Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread John Plocher
Ken, et al,

>  IPS was shoved down the community's throat in a heavy handed and decidedly 
> not FOSS manner.

What shoving?  It seems to me that those of you who are wailing and
moaning that you want a version of OpenSolaris with SVr4 packages are
conspicuous by the absence of an OpenSolaris derived distro based on
SVr4 packages.  Even Joerg has put sweat behind his dislike of IPS and
produced Schillix with his own build and packaging set.  Hmmm, does
that mean you will now claim Joerg is shoving his schilly-tools vision
down the community's throat in a heavy handed and decidedly not FOSS
manner because he didn't consult with you about his decision?

FOSS isn't a democracy, and it is certainly isn't a republic - it is a
despotic form of self-selected government where voting rights are
earned by the measurable contributions one makes; the one(s) who put
in the most effort make most, if not all of the rules.  If you don't
like how a community is run, fork the code and start your own, with
you as king (or queen).  Even if Oracle isn't, and Sun wasn't, playing
in our sandbox, our community was formed around the idea of governance
by a meritocracy:  "Code wins".

While I'm one of those who wished that the decision to put IPS into
OpenSolaris-the-Sun-distro was something the community as a whole had
some say in, rather than being a decision made behind closed doors, it
really is no different from Joerg's choosing to use his schilly tools
to build his distro or Nexenta's to use Debian/RPM - both those
decisions were made by the people putting their sweat into making a
distro, and those of us who were only backseat driving on the mailing
lists got deservedly ignored.

Myself, I am coming to understand - and respect - IPS more and more as
I use it.  It is hard to compare IPS to SVr4 packages because it
solves a larger set of problems.  For all intents and purposes, SVr4
packages are not much more than file archives with meta data and
conventions; worse, most of those conventions are so poorly understood
that the features they try to provide (cross package dependencies,
upgrade paths, multi-platform/architecture support, ...) are
effectively unusable AND unfixable.  Speaking from experience with
Sun's Release Engineering package audit tools, if you were to create
an audit tool for packages that validated ALL the SVr4 and Solaris
package requirements and conventions, and ran it against every
existing Solaris SVr4 based package out there from Sun and Blastwave
and all the other vendors, enthusiasts and suppliers, I would wager
that close to 100% of them would fail the test - even if you could
somehow agree on what all those requirements and conventions were.  In
other words, after 20-some years, I believe it is time to admit that
the SVr4 package ecosystem can not really be fixed or evolved.  In
much the same way that SMF was both better than, and a different beast
from rc3.d/* and ZFS was better than and more than ufs, IPS is better
and different from SVr4 packages.  IPS is an ecosystem that SVr4
packages never attempted to be, and (IMHO) never could become.

Even so, at least in OS2009/06, SVr4 packages and IPS work together on
the same system.  You can install Blastwave packages, and you can grab
updates to your OS from IPS repos, and both work.

Where's the gripe?  If you don't want to produce IPS style stuff,
don't.  If, despite your product's lack of the value-added IPS
features I have come to expect, I choose to use it, I can still invoke
pkgadd, install it and use it.  Of course, I can also choose not to,
and shop elsewhere.

Of course, if your argument is that nobody listens to your gripes on
mailing lists when you don't contribute tangibly towards a solution,
then I'd have to agree - those doing the development *shouldn't* have
to listen to those who simply chatter; why do you suppose so few
developers hang out on OpenSolaris-discuss?  We put up with Joerg
because he votes with his code; what are you voting with?  :-)

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro

2010-07-23 Thread Moinak Ghosh
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Stefan Parvu  wrote:
> Interesting. Do you have any comparative numbers between
> OSOL and others: RHAT, Ubuntu for instance ?
> I had the impression SMF did improve things. As I read your post
> it seems, sometimes in past but not anymore ... why is that ?
> Probable somebody should fill in some bugs regarding this ?

   I am taking guesses here but I suspect this boot performance may
   be relative. AFAIK SMF does not restrict the extent of concurrency.
   So if there are 100 non-interdependent services ready to be started
   at the current graph state then it will start all 100 concurrently. This
   might be good for multi-way big-iron boxes but can be at the
   diminishing returns point for smaller workstations and laptops where
   there is neither the disk/memory bandwidth and nor the core-count to
   handle such a load. In this case a feature to have a graceful reduction
   in concurrency level in SMF should help.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Ian Collins

On 07/24/10 01:23 PM, Ken Mays wrote:

This is an idea, but SchilliX (or a fork of it) could remain a pure 
server-oriented core distro (without X or desktop cruft). The desktop stuff 
could come by way of IPS integration and/or CSW/SFW/other packages...

The kernel distribution for Blastwave maybe?


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] NIC is only functional when 'snoop' is running

2010-07-23 Thread William Bauer
I haven't seen this specific problem before, but have you tried things like 
touch /reconfigure and reboot, or unplumb the interface and reconfigure/reboot:

ifconfig e1000g0 unplumb 
touch /reconfigure
init 6

You may or may not need to replumb after this with "ifconfig e1000g0 plumb".

Otherwise perhaps the card did go bad?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Shawn Walker

On 07/23/10 04:41 PM, Ken Gunderson wrote:

Why?  IPS was shoved down the community's throat in a heavy handed and 
decidedly not FOSS manner.

Sorry, but that's simply not true.

The pkg(5) project has been one of the few projects that is actually 
very open.  It was the first to use for 
bugtracking, it's licensed under the CDDL, and at the moment any 
contributor (even external ones) can get commit access upon approval by 
the project team members.

It has active, external contributors to the project (including myself at 
one point a few years ago before I was employed for the project), and is 
one of the few to push almost all design and development discussions 
onto a public mailing list.

Remember that this community and the projects that provide the basis for 
various OpenSolaris distributions remain largely a meritocracy -- those 
that do the work get to make the decisions.

There are plenty of open source projects that have made decisions 
unpopular with their user community.  That doesn't make those projects 
any less FOSS, nor does it justify claims of "forcing" something on a 

I respect your belief that the pkg(5) system was not a good choice. 
However, I assert that your unjustified belief that it was "forced" on 
anyone, or that is is not a FOSS project, is grossly inaccurate.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Ken Mays
This is an idea, but SchilliX (or a fork of it) could remain a pure 
server-oriented core distro (without X or desktop cruft). The desktop stuff 
could come by way of IPS integration and/or CSW/SFW/other packages...
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro

2010-07-23 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

On 07/23/10 15:28, Ian Collins wrote:

That's right, but I don't think you can specify the zfs or zpool version
to the installer (an RFE maybe?) so the root pool will always be the
latest version.

you should be able to create an empty BE in a down-rev pool (with pkg 
image-create, as discussed in Ed P's blog entry) and populate it so you 
can use a down-rev zfs version.

- Bill

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] NIC is only functional when 'snoop' is running

2010-07-23 Thread Andrew Chace
My workstation is not on a UPS and experienced a hard-shutdown the other day 
due to a commercial power outage. It booted up cleanly afterwards; however, my 
NIC is does not seem to be functional unless 'snoop' is running. I've tried 
setting a static IP, using DHCP, triple-checked the subnet mask, etc. If 
'snoop' isn't running, I can't ping the default router, resolve hostnames, or 
SSH to IP addresses on my local network. I don't have a clue whether this is 
configuration problem, or if the NIC was somehow damaged when the power went 

My workstation is running build 134, and it is using the e1000g driver. Any 
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Ken Gunderson
Why?  IPS was shoved down the community's throat in a heavy handed and 
decidedly not FOSS manner.  Moreover, interestingly enough, the most popular, 
by far, thing to come out of Open Solaris is Nexenta, which is most definitely 
not IPS based.  And ironically enough, using something more familiar and 
mainstream probably play a significant role in explaining why Nexenta is where 
it's at today.  Not that I'm particularly fond of Nexenta.

I think the idea here is Oracle emancipation, not Oracle emulation.  Who gives 
a hoot about Oracle and Solaris??  It's on the short list for extinction, as 
_every_ Sun shop I am familiar with has plans to migrate off of Sun post Oracle 
take over.  So yeah, Solaris Next may be a legend in Oracle's mind, but not 
much of any place else that I'm aware of.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Ian Collins

On 07/24/10 10:40 AM, Joerg Schilling wrote:

Ken Gunderson  wrote:



My test box was just about to get fresh install of FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE, but 
I'll take Schillix for a quick test spin first.

It still has no GDM and an old version of Xorg I compiled in late 2005.
I hope that someone will compile a recent Xorg and GNOME. It may be a good idea
to check Sun's sources for this as e.g. the GNOME from Blastwave only works
if the locale is UTF-8 based _and_ if every string inside every program is
UTF-8 based. This makes a lot of software from Europe fail with non C locales.



Good job on getting this out.

I really do think you should accept the inevitable and accept IPS, otherwise 
SchilliX runs the risk of becoming an evolutionary dead end.

If any OpenSolaris distributions are to survive post-Oracle, they must be able 
to share packages with each other and ultimately with Oracle's Solaris.  A 
disparate packaging scheme shows a fractured community.  We should at least 
strive to appear united!


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Joerg Schilling
Ken Gunderson  wrote:

> P.S.; Joerg, did I miss it or are there no md5 hashes for this?

See the file README.


-- (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin (work) Blog:
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Joerg Schilling
Stefan Parvu  wrote:

> thanks. I never tried previously the distro, but I will install this into one 
> of my test
> machines. Is star part of the distro ? Hope so :)

Star-1.5.1 is also available from Blastwave.
The star on SchilliX has one new feature:

1) create a meta data only archive with star -c -dump -meta . > arch
2) extraxt the archive uwing star -xp -xmeta -force-hole < arch
   in order to create all plain files as 100% empty holes

New is the combination "-xmeta -force-hole". Such a tree does nse nearly no
space on disk and it is sufficient as a reference for a wget -mirror

> Would be nice to have a list somewhere what we get as plus on top of build130,
> all tools.

Nothing new that was not yet part of previous SchilliX release. I created 
this release mainly in order to have a start base for replacing closed source
stuff from Sun/Oracle.


-- (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin (work) Blog:
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Joerg Schilling
Ken Gunderson  wrote:

> Cool;)
> My test box was just about to get fresh install of FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE, but 
> I'll take Schillix for a quick test spin first.

It still has no GDM and an old version of Xorg I compiled in late 2005.
I hope that someone will compile a recent Xorg and GNOME. It may be a good idea 
to check Sun's sources for this as e.g. the GNOME from Blastwave only works
if the locale is UTF-8 based _and_ if every string inside every program is 
UTF-8 based. This makes a lot of software from Europe fail with non C locales.


-- (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin (work) Blog:
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [distribution-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Joerg Schilling
"C. Bergström"  wrote:

> Did you pull the libc work from Garrett and drop that on there?

No, I just created a halfway clean base for starting with the emancipation

> Which compiler did you use to build onnv-gate?


> What are you doing for c++ and are the binaries from Solaris/OpenSolaris 
> able to run?

I supply the binary libC from Sun.

> Which version of grub did you include on the ISO and or do you have any 
> other GPLv2 software linking against libc?

GPLv2 is not a problem, as GPLv2 does not define any rule to prevent
"collective works", which is what you create when you combine software 
from different works. GPLv3 is a problem as it tries to forbid "collective
works" with something that is not a "basic system component". Thus GPLv3 seems 
to me to be a problem legal problem that has a noticable risk of getting sued.

and check the links to the papers from Lawrence Rosen, Thomas Gordon and
Lothar Determan.

> Where's the source to your patches? (I thought you have this all on 
> Berlios.. maybe)

For b130, I just needed to change two lines of code in order to make
ksh93 and another oss work from outside compile with OS-12.1.

If people are interested in an updated version of my distro creator,
I may work on a general usable set.

BTW: do you have results that others may use?


-- (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin (work) Blog:
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro

2010-07-23 Thread Ian Collins

On 07/24/10 09:47 AM, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:

On 07/23/10 14:23, Ian Collins wrote:

I guess that's with an older or same ZFS version not newer in order to
be able to zfs send the filesystem.  It could work for recent Solaris 10
updates as well, assuming there's another update with a zfs upgrade.

When I did this I migrated systems from nevada build 130 to 
opensolaris build 130 so this wasn't a consideration.

I'm just downloading the b117 CD dorm genunix to try this with my b117 
SXCE system.

The following is somewhat speculative (I haven't needed to migrate 
from s10 to opensolaris):

Being the weekend, I'm going to see how far I get with a Solaris 10 
update 8 system.  One thing that can be done with a Solaris host and not 
a nevada one is to create a FLAR of the box and import it as a branded 
zone on it's new self.  That would make post-upgrade configuration 
porting easier (I'm bound to forget something!).  It will also provide a 
home for application that don't support OpenSolaris.

 - remember that there are separate pool versions and filesystem 

 - You can, in general, zfs send a filesystem to a lower-revision 
pool; the filesystem version is what matters for zfs send.

 - You can create down-rev pools and filesystems using appropriate 
options to the zpool create and zfs create commands.

That's right, but I don't think you can specify the zfs or zpool version 
to the installer (an RFE maybe?) so the root pool will always be the 
latest version.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread ken mays

--- On Fri, 7/23/10, Joerg Schilling  

> From: Joerg Schilling 
> Subject: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing
> To:,
> Date: Friday, July 23, 2010, 3:52 PM
> Hi,
> today, I put SchilliX-0.7.0 out.
> Changes since SchilliX-0.6.7:
> -    Updated to use OpenSolaris Nevada Build
> 130
> -    Updated to use new Schily tools (e.g.
> cdrtools-3.00)
> -    The history editor in the Bourne shell
> now supports
>     multi byte character locales.
> -    root now has the initial passwd root
> -    schillix now has the initial passwd
> schillix
> Please test an report problems as I am going to use
> SchilliX-0.7.0
> as a base for working on a 100% free and open source based
> distribution that is able to compile it's own sourcecode.
> This is usually called "self hosting".
> Jörg
> -- 
> (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
>       � 
>               (uni) 
> (work) Blog:
>  URL:
> ___
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Congratulations, Joerg!!! I almost thought you did a snv_145 refresh
but this is amazing as well.

You're back on the map.

Good job,
~ Ken Mays

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] mplayer + VDPAU + opensolaris = ?

2010-07-23 Thread Aleksey Cheusov

> On b134 + 190.53 the playback will be choppy.
> Update the driver to 256.35 in a new BE (changing only
> the NVIDIA driver) and the playback will be smooth.

Yes, with 256.35 drivers everything works fine now. Thanks!

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro

2010-07-23 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

On 07/23/10 14:23, Ian Collins wrote:

I guess that's with an older or same ZFS version not newer in order to
be able to zfs send the filesystem.  It could work for recent Solaris 10
updates as well, assuming there's another update with a zfs upgrade.

When I did this I migrated systems from nevada build 130 to opensolaris 
build 130 so this wasn't a consideration.

The following is somewhat speculative (I haven't needed to migrate from 
s10 to opensolaris):

 - remember that there are separate pool versions and filesystem versions.

 - You can, in general, zfs send a filesystem to a lower-revision pool; 
the filesystem version is what matters for zfs send.

 - You can create down-rev pools and filesystems using appropriate 
options to the zpool create and zfs create commands.

- Bill
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Chavdar Ivanov

Did a few quick tests under VirtualBox (for now). 

The 64 bit version did not play well, showing unresolved symbols and dropping 
to recovery console.

The 32-bit version was OK, though:

# uname -a 
SunOS unknown 5.11 schily130 i86pc i386 i86pc
# ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849 mtu 8232 
index 1
inet netmask ff00 
e1000g0: flags=1004843 mtu 1500 index 
inet netmask ff00 broadcast
ether 8:0:27:ef:c4:f1 
lo0: flags=2002000849 mtu 8252 
index 1
inet6 ::1/128 


X starts, but there is a problem with the keyboard (kbd_mode not found; typing 
into the three X windows renders garbage; the only way to stop it is to raise 
'Kill window' from the menu and kill the last xterm). The network adapter is 
bridged, seems to work fine. About to install it.


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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro

2010-07-23 Thread Ian Collins

On 07/24/10 03:48 AM, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:

On 07/22/10 14:56, Jason wrote:

I suspect they would be quite disappointed (to put it mildly) if there
is no way to do something similar (at least an installer that can run
in an older version to lay down the bits in unused space).

The following worked for me to migrate development build servers (and 
a couple laptops and desktops) from nevada to opensolaris:

 1) migrate from UFS root to ZFS root via live upgrade.

 2) use "zfs send" & "zfs receive" to bring in a root filesystem 
cloned from an appropriate opensolaris install, containing a roughly 
comparable opensolaris build.

I guess that's with an older or same ZFS version not newer in order to 
be able to zfs send the filesystem.  It could work for recent Solaris 10 
updates as well, assuming there's another update with a zfs upgrade.

 3) migrate configuration from the nevada root to the opensolaris root.

 4) adjust boot configuration (grub menu and/or bootfs property) to 
boot the opensolaris root.

Thanks for the ideas, I give it a go with my last SXCE server - after 
grabbing some live CDs with the correct builds.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Ken Gunderson
P.S.; Joerg, did I miss it or are there no md5 hashes for this?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Stefan Parvu
thanks. I never tried previously the distro, but I will install this into one 
of my test
machines. Is star part of the distro ? Hope so :)

Would be nice to have a list somewhere what we get as plus on top of build130,
all tools.

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Ken Gunderson

My test box was just about to get fresh install of FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE, but 
I'll take Schillix for a quick test spin first.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Random system hang build 134

2010-07-23 Thread Som Pathak
I did... I have now disabled it... But there was no evidence that this could be 
the problem from the log files... I will keep the thread updated re: this 

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] SchilliX-0.7.0 ready for testing

2010-07-23 Thread Joerg Schilling

today, I put SchilliX-0.7.0 out.

Changes since SchilliX-0.6.7:

-   Updated to use OpenSolaris Nevada Build 130

-   Updated to use new Schily tools (e.g. cdrtools-3.00)

-   The history editor in the Bourne shell now supports
multi byte character locales.

-   root now has the initial passwd root

-   schillix now has the initial passwd schillix

Please test an report problems as I am going to use SchilliX-0.7.0
as a base for working on a 100% free and open source based
distribution that is able to compile it's own sourcecode.
This is usually called "self hosting".


-- (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin (work) Blog:
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Community distro mailing list

2010-07-23 Thread Edward Ned Harvey
If a community-friendly spinoff is going to spinoff, I hope the mailing list 
for that is created before the deadline when Oracle decides to terminate the 
Opensolaris community.

Is somebody working to create a community distro mailing list?

Personally, I want this mailing list back, for people who want to talk about 
opensolaris.  So I want all those community distro messages to go into some 
outside mailing list that's related to that new OS you guys are talking about.  
Instead of hijacking this list to talk about creating some other project.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro mailing list

2010-07-23 Thread Ken Gunderson
Thanks, John.  I'd been checking in on that from time to time but it didn't 
seem like much discussion was going on following the mentioning of such at 
governing board meeting a while back.  You're indeed correct that that would be 
a good place for such discussion.  I assumed, perhaps erroneously, that said 
discussion was intentionally migrated here so as to gain exposure and 
participation from wider community?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Cannot import a zpool created with zfs-fuse - newer version of ZFS?

2010-07-23 Thread Mike DeMarco
Break the  mirror
move the disk over to the other server
create a new zpool using that disk
zfs send  | ssh  zfs receive 
bring over the other disk and add as a mirror.

Pop open a beer and smile.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Crash during zpool import

2010-07-23 Thread Mike DeMarco
You would have better luck posting this to the zfs list.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Random system hang build 134

2010-07-23 Thread Mike DeMarco
Do you have autofs turned on. Sounds like it is hanging when attempting to 
mount a automounted filesystem.
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[osol-discuss] Random system hang build 134

2010-07-23 Thread Som Pathak

1. System remains pingable
2. When trying to ssh in terminal hangs after entering pass
3. At the console terminal hangs after entering pass
4. Problem persists after disabling snapshots/compression/dedup


Hard reboot (A+F1 does not work)


Supermicro Mobo
24 x 2TB WD Black Drives (2 x 12 drive in RAIDZ2)
Mirrored OCZ 32GB SSD drives for OS (ZFS mirrored rpool)
Mirrored Intel extreme 64GB drives (ZIL)
Quad Port Intel Gb NIC - aggr1

Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be or how I can track this 
down? Just so that you know I have 2 of these system with identical setup and 
hardware so I have excluded the possibility that this could be a bad piece of 
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro mailing list

2010-07-23 Thread John Plocher
A reminder that we *do* have a distribution community here, with a
distribution-discuss alias that is a good place to hold "community
distro" conversations...

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro mailing list

2010-07-23 Thread Ken Gunderson
There was, however, threat of moderating, and/or discontinuing the list as 
disciplinary measures as part of select interpretation and application of the 
site's TOS.  To which someone on list did respond by setting up a list at Free 
Lists so as to as least have an archive.  Mayhaps that was what you referring?  
If so, search back in the threads.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Crash during zpool import

2010-07-23 Thread Martyn Klassen
My system crashed while deleting a zfs volume and went into an infinite reboot 
loop. Suspecting a problem with ZFS, I booted from the LiveCD to try to 
identify the issue. I tried to import one of the pools called backup

zpool import -f backup

The system crashed almost immediately. Is there something that I can do to fix 
the zpool?

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro

2010-07-23 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

On 07/22/10 14:56, Jason wrote:

I suspect they would be quite disappointed (to put it mildly) if there
is no way to do something similar (at least an installer that can run
in an older version to lay down the bits in unused space).

The following worked for me to migrate development build servers (and a 
couple laptops and desktops) from nevada to opensolaris:

 1) migrate from UFS root to ZFS root via live upgrade.

 2) use "zfs send" & "zfs receive" to bring in a root filesystem cloned 
from an appropriate opensolaris install, containing a roughly comparable 
opensolaris build.

 3) migrate configuration from the nevada root to the opensolaris root.

 4) adjust boot configuration (grub menu and/or bootfs property) to 
boot the opensolaris root.

You don't actually need an installer that runs on an older version to do 
this -- you just need to already be on a ZFS root, and have another 
system installed with the newer version that can "zfs send" to the older 
system.  The key thing is that you never do anything irreversible to the 
system - as with live upgrade, you never overwrite a working root 
filesystem until you know you have another working root filesystem.

Exactly what configuration makes sense to migrate in step (3) is likely 
to be at least somewhat installation-specific.

The hard part is step (1), because ideal partition layouts for UFS+LU 
and ZFS are quite different; this either requires spare disks or a 
significant outage period.

Ed P.'s blog entry:

inspired this; the main thing I'll note is that you don't need to build 
& run pkg yourself (his step 2) if you have another system already 
running opensolaris.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro

2010-07-23 Thread Dave Miner

On 07/22/10 05:56 PM, Jason wrote:

At a previous job most of their Sparc systems were upgraded from
Solaris 2.6->8->10 via live upgrade.  Obviously new systems got the
latest standard, and not every system that went from 2.6->8 was still
around to do the 8->10 upgrade, but at one point we had around 1200
sparc systems (all servers, no desktops) that we maintained in our
department (with three other groups of similar size).   The reduced
downtime of the update was _critical_ in allowing this to happen
(otherwise the business would force us to run ancient versions
forever).  This was probably one of the few things that kept them from
tossing Sun out the door completely (which at one point they were
trying to do) -- since they were obsessed with system availability (to
a sometimes absurd extent), it provide a very distinct advantage over
the AIX and HP-UX systems they had.

I suspect they would be quite disappointed (to put it mildly) if there
is no way to do something similar (at least an installer that can run
in an older version to lay down the bits in unused space).

As Bart said, most don't do this, though I am aware of at least one 
customer who does (probably the same one, based on your description). 
Honestly, they're doing what we would have recommended for everyone but 
didn't work hard enough to get widely accepted.  I'm sure we'll work 
with them to find an acceptable solution to their needs, but it's more 
likely to be a special case, not a general one.


Since the hardware, OS versions (including patches), as well as other
software was tested and controlled rather carefully, we had very few
problems with this.

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Ian Collins  wrote:

On 07/23/10 06:44 AM, Bart Smaalders wrote:

On 07/21/10 15:25, Ian Collins wrote:

If Solaris Next is to be IPS based, I really really hope we will see a
viable upgrade path.  The lack of one is the biggest hurdle to IPS

In general, upgrading from UFS root w/ svr4 packages to ZFS root w/ IPS is
a very difficult problem.  While we can imagine cases in which we
could be successful, there are a host of situations which are not
readily addressable.  Add to this the fact that most of Sun
^H^H^HOracle's Solaris customers generally do NOT upgrade from one
release to the next, because of the reproducibility problem - production
machine configurations need to be readily reproducible, and upgrading
an existing S10 patched OS is not the best way of doing this.

I can see that's probably true.  I only ever upgraded one production box
from Solaris 9 to 10 and that was a very simple configuration.

Nearly all of the other production Solaris 9 boxes I've replaced have been
migration for their services to Solaris 10 zones.  The small remainder have
been imported to branded zones.  So I guess Robert is right, a branded zone
is one option!

I do wonder how much of a selling point (to keep people on Solaris) the
ability to upgrade was, even it wasn't used?

We anticipate developing and sharing migration strategies and tools,
but a traditional upgrade in place DVD approach is not likely to occur.

That's good.

The traditional upgrade in place DVD approach has probably reached the end
of the line with the increasing use of virtualisation.  Treating a system
(or zone) as a service and looking at how to migrate that is better


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Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro, teamwork and being clear

2010-07-23 Thread Brian Utterback

On 07/22/10 04:24, Dennis Clarke wrote:

Update 10 ? Really ?

The marketing people at ORacle are worse than the ones at Sun. We have no clue 
when an update is coming or a damn thing but at least there are readme files 
that leak out from time to time.

I don't understand your point. Hasn't it been said over and over that 
it is Oracle policy not to make forward looking statements about 
product releases? Solaris 10 is solely an Oracle product, without any 
community involvement; does it surprise you that it would adhere to 
that policy? Without making any comments on whether or not or when any 
particular update is due to be released, I will say that an update 
takes many months to produce, and preparation for the next update will 
generally start several months before the previous update is released.

So, what is your point?

It's bad civic hygiene to build technologies that could someday be
used to facilitate a police state. - Bruce Schneier
Brian Utterback - Solaris RPE, Oracle Corporation.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro mailing list

2010-07-23 Thread Alan Coopersmith
A Hettinger wrote:
> Apparently I missed the memo the Oracle was dropping this site.
> If it turns out I didn't miss the memo, and this is something you are 
> completely making up, please stop. 

Oracle has made no announcements of ending

Oracle has announced that the separate site is going away,
folding the content from there into either or the
Oracle Technical Network, but that was always a site that was separate
from the community efforts, hence the separate domainname.

 Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] VLC building help

2010-07-23 Thread Ken Mays

VLC packaging is handled over in desktop-discuss. 

For DVD playback, we use VLC and Mplayer (people like a few choices).

VLC 0.8.6/1.1.1 and Mplayer 1.0.0 were ported for Solaris 10 and OSOL 2009.06.
Check the VLC spec-file for recent updates to v1.1.1. Some changes may take 
advantage of the newer Boomer audio backend in OSOL Dev snv_134.

Most of us have tested the packages with 1080p streams and the Nvidia 256.35 

Some old links:

~ Ken Mays

P.S. Blu-Ray players are going for about $50-$75 USD now...
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro mailing list

2010-07-23 Thread A Hettinger
Apparently I missed the memo the Oracle was dropping this site.

If it turns out I didn't miss the memo, and this is something you are 
completely making up, please stop. This is the type of stuff that gets posted 
on slashdot then I have to go around the office and explain that it's just 
someone being melodramatic on OSOL-Discuss (really, it's best to just ignore 
that ML).

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Community distro mailing list

2010-07-23 Thread Edward Ned Harvey
If a community-friendly spinoff is going to spinoff, I hope the mailing list
for that is created before the deadline when Oracle decides to terminate the
Opensolaris community.


Is somebody working to create a community distro mailing list?


Personally, I want this mailing list back, for people who want to talk about
opensolaris.  So I want all those community distro messages to go into some
outside mailing list that's related to that new OS you guys are talking
about.  Instead of hijacking this list to talk about creating some other

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro

2010-07-23 Thread Ken Mays
Hi Peter,

GNU/kFreeBSD relates moreso to the Nexenta community (OpenSolaris kernel/Ubuntu 
(Debian) userland) - which also is known as GNU/Solaris.

To help create the next community distro, I'd talk to Nexenta. Take a look at
Nexenta Core Platform 3.0 RC2 and see what can be improved from it.

The Belenix project is another group that can be of assistance. Lots of 
and software engineering skillsets there on building and designing distros.

The other projects like Milax and EON can also give some guidance.
There is also the upcoming Oracle OpenWorld and some Hackathons going on. Even 
if people are 'non-developers/programmers', feedback and encouragement is
better than 'sitting on the benches and whining'.

If people really want to help, just make a list of what you want to see if 'the 
community' did create a 'version' of OpenSolaris 2010.X. Start asking distro 
communities what they need help on an if they want to build an updated distro.

As for OpenSolaris 2010.03, read up on these docs:
~ Ken Mays
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Re: [osol-discuss] Technical contact for OSOL mailing lists

2010-07-23 Thread Elaine Ashton

On Jul 23, 2010, at 6:39 AM, Daniel Taylor wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to find the technical contact(s) for the OSOL mailing lists,
> I've been having quite a few issues with bounced email from this list (and 
> other OSOL lists), and checking our mail server logs it is always because of 
> DomainKey (DKIM) rejection.
> Believe it might have something to do with this...
> Obviously I would like to get this fixed.
> Does anyone know who I should be talking too?

That would be me and please forward me the logs you refer to and any rejected 
messages with the full headers intact. The only place DKIM would be a factor on 
our system would be via spamassassin and it wouldn't reject your messages, 
though if it has enough other parts rating a score, it might mark it as spam. 
Mailman doesn't strip DKIM headers so I'll need more details from the logs and 
the headers before I can determine what might be happening.

I don't see any rejections for email from your address in the past week in any 
of the logs, though I do see bounce scores which is mail getting rejected by 
your system in the opposite direction, so I'm curious as to what might be 

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro

2010-07-23 Thread A Hettinger
I am one of those approvers.

Last I looked I had at least commented on anything mentioned in both SJ-Discuss 
and Porters-Discuss as ready for review. I will review my emails, but unless 
some have come in over the last week, there are none that have not been either 
approved (with or without my vote) or I have at least commented on.

When you compare the number of packages in /pending and /contrib, you have to 
realize that if a porter is actively working on a package, but they do not feel 
that it is ready to be promoted, we do not even look at it (despite it possibly 
being installable from /pending). In addition once a package has been approved, 
the actual promotion must occur (this is a manual process, I do not recall who 
is responcable for it). I believe it is on hold pending the new /release

The issue of number approvers came to a head in the SJ community earlier this 
year, and as a result a number of individuals (myself included) where added to 
the list.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [xen-discuss] Xen EOF?

2010-07-23 Thread Matthias Pfützner
Looking at the fact, that OVM is free, and has a way better graphical
management system, and also comes with already predefined "Images", I don't
see that many problems.

Who would really be using ZFS in the Dom0, if you build bigger environments?
You would place the binaries/images on some network device, so no disadvantage
here. Dtrace in Dom0 would be useful for the device-drivers only. The Dtrace
interface to Xen was based on an asynchronous message bus, with no guarantee
of getting all messages, not even in time. Crossbow might be the only
advantage, that's not deployable in an OVM-like environment. But given the
advantages of predefined image-sets for OVM and the already available
graphical interface for managing OVM, I really like the engineers working on
making Solaris a better DomU, than working on porting Xen 4.0 to Solaris. You
also no longer buy your PC based on whether it runs an AMI BIOS or an AWARD
BIOS. That's something, that's simply there... ;-)

Again: This is all my private thinking!


You (Justin Lee Ewing) wrote:
> Wow, that is really disappointing... especially with all the features of ZFS, 
> the intergration of Crossbow, etc.  One would think you would deprecate 
> OracleVM in favor of the combined Solaris/Xvm and try to consolidate.  I was 
> definiately looking forward to getting rid of VMware... but no point in that 
> if I'm not moving towards a single OS/command set.
Matthias Pfützner | Tel.: +49 700 PFUETZNER  | By 2000 Apple will be 
Lichtenbergstr.73 | | acquired by Wal-Mart.
D-64289 Darmstadt | AIM: pfuetz, ICQ: 300967487  | 
Germany  | | Ted Nelson (Chief Ed. Byte)
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Technical contact for OSOL mailing lists

2010-07-23 Thread Daniel Taylor


I'm trying to find the technical contact(s) for the OSOL mailing lists,

I've been having quite a few issues with bounced email from this list  
(and other OSOL lists), and checking our mail server logs it is always  
because of DomainKey (DKIM) rejection.

Believe it might have something to do with this...

Obviously I would like to get this fixed.

Does anyone know who I should be talking too?

- Daniel

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Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro, teamwork and being clear

2010-07-23 Thread Robert Milkowski

On 23/07/2010 03:33, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

I don't know, but probably more people contributed to
SFE and/or
/contrib in the last couple of years than to

Without getting into pointless comparisons (I've used both),
the problem I have with /contrib is
the huge bottleneck that appears to be present getting
stuff from /pending to /contrib, and that even /pending
seems to have been in limbo for awhile.
Last Updated2010-04-27 17:14:53
Last Updated2009-12-15 07:01:09

If /contrib is to be a meaningful alternative, it should
get updated more often, and contain a larger percentage
of the number of packages in /pending.

That, even if not supported, one might want some
control so that people might have confidence in /contrib,
is understandable.  That the appearance is that most
such control is a resource that can vanish at a corporate
whim is not acceptable.

Are there any outside approvers, or a process to get them
trained and blessed?

100% agree with you.
The problem is 2010.H1 and...
One of the problems was a clean-up of some contrib packages with bad 
dependencies as osol 2010.h1 was supposed to have /contrib configured by 
default and some packages would prevent an future upgrade. Then all the 
others issues around osol and frankly nothing has been prmoted in last 6 
months or so. I think we need to wait a little bit longer and see what 
happens to the osol and the source juicer. There is expected to be some 
kind of an announcement on the SJ pages soon. I have no clue if it is 
going to be a good one or a bad one.

Assuming that osol and the sj will survive /contrib is the way to go imho.

To answer your other question - there are some non-sun people who have a 
right to review and vote on packages. Then the idea was that if package 
got +2 and none negative votes it would get promoted to /contrib once a 
month or so automatically more or less. But all of that has been frozen 
for now.

Robert Milkowski

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Can opensolaris do CDP

2010-07-23 Thread Peter Tribble
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 10:21 AM, Richard L. Hamilton  wrote:
>> now i know how to do auto-snapshot on opensolairs.
>> Can anybody tell me if opensolairs has any tool to
>> implement CDP?
>> thx a lot.
> By what definition?  AFAIK, the extreme definition
> implies being able to restore to any single completed write
> operation:
> AFAIK, that's not possible, and rarely practical or useful.
> However, you can have a _lot_ of snapshots, provided you have
> a lot of space to accomodate copies of all the changes.
> But even there, what good is going truly snapshot-crazy
> unless the snapshots are synchronized with the applications
> being in a state at which they can be restarted?  There's
> no generic checkpoint/restart mechanism.  Best you could do would
> be give each application its own filesystem, and write the application
> to be responsible for taking the snapshots at times when the application's
> storage was logically consistent on disk.

At the LOSUG meeting on Wednesday, Luke Marsden was talking about
a scheme in which dtrace catches writes to a filesystem and triggers a
snapshot which then gets replicated using zfs send/receive.

Of course, there's some heuristic behaviour about when to take
snapshots. Clearly not after every single write operation, so if there's
a continuous stream you either wait for a gap (the upload stops or the
overall change finishes, for example) or say you don't wait longer than
N seconds.

The talk will be placed here shortly, I expect:

-Peter Tribble -
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Can opensolaris do CDP

2010-07-23 Thread Richard L. Hamilton
> now i know how to do auto-snapshot on opensolairs.
> Can anybody tell me if opensolairs has any tool to
> implement CDP?
> thx a lot.

By what definition?  AFAIK, the extreme definition
implies being able to restore to any single completed write

AFAIK, that's not possible, and rarely practical or useful.

However, you can have a _lot_ of snapshots, provided you have
a lot of space to accomodate copies of all the changes.

But even there, what good is going truly snapshot-crazy
unless the snapshots are synchronized with the applications
being in a state at which they can be restarted?  There's
no generic checkpoint/restart mechanism.  Best you could do would
be give each application its own filesystem, and write the application
to be responsible for taking the snapshots at times when the application's
storage was logically consistent on disk.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Can opensolaris do CDP

2010-07-23 Thread Thommy M . Malmström
> now i know how to do auto-snapshot on opensolairs.
> Can anybody tell me if opensolairs has any tool to
> implement CDP?

Continuous data protection?
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