[opensuse] Coupons for SUSE

2007-02-21 Thread Hans van der Merwe

What does it mean when they say MS is providing coupons for Novell Linux
Enterprise ?
Do I want one?
How do I get it?

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[opensuse] Re: About Backing Up

2007-02-21 Thread Joachim Schrod

John Andersen wrote:

On Wednesday 21 February 2007, Greg Freemyer wrote:


There really is a reason that SCSI costs more in general, and HP uses
good SCSI drives on top of that.

The good reason is that people believe they are better, not that
they actually ARE better.  
Compare some drives side by side of similar vintage and size and

you will find there is well in excess of 90% parts inter-changeability.

A reason for us to go to SCSI is that it's sometimes not obvious if 
an IDE drive can turn off the write-cache or have a battery-buffered 
write-cache. Both capabilities are essential for databases.


Joachim Schrod  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Roedermark, Germany

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[opensuse] Linux on an MacBook

2007-02-21 Thread Banana Flex

Anyone has successfull installed openSUSE-10.2 or SUSE Linux Enterprise
on an Apple MacBook ?

Thanks a lot
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Re: [opensuse] X weirdness in 10.2

2007-02-21 Thread Fajar Priyanto
On Thursday 22 February 2007 13:12, Michael Folsom wrote:
> Had a perfectly happy 10.2 box (dual 32 bit xenon's and a Nvida board)
> running at 1280x1024 with XGL on and decided to catch up on patches -
> used the Nvidia driver (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9629-pkg1.run)
> After a shutdown and reboot the highest resolution I can get is
> 800x600 - no matter what it says in the xorg.conf file it still
> displays at 800x600 (file below)
> I hate X!

That's why there is a saying in the IT world "If it ain't broken, don't fix 

Anyway, you can try adjusting the display again using sax2.
And this time, make sure you CHANGE the hardware (screen) first to support 
1280x1024, then LASTLY change the resolution to 1280x1024.
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial 
2:12pm up 2:59, GNU/Linux 
Let's use OpenOffice. http://www.openoffice.org
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Re: [opensuse] Smart.

2007-02-21 Thread Clayton

IMHO there has been entirely too much evangelizing of smart
on this list.  If Novell had not forced the developers down the ZMD
road smart wouldn't get the time of day around here.
Talk about a "New Coke" story.!!!

Personally... I detest Smart (meaning SmartGUI).  I have said many
many times it's a poor implementation, and severely awkward to use.  I
can use it, but it's not intuitive at all - particularly to new Linux
users.  At least with Synaptic, the new users caught on within a
couple minutes.  With Smart I'm always getting calls/emails from
people who can't figure out how to do something with it.  It all comes
down to a bad UI design.

But.. I've said this all before.

Sigh. And ZMD?  Not much you can say about it.  I keep trying it in
hopes that it will actually work as advertised.

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Re: [opensuse] Keyboard gone Craaaziiiiiey

2007-02-21 Thread Clayton

On the other side, I have never seen this problem till 10.1
and I've been on suse since 7.0, on a wide variety of machines
and laptops.

Even the 10.1 problem only occurd on core2duo machines, not
ALL dual processor machined.

I have to agree.  Used SUSE since 6.3, and never had any problems win
keyboard repeat... until 10.1  (I use a Cherry Linux keyboard, so it'
snot just a Logitech thing).   In 10.1 (on an AMD X2 3800+) it was so
bad that the whole GUI (KDE and Gnome) became unusable.

I posted about the whole keyboard repeat several times during the 10.1
lifetime (ie before 10.2 came out).  There are a lot of threads on
this back in November/December.  I never saw an acceptable solution -
I don't consider turning off keyboard repeat in KDE a solution.  It's
a half-assed workaround.

That all said... 10.2 has been working perfectly.  Whatever was wrong
- for me - with the kernels in 10.1, it's been fixed in 10.2... I
hope.  I would like to know what it was, why it only affected some
people, and why it's cropping up yet again.

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Re: [opensuse] Some more oil in the fire ...

2007-02-21 Thread Mathias Homann
Am Mittwoch 21 Februar 2007 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> On Wed February 21 2007 2:50 pm, Jeffrey Taylor scratched these words
> onto a coconut shell, hoping for an answer:
> > Quoting M Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > On Wednesday 21 February 2007 10:07, Fergus Wilde wrote:
> > > > Ballmer is a sad little man
> >
> > BINAL (Ballmer Is Not A Lawyer)
>  And not much else either. He is a train wreck/car wreck.. It's the only
> reason he still gets reporters and camera folks out to see his
> pronouncements. They are there on the hope he will self destruct or do
> something fantastically silly ( film at 11 sort of stuff. for slow
> newsdays ).

you mean,something like running up and down a stage like a monkey on speed, 
yelling "developers! developers! developers!" all the time?

makes me wonder why certain elements of the press still take that lunatic 


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Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdrücklich untersagt!

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Re: [opensuse] Google Earth OT

2007-02-21 Thread J Sloan

A. den Oudsten wrote:

> Nvidia has a generic update for my card in Linux and is already in
> openSUSE 10.2

So, what is the output of "glxgears"?

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Re: [opensuse] group ware info

2007-02-21 Thread John Andersen
On Wednesday 21 February 2007, Jack Malone wrote:

> I have a operate on a shoe string budget here,

Which apparently does not include sufficient funding for
carriage returns or paragraphs.

John Andersen

Description: PGP signature

Re: [opensuse] Keyboard gone Craaaziiiiiey

2007-02-21 Thread John Andersen
On Wednesday 21 February 2007, M Harris wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 February 2007 01:48, Basil Chupin wrote:
> > pressing any keyproduc ces a non-ending rpeat of
> > thatkey.
>   Every Suse distro I have used has had this problem to a greater or 
> lesser
> degree... particularly on the ThinkPad. You won't notice it on a black
> console screen (alt-F1) but you will notice it in X; seems like the
> key-release event is not being sensed or processed.  The work-around is to
> set the key-repeat low... or usually just turn it off.

On the other side, I have never seen this problem till 10.1
and I've been on suse since 7.0, on a wide variety of machines
and laptops.

Even the 10.1 problem only occurd on core2duo machines, not
ALL dual processor machined.

I don't think it is fair to say that "Every Suse distro I have used has had 
this problem to a greater or lesser degree" unless you state up front
that the lesser degree includes ZERO!.

John Andersen

Description: PGP signature

Re: [opensuse] Smart.

2007-02-21 Thread John Andersen
On Wednesday 21 February 2007, Fred A. Miller wrote:
> Don't you just love the never ending insistance from Smart that it must
> have a key from subkeys.pgp.net or it will puke on the install? Of course,
> frequently the key is not available. This has been a major pain in the butt
> since the first release of Smart and is beginning to really irritate a
> number of users.
> Fred

Especially given the intermittent flakeyness of the keyservers of late.
Some may just not be reachable from time to time, others just
disappear for days at a time.  I've had to change my
primary keyserver in kgpg three times in the last month.

IMHO there has been entirely too much evangelizing of smart
on this list.  If Novell had not forced the developers down the ZMD 
road smart wouldn't get the time of day around here.
Talk about a "New Coke" story.!!!

John Andersen

Description: PGP signature

[opensuse] X weirdness in 10.2

2007-02-21 Thread Michael Folsom

Had a perfectly happy 10.2 box (dual 32 bit xenon's and a Nvida board)
running at 1280x1024 with XGL on and decided to catch up on patches -
used the Nvidia driver (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9629-pkg1.run)

After a shutdown and reboot the highest resolution I can get is
800x600 - no matter what it says in the xorg.conf file it still
displays at 800x600 (file below)

I hate X!

It can just drive you nuts

Thanks for any help!

# /.../
# SaX generated X11 config file
# Created on: 2006-11-29T08:36:06-0700.
# Version: 8.1
# Contact: Marcus Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2005
# Contact: SaX-User list < https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/sax-users>
# Automatically generated by [ISaX] (8.1)
Section "Files"
 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc:unscaled"
 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/local"
 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
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 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ucs/75dpi:unscaled"
 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ucs/100dpi:unscaled"
 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/hellas/misc:unscaled"
 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/hellas/75dpi:unscaled"
 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/hellas/100dpi:unscaled"
 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/hellas/Type1"
 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc/sgi:unscaled"
 FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/xtest"
 FontPath "/opt/kde3/share/fonts"
 FontPath "unix/:7100"
 InputDevices "/dev/gpmdata"
 InputDevices "/dev/input/mice"

Section "ServerFlags"
 Option   "AllowMouseOpenFail" "on"

Section "Module"
 Load "dbe"
 Load "type1"
 Load "freetype"
 Load "extmod"
 Load "glx"
 Load "v4l"

Section "InputDevice"
 Driver   "kbd"
 Identifier   "Keyboard[0]"
 Option   "Protocol" "Standard"
 Option   "XkbLayout" "us"
 Option   "XkbModel" "pc104"
 Option   "XkbRules" "xfree86"

Section "InputDevice"
 Driver   "mouse"
 Identifier   "Mouse[1]"
 Option   "Buttons" "9"
 Option   "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
 Option   "Name" "ImExPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse"
 Option   "Protocol" "explorerps/2"
 Option   "Vendor" "Sysp"
 Option   "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Section "Monitor"
 Identifier   "Monitor[0]"
 Option   "DPMS"
 VendorName   "--> VESA"
 VertRefresh  50-60
 UseModes "Modes[0]"
Section "Modes"
 Identifier   "Modes[0]"
 Modeline  "1024x768" 65.00 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806

Section "Screen"
 DefaultDepth 24
 SubSection "Display"
   Depth  15
   Modes  "1024x768"
 SubSection "Display"
   Depth  16
   Modes  "1024x768"
 SubSection "Display"
   Depth  24
   Modes  "1024x768"
 SubSection "Display"
   Depth  8
   Modes  "1024x768"
 Device   "Device[0]"
 Identifier   "Screen[0]"
 Monitor  "Monitor[0]"
Section "Device"
 BoardName"GeForce FX 5200 Ultra"
 Driver   "nvidia"
 Identifier   "Device[0]"
 VendorName   "NVidia"

Section "ServerLayout"
 Identifier   "Layout[all]"
 InputDevice  "Keyboard[0]" "CoreKeyboard"
 InputDevice  "Mouse[1]" "CorePointer"
 Option   "Clone" "off"
 Option   "Xinerama" "off"
 Screen   "Screen[0]"

Section "DRI"
   Group  "video"
   Mode   0660

Section "Extensions"
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Re: [opensuse] Lightscribe.

2007-02-21 Thread Randall R Schulz
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 21:55, Randall R Schulz wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 February 2007 20:47, Fred A. Miller wrote:
> > Does anyone know of any other software than the simply label maker
> > for Linux that is available from Lightscribe? It is
> > marginalthat is, it works fine, but the features are less than
> > "modest." I've check all commercial listings I can find, and of
> > course, they're all brain dead and only support MickySoft with a
> > few MAC offerings.
> The following URL should lead you to what you're looking for, as
> would searching the archives of this list.

Oops. Sorry, I didn't read carefully.

What features do you require or desire that the LightScribe-supplied 
software does not provide?

> > Thanks!
> >
> > Fred

Randall Schulz
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Re: [opensuse] bind help

2007-02-21 Thread John Andersen
On Wednesday 21 February 2007, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
> The server can use your host file.  Unless you are using DDNS updates
> from your dhcpd, it is very easy to edit your zone files via Yast,
> Network Services, DNS Server, Zone files.  I as impressed by this Yast
> module this time (10.2).  Alas, if you edit them this way, it will
> delete the update-allow line in those zone files and disable ddns, as
> you can't have both.  You could create another zone in Yast I suppose
> for those addresses.  Try out Yast for this, it makes it rather easy.
> Also, check out the sysconfig variables for some very nicely done
> include "magic".  HTH.

Well this is exactly the way it was set up Joe, but yet the 
the dns server will not serve names in /etc/hosts.

John Andersen

Description: PGP signature

Re: [opensuse] Lightscribe.

2007-02-21 Thread Randall R Schulz
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 20:47, Fred A. Miller wrote:
> Does anyone know of any other software than the simply label maker
> for Linux that is available from Lightscribe? It is marginalthat
> is, it works fine, but the features are less than "modest." I've
> check all commercial listings I can find, and of course, they're all
> brain dead and only support MickySoft with a few MAC offerings.

The following URL should lead you to what you're looking for, as would 
searching the archives of this list.


> Thanks!
> Fred

Randall Schulz
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[opensuse] Smart.

2007-02-21 Thread Fred A. Miller
Don't you just love the never ending insistance from Smart that it must have a 
key from subkeys.pgp.net or it will puke on the install? Of course, 
frequently the key is not available. This has been a major pain in the butt 
since the first release of Smart and is beginning to really irritate a number 
of users.


Remember, a consumer is a customer with no choice.
DRM 'manages access' in the same way that jail 'manages freedom.' 
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Re: [opensuse] Re: About Backing Up

2007-02-21 Thread John Andersen
On Wednesday 21 February 2007, Greg Freemyer wrote:
> Those EVAs have quality SCSI drives. They are far more rugged than
> PATA/SATA and they are designed to work hard their entire life.  (ie.
> IIRC 20% duty cycle is the design goal for PATA/SATA,  100% duty-cycle
> for SCSI)
> There really is a reason that SCSI costs more in general, and HP uses
> good SCSI drives on top of that.

The good reason is that people believe they are better, not that
they actually ARE better.  
Compare some drives side by side of similar vintage and size and
you will find there is well in excess of 90% parts inter-changeability.

Chassis, motors, heads, arms, are usually identical.  There MAY be
some difference in platters, and there are some difference in 
electronics (although not as much as you might be lead to believe).

There is nothing inherent in SCSI that makes it more durable.
SCSI  is sold into the expensive market because it works better in 
arrays which implies bigger machines, but you can get just as long a
warranty on SATA if you want..

I've had far too many SCSI drives die in 24/7 servers while the ATA
server right next to it with the same duty cycle and same vintage continued to 
survive long beyond their MTBF to pay any significant reverence at the 
shrine of SCSI.

John Andersen
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Re: [opensuse] Some more oil in the fire ...

2007-02-21 Thread Peter Van Lone

On 2/21/07, Fred A. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wednesday 21 February 2007 10:56:10 am George Stoianov wrote:
> "... Ballmer was also bullish over winning large corporate accounts
> against Linux vendors ..."
> The keyword is "bullish" that is just him, I do not think he is good
> for MS and even less so for OSS and Linux. The guy seems a lot like a
> loose cannon to me.

You have NO idea! Those inside MickySoft, who have been willing to talk, can
tell you some very interesting stories! ;)

I found this interesting:

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Re: [opensuse] Some more oil in the fire ...

2007-02-21 Thread Fred A. Miller
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 10:56:10 am George Stoianov wrote:
> "... Ballmer was also bullish over winning large corporate accounts
> against Linux vendors ..."
> The keyword is "bullish" that is just him, I do not think he is good
> for MS and even less so for OSS and Linux. The guy seems a lot like a
> loose cannon to me.

You have NO idea! Those inside MickySoft, who have been willing to talk, can 
tell you some very interesting stories! ;)


Remember, a consumer is a customer with no choice.
DRM 'manages access' in the same way that jail 'manages freedom.' 
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[opensuse] Lightscribe.

2007-02-21 Thread Fred A. Miller
Does anyone know of any other software than the simply label maker for Linux 
that is available from Lightscribe? It is marginalthat is, it works fine, 
but the features are less than "modest." I've check all commercial listings I 
can find, and of course, they're all brain dead and only support MickySoft 
with a few MAC offerings.



Remember, a consumer is a customer with no choice.
DRM 'manages access' in the same way that jail 'manages freedom.' 
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Re: [opensuse] Microphone blues

2007-02-21 Thread Randall R Schulz
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 11:59, John Summerfield wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 February 2007 19:35, Daniel Feiglin wrote:
> > Attached business cards
> >   Daniel Feiglin
> >       
> >   Work  972 9 8616204
> >   Fax  972 9 8621052
> >   Mobile  927 52 3869986
> >   Email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > [Add this contact to the addressbook]
> Please, no business cards on the list, my modem's too busy already.

Be real. Your reply to Daniel's message was only 900 bytes shorter than 
his, vCard included.

The vCard part of Daniel's message comprised these 489 bytes:

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=utf-8;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;


If data volume is a problem for you, then openSUSE@openSUSE.org is not a 
list you should be subscribed to.

Randall Schulz
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Re: [opensuse] group ware info

2007-02-21 Thread John Summerfield
On Thursday 22 February 2007 06:44, Jack Malone wrote:
> A shared address book would have been handy today

OpenLDAP should be able to do this, though you may need to add to the schema. 
this is a standard directory service, and all your email clients should 
directly support it.

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Re: [opensuse] Perl question [Solved]

2007-02-21 Thread John Summerfield
On Thursday 22 February 2007 00:09, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
> John Summerfield wrote:
> > On Tuesday 20 February 2007 23:20, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
> >> I know very little about this problem, so I will share what I know and
> >> if anyone knows perl if you can give me a hint.  Problem is this line in
> >> ddclient,
> >> debug("glo fw = $globals{'fw'}");,
> >>
> >> which causes this error when run,
> >> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
> >> /usr/sbin/ddclient line 1646.
> >
> > What version of ddclient?
> > I'm using 3.3.7 (on CentOS) and do not have a problem, even though it has
> > that line:
> >1644 debug("server = $server");
> >1645 debug("opt(fw = ",opt('fw'));
> >1646 debug("glo fw = $globals{'fw'}");
> >
> > Hang on, what's that at the end of line 1646 in yours?
> Well, a bit more digging and looking around the file (after thinking
> through what I learned from Patrick yesterday, I think I got it.  At
> least it looks right to me and works.  The bug is in that line.  I
> changed it to debug("glo fw = ",$globals{'fw'});
> I have no real idea what that does, but it looked different to the one
> above it, and they seemed to be very similar (and I changed the the line
> 1645 to be like 1646 and that still didn't work, but making the 1646
> line like the 1645 line allowed it to work, and running with debug (an
> option I found looking in the script) output looks correct.  Thanks for
> your help.  If this looks correct, please let me know so I can file a
> bug report.  Thanks.

Your response confuses me, but that comma is definitely wrong: Perl statements 
are (mostly, and this one is) separated by semicolons, and the comma is not a 
good way to start a new one.

If you didn't put it there, it's a fairly important bug, as you noticed:-)

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Re: [opensuse] Re: About Backing Up

2007-02-21 Thread John Summerfield
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 23:42, Joachim Schrod wrote:
> For the record, I should add that one needs to collect MTBF numbers
> (actually, MTTF and MTTR numbers) onself. Data from other
> organizations is not reliable, the variance seems to be quite high.
That would be because shops' environmentals vary (and maybe California the 
Shaky is worse than average); Manufacturer's results would be derived in 
perfectly controlled circumstances, quite unlike where I work.
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Re: [opensuse] Microphone blues

2007-02-21 Thread John Summerfield
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 19:35, Daniel Feiglin wrote:
> Attached business cards
>   Daniel Feiglin
>   Work  972 9 8616204
>   Fax  972 9 8621052
>   Mobile  927 52 3869986
> [Add this contact to the addressbook]

Please, no business cards on the list, my modem's too busy already.

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Re: [opensuse] Yast bad manners

2007-02-21 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 21:30, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Wednesday 2007-02-21 at 21:06 -0600, Rajko M. wrote:
> > On Wednesday 21 February 2007 01:24, John Andersen wrote:
> > > I've often wondered, but never took any measures to find out, what the
> > > memory use implications of many many desktops was?
> > >
> > > Assuming minimal wallpaper (or none), is it more efficient to use
> > > more desktops or more apps on fewer desktops?
> >
> > Every window has to be backed up for the time you don't see it.
> > So, it depends how large are windows is there any gain if you have lesser
> > desktops and more windows per desktop.
> They are not backed, they are fully redrawn. I mean, applications in the
> "other" workspace do not use image memory, they are "out of display" or
> something. I know, or I guess, because if you have an application that
> takes a long time to redraw, like OOo, and you jump to its workspace, you
> see it blank and then it starts to redraw. The other method, giving it a
> virtual display, would use more resources and memory, but jumping would be
> way faster.
> At least, that's how they behave in gnome.
> --
> Cheers,
>Carlos E. R.

They use some memory anyway :-) 

It seems that it depends on available graphic memory.
With 256 MB card switch between desktops is instantenuous without redrawing. 
The older with 4 MB is showing what you described. 

Regards, Rajko.
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Re: [opensuse] minimum installation

2007-02-21 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 13:14, Herbert Georg wrote:
> How do I perform a minimum installation of suse 10.2? I would like to
> install a very light version of suse 10.2 with KDE and only the packages
> I really need, but going through all the packages and unchecking the
> boxes of the packages already checked seems to be a bit unintelligent.
> However, I haven't seen any other option during installation.
> I would appreciate any hint.
> Regards,
> Herbert Georg

Minimal graphical system (cca 850 MB, I guess CD 1 and 2).
When installation is over, than you can add whatever you want using YaST.
That worked for me on computers with minimal hardware. 

Regards, Rajko.
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Re: [opensuse] cookies --found it, fixed it, Thanx; You are welcome :-)

2007-02-21 Thread Rajko M.
You are welcome Doug :-)

Strange way to answer in a subject line :-) 
"cookies --found it, fixed it, Thanx"

Regards, Rajko.
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Re: [opensuse] Autopackage ?

2007-02-21 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 05:00, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
> Rajko M. wrote:
> > The opensuseupdater can use Novell ZENWorks (zmd) or Default, which is
> > YOU. It is set by default to Novell ZENWorks, but right click on icon and
> > Configure Applet solves this :-)
> You are not describing opensuseupdater, but zen-updater.
> Opensuseupdater does not use zmd, and takes less cpu at start (several
> seconds only).
> --
> Joe Morris


I'm describing what I see on my desktop. 
Icons are different for two, and zen-updater is using zmd only. 
The opensuseupdater will use zmd if it is installed, but user can switch to 
Default. I don't know what happens if one removes zmd and company first, than 
install opensuseupdater. 

BTW, zmd is not installed here, since week or so, as mentioned in last post, 
zmd runs long and aggressive after boot, keeping all processes slow, that is 
the main reason I removed it. 

Regards, Rajko.
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Re: [opensuse] Yast bad manners

2007-02-21 Thread Carlos E. R.
Hash: SHA1

The Tuesday 2007-02-20 at 02:06 -0800, Martin Mielke wrote:

> Hi Darryl,
> yep, true... you can send a program to a specific desktop but in this 
> particular case about YaST that Carlos has pointed out (it also happens 
> to me with Skype, for example) the application takes the focus, no 
> matter on which desktop you are working on...


In gnome, if Yast/You is started on another workspace, and minimized, it 
un-mimizes as soon as it tries to pop up a message window (like a progress 
info window), but it doesn't grab the focus away from a different 

I tried this and it works. Minimizing in the current worspace doesn't 
work, it pops up and grabs the focus.

- -- 
   Carlos E. R.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.76


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Re: [opensuse] Yast bad manners

2007-02-21 Thread Carlos E. R.
Hash: SHA1

The Wednesday 2007-02-21 at 21:06 -0600, Rajko M. wrote:

> On Wednesday 21 February 2007 01:24, John Andersen wrote:
> >
> > I've often wondered, but never took any measures to find out, what the
> > memory use implications of many many desktops was?
> >
> > Assuming minimal wallpaper (or none), is it more efficient to use
> > more desktops or more apps on fewer desktops?
> Every window has to be backed up for the time you don't see it. 
> So, it depends how large are windows is there any gain if you have lesser 
> desktops and more windows per desktop. 

They are not backed, they are fully redrawn. I mean, applications in the 
"other" workspace do not use image memory, they are "out of display" or 
something. I know, or I guess, because if you have an application that 
takes a long time to redraw, like OOo, and you jump to its workspace, you 
see it blank and then it starts to redraw. The other method, giving it a 
virtual display, would use more resources and memory, but jumping would be 
way faster.

At least, that's how they behave in gnome.

- -- 
   Carlos E. R.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.76


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RE: [opensuse] group ware info

2007-02-21 Thread Jack Malone


As one East Texan to another:

(1) you're crazy for not running your own mail server, it is relatively 
easy and free; and
(2) www.egroupware.org
Ok Thanks David I will check into that one also an see how it goes. 
I did not make the choice on outsourcing the email, my boss says its cheaper
to let them do it an for now I just go alone with it. He will retire in
future then I can start do more things in house. I have both cable modem an
dsl coming in an the cable modem is pretty much backup ( im using it pretty
much to myself an have rest of lan on the dsl line). Long story why I have
both hehehe. 

Again thanks for info will for sure check into that next week. 

On another note I see that you have a suddenlink email addy. How is there
service down there. I can not complain much , here at home since they took
over from cox my service seems to be bit faster an at work it about the

Well off to bed for now. 


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Re: [opensuse] Yast bad manners

2007-02-21 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 01:24, John Andersen wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 February 2007, Bob S wrote:
> > So now I
> > always open a new application on a different desktop. Hey, you can have
> > how many ??? 12 ???  Now when I return to the desktop where I opened the
> > othe app. be it Yast or OO, it is sitting there waiting for me.
> >
> > Bob S.
> I've often wondered, but never took any measures to find out, what the
> memory use implications of many many desktops was?
> Assuming minimal wallpaper (or none), is it more efficient to use
> more desktops or more apps on fewer desktops?
> _
> John Andersen

Every window has to be backed up for the time you don't see it. 
So, it depends how large are windows is there any gain if you have lesser 
desktops and more windows per desktop. 

In functionality there is no much gain if you keep all opened windows on all 
desktops in one taskbar, but that's another story. 

Regards, Rajko.
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Re: [opensuse] group ware info

2007-02-21 Thread david rankin

From: "Jack Malone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I have a request from a few users wanting to have some of the features of 
ms exchange email server. I do not need it for email because we outsource 
our email to a third party, its cheaper for them to host it our 40 uers 
then it would be for me to run something in house. What some of the folks 
want are a share calendar an address book feature. Is there something out 
that that will let me have that with out using alll the features. i need 
for this to be free or very low cost, ( no budget for it at the moment).  I 
have a operate on a shoe string budget here, we have a few old codgers on 
the board that watch what we spend in the computer / software area an they 
grip if I spend too much money or they think im spending too much. At the 
moment I have suse 8 or 8.2 on my main server, not had a need to upgrade 
the production server an its running good. I'm fixing to install 10.2 on my 
backup server an get it going agian an I host this on that machine when I 
have up an running.
A shared address book would have been handy today > had a tough time 
getting some address one guy had to export out of outlook an import back 
into outlook on another person computer with out it messing things up. I 
know you will say go away from outlook but that is not going to happen for 
some people. I'm still using eudora on my windows machine here at work an 
grudgely dragging my feet finding something else now that eudora has quit 
production Eudara as it is today.


   As one East Texan to another:

   (1) you're crazy for not running your own mail server, it is relatively 
easy and free; and

   (2) www.egroupware.org

   I have tried the other groupware solutions and egroupware seems the most 
mature, it is actively developed, and integrates, calendar, addressbook, 
projects, timesheets, email, calls, notes and todo's. It takes a little 
playing with to get it figured out, but once you do, you really start to 
appreciate all of the great work and smart design that has gone into the 
project. Inport and export features work well and all of your data is stored 
in mysql. It has an excellent backup system built in that makes protecting 
you data easy. Upgrading when new releases arrive is a simple as 
uncompressing the new tarball and copying a few (as few as 1) to the new 

David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
(936) 715-9333
(936) 715-9339 fax

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Re: [opensuse] How to connect to MSSQL database?

2007-02-21 Thread J Sloan

Cristian Rodriguez R. wrote:
> Cody Nelson escribió:
>> I seam to be having problems using perl or php to connect to a MSSQL
>> database.  The docs from both claim MSSQL support is built in, but the
>> errors I get kind of suggest otherwise.
>> Does Suse do something weird that I need to turn on, or do I have to
>> break the Suse RPM manager and compile my own with the support built
>> in?
> At least with PHP, you cannot connect to MSSQL at the moment, since
> there is no official nor Buildservice only packages. (altough I already
> packaged the needed libraries, Im yet to enable mssql support in
> buildservice PHP packages)
Is there a php-sybase module? That worked with peecee sql, last I checked.

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Re: [opensuse] How to connect to MSSQL database?

2007-02-21 Thread Cristian Rodriguez R.
Cody Nelson escribió:
> I seam to be having problems using perl or php to connect to a MSSQL
> database.  The docs from both claim MSSQL support is built in, but the
> errors I get kind of suggest otherwise.
> Does Suse do something weird that I need to turn on, or do I have to
> break the Suse RPM manager and compile my own with the support built
> in?

At least with PHP, you cannot connect to MSSQL at the moment, since
there is no official nor Buildservice only packages. (altough I already
packaged the needed libraries, Im yet to enable mssql support in
buildservice PHP packages)

I have no idea of perl.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

RE: [opensuse] group ware info

2007-02-21 Thread Jack Malone


Web based solutions:
opengroupware - 
moregroupware - 
phpgroupware - 
need to be able to use outlook for this to work I will check out the info later 
this week or next. Thanks. 


some more ideas:

Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
a pile of scrap.
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RE: [opensuse] group ware info

2007-02-21 Thread Jack Malone

-Original Message-
From: Richard Bos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:12 PM
To: opensuse@opensuse.org
Subject: Re: [opensuse] group ware info

Op woensdag 21 februari 2007 22:44, schreef Jack Malone:
> What some of the folks want are a share calendar an address
> book feature. Is there something out that that will let me have that
> with out using alll the features. i need for this to be free or very
> low cost, ( no budget for it at the moment).  I have a operate on a
> shoe string budget here, we have a few old codgers on the board that
> watch what we spend in the computer / software area an they grip if I
> spend too much money or they think im spending too much. At the
> moment I have suse 8 or 8.2 on my main server, not had a need to
> upgrade the production server an its running good. I'm fixing to
> install 10.2 on my backup server an get it going agian an I host this
> on that machine when I have up an running.


Thanks Richard that looks like something good I will put it on my to do list
an try an install it on my server an see how it works out for a few users
that use outlook at the office. Maybe it will work out ok even though I want
be using it for email, just the calendaring an contact list sharing. Need to
read thrue docs on it when I get a chance , my to do list is pretty full at
the moment an might be a week or so before I get to it. 

Again thanks for info. 

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless
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Re: [opensuse] How to connect to MSSQL database?

2007-02-21 Thread Anders Johansson
On Thursday 22 February 2007 00:13, Cody Nelson wrote:
> I seam to be having problems using perl or php to connect to a MSSQL
> database.  The docs from both claim MSSQL support is built in, but the
> errors I get kind of suggest otherwise.
> Does Suse do something weird that I need to turn on, or do I have to
> break the Suse RPM manager and compile my own with the support built
> in?

The support is separated into packages, so that people who don't want it don't 
have to install it. I don't find that particularly weird

For perl support, install perl-DBD-mysql, for php install php5-mysql

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[opensuse] How to connect to MSSQL database?

2007-02-21 Thread Cody Nelson

I seam to be having problems using perl or php to connect to a MSSQL
database.  The docs from both claim MSSQL support is built in, but the
errors I get kind of suggest otherwise.

Does Suse do something weird that I need to turn on, or do I have to
break the Suse RPM manager and compile my own with the support built
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Re: [opensuse] group ware info

2007-02-21 Thread Richard Bos
Op woensdag 21 februari 2007 22:44, schreef Jack Malone:
> What some of the folks want are a share calendar an address
> book feature. Is there something out that that will let me have that
> with out using alll the features. i need for this to be free or very
> low cost, ( no budget for it at the moment).  I have a operate on a
> shoe string budget here, we have a few old codgers on the board that
> watch what we spend in the computer / software area an they grip if I
> spend too much money or they think im spending too much. At the
> moment I have suse 8 or 8.2 on my main server, not had a need to
> upgrade the production server an its running good. I'm fixing to
> install 10.2 on my backup server an get it going agian an I host this
> on that machine when I have up an running.


Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless
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Re: [opensuse] group ware info

2007-02-21 Thread Sunny

On 2/21/07, Jack Malone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a request from a few users wanting to have some of the
features of ms exchange email server. I do not need it for email
because we outsource our email to a third party, its cheaper for them
to host it our 40 uers then it would be for me to run something in
house. What some of the folks want are a share calendar an address
book feature. Is there something out that that will let me have that
with out using alll the features. i need for this to be free or very
low cost, ( no budget for it at the moment).  I have a operate on a
shoe string budget here, we have a few old codgers on the board that
watch what we spend in the computer / software area an they grip if I
spend too much money or they think im spending too much. At the
moment I have suse 8 or 8.2 on my main server, not had a need to
upgrade the production server an its running good. I'm fixing to
install 10.2 on my backup server an get it going agian an I host this
on that machine when I have up an running.
A shared address book would have been handy today > had a tough time
getting some address one guy had to export out of outlook an import
back into outlook on another person computer with out it messing
things up. I know you will say go away from outlook but that is not
going to happen for some people. I'm still using eudora on my windows
machine here at work an grudgely dragging my feet finding something
else now that eudora has quit production Eudara as it is today.

Thanks for the info.


Web based solutions:
opengroupware - 
moregroupware - 
phpgroupware - 

some more ideas:

Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
a pile of scrap.
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[opensuse] group ware info

2007-02-21 Thread Jack Malone
I have a request from a few users wanting to have some of the 
features of ms exchange email server. I do not need it for email 
because we outsource our email to a third party, its cheaper for them 
to host it our 40 uers then it would be for me to run something in 
house. What some of the folks want are a share calendar an address 
book feature. Is there something out that that will let me have that 
with out using alll the features. i need for this to be free or very 
low cost, ( no budget for it at the moment).  I have a operate on a 
shoe string budget here, we have a few old codgers on the board that 
watch what we spend in the computer / software area an they grip if I 
spend too much money or they think im spending too much. At the 
moment I have suse 8 or 8.2 on my main server, not had a need to 
upgrade the production server an its running good. I'm fixing to 
install 10.2 on my backup server an get it going agian an I host this 
on that machine when I have up an running.
A shared address book would have been handy today > had a tough time 
getting some address one guy had to export out of outlook an import 
back into outlook on another person computer with out it messing 
things up. I know you will say go away from outlook but that is not 
going to happen for some people. I'm still using eudora on my windows 
machine here at work an grudgely dragging my feet finding something 
else now that eudora has quit production Eudara as it is today.

Thanks for the info.


jack malone
Network Administrator

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Re: [opensuse] Kmail behavior

2007-02-21 Thread M Harris
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 13:48, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> The original form of KMail, with its
> "preview window" is a PITA.  I don't want to see 5 lines at a time, I want
> to see a screenful of the message.  Fortunately, KMail can do that, even
> tho you do have to double-click to bring up the message.

... the divider bar between the preview panel (bottom) and the message 
listbox (top) is moveable. Grab the bar with your mouse and move it up... the 
top panel gets smaller and the bottom panel gets bigger then maximize the 
kmail app and whalla... the preview panel will actually be larger than the 
message box when you double click the listbox entries. By the way, the bar to 
the left is also moveable if you need more left-to-right space... and you 
might also want to adjust your font size. There is absolutely no reason to 
double click the listbox items (waist of time and memory). 

Kind regards,

M Harris <><
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Re: [opensuse] Epson Stylus Color 1160 And Opensuse 10.2 X86_64, Printer doesn't print to finish

2007-02-21 Thread Patrick Shanahan
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-21-07 15:47]:
> For  those for whom the subject  doesn't display in the mailer body.

Gosh, I didn't realize that type of *limited* client existed.  Now I
wonder why we even bother with "Subject:" 

and here I am with a "threaded" client:^(

Patrick ShanahanRegistered Linux User #207535
http://wahoo.no-ip.org@ http://counter.li.org
HOG # US1244711 Photo Album:  http://wahoo.no-ip.org/gallery2
OpenSUSE Linux http://en.opensuse.org/
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Re: [opensuse] Kmail behavior

2007-02-21 Thread Patrick Shanahan
* Doug McGarrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-21-07 14:45]:
> If I had to use KMail in its original form, I would get my Windows
> machine fixed and use Eudora.  The original form of KMail, with its
> "preview window" is a PITA.  I don't want to see 5 lines at a time, I
> want to see a screenful of the message.  Fortunately, KMail can do
> that, even tho you do have to double-click to bring up the message. 
> No problem--my fingers still function.

You have teible problems.  If you dislike kmail so much or cannot
get it to look/act/do what you wish, what is stopping you from using
another different mail client?  After all, there are probably only 30
or 40 different possibilities.

Patrick ShanahanRegistered Linux User #207535
http://wahoo.no-ip.org@ http://counter.li.org
HOG # US1244711 Photo Album:  http://wahoo.no-ip.org/gallery2
OpenSUSE Linux http://en.opensuse.org/
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Re: [opensuse] minimum installation

2007-02-21 Thread zoran
Yes unless you want to solve all dependencies manually and that is  time 


On Wednesday 21 February 2007 22:43, Herbert Georg Schreef:
> You mean the mini-installation CD?
> zoran korac wrote:
> > Hi Herbert,
> >
> > Install SuSE 10.2 minimum and than KDE manually it seems like most
> > appropriet way to handle this.
> >
> > Zoran
> >
> > On Wednesday 21 February 2007 20:14, Herbert Georg Schreef:
> >> How do I perform a minimum installation of suse 10.2? I would like to
> >> install a very light version of suse 10.2 with KDE and only the packages
> >> I really need, but going through all the packages and unchecking the
> >> boxes of the packages already checked seems to be a bit unintelligent.
> >> However, I haven't seen any other option during installation.
> >> I would appreciate any hint.
> >> Regards,
> >> Herbert Georg
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Re: [opensuse] Can't burn DVD's with K3b

2007-02-21 Thread Peter Bloomfield
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 14:57, JB wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 February 2007 12:38, Niels Østergaard Kjær wrote:
> > Phil Burness wrote:
> > > I used to be able to burn DVD-R with my DVD writer via K3b and now I
> > > cannot. I am using :-
> > > cdrecord-2.01-25
> > > cdrdao-1.2.0-18
> > > libdvdcss2-1.2.9-1
> > > dvd+rw-tools-7.0-0.pm.0
> > > libdvdnav-0.1.10-14
> > > radvd-0.9-11
> > > libdvdread-0.9.7-0.pm.0
> > > k3b-0.12.17-100.pm.0
> > >
> > > When trying to burn a data dvd K3b opens a popup window saying Found
> > > Media: DVD-R Sequential (empty) Please insert an empty or appendable
> > > Double Layer DVD+-R medium into the drive - I have a new TDK DVD-R
> > > 4.7GB Data/Video DVD in the drive, and I am trying to burn 4.4GB of
> > > data. I'm using SuSE 10.1 and kernel Linux #1 Wed
> > > May 3 04:53:23 UTC 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> > > By the way, I've tried a different DVD writer as well.
> > > Any suggestions?
> > > Thanks
> > > Phil

I had a similar problem but it turned out to be the media. I bought some new 
Sony DvD-R disks and I could not write to them using k3b. I corrected this by 
downloading and installing new firmware for my DvD drive, using another 
computer with Windows.
It was a Sony drive and Sony media.
After upgrading the drive firmware everything was fine.


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Re: [opensuse] Some more oil in the fire ...

2007-02-21 Thread jfweber
On Wed February 21 2007 2:50 pm, Jeffrey Taylor scratched these words 
onto a coconut shell, hoping for an answer:
> Quoting M Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Wednesday 21 February 2007 10:07, Fergus Wilde wrote:
> > > Ballmer is a sad little man
> BINAL (Ballmer Is Not A Lawyer)
 And not much else either. He is a train wreck/car wreck.. It's the only 
reason he still gets reporters and camera folks out to see his 
pronouncements. They are there on the hope he will self destruct or do 
something fantastically silly ( film at 11 sort of stuff. for slow 
newsdays ). 
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Re: [opensuse] Can't burn DVD's with K3b

2007-02-21 Thread JB
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 12:38, Niels Østergaard Kjær wrote: 

> Phil Burness wrote:
> > I used to be able to burn DVD-R with my DVD writer via K3b and now I
> > cannot. I am using :-
> > cdrecord-2.01-25
> > cdrdao-1.2.0-18
> > libdvdcss2-1.2.9-1
> > dvd+rw-tools-7.0-0.pm.0
> > libdvdnav-0.1.10-14
> > radvd-0.9-11
> > libdvdread-0.9.7-0.pm.0
> > k3b-0.12.17-100.pm.0
> >
> > When trying to burn a data dvd K3b opens a popup window saying Found
> > Media: DVD-R Sequential (empty) Please insert an empty or appendable
> > Double Layer DVD+-R medium into the drive - I have a new TDK DVD-R 4.7GB
> > Data/Video DVD in the drive, and I am trying to burn 4.4GB of data.
> > I'm using SuSE 10.1 and kernel Linux #1 Wed May 3
> > 04:53:23 UTC 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> > By the way, I've tried a different DVD writer as well.
> > Any suggestions?
> > Thanks
> > Phil
> Well we are several who  had this problem.
> solution working best seems to have kernel ...20.   suse 10.2 (you have
> 13. ) and the second part a DVD-ROM that works with the latest
> SUSEOPEN linux.
> My internal DVDrom is too old. Bought an external BTS  didn't work
> either, bought a MEDION new model and this work without problems.

  Your 'solution' sounds awfully (and frighteningly) like the old M$ solutions 
everyone used to (and will have to now, with Vi$ta out) give! It was almost 
all anyone would offer when they had no idea what to do about an M$ problem 
so they'd just say "Buy better hardware". Let's hope Linux isn't coming to 
that stage.

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Re: [opensuse] Epson Stylus Color 1160 And Opensuse 10.2 X86_64, Printer doesn't print to finish

2007-02-21 Thread jfweber
On Tue February 20 2007 6:28 pm, Patrick Shanahan scratched these words 
onto a coconut shell, hoping for an answer:
> * John Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-20-07 04:31]:
> > Yike, I think the google translator failed you my friend.
> > Printer model?
> >
> >
> > I'm still working on "pompously moment".
> pompous, yes   The printer model would be listed in the thread
> subject, I believe.
Yup, it's in the subject 
> Epson Stylus Color 1160 
For  those for whom the subject  doesn't display in the mailer body.

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Re: [opensuse] minimum installation

2007-02-21 Thread Herbert Georg
You mean the mini-installation CD?

zoran korac wrote:
> Hi Herbert,
> Install SuSE 10.2 minimum and than KDE manually it seems like most appropriet 
> way to handle this.
> Zoran
> On Wednesday 21 February 2007 20:14, Herbert Georg Schreef:
>> How do I perform a minimum installation of suse 10.2? I would like to
>> install a very light version of suse 10.2 with KDE and only the packages
>> I really need, but going through all the packages and unchecking the
>> boxes of the packages already checked seems to be a bit unintelligent.
>> However, I haven't seen any other option during installation.
>> I would appreciate any hint.
>> Regards,
>> Herbert Georg
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Re: [opensuse] Kmail behavior

2007-02-21 Thread Anders Johansson
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 20:48, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> If I had to use KMail in its original form, I would get my
> Windows machine fixed and use Eudora.  The original form of KMail, with its
> "preview window" is a PITA.  I don't want to see 5 lines at a time, I want
> to see a screenful of the message.

The subwindows in kmail are resizeable

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Re: [opensuse] Kmail behavior

2007-02-21 Thread Randall R Schulz
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 11:48, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> ...
> ...  Fortunately, KMail can do that, even tho you do have to
> double-click to bring up the message.  No problem--my fingers still
> function. 

You can also hit return while the message in question is selected in the 
message list. You can configure the keyboard shortcuts associated all 
manner of actions in KMail, including navigation between messages in 
the message list.

> --doug

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Re: [opensuse] Kmail behavior

2007-02-21 Thread Randall R Schulz

On Wednesday 21 February 2007 11:48, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> ...
> If I had to use KMail in its original form, I would get my
> Windows machine fixed and use Eudora.

There are also Evolution, Thunderbird (or Seamonkey) and Sylpheed in 
addition to the character-mode mail clients, if you're into that sort 
of thing.

> The original form of KMail, with its "preview window" is a PITA.
> I don't want to see 5 lines at a time, I want to see a screenful of
> the message. 

The relative size of the preview pane vs. the message / mailbox list is 
up to you. You can also control the relative placement of the preview 
pane w.r.t. the message list (below or beside, i.e.). There's a "long" 
vs. "short" folder list option, but I don't know the difference between 
them and I don't want to take the risk of perturbing my carefully laid 
out KMail display configuration just to find out.

> Fortunately, KMail can do that, even tho you do have to double-click
> to bring up the message.  No problem--my fingers still function.
> --doug

Randall Schulz
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Re: [opensuse] Some more oil in the fire ...

2007-02-21 Thread Jeffrey Taylor
Quoting M Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wednesday 21 February 2007 10:07, Fergus Wilde wrote:
> > Ballmer is a sad little man

BINAL (Ballmer Is Not A Lawyer)
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Re: [opensuse] Re: About Backing Up

2007-02-21 Thread Greg Freemyer

On 2/21/07, John Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wednesday 21 February 2007, Kai Ponte wrote:
>  So far we're only
> replacing about one drive per month. The oldest EVA is roughly five years
> old.

Well, according to that google report you can expect to see a
significant rise in replacement rates, I'd wager.

Google's report is about commodity PATA / SATA drives.

Those EVAs have quality SCSI drives. They are far more rugged than
PATA/SATA and they are designed to work hard their entire life.  (ie.
IIRC 20% duty cycle is the design goal for PATA/SATA,  100% duty-cycle
for SCSI)

There really is a reason that SCSI costs more in general, and HP uses
good SCSI drives on top of that.

Greg Freemyer
The Norcross Group
Forensics for the 21st Century
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Re: [opensuse] cookies --found it, fixed it, Thanx

2007-02-21 Thread Doug McGarrett
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 00:25, Rajko M. wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 February 2007 19:41, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> > Sorry to have broken the thread.  You say that in  konqueror you can
> > selectively choose for which domain you want to allow cookies or not.  I
> > guess that KMail automatically chooses konqueror when you snap on a url.
> > But I tried all the options in konqueror (SuSE 9.3) and found nothing
> > that would apply to cookies at all.  What have I missed?
> >
> > --doug
> It seems to be the same as before.
> Settings -- Configure Konqueror
> scroll left pane down to Cookies.
> Default seems to be fine:"Ask for confirmation".
> --
> Regards, Rajko.
> http://en.opensuse.org/Portal
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Re: [opensuse] Kmail behavior

2007-02-21 Thread Doug McGarrett
On Tuesday 20 February 2007 22:23, John Andersen wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 February 2007, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> > If I read a message, and then go on to the next message by hitting the X
> > in the top right corner, nothing is saved on screen.  If I save a
> > message, and then go on to another message by hitting the X,
> What is this X you are hitting.
> Are you double clicking each message to bring up the message reader window?
> Why do that?  The preview window has all the functionality of the reader.
> Just single click each message and it appears in the preview message.
> There is no need to "save it" in a subdirectory.  (Learn to create filters
> and have kmail file things in the proper directory).
> But most of all - stop trying to make kmail behave like eudora.
> Its pointless and futile.  Do not fear change.  You will find Kmail
> far superior to Eudora if you just let it be Kmail.
> --
> _
> John Andersen

If I had to use KMail in its original form, I would get my 
Windows machine fixed and use Eudora.  The original form of KMail, with its
"preview window" is a PITA.  I don't want to see 5 lines at a time, I want to 
see a screenful of the message.  Fortunately, KMail can do that, even tho you 
do have to double-click to bring up the message.  No problem--my fingers 
still function.

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Re: [opensuse] Re: About Backing Up

2007-02-21 Thread Carlos E. R.
Hash: SHA1

The Wednesday 2007-02-21 at 12:10 +0100, Joachim Schrod wrote:

> Of course, being a statstical measure, it doesn't tell at all which disk will
> fail next, so it can only be used for purchasing decisions and not for
> precautionary actions. See also the recent Google report on that topic.


However... an example. The chaps maintaining my car do some kind of 
"preventive maintenance": they replace some pieces based on time and 
kilometers. When I check those pieces, they seem ok, but... who knows, I 
know they will not break on the road. Hopefully.

I'm curious.

On large installations such as those you and Kai mention, are SMART tests 
useful to predict failure?

- -- 
   Carlos E. R.

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Re: [opensuse] Some more oil in the fire ...

2007-02-21 Thread M Harris
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 10:07, Fergus Wilde wrote:
> Ballmer is a sad little man
Actually, Ballmer is a rather large (say Chubby & Tall) obnoxious 
man with a very big mouth... he is posturing (say squirming) because Fixta 
isn't selling while Linux is gaining significant market position daily. What 
do you expect him to do? He's a blow-hard... or should I say FUD-hard... who 
can continue to control the world if he can continue to make the world 
believe his lies. 

This is my favorite quote from the day:

"But I don't want to eliminate in your minds the notions of risk of 
that comes from competition with open source. We are higher priced, but we 
bring greater value," Ballmer added.

Honestly, why doesn't he just gag everyone with a spoon...?

Kind regards,

M Harris <><
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Re: [opensuse] Can't burn DVD's with K3b

2007-02-21 Thread Niels Østergaard Kjær
Niels Østergaard Kjær wrote:
> Phil Burness wrote:
>> I used to be able to burn DVD-R with my DVD writer via K3b and now I cannot.
>> I am using :-
>> cdrecord-2.01-25
>> cdrdao-1.2.0-18
>> libdvdcss2-1.2.9-1
>> dvd+rw-tools-7.0-0.pm.0
>> libdvdnav-0.1.10-14
>> radvd-0.9-11
>> libdvdread-0.9.7-0.pm.0
>> k3b-0.12.17-100.pm.0
>> When trying to burn a data dvd K3b opens a popup window saying Found Media: 
>> DVD-R Sequential (empty) Please insert an empty or appendable Double Layer 
>> DVD+-R medium into the drive - I have a new TDK DVD-R 4.7GB Data/Video DVD 
>> in 
>> the drive, and I am trying to burn 4.4GB of data.
>> I'm using SuSE 10.1 and kernel Linux #1 Wed May 3 
>> 04:53:23 
>> UTC 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
>> By the way, I've tried a different DVD writer as well.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks
>> Phil
> Well we are several who  had this problem.
> solution working best seems to have kernel ...20.   suse 10.2 (you have
> 13. ) and the second part a DVD-ROM that works with the latest
> SUSEOPEN linux.
> My internal DVDrom is too old. Bought an external BTS  didn't work
> either, bought a MEDION new model and this work without problems.
> Niels

Sory forgot the most important thing: have the latest update of HAL
running on your system
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[opensuse] Missing conduits for pilot applet

2007-02-21 Thread Simon Roberts
Hi all,

I'm having trouble syncing my palm pilot with Evolution. I managed to
build the latest versions of pilot applet and the daemon and it now
seems to work up to a point. The point at which it fails is that the
conduit list doesn't include the ability to sync the calendar or
address book! Bizzare but true, I can back up just about everything on
the palm, but the two things that I really wanted to get linked with
evolution don't show up on the list.

Any suggestions?


"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a 
man is wise by his questions." — Naguib Mahfouz


Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.
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Re: [opensuse] Re: About Backing Up

2007-02-21 Thread John Andersen
On Wednesday 21 February 2007, Kai Ponte wrote:
>  So far we're only
> replacing about one drive per month. The oldest EVA is roughly five years
> old.

Well, according to that google report you can expect to see a 
significant rise in replacement rates, I'd wager.

John Andersen
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Re: [opensuse] Keyboard gone Craaaziiiiiey

2007-02-21 Thread M Harris
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 01:48, Basil Chupin wrote:
> pressing any keyproduc ces a non-ending rpeat of
> thatkey.
Every Suse distro I have used has had this problem to a greater or 
degree... particularly on the ThinkPad. You won't notice it on a black 
console screen (alt-F1) but you will notice it in X; seems like the 
key-release event is not being sensed or processed.  The work-around is to 
set the key-repeat low... or usually just turn it off.

Kind regards,

M Harris <><
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Re: [opensuse] Can't burn DVD's with K3b

2007-02-21 Thread Niels Østergaard Kjær
Phil Burness wrote:
> I used to be able to burn DVD-R with my DVD writer via K3b and now I cannot.
> I am using :-
> cdrecord-2.01-25
> cdrdao-1.2.0-18
> libdvdcss2-1.2.9-1
> dvd+rw-tools-7.0-0.pm.0
> libdvdnav-0.1.10-14
> radvd-0.9-11
> libdvdread-0.9.7-0.pm.0
> k3b-0.12.17-100.pm.0
> When trying to burn a data dvd K3b opens a popup window saying Found Media: 
> DVD-R Sequential (empty) Please insert an empty or appendable Double Layer 
> DVD+-R medium into the drive - I have a new TDK DVD-R 4.7GB Data/Video DVD in 
> the drive, and I am trying to burn 4.4GB of data.
> I'm using SuSE 10.1 and kernel Linux #1 Wed May 3 
> 04:53:23 
> UTC 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> By the way, I've tried a different DVD writer as well.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Phil

Well we are several who  had this problem.
solution working best seems to have kernel ...20.   suse 10.2 (you have
13. ) and the second part a DVD-ROM that works with the latest
My internal DVDrom is too old. Bought an external BTS  didn't work
either, bought a MEDION new model and this work without problems.


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Re: [opensuse] minimum installation

2007-02-21 Thread zoran korac
Hi Herbert,

Install SuSE 10.2 minimum and than KDE manually it seems like most appropriet 
way to handle this.


On Wednesday 21 February 2007 20:14, Herbert Georg Schreef:
> How do I perform a minimum installation of suse 10.2? I would like to
> install a very light version of suse 10.2 with KDE and only the packages
> I really need, but going through all the packages and unchecking the
> boxes of the packages already checked seems to be a bit unintelligent.
> However, I haven't seen any other option during installation.
> I would appreciate any hint.
> Regards,
> Herbert Georg
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[opensuse] minimum installation

2007-02-21 Thread Herbert Georg
How do I perform a minimum installation of suse 10.2? I would like to
install a very light version of suse 10.2 with KDE and only the packages
I really need, but going through all the packages and unchecking the
boxes of the packages already checked seems to be a bit unintelligent.
However, I haven't seen any other option during installation.
I would appreciate any hint.
Herbert Georg

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Re: [opensuse] 10.2 How to repair installation

2007-02-21 Thread zoran korac
Hi Sunny,

Yes, there is.
Boot from your DVD just like you did when you installed SuSE 10.2 first time. 
Choose option "new installation" and then in next menu  you wil see 
option "other optons"  open it. From there you wil see menu like repair 
installed system, choose that one and use option automatic repair. It is time 
consuming if you skip package check, but only you can know is this nessesery. 
Once you reapaired SuSE 10.2 there is 95% that your boot loader will not 
recognized your MS-Windows partition, but that is not a problem just open 
YaST and there you wil find boot loader configuration, go to "Ad" and there 
you have to give name and partition of your other OS.

P.S it is more simple than it sounds, do not worry with repair option you wont 
loose anything, you accounts + passwords and mails SHELL stay intact. I did 
this several times. It is one great advanced fiture in SuSE linux.


On Wednesday 21 February 2007 18:35, Sunny Schreef:
> On 2/21/07, Richard Cromi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dual boot configuration with WinXP Pro x64.
> > Updated the BIOS for DFI Lanparty UT nf4 Ultra-D mainboard.
> > Windows boots fine, but SUSE 10.2 no longer boots.
> >
> > I've read online about a repair option on the install disk, but booting
> > from DVD I don't see any repair option available.
> > Is there a repair procedure on the DVD and how do you run it?
> >
> > TIA
> BIOS Flash will not break your install. Most probably some BIOS
> settings have been changed, making SuSE not to boot.
> Better of try to boot in "safe" mode, or try to play with ACPI, APM
> and apic options.
> Try to boot with acpi=off apm=off noapic nolapic
> If it succeeds, try to figure out what have been changed.
> --
> Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)
> Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
> a pile of scrap.
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[opensuse] hdparm result for HTS721080G9SA00

2007-02-21 Thread Michal Hlavac

I have Lenovo R60 with HTS721080G9SA00 7200rpm SATA disk.
When I exec hdparm /dev/sda I get this result:

 IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)
 HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 readonly =  0 (off)
 readahead= 256 (on)
 geometry = 9729/255/63, sectors = 156301488, start = 0

is this correct??

thanks, miso

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [opensuse] Re: About Backing Up

2007-02-21 Thread Kai Ponte
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 06:42:19 am Joachim Schrod wrote:
> Joachim Schrod wrote:
> > David Brodbeck wrote:
> >> Sure.  As anyone who's ever had a couple of hard disks fail can attest,
> >> MTBF numbers are mostly fiction.
> >
> > Well, I can attest that you don't seem to know much about statistics.
> > ;-) ;-)
> >
> > At one of my customers, 10,000s of disks are in use at the servers.
> > There MTBF numbers are reliable indicators of how much disks one has to
> > buy in advance to exchange the defect ones.
> For the record, I should add that one needs to collect MTBF numbers
> (actually, MTTF and MTTR numbers) onself. Data from other
> organizations is not reliable, the variance seems to be quite high.
> Therefore, this may be only of use for large installations, and not
> for SOHO or mid-sized environments that are probably most common on
> this mailing list.

Joachim has a valid point. 

Though this may be off-topic, I felt it important to state:

In our data center, we have 4 EVA 5000 machines each with 168 physical drives. 
The drives range in size from 72GB to 300GB. We use MTBF in order to 
calculate our drive replacement costs for these machines. So far we're only 
replacing about one drive per month. The oldest EVA is roughly five years 

Now, the data center is climate controlled and entirely supplied by redundant 
UPS units. In addition we have a diesel generator for backup. The generator 
gets tested at least twice a year to ensure it kicks in.   IOTW, the power 
never goes off and the temperature does not go above 65f/18c. 

OTOH, I remember getting a call in the early '90s from one of my then-clients. 
She ran a stationary store in Beverly Hills and her Novell 3.11 server was 
failing. When I got onsite, I found her mirrored 500MB drives were 
overheating due to the amount of dust encasing the drives and choking the 
fans on her DX/66 server tower. The server was enclosed in a closet in a back 
room of the store and had only been there less than a year.

In other words, MTBF is an estimate one can use for professional data centers 
and is actually fairly reliable when the drives are appropriately used.


Free Compean and Ramos
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Re: [opensuse] 10.2 How to repair installation

2007-02-21 Thread Sunny

On 2/21/07, Richard Cromi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dual boot configuration with WinXP Pro x64.
Updated the BIOS for DFI Lanparty UT nf4 Ultra-D mainboard.
Windows boots fine, but SUSE 10.2 no longer boots.

I've read online about a repair option on the install disk, but booting from
DVD I don't see any repair option available.
Is there a repair procedure on the DVD and how do you run it?


BIOS Flash will not break your install. Most probably some BIOS
settings have been changed, making SuSE not to boot.

Better of try to boot in "safe" mode, or try to play with ACPI, APM
and apic options.

Try to boot with acpi=off apm=off noapic nolapic

If it succeeds, try to figure out what have been changed.

Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
a pile of scrap.
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Re: [opensuse] guide to remotely upgrading Suse

2007-02-21 Thread Jon Clausen
On Wed, 21 Feb, 2007 at 10:37:55 +, Matthew Stringer wrote:
> Daft question on this:
> If I connect to the internet via eth1 how can I specify that in the GRUB 
> config.
> Testing it on a machine it loads the drivers for both NIC's but tries to 
> connect via eth0 and fails.

Google to the rescue:


leads us to:


- where we find:


  Specifies the interface or hardware address linuxrc should use for
  installation if there are several network interfaces available on the
  installation host. Wildcards are allowed.


among lots of other interesting info :)

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Re: [opensuse] 10.2 How to repair installation

2007-02-21 Thread riccardo35
On Wed 21 Feb 2007 15:58, Richard Cromi wrote:
> Is there a repair procedure on the DVD and how do you run it?

 - prolly, select 'Install' ---> then select OTHER OPTIONs button

friendly greetings

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Re: [opensuse] Some more oil in the fire ...

2007-02-21 Thread Fergus Wilde
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 15:47, Sunny wrote:
> Sorry to start again such a thread, but ...
> here it comes:
> Ballmer said: "I would not anticipate that we make a huge additional
> revenue stream from our Novell deal, but I do think it clearly
> establishes that open source is not free, and open source will have to
> respect the intellectual property rights of others just as any other
> competitor will."
> Here is the full story:
> Linux/0,130061733,339273726,00.htm>
> --
> Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)
> Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
> a pile of scrap.

Ballmer is a sad little man whose attention to his legal "rights" goes a very 
great deal further than his attention to the fitness for purpose of the goods 
he sells. He is a lawyers' nark rather than an IT expert and I beg all and 
sundry to turn their backs upon him and upon his works. Novell has been 
exceedingly foolish in getting anywhere near the bedroom with him, let alone 
into bed.

Fergus Wilde
Chetham's Library
Long Millgate
M3 1SB

Tel: 0161 834 7961
Fax: 0161 839 5797

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Re: [opensuse] 10.2 How to repair installation

2007-02-21 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi Richard

Last time I used Rescue System which is usually available from a list  
when you boot from DVD.


Cromi wrote:

Dual boot configuration with WinXP Pro x64.
Updated the BIOS for DFI Lanparty UT nf4 Ultra-D mainboard.
Windows boots fine, but SUSE 10.2 no longer boots.

I've read online about a repair option on the install disk, but booting from
DVD I don't see any repair option available.
Is there a repair procedure on the DVD and how do you run it?


Richard Cromi


Chuck Amadi
ROK Corporation Limited
Dyffryn Business Park,
Llantwit Major Road,
Vale Of Glamorgan.
CF71 7PY

Tel: 01446 795 839
Fax: 01446 794 994
International Tel:   +44 1446 795 839


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[opensuse] 10.2 How to repair installation

2007-02-21 Thread Richard Cromi
Dual boot configuration with WinXP Pro x64.
Updated the BIOS for DFI Lanparty UT nf4 Ultra-D mainboard.
Windows boots fine, but SUSE 10.2 no longer boots.

I've read online about a repair option on the install disk, but booting from
DVD I don't see any repair option available.
Is there a repair procedure on the DVD and how do you run it?


Richard Cromi


Re: [opensuse] Some more oil in the fire ...

2007-02-21 Thread Geir A. Myrestrand

Sunny wrote:

Sorry to start again such a thread, but ...

here it comes:

Ballmer said: "I would not anticipate that we make a huge additional
revenue stream from our Novell deal, but I do think it clearly
establishes that open source is not free, and open source will have to
respect the intellectual property rights of others just as any other
competitor will."

Here is the full story:


IMO, you could just as well replace the  and  tags with 
 and . Without specifics, that's what it is.


Geir A. Myrestrand
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Re: [opensuse] Some more oil in the fire ...

2007-02-21 Thread George Stoianov

On 2/21/07, Sunny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry to start again such a thread, but ...

here it comes:

Ballmer said: "I would not anticipate that we make a huge additional
revenue stream from our Novell deal, but I do think it clearly
establishes that open source is not free, and open source will have to
respect the intellectual property rights of others just as any other
competitor will."

Here is the full story:

Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

"... Ballmer was also bullish over winning large corporate accounts
against Linux vendors ..."

The keyword is "bullish" that is just him, I do not think he is good
for MS and even less so for OSS and Linux. The guy seems a lot like a
loose cannon to me.
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[opensuse] Some more oil in the fire ...

2007-02-21 Thread Sunny

Sorry to start again such a thread, but ...

here it comes:

Ballmer said: "I would not anticipate that we make a huge additional
revenue stream from our Novell deal, but I do think it clearly
establishes that open source is not free, and open source will have to
respect the intellectual property rights of others just as any other
competitor will."

Here is the full story:

Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
a pile of scrap.
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Re: [opensuse] openoffice firefox plugin

2007-02-21 Thread Masaru Nomiya

In the Message; 

  Subject: Re: [opensuse] openoffice firefox plugin
  Message-ID : <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date & Time: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 16:04:07 +0100

[Roger] == Roger Oberholtzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has written:

Roger> I would like to have this netscape feature as well. If it exists.

I'm using mozplugger.
With this, I can see .doc, .xls, .rtf, .ps etc files.

I installed mozplugger-1.7.1-5.1.i586.rpm which I got from


BTW. I'm using SuSE 10.0 Box (2.6.13-15.13-smp).


  Masaru Nomiya   mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp

  "Bill! You married with Computers.
   Not with Me!"
  "No..., with money."
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Re: [opensuse] Perl question [Solved]

2007-02-21 Thread Joe Morris (NTM)
John Summerfield wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 February 2007 23:20, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
>> I know very little about this problem, so I will share what I know and
>> if anyone knows perl if you can give me a hint.  Problem is this line in
>> ddclient,
>> debug("glo fw = $globals{'fw'}");,
>> which causes this error when run,
>> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
>> /usr/sbin/ddclient line 1646.
> What version of ddclient?
> I'm using 3.3.7 (on CentOS) and do not have a problem, even though it has 
> that 
> line:
>1644 debug("server = $server");
>1645 debug("opt(fw = ",opt('fw'));
>1646 debug("glo fw = $globals{'fw'}");
> Hang on, what's that at the end of line 1646 in yours?

Well, a bit more digging and looking around the file (after thinking
through what I learned from Patrick yesterday, I think I got it.  At
least it looks right to me and works.  The bug is in that line.  I
changed it to debug("glo fw = ",$globals{'fw'});
I have no real idea what that does, but it looked different to the one
above it, and they seemed to be very similar (and I changed the the line
1645 to be like 1646 and that still didn't work, but making the 1646
line like the 1645 line allowed it to work, and running with debug (an
option I found looking in the script) output looks correct.  Thanks for
your help.  If this looks correct, please let me know so I can file a
bug report.  Thanks.

Joe Morris
Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.2 x86_64

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Re: [opensuse] openoffice firefox plugin

2007-02-21 Thread Dominique Leuenberger
>>> On 21-02-2007 at 17:04, Roger Oberholtzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 February 2007 15:48:35 Garry Saddington wrote:
>> All software is from a straight install of OpenSuSE 10.2. I have
>> copied nsplugin from oo2 dir to the browser plugins but nothing has
>> changed. regards
> nsplugin is executable program, not a shared object file that can be
> by 
> the browser. So it cannot be used in this context. I am not sure what

> nsplugin is. Maybe the browser plugin is a wrapper around that
program? Or 
> maybe this is the opposite of what is wanted: nsplugin may allow
netscape to 
> be a plugin for OO.
> I would like to have this netscape feature as well. If it exists.

You might want to have a look at this site:
ODFReader: http://www.alcoholicsunanimous.com/odfreader/

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Re: [opensuse] openoffice firefox plugin

2007-02-21 Thread Roger Oberholtzer
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 15:48:35 Garry Saddington wrote:

> All software is from a straight install of OpenSuSE 10.2. I have manually
> copied nsplugin from oo2 dir to the browser plugins but nothing has
> changed. regards

nsplugin is executable program, not a shared object file that can be loaded by 
the browser. So it cannot be used in this context. I am not sure what 
nsplugin is. Maybe the browser plugin is a wrapper around that program? Or 
maybe this is the opposite of what is wanted: nsplugin may allow netscape to 
be a plugin for OO.

I would like to have this netscape feature as well. If it exists.

Roger Oberholtzer
OPQ Systems AB

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Re: [opensuse] Rug removed itself?

2007-02-21 Thread Sunny

On 2/21/07, Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I waited a few days. Now I see my installed version is, which
is the same as on http://ftp-1.gwdg.de/pub/suse/update/10.2/rpm/i586/ which
in turn shouldn't be my problem as its last update was over 8 weeks ago.

Any other ideas?

Also, where did you get 1.2.2+, and why?

YaST repo:

Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
a pile of scrap.
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Re: [opensuse] Rug removed itself?

2007-02-21 Thread Felix Miata
On 2007/02/17 11:25 (GMT+0200) Sorin Peste apparently typed:

> Felix Miata wrote:

>> My last several 10.2 updates I did as follows:

>> # rug ref; rug up

>> Now when I try that it just sits there for hours apparently doing nothing. 
>> 'ps -A | grep rug' shows nothing. How do I fix whatever's broken?

> Check your Mono version. There is a bug in Mono 1.2.3 known to be
> causing this behavior; it was reported on the Mono-devel mailing list.
> Please see

> http://www.nabble.com/ZMD-not-working-with-Mono-1.2.3-t3194686.html

> The solution is either to downgrade Mono to 1.2.2 or earlier, or wait a
> few days for which will contain a fix. Of course, you will need
> to upgrade to it by other means rather than rug ;)

I waited a few days. Now I see my installed version is, which
is the same as on http://ftp-1.gwdg.de/pub/suse/update/10.2/rpm/i586/ which
in turn shouldn't be my problem as its last update was over 8 weeks ago.

Any other ideas?

Also, where did you get 1.2.2+, and why?

BTW, YOU shows my installed zypper is the same as the latest version, and no
newer rug available either.
"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the
truth is not in us."1 John 1:8 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/
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Re: [opensuse] openoffice firefox plugin

2007-02-21 Thread Garry Saddington
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 13:35, Carl Hartung wrote:
> On Wed February 21 2007 04:48, Garry Saddington wrote:
> > On Tuesday 20 February 2007 23:52, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
> > > garry wrote:
> > > > I have enabled this plugin in OpenOffice as directed. When I try to
> > > > view an .odt document in firefox all I get is a blank grey page. Are
> > > > there any other instructions to get this working. I have a Windows
> > > > laptop for work and the plugin worked first time without any
> > > > tweaking. I have openSuSE 10.2.
> > >
> > > What arch?  x86_64?
> >
> > 32 bit
> >
> > > If you run the 64 bit OS, it uses a 32 bit Firefox
> > > for more plugin compatibility.  If you run the default OO with 10.2,
> > > which is 32 bit, it actually should just work.  If you run the 64 bit
> > > OO, this will not work, because of a 64bit-32bit incompatibility.  Of
> > > course, you WOULD need to restart
> >
> > Several times including full system restart. I didn't even get the grey
> > screen when I tried on my Ubuntu box!
> Hi Garry,
> Have you looked under /usr/lib/browser-plugins? This is the SUSE default
> plug-ins directory, so when I install a piece of software that has been
> packaged for SUSE, either by SUSE or by another 'third party' packager like
> Packman or Guru:

> a. if the package suppies a plug-in, it is 'landed' or is symlinked into
> that directory, or
> b. if it uses plug-ins, it 'looks' in that directory to see what plug-ins
> are available.
> So, did you install the 'stock' SUSE OOo package?
> Thanks!
> Carl
All software is from a straight install of OpenSuSE 10.2. I have manually 
copied nsplugin from oo2 dir to the browser plugins but nothing has changed.
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[opensuse] Re: About Backing Up

2007-02-21 Thread Joachim Schrod

Joachim Schrod wrote:

David Brodbeck wrote:

Sure.  As anyone who's ever had a couple of hard disks fail can attest,
MTBF numbers are mostly fiction.

Well, I can attest that you don't seem to know much about statistics. 
;-) ;-)

At one of my customers, 10,000s of disks are in use at the servers. 
There MTBF numbers are reliable indicators of how much disks one has to 
buy in advance to exchange the defect ones.

For the record, I should add that one needs to collect MTBF numbers 
(actually, MTTF and MTTR numbers) onself. Data from other 
organizations is not reliable, the variance seems to be quite high.

Therefore, this may be only of use for large installations, and not 
for SOHO or mid-sized environments that are probably most common on 
this mailing list.


Joachim Schrod  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Roedermark, Germany

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Re: [opensuse] About Backing Up [philosophical]

2007-02-21 Thread Roger Oberholtzer
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 00:07:07 Doug McGarrett wrote:

> I wonder if anyone is seriously considering these problems.  or if anybody
> actually cares.  I would think that scientists care, but what, if anything,
> is anyone actually doing about it?

The work in this area covers a number of areas. One is, of course, the 
physical media. The other is the content. For that, I suggest looking at:


I especially like to discussion of formats. It covers proprietary and open 


Roger Oberholtzer
OPQ Systems AB

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Re: [opensuse] Beryl and xgl

2007-02-21 Thread Hans van der Merwe

On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 19:41 +0530, Jigish Gohil wrote:
> On 2/21/07, Hans van der Merwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I have done a bit of googling but still cant find anyone else with this
> > problem.
> >
> > I have beryl, xgl, working, but slowly, on Intel 945GM (followed
> > instructions on suse and beryl forums)
> >
> Get the latest Xgl, compiz and beryl-snapshot packages from here:
> http://software.opensuse.org/download/X11:/XGL/
> If you still cannot get it working as expected, check the shared
> memory allocated to video, increase it.
> If it still doesn't work, try xgl package from here, it seems to have
> helped some:
> http://forum.go-compiz.org/viewtopic.php?t=273
> Cheers
> -J

Thanks, but from http://en.opensuse.org/Xgl I read:

Direct rendering is active if running glxinfo|grep direct on top of Xorg
(not Xgl!) shows you "Yes". On top of Xgl this will always show you
"No". Unfortunately, for Xorg having direct rendering is a synonym for
having accelerated graphics, and it is more difficult to detect whether
hardware accleration is available than it is to detect direct rendering.

So my current performance seem to be the best - well - didn't buy the
Dell for its graphics speed.

My home PC, nvidia 6600, rocks with aiglx enabled.

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Re: [opensuse] Downloaded *.wma files by misstake

2007-02-21 Thread Tom Burt
On 2007. 02. 21., Wednesday 13:16, Random R. Decker wrote:
> Hi
> I've donloaded music by mistake in MS *.wma format.
> Is there any way to reformat them into MP3s or something else?
> I know: a stupid mistake!

This might not be the simplest solution, but you can decode the file with xine 
(play back into a file, see option -A) and then encode to mp3 with lame. On 
the other hand, both wma and mp3 are lossy formats but in a different way, so 
encoding music into one format then the result into the other one you can 
expect to have lost more than by using just one of them.
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Re: [opensuse] Beryl and xgl

2007-02-21 Thread Jigish Gohil

On 2/21/07, Hans van der Merwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have done a bit of googling but still cant find anyone else with this

I have beryl, xgl, working, but slowly, on Intel 945GM (followed
instructions on suse and beryl forums)

Get the latest Xgl, compiz and beryl-snapshot packages from here:


If you still cannot get it working as expected, check the shared
memory allocated to video, increase it.

If it still doesn't work, try xgl package from here, it seems to have
helped some:



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Re: [opensuse] openoffice firefox plugin

2007-02-21 Thread Carl Hartung
On Wed February 21 2007 04:48, Garry Saddington wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 February 2007 23:52, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
> > garry wrote:
> > > I have enabled this plugin in OpenOffice as directed. When I try to
> > > view an .odt document in firefox all I get is a blank grey page. Are
> > > there any other instructions to get this working. I have a Windows
> > > laptop for work and the plugin worked first time without any tweaking.
> > > I have openSuSE 10.2.
> >
> > What arch?  x86_64?
> 32 bit
> > If you run the 64 bit OS, it uses a 32 bit Firefox
> > for more plugin compatibility.  If you run the default OO with 10.2,
> > which is 32 bit, it actually should just work.  If you run the 64 bit
> > OO, this will not work, because of a 64bit-32bit incompatibility.  Of
> > course, you WOULD need to restart
> Several times including full system restart. I didn't even get the grey
> screen when I tried on my Ubuntu box!

Hi Garry,

Have you looked under /usr/lib/browser-plugins? This is the SUSE default 
plug-ins directory, so when I install a piece of software that has been 
packaged for SUSE, either by SUSE or by another 'third party' packager like 
Packman or Guru:

a. if the package suppies a plug-in, it is 'landed' or is symlinked into that 
directory, or

b. if it uses plug-ins, it 'looks' in that directory to see what plug-ins are 

So, did you install the 'stock' SUSE OOo package?


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Re: [opensuse] Keyboard gone Craaaziiiiiey

2007-02-21 Thread Matthew Stringer
On Thursday 22 February 2007 09:24:32 Curtis Rey wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 February 2007, Pete Connolly wrote:
> > On Wednesday 21 February 2007 07:48:56 Basil Chupin wrote:
> > > 10.2 has just been upgraded by bits relating to KDE and now my keyboard
> > > not only will not register keystrokes but I had to turn off the key
> > > repeat feature because pressing any keyproduc ces a non-ending rpeat of
> > > thatkey.
> > >
> > > Is none else experiencing this or is my Logiteh keyboard/mouse combo on
> > > its last legs of a 3-year illustrious career?
> > >
> > > Chees
> > >  Chheers evn.Damn thiskeyoard!
> >
> > Hi Basil
> >
> > Same problems here with autorepeat - sometimes it just goes ballistic and
> > won't stop without me hitting the keyboard :(  Not good for SSHing over a
> > slow connection.
> >
> > Keyboard here is also a Logitech...
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Pete

Personally I don't think it's down to the keyboard, I've 3 desktop machines 
running Suse which all have a 
of doing that without warning, they're all different (2 clones, 1 Dell 
laptop) and I've tried different keyboards (USB & PS2).

I started having this problem from Suse 10.0


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[opensuse] Beryl and xgl

2007-02-21 Thread Hans van der Merwe

I have done a bit of googling but still cant find anyone else with this

I have beryl, xgl, working, but slowly, on Intel 945GM (followed
instructions on suse and beryl forums)

Before I run "gnome-xgl-switch", glxinfo indicates direct rendering:
Yes, X nice and fast

After "gnome-xgl-switch --enable-xgl" and X restart I get direct
rendering: No, and X is really slow, unusable (before even starting
Beryl performance is ok, not great, but I guess that's because of
rending being off.

Any ideas 
ps xorg.conf has got all the settings prescribed by beryl install

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Re: [opensuse] Downloaded *.wma files by misstake

2007-02-21 Thread BandiPat
On Wednesday 21 February 2007, Random R. Decker wrote:
> Hi
> I've donloaded music by mistake in MS *.wma format.
> Is there any way to reformat them into MP3s or something else?
> I know: a stupid mistake!

Using SOX from the shell will usually convert most sound files to 
another format.

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Re: [opensuse] cookies

2007-02-21 Thread BandiPat
On Tuesday 20 February 2007, Cristian Rodriguez R. wrote:
> Doug McGarrett escribió:
> > Hello, all--
> >
> > Apparently, ebay requires you to have a cookie.  Is this the case,
> > and if so, how can you enable JUST the cookie for ebay?  And should
> > you?  Or is there another way?  (I used to use ebay occasionally on
> > Windows, and I suppose it allowed cookies.)
> >
> > --doug
> In the vast mayority of cases, cookies are safe and does not poses
> any significant security concern for most users.
> You can safetely accept them, just keep your browser updated and do
> not lower the default secuirty settings.


You can also set, in both Konqueror or Firefox, the browser to accept 
cookies for that session only.  As soon as you close the browser 
window, all cookies are removed.  I believe this is referred to 
as "session cookies" in the settings for Konqueror.  Firefox & 
SeaMonkey will just let you keep them until the browser closes in their 
settings.  This way, you can accept the cookies from any site you visit 
without fear of someone still tracking you later.  Nice feature

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Re: [opensuse] New kernels

2007-02-21 Thread BandiPat
On Tuesday 20 February 2007, Greg Freemyer wrote:
> I think there is some basic confusion about the vanilla kernel.
> Libata has been around forever (ie. since sata support started I
> believe).
> As of 2.6.19 Libata added "experimental" support for a number of PATA
> devices using the /dev/sda nomenclature.
> Distros are still advised to use the traditional ide drivers via
> /dev/hda.  This is not likely to change anytime soon, but I have seen
> that one specific driver in one specific architecture submitted a
> patch to change the default to the libata version.
> FYI: Changing from one set to the other is a basic kernel issue.  A
> specific IDE interface can only be controlled by one driver at a time
> so you won't have the ability to access it both ways at the same
> time. I think you can rmmod / insmod to change, but not if it is your
> root drive.
> So if you have a non-SUSE distro that has already changed they are
> really pushing the envelope.  I will be surprised if even opensuse
> 10.3 makes the jump.  It is just too soon.
> Also, when the libata pata drivers get more stable there has been
> discussion of leaving both /dev/hda and /dev/sda behind.  Maybe
> /dev/disk will be used, but all of that discussion is very
> preliminary as well.
> Greg

Thanks Greg,
That helps explain some things a bit more.  I'm presently using the 
2.6.20 kernel and the CD/DVD drives are in fact labelled for srX 
in /dev, so that part is true.  K3B does in fact see the drives, but 
I've been unable to get it to work with them except as root.  I think 
part of the problem is k3b, part the programs it uses and partly the 
new kernel.  I'm still working on this problem.

Everything else seems to work nicely though, as I've not had any 
problems mounting, un-mounting or reading any discs.  I did find out 
later that libata has been around a while also.  

Thanks for the input,
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[opensuse] unbootable system after lvm snapshot

2007-02-21 Thread mourik jan heupink

hi all,

This issue is really about sles9. Please point me to the right list is 
there is one...

Anyway, I have found the following serious issue on sles9, sp3, fully up 
to date:

After a powercut machines with LVM partitions formatted with ReiserFS 
with an active snapshot do not boot properly anymore.

To reproduce:
- stock sles9 sp3 install
- create lvm partition
- create a logical volume formatted with reiserfs and mount it
- copy some data to it
- enter "modprobe dm_snapshot" to load snapshot kernel module (why 
doesn't this happen automatically??)

- create an lvm snapshot and mount it

Cut the power (pull out the plug) and your system will no longer boot.

Solve this situation by manually removing the snapshot ("lvremove 
/dev/system/snapshot-name") even though at that point the directory 
/dev/system does not even exist, and reboot.

Tested on two different machines, and found it out the hard way on our 
production mailserver... I've tried this using xfs as well, and that has 
no problems.

Is this a bug in lvm, reiserfs or the kernel? (or am I doing something 
wrong here..?) Strange: xfs has no problem, and SuSE default (reiserfs) 
does NOT work...

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[opensuse] Differences between boxed version and Download Version of 10.2

2007-02-21 Thread Phil Savoie
Hi All,

Was wondering if anyone would have information as to the differences if any of 
subj.  I really like the DL version and am impressed.

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