[OGD] Re: Daylily Keikis

2005-08-06 Thread IrisCohen
In a message dated 8/6/05 6:03:57 AM, Jim Brasch writes:
I have several customers who use Keikiroot for day lily propagation.
Because the IBA is in lanolin it will not wash off easily.

There's an idea. I'll see if any of them make roots on their own this year. If I have any that are worth the expense, I may try it next year.
"When you come to a fork in the road, take it." Yogi Berra
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] re foliar feeding

2005-08-06 Thread Orchids Limited
Some Paphs partially close their Stomata. They don't all act the same way. 
I am only speaking generally about fixed open stomata and orchids. I will 
foliar feed especially in spring when there is a huge light change due to 
my location in Minnesota. The intense and rapid increase in light after a 
long dreary winter causes a lot of nutrient problems for orchids. I observe 
this and when I start seeing a problem (such as yellow leaves at the base 
of my Paphs) I will foliar feed at a rate 6 times stronger than recommended 
for root feeding. I do this only in the morning and perhaps once per week 
until thing stabilize. I apply only enough to wet the leaves through 
misting but not to the point of runoff. I can literally see the difference 
in the plants color by the end of the day.

Jerry Lee Fischer

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] re foliar feeding

2005-08-06 Thread Steve Topletz

I  have  often wondered that since foliar feeding trains the plants to
start  absorbing  through  their  leaves,  might  it also be a greatly
increased  vector  for pathogens? Are you also using any anti-pathogen
chemicals in addition to the paph mix?


Orchids Some Paphs partially close their Stomata. They
Orchids don't all act the same way. 
Orchids I am only speaking generally about fixed open
Orchids stomata and orchids. I will 
Orchids foliar feed especially in spring when there is a huge light change due 
Orchids my location in Minnesota. The intense and rapid
Orchids increase in light after a 
Orchids long dreary winter causes a lot of nutrient
Orchids problems for orchids. I observe 
Orchids this and when I start seeing a problem (such as
Orchids yellow leaves at the base 
Orchids of my Paphs) I will foliar feed at a rate 6 times
Orchids stronger than recommended 
Orchids for root feeding. I do this only in the morning and perhaps once per 
Orchids until thing stabilize. I apply only enough to wet the leaves through
Orchids misting but not to the point of runoff. I can
Orchids literally see the difference 
Orchids in the plants color by the end of the day.

Orchids Jerry Lee Fischer

Orchids ___
Orchids the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)
Orchids orchids@orchidguide.com
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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Foliar feeding

2005-08-06 Thread Nabday100496

Hello everyone!
As amember of the "Some andIrrationalGroup" ( 
"...same that 99% of all commercial growers use and most rational hobby growers 
..." - as quoted), I must protest the assumption that I wet only leaves, when 
watering or feeding my plants.
I have never used a garden hose to water any of myindoor plants, but 
am guilty of throwing them into the shower on occasion. 
Since I water my collection over a 5 gallon bucket those plants that are 
small enough to fit into it have their leaves and roots thoroughly wet by 
whatever I'm using. The larger plants are simply out of luck and must deal 
with it as they see fit. 
My observations have been that most of the orchids don't like me much and 
consequently only grow and flower when they feel like it, regardless of my 
actions or intentions.
Thank you for letting me share, and have a pleasant day!
Bob Campoli - Philadelphia, Pa 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Vanilla planifolia / culture tips

2005-08-06 Thread viateur . boutot

kyso-aku [mgl] wrote :

after checking google for the obvious keywords [???], I couldn't find any 
care/culture sheets for Vanilla planifolia

Have you checked the following web page :





the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Foliar Feeding

2005-08-06 Thread PainterArt
John Stanley wrote: “What puzzles me is that most orchid leaves seem to 
have a pretty impermeable, if not waxy, outer layer (at lest on their 
dorsal surface) and I would have thought the stomatal pores to be too 
small for the ingress of water (unless assisted by a wetting agent that 
would create all sorts of other problems).”

John while it certainly looks and feels like the top of orchid leaves is 
covered in an impermeable layer of wax, the layer of epicuticular wax is 
not solid. The waxy layer purpose is to regulate water loss and leaching 
of mineral during rain. Another minor barrier in foliar feeding is 
surface tension, and many people on this forum have already commented on 
the use detergent for breaking the surface tension. A little breeze will 
also do the trick. To give you a cited source and more detailed 
explanation of cuticle and epicuticular wax, Mineral Nutrition of Higher 
Plants, Horst Marschner:

“This outer wall is covered by the cuticle (cuticle proper) and a layer 
of epicuticular waxes which are often well and typically structured 
(Bartloth, 1990). These waxes are excreted by the epidermal cells and 
consist of long-chain alcohols, ketones, and esters long chain fatty 
acids. Waxes also occur ‘intracuticularly’ within the cuticle and in the 
cutinized layer (Fig. 4.2). The cuticle consists mainly of cutin, a 
mixture of long-chain fatty acids. The chemical and physical properties 
of the cuticle differ between outer and inner surfaces, a distinct 
gradient occurring from the hydrophobic (lipophilic) outer surface to a 
more hydrophilic inner surface of the cutinized layer. The cutinized 
layer is normally the thickest part of the epidermal wall (Fig. 4.2) and 
consists of a cellulose skeleton incrusted with cutin, wax and pectin.
The cuticle and the cutinized layer (Fig. 4.2) have diverse functions. A 
major function is to protect the leaf from excessive water loss by 
transpiration. The control of water economy in terrestrial higher plants 
by the stomata is dependent on the remaining surface of the plant being 
very low in hydraulic conductivity. The other main function of these 
structures is to protect the leaf against excessive leaching of 
inorganic and organic solutes by rain (Section 4,4). It has to be kept 
in mind that mineral nutrients and other solutes entering the leaves via 
the xylem are in the apoplasm of the leaf tissue, and a waterproof’ 
barrier is required to act as an apoplasmic boundary thereby playing a 
similar role to that of the Casparian band in the endodermis of the 
roots (Section 27). The relative importance of these two main functions 
of the cuticle depends on climatic conditions (arid zones versus humid 
tropics), In addition the cuticle is involved in temperature control, 
optical properties of leaves and plays a role in defense against pests 
and diseases (Chapter 31).”

John Stanley asks: “I wonder if there is anyone out there who can 
explain exactly how foliar feeding works, irrespective of what is 
assimilable by the plant? Without digging into ancient research, which 
must go back to, at least, the sixties, what is the principle of 
adsorption/absorption by the leaf tissues?”

Also from Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, Horst Marschner:

“Permeation of low-molecular-weight solutes (e.g., sugars, mineral 
elements) and evaporation of water through the cuticle (peristomatal or 
cuticular transpiration) takes place in hydrophilic pores within the 
cuticle. The majority of these pores in the cuticle have a diameter of 
less than 1 nm, and a density of about 10 to the 10th power pores cm -2 
has been calculated (Schonherr, 1976). These pores are readily permeable 
to solutes such as urea (radii 0.44 nm) but not to larger molecules such 
as synthetic chelates (e.g. FeEDTA). These small pores are lined with 
fixed negative charges (presumably mainly from polygalacturonic acids) 
increasing in density from the outside of the cuticle the inside (i.e. 
the cutinized layer and the cell wall interface, Fig. 4.2). Accordingly, 
permeation of cations along this gradient is enhanced whereas anions are 
repulsed from this region (Tyree et al. 1990). Uptake of cations by 
leaves is thus faster than that of anions (e.g. NH4+ compared with NO3-) 
and is particularly fast for small, uncharged molecules such as urea. 
However, when applied at high concentrations as foliar sprays, 
differences in uptake rates of nitrogen from urea, ammonium and nitrate 
become negligible (Bowman and Paul, 1992).
Cuticular pore density is higher in cell walls between guard cells and 
subsidiary cells (Maier-Maercker, 1979). This explains the commonly 
observed positive correlation between number or distribution of stomata, 
for example, between the upper (adaxial) and the lower (abaxial) leaf 
surface, and the intensity of mineral nutrient uptake from foliar sprays 
(Levy and Horesh, 1984). Not only is the number of the cuticular pores 
larger around guard cells (or 

[OGD] foliar feeding of orchids / a reference

2005-08-06 Thread viateur . boutot

please see :

Grossman, Janette
1997Foliar fertilization of orchids, pp. 38-43




the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)