[OGD] Sorry

2004-05-11 Thread Bill Bergstrom
I now find that if you hit the wrong subject head at the top of this..the
one that ends with "Help"  It still goes through..Sorry about that..I ended
up with two times what I wanted to say...The other Sorry is to hear about
Johns passing..Two good friends in a few days..John was a peach...Wonderful
guy..one of those who I missed much after moving to Hawaii.  Full of great
information he was happy to dispense..and way too young to go...Bill
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Fw: Phrag Brasiliense

2004-05-10 Thread Bill Bergstrom
- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Bergstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 6:17 PM
Subject: Phrag Brasiliense

> Believe it or not, but all too many years ago I used to be one of the
> authorities on the Phragmipediums..Spoke all over the US and even wrote
> articles in the Orchid Digest...Days long gone I assure you...Now days the
> hybrid breeding is churning them out like postage stamps...BUT..since I
> to (when it was legal) collect them and saw the majority of the species in
> the wild...I can still make valid statements...Though there are some
> similarities...I can testify that Brasilense is NOT vittatum.  I have seen
> many pictures from many sources lately (Thank you one and all) and I will
> not say that it is a species or not...but vittatum it aint...I remember
> buying the last fifty plants from Jorge Verboonen back in the eighties in
> Brazil...Easy to spot in bloom from yards away...and all those plants got
> distributed throughout the U.S. and were used to make various hybrids, I
> sure...So we have twenty years of possibilities here..Vittatum itself is
> quite rare...So not too many folks would be expected to easily recognize
> with out back up material...Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Rebecca

2004-05-08 Thread Bill Bergstrom
My wife Dorris and I will always treasure the memory of a dear friend...We
often used each others homes for stopovers while speaking or just to get
together...She was an inspiration to me and a source of great stories...I
will forever smile when I think of the Christmas card, a few years ago, when
she wrote of driving completely through her garage in Calif. and gave up her
car...Away to Washington she went and I now wish that we had gone up to
visit her...Her book..Home Orchid Growing is a classic and can be found in
nearly every library anywhere.  She was one classy lady but quick to rap
your knuckles if you mispronounced a word...a carry over from her teaching
days.  Another memory was my getting ready to take a picture of her and
requesting a smile...She said..I do not have the worlds best smile..I
insisted..She really did not...Remember Lucille Ball's spider smile?  I
could go on for hours..Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 234

2004-06-05 Thread Bill Bergstrom
It will not matter about the topic since Pauline says she cannot get it into
the program anyway...too late..but you will just be there at the end and
start talking..I DID get you into the newspaper...I include the blurb and
you will figure out how best to follow up on it.  Be sure to get the plants
here plenty early so they can settle in...Figure four days travel.  Bill
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 11:59 PM
Subject: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 234

> Send Orchids mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Orchids digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 233 (Max)
>2. Eating hybrids (Dr. Braem)
>3. Bulbophyllum orthosepalum (Linda Petchnick)
>4. Banrot (P G Hieke)
>5. Re: Banrot (Mike and Candy Joehrendt)
>6. Cymbidium zaleskianum (greig russell)
> --
> Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2004 08:44:57 -0400
> Subject: [OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 233
> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Precedence: list
> Reply-To: "the OrchidGuide Digest \(OGD\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Message: 1
> Lisa, thank you so much! I think you got it right. I managed to find a
> photo and it looks right although the tips of the sepals are yellow on
> and I don't see that in the photo.
> >From: Lisa Thoerle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> >Marianna,
> >   I think your mystery masdevallia is Masdevallia merinoi. Can't be
> >sure without a flower, but it sure looks like it from your pictures.
> >Consider purchasing Dr. Luer's wonderful series of green books on the
> >genus--you can do this on-line at www.mobot.org.
> --
> Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2004 15:50:07 +0200
> From: "Dr. Braem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [OGD] Eating hybrids
> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Precedence: list
> Reply-To: "the OrchidGuide Digest \(OGD\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Message: 2
> >Now here is an ideal solution, specially bred hybrids to eat the plant
> >inspectors at the border. Maybe there is room for some hybrids amongst my
> >collection of species after all!
> >:-) For the humour impaired.
> >(My apologies in advance to the good doctor for making some fun here, but
> >aside from the fun, it does sound like a solution with equal chance of
> >success to any other)
> >--
> >Rob - Sydney, Australia
> >
> >
> The idea is great. We must cross /Phalaenopsis gigantea/ with /Drosera
> glabripes./ Treat the protocorms with colchecine and radiate them twice
> per day at 06:45 an 21:37 (Greenwich +2 [the time is critical!]) with a
> Siemens X-Ray apparatus.  Then we grow them in the jungle near Caracas
> (Sorry Rob, but they wouldn't like Sydney conditions) under supervision
> of a shrink who tells the seedlings constantly that CITES people taste
> good (if no shirink is at hand, I assume it suffices to play Madonna
> songs). Then we put one of these charming plants in each box of orchids
> ... I think these plants would be in high demand ... and those stupid
> CITES freaks would probably not even get it (as usual) and for lack of
> intelligence put  /Drosophallus tyrannosauroides/ on Annex I and claim
> that the critter is jungle collected. Of course my learned collegue Eric
> would claim he met with the plants twenty years earlier in the Peruvian
> Andes and that he could save his own only because he bribed them with
> two anchovis pizzas he happened to have at hand. My learned collegue
> Phillip of course would immediately claim that, really, a Kew expedition
> to the high mountains around Loch Ness had discovered the thing but that
> for the sake of scientific integrity  he had decided ro keep the
> discovery secret to protect the habitat ;-)   and that the description
> is illegal because His [note the capitalization for Deities]  manuscript
> as /Kewofressus philippomegalomaniacograndus/ was due to be published in
> a peer review journal  but had been delayed because the typesetter had
> taken a leave of absence because of a mild attack of contagious diarrhea
> cerebralis after their last meeting.
> Cheers
> Guido
> Dr. Guido J. Braem
> ) to all typos is mine
> --
> Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 07:32:24 -0700
> From: "Linda Petchnick" <[EMAIL PROTE

[OGD] General Permit

2004-06-20 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Bobs point is well taken..but first...His plants came from
AustraliaConsequently the first port of landing was LAX in
California..ALL plants would be unloaded there and sent to the USDA station
on LaCienega Blvd and dispensation would be from there...When plants come
from Europe they go to Florida etc. on the East Coast.  The permit is how
they trace you and gives them the ability to clobber you if you do anything
untoward...When CITES came into effect I dumped mine and quit bringing in
plants...A wise idea to me.  Let others do it and just pay
more..Besides..you are more likely to get live plants that way.  Bill
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Kovachii

2006-08-31 Thread Bill Bergstrom

There have been hybrids made by legal sources in 
Peru..They do every bit as badly from flask as the species.  Kovachii 
plants (seedlings) are impossible to grow as far as I or anyone growing them 
knows..3000 ft is still not good for growing Kovachii..That is a fact..buyer 
beware..this is not a species that will be common in cultivation..and, sorry to 
say, so far the hybrid with boissierianum is faring no better from flasks sent 
here by Silva...(not to me, by the way)  So, for the moment, do not waste 
your money...Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Phrag Besseae

2006-09-05 Thread Bill Bergstrom

I was among the first to see it growing in its 
original location..Only one small seedling left by the time we got there shortly 
after it was discovered..I wrote an article about it in the Orchid Digest 
magazine around 1980 or so..I also lectured on it for years..One thing for 
sure..they grew upwards.  The original spot was next to a bit of a 
waterfall and you could be sure that their roots were kept damp..as I remember 
the elevation was over 3000 ft..There are pictures of the original site in that 
first article..and, of course that was in Peru..All the plants that I was to 
sell (the first in the West) were all from Ecuador..and all prior to CITES. 
Shipped to me by a famous collector from there.  I got $500 apiece for the 
first plants (in bloom) and sold out in a matter of hours..They were easy to 
grow..and I believe easier than the Peruvian var.  The main thing you had 
to remember about those first plants is that they were runners..You had to 
provide a post for them to grow up to do well.  With proper breeding that 
seemed to have been eliminated to some extent..I grew them fine in Thousand 
Oaks, Calif..so coolness did not seem to matter that much..I was told by my 
friend Manuel Arias Silva that he discovered a second location in Peru..which he 
kept secret so they would not be over collected..Most of the plants he sold 
prior to that came from Ecuador..and he had a maid who made monthly trips by 
bus, to and fro..to bring shopping bags of them back to his nursery...So the 
upshot to this is to say that, noI never saw a location where they grew on 
the flats..and my supplier from Ecuador told me that his plants were extremely 
high up some cliffs above an army base where he was an officer..collecting them 
was a real adventure..Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Phrags

2006-09-07 Thread Bill Bergstrom

Lots of good stuff coming in to the Digest on 
Phrags..I might add a bit more to conclude my thoughts on the matter.  I, 
in the good old days, never over collected any orchids, and loathed those that 
did or do...I cannot imagine why anyone would collect Besseae any longer..It 
strikes me as stupid and unwarrented...In certain areas I saw reticulatum and 
the rest of the Phrags in its section, growing cheek to jowel for miles on 
end..Honestly...I pray they still do..The plants in this section grow on the 
ground..or down cliffs..but the vast majority that I saw were flat on the ground 
and thriving..no natural pests (except collectors)  you could not work a 
foot with out stepping on them..(in Peru)  I will not ever say where..and 
they grew on the same cliff where Besseae was first discovered..It did not take 
long for the Orchid Tour people to locate that place..ripple sole tennis shoe 
traces were all over the face of that cliff when we visited..and 
interestingly..no plants but boissierianum could be found DOWN the cliff below 
the road..Strange..but true..we used rope and investigated all the area 
below...I doubt that more than two other areas in Peru were found where Besseae 
grows or grew..lots more in Ecuador...Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Peru

2006-10-11 Thread Bill Bergstrom

While I have the utmost respect for the Moores..and 
spent time with them in the old days when one could collect in Peru..pre 
CITES...I have one dispute about what was said in their latest letter..They 
should very well know that Manuel started flasking in the 80s..I spent many a 
day (sometimes a month at a time) at Manuels house..and I can assure you that he 
had a very nice flasking operation going even then...So it does not surprize me 
that he has full grown plants to sell from flask...and I can also assure you 
that the K seedlings are genuine...and that he also made at least one hybrid 
with it...though mine all died...as for whether he is trying to corner the 
market..I cannot agree with any such action if , indeed, he has purposely done 
so...just that he does have, and has had, full grown plants from flask..and NOT 
whether some of the plants to be sold might be collected...that has and always 
will be done by nurseries..Binot in Brazil was known for that practise..as 
others, I am sure...
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Phrag Richteri

2006-10-16 Thread Bill Bergstrom

Phrag Richteri was named by Olaf Grus and the plant 
is the plant that I named Phrag Peruviana..That is a fact..You can see my ads 
selling it in the AOS in the 80s...that name was taken away from me (and stored 
in a desk somewhere to be used for his convenience) by you know who...The stated 
reason was because it was determined (by him) to be a natural hybrid..I do NOT 
know if this has been confirmed..but no matter..the name would ordinarily been 
kept with the normal explaination that it was a natural hybrid and with a x 
behind it...Olaf got a plant and named it after a friend..he did not know then 
what the story was behind it..we have discussed it and he claims to be sorry for 
the outcome...Just think of all the stink and troubles that never would have 
occured if it had been left alone...
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Catasetums

2006-10-27 Thread Bill Bergstrom

I do well with them as long as I follow the 
rules..no leaves no water..HOWEVER..with some hybrids you get new growth started 
as the leaves fall..as long as you have inch or so long roots on the new growth 
you will have to continue watering..but sparsely..just enough for the new growth 
to prosper..with some items you will have to be sure that the total growths do 
not exceed three.  as the oldest growth will rot and infect the 
others..Cycnoches are famous for this..the hybrids do not seem to be affected 
that way..
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] peruvian Brassia

2006-11-22 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Looking at the site for unknowns..all are familiar..# one is Warscewiczii..the 
second one I would deem to be jipijapensis..which I have collected there in the 
good old days..pre cites..and still have a piece in my collection..It looks a 
bit off due to the lip..but my slide is way too small in picture to be certain 
if there were dots..like the picture from Peru..but nothing else is quite the 
same and no one seems to have any other pix to show jipijapensis..so I would 
bet on in..I collected ALL of the Peruvian Brassias in my old day there..to 
include Peruviana..and others that are seldom seen today...Bill Bergstrom___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Norris

2007-01-08 Thread Bill Bergstrom
I guess I know what is happening with George as well as anyone..since he used 
to hate me and now we are friends..and his ex partner Dave Hunt keeps me 
abreast..George has been screwed..as anyone, by now, must know...We all thought 
he was free and clear..since most of the stuff he was nailed for was bought and 
paid for from shows..like Miami..and the feds amassed all of those along with 
what was the plants he got caught for...it is high time all this BS came to an 
end..they use guys like George..who used to be an enemy, for an crummy 
example...the plants he was accused of bringing in were legal by the time he 
was brought to trial..all Phrags..now I have no love for folks cheating..I 
never have..but have been offered to many times..like I always said..not with a 
ten foot poleand so have never been accused..and rightfully 
so..but.fair is fairGeorge is being screwed to be a sign for 
others...and that is not fair..He IS basically a good enough guy...tought to 
deal with..but fair...he has been through hell and that is not what this should 
be all about...come on folks..these are plants..not drugs..though sometimes I 
wonder...All he ever did was advise to send through Miami because they were 
less stringent..and by the way..Manuel Arias Silva is an old friend and the 
first to off er plants to the us...and only to me..and before CITES...so I 
aught to know...If he had stayed with me none of this would ever have 
happened..He is a good and honest guy..a college professor..and as decent as 
they come..and for all of this to have happened to the GOOD guys offends 
me...It is a sign of overwhelmingbeaurocratism
who needs it?  Use good sense,,,When I collected Phrags in Peru they were so 
prevalent that no one could ever own them all..I collected a few..the rest 
would easily maintain the rest...and so it goes..good thinking goes a long 
way..and Manuel knew all that..and so did Lee Moore..The more dumb people get 
into all this..the more problems..Sorry to rant on this way..It is just that I 
WAS there..for monthes at a time..and KNOW..what I am talking about..SORRY for 
the dumb ones who do not...I will ridicule you..so do not respond...I was 
there..you were not..those days are gone..sorry to say...and I WILL die a happy 
man for what I accomplished for the rest of you..kindly throw flowers on my 
grave..when my time comes..because most of you benifited..Bill Bergstrom___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Various

2007-01-10 Thread Bill Bergstrom
It is a shame that more of you folks out there are commenting on things that 
you have slim knowledge on...ONE...Lee is leaving the AOS...and since I know 
him well and have great respect for him..having dealt with him and had long 
personal discussions with him..on all these issues, to include his leaving and 
why...I tell you as a fact that his leaving is his idea and likely due to the 
way the AOS is headed...and likely due to the people who are steering 
it...please remember that Lee did not control nor formulate the things you are 
complaining about...He is just as upset as you...give a good guy a 
break...Nothing he did or did not do that you consider negative was his sole 
responsibility..others told him what he could and could not do...Why would he 
not recieve bequeaths..???  read between the lines...And as for Manuel..what do 
YOU know of Manuel??? and better yet...Of Lee Moore..do not make me laugh...You 
obviously know neither...I use to live with Manuel..He made a mistake and paid 
for it...escaping OUR system was surely not stupid..and I know how he did 
...and why..or would you stay here and rot while your wife was in the hospital 
in Peru..give me a break...he had a chance and took it..and PLEASE do not paint 
Lee as mr honesty..I spent a month in Peru with him..good god never again..and 
I will not go into that..just that NOW he and Manuel have their 
differences..but it is all due to business edge..it is money folks...They were 
plenty good friends before Manuel started eating into Lees profits...At any 
rate...it is not that hard to dig up the TRUE facts on what is going on in Peru 
now..my guess is that my sources are better than the ones (slanted ones) that I 
have been hearing here...As a person who spent many months in Peru (in the good 
old days) and have never quit keeping up on all of it..I would bet that I know 
more about all this than any of you out there with an ax to grind.  Bill___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Grammatophyllum speciosum

2007-01-13 Thread Bill Bergstrom
They grow very well indeed here in Hawaii..I , and many others, have grown them 
outdoors here...slow growers at best..must be more than four foot tall to bloom 
here..though many of them bloom every year...The interesting thing is that the 
colors are quite variable..I show one on my site that is almost purple blue..It 
is growing down the street from me in a persons back yard...I sold one, five ft 
tall to a fellow up the way..He bloomed it and it was yellow with brown 
markings..though I have seen others here that were somewhat different..with 
more orange...quite a species..I love em and buy all I can get...but 
remember...most for sale are years away from blooming...Bill___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Bulbo Blumei

2007-01-31 Thread Bill Bergstrom
As to whether the two names are the same plant..they surely are..I have 
received them both under the two different names..and sell the blumei from 
Wilbur Chang..which has been awarded..and bears his wifes name as the 
clone...In fact..can you imagine how a flower that looks just like the 
Masdevallia plant, could not have that name..or be anything else then just the 
one species..if you get my drift..Bill___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] AOS judges

2007-02-01 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Please disregard the comments about judges in the previous Digest...One persons 
comments about judges and judging can hardly be taken seriously..If he has 
problems where he is..well so be it..I have traveled all over the U.S. and 
judged at many shows and where I lectured..I find the remarks to be way off 
base in that the vast majority of the folks judging were a good cross section 
of intelligent people..who did a fine job when I was there...exceptions are 
there..and I will not name the one or two..they are not the rule...I also find 
that a lot of them...a large proportion in some venues, are indeed commercial 
growers..Nearly all here in Hilo are...and we are ALWAYS trying to get members 
to put in plants for judging...same for Maui and Oahu...So..please do not 
believe those tired stereotypes I always hear about fat, old, stupid judges in 
the system..it aint so..Bill___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Bulbophyllums

2007-02-02 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Sorry but Emlys book has lots of mistakes..and I love her for doing the 
book..but mistakes exist...and as for the two names for Blumei...they are 
absolutely the same plant..distance between bulbs is inconsequential..as you 
should know...that could be just different clones, for all that...the bloom is 
what makes the species..at least one like this that is that obvious...and I 
have and sell thousands of  Bulbophyllums..as to joining the two genera...NO it 
has not been done..though many of us only use Bulbophyllum to make the sales 
easier..In fact...Emly came up with many new genera in her book..making sales 
even harder if you do the right thing with the naming...Bill___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)


2007-02-06 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Sorry folks..I have been with the AOS for 32 years..and while I see some 
changes..none are as bad as I am hearing..I go back there and talk with them 
from time to time..I have not always loved some of the magazine editors..names 
withheld..but lately I am in constant touch with Lee and have received in the 
mail (I get my issue early) a two page request for my ideas for a better 
mag..as will all of you who are members...Sorry to be such a bright eyed person 
on the subject..it takes YOU to make it better..not a bunch of naysayers who 
quit...sorry again if you fit that mold...but I have seen what they have done 
and what they are doing..and I find no fault in their trying...support..support 
and STATE to them..not me or this site..THEM...compain if you must..nothing 
gets done unless people complain...but quitting is not the answer...If you need 
to know who to write to..I have the name of the gal...Bill___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Tennis thoughts

2007-02-07 Thread Bill Bergstrom
I have known Tennis for some time.SorryI cannot believe anyone could 
come up with such stuff to degrade the AOS...I cannot condone it...What is he 
talking about?  The AOS has done marvels for the American 
Orchidist..period..the thought that they should go away to suit him or his ilk 
is odious..Sorry Tennis..thought better of you...where are we going with this?  
It is OUR publication..WE make it work..As I have said before..make your views 
known and ELECT the appropriate people..you do not vote and you end up with an 
endless war..like Iraq..Same thing...No one should complain if they did not do 
their share to make things better..FURTHER..there is always tomorrow..I sent in 
my response..and guess why that missive came to my mailbox..cuz you folks 
complained..and THEY want to make you happy..if you are not..they suffer..that 
is the way the world works folks..does anyone disagree???  I have lots of mail 
agreeing with me..and why not...A NEW MAGAZINE...get serious..what a dumb 
thought..dumb dumb dumb...and after all this..all these messages I have 
sent...I sure as the devil (language cleaned up) I am not the person to be 
putting myself in the limelight..witness all the years I have sat back on this 
magazine and said nothing about other things...(Bulbophyllums and Stanhopeas 
will get a response every time)  and so will the AOS...and JUDGING..watch out 
all you who dump on THAT system..As a judge who waited until I was perfectly 
satisfied that I could do something worthwhile for that program..I take GREAT 
exception to those who poo poo a great part of the orchid world..who the devil 
do you think you are???  Enough for someone who would prefer to see better 
things on this organ..William Hubert Bergstrom...(shows my attitude..doesnt it?)___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Lee

2007-02-11 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Where do people get these things..Lee had nothing to do with the move or the 
money spent on anything..When you wrote to him, he could only pass it along..He 
has been maligned for far to long..the reason he is leaving..Others made the 
decisions for all these years..and who evers name is out front gets all the 
static..I know Lee better than any of the detractors I have been reading..get 
off his case..when he says do something about it..he meant YOU..he could 
not..hence he leaves..Believe me when I say..I dealt with all of his 
predecessors for 30 years..I know whereof I speak..He was surely one of the 
best..and a concerning person..He was always out there for us..and contacted me 
when we had our earthquake wishing to know who may have been hurt by it..and 
mentioned many AOS members by name...So, I personally do not wish to hear any 
more disparaging remarks about Lee Cook___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Attitude

2007-02-11 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Fifty years of the wrong attitude does not make things any better...I will 
stake my thirty years of good attitude against fifty years of complaining and 
not making things better any day..period..and I do not intend to answer or read 
any replies..that is MY attitude..period..one of construction..end of my 
statements on the subject...no matter who you are and how importent you think 
you areBill  P.S.  I have had plenty of emails to join with me in this 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Okay, I lied

2007-02-11 Thread Bill Bergstrom
I said I would end it..but truely I have one more important piece of 
information..my friend Lloyd DeGarmo..another Board member..and one who was a 
board member until last year..a good one..a staunch one..one who loved his 
position and who was regarded with esteem by all...except,,maybe those who 
would belittle the AOS..He was my mentor here..He lived down the street..we 
talked incessently..and when bad things were being said against the AOS  he 
told me what the true situation was..lots of ill will with people that had 
grudges..mainly...He loved and still, I imagine, loves Lee Cook...He has to 
this day no bad things to say against him and said many times..those who do are 
screwed up..even other board membersI will stack up Lloyd against anyone I 
do not know any day...hugely respected here and in Florida..to say nothing of 
all those others who knew him..(he is now in a rest home in California)  and if 
he had a computer..or used one,,he would crucify all those naysayers..no matter 
how many years they were around..I have to say this..I have to...because he 
really got infuriated when I passed on all the negative stuff written..and 
more...he had plenty to say about the folks who had axes to grind..he found 
them to be ...wellI will not go further..SO  my main message is...do not 
believe all you hear from naysayers...no matter how many years in the fold..to 
mean me too...put your own message out to the right person there..Not just 
anyone..they will just pass it on or not...if you are a member you will now 
know who that is..and give them your message..and please..do not listen to 
those who just have a presumed bitch against who knows what just because they 
were not happy with those around them..I am tempted to find out about such 
people..and find out how they got to the point where everyone in the AOS found 
them to be a jerk...ah well...promise promise again..no more on this...really...___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Gerardus Staal

2007-02-17 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Gerardus is one of my most favorite people in the world..what a guy...always 
there for you..and how he does it all in that tiny greenhouse...and I owe him a 
million thanx for naming a Masdevallia after me...Bill___
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Hawaii Orchids

2007-05-05 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Do not be misled by comments made previously regarding the possible problem 
caused by moths to Hawaii shipments..in the first place..all and I mean 
all...orchids from Hawaii are inspected heavily by the exporter before 
shipping..each plant, generally, is placed in some sort of wrapping after 
visual inspection...consider the fact that no one in the business that I know 
has ever even seen one of these moths, much less in his greenhouse, and that 
they would be ever so easy to see if they were floating around..and certainly 
none would just sit on the plant waiting to be packed away and shipped...The 
written and oral comments made by officials have made it clear that the problem 
is not a big one..and as you might suspect..if the boxes WERE opened in , say 
California, no one should expect that anything would be found to impound said 
shippment...think about the chore of inspecting thousands of boxes of various 
fruits, vegetables and flowers every day in every State...They certainly do not 
have the resources here to do it in advance..and you might imagine the cost to 
do it elsewhere..  Each of us has the right to certify his or her plants on 
site...We are inspected twice a year for any problem areas...like coqui frogs 
i.e.  and word is that there will be a special inspection of our local areas to 
see just where any problem might layBill Bergstrom 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Apple moth

2007-05-11 Thread Bill Bergstrom
any time that Ag..can make life more difficultwell just guess...You can bet 
that there will be inspections..but, if believed..they will be on site.  and, 
yes, cost us more..we have two such each year here already..at over thirty 
dollars each...as long as they can siphon more, they will.. I will be glad to 
move away..the place is for sale and when sold I am off to Washington state 
where nurseries are not used for gain by the State...well, at least not to this 
extent..A far worse problem here are the coqui frogs...yet...have you heard all 
that much about them?  In Wash. I will only have to contend with deer hiding in 
my packages...Bill
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] judging

2007-05-12 Thread Bill Bergstrom
You may always display plants as many times as you wish with the notation "Not 
for AOS judging"  many folks do not want to pay for an award...go ahead and 
display all you want and notate as you wish...Bill Bergstrom AOS judge Hilo, 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] frogs

2007-07-26 Thread Bill Bergstrom
If you think you have a problem with frogs and snakes (we have NO snakes here 
in Hawaii) try having thousands of Coqui frogs on you property..they sound like 
loud crickets..which, being from Calif. I am used to...BUT if Agriculture finds 
them in my nursery I am shut down..so I have 6 cats to patrol and nail them if 
they are so foolish as to enter where they are not wanted..the cats also take 
care of the unwary rats and mice..another thing they get handsomely paid 
for...to the tune of several dollars per day...the price of living in 
paradise..Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Frogs

2007-07-28 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Coqui frogs, once in a habitat, breed like mad...they went from one frog to 
thousands on my property at home..all in just a matter of a year or less...they 
have inundated us on the Big Island of Hawaii and cannot be eradicated by any 
means yet known...a true pest if there ever was one..Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Laelia, Sophronites problem

2007-07-31 Thread Bill Bergstrom
I would like to know if the testing went deep enough to get beyond the first 
few stages...It is a fact that you have to go pretty deep into the dna to get 
proper results..It is so painfully obvious that some one has totally messed 
up..in no way should Laelia tenebrosa be equated with a Soph...and worse..why 
not the Laelia as the proper one to use,,,certainly not Sophronites...I will 
NEVER call my Brazilian Laelias Sophs..never..and I doubt anyone else will 
either...it is just plain stupid..and someone should be called down on 
it...more tests are needed..just ask any of the reputable authors...I could 
quote names I have talked to..but will not...Will all these idiotic changes 
ever stop?  Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] hummingbirds

2007-08-01 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Interesting, the remark about the hummingbirds and the possibility for 
pollenating..When in Brazil I went with Jorge Verboonan to see the Sophronites 
on the trees in a certain location..I notices hundreds upon hundreds of 
hummingbirds in the location and took movies of them...so..I have to assume 
that perhaps indeed, they are the pollenators..Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Hawaii

2007-08-07 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Truth is that there are more than one hundred orchid businesses in Hawaii..a 
lot of them are underground, so to speak..not getting inspections because they 
do not report to Agriculture...and this is just here...so guess how many really 
raise orchids in all of Hawaii..many just sell locally and are never seen at 
shows or the local markets...We have lots of outdoor markets here..and sure 
enough..those peoples plants are for sale...but through other reputable 
nurseries...consequently...we see that poinsettas are selling more in the U.S. 
than orchids..this is not the case...I assure you...Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)


2007-08-24 Thread Bill Bergstrom
For heavens sake..do not end or alter this publication..nothing like it for all 
us devotees to orchids and gab...I do not know what I would do each day without 
perusing its contents...it has been fabulous for all of us..Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Gublers

2007-09-09 Thread Bill Bergstrom
tears come to my eyes thinking of them...The father was a good friend and I 
visited often..what a guy..and what plants..I have not had the opportunity to 
visit since moving to Hawaii..God knows why...but you could find a jillion neat 
things to buy then..and I assume now...Other than buying from me..I could think 
of no better place to go or to buy from..number one of ten fabulous 
nurseries..second would be ps..I should not say..but a great place in the 
Chicago area that is very very similar to Gublers..you figure...When it comes 
to species orchids..there are not nearly enough places to go to in the 
U.Splenty out of the country that you cannot access except at shows..there 
should be more...But...here is another toast to Gublers..if you are ever in 
Southern Calif..you should visit..Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Ghost Orchid

2007-10-12 Thread Bill Bergstrom
I agree whole heartedly with all the statements made, but onethere are more 
than 1000 plants in the world...in the past (and I am sure recently) many 
flasks have been made of this plant..and many seedlings sold..I used to 
acquired them from the University of North Carolina..and I, myself, visited the 
site in the Everglades and saw them growing right off the road..but with plenty 
of wild reptiles (read Gators) and snakes etc..plus...ranger vehicles watching 
over what you do...you really would not want to venture out of the road...The 
place needs protection..it is fabulous..eyes water to think of the beauty..one 
of our duties is to save such spots...not just for the Ghost Orchids..but other 
orchids and plants there, to say nothing of the birds...you have never seen 
anything like those birds...We need better presidents to help the cause..no one 
could veto such a worthy effort  Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] White Magic

2007-11-26 Thread Bill Bergstrom
I had a lot of it for sale in the past..having gotten it from Stewarts...I 
selfed it and sold the seedlings, plus bought seedlings from Asia too...all 
turned out to be bowringeana..and not even white..gained a lot of enemies from 
that lesson...funny that none of the progeny were aurantiaca of any 
color...There is a true clone of alba aurantiaca out there..cannot remember the 
name..but Truford Orchids used to sell it...Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Cycnoches and Banks

2008-01-31 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Simply crushed to hear about David...a dear friend...Will wait to send message 
to him...as for the Cycnoches..I too have failed with them...Strangely they 
used to grow find for me up until a few years ago...and as said..I likely have 
over watered them,,,As I grew them in moss and wet like my Stanhopeas..which 
thrive for me..never killed one..So apparantly watering infrequently must be 
the charm..who knows what they think is their dry period here in Hawaii..but 
Jeff Parker grows them superbly on Maui...I guess we should talk to him...Bill 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Ferry and Orchids

2008-02-12 Thread Bill Bergstrom
I am not at all sure what the situation was when they confiscated those Orchids 
on the ferry from one island here and another...it is perfectly legal to ship 
between islands..my only thought is that those folks could not prove that they 
indeed were grown and sold to them in Hawaii..I take plants from island to 
island all the time..It MIGHT be a misunderstanding of the rules..or just not 
proper identification by the owners  Bill Bergstrom Bergstrom Orchids Hawaii
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Guido

2008-02-19 Thread Bill Bergstrom
This is the email address I have for Guido Braem..worked last time I 
tried...and he reads this often so he may beat me to the [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Guido

2008-02-20 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Ooops!!! according to Olaf Grus Guido Braem has changed his address yet 
again..newest to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   hope this one is the final one..Bill 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Zelenko

2008-03-28 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Harry Zelenko is an excellent friend of mine and I am happy to see he is still 
alive and kicking..A new book?  what a great thing for the Orchid World...It 
was such a thrill to help out with his original book..I account for a great 
deal of the Oncidiums he and his crew illustrated..that is back in the old days 
when one could collect in the wild..Only place I couldnt (read wouldnt) collect 
them was in Venezuela..It was worth your life to go out in the wild there..too 
many bad people then...I was heart broken when he moved and we could no longer 
visit with him in New York...He has lots of great stories in him...What A 
Guy...Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Houston Tex

2008-09-20 Thread Bill Bergstrom
My best friend in the world is Dave Hunt in Houston..He will phone as soon as 
they are able..so...the phone wires and electricity are still down as of the 
20th..and that is the longest we have gone in twenty years without talking  
Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Machu Picchu

2008-09-28 Thread Bill Bergstrom
Speaking with great love of a place I used to practically live in for weeks at 
a time...It is truly sad if things are the way depicted in the story on your 
site yesterday..You could not walk around the areas there without stepping on 
Orchids..How wonderful it was, and hopefully, still is..I give a talk on it 
from time to time...Bill Bergstrom, Bergstrom Orchids...
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)