Re: [OGD] speciation

2008-09-30 Thread K Barrett

Peter O'Byrne, perhaps wrongly, appeared to disagree with a study (possibly by 
Koopowitz but definitely by Victoria Sosa and Teodoro Platas) by saying that 
while new species are discovered in an area he's familiar with *old* species 
are depopulated.  I wonder if he read the cite.  Its an interesting notion and 
if anyone has the article in full I'd be interested in reading it.  Victoria 
Sosa and Teodoro Platas 1998. "Extinction and Persistence of Rare Orchids in 
Veracruz, Mexico," in: Conservation Biology 12(2): 451-455.  The first sentence.

My first question was if the area isn't well studied how does anyone know what 
was there in the first place in order to know what's gone missing?

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

> In OGD V10 #287, K Barrett (perhaps wrongly) cited a study (possibly by
> Koopowitz) that says "the more a place is studied the more species
> disappear".
> Kathy, I cannot agree with this comment. In Peninsular Malaysia the
> most-studied locality is a tourist-hotspot called the Cameron Highlands.
> Every year new records (and occasionally new species) are reported from the
> same old area; in some cases these discoveries are made on trees right in
> the middle of town. In April this year we found an undescribed Acriopsis
> species growing on the tall trees along the fence between the Forestry Dept
> compound and the town campsite; only 2 years ago we found Microtatorchis
> javanica (a new record for the area) on ornamental trees in a park less than
> 50 metres away from the same spot.
> I've been visiting the Cameron Highlands intermittently for 15 years, during
> which time I've noted a dramatic decline in the numbers of orchids along the
> hiking-trails. This is almost certainly due to tourists (both local and
> foreign) ripping plants off the trees next to the paths. You know the sort
> of thing ... "I'll take that home with me ... no-one will miss it", or the
> other "conservationist" favorite: "look, an orchid growing by the path, that
> is in danger of getting stolen by someone, so I'll conserve it by taking it
> home with me." Luckily, these people seldom seem to venture far off the
> paths.
> Cheers,
> Peter O'Byrne

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Re: [OGD] macchu Picchu speciation

2008-09-28 Thread K Barrett

> etcetera. One interesting news clipping that I picked up in Lima last month
> was the following. A detailed study was done on the orchid flora in seven of
> the relatively level hectares surrounding the M Picchu site, which is of
> course one of the most visited and most studied places in the entire Andes.
> Unhappily I have lost the clipping itself, but the burden of it was the
> following: that the investigators identified around 270 species, of which no
> less than seven were new. That is, more than one in forty were new to science,
> in a place with nearly one million visitors per annum. Twenty miles away, the
> same river that flows past the Picchus breaks a mountain range to enter the
> lowland jungle, at the Pongo de Manique. This is supposed to be one of the
> most biodiverse regions on earth. Quilabamba, at one end of the Manique ca?on,
> gets about 20 foreign visitors every year. Who knows what may lurk there?
> __
> Oliver Sparrow

And opposed to that is a study (by Koopowitz??) that says the more a place is 
studied the more species disappear.  I haven't found the exact article yet, 
only a reference to it in "Victoria Sosa and Teodoro Platas 1998. "Extinction 
and Persistence of Rare Orchids in Veracruz, Mexico," in: Conservation Biology 
12(2): 451-455." - at  Sorry, it only gives 
the first page.  

Perhaps your secluded valley hides 'The stuff that dreams are made of."

K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] corybas

2008-09-24 Thread K Barrett

A bakery around the corner had a refrigerated glass case for its pastry items, 
standing about 6 ft tall, all glass and the shelves rotated such that all items 
could be drooled over.  I've fantasized about growing cooler orchids in 
something like that.  If one could get one cheap from craigs list, eBay or from 
a bakery going out of business....

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

> You might be successful with Corybas if you can keep them cool in the summer, 
> especially at night, in some controlled environment. A terrarium at room 
> temperature does not seem to be sufficiently cool (or lacks the necessary 
> day/night difference). I tried.
> Hope this helps.
> Nick

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Re: [OGD] Midwestern storms

2008-09-21 Thread K Barrett

To Tennis and others, I'm happy you're safe.  I understand the Chicago area is 
pretty flooded, too.  A much larger storm than I'd a thunk.  Interesting that 
your back up generator froze when you went to start it.  I was just about to 
buy one for earthquake preparedness I guess I'll include occasional tests 
to be sure the dang thing operates.  (sigh, so many chores, so little time)
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] Australian terrestrial lip detail

2008-09-21 Thread K Barrett

Peter Maxwell has pictures on his Flickr page detailing the lips of several 
Australian terrestrial orchids.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
What's the purpose of the raised 'hooks' on the lips?  At first I thought they 
encouraged at pollinator to come in to the center, but then I realized they 
were pointing in the 'wrong' direction, keeping insects out.  Are they sticky, 
to trap insects at the column?  Or have nectar on them as an attractant?  Any 
discussion would be interesting.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] Texans

2008-09-19 Thread K Barrett

Thanks Carlos.  

I hadn't realized effects of Ike's rain etc had been felt as far north as 
Cincinatti Ohio.  Anita Aldrich lives in Galveston so I hope she's OK too.  
Every now and then Jay Pfahl will post about storm damage (he's in the Florida 
Keys).  Its easy for me, sitting snug in California, to be oblivious to annual 
cyclonic storms.  It'd be a different thing if we had annual earthquake season, 
LOL!  [crossing fingers, hope I haven't jinxed us.]

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

> From: Carlos Antonio Akselrud de Gouveia
> I met Nina today (18). She?s in Rio de Janeiro, working in a Gas & Oil
> Fair and judging in our Orchid Show. She said everething is OK at her place.

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[OGD] How are our Texans?

2008-09-17 Thread K Barrett

I hope Anita Aldritch, Nina Rach and our other Texas friends are surviving the 
aftermath of Hurricane Ike.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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[OGD] Blc Mem. Bess Thompson

2008-08-31 Thread K Barrett

If Malcolm Thompson (or wallwiz?) is on this list and if this is your photo of 
Blc Mem. Bess Thompson can you 
tell me if the pictured flower was made with Goldenzelle 'Orange Pumpkin'?  
AFAIK this cross was made twice, once with 'Lemon Chiffon' and once with 
'Orange Pumpkin'.  Mine's blooming for the 1st time and I hope its as nice 
(mine's w/ 'Orange Pumpkin')
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] orchid pollen

2008-08-29 Thread K Barrett

Harry at Andy's orchids wants me to correct the impression my posts have given 
about Andys Orchids, and I agreed. 
Harry ALWAYS said they'd SEND me some pollen.He NEVER said they'd sell me 
I, ME, YO, MOI, assumed they meant sell, becasue in the real world no one does 
something for nothing.  I WAS WRONG. They do nice things even for people they 
don't know.
So don't anyone think poorly of Andy's Orchids.  Think poorly of me.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> I don't expect a business to do something for free for someone who they don't 
> know from Adam. Again, I'm not opposed to random acts of kindness, but I 
> don't expect it. I expect to pay my way.> > K Barrett> N Calif, USA> > K 
> Barrett said "Andy's Orchids says they'll sell me pollen if ever their> 
> aurisasinorum blooms again".> > SELL you some pollen ??? Are they always 
> so generous ?> > Peter O'Byrne
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Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 10, Issue 253

2008-08-28 Thread K Barrett

I don't expect a business to do something for free for someone who they don't 
know from Adam.  Again, I'm not opposed to random acts of kindness, but I don't 
expect it.  I expect to pay my way.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> K Barrett said "Andy's Orchids says they'll sell me pollen if ever their> 
> aurisasinorum blooms again".> > SELL you some pollen ??? Are they always 
> so generous ?> > Peter O'Byrne
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[OGD] Onc aurisasinorum

2008-08-27 Thread K Barrett

I'm looking to buy a piece of Onc aurisasinorum, now Trichocentrum.  I want to 
try to remake Onc Beatrice Emery, named for a long time San Francisco Bay Area 
hobbyist's wife.  The hybrid originated back in Florida back in the mid 1970s 
(IIRC).  I was able to find a piece of Onc stramineum at the SBOE and Andy's 
Orchids says they'll sell me pollen if ever their aurisasinorum blooms again, 
but I figured maybe someone out there has a piece of Onc aurisasinorum for sale 
so I won't have to depend on the kindness of strangers in order to accomplish 
my goal, *G*.  Not that I'm opposed to random acts of kindness like sharing 
pollen, LOL!  Just that I'm a pragmatist.  If I own both parents then I'm 
master of my own fate.
USA orchids only.  I don't have the ability to get permits and visas for these 
plants to come in from out of country.  Respond off list, please.
Thanks for your time,
K Barrett
NCalif, USA
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[OGD] "Don't call it Taiwan virus'

2008-08-27 Thread K Barrett

Barbara Andrewski provided the link to this article about Phal viruses.  In it 
the author mentions that the Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) is spread by the 
Asian thrip Thrips palmi which is kept out of Europe by phyto-sanitary 
inspections.  That the virus is limited threat because it is localized rather 
than systemic, affecting only the area of the insect's bite.
Any plant pathologists out there?
Why wouldn't the common thrip pass along CaCV?  
Can a virus be limited and not systemic?  
And finally, wow! 33% of the crop had OSRV and/or CymMV present.
Let's be careful out there.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA> > A while back someone mentioned diseased orchids that came from 
Taiwan. > Here is an article that showed up recently in one of the Grower trade 
> magazines. Here it is:> >> > Barbara
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Re: [OGD] name changes

2008-08-15 Thread K Barrett

Dennis Westler beat me to the punch on what I consider the appropriate response 
to these taxonomic debates.  Its important to know that there's a split between 
those taxonomists who follow morphology and those who follow DNA.  Debates 
similar to Dennis's example of the presence/absence of a Bromelliad's bract are 
being played out in every field of study.  Getting genetic material may be an 
easy answer for species identification, but is it the right one?  There was an 
article in the old Bulletin where an author longed for the day when the genetic 
differences between Epi oerstedii and Epi ciliare could be elucidated.  Always 
be careful what you wish for, LOL!  (At least I think it was ciliare...I could 
be misremembering)
The study of speciific genomes is advancing much, much faster than the rest of 
us realize.  For example the proceedings of the 3rd IOCC published in 
Lankesteriana published an article regarding the use of a plant's genetic 
barcode to identify an orchid as endangered.  (See Molecular Genetic Diagnosis 
of the 'Taxonomically Difficult' Australian Endangered Orchid Microtis anguii : 
An Evaluation of the Utility of DNA Barcoding'; pg 196.)  The authors stress 
the morphology and ecology of a plant needs to be assessed in addition to its 
DNA barcodes.  In this case Microtis is believed to be a poorly understood 
clonal, clumping species.  Wiping out one clone or group could inadvertantly 
wipe out an unidentified (or evolving?) species (parenthenses mine).  I believe 
Koopowitz et al in their search for Phrag kovachii have speculated that many 
Paphs/Phrags are believed to be clonal in nature, too.  So you never know.  The 
law of Unintended Consequences rears its head.
Now.  Isn't that much more food for thought than just saying some jack*ss 
taxonomist had to publish or perish?
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] name changes

2008-08-14 Thread K Barrett

My frustration with name changes is that I help discuss the 'Show and Tell' 
plants that society members bring in each month.  They know these name changes 
occur and ask me questions, which I feel responsible to know how to answer.  I 
suppose I could stand there like a dumb bunny and shrug.  But that's not the 
answer members deserve.  
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] illegal importation

2008-08-14 Thread K Barrett

There's more to this story.  He and his brother-in-law faked documents and 
switched plants after inspection.  Governments don't like that.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA> > "A... Fort Lauderdale orchid seller pleaded guilty... to 
illegally > importing more than 1,400 plants from the Philippines in 2005.> > 
Mac Rivenbark... owner of Mac's Orchids and president of the Fort > Lauderdale 
Orchid Society, admitted he lied to authorities at Miami > International 
Airport, claiming the plants were artificially grown.> > The orchids... had 
been collected from the wild, in violation of > environmental protection laws.> 
> Orchids have been protected by international treaty since 1975.> > Rivenbark 
is to be sentenced Oct. 21.> He faces up to five years in prison and a 
potential fine of $250,000."> > URL : >,0,3698937.story>
 > > Regards,> > VB
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Re: [OGD] orchid temps

2008-08-12 Thread K Barrett

One of the replys I got off line was to this link from Michigan State 
University's orchid research page:
Lotsa good stuff there.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] orchid time machine

2008-08-10 Thread K Barrett

> Ah yes, I have much the same memories, only mine were of south > Florida, 
> mostly in and around Miami. Seems like there was always some > little nursery 
> somewhere with a few tables full of treasures. Man, where is a time > machine 
> when you really need one?> > Best regards,> Jim> 
You got that right, Jim!  Us orchid fans are out there and don't let anyone 
fool you into thinking we aren't.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] temps and blooms

2008-08-10 Thread K Barrett

I made a foolish mistake.  My min/max thermometer is placed where it is 
convenient for me to read rather than where it gives a true reading of night 
time temps in the GH.  And I'm beginning to think the annual night time temps 
are consistently too high for flowering.  I thought the GH was cooling to 55F 
at night, even in summer, but really I think its more like 60-62F.  Very close 
to Rotor's classic experiment on photoperiod/temperatures and flowering in 
Cattleyas.  So I was wondering about annual temperature fluctuations as they 
pertain to blooming. I always assumed these summertime highs were ameliorated 
by wintertime lows, and it all balances out in the the end, but now I'm 
beginning to wonder.
I wonder if there's been any work on 'lead-time' and temperature?   Are these 
summertime highs screwing up flower induction for fall?  I don't get the kind 
of blooming rates I think I should be getting, and when flowers do form many 
times they bloom on exceedingly short spikes - often not even making it out of 
the sheath.  I'm speaking of the Cattleya alliance here.  Well, my paphs aren't 
blooming great either, but I know what my troubles are with them, *G*!
Any input?  
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] industry. Santa Barbara

2008-08-08 Thread K Barrett

Brings back memories of when Stewart's Orchids was there.  We'd drive down for 
the SB show, then hit all the vendors and all the nurseries.  Stewart's was 
always phenomenal - but I'm a catt lover.
Due to a variety of business reasons Stewart's moved to the greater Natchez 
area, & later went out of business. A black day indeed.  The stock was sold off 
and the Connoseur's Collection was sold to afficianados.  
I wonder if any remnant of orchid business lingers in Natchez?  Anyone know?
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> > "Santa Barbara County...> Orchid-lovers on the inside track travel Via 
> > Real, the frontage road in > Carpinteria, to visit orchid estates including 
> > Gallup & Stribling,> Orchids Royale and> Westerlay Orchids.> > The Santa 
> > Barbara Orchid Estate, on the border of Goleta and Santa Barbara, > is home 
> > to one of the world's foremost collections of orchid species and > hybrids 
> > and is open to the public for tours and purchases.> > Nearby, the 
> > Cal-Orchid nursery is known for their diverse selection"> > URL : 
> >> > 
> > *> Regards,> > VB
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Re: [OGD] cattleya names

2008-07-26 Thread K Barrett

> Is there an arbitor who can tell the peons that it's time to do this?>  Gary
As far as I know, Gary, its Kew or the RHS's orchid hybrid registrar.  But 
don't quote me 'cause I was just about to ask the same question.  
To All - I understand van den Berg puts Laelia tenebrosa, etc, as varieties of 
L. purpurata, but I don't see new names published as such in this paper.  They 
must be in some other journal. Maybe someone will comment further on them.   
Vol 4 of Genera Orchidacearum was recently published which I understand deals 
with epidendroids.  I can't search inside the book on Amazon so don't know how 
these two treatments differ. (Or even if they cover the same subjects)  If its 
not too lenghty and involved maybe someone can comment.  
Either on or off list if I'm the only one interested.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] Further on kovachii

2008-07-25 Thread K Barrett

As long as I was googling around I figured I'd look to see what was up with the 
proposal to suppress the name Phrag kovachii.  Here's the saga's next 
installment from Taxon magazine.
or if that doesn't work try;jsessionid=9fgjg95r0eg7i.alice
 and go to the free download for the .pdf file.
If you need to catch up the other Taxon articles are also free.  IIRC they 
start in the Nov 2006 issue.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] New cattlerya names

2008-07-24 Thread K Barrett

The full article can be found at Neodiversity
K Barrett
N Calif, USA> Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 14:36:43 -0400> From: "Wesley Higgins" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subject: [OGD] New Cattleya Names> > For those who have 
not seen van den Berg's "New Combinations in the> Genus Cattleya" paper, 
Neodiversity 3:3-12 (2008), there are five new> names (nom. nov.) in Cattleya:> 
> > > Cattleya bicalhoi based on Laelia dayana> > Cattleya dichroma based on 
Sophronitis bicolor> > Cattleya hoehnei based on Laelia mixta> > Cattleya 
luetzelburgii based on Laelia bahiensis> > Cattleya neokautskyi based on Laelia 
kautskyi> > > > > Wesley E. Higgins, Ph.D. > Selbyana Editor > Head of 
Systematics > Center for Tropical Plant Science & Conservation > Marie Selby 
Botanical Gardens > 811 South Palm Avenue > Sarasota, FL 34236 > Telephone 
941-955-7553 ext. 315 >
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[OGD] There goes that idea...

2008-07-24 Thread K Barrett

Joan tells me pictures and graphics are the worst feature of her Kindle, Black 
and White and grainy.  So there goes that idea
K Barrett
Always thinking in N Calif.
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[OGD] Anyone got a Kindle?

2008-07-24 Thread K Barrett

Hi All,
Anyone got a Kindle?  How does the Pacific Central's web page or the California 
Sierra Nevada's web pages look on it?  and
I didn't realize internet access came with a Kindle.  Could be the way to 
access award data while sitting at the judging table.  The screen seems 
brightly lit, even outdoors.  And (to these old eyes) its way larger than a 
cell phone's screen, *G*  Can you see the pictures & data without too much 
scrolling?  How does it compare to what you see on your computer?  Can you get 
to Jay's internet species encyclopedia? (I think.) 
 Does it tak a long time to load?
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] nothogenus

2008-07-16 Thread K Barrett

Cynthia, in looking through OrchidWiz I don't see that there is one yet, but I 
bow to those more knowlegeable than me.  Can I suggest Kbarrettara?  Or maybe 
that would be xKbarrettara, *G*!
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> > Can someone tell me what the nothogenus name would be for the grex 
> > Odontioda> (Cochlioda x Odontoglossum) by Cyrtochilum?> > Thanks,> > 
> > Cynthia > Berkeley, CA
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[OGD] SB fires

2008-07-09 Thread K Barrett

>From the Cal Orchid web site: 
SANTA BARBARA GAP FIRE is for all purposes over. Though now 50% contained, it 
is moving away from Goleta and has very little effect on our lives. The fire of 
almost 10,000 acres was confined to the hills behind town and burned no homes. 
As most Californians know, the fire was for many reasons beneficial as no homes 
were lost and the fire burned in 50 year old chapparel. The fire fighters who 
came from all parts of Californis did a fantastic job.
As for the Orchid Fair, it is now a 100% go. The air quality is fine and poses 
no problems. Weather which is now hot inland is close to perfect in Santa 
Barbara, a little overcast in the morning and later very sunny with comfortable 
temperatures. Everyone is invited to come and join in all the festivities. By 
the time you arrive, you may not even know there was a fire. 
Thank you, Lauris, for keeping everyone informed!
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] naming questions

2008-07-05 Thread K Barrett

Looking through the most recent AQplus and the most recent Orchid Hybrid List 
is see there are 'groups'.  I'm familiar with the V coerulea 'pink group' and 
'blue group'.  I had no idea more groups were in the offing.  Gepetto group, 
indeed.  Is the hybrid registry really going to pay attention to these groups?  
And now, according to the AOS webpage, Sophronitis is going into Cattleya and 
an x or times sign will preceed all nothogenera.  I assume everyone will ignore 
these changes and they'll become irrelevant.  Alex Maxiamano will be the only 
person who'll have to know them so he can put the synonyms into OW.
I'm sorry.  I'm really trying not to rant.  But there are times when I really 
have to know the "right" name for an orchid and these fluctuations are driving 
me batty. Combined with non-registered hybrids (like Den. Emma White) its 
sapping all the fun out of being an insufferable know-it-all.  We used to laugh 
and say that growing orchids and knowing their names was a sure fire way to 
stave off Alzheimer's, but I give up.  
I guess growing species is the easier road.  But no...  I take that back...  
What's the line from the old movie 'War Games'?  The only winning move is not 
to play.
So who has street cred?  Will Soph become C?  Will it stay that way?  Will 
these 'groups' be something we need to be famiar with? (Dear God keep them away 
from the color forms of L purpurata!  or is it Soph purpurata? or C 
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] Goleta/Santa Barbara fires

2008-07-04 Thread K Barrett

I know they'll have the Gap fire under control by next week's Santa Barbara 
orchid fair, but right now my heart goes out to the owners and employees of the 
Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Cal Orchid and all the other orchid nurseries (I 
say that just to keep the news on topic).  If their air quality is anything 
like how our air quality was last week just breathing has to be suffering for 
sure.  Well, actually its worse.,0,7374426.story
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] NOID vandas

2008-06-06 Thread K Barrett

Yeah, the Zengyo White has some sort of V sanderiana alba in the background, 
and the Ascda  - heck, it s blue so there's some sort of coerulea in the 
background, but beyond that I'd be loathe to guess.  Looks like the policy of a 
nursery just slapping a name on an orchid is much more widespread than I 
thought.  Sure, we all know about Den. Emma White but boy for all these 
nice (and productive) vandas to have no real name is a pity.  My eyes are open 
now and I'll be more aware when in the marketplace, but to tell you the truth 
if an orchid strikes my fancy and the orchid-heat rises I'm sure my wallet will 
soon follow, LOL!  (Of course that only encourages the practice.)  But what the 
hell.  Western Civilization has already fallen, *G*.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

> From: ROY LEE 
> I had another look at the Ascocenda and I feel that it is a hybrid from  
> Ascda Tubtim Velvet or one of its parents.
> It also fits in with Vasco Prapin White.
> I also found another pic of it in another website than those I found earlier 
> but this one also had 10 other Ascdas on it that the name didn't appear in 
> the RHS Register either.

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Re: [OGD] NOID Vandas

2008-06-04 Thread K Barrett

Thanks Roy for looking.  After your post I googled the names and yes, the 
images that came up were reposts from the abpo usenet newsgroup.  I still think 
its interesting that the owner says the Ascda Puihima has bloomed constantly, 
but that with each subsequent blooming the flowers get a darker blue.  When she 
bought the plant the flowers were white.

Anyway, thnaks for your comment

K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> This name chase is not unusual. I had a look on the net and found pictures of 
> the plants in question in another forum posted by the grower??? and also in 
> an picture posting site I've never seen before with different spelling of the 
> names. I also came up with nothing in a search for details. As I said this is 
> not unusual, I came across a website a while ago with some of the best Vandas 
> & Ascdas I've ever seen pictured with names. The names of these also don't 
> register anywhere so what they actually are is anybodies guess. It appears 
> that some Asian growers, nurseries like to give crosses names but never 
> register them correctly.
> BTW, the plants you quote are delightful and I wouldn't mind them myself.
> Roy.

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[OGD] NOID Vandaceous Hybrids

2008-06-02 Thread K Barrett

A friend in Florida showed two pictures of her flowering vandaceous orchids.  
Neither are in the hybrid registry.  Both are from large nurseries in Thailand. 
 I wondered if anyone plugged in to the nursery business or knowledgeable of 
Thai orchids knew the parentage of these crosses.
V. Zengyo White - from Zengyo nurseries (no help from them, alas)
Ascda. Puihima - originator unknown
The Zengyo White is 6 inches across.  The Ascda Puihima was purchased as a 
white flower which has steadily become more blue in succeding flowerings.  
Neither have been much out of bloom since she bought them 2 yrs ago from small 
vendors in Florida who have no idea what the backgrounds of the crosses are.
I thought the darkening of the Ascda to be interesting, so I wanted to know 
what made up the cross.  That these are so vigorous is also a plus.
Any help?
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] Orchid genera

2008-04-26 Thread K Barrett

The RHS makes available a list of new genera every quarter at
The list is at the end of the new hybrid list.  The registrar also comments on 
interesting hybrid developments.  I believe the cattleya alliance changes were 
in vol 115 no 1277 but each edition has something interesting to say at the end 
of the list.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] crown rot on phals

2008-03-26 Thread K Barrett

I've been successful with plain old peroxide.  I've scrubbed out all the vile 
smelling crown rot down to clean hard tissue, washed the plant off well and 
poured peroxide straight from the bottle from the drugstore into the remaining 
tissue.  It froths etc.  Luckily the plant pupped from the side and continued 
to grow.  I think if you have good roots the plant has a better chance of 
Prevention is always the better course of action.  Don't own more than you can 
inspect, water and dry at the kitchen sink.  I don't know how the Taiwanese do 
it, but water standing in the axils and crown only leads to trouble (in my 
Eventually they will lean to the side in the pot, or you can intentionally pot 
them so they don't stand upright, allowing water to shed from the crown.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> If their is a more safer chemical to control these types of problems in > 
> Phalaenopsis I would be very interested in giving it a go.> I have been 
> growing Phallies for about 2 years and so far never had any > problems but am 
> increasing the numbers grown and do not want a disaster > to happen.> > 
> Cheerio> Ron>
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[OGD] 'Don Brown' pic

2008-02-17 Thread K Barrett

A picture of the Den speciosum 'Don Brown' is on line on the Santa Barbara 
Orchid Estate's web page.  Pieces of it are sold out but the pic is still 
Truly a phenomenal orchid.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 10, Issue 38

2008-02-04 Thread K Barrett

> >>From: K Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > Harold Koopowitz has done a very 
> >>nice job with his new book 'Tropical> Slipper Orchids'. >  Koopowitz 
> >>has made me reconsider paphs. Well, actually he's made me> see that every 
> >>paph in my collection is crap and I need to start over again.>  <<<> > 
> >>Sounds to me as a very expensive book.. :) > > Peter M. 
HA!  You got that right!  Thank goodness I can't get in to Orchid Zone 
(they have a $1000 minimum...)
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 10, Issue 37

2008-02-04 Thread K Barrett

> I have been reading with much interest the different bark mixes used for 
> paphs and phrags in the new Tropical Slipper Orchids book by Koopowitz. The 
> mixes seem to use many different materials to keep the bark mix open, such as 
> lava rock, perlite, charcoal and aliflor. It got me wondering what the 
> difference is between spongerock and perlite. What are the different 
> characteristics of aliflor, lava rock, diatomite to make one more desireable 
> in a mix than the other?> 
I thought spongerock was the same as rockwool, collected salts easily and held 
(too much) moisture.
I recall diatomite was used just like any other rock (aliflor, lava rock) in 
various mixes.  The fact it holds some water wasn't necessarily the point.  The 
point was the weight of the rock in the pot. YMMV.
> Every year I transplant my paphs and phrags and prepare the mix a little 
> differently hoping that I might finally find the one that they really like 
> and grow bigger and better. Obviously I'm still working on it. I also thought 
> it was very interesting that most of the bark mixes mentioned used fine bark. 
> I've always gravitated towards medium, which could account for my lack of 
> success with some of my paphs. I grow everyone in a small greenhouse. The 
> temperature by the benches ranges from 60 to 64 degrees and, living in 
> western NY, there are not very many sunny days. For me, overwatering has 
> always been a problem, which is why I try for a more open bark mix.> > Any 
> thoughts?> Thanks,> Barbara Fuhrmann
Tonkins orchids used to repot annually (if not more frequently) in straight 
fine bark.  Nothing else added.  Other OGDers can chime in on Orchd Zone's mix, 
which I think is equal parts lava rock, perlite and some sort of moisture 
retaining medium, I've heard peat and I've heard coir (ground coconut husks).  
But I really don't know for sure (and I noticed Koopowitz doesn't say, either).
I think paphs like frequent repotting.  I'm too lazy to give it to them.
Read his comments on getting the insigne alliance to bloom.  Maybe its your 
temperatures?  (just a guess.)
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] Koopowitz' Paph book

2008-02-03 Thread K Barrett

Harold Koopowitz has done a very nice job with his new book 'Tropical Slipper 
Orchids'.  Koopowitz says the book is not designed to be read from cover to 
cover, but can be started at any point.  So of course I set off to read it 
cover to cover.  Do not skip the early pages.  The comments on even simple 
things like sepal and petal formation are worth reading.  

Beginners will find the cultural information they so avidly seek, mid level 
hobbyists will find history and advice to refine their own collections, and 
students of breeding programs will find collected information on lineages 
they'll find no where else.  Advanced growers will find things to argue with 
Koopowitz about at the next Paph Guild.   Judging students will hang on every 
word, *G*.  I'm sure taxonomists will gnash teeth over the taxonomy, but hey.  
Don't they always?  As with anything you get more out of it the more you know.  
To a rank amateur a lot of the stuff about breeding programs will be 
uninteresting.  But once a person's interest has been whetted this book will 
stand up to scrutiny on many levels.   

And I haven't even gotten to the Phrags yet...

Cattleyas are the heart of my collection.  Koopowitz has made me reconsider 
paphs.  Well, actually he's made me see that every paph in my collection is 
crap and I need to start over again.   A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 
 Now, when is that tax rebate coming? 

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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[OGD] Cycnoches culture

2008-01-30 Thread K Barrett

Some Catasetinae have warmer or cooler requirements.  Which species are we 
talking about?  FYI Holst has a good book on Catasetums or OrchidWiz could help 
with other published cultural references.  Jay Pfahl's page can help, too 
I've had better luck with these when I started pulling them out of the pot once 
they go dormant and leaving them in an empty pot (no medium whatsoever.)  That 
way no inadvertant water could cause the back bulbs to shrivel and rot.  But 
again, which species are we talking about?
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> > > Dear OGD readers! I have been growing som especies of genus Cycnoches for 
> > > about 1? years. As always when it comes to the Catasetinae-group you 
> > > always hear that these species shoudl have a strictly dry resting period 
> > > and no watering until the new growth sends out roots of its own (right?) 
> > > My problem is that some of my plants seem to shrivel into nothing but a 
> > > dry empty shell during the rest period! I keep them in a green house with 
> > > a realtive humidity of 70% and a temp of 20-25 deg. cent. (68-77 deg. 
> > > Farenheit). I was given the advise to keep them much cooler during the 
> > > winter rest...does anyone have any good experience with this. I would 
> > > really hate to loose any more plants so any good advice is most 
> > > wellcomed! RegardsAnders
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Re: [OGD] flamingoes

2008-01-30 Thread K Barrett

A wonderful story about the flamingoes!  I'd have liked to see that!  Now I'm 
wondering what one feeds a domesticated flamingo, little pink nuggets of 
Purina's Flamino Chow? They eat some sort of shrimp from which they get their 
colorno?  But I digress, further discussion about eating habits of birds 
should probably be taken off list before I truly tick someone off, LOL!!  As to 
Jay's cold, the viral pool at the WOC probably came in from all over the 
planet, no?  The poor Keys boy didn't stand a chance!
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] WOC Catt changes

2008-01-30 Thread K Barrett

Supposedly the Brazilians were going to present comments on the recent RHS 
changes in the Cattleya alliance at the Miami WOC.  Maybe present their own 
analysis or tree based on genetics or cladistic analysis.  (?) Anyone have any 
further information? AFAIK there had been some discussion of renaming the genus 
for the Brazilian laelias to one that honored Brazil, but it was hinted that a 
more in depth assessment or taxonomic realignment was coming.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] how'd they do that?

2008-01-28 Thread K Barrett

I think someone already commented that Krull Smith really had to control its 
environment in order to get the Paph Michael Koopowitz to bloom like that. Made 
me wonder about the other exhibits.  Someone said the flamingoes in the entry 
display were real... bwuh? How'd they keep the flamingoes in place without 
harming them?  (They don't look chained in any of the pics I've seen... are 
they too stupid to move? *G*) And how'd other countries ship their plants 
without a blemish?  Or damage from import inspections?  Did they import them 
months ago and bloom them here?
Awesome show.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] Any pictures/blogs from the Miami WOC?

2008-01-27 Thread K Barrett

For those of you able to get usenet newsgroups people have started posting 
their pictures from the WOC in Miami. 
Any one know of any other sites/blogs with pics?
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] Colin Hamilton

2008-01-16 Thread K Barrett

Speaking of web savvy-ness Colin and Wolfgang got an award for the Orchids 
Australia website at the Dijon WOC, something I'd forgotten.  You are right, 
he's gone too soon.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA > Yes most Australians have that type of self deprecating humour 
and Colin did that quite well. He will be sadly missed as a good Australian and 
computer savvy contributor and former editor of Orchids Australia magazine and 
I will miss him at AOC meetings. He encouraged me with snippets from here and 
there about orchid conservation and several articles resulted from that 
association. Colin was far too young to go this way. I can say this as I am 
about the same age and although very active, have realised nothing is forever 
or should be taken for granted and good ones like Colin in particular. > Alan W 
Stephenson> Conservation Director> Australian Orchid Council
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[OGD] RIP Colin Hamilton

2008-01-14 Thread K Barrett

Colin Hamilton, former editor of Orchids Australia and their web master passed 
away Jan 14th in Rockhampton, Australia.  Although he'd had other health 
problems for the past few years that kept him in and out of hospitals, I 
understand kidney failure is what finally got him.
I knew Colin from OrchidSafari, where we'd chat about orchid culture.  He 
always had a positive attitude and an open, happy personality.  I believe his 
lighthearted posts here on the ODG reflected that, too.  Even the OA magazine 
reflected a friendly chatty tone when he was editor.  Or maybe that's how all 
you Australians write, *G*, no pretentions or bull.
Anyway, I thought some of you may be interested to learn of it.  Sorry it had 
to be sad news.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 10, Issue 4

2008-01-04 Thread K Barrett

Thanks, Viateur,  That's a start.  I'll bet the family had the Wellington 
culture guide in mind when they thought of the pic.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> > "looking for a photo of ... Oncidium Beatrice Emery"> > Trichocentrum 
> > (Oncidium) Beatrice Emery = Trichocentrum stramineum x > Trichocentrum 
> > aurisasinorum.> > See colour photos in the following publications :> > 1) 
> > Oncidium Beatrice Emery 'Dee Lite' CCM/AOS> in AOS 1990 Awards Annual, page 
> > 131> > 2) Oncidium Beatrice Emery 'Pete' CCM/AOS> in AOS 1990 Awards 
> > Annual, page 131> > 3) Oncidium Beatrice Emery 'Princess' CCM/AOS> in AOS 
> > 1990 Awards Annual, page 132> > 4) Oncidium Beatrice Emery> in More 
> > Flowering Orchids Throughout The Year - Ross MacDonald - 1999, page 58> > 
> > 5) Oncidium Beatrice Emery> in Oncidium - A Cultural Guide - Wellington 
> > Orchid Society, page 80> > ***> Regards,> > Viateur
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[OGD] AOS web page

2008-01-04 Thread K Barrett

Speaking of this month's 'Orchids', Fighetti says that later in January the 
newly redesigned web page will be launched with ALL the back articles from the 
Bulletin and Orchids available in the members only section.  YAY  I can't 
believe its really happening!  Well I shouldn't celebrate too soon, I suppose.  
Its early days yet.  Things can always foul up at the last minute  Also 
they are having a membership sale: 2 yrs for $99 (or was it $99.95?).  
Available both to new members & old members who want to extend an existing 
membership.  Sale goes through Jan, Feb & March.  Supposedly you can buy it at 
the web page or by calling the AOS (whose number had *better* be on the web 
page, LOL!) Also the Dec update to AQ+ shipped on Dec 18th.  I haven't gotten 
mine yet, so we'll see if it comes this week.
H... there's a lot of 'we'll sees' in that paragraph aren't there? I wonder 
if FTD would put up with so many. Bah. Enough griping, its a new year. No 
downers so early, there's too much year left.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA 
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Re: [OGD] Onc Beatrice Emery

2008-01-04 Thread K Barrett

Hi icones,  
Yeah, I was afraid of that.  I saw the article on WOC medals in this month's 
'Orchids' and noticed the discrepancy in the dates.  People's memories are 
tricky things.  Also, I saw the pics in AQ+. Its a nice plant.  Someone should 
remake it. OK, I'll see if I can get my hands on some of the references viateur 
Thanks for your help,
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> The Auckland WOC was in 1990, the Tokyo WOC was in 1987. Neither have > 
> Trichocentrum ( Syn Oncidium) Beatrice Emery on the cover of the > 
> Proceedings. There are several pictures in AQplus 3.1.> > icones
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[OGD] Need Photo Onc Beatrice Emery

2008-01-03 Thread K Barrett

Hi all,
A daughter of a club member is looking for a photo of an orchid named for her 
deceased mother.  
Its Oncidium Beatrice Emery.  
It was on the cover of the 1987 WOC proceedings from Aukland, NZ WOC.
Can someone scan that and send it to me?  It'd make a daughter's heart sing.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 9, Issue 392

2007-12-28 Thread K Barrett

I know Mark Chase did a lot of the work but there are plenty of others, too.  
You can start with
There's a little link towards the upper right that'll take you to a .pdf for 
the complete article
K Barrett
N Calif, USA> > I find this wholesale reclassification of species and genera 
within the > cattleya alliance to be rather intriguing. I would like to examine 
the > papers and detailed DNA evidence that motivated acceptance of the new > 
alignments. Can someone please tell me which people did the research, where > 
the pertinent material is published and if it is available on the web?> > Tom 
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[OGD] DNA barcoding

2007-12-17 Thread K Barrett

DNA barcoding groups mention preservation of biodiversity as one of their aims. 
 Much of this barcoding research is very new.  What if the DNA barcodes lump 
rather than split a group of species resulting in a loss of biodiversity?  Does 
that go against the stated aim of a group to preserve biodiversity?  Would 
there be pressure to suppress that result?  It has been said that countries 
have placed common species on CITES red list for their own purposes or 
aggrandisement, could they not also use barcoding to claim greater 
biodiversity?  And perhaps wide ranging entitlements under future 
(hypothetical) biodiversity treaties?  What, if any, ethics are involved?  Do 
any of the groups such as BOLD or DI ever talk amongst themselves about 
potentials for abuse?
It may sound laughable.  But money - and I think in future years lots of money 
- will be parted out to preserve biodiversity and compenate for uses of a 
country's biodiversity.  Definitions of species come and go.  What was/is a 
species now versus 20 years from now could be quite critical.  And valuable.   
It might be worth a better understanding of the dynamics involved, if any. 
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] Back Issues in general

2007-12-03 Thread K Barrett

I know the Orchid Digest has their subject/author/title index on their web page 
(but I don't know how up to date it is).  Has the ODC considered scanning their 
back issues?  Putting them on you web space?  Selling them in a CD/DVD format?
I suppose the same could be asked of any orchid magazine.  The Orchidarian etc. 
 I know the WAOS has made some old public domain orchid books available on CD 
for a paltry sum.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] indexes

2007-12-03 Thread K Barrett

Hi Eliot,
I look forward to the scanned back issues of the AOS Bulletin. I'm thrilled 
this project is nearing completion.  For those of us who already have a decent 
Bulletin/Orchids collection will an online index be available?  Maybe in the 
Members Only section?
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> Ken, Jean and all> > As a member of the AOS technology committee and point 
> person for the> Bulletin Scanning project I'd like to chime in with an 
> accurate update of> this Project.> > As stated in prior emails the project 
> was initially approved many years ago> and was the sole project of a single 
> member of the committee. Due to a> multitude of issues the project was 
> essentially abandoned after ~2yrs. The> committee revived the project about 2 
> years ago. Given the complexity and> enormity (>70,000 pages) of such an 
> endeavor it was decided to farm out the> work to industry professionals. 
> After nearly one year of research a new> proposal was approved by the 
> Trustees. This would include digitally> reproducing all issues, creating a 
> standalone product that could be> searched, as well as creating a web-base 
> search product.> Currently all the issues have been scanned and those images 
> are at Princeton> Imaging for completion of the second part of the project. 
> We are> anticipating having everything wrapped up in the first half of 2008. 
> > > I hope this clears up any misinformation regarding this issue.> > Best 
> Regards> > Eliot Atstupenas, MD> Fayetteville, NC > 
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Re: [OGD] indexes

2007-12-02 Thread K Barrett

> However, it also has an image> index---so if you are looking for Cattleya 
> aclandiae you can search for> aclandiae and it will give you the year, volume 
> and page number in those> magazines for photos or drawings and in a large 
> number of books. This image> index originated with Bob Betts' orchid image 
> index that is available for> free on the London Orchid Society website 
> (London, Ontario, Canada). Bob is> still adding to it and Orchidwiz 
> apparently shares what new image references> they get with him. Between the 
> searchable index to AOS magazines and OD, and> the searchable image index - 
> it pretty well hits most of the articles on a> particular genus, species or 
> hybrid and is a useful for research. The image> index has images in articles 
> and in ads, which is useful for finding> pictures of hybrids or clones that 
> are historically important but difficult> to find in a book. Of course now a 
> high percentage of AOS award photos are> available on AQ+ CD from the AOS. 
> And that is another good resource. The> Judges Forum from AQ is being added 
> to that, along with an orchid glossary.> The Judging Handbook is already on 
> it.
Thanks Jean!  I didn't know Orchidwiz had Bob Betts' picture search on it.  
Great to know!  It also has the Baker's cultural advice (in case you didn't 
know that.)
It was a sad day during our recent show when a show worker felt there was no 
value to her 'Orchids' magazine, so she didn't feel bad cutting out some 
pictures to put in the display.  Which is a pity, because people don't 
understand that just because you don't value something today doesn't mean you 
won't want it tomorrow.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gone back 
through the annual index to find an article on a subject that I'd overlooked on 
the first go-round.  Or found an article on a topic I didn't know I needed to 
know about until years later.  
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] indexes again

2007-12-01 Thread K Barrett

Bob Betts' picture page at the London Orchid 
Society can lead you to articles regarding whatever 
orchid you are wondering about.  He lists all where all the pictures of an 
orchid was published, so in a backwards sort of way you can find 
articles/magazines/books etc on whatever orchid you are looking for.  Works 
only for orchids, not stuff like lights, GHs etc.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 9, Issue 365

2007-11-30 Thread K Barrett

AFAIK the AOS doesn't release an electronic version of their index.  If anyone 
has one please send it to me too.

The AOS used to sell a complete index to the 'Bulletin' - which changed to 
'Orchids' sometime in the 90s.  IIRC the Bulletin's combined index cost around 
$100.  And it didn't include any 'Orchids' articles.  AFAIK there isn't an 
index to 'Orchids'   The AOS may be working on one for the member's only 
section, but that's speculation on my part.  You could compile your own index 
by copying the annual index found in each December issue and keeping them in a 
Orchidwiz has both the Bulletin/Orchids and the Orchid Digest Corp author & 
title indexes (but not by subject)

K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> Does anyone have a complete table of content for the AOS magazines? If so can 
> you please send me off line. PDF format would be best as I am sure it will be 
> a large file and may take more than one reply.
> Thank You in advance,
> Joan Bailey

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Re: [OGD] TAXON articles/response

2007-11-27 Thread K Barrett

I don't think Eric has published a response, but I'll bet if you email him his 
response will fry your cpu! *G*
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> Kenneth> Do you know where we may find Eric Christenson's response(s) to the 
> TAXON articles? > Peter
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Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 9, Issue 330

2007-10-24 Thread K Barrett

Interesting.  Both Dalton and Peter let their Ddc wenzeliis get cold at night, 
8C and 5C in winter...
 There may be hope for my intermediate conditions yet!  Thanks to everyone who 
responded.  I've become an armchair traveller thanks to the information super 
highway.  I googled Philippine geography and found a wonderful coral reef 
habitat protected by the UN as well as interesting rounded dome-like hillocks 
on Cebu.  Learn something new every day!
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> From: Dalton Holland Baptista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subject: Re: [OGD] 
> Dendrochilum habitat question> I have been growing my D. wenzelii outside all 
> year around, potted in > osmunda. It's been like this for 4 years and is 
> growing very well and > blooming wonderfully.> > The area where I live has 
> temperatures like 32C - 20C (day-night) during > the Summer and 20 - 5C 
> during the Winter.> > I water it every other day during the Winter (for this 
> area is very dry > then) and every three days during the Summer, unless it 
> rains.> > It is under 70% screen and takes rains.> > Dalton> > K Barrett 
> escreveu:> > I looked up Dendrochilum wenzelii in Cootes' book and in Charles 
> & Margaret Baker's culture sheets. Both say wenzelii grows at about 1000m 
> however the Bakers say the temperature ranges from 89-90F during the day to 
> 68-69F at night. That doesn't seem right. Over 3300ft and so hot at night? 
> That would make wenzelii a warm grower, right? I've been growing it 
> intermediate with no blooms for years. I rotted the roots and have repotted 
> it, hence my search for cultural advice. My glumaceum, javieri and arachnites 
> have all been moved to the cooler section of the GH, too. These 3 seem to be 
> from high mountainous areas in the Philippines. Having no experience with 
> high tropical mountain areas is there some habitat in N America that would be 
> similar? Yosemite with high humidity? Or is there no translation? Both 
> authors say these don't like to be repotted, if repotting is to be done make 
> sure you do it with the new growth and use a long lasting medium, however the 
> medium was> very sour, roots almost totally gone, leaves dropping left and 
> right, so *something* had to be done. I put it in osmunda, tight in a plastic 
> pot. That's the longest lasting medium I own, other than rocks. > > > > How 
> do you repot your dendrochilums?> > > > K Barrett> > N Calif, USA
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[OGD] Dendrochilum habitat question

2007-10-21 Thread K Barrett

I looked up Dendrochilum wenzelii in Cootes' book and in Charles & Margaret 
Baker's culture sheets.  Both say wenzelii grows at about 1000m however the 
Bakers say the temperature ranges from 89-90F during the day to 68-69F at 
night.  That doesn't seem right.  Over 3300ft and so hot at night?  That would 
make wenzelii a warm grower, right?  I've been growing it intermediate with no 
blooms for years.  I rotted the roots and have repotted it, hence my search for 
cultural advice.  My glumaceum, javieri and arachnites have all been moved to 
the cooler section of the GH, too.  These 3 seem to be from high mountainous 
areas in the Philippines.  Having no experience with high tropical mountain 
areas is there some habitat in N America that would be similar? Yosemite with 
high humidity? Or is there no translation?  Both authors say these don't like 
to be repotted, if repotting is to be done make sure you do it with the new 
growth and use a long lasting medium, however the medium was very sour, roots 
almost totally gone, leaves dropping left and right, so *something* had to be 
done. I put it in osmunda, tight in a plastic pot.  That's the longest lasting 
medium I own, other than rocks. 

How do you repot your dendrochilums?

K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] illegal plants

2007-09-30 Thread K Barrett

Thanks Peter.  I'd forgotten Lee Moore told the story. 
K Barrett
N Calif, USA > The story was told by Lee Moore, the American, I have it on file 
and will be pleased to send it anyone who wants to read it.> Contact me off OGD 
via e-mail.> > peter> >
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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] illegal plants

2007-09-29 Thread K Barrett

[snip]> > Even then, my understanding is that it's not really a matter > of 
taxonomy once the plants are recognized. A technician who was > awake during 
the appropriate bits of the PowerPoint presentation on > telling whale baleen 
from sea turtle belts notices some plants that > are out of sorts, at which 
point they're taken to a taxonomist who > keys them out on the basis of 
morphology. Or, if he's particularly > clever, reading the tag that is appended 
to the plant in question.> > -AJHicks> Chandler, AZ>
Assuming what's written on the tag isn't a previously agreed upon code name.
This US 'fruit of the poisonous tree' notion reminds me of the story of a 
couple (European?) who witnessed a pickup truck load of Phrag kovachii plants, 
ripped from the forest some scant weeks after Kovach brought his plant to 
light.  The couple had stopped for lunch (or shopping?) in a small Peruvian 
town, came out of the resturant/shop and saw the truckload. Quickly they agreed 
on a plan. One person was to guard the truck from departing while the other ran 
to get the cops.  Of course by the time the person got back (sans police) the 
truck had gone.  However the guard believed s/he'd glimpsed an important 
European collector/vendor in the vicinity of the truck but not actually 
associated with it.  Rumors, innuendo, names and accusations flew about on 
other email lists and internet forums regarding the vendor's identity and 
possible illicit European or Japanese trade of these plants, but the 
vendor/collector was never truly identified, the plants never came to light, 
nor as far as I know were they ever sold.  Openly that is...
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] Reverse Pksychology

2007-09-22 Thread K Barrett

Snap!  Hook, line and sinker! *G*
K Barrett
N Calif, USA> The question was asked, "Who is Alfredo Manrique?"[snip]
> peter
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[OGD] Phragmipedium kovachii

2007-09-21 Thread K Barrett

I'm using Bob Wellenstein's advice for Paph compots (on his web page for growing a Phragmipedium kovachii compot.  I've put the 
undisturbed compot complete with agar in a plastic pot and in-filled with small 
bark (about 1/4 inch).  As the agar melts away I infill with more small bark.  
They get misted 3x a day for a few minutes.  Any water that makes it through 
the compot/bark medium or comes from the misters gets trapped in a very shallow 
tray.  They get MSU fertilizer diluted to about 1/4 tsp/gal and city water.  
Mine are in intermediate to cool temps Maybe I should move mine.  I figured 
if they were from high elevation in nature they'd be a cooler grower. (?) But 
they seem to be growing and haven't lost any yet.  (Jinx!)  Any advice is 
Who's Alfredo Manrique?  I got my compot at a farmer's market in Oakland.  I 
paid $29.95 plus tax, which ticked me off because none of the other stalls 
charged tax on their produce... so what's up with that?
Jess Pullnyerchayn
N Calif, USA
> > Hi Kathy, > At risk of sounding grumpy, would you please call the plant by 
> > its > name. You sound like a gushing and swooning Dave's Garden perpetual 
> > novice > when you use Pk. Every time somebody uses that abbreviation I 
> > think: > reaction equilibrium constant, pK spell check corrected by 
> > Microsoft. (can > you tell I have a sometimes miserable day job in the 
> > chemical industry?) > I am treating my seedlings from Alfredo Manrique only 
> > slightly > different than normal Phrag seedlings. I do top dress my potting 
> > mix with > crushed oyster shell. My mix for some is diatomite, for some it 
> > is bark, > perlite & charcol and I stand all the pots in individual shallow 
> > trays of > water. There seems to be no big difference between the seedlings 
> > in bark > mix versus diatomite. Otherwise they are being treated just like 
> > seedlings > of Don Wimber or Jason Fisher. OK, I do admit I look at them 
> > daily, which > is attention the other seedlings don't get. But that is all. 
> > I am watering > with municipal tap water (about 225 ppm) to which 1/2 
> > teaspoon per gallon > MSU Fertilizer has been added. Temps intermediate to 
> > warm. > Hope this helps> Leo>
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[OGD] Pksychology

2007-09-19 Thread K Barrett

So, how's everyone treating their Pk seedlings?  Do you take a 'devil may care' 
attitude and treat them the same as any other phrag seedling or are you taking 
care to give them extra special water & care? Are you doing that only because 
they are Pk?   Are you not going to answer this message because you don't want 
anyone else to know you have Pk? *G*  If so answer me privately.  I don't 
recall many plants having this sort of cache or mystique.  If there are they 
certainly aren't in my collection.  I wonder if people think, 'jeepers I'd 
better not mess these up!'  Might be an article in this somewhere.  Orchid 
Fever part deux.  
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] OGD Host Changes

2007-08-23 Thread K Barrett
The OGD sprung from the Orchid List Digest, a LISTSERV by Willis Dair on the 
Santa Clara University computers.  I subscribe to other large LISTSERVs with 
many members which are also operated through college/university computers 
and wonder if there may not be a person on this list with access to their 
university's LISTSERV capabilities... (for free).

Granted I should keep my mouth shut about things I don't understand, like 
whether this would be against a university's rules or challenge Kenneth's 
standing as list owner. But its an idea.

But to answer the questions, yes I like the OGD, yes I like the email 
format.  I looked at the website and that's about all I know 
about that, *G*.

Thanks for everything you do, Kenneth.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

>Hello all,
>Over the past couple of months (and I'm sure it has been "years" to
>some) I have received more and more complaints of no digests being
>delivered although the people in question were members.
>Some of these complaints were easy to fix and involved local spam
>filters ;-) , other problems were much more complicated as the
>mailserver used to distribute the OGD was blacklisted for spamming...
>add to that a host that does not react quickly and you can imagine the
>frustration on both subscriber and listowners end.
>I feel now that the time has come to make some changes and being on
>the lookout for a new host I fear that I will have to make _drastic_
>Many hosts nowadays put a limit on the number of e-mail messages being
>sent out and so far the common figure seems to be 200/hour !
>Yes, a mere 200 mail messages per hour... I might seem a lot to some
>but the list officially has some 1500 addresses subscribed, so that
>means a delay of 7 hours (!) to get the digest out to the last person.
>In the past, when the discussions were still lively and we had lots of
>participants, we sometimes sent out 3-4 digest per day !
>At this moment I have not found a solution whereby list management
>would remain linked to the domain as I don't have the time, knowledge
>nor the money to take up dedicated server hosting.
>I have considered external hosting like coollist, googlegroups and
>yahoogroups but have discarded them because they add advertising and
>some of these actually require you to open an account with them...
>I am right now looking into freelists ( and this seems good.
>Does anybody else have suggestions about the future of the OGD ?
>Does anybody have experience using freelists ?
>Do you still like the OGD to be email based ?
>Should I have dropped the "to be email based" in the previous question ? 
>kind regards,
>OGD listowner.

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Re: [OGD] cladistic analysis

2007-07-28 Thread K Barrett
> Are there any groups of researchers challenging the papers from
>the one group I am referring to? I haven't seen anything lately,

I think that's because the theory and analysis has pretty much been 
accepted. Weird, I know, but there are better tools available for 
elucidating taxonomic relationships now.  And that's this DNA/cladistic 
analysis.  I don't understand it.  I never will.  I've decided to "drink the 

K Barrett
N Calif, USA


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Sorta epigenetics

2007-07-28 Thread K Barrett

While not on epigenetics per se here's some notes on polyploid evolution:

An interesting theory, proposed by Soltis and Soltis, that all angiosperms 
originally had something like 8 chromosomes and through naturally occuring 
accidents in gametogenesis over the ensuing billion years (I exaggerate the 
timeline) angiosperms now have as many chromosomes as they do because the 
polyploid 'accidents' out compete the plants with normal 'n' numbers.  Also 
that 'they' (whoever 'they' are) now believe these accidents in 
gametogenesis occur more frequently than originally was thought.  I haven't 
truly followed through to google more info on Soltis & Soltis.

Did you see 'they've' traced house cats back to 5 'Eve's' from Mesopotamia? 
Not Egypt after all.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

>Does anyone know if anyone has looked at or considered any epigenetic
>effects in orchids? We all know that the rapid accumulation of DNA data on
>species and subsequent groupings into clades is/has led to turning many
>genera (and orchid judges and enthusiasts) on their heads. On the other 
>there are a lot of cases where morphology doesn't quite match that so the
>next question is, if for instance there is a lot of rapid speciation going
>on in places like Ecuador (Hirtz), then is it possible that some of this
>so-called speciation could be epigenetic effects brought on by intense and
>in a historical perspective 'sudden' environmental changes like
>deforestation or climate change. I guess the key word is rapid, which is 
>I asked the second question about epigenetic effects because if any of 
>new 'species' are really epigenetic changes that may only last a few
>generations because they are epigenetic and not as stable as DNA changes,
>then how is the taxonmist barely hanging onto a wet hillside in the field
>Ecuador to know what is a real species or not (given something that looks
>new is really an epigenetic effect).
>I have pondered this since the magazine Nature had a series of featured
>articles on epigenetics a couple of months ago.
>Jean Allen-Ikeson in Nova Scotia, Canada


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] OW Tutorial

2007-07-15 Thread K Barrett
After taking the tutorial (found on the OrchidWiz webpage - google it) 
Orchid Wiz has proven to be beneficial in 2 more ways.

1)The cultural information provided by Charles & Margaret Baker. (Click on 
the 'culture' button.)
2) The 'Sources' tab found under the previously mentioned 'Culture' tab.  
This is where you can find literature citations for articles on whatever it 
is you are looking up.  I was looking up L pumila (yeah,yeah, sophronitis or 
whatever it is these days) and C walkeriana and found what I was looking for 
faster than looking thru the AOS bulletin index - including boot up time for 
the computer and boot up time for the program. These boot time 
considerations must be included, in my humble opinion.  Also, in the image 
'Gallery' section there's a section for published images, including vendor 
catalogs and the like.

Understand, I use OW almost exclusively for AOS award research so I think of 
it in those terms, but I'm beginning to learn there's more useful stuff in 
here than I imagined.  Of course, it helps if you have a library, too. *G*  
Its nice that it has as many images of flowers that it does.  (NOT award 
images, just plain old images like what you see every day.)( Which isn't to 
say they are *bad* images, just that I don't want people to think they are 
the AOS award images) (Oh bother, how do I get myself into these messes?)

I have no affiliation with OrchidWiz. (Obviously, *G*)

K Barrett
N Calif, USA


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] AOS Index of sorts

2007-06-23 Thread K Barrett
The latest version of Orchid Wiz (4.0) has the index to 'The AOS Bulletin' 
and 'Orchids' as well as the index to 'The Orchid Digest' magazines.  So far 
its only a title and author search.  Not by subject.  If you put various 
different words into the title search - such as 'green', 'Brazil' - well, 
you get the idea - you get some useful information.  If you are lucky enough 
to recall the author of an article, or series of articles (Chadwick, Motes, 
Menzes) then they all turn up.

Anyway, since I've been bellyaching for years about how the indexes need to 
be available so our back issues of these magazines become more valuable, and 
not just potential trash, I figured I'd let you all know.  One's available.

I have no affiliation with Orchid Wiz,

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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Live Hotmail.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] copyright pictures/ebay

2007-06-11 Thread K Barrett
Roger, I've had sellers on eBay *say* they had my permission to use my 
photos, when indeed they never, ever contacted me at all.  I've used eBay's 
procedures to challenge/remove pictures and the vendor has done it.  As far 
as I know copyright has to be maintained by the person holding copyright, 
people taking claim to the copyright need to be challenged, else your claim 
to sole rights isn't as strong.  There used to be a decent page on copyright 
you can google.  eBay isn't selling, its gambling.  You 'win' it on eBay.  

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

>Hi Eric--
>Can you suggest just how one goes about researching such intellectual
>property ownership?  I'm not really at all clear about how to do that.  I
>was told that a written (ie email) response from the source declaring
>ownership, and permission to use, was considered due diligence under the 
>... of course laws vary state to state and country to country as well.  If
>the auction owner was told by a hybridizer that it was his picture, doesn't
>that make the hybridizer the thief (or at least more so the thief)?
>Wouldn't it be easier for everyone to simply put their/your logo and (c) as
>a watermark on along the edge of the photos like so many professionals and
>news agencies have done for years?  In the instance cited, I'm afraid I
>would feel like I had been bushwhacked ... and I understand that there are
>some unscrupulous type who are even doing that.  It all reminds of the
>frivolous patents filed simply laying in wait fro someone to fall into them
>and get sued ... even to the point of patenting particular candle designs!
>Regards/Roger, in Bangkok
>On 6/1/07, Eric Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Just thought I'd share a little bit - I had 8 ebay auctions taken down
> > last
> > night from 4 sellers who were using my photography without permission.
> >
> > One of the auction owners contacted claimed they got the images "from a
> > hybridizer" and didn't know they were stolen. Sorry, that doesn't cut 
> > You have a legal obligation to research every bit of intellectual 
> > you use in your business and you should be prepared for the consequences
> > if
> > you don't have the appropriate rights. And yes, I was very rude to this
> > person when I informed them that I would continue to have eBay take
> > auctions
> > down with my photos on them. I'm a nice guy until you start stealing my
> > work. I don't cut you slack when you fail to do your legally-required 
> > diligence during the course of operating your business.
> >
> > eBay auctions are the only place I consistently have my photos stolen. 
> > opinion of the entire marketplace is rather low, especially after 
> > 2
> > hours last night going through THOUSANDS of auctions and seeing the same
> > 20
> > photos used across the board, everywhere.
> >
> > So let this be an education and wake-up call to those selling orchids on
> > eBay - the photographers are watching you.
> >
> > Thanks a million to one of the loyal readers on my site - Jon, from the
> > midwest, for alerting me to this last round of illict photo use.
> >
> > -Eric in SF
> >

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Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 9, Issue 185

2007-06-07 Thread K Barrett

Here's OGD 185.

I, too, do not have 182/183.  I'll bet the computer ate them, *G*

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

Subject: Orchids Digest, Vol 9, Issue 185
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2007 12:00:13 +0200

Send Orchids mailing list submissions to

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Orchids digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. ebay (Alan W Stephenson)
   2. Grammatophyllum speciosum / flowers sold on the street
  (Indonesia) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 21:49:57 +1000
From: "Alan W Stephenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [OGD] ebay
To: "Orchid Digest" 
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-1"

Last year I was alerted to a person in Australia selling native terrestrial 
orchids through ebay. I posted a notice on the site to the vendor asking 
them to prove the plants were legally collected and were being sold with 
all necessary permission and if not to remove them from sale. I was pleased 
to note almost immediately that the plants were removed from ebay. No 
photos or copyright were involved but if you think the actions on ebay are 
questionable, then say it out loud as ebay will sit on its hands and do 
nothing. Failing that contact the authorities.

Alan W Stephenson
National Conservation Officer
Australasian Native Orchid Society


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2007 10:33:50 -0400
Subject: [OGD] Grammatophyllum speciosum / flowers sold on the street
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

"Flowers of endangered orchid... g[G]rammatophyllum speciosum... known as
the largest... in the world are sold on the sides of some streets...

the flowers of the endangered orchid locally named `anggrek macan` or
`anggrek harimau` are sold along with other ornament flowers...

Orchid flowers whose tree is as tall as a sugar cane tree...

Florists said they got the orchid flowers from a forest area in Mt. Meratus
in Kalimantan.

Literature on grammatophyllum specio...sum, sp said an orchid plant could
reach 15 feet high and the weight of a clump of orchid plants was once
recorded to reach two tons.

The endangered species could be found in humid tropical forests in
Kalimantan, Sumatra, Papua New Guinea and Malaysia.

Grammatophyllym speciousum blooms in every two to four years. Its flowers
could last for 2 months."





the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

End of Orchids Digest, Vol 9, Issue 185

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Re: [OGD] AOS fees

2007-05-16 Thread K Barrett

Hi Lisa,

The AOS award fee reduction is a direct effect of reduced overhead.  AOS 
award photography has gone digital, so no more costs of film, or slide 
developing, no more printing of a full color AQ.  Instead the AQ will be the 
AQ Plus CD subscription and a text only magazine.  No printed photos.  Or if 
there are photos they will be black and white. (Sorry I can't recall which 
right now)

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

From: Lisa Thoerle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'd rather see the AOS retain the higher judging fees and lower the cost
of membership.  If the goal is to expand, the way to do it is by
recruiting new members--few of whom would be interested in the lower
judging fees, but many of whom would benefit from a lower membership
fee.  I do hope this is not a harbinger of the "new direction" the new
leadership has chosen.  The leaders of tomorrow will come from today's
new members.  The organization needs new members, and this is NOT the
way to encourage them!

--Lisa Thoerle, pleurothallidiot  (Let's see, I have an asbestos suit
here somewhere...)

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Re: [OGD] AOS judging question

2007-05-15 Thread K Barrett

Ed and Nancy,

Every orchid in an orchid show with AOS judging is entered for AOS judging.  
If a judge doesn't pull a plant then it has received its judgment: it has 
been "screened out".  So, all plants in a show are entered.  All plants, 
unless pulled, have been judged and screened out.  Therefore you can't take 
an orchid to show 'B' and enter it for AOS judging saying it hasn't been 
judged.  It has.  It was screened out at show 'A'

If an exhibitor doesn't want an AOS award, please mark it "not for AOS 
judging" and the judges won't look at it.

This doesn't apply to the society's ribbon judging and trophy awards, which 
are a different judging system.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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Re: [OGD] Apple Moths

2007-05-12 Thread K Barrett
Up in Washington you'll have to contend with the bark mold problem, no? *G*! 
 And don't forget water runoff problems.

Its always something!

K Barrett
N Calif, USA
Welcome back to the Mainland.

any time that Ag..can make life more difficultwell just guess...You can 
bet that there will be inspections..but, if believed..they will be on site. 
 and, yes, cost us more..we have two such each year here over 
thirty dollars long as they can siphon more, they will.. I will 
be glad to move away..the place is for sale and when sold I am off to 
Washington state where nurseries are not used for gain by the State...well, 
at least not to this extent..A far worse problem here are the coqui 
frogs...yet...have you heard all that much about them?  In Wash. I will 
only have to contend with deer hiding in my packages...Bill

PC Magazine’s 2007 editors’ choice for best Web mail—award-winning Windows 
Live Hotmail.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] AOS judging process question

2007-05-12 Thread K Barrett
Nancy, for next year:  we just got word from the Judging Comittee meeting in 
Arlington Texas.  Fees for awards given after July 1, 2007 will be reduced.  
After July 1, 2007 the fee will be $32, $28 if you pay through the AOS web 
page.  I don't know if the fee is different if you aren't an AOS member.  
Presently its about $40, IIRC.  More if you aren't a member.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

While reading through the booket published by an
orchid society for their upcoming show, I noticed the
notations about submitting plants for AOS judging
regarding displaying plants that had been displayed at
a previous show. If a plant has been seen already
(same flowering), then it can be entered into a
display with a notation "not for AOS judging." This I
understand; it enhances and makes a society's display
The situation with our society is this: another
neighboring society has an upcoming show; our society
always makes a display for their show. The very next
weekend, our own society is hosting a show. So - the
likelihood of our very small group assembling two
entirely different sets of plants one week apart is
pretty remote.
My question for those who are judges, or knowledgeable
about this process: rather than sending our 'second
string' (aka, pathetic) plants to the first show, and
keeping the nicer ones for our own, can we display
*unseen* plants at the first show, and notate them as
"not for AOS judging" and then have them eligible for
judging at our show a week later?
Of course, we always want to set up the most
attractive booth we can, but we certainly want to
dazzle and awe at our hometown show.
Any valid opinions on this?
Thanks - Nancy

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[OGD] Light Brown Apple Moth

2007-05-10 Thread K Barrett
With all due respect to Bill Begstrom, I think this might just be a bigger 
problem than he thinks.  Not that there will be any moths in shipments, but 
the paperwork involved in documenting that there are no moths will be 
another learning experience.  And since wholesalers in Hawaii and California 
are affected, I'd expect additional procedures and (maybe even fees?) to be 
assessed for handling and documents?  Yes? No?

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Lawson

2007-05-07 Thread K Barrett
Thanks to all who've supplied contacts for Jamie Lawson of Springwater 
Orchids in Florida.  Isn't the internet amazing?

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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[OGD] Lawson?

2007-05-06 Thread K Barrett
I'm looking for the name/company of the Lawson who registered Bc. Mother 
Lawson and Blc Rebecca Lawson.  Somehow I don't think its the same T Lawson 
from Britan who registered many Paph hybrids in the 1940s.

Any help?

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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Re: [OGD] ploidy etc

2007-03-19 Thread K Barrett
Thanks Oliver,  I may not be able to find the paper you referenced, but 
nevertheless I see your point.  I agree with you about needing benchspace in 
order to bloom out the result of such breeding.  Thansk for taking the time.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA
> >Now... Is it too insane for me to ask for a dumbed down version as to how
> >one does this?  It seems awfully complicated.  One would have to isolate 
> >gene/chromosome etc.  Or does one just surmise its isolation from the
> >outcome of the cross?
>With some difficulty: you might care to look at the Brassia napus paper 
>that i
>referenced in the post. In essence, you need to cause a gamete (a pollen 
>to duplicate its genetic material, which you can do with colchicine and an
>electric shock, amongst other stimuli. The resulting 'fake diploid' has to 
>nurded (a typo which I am going to let stand as appropriate - I mean to 
>'nursed') to adulthood through the usual mericlone process. Of course, you
>have to do this in huge parallel to get the desired combination of genes, 
>unless you have a whole mol biol lab (and know which genes you want) you 
>to grow them all to adulthood to get the one that you want.
>Oliver Sparrow

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Re: [OGD] Nature mag

2007-03-16 Thread K Barrett
Nature's website offers individual articles for sale.  Orchid magazines 
might be able to copy their lead on use of a web site to market their 
magazine.  Just a thought.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA
>The 15 March issue is very interesting, as it is dedicated to Linnaeus'
>memory, and reviews the state of taxonomy.
>Oliver Sparrow

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Re: [OGD] haploids

2007-03-15 Thread K Barrett
> >>I have never heard of any authenticated haploid strains of orchids in 
>any genus. Can you or anyone else >point me in the direction of some paper 
>or publication where they are documented?
>I don't think that angiosperms can be adult and haploid, unlike bryophytes.
>However, the original point of the thread was whether a haploid gamete 
>have its chromosome number doubled to diploid status, but be a fixed
>homozygous adult. The answer is that it can, and that this is routinely 
>in agricultural plant breeding.

Thanks Oliver, you stated much more clearly what I was trying to get at.  
Now... Is it too insane for me to ask for a dumbed down version as to how 
one does this?  It seems awfully complicated.  One would have to isolate the 
gene/chromosome etc.  Or does one just surmise its isolation from the 
outcome of the cross?

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] haploid

2007-03-14 Thread K Barrett
Andy,  Thanks for answering.  I've emailed you privately with more 


I have never heard of any authenticated haploid strains of orchids in any 
genus. Can you or anyone else point me in the direction of some paper or 
publication where they are documented?

I think the Hawaiian work was done with converted tetraploid hybrids, some 
primaries and others more complex. Certainly with allotetraploid crosses I 
have found very uniform offspring.


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[OGD] amphidiploids in breeding

2007-03-13 Thread K Barrett
A million years ago in a galaxy far far away Carson Whitlow said:

"Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 08:42:06 -0600
From: "Whitlow, Carson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"There have been haploid (n) plants arise in orchids, usually from wide
crosses.  If we set out to produce haploids with a specific diploid (2n)
complex artificial hybrid as the pod parent and succeed, we are able to
literally see the entire genetic make-up of each of the haploid plants.
Now, by doubling the chromosomes of one of these, say with colchicine, we
end up with a diploid plant which theoretically could produce seed.
However, since the plant would be totally homozygous, all progeny will be
the same as the parent, excluding chance mutations. (The chance mutations
would be desirable in this case.)  Would this artificially produced diploid
and its progeny not be a new species by definition?"

I am particualrly interested in the concept of a totally homozygous parent, 
or one where the genome could be guessed at with predictable hybdization 
traits.  In this case chance mutations would not be desirable,  The 
hybridizer would want to pass along a predictable result without variation 
and without resorting to mericlones which may pass along virus or its own 
mutations from the mericlone process.

Is this how progress in blue cattleya breeding has come as far as it has? I 
read in Kamemoto's dendrobium book that breeding with polyploids is more 
advanced than I'd ever suspected.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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Re: [OGD] wet wall

2007-03-11 Thread K Barrett
Hi Nicholas,

Ed Wright had a discussion on hobby GH construction a few years ago on 
OrchidSafari.  If you go down about 2/3's to 3/4's of the page you'll see a 
photo of his design for sealing a wet wall for winter.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

>Thank you to everyone who responded on- and off-list
>to my query about a wet wall for my new greenhouse.
>Most people suggested one of the external evaporative
>coolers instead, and this weekend I spoke to a local
>grower who uses one.  Apparently, it works well,
>despite our high humidity, and requires a much smaller
>hole in the greenhouse "skin"
>Mark Sullivan asked why I was concerned about
>insulating a wet wall.  It's not freezing of the wet
>wall itself that worried me, so much as sealing such a
>large opening in the greenhouse.  For the external
>evaporative coolers that is less of an issue.
>Thanks again.
>Nicholas Plummer

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Re: [OGD] Eric Young

2007-03-08 Thread K Barrett

Speak of the Devil!  A recent article in the EYOF if not Eric Young himself.

In going back through the OGD and OLD Paul Johnson, Mary Nesbit, David 
Jansen and Eric Mulbauer all travelled (or intended to travel) to the EYOF 
in the past decade.  Did you guys ever make it there?

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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[OGD] Eric Young/ Alex D. Hawkes

2007-03-07 Thread K Barrett

Anyone know of a biography on either Eric Young or Alex D. Hawkes?

All I've been able to google is that Eric Young may have owned a successful 
series of jewelry stores in the Channel Islands, or he may have been a 
trained scientist... nevertheless he is rumored to have owned 3 Rolls 
Royces??  Passed away in 1984 after a meeting of the RHS...???

And there's nothing whatsoever on Alex D, Hawkes.

Any guidance is appreciated.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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Re: [OGD] Buffalo Orchid Show

2007-02-24 Thread K Barrett
Just an idea.

Someone could take their video camera to the show, tape the orchids and 
displays, interview characters of interest and put them on YouTube, then 
publish those links on the club's web page and also send the links around 
all the forums.  Would be a service to the club membership and environs, & 
let the rest of us see how you grow orchids in balmy Buffalo, NY.  Just how 
deep *was* the snow, anyway?

K Barrett
N Calif, USA
(dragging orchid shows into the 21st century)

>The Niagara Frontier Orchid Society will hold its annual Orchid Festival 
>and Sale on Saturday (2/24) and Sunday (2/25) at the Buffalo and Erie 
>County Botanical Gardens at 2655 South Park Ave, Buffalo, New York 14218.
>The hours will be from 10 AM to 5 PM daily.
>There will be numerous orchid displays as well as potting demonstrations at 
>noon and 3 PM.
>Orchid vendors will include Marlows Orchids, Bloomfields Orchids, and 
>Cloud's Orchids.
>Joe DiDomenico, Show Chair

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Re: [OGD] Tennessee & orchids

2007-02-22 Thread K Barrett
Yes Rivermont is what I was thinking of...if I recall correctly they used to 
breed a lot of Catts.  Was owned by Clint Dade or McDade?  Did some of the 
first work with Don Wimber and cloning?  or poliploidy... (yes? no?  my 
brain is rapidly turning into mush,LOL!)

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

Riverbend Orchids is in Biloxi, Mississippi.  Perhaps you are thinking of
Rivermont Orchids, which was on top of Signal Mountain, just north of
Chattanooga?  The famous old firm of Rivermont Orchids (which supplied the
orchids for the classic movie, In the Heat of the Night) closed down in 

or so.  Lines Orchids is located about 1/2 mile down the road from the
former Rivermont property.  John Lines at one time worked at Rivermont.
Hope this helps.  ;^)

Ed Merkle
Merkle's Orchids
1008 Maplewood Place
Nashville, Tennessee  37216

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Re: [OGD] Orchids Tennessee

2007-02-21 Thread K Barrett

Does nothing exist anymore of Riverbend Orchids in Signal Hill?

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

Hi Martin,

Welcome to Tennessee.  Knoxville, Tennessee's climate lends itself to
growing virtually any but the very coldest growing orchids with ease.  
are a couple local orchid businesses in Knoxville, including Elmore 

and there is Lines Orchids in Chattanooga (a large place but no website),
Owens Orchids near Asheville, North Carolina, and Peach State Orchids in
Atlanta...all within a two hour drive for you...and you can see what they
grow.  For mail-order orchids...the sky is the limit...there are many 

of good places.

Hope this helps,

Ed Merkle
Merkle's Orchids
1008 Maplewood Place
Nashville, Tennessee  37216

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[OGD] Peter Crozen take a valium

2007-02-17 Thread K Barrett
Who died and made you God, Peter?

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

>Calm down, stop fuming,  write brief and clear replies and accept reality.

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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] AOS awards/commercial aggrandizement

2007-02-17 Thread K Barrett

Peter(s), Marc et al.

You are putting the cart before the horse.  Just because some commercial 
enterprises choose to secondarily market their product at a higher rate 
because its received an AOS award does not mean the AOS endorses their 
orchids for commercial purposes

Indeed,  I think Marc was only making a joke which the two Peters have 
chosen to take too seriously.

Note to the public at large:  Do not be fooled.  Just because an orchid gets 
an award doesn't mean it'll bloom equally as good for you in your 
conditions.  Caveat emptor.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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Re: [OGD] Orchid Wiki

2007-02-14 Thread K Barrett

Can whoever posted a link to their attempt to create an orchid wiki please 
repost?  I didn't know what a wiki was.  I didn't realize one coud be set up 
for just about anything.  What a concept.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] AOS endoirsement

2007-02-14 Thread K Barrett

> It is wonderful that the AOS endorses orchid products that meet agreed 
> standards. It sets a seal of quality that new hobbyists can trust instead of 
> having to buy orchid supplies that have been scraped off some warehouse 
> floor. Notice, they are not endorsing orchid plants but I could see in the 
> future some sort of a system maybe where aggrieved customers could get an 
> arbitrated settlement for substandard plants from growers who signed on to an 
> AOS administered scheme. Let's get into the 21st Century!> > Andy Easton
Andy, do you know which committee decides the endorsements?  Or if the AOS 
makes any money off the endorsement? I know at one point in time the 
Conservation committee was asked to put an orchid friendly stamp on organic 
coffee from someplace in Central America, and decided not to do it.
The article Giles cites says the AOS is selling the potting material, in 
addition to providing education and information via the web site and 'Orchids'. 
 Which may or may not be a good thing depending on whether any income could be 
misconstrued as a kick back.   If they are just selling the potting material as 
a service, because people who buy orchids also need to buy potting material 
then that's one thing.  
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] AOS product endorsement

2007-02-14 Thread K Barrett

Giles, yes, I skipped right past that.  I thought it was similar to the 
American Dental Association's dental council which approves dental therapeutics 
but does not receive any renumeration for their endorsement. (ie the ADA has a 
seal of approval on Crest, but receives no payment for that seal.  They may 
receive money from Crest for other stuff, but not for the seal.)  In re-reading 
the article I see that the AOS has ventured down a slippery slope, selling a 
product they also endorse instead of standing apart from any filthy lucre, *G*. 
 This makes me wonder if there's committee for product endorsement?  Who is on 
the committee and what is their policy on endorsements.  
That said, the AOS has had various partnerships in the past.  For example Sun 
Bulb used to place AOS culture notes on the plants they'd then wholesale to 
large box stores.  I do not recollect that the AOS got any $$ for the tag but 
their web address offered further information to the customer. And Sun Bulb 
offered a customer service by giving *some* sort of culture advice to their 
customers who buy orchids at large box stores. So it was a win/win situation.  
( at least I *think* it was SunBulb) Anyway, one of the large 
wholesalers did that...maybe it was Kerry's Bromelaids...
My point was that many organizations endorse products, Good Housekeeping, etc, 
but monetary gain by said endorsement is, IMHO, an ethical no-no.  I wonder if 
that may not be a violation of the 501(c)3 status..hmmm, that would depend 
on how the contract was written... after all God is in the details.
Too many musings from me.  *G*!
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 9, Issue 52

2007-02-11 Thread K Barrett

[snip]> Kathy (a real AOS cheerleader) 
> Merv> AOS member since 1969
snork!  Good one!  I nearly split my sides laughing!
Merv, if asking people to quit complaining here and take it to the people who 
can actually *do* someting about it qualifies me as a cheerleader then I accept 
the lable, erroneous though it may be.  
You may recall I said the same thing during the OGD's (many) CITES wars.  
People come here and complain, and sometimes even think up good solutions to 
the problem and then *don't take it to the powers that be*!  How foolish is 
So stop before you start.  If our paths ever cross we can share a beer and 
bitch about the AOS.  I bet I'll have more stories of recent vintage than you 
Go fill out the survey.  Give them a piece of your mind.
By the way I agree with you about the AOS forum being nothing but praise for a 
bunch of pictures of orchid homunculi.  There.  Happy now? Have I spread any 
more sunshine in this miserable world by saying that?  No.  How about this: 
Worse yet most online forums the level of discourse never rises beyond where to 
cut the phal spike and what kind of medium to use.  Let's face it even the OGD 
has become nothing but viateur's rss feed articles.  All the scientists fled 
and we are left with taxonomists, yeah, like that helps...   I've tried putting 
some stuff I found valuable on the OrchidSafari page.  Made me feel better, but 
I'm sure absolutely no one reads it.  Its makes their heads hurt is what one 
person told me.  So I figured 'Why bother?"  And don't *even* get me started on 
the eAOS program. 
Well, I need coffee.  It too early in the AM for this stuff. 
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Bill Bergstrom

2007-02-08 Thread K Barrett

Bill.  I agree.  
If someone has an issue with the AOS then please tell the AOS.  You only get 
the club that you participate in.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I 
think their survey is still up on their web page  Give 
'em a piece of your mind.  They are asking for it.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA> I have known Tennis for some time.SorryI cannot believe 
anyone could come up with such stuff to degrade the AOS...I cannot condone 
it...What is he talking about? [snip]
William Hubert Bergstrom...(shows my attitude..doesnt it?)
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Re: [OGD] scaphosepalum

2007-02-08 Thread K Barrett

According to OrchidWiz Scaphosepalum is Sppm.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] Orchid Digest

2007-02-07 Thread K Barrett

Now let's not be so quick to sing the praises of the Orchid Digest magazine.  
It too has its faults.  I for one could do without the stereovision 3D photo 
and Koopowitz's little stories on orchid history.  Sure they are cute for the 
first page or two, but by the 3rd page I begin to wonder what other good orchid 
information could have been published instead.  Like a good scientific article 
on orchid scent.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] Bulbo/Cirro

2007-02-03 Thread K Barrett
Thanks for taking the time to answer so completely Peter.  You are always 
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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Re: [OGD] More on Bulbophyllum masdevalliaceum vs. B. blumei

2007-02-01 Thread K Barrett
> Julia Redman asked:> > >> (The Bulbophyllum) is easily a masdevalliaceum or 
> blumei,> >>but I really don't know how to tell the difference between the 
> two. Are> >>these synonyms?> > and Peter O'Byrne answered:> > >Yes, they are 
> synonyms. The correct name is B. blumei (Lindl.) J.J.Smith.> > I have since 
> recieved this email on the subject:> > "While there is no doubt that these 
> names stand for the same species,> it can be argued, as has been done by Paul 
> Ormerod, that not B.> blumei, but B. maxillare is the correct name for this 
> species. The> oldest name is Blume's Ephippium ciliatum (1825). In 1830 
> Lindley> transferred this to the genus Cirrhopetalum. He named it C. blumei> 
> (actually 'blumii'), citing E. ciliatum Blume as the basionym. That,> 
> however, is against the rules: he should have named it Cirrhopetalum> 
> ciliatum. Therefore, C. blumei is an illegitimate name. Following the> rules, 
> the next validly published name for this species is> Cirrhopetalum maxillare 
> Lindl. (1843), which Reichenbach transferred> to Bulbophyllum in 1861. So B. 
> maxillare (Lindl.) Rchb.f. is the right> name (for now). Note that the name 
> Bulbophyllum ciliatum has already> been used for a different species, 
> otherwise this would of course have> been the name to apply."> > I'm not 
> going to argue taxonomic technicalities with Paul Ormerod. I> stand 
> corrected. And I've changed all my labels to B. maxillare.> > Peter O'Byrne
I've been meaning to ask: I understand Cirropetalums have been moved back to 
Bulbophyllum.  Is that so?  And who was the taxonomic authority who moved them 
and how accepted was the change?  (Many questions, I know)
The reason I ask is because I have Sigreist's book, and she separates blumei 
from masdevalliacum (sorry if I spelled that wrong) on the basis of inter 
pseudobulb distance.  One has a longer rhizome than the other... which I always 
thought was sort of dependent on culture and age of plant
So I wondered who was the bulbophyllum expert upon whom I could hang my hat.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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[OGD] Science is where you find it.

2007-01-17 Thread K Barrett
Under the category of 'Science is Where You Find It' I'd like to recommend 
Candice Millard's book 'River of Doubt'.  It deals with Theodore Roosevelt's 
trip to the Amazon Basin in 1914.  The trip started out as a light vacation but 
somewhere along the line changed to a full expedition along the here-to-fore 
unnamed river nicknamed River of Doubt by previous explorers.  Catastrophe ensued.  But that's 
another story and completely off topic.
What I did like about Millard's work was the time she took dealing with a 
myriad of other topics, apart from Teddy Roosevelt.  She went into the plate 
tectonics of the Amazon Basin, something I wasn't familiar with, the 
development of the Telegraph system in Brazil, some anthropology (I'm sure most 
of what was written at the time by the explorers was racist at best) and 
Brazil's humanist political movement that shaped Brazil's flag and politics for 
the 20th century. She does write quite a bit about botany, the intense 
competition for resources and methods of reproduction along with co-evolution 
of species.  Something I didn't expect to find in a book ostensibly about Teddy 
As someone once said about Eric Hansen's book 'Stranger in the Forest', 'River 
of Doubt' is a cracking good yarn. No orchids per se, but a cracking good yarn. 
 A blend of excitement and science, what more could you ask for?  
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
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