Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2008-01-28 Thread M9.

Hash: SHA1

Basil Chupin schreef:
| Not too long ago a similar question was asked and an answer given. I
| have searched the Suse database/site and mailing list(s), including the
| OpenOffice site, but cannot find the answer - obviously I am not looking
| in the right places nor using the right search words.
| I am using Suse 10.2 (and 10.3 on a test bed) but cannot get OO
| (everything upgraded to the latest versions) to print out a document to
| an IBM/Lexmark 4039 12R Plus laser printer.
| If I use Kwrite, to create a document and then print it, the printing is
| successfully done in seconds.
| Can anyone, please, either tell me what the "fix" is to get OO to print
| out a document or point me to the location where I can get the answer?
| (I have a couple of documents which need to be printed out rather
| quickly (but not as a matter of "life or death") so if someone can
| provide a quick answer I would be most grateful.)
| Ciao.
| Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.

Maybe you solved the matter, maybe not.
I ran into same issue just now, and the error log showed me to modify
printer, if upgraded cups, which i did, and it worked immediately after
i did modify the printer:
| I [28/Jan/2008:14:39:28 +0100] [Job 4] Restarted by "root".
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:28 +0100] [Job 4] No ticket cache found for
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:28 +0100] [Job 4] Can not get the ticket cache
for monkey9
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] [Job 4] Gutenprint: The version of
Gutenprint software installed (5.0.2) does not match the PPD file (5.0.1).
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] [Job 4] Gutenprint: If you have
upgraded your version of Gutenprint
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] [Job 4] Gutenprint: recently, you must
reinstall all printer queues.
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] [Job 4] Gutenprint: If the previous
installed version of Gutenprint
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] [Job 4] Gutenprint: was 4.3.19 or
higher, you can use the `cups-genppdupdate.5.0'
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] [Job 4] Gutenprint: program to do this;
if the previous installed version
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] [Job 4] Gutenprint: was older, you can
use the Modify Printer command via
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] [Job 4] Gutenprint: the CUPS web
interface: http://localhost:631/printers.
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] [Job 4] Gutenprint: The version of
Gutenprint software installed (5.0.2) does not match the PPD file (5.0.1).
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] PID 3564
(/usr/lib64/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.0) stopped with status 1!
| I [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
"debug" to find out more.
| E [28/Jan/2008:14:39:29 +0100] [Job 4] Job stopped due to filter errors.

- --

Have a nice day,

M9.   Now, is the only time that exists.

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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2008-01-21 Thread Aaron Kulkis

Basil Chupin wrote:

Aaron Kulkis wrote:

Basil Chupin wrote:

Aaron Kulkis wrote:

Basil Chupin wrote:

I used Microsoft Office for years, using the printer I mention in 
my original post (the Lexmark 4039 plus), and it NEVER even 
considered not printing at the first attempt.


Why 'Strange?

Strange because this is the first time I've come across
such a thing in 25 years of using Unix and 10 years of
using Linux

Gosh, you have been miraculously protected from all the nasties for so 
may years! :-) .

Mainly because the methods for an application to print
to a specific printer are so ridiculously simple that
this Open Office bug is the first I've ever been aware
of in all that time.

In many instances Windows works much better than 'Linux'.

If you define "much better" to mean you have a lot of time
to constantly repair things when it auto-destructs part or
all of itself.

No, I do not define "much better" in this way.

I have used Windows XP since it came on the market and I have not had to 
"repair" it for more then, say, a couple of times - and this only 
because of my own fault.

I've never had to repair a Unix or Linux installation...
And I'm talking thousands of machines, over a course
of over a decade.

The claim that XP "auto-destructs" is nothing more than a one-eyed view 
by Linux zealots, and others, who claim that Windows is crap compared to 
Linux-based distros.

4 out of 6 Windows XP machines in my infantry company
did exactly that when I was in Baghdad.  And I'm talking
on machines on a secure military network, with NOBODY
installing software except me, or commo people from
battalion, as directed at the theater level.

And I've experienced the same thing with every version
of Windows that I've ever had on a personal machine.

Now mind you, I've been programming since 1980, and
can't even remember all the different operating
systems that I've worked on... so unfamiliarity with
computer practices cannot be the blame.

I have a buddy who is a very proficient Windows admin...
he regularly reformats and reinstalls his machines every
6 months..."whether they need it or not" because of
his experiences in the work place...a practice which he
continues to this day.

I don't trust Windows, and the apps associated with it, for all the 
reasons mentioned in this and other forums as well as in magazine 
articles written by people who know what Windows is all about, but I 
would not support your statement in what you state in the above quoted 

I find windows to be an absolute pain, both as a
user and as an administrator.

Windows is certainly a "pain" in many ways but as a user it doesn't send 
me into an apoplectic state. That it annoys the heck out of me is true 
and which is why I switched to a Linux-based distro (SuSe being the 
obvious choice after trying out most of the other distros over the years).

I guess it's what you're used to.

I'm used to a system which has definite answers to
everything, and if something works today, it will
work tomorrow, unless *I* change something.

Not being an "administrator" of a Windows-based system I cannot comment 
on your experiences with it (as you intimate above) but - to be very 
realistic - if administrating a Windows setup was so very bad then 
either nobody would be using Windows or the Windows system 
administrators are masochists and/or are too stupid to change jobs so as 
not to work with Windows.

I would rather administrate 1000 Unix and Linux machines
than to administrate 20 Windows machines.

Or is it a problem with openSuse? Don't know.

I've never had a problem printing from OO on SuSE.

Then you are most fortunate.

Why is OpenOffice such a bitch about printing?

Actually no, that's rather typical for Linux and Unix both.

The only systems I've ever been on in which a printer
suddenly "stopped working" or was unavailable from
an application has been Windows.

Well (and there must be a moral here), I have NEVER has a problem with 
printing in Windows - even printing using a NETGEAR print server on the 
computers on my home network.

You must be having very good luck.

Typical mean time to failure for a Windows printer
driver installation appears to be 4 months, and that's
on a heavily secured US Department of Defence network...
with the advantage that the US Dept of Defence actually
has access to Windows source code.

"You win some, you lose some", as they say in movies.

I'm not saying that your case does not exist...I'm just
saying that it's far RARER in Linux than in Windows.

If you say so - see above.

I've got lots of experience in both.

If you go the OO forum you will find complaints dated 23 January 
2008  about not being able to print.

The above must be a typo for which I apologise - considering that 
*today* is 18 January 2008 :-) .


OK, so there's a bug in the software, which apparently
isn't in the version I'm currently using, and will
probably get track

Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2008-01-18 Thread Basil Chupin

Aaron Kulkis wrote:

Basil Chupin wrote:

Aaron Kulkis wrote:

Basil Chupin wrote:

jdd wrote:

Michel Rasquin wrote:

(I have a couple of documents which need to be printed out 
rather quickly (but not as a matter of "life or death") so if 
someone can provide a quick answer I would be most grateful.)

as a quick fix to printing problems, it's possible to print to pdf 
(export to pdf with ooo) and print the pdf document

sometime it works...


 Isn't it beyond belief that a piece of software (Megabytes 
big!) provided by one of the biggest companies has to be 'fiddled' 
before the damn thing will print a (simple) document produced using 
this software (OpenOffice)?

Due more to good luck than anything, last night I found a simple 
reference, in a message in the Sun's OpenOffice 'help' forum, which 
provided me with the information to get OO to print. As you suggest 
in your response, for which I am grateful, it ALL has to do with 
outputting the document to a pdf file and then printing that.

Hmmm.  I've never had to do anything like that... I wonder
if some something changed in a recent revision.

I cannot say if anything has, or has not, changed 'in a recent 

All I can say is that in the 'standard' install of 10.2, and now 
10.3, I cannot print in OO using the Lexmark 4039Plus laser printer - 
which prints very well during the Test Print in the OpenSuse printer 
setup - and prints all documents using the KWrite et alia.

The whole process involves trickery worthy of Harry Potter.

I used Microsoft Office for years, using the printer I mention in 
my original post (the Lexmark 4039 plus), and it NEVER even 
considered not printing at the first attempt.


Why 'Strange?

Strange because this is the first time I've come across
such a thing in 25 years of using Unix and 10 years of
using Linux

Gosh, you have been miraculously protected from all the nasties for so 
may years! :-) .

In many instances Windows works much better than 'Linux'.

If you define "much better" to mean you have a lot of time
to constantly repair things when it auto-destructs part or
all of itself.

No, I do not define "much better" in this way.

I have used Windows XP since it came on the market and I have not had to 
"repair" it for more then, say, a couple of times - and this only 
because of my own fault.

The claim that XP "auto-destructs" is nothing more than a one-eyed view 
by Linux zealots, and others, who claim that Windows is crap compared to 
Linux-based distros.

I don't trust Windows, and the apps associated with it, for all the 
reasons mentioned in this and other forums as well as in magazine 
articles written by people who know what Windows is all about, but I 
would not support your statement in what you state in the above quoted 

I find windows to be an absolute pain, both as a
user and as an administrator.

Windows is certainly a "pain" in many ways but as a user it doesn't send 
me into an apoplectic state. That it annoys the heck out of me is true 
and which is why I switched to a Linux-based distro (SuSe being the 
obvious choice after trying out most of the other distros over the years).

Not being an "administrator" of a Windows-based system I cannot comment 
on your experiences with it (as you intimate above) but - to be very 
realistic - if administrating a Windows setup was so very bad then 
either nobody would be using Windows or the Windows system 
administrators are masochists and/or are too stupid to change jobs so as 
not to work with Windows.

Or is it a problem with openSuse? Don't know.

I've never had a problem printing from OO on SuSE.

Then you are most fortunate.

Why is OpenOffice such a bitch about printing?

Actually no, that's rather typical for Linux and Unix both.

The only systems I've ever been on in which a printer
suddenly "stopped working" or was unavailable from
an application has been Windows.

Well (and there must be a moral here), I have NEVER has a problem with 
printing in Windows - even printing using a NETGEAR print server on the 
computers on my home network.

"You win some, you lose some", as they say in movies.

I'm not saying that your case does not exist...I'm just
saying that it's far RARER in Linux than in Windows.

If you say so - see above.

If you go the OO forum you will find complaints dated 23 January 
2008  about not being able to print.

The above must be a typo for which I apologise - considering that 
*today* is 18 January 2008 :-) .

OK, so there's a bug in the software, which apparently
isn't in the version I'm currently using, and will
probably get tracked down very quickly.

Have you downloaded the latest build, to see if it
works now?

I am using the very latest version of OO (on both 10.2 and 10.3), and 
nothing has changed.


Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.

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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2008-01-14 Thread Fergus Wilde
On Sunday 13 January 2008 06:02, Basil Chupin wrote:
> Johannes Meixner wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > On Dec 7 16:44 Basil Chupin wrote (shortened):
> >> Why is OpenOffice such a bitch about printing?
> >
> > What do you think why this or that application program
> > is "such a bitch about printing"?
> Because it doesn't print when one attempts to print a document when all
> the settings in the Operating System (in this case OpenSuse 10.2 [and
> now 10.3]) have been correctly setup?
> > Obviously printing should be an important issue in particular
> > for an office program but what do you think is the base reason
> > when the actual implementation is poor?
> Which is the 'actual implementation [which] is poor'? OpenSuse or
> OpenOffice?

My guess is that it's probably OpenOffice, because (tragically) I do have to 
support it on Windows sometimes, and it's picky about printing there too. And 
I've used the OpenBSD port and struggled to get it to play ball.

Less a propos of your original question, I'm afraid the main obstacle I face 
in getting Windows users to change to OO is its weak envelope printing. I 
know it can be made to do it, with some printers, but when MS Word users 
complain that Word is far easier to use in printing envelopes and labels I 
find it hard to disagree.

> > I don't know what the base reason is when printing is poor in
> > this or that application program - I have my own vague ideas
> > but I don't know what the actual reasons are.
> You have more knowledge and experience than I (will ever) have. I may
> have to go back to DOS..
> > Kind Regards
> > Johannes Meixner
> Ciao.
> --
> Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.

Fergus Wilde
Chetham's Library
Long Millgate
M3 1SB

Tel: 0161 834 7961
Fax: 0161 839 5797
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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2008-01-13 Thread Basil Chupin

Carlos F. Lange wrote:

On Sun January 13 2008 00:54:28 Basil Chupin wrote:

Anyway, many thanks for your response and I have finally

got OpenOffice to *print* a document!

If this is typical for the latest versions of OO, I'm
surprised the code made it past the beta-test stage.

 From the responses you would have read here, this is not 'typical'
for the latest version of OO to behave - BUT I have to add that only
today I updated my 10.3 system (which included the latest OO
upgrades) and I *STILL* cannot print a (*.odt) document.

I usually have no problems printing OOo documents, but I find the 
options offered by the print tool very limited compared with Kprinter. 
For this reason, this is what I do with every new openSuse install:

To send print jobs through “Kprinter”, 
run “/usr/lib/ooo-2.0/program/spadmin” in the command line, add a “New 
printer”, “Connect a PDF converter”, using the default driver, and 
use “kprinter” as the appropriate command and name of the printer. 
Finally, set this new printer as the default printer.

From then on, I always send print jobs to this "new printer" Kprinter, 
which then opens kprinter and allows me to resize, print 2 pages in 1, 
adjust colour, etc.

But, this is a "fiddle" and nothing more!

I found the "fix", after doing some searching, dated back last August 
(2007) about outputting a file to pdf.

In openSuse 10.3, OO was updated only (?)a couple of days ago. But the 
problem still exists!

Oh, never mind :-) . Next year maybe better.


Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.

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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2008-01-13 Thread Aaron Kulkis

Basil Chupin wrote:

Aaron Kulkis wrote:

Basil Chupin wrote:

jdd wrote:

Michel Rasquin wrote:

(I have a couple of documents which need to be printed out rather 
quickly (but not as a matter of "life or death") so if someone can 
provide a quick answer I would be most grateful.)

as a quick fix to printing problems, it's possible to print to pdf 
(export to pdf with ooo) and print the pdf document

sometime it works...


 Isn't it beyond belief that a piece of software (Megabytes 
big!) provided by one of the biggest companies has to be 'fiddled' 
before the damn thing will print a (simple) document produced using 
this software (OpenOffice)?

Due more to good luck than anything, last night I found a simple 
reference, in a message in the Sun's OpenOffice 'help' forum, which 
provided me with the information to get OO to print. As you suggest 
in your response, for which I am grateful, it ALL has to do with 
outputting the document to a pdf file and then printing that.

Hmmm.  I've never had to do anything like that... I wonder
if some something changed in a recent revision.

I cannot say if anything has, or has not, changed 'in a recent revision'.

All I can say is that in the 'standard' install of 10.2, and now 10.3, I 
cannot print in OO using the Lexmark 4039Plus laser printer - which 
prints very well during the Test Print in the OpenSuse printer setup - 
and prints all documents using the KWrite et alia.

The whole process involves trickery worthy of Harry Potter.

I used Microsoft Office for years, using the printer I mention in my 
original post (the Lexmark 4039 plus), and it NEVER even considered 
not printing at the first attempt.


Why 'Strange?

Strange because this is the first time I've come across
such a thing in 25 years of using Unix and 10 years of
using Linux

In many instances Windows works much better than 'Linux'.

If you define "much better" to mean you have a lot of time
to constantly repair things when it auto-destructs part or
all of itself.

I find windows to be an absolute pain, both as a
user and as an administrator.

Why is OpenOffice such a bitch about printing?

Or is it a problem with openSuse? Don't know.

I've never had a problem printing from OO on SuSE.

Then you are most fortunate.

Actually no, that's rather typical for Linux and Unix both.

The only systems I've ever been on in which a printer
suddenly "stopped working" or was unavailable from
an application has been Windows.

I'm not saying that your case does not exist...I'm just
saying that it's far RARER in Linux than in Windows.

If you go the OO forum you will find complaints dated 23 January 2008  
about not being able to print.

OK, so there's a bug in the software, which apparently
isn't in the version I'm currently using, and will
probably get tracked down very quickly.

Have you downloaded the latest build, to see if it
works now?

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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2008-01-13 Thread Carlos F. Lange
On Sun January 13 2008 00:54:28 Basil Chupin wrote:
> >> Anyway, many thanks for your response and I have finally
> >>
> > > got OpenOffice to *print* a document!
> >
> > If this is typical for the latest versions of OO, I'm
> > surprised the code made it past the beta-test stage.
>  From the responses you would have read here, this is not 'typical'
> for the latest version of OO to behave - BUT I have to add that only
> today I updated my 10.3 system (which included the latest OO
> upgrades) and I *STILL* cannot print a (*.odt) document.

I usually have no problems printing OOo documents, but I find the 
options offered by the print tool very limited compared with Kprinter. 
For this reason, this is what I do with every new openSuse install:

To send print jobs through “Kprinter”, 
run “/usr/lib/ooo-2.0/program/spadmin” in the command line, add a “New 
printer”, “Connect a PDF converter”, using the default driver, and 
use “kprinter” as the appropriate command and name of the printer. 
Finally, set this new printer as the default printer.

From then on, I always send print jobs to this "new printer" Kprinter, 
which then opens kprinter and allows me to resize, print 2 pages in 1, 
adjust colour, etc.

Carlos FL
 "It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority.  By 
  definition, there are already enough people to do that." - G. H. Hardy
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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2008-01-13 Thread Basil Chupin

Aaron Kulkis wrote:

Basil Chupin wrote:

jdd wrote:

Michel Rasquin wrote:

(I have a couple of documents which need to be printed out rather 
quickly (but not as a matter of "life or death") so if someone can 
provide a quick answer I would be most grateful.)

as a quick fix to printing problems, it's possible to print to pdf 
(export to pdf with ooo) and print the pdf document

sometime it works...


 Isn't it beyond belief that a piece of software (Megabytes 
big!) provided by one of the biggest companies has to be 'fiddled' 
before the damn thing will print a (simple) document produced using 
this software (OpenOffice)?

Due more to good luck than anything, last night I found a simple 
reference, in a message in the Sun's OpenOffice 'help' forum, which 
provided me with the information to get OO to print. As you suggest 
in your response, for which I am grateful, it ALL has to do with 
outputting the document to a pdf file and then printing that.

Hmmm.  I've never had to do anything like that... I wonder
if some something changed in a recent revision.

I cannot say if anything has, or has not, changed 'in a recent revision'.

All I can say is that in the 'standard' install of 10.2, and now 10.3, I 
cannot print in OO using the Lexmark 4039Plus laser printer - which 
prints very well during the Test Print in the OpenSuse printer setup - 
and prints all documents using the KWrite et alia.

The whole process involves trickery worthy of Harry Potter.

I used Microsoft Office for years, using the printer I mention in my 
original post (the Lexmark 4039 plus), and it NEVER even considered 
not printing at the first attempt.


Why 'Strange?

In many instances Windows works much better than 'Linux'.

Why is OpenOffice such a bitch about printing?

Or is it a problem with openSuse? Don't know.

I've never had a problem printing from OO on SuSE.

Then you are most fortunate.

If you go the OO forum you will find complaints dated 23 January 2008  
about not being able to print.

Anyway, many thanks for your response and I have finally

> got OpenOffice to *print* a document!

If this is typical for the latest versions of OO, I'm
surprised the code made it past the beta-test stage.

From the responses you would have read here, this is not 'typical' for 
the latest version of OO to behave - BUT I have to add that only today I 
updated my 10.3 system (which included the latest OO upgrades) and I 
*STILL* cannot print a (*.odt) document.


Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.

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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2008-01-12 Thread Basil Chupin

Robert Smits wrote:

On December 6, 2007 09:44:04 pm Basil Chupin wrote:


 Isn't it beyond belief that a piece of software (Megabytes big!)
provided by one of the biggest companies has to be 'fiddled' before the
damn thing will print a (simple) document produced using this software

First, I'm sorry you're having difficulties printing.

Second, OpenOffice is not provided by a company, it's provided by volunteers.

It is released under the SUN name, and the company supports the volunteers.

And, PLEASE, don't give me the crap about 'volunteering'!

'Volunteer' or an 'employee for $$$', the ethics are still the same: 'If 
it's worth doing then it's worth doing well'.

I've been working with volunteers for over 30 years. If a ding-dong (as 
in my second-last contact with a volunteer organisation) started the 
same argument as your statement above implies, my reply was, 'Nobody 
asked you to volunteer. Either do the job properly or p*** off.'

Second, there may well be any number of problems in your computer, your setup, 
your particular combinations of hardware and setup that don't make make it an 
OpenOffice problem or an Opensuse problem.

Third, you haven't given us much information to enable any one to help you.

I appreciate that you're frustrated at not being able to print, but with so 
many different possible combinations of computer hardware, software, and 
printers, it's virtually certain that someone will come up with scenarios 
which don't work. 

It certainly is a possibility that my hardware configuration is 
'upsetting' my ability to print, but I also understand that the whole OS 
(and OO) is being developed with the attempt to make it workable with 
all hardware. For example, the latest version of Damn Small Linx (DSL) 
certainly attempts this.

Speaking of my own experience with the five computers I operate and maintain, 
I've never had any problem printing from OpenOffice in any version for the 
past five years, with Suse from 9.2 to 10.3.

I have to say that this is very nice for you - no problems of any kind. 

Due more to good luck than anything, last night I found a simple
reference, in a message in the Sun's OpenOffice 'help' forum, which
provided me with the information to get OO to print. As you suggest in
your response, for which I am grateful, it ALL has to do with outputting
the document to a pdf file and then printing that.

So at least you can deal with the immediate problem, to get those files 
printed right away.

Yes, I was very pleased that I was able to print a document in OO!

The whole process involves trickery worthy of Harry Potter.

Bosh. This is a work-around, not trickery.

A 'work-around' is 'trickery'.

I used Microsoft Office for years, using the printer I mention in my
original post (the Lexmark 4039 plus), and it NEVER even considered not
printing at the first attempt.

Good. old is this Lexmark, and what drivers are you using? Are you 
installing printer drivers with YAST or via CUPS?

My printer is recognised by OpenSuse 10.2 (and 10.3) and installs the 
correxct drivers openSuSE thinks are the correct ones.

How old my printer is none of anyone's business. OpenSuSE recognises it 
and installs the appropriate driver for it. Doing a 'Test' print prints 
the correct print output.

OO - in both 10.2 (and now the new install of 10.3) then stuffs-up when 
I try and print a page.

Using Kwrite (eg) to print some text works fine.

OO stuffs up.


Why is OpenOffice such a bitch about printing?

It's not. Why would you assume it is? Millions of people around the world use 
it without a problem. There obviously is a problem with something on your 
machine, though.

Ho-hum :-( .

Got to the OO user Forum and as late as today - 13 January 2008 - there 
are questions about not being able to print in OO.

Or is it a problem with openSuse? Don't know.

Since we don't let's not assign blame just yet. People here are really good 
about helping, but it doesn't help to jump to conclusions like the above.
Not jumping to any 'occlusions'. Simply asking why a piece of software, 
advertised to the world as the 'Ants Pants' to replace you-know-what 
cannot print correctly. Nothing more.


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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2008-01-12 Thread Basil Chupin

Johannes Meixner wrote:


On Dec 7 16:44 Basil Chupin wrote (shortened):

Why is OpenOffice such a bitch about printing?

What do you think why this or that application program
is "such a bitch about printing"?
Because it doesn't print when one attempts to print a document when all 
the settings in the Operating System (in this case OpenSuse 10.2 [and 
now 10.3]) have been correctly setup?

Obviously printing should be an important issue in particular
for an office program but what do you think is the base reason
when the actual implementation is poor?

Which is the 'actual implementation [which] is poor'? OpenSuse or 

I don't know what the base reason is when printing is poor in
this or that application program - I have my own vague ideas
but I don't know what the actual reasons are.

You have more knowledge and experience than I (will ever) have. I may 
have to go back to DOS..

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner


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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2007-12-09 Thread Aaron Kulkis

Basil Chupin wrote:

jdd wrote:

Michel Rasquin wrote:

(I have a couple of documents which need to be printed out rather 
quickly (but not as a matter of "life or death") so if someone can 
provide a quick answer I would be most grateful.)

as a quick fix to printing problems, it's possible to print to pdf 
(export to pdf with ooo) and print the pdf document

sometime it works...


 Isn't it beyond belief that a piece of software (Megabytes big!) 
provided by one of the biggest companies has to be 'fiddled' before the 
damn thing will print a (simple) document produced using this software 

Due more to good luck than anything, last night I found a simple 
reference, in a message in the Sun's OpenOffice 'help' forum, which 
provided me with the information to get OO to print. As you suggest in 
your response, for which I am grateful, it ALL has to do with outputting 
the document to a pdf file and then printing that.

Hmmm.  I've never had to do anything like that... I wonder
if some something changed in a recent revision.

The whole process involves trickery worthy of Harry Potter.

I used Microsoft Office for years, using the printer I mention in my 
original post (the Lexmark 4039 plus), and it NEVER even considered not 
printing at the first attempt.


Why is OpenOffice such a bitch about printing?

Or is it a problem with openSuse? Don't know.

I've never had a problem printing from OO on SuSE.

Anyway, many thanks for your response and I have finally

> got OpenOffice to *print* a document!

If this is typical for the latest versions of OO, I'm
surprised the code made it past the beta-test stage.


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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2007-12-07 Thread Robert Smits
On December 6, 2007 09:44:04 pm Basil Chupin wrote:

>  Isn't it beyond belief that a piece of software (Megabytes big!)
> provided by one of the biggest companies has to be 'fiddled' before the
> damn thing will print a (simple) document produced using this software
> (OpenOffice)?
First, I'm sorry you're having difficulties printing.

Second, OpenOffice is not provided by a company, it's provided by volunteers.

Second, there may well be any number of problems in your computer, your setup, 
your particular combinations of hardware and setup that don't make make it an 
OpenOffice problem or an Opensuse problem.

Third, you haven't given us much information to enable any one to help you.

I appreciate that you're frustrated at not being able to print, but with so 
many different possible combinations of computer hardware, software, and 
printers, it's virtually certain that someone will come up with scenarios 
which don't work. 

Speaking of my own experience with the five computers I operate and maintain, 
I've never had any problem printing from OpenOffice in any version for the 
past five years, with Suse from 9.2 to 10.3.

> Due more to good luck than anything, last night I found a simple
> reference, in a message in the Sun's OpenOffice 'help' forum, which
> provided me with the information to get OO to print. As you suggest in
> your response, for which I am grateful, it ALL has to do with outputting
> the document to a pdf file and then printing that.

So at least you can deal with the immediate problem, to get those files 
printed right away.

> The whole process involves trickery worthy of Harry Potter.
Bosh. This is a work-around, not trickery.

> I used Microsoft Office for years, using the printer I mention in my
> original post (the Lexmark 4039 plus), and it NEVER even considered not
> printing at the first attempt.

Good. old is this Lexmark, and what drivers are you using? Are you 
installing printer drivers with YAST or via CUPS?

> Why is OpenOffice such a bitch about printing?

It's not. Why would you assume it is? Millions of people around the world use 
it without a problem. There obviously is a problem with something on your 
machine, though.
> Or is it a problem with openSuse? Don't know.

Since we don't let's not assign blame just yet. People here are really good 
about helping, but it doesn't help to jump to conclusions like the above.


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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2007-12-07 Thread Johannes Meixner


On Dec 7 16:44 Basil Chupin wrote (shortened):
> Why is OpenOffice such a bitch about printing?

What do you think why this or that application program
is "such a bitch about printing"?

Obviously printing should be an important issue in particular
for an office program but what do you think is the base reason
when the actual implementation is poor?

I don't know what the base reason is when printing is poor in
this or that application program - I have my own vague ideas
but I don't know what the actual reasons are.

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany
AG Nuernberg, HRB 16746, GF: Markus Rex
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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2007-12-06 Thread Basil Chupin

jdd wrote:

Michel Rasquin wrote:

(I have a couple of documents which need to be printed out rather 
quickly (but not as a matter of "life or death") so if someone can 
provide a quick answer I would be most grateful.)

as a quick fix to printing problems, it's possible to print to pdf 
(export to pdf with ooo) and print the pdf document

sometime it works...


 Isn't it beyond belief that a piece of software (Megabytes big!) 
provided by one of the biggest companies has to be 'fiddled' before the 
damn thing will print a (simple) document produced using this software 

Due more to good luck than anything, last night I found a simple 
reference, in a message in the Sun's OpenOffice 'help' forum, which 
provided me with the information to get OO to print. As you suggest in 
your response, for which I am grateful, it ALL has to do with outputting 
the document to a pdf file and then printing that.

The whole process involves trickery worthy of Harry Potter.

I used Microsoft Office for years, using the printer I mention in my 
original post (the Lexmark 4039 plus), and it NEVER even considered not 
printing at the first attempt.

Why is OpenOffice such a bitch about printing?

Or is it a problem with openSuse? Don't know.

Anyway, many thanks for your response and I have finally got OpenOffice 
to *print* a document!


Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.

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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2007-12-06 Thread Basil Chupin

Michel Rasquin wrote:

I had the same kind of problem with oo and OpenSuSE 10.2.
The reason in my case is that oo is not initially configured to print through a 
NFS network.

If your document to print is stored on a disk mounted with NFS, then edit the file 


and uncomment the two first lines:


Hope it can help...


Thank you for this, but I don't use NFS so the above won't work for me.


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Re: [opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2007-12-05 Thread jdd

Michel Rasquin wrote:

(I have a couple of documents which need to be printed out rather 
quickly (but not as a matter of "life or death") so if someone can 
provide a quick answer I would be most grateful.)

as a quick fix to printing problems, it's possible to print to pdf 
(export to pdf with ooo) and print the pdf document

sometime it works...


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re:[opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2007-12-05 Thread Michel Rasquin
I had the same kind of problem with oo and OpenSuSE 10.2.
The reason in my case is that oo is not initially configured to print through a 
NFS network.

If your document to print is stored on a disk mounted with NFS, then edit the 


and uncomment the two first lines:


Hope it can help...


>Not too long ago a similar question was asked and an answer given. I 
>have searched the Suse database/site and mailing list(s), including the 
>OpenOffice site, but cannot find the answer - obviously I am not looking 
>in the right places nor using the right search words.
>I am using Suse 10.2 (and 10.3 on a test bed) but cannot get OO 
>(everything upgraded to the latest versions) to print out a document to 
>an IBM/Lexmark 4039 12R Plus laser printer.
>If I use Kwrite, to create a document and then print it, the printing is 
>successfully done in seconds.
>Can anyone, please, either tell me what the "fix" is to get OO to print 
>out a document or point me to the location where I can get the answer?
>(I have a couple of documents which need to be printed out rather 
>quickly (but not as a matter of "life or death") so if someone can 
>provide a quick answer I would be most grateful.)
>Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.
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[opensuse] Problem getting printing to work in OpenOffice

2007-12-04 Thread Basil Chupin
Not too long ago a similar question was asked and an answer given. I 
have searched the Suse database/site and mailing list(s), including the 
OpenOffice site, but cannot find the answer - obviously I am not looking 
in the right places nor using the right search words.

I am using Suse 10.2 (and 10.3 on a test bed) but cannot get OO 
(everything upgraded to the latest versions) to print out a document to 
an IBM/Lexmark 4039 12R Plus laser printer.

If I use Kwrite, to create a document and then print it, the printing is 
successfully done in seconds.

Can anyone, please, either tell me what the "fix" is to get OO to print 
out a document or point me to the location where I can get the answer?

(I have a couple of documents which need to be printed out rather 
quickly (but not as a matter of "life or death") so if someone can 
provide a quick answer I would be most grateful.)


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