RE: How does a client get the server's SAN/DNS strings

2022-04-17 Thread Michel
Really impressed.
I have a lot to learn from that.
Thanks again for the link.
Much appreciated.


-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Viktor Dukhovni
Envoyé : dimanche 17 avril 2022 18:17
À :
Objet : Re: How does a client get the server's SAN/DNS strings

> On 17 Apr 2022, at 11:29 am, Michel  wrote:
> What a beautiful source code !
> If only all software could be written like this !

The Postfix project aims for code quality, security and backwards
compatibility over hastily deployed shiny new features.  You'll
find many examples of careful/correct use of OpenSSL in:

The main "limitation" to keep in mind is that the Postfix concurrency
model is multi-process no multi-thread.  So issues related to thread-safety
don't arise and are not addressed.


RE: How does a client get the server's SAN/DNS strings

2022-04-17 Thread Michel
Waouh, waouh, waouh !!!
What a beautiful source code !
If only all software could be written like this !

Thanks for the example Viktor.



RE: How does a client get the server's SAN/DNS strings

2022-04-16 Thread Michel
My quick answer :

int iPos = X509_get_ext_by_NID( pCX509, NID_subject_alt_name, -1 );
if( iPos < 0 ) ...;
X509_EXTENSION* pE = X509_get_ext(pCX509, iPos );

pGNames = (GENERAL_NAMES*)X509V3_EXT_d2i( pE ); // (stack of

for( ;; )
pGName = sk_GENERAL_NAME_value( pNames, i );

switch( pGName->type ) {

case GEN_URI:
case GEN_DNS:
case GEN_RID:
Look at crypto\X509\v3_genn.c

May be there is something new, more straightforward.

Hope it helps, it is very late in the night here.


-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Hal Murray
Envoyé : dimanche 17 avril 2022 00:02
À :
Objet : Re: How does a client get the server's SAN/DNS strings said:
> Can you explain *why* you want the list of DNS names?
> Is this just for logging..

Yes, just for logging.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

RE: How does a client get the server's SAN/DNS strings

2022-04-16 Thread Michel
Hi Hal,

Might be simpler to use the 'X509_VERIFY_PARAM...' interface.

Did you see :

Hope it helps,



-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Hal Murray
Envoyé : samedi 16 avril 2022 22:19
À :
Objet : How does a client get the server's SAN/DNS strings

I can get the subject and issuer with
  X509_get_subject_name and X509_get_issuer_name

I'm looking for something similar to get the SAN/DNS strings used to verify 
that this certificate is valid for the hostname provided via SSL_set1_host

Any API will be slightly complicated since there may be more than one

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

RE: Query regarding EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_cb

2022-03-30 Thread Michel
Hi Bala,

> Can you please help to understand the use of the callback function that can 
> be set during key generation ?

AFAI remember, nothing special except provide a way to show work is still 
running (using a progress bar for example) and a mechanism to cancel the 
generation if it lasts too long.

"If the callback returns 0 then the key generation operation is aborted and an 
error occurs. This might occur during a time consuming operation where a user 
clicks on a "cancel" button".

> Is EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_cb API replacement for the deprecated BN_GENCB_set_old 

No, BN_GENCB_set[...] is a similar mechanism but for Big Number / Prime (not 
*Key*) generation. 

Hope it helps,



RE: "Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY"

2021-06-27 Thread Michel
Hi Mariano,

My quick answer : your key file looks like an (old ?) custom *OpenSSH* format 
that *OpenSSL* cannot read natively.
You should easily find an OpenSSH command or other free tools to converts 
between formats.

Hope it helps,


-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de 
Mariano Gedisman-Córdoba via openssl-users
Envoyé : lundi 28 juin 2021 00:29
À :
Objet : "Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY"

Hello everyone!
I have googled this error to no avail, but all answers don’t seem to adjust to 
my particular case, or maybe I’m too novice at figuring it out.

I have this key file:

[key here]

I’m trying to use this key in order to log in to my Google cloud instance 
through browser console, and I get the following error:
"Error: Failed to read key. The key file must be ECDSA or RSA in PEM format. "

I googled how to achieve this, and tried the following on my local machine:
$ openssl rsa -in id_rsa.txt -out id_rsa.pem -outform PEM

Sadly, I run into this error:
unable to load Private Key
56081:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start 

As I said, Google did throw some clues, but nothing conclusive.
Note: I am running OS X El Cap.

Can anyone point out what am I doing wrong?

Thanks a lot in advance and I wish you a really good week!

RE: Can OpenSSL handle multiple authentication mechanisms on the same SSL context?

2021-06-26 Thread Michel
> We are trying to support a server that would support PSK and SRP
authentication mechanisms.
> Would multiple callbacks for different mechanisms work simultaneously on
the same SSL context?

My quick answer is Yes.

In a recent past I did some [multi-threaded] servers using both SRP and PSK
on the same context and I don't recall having encountered any problem.

I believe it was OpenSSL  1.1.1f using TLS 1.2 under Windows 32bits.


Hope it helps,



TLS 1.3 migration: how to get current SSL session authentication

2020-04-02 Thread Michel

By the way : 
It was possible to get the authentication from a TLS1.2 ciphersuite 
Using SSL_CIPHER_get_auth_nid().

With a TLS1.3 SSL_CIPHER, the result is logically 'any'.

So my question is : 
Is there any other [new ?] API to get the effective authentication mode 
from the current SSL session (RSA, PSK, ...) ? 
Or do we need to rely on a [/PSK like] callback ?



-Message d'origine-
A TLSv1.2 ciphersuite combines the symmetric cipher, 
with the key exchange algorithm, the authentication algorithm and the hash.
In TLSv1.3 we just have the symmetric cipher and hash. 

RE: Peer certificate verification in verify_callback

2020-04-02 Thread Michel
Hi Viktor,

Could you please elaborate on "...although doing the latter potentially
gives you the
opportunity to decorate them with auxiliary trust EKUs."

Does it mean "EKUs" "out of" the certificate ?

Is it just about using X509_STORE_set_trust() and the like as mentioned in 
X509_STORE_add_cert man page or something else ?



-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Viktor Dukhovni
Envoyé : lundi 30 mars 2020 23:19
À :
Objet : Re: Peer certificate verification in verify_callback


> I set up an X509_STORE object and then cycle through all of the
> certificate files in /etc/ssl/certs/, open them, and call
> PEM_read_X509() to get an X509 (certificate) object and then call
> X509_STORE_add_cert(x509_stor, certificate) to read the certificates
> into  my trusted store, X509_store object.

It would be far simpler to concatenate them into a single CAfile, or use
"c_rehash" to create the symlinks need to make the directory into a
workable CApath.  You should not have to manually load them into your
own store, although doing the latter potentially gives you the
opportunity to decorate them with auxiliary trust EKUs.

> If the user of this CTX is acting as a client and the server presents
> a certificate chain, and my trusted store has the root, the connection
> will work, as the chain is verified and trusted.



RE: Questions about signing an intermediate CA

2020-02-16 Thread Michel
And I am one of those who appreciates very much your 
explanations/clarifications for a long time.
Thank you again Michael.

> [...]
> And here on the openssl-users list there are people with widely varying 
> experience with and understanding of these matters; 
> [...]
> So it's useful to try to be very precise in our terminology.
> [...]
> --
> Michael Wojcik

Re: [openssl-users] Authentication over ECDHE

2018-12-25 Thread Michel
Thanks Matt for the reminder about the use of PSK in TLS 1.3.
This leads me to this other question :
Can someone please clarify what is the future of SRP starting with TLS 1.3 ?

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Re: [openssl-users] Graceful shutdown of TLS connection for blocking sockets

2017-10-09 Thread Michel
> From that point, the only logical conclusion that can be drawn is that 
> select() is for non-blocking I/O only. 

Ouahhh, it looks to me as an over-simplistic conclusion ! 
select() was not designed and written with future TLS state machine 
implementation in mind.

But maybe I shoudn't relaunch a debate...


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Re: [openssl-users] Graceful shutdown of TLS connection for blocking sockets

2017-10-09 Thread Michel
Hi Thomas,

As mentioned previously, I do NOT "want to block" or "hack" with OpenSSL
state machine. 
And again, I agree with you that non-blocking socket programming is best and
more flexible.

I just wanted to understand your point and it is now clear for me since I
read the BUGS section of
Thanks for this, I was not aware of that, I learned something today.

However I don't think this is a "common misunderstanding of select()" as it
is a *BUG* [hopefully] of only select() under linux.
Not a design implementation of *select() and friends* (pselect, poll, epoll,
...) on every other systems.
And on this matter, I don't believe that code relying on interface
documentation is *bad code* by nature, and - IMHO - a bug should be fixed
rather than killing everything around (kind of terrorism programming ? ;-).

Anyway, thanks to have shared your opinion and advices with me.



-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Thomas J. Hruska
Envoyé : lundi 9 octobre 2017 15:32
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] Graceful shutdown of TLS connection for blocking

On 10/9/2017 1:32 AM, Michel wrote:
>> With blocking sockets, you just loop back around and repeat the same 
>> call
> if either of those messages are returned by SSL_get_error(). No 
> select() required.
> Yes, you have to repeat the same call, but select() is still usefull, 
> especially with blocking sockets.

And leads to incorrect code and weird blocking scenarios.  Been there, done
that.  You're using select() wrong.  If you want to block, then block and
don't try to hack around it.  Otherwise use non-blocking.

This common misunderstanding of select() is precisely why calling it with a
blocking descriptor should trigger an exception that kills the application.
Doing so would bring a quick end to a lot of bad code.

Thomas Hruska
Shining Light Productions

Home of BMP2AVI and Win32 OpenSSL.
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Re: [openssl-users] Graceful shutdown of TLS connection for blocking sockets

2017-10-09 Thread Michel
> With blocking sockets, you just loop back around and repeat the same call
if either of those messages are returned by SSL_get_error(). No select()

Yes, you have to repeat the same call, but select() is still usefull,
especially with blocking sockets.



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Re: [openssl-users] Graceful shutdown of TLS connection for blocking sockets

2017-10-08 Thread Michel
Hi Thomas, 

I do not think that non-blocking code is hard to implement, but I am not
still convinced there is not some kind of confusion here.
Pardon me if I do not understand well your reasoning, but I just want to
highlight that SSL_read() contract is not to return TCP data, but SSL/TLS
data (if some are available), which is more work.
As described in, you
may encounter cases where TCP data is available, but just contains TLS
records with no usefull application data.

Can this be what you experienced or I missed your point ?



-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Thomas J. Hruska
Envoyé : dimanche 8 octobre 2017 22:56
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] Graceful shutdown of TLS connection for blocking

On 10/8/2017 7:28 AM, Michel wrote:
> While I understand that using non-blocking descriptors is a better 
> practice, I still do not see why select() should NEVER be used for 
> blocking sockets (except when combined/interfered with the internal 
> OpenSSL state machine or equivalent mechanism).
> Could you please elaborate or give an example ?
> Regards,
> Michel.

Example:  You call select(), it returns the descriptor as readable, you pass
it into SSL_read(), and SSL_read() blocks.  You are worse off than before
you used select() since you made the incorrect assumption that you could do
something when select() returns and not have a blocking socket block.

Just because select() says that something is readable (or writable) does not
actually make it so.  The function only makes sense for non-blocking
descriptors.  The use of select() with a blocking descriptor is always

Non-blocking code is actually easier to implement than you think.

Thomas Hruska
Shining Light Productions

Home of BMP2AVI and Win32 OpenSSL.
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Re: [openssl-users] Graceful shutdown of TLS connection for blocking sockets

2017-10-08 Thread Michel
While I understand that using non-blocking descriptors is a better practice,
I still do not see why select() should NEVER be used for blocking sockets
(except when combined/interfered with the internal OpenSSL state machine or
equivalent mechanism).

Could you please elaborate or give an example ?


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Re: [openssl-users] Personal CA: are cert serial numbers critical?

2017-08-16 Thread Michel
>> Another requirement is that a TLS server certificate shall have its identity 
>> (FQDN) in the SAN extension. Use of the commonName attribute has been 
>> deprecated long ago.

> Where is this documented ?

Might be of interest :

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Re: [openssl-users] Specify padding scheme with EVP_VerifyFinal

2017-02-23 Thread Michel


> Is it possible to specify a different padding scheme (e.g. 
> RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING) using this API ?

> If not, what is the easiest way to work around this "limitation" ?

Isn’t it what you are looking for : EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_padding() ?

and :

(OpenSSL version >= 1.0)


Hope it helps,





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Re: [openssl-users] FW: problem with missing STDINT.H file

2017-02-11 Thread Michel
> You guys are both important contributors to the project.


Personally I have learn a lot from your contributions.
Thanks Jakob and Michael.

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Re: [openssl-users] OpenSSL with Qt5 on Win7

2016-11-03 Thread Michel


As nmake is not in your current path, it looks like you didn’t launch the
‘Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio’.







De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Peissert, Roland (ext)
Envoyé : jeudi 3 novembre 2016 12:59
À :
Objet : [openssl-users] OpenSSL with Qt5 on Win7



I want to use OpenSSL with Qt5 on Win 7.

Is there any tutorial or how do or documentation, how to install and
recompile OpenSSL and Qt5 on Win7 ?


1.   I download still install Win 7 with Visual Studio 2015

2.   Then I install Q5 with Visual Studio AddOn for Qt

3.   Next I download OpenSSL openssl-1.1.0b.tar.gz from here:

4.   And I install Active Perl

5.   I made one folder C:\libsopenssl

6.   When I compile OpenSSL with this command: perl Configure VC-WIN32
no-asm –-prefix=c:\libsopenssl

7.I receive this error:


Thank you in advanced.


Best Regards

Roland Peissert

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Re: [openssl-users] GCM cipher decryption

2016-07-12 Thread Michel

Quick answer : as you probably noticed, IV, ciphertext and tag are expected
to be distinct buffers.
Consequently, ciphertext is just ciphertext (without IV or Tag).



-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Envoyé : mardi 12 juillet 2016 17:48
À :
Objet : [openssl-users] GCM cipher decryption


2 questions about GCM and the following OpenSSL-Sample please.

and the function

int decrypt(unsigned char *ciphertext, int ciphertext_len, unsigned char
*aad, int aad_len, unsigned char *tag, unsigned char *key, unsigned char
*iv, unsigned char *plaintext)

* Is ciphertext the pure ciperhtext OR
is it with IV and TAG still in the string??

* If the 2nd: The IV is expected to be in front of the ciphertext and the
TAG is expected to be past of the ciphertext - correct?
| IV | ciphertext | TAG |

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Re: [openssl-users] When to use a key or password

2016-07-08 Thread Michel


You need to remember a password. Passwords should never be stored.

Keys are binary data (even if they look as text because they are hexa or base64 

Secret keys can be 'derived' from a password to be used when encrypting or 

Sometime you need to store an ENCRYPTED secret key (generally using another 



IV means 'Initial Vector', which is random binary data needed to 'start' 
encryption or decryption.



Hope it helps,





De : openssl-users [] De la part de 
Warron French
Envoyé : jeudi 7 juillet 2016 22:37
À :
Objet : [openssl-users] When to use a key or password

Is there any good rule of thumb for when to use:

-k  versus


Also, what does the term IV refer to in reference to -iv IV?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [openssl-users] good riddance to PayPal

2016-05-06 Thread Michel
Hi steve,

Isn't it conceivable to ask one of the European payment service provider to
sponsor you by offering a free account / accesss to their plateform ?
I know some which are secured only with the help of your product.
They should be proud to help in return.
-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Steve Marquess
Envoyé : vendredi 6 mai 2016 01:00
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] good riddance to PayPal

Note we would qualify to have a direct "merchant account" with one of the
major credit card processors, but found out there is a requirement that the
web site on which payments are processed be located in the U.S.
Our servers are all in Europe, appropriately so.

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Re: [openssl-users] Is SHA hashing algorithm reversable?

2016-04-04 Thread Michel

> But i saw some online websites giving the original data by reversing the
hash data.

If they can, this is NOT by reversing the hash data.

You will find lots of articles on the web to explain how it can be
for example :

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Re: [openssl-users] Info about size

2016-03-21 Thread Michel
Hi Alphonso,

Did you see that :

Hope this helps,


-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Alfonso Coscione
Envoyé : lundi 21 mars 2016 15:23
À :
Objet : [openssl-users] Info about size

Hi OpenSSL Staff,

sorry for disturb.
I'm an italian young engineer and I'm working on new software project that
wuold want to use yours openssl library to realize an encryption/decryption
protocol to use for downloading updates from a server.
I try to find on web some informations, but i'm not able to understand about
the sizes.
I explain better.
I've to know, more exactly, how to calculate the dimension of an encrypted
text after an encryption with a private key with an RSA protocol.. and so,
also the dimension of a decrypted text after an decryption with a public
I don't know if you can help me.. I would appreciate any help or suggestion.

Sorry for disturb and thanks for all your work.

Alfonso Coscione

"before giving good advice, we must give good life it takes
consistency .. !!"

- Please respect the environment before printing this email unless
absolutely necessary. -
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Re: [openssl-users] About no-ssl2

2016-03-19 Thread Michel

-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Viktor Dukhovni
Envoyé : mercredi 16 mars 2016 23:40
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] About no-ssl2


> In what release?

Sorry, I forgot to mention : current release 1.1.0 (pre 4)

> The "OPENSSL_NO_..." macros specify disabled features, not deleted code.

Yes I understand this point, but I was thinking it was also used more
generally to inform about [un]available functionalities.


Thanks for your answer Viktor.


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Re: [openssl-users] Questions about OCB and Wrap modes

2016-03-19 Thread Michel
Thank you again and again Matt, 



-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Matt Caswell
Envoyé : vendredi 18 mars 2016 13:08
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] Questions about OCB and Wrap modes

On 15/03/16 11:12, Michel wrote:
> Hi,
> As there was some discussion about AEAD, I am still curious to know 
> why OCB mode isn't flagged as one of them :
> assert( EVP_CIPHER_flags( EVP_aes_128_ocb() ) &
> Can someone please explain this to me ?

Yes. It's a bug! :-)

Now fixed in git.

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[openssl-users] About no-ssl2

2016-03-19 Thread Michel


IMHO, whether SSL2 is completly removed or disabled, I would have expected
opensslconf.h to reflect the situation to applications.

But now, it just contains : 


# define OPENSSL_NO_SSL3



Was it really intended ?






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[openssl-users] enc oddities, bad decrypt, bad magig, too bad

2016-03-10 Thread Michel


I had to write a small program which at some point need to encrypt a piece

data that I intended to be able to decrypt later (at least) using OpenSLL.

So I started to review the doc about the enc command.

I saw that it was possible to use salt, key, IV and/or a passphrase.

Though I believed naively it will be a simple task ... but it was not so


First I tried : 

openssl enc-aes-128-cbc -iv ... -K ... -in ... -out ...

openssl enc -d -aes-128-cbc -iv ... -K ... -in ... 

It works as expected.


I checked it was possible to retrieve the key and IV given the salt :

openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -S ... -P



iv =...

It also works as expected.


I checked [unfortunately] with a passphrase :

openssl enc-aes-128-cbc -S ... -in ... -out ...  

openssl enc -d -aes-128-cbc -S ... -in ... 

It works as expected.


I was happy with that and confident enouth to start working.

Then I tried :

openssl enc -d -aes-128-cbc -iv ... -K ... -in ... 

But it fails with "bad decrypt"

So I search for errors in my code.


Then trying desperately anything and everything I was surprised that :

openssl enc -d -aes-128-cbc -in ... 

Succeeded ?

I started to understand that the salt was stored with the data.

Happy again (not for long), I tried :

openssl enc-aes-128-cbc -iv ... -K ... -in ... -out ...

openssl enc -d -aes-128-cbc -in ... 

But this time got 'bad magic number'.


It was late and I felt down as I didn't see any 'magic', just curse !


Now the reason :

Yes the salt is stored with the encrypting data. But not always.

And not only when it is not supplied (therefore generated).

It is stored when no key is given.

And when stored, even good IV and key fails to decrypt. 

You must enter the password (but are NOT prompted for).


In the hope it will save some time to others,



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Re: [openssl-users] Developing CA with Openssl library

2016-03-02 Thread Michel


Just a suggestion : did you see XCA : ?






De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Envoyé : mercredi 2 mars 2016 09:37
À :
Objet : [openssl-users] Developing CA with Openssl library


Dear users,
I want to develop my own CA with openssl library …

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Re: [openssl-users] Is verification supposed to fail with SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT without SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list?

2016-02-27 Thread Michel
Hi Jeff,

The test I just ran was done with NO custom callback :
SSL_CTX_set_verify( pCtx, AUTH_REQUIRE, NULL );
with AUTH_REQUIRE defined as ( SSL_VERIFY_PEER | 

-Message d'origine-
De : Jeffrey Walton [] 
Envoyé : samedi 27 février 2016 23:48

Does your server use the default verify callback? Or does it have a custom 
(The original question uses the default verify callback).

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Re: [openssl-users] Is verification supposed to fail with SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT without SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list?

2016-02-27 Thread Michel
Really ? 
As your post alarmed me, I tried my tests programs again and didn't noticed
anything wrong.
I have a server code whose context is configured with SSL_VERIFY_PEER |
SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT and which do not call
In this case, handshake is failing as expected when clients didn't send a
OpenSSL Windows 32 bits version 1.1 from git repo yesterday.

-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Jeffrey Walton
Envoyé : samedi 27 février 2016 22:22
À : OpenSSL Users List
Objet : [openssl-users] Is verification supposed to fail with

This came up recently on Stack Overflow. The server code specified
SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list. The connection did not fail as expected.

Looking at the man page for SSL_CTX_set_verify [1] and
SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list [2] it looks like the connection is supposed to
fail. From [1]:


Server mode: if the client did not return a certificate,
the TLS/SSL handshake is immediately terminated
with a "handshake failure" alert...

Is verification supposed to fail with SSL_VERIFY_PEER |
SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT regardless of the interactions with
SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list? Or is there a hidden dependency on

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Re: [openssl-users] PEM_read and write SSL_SESSION

2016-02-27 Thread Michel


Quoting Andy  about applink : "New code should rather abstain from using above 
mentioned subset of OpenSSL API (whatever using FILE*)".


So using the bio* version instead,

PEM_write_bio_SSL_SESSION( bio_st*, ssl_session_st*)

PEM_read_bio_SSL_SESSION( bio_st*, ssl_session_st**, int (char*, int, int, 
void*) *, void* )

are declared and implemented using macros as you can see in 
include\openssl\pem.h, starting line 156

(or search for "PEM_read/PEM_write functions")


You can use them as simply as (s_server.c, s_client.c ) :

SSL_SESSION *sess = PEM_read_bio_SSL_SESSION( pBIO, NULL, 0, NULL );

PEM_write_bio_SSL_SESSION( pBIO, SSL_get_session( pSSL ) );


They finally call :



about which more info can be found on


Hope this helps,





De : openssl-users [] De la part de 
Shubham Chauhan
Envoyé : vendredi 26 février 2016 12:51
À :
Objet : [openssl-users] PEM_read and write SSL_SESSION


If anyone is familiar with the PEM_read_SSL_SESSION and PEM_write_SSL_SESSION 
functions, please let me know about the arguments and the usage of these 
functions, in a bit detailed fashion.

It'll be really helpful.


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Re: [openssl-users] Need information on AES encryption and decryption Key and IV type

2016-02-26 Thread Michel
As Rich already answered : "The IV, key, and ciphertext are all binary
arrays of bytes."
This is not specific to AES.
Converting from or to hex (or Base64) strings is needed only to read from or
print to outside your C program.
Values passed to EVP_*() calls are expected to be raw (binary) data :
unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv, as documented in
(and do not rely on the 'bogus' key and IV values in the do_crypt()
-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Envoyé : vendredi 26 février 2016 17:30
À :
Objet : [openssl-users] Need information on AES encryption and decryption
Key and IV type


I am using Openssl for encryption and decryption.
I need some information on AES encryption and decryption key and iv type.
My doubt is when we are using a openssl in command line we need to pass key
and iv as hex strings right?
and same when we are EVP calls in C/C++ programming what is the type of Key
and Iv. i mean it should a hex string or raw binary values?

I saw, openssl command line interface code of openssl in that the hex
strings are converted into hex values.
But in EVP calls the Key and Iv are used directly.

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Re: [openssl-users] Problem in decryption using python which cipher text is encrypted in c++

2016-02-22 Thread Michel
Hi Sugumar,

I might misunderstand your need but 'Hex' (as 'Base64') is just an encoding
method to ease use of characters that are not printable.
Your example hex string IV : "12345678901234567890123456789012" should be
converted to :

unsigned char IV[16] = { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56,
0x78, 0x90, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0x12 };
in other words   = { 18,   52,   86,   120,  144,  18,   52,   86,
120,  144,  18,   52,   86,   120,  144,  18   }; (decimal values)

-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Envoyé : lundi 22 février 2016 06:10
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] Problem in decryption using python which cipher
text is encrypted in c++

Thanks for your reply.

Correct me if i am wrong.
What i have understood from your point is, i have to read the first 2 char
of 32 char IV and convert into a byte array right?
For example: my IV "12345678901234567890123456789012"
I have read first 2 char i.e "12" then i have to convert it into byte array.

Please give me some more clear idea about this. 
If u have any example for this please post it for our better understanding.

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Re: [openssl-users] (Probably) Silly Application Programming Question

2016-01-13 Thread Michel
Hi Karl,


I believe it could be helpful to have a look at the 509_check_host() and 
do_x509_check() source code in crypto\x509v3\v3_utl.c.

Also, if you want to parse the SAN just for certificate validation, it is now 
easier to use :


Hope this helps,






De : openssl-users [] De la part de 
Karl Denninger
Envoyé : lundi 11 janvier 2016 04:08
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] (Probably) Silly Application Programming Question


Yeah, now I just have to figure out how to parse the X509 Extension data from 
the certificate to pull out the SubjectAltName information :-)

There wouldn't be a snippet of code laying around somewhere that does that 
given a X509 cert as input would there?  It looks a bit arcane


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Re: [openssl-users] suggested enhancement documentation or warning for pkey command line tool

2015-10-27 Thread Michel
Thanks Viktor for your answer, and Jakob for clarifying my thought.
My english isn't good enough to argue with both of you, but obviously, I do
agree with what you have proposed.


-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Jakob Bohm
Envoyé : mardi 27 octobre 2015 02:21
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] suggested enhancement documentation or warning
for pkey command line tool

On 26/10/2015 14:02, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 01:21:24PM +0100, Michel wrote:
>> I believe it might be usefull to remind in the documentation that the
>> -cipher argment for openssl pkey command line tool is silently ignore
>> combined with -outform DER.
>> May be it is worth to add a warning too ?
> I think a fatal error would be appropriate.  If you want encrypted
> DER keys, you'll need PKCS#8 or PKCS#12.
But the issue is how to make the key conversion command
in the openssl command line tool encrypt the output file,
not which encryption format it should use.

More specifically, the issue is that the currently
recommended command "openssl pkey", allegedly silently
omits the encryption when told not to Base64 encode the
encrypted key, which is complete nonsense and would be
considered a security issue in any other tool.

I see no particular reason why the "openssl pkey" command
should not encrypt the key in exactly the same way as it
does when Base64 encoding the key, in other words the
difference between -outform DER and -outform PEM should be
*only* the Base64 encoding and the associated decorative
text lines.

Doing something highly dangerous (outputting a private key
unencrypted contrary to user request) in response to an
unrelated option (-outform DER) is a really bad thing.

While on this subject, it would be most useful if all the
openssl command line tools that can output private keys
supported the same command line options to indicate
encryption or lack thereof, specifically, those commands
that currently default to unencrypted should still accept
the "-nodes" command, and should complain if invoked with
the "-passout" option but no encryption request.  5 to 10
years later, it should then be possible to change the
default to encrypted, confident that adding explicit "-nodes"
to scripts and examples will not fail on any reasonably
maintained systems (including systems where openssl is built
by some upstream OS maker).


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.
Transformervej 29, 2860 Søborg, Denmark.  Direct +45 31 13 16 10
This public discussion message is non-binding and may contain errors.
WiseMo - Remote Service Management for PCs, Phones and Embedded

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[openssl-users] suggested enhancement documentation or warning for pkey command line tool

2015-10-26 Thread Michel

I believe it might be usefull to remind in the documentation that the
-cipher argment for openssl pkey command line tool is silently ignore when
combined with -outform DER.

May be it is worth to add a warning too ? 

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Re: [openssl-users] Encryption length, OpenSSL_add_all_algorithm, and OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers questions

2015-03-27 Thread Michel
Hi again Phil,

May be I read your mail too quickly.
 … so we don't have the correct encrypted length value to pass to
the decryption routine.

How is it possible ?
If you stored the encrypted data, you should at least know the size of what
is in the file or the database column, don't you ?

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Re: [openssl-users] Encryption length, OpenSSL_add_all_algorithm, and OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers questions

2015-03-27 Thread Michel
It's me again,

If you have to store binary data without a way to get the correct length
later, you should instead endode it in a 'textual' form before storage :
base64 or hexa.

Is it what you were asking for ?

-Message d'origine-
De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Envoyé : vendredi 27 mars 2015 18:27
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] Encryption length, OpenSSL_add_all_algorithm,
and OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers questions

Hi again Phil,

May be I read your mail too quickly.
 … so we don't have the correct encrypted length value to pass to
the decryption routine.

How is it possible ?
If you stored the encrypted data, you should at least know the size of what
is in the file or the database column, don't you ?

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Re: [openssl-users] Encryption length, OpenSSL_add_all_algorithm, and OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers questions

2015-03-27 Thread Michel
Hi Phil,

First, let me emphasized that Richard was rigth in a previous post : it is
not good pratice to compare login info to decrypted password.
It is better NOT to keep user password when possible, and compare login to
salted hash password instead.

As you already know : the encrypted length is length of clear text + size of
1 cipher block if padding is enabled.
As a result, the length of the clear text is allways shorter (or equal) than
the length of the cipher text.
And the EVP_DecryptFinal() function will NOT count the number of padding
bytes it has removed in the value returned in the 'outl' parameter.
So, to retrieve the total clear text length, you can safely do like the
example at :
(in this example, it is obviously named 'plaintext_len')

I hope I did not misunderstand you,
And hope this helps,



De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Philip Bellino
Envoyé : vendredi 27 mars 2015 13:48
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] Encryption length, OpenSSL_add_all_algorithm,
and OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers questions

Thank you very much for your email.
The example given in your email works out fine if the encryption and
decryption are performed in the same routine.
The problem we are having is that we perform the encryption and then at some
in the future we need to do the decryption.
At that point, we do not have the clear text password available nor do we
know the length that was the result of the previous
encryption so we don't have the correct encrypted length value to pass to
the decryption routine.
Some passwords have encrypted results that have nulls embedded in them, so
strlen() cannot be used on the
encrypted result  to get its length.
Have you come across a situation such as this or is there something else you
can suggest to me?

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Re: [openssl-users] Encryption length, OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms, and OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers questions

2015-03-26 Thread Michel
Hi Phil,


 … or is the encrypted length put into the encrypted information so an EVP
call is available to retrieve it?

It is NOT the case.


May not be the answer you expected :

The encrypted length is length of clear text + size of 1 cipher block  if
padding is enabled.


 is calling OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms (or OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers) and
the corresponding EVP_cleanup call necessary for each encrypt and  decrypt

NO, and It should NOT, especially in multi-threaded applications  :

A typical application will call OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() initially and
EVP_cleanup() before exiting.


Also :


Hope this helps,






De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Philip Bellino
Envoyé : jeudi 26 mars 2015 15:53
À :
Objet : [openssl-users] Encryption length, OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms, and
OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers questions


I am using OpenSSL-1.0.2a EVP routines to encrypt and decrypt passwords

with cipher des_ede3_cbc as follows:


encrypt routines:







decrypt routines:







similar to examples found here:


Passwords are encrypted and stored when created, and decrypted

at a later time to compare against the password

given upon login. None of the examples show determining the length

of the encrypted information via an EVP call in order to pass

that information to the decryption routines. Should I assume it

is incumbent upon the coder to store the encrypted length when

storing the encrypted password, for retrieval later? Or is the encrypted

length put into the encrypted information so an EVP call is available to

retrieve it? I believe from all the information I see that it is the former.


Please confirm this for me.


Also, is calling OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms (or OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers)

and the corresponding EVP_cleanup call necessary for each encrypt and

decrypt? My encryption and decryption seem to be working without calling

those routines but after seeing them used (for examples in test/evp_test.c),
I don't understand why.


Any insight that can be shared would be most appreciated.

Thank you.


Phil Bellino

Principal Software Engineer | MRV Communications Inc.

300 Apollo Drive |  Chelmsford, MA 01824 

Phone: 978-674-6870  |   Fax: 978-674-6799


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Re: [openssl-users] Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l

2015-01-25 Thread Michel SALES
Hi Avery,

I am afraid your program demonstrates very little.

If you load OpenSSL library, you have to call some of the OpenSSL free
functions as indicated in a previous post,
and if you create a thread, you have to call CloseHandle() :

#include windows.h
#include crtdbg.h

#include openssl/ssl.h
#include openssl/err.h

DWORD __stdcall thread1( LPVOID l )
for( int i=0; i7; i++ ) 
return 0;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
//  _crtBreakAlloc = ...;


DWORD  t1;
HANDLE h1 = CreateThread( 0, 0, thread1, 0, 0, t1 );

for( int i=0; i7; i++ ) Sleep(1000);

if( h1 ) { 
WaitForSingleObject( thread1, INFINITE );
CloseHandle( h1 );

sk_SSL_COMP_free( SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods());


return 0;

Hope it helps,


De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Avery A. Tarasov
Envoyé : samedi 24 janvier 2015 22:34
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL

Hi Michel,

It doesn't appear to be related to that.  I added CloseHandle's and got the
same result.

Here are my updated findings... The following simple program still causes
the same Handle Leaks...

Important findings:

1)  If    SSL_library_init() and SSL_load_error_strings() are removed (which
are the only 2 OpenSSL functions I'm using) the handle leaks go away.. 
2)  If    SSL_library_init() and SSL_load_error_strings() are kept but the
creation of the thread is removed  -- no more handle leaks..

So the problem is something related to the combination of loading OpenSSL
and creating a thread (even though that thread does nothing whatsoever
related to OpenSSL).  Very odd.

DWORD __stdcall thread1(LPVOID l)
    {   Sleep(1000);    }
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR
lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {

 SSL_library_init();   // if these 2 lines removed
    SSL_load_error_strings();  // no more handle leaks
    DWORD t1;
    HANDLE h1=CreateThread(0,0,thread1,0,0,t1);  if(h1==0)  {  return
0; }  CloseHandle(h1);  //if  SSL_library_init(); and
SSL_load_error_strings();  are kept  but this line is removed... no more
handle leaks


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Re: [openssl-users] Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l

2015-01-25 Thread Michel SALES
Hi Avery,

 In the code I sent over before, I was calling CloseHandle on the thread:
 HANDLE h1=CreateThread(0,0,thread1,0,0,t1);  if(h1==0) { return
0; } CloseHandle(h1);

Yes, but you were trying to close the handle of a thread which was still
running !
I have not checked what happens in this case.

I am not sure to fully understand what your are doing now, but with the
modified version I've sent to you, _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() doesn't report any
problem on my Windows 7 64 bits machine.

Just another quick idea : why not try _beginthread() instead of
CreateThread() ?


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Re: [openssl-users] Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l

2015-01-25 Thread Michel SALES
Hi Avery,

I am afraid your program demonstrates very little.

If you load OpenSSL library, you have to call some of the OpenSSL free
functions as indicated in a previous post,
and if you create a thread, you have to call CloseHandle() :

#include windows.h
#include crtdbg.h

#include openssl/ssl.h
#include openssl/err.h

DWORD __stdcall thread1( LPVOID l )
for( int i=0; i7; i++ ) 
return 0;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
//  _crtBreakAlloc = ...;


DWORD  t1;
HANDLE h1 = CreateThread( 0, 0, thread1, 0, 0, t1 );

for( int i=0; i7; i++ ) Sleep(1000);

if( h1 ) { 
WaitForSingleObject( thread1, INFINITE );
CloseHandle( h1 );

sk_SSL_COMP_free( SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods());


return 0;

Hope it helps,


De : openssl-users [] De la part de
Avery A. Tarasov
Envoyé : samedi 24 janvier 2015 22:34
À :
Objet : Re: [openssl-users] Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL

Hi Michel,

It doesn't appear to be related to that.  I added CloseHandle's and got the
same result.

Here are my updated findings... The following simple program still causes
the same Handle Leaks...

Important findings:

1)  If    SSL_library_init() and SSL_load_error_strings() are removed (which
are the only 2 OpenSSL functions I'm using) the handle leaks go away.. 
2)  If    SSL_library_init() and SSL_load_error_strings() are kept but the
creation of the thread is removed  -- no more handle leaks..

So the problem is something related to the combination of loading OpenSSL
and creating a thread (even though that thread does nothing whatsoever
related to OpenSSL).  Very odd.

DWORD __stdcall thread1(LPVOID l)
    {   Sleep(1000);    }
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR
lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {

 SSL_library_init();   // if these 2 lines removed
    SSL_load_error_strings();  // no more handle leaks
    DWORD t1;
    HANDLE h1=CreateThread(0,0,thread1,0,0,t1);  if(h1==0)  {  return
0; }  CloseHandle(h1);  //if  SSL_library_init(); and
SSL_load_error_strings();  are kept  but this line is removed... no more
handle leaks


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Re: [openssl-users] Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l

2015-01-25 Thread Michel SALES
Hi Avery,

 In the code I sent over before, I was calling CloseHandle on the thread:
 HANDLE h1=CreateThread(0,0,thread1,0,0,t1);  if(h1==0) { return
0; } CloseHandle(h1);

Yes, but you were trying to close the handle of a thread which was still
running !
I have not checked what happens in this case.

I am not sure to fully understand what your are doing now, but with the
modified version I've sent to you, _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() doesn't report any
problem on my Windows 7 64 bits machine.

Just another quick idea : why not try _beginthread() instead of
CreateThread() ?


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Re: [openssl-users] Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l

2015-01-24 Thread Michel SALES


Just a quick answer : I didn't find any call to CloseHandle() function in your 


Best regards,



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Re: [openssl-users] Proper cleanup functions being called?

2015-01-22 Thread Michel SALES
1)  Am I correct that I only need to call the SSL_library_init(); and 
SSL_load_error_strings();  once at the beginning of the program , and not at 
the beginning of each thread?



2)  Should I be doing any other cleanup functions within the threads?

Yes, ERR_remove_state()

Should I be doing any other cleanup operations ?


Probably some of (before exiting main thread only) :





CONF_modules_unload( 1 );


sk_SSL_COMP_free( SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods());



Hope it helps,




De : openssl-users [] De la part de 
Avery A. Tarasov
Envoyé : jeudi 22 janvier 2015 06:36
À :
Objet : [openssl-users] Proper cleanup functions being called?


Hi All,

I am using OpenSSL 1.0.1l   in Win32 environment.  At the beginning of my 
program I call


Those functions are only called once.

Then I have 3 threads which can't possibly be run at the same time due to 
mutexes I'm setting with WaitForSingleObject and ReleaseMutex.  Those 3 threads 
use these functions below and all variables in those threads are local to the 
threads (e.g. no globals).


(cleanup functions.. if conditions used to prevent double frees, etc.)

My questions are the following:

1)  Am I correct that I only need to call the SSL_library_init(); and 
SSL_load_error_strings();  once at the beginning of the program , and not at 
the beginning of each thread?
2)  Should I be doing any other cleanup functions within the threads?

My program appears to work perfectly but a tool is complaining about memory 
leaks in _CRYPTO_malloc, _asn1_enc_save,  _asn1_item_ex_d2i, _d2i_X509

Handle leaks


In fact I get memory leaks reported if I just doSSL_library_init(); alone

Despite the reports of the leaks my program seems to run fine for days and stay 
consistent in memory used.  But I'm feeling paranoid something just isn't quite 

Should I be doing any other cleanup operations?

Thanks for the assistance.

Best Regards,

-Avery T.

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Re: Possibility to cache ca-bundle and reuse it between SSL sessions?

2014-06-25 Thread Michel

Excerpt from the book : Network Security with OpenSSL :

An SSL_CTX object will be a factory for producing SSL connection objects.
This context allows us to set connection configuration parameters before 
the connection is made, such as protocol version, certificate 
information, and verification requirements.
It is easiest to think of SSL_CTX objects as the containers for default 
values for the SSL connections to be made by a program.

In general, an application will create just one SSL_CTX object for all 
of the connections it makes.

And Yes, this is also true for multithreaded connections, as long as we 
are aware of :

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Decryption succeed in GCM mode when tag is truncated

2014-06-19 Thread Michel

Ok, I have missed that point (and probably many others...)
I need to go deeper to better understand things,
and I am grateful for your explanations.

Le 18/06/2014 20:25, Thulasi Goriparthi a écrit :
In the test program, you are feeding a fixed ccm_tag to decryption 
process. This will not work for CCM, as tag length itself will also be 
an input for tag generation. Change in tag length, will change the tag 
produced. I modified the decryption api(aes_ccm_decrypt) to take the 
tag generated by encryption api(aes_ccm_encrypt). It works fine.

Note: Tag length will internally be embedded within the IV(nonce).

On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Michel wrote:

I tried all of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 values, and always got a
Plaintext not available: tag verify failed.
Even when tag length of decryption was equal to tag length of
It just works for : tag length of decryption = tag length of
encryption = 16.

Re: Decryption succeed in GCM mode when tag is truncated

2014-06-19 Thread Michel

Hey, thanks Jeff !

I also inadvertently found an interresting article of a certain M. J. W. ...
I should have read more carefully :
particularly when it states : It is up to the receiver to determine 
whether to accept a tag which is truncated.

I take the opportunity to thank the numerous people on this list from 
whom I have learned a lot reading at their posts,

I cannot name them all, but Dave if one of them.

Le 19/06/2014 11:19, Jeffrey Walton a écrit :

If AEAD schemes are your thing, then you might take a look at David
Wagner's Slide 7
has a nice comparison of CCM, CWC, EAX and GCM modes of operation.

OpenSSL Project
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Decryption succeed in GCM mode when tag is truncated

2014-06-18 Thread Michel

Hi all,

I was surprised that decryption succeeded in GCM mode althought the tag 
was shorter than the one produced when encrypting,

as it is not the case in CCM. Is it the intended behaviour ?

In order to rule out a possible bug in my program, I finally used the 
example code at :
using OpenSSL 1.0.1h.

When altering line 91 of of aesccm.c with 'sizeof(ccm_tag)-1', 
decryption failed.
But doing the same with aesgcm.c, line 100 : sizeof(gcm_tag)-10, 
decryption succeeded.

Thanks in advance for any assistance with this.

OpenSSL Project
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Automated List Manager

Re: Decryption succeed in GCM mode when tag is truncated

2014-06-18 Thread Michel

Thank for your answer.

But isn't this strategy very hazardous ?
And why just for GCM and not CCM ?

Le 18/06/2014 14:37, Thulasi Goriparthi a écrit :

EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx,  EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_TAG,  sizeof(gcm_tag),  gcm_tag);

When you change tag length with the above statement,  you are telling
the decrypt context to consider only those many number of bytes
for tag comparision.

Re: Decryption succeed in GCM mode when tag is truncated

2014-06-18 Thread Michel
I tried all of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 values, and always got a 
Plaintext not available: tag verify failed.

Even when tag length of decryption was equal to tag length of encryption.
It just works for : tag length of decryption = tag length of encryption 
= 16.

Thanks again for your help.

Le 18/06/2014 16:14, Thulasi Goriparthi a écrit :

Truncate-able tags gave a way to truncated hmac extension.
Haven't gone through CCM RFC 3610 completely.

I can see the restriction of possible M values(Tag lengths) to 2, 4, 
6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. Can you try reducing the tag size accordingly 
and see if it succeeds.

OpenSSL Project
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OpenSSL windows build fails when no-engine no-hw options

2014-06-10 Thread Michel

When configure'd with no-engine and no-hw options, build of OpenSSL 
1.0.1h on Windows 7 failed.
Although it might not be the best solution, the attached patch solved 
this (for static linking) by adding or moving up some related 
preprocessor directives.

But still leaves a problem when dynamic linking :
LIBEAY32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
LIBEAY32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 

I tried to modify the libeay.num file for these two symbols (I added 
'ENGINE' at the end of the lines 3873 and 4098), but this didn't solved 
this issue, proving that I still do not understand the whole build 
process :-(

Does anyone know about this matter ?

--- ccgost/gost2001.c	Thu Jun 05 11:41:31 2014
+++ ccgost/gost2001.c	Sun Jun 08 00:09:58 2014
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
  *  Implementation of GOST R 34.10-2001    *
  *  Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation*
 #include gost_lcl.h
 #include gost_params.h
 #include string.h
@@ -341,3 +344,4 @@
 	return gost2001_compute_public(ec);
+#endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE */
\ No newline at end of file
--- ccgost/gost2001_keyx.c	Thu Jun 05 11:41:31 2014
+++ ccgost/gost2001_keyx.c	Sun Jun 08 00:07:01 2014
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
  *   based PKCS7/SMIME support*
  *  Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation*
 #include openssl/evp.h
 #include openssl/rand.h
 #include string.h
@@ -18,8 +21,6 @@
 #include gost_lcl.h
 #include gost2001_keyx.h
 /* Implementation of CryptoPro VKO 34.10-2001 algorithm */
 static int VKO_compute_key(unsigned char *shared_key,size_t shared_key_size,const EC_POINT *pub_key,EC_KEY *priv_key,const unsigned char *ukm)
@@ -306,3 +307,5 @@
 	if (gkt) GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
 	return ret;
+#endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE */
--- ccgost/gost94_keyx.c	Thu Jun 05 11:41:31 2014
+++ ccgost/gost94_keyx.c	Sun Jun 08 00:10:11 2014
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
  *	  *
  *  Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation*
 #include string.h
 #include openssl/dh.h
 #include openssl/rand.h
@@ -289,3 +292,4 @@
 	return -1;
+#endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE */
\ No newline at end of file
--- ccgost/gost_ameth.c	Thu Jun 05 11:44:33 2014
+++ ccgost/gost_ameth.c	Sun Jun 08 00:07:55 2014
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
  *   for OpenSSL  *
  *  Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation*
 #include string.h
 #include openssl/crypto.h
 #include openssl/err.h
@@ -943,3 +946,5 @@
 	return 1;
+#endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE */
\ No newline at end of file
--- ccgost/gost_asn1.c	Thu Jun 05 11:41:31 2014
+++ ccgost/gost_asn1.c	Sun Jun 08 00:08:07 2014
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
  *   ASN1 structure definition for GOST key transport *
  *  Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation*
 #include stdio.h
 #include openssl/asn1t.h
 #include openssl/x509.h
@@ -53,3 +56,5 @@
+#endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE */
\ No newline at end of file
--- ccgost/gost_crypt.c	Thu Jun 05 11:41:31 2014
+++ ccgost/gost_crypt.c	Sun Jun 08 00:08:18 2014
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
  *   OpenSSL interface to GOST 28147-89 cipher functions  *
  *  Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation*
 #include string.h
 #include gost89.h
 #include openssl/rand.h
@@ -632,3 +635,4 @@
 	return 1;
+#endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE */
\ No newline at end of file
--- ccgost/gost_ctl.c	Thu Jun 05 11:41:31 2014
+++ ccgost/gost_ctl.c	Sun Jun 08 00:08:42 2014
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
  *Implementation of control commands for GOST engine  *
  *OpenSSL 0.9.9 libraries required*
 #include stdlib.h
 #include string.h
 #include openssl/crypto.h
@@ -87,3 +90,5 @@
 	return 1;
+#endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE */
--- ccgost/gost_eng.c	Thu Jun 05 11:44:33 2014
+++ ccgost/gost_eng.c	Sun Jun 08 00:08:57 2014
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
  *   for OpenSSL  *

Re: encrypt - salt

2014-05-16 Thread Michel


It is PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC(), in  crypto/evp/p5_crpt2.c

Le 16/05/2014 10:14, Hooman Fazaeli a écrit :

Which openssl function does key derivation based on PKCS#5v2?

Re: backward compatibility for tls 1.2

2014-05-13 Thread Michel


Here is a related previous discussion with some more details :

Le 13/05/2014 12:45, Gayathri Manoj a écrit :

Hi All,

I am planning to upgrade my tls connection from 1.0 to 1.2.  I have 
made changes from the client side and am able to see the client hello 
with tls version 1.2. The server supports only 1.0 and the client is 
not falling back to 1.0 and giving me a fatal that Protocol version alert.

Please let me know shall I need to add backward compatibility code 
separately. If yes then how can i do it. Could you please provide some 
example for the same.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

1.0.2 beta 1 failed to build when no-nextprotoneg defined

2014-02-28 Thread Michel

My build failed when compiling openssl 1.0.2 beta 1 with no-nextprotoneg 
defined :

.\ssl\s3_clnt.c(413) : error C2065: 'SSL3_ST_CW_SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_A'

I solved this just by moving line 636 of ssl3.h 3 lines above.
Diff file is attached.

--- D:/openssl-1.0.2-beta1/ssl/ssl3.h   Fri Feb 28 13:02:46 2014
+++ H:/openssl-1.0.2-beta1/ssl/ssl3.h   Mon Feb 24 13:36:16 2014
@@ -630,10 +630,10 @@

Re: Prime number generation goes in infinite loop in OpenAT

2014-01-21 Thread Michel

Hi  Nischal,

As previously mentioned, I solved my problem using what I assume to be 
the appropriate parameters.

So, it won't help you directly.
I was only suggesting that infinite loop in those funtions seems to 
occur because of misuse/bad call/bad context, ... we would normally 
expect to return immediatly with an error code and that it may be 
possible to code the underlying logic with clear end/exit loop condition(s).

I was also hoping to draw attention to more qualified people on this matter.

Le 21/01/2014 10:45, Nischal a écrit :

Hi Michel,
In my case, 'add' and 'rem' parameters are NULL
I also agree with you, that 'goto' should be avoided, but that is written by
OpenSSL guys.
Can you please let me know, how did you get rid of this problem.
I have checked everywhere, but did not get any solution, which can solve my

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: Prime number generation goes in infinite loop in OpenAT

2014-01-21 Thread Michel

I didn't see it before, but in fact, it is stated in the 'bugs' section :
|RSA_generate_key()| goes into an infinite loop for illegal input values.

Did you read :
Le 21/01/2014 17:50, Michel a écrit :

Hi Nischal,

As previously mentioned, I solved my problem using what I assume to be 
the appropriate parameters.

So, it won't help you directly.
I was only suggesting that infinite loop in those funtions seems to 
occur because of misuse/bad call/bad context, ... we would normally 
expect to return immediatly with an error code and that it may be 
possible to code the underlying logic with clear end/exit loop 
I was also hoping to draw attention to more qualified people on this 

Le 21/01/2014 10:45, Nischal a écrit :

Hi Michel,
In my case, 'add' and 'rem' parameters are NULL
I also agree with you, that 'goto' should be avoided, but that is 
written by

OpenSSL guys.
Can you please let me know, how did you get rid of this problem.
I have checked everywhere, but did not get any solution, which can 
solve my


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List
Automated List Manager

Re: Prime number generation goes in infinite loop in OpenAT

2014-01-17 Thread Michel

I also experienced going into an infinite loop using 
BN_generate_prime_ex() function.
I my case it was because I didn't fully understand how to use 'add' and 
'rem' parameters.
I am now assuming they should be used as in dh_builtin_genparams(), in 

I am not qualified to discuss how the underlying logic should have been 
but only considering the programming style, I am quite sure that 
'looping'  from inside a 'for' instruction using various 'goto' can be 

For  example :
probable_prime(), 'again' and 'loop' tags, line 383 and 390,
or probable_prime_dh_safe(), line 476 (OpenSSL v1.0.2).

Le 16/01/2014 11:35, Nischal a écrit :

We are using openSSL in OpenAT-FXT modem. the version used is 0.9.8h. When I
am calling function to generate keys, it goes into infinite loop inside the
function and system got crashed.
By entering traces, I checked the flow of code
Code is given below 
const int kBits = 4096;
RSA *rsa = RSA_new();
BIGNUM *f4 = BN_new();
BN_set_word(f4, RSA_F4);
static const char rnd_seed[] = string to make the random number generator
think it has entropy;
RAND_seed(rnd_seed, sizeof(rnd_seed));
ret = RSA_generate_key_ex(rsa, kBits, f4, cb);
   rsa_builtin_keygen(rsa, bits, e_value, cb);
 BN_generate_prime_ex(rsa-p, bitsp, 0, NULL, NULL, cb)Hi all,
   i=BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex(ret,checks,ctx,0,cb);   //this function
returns 0, so it goes back on loop: to make a random number
  j = witness(check, A, A1, A1_odd, k, ctx, mont);   //witness is
returning 1

Any help to solve the problem be appreciated
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User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: how to get a maximum digest length of a specific algorithm by nid

2013-12-12 Thread Michel

|Did you see EVP_MD_size()


|Le 12/12/2013 09:29, Dereck Hurtubise a écrit :


Is there an easy way in OpenSSL to call some function which returns 
the length of the digest/hash it returns? Like SHA256 would return 32 
(maximum digest length of 32 bytes).


Re: OpenSSL and DH parameters

2013-10-31 Thread Michel

If the negotiated cipher suite for an RSA encrypted client-server 
session does not involve using the RSA public keys, then when is RSA 
used in that session ?
Not sure to fully understand your question, but the answer may be : 
'Just for [server] authentication'

Hope this helps.

Re: memory crash when calling X509_free function

2013-10-04 Thread Michel
Could it be because of a misuse of X509_dup() or CRYPTO_add( ..., 1, 

in a copy constructor or an assignment operator ?

#10 0x08052673 in CertificateRemote::cleanup_x509 (this=0x9bb55f0) at 

What could be possible reason for the above crash ?



Re: Does OpenSSL timeout connections waiting for a ClientHello?

2013-09-16 Thread Michel

Hi Jason,

I am afraid you will have to deal with the TCP timeout on your own.

Here is a quick and short answer :

Most important :

I am sure your question was often discussed in the past on this list.
Search about the OpenSSL 'internal state machine'.


Le 11/09/2013 16:39, Jason Schultz a écrit :
I have a server that implements secure communication using OpenSSL.  
The server does a listen() on a port and keeps track of what listens 
are secure/SSL listens.  When a peer opens to that IP addr/port, the 
server sees that it's for a secure connection and then makes the calls 
to set up SSL information for the socket:

   // error checking and extraneous code removed
sock = accept(listen_sock, (struct sockaddr*)sa_cli, client_len);
SSL_bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_socket());
SSL_obj = SSL_new(SSL_ctx);
SSL_set_bio(SSL_obj, SSL_bio, SSL_bio);

At that point, the server should be waiting for the ClientHello, and 
will use SSL_read/write to perform the handshake.

Let's say the client/peer never sends in the ClientHello.  In other 
words, the client probably called connect() but not SSL_connect() or 
some similar scenario.

Does OpenSSL eventually time out this connection and abort it 
somehow?  Are there OpenSSL API calls the server should be using to 
ensure it does get timed out?  Or is this something the server 
application should keep track of and handle on it's own?

Thanks in advance.

RE: SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 flush data - Certificate Verification: Error (20) when setting up replacement server

2013-07-26 Thread Michel, Audrey
Just wanted to provide an update as I was able to identify the root cause for 
this error. The issue was related to the users/groups on the new Solaris server 
not being set up correctly. Basically the user running apache didn't have 
permission to where the ca was stored. Once we added the apache user to the 
group securing the directory with the ca it was able to find the ca and the 
error was resolved. I  appreciate the assistance as it has added to my 
understanding and given me ideas for improvements (and documented a lesson 
learned for sure).

Audrey Michel 

+1 972.605.8085 / Tel
+1 214.770.1896 / Mobile 

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Dave Thompson
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 4:32 PM
Subject: RE: SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 flush data - Certificate Verification: 
Error (20) when setting up replacement server

 From: On Behalf Of Michel, Audrey
 Sent: Friday, 19 July, 2013 11:41

 Thanks for the reply and good information as it helped clear 
 up some misunderstanding I had. Here is some additional 
 information based on your responses.
 -The two servers have different DNS names and have two 
 different servernames in their apache config files. Each 
 server is stand alone and has its own copy of everything - 
 just trying to set up mirror images for now.

 -I am using an exact copy of the ca cert (verified the second 
 part of the chain using -showcerts and they match). 

 -I have created a new server cert for the new server using 
 the existing server key but changed the CN to match the ip of 
 the new server. And each -showcerts shows the right server 
 cert in the chain.

Ah, I didn't realize you were using cert for IP-address 
not cert for DNS-name like most people do. That means my 
questions (and your answers) about DNS are irrelevant.

 -the path used on s_client for the ca is the same one in the 
 ssl.conf file. 

 -when accessing both servers via s_client I am using the same 
 client cert which is present on each server. Works for the 
 old but not for the new so I agree that the issue is locating 
 the ca cert. 
The client cert doesn't need to be present on the server 
and is ignored if it is. (If you are as I have assumed 
using at least one of the servers as your private CA, keeping 
any issued cert in the CA is sensible though not required.)
What matters is that the client cert is issued by (aka under) 
a CA cert that is on (and in the truststore of) the servers.

 What confuses me is if -showcerts shows the ca in the chain 
 on both servers why is there a problem locating it when I use 
 the same client cert/arguments only on the old server? I even 
 removed the -CApath from both s_client commands and the old 
 server connects but get the same error with the new server.
One thing occurs to me: are you using SSLCertificateChainFile 
to specify the CA cert file? That's not normally needed but if 
you're doing so it might be a factor (because then we don't know 
if server libssl is filling from truststore, see below).

s_client -CApath only affects s_client verifying the server, 
and s_client continues after a verify error anyway. You should 
have *verify return* 0 on s_client going to the usable=old server 
with correct -CApath, and 19 (or maybe 20 I forget) without, 
but still have a successful connection. To the unusable=new 
server you don't get nice session display with verify return, 
but you can extract it from the callback info in the output.

 You mentioned a truststore.. I did a list on the java 
 keystore cacerts on both machines and neither hold my ca. 
 Does apache have its own store? I've never set up apache ssl 
 from scratch and haven't run across anything specific in my 
 searches on that subject.
I'm not talking about java. To be sure we're clear, 'apache' 
without qualification usually means httpd, a web server in C. 
httpd can (or at least could) use either openssl or gnutls for SSL 
but mod_ssl means openssl. Apache the organization also has tomcat, 
a web server in Java, which can use Java's own SSL implementation 
JSSE, or openssl via APR (Apache Portable Runtime) not mod_ssl.

Truststore is a general concept for the set of CA certs something  
or somebody trusts. In openssl normally, it is a single PEM file 
containing one or more certs (SSLCACertficateFile in mod_ssl, 
-CAfile on some commandline utilities) or a directory of one or 
more PEM files each containing one cert with hash names or links 
(SSLCACertificatePath or -CApath). Or an application can directly load 
one or more certs from some other source (a database, an LDAP server, 
whatever) but that's more work so people rarely do. In addition to 
using the truststore to validate a peer cert/chain, libssl will 
also use it to complete its own chain if needed, which is less 
obvious and can be a little confusing.

In Java, a standard keystore file

RE: SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 flush data - Certificate Verification: Error (20) when setting up replacement server

2013-07-19 Thread Michel, Audrey
Thanks for the reply and good information as it helped clear up some 
misunderstanding I had. Here is some additional information based on your 

-The two servers have different DNS names and have two different servernames in 
their apache config files. Each server is stand alone and has its own copy of 
everything - just trying to set up mirror images for now.
-I am using an exact copy of the ca cert (verified the second part of the chain 
using -showcerts and they match). 
-I have created a new server cert for the new server using the existing server 
key but changed the CN to match the ip of the new server. And each -showcerts 
shows the right server cert in the chain.
-the path used on s_client for the ca is the same one in the ssl.conf file. 
-when accessing both servers via s_client I am using the same client cert which 
is present on each server. Works for the old but not for the new so I agree 
that the issue is locating the ca cert. 

What confuses me is if -showcerts shows the ca in the chain on both servers why 
is there a problem locating it when I use the same client cert/arguments only 
on the old server? I even removed the -CApath from both s_client commands and 
the old server connects but get the same error with the new server.

You mentioned a truststore.. I did a list on the java keystore cacerts on both 
machines and neither hold my ca. Does apache have its own store? I've never set 
up apache ssl from scratch and haven't run across anything specific in my 
searches on that subject.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Dave Thompson
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 6:52 PM
Subject: RE: SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 flush data - Certificate Verification: 
Error (20) when setting up replacement server

 From: On Behalf Of Michel, Audrey
 Sent: Thursday, 18 July, 2013 15:24
 Subject: SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 flush data - Certificate 
 Verification: Error (20) when setting up replacement server

Aside: the error isn't really in flush-data; it is the server 
rejecting the received cert and closing, which occurs immediately 
after and as a result of the flush-data.

 We currently have a Solaris server running apache that serves 
 as a proxy in front of our glassfish server which we use for 
 web services. We are replacing both the proxy and glassfish 
 servers so are setting the new servers up in parallel. The 
 new proxy server already had apache and openssl installed 
 before I started moving files from the old to the new. The 
 issue I am running into is when I run apache with 
 SSLVerifyClient required on the new server I am receiving 
 'unknown ca' error. If I run with SSLVerifyClient none the 
 xml content for our web service is displayed (confirming that 
 glassfish is ok). The only configuration difference between 
 the proxy server was I moved the location of the certificate 
 directories on the new server, but adjusted all apache config 
 files to reflect the new structure.
 My question is does openssl or mod_ssl look anywhere other 
 than the apache ssl configuration to locate the ca?  
mod_ssl doesn't as far as I know and openssl called from mod_ssl 
certainly shouldn't. (openssl in some other situations, especially 
but not only commandline, does.)

 Thanks in advance for any assistance, server info and log 
 details are below:
 -We have a single self signed CA which is used to sign the 
 server and client certs.
 -The old and new server are running apache 2.0.63, Openssl 0.9.7d
 snip but [openssl] includes additional security patches. snip
 -I rebuilt all hash files and the filenames generated match 
 those on the old server so the CN's are the same. 

Did you generate new certskeys or copy existing ones? If you 
copied then of course everything is the same. If you did new,
then the hash-name for a cert actually proves the subject *DN* 
(which can include more than the CN) is the same in a specific 
way (equal after canonicalization, not necessarily identical),
and says nothing about the issuer (which also can have CN).

If you did a new CA keycert (with or without new client and 
server certs under it) with the exact same name, that can 
cause problems, depending on whether you (consistently) used 
SKI/AKI for chaining, and it will certainly cause confusion 
to people such as you trying to look at it. Don't do that.
If you want the same CA use the same one or an exact copy,
if want a different CA use a different name.

The only certs you need hashes for are CA certs, and you 
say you have only one CA and thus one CA cert. There is 
no need for entity certs (server or client) to be in the 
truststore (SSLCACertPath or File, -CApath or file) or hashed -- 
although they do no harm since openssl won't ever find them.

Either way, are you using the same DNS name for the new server 
(proxy) as the old, and using resolution

SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 flush data - Certificate Verification: Error (20) when setting up replacement server

2013-07-18 Thread Michel, Audrey
We currently have a Solaris server running apache that serves as a proxy in 
front of our glassfish server which we use for web services. We are replacing 
both the proxy and glassfish servers so are setting the new servers up in 
parallel. The new proxy server already had apache and openssl installed before 
I started moving files from the old to the new. The issue I am running into is 
when I run apache with SSLVerifyClient required on the new server I am 
receiving 'unknown ca' error. If I run with SSLVerifyClient none the xml 
content for our web service is displayed (confirming that glassfish is ok). The 
only configuration difference between the proxy server was I moved the location 
of the certificate directories on the new server, but adjusted all apache 
config files to reflect the new structure.

My question is does openssl or mod_ssl look anywhere other than the apache ssl 
configuration to locate the ca?  

Thanks in advance for any assistance, server info and log details are below:

-We have a single self signed CA which is used to sign the server and client 
-The old and new server are running apache 2.0.63, Openssl 0.9.7d
Apache and openssl were present on the new server before I started bringing 
files over. 
I ran the version commands and it show apache to be the same version and 
compiled options.
openssl is the same version but includes additional security patches.
OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004 (+ security fixes for: CVE-2005-2969 CVE-2006-2937 
CVE-2006-2940 CVE-2006-3738 CVE-2006-4339 CVE-2006-4343 CVE-2006-7250 
CVE-2007-5135 CVE-2007-3108 CVE-2008-5077 CVE-2008-7270 CVE-2009-0590 
CVE-2009-2409 CVE-2009-3555 CVE-2010-4180 CVE-2011-4576 CVE-2011-4619 
CVE-2012-0884 CVE-2012-1165 CVE-2012-2110 CVE-2012-2131 CVE-2012-2333)
-I rebuilt all hash files and the filenames generated match those on the old 
server so the CN's are the same. 
-I compared permissions and file contents for the apache related directories.

Using s_client with just -connect and -showcerts parameters returns the CA 
cert, server cert and my client cert. So I can see they are present on the new 

Below is an abbreviated version of the output when I use the -connect, -cert, 
-CApath, -showcerts, -state, and -debug parameters. This works without error on 
the old server (changing only the IP:port).

Loading 'screen' into random state - done
SSL_connect:before/connect initialization
write to 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f085f0] (210 bytes = 210 (0xD2))
SSL_connect:SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
read from 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f0db50] (7 bytes = 7 (0x7))
SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server hello A
read from 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f0db53] (5 bytes = 5 (0x5))
read from 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f0db58] (1957 bytes = 1957 (0x7A5))
depth=1 CN = ALERTIIS Cert Auth, .. details omitted here by me
verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
verify return:0
SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server certificate A
read from 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f0db53] (5 bytes = 5 (0x5))
read from 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f0db58] (525 bytes = 525 (0x20D))
SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server key exchange A
read from 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f0db53] (5 bytes = 5 (0x5))
read from 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f0db58] (421 bytes = 421 (0x1A5))
SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server certificate request A
SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server done A
write to 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f18570] (911 bytes = 911 (0x38F))
SSL_connect:SSLv3 write client certificate A
write to 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f18570] (139 bytes = 139 (0x8B))
SSL_connect:SSLv3 write client key exchange A
write to 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f18570] (267 bytes = 267 (0x10B))
SSL_connect:SSLv3 write certificate verify A
write to 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f18570] (6 bytes = 6 (0x6))
SSL_connect:SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
write to 0x1f03cc0 [0x1f18570] (53 bytes = -1 (0x))
SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 flush data
SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 flush data

At the end of the appache log I see the following error (all other tags are 
[Thu Jul 18 08:07:07 2013] [error] Certificate Verification: Error (20): unable 
to get local issuer certificate
[Thu Jul 18 08:07:07 2013] [debug] ssl_engine_kernel.c(1749): OpenSSL: Write: 
SSLv3 read client certificate B
[Thu Jul 18 08:07:07 2013] [debug] ssl_engine_kernel.c(1768): OpenSSL: Exit: 
error in SSLv3 read client certificate B
[Thu Jul 18 08:07:07 2013] [debug] ssl_engine_kernel.c(1768): OpenSSL: Exit: 
error in SSLv3 read client certificate B
[Thu Jul 18 08:07:07 2013] [info] SSL library error 1 in handshake (server, client
[Thu Jul 18 08:07:07 2013] [info] SSL Library Error: 336105650 
error:140890B2:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:no certificate returned
[Thu Jul 18 08:07:07 2013] [info] Connection to child 2 closed with abortive 
shutdown(server, client
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List

Re: RSA encryption and Decryption code in C language

2013-06-18 Thread Michel

Hi Yamini,

I would suggest looking at the 'EVP Envelope' API :

Le 17/06/2013 19:26, yamini a écrit :


I am implementing the DES algorithm between my client and server systems for
encryption. The DES key is transmitted in encrypted form between Client and
Server using RSA encryption and decryption.
My idea of implementing the above task is creating RSA key
(RSA_generate_key) and using the public key for encryption and private key
for decryption. I have looked for sample codes to do this in C language but
found nothing. So if anyone has any code snippets for this task please post
them here. It would be very helpful.
The code for RSA encryption and Decryption between client and server(client
and server are on different machines).

Thanks and Regards,

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: PBKDF2 implementation

2013-06-14 Thread Michel

PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC implementation : [openssl-src-dir]\crypto\evp\p5_crpt2.c

in [openssl-src-dir]\crypto\evp\evp.h : PKCS5_SALT_LEN   is defined as 8

Le 13/06/2013 08:39, Rengith M. a écrit :


This is to know further about implementation of PBKDF2, 

1.Would like to know the maximum salt length allowed.

2.Usage of hash function SHA256  with above function.

3.Which source code file implements the above function.

4.Please provide references to documentation on these, examples.

5.How to build on VC++ 6.0 for windows XP, SP3.

i.e., I would like to check the PBKDF2, with key hashed with SHA256 
and salt length equal to or greater than 8bytes

Re: PBKDF2 implementation

2013-06-14 Thread Michel

Hi Rengith,
Sorry but I was referring to 1.0.1e source distribution.
I am not able to answer about FIPS ones.

Le 14/06/2013 11:06, Rengith M. a écrit :

Hi Michel,

I could not find the p5_crpt2.c under \crypto\evp after I unzipped the 
openssl-fips-ecp-2.0.4.tar, could you please provide the correct 
installation script needed for WinXP.

Thanks and Regards,

Rengith M.

Re: Recommended/allowed private key lengths Reg.

2013-02-22 Thread Michel

Hope this helps :

Le 22/02/2013 08:38, Ashok C a écrit :


What is the current industry standard for private key lengths?
As of now, my application supports 2048 bit-wide keys.
I'm planning to support higher key lengths now, and want your 
suggestions on how big a key I should support?


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Re: Compile 0.9.8x for 64bit is missing _SHA* symbols

2013-01-11 Thread Michel

Found interresting related article from Wikipedia :

Note that the 64-bit convention on Windows (Microsoft C) is no leading 
This difference may in some rare cases lead to unresolved externals when 
porting such code to 64 bits. 

Le 11/01/2013 01:06, Dave Thompson a écrit :

Winx86 has two generally used calling conventions,
which are distinguished by different name mangling:
cdecl has underscore at the beginning;
stdcall has atsign-number (of bytes popped) at the end.
(Plus several more that are used more locally.)

(I've been told) Winx64 has only one calling convention
and doesn't need this mangling, so maybe it isn't done
or at least isn't done the same way.

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Re: Set up the protocol

2012-12-13 Thread Michel

Le 12/12/2012 20:12, Alex Chen a écrit :
Another question is how to enforce the 'server' side preference of the 
cipher suite selection?  Is it also part of the SSL_CTX_set_options()

Isn't this what you are looking for ? :


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EVP_PKEY_sign and EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md

2012-11-30 Thread Michel
Before trying to use it, I was misleaded by the documentation (and the 
example) of the EVP_PKEY_sign() call at :

I believed it was [quite] the same behavior than with 
EVP_DigestSignFinal() before undestanding that the input has to be a 
digest, not the app data directly.
(confirmed by reading this :

What is not yet clear to me is :
if the input is a previously calculated digest, what is the use of the 
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md() call in the example ?

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Re: EVP_PKEY_sign and EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md

2012-11-30 Thread Michel

Thank you very much for the answer.

Le 30/11/2012 12:54, Dr. Stephen Henson a écrit :

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012, Michel wrote:

Before trying to use it, I was misleaded by the documentation (and
the example) of the EVP_PKEY_sign() call at :

I'll add a clarification to the manual page.

What is not yet clear to me is :
if the input is a previously calculated digest, what is the use of
the EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md() call in the example ?

The main reason is that some algorithms (currently only RSA) need to know the
message digest algorithm to prepare the signature.

The value can also be used as a sanity check to see the digest length is
correct (though not all algorithms currently do this).

Dr Stephen N. Henson. OpenSSL project core developer.
Commercial tech support now available see:

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Re: Use OpenSSL socket as a normal socket

2012-11-09 Thread Michel


Perhaps I misunderstand you, but wouldn't it be easier to just choose 
eNULL cipher when no encryption is needed ?

Le 09/11/2012 06:08, Derek Cole a écrit :


I have a server running that I am accepting both SSL and non SSL traffic.
Currently I check the traffic first and if the first part of the TCP data
looks like an SSL header, I send it off to an OpenSSL socket to be read. If
it's plaintext, I just read it right there on that socket.

Is it possible to skip the SSL header check and just send all traffic to an
SSL socket, and reliably be able to read the traffic regardless whether
it's encryprted or not?

just to be clear, I do have the SSL context set up properly and don't have
a problem reading it, it's just annoying that I Have to check my traffic in
a separate step, and send it down the flow path of SSL if it's encrypted.


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Re: Use OpenSSL socket as a normal socket

2012-11-09 Thread Michel

Ok, I understand your point now.
But it sounds strange to me accepting on the same port incoming SSL 
protected data and native TCP unprotected socket...

I am curious what other can tell about that.

Le 09/11/2012 14:19, Derek Cole a écrit :

Well that would still require an SSL handshake right? My client that sends
the unencrypted traffic knows nothing of SSL at all, and I can't modify it,
so it is just coming in a normal TCP stream.

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 6:44 AM, Michel wrote:


Perhaps I misunderstand you, but wouldn't it be easier to just choose
eNULL cipher when no encryption is needed ?

Le 09/11/2012 06:08, Derek Cole a écrit :


I have a server running that I am accepting both SSL and non SSL traffic.
Currently I check the traffic first and if the first part of the TCP data
looks like an SSL header, I send it off to an OpenSSL socket to be read.
it's plaintext, I just read it right there on that socket.

Is it possible to skip the SSL header check and just send all traffic to
SSL socket, and reliably be able to read the traffic regardless whether
it's encryprted or not?

just to be clear, I do have the SSL context set up properly and don't have
a problem reading it, it's just annoying that I Have to check my traffic
a separate step, and send it down the flow path of SSL if it's encrypted.


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Re: Passing TLS sessions between programs

2012-11-06 Thread Michel

I found in doc/ssleay.txt :
The PEM_write_SSL_SESSION(fp,x) and PEM_read_SSL_SESSION(fp,x,cb) will 
write to a file pointer in base64 encoding.
What you can do with this, is pass session information between separate 


Le 06/11/2012 12:11, Eisenacher, Patrick a écrit

Once you have the SSL_SESSION, convert it to ASN1 (via i2d_SSL_SESSION) and 
dump it to a file. Read that file in with your second program and convert it 
back from ASN1 to SSL_SESSION(via d2i_SSL_SESSION) and add it to the 
SSL_SESSION cache of the SSL_CTX (via SSL_CTX_add_session).

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Re: Reference material on how to do certificate validation with OpenSSL

2012-10-29 Thread Michel


Also it can be usefull to go back to the book 'Network Security with 
OpenSSL', pages 128 to 138.


Le 27/10/2012 17:00, Alban D. a écrit :

Hi everyone,

iSEC Partners just released a paper that provides detailed guidelines
and sample code on how to properly do certificate validation with

It is not trivial and so I thought this reference material could be
useful to people on this mailing list.


Alban D.
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Re: id-aes256-GCM command line encrypt+decrypt fail

2012-10-15 Thread Michel

Thanks for the explanation Mr. Henson.

I do not wish to take up too much of your time, but as I am still trying 
to understand OpenSSL, I would be grateful if you can add a few words on 
how you cope with this in TLS, and point me to the corresponding source 

Thanks again,


Le 12/10/2012 19:26, Dr. Stephen Henson a écrit :

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012, Michel wrote:

I am guessing that 'special handling' is linked to the 'no
additional authentication data' issue discussed in :

It's to do with the fact that additional parameters are required with GCM and
how the tag should be handled. It might be appropriate to handle this by
appending it to the output but that adds complications on decrypt in that you
don't know in advance where the tag is and would need to buffer tag bytes
of data until you hit EOF.

None of this is handled by the cipher BIO used by the enc command some
additional functionality will be needed for this (and CCM).

Dr Stephen N. Henson. OpenSSL project core developer.
Commercial tech support now available see:
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Re: id-aes256-GCM command line encrypt+decrypt fail

2012-10-12 Thread Michel
I am guessing that 'special handling' is linked to the 'no additional 
authentication data' issue discussed in :

Le 11/10/2012 22:33, Erik Tkal a écrit :

I think Steve posted a while back that those ciphers require special handling 
and do not work with the enc command yet.

Erik Tkal
Juniper OAC/UAC/Pulse Development

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enc command sometimes fail to encrypt (XTS) or decrypt (GCM)

2012-09-26 Thread Michel


I am using the the OpenSSL enc command to encrypt and decrypt a test file.
When using AES-GCM mode, I can encrypt but cannot decrypt the result.
Even though I succeed with all other modes.

Example is as follow :
openssl enc -e -a -aes-128-gcm -nosalt -p -K 
28C65581AABBBA0EBFC1DB5D5C614FEA -iv D2D136CA54FEB7C48C9E4358 -in 
test.dat -out enc.txt
openssl enc -d -a -aes-128-gcm -nosalt -p -K 
28C65581AABBBA0EBFC1DB5D5C614FEA -iv D2D136CA54FEB7C48C9E4358 -in enc.txt

Get a  : 'bad decrypt' output

Test file contains bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla'.
Using OpenSSL 1.0.1c downloaded from source code, and compiled under 
Windows 7.

Also, if text file contains shorter data ( 16 bytes), I cannot encrypt 
in AES-XTS mode.

(no output)

Did I miss something ?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Memory issues with ssl handshake

2012-09-13 Thread Michel

Hi Thomas,

I don't know if it makes a real difference concerning memory leaks,
but I would have freed the TLS session *BEFORE* freing the context :
Does your app setup and free a context each time a client is connecting ?

Le 12/09/2012 16:58, Thomas Eckert a écrit :


Valgrind gives me a *lot* of messages like this

==19021== 2,056 bytes in 2 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 
186 of 190
==19021==at 0x68EAC8B: malloc (in 

==19021==by 0x6C472DB: default_malloc_ex (mem.c:79)
==19021==by 0x6C4795F: CRYPTO_malloc (mem.c:306)
==19021==by 0x6C73940: bn_expand_internal (bn_lib.c:336)
==19021==by 0x6C73AE0: bn_expand2 (bn_lib.c:451)
==19021==by 0x6C73BB2: BN_set_bit (bn_lib.c:730)
==19021==by 0x6C7E16E: BN_MONT_CTX_set (bn_mont.c:514)
==19021==by 0x6C7E402: BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked (bn_mont.c:552)
==19021==by 0x6C97053: RSA_eay_public_decrypt (rsa_eay.c:693)
==19021==by 0x6C97F1F: RSA_public_decrypt (rsa_lib.c:309)
==19021==by 0x6C98BEB: int_rsa_verify (rsa_sign.c:182)
==19021==by 0x6C98F57: RSA_verify (rsa_sign.c:284)
==19021==by 0x6949E16: ssl3_get_key_exchange (s3_clnt.c:1562)
==19021==by 0x694BF5F: ssl3_connect (s3_clnt.c:335)
==19021==by 0x6964AB9: SSL_connect (ssl_lib.c:933)
==19021==by 0x6953FDD: ssl23_connect (s23_clnt.c:693)
==19021==by 0x6963FBC: SSL_do_handshake (ssl_lib.c:2368)
==19021==by 0x8060D14: ssl_connect (ssl.c:1078)

Compared to the above they vary only in one line, e.g.

==19021== 1,024 bytes in 2 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 
181 of 190
==19021==at 0x68EAC8B: malloc (in 

==19021==by 0x6C472DB: default_malloc_ex (mem.c:79)
==19021==by 0x6C4795F: CRYPTO_malloc (mem.c:306)
==19021==by 0x6C73940: bn_expand_internal (bn_lib.c:336)
==19021==by 0x6C73AE0: bn_expand2 (bn_lib.c:451)
==19021==by 0x6C73D53: BN_copy (bn_lib.c:506)
==19021==by 0x6C7DFCA: BN_MONT_CTX_set (bn_mont.c:421)
==19021==by 0x6C7E402: BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked (bn_mont.c:552)
==19021==by 0x6C97053: RSA_eay_public_decrypt (rsa_eay.c:693)
==19021==by 0x6C97F1F: RSA_public_decrypt (rsa_lib.c:309)
==19021==by 0x6C98BEB: int_rsa_verify (rsa_sign.c:182)
==19021==by 0x6C98F57: RSA_verify (rsa_sign.c:284)
==19021==by 0x6949E16: ssl3_get_key_exchange (s3_clnt.c:1562)
==19021==by 0x694BF5F: ssl3_connect (s3_clnt.c:335)
==19021==by 0x6964AB9: SSL_connect (ssl_lib.c:933)
==19021==by 0x6953FDD: ssl23_connect (s23_clnt.c:693)
==19021==by 0x6963FBC: SSL_do_handshake (ssl_lib.c:2368)
==19021==by 0x8060D14: ssl_connect (ssl.c:1078)

The application in question is a http proxy and is leaking memory 
heavily. Actually, Valgrind also reports many entries as still 
reachable instead of indirectly lost but even those regions are 
mentioned by Valgrind like the above two blocks.

I doubt OpenSSL has such blatant memory leaks but I have been 
searching for the leaks for some time now and just cannot find 
anything - also due to the fact that Valgrind reports all the leaks 
like above, which is not really helpful. I do realize that for 
detailed help I would need to give some code on how the connections 
are set up but that code is pretty large. So best would be some hint 
as to where to look for or what regions of code to supply.

Looking for hints as to what is going wrong I went through some of the 
OpenSSL functions mentioned above and after leaving my code and 
entering OpenSSL code the only thing being passed around the functions 
is the actual SSL object - and no buffers of any kind. So I suppose 
the source of the problem lies in setting up the object, it's context 
or what ever is stuck to it.

The first thing I checked on was how the SSL connections are torn down 
in my application:

The first line was added only after starting the search for the leaks 
and I'm still not sure if that line doesn't break anything.

I did find some minor leaks in my code along the way (e.g. a forgotten 
ASN1_INTEGER_free()) but they were neither easy to find - because 
Valgrind also reported them like the above two blocks, meaning in the 
wrong place! - nor did they change much.

Does anyone have some tips for me ?
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Re: Memory issues with ssl handshake

2012-09-13 Thread Michel

Hi again Thomas,

Do you really need to free your context each time you free your TLS 
session ?

I believe it is not needed and at least not usual.
If you need several *DIFFERENT* contexts, implying different TLS 
configurations/setup, wich, I think, is not so common,
you can keep them 'alive' during all your app 'run', even in 
multi-threaded programs.
It would allow you to access some activity informations like the ones 
documented in :

Hope this helps,

Le 13/09/2012 10:39, Thomas a écrit :

Hi Michel,

Thanks for trying to help, I really appreciate it :-)

Does your app setup and free a context each time a client is 
connecting ?

The context is created only when a client requests a HTTPS connection 
and is destroyed together with the SSL session once the connection 
goes down. It is rather related to connections then to clients since 
one client can open several connections but I think you implied one 
connection per client and then the answer is 'yes'.

I will try freeing the session before the context and come back with 
the results.


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Re: DH exchange socket BIOs

2012-08-24 Thread Michel

Hi Carolin,

It is just about half the length of the ...

[very] Quick response : Hex value is twice the lengh of binary data :
Have you checked the value of 'size' arg ?

Not sure this helps ...

Le 24/08/2012 16:38, Carolin Latze a écrit :
(sorry if this mail arrives twice. I send it first without being 
subscribed to this list by accident)

Hi all

I try to implement a DH exchange using socket BIOs. Here is what I do:

On the server
- I initialize a DH structure with DH_new
- I generate the parameters using 
DH_generate_parameters(prime_len,g,NULL,NULL) with prime_len=512

- I generate the keys using DH_generate_key(dh)

Now I need to send p,g, and the server's public key to the client. In 
order to do that I convert each of those three values to hex. This is 
the example for p:

int size = DH_size(dh);
char* prime = (char*) malloc(size*sizeof(char));
prime = BN_bn2hex(dh-p);

afterwards I open a socket BIO that allows a client to connect:

bio = BIO_new_accept(port);

Now, when a client connects, I write those three values to the BIO. 
Example for p:

cbio = BIO_pop(bio);

Ok, lets move the client. The client connects successfully to the 
server and reads the three values from the BIO:

prime = (char*)malloc(size*sizeof(char));

If I print out prime on the client using printf I see that this is 
exactly the stream of bytes that have been sent by the server. But if 
I write this value back into a DH structure it changes:

DH *dh = DH_new();

If I check the value now with BN_print, it is a shorter value! It is 
just about half the length of the original p and I have no idea why. 
What is it that I miss here?

Any hints would be appreciated


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Re: How to extend key usage

2012-08-20 Thread Michel

Hi Eric,

Perhaps you should have a look at the 'X509V3 Extension code: 
programmers guide' section in \doc\OpenssLtxt file.

I found also this link helpful :

Hope this helps.


Le 16/08/2012 19:24, Eric Fowler a écrit :

I am a relative OpenSSL newbie, and I have had a task assigned to me
which entails some SSL knowledge.

My task is to take existing code, and add to it one of the
capabilities in the table.

I have a X509V3_CTX struct and it has been passed to X509V3_set_ctx().
I suspect the next step involves X509V3_add_value() but am not sure of
that, nor of the exact procedure.

Can anyone talk me through this? If I add (say) clientAuth through
this method, is it going to work?



Value Meaning
- ---
serverAuth SSL/TLS Web Server Authentication.
clientAuth SSL/TLS Web Client Authentication.
codeSigning Code signing.
emailProtection E-mail Protection (S/MIME).
timeStamping Trusted Timestamping
msCodeInd Microsoft Individual Code Signing (authenticode)
msCodeCom Microsoft Commercial Code Signing (authenticode)
msCTLSign Microsoft Trust List Signing
msSGC Microsoft Server Gated Crypto
msEFS Microsoft Encrypted File System
nsSGC Netscape Server Gated Crypto
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Re: symmetric key generation..

2012-06-12 Thread Michel

Hi Mr Newbie,

Joshua is right when saying you should be carefull using tech's you 
might not fully understand ( just like me, ;-) )

Perhaps RAND_bytes() is enough for your needs ?

I am guessing it could be profitable for you to read :,
(chapter 5), and perhaps :
The OpenSSL implementation is PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC() in crypto/evp/p5_crpt2.c
(as far as I know, not documented)

Hope this will help,


Le 12/06/2012 11:32, Joshua Bowman a écrit :

On 6/10/2012 11:18 PM, vinayak.T.K wrote:

presently i m working on the project which includes the generation of
symmetric key from the public keyi m just a begginerso can u please
help me out.

Victor Duchovni wrote:

On Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 04:21:18AM -0800, Ramkumar Ganapathy wrote:

I am trying to use the OpenSSL crypto C libraries to generate symmetric
and assymetric keys. This is part of development of a key management server.
The library as such do not have any functions for symmetric key generation.
That is, all the generate_key functions are based out of assymetric crypto
algorithms. Wheras I see functions in the JCE(java cryptographic
extension) and the likes that has symmetric key generation utilities.

Does OpenSSL support what I am looking for? Any pointer to this will be
much appreciated !

Symmetric keys are just an array of random bytes of the right
length. OpenSSL includes a PRNG interface seeded by external entropy
sources (often /dev/urandom).

The symmetric and asymmetric keys have nothing to do with each other, and you 
don't generate one
from the other. The only purpose of the asymmetric key is to protect the 
symmetric key during
the initial exchange; after that all communication is encrypted by the 
symmetric key alone. You
can use any bits you want for the symmetric, although it helps if it's 
generated by a hardware
or well-known software randomizer like openssl uses.

If you really wanted to, I suppose you could generate the symmetric key by 
hashing the private
RSA key, or the concatenation of the public and private keys. I don't think 
that would make a
difference with a sufficiently strong hash, but I can't mathematically prove it 
is safe, either.
But generating it from the public key alone sounds like begging for a major 
breach the minute
anyone figures out what algorithm you use; if you don't understand how this all 
works, please
read up on it, or just use TLS instead of inventing your own key exchange.

Joshua Bowman

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Re: Detecting available ciphers/hash/encryption mode

2012-06-04 Thread Michel

Hello Mr. RIHAN,

You should find some clues searching around OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted()
or looking at apps/enc.c, crypto/evp/names.c, crypto/objects/o_names.c.

Good luck.

Le 03/06/2012 09:00, Adnan RIHAN a écrit :

Hello again!

Nobody knows ?

Le jeudi 31 mai 2012 à 17:03, Adnan RIHAN a écrit :

Hello !

I want to make a C++ library, based on OpenSSL.

I'm looking for the BEST way to check ciphers availability, hash and encryption 
mode availability, in order to show on demand, a list of available hash/ciphers.

Does anyone know ?
Thank you !
Cordialement, Adnan RIHAN.
Président-Fondateur de l'association (de loi 1901) Virtual-Info 
(, hébergeur Web et Serveurs de Jeux.
Consultant ( Supérieur en Informatique de Gestion.
Ambassadeur Qt ( (Projet Tag-PG 

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Re: How to use PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1()

2012-03-23 Thread Michel
If I don't misunderstand you, perhaps this little windows software could 
help you :

Hope this help...

Le 20/03/2012 05:35, pkumarn a écrit :

Now coming to the original question, how do i make sure
PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1() is generating the correct result of my i/p data?

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Re: Help in Generating Chained ROOT Certificate

2011-11-03 Thread Michel


Perhaps you should have a look at :
The Makefile and *.cnf are used to generate root, CA, server and client 
certificates and keys for test purpose.

Hope this example ( from ) will 
inspire you.


Le 03/11/2011 05:57, Mr.Rout a écrit :

Thanks Dave.

Probably i have not understood the things properly.

After surfing through Google i got confused.

Actually I am doing TLS Client Testing which authenticate the
Server( in my example).

Steps I followed to achieve this:
1) Created a Self signed Certificate where Issuer  Subject are having Same
CN i.e.
2) Then i import Server.pem file on TLS Client and same at Server also.

Here are the Openssl Commands to generate Self-Signed-Certificate.
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out

Question here is : Can we create Certficate Hirearchy ?

Like ROOT( Issuer=X  Subect=X) ---  SubCA(Issuer=X  Subect=Y)

Please help me in generating  this hierarchies .

Thanks in advance .

-Best Regards,

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Re: Adding Multiple Root certificates in Openssl

2011-07-18 Thread Michel

Hi Mayur

Hope the links below help answer your question :

Best regards

Le 18/07/2011 05:38, Mayur Premi a écrit :
[Mayur]--- Is there any openSSL api which helps parsing this 
file[say myStorageFile] which has all my root certificates in it. ?
   Also my intention as  mentioned in the scenario in previous mail is 
that I ll be passing a chain A --B and would like to find C [self 
signed ,root certificate] from myStorageFile .*
* [Mayur]After storing links to my PEM format Certificate files 
how do I parse the folder having links to get root C  for my chain A 
--B ?

Re: How is key calculated from passphrase

2011-07-06 Thread Michel

Hi Dan,

You should look at  :

and a better OpenSSL implementation using PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC()
in crypto\evp\p5_crpt2.c

Le 01/07/2011 14:58, Daniel Wambold a écrit :

Hello list.
I started poring over the source but I haven't yet found the conversion from 
passphrase to key. Could someone point me to the code snippet or simply 
summarize the procedure for me so I can code the same thing into my app?

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Re: How to embed a CA certificate in a program ?

2011-06-07 Thread Michel

Hi Albrecht,

I'm still wondering though how I could have found that out myself. :-(


reads: Currently no detailed documentation on how to use the X509_STORE
object is available. Is there some more documentation available
elsewhere, or am I supposed to read the sources?

If you go out of the usual tracks and need something other than the
common TLS client/server application examples, I am afraid the most valuable
resource are the help Dave, Steve, and other nice guys from OpenSSL team
hands out in this mailing list (many thanks, may the Force be with them !).

It is just a pity there is nobody to gather all this information to build a
more consistent documentation. That's what we call 'collaborative work' !

I resolve to do that as soon as I will have spare time and will understand
enough of computer security. I mean when I will retire, around OpenSSL version
n° 9.487.12 or year 2039, whichever comes first.
But you'll need hundreds of people fixing my typos and poor English

Hi Michel,
many thanks for this very quick reply !

If I saved you some time, great ! It was my pleasure.


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Re: How to embed a CA certificate in a program ?

2011-06-06 Thread Michel (PAYBOX)

Hi Albrecht,

I might be wrong, but I think you should use instead
SSL_CTX_get_cert_store() and then *X509_STORE_add_cert*
to add the certificate to the list of trusted ones that will be used for 

Cerificates added using SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert() are not trusted.


Le 06/06/2011 13:19, Albrecht Schlosser a écrit :


I'm creating a client/server application with OpenSSL, using
self-signed certificates. The client and server shall verify
each other's certificate, and this works well, if I use certificate
files. Now I'd like to embed the CA certificate in the client's
code for easier installation. Hence I'm (naively?) looking for
a replacement of this line of code:

  SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, ca.crt, NULL);

where ca.crt is the CA's certificate file, and it is searched
for in the current working directory. This works well.

What I did:

I converted the file to a X509 certificate (see code below),
and tried to load it with:

  SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(ctx, Cert);

but when I call SSL_connect(), this fails with the following
output from ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr):

routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify 

My conclusion is that the certificate chain is incomplete or
something went wrong, but I have no idea how to do it correctly.

Could anybody help how to do it, or does it not work as I
want to do it?

Please note that I removed all error checking and variable
declarations from the following code for brevity, in the hope
that someone can see an obvious fault. In the real code all
function calls are checked. Here is the shortened code:


  meth = (SSL_METHOD*)TLSv1_method();
  ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth);
  SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, client.crt, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
  SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, client.key, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);


  SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, ca.crt, NULL);

#else /* EMBED_CA_CERT */

  X509 *Cert = d2i_X509(NULL, p_buf, sizeof(ca_cert_asn1));
  char *str = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(Cert),0,0);
  printf (subject: %s\n, str); /* [1] */
  SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(ctx, Cert);

#endif /* EMBED_CA_CERT */


  ssl = SSL_new (ctx);
  sbio = BIO_new_socket(existing_socket, BIO_NOCLOSE);
  SSL_set_bio(ssl, sbio, sbio);

  SSL_connect(ssl); // breaks here if EMBED_CA_CERT = 1

  server_cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate (ssl);
  str = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(server_cert),0,0);
  printf (subject: %s\n, str);


Note that everything works fine if EMBED_CA_CERT is 0, but breaks
in SSL_connect() with the error shown above if EMBED_CA_CERT is 1.
The printf() marked with [1] displays correct data from the ca.crt

FWIW: The conversion of the file ca.crt was done as follows:

openssl x509 -outform DER -in ca.crt \
 | od -t x1 | cut -b 8-99 | sed -e 's/ /,0x/g' \
 | sed -e '1,1s/^,/ /'

and the output is included between...

static unsigned char ca_cert_asn1 [] = {
 0x30,0x82,0x04,0x65,0x30,0x82, ... /* included data bytes */

Any help would be appreciated!

Re: PKCS12 - Why Encrypted?

2011-04-26 Thread Michel (PAYBOX)

I am no expert on the matter, but on my humble opinion,
I think you can rely on this book because most of its content is about 
fundamental concepts,
not implementation details ( padding, message encoding, ... ) for which 
you can find updates on RSA Labs PKCS
or other web sites.


Le 21/04/2011 16:09, Patrick Rutkowski a écrit :

Wow, awesome. I just read the foreword and the preface before getting to work. 
They're very well written, and now I'm excited for the coming chapters for sure 

I'll probably read it over the coming week or two. But I'm mildly worried about 
the date the book was written, which was 1996; and though it was updated in 
2001, that was still a long time ago now. I wonder to what degree the material 
will be outdated, or to what degree modern day material will be completely 


On Apr 21, 2011, at 8:55 AM, Michel (PAYBOX) wrote:

I believe this [freely available] book should interest you :

Handbook of Applied Cryptography


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Re: PKCS12 - Why Encrypted?

2011-04-21 Thread Michel (PAYBOX)

I believe this [freely available] book should interest you :

Handbook of Applied Cryptography

Le 21/04/2011 00:03, Patrick Rutkowski a écrit :

I'm pretty new to this PKI stuff, but I'm very confused about why pkcs12 files 
are encrypted.

As I understand it, a basic p12 file contains within it two things:

(1) A private key (private.pem in my case, an RSA key created with genrsa)
(2) An x509 certificate (cert.pem in my case, created with req -new -x509 -key 
private.pem etc...)

When you create the x509 certificate it isn't encrypted, because all it stores 
inside of it is the public key which is generated from the given private.pem; 
and that's not sensitive data. As far as I can see, there aren't even any 
options in the openssl req sub-utility to encrypt the cert created by -new 

Now, if I understand correctly, when you take cert.pem and private.pem and 
store them together into a p12 file, the pkcs12 sub-utility defaults to 
encrypting the p12 file as a whole, even beyond the fact that the internal 
private key is already encrypted, and despite the fact that (I think) the 
certificate doesn't need to be encrypted.

I'm guessing I'm probably missing something here. It's not just that I think encrypting 
the cert would be silly and paranoid, it's that I don't understand why it 
needs to be encrypted in principle.

Many thanks in advance for any help
in clearing up a newbie's confusion,

If there are any de facto standard books to read on the subjecst of RSA and 
PKI, I would be curious to hear a tip. I'm not necessarily just interested in 
learning how to use these technologies from a user-end perspective. I'm pretty 
solid with mathematics, so I would be curious to learn about the theory of the 
implementation details as well.

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Re: Intermediate CA

2011-01-13 Thread michel

Hi Jijo,

I believe interesting information can be found here :


Le 13/01/2011 17:16, Jijo a écrit :

Thanks for the response..

You have to get the IC to the client somehow. The usual method is to 
have the server send it. Does the server software provide a way to 
supply a certificate chain?

What do you mean by server sending it?  is it on TLS negotiation?

What do you mean by certificate chain? is it rootCA and IntermediateCA 
combined in a pem file?.


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Re: sample client-server code withh ssl

2011-01-06 Thread michel

the source code available here was also usefull for me :

excerpt from the book can be found online with google preview

Le 06/01/2011 00:00, Bhola Ray a écrit :


Can anyone provide me  with a working client-server code with SSL. 
 If  there is a pointer to a site from which I can download that's 
fine also.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,

Warm regards,


Re: Is it possible to generate RSA private and public keys by Opensssl in XML format

2010-12-16 Thread michel

Pehaps you should rather look at the XMLSec project :

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