Re: [openssl-users] [stunnel-users] stunnel 5.47 released

2018-06-27 Thread Eric S Eberhard
Query -- how does this relate to TLSv1.3 and the alpha version (which is not 
going to work with the final version -- and does not exist I think) -- and what 
version of openssl do you recommend?



Eric S Eberhard
VICS (Vertical Integrated Computer Systems)
Voice: 928 567 3529
Cell: 928 301 7537  (not reliable except for text or if not home)
2933 W Middle Verde Rd
Camp Verde, AZ  86322

-Original Message-
From: stunnel-users [] On Behalf Of 
Michal Trojnara
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 11:10 PM
Subject: [stunnel-users] stunnel 5.47 released

Dear Users,

I have released version 5.47 of stunnel.

Version 5.47, 2018.06.23, urgency: HIGH
* New features
  - Fast add_lock_callback for OpenSSL < 1.1.0.
This largely improves performance on heavy load.
  - Automatic detection of Homebrew OpenSSL.
  - Clarified port binding error logs.
  - Various "make test" improvements.
* Bugfixes
  - Fixed a crash on switching to SNI slave sections.

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Re: Increasing key size from 1024 to 2048?

2013-10-10 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
Just curious -- what line of work is your company in?  If you were CIA 
or NASA or something I'd see the need.  If you are just a business -- 
wow!  E

On 10/10/2013 1:37 AM, wrote:


I've been asking this on the OpenVPN mailinglist, but didn't get an answer so 
far. Therefore I hope you can help me.
We use OpenVPN in our company with the default cipher suite, which should be: 

So RSA is used for authentication, Blowfish in CBC mode for symmetric 
encryption. The keys for Blowfish are derived from ephermal Diffie-Hellman and 
changed every hour.
We use a keysize of 1024 bit for RSA and therefore a modulus of 1024 bit for 
Diffie-Hellman (OpenVPN uses the Easy RSA scripts. These scripts use a variable 
KEY_SIZE when the Diffie-Hellman parameter or the RSA keys ar built. This 
variable is set to 1024). Furthermore we  use a self-signed CA.

Some days ago I recommended to update the key size to 2048 bit, mainly because 
some sources say 1024 bit aren't enough anymore. Because quite a lot of our 
staff uses OpenVPN, they asked me, if it is possible, to not update all keys at 
once - but only issue user certs with 2048 from now on for new OpenVPN users 
(and leave the old ones in places for later update).
The process of doing that should look like that:

a) Change variable KEY_SIZE used in Easy RSA scripts from 1024 to 2048 (bit).
b) Create new Diffie-Hellman params with the Easy RSA build-dh script (will 
create the params with 2048 bit modulus).
c) Update the OpenVPN server config with the path of the new Diffie-Hellman 
param file.

Now here are my concerns and why _I_ think, that is a bad idea:
If I do it like that, new users would get 2048 bit keys/cert as requested by the company. But theses certs would still 
be signed by our self signed CA which still uses the old 1024 bit key/cert. Given that an attacker has enough computing 
power, he could factorize n (from the pub key in the CA cert) to get p and q. With 
that he would have our CA's private key, being able to create a faked server cert and sign it with the CA key. With 
that server certificate the attacker could launch a man in the middle attack. That would mean: Authentication via RSA 
would be leveraged.

So my question are:
I.  Am I right, or is that rubbish?

II. Is an attacker able to get the CA cert at all? It looks as if during TLS 
handshake only the User certificate and the Server certificates are 
transmitted, but not the CA cert.

III. To complicate things a bit more:
OpenVPN supports a so called tls-auth directive which takes a 160 bit key. 
According to the OpenVPN documentation this key is used to generate a HMAC over every 
packet during TLS handshake (and append it?). It looks as if this is not part of TLS 
itself, but a modified implementation of TLS. They say, that without the key, not even 
the handshake would work.
So my last question is:
If the CA cert, can be requested from the OpenVPN Server somehow, that wouldn't 
work anymore, if such a key is used. Is that correct?

Thanks a lot for your help!
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager


Eric S. Eberhard
2933 W Middle Verde Road
Camp Verde, AZ  86322

928-567-3727  work  928-301-7537  cell (our work) (fun pictures)

Re: strong TLS connections

2011-10-31 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
Our monolithic program (which runs in well under a meg including 
the program and all memory it uses) is monitored for correct hash (an 
algorithm we have to give a 21 byte hash total of files for which I 
have never seen two different files with the same hash) from an 
off-site program AND onsite cron processes.  It also has calls within 
itself to validate it has not been de-compiled and modified.  It has 
timing alerts that make using gdb/dbx with break points virtually 
impossible.  It is also tied to the serial number of the AIX box or 
network card address on others.  If even one byte does not match what 
was sent, email alerts are sent, the program is removed (after 
document user ids dates and times), the port is disabled, and so 
forth.  Nothing is impenetrable, but an ordinary patching is not 
going to do the job.

Secondly, dynamic libraries if shared by say 10 programs could be 
modified for some purpose OTHER than my program.  They may be 
debugging their software, and hence write a log file of data, not 
realizing that they are logging my raw credit card data.  My software 
then becomes non-compliant due to the innocent actions of others.  Or 
their software may require a certain version that has a vulnerability 
that I can't live with.  And I don't want to have to monitor this.

Third, I certify my software with the static link.  I know -- and the 
PCI compliance auditors know -- that it is compliant.  If I have no 
control over dynamic libraries I have no way of KNOWING I am 
compliant in that environment.  Neither does the customer or the 
auditor.  Stray debug logging is, in fact, one of the primary causes 
of non-PCI compliance.

Fourth, I use different compiler switches than the open source 
(different thread choices, different one-char default behavior, 
etc).  How that works without a static link is an open question (and 
there are many other issues).

The point of a static link is that ... it is static.  You know what 
your program will do and you know how it will behave and you have 
tested, certified, and deployed in that manner.  It is easy to 
validate that it has not been harassed.  The point of a dynamic link 
is to allow O/S updates that fix perceived bugs/holes.  In some 
situations this may not be a good thing (like say in my stray debug 
example).  And usually not relevant.  I might be using only one 
particular encryption.  The fixes might be for others.  And ... as 
usual with all software, sometimes fixes also have unintended consequences.

I still think that the highest security is achieved with a static 
link.  The easiest to keep current and updated is obviously the 
dynamic link.  So that balance should be what decides.


At 12:13 PM 10/30/2011, you wrote:

 There are taste issues on this -- but you may be happier with a
 static link.  It will load a giga-blip faster too with static link,
 and you won't even notice :-)  A lot will depend on what your
 software is and how much of it.  We have thousands of customers.  We
 do credit cards which requires certification and you cannot (should
 not) allow the customer to change your software by installing a
 dynamic library.  In fact, what if they built themselves their own
 libraries that wrote the unencrypted text out to a file?  Then they
 could steal credit card numbers.  BAD BAD BAD.  It is a security hole
 to allow dynamic libraries because you have no control on what is
 really there.

If the code is running at the customer site, you have no control over
it, whether it's static or dynamic linked.  It might be a giga-blip
easier for your customer/attacker to patch a dll, put it's still
trivial to patch your monolithic program.

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

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OpenSSL Project
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Re: writing an SSH server

2011-10-28 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
Thank you!  Thank is great info for me if I ever need SSH (meaning 
SSL with the protocol).  It may also help the original person as he 
may be able to solve his problem using inetd and openssh ... which is 
easy and reliable and works great if you have remotely reasonable 
traffic.  Also, way less coding :-)  Eric

At 05:59 AM 10/28/2011, Jakob Bohm wrote:

On 10/28/2011 2:08 AM, Eric S. Eberhard wrote:
I end up using SSL because, weirdly, credit card companies and 
shipping companies (I do business software), and so forth, all use 
SSL -- almost always HTTPS -- and I don't have a call for a protocol.

It would be REALLY cool if you could make a wrapper on stunnel to 
handle the H protocol portion as I could certainly use it.
The H parts are not in openssl because they are in the openssh 
addon to openssl.

There is such a wrapper, it is the SSH command itself from openssh (which uses
openssl for crypto).

There is also another such wrapper for Windows, it is called plink from the
putty product (also open source).

Either can be invoked with options to act similar to openssl 
stunnel (passing
standard input to the other end and passing the other ends output to 
standard out).

Both also support a different SSH tunneling mechanism for passing through
TCP connections in parallel to its main connection.  All the tunneled TCP
connections are transmitted inside the same encrypted TCP connection as
the main connection.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

For pictures:

(You can see why we love this state :-) )  

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: strong TLS connections

2011-10-28 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
I have an easy solution I use because not only do you have the 
problem with admins not having the library installed, you have the 
problem of them having the wrong version installed for something they 
need.  Your app or theirs won't work.  Or yours will, and they update 
openssl and it no longer does.  And some places with strict security 
policies won't let you install things like openssl (but if they want 
your app they have to install it!).  I simply build the static 
libraries and link them in.  This means nothing need exist on the 
target machine and that you have a more stable product because you 
have tested against the library version you have static linked. You 
could argue it makes the program bigger and my answer is -- say 
what?  My iPod could handle my entire business suite and data (for 
disk space, not actually running) -- so who cares.  I have found this 
is often the easiest way to go.  I also make a small wrapper that 
only builds certs from openssl and uses a different name, again 
making it appear to be my software.  I also allow them to use a Web 
interface to my site to make a cert and download it.  Eric

At 11:09 AM 10/28/2011, Kristen J. Webb wrote:

After all my wrangling, I'm leaning towards just using client certs.

Is it a reasonable assumption that on UNIX'es these days I can
expect to find AND the openssl command line?

If not, is it reasonable to assume that A sysadmin will
install openssl to get my app to work?

Otherwise, it would seem that something as easy and well
documented as creating a CSR could be a lot more coding...

Many thanks for all the useful comments!

On 10/27/11 7:20 AM, Michael S. Zick wrote:

On Wed October 26 2011, Kristen J. Webb wrote:

Having an app that can use certs, it
appears, is nothing compared with how to deploy it and manage those certs ;)

A general truism not specific to certs.

Recognizing (or implementing) a need for trust is one thing;
Determining (or establishing) what is to be trusted is quite another.

Your roof leaks.
Its easy to find a contractor who claims they will fix it.
Its an entirely different matter to find one you can __trust__ to do
the job correctly and to your satisfaction.


OpenSSL Project
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Mr. Kristen J. Webb
Teradactyl LLC.

PHONE: 1-505-242-1091

Home of the

 True incremental Backup System
OpenSSL Project
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Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

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OpenSSL Project
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Re: strong TLS connections

2011-10-28 Thread Eric S. Eberhard


Your points are all good.  However, I have found the compatibility 
not good with customer installed versions versus my own.  One of the 
problems, for example, could be that openssl compiles with a certain 
type of threads, not the same as your application.  Same with 
semaphores and who knows what else. It could be many features like 
that.  It could be changes in product I have found.  Also, if they 
install in a different location than you, the header of your program 
will not find it (which can be solved with links on the user's 
system, sometimes).  Sometimes the user installs a version with other 
dependencies (for example I use libxml2 but not the libzip ... and 
when a customer put the libzip version in, my application had problems).

So then what I was doing was putting my versions of the dynamic 
libraries in my own location  /usr/local/application_name/lib

And linking that way and installing that way.

But then when the security changes came ... I had to again install 
something and I realized it was easier to just install the static 
linked software.  You also get tighter testing because it will force 
you to get the latest version, compile it, link it, test it, then 
install it.  I do a LOT of cross-platform (AIX, Linux, OS/X, SCO, 
HP/UX, Windows, etc) work and have found that I am always safer 
linking exactly what I want and releasing that.  I guess I feel I 
have more control over quality this way.

BUT THIS IS JUST A DUMB OPINION -- most people disagree.  I have 
found in practice that the dream of the O/S level updates magically 
making security updates work for your software is a dream that is 
more nightmare than pleasant.  But that is just me.  There are others 
who do agree, I am not alone, but I would guess a minority.

As for the export question -- if they are not allowed certain things 
they are not allowed.  Depending on your application, it may be 
OK.  So if you require the illegal export of strong encryption and 
you install or ask them to install, you and they are in trouble.

If your application is, say, a credit card application -- and it is 
static linked and can ONLY be used to process credit cards (and you 
let them generate keys through you) you are in fact able to export 
without legal complication.  I export, had legal advise.

I am not sure what you mean by the GNU licensing conflict.  You are 
still only charging for your application, whether you static or 
dynamic link.  I do always include the proper copyright files and put 
them in /usr/local/lib ... even though my link is static.  I checked 
this as well.

I will tell you that both my legal checks were cursory but I am 
confident they were sufficient.  If you are really worried, check 
with a lawyer.  On the GNU I think it is pretty much a matter of the 
intent of the license anyway.  If you disclose it's use, include the 
proper copyright/license files, and don't charge for it, I think you are fine.

There are taste issues on this -- but you may be happier with a 
static link.  It will load a giga-blip faster too with static link, 
and you won't even notice :-)  A lot will depend on what your 
software is and how much of it.  We have thousands of customers.  We 
do credit cards which requires certification and you cannot (should 
not) allow the customer to change your software by installing a 
dynamic library.  In fact, what if they built themselves their own 
libraries that wrote the unencrypted text out to a file?  Then they 
could steal credit card numbers.  BAD BAD BAD.  It is a security hole 
to allow dynamic libraries because you have no control on what is 
really there.  You cannot look at a customer or credit card auditor 
and say with a straight face that you control the encryption and 
there is no security leak.  If you statically link something in and 
certify it ... it is what is is.  Under current credit card rules you 
may do minor updates just by notifying them -- so if you find a 
security patch that applies to your application (most don't for me) 
then you download, link statically, report to everyone who needs to 
know, and install your app again.


At 12:13 PM 10/28/2011, Kristen J. Webb wrote:

On 10/28/11 12:39 PM, Eric S. Eberhard wrote:

I have an easy solution I use because not only do you have the problem with
admins not having the library installed, you have the problem of 
them having the
wrong version installed for something they need. Your app or theirs 
won't work.

Or yours will, and they update openssl and it no longer does. And some places
with strict security policies won't let you install things like 
openssl (but if

they want your app they have to install it!). I simply build the static
libraries and link them in. This means nothing need exist on the 
target machine

and that you have a more stable product because you have tested against the
library version you have static linked. You could argue it makes the program
bigger and my answer

Re: writing an SSH server

2011-10-27 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
I believe the last function, the write, is missing a return false 
with the error message?

Writing servers is VERY difficult to make 100% reliable, good 
logging, etc.  I have many years experience and still avoid it when I 
can.  You need to understand blocking and non-blocking calls, your 
network, etc.

If you are on Unix -- use inetd if your volume is not too high.  By 
too high I have productions systems with 10,000 connections 
continually with averaging 1,000 new connections per second.  On 
inetd under AIX.

In the old days of slow hardware people complained about the 
performance because it does have to create a new process.

However your code becomes simple -- read/write to stdin/stdout.  No 
need to open, accept, poll, close, or otherwise deal with sockets.

Which then brings up stunnel ... and another performance barrier I 
supposed by throwing in another program.  However -- I have easily 
used it for credit cards, UPS, USPS, Fedex, 10s of companies more 
obscure, Web interfaces, secure telnet, HTTPS, etc.

On a modern machine you are unlikely, unless really resource 
strained, to care about the over head -- and you would have no 
programming to do at all.  If stunnel is too limited, I'd still 
consider inetd.

NOTE -- pretty much all code you write to work under inetd can later 
be transferred to  a standalone server program.  So you are wasting 
little time trying it.  I actually have a generic server program I 
start with whenever I need a server (it's in C) that runs either 
under inetd or standalone.  In practice I always use inetd -- it is 
dead reliable and if it is not working, Unix is not working.

I am sure someone will disagree based on resource/performance 
reasons.  You will have to judge that ... and like I said, trying it 
in inetd is not wasted time.

If you are on Windows  ignore this :-)



At 01:48 PM 10/27/2011, David Durham wrote:

Hi all,

I'm new to C++ and libssl, but nevertheless trying to write an SSH
server.  I have gone through tutorials and believe I have a working
server that initializes and SSL context, binds and listens on a TCP
socket, and accepts a connection.  Using a debugger I see that if I
try to ssh myserver -p myport, the process hangs on the call to
SSL_accept.  I figure this is because the ssh client needs to do
something before calling SSL_connect.  I don't need authentication, I
just want to use ssh kind of like a secure telnet.  Here's my code,
any advice is appreciated:

bool SecureServer::Start ()
  SSL_CTX *ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method());
  if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, conf/ssl/server.crt,
Error(failed to load server cert);
return false;

  if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, conf/ssl/server.key,
Error(failed to load server private key);
return false;

  SSL *ssl = SSL_new(ctx);

  SocketType listen_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  if (listen_sock = 0)
Error(failed creating socket);
return false;

  sockaddr_in sa_serv, sa_cli;

  sa_serv.sin_family = AF_INET;
  sa_serv.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
  sa_serv.sin_port = htons(2002); /* Server Port number */
  if (bind(listen_sock, (struct sockaddr*) ((sa_serv)), 
sizeof(sa_serv))  0)

Error(bind failed);
return false;
  /* Receive a TCP connection. */
  if (listen(listen_sock, 5)  0)
Error(listen failed);
return false;
  socklen_t clientLen = sizeof(sa_cli);
  SocketType sock = accept(listen_sock, (struct sockaddr*)
((sa_cli)), clientLen);

  printf(Connection from %x, port %x\n, sa_cli.sin_addr.s_addr,
  SSL_set_fd(ssl, sock);

  if (SSL_accept(ssl) = 0)
Error(SSL handshake failed);
return false;

  char *message = Hello SSL;
  if (SSL_write(ssl, message, sizeof(message)) = 0)
Error(error on ssl write);

  return true;

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

For pictures:

(You can see why we love this state :-) )  

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

RE: writing an SSH server

2011-10-27 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
I end up using SSL because, weirdly, credit card companies and 
shipping companies (I do business software), and so forth, all use 
SSL -- almost always HTTPS -- and I don't have a call for a protocol.

It would be REALLY cool if you could make a wrapper on stunnel to 
handle the H protocol portion as I could certainly use it.

As you pointed out there are two things -- the protocol and the 
encryption, there was third I was trying to address and that is the 
whole problem of running your own server under Unix ... that you can 
skip.  When then open source code breaks out the connection from the 
protocol is another matter ... they may be mixing them.

I actually was just trying to suggest there might be easier ways (and 
maybe I am wrong) -- I try to help new people and I usually come up 
with odd solutions that is theory many people say are slow when in 
practice make no difference.

And, I am not sure, but below that routine may be an actual Unix 
accept and then you have those issues of blocking and non-blocking 
that become a pain and are not required.

Anyway you can easily ignore me or if you need anything, glad to 
help.  If you make an SSH server that runs in inetd I'd love to have 
it, and if you extend stunnel to do this (I think that would work) 
then you could add to the stunnel project which is cool (I have added 
very minor things to many open source programs, even libxml2 and so 
forth).  Also, if you need anything on old-fashioned C, I do breath that :-)


At 02:55 PM 10/27/2011, you wrote:

 From: On Behalf Of David Durham
 Sent: Thursday, 27 October, 2011 16:48

 I'm new to C++ and libssl, but nevertheless trying to write an SSH
 server.  I have gone through tutorials and believe I have a working
 server that initializes and SSL context, binds and listens on a TCP
 socket, and accepts a connection.  Using a debugger I see that if I
 try to ssh myserver -p myport, the process hangs on the call to
 SSL_accept.  I figure this is because the ssh client needs to do
 something before calling SSL_connect.  I don't need authentication, I
 just want to use ssh kind of like a secure telnet.  snip

SSH and SSL are different protocols, even though there is
only one letter difference in the acronym. See RFCs 4250-6.
The underlying *crypto* primitives are mostly the same,
and the widely-used openssh implementation uses the libcrypto
part of OpenSSL, but the protocol part of openssh is entirely
different from the libssl part of OpenSSL (including SSL_accept).

AFAIK SSH always formally authenticates the server, although
in practice this is usually done by accepting the server's key
the first time manually, which people are supposed to think
about but don't, and thereafter checking it is the same.
Similarly I believe it always formally authenticates the
client, but that can be e.g. anybody/dontcare.

If you just want confidentiality with truly no authentication,
SSL/TLS (and OpenSSL) can do that with the anonymous-DH and
anonymous-ECDH suites. I assume you understand and accept the
vulnerabilities you are creating by not authenticating.


You didn't show your Error() routine (method?). I hope it
displays the OpenSSL error stack in some suitable way;
that information is very often vital in debugging errors.


   char *message = Hello SSL;
   if (SSL_write(ssl, message, sizeof(message)) = 0)

is a very basic (but all too common) C bug.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

For pictures:

(You can see why we love this state :-) )  

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: Question regarding to memory leak

2011-06-24 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
As a general comment not all memory leaks reported by these tools are 
a bad thing.  I often write code that has these type of leaks on 
purpose for performance reasons.  For example a function that is 
called often and malloc's memory ... rather than malloc and free each 
time (causing context switching and generally slow) I just make the 
pointer static and a size variable static.  I use the pointer until 
it is too small, then I realloc to a larger size.  In modern systems 
often the leak is worth the performance gain.  I run on IBM 
AIX.  Having said that, I have not dug in to your specifics which may 
just be bugs, an error with the tool, or deliberate.  Eric

At 11:58 AM 6/24/2011, Yan, Bob wrote:


I have used IBM purify to check my test program which invokes 
openssl library. There are some memory leaks reported by Purify, 
please see below. Could somebody point to me from which function 
those leaks were generated, and how to avoid those leaks? Thanks, Bob

 MLK: 1104 bytes leaked in 46 blocks
 This memory was allocated from:
   malloc [rtlib.o]
   CRYPTO_malloc  []
   ASN1_STRING_type_new []
   ASN1_primitive_new []
   asn1_item_ex_combine_new []
   asn1_item_ex_combine_new []
   ASN1_item_ex_d2i []
   asn1_template_noexp_d2i []
 Block of 24 bytes (46 times); last block at 0x2c0f7218
 MLK: 836 bytes leaked in 2 blocks
 This memory was allocated from:
   malloc [rtlib.o]
   CRYPTO_malloc  []
   asn1_enc_save  []
   ASN1_item_ex_d2i []
   asn1_template_noexp_d2i []
   asn1_template_ex_d2i []
   ASN1_item_ex_d2i []
   ASN1_item_d2i  []
 Block of 432 bytes at 0x2c093668
 Block of 404 bytes at 0x2c009d58
 MLK: 800 bytes leaked in 20 blocks
 This memory was allocated from:
   malloc [rtlib.o]
   CRYPTO_malloc  []
   ASN1_OBJECT_new []
   c2i_ASN1_OBJECT []
   asn1_d2i_ex_primitive []
   ASN1_item_ex_d2i []
   asn1_template_noexp_d2i []
 Block of 40 bytes (20 times); last block at 0x2c097a78
 MLK: 600 bytes leaked in 15 blocks
 This memory was allocated from:
   malloc [rtlib.o]
   CRYPTO_malloc  []
   asn1_item_ex_combine_new []
   ASN1_item_ex_d2i []
   asn1_template_noexp_d2i []
   asn1_template_ex_d2i []
   ASN1_item_ex_d2i []
   asn1_template_noexp_d2i []
 Block of 40 bytes (15 times); last block at 0x2c0f6e98
 MLK: 376 bytes leaked in 33 blocks
 This memory was allocated from:
   malloc [rtlib.o]
   CRYPTO_malloc  []
   ASN1_STRING_set []
   asn1_d2i_ex_primitive []
   ASN1_item_ex_d2i []
   asn1_template_noexp_d2i []
   asn1_template_ex_d2i []
 Block of 14 bytes (21 times); last block at 0x2c0f7168
 Block of 12 bytes (2 times); last block at 0x2c096828
 Block of 11 bytes (2 times); last block at 0x2c096338
 Block of 5 bytes (6 times); last block at 0x2c0976f8
 Block of 3 bytes (2 times); last block at 0x2c095e58

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
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Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

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RE: Using PCKS Padding in OpenSSL

2011-06-08 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
Actually the 2.0 specs don't allow disk storage at all for magstripe 
-- you can keep cardholder data until auth.  Since 1.2 specs are not 
required until 1/1/12 and 2.0 another year ... I was pointing more to 
the future (and had our software certified for 2.0 as 1.2 is only 
good until 2013 and 2.0 is good till 2016 and I wanted to avoid 
another audit so soon).  Not knowing the nature of the data and 
network setup makes it hard to answer definitively but if it is going 
to be lying around, encrypting it first is, as I said, a good idea in 
many cases. E

At 08:36 PM 6/7/2011, Dave Thompson wrote:

 From: On Behalf Of Eric S. Eberhard
 Sent: Tuesday, 07 June, 2011 15:21

 I would point out in that last approach -- encrypting and sending un
 secure (which is a good idea in many cases) does have a few
 considerations.  If the data is sensitive (like magnetic strip data
 from a credit card) this is completely NOT ALLOWED.  PCI and PA-DSS
 won't allow it to hit the disk.  If you do hit the disk and you care
 about security on either end, you also need a secure delete snip

To be exact, PCI DSS (and therefore PA-DSS) prohibits storing
magstripe, CVV2 and PIN after authorization (even if encrypted).
Authorization should always be real-time and thus there should be
no good reason to store on disk during auth, but it isn't specifically
prohibited. If you do store it, yes you will then need to wipe it.

But this is not specific to my last approach. The OP's question
seemed to be about files, and storing this data in a clear file
securely transferred with FTPS, SFTP, or such would be even worse.

 At 08:44 PM 6/6/2011, Dave Thompson wrote:

 Another approach is to secure the files themselves,
 rather than just the transfer. That is, encrypt and
 perhaps sign the files when (or before) they are
 placed on the sending system(s), transfer them
 using plain FTP or HTTP or other, and decrypt and
 perhaps verify them on the receiving system(s).

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
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Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
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RE: Using PCKS Padding in OpenSSL

2011-06-07 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
I would point out in that last approach -- encrypting and sending un 
secure (which is a good idea in many cases) does have a few 
considerations.  If the data is sensitive (like magnetic strip data 
from a credit card) this is completely NOT ALLOWED.  PCI and PA-DSS 
won't allow it to hit the disk.  If you do hit the disk and you care 
about security on either end, you also need a secure delete 
program.  Simply deleting a file does not remove the data from the 
disk.  It takes about 5 lines of C to make a secure delete which if 
anyone likes I can give them.


At 08:44 PM 6/6/2011, Dave Thompson wrote:

 From: On Behalf Of greenelephant
 Sent: Sunday, 05 June, 2011 05:20

 Thanks for the reply Dave. I am grateful for your advice. I
 am a novice as you have probably gathered.
 If I am not wrong in my judgement you seem to have some expertise on

Some, not a whole lot.

 I have stated SSL in my first post that I would like help
 with as you know.
 But with your expertise is there a better solution to use
 except SSL in
 terms of security using openssl?

SSL/TLS (preferably the newest version supported, today
usually TLS 1.1 or maybe 1.2) is a good general solution
for security of Internet endpoint communication
(particularly, but not only, web traffic using HTTPS).
OpenSSL is a good implementation of SSL/TLS, plus some
related (crypto) functionality, but not the only one;
any other conforming and well-tested implementation
available to you should be fine. For examples, Java
includes its own SSL/TLS implementation (for Java),
and I understand dot-NET does (for C#, VB, etc.)

There are other protocols that may be better in specific
situations (e.g. SSH as below) or necessary (e.g. IPsec
and DNSsec are done at a level below where SSL can work).

 Also is SSL an ideal security solution for secured FTP
 transmissions using
 the openssl module to enable me to subvert any efforts to
 sabotage or breach
 security perpetrated by intruders or hackers using the
 methods of attacks
 (side channeling  for instance) previously mentioned?

FTP over SSL (FTPS) is a secure means of file transfer,
if supported by both your server(s) and your client(s),
which in my experience is not very common. When it is
supported, the server and client code determines what
module is used; it might be OpenSSL or something else.

Another good and in my experience more common method
of securing file transfer is SFTP, part of the SSH
protocol suite. The crypto used in SSH is generally
similar (though not identical) to SSL/TLS, and in fact
the most widespread implementation OpenSSH uses libcrypto
from OpenSSL, but the trust model is different (simpler).
Instead of creating and verifying certificates, SSH
requires you to manually verify a key fingerprint on
the first connection between a given client and server
(or else manually pre-transfer the encoded publickey).
This isn't very good for communications with strangers
(like sites you found on Google), but works okay for
people that already have some contact (like your friends,
customers of your company, etc).

Another approach is to secure the files themselves,
rather than just the transfer. That is, encrypt and
perhaps sign the files when (or before) they are
placed on the sending system(s), transfer them
using plain FTP or HTTP or other, and decrypt and
perhaps verify them on the receiving system(s).

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
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Eric S. Eberhard
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Re: Running SSL on own socket code

2011-06-01 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
The way I do things like this is to slightly modify OpenSSL (and keep 
track of the mods!)

1) Hunt down the socket code
2) Set a new variable, a pointer to a function (for each function you 
replace)  (fptr in my example)

3) rename the routine to release_function
4) make a new function() which has the exact same args and a few lines of code
int function()
If (!fptr)
fptr = (int(*)())(release_function);

In my code I put in the initialization routine:
extern  int (*fptr)();
fptr = (int(*)())(my_function);

Note that is pseudo code and needs fleshing out.

This is because often these functions are VERY tightly coupled 
including handshaking and things I don't really understand -- so I 
replace a low-level routine I do understand.  And with new releases 
it only takes moments to re-do the 3-4 functions I do this with.  It 
means that the OpenSSL code will still work as intended in all cases 
except where you chose to override.

Using function pointers does have weird/odd/goofy syntax but works 
well.  I primarily use this to override error logging as I have my 
own logging functions and I need to use syslog() for the version 1.2 
PCI/PA-DSS compliance.  I have also replaced low-level TCP code on occasion.

In fact I would argue that all the logging functions should be 
released with this capability built in as that is one area I think a 
lot of people would like to customize, and if there is any interest I 
will modify the code and send it through channels to be 
included.  Error handling is tightly coupled -- everywhere -- in the 
code, so my system makes using my own logging very easy.


At 07:22 AM 6/1/2011, Victor Duchovni wrote:

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 09:05:29AM -0400, Jeff Saremi wrote:

 I'd like to know the feasibility or complexity around using my own
 socket code with OpenSSL's ssl code. If I provide OpenSSL with a pair of
 BIOs to read and write would that be sufficient? How tightly integrated
 the code is with bio_connect and bio_socket? thanks

man BIO_new_bio_pair

Look at the example.

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Eric S. Eberhard
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Re: Running SSL on own socket code

2011-06-01 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
Depends exactly what the person wants to do and also if he wants to 
use existing code and if he is familiar with the bio pairs.  My point 
was not specific to his needs as there was not a lot of detail, only 
that making changes to the code is better and easier when you 
override functions -- such as I must do with the error handling (and 
anyone else writing PCI compliant code BTW  -- MUST MUST -- do).  In 
the old days I was stupid and inserted my code in to open source code 
... making updates a nightmare.  This externalizes changes and makes 
updates a cinch. Eric

At 11:09 AM 6/1/2011, Victor Duchovni wrote:

On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 10:56:47AM -0700, Eric S. Eberhard wrote:

 The way I do things like this is to slightly modify OpenSSL (and 
keep track

 of the mods!)

Completely unnecessary, OpenSSL supports custom I/O layers via BIO pairs.

OpenSSL Project
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Eric S. Eberhard
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Re: Trying to get URI of CRL from certificate extension

2011-05-27 Thread Eric S. Eberhard

Does fail mean?  Core dump?

Whether it does or not, it us generally good practice to make sure 
those pointers are not null unless you are certain the functions can 
never return a bad value.  Also, for debugging, if you break it down 
then you can get the individual results with print statements and see 
what is failing.

Finally as a general comment on coding -- statements like that val= 
generally have two effects:

1) the outcome can be confusing.  I once had two programmers working 
for me with a complex statement like that (setting things, calling 
things, etc, all on one line) and precedence and all kinds of things 
came up ... so they were arguing over various possible results.  I 
told them the most likely result of a programmer leaving me code that 
two smart programmers have to argue over it's meaning is termination 
of employment :-)  Make code human readable by the dumbest 
programmers (like perhaps your boss ;-) )

2) It is less efficient.  Depending on the platform, can be 
considerably.  Compilers try to optimize.  If the statement is really 
complex it does not optimize the line.  Processors read ahead and 
execute statements when the situation makes it possible (AIX does 
this very well) ... again, too complex, it cannot do that.  As an 
aside, those that read ahead always assume a test evaluates to true, 
so all conditional statements should have the most likely code 
first.  Of course, this assumes performance is that important.

Rough code should be:

if (!meth-d2i)
/* error handling */
if (!meth-i2v)
/* error handling */

ptr = d2i(0, data, ext-value-length);
if (!ptr)   /* or some other illegal 
value if int or ??? */

/* error handling */
ptr = i2v(meth, meth-ptr, 0);
if (!ptr)   /* or some other illegal value */
/* error handling */
val = meth-ptr;

Of course I don't really know if those are pointers or what so very 
rough. They could be int or whatever, but the above code allows you 
to print the intermediate values.  And likely has mistakes since I 
slapped it out.

My point is reducing the number of lines with compound statements is 
harder for humans and computers to understand and leaves you no easy 
way to check intermediate values and debug.


At 11:57 PM 5/26/2011, you wrote:


I am trying to get URI of the CRL from certificate extension using 
below function:

static char *get_distribution_point(X509 *cert) {
  int   extcount, i, j;
  const char*extstr;
  unsigned char *data;
  X509V3_EXT_METHOD *meth;

  if ((extcount = X509_get_ext_count(cert))  0) {
for (i = 0; i  extcount; i++) {
  ext = X509_get_ext(cert, i);
  extstr = OBJ_nid2sn(OBJ_obj2nid(X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ext)));
  if (strcasecmp(extstr, crlDistributionPoints)) continue;

  if (!(meth = X509V3_EXT_get(ext))) break;
  data = ext-value-data;
  val = meth-i2v(meth, meth-d2i(0, data, ext-value-length), 0);
  for (j = 0;  j  sk_CONF_VALUE_num(val);  j++) {
nval = sk_CONF_VALUE_value(val, j);
if (!strcasecmp(nval-name, URI))
  return strdup(nval-value);
  return 0;

Above function fails at
val = meth-i2v(meth, meth-d2i(0, data, ext-value-length), 0);

Any suggestions ?

Please help

Thanks  Regards,
Akash Deo

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
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Re: Download fips 1.2.3

2011-05-24 Thread Eric S. Eberhard

winzip will open tar files ... E

At 01:20 PM 5/24/2011, you wrote:

On 05/24/11 12:53 PM, Kyle Hamilton wrote:
I don't think that Solaris's tar hits the bug every time.  Do you 
think Oracle (nee Sun) would ship something that failed 100% of the 
time instead of 0.1% of the time?

bug? no, this is not a bug.

native posix tar doesn't read gzip files, gzip does.
gnu tar munged gzip into tar to create a hybrid.

gunzip -c filename.tar.gz | tar xvf -

gunzip filename.tar.gz
tar xvf filename.tar

works just great on Solaris and any other Unix platform.

john r pierceN 37, W 123
santa cruz ca mid-left coast

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
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RE: Download fips 1.2.3

2011-05-24 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
If you tried to open it in Winzip (which can open tar files and 
tar.gz files) you can see if it is the Solaris or the file.

To have Winzip do the tar.gz rename it to simply .tgz ...

You could always transfer it from your PC if you do it this way -- if 
you are running Samba on the Solaris it is trivial.


At 02:55 PM 5/24/2011, you wrote:

 From: John R Pierce
 Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 9:20 PM

 On 05/24/11 12:53 PM, Kyle Hamilton wrote:
  I don't think that Solaris's tar hits the bug every time.  Do you
  think Oracle (nee Sun) would ship something that failed 100% of the
  time instead of 0.1% of the time?

 bug? no, this is not a bug.

 native posix tar doesn't read gzip files, gzip does.
 gnu tar munged gzip into tar to create a hybrid.

  gunzip -c filename.tar.gz | tar xvf -

  gunzip filename.tar.gz
  tar xvf filename.tar

 works just great on Solaris and any other Unix platform.

... except when it doesn't, such as in the case in 

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
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Eric S. Eberhard
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Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
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Re: Download fips 1.2.3

2011-05-23 Thread Eric S. Eberhard

You need to:

gunzip openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar.gz

That will create openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar

Then tar -xvf openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar


At 03:11 PM 5/23/2011, Ruiyuan Jiang wrote:

Hi, all

Has anyone had problem with openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar.gz? When I tried 
to tar xvf on my Solaris 10 SPARC, the source had error message 
unexpected EOF. I have tried with different proxy servers and 
direct download from the site but had no luck. I now downloaded 
v1.2.2 and no problem with the source to configure and make. Thanks.

Ryan Jiang

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Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
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(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
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OpenSSL Project
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Re: Download fips 1.2.3

2011-05-23 Thread Eric S. Eberhard

Oh -- if you like being efficient and not wasting disk space this works nicely:

gunzip -c openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar.gz | tar xvf -

This will uncompress on the fly and leave the compressed file.

At 03:21 PM 5/23/2011, Eric S. Eberhard wrote:

You need to:

gunzip openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar.gz

That will create openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar

Then tar -xvf openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar


At 03:11 PM 5/23/2011, Ruiyuan Jiang wrote:

Hi, all

Has anyone had problem with openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar.gz? When I tried 
to tar xvf on my Solaris 10 SPARC, the source had error message 
unexpected EOF. I have tried with different proxy servers and 
direct download from the site but had no luck. I now downloaded 
v1.2.2 and no problem with the source to configure and make. Thanks.

Ryan Jiang

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Eric S. Eberhard
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Re: SSL Communication using BIO

2011-05-23 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
You might also consider using stunnel which works perfectly and is 
easy to use in many cases and unless your volume is silly-high has 
plenty of performance to run in inetd mode which is very 
reliable.  stunnel is based on openssl.  It also makes your app 
independent of SSL changes which I like.  Eric

At 03:47 PM 5/23/2011, Wim Lewis wrote:

On 23 May 2011, at 1:29 PM, Harshvir Sidhu wrote:
 Anyone any comments on this. Is openssl appropriate choice for my case?

As I understand it you want OpenSSL to handle the protocol and 
encryption, but you don't want OpenSSL to do any network I/O itself: 
you want to do that (via the C# sockets class).

An example of using OpenSSL in this way is in 
demos/state_machine/state_machine.c in the OpenSSL distribution. As 
David Schwartz says, the important thing is not to assume that reads 
and writes of your data correspond directly to reads and writes on 
the socket. SSL may need to perform multiple reads and writes before 
you see any data (for example, during a handshake or renegotiation).

state_machine.c uses memory BIOs to buffer data going in and out of 
SSL. I think a better way to do it in current versions of OpenSSL is 
to make your own, nonblocking BIO which calls into your C# code as 
needed. But I could be wrong.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
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Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
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Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
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(You can see why we love this state :-) )

OpenSSL Project
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RE: Download fips 1.2.3

2011-05-23 Thread Eric S. Eberhard

Try this -- you may have a space problem.

gunzip -c openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar.gz | tar xvf 
- (this uncompresses on the fly)

You also might have had a space problem when you downloaded and the 
file is not complete, check the number of bytes against the ftp 
severver.  Last, you may have accidently downloaded in ASCII mode 
instead of binary, which makes a mess of the file.

Given that EOF seems to be the problem, I suspect download or gunzip 
space problems.  May also want to try another mirror?


At 03:27 PM 5/23/2011, Ruiyuan Jiang wrote:

Hi, Eric

That is what I did exactly and failed on tar xvf and I don't have 
problem with 1.2.2.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Eric S. Eberhard

Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: Download fips 1.2.3

You need to:

gunzip openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar.gz

That will create openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar

Then tar -xvf openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar


At 03:11 PM 5/23/2011, Ruiyuan Jiang wrote:
Hi, all

Has anyone had problem with openssl-fips-1.2.3.tar.gz? When I tried
to tar xvf on my Solaris 10 SPARC, the source had error message
unexpected EOF. I have tried with different proxy servers and
direct download from the site but had no luck. I now downloaded
v1.2.2 and no problem with the source to configure and make. Thanks.

Ryan Jiang

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Eric S. Eberhard
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Eric S. Eberhard
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OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List

Re: SSL Communication using BIO

2011-05-23 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
or ... keep it simple and at least consider using stunnel.  I have a 
LOT of applications using openssl, 3/4 I just use stunnel and forget 
about it.  For a few when I need to do crazy things, I code and link 
in to my application.  But you can save a lot of trouble with 
stunnel, at least as a first step (proof of concept).  BTW, I also 
use the Windows version which you can download with an installer and 
it works great as well. E

At 04:12 PM 5/23/2011, Gayathri Sundar wrote:
actually I would seriously recommend you read the OpenSSL book 
written by Eric Rescorla, it discusses all the use cases of openssl, 
BIO, async/sync that you get an idea of how OpenSSL itself works.

On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Neo Liu wrote:

I think you can read this article and it will be help.

On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Harshvir Sidhu wrote:

   So are you suggesting that i change the approach in my Code. My 
application is for Windows and in Managed C++. In that i am using 
Callback function for receive, when the callback function is 
called, and when i call SSL_read in that, it hangs at recv call in 
the OpenSSL code, my assumption is that data was already read from 
socket, when callback was called. Another thing i would like to 
mention is I am using Sockets Managed Class, not the native sockets.

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

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OpenSSL Project
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Automated List Manager

Re: [openssl-users] Quick eyeball requested - self generate openssl certs/CA

2011-05-19 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
A very simple one -- tax the time stamp register or the 4 byte cycles 
since 1970, and concatenate the process id (which is unique for a 
long time).  The same process id cannot get either of those two 
numbers in two calls to be the same. Eric

At 10:24 AM 5/19/2011, you wrote:

On Thu May 19 2011, Tim Watts wrote:
 I think I might add some randomness into mine - seems easy enough. I
 won't pretend I fully understand why - mostly because I wasn't clear why
 the serial is important.

If your CPU has a 'time stamp register' (cycle counts since power-up) -
You can grab those contents as your counter (usually 8 bytes worth).
Since this counter advances rapidly (GHz range today) it is unlikely
you will ever have two machines, or two serial number creations, that
strike at the same clock cycle since power-up.
(Thats a pretty small target to hit.)

Usually that will cost you one or two machine cycles to read the counter.
Relatively fast way to get an 8 byte number I haven't used before.

Concantinate that with 8 bytes of something else of your choice that
doesn't vary with the clock cycles since power up.
If truly paranoid - 'whiten' with the hash function of your choice.
(or with AES as in another post here - many machines can do AES in hardware.)


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

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OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: Clients glomming onto a listener

2011-05-11 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
I have found that fork() on modern machines as a negligible affect on 
performance and in fact I almost always use inetd instead of writing 
my own servers, mainly because it is dead reliable, easier to code, 
and again seems to have negligible affect on performance.  One would 
have to do millions upon millions of connects to notice or 
care.  Having said that, I use AIX mostly, and that performs better 
under load than Linux on Intel, and even Linux on the IBM p series 
platform.  I would do it cheap and easy and worry about performance 
after-the-fact. Eric

At 04:46 PM 5/10/2011, you wrote:

On 10 May 2011, at 4:13 PM, David Schwartz wrote:
 On 5/10/2011 2:10 AM, John Hollingum wrote:
 Pretty much immediately after the accept the program forks a handler,
 but the rogue clients must be glomming onto the main process before the
 SSL negotiation is complete.

 Calling 'fork' with an accepted SSL connection has all kinds of 
known issues. The fundamental problem is that there are many 
operations that must occur both before and after the 'fork', for 
different reasons, and obviously can't do both.

You could accept just the TCP connection in the main process and do 
all of the SSL handshake in the forked process (I think 
IO::Socket::SSL-start_SSL() is what you want for that) --- this 
would not be a high-performance approach (no SSL session cache, fork 
overhead) but if it's fast enough it's fast enough.

It's possible to use openssl in a non-blocking, event-driven manner 
but I don't think Perl's SSL modules expose enough of the openssl 
API to do that.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

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OpenSSL Project
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Automated List Manager

Re: Clients glomming onto a listener

2011-05-11 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
I was not trying to compare O/S, only point out that my experience is 
more out of the AIX world than Linux world.

I also want to point out again what I was saying ... you don't need 
to make a server and you don't need to fork() and all kinds of 
complicated stuff if you write it for inetd.  You don't even need to 
write socket code (stdin/stdout read/write is all you need).  The O/S 
will create the processes and clean them up on disconnects and so 
forth.  Unless you are super performance limited, this is the best 
way to go because it always works and is always reliable (if inetd 
fails to function on a Unix O/S then the machine is essentially toast 
anyway).  In addition it is more easily portable if you care about 
porting to more than one Unix.  Using select is not always supported, 
socket flags not always the same, etc.  All a non-issue under inetd.


At 08:57 AM 5/11/2011, you wrote:

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 08:39:49AM -0700, Eric S. Eberhard wrote:

 I have found that fork() on modern machines as a negligible affect on
 performance and in fact I almost always use inetd instead of 
writing my own

 servers, mainly because it is dead reliable, easier to code, and again
 seems to have negligible affect on performance.  One would have to do
 millions upon millions of connects to notice or care.  Having said that, I
 use AIX mostly, and that performs better under load than Linux on Intel,
 and even Linux on the IBM p series platform.  I would do it cheap and easy
 and worry about performance after-the-fact. Eric

Let's not start an OS A is better than OS B discussion here. You can
safely fork single-threaded OpenSSL servers right after accept(3),
and handle the SSL connection in a child. This makes the memory-resident
session cache ineffective, but you can use callbacks to implement an
external (Berkeley DB similar or shared memory, ...) session cache.

Forking after SSL_accept() is tricky, since your parent process will
have partial SSL connections in progress for other clients when a given
handshake completes (event-based connection management) or will serialize
all handshakes, but as you've observed that's not a good option.

So, my suggestion is that a forking server is fine, just use an external
session cache. The Postfix SMTP server is an example of this model. There
before the TLS handshake, we also have an SMTP STARTTLS handshake, but
that does not alter the analysis in any substantive way, just a few more
packets to exchange before the TLS connection is ready.

Note, Postfix is pre-forking, rather than forking, so there is a pool
of processes, that serially accept connections, but this too does not
impact the design analysis.

- You can use a single process with event-based I/O.
- You can use multiple threads in a single process.
- You can fork after accept(2) and use an external session cache
- You can pre-fork and handle clients serially one per process,
  with re-use of processes for another client after a client hangs-up.
  This too requires an external session cache.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

Pictures of Snake in Spring

Pictures of Camp Verde

Pictures of Land Cruiser in Sedona

Pictures of Flagstaff area near our cabin

Pictures of Cheryl in a Horse Show

Pictures of the AZ Desert

(You can see why we love this state :-) )

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: Clients glomming onto a listener

2011-05-11 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
Performance is related to the application.  For example, a system 
that accepts 10 SSL connects per year has different requirements than 
one that accepts 1000 per second.  Obviously there is a middle 
ground.  My point is that theoretical performance differences are 
very real in the later case, and of no consequence in the first case.

Cost of software development and upkeep and system management is much 
lower using say inetd and not bothering to make a server.  I have 
systems with thousands of SSL connections per minute, holding 
500-1000 at a time, going through inetd on a modest AIX box and have 
zero performance issue.  Don't even notice they are there and they 
take low single digits of CPU usage combined.

Depending on the application, usage, hardware, cost of software 
development, cost of software upkeep, simplicity in system management 
-- the answer to what is the best way is different.  I often find 
people ignoring that simple concept and developing very complex 
software to be theoretically faster ... only to end up with complex 
and buggy code that is hard to manage in an environment where the 
extra performance was not needed.  One has to also consider the cost 
to develop and manage.

So there is no right or wrong answer, I am trying to get the 
programmer to think ... does he really need, in his case, blistering 
performance?  Can he do it with a simple inetd module (which later 
could be the core for his own server)?  Does he want it up quick and 
easy with no real management issues?

I am only spurring thought, not telling anyone what is right or wrong 
in their case :-)


At 10:10 AM 5/11/2011, you wrote:
Eric, you must be really kidding this time :), servers with this 
architecture are susceptible to dos and what sure for 
embedded systems where memory is a big limiting factor the best 
would be async design, also code becomes easily portable in future.

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 10:39 AM, Eric S. Eberhard wrote:
I have found that fork() on modern machines as a negligible affect 
on performance and in fact I almost always use inetd instead of 
writing my own servers, mainly because it is dead reliable, easier 
to code, and again seems to have negligible affect on 
performance.  One would have to do millions upon millions of 
connects to notice or care.  Having said that, I use AIX mostly, and 
that performs better under load than Linux on Intel, and even Linux 
on the IBM p series platform.  I would do it cheap and easy and 
worry about performance after-the-fact. Eric

At 04:46 PM 5/10/2011, you wrote:

On 10 May 2011, at 4:13 PM, David Schwartz wrote:
 On 5/10/2011 2:10 AM, John Hollingum wrote:
 Pretty much immediately after the accept the program forks a handler,
 but the rogue clients must be glomming onto the main process before the
 SSL negotiation is complete.

 Calling 'fork' with an accepted SSL connection has all kinds of 
known issues. The fundamental problem is that there are many 
operations that must occur both before and after the 'fork', for 
different reasons, and obviously can't do both.

You could accept just the TCP connection in the main process and do 
all of the SSL handshake in the forked process (I think 
IO::Socket::SSL-start_SSL() is what you want for that) --- this 
would not be a high-performance approach (no SSL session cache, fork 
overhead) but if it's fast enough it's fast enough.

It's possible to use openssl in a non-blocking, event-driven manner 
but I don't think Perl's SSL modules expose enough of the openssl 
API to do that.

User Support Mailing 
Automated List 

Eric S. Eberhard
tel:%28928%29%20567-3727(928) 567-3727  Voice
tel:%28928%29%20567-6122(928) 567-6122  Fax
tel:%28928%29%20301-7537(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA 

Pictures of Snake in Spring

Pictures of Camp Verde

Pictures of Land Cruiser in Sedona

Pictures of Flagstaff area near our cabin

Pictures of Cheryl in a Horse Show

Re: Multiple connection from 1 client

2011-05-09 Thread Eric S. Eberhard


I would take up his offer of help.  Socket control over multiple 
sockets is tricky code and very specific to what you are trying to 
do.  My environment is single threaded and does similar things to 
yours -- but as Gayathri said, there are many details and exceptions 
and although with some online help or books I am sure with enough 
time you could do it (took me forever the first time) I suspect that 
this offer is as good as they get.  I am not jobless (lucky me) so I 
can't put in the time he can.

Gayathri -- would you be interested in pure C coding on a contract 
basis (intermittent, not really a job, more like occasional tasks) -- 
the code we write runs on AIX, Linux, OS/X, SCO, HP/UX, Centos, etc. 
so it is a little tricky to make work.  If you have interest let me 
know your rates and real email and so forth.

Thanks, Eric

At 08:33 PM 5/6/2011, you wrote:


If u have any specific doubts in writing this asynchronous state
machine email me privately at
I am pretty much jobless right now and can spend some time on this.


On Friday, May 6, 2011, Harshvir Sidhu wrote:
 Thanks, I will give this a try.
 // Harshvir

 On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Eric S. Eberhard wrote:
 Change the sockets.  This is what I use:

 int setblock(fd, mode)
 int fd;
 int mode;   /* True - blocking, False - non blocking */
 int flags;
 int prevmode;

 flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
 prevmode = !(flags  O_NDELAY);
 if (mode)
 flags = ~O_NDELAY; /* turn blocking on */
 flags |= O_NDELAY;  /* turn blocking off */
 fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags);

 return prevmode;

 Since it returns the existing mode you can use as such:

 prevmode = setblock(fd,0)   /* turn of blocking */
 /* do your thing */
 (void)setblock(fd,prevmode);/* restore to 
original condition */

 At 04:15 PM 5/6/2011, you wrote:

 Thanks for the reply Gayathri.
 Do you mean to changing the sockets to non blocking, or when i 
create bio for ssl to make that as non blocking?


 On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 6:03 PM, Gayathri Sundar wrote:


 Okay from what I can understand, if you make ur underlying fd non 
blocking then it would work fine. Blocking FDs, unless and until 
one client is finished with its processing the other client will 
not be able to communicate with the server as the previous fd is 
blocked. The server is waiting on the 1st client to finish. When 
you have 3 ports and 3 clients then ofcourse it will work.


 On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:50 PM, Harshvir Sidhu wrote:

 My server code is single threaded and i am using blocking 
sockets, i am using fd_set and select to wait for event on socket, 
and then performing operation based on the event that acts on a socket.
 I have an array of sockets to listen. So if i start listening on 
3 different ports and from my client machien, i try to connect on 
them at different ports then it works fine, but when i use 1 listen 
port then it dont work properly. What i mean to say by work 
properly is that the connection is established, but when i am 
waiting for select to return event, then it dont show any activity 
when i send data from client, only 1 of them works, 2 dont work.
 In addition to that, when i use WireShark to see packets, then it 
shows that machine has received the packet from client. But server 
dont show that alert.

 Thats why i think it could be some socket option which is affecting it.

 // Harshvir

 On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Gayathri Sundar wrote:


 SO_REUSEADDR sock option has noting to do with ur problem, please 
go thro the socket ops man page to get a better understanding. 
First find out if ur server code is a blocking i/o or non blocking 
I/O..if former then connections will be handled sequentially..only 
after the 1st client is finished will the server be able to respond 
to the 2nd connect request. If non blocking then there should be no 
problem. Check the code if you see and O_NONBLOCK flag set in some 
fcntl call or check for FIONBIO flag.


 On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Harshvir Sidhu wrote:

 Well i think this link is for my question.
 I have already done 1-5 from the Before you ask list.
 Number 6, i dont know anyone who use openssl.
 Number 7, it will take a lot of time to go through all the code, 
i was just trying to save some time. I thought user discussion 
forums are for this only. I apologize for my understanding.

OpenSSL Project

Re: Multiple connection from 1 client

2011-05-06 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
And I cannot imagine a case where a blocking FD is useful except it 
is lazier to code that way.  You need to use non-blocking. E

At 04:03 PM 5/6/2011, you wrote:


Okay from what I can understand, if you make ur underlying fd non 
blocking then it would work fine. Blocking FDs, unless and until one 
client is finished with its processing the other client will not be 
able to communicate with the server as the previous fd is blocked. 
The server is waiting on the 1st client to finish. When you have 3 
ports and 3 clients then ofcourse it will work.


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:50 PM, Harshvir Sidhu wrote:

My server code is single threaded and i am using blocking sockets, i 
am using fd_set and select to wait for event on socket, and then 
performing operation based on the event that acts on a socket.
I have an array of sockets to listen. So if i start listening on 3 
different ports and from my client machien, i try to connect on them 
at different ports then it works fine, but when i use 1 listen port 
then it dont work properly. What i mean to say by work properly is 
that the connection is established, but when i am waiting for select 
to return event, then it dont show any activity when i send data 
from client, only 1 of them works, 2 dont work.
In addition to that, when i use WireShark to see packets, then it 
shows that machine has received the packet from client. But server 
dont show that alert.

Thats why i think it could be some socket option which is affecting it.

// Harshvir

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Gayathri Sundar wrote:


SO_REUSEADDR sock option has noting to do with ur problem, please go 
thro the socket ops man page to get a better understanding. First 
find out if ur server code is a blocking i/o or non blocking I/O..if 
former then connections will be handled sequentially..only after the 
1st client is finished will the server be able to respond to the 2nd 
connect request. If non blocking then there should be no problem. 
Check the code if you see and O_NONBLOCK flag set in some fcntl call 
or check for FIONBIO flag.


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Harshvir Sidhu wrote:

Well i think this link is for my question.
I have already done 1-5 from the Before you ask list.
Number 6, i dont know anyone who use openssl.
Number 7, it will take a lot of time to go through all the code, i 
was just trying to save some time. I thought user discussion forums 
are for this only. I apologize for my understanding.

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:18 PM, Jeremy Farrell wrote:

From: Harshvir Sidhu


   I have a server application, which accepts normal sockets and 
ssl socket connections. I am trying to make 3 connections to server 
from 1 client machine, on same server port.
   When i connect on normal sockets then it works with any number 
of connections.
   When i tried to connect SSL then they dont work. If i connect 1 
client then it works.

   In my listen socket, I have SO_REUSEADDR socket option, at first 
i thought might be this is causing issue, but i tried to use 
SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE even then it dont work.

   Has someone seen some issue like this, any possible suggestion for this?


// Harshvir

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

Pictures of Snake in Spring

Pictures of Camp Verde

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Pictures of the AZ Desert

(You can see why we love this state :-) )

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: Multiple connection from 1 client

2011-05-06 Thread Eric S. Eberhard

Change the sockets.  This is what I use:

int setblock(fd, mode)
int fd;
int mode;   /* True - blocking, False - non blocking */
int flags;
int prevmode;

flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
prevmode = !(flags  O_NDELAY);
if (mode)
flags = ~O_NDELAY; /* turn blocking on */
flags |= O_NDELAY;  /* turn blocking off */
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags);

return prevmode;

Since it returns the existing mode you can use as such:

prevmode = setblock(fd,0)   /* turn of blocking */
/* do your thing */
(void)setblock(fd,prevmode);/* restore to 
original condition */

At 04:15 PM 5/6/2011, you wrote:

Thanks for the reply Gayathri.
Do you mean to changing the sockets to non blocking, or when i 
create bio for ssl to make that as non blocking?


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 6:03 PM, Gayathri Sundar wrote:


Okay from what I can understand, if you make ur underlying fd non 
blocking then it would work fine. Blocking FDs, unless and until one 
client is finished with its processing the other client will not be 
able to communicate with the server as the previous fd is blocked. 
The server is waiting on the 1st client to finish. When you have 3 
ports and 3 clients then ofcourse it will work.


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:50 PM, Harshvir Sidhu wrote:

My server code is single threaded and i am using blocking sockets, i 
am using fd_set and select to wait for event on socket, and then 
performing operation based on the event that acts on a socket.
I have an array of sockets to listen. So if i start listening on 3 
different ports and from my client machien, i try to connect on them 
at different ports then it works fine, but when i use 1 listen port 
then it dont work properly. What i mean to say by work properly is 
that the connection is established, but when i am waiting for select 
to return event, then it dont show any activity when i send data 
from client, only 1 of them works, 2 dont work.
In addition to that, when i use WireShark to see packets, then it 
shows that machine has received the packet from client. But server 
dont show that alert.

Thats why i think it could be some socket option which is affecting it.

// Harshvir

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Gayathri Sundar wrote:


SO_REUSEADDR sock option has noting to do with ur problem, please go 
thro the socket ops man page to get a better understanding. First 
find out if ur server code is a blocking i/o or non blocking I/O..if 
former then connections will be handled sequentially..only after the 
1st client is finished will the server be able to respond to the 2nd 
connect request. If non blocking then there should be no problem. 
Check the code if you see and O_NONBLOCK flag set in some fcntl call 
or check for FIONBIO flag.


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Harshvir Sidhu wrote:

Well i think this link is for my question.
I have already done 1-5 from the Before you ask list.
Number 6, i dont know anyone who use openssl.
Number 7, it will take a lot of time to go through all the code, i 
was just trying to save some time. I thought user discussion forums 
are for this only. I apologize for my understanding.

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:18 PM, Jeremy Farrell wrote:

From: Harshvir Sidhu


   I have a server application, which accepts normal sockets and 
ssl socket connections. I am trying to make 3 connections to server 
from 1 client machine, on same server port.
   When i connect on normal sockets then it works with any number 
of connections.
   When i tried to connect SSL then they dont work. If i connect 1 
client then it works.

   In my listen socket, I have SO_REUSEADDR socket option, at first 
i thought might be this is causing issue, but i tried to use 
SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE even then it dont work.

   Has someone seen some issue like this, any possible suggestion for this?


// Harshvir

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

Pictures of Snake in Spring

Pictures of Camp Verde

Pictures of Land Cruiser in Sedona


Re: slow https conenctions

2011-04-27 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
 are those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of Serck Controls Ltd.

This message has been scanned for malware by Mailcontrol.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

Pictures of Snake in Spring

Pictures of Camp Verde

Pictures of Land Cruiser in Sedona

Pictures of Flagstaff area near our cabin

Pictures of Cheryl in a Horse Show

Pictures of the AZ Desert

(You can see why we love this state :-) )

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: [PATCH] conversion to EBCDIC

2011-04-22 Thread Eric S. Eberhard

You might find this useful:


At 07:08 AM 4/22/2011, you wrote:

I am working on a MAINFRAME. The encoding page 
is EBCDIC  and not ASCII, so i have to do some 
conversion to support openssl on a mainframe. I 
am not familiar to use this method to open patch so it may be confusing.

Here is one patch like you ask with the diff tools :

diff -r crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c openssl-work/x509_vfy.c














 * 4. If you include any Windows specific code 
(or a derivative thereof) from


 * 4. If you include any Windows specific code 
(or a derivative thereof) from











 if ((ok = 0) !! X509_cmp(x, xtmp))


 if ((ok = 0) !! X509_cmp(x, xtmp))






 * will be duplicated by the parent, but this will rarely be used in


 * will be duplicated by the parent, but this will rarely be used in


 ok = get_crl_sk(ctx, crl, dcrl,


 ok = get_crl_sk(ctx, crl, dcrl,



 * a certificate was revoked. This has since been changed since


 * a certificate was revoked. This has since been changed since



 char v_eÝ14~,*v;





 ascii2ebcdic(v_e, str, i  14 ? i : 14);

 v = v_eÝ0~;










 ascii2ebcdic(v_e, buff2, atm.length  14 ? atm.length : 14);

 v = v_eÝ0~;




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Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

Pictures of Snake in Spring

Pictures of Camp Verde

Pictures of Land Cruiser in Sedona

Pictures of Flagstaff area near our cabin

Pictures of Cheryl in a Horse Show

Pictures of the AZ Desert

(You can see why we love this state :-) )

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: Custom Optimization flags

2011-04-15 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
In real life I have found various optimizations to cause more trouble 
than not, and to not really change real-world performance.  Unless 
you are in a hard loop encrypting/decrypting I don't think anyone 
will notice.  I do 10s of thousands of encryption/decryption calls 
each day and they add no noticeable change to performance.  If it 
becomes a hassle, my advise, don't bother. Eric

At 11:24 PM 4/14/2011, you wrote:

Hey guys,

I've got a couple of quick questions regarding building openSSL with
custom compiler optimization flags. I'm attempting to optimize the
builds of some select OS components specifically for the Intel Atom
under Linux, (I'm using the 2.6.37 kernel, glibc 2.13, binutils 2.21,
gcc 4.5.2; my toolchain has been optimized mostly with the CFLAGS='-O3
-fomit-frame-pointer -march=atom -mtune=atom') and am wondering the

  * How sensitive is it that the openSSL testsuite (make test) will
detect incorrect aggressive compiler optimizations? My guess as to an
answer is 'very', given the size of the testsuite, and the sensitivity
to incorrect data that the crypto problem-space exhibits.
  * Can the openSSL build system detect the specific x86 extensions that
a given processor supports, and include the relevant asm code? (This may
be done at run-time dynamically instead, but how does the library know
what the fastest code path should be?)
  * Does OpenSSL 1.0.0d have a code-path for the Atom?
  * Does anyone else have any experience involving tuning OpenSSL for
the Atom? If so, I'd like to hear the specifics of your results in
optimizing for this processor. If you have had any experience, I'd
encourage you to share your results either on-list or privately.
  * (probably more of a question for the dev list): openssl does not
have a parallel-build-safe build system... Is there a way to benchmark
multi-threaded processors  multi-core processors using the test-suite
that makes use of every possible execution path? This would be a
remarkably useful (synthetic) benchmark for real-world crypto
performance on various architectures.

Provided that I had a bit of direction and support, I'd be willing to
add it to the test suite in small patches. I *would* need to know more
than I currently know about crypto though :)

For those wondering, this is the compile line I'm using with gcc 4.5.2:
-mtune=atom -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -Wall

For those wondering, I'm seeing test suite run-times of about 2 + 1/4
minutes to run using single-thread execution on an atom.

Thanks for your help,
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax
(928) 301-7537   Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

Pictures of Snake in Spring

Pictures of Camp Verde

Pictures of Land Cruiser in Sedona

Pictures of Flagstaff area near our cabin

Pictures of Cheryl in a Horse Show

Pictures of the AZ Desert

(You can see why we love this state :-) )

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Either a bug or a misunderstanding or Spyders in the code

2006-10-13 Thread Eric S. Eberhard
I am trying to do encryption using the evp APIs.  For testing I am 
using AES-128-ECB as the cypher.  I have no problem encrypting and 
decrypting, rather I am having problems with the sizes of the buffers.

My program is largely the same as evp_test.c function test1 with 
the release /openssl-0.9.8c/test, however this program does not 
handle the padding -- all the test cases have even block-count bytes 
and the padding is turned off.  I removed the call to turn off the 
padding in my program.  My program is also like a sample program I 
found on-line which handles the padding the same as I 

When encrypting a string of 37 bytes and passing as such:

if (!EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx,out,outl,plaintext,37)) {

outl becomes 48 at this point (which is the expected size since this 
alogrithm appears to block at 16 bytes).  However, the next call as such:

if (!EVP_EncryptFinal(ctx,out+outl,outl2)) {

this sets outl2 to 16 ... meaning it padded one more additional block.

If I send decrypt 64 bytes it gives the desired answer (e.g. my text 
is what I expect it to be).  This is what I send:

  if (!EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx,out,outl,ciphertext,64)) {

outl is set to 48 (I would really like it to be 37 ...)

  if (!EVP_DecryptFinal(ctx,out+outl,outl2)) {

outl2 is set to zero ...

It would seem that the first encrypt SHOULD set 32, the final encrypt 
should set 16 and the final result should then be 48 bytes.

It would also seem that the first decrypt should set 32, the final 
decrypt should set 5, and the final result should be 37 bytes.

At a bare minimum, it would seem that the total from the two 
encrypt statements should be 48 and the total from the two decrypt 
statement should be 37 or 48, depending on your taste, but I find 37 
more useful.  Last, I should not have to store 64 bytes of encrypted 
data to successfully encrypt and decrypt 37 bytes of data.

I have noticed that if I simply don't do the final calls for both 
encrypt and decrypt that everything appears to work on the encrypt 
and I save 48 bytes ... but when I decrypt it  I only get back 32 
bytes.  And if I do a final decrypt on data that did not have a final 
encrypt I get an error.

I suspect I am missing something because using openssl to encrypt the 
bytes from a file and in to a file yields a 64 byte file ... just 
like my program :-) But I don't understand why.

1) Should I always count on up to 2 extra blocks (1 for the remainder 
if any, one for no reason I can tell)?
2) When decrypting, is there a way to find out the original size (in 
my case 37)?

3) Am I missing something or is there a bug around here?
4) If I am going to handle large files that require multiple calls to 
the Encrypt routines, I presume I would turn the padding off until 
the very last block of data?  Same with decrypt?  My goal would be to 
be able to encrypt a file and get the exact same results as command 
line openssl.  And the reverse.



This email sent by:

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax

928-301-7537 -- you may call any time day or night, I turn it off 
when I sleep :-)  Please try to use a land line first (reception often poor).

Note the change in the domain from to 

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

Completely updated web site of personal pictures with many new 
pictures!  Includes horses, dogs, Corvairs, and more.

Corvair pictures including the Judson setup on our 62 Sedan and lots 
of pictures of Cheryl's 62 Monza Wagon and our 62 Spyder convertible.

My younger brother Martin has started a very serious car company.  A 
hot rod (very fast) electric roadster is the first offering.  The 
chassis is built by Lotus to their specs.  Check it 

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Either a bug or a misunderstanding or Spyders in the code

2006-10-13 Thread Eric S. Eberhard


Thank you ... I thought I was missing something (actually the 
behavior told me what you told me, I just wanted to confirm it was 
correct).  I won't actually use ECB, it was randomly selected from 
the test file ...

A follow-up then ... if I have 37 bytes I would call Update twice and 
Final once?  If I have 32 bytes I would call Update once and Final 
once?  Or two Updates?

Is there a call to get the block size, or is that always 16? (I know 
it is in the ctx but I was hoping to get it sooner than that).

Thank you again!


At 06:27 PM 10/13/2006, you wrote:

OpenSSL does not store the plaintext size in block protocol usage.
That's an application-layer issue.

ECB mode, by the way, is REALLY discouraged.

Padding doesn't come into play until the second-to-last and last
blocks.  You should get 16*(3 blocks of data +1 block for the
EncryptFinal()) == 64 bytes.

If you're writing less than a multiple of the block size, you should
call EncryptFinal() on that write, not follow it up.  This is arguably
a bug in the block logic (the expected behavior you seem to want would
be: you should get 32 bytes from the write of 37 bytes, with the final
5 bytes stored in a buffer until you call EncryptFinal, which would
pad to the appropriate block length and then finish the encryption),
but I'm not certain it should be changed -- SSL and TLS have a need
for an application data flush feature that forces data to be flushed
without the encryption state being reset.

Every EncryptFinal() ciphertext block that you get from it, though, is
going to be the same (at least in ECB mode).  Personally, I regard the
fact that OpenSSL supports ECB mode without a Configure option (or at
least a warning when it's used) a bug.

So, to answer your questions in order:

1) The second-to-last block is not an extra block.  It contains
application data.  I believe that you can expect to get that last

2) No.

3) I think you're missing something.

4) Padding doesn't happen until a short block occurs anyway, so
turning padding off until the final block won't change anything.  Look
at the source code to the command-line utility to see what it does, if
you want to get identical results.


-Kyle H

On 10/13/06, Eric S. Eberhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am trying to do encryption using the evp APIs.  For testing I am
using AES-128-ECB as the cypher.  I have no problem encrypting and
decrypting, rather I am having problems with the sizes of the buffers.

When encrypting a string of 37 bytes and passing as such:

 if (!EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx,out,outl,plaintext,37)) {

outl becomes 48 at this point (which is the expected size since this
alogrithm appears to block at 16 bytes).  However, the next call as such:

 if (!EVP_EncryptFinal(ctx,out+outl,outl2)) {

this sets outl2 to 16 ... meaning it padded one more additional block.

If I send decrypt 64 bytes it gives the desired answer (e.g. my text
is what I expect it to be).  This is what I send:

   if (!EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx,out,outl,ciphertext,64)) {

outl is set to 48 (I would really like it to be 37 ...)

   if (!EVP_DecryptFinal(ctx,out+outl,outl2)) {


1) Should I always count on up to 2 extra blocks (1 for the remainder
if any, one for no reason I can tell)?
2) When decrypting, is there a way to find out the original size (in
my case 37)?
3) Am I missing something or is there a bug around here?
4) If I am going to handle large files that require multiple calls to
the Encrypt routines, I presume I would turn the padding off until
the very last block of data?  Same with decrypt?  My goal would be to
be able to encrypt a file and get the exact same results as command
line openssl.  And the reverse.



OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This email sent by:

Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727  Voice
(928) 567-6122  Fax

928-301-7537 -- you may call any time day or night, I turn it off 
when I sleep :-)  Please try to use a land line first (reception often poor).

Note the change in the domain from to 

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support

Completely updated web site of personal pictures with many new 
pictures!  Includes horses, dogs, Corvairs, and more.

Corvair pictures including the Judson setup on our 62 Sedan and lots 
of pictures of Cheryl's 62 Monza Wagon and our 62 Spyder convertible.

My younger brother Martin has started a very serious car company.  A 
hot rod (very fast) electric roadster is the first offering.  The 
chassis is built by Lotus to their specs.  Check it 