Which JDK?

2000-04-07 Thread Raymond Offiah

Hi, I've just installed Netscape 6, and now I can't start Orion.

It seems that it checks the registry for Version 1.2 of the Java RunTime,
but Netscape 6 upgrades it to 1.3.

Is there any way around this, since I have other stuff that needs JDK1.3.


Re: Why is it so hard?

2000-04-07 Thread Karl Avedal


Does Prosyst's server really implement all J2EE standards? I thought
they were
still supporting the obsolete JSP 1.0 specifcation and Servlet 2.1. In
1.1 and Servlet 2.2 is required. However, I might have missed when they
upgraded to
JSP 1.1/Servlet 2.2.

Oops, getting very off-topic here, I'll try to not get tempted to
discuss that
server any further, since this is not really a good forum for it (rather

Also, Orion can use more than one SSL engine and I'm sure you can find
one you can
use in Ukraine too. (I'll look into this)

Karl Avedal

Vitaly Lipovetsky wrote:

 I offer you to try application server from www.prosyst.com.
 They implement all J2EE components in pure java server and don't have stupid
 restriction about 128 bit for SSL (It's germany company).
 But their server consumes more memory.
 Now I'm trying to compare Orion and prosyst.


  Hi Dale,
  I agree with you. Also my experience with Orion was unpleasant.
  Some jsp custom tag that I developed don't work with
  Orion and work fine with Tomcat and in other Jsp
  Container, the EJB demo crash the JVM, the documentation
  is very poor.
  Also I have sent one month ago, 2 commercial mails in order
  to know some aspect of the Orion license concerning
  the SSL support. Any answer
  Best Regards
  Paolo Sommaruga
  Garda Access
  Garda (Vr), Italy
  I have been monitoring this list for a while and have not had time to try
  out Orion yet.  Well I found that I had a half hour so I jumped in and tried
  to set up the ejb demo that comes with it.  I noticed many posts about how
  it doesn't work.  Well I am having problems also.  I followed the
  instructions and get the following error:
  Error initializing server: ConnectionDataSource driver
  'connect.microsoft.MicrosoftDriver' not found
  Well I placed my jar file in orion/lib just like the install.txt said to
  do...  What now.
  Also, here is possibly a stupid question...  I could not find in the
  install.txt what the database should look like (tables and columns).  Does
  this not hit a db?  If not, why do we need a datasource?
  There was a post earlier by Karl Avedal who I assume is part of the Orion
  team that said to expect the GUI tools very soon with BIG enhancements.
  When is very soon and what will the GUI tools help with?  Will the tools
  help me with this?  From the other posts that I see, the GUI tools should
  not be a replacement from real documentation.  The GUI tools should help us
  out a bunch, but we still need to know about the configuration.  So far, I
  see a lot of answers to posts from (I assume) the Orion team with answers
  that I do not see in the sorry excuse for documentation text files.
  Why should you expect us to pay, even though very inexpensive compared to
  others, when we do not get good documentation.  There should not be a single
  configuration/feature/whatever that is not documented.
  I know I am not the first to ask for this and will not be the last, but why
  aren't you (Orion) listening?  I will be glad to fork over $1500 to you even
  without GUI tools if I could get some decent documentation.
  What do I mean:
  1. A getting started that holds my hand and walks through every step (and
  make sure each step works) of your examples leaving nothing for assumption.
  2. Documentation on what each element means and why we would use it and what
  it will do.  Your xml.html files start, but expand on them.
  3. A full reference of what your server can do and how to do them (not hand
  holding here, more advanced).  Example is the earlier post if isModified().
  I found that my EJB container provider has the same thing, but a different
  method name (actually they let us name the method).  I could not find this
  in your docs anywhere, but could in my container docs and it is free.
  I know I am not the only one who feels this way by the post I see and I
  don't have the time to devote to this if the simple demo does not even work.
  I am sure the demo works fine, but the instructions are obviously not clear
  enough or I wouldn't be the only one having problems.

 My best regards,
 Vitaly Lipovetsky.
 Deputy head of IT division
 First Ukrainian Intl bank

 Brainbench(Tekmetrix) e-certification id 14050 SYBASE DBA 4.38
 Brainbench(Tekmetrix) e-certification id 14050 MS SQL Server DBA 4.51

Re: Why is it so hard?

2000-04-07 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Paolo,

I'm not sure all 400+ people on the list want to find personal "I agree"
mails in
their mailboxes, a feature we don't use enough is to answer to the
person and not
to everyone on the list. However, since it appeared on the list, I'd
like to
comment on your remarks,

The custom tags you used, can you explain the error (in a personal mail
or a mail
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and we'll try to find out if this is a bug in
Orion or
if there is something else. Tomcat has been known to break the spec. in
cases and allowed things that are incorrect, but I'm not saying that
this is the
case with your problem, they could of course be related to some bug in
Orion, and
if that is the case we'd like to know and fix it.

Again, documentation is important, but we can't really take credit for
the JVM

Karl Avedal


 Hi Dale,

 I agree with you. Also my experience with Orion was unpleasant.
 Some jsp custom tag that I developed don't work with
 Orion and work fine with Tomcat and in other Jsp
 Container, the EJB demo crash the JVM, the documentation
 is very poor.

Admin Tools

2000-04-07 Thread Robert Keith (UK)

Hi Guys,

Are there any admin tools out there for Orion. I have looked at all the
various XML files, but the docs are not detailed enough to explain what the
all do, and the hardest thing is working out how they all fit together.

If anyone can give me hand with this it would greatly appreciated.


Robert Keith

Problem accessing a native library in a servlet

2000-04-07 Thread Cristian Pirvu

How can I access a native library (a dll in my case) from
a servlet and not get the java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError exception?
I tried setting the lib path to point to the file and I
even tried to put the dll into the orion/lib directory but
still doesn't work.
Can anyone help me here?

Re: TagLib Bug?

2000-04-07 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Dave,

Something's weird with your Orion installation or version, the class you're
referring to is an old class (pre-JSP 1.1 final), Orion does not use this class
anymore (as it's not in the spec anymore). Does this appear for you using the
latest official version? (That is 0.9.4)


DaveFord wrote:

 I have been trying to get the taglib feature to work. But it does not work.
 It keeps telling me it can't find a class called javax.servlet.jsp.JspError.
 I noticed in the archives, that a few others on the list have reported the
 same problem. Upon further inspection, I found out that
 javax.servlet.jsp.JspError does not exist! But some Orion class obviously is
 looking for javax.servlet.jsp.JspError. So I created a dummy class called
 javax.servlet.jsp.JspError and now it works. Is this a bug or am I crazy?

 Dave Ford

RE: Admin Tools

2000-04-07 Thread Alex Paransky

A good way to learn what the XML files do, is look at the J2EE
specification.  There are standard files, which are not really documented in
Orion, but are documented to a great extend in the J2EE specification.  Then
there are specific orion deployment files.  These are not documented too
well, but if you take a look at the .DTD it contains a goodly amount of
comments so that you can figure out what all the parameters and their
options are.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert Keith
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 4:05 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Admin Tools

Hi Guys,

Are there any admin tools out there for Orion. I have looked at all the
various XML files, but the docs are not detailed enough to explain what the
all do, and the hardest thing is working out how they all fit together.

If anyone can give me hand with this it would greatly appreciated.


Robert Keith

Multiple clients calling session bean get exceptions after a while...

2000-04-07 Thread Alex Paransky

I have a simple Session BEAN with 1 method which prints a message to the
server's console.  I start two clients, each looks up the home and creates a
new session bean.  They start calling the function in a tight loop.  After
some time (100 to 500) calls one of the client stops calling.  A bit later I
get an exception from BOTH clients:

at com.evermind.server.rmi.a2.invokeMethod(JAX, Compiled Code)
at com.evermind.server.rmi.au.invoke(JAX, Compiled Code)
at Proxy4.findByName(Unknown Source)
at com.citysearch.ejb.Entity.EntityClient.main(EntityClient.java,
Compiled Code)

Sometimes I get a deadlock exception on the server, in other times nothing.
I am running 0.9.4 version of Orion on Windows NT.


Re: Which JDK?

2000-04-07 Thread Karl Avedal


There's no problem having many JDK:s installed on the same box. Also, Orion
does indeed run best with JDK 1.3 if you have it.

If Netscape has messed up your jvm somehow you can always set the path to
point to the old jdk or start it using c:\path\to\your\old\jdk\bin\java -jar

Karl Avedal

Raymond Offiah wrote:

 Hi, I've just installed Netscape 6, and now I can't start Orion.

 It seems that it checks the registry for Version 1.2 of the Java RunTime,
 but Netscape 6 upgrades it to 1.3.

 Is there any way around this, since I have other stuff that needs JDK1.3.


CMP and Identity columns

2000-04-07 Thread Shayne Hughes

I have a table on Microsoft SQL Server that has an identity column such

 Name varchar (255) NULL

I'd like to create a CMP EJB for this table.  Is it possible to instruct
Orion to not specify a value for the "id" field when inserting a new row and
to execute the proper SQL command to get back the "id" of the new row?

My classes only have create methods that specify "Name".  Here's the message
from the exception that occurs...

Error creating EntityBean: [ECOLI]Cannot insert explicit value for identity
column in table 'GelGroup' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

I hope this is on topic.  My reseach points to this being a container config


jdbc connection

2000-04-07 Thread bradley mclain


i have just been moving a small servlet/jsp app i
wrote on nt over to orion on linux (kernel 2.2.14,
blackdown jdk 1.2.2RC4).  everything has gone well,
except i am having some jdbc trouble.

on nt i was using sun.jdbc.odbc, but on linux i wanted
to try a real type 4 driver.  so i got jturbo 2.0 and
went to work.  i have successfully installed the
driver and recompiled my beans/servlets (i know, the
driver name should not be in there, but i'm still
learning).  i have also edited the data-sources.xml
file, although i am not very confident about that. 
when i post a request to my first servlet the app
hangs, cpu utilization shoots to 100 and sits there. 
i eventually have to kill the jvm to get it back.

this app was working perfectly using jdbc:odbc on
nt/iis/jrun.  here is the entry in my data-source.xml
file as it currently stands:


can anyone suggest where i may be going wrong or what
may be causing the hanging?

bradley mclain

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can't protect servlet in war???

2000-04-07 Thread Kit Cragin

Does anyone know why I can protect a .html file in my WAR but not a servlet?

I have the following web.xml which correctly prevents access to all the
*.html files
in /home, but does not prevent access to the servlet:



   web-resource-nameMy collection/web-resource-name

I have tried replacing /test with test, /test/*, test/*, test/ and other
variations to no effect.

It seems like Orion is not following the URL pattern rules specified in the
Servlet 2.2 spec, though I could be wrong. This is similar to the other
problem I was having... see the other message.

Any ideas?  Is anyone creating web applications or is it just me?

Kit Cragin
VP, Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

Fw: referencing resources within a web application

2000-04-07 Thread Kit Cragin

Anyone have this problem?

- Original Message -
From: Kit Cragin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 12:20 PM
Subject: referencing resources within a web application

 I am not sure if the following is an Orion quirk, an oversight in the
 servlet 2.2 spec, or something that has just not been thought about yet...
 but I am having a problem with consistently referencing a resource from a
 .jsp within a web application via Orion.

 Assume I have a web-app "test" that has the following directory layout:


 and that page.jsp has this html code:

 !-- #1 --
 img src="/images/test.gif"/br/
 !-- #2 --
 img src="images/test.gif"/br/
 !-- #3 --
 img src="/test/images/test.gif"/br/
 !-- #4 --
 img src="../images/test.gif"/br/
 !-- #5 --
 img src="http://localhost/test/images/test.gif"/

 For the case in which I have test/stuff/page.jsp as a welcome-file in
 web.xml, img tags #2,3,5 properly display the image when browsing (i.e.

 For the case in which I directly address page.jsp in the browser (i.e.
 http://localhost/test/stuff/page.jsp), img tags #3,4,5 work.

 This is inconsistent. Ideally, I would like #1 or #2 to work in both cases
 (in fact section 9.4 of the servlet 2.2 spec seems to indicate #1 would
 work). This would allow for maximum maintainability. For instance, #3
 I have to change all the references in all the JSP's should the name of
 application change; #4 means I have to change all the references if I move
 JSP within the application. #5, means I have to change all the references
 I move application to a different server.

 Now, most of the time users are redirected to the .jsp files in my
 architecture anyway, so method #2 is fine. But I still regard this as
 inadequate since that may not always be the case.

 Is there something I missed? Any ideas?


 Kit Cragin
 VP of Product Development
 Mongoose Technology, Inc.

lack of response

2000-04-07 Thread Kit Cragin

Anyone know why the Orion team does not want to sell their product? It seems
crazy to me that one of the few app servers that supports the latest specs
to a high degree doesn't respond to any messages.

I was initially very impressed with the product, but support is less than
zero except for the few kind people who helped me out in this forum.
Admittedly, we haven't purchased anything yet - but are 120% in need of
something like Orion. A few simple responses would go a long way.

Anybody know of a good app server that supports the latest standards like
JMS 1.0, servlet 2.2, etc.? I would greatly appreciate it.

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

RE: lack of response

2000-04-07 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

Quite simply, they're run off their feet at the moment.

I know quite a few of the team and they're currently madly coding,
documenting and supporting existing installs - trying to get the best
quality 1.0 product out the door they can. For my mind Orion is extremely
stable for a product thats 1.0 and has been for ages.

The other reason that you're having problems is the general knowledge level
of the J2EE platform is VERY LOW due to the fact the specs are constantly
being revamped, it's all so new and has a relatively small user base - go
try and get support from M$ for ASP ;)

I find this forum helpful as long as you're not expecting 20 minute response

My $20.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kit Cragin
 Sent: Saturday, 8 April 2000 1:31
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: lack of response

 Anyone know why the Orion team does not want to sell their
 product? It seems
 crazy to me that one of the few app servers that supports the latest specs
 to a high degree doesn't respond to any messages.

 I was initially very impressed with the product, but support is less than
 zero except for the few kind people who helped me out in this forum.
 Admittedly, we haven't purchased anything yet - but are 120% in need of
 something like Orion. A few simple responses would go a long way.

 Anybody know of a good app server that supports the latest standards like
 JMS 1.0, servlet 2.2, etc.? I would greatly appreciate it.

 Kit Cragin
 VP of Product Development
 Mongoose Technology, Inc.