web site with many openssl examples

2011-06-30 Thread derleader mail

 I'm looking for complete examples of implementing OpenSSL code - server and 
client. Can you give a link?

Best wishes

Re: Multiple connection from 1 client

2011-05-06 Thread derleader mail

 I have a server application, which accepts normal sockets and ssl socket 
I am trying to make 3 connections to server from 1 client machine, on same 
server port.  

 When i connect on normal sockets then it works with any number of connections. 

 When i tried to connect SSL then they dont work. If i connect 1 client then it 

In my listen socket, I have SO_REUSEADDR socket
option, at first i thought might be this is causing issue, but i tried to use 
SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE even then it dont work.  

 Has someone seen some issue like this, any possible suggestion for this?  
  // Harshvir  


Can you show us the source code. Paste it into pastebin.org.


Re: Re: Using OpenSSL with non-blocking I/O

2011-05-06 Thread derleader mail
  I am developing and application using OpenSSL. I have a proprietary system
  to handle connection/read data from sockets. All I need to do is to pass
  callback functions to the system to 
  1. Handle new connection
  2. Read data on the given port
  Now while I use OpenSSL, I need to use SSL_connect and SSL_accept to do the
  handshake. But these calls are blocking and also use the sockets directly.
  Is there any way to use the library so that it works as a event-based
 Actually they aren't blocking and don't use sockets directly. They use a BIO
 I/O abstraction. Your problem can be resolved by either writing your own BIO
 or using BIO pairs. See the archives for discussion of these concepts.

Can you show us the source code. Paste it into pastebin.org.


Re: RSA_private_decrypt across processes

2011-05-04 Thread derleader mail
 I generate an RSA key using RSA_generate_key in one process. I then take the 
RSA structure that is generated and serialize it and send it to another process 
via an RPC mechanism. In the other process I then de-serialize the RSA data and 
use that as input to an RSA_private_decrypt function to decrypt some data that 
was previously encrypted with the RSA public key.   
   This works fine and I am able to decrypt the data successful, HOWEVER, it 
takes a long time to do so, like up to 2 seconds. It is almost as if it is 
doing another key generation in the background. Note that if I do this 
RSA_private_decrypt in the same process as the one that generated the key, it 
takes around 20-30 ms.  
   This leads me to think that maybe there is some static data that the openssl 
library uses in RSA_private_decrypt that was cached when I generated the key 
and now is not available since it is a new process. 
   Can anyone enlighten me on this? 


 Let us see the source code to see where is the problem.
Paste it into http://pastebin.com/


Дизайнерски обувки с до -70%. Регистрирай се и пазарувай.

Re: Problem with HMAC_Init_ex

2011-05-04 Thread derleader mail
  Hi all,
  I am finding a strange problem with
HMAC_Init_ex.  After the call to this function the stack is getting corrupted.  
  The sequence of functions used are-  
   HMAC_CTX ctx ;HMAC_CTX_init(amp;ctx);   HMAC_Init_ex(amp;ctx, 
hash_key-v, hash_key-l, EVP_sha1(), NULL);  
  Key-v points to 20 bytes of memory, while key-l is 20.  
  Are there some necessary pre-requisites to this?  
  Can anyone help?  



 Let us see the complete source code to see where is the problem.

Paste it into http://pastebin.com/


Дизайнерски обувки с до -70%. Регистрирай се и пазарувай.

Re: Restricting ciphers list to RSA only in Client Hello

2011-05-03 Thread derleader mail
 Hi All,  
  I have built an SIP test application using openssl. I am trying to restrict 
the ciphers sent by this application in Client Hello to those with only RSA key 
  Is there a way to configure it in OpenSSL?  
  I tried to compile the source code with SSL_DEFAULT_CIPHER_LIST set to 
RSA:!aNULL:!eNULL:+RC4:@STRENGTH in ssl.h.  
  When I run openssl ciphers -v the ciphers listed are just those with RSA,   
  C:\Openssl_src\openssl-0.9.8f\openssl-0.9.8f\out32dllopenssl.exe ciphers -v




 Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1


 Enc=3DES(168) Mac=MD5




 Enc=IDEA(128) Mac=SHA1


 Enc=IDEA(128) Mac=MD5















 SSLv3 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA

 Mac=SHA1 export

 SSLv3 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA


 SSLv2 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA


 SSLv3 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA


 SSLv2 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA

   but when I build the application using these new libraries the application 
still sends all the ciphers as shown below   
  Cipher Spec: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0x39)  Cipher Spec: 
TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0x38)  Cipher Spec: 
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0x35)  Cipher Spec: 
TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA (0x16)  Cipher Spec: 
TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA (0x13)  Cipher Spec: 
TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA (0x0a)  Cipher Spec: 
SSL2_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5 (0x0700c0)  Cipher Spec: 
TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0x33)  Cipher Spec: 
TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0x32)  Cipher Spec: 
(0x07)  Cipher Spec: SSL2_IDEA_128_CBC_WITH_MD5 (0x050080)  Cipher Spec: 
SSL2_RC2_CBC_128_CBC_WITH_MD5 (0x030080)  Cipher Spec: TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA 
(0x05)  Cipher Spec: TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 (0x04)  Cipher Spec: 
SSL2_RC4_128_WITH_MD5 (0x010080)  Cipher Spec: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA 
(0x15)  Cipher Spec: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA (0x12)  Cipher
  Spec: TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA (0x09)  Cipher Spec: 
SSL2_DES_64_CBC_WITH_MD5 (0x060040)  Cipher Spec: 
TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA (0x08)  Cipher Spec: 
TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5 (0x06)  Cipher Spec: 
SSL2_RC2_CBC_128_CBC_WITH_MD5 (0x040080)  Cipher Spec: 
TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 (0x03)  Cipher Spec: 
SSL2_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5 (0x020080)  
  Do I need to do anything else to restrict the cipher list to RSA only?  
  Regards,  Gauri


 Can you paste here the source code? I would like to see your implementation.


Дизайнерски обувки с до -70%. Регистрирай се и пазарувай.

Re: SSL_shutdown closesocket

2011-05-03 Thread derleader mail

 I am using Blocking sockets for my applicaiton. The server i have accept SSL 
and non SSL connections, from the client side when i connect with SSL then on 
closesocket i dont get a notification of client closed, while for non SSL i get 
notification. Is this some desired behavior or i am missing something?  
  // Harshvir

Let us have a look at the code. Paste it at http://pastebin.com/ and give us a 


How to create threaded pool with OpenSSL

2011-05-03 Thread derleader mail

 I found OpenSSL server code which uses threds in order to process clients. Is 
it possible to create connection pool with OpenSSL. There is no information 
about this on openssl.org

How I can add threaded pool to this code?



Help me fix this code

2011-05-02 Thread derleader mail

 I have a problem with the code below. There is a bug that I can't find and 
This is the output when I try to run it:

[root@localhost test]# ./a.out sdcsdsdcd
Entering Encryption Stage:

String to encrypt: sdcsdsdcd

Encryption Successful

Entering Decryption Stage

Error Whilst DecryptFinal

Here is the source code:


#define input_buf_size 1024
#define output_buf_size 1032

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

 if (argc !=2)


 printf(Usage: test1  \n);




 char *string;

 int encoutlen, decoutlen, enctotallen, dectotallen;

 unsigned char iv[8];

 unsigned char

 unsigned char enc_outbuf[output_buf_size];

 char enc_inbuf[input_buf_size];

 unsigned char dec_outbuf[input_buf_size];

 char dec_inbuf[output_buf_size];




 * Begin the encode - decode


 * Get our inputs and the random IV



 string = argv[1];

 RAND_bytes(iv, 8);

 RAND_bytes(password, 16);

 printf(Entering Encryption Stage:\n\n);

 printf(String to encrypt: %s\n\n, string);


 EVP_EncryptInit(amp;ectx, EVP_bf_cbc(), password, iv);

 bzero (amp;enc_inbuf, input_buf_size);

 if(!EVP_EncryptUpdate(amp;ectx, enc_outbuf, amp;encoutlen, string, 


 printf(Error whilst EncryptUpdate\n);

 return 0;


 if(!EVP_EncryptFinal(amp;ectx, enc_outbuf + encoutlen, amp;enctotallen))


 printf(Error Whilst EncryptFinal\n);

 return 0;


 encoutlen += enctotallen;

 printf(Encryption Successful\n\n);

 printf(Entering Decryption Stage\n\n);


 EVP_DecryptInit(amp;dctx, EVP_bf_cbc(), password, iv);

 bzero (amp;dec_inbuf, output_buf_size);

 bzero (amp;dec_outbuf, input_buf_size);

 if (!(EVP_DecryptUpdate(amp;dctx, dec_outbuf, amp;decoutlen, enc_outbuf, 


 printf(Error Whilst DecryptUpdate\n);

 return 0;


 if (!(EVP_DecryptFinal(amp;dctx, dec_outbuf + decoutlen, amp;dectotallen)))


 printf(Error Whilst DecryptFinal\n);


 return 0;


 decoutlen += dectotallen;

 printf(Decryption Successful\n\n);

 printf(Decrypted String is: %s\n, dec_outbuf);

 return 0;


Any help will be highly appreciated!


Re: Re: Help me fix this code

2011-05-02 Thread derleader mail
Hi Peter,
Add padding for CBC mode encryption.
Or u can use CFB mode. EVB_bf_cfb()



 Thank you for the reply. I have edit the code.

Source Code:

//gcc blowfish2.c -L/usr/local/ssl/lib/ -lssl -lcrypto -Wall


#define input_buf_size 1024
#define output_buf_size 1032

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

 if (argc !=2)


 printf(Usage: test1  \n);




 char *string;

 int encoutlen, decoutlen, enctotallen, dectotallen;

 unsigned char iv[8];

 unsigned char

 unsigned char enc_outbuf[output_buf_size];

 char enc_inbuf[input_buf_size];

 unsigned char dec_outbuf[input_buf_size];

 char dec_inbuf[output_buf_size];




 * Begin the encode - decode


 * Get our inputs and the random IV



 string = argv[1];

 RAND_bytes(iv, 8);

 RAND_bytes(password, 16);

 printf(Entering Encryption Stage:\n\n);

 printf(String to encrypt: %s\n\n, string);


 EVP_EncryptInit(amp;ectx, EVP_bf_cfb(), password, iv);

 bzero (amp;enc_inbuf, input_buf_size);

 if(!EVP_EncryptUpdate(amp;ectx, enc_outbuf, amp;encoutlen, string, 


 printf(Error whilst EncryptUpdate\n);

 return 0;


 if(!EVP_EncryptFinal(amp;ectx, enc_outbuf + encoutlen, amp;enctotallen))


 printf(Error Whilst EncryptFinal\n);

 return 0;


 encoutlen += enctotallen;

 printf(Encryption Successful\n\n);

 printf(Entering Decryption Stage\n\n);


 EVP_DecryptInit(amp;dctx, EVP_bf_cfb(), password, iv);

 bzero (amp;dec_inbuf, output_buf_size);

 bzero (amp;dec_outbuf, input_buf_size);

 if (!(EVP_DecryptUpdate(amp;dctx, dec_outbuf, amp;decoutlen, enc_outbuf, 


 printf(Error Whilst DecryptUpdate\n);

 return 0;


 if (!(EVP_DecryptFinal(amp;dctx, dec_outbuf + decoutlen, amp;dectotallen)))


 printf(Error Whilst DecryptFinal\n);


 return 0;


 decoutlen += dectotallen;

 printf(Decryption Successful\n\n);

 printf(Decrypted String is: %s\n, dec_outbuf);

 return 0;


This is the output:

[root@localhost test]# ./a.out dcee
Entering Encryption Stage:

String to encrypt: dcee

Encryption Successful

Entering Decryption Stage

Decryption Successful

Decrypted String is: dcee�� s���h[j�l��ȥg�L^�aPB=�

everytime the string after  dcee is diffrent. So I need padding.
Could you edit the source code in proper way. I have no idea how to add padding.


Дизайнерски обувки с до -70%. Регистрирай се и пазарувай.

Re: Re: Cannot encrypt text - need help

2011-05-02 Thread derleader mail
  So I need a high performance solution that can handle many connections
  with little server load.
  1. SSL is a good solution but is not high performance - it's more
  suitable for encryption of a web page. When establishing connection more
  that 100 connections are used to perform the SSL handshake and is not
  suitable for big bynary data.
 I don't know where you're getting that from, but it's totally incorrect. 
 The SSL handshake, if repeated between the same two endpoints multiple 
 times, is quite high performance because the sessions can be cached. As 
 for big binary data, why do you think SSL is unsuitable?

My mistake, sorry.

  2. Symethric encryption is more suitable because it is higth performance
  and will scale very well.
 SSL is symmetric encryption. PK is used for session setup and key 
 negotiation, but the encryption of bulk data is symmetric.
  I need a high performance optimizad solution.
  What is your opinion?
  What will be the best approach?
 SSL. It's already well-maintained and heavily optimized. It can easily 
 be proxied without understanding the underlying application protocol. 
 Padding, message integrity, session caching, authentication and the like 
 are already done.
 As a plus, SSL permits easily adjusting the encryption and 
 authentication schemes to provide the desired balance between 
 performance and security. And SSL accelerators are widely available -- 
 for example, newer Intel processors have AES acceleration, so if you use 
 SSL, those who have them can choose AES as the bulk encryption protocol. 
 Had you decided on blowfish and locked it in the way you seem to be 
 planning, it would take significant changes to get the benefit of AES-NI.
 Also, you will have a much harder time getting your project accepted if 
 you just made up the security scheme yourself. The effort required to 
 ensure the scheme was properly designed and implemented (especially 
 given all the false starts and misunderstandings so far) would almost 
 certainly drastically outweigh any hypothetical performance benefit you 
 might get.

Ok, I agree. It's better to use SSL.

Do you know where I can find multithreaded and optimazed source code of SSL 
server and client?
I found many examples with SSL servers but they are simple examples.

And also have you see benchmarks of the latest openssl version?



Дизайнерски обувки с до -70%. Регистрирай се и пазарувай.

Re: RE: Cannot encrypt text - need help

2011-05-02 Thread derleader mail
  On 5/1/2011 1:34 AM, derleader mail wrote:
   I'm going to use stream protocol - TCP/IP. Here is the 
  template source
   code of the server without the encryption part
  We mean application protocol.
   while (1) {
   sock = accept(listensock, NULL, NULL);
   printf(client connected to child thread %i with pid %i.\n,
   pthread_self(), getpid());
 pthread_t and pid_t are not required to be int and sometimes aren't.
 I don't think they're even required to be any integers.
   nread = recv(sock, buffer, 25, 0);
   buffer[nread] = '\0';
 Where buffer is char[25]. If the client always sends 25 bytes 
 (or more) this will write outside the space allocated for buffer[]. 
 This is undefined behavior in C and the program can fail arbitrarily. 
 On today's systems usually this will 'accidentally' work, 
 but you have no confidence of that in the future. 
 Either make maximum read at least one byte smaller than buffer, 
 or buffer at least one byte larger than maximum read.
 Also, recv() returns -1 if error; storing to buffer[-1] 
 is also undefined and more likely to actually screw up.
 For that matter, accept() can fail and return not a valid socket, 
 in which case the recv() and send() can't succeed.
   printf(%s\n, buffer);
 If this is the only reason you wanted null termination, 
 you could do printf(%.*s\n,nread,buffer) instead.
   send(sock, buffer, nread, 0);
   printf(client disconnected from child thread %i with pid %i.\n,
   pthread_self(), getpid());
  This code isn't very helpful. It just reads and writes the very same 
  data. Nothing in this code tells us, for example, how to identify a 
  complete message.
 Unless the messages are fixed-length 25 bytes. I've seen crazier.
  You could interpose an encryption protocol that also imposed no such 
  requirements. You would need to work out your own padding though. 
  Blowfish is a block encryption algorithm and cannot encrypt just a 
  single byte. So if you only read one byte, you'd need to pad 
  it before 
  encryption and then you'd need some way to remove the padding on the 
  other end.
 Not quite; OP's earlier code had Blowfish *CFB*, 
 a stream mode that can handle any number of bytes.
 (The mode itself can handle any number of bits, but 
 the OpenSSL API doesn't handle sub-byte amounts.)
 However a stream mode is generally more vulnerable to 
 bit-flipping unless authenticated, which the OP didn't.
 Also his 'test' had a fixed IV (and key), 
 but maybe that was only a test.
  I would strongly urge you to just use SSL. It is designed for 
  this purpose.
 Agree there.
 Also it should be noted session caching only helps 
 if both ends support (and allow) it; it is optional.
 If you write both programs and use OpenSSL, it's easy, 
 but in some other situations it might not be.

Ok, I agree I will use SSL.
Do you know where I can find multithreaded source code of SSL server and client?

Have you see benchmark tests of the latest OpenSSL library?


Дизайнерски обувки с до -70%. Регистрирай се и пазарувай.

Re: Re: Re: Help me fix this code

2011-05-02 Thread derleader mail
  Hi Peter,
The extra string in o/p is due to error in coding. u r passing incorrect length 
in EVP_DecryptUpdate.

if (!(EVP_DecryptUpdate(amp;dctx, dec_outbuf, amp;decoutlen, enc_outbuf, 

change above line to

if (!(EVP_DecryptUpdate(amp;dctx, dec_outbuf, amp;decoutlen, enc_outbuf, 


It works vey good! Thank you!


 On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 3:09 PM, derleader mail   derlea...@abv.bg   wrote:

Hi Peter,
Add padding for CBC mode encryption.
Or u can use CFB mode. EVB_bf_cfb()



 Thank you for the reply. I have edit the code.

Source Code:

//gcc blowfish2.c -L/usr/local/ssl/lib/ -lssl -lcrypto -Wall


#define input_buf_size 1024
#define output_buf_size 1032

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

 if (argc !=2)


 printf(Usage: test1  \n);




 char *string;

 int encoutlen, decoutlen, enctotallen, dectotallen;

 unsigned char iv[8];

 unsigned char

 unsigned char enc_outbuf[output_buf_size];

 char enc_inbuf[input_buf_size];

 unsigned char dec_outbuf[input_buf_size];

 char dec_inbuf[output_buf_size];




 * Begin the encode - decode


 * Get our inputs and the random IV



 string = argv[1];

 RAND_bytes(iv, 8);

 RAND_bytes(password, 16);

 printf(Entering Encryption Stage:\n\n);

 printf(String to encrypt: %s\n\n, string);



 EVP_EncryptInit(amp;ectx, EVP_bf_cfb(), password, iv); 

 bzero (amp;enc_inbuf, input_buf_size);

 if(!EVP_EncryptUpdate(amp;ectx, enc_outbuf, amp;encoutlen, string, 


 printf(Error whilst EncryptUpdate\n);

 return 0;


 if(!EVP_EncryptFinal(amp;ectx, enc_outbuf + encoutlen, amp;enctotallen))


 printf(Error Whilst EncryptFinal\n);

 return 0;


 encoutlen += enctotallen;

 printf(Encryption Successful\n\n);

 printf(Entering Decryption Stage\n\n);


 EVP_DecryptInit(amp;dctx, EVP_bf_cfb(), password, iv); 

 bzero (amp;dec_inbuf, output_buf_size);

 bzero (amp;dec_outbuf, input_buf_size);

 if (!(EVP_DecryptUpdate(amp;dctx, dec_outbuf, amp;decoutlen, enc_outbuf, 


 printf(Error Whilst DecryptUpdate\n);

 return 0;


 if (!(EVP_DecryptFinal(amp;dctx, dec_outbuf + decoutlen, amp;dectotallen)))


 printf(Error Whilst DecryptFinal\n);


 return 0;


 decoutlen += dectotallen;

 printf(Decryption Successful\n\n);

 printf(Decrypted String is: %s\n, dec_outbuf);

 return 0;


 This is the output:

[root@localhost test]# ./a.out dcee
Entering Encryption Stage:

String to encrypt: dcee 

Encryption Successful

Entering Decryption Stage

 Decryption Successful

Decrypted String is: dcee�� s�� � h[j �l��ȥg�L^�aPB=�

everytime the string after dcee is diffrent. So I need padding.
Could you edit the source code in proper way. I have no idea how to add padding.


  Дизайнерски обувки с до -70%. Регистрирай се и пазарувай. 


Дизайнерски обувки с до -70%. Регистрирай се и пазарувай.

Re: RE: Cannot encrypt text - need help

2011-05-02 Thread derleader mail
 I'm going to use stream protocol - TCP/IP. Here is the 
  template source
   code of the server without the encryption part
  We mean application protocol.
   while (1) {
   sock = accept(listensock, NULL, NULL);
   printf(client connected to child thread %i with pid %i.\n,
   pthread_self(), getpid());
 pthread_t and pid_t are not required to be int and sometimes aren't.
 I don't think they're even required to be any integers.
   nread = recv(sock, buffer, 25, 0);
   buffer[nread] = '\0';
 Where buffer is char[25]. If the client always sends 25 bytes 
 (or more) this will write outside the space allocated for buffer[]. 
 This is undefined behavior in C and the program can fail arbitrarily. 
 On today's systems usually this will 'accidentally' work, 
 but you have no confidence of that in the future. 
 Either make maximum read at least one byte smaller than buffer, 
 or buffer at least one byte larger than maximum read.
 Also, recv() returns -1 if error; storing to buffer[-1] 
 is also undefined and more likely to actually screw up.
 For that matter, accept() can fail and return not a valid socket, 
 in which case the recv() and send() can't succeed.
   printf(%s\n, buffer);
 If this is the only reason you wanted null termination, 
 you could do printf(%.*s\n,nread,buffer) instead.
   send(sock, buffer, nread, 0);
   printf(client disconnected from child thread %i with pid %i.\n,
   pthread_self(), getpid());
  This code isn't very helpful. It just reads and writes the very same 
  data. Nothing in this code tells us, for example, how to identify a 
  complete message.
 Unless the messages are fixed-length 25 bytes. I've seen crazier.
  You could interpose an encryption protocol that also imposed no such 
  requirements. You would need to work out your own padding though. 
  Blowfish is a block encryption algorithm and cannot encrypt just a 
  single byte. So if you only read one byte, you'd need to pad 
  it before 
  encryption and then you'd need some way to remove the padding on the 
  other end.
 Not quite; OP's earlier code had Blowfish *CFB*, 
 a stream mode that can handle any number of bytes.
 (The mode itself can handle any number of bits, but 
 the OpenSSL API doesn't handle sub-byte amounts.)
 However a stream mode is generally more vulnerable to 
 bit-flipping unless authenticated, which the OP didn't.
 Also his 'test' had a fixed IV (and key), 
 but maybe that was only a test.
  I would strongly urge you to just use SSL. It is designed for 
  this purpose.
 Agree there.
 Also it should be noted session caching only helps 
 if both ends support (and allow) it; it is optional.
 If you write both programs and use OpenSSL, it's easy, 
 but in some other situations it might not be.

One more question:

If I decide to go with openssl and blowfish what are the potential threats? Is 
there another security mechanism that I can use with blowfish?


Re: RE: RE: Cannot encrypt text - need help

2011-05-02 Thread derleader mail
If I decide to go with openssl and blowfish what are the 
  potential threats?
 Yes, heaps of.
 You might consider asking more detailed.
  Is there another security mechanism that I can use with blowfish?
 Of course...
 But what exactly do you want to know? If you can use SSL and Blowfish?
 It does not appear in http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html.
Yes the web site and the book about the OpenSSL is outdated.

If you have to design high performance server which must be able to process 
many requests from clients how are you going to design it? Lets say something 
like Nagios. Could you explain in details?


Re: Re: Re: Cannot encrypt text - need help

2011-05-01 Thread derleader mail
  The encrypted output is not a NULL terminated string so strlen will not work. 
EVP_DecryptUpdate(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)plaintextz, amp;out_len, 
(unsigned char *)ciphertext, strlen(ciphertext));
Use the length output from the encryption part.

 Thank you very much for the reply. The problem is that the encryption and 
decryption must be on separate machines. I need a way to take the size of the 
encrypted message using language function like strlen  (). Is there other 
  What protocol are you using?  If you cannot send the length of the 
encrypted data, then you cannot decrypt it properly.  

I'm going to use stream protocol - TCP/IP. Here is the template source code of 
the server without the encryption part


void* thread_proc(void *arg);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

 struct sockaddr_in sAddr;

 int listensock;

 int result;

 int nchildren = 1;

 pthread_t thread_id;

 int x;

 int val;


 if (argc  1) {

 nchildren = atoi(argv[1]);


 listensock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);

 val = 1;

 result = setsockopt(listensock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, amp;val, 

 if (result  0) {


 return 0;


 sAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;

 sAddr.sin_port = htons(1972);

 sAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

 result = bind(listensock, (struct sockaddr *) amp;sAddr, sizeof(sAddr));

 if (result  0) {


 return 0;


 result = listen(listensock, 5);

 if (result  0) {


 return 0;


 for (x = 0; x  nchildren; x++) {

 result = pthread_create(amp;thread_id, NULL, thread_proc, (void *) 

 if (result != 0) {

 printf(Could not create thread.\n);

 return 0;




 pthread_join (thread_id, NULL);

void* thread_proc(void *arg)

 int listensock, sock;

 char buffer[25];

 int nread;

 listensock = (int) arg;

 while (1) {

 sock = accept(listensock, NULL, NULL);

 printf(client connected to child thread %i with pid %i.\n, pthread_self(), 

 nread = recv(sock, buffer, 25, 0);

 buffer[nread] = '\0';

 printf(%s\n, buffer);

 send(sock, buffer, nread, 0);


 printf(client disconnected from child thread %i with pid %i.\n, 
pthread_self(), getpid());


Re: Re: Re: Re: Cannot encrypt text - need help

2011-05-01 Thread derleader mail
 What protocol are you using?  What I mean is application layer protocol. But 
 since in your example, you're using your own protocol,  why not send both 
 length and data.
  Then in you receiving end, do
recv 4 bytes, get length, and recv until received data equals to length.

  And decrypt.  
  - re

You mean furst to send the encryped string and next the length of the string as 

Example for server:

  send(sock, encrypted_string, 25, 0);

  send(sock, encrypted_string_length, 25, 0);

For client

 recv(sock, encrypted_string, 25, 0);


  recv(sock, encrypted_string_length, 25, 0);


 On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 4:34 PM, derleader mail   derlea...@abv.bg   wrote:
  The encrypted output is not a NULL terminated string so strlen will not work. 
EVP_DecryptUpdate(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)plaintextz, amp;out_len, 
(unsigned char *)ciphertext, strlen(ciphertext));
  Use the length output from the encryption part.

   Thank you very much for the reply. The problem is that the encryption and 
decryption must be on separate machines. I need a way to take the size of the 
encrypted message using language function like strlen   (). Is there other 
  What protocol are you using?  If you cannot send the length of the 
encrypted data, then you cannot decrypt it properly.   

I'm going to use stream protocol - TCP/IP. Here is the template source code of 
the server without the encryption part


void* thread_proc(void *arg);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

 struct sockaddr_in sAddr;

 int listensock;

 int result;

 int nchildren = 1;

 pthread_t thread_id;

 int x;

 int val;


 if (argc  1) {

 nchildren = atoi(argv[1]);


 listensock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);

 val = 1;

 result = setsockopt(listensock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, amp;val, 

 if (result  0) {


 return 0;


 sAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;

 sAddr.sin_port = htons(1972);

 sAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

 result = bind(listensock, (struct sockaddr *) amp;sAddr, sizeof(sAddr));

 if (result  0) {


 return 0;


 result = listen(listensock, 5);

 if (result  0) {


 return 0;


 for (x = 0; x  nchildren; x++) {

 result = pthread_create(amp;thread_id, NULL, thread_proc, (void *) 

 if (result != 0) {

 printf(Could not create thread.\n);

 return 0;




 pthread_join (thread_id, NULL);

void* thread_proc(void *arg)

 int listensock, sock;

 char buffer[25];

 int nread;

 listensock = (int) arg;

 while (1) {

 sock = accept(listensock, NULL, NULL);

 printf(client connected to child thread %i with pid %i.\n, pthread_self(), 

 nread = recv(sock, buffer, 25, 0);

 buffer[nread] = '\0';

 printf(%s\n, buffer);

 send(sock, buffer, nread, 0);


 printf(client disconnected from child thread %i with pid %i.\n, 
pthread_self(), getpid());


Re: Re: Cannot encrypt text - need help

2011-05-01 Thread derleader mail
   I'm going to use stream protocol - TCP/IP. Here is the template source
  code of the server without the encryption part
 We mean application protocol.
  while (1) {
  sock = accept(listensock, NULL, NULL);
  printf(client connected to child thread %i with pid %i.\n,
  pthread_self(), getpid());
  nread = recv(sock, buffer, 25, 0);
  buffer[nread] = '\0';
  printf(%s\n, buffer);
  send(sock, buffer, nread, 0);
  printf(client disconnected from child thread %i with pid %i.\n,
  pthread_self(), getpid());
 This code isn't very helpful. It just reads and writes the very same 
 data. Nothing in this code tells us, for example, how to identify a 
 complete message.
 You could interpose an encryption protocol that also imposed no such 
 requirements. You would need to work out your own padding though. 
 Blowfish is a block encryption algorithm and cannot encrypt just a 
 single byte. So if you only read one byte, you'd need to pad it before 
 encryption and then you'd need some way to remove the padding on the 
 other end.
 I would strongly urge you to just use SSL. It is designed for *exactly* 
 this purpose.
Thank you David. I will give you more information about the code I'm goind to 

What is the purpose of the project?

This is a open source project - I need a way to monitor a huge number of 
servers - monitor CPU load, RAM load, HDD load, installed packets and etc. The 
data which will gathered will be structured in JSON format and sended to one 
main server - Centos x86_64. The load will very high - every for example 2 
hours the main Centos server will make checks of the monitored servers - this 
means that the monitored servers will establish connection with the main server 
and exchange JSON data maybe 200+ lines.
Later on it will be added support for remote patching - this will include 
trasportation of installable rpm file to the remote server - sometimes bigger 
files will be transported.

So I need a high performance solution that can handle many connections with 
little server load.

1. SSL is a good solution but is not high performance - it's more suitable for 
encryption of a web page. When establishing connection more that 100 
connections are used
 to perform the SSL handshake and is not suitable for big bynary data.

2. Symethric encryption is more suitable because it is higth performance and 
will scale very well.

I need a high performance optimizad solution. 

What is your opinion?
What will be the best approach?



Re: Re: Cannot encrypt text - need help

2011-05-01 Thread derleader mail
 Don't you know how much data you've read that you're about to decrypt?
 in your code template, you showed the sendign routine doing...
  nread = recv(sock, buffer, 25, 0);
 isn't the recieving routine doing somethign similar?  well, nread would 
 be the length you need, no?

Yes it's true. I also think this.

 OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
 User Support Mailing Listopenssl-users@openssl.org
 Automated List Manager   majord...@openssl.org

Cannot encrypt text - need help

2011-04-30 Thread derleader mail

 I'm trying to code a C program that can convert very big number of characters. 
The problem is that there is an error in decryption.

This is the code:

//gcc test_Blowfish.c -L/usr/local/ssl/lib/ -lssl -lcrypto -Wall






int main(void) {

 char plaintext[1024] = {aaX{aaX57 : {223 : 
2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:42424}242424242242424243r23r23r23r23r23r23r3r{}pppa57 : 
{223 : 
: {223 : 

 char plaintextz[1024];

 char ciphertext[1024]= {0,};

 char mykey[EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH] = blowfish_key;

 char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH] = blowfish;

 int tmp_len = 0, in_len, out_len=0;




 printf(No encrypt: %s\n, plaintext);


 printf(No encrypt size: %d\n, strlen(plaintext));


 EVP_EncryptInit(amp;ctx, EVP_bf_cfb(), (unsigned char *)mykey, (unsigned char 

 EVP_EncryptUpdate(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)ciphertext, amp;out_len, 
(unsigned char *)plaintext, strlen(plaintext));

 //Block through the mem to be encrypted

 tmp_len += out_len;

 EVP_EncryptFinal(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *) amp;ciphertext[out_len], 
amp;out_len); //Finish any remaining encryption and throw a pad on

 tmp_len += out_len;

 printf(Encrypted: %s\n, ciphertext);

 printf(Encrypted size: %d\n, tmp_len);

 //Reset memory for Decryption



 in_len = tmp_len;

 out_len = tmp_len = 0;


 EVP_DecryptInit(amp;ctx, EVP_bf_cfb(), (unsigned char *)mykey, (unsigned char 

 EVP_DecryptUpdate(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)plaintextz, amp;out_len, 
(unsigned char *)ciphertext, strlen(ciphertext));

 tmp_len += out_len;

 EVP_DecryptFinal(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)amp;plaintextz[out_len], 

 tmp_len += out_len;

 //Zero out the pad

 memset(amp;plaintext[tmp_len],0,(int)(sizeof(plaintext)) - tmp_len);

 printf(Decrypted : %s\n, plaintextz);

 printf(Decrypted size: %d\n, tmp_len);

 printf(Block Size: %d\n,EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(amp;ctx));

 return 0;


This is the output:

[root@localhost test]# ./a.out 
No encrypt: {aaX{aaX57 : {223 : 
2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:42424}242424242242424243r23r23r23r23r23r23r3r{}pppa57 : 
{223 : 
: {223 : 
No encrypt size: 267
Encrypted size: 267
Decrypted : {aaX{aaX57 : {223 : 
2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:42424}242424242242424243r23r23r23r23r23r23r3r{}pppa57 : 
{223 : 2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:4242
Decrypted size: 131
Block Size: 1

As youy see the decrypted size number is less that the original.
Any idea where is the problem?

Re: Re: Cannot encrypt text - need help

2011-04-30 Thread derleader mail
  The encrypted output is not a NULL terminated string so strlen will not work. 
EVP_DecryptUpdate(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)plaintextz, amp;out_len, 
(unsigned char *)ciphertext, strlen(ciphertext));
  Use the length output from the encryption part.

Thank you very much for the reply. The problem is that the encryption and 
decryption must be on separate machines. I need a way to take the size of the 
encrypted message using language function like strlen  (). Is there other 

  - re
 On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 12:27 AM, derleader mail   derlea...@abv.bg   wrote:

 I'm trying to code a C program that can convert very big number of characters. 
The problem is that there is an error in decryption.

This is the code:

//gcc test_Blowfish.c -L/usr/local/ssl/lib/ -lssl -lcrypto -Wall



int main(void) {

 char plaintext[1024] = {aaX{aaX57 : {223 : 
2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:42424}242424242242424243r23r23r23r23r23r23r3r{}pppa57 : 
{223 : 
: {223 : 

 char plaintextz[1024];

 char ciphertext[1024]= {0,};

 char mykey[EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH] = blowfish_key;

 char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH] = blowfish;

 int tmp_len = 0, in_len, out_len=0;




 printf(No encrypt: %s\n, plaintext);


 printf(No encrypt size: %d\n, strlen(plaintext));


 EVP_EncryptInit(amp;ctx, EVP_bf_cfb(), (unsigned char *)mykey, (unsigned char 

 EVP_EncryptUpdate(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)ciphertext, amp;out_len, 
(unsigned char *)plaintext, strlen(plaintext));

 //Block through the mem to be encrypted

 tmp_len += out_len;

 EVP_EncryptFinal(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *) amp;ciphertext[out_len], 
amp;out_len); //Finish any remaining encryption and throw a pad on

 tmp_len += out_len;

 printf(Encrypted: %s\n, ciphertext);

 printf(Encrypted size: %d\n, tmp_len);

 //Reset memory for Decryption


 in_len = tmp_len;

 out_len = tmp_len = 0;


 EVP_DecryptInit(amp;ctx, EVP_bf_cfb(), (unsigned char *)mykey, (unsigned char 

 EVP_DecryptUpdate(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)plaintextz, amp;out_len, 
(unsigned char *)ciphertext, strlen(ciphertext));

 tmp_len += out_len;

 EVP_DecryptFinal(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)amp;plaintextz[out_len], 

 tmp_len += out_len;

 //Zero out the pad

 memset(amp;plaintext[tmp_len],0,(int)(sizeof(plaintext)) - tmp_len);

 printf(Decrypted : %s\n, plaintextz);

 printf(Decrypted size: %d\n, tmp_len);

 printf(Block Size: %d\n,EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(amp;ctx));

 return 0;

This is the output:

[root@localhost test]# ./a.out 
No encrypt: {aaX{aaX57 : {223 : 
2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:42424}242424242242424243r23r23r23r23r23r23r3r{}pppa57 : 
{223 : 
: {223 : 
No encrypt size: 267
Encrypted: �A-��  W  =?:�$�i �_�8:�F�wo#�5 � @D�mo��-I ���F�Q�J�#��F�0b� ;�`� 
C䦱�~6�)ހ�YG �ed�Ӕ�Z%�9!mdvϋ���\���QB��}�N @_�W�F�e�
Encrypted size: 267
Decrypted : {aaX{aaX57 : {223 : 
2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:42424}242424242242424243r23r23r23r23r23r23r3r{}pppa57 : 
{223 : 2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:4242
Decrypted size: 131
Block Size: 1

As youy see the decrypted size number is less that the original.
Any idea where is the problem?


Blowfish implementation with OpenSSL

2011-04-29 Thread derleader mail

 I'm working on implementation of OpenSSL and Blowfish. Can you help me to 
improve the code, Is there a problem in the code?

C code:

//cl test_AES.c /IC:\openssl\include /linkC:\openssl\lib\libeay32.lib

//gcc test_AES.c -L/usr/local/ssl/lib/ -lssl -lcrypto -Wall





int main(void) {

 char plaintext[1024] = Hello World? - this is a test of Blowfish! of which 
I'm curious to see if it really is working.\n;

 char ciphertext[1024]= {0,};

 char mykey[EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH] = blowfish_key;

 char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH] = blowfish;

 int tmp_len = 0, in_len, out_len=0;




 in_len = strlen(plaintext);

 printf(No encrypt: %s\n, plaintext);



 EVP_EncryptInit(amp;ctx, EVP_bf_cfb(), (unsigned char *)mykey, (unsigned char 

 EVP_EncryptUpdate(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)ciphertext, amp;out_len, 
(unsigned char *)plaintext, in_len);

 //Block through the mem to be encrypted

 tmp_len += out_len;

 EVP_EncryptFinal(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *) amp;ciphertext[out_len], 
amp;out_len); //Finish any remaining encryption and throw a pad on

 tmp_len += out_len;

 printf(Encrypted: %s\n, ciphertext);

 //Reset memory for Decryption


 in_len = tmp_len;

 out_len = tmp_len = 0;


 EVP_DecryptInit(amp;ctx, EVP_bf_cfb(), (unsigned char *)mykey, (unsigned char 

 EVP_DecryptUpdate(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)plaintext, amp;out_len, 
(unsigned char *)ciphertext, in_len);

 tmp_len += out_len;

 EVP_DecryptFinal(amp;ctx, (unsigned char *)amp;plaintext[out_len], 

 tmp_len += out_len;

 //Zero out the pad

 memset(amp;plaintext[tmp_len],0,(int)(sizeof(plaintext)) - tmp_len);

 printf(Decrypted: %s\n, plaintext);

 printf(Block Size: %d\n,EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(amp;ctx));

 return 0;


Best book with examples for OpenSSL

2011-04-28 Thread derleader mail

 I found several books about OpenSSL. This book seems the best one

There is another book for http://www.opensslbook.com/ but it seems very 
outdated. Is there other books or tutorials with ready made examples?


Re: Re: Best book with examples for OpenSSL

2011-04-28 Thread derleader mail
 I'm in the process of learning the API myself.  I had concerns about the 
 book Network Programming with OpenSSL.
 Having consulted someone with experience in this matter it appears that 
 the API itself has changed very little and the
 book is still relevant.  The cryptographic functions within the library 
 are kept current but they are still accessed through
 the same API.
 Is this a fair statement?
 I am looking for specific information on using the library in a 
 multi-threaded / asynchronous IO server (Windows - using IOCP).
 I'd appreciate any information on the subject.  An example would be great.
 Best regards,


 I'm too looking for multi-threaded example but for  synchronous IO server for 

Has anyone know are there example code?


Compile OpenSSL with minimum modules

2011-04-27 Thread derleader mail

 I need to compile OpenSSL only with support for Symmetric encryption - only 
3DES support. How I can remove all unneeded stuff? Can you give an advice what 
to remove and how to remove it?


Re: Re: Compile OpenSSL with minimum modules

2011-04-27 Thread derleader mail
 I need to compile OpenSSL only with support for Symmetric 
  encryption - only 3DES support. How I can remove all unneeded stuff? 
  Can you give an advice what to remove and how to remove it?
 I suppose one approach would be to run a test suite that does just what 
 you need (and everything you need) with a debug build of openssl, and 
 run it under a code profiler (such as Intel's VTune), iterate this 
 sufficiently to get adequate code coverage, then seen what big chunks 
 DONT get touched, and add #IF's around them to block them out, rebuild, 
 and iterate until it meets your requirements.
Thank you for the reply!

Unfortunately I'm working with C from several weels. Can you explain me this in 
more details how to do this?


Multithreaded server example of OpenSSL

2011-04-26 Thread derleader mail

 I need a multithreaded OpenSSL server which can handle multiple clients. Is 
there full example of such a server?
