)
Of course.
As stated before, I'm contributing already my part.
> Tino
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Re: [SUGGESTION] - S02 - Answering behaviour on this forum

2004-11-19 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Daniel Perry wrote:
[moved down]
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ilias Lazaridis
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
[moved down]
Ilias Lazaridis escreveu:
I've noticed several threads, which remained unanswered.
This could imply to visitors that the product OJB is death (or not yet
To distinguish a project:
  - care about newcomers
  - accept their laziness/confusion, point them to the relevant resource
- hopefully they remember this in future.
  - and act the same against new newcomers.
A few answers can keep a newcomer within the project.
Increased userbase.
> I think these comments would be fair for a commercial product,
[...] - (comments)
My suggestions are very fair, even within the context of open source, 
which has become high competitive.

Every involved parties (Team, Contributors, Users) should be interested 
to increase the user-base of OJB.

Questions like "Recommended ObjectCache for ODMG" should be served 
immediately with a link, even if this question was raised several times.

So, creating an FAQ, where every (even non experienced) community member 
can point the 'lazy' newcomers to the relevant subsection, should be a 
major goal.

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
hi ilias,
well, actualy it's possible to do something like this
java -classpath "the;classpath" whatever.you.main.class.is
but the classpath will be quite long ;)
java -cp 
ah! I see!
Now I understand!
Thank you!
I leave the machine.
Good night to all.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis schrieb:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
hi all,
i commited the new quick-start to 1.0.x branch.
please check it out !
this sounds good, but does not help me.

I've now understood what you've done.
To be of general use, the "quickstart" must be generated out of the 
ojb-blank (the users personal project template). Thus you should  make 
the "quickstart" target-addition to ojb-blank build.xml.
> the quickstart i provided is a simple way to build and run the
> tutorials 1 and 2.
I understand.
You have posted it within this thread, and of course I connect it 
immediately with my problem, which is "starting the obj-blank generated 

> it was not my intention to create anything else,
> but afaik tom is working on an enhanced ojb-blank.
Ok, that's fine.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
[moved down]
Ilias Lazaridis schrieb:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
I want to run and explore it.
ant build
ant setup-db
cd build/resources
java -classpath "the;classpath" whatever.you.main.class.is
can you please give me the exact command line for the tutorial 1?
My project resides on:
Can one please give me the exact command-line i have to use for the 
tutorial 1?
I have the feeling, that it is not possible to use a single command 
line, as it was suggested above.

Can I please have a confirmation on this?
> i cannot confirm this. with the ojb-quickstart target you can run
> tutorials 1 and 2 with a single command line tutorial1.bat or
> tutorial2.bat.
I am in the context of this thread.
I refere to the above single command line, which was suggested within 
this thread:

>>>>>> java -classpath "the;classpath" whatever.you.main.class.is
Using this (like suggested from a team member) is not possible.
Of course this was for me (as a newcomer) very confusing.
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[INTRO01] - I01 - Simple Java Class - Need the quickstart application !

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
The series of simplified OJB Introduction applications that I like to 
contribute to the project, rely initially on the ojb-blank.

but: ojb-blank does not provide the basic functionality needed:
  - ant-target "run"
  - ant-target "deploy" [or similar], resulting in an ready to start 
jar within an directory.

Can I expect such an ojb-blank project from the team/community?
Please review the thread:
[QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
I want to run and explore it.
ant build
ant setup-db
cd build/resources
java -classpath "the;classpath" whatever.you.main.class.is
can you please give me the exact command line for the tutorial 1?
My project resides on:
Can one please give me the exact command-line i have to use for the 
tutorial 1?
I have the feeling, that it is not possible to use a single command 
line, as it was suggested above.

Can I please have a confirmation on this?
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
hi all,
i commited the new quick-start to 1.0.x branch.
please check it out !

this sounds good, but does not help me.
I've now understood what you've done.
To be of general use, the "quickstart" must be generated out of the 
ojb-blank (the users personal project template). Thus you should  make 
the "quickstart" target-addition to ojb-blank build.xml.

I still need the commandline / ant-target new addition to start the 
tutorial (see the other messages).
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Is there any OJB quick-start download available?
  - binaries
  - ready to go configuration
  - sample application with integrated database
Yupp, there something of that sort. You can download the 
Many documentation, many manual steps.
Actually there are only few steps. 
If you 
just want to run something, then drop in the source files and do

ant build
ant setup-db
cd build/resources
java -classpath "the;classpath" whatever.you.main.class.is
Some additional ant-targets would make the tutorials simpler:
  - "run" (running the app)
  - "run-jar" (runs the jar which is created by ant-target "jar")
  - "full-jar" (creates a jar including the relevant runtime-libs)
  - "run-full-jar" (runs the jar created by target "full-jar")
Some relevant information is within this thread, but I depend on the 
answers/contribution to complete them.

At this point, I cannot look deeper into "ant".
A tutorial with those additional targets would run within the 
command-line and within a NetBeans 4.0 free-form project (very easy 
teach-in due to the IDE view of all the files).

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Re: [SUGGESTION] - S01 - Website.MainPage & QuickStarts

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
[A question: is it possible to retrieve older versions of the OJB 
website, e.g. to track changes?]

Yes, sort of. You've got to check out OJB for a particular date or use 
one of the earlier versions (there is a link in the download area) and 
build the documentation new ("ant docs").

The website is not available within the CVS directly?
Thus I can point to the websites mainpage?
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Re: [SUGGESTION] - S01 - Website.MainPage & QuickStarts

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thanks for proposing this!
I have been lurking here for quite a while and now I am actually writing my
web app.  I seem to get stuck on creating the repository.  I go to look at
the test source and can't find it, I run the junit tests and it takes 2
hours to finally use all the memory on my computer and give up, ...
sound not good.
OJBC has been a help to ease into this.
I like the idea of working only in my java class and being able to create
sql for creating my backend and the repository file (and documentation)
from the one source.
It is pretty easy to find out how to include @ojb tags, but not so clear
how to get my sql and repository from there.
To be honest, I have no idea about all this.
I have given a few small suggestions inline below.
ok, thank you.
[please note: your replies do not quote messages correctly. You may want 
to try the 0.9 version of mozilla's thunderbird 
or any other client. Alternatively, you can post via the gmane nntp 
gateway: news://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.jakarta.ojb.user, whilst using 
your current newsclient]

Original Message:
From: Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OJB is scalable:
   - use it within[g] embedded applications
- an OTM [** spell it out, please.  I already have trouble with ODMG and
JDO, what is OTM? **] API (ODMG / JDO common functionality)
- OTM="Object Transaction Manager", an OJB specific API
[how about some thoughts on using with struts?
this would be the next level.
Currently I like to focuse on OJB-Sample01 (a Java Class made persistent).
[I'm waiting for some feedback on other threads, to be able to start]
 Seems my comments are fewer and farther between than I thought.  
Ok, this means that the requirements-template is so far ok.
I want to help make this useful and popular project. I hope this made sense.]
Please follow the further threads.
I depend strongly on people which have the domain-knowledge and people 
which evaluate the simplicity of the results.

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
Can one tell me the necessary modifications for the build.xml to make 
the produced jar file start correctly?

 > hi ilias,
 > you have to add a proper manifest-file to your jar.
 > see http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html
 > jakob
Thank you for the link.
The current ojb-tutorials should be corrected, to produce a launchable 
I've added this one into the build.xml ant-target "jar" after "":


And this one to the build.properties:
and finally this one into the build.xml :

at org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application.(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application.main(Unknown Source)

I cannto go at this moment deeper into Ant and into this issue, as I'm 
risking to get "trapped".

Can anyone please tell me, what is wrong?
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Re: [SUGGESTION] - S02 - Answering behaviour on this forum

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
[moved down]
Ilias Lazaridis escreveu:
I've noticed several threads, which remained unanswered.
This could imply to visitors that the product OJB is death (or not yet 
You should ensure that every request is answered, If possible with a 
pointer to some resource.
> Hi, Ilias. Good to see you here (too).
> I'm following OJB project sice beta days, and I just reporting that
> some threads are not answered because they are in the docs AND/OR are
> avaliable in past threads.
This is a common behaviour within forums.
To distinguish a project:
  - care about newcomers
  - accept their laziness/confusion, point them to the relevant resource
- hopefully they remember this in future.
  - and act the same against new newcomers.
A few answers can keep a newcomer within the project.
Increased userbase.
> My experience at OJB mailing lists is that valid threads, and that are
> not already answered in past, are rapidly answered.
[...] - (congrats to the team)
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
[move down]
Ilias Lazaridis schrieb:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
An ant target "jar" is available. Within Netbeans 4.0, i've started 

Try to execute the produced jar:
J:\pj\ojbeval\ojb-blank\target>java -jar my-project.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
Can one tell me the necessary modifications for the build.xml to make 
the produced jar file start correctly?

> hi ilias,
> you have to add a proper manifest-file to your jar.
> see http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html
> jakob
Thank you for the link.
The current ojb-tutorials should be corrected, to produce a launchable 

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[SUGGESTION] - S02 - Answering behaviour on this forum

2004-11-16 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
I've noticed several threads, which remained unanswered.
This could imply to visitors that the product OJB is death (or not yet 

You should ensure that every request is answered, If possible with a 
pointer to some resource.

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Re: [SUGGESTION] - S01 - Website.MainPage & QuickStarts

2004-11-16 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
The below document is a draft-version proposal for the main-page of 
the OJB website.
The main goal is to make the tutorials modular (stepwise increase of 
complexity), transparent (newcomer-safe, e.g. no domain-knowledge 
necessary) and efficient (quick introduction).
We always welcome enhancements, especially when it comes to the 
documentation, so please post whatever you've got :-)
Btw, best is either textual or in the Forrest format (is really easy, 
see the OJB documentation source).
will take a look.
[A question: is it possible to retrieve older versions of the OJB 
website, e.g. to track changes?]
Yes, sort of. You've got to check out OJB for a particular date or use 
one of the earlier versions (there is a link in the download area) and 
build the documentation new ("ant docs").
The website is not available within the CVS directly?
Thus I can point to the websites mainpage?
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-16 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Jakob Braeuchi wrote: [moved down]
Ilias Lazaridis schrieb:
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
this is tha batch file i use:
@echo off
set cp=
for %%i in (lib\*.jar) do call cp.bat %%i
set CP=classes;%CP%
java -cp %CP% org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
=> missing cp.bat
content of cp.bat
set CP=%CP%;%1
hi ilias,
this is correct!
cp.bat is only used add all jars to the classpath
ok. I've documented this, for the case someone hits on this thread in 

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-16 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
An ant target "jar" is available. Within Netbeans 4.0, i've started this.
Try to execute the produced jar:
J:\pj\ojbeval\ojb-blank\target>java -jar my-project.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
Can one tell me the necessary modifications for the build.xml to make 
the produced jar file start correctly?

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-15 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
this is tha batch file i use:
@echo off
set cp=
for %%i in (lib\*.jar) do call cp.bat %%i
set CP=classes;%CP%
java -cp %CP% org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
=> missing cp.bat
content of cp.bat
set CP=%CP%;%1
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[SUGGESTION] - S01 - Website.MainPage & QuickStarts

2004-11-15 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
[please, if you like to comment on this, write inline within the contex]
The below document is a draft-version proposal for the main-page of the 
OJB website.

It focuses on two points:
  - getting visitors to try it!
  - pointing out OJB's major top-level strenghts!
The suggested quick-starts would allow:
  - newcomers : to use OJB to quickly explore real JAVA OOAD
in conjunction with IDE's like NetBeans.
  - evaluators: to check OJB quickly without affection
of the running developement system
I can create those quick-start-projects. Assistance from OJB-team 
needed: mostly a few answers to questions which I raise during the 
creation process [within the user list].

The main goal is to make the tutorials modular (stepwise increase of 
complexity), transparent (newcomer-safe, e.g. no domain-knowledge 
necessary) and efficient (quick introduction).

[A question: is it possible to retrieve older versions of the OJB 
website, e.g. to track changes?]

ObJectRelationalBridge - Scalable Transparent Persistence for Java Objects
OJB is easy:
  - Don't read documentations - start with trying it:
  - The OJB team cares about your time
- 5 min: download 
  - self-contained: everything needed within one folder
- no affection on current development system
  - evaluate OJB without risk
  - run the samples and explore its sources
- netbeans 4.0 project included
- eclipse 3.0 project included
- 10min: create your first real application
  - define a java class
  - declare it as persistent
  - build *everything*, including database, with a single command
- within your IDE
- or from the command line
  - run your first application
- create, retrieve, update, erase objects
- 20min: extend your first app with relations (1:1, n:1, 1:n, m:n)
  - explore real OOAD with JAVA & OJB
  - stepwise define 4 more java classes
  - attach them to the first class
  - explore incremental design capabilities of OJB
- watch OJB's schema update mechanisms do the work for you
- 10min: migrate you first app to another database (MySQL)
  - watch OJB's schema migration mechanisms work for you
OJB is pure:
  - pure java
  - enables pure OOAD
OJB is scalable:
  - use it withing embedded applications
  - up to enterprise scale distributed applications
OJB is powerfull:
  - fine-tune your application, with high detail grade of control
  - field proven Cache & distributed systems
OJB is flexible in RDBMS
  - HSQL (already bundled), MySQL, ...
OJB is flexible in API's [does not bind you to proprietary technology]:
- full ODMG 3.0 compliant API
  - later migration to ODMG driven OODBMS systems is possible
- full ODMG 3.0 standard OQL (Object Query Language)
  - later migration to major OODBMS systems, without change of OQL code
  - ODMG available for other OO languages, too (e.g. C++)
- allows design of highly speed-critical code with C++/ASM bridge
  - [disclosure: ]
- full JDO 1.0 compliant API
  - later migration to JDO (RDBMS/OODBMS) systems is possible
  - based on JDO Reference Implementation
- highest compatibility
  - [disclosure: performancy penalty of ~XX%, see performance notes]
  - native implementations sheduled for OJB 2.0
- an OTM API (ODMG / JDO common functionality)
  - if you are still undecided which one to use
- a low-level OJB API (PersistenceBroker)
  - all other api's are based on this
  - allows definition of your in-house API's
- e.g. when creating specific Frameworks.
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-15 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
hi ilias,
this is tha batch file i use:
@echo off
set cp=
for %%i in (lib\*.jar) do call cp.bat %%i
set CP=classes;%CP%
java -cp %CP% org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
=> missing cp.bat
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-15 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
hi all,
i commited the new quick-start to 1.0.x branch.
please check it out !
this sounds good, but does not help me.
I still need the commandline / ant-target new addition to start the 
tutorial (see the other messages).

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-15 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Łukasz Korzybski wrote:
Dnia niedziela, 14 listopada 2004 21:29, Thomas Dudziak napisał:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
NB 4.0 uses ant natively for its projects. To run obj-blank in NB:
New Project -> Java Project with Existing Ant Script
We need to choose project location and select build.xml
After creation, in project properties we can select build, deploy etc. 

Open build.xml and add run target:

thank you [note: the ant-target "run" works from the command-line, too]
Please use this slight corrected version for Tutorial 1:

And everything should fly.
the application runs withing [root].
the application needs to access files within /build/resources
Can one make the necessary modification to the above ant-target "run"?
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-15 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
If you just want to run something, then drop in the source files and do
I want to run and explore it.
ant build
ant setup-db
cd build/resources
java -classpath "the;classpath" whatever.you.main.class.is
ok, will try.
I've compiled the code within netbeans, but i'm not able to start within 
the IDE.

can you please give me the exact command line for the tutorial 1?
My project resides on:
Can one please give me the exact command-line i have to use for the 
tutorial 1?

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-14 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
hi ilias,
any help will be really appreciated. 
ok, very nice.
i do not know netbeans but i try to 
run the tutorial1.Application from within eclipse. as soon as i have it 
running i'll let you know.
The command line parameters would fine (or even better), too!
I want to run and explore it.
ant build
ant setup-db
cd build/resources
java -classpath "the;classpath" whatever.you.main.class.is
can you please give me the exact command line for the tutorial 1?
My project resides on:
java -classpath???
Try to execute the produced jar:
J:\pj\ojbeval\ojb-blank\target>java -jar my-project.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-14 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
If you just want to run something, then drop in the source files and do
I want to run and explore it.
ant build
ant setup-db
cd build/resources
java -classpath "the;classpath" whatever.you.main.class.is
ok, will try.
I've compiled the code within netbeans, but i'm not able to start within 
the IDE.

can you please give me the exact command line for the tutorial 1?
My project resides on:
java -classpath???
An ant target "jar" is available. Within Netbeans 4.0, i've started this.
Try to execute the produced jar:
J:\pj\ojbeval\ojb-blank\target>java -jar my-project.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
I really think your quick-start application needs to be updated a 
little, thus it is easier for newcomers to understand.

I can assist you to make a netbeans 4.0 project and a very compact 
document, which will be usable for total newcomers.

[but first, please let me know how to start my OJB tutorials]
I the OJB-team actually intrested to increase the general usage of OJB?
I have some very simple suggestions, which need only a few days to 
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-14 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
If you just want to run something, then drop in the source files and do
I want to run and explore it.
ant build
ant setup-db
cd build/resources
java -classpath "the;classpath" whatever.you.main.class.is
ok, will try.
I've compiled the code within netbeans, but i'm not able to start within 
the IDE.

can you please give me the exact command line for the tutorial 1?
My project resides on:
java -classpath???
I the OJB-team actually intrested to increase the general usage of OJB?
I have some very simple suggestions, which need only a few days to 
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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-13 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Is there any OJB quick-start download available?
  - binaries
  - ready to go configuration
  - sample application with integrated database
Yupp, there something of that sort. You can download the 
ojb-blank.jar file which contains a ready-to-use base environment 
(including an Eclipse project), and then drop in the files of one of 
I would prefere a netbeans 4.0 project.
the tutorials (tutorials-src.jar), probably tutorial 1 or 2. You can 
get all of them in the binary download area.
A description of this is in the "Getting started" page:

Many documentation, many manual steps.
Actually there are only few steps. 
Which I have difficulties to detect within the large document [as most 
possibly every newcomer would have].

Most of the getting started doc just 
explains what the files mean and what settings there are. 
I see.
And IMO its 
better to be detailed (and explicit) than to be overly short. 
You are of course right.
But the user should decide about the detail increase.
Solution: hierarchical document, which is compact, with links to more 

If you 
just want to run something, then drop in the source files and do
I want to run and explore it.
ant build
ant setup-db
cd build/resources
java -classpath "the;classpath" whatever.you.main.class.is
ok, will try.
I the OJB-team actually intrested to increase the general usage of OJB?
I have some very simple suggestions, which need only a few days to 

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Re: [QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-12 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Is there any OJB quick-start download available?
  - binaries
  - ready to go configuration
  - sample application with integrated database
Yupp, there something of that sort. You can download the ojb-blank.jar 
file which contains a ready-to-use base environment (including an 
Eclipse project), and then drop in the files of one of the tutorials 
(tutorials-src.jar), probably tutorial 1 or 2. You can get all of them 
in the binary download area.
A description of this is in the "Getting started" page:

Section "Contents of ojb-blank"
Place your unit tests in here.
should be:
Place your unit tests in here.
and the tutorials at
Many documentation, many manual steps.
I'll give it a try tomorrow morning (using netbeans 4.0).
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[QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate

2004-11-12 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Is there any OJB quick-start download available?
  - binaries
  - ready to go configuration
  - sample application with integrated database
I've selected OJB, mostly due its ODMG/JDO/native API combination.
I have one problem:
Found this one, but seems old:
In the actual page, I cannot find a quickstart
hibernate has a sample appication:
I do not want to use hibernate, for the only reason that starting 
developement is easier.

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