[OGD] Gramatophyllum speciosum

2008-09-21 Thread Jose A Izquierdo

The newspaper report  on the four-inflorescence blooming of the species in NY 
shows what happens when a reporter writes about something without  seeing other 
exemplars of the subject matter.  Of course, for a person in NY state that is 
an immpressive flowering of the species. For some people in the tropics that is 
a small flowering of the species.

 I wonder how  would the writer of the article reacted had he seen this album 
of a blooming plant of Gramatophyllum speciosum  

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[OGD] Searching for Copy of article

2008-09-13 Thread Jose A Izquierdo

Does anyone of you have access to  Bill.Pac. Orch. Soci. Hawaii 14: 85 (1957). 
If so could you help me accessing a scan.

I am interested in the description given by Moir to  Trichopasia and Oncidasia.


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[OGD] On the issue of what is a species?

2008-08-21 Thread Jose A Izquierdo

Eons ago, my college General Biology Teacher, defined thbe term species as 
"whatever an extremelly drunk taxonomist decided ". To this day, I dont remeber 
if the controlling concept was "taxonomist "or "extrenelly drunk"


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[OGD] Another Request

2008-08-17 Thread Jose A Izquierdo

First of all, thanks to all the people that have responded. Their help is 
appreciated and will be dully noted.
In the process of reviewing the articles and the literature, the following 
article citation was found. 
Williams, N.H. 1974.  Taxonomy of the Genus Aspasia (Orchidaceae: Oncidieae) 
Britonnia 26: 233-346
Your help in finding a copy will be appreciated.
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[OGD] Another request

2008-08-16 Thread Jose A Izquierdo

I would be grateful if someone helps me obtain a copy of the following:  

Williams, N.H., and Whitten, W.M. 1983. Orchid floral fragrances and male 
euglossine bees: methods and advances in the last sesquidecade. Biol. Bull. 


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[OGD] Help needed

2008-08-16 Thread Jose A Izquierdo

I am helping a friend who is researching the species Aspasia epidendroides.  He 
is looking for copies of the following articles:

 1. American Journal of Botany, Vol. 76, No. 1 (Jan., 1989), pp. 67-73

 2. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 36: 165 (1949).

 3. J. Bot. (Hooker) 1: 6 (1834).

 4.  Ann. Bot. Syst. 6: 851 (1864).

 5.  Index Seminum (B) 1853: 12 (1853).

 6.  Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1892: 210 (1892).

 7. Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 139 (1833).

 8. Allg. Gartenzeitung 12: 218 (1844).

 9. Orchid Digest 38/2 1974

Your help in finding them would be appreciated.



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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Bulbophyllum simmondsii

2008-04-06 Thread Jose A Izquierdo
The description of  Bulbophyllum simmondsii Kores can be found in Allertonia 5: 
146 (1989). 
http://worldcat.org/wcpa/top3mset/c89eabc711848f7a.html   gives you a listing 
of close to 63 libraries that have Allertonia in their library.  Do not pay 
attention to the column that read miles  as that is the measurement of the 
library to San Juan :).  As you can see the first two libraries are in 
Hope I have helped.
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[OGD] Bulbophyllum cochleatum var brachyanthum

2006-05-26 Thread Jose
 Hi Friends:

My computer crashed and with it my Wildcatt went down the tubes.  I want to 
help a friend who is doing research on Bulbophyllum cochleatum var
brachyanthum . So , I would appreciate if you can help me find a copy of the
following (and send them to me) :


J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 6: 125 (1862). 

Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines 9(Suppl.): 28 (1921). 

 Kew Bull. 8: 144 (1953)

Bull. Jard. Bot. Natl. Belg. 56: 231 (1986). 


I will also appreciate if those of you who have AOS-awards or Orchidwhiz or
Wildcatt search and  send me a copy of the descriprion for the CHM that was
granted to a  Bulbophyllum bequaertii var brachyanthum  and please check if
any other awards have been granted under that name or under the Bulbophyllum
cochleatum var brachyanthum name.


Any help would  be appreciated .








the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] The Miami WOC: I heard it through the grapevine

2006-05-10 Thread Jose
 That the Miami WOC Organizing Committee (Read: Robert Fuchs) is proposing a
change for the WOC from the originally proposed date  to of all months
JANUARY.  Is this true? What criteria did he used to change the date? Are
there enough flowers in the Northern Hemisphere , specially the US to have a
successful show of that magnitude in January?


What is the AOS position on this?

What is happening? Is everyone going nuts?


Please anyone with information, clear the air.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Schomburkia compacta

2006-04-23 Thread Jose
Could it be


Schomburgkia thompsoniana var minor Strachan ex Fawc. 1894  or 

Schomburgkia thompsoniana var minor Hkr. 1902  ?



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Epidendrum microcattleya : ARGHHHHHHHHHHH

2006-04-17 Thread Jose
 Icones answered 




All that is in #9 is the transfer from Neolehmannia (I can send that to you

If you want). Krannzlin named the species in Fedde Rapertorium Specierum

Novarum Regni Vegatabilis I :180 (1906) (Schweinfurth however records the

Date as 1905). Which I don't have.


TY Icones . It is a start.


Does anyone have access to the Kranznlin Article? And or to an
illustration or picture of the species 





the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] I am searching for a copy of the article in which

2006-04-16 Thread Jose
 Epidendrum microcattleya (Kraenzl.) Schltr was described . That means  I am
looking for :

Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 9: 150 (1921). 


Also I would appreciate any illustration or picture of the species.





the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Guarianthe (Name Changes)

2006-04-05 Thread Jose
Yes I know about Kew's stance. 


As I pointed out  to the very nice lady that sent me a copy of Beckner's
article (and who doesn't consider me a nut case  even though I don't lice
Macs or Word)  , my statement should have been written better.  All I wanted
to point out  is how Shaw added to the nomenclature mess  by accepting
Guarianthe , publishing  a gazillion nothonegenric combinations (ok I
exaggerate: it was not a gazillion, but still a lot) and then in less that
what it takes to say zippeedeedoodah  , dropped Guarianthe like one drops a
bad habit because of Epicladium.


Since the nice Lady, for reasons of her own, reads OGD but does not answer
in the list, I want to say to her: You rock   TY for the articles you
sent me.




the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Paphiopedilum concolor var longipetalum

2006-04-03 Thread Jose


I just saw a picture of what was described as Paphiopedilum concolor var
longipetalum (Rolfe) Gruss & Iam. The flower pictured was beautiful and
interesting to say the least.


I have tried searching for the publication data   for the plant in question
( in an attempt to get a copy  of the article by Gruss and Iam) and could
not find  a reference in to it  in  IPNI, MOBOT  or Kew's World Checklist. 


Can anyone help me find it?





the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re Name Changes

2006-04-03 Thread Jose


"Three years ago, Cattleya skinneri was renamed Guarianthe skinneri.

Cattleya aurantiaca... Has become Guarianthe aurantiaca."


In less than 3 months the Guarianthe was eliminated as an accepted name  by
Shaw (This after he created almost a gazillion names for generic
combinations with the new genera.)  According to Shaw another generic name
had priority ( If memory doesnt failme it was Epicladium).



Re:  Mr Lodyga  He is one of the AOS judges with most seniority
(continous service as an accredited judge) in the system. Not that he is old
 he started young :)...and I doubt anyone can mess with his head. 







the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Are you sure you want a plant's only discussion group?

2006-03-27 Thread Jose
 I am willing to bet you a division of my  Schombonia Summertime  that  you
will return to this list within 3 minutes of being on a "plants only group"
as you would be probably bored out of your mind.  I discovered the hard way
that I many not have to agree with everything posted in this list, hey I may
not  have to like  the people posting in this list ( There are some that to
be charitable can only be described as an acquired taste) and not everyone
has to like me BUT good information is exchanged here  by real people: warts
and all.


For what is worth: I rather go through through the episodes of flaming  that
happen here than suffer through the hell of Political and Intellectual
correctness that permeates some forums . That PC ness  reduces the
experience of participating in them to the equivalent of sucking a lemon or
eating liver with onions ... ( Insert a blch emotie here)





the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Thanks

2006-03-26 Thread Jose
 Just a short note to thank Eric Christenson for the courtesy of a copy of
his manuscript on Stenorrhynchos.





the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Stelis maxima

2006-02-27 Thread Jose
 A careful review of the published names listed in Kew's World Checklist of
the monocotyledons shows that the name Stelis maxima has been used TWICE. 
To wit:


Stelis maxima Lindl., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 15: 106 (1845).And 

Stelis maxima (Luer) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, Lindleyana 16: 264 (2001), nom.


So from the get go, it is clear from the  inspection of Pridgeon/Chase name
as listed in Kew  that the name is not legitimate  and the reason for the
illegitimacy is clear: the name was previously used by Lindley in 1845 which
gives the Lindley's name priority over the Pridgeon/Chase one. Further
review  shows that Pridgeon and Chase were offering a recombination of a
Lauer proposed name. So let's review the publication history:


Luer described : Pleurothallis maxima in  Selbyana 3: 140 (1976).  So there
is an easy way to study what he meant by the concept.  In 2001 Pridegeon and
Chase moved what was called a Pleurothallis to the genus Stelis keeping the
specific epithet. As this yielded a non legal combination, they republished
their work assigning a new species epithet :  Stelis dapsilis Pridgeon & M.W
Chase, Lindleyana 17: 99 (2002). 


So that is why the Pridgeon/Chase "maxima" became dapsilis.  To make things
more fun : Luer moved the Pleuthallis maxima  to a new genus in 2004: 
Crocodeilanthe maxima (Luer) Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.
95: 256 (2004).  This name, for what it is worth, has not been accepted by
Kew ( Small reminder Kew is the AOS designated arbiter on nomenclature/) 



So lets take the other Stelis maxima : the Lindley concept which is a
diferent concept from the  Luer and Pridgeon/Chase' concept. 


Stelis maxima Lindl., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 15: 106 (1845).  Kew has records
of its gepgraphical distribution from Costa Rica to Peru (Costa Rica, Panama
 Colombia, Ecuador and Peru).


 Stelis allenii L.O.Williams, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29: 338 (1942).   I
have not not read the descriptions in this case but, it seems, that the
compilers at Kew have determined that what LO Williams described in 1942  is
the same concept that Lindley described almost a century before. Thus,
Lindley's name has priority and is the one that should be used.  This could
be verified by tracking and analyzing both publications.





the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] The Pleurothallis

2006-02-07 Thread Jose
Probably the name was mispelled and the correct one be :Pleurothallis
navicularis Lindl., Fol. Orchid. 8: 6 (1859). 

This name is a considered by a synonym. with the accepted Name (by Kew and
thus the name that AOS accepts ) is : 

Pleurothallis loranthophylla Rchb.f., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 10: 674 (1852). 



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] World Orchid Society

2006-01-24 Thread Jose
 I would surely like more information before I pass judgement.  As of now,
too little information.



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re Careful Jose

2005-11-19 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

I am not scared of vitriol in response to my interventions.

First of all: I think that there is a certain nuttiness ingrained in all of 
us , Orchid addicts, that  makes strongly worded differences (Am I getting 
PC with old age?) expected and forgivable.  (Kumbaya plays softly in the 

Second: As to the orchid friend you refer to, I have found him extremely 
honest and civil with me so, I am not worried about vitriol from him. I may 
not agree with some of his political statements, but I  will not deny him 
his rights to them.  And to be honest, I find it incongruous that those who 
react to him in such a violent way as they have reacted  deny him the same 
right to a strongly formed opinion as they ask for themselves.

Third:  Encyclopaedic as it is the Kew Checklist is not complete, it has 
errors and it is the reflection of the personal opinion of the compilers. 
There is no final arbiter in the field of Taxonomy except use through time.

That said: What really had me worried about my statement regarding Vanilla 
tahitensis  was the fact that for the first time in eons you were in accord 
with a statement coming from the oracle at Kew. I was worried sick about the 
effect of that on your heart. I am happy your heart took the shock well. :)

In friendship


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Vanilla

2005-11-16 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Seems that Andy and Kew  agree on the  synonym status of Vanilla tahitensis.


To wit:


Vanilla tahitensis J.W.Moore, Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 102: 25 (1933). 

This name is a synonym. 

Accepted Name:Vanilla planifolia Jacks. ex Andrews, Bot. Repos. 8: t. 538


Original Compiler:R.Govaerts 11/11/2003

Synonymized By:

Govaerts, R. (2003). World Checklist of Monocotyledons Database in ACCESS:
1-71827. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [as
Vanilla planifolia]




the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Need help: Cattleya storeyi H.G.Jones

2005-11-14 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
I am looking for information regarding this species. The closest I have been
able to get is to a reference in Brenesia 10-11: 123 (1977)



Does any one of you have access to this Journal or point me out where I can
find a copy of the article?


Any other help is appreciated.



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Jose

2005-09-07 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
 Hi there.

Iris my apologies for the slowness in response to your queries about my
health. Things have been going fast around me (including an approaching Show
with all the planning that it entails ).

Last July I left for Mayo Clinic , Rochester Minnesota. My health was in
shambles to the point that it was feared that my endocrine system was
compromised with Cancer,  I was in constant pain and my oxygen saturation
levels (specially at night )were at the chronic and severe hypoxia levels.

I am lucky my Critical care doctor referred  me to the Clinic. First of all 
 there is no cancer , the problems with the endocrine system and the
metabolism were identified and are being taken care of, several medical
situations that were the cause for the severe pain I was feeling  have been
corrected ( I am very very happy to say without major surgeries) and I have
started the slow but sure process  for healing.

Important: for the first time in eons, my blood pressure and diabetes are
under control . I have been placed in a treatment option that if all goes as
planned will help me to be weaeaned from Insulin in the near future, several
of the medications I was taken are not longer being taken ( so my treatment
options have become more simplified) and I am shedding some poundage at a
very nice and safe rate while relearning how to eat and how to live.

This September 13th I will be publishing the results of the first month of
the "Plan" at the Orchid Source Forum  ( www.theorchidsource.com ) the
orchid people that meet there have been  helping me a lot as part of my
extended support group.

Thanks a lot for caring.

In friendship


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] On Den susuki...(an others)

2005-06-18 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

 Interesting ... all we have is a validly described species  (as the
publication of the species  satisfies  all the requirements of the Code for
Botanical Nomenclature) , a taxonomical  authority validating said species
but ,WOUZA !!!,   said species  is called a forgery by many.

Talk about intrigue Aren't  taxonomy and nomenclature fun?

BTW Iris, the AOS has a procedure to correct the names of awarded species
where there is evidence that the species has been misidentified and/or when
the name of the species has been changed. The problem is that it takes an
accredited judge to start the procedure rolling.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] The genus Aa

2005-06-15 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

It is two syllables  and it is pronounced A A(Short strong As with a
pause between the syllables )

:Evil Grin Smilie here:



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Myrmecophila christinae refernces (From the Kew Monocotyledons Checklist)

2005-06-10 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

I found this:


Myrmecophila christinae Carnevali & Gómez-Juárez, Harvard Pap. Bot. 5: 434

This name is accepted. Distribution : SE Mexico to Belize



There is also a Mimercophila christinae var. christinae with the same




Myrmecophila christinae var. ibarrae Carnevali & J.L.Tapia, Harvard Pap. Bot
 5: 437 (2001). 

Whose distribution is SE Mexico


If memory does not fail me in the issue of Orchids whose cover is in this
URL http://forum.parishianae.com/Buch/orchids0408.jpg there is an article
about Myrmecophila christinae


This GOOGLE Search yields some information on the species :





Hope I have been helpful.









the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Epistephium link

2005-06-03 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

Again, Nina Rach comes to the rescue.   http://sobralia.autrevie

It has some pictures.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] The Mistery Sobralia from Peru

2005-06-03 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
I did a search on the Sobralias annotated for Peru (it is so nice to have
the advance search feature in the Kew Monocot Checklist) and I got the
following names listed. So it seems that Sobralia macrantha cannot be the
plant in question. According to the Kew list, this is the geographical
distribution of Sobralia macrantha: 79 MXC MXG MXS MXT 80 BLZ COS ELS
(Mexico and Central America). The second thing I have done is do a Google
search of each of the species listed. It yielded results for many of the
species in the list I have added ONE URL that I found can help you
(basically those who have photos) following the name of each species. Those
you can cut and paste if the links do not work.

1. Sobralia altissima D.E.Benn. & Christenson, Orchids 68: 1112 (1999).

2. Sobralia biflora Ruiz & Pav., Syst. Veg. Fl. Peruv. Chil.: 232 (1798).

3. Sobralia bletiae Rchb.f., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 10: 713 (1852).

4. Sobralia calliantha D.E.Benn. & Christenson, Icon. Orchid. Peruv.: t. 760
(2001). I was not able to find a picture containing url . My apologies

5. Sobralia candida (Poepp. & Endl.) Rchb.f., Fl. Serres Jard. Eur. 8: 247
(1853). http://www.orchidspecies.com/sobcandida.htm 

6. Sobralia ciliata (C.Presl) C.Schweinf. ex Foldats, in Fl. Venezuela
15(1): 175 (1969). http://sobralia.autrevie.com/Sobralia_ciliata.html

7. Sobralia crocea (Poepp. & Endl.) Rchb.f., Fl. Serres Jard. Eur. 8: 247
(1853). http://sobralia.autrevie.com/Sobralia_crocea.html 

8. Sobralia decora Bateman, Orchid. Mexico Guatemala: t. 26 (1842).

9. Sobralia dichotoma Ruiz & Pav., Syst. Veg. Fl. Peruv. Chil.: 232 (1798).

10. Sobralia dorbignyana Rchb.f., Xenia Orchid. 2: 179 (1873). I was not
able to find a picture containing url . My apologies 

11 .Sobralia elisabethiae R.H.Schomb., Verh. Befoerd. Gartenb. Preuss. 15:
137 (1841). http://www.orchidspecies.com/sobelizabetiae.htm THIS NAME IS
REDUCED TO A SYNONYM OF Sobralia liliastrum Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.:
177 (1833). BY THE PEOPLE AT KEW 

12. Sobralia fimbriata Poepp. & Endl., Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 1: 54 (1836).

13. Sobralia hirta D.E.Benn. & Christenson, Icon. Orchid. Peruv.: t. 762
(2001). http://sobralia.autrevie.com/Sobralia_hirta.html

14. Sobralia klotzscheana Rchb.f., Linnaea 22: 815 (1850). http://www

15. Sobralia liliastrum Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 177 (1833). http://www

16. Sobralia macrophylla Rchb.f., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 10: 713 (1852).

17. Sobralia rosea Poepp. & Endl., Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 1: 54 (1836).

18. Sobralia ruparupaensis D.E.Benn. & Christenson, Icon. Orchid. Peruv.: t.
763 (2001). I was not able to find a picture containing url . My apologies

19. Sobralia scopulorum Rchb.f., Xenia Orchid. 2: 176 (1873). I was not able
to find a picture containing url . My apologies

20. Sobralia setigera Poepp. & Endl., Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 1: 54 (1836).

21. Sobralia stenophylla Lindl., Fol. Orchid. 5: 2 (1854). http://www
orchidspecies.com/sobstenophylla.htm22. Sobralia suaveolens Rchb.f., Gard.
Chron., n.s., 9: 622 (1878). THIS NAME IS REDUCED TO A SYNONYM OF Sobralia
bletiae Rchb.f., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 10: 713 (1852). BY THE PEOPLE AT KEW

23. Sobralia violacea Linden ex Lindl., Orchid. Linden.: 26 (1846).

24 . Sobralia weberbaueriana Kraenzl., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 1: 188
(1905). I was not able to find a picture containing url . My apologies

25. Sobralia withneri D.E.Benn. & Christenson, Icon. Orchid. Peruv.: t. 764
(2001). http://www.orchidspecies.com/sobwithneri.htm

It is obvious that this search would have not been as productive as I think
it was if it wasn’t for the work from many photographers who are willing to
share their photos and of compilers of information such as the people at Kew
 Jay Norris of Orchid Species Fame and , last but not least, Nina Rach whose
Sobralia Pages are a mother lode of information. To all of them my thanks.

I wish you fun in finding the mistery Sobralia. 



PD > Oliver my apologies for no cc this to you I deleted by mistake your email 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Epidendrum sanctaclarense

2005-06-02 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
I did a search and found the following:


 In this page I found a description of three specimens of the species . In
one case it is described as a dark green flower , in another as a white
flower. 820 m - 2200 meters and in a comment made in the third specimen
annotation, it is mentioned that it grows alongside Odontolglossum
hortensiae, ( Accepted name now being: Rhynchostele hortensiae (Lucas Rodr.)
Soto Arenas & Salazar, Orquídea (Mexico City), n.s., 13: 149 (1993). )


I hope I have added a little more info to add to the knowledge database.



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re Aerides;

2005-06-01 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
 Isn't nomenclature fun?


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Dendrobium broncartii , amabile ,and furcartum info

2005-06-01 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
A review of the Kew Database yields the following:


1- Dendrobium furcatum Reinw. ex Lindl., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 3: 13


Homotypic Synonyms:

Callista furcata (Reinw. ex Lindl.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 654 (1891). 

Dolichocentrum furcatum (Reinw. ex Lindl.) Brieger, Schlechter Orchideen 1:
659 (1981). 


Heterotypic Synonyms:

Dendrobium amabile Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 8: 505 (1910). 

Dendrobium sarasinorum Kraenzl. in H.G.A.Engler (ed.), Pflanzenr., IV, 50 II
B 21: 55 (1910). 

Dendrobium celebicum A.D.Hawkes, Orquídea (Rio de Janeiro) 24: 114 (1962). 



2- Dendrobium bronckartii De Wild., Gard. Chron., III, 39: 380 (1906). 

This name is a synonym. 


Accepted Name:Dendrobium amabile (Lour.) O'Brien, Gard. Chron., III, 46: 393



Three are two annotations for Dendrobium amabile one related to 

a- Dendrobium bronkartii

Synonym  :Dendrobium amabile Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 8: 505
(1910), nom. illeg. 



and o

b- one related to the issue of Dendrobium furcatum 


Dendrobium amabile (Lour.) O'Brien, Gard. Chron., III, 46: 393 (1909). 


Accepted Name:Dendrobium furcatum Reinw. ex Lindl., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot
 3: 13 (1859). 




That should explain why Dendrobium broncartii is not listed among the synonyms 
for Dendrobium furcatum

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] The gender of Aerides

2005-05-30 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

I checked my archives in the mess that is my desk and found the following
Registrar's Notes published in NEW ORCHID HYBRIDS March - May 2002
REGISTRATIONS Supplied by the Royal Horticultural Society as International
Cultivar Registration Authority for Orchid Hybrids: 



Aërides roseum Loddiges ex Lindl. & Paxton

Formerly treated as a synonym of Aërides multiflorum Roxb., from which it
may be distinguished by a triangular, sharply acute mid-lobe of the lip and
an ovary and pedicel exceeding 1 cm in length, this taxon is now recognised
as a species for registration following several recent publications. The
name has also been spelled as Aërides rosea. However, the genus takes its
name from the Greek Aer, air, which is neuter,and this should be reflected
by the inflection of the specific epithet as roseum (neuter) rather than
rosea which is feminine. Aërides fieldingii Williams and Aër. williamsii
Warner remain as synonyms of Aërides roseum. For description see: Pearce, N.
R. & Cribb, P. J. (2002) The

Orchids of Bhutan p. 495, published as Flora of Bhutan 3(3), by RBG
Edinburgh & Royal Government of Bhutan. For illustration see:Bechtel, Cribb
& Launert (1986) The manual of cultivated orchid species p. 229.


Please refer to the comment made on the correct name of the species in
question and the explanation given by the Registrar.



Hope I have Helped 



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Encyclia

2005-05-27 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo


The derived name is female... so the specific epithet should be female.
Notice I said should, remember one of the quirks of nomenclature rules is
that even though concordance in gender is required, an author can mispell a
name and the name still be valid.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Slc Anzac, AOS and Wildcatt

2005-05-05 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
 Wildcatt does not  include Awards prior to 1970 : the awards  recorded in
the Register of Awards  and its six Supplements.

Slc Anzac 'Kelly'  AM/AOS  was granted with point score of 80 points at the
Regular Judging meeting held at the Oakland Center  on October 1963.  It is
recorded at RA  Supplement IV  , page 687  . The record includes a picture.

The Cultural Award  for  the owner of 'Orchidhurst' was granted with point
score of 82 points at on March 1967.  It is recorded at RA  Supplement VI   
 page 1040  . 


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Slc Anzac

2005-05-05 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

'Orchidhurst' , netted the owner a culture award in 1967.




the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Catasetum arachnoides Ames, Amer. Garden 19: 741 (1898). and Catasetum arachnoideum Ames, Amer. Garden 19: 741 (1898).

2005-04-30 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

Dalton:  I  checked the Royal Botanical Gardens KEW  World Check List and found that  they consider Catasetum arachnoides Ames, Amer. Garden 19: 741 (1898).   to be a synonym.  of  Catasetum callosum Lindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg. 26(Misc.): 77 (1840).  
But , they  consider Catasetum arachnoideum Ames, Amer. Garden 19: 741 (1898).  an accepted name and therefore not a synonym of  Catasetum callosum Lindl.
Hope I have helped.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be stepped on....

2005-04-17 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

 That said, let me try to explain the CBR, CHM, CBM issue as well as another issues raised in the thread.
The CBM is an old award used to be granted by the AOS. Its full name was Certificate of Botanical Merit, the criteria for granting it combined both the criteria of rarity and educational value as well as horticultural merit. The problems caused by the interpretation of the criteria (problems that still exist) had the effect that the effect that in the Mid 70's the judging powers that be set up 2 awards derived from the CBM:
The CBR or Certificate of Botanical Recognition  that is granted  by the affirmative vote of a percentage of the judging team WITHOUT point scoring. The award basically recognizes that the species is rare and has educational value.
Ah Peter, you say what freaking judging system can consider Acriopsis liliifolia (J.König) Seidenf., Opera Bot. 124: 58 (1995). as rare as you ascertain it grows like a weed? 
 Here, my friend the issue is how you define what is rare. I don't have to be a statistician to say that in most AMERICAN judging systems Acriopsis liliifolia would indeed be rare given its distribution: Sikkim to NW. Pacific  [40 EHM 41 CBD LAO MYA THA VIE 42 BOR JAW LSI MLY MOL PHI SUL SUM 43 NWG SOL 50 QLD 62 CRL] (Note: my apologies for not translating the distribution codes). And if we were talking about Acriopsis liliifolia var. auriculata (Minderh. & de Vogel) J.J.Wood, Orchids Sarawak: 120 (2001). the distribution is even narrower  Indo-China to W. Malesia [41 MYA VIE 42 BOR JAW MLY SUM]
 It will be also rare given its "history":  Originally described as  Epidendrum liliifolium J.König in A.J.Retzius, Observ. Bot. 6: 61 (1791). it was only placed in its correct place as Acriopsis liliifolia 204 years latter in 1995 : plant is known by its accepted name a measly 10 years with variety auriculata known about 5 years ago. 
If one check the synonyms :  Acriopsis javanica Reinw. ex Blume, Bijdr.: 377 (1825). Spathoglottis trivalvis Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 120 (1831). Acriopsis picta Lindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg. 29(Misc.): 69 (1843). Acriopsis griffithii Rchb., Bonplandia 2: 92 (1854). Acriopsis nelsoniana F.M.Bailey, Queensland Agric. J. 3: 160 (1898). Acriopsis papuana Kraenzl. ex K.Schum. & Lauterb., Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee: 250 (1900). Acriopsis sumatrana Schltr., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 50: 249 (1900). Acriopsis philippinensis Ames, Orchidaceae 2: 215 (1908).  Acriopsis annamica Finet, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 2: 25 (1911). Acriopsis floribunda Ames, Orchidaceae 6: 306 (1920). Acriopsis insulari-silvatica Fukuy., Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Taiwan 28: 3 (1938). Acriopsis harae Tuyama, J. Jap. Bot. 39: 129 (1964). Acriopsis javanica var. floribunda (Ames) Minderh. & de Vogel, Orchid Monogr. 1: 13 (1986). we are  speaking also of "old and not widely known names".
It is if I were to bring to your neck of the  woods Pleurothallis aristata, chances are it would be rare there  , not because the species is rare perse but, because your judges  ( as well as judges in other systems) are not taxonomists and are not expected to know and or see every species in the genus Pleurothallis, Acriopsis or whatever.
So the award is is kind of a recognition that the plant exists and was brought for judging and that the team considered it notable.
2- The CHM, the Certificate of Horticultural Merit  is point scored. Lets say that although I find Andy's assertion that is given to a plant you mow around , not over it funny I  cannot agree with wholeheartedly: the CHM carries the connotation that the plant has desirable qualities for hybridizing and/or it is being evaluated in recognition that other clones of the  may be presented for judging ( including a second showing of another flowering of the clone granted the CHM) setting a preliminary standard to which those other flowering can be considered in the event they are nominated for a Flower Quality award.
Yes in the AOS systems species have been evaluated for flower quality  in their first try at a judging table Paphiopedilum armeniacum 'First Son' FCC/AOS  comes to mind.  I cannot say because of it  but after that FCC many stunning species went the CHM route before another cultivar being granted the flower quality award. Masdevallia decumeana is one of them ( As a mater of fact the plant that was granted the CHM was selected by the AOS to be the Best Pleurothallid exhibited that year over plants that had been granted flower quality awards.) This  CHM before flower quality award seems to be the preferred way in the AOS system now.
So, I hope I have been of help in clearing the issue.    
In friendship
PS Because a plant is weedy and common that doesn't mean it has been shown for or granted an award. To wit: Arundina gramminifolia  a weedy species, landscaping-pot-plant per excellence ... yet the first award granted to an Arundina gramminifolia was a CC

[OGD] Re: Peter or any one interested in Judging

2005-04-17 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Hi Peter,


First of all, I wouldn't refer you to AQ to see the nice pictures and
descriptions as that part is a mere record . I could refer you to the
multiple articles where seasoned ( and not so seasoned )judges have delved
into issues that need to be resolved for the AOS system to be understood,
examples of these articles are the series by the late Richard Peterson ( and
other subsequent articles) on the language used to describe the awards: the
words that convey the idea , the rationale for the award; the recent
articles on the description of color and the photographic record of awarded
plants; the Griesbach article on reciprocals (where in 2 pages a lot of
questions are raised for the judges to ponder); the issue of size, judging
ethics, etc. There my friend you can find a lot of answers for some
questions you raise. Not all but a start.


If I referred you to the New Zealand Rules and The South African Rules it is
because both have evolved and have been adapted from the AOS rules, their
study can yield some information on how other countries have adapted a
standard to meet their needs . That is why I am searching for the rules of
other Award Granting societies to keep learning.


That said, let me jump into the deep waters. 


I am not a judge. My academic training has yielded me the knowledge on how
to analyze documents, content and the use of words in the field of the
qualitative analysis of subjectivity. Yes subjectivity as the judging
process regardless of what it is being judged is a most subjective one and
the fact that a group of like-minded individuals try to reach a consensus on
what criteria must be met and how "translatable" are their standards vis a
vis other standards, will not erase the subjective nature of the process.


Let me offer some comments regarding your search for an international

The first problem you will have in searching or trying to reach an
international standard is that not even in the "Big" countries where
supposedly there are national standards ; that happens. IMHO ( and I invite
any AOS judge who will like to differ from me to state his/her reasons) the
AOS Judging system is not national in practice and cannot be given the
fact that there are more than 30 geographically distributed judging centers
and hundreds of shows where AOS Awards are given. That is reflected in the
not so subtle differences that a careful reading of the judging records
reflect. This is also reflected in the way different judging centers train
their judges and in the eternal saga of the AOS Judging Committee trying to
agree on a national training policy. I would like to hear your ideas on how
to establish an "International Training Manual".


That diversity of geographical and seasonal variables, improves the chances
that a judge in a region will see different genera, different type of
specimens and even different type of exhibits than other judges. Thus, a
judge will react differently to certain genera than to others to the point
of applying standards that are even more strict than those published as the
national norm. ( The fact that this happens and its effects on a national
system can be discussed ad infinitum.)


One judges what one sees and a judge must react to what he/she sees WHERE he
sees it: one cannot expect the same type of references your "international"
standard requires at a show run in a shopping center than at a judging
session run at a a botanical garden. Thus the problem of accessibility of
the references is real. Again I would appreciate hearing from you on how the
accessibility of information problem an be solved.


You mentioned that you were involved in the determination regarding the 
validity " of a published botanical name. Can you explain to me how did you
do it? And better still were you delving into the "acceptability " of said
name and not its "validity"? I wish all Orchid Shows and judgings were so
lucky as to have a person trained in taxonomy or with such a level of
knowledge as yours to help with the species problems. But, alas, that is not


And then there is the obvious: how do you define "rare", "desirable traits" 
international System" ,etc ..all those subjective factors involved in
judging. Again, I will submit that before an "international"consensus is
tried a national one has to be achieved. That is an easier task in a small
country, but in a system where some judging centers are separated by 3000+
miles from a center of the same system that is not that easy.


Thus, my answer to the main question you raised , If the direct effect of
the "internationalization'" of a judging system is the lack of participation
of local growers in the local system; then I say no to internationalization.
First and foremost , the local judging system must be developed to encourage
participation by the locals , and for establishing standards based on the
local reality. Then it should be followed by the realization that one doesn

[OGD] Peter or any one interested in Judging

2005-04-17 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo


Should anyone of you want it, I can provide copies of the rules regarding
judging and the awards, granted by the New Zealand judging system  and by
the South African judging system.


Also , If anyone can provide me with a copy of the rules of the Australian,
JOGA and/or RHS judging rules and "Handbooks" (including the judging of
fragrance) ; I will appreciate it. I may not be a judge, but for reasons
unknown ( probably because I am a nut-case) , I have made the study of the
systems used for Judging Orchids a hobby.






PS...I cannot offer to present /share my short presentation "An Outsider
Looks at AOS Judging and Other Judging Systems" because my minor opus has
just hit the 3000 slide mark and my musings on paper have reached the 154000
words count. Somehow , my brain was not wired for short and concise writing
:) [Ok, those who maybe tempted to flame me, go gentle on the heat, the body
is not in the optimum shape for broiling as it was in former times]


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Grammatophyllums

2005-04-05 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

In Puerto Rico, the "miniature" Gramatophyllums tend to be placed either on tree fern logs and /or slated baskets.
I have seen Gramatophyllum speciousum grown  in "baskets set on the floor and made with cinder blocks  and lined with material that allows drainage, the best one I have seen is grown in a pot .  A friend made an album of the plant that can be seen at  http://community.webshots.com/album/58901890bpvzPO  
As you can see the pot is not that big. :) 
She also has an album that shows some of the "miniature" ones  being exhibited at a local flower fair. That album can be seen at:   http://community.webshots.com/album/157740806cEOSOt
(Slides 12 and 15)
Enjoy the sights.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Plant Police and the MIAMI WOC

2005-03-30 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
 If the last WOC celebrated at Miami is a model of what can be done  : the
organizers will ask the help of the USDA and coordinate efforts with all the
exhibitors and buyers from outside the US so their importation documentation
and processes go smooth.  It was done then, It can be done now.

Jose ( Ah the eternal optimist speaks)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Gram scriptum

2005-03-30 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo


 Ah join the club of those of us that have to deal with the joys of 
fumagina".   Water and soap to wich some bicarbonate that is used for upset
stomach is the best way to go with it.  Also increase the light levels
under which the plant is grown.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] RE: Sandra [T Hardy] wrote :"Enc naranja patensis... blooming"

2005-03-28 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo


Can it be an unregistered hybrid between Epi Naranja (schumannianum x
ibaguense) x Epidendrum patens 

[Epidendrum patens Sw., Fl. Ind. Occid. 3: 1495 (1806).  not  Encyclia
patens Hook., Bot. Mag. 57: t. 3013 (1830)] ?


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Need Help

2005-03-24 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
 In traking a copy of the article or the publication.


Classification of Orchidaceae in the Age of DNA data Author: Mark W. Chase
Source: Curtis's Botanical Magazine, February 2005, vol. 22, no. 1, pp.



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Ok, I will bite...

2005-03-12 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Andy states:

"Big scandal with the judging of Vandaceous in Dijon. So much unhappiness
that they had to convene a special team of judges like Joyce Stewart and
Phil Cribb (who said the RHS wasn't

dominating the judging process?) to "rectify" the situation. Lots of red

faces among the original team and claims and counterclaims of blatantly

corrupt judging"

Nice juicy-morsel-packed hook...

Could you please give us details?




the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Stomata and Orchids

2005-03-06 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
A modest suggestion :  use a special Google search  called Google Scholar .
The service is in Beta stage and can be accessed via http://scholar.google
com/.   I did a search using Stomata and Orchids as the key words and got
115 hits. "Click the Cited by "  and the " Web Search" links next to the
each one of the "Main hits" and you will obtain more sources.

This is the link to the search I made (Hope it works): http://scholar.google
com/scholar?q=Stomata+and+Orchids&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&btnG=Search try
cut and paste if the link doesnt work directly.

Caveat:  The output is basically that of  citations or of abstracts of
articles and, or chapters of Books. Most of the links will connect you to
services where you can obtain the full document. As I have found out, once
one has the citations with access to a reasonable good library one can find
the complete texts.

Hope I have helped .





the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Ida portillae

2005-02-27 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo


I checked the Kew's Monocotyledon  World Checklist  and there is no
reference either. Since the checklist can be a year behind in listing and
placing the published names , I continued my search.

This is what I found: 

The judges of the the AOS  Toronto Judging Centre granted on Nov. 13, 2004
at the Niagara Region Orchid Society Show – St. Catharines a Certificated of
Horticultural Merit  of 80 pts to : Lycaste portillae ‘Gualaceo Safari’
CHM/AOS  exhibited by Our Tropics.

Per AOS regulations, CHMs are granted provisionally pending the mandatory
taxonomic Verification.  I would guess that upon verification that "Lycaste"
would have its generic name  changed.

The award is a recent one, you should try and contact the Chair of the
Toronto Centre or the AOS  Registrar of Awards to see if the Award has been
validated by the taxonomic verification and for the posibility of viewing
the award slide  for copmparison to your plant.  You could also attempt
contacting the exhibitor of record : Our Tropics . This is the data I
obtained for them:

Name: Orchids in Our Tropics - Doug and Terry Kennedy

Address: PO Box 394, Gormley ON LOH 1G0

Phone/Fax: 905-727-3319


Web Site: http://www.orchidsinourtropics.com/

Hope I have been of help.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] List of Species Native for the US

2005-02-07 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo


One of the nice little secrets of the World Checklist of Monocotyledons 
Database run by Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew is is  Advances Search feature


When you enter it ..Fill in in Orchidaceae  in Family and  then you can pick
Continent , Regions or Botanical Nations

If you pick regions you can select all the regions of the US and if you pick
Botanical Nations you can select  each one of the states.

The search will generate a list of all the records ( accepted and synonyms )
of all the Orchidaceae listed for the Continent, Region  or "Nation"
selected.The ones in BOLD  are the names accepted by Kew and the ones in
plain type are the synonyms. A click in ache name of the species..will yield
botanical name with publication, synonyms both homotypic or heterotypic and
the distribution data using the standard names and numbers ( there is a link
to find  the menaings of the numbers, etc) and the type of life form.  

[Ah if you copy and paste the lists produced into a Word document it will
keep the active links.]

It is very nice to use.



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)


2005-01-28 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Never read your e-mails and post without the first cup of coffee and without
the eyeglasses .

Joe  not John

Mea culpa mea maxima culpa


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] John

2005-01-28 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Thanks for the update on the scanning project and for clearing many of the 
issues" raised by some people with axes to grind.

It is refreshing to see facts , not bias posited.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] MAsdevallias :I checked the Kew World Checklist for synonyms and distribution information

2005-01-25 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

 And found the following info:

Masdevallia abbreviata Rchb. f. 1878 Distribution:Ecuador to N.

83 ECU PER Lifeform:Epiphyte


Masdevallia cocapatae Luer, Teague & Vasquez 1997 Distribution:   

83 BOL Lifeform:Epiphyte


Masdevallia corazonica Schltr. Distribution:WC. Ecuador 83 ECU  


 Heterotypic Synonyms:Masdevallia sphenopetala Kraenzl., Bull. Misc. Inform.
Kew 1925: 98 (1925).


Masdevallia corniculata Rchb. f. 1878 Distribution:Colombia to E

83 CLM ECULifeform:Epiphyte

Heterotypic Synonyms: 

Masdevallia inflata Rchb.f., Gard. Chron., n.s., 16: 716 (1881). 

Masdevallia calyptrata Kraenzl., Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1: 83


Masdevallia dimorphotricha Luer & Hirtz, Lindleyana 10: 117 (1995).  

This name is a synonym. The accepted name : Masdevallia pachyura Rchb.f.,
Gard. Chron., n.s., 2: 322 (1874). Distribution:  SW.
Ecuador 83 ECU



Masdevallia gnoma H.R.Sweet 1978 Masdevallia gnoma H.R.Sweet, Bot. Mus.
Leafl. 26: 41 (1978). This name is a synonym.  The accepted name is
Masdevallia bangii Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 10: 41
(1922). Distribution:Ecuador to Bolivia

83 BOL ECULifeform:Epiphyte



Masdevallia hercules Luer & Andreetta 1988 [1989]This name is accepted. 

Distribution:Ecuador (Morona-Santiago) 83 ECU



Masdevallia monicana Luer 1998 This name is accepted. 

Distribution:Ecuador 83 ECU  Lifeform:   


Masdevallia pulcherrima Luer &  Andreetta 1980  This name is accepted.  

Distribution:Ecuador (Bolívar) 83 ECU




Masdevallia racemosa Lindl. 1845 This name is accepted. 

Distribution:Colombia 83 CLM Lifeform:   


Masdevallia sertula C.A.Luer & Andreetta 1991 This name is accepted.

Distribution:Ecuador (Cañar) 83 ECU



Masdevallia vidua Luer & Andreetta 1988/9 This name is accepted. 

Distribution:Ecuador (Morona-Santiago) 83 ECU




Masdevallia villegasii Kvniger 1999 This name is accepted. 

Distribution:Colombia 83 CLM 


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Orchids of Iraq

2005-01-06 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

First of all, my prayers for the safety and well being of your son and those
who serve with him.

A search in The Royal Botanical Garden Kew's World  List of Monocotyledons 
produces the following listing for Orchids annotated for Iraq:

38  records retrieved

Anacamptis collina (Banks & Sol. ex Russell) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W
Chase, Lindleyana 12: 120 (1997). 

Anacamptis coriophora (L.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, Lindleyana 12:
120 (1997). 

Anacamptis coriophora subsp. coriophora. 

Anacamptis coriophora subsp. fragrans (Pollini) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W
Chase, Lindleyana 12: 120 (1997). 

Anacamptis laxiflora (Lam.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, Lindleyana
12: 120 (1997). 

Anacamptis morio (L.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, Lindleyana 12: 120

Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, Lindleyana
12: 120 (1997). 

Anacamptis palustris subsp. palustris. 

Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) Rich., De Orchid. Eur.: 33 (1817). 

Cephalanthera kurdica Bornm. ex Kraenzl., Bull. Herb. Boissier 3: 143 (1895)

Comperia comperiana (Steven) Asch. & Graebn., Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 3: 620

Dactylorhiza umbrosa (Kar. & Kir.) Nevski, Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk S.S.S
R., Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 4: 332 (1937). 

Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz, Stirp. Austr. Fasc., ed. 2, 2(6): 467

Epipactis helleborine subsp. helleborine. 

Epipactis veratrifolia Boiss. & Hohen. in P.E.Boissier, Diagn. Pl. Orient.
13: 11 (1854). 

Himantoglossum affine (Boiss.) Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15:
287 (1918). 

Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 3: 694 (1826). 

Himantoglossum hircinum var. pseudocaprinum J.J.Wood, Kew Bull. 38: 75

Limodorum abortivum (L.) Sw., Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. 6: 80 (1799)

Limodorum abortivum var. abortivum. 

Neotinea tridentata (Scop.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, Lindleyana
12: 122 (1997). 

Neotinea tridentata subsp. tridentata. 

Ophrys apifera Huds., Fl. Angl.: 340 (1762). 

Ophrys holoserica subsp. bornmuelleri (M.Schulze) H.Sund., Taxon 24: 625

Ophrys mammosa Desf., Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 10: 222 (1807). 

Ophrys reinholdii Spruner ex Fleischm., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 57: 5 (1908). 

Ophrys reinholdii subsp. straussii (Fleischm.) E.Nelson, Gestaltw. Artb.
Orchid. Eur. Mittelmeerl.: 149 (1962). 

Ophrys schulzei Bornm. & Fleischm., Mitth. Thüring. Bot. Vereins, n.s., 28:
60 (1911). 

Ophrys umbilicata Desf., Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 10: 227 (1807). 

Ophrys umbilicata subsp. attica (Boiss. & Orph.) J.J.Wood, Kew Bull. 38: 136

Ophrys umbilicata subsp. umbilicata. 

Orchis anatolica Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. 5: 56 (1844). 

Orchis mascula (L.) L., Fl. Suec., ed. 2: 310 (1755). 

Orchis mascula subsp. pinetorum (Boiss. & Kotschy) E.G.Camus, Monogr. Orchid
: 156 (1908). 

Orchis punctulata Steven ex Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 273 (1835). 

Orchis simia Lam., Fl. Franç. 3: 507 (1779). 

Platanthera chlorantha (Custer) Rchb. in J.C.Mössler, Handb. Gewächsk. ed. 2
 2: 1565 (1829). 

Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames, Orchidaceae 2: 53 (1908). 

I have seen pictures off all.  The flowers are kind of neat.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] ODG Vol 7 Issue 4 : Dendrobium miniense

2005-01-03 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
 Rer Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew  World Checklist of Monocotyledons



Dendrobium miniense Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 506

This name is a synonym.  

Accepted Name: Dendrobium constrictum J.J.Sm., Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl
 19: 15 (1908). 

Family: Orchidaceae 


Homotypic Synonyms: Pedilonum miniense (Schltr.) Brieger, Schlechter Orchideen 
1(11-12): 679 (1981).

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Your coments on Taxonomy and Cladistics

2004-12-20 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Would be most welcome. I imagine that  the List Owner would surely lift the
words limit for them.

That issue would be , in my humble opinion, one to keep and to share.



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] A small request to de friends debating Evolution Vs Creationism

2004-12-14 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Please ...if you want to refer to the Supreme Creator of the scriptures
written for the People of the Covenant  use  G-D  do not  write the full
name: it is sacrilegious.



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Can anyone in this group ...

2004-12-10 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

 Do a translation into English from  a descriptiom enterely written in
botanical Latin.

If you can do it or  know some one that can do it; please advise via my


Jose A. Izquierdo


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Lets place the issue of fair use in perspective.

2004-12-01 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

 Let say I developed an interest in studying Epidendrum acinacifolium: a species described as endemic to my country, Puerto Rico in Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. ed. 2, 201 (1894). 
To start investigating, I need access to the original publication or a copy of the page whre the species was described.  (Note: As of today,  not a single type of this species has been located.)
So I ask you librarians and experts in copyright-law: Would I be violating the law if I ask for help in this group to obatin a copy of said article?  Assuming some gentle soul does find it, would he or she be in violation of law should He/she send it to me?
Platceme Fraters/Sorores

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Angraecum Memoria George Keennedy

2004-11-30 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo


 I got a division of that plant about 20  years ago. The original plant was
a monster that grew around  basket that measured 5 feet x 5 feet  ( The 
plant overgrew it).

I grow mine in a clay pot using pebbles as substrate.  The plant is a very
reliable fall bloomer ( It is in bloom now) tolerates high lights  and the
inflorescences are long. I grow it ouside  @18 degrees north of latitude.

Plant and pot are so heavy that left outside during the last 4 hurricanes
that have hit my town, the pot-plant combo did not budge an inch.

Arg I have to repot soon. Getting the machete ready. 



If you want, I take some photos  and send the to you.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 404 Widcatt

2004-09-28 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
 One of the best features of Wildcatt is  String Search . I have found many,
many a "lost hybrid" using it.

Also its Sort by feature is great when researching awards.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 396 Cattelya candida

2004-09-21 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
The baysonim for Cattleya candida is Cymbidium candidum Kunth in F.W.H.von
Humboldt, A.J.A.Bonpland & C.S.Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 1: 342 (1816). 

That 1816 date predates another published name related  to the species in
 thus it has priority over  them

Again here is the publication data for your perusal:

Cattleya candida (Kunth) F.Lehm., Gard. Chron., III, 18: 466 (1895). 

Homotypic Synonyms:
* Cymbidium candidum Kunth in F.W.H.von Humboldt, A.J.A.Bonpland & C.S.Kunth
 Nov. Gen. Sp. 1: 342 (1816). 

* Basionym/Replaced Synonym

Heterotypic Synonyms:
Cattleya quadricolor Lindl., Paxton's Fl. Gard. 1: 6 (1850). 
Cattleya chocoensis Linden, Ill. Hort. 17: 37 (1870). 
Cattleya caucaensis Ballif, Chron. Orchid. 1901: 329 (1901). 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] For Peter and Viateur

2004-09-20 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Gastrochilus matsuran (Makino) Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih.
4: 289 (1919). 

As to other names I found "close but no cigar match ups" that may suggest a
review of your labels: To wit:

1- Thrixspermum amplexiatumI found a reference for  Thrixspermum
amplexicaule (Blume) Rchb.f., Xenia Orchid. 2: 121 (1868).

2-  Dendrochilum compactum  I found this: Dendrochilum complectens J.J.Sm.,
Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, III, 5: 32 (1922).

3- Dendrochilum aureum I found : Dendrochilum aurantiacum Blume, Bijdr.: 398

4- Bulbophyllum longifolium I found: Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars, Hist.
Orchid.: t. 98 (1822)

The source for my information is the Monocot Checlist found at http://www
rbgkew.org.uk/monocotChecklist/qsearch.do  ( really nice place with new
search capabilities) 


Viateur : Have you checked the entries for Cattleya candida?

Cattleya candida (Kunth) F.Lehm., Gard. Chron., III, 18: 466 (1895). 

Homotypic Synonyms:
* Cymbidium candidum Kunth in F.W.H.von Humboldt, A.J.A.Bonpland & C.S.Kunth
 Nov. Gen. Sp. 1: 342 (1816). 

* Basionym/Replaced Synonym Thus this is the first description of the
species that used to be known as C quadricolor.

Heterotypic Synonyms:
Cattleya quadricolor Lindl., Paxton's Fl. Gard. 1: 6 (1850). 
Cattleya chocoensis Linden, Ill. Hort. 17: 37 (1870). 
Cattleya caucaensis Ballif, Chron. Orchid. 1901: 329 (1901). 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Wouldn't it be nice to know how Broesntein and Eloe voted on those issues?

2004-08-29 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

"Finally, the statement that
>No one is going to>be making ANY decisions on their own for the AOS...It is
all done with
>agreement between ALL twenty five of the Exec Board and Trustees. does not
reassure me.  Too many management organizations become
like-minded, recruiting only those who agree with them, right or wrong, and
that is exactly what I fear the AOS is doing."
Martin,  for years Bronstein and Eloe  have been members of the Board of
Trustees and of the Exec Committee. So it seems that they are covered by the
comment you made.  To make things worst when asked in the AOSF to respond on
how they voted on certain issues and their positions on others ( this done
to see  how different they were from the people they want to substitute), no
answers and worst, their supporters go on a rampage attacking the persons
that ask the questions.

So absent a response from them , one must assume that their actions and
positions as members of the Exec Committee was similar to the actions and
positions of the members they want to substitute and that the claim by their
supporters that they are "outsiders" is not true.

Which begs the question on when they became reformers? 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Howard "people like me " would like to know:

2004-08-15 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Howard since you brought the AOS finances and other matters in to the fray,
Could you be so kind as to get Mr. Bronstein and Mrs. Eloe to answer these
- Since you two are members of the Board of Trustees and the Executive
Did you vote for or against construction of the new HQ in Delray Beach? 
Did you vote for or against the budgetary lines relating to Conservation
and Education? 
Did you vote for or against the raise in members fee and the rise in
show fees?
 Did you vote for or against the ending the publication of Lindleyana?
-Are the headquarters building and greenhouses and gardens what you expected
they would be?
- If elected, what would be the first three things you would change in the
- It has been stated by some of the proponents of your candidacy that, Lee
Cooke should be released from his contract. Do you agree with this position?
 Can either of you estimate how much releasing Lee Cooke from his contract
would cost the AOS? 
-Andy Easton has alleged that Howard Bronstein interfered in personnel
matters at AOS as EVP and he made a formal complaint to Lee Cooke about
threats made to him by Howard Bronstein.  Care to comment? 
-Since the inception of your candidacy, several of your supporters have
argued that you, Mr. Bronstein were the victim of homophobia, and
anti-Semitism on the part of the Executive Committee. 
Do you support those charges? 
Do you believe that Taylor Slaughter was nominated on the basis of a
conflict of interest and is not worthy of nomination as it has been
insinuated by some of your supporters? 
- Do you believe that Robert Griesbach is a liar and a crook as stated by
Christenson, in an email sent to the www.aosmebers.org site that was widely
distributed all over through the net? And, since you are sensitive about
homophobia and gay bashing, do you agree with the statement by Christenson
regarding an AOS employee?
- Do you agree with the assessment of David Grove, published in
various Forums regarding the management of the AOS by the last two AOS
- What was your position when Jim Rassmann was bumped from the
Executive Committee rotation? Why your silence then?
- And finally, Mr. Bronstein what is the origin of the animus toward
Jim Rassmann? There are so many rumors regarding this, we would like to know
your take.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Caularthron bicornutum

2004-08-12 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

The only citations regarding  the genus Caularthron that include Schultes
name were  for  
Caularthron bilamellatum ( Rchb.f. ) R.E.Schult.  as published in Bot. Mus.
Leafl. Harvard Univ. xviii. 92 (1958). 

Hope I have been of help.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Miltonia xanthinia

2004-08-11 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
A net search yielded this page http://www.orchideepassion.com/vb/index

As you can see the flowers do not resemble Miltonia flavescens.  The it hit
me ; the description of the flower in the page.

" Importi du Brisil sous ce nom. Non ripertorii. Nouveauti ou nom erroni ?
De toute fagon, sa fleur est iblouissante" 

which if memory doesn't fail me translates  as  

"Imported Brazil under this name. Not indexed. Innovation or erroneous name?
In any event, its flower is dazzling. ".

Something in the photo gives the impression the flower is that of a hybrid,
a beautiful one  to wit.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Pray, tell...Where has he stated his opposition?

2004-08-07 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

 "Duh, why do you think he was passed over ??? Because he DID question the 
financial practices and the direction the ship was taking. And he also 
thought that as president, he could make some changes."

Dave for 10 years we have had silent acquiescence. Bronstein, in a position
of leadership of the consummate insider  ( not the outsider the "alternates"
picture him as)  kept quiet ... Where and to whom, has Bronstein stated his
opposition to the new headquarters, the Emporium Based and emphasized
headquarters, the membership dues increases, etc? I , for one, would like to
know where.

Now that it benefits him, ( or it benefits those who spouse his candidacy)he
may claim he opposed the moves I described ( or it may be clamed by those
who support him.):  Machiaveli, not the reformer.

Which makes me wonder, if there is a recorded vote of all the Board and
Executive Committee meetings where those controversial issues were acted
upon so the real positions of Howard Bronstein be known... by the way he


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Good statement Dave

2004-08-07 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

"You realize that Mr. Bronstein is still the active Executive Vice President
of the American Orchid Society? You are also aware that he has served on the
executive committee for ten years? "

So it figures that Mr Bronstein was there when many of the actions the 
alternates" criticize were taken by the Trustees, including the move to the 
Tahj in the Glades" ( as one of my friends calls the new headquarters) the
change in format of Orchids, the change in perspective at the AOSF, the 
Emporium, etc... and yet this great reformer , Mr Bronstein is, never
complained, never raised his voice in opposition, never rallied the members
in opposition for those ten years..as he waited and bid his time... 
Machiaveli insstead of the reformer he is painted to be.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Otr Hwa Yuan Bay

2004-08-03 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
All i have ( and I don't have an updated Wildcatt yet) is Otr Hwan Yuan Bay 
 Shui Ming-Yuh', HCC/AOS  of 75 points granted at the Taiwan International
Orchid Show on March 22, 2002.

Hope this helps

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Epidendrum pugioniforme

2004-07-19 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
A seaarch in the RHS Monocot Database yields the following results:
Epidendrum parkinsonianum Hook., Bot. Mag. 66: t. 3778 (1840).
Synonyms: Epidendrum aloifolium Bateman, Orchid. Mexico Guatemala: t. 25
(1842), nom. illeg.
Brassavola pescatorii Rchb.f., Gard. Chron., n.s., 9: 724 (1878).
Epidendrum pugioniforme Regel, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk Bot. Sada 11: 305
Epidendrum falcatum var. zeledoniae Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg.
Beih. 19: 37 (1923).

Hope I have helped
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Delightfully silly or not

2004-06-25 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Mr Bronstein Answered .
Dr Griesbach Answered .
I would accept the Trustees may not read the Forum established by the AOS
for the open interchange of ideas : That it is their problem. But the fact
stands : I did questioned them using a resource where two other involved
people not only read ( or were told of my posts) but answered them. That is
a FACT. Trying to deny it is silly. Trying to claim a nefarious silence on
my part is silly too and absurd: I am not know to hide and I don't hide.
Now what is it is delightfully IRONIC and yes silly , is that the behavior
of some of those backing Bronstein has moved me to be on the same side of a
question with Andy Easton, a man that took pleasure in signing in other
Forums as "Jose's Nemesis" a man I have had ( to be mild) some serious

.. that is not even silly , it is scary... :-)  I imagine Andy laughing his
head off at this situation. 
Platceme Fraters
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Jose Answers Martin and Howard ...a short version that I hope will not be vounced...

2004-06-24 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Martin , I am including the introduction part  to the original e-mail
answering you as reference 

"From: Jose A. Izquierdo
Date: 06/23/04 15:59:12
Subject: Jose Answers...
Before  something is made about my silence:
1- In the last 30 days I have had to deal with the death of an uncle who was
the closest thing I had to a father outside my own. In a time where my dad
could barely afford Public university for me ( 1970-1976) he forked over the
princely sum of $4000 a semester so I could get my Bachelor Degree at Loyola
University of Chicago and I could start my graduate Studies at Kent Sate
University. So not only had I had to deal with the grief, I  found that he
had designate me executor of his Estate...so I have been working overtime so
my aunt gets the pensions that from now on will be her source of income and
so the division of the estate is done without the bickering that usually
happens among sons when an estate is split.
2- Add to that I am the primary care taker to my mother and for another
uncle who has been diagnosed with Adenocarcinomas of the lungs , adrenal
glands and kidneys ..in all cases with undifferentiated cells..So I am
coordinating both radio and chemo therapy for him and making sure his
financial needs are covered as he has no other medical coverage than
3- Last weekend I spent 3 glorious days in ICU due to elevated high blood
pressure and Prinzemetal Angina (sp)..
So OGD and AOS were the last of my worries add to that  I did not
receive The OGD Issue in question

So lets  refresh the collective memory of the lists participants  as to what
Howard Ginsberg wrote and that I am being accused of remaining silent...

At 5:29 PM -0400 6/16/04, Howard Ginsberg wrote:
>You said, "BTW I questioned  Dr Griesbach and the 6 trustee candidates Mr
>Bronstein is Backing. So far I only got answers from Dr Griesbach."
>I called two of the trustee candidates. They both have not heard of you nor
>have spoken with nor received e-mail from you.
>When did you do this, Jose? Just the facts."
See Martin ( and Howard) had I been paying attention to the OGD and had I
received the issue in question I would have had answered the following

Howard where in my post

 Did I mentioned that the trustees know me personally?  Nowhere
Did I mentioned I called them? NO
Did I mentioned I Emailed them ?  NO

And yes I contacted using a medium available to me as an AOS Member : THE
AOS FORUM . Similar questioning  of Dr Griesbach and Mr Bronstein  AFTER  I
posted my questions to the Trustees  were answered by both Mr Bronstein and
Dr Griesbach.

FACT:  This is the URL of my post questioning Bronstein in the AOS Forum...


 Martin in my original message I sent you a transcript of it as it appeared
in the AOS Forum. I AM WILLING TO TRANSMIT the same to an one that  I sent
you. Mr Bronstein not only answered in the AOS Forum, He answered in OGD
using the same identical message.

FACT: this is the  URL of my Post questioning Dr Griesbach  

Martin in my original message I sent you a transcript of it as it appeared
in the AOS Forum. I AM WILLING TO TRANSMIT the same to an one that  I sent
you. Mr Bronstein not only answered in the AOS Forum,

FACT: this is the  URL of my Post questioning  Ms Cohen and the remaining 5


Please notice the thread number 821 which indicates a previous thread to the
one with the questions for Dr Griesbach and Mr Bronstein  As a matter of
FACT here is a copy 

I have some questions for: Ms Rita Cohen ... 

7 Forum Main Page 7 Further Reading 7 Reply to this Message 7 

Posted by Jose A. Izquierdo Rivera on 06/09/04 - 19:26:20 
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1

Message Body 
.., Ms Aileen Garrison, Mr. William Guthrie, Ms Karen Muir, Mr. Ben Singer
and, Ms Sandra Svoboda.

I have noticed with interest that in the documents posted in the Bedford
Orchids website, where Mr. Ginsberg supports the candidacy of Howard
Bronstein for AOS president, while criticizing the actions of the Nominating
Committee, there is a proposed:

We the undersigned hereby give our proxy to the bearer of this document to
vote for Howard Bronstein for President of the American Orchid Society and
to vote against the entire slate of officers but not the Trustees proposed
by the Nominating Committee at the Annual Meeting in October 2004 

A cursory reading of this seems to lead to the conclusion that Mr. Ginsberg
is supporting your election as Trustees of the AOS during the next Members

Since the Nominating Committee t

[OGD] Jose Answers...

2004-06-24 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo

Before  something is made about my silence:

1- In the last 30 days I have had to deal with the death of an uncle who was
the closest thing I had to a father outside my own. In a time where my dad
could barely afford Public university for me ( 1970-1976) he forked over the
princely sum of $4000 a semester so I could get my Bachelor Degree at Loyola
University of Chicago and I could start my graduate Studies at Kent Sate
University. So not only had I had to deal with the grief, I  found that he
had designate me executor of his Estate...so I have been working overtime so
my aunt gets the pensions that from now on will be her source of income and
so the division of the estate is done without the bickering that usually
happens among sons when an estate is split.

2- Add to that I am the primary care taker to my mother and for another
uncle who has been diagnosed with Adenocarcinomas of the lungs , adrenal
glands and kidneys ..in all cases with undifferentiated cells..So I am
coordinating both radio and chemo therapy for him and making sure his
financial needs are covered as he has no other medical coverage than

3- Last weekend I spent 3 glorious days in ICU due to elevated high blood
pressure and Prinzemetal Angina (sp)..

So OGD and AOS were the last of my worries add to that  I did not
receive The OGD Issue in question

So as to the note by Howard Ginsberg which I quote directly from your post..

"At 5:29 PM -0400 6/16/04, Howard Ginsberg wrote:
>You said, "BTW I questioned  Dr Griesbach and the 6 trustee candidates Mr
>Bronstein is Backing. So far I only got answers from Dr Griesbach."
>I called two of the trustee candidates. They both have not heard of you nor
>have spoken with nor received e-mail from you.
>When did you do this, Jose? Just the facts."

This is the level of pettiness that shows the lack of seriousness on
Ginsberg's and your part

Did I mentioned they know me? NO
Did I mentioned I called them? NO
Did I mentioned I Emailed them ?  NO

As a member of the AOS I used the AOS Forum as the medium to contact and
question them...the six  trustees, and  Dr Griesbach.

Dr Griesbach , who reads the Forum posted his answer there . It seems the
others don't read it and if they did they kept quiet.  And it also it seems
that Ginsberg doesn't either...unless it is a post by himself.

is the URl fro my questioning of Mr Bronstein . Which I copy  Verbatim

Let's see if Mr Bronstein answers some of my questions...

7 Forum Main Page 7 Further Reading 7 Reply to this Message 7

Posted by Jose A. Izquierdo Rivera on 06/11/04 - 03:20:31
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1

Message Body
1- Have you authorized Mr Ginsberg to include your name in the alternate
slate he is proposing in opposition to the one proposed by the nominating

2- Do you agree with the accusations being bandied about that in your case,
the nominating committee acted due to anti-semitism and homophobia? WHAT
EVIDENCE ( NOT RUMORS) can you present that members of the committee are
anti-semites and homophobes?

3- The changing of certain by-laws regarding direct nominations  are aslo
being attacked ? Yet for those changes to have been carried , the AOS Board
of Trustees and the Executive Committee BOTH of which you are currently a
member had had to pass judgement on them ? As a matter of fact , the final
cosntitution of the Nomminating Committe had to be approved by the Board?
Arew we to believe that you , a member of the Executive Committte had no
involvement wahtsoever in these processes?

4- Why are you supporting with your silence the attacks on Mr Rasmmann and
Mrs Slaughter? Or do you actually support the statement that their selection
( in the case of Mr Rassmman, his continued selection) as Directors was
plagued with conflict of interests? Do you have evidence of conflict of
interests by the members of the Committee? Do you believe ( as it has beeing
insinuated by those who support you) that Taylor Slaughter was only selected
on account of her husband alone and not on account of her service as a
volunteer to the AOS?

5- Some of the people supporting your candidacy in opposition to that of Mr
Moore and the proposed "official slate" are threatening with holding support
 to the AOS if you are not elected. Do you support their stance?

Mr Bronstein your silence is deafening.  With your silence you seem to be
giving support to many positions and opinions that can easily be disproven
or that by their nature are inflamatory, close to being diffamatory and
dammaging to the future of the AOS ?

You have served the members of this Society in a number of position ...You
aspire to serve the members of this Society as its President...

Those Members ( me included) want

[OGD] Dave .... Let see....

2004-06-15 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Every single statement  I used under the heading "You State" that was placed
in quotation marks  was taken verbatim from your letter to OGD. 

Your statement regarding MR Moore capabilities to be a fine President is a
de facto acceptance  on your  part of  the soundless of the decision to
nominate him as President. Again I must notice that you in your last letter
reiterate the opinion that  Mr Moore is qualified...  ON the qualification
Issue , you have conceeded the point.

So now you state:

"Did you miss the financial statement posted on this listserve a
few weeks ago? You must have also forgotten the recurring controversies that
have appeared on these public discussion areas regarding everything from
orchid plant sales at the AOS to abusive treatment from AOS staff. How
quickly you forget. "

 I agree with you IT IS FAIR to ask Mr Rassmann and Mr Moore and every
single member of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee  for the
their stance, their actions and their positions  on those issues.. and on
other Issues... But in the list of those who have to answer ...lets not
forget  Mr Bronstein  as HE has been a Member of that SAME Board and
Executive Committee  during the same time period ..So he also has to answer
for his actions positions during those times. Bronstein was not the outsider
people want to picturehe is as accountable as the others...

 Let me remind you , I have been one of the prime targets for abusive
behaviour by a now former staff member. ( How quickly some people forget
that) ..so I dont need anyone preaching  to me about that issue. 

As to whom have been bypased ..Please read my previous posts.  I wont revist
that again.

And then you state: "Unless that fly on the wall comes forward
with a secret tape of the committee's final deliberations all you have is
hearsay and rumors."..

Again I dont deal with hearsay and rummors.  Saddly those backing Bronstein
Did...spreading some attacks  that even Mr Bronstein , to his credidt doesnt
subscribe to.

So instead of having an open election  between two slate where facts, their
positions on issues they consider important about the AOS Future, their view
on the AOS Mission, Education, Conservation, Judging and many more is being
discused rationally and with respect. we, the AOS members have been
forced to deal with rumors, innuendo, hersay about honorable people ( Do
 I need to quote to you from Mr Bronstein's letter about the honorability of
the members of the nominating committee.)

So what could have been a positive situation for the AOS was ruined ..in Mr
Ginsbergs and others attempt at victimization of Mr Bronstein...  and
villification of Mr Rassmann.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Dave Strayhorn : In my haste to answer your post I forgot to mention that:

2004-06-14 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
The Nominating Committee was made up by: Roger Brown, Merritt Huntington,
Mary McQuerry, Frank Slaughter, Harry Gallis, Max Thompson, Jim Rassmann,
and Regina Wilson... 

So would  YOU be so kind as to tell me  based on what FACTS are you
denouncing  them of the "ugliness" and "politics" re the case of  Mr
Bronstein.  Can you be so kind as to identify who among those in the
Committee are the Anti-Semites and/or the homophobes?

BTW, less you forget...the naming of Mr Rassmann to the committee is
mandated by the AOS by-laws and Dr Griesbach nominations MUST be confirmed
by the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees on which Mr Bronstein

If I were Mr Bronstein I will be a tad peeved with those backing the cause.
In your attempt to make him look as a victim you paint a picture of a person
so out of touch  (and so weak) with the real world of the Board and the
Executive Committee , he was the SECOND in rank  that   he was disposed of
rather easily.  No wonder Bronstein is silent.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re your message in response to me...

2004-06-14 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
You state:

"It is a noteworthy task you have taken on seeking answers from the AOS
leadership regarding the proposed slate of officers for the upcoming term.
But you are asking the wrong questions. "

Am I?  Mr Ginsberg launched a campaign to elect Mr Bronstein as President of
the AOS  that raised several issues and that included attacks on the AOS
itself  and several members of the AOS . So I, as an  AOS member want to
know ( as it is my right) if the candidate,  Mr Bronstein approves of the
methods used to promote his candidacy and if he approves of the attack? So
my questions have to be addressed to him.

BTW I questioned  Dr Griesbach and the 6 trustee candidates Mr Bronstein is
Backing. So far I only got answers from Dr Griesbach.

You state: "We should not be asking whether the nominating committee made
sound and ethical choices. " Having no evidence to the contrary, that
question is not necessary. Do you have evidence they acted unethically? If
so present it.

You state : " Indeed, Art Moore will probably be a fine president. "  So you
have answered the question about the soundness of the nominating committee

You state: 

"The question that NEEDS to be asked is why Howard Bronstein and Sue Elloe
were summarily dismissed from the executive committee. In particular, why,
after so many years of dedicated service to
the AOS, was Howard Bronstein not elevated to the post of president that is
customarily filled by the executive vice president? Was it because he was
not filling his duties in his appointed post? I doubt it. Was it because he
wasn't a team player? I doubt that too, how would he have achieved the post
of exec VP? Was it because Mr. Moore has done more for the AOS than Mr.
Bronstein? I doubt that too. You may or may not be aware that not only did
Mr. Bronstein develop a profit-making awards CD for the AOS, but he also
developed he also the interface by which all judging center awards are
recorded by the AOS. He has spent many years working with the information
committee to bring the AOS into the 21st century. Something that the
organization sorely needs. I quote from Dr, Griesbach's reply to your post
at the AOS forum questioning the behavior of the nominating committee, "I
applaud them for not getting involved in the politics." So if Mr. Bronstein
was not "passed over" because of a lack of fulfilling current duties as exec
VP, or inability to fulfill future duties as president, why was he passed
over after so many years of dedicated service? "

Howard Bronstein is not the first member of an AOS  Executive Committee, 
demoted" or removed. I would suggest you read my comments on that in
previous postings

You state: "If you ask yourself this question, the ONLY answer IS indeed,
politics and ugliness. If you think
that the nominating committee was selected because of "qualifications", you
are sadly mistaken. They were selected with political motives by a very few
people, likely based on input from one person. "

Proof, your statement requires proof, present it. without proof it is
basically an opinion. But lets for argument sake accept it as fact. If there
was politics and ugliness involved then I am more justified in seeking
answers to my questions.

 You state : " It is equally sad that you have tried to "bait" Mr.
Bronstein into publicly stating his opinions on these events. Until October,
he is still an officer of The American Orchid Society and is required to
fulfill his duties as exec VP, which do NOT include commenting to diatribes
from idle gossips such as yourself." 

I am baiting no one. I am asking questions that deserve answers. My
questions to Mr Bronstein are based on the accusations that Ginsberg and
others have raised while supporting Bronstein, their gossips ,  their
innuendo USING  Bronstein's name to do it.. So please don't blame me for the
questions..blame those supporting Bronstein for raising them 

You state: " If Mr. Ginsburg wants to mount a
campaign to elect Mickey Mouse as president of the AOS then so be it, The
cards will fall where they may."

So Be it. And that includes Mr Bronstein having to answer for those
supporting him. Does he agree with them and their tactics ?  With their
statements?  Has he approved the Ginsberg's campaign?

Again, Mr Bronstein is currently a member of the AOS Leadership. He aspires
to Preside it. He cannot hide..leadership is done in the open..not hiding 
behind those who are attacking the messenger in an attempt to silence the
So I am still waiting for Mr Bronstein's answers.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] An open Letter to Howard Bronstein

2004-06-11 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
1- Have you authorized Mr Ginsberg to include your name in the alternate
slate he is proposing in opposition to the one proposed by the AOS
nominating committee?
2- Do you agree with the accusations being bandied about that in your case,
the nominating committee acted due to anti-semitism and homophobia? WHAT
EVIDENCE ( NOT RUMORS) can you present that members of the committee are
anti-semites and homophobes?
3- The changing of certain by-laws regarding direct nominations is aslo
being attacked. Yet, for the changes to have been carried , the AOS Board of
Trustees and the Executive Committee BOTH of which you are currently a
member had had to pass judgement on them: as a matter of fact , the final
cosntitution of the Nomminating Committe had to be approved by the Board.
Are we to believe that you , a member of the Executive Committte  and of the
Board had no involvement whatsoever in these processes?
4- Why are you supporting with your silence the attacks on Mr Rasmmann and
Mrs Slaughter? Or do you actually support the statement that their selection
( in the case of Mr Rassmman, his continued selection) as Directors was
plagued with conflicts of interest? Do you have evidence of conflicts of
interest by the members of the Nominating Committee ( ACTUAL PROFF , NOT
INUENDO) ? Do you believe ( as it has beeing insinuated by those who support
you) that Taylor Slaughter was only selected on account of her husband al
and not on account of her independent service as a volunteer to the AOS?
5- Some of the people supporting your candidacy in opposition to that of Mr
Moore and the proposed "official slate" are threatening withholding support
to the AOS if you are not elected. Do you support their stance?
Mr Bronstein your silence is deafening. With your silence you seem to be
giving support to many positions and opinions that can easily be disproven
or that by their nature are inflamatory, close to being diffamatory and
dammaging to the future of the AOS . You have served the members of the
Society in a number of position ...You aspire to serve the members of this
Society as its President...
Leadership Mr Bronstein is demonstrated not by hiding behind proxies but by
speaking out for oneself.
Those Members ( me included) want to hear from you. 
Jose A. Izquierdo
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Dr Grove's response.... Ginsberg's repsonse

2004-05-27 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
So the fact that you haven't heard of me [claim that by the way it is not
true] makes me a non entity in your eyes is sophistry, plain and simple. I
have been involved in things Orchidaceous for more than 30 years and my
knowledge of what going on at the AOS is more detailed that what many people
would like.
Your latest response highlights what is wrong with the campaign against the
proposed official slate: It is based on rumor, innuendo and worst lack of
rationality. Let me point the following:
You State...
"The mess was caused not so much by the failure to elevate Howard Bronstein,
taken by itself; rather it is the combination of that action with the
nomination of Rassmann, himself a 
member of the Nominating Committee, for the position of Executive V.P. and
presumably next in line for the presidency, and most especially given the
be they true or false, that he was the most adamant opponent of nominating
Bronstein and that he has fostered a hope that he will be able to use his
political connections to obtain a substantial grant for the AOS from a
These rumors may be false, but they are held and are being advanced by some
highly respected and prominent members of the AOS. The situation should have
anticipated by the Nominating Committee, and it should have scrupulously
avoided any nominations that could give rise to credible charges of conflict
Again, David, where were you when other members of previous nominating
committees had members nominated to positions within the AOS? Why is it that
the big brouhaha comes when Jim Rassmann is nominated? could it be that the
opposition is based on personal vendetta against Rassmann? I find it
blatantly inconsistent that some of Rassmann's opponents agreed with
previous nomination's of members of the committee and now claim conflict of
I also find it interesting that those that oppose Rassmann do not mention
shouting), this year he would have been the natural candidate for the Exec
VP position . So actually his nomination to the position is returning to the
regular order that tradition imposes.
The bad blood that exists between Rassmann and Bronstein is not a rumor and
it is know to the Trustees , who in their majority are also AOS judges.
Ah the rumor of the big donation . Isn't fund raising capacities and
possibilities a plus in a member of a Board of trustees? Again ( and this is
my opinion) it seems that what is being opposed is Rassmann's political
views as the head of the Foundation mentioned is the wife of John Kerry.
If I am being accused of being bombastic , you are most certainly ambivalent
.basing your statements on rumors that may be true, and possibilities and
Fact: Bronstein is not the first member of the Executive Committee that have
been removed from the succession cycle : Gren Seibels , Terry Williams,
Arnie Linsman , Gary Kraus, Anita Aldrich, Leon Loeb Jr ,Dr Grove, Don
Herman among others have been

So what is the hassle now?


Your attack on the messenger  is easily dealt with:

1- It is not I who has to prove anything, those accusing the committee of
malfeasance carny the burden of proof. This is not the inquisition , where
the accused is assumed guilty. You are a lawyer , you should know better.

2- I am not attacking anyone...I am asking both sides to present their side
based on facts , not personal attacks , etc.

3- I am still waiting for  the names of  the members of your proposed slate.
One cannot compare ( and an election is a comparison) a presented slate
against an empty list.

Again if there is to be a contested election, let it be.
If there is a battle for the heart , souls and the vision of what the AOS
should be , let it be.

But please, let it be on facts.

I find it interesting that I,  a non entity as David claims I am, is  being
attacked for pointing the obvious ..that those who are opposing the slate
have not presented their case in a manner that could be considered worthy of
attention and respect. At least in my case rumors, innuendo, personal
attacks and non alternatives ( read a blank slate) doesn't cut it. 

Howard, don't ou find it troubling that I , a person villified to no end by
Easton , agree with him in this case? That weak is your case. That bad you
are presenting  your facts.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] RE: Doctor Grove Answers in Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 222

2004-05-25 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
1- You state:

 " I suggest that Jose review the history of the past 20 years and see how
many exceptions he can

You are correct to say that at least in the last 20 years no EVP has peen
passed over. There have been instances where members of the Executive
Committee  have been replaced  and removed from the "line of succession" .
in at least one case, the person involved was elected latter and was raised
to the AOS Presidency. [Note: I have reviewed more than 30 years of AOS

In my opinion, the fact that the long-held "tradition" was not followed may
point to powerful reasons by the Nominating Committee to do so, which may
include the perception that the person rejected  was not able to work with
the Board. But here I am speculating, the only ones that can answer are the
members of said committee and they are between the proverbial rock and a
hard place as ethics may prevent them from revealing their private

2- You state 

"The post of executive ice president provides a period of training and
opportunity to view the
performance of the individual and to prepare the candidate. In that same
vein, the
post of executive vice-president normally has been filled by someone who
immediately previously was serving as one of the two vice presidents or  as
treasurer. To conclude that someone who has served in several senior
including two years as executive vice president suddenly is not deemed to be
logical candidate for the next presidency is bizarre not impossible but very

Yes , the position  allows the person to be evaluated and his/her virtues 
as well as shortcomings be revealed . 

Hard as it may sound..there is a saying that states that the higher you go
on a stepladder , the more obvious your shortcomings  will be Maybe it took
all those periods of service to demonstrate that the person in question had
reach the top level of competence and that promoting him for the sake of
tradition. Again we are speculating. Only the committee members know why.

3- You state:

"A nominating committee certainly has every right to reach such a conclusion

This I don't understand : They have the power and the right and yet you
pilloried them for doing what is their  right.   

4- You state:

 "In no previous instances of the Nominating Committee's proposing one
of their own were the obvious consequences so predictably highly
and divisive, nor was the likely adverse effect on tenuous AOS finances so

 So lets see if I got this one right:  as long  a group favorite is not
touched ...the process of nominating a member of the Committee  was not bad.

Please be more specific on the "adverse damages" claim. 

 So who decides on the "highly controversial' tag? I for one can say , I
have received an equal number of pro and anti Bronstein e-mails with many of
the cons being very vehement against the man. So I am left  with the
conclusion that controversy was going to follow this nomination regardless.
But this is my opinion and not fact.

5- You state : " There is indeed nothing in the by-laws that requires or
suggests that
the Executive Vice President will become the next president.. " 

So why all the brouhaha?

Here is where I am finding a disturbing pattern...  The person selected over
Mr Bronstein is Art Moore not Taylor Slaughter , nor Jim Rassmann...

So what is so controversial  about Art Moore? Is he not qualified other than
he is not Mr Bronstein? Where are the conflicts of interest in his

Most of the arguments against Mr Moore selection that I have heard and that
I have received are against Mr Rassmann and they include attacks on his
personality and his politics ( specific that he is supporting John Kerry).
So I  am getting the impression that the proxy fight exists inasmuch as it
is a proxy fight ( Mr Moore being the screen) against Mr Rassmann.

So again I ask  what are the facts that can be raised against  the
individual members of the proposed slate . Facts , not innuendo

Finally you state:

" I stated explicitly that the nominating committee may or may not have been
well-advised in passing over the incumbent executive vide president. "

Dave were they well advised or not?  On this issue you cannot have it both

"No one questions their prerogative to do so, and they certainly are not
supposed to be a rubber stamp"
 As to the questioning  of their prerogative you among others are just doing
that. Again you cannot have it both ways.

 "What I am saying is that the substitutions they made have given rise to
all sorts of harmful
rumors of self-serving and conflicts of interest that are doing great harm
the AOS, and that a nominating committee should be reconvened to pick a
that is not vulnerable to such allegations."

Please read what you wrote... Who is guilty of the harm

[OGD] The AOS Noominating Committee

2004-05-23 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Some questions for  Dr Grove:

1- Why wasn't the procedure used by the Nominating Committee questioned
until now? There have been previous instances of the Committee  proposing
one of their own  and no one complained.  Also can you point to verifiable
instances of malfeascen on the part of the committee members 

Facts not inuendo , please

2- Where in the by-laws is the dictum that an Executive Vice-President 
automatically follow the President  or is it tradition? Do you actually
belikeve the "tradition" is good? If so why?

Facts not innuendo, please

3- You are asking that the slate proposed by the Nominating Committee be
rejected in favor of a new one. Who are the members of the opposing slate?
Can you please tell us who they are so we can compare them to the following
people that were nominated :

Art Moore, President;
Jim Rassmann, Executive Vice-President;
Carlos Fighetti, Vice-President; 
Taylor Slaughter, Vice-President; 
Marion Allen, Secretary;
William Rhodehamel, Treasurer;
Trustees for three year terms:
 Rita Cohen,
 Aileen Garrison,
 William Guthrie,
 Karen Muir,
 Ben Singer, 
Sandra Svoboda. 

And since you are opposing these people: Can you point to specifics that
would convince a member not to vote for any one of the proposed "official "

Facts not innuendo please.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Oncidium varicosum

2004-05-20 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
A review of the RHS Monocot Database shows this publication data:
Oncidium insigne (Rolfe) Christenson, Orchids 71: 925 (2002).
Oncidium varicosum V insigne Rolfe, Orchid Rev. 6: 27 (1898).
Oncidium varicosum V moortebeekiense L.Linden, Lindenia 16: t. 767 (1906).
So it seems that at least for RHS Oncidium insigne is a valid taxon.
Oncidium varicosum Lindl., Edwardss Bot. Reg. 23: t. 1920 (1837).
Oncidium rodgersii Bateman, Gard. Chron. 1868: 1317 (1868).
Oncidium euxanthinum Rchb.f., Gard. Chron. 1869: 1158 (1869).
Oncidium geraense Barb.Rodr., Gen. Spec. Orchid. 2: 193 (1881).
And it seems that for RHS  Oncidium rodgersii and Oncidium euxanthinum are
but synonyms of  Oncidium varicosum
Hope I have helped.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Epidendrum porpax

2004-05-16 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Trying to find more information about Epidendrum Porpax I found this in the
Monococt Database managed by the RHS
Epidendrum neoporpax Ames, Bot. Mus. Leafl. 2: 112 (1934).
Cuba to Hispaniola. 81 CUB DOM.
*Epidendrum porpax Rchb.f., Flora 48: 278 (1865), nom. illeg. Epidendrum
vestitum Ames, Schedul.
Orchid. 6: 48 (1923), nom. illeg. Auliza vestita Acuqa, Bol. Estagisn. Exp.
Agron. Santiago de las Vegas
60: 86 (1939). Nanodes porpax (Rchb.f.) Brieger, Proc. World Orchid Conf. 3:
334 (1960).
Neolehmannia porpax (Rchb.f.) Garay & Dunst., Venez. Orchids Ill. 6: 37
Epidendrum porpax var. domingensis Cogn. in I.Urban, Symb. Antill. 7: 181

It seems  that the porpax name is illegitimate.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Cattleya Meadii

2004-05-01 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Cattleya Meadii  'Steve's Pinkie' was granted an HCC by the American Orchid
Society at the September 8  2001 meeting of the Atlanta Judging Center.

Since all awarded plants must be photographed and award slides produced  a
safe bet for a picture is the AOS itself .

For help you can contact  Mr Le Cooke , the AOS executive Director  at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Mrs Pam Guist , AOS Awards Registrar at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When contacting them please refer to the plant whose picture you want as
Cattleya Meadii 'Steve's Pinkie', HCC/AOS and include the judging center and
judging meeting date.

Historical factoid: Cattleya Meadii was registered ( or published) in 1904
so this year it is 100th annyversary.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Can someone help me id the Orchid in this Photo?

2004-04-27 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
It was taken ar Saba in the Leeward Isalnds.


Thanks in advance

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] On the issue of Photographs of "illegal to own" plants..

2004-04-26 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
It seems to me that the issue cold be argued that in order to photograph an 
illegal to own" plant you either must have possession of one or know on who
has possession of one or photograph them in situ or from a legal source.
Absent the last two, the other possibilities involve illegal possession   (
a crime perse)  or conspiring with one that has illegal possession (which
can be a crime too).  

Thus the photos perse are not illegal  but he circumstances that allow for
the photograph be illegal.

Weird, indeed...plausible..given the conditions  in this country..Who knows?

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Schluckebieria

2004-04-17 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Not so fast Guido:

You many not get the blame for the name change . but, at least, you owe us 
an explanation on how the name is pronounced.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)